#Lecturer Computer Recruitment
chaotic-iguana · 1 year
Hushed loving
lawfirm partner! joel x paralegal! reader
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request by @suckerforfanfic : the reader and joel having a secret relationship based on i can see you by ts, which could include like little smutty scenes
wordcount: 1.1k
warnings: smut. sexy times, falling in love ish, power play, boss/employee relationship
a/n: thanks for answering my random law related qs @theywhowriteandknowthings vi ur the best 
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But what would you do if I went to touch you now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
What would you do if we never made a sound?
'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And I could see you up against the wall with me
And what would you do, baby, if you only knew?
That I can see you
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“Shhh honey, can’t let ‘em hear us,” a rough whisper came from behind you as a large hand clamped over your mouth, his other hand snaking around your waist to snap the band of your underwear against your skin, making you squirm. 
“So fuckin’ needy, aren’t you?” a soft coo into the back of your neck; a frantic swipe of his fist ripping the ruined underwear off of you. It takes all your focus to clear the haze in your mind and just nod desperately.  
“Almost think you like the thrill a’ gettin’ caught. Would you like that, baby? For everyone to know you’re being fucked by the boss?” The mere thought makes you moan and throw your head back into the warmth of his broad shoulder, a garbled yes tumbling from your lips. 
It had taken months for Joel to so much as look at you. The intern, the nobody who was lugged with every menial task no one else bothered to do. You’d been working at his firm for nearly half a year, when an extremely late night at the office had you accidentally falling asleep on your desk instead of finishing up the brief you needed to have at Joel’s desk by the next morning. He was the first one entering in the morning, and when he found you slumped over your desk with files scattered everywhere, he’d started yelling at you until he saw the exhausted tears in your eyes, the slump of your shoulders, and how uncombed your hair was. His piercing gaze had softened, hands smoothing over your shoulders as he tidied your desk up and put your computer in your bag before he turned to you with a familiar scowl and told you to get the hell out before you tank anything else, sweetheart. 
He looked at you more often after that. Thanked you for the coffees his colleagues forced you to get as a cruel joke. Two weeks later, he recruited you in a permanent paralegal position, claiming he was impressed by your work for him so far. It had taken a few drinks and yet another late night for him to pin you with a dark stare, a rosy flush spreading down his cheeks and chest.
And now, months after that, here you were. At his mercy in an empty conference room while literally every single one of your colleagues were in the bullpen right outside. You were so sure everyone knew by now - it was practically obvious. Both of you always left the office within twenty minutes of each other, his so-called lectures to you had way less bite than before - he even called you sweetheart during one and your heart nearly leapt out of your chest until you realised everyone else took it as condescension - and oh, god the looks. Joel was always looking at you now. From across the room, from the other side of the glass pane of his office, in meetings, in hallways. In all honesty, you weren’t much better. A frenzied need for him overtook your mind at all times, rendering you entirely mindless beyond him. 
His rough hands groped the inside of your thighs, nudging you to spread your legs as he leaned back into the table behind him, settling you on his thigh. The palm clamped on your jaw moved down to curl around your neck, cutting off the whimper that escaped you while his thumb grazed your folds, an arm hooking under your thigh to hold you to him as your hips bucked. Two fingers inched into you, making your breath hitch as Joel curled them slightly and began pumping them rapidly. 
“Lookin’ so goddamn pretty in this skirt. Had to show you my appreciation, sweetheart. Fuckin’ love ruining you at work.” Another muted moan, your nails biting into his forearms as you let out a high-pitched whine at his words. You could feel the knot in your stomach tightening, your thighs beginning to shake at the onslaught and Joel picked up on it immediately. 
“Shit-fuck are you about’a come? Already?” At your nod, he huffed and sped up his fingers, angling them so his thumb was circling your clit furiously. “Think you’ve earned it? Botched a fuckin’ meeting with a client thanks to you. Maybe I shouldn’t let you come until we get home. Leave you high and dry, hm?” 
Your eyes went wide and before you knew it, you were pleading him. “N-no, Joel, please. Need to come, need it-“ His scoff cut you off, movements getting more brutal; more honed to the spots Joel knew made you see stars. 
“Need it?” The mocking words made you shut your eyes in embarrassment before Joel continued rasping into your shoulder from behind. Another mumbled please had him flat out laughing at you. 
“Well, I gotta give my girl what she needs, don’t I?” and with that, you were coming, hard. Trembling in his arms, you clenched around his fingers hard enough for him to choke on his breath as he muttered praises into your hair, working you through the high before you went limp in his arms. 
Hands that had groped, spread, and bruised you began gently fixing your skirt while pocketing your ripped panties, smoothing out the wrinkles in your clothes before he looked down at you with a glint in his eye. 
“Prep the paperwork for Johnson’s case. Get it done by tonight, and I’ll make you some chicken alfredo when you get home.” He dipped to peck your lips once, lightly - as if he was choosing this moment to be bashful - before slipping out of the room. 
His footsteps were interrupted by the sharp, irritating voice of his colleague - the one whose client you were supposed to have spoken to twenty minutes ago, which in your defense is what you stepped into the conference to do before Joel found you - a man who found every opportunity to point out flaws in your work. And you were about to give him a smoking gun. 
“Hey Joel, where’s your favorite paralegal? I’ve been looking for her for the past thirty minutes and I can’t seem to find her anywhere. Some kid said he saw her go into that conference room you just came out of. She still in there?”  
There was a pause of silence, and you could hear the sheer panic in Joel’s voice when he finally spoke. 
“Uh, I don’t have a f-favorite paralegal. And if she’s in there I definitely didn’t see her. She must have gone in and come out a long time ago. Because why would we both be in the same room for so long, right?” 
His rushed, shitty explanation made it so fucking obvious what was going on - as if the many, many sounds slipping from the crappily sound-proofed room didn’t. 
So much for keeping it quiet. 
hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! taglist (message me if you want to be taken off): @imherefordeanandbones  @theywhowriteandknowthings , @josephquinnswhore ,@millerscoffee , @nostalxgic , @sscorpiiiio, @pedrosaidsheispunk, @its-nebuleuse , @sofiparallel , @mandoisapunk , @bastardmandennis , @evyiione , @breakfastatjoels dividers by @reveriesources
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mana-jjk · 9 months
thinking really hard about a college au because i enjoy them a lot more than high school aus.
yuuta - pre-med, in school to become a doctor
toge - divided between computer science and dropping out of college to pursue opening his own café with a garden.
maki - pre-law, in school to become a lawyer
panda - zoology
yuuji - business degree that he’s just doing for his grandfather, will graduate but goes on to be a firefighter.
megumi - animal sciences, going on to enter veterinarian school to become a vet.
nobara - fashion design/marketing degree
gojo - a sadistic physics professor with multiple degrees, both through education and honorary, because he got bored. sometimes he picks students out to give full-ride scholarships, because he self-proclaims having too much money.
getou - philosophy professor that enjoys playing the devils advocate and watching his students squirm.
shoko - oversees the university hospital and occasionally recruits for the pre-med program
nanami - graduated with a business degree, agreed to give yuuji an internship
ijichi - gojo’s overworked TA
i just think maki and yuuta would struggle through graduate school together. their cabinets would be full of instant ramen, cabbage, junk food, and ungodly amounts of coffee. the only real food they get is because toge cooks for them and gives them the stink eye every time he opens their cabinet.
toge doesn’t really have room to talk though, he overworks himself and ends up going far too long without sleep. hours on assignments that make him miserable, burned out from the moment every semester starts. too often does yuuta find him dissociating, something he’s all too familiar with. yuuta himself suffers from insomnia, so it’s not uncommon for him to settle on the couch and run his fingers through toge’s hair until his eyes close.
toge probably had a really difficult time getting the courage to either drop out or just really not use his degree as intended. i can’t picture him genuinely enjoying higher education. even in this happy, no one dies world, his family is with the second years for a reason. computer science was appeasing enough, but the unhappiness is so draining that everyday getting up and going to class feels so impossible. he feels his happiest at the gardening club, cooking for his friends, not sitting in a lecture hall with a preview to what awaits him. but ultimately, i think the independence and knowledge that he wasn’t alone or abandoned was enough to push him into the decision. luckily enough he was a scholarship winner (gojo lol) so he wasn’t in debt, and gojo even offered to fund him through culinary school with the promise of free sweets forever.
with yuuta, i think his history of being hospitalized and the accident with rika (who is not dead here !! but she was paralyzed and had to move with a different family member who was able to support her) definitely pushed him to medical degrees. he was probably stuck between being a physical therapist, nurse, and full-fledged doctor. he still keeps in contact with rika, who is one of his biggest supporters when it comes to his goal, but he has a mental breakdown every week thinking about getting a medical degree. shoko definitely takes notice of his talent, and has extended opportunities to intern with her. gojo also found that they were distantly related, and not only paid for his entire education, but also the apartment he rents with maki and toge. he tried refuting, but gojo kept insisting that he was tapping into the family inheritance that technically belonged to both of them.
toge is more than a little devastated when yuuta decides to study abroad in their undergraduate, i actually think that’s when the fully misery of college hits him. not having an unhealthy classmate and friend to look after forced him to focus on himself, his least favorite pastime. having the first years helped, but it also forces him to reflect how much he cared about yuuta past being a friend too.
anyway, i have so many ideas for this au so um please ask me so i can word vomit everywhere. also normalize more college aus so people like me can still relate lol <3
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hearts4youz · 8 months
The Captain's Daughter: Chapter 21
A/N: Motivation to write and an actual idea of where the story is going>>>>>>>>>>>
As always, thank you soo much for reading. Your comments are so kind and they really keep me going
@abbiesxox @n30n-j3lly @weird-katthing @kayoyamamegame @kroowonderemporium @astro-ghoul99 @darkravenqueen988 @gaylilangelbaby @yuunnnaaaa @unicorngirly1 @noodlezz-bedo @inarabee
Reader pov
No breaks for the 141. Of course, the day after the wedding, when all of you were hungover and tired, you would be sent on a mission. Not a particularly risky one thankfully, but important nonetheless. You couldn't let your pounding headache distract you from the briefing where you sat in this moment. You massaged your temples and glanced over at Ghost, who was paying close attention to Price's lecture. This morning, the two of you had only shared a knowing glance and a smile before being interrupted by your teammates.
"Any questions?" Price asked. No one raised their hand.
"Alright, lets roll," You cringed at his fatherly choice of words while leaving the room.
Ghost pov:
I watched Y/N leave the room, my heart swelled with warmth remembering that she was mine now.
I let the word slip off my tongue, which earned me a weird glance from Soap, but I shook him off and went to catch up with Y/N. She looked back when she heard my footsteps and gave me a soft smile, causing my stomach to erupt in butterflies.
"Hey," I croaked.
"Morning!" she said cheerfully.
"You uh... ready for this mission?" I asked, my tone of voice awkward.
"Yeah, you?" she responded.
We continued the awkward small talk until we met up with the others, I feared I was messing things up because I didn't know what to say. The initial giddiness was wearing off and this relationship was beginning to scare me. I swallowed my fear and focused on the objective ahead, eliminating two targets.
After all the equipment checks were complete, the 141 boarded a helicopter. My hand brushed Y/N's during liftoff and I quickly retracted it, she gave me a quizzical glance that looked almost hurt. I mumbled an apology and looked away.
Fuck! Why do you have to be so awkward!!!! I said to myself.
When we landed and broke off into teams, I was relieved to be grouped with Y/N. We landed on top of a skyscraper in a big city. I tried my best to get myself locked in but my thoughts and eyes drifted to Y/N, who stood a few feet away, loading her gun. I looked at her fragile form, I know she's more than capable of holding her own, but what if she gets hurt. I shake my head violently as the thought of her reeling in pain is too much to bear.
I think back to the last time I was left in charge of someone more vulnerable than me and replay the image of my recruits throat being slit over again. I shake my head once more and begin to load my own gun before entering the building with Gaz and Y/N.
I stick to Y/N's side as we stay low. the top floors of the building are mostly offices, the workers are glued to their computers in a robotic looking way. Sneaking past was a walk in the park. Going in for the kill quietly would be the issue.
The 73rd floor is where intel said the target would be, fear ripped through me as we inched closer.
Please, nothing go wrong I said over and over again in my head.
We reach the floor and things are eerily quiet. We find ourselves in a long corridor with multiple doors, none of which are marked. I take out a device as Gaz and Y/N click silencers onto their guns. I point the device towards one of the doors, sure enough, a heat signature in the shape of a man appears on screen.
"We can't just walk in through the door," Gaz says, I nod.
Y/N looks around for a moment before pointing up at the ceiling, I turn my head upwards and notice a vent. I nod at her to acknowledge her idea. I hoist Gaz up, he takes the cover off the vent and climbs in. Then, I get Y/N up there. I try not to think about the skin to skin contact we are having and focus on the mission but my mind gets the better of me. Finally, Gaz gives me a hand and I climb up myself.
We crawl a few feet before reaching an opening. We peer into the room and see our target typing away on a computer, unaware of our eyes on him. Y/N pushes the end of her gun into one of the slits in the cover and gets ready to fire. My heart begins to race as he stops typing for a stretch break. His arms extend in the air as he tilts his head back. I panic and move to pull Y/N out of sight, but I underestimate how little room the vent gives us, as well as the strength of the ceiling tiles.
Suddenly, We come crashing down onto the office floor of the target, who yells and grabs a gun from his desk drawer. Before he can point it at us though, Gaz fires from his knees and hits the target directly in the chest. I grab Y/N and the three of us break a window and jump out onto a lower rooftop where Gaz radios for exfil as I cradle Y/N in my arms and apologize to both of them profusely.
"I fucked everything up, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"
Y/N gets to her feet and brushes dust and debris from her body. "Hey, Your fine, everyone makes mistakes."
"Yeah man, we all fuck up sometimes," Gaz agrees.
"But you both could've gotten killed, I just... I," I stop talking as Y/N gives me that caring, nurturing look. My cheeks heat up and I stand back up.
Later that night, there's a knock at my door. I open the door and I am relieved to see Y/N standing there in casual clothes. After the mission, I went straight to the showers, opting to eat dinner alone in my room. I was grateful that Y/N had come to find me, I felt more ready to face her now that my nerves had died down.
She walks straight into me and wraps her arms around me, burying her face in my chest. I pat her back softly, feeling at ease in her embrace.
"You were worried about me," she murmured into my chest.
"Yeah..." I confessed.
She lifted her head up and looked into my eyes. "Don't be," she said softly. "You're going to put yourself in danger. besides, I can hold my own."
I knew she was right, but It wouldn't stop me from worrying about her, so instead I changed the subject.
"Am I too awkward?" I needed to know the answer, the real answer, not just her reassurence.
"Si... You're not too much or too little of anything, okay? Don't worry about me, or being good enough for me, or anything like that. If your doing something that hurts me, or makes me feel sad or uncomfortable, I promise I'll tell you."
I sighed and smiled, looking down at my girlfriend, "You just know exactly how to make me feel better don't you."
She smiles, still not letting go of me.
My voice goes softer, a little more serious, more vulnerable. "Will you stay with me tonight?"
Y/N pauses for a beat, I get scared and feel like I ruined something before she speaks.
"Of course I will Simon."
I slept easily that night with my girl in my arms. Her face buried into my neck as my muscular arms practically swallowed her figure.
"Mine," I whispered to her when I was sure she fell asleep.
"Yours," she replied back breathily.
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upsidedior · 1 year
Paper. Paperwork EVERYWHERE.
He hadn't been back in his office for more than a day for a break when he got the call he was needed to come back urgently to sign off on new recruits. The tall male Shaelek sat in the office chair staring at the names on the list of newest cadets most foreign to him but a few sounded familiar. There were old names of families who answered the call to serve and some new, new species and yet for a moment the older Shaelek had to pause... Never in his life would he think he'd be back working in the Federation military authorizing the recruits sign ons. Things were different now; he was older had a more established career, gave lectures about Earth studies and his time on the planet, even got to personally toss Hamsterviel into a high security prison! The most satisfying day of his life... It had been a few years since his time on earth. Actually it had been over a decade if he calculated right.
Gantu, now Admiral of the Galactic Federation Armada, sat behind the floating desk with a heavy sigh, signing away each and every cadets' life to be brought aboard and serve within the military. Funny, he never imagined he'd survive this long in his military career to be the one signing paperwork. He always thought he was too reckless and would probably go out in a dogfight. Go out with a big bang, not become his old commander refered to as "ye ol war vet." Name after name, he assigned each and every one to various positions and stations, and as he went down the list, Gantu caught a name which was different than the others....
".....Cadet #626.... Lilo Pelekani...."
It took him a few minutes to make any connection. Li...lo... Lilo.... Lilo.... Why did that name ring a bell? Gantu paused saying the name out loud, "Lilo..." His blue eyes searching for the holoscreen button to activate. Blitznak it, he'd activate it the other way. "Computer, activate holoscreen. Search database of a ...Lilo Pelekani..." In a whirl of noises the information downloaded and the projection appeared in front of him. The screen appeared on top of the floating desk, levitating before him and the image of an earth female made him do a double take.
She was older. Her feminine features soft as her body had grown filling out her curves custom to earth females. Her picture shown a bright dazzling smile; The same big brown eyes, her black hair was longer same dark skin he remembered from her youth as the image of the little earth child who used to call him a "big dummy" stares back at him. SHE WAS OLDER?!?! BLITZNAK HOW OLD DID HE BECOME!?!? Gantu dropped the pen as the synapses made the connection.
He was standing now the chair almost toppling behind him, "Locate cadet 626!" He should've known she would be associated with that number! The computer produced a list of scheduled times for courses, his hand already dialing the line to the Galley to reach its Chief of staff. "Location: main Galley." The computer voiced it's answer as Gantu made a sprint run darting out of his office. She was in the main cafeteria galley, he almost broke into a run redialing the comlink to his Chief of Staff Galley Officer Reuben over and over again until he heard the ormer experiment's voice on the other end.
"What's the emer---"
"Meet me outside the galley NOW!"
He was passing through hallways following the routes through the massive buildings to get to the main Galley. He finally got the outside of the food court where he met the little beige alien standing before the doors. Reuben, formally known as 625, was standing in his uniform with a bewildered expression on his face, his tiny hand pointing in a direction towards a figure sitting in the galley. She was human, her long black hair down against her back wearing the standard female federation uniform of grey top and skirt with the Turo mark on the belt. She was sitting alone at a table with a hot drink in her hands. If he could read her right, her heart rate was calm, but there was a nervousness about her. She looked around unsure of the surroundings... and Gantu couldn't help but empathize with that. Her gaze was back at her mug taking a drink. It was then Reuben peered up at him as Gantu took one more look at the woman.
"....is that...?" All Gantu could do was nod and took a deep breath. "Feel old yet, fishlegs?"
".... ancient. You?" He felt the chuckle escape himself as Reuben looked back at the woman seated some distance away in the Galley, replying,
"At least I don't look it."
The woman who called him the "Big Dummy" sat in silence as the throng of aliens bustled about, some stopping to stare at her and others rushing past not passing a blitz where she was there or not. Gantu felt his blood pressure rise with every alien passing the earthling a nasty look, Reuben was already pestering him to walk over there and reconnect. But.... maybe.... Later would be bes---
He caught her heart rhythm jumping to a fast pace.
A group of males had suddenly descended upon the table, Lilo seemed surprised her big brown eyes peering up at all of them surround her. The males, some bigger others smaller, hunched around her like predators scouting out their prey, one touching her hair, the others kissing the woman's hand as they introduced themselves. One male alien happened to be too closely eyeing up her leg for Gantu's taste. Oh Blitznak... He knew where this was heading... Damn kids thinking with the wrong head!
It was that moment Lilo had stared to look around the table and around at the other aliens like she was internally screaming for help. And their gazes connected. Gantu caught the wave of emotions in the little earthling's brown eyes: panic to shock to sudden relief.... It was all the signal he needed And Gantu pushed the doors open each one banged against the walls. The galley hall went silent. Thousands of aliens, from all ranks, stood straight saluting the Admiral as he entered inside the Galley. "At ease," his voice commanded as the thousands of aliens waited for orders. The Shaelek made a line for the table where Lilo sat still surrounded by the young dumb and full of.... Spunk men, each cadet staring wide eyed as he approached. The boys standing taller and giving the salute.
"Cadet 626, I have been looking for you. You are to report to my office this instant. You, gentleman, have delayed the Cadet for her meeting," Gantu lowered his gaze to the tallest alien's eye level. "Drop. And give me 50. Now."
A ringing SIR, YES SIR! rang through the Galley as all the boys harassing Lilo dropped to the ground and started their push ups. She was staring up at him with her big brown eyes, standing to follow after him as Gantu caught another younger Shaelek walking over to stand before him, "Shall we demand 100, Admiral?" This caused him to chuckle,
"Whatever you see fit, Captain."
And he turned around making his way out the Galley, Lilo trailing behind him to catch up.
They hadn't said a word still. Well he hadn't, 625 well Reuben, had PLENTY to say as he walked side by side with the little earthling he called Tyke. As all three of them walked the long distance to his office, Reuben talked about their previous missions, how he introduced sandwiches into the federation, Gantu's promotion to Admiral of all of the Galactic Federation Armada, and of course all the gossip which made Gantus roll his eyes. They reached his office, finally, Gantu held the door open until both of them were inside taking seats from across the floating desk. Lilo's image still up on the holoscreen, the Shaelek was still silent as he sat from across the earthling and his galley officer. His blue eyes searched for the keypad, typing a code onto the desk and a lock hissed from the right side of his desk. He reached for the contents within the drawer, pulling out a large glass bottle with a very worn out label. It appeared to have never been opened.
"I had been... saving this for a very long time." Gantu placed the bottle upon the desk, his eyes scanning the earthling who clung to his every word. Her bright brown eyes seemed to take him in, all of him, Reuben, the whole office...
"... I can't believe you found me..." Her voice sounded... Young but mature alot like her older sister's.
"I can't believe you're here!" Came the voice of 625, he was bursting in his seat. "What brought you here?! When did you enlist?! Where's 626? Which floor is your room!? I can't wait to bunk with ya!"
"Reuben!" Gantu's voice rose to ring in the little genetic mutant as both of them stared at the little earth girl. "Let the earth girl breathe, and I'm sure she'll answer us." It was then Lilo Pelekani sat upright in her chair and crossed her legs.
"Thank you, Admiral, but I'm not a little girl anymore..." Was her heart racing slightly? Embarrassment came over him,
"My apologies, earth woman." How could he have made that blunder? "I guess it's been so long since we've crossed paths I still see you as that little child running around, chasing after dangerous experiments." Lilo's brown eyes blinked rapidly as she gazed up at him.
"I've missed seeing you guys, sandwich boi and big dummy. " She was giggling, Lilo's hands placed within her lap. "I'm just so relieved you're here." Gantu leaned forward on the desk hearing the old nickname, an almost playful scowl crossed his face. She was smiling back at him.
"Still a child I see, huh little tyke?"
"Are they calling you Admiral Blowhard yet?"
"Not yet, primitive earth punk. Still taking in suggestions."
"Captain Catfish?"
"That's Admiral Blowhard Catfish to you, and don't forget it, you little pain in the ass."
There was a silence between them before all three beings within his office burst out laughing. Blitznak, how long had it been since he belly ached laughed like all this? Gantu had his face against his desk laughing before pulling himself back to sit properly in his chair; Reuben was sideways his arm on Lilo and she slumped back still laughing as she wiped her eyes. Blitznak it was good to laugh.
Lilo collected herself, sitting up in her seat drying her eyes. "I was never a pain in the ass! That was Stitch!" Gantu did a quick wipe of his eye before grabbing unopened bottle on his desk, he was actually smiling as memories filled his mind of those years stuck on the mudball. He twisted the cap open letting the grain alcohol breathe.
"You were lucky you were a cute kid. Naming all those experiments like pets, always calling me names, foiling my plans to catch said experiments, and my absolute favorite..." Gantu was pouring the alcohol into three separate glasses, two small one large for himself, as he placed the drinks in front of the others. "...breaking my karaoke machine."
"I swear I never did that!" Lilo protested as she took the glass 625 handed to her, the three beings clinking each other's drinks.
"Don't care, little earth punk, you still owe me one. Drink, that's an order." And down the hatch the golden grain alcohol went. It burned the back of his throat. Whooo blitznak, that was strong!
"Now tell me, Cadet, why are you here?" Lilo began to fill in all details of her life since Gantu and Reuben went back into space.... blitz had time passed quickly.
"How is your sister? She ever marry that other human male who used to follow her around like a lost pup?" Gantu asked sitting back in the office chair, an almost knowing smile spread across his lips. "She had to have. The guy was practically part of your Ohana?" He noticed Lilo smile brightly.
"They did, I'm actually an auntie to 3 little kiddos!" Reuben almost jumped from his seat.
"Seriously! 3 little ones? You hear that, Gantu? I can pass my sandwich recipes down finally!"
"Please," Gantu himself was now leaning over the desk looking right at Lilo, "Please tell me if those kids are giving 626 a run for his money."
"Between time with me and Stitch, and uncle Jumba and aunt Pleakley, everyone is normally too tired to do anything, honestly." Lilo fixed her bangs and took another sip of the drink, "Oh yeah, all the kids chase Stitch day in and day out. He's back on Kauai helping while I'm up here for basic." Gantu leaned back lifting his drink to the ceiling,
"Paybacks a bitch, trog." He chuckled downing the last of the drink.
"What about yourself? Are you with anyone? And younglings?" The beige experiment clapped hoping for more little ones to pass things down to. Gantu noticed a slight flush of rose around the earthling's nose and cheeks, she looked almost mortified at being asked.
"No! No, no I'm not--nope! No kids from me.... Yet...." Lilo answered quickly. The Shaelek reached for the bottle quickly refilling the young woman's glass, delicately he poured a generous amount.
"Reuben asks the most invasive questions, doesn't he?" Lilo was almost downing it to which Gantu barked a laughed. "Easy there, Cadet, save some for the next wave of embarrassment."
"So my cuz isn't up here with you?" Reuben asked her his eyes scanning Lilo over. Even Gantu raised an eyebrow at that.
"Yeah," Lilo was sitting back against the seat her brown eyes cast down at the drink in her hand. He could hear her heartbeats quickening again, an almost sullen emotion emanating from her. "He stayed behind to help with the Ohana, the kids would be heartbroken with out him there... And you know, we keep the other experiments in line..." She glanced at Reuben for a moment. "Guess I'm alone up here."
"No you're not." It was instant. The moment the woman spoke, it was as if she was that little earth girl sitting in the seat before him. He could see the scared little child within her and something pulled at him. Gantu leaned forward and typed a few codes into the keyscreen. Certain images of Cadet 626 flashed upon the holoscreen, check marks turned from red to green, and with a few more key stokes Lilo's image had disappeared from under a rather stern looking lieutenant of a canine alien species to another screen popping up, one where Gantu's own image was placed on top.
"Well would you look at that? I filled that personal assistant position that's been vacant for years." The Shaelek placed both arms on the desk, his blue eyes studying Lilo as she took in all the information before her. "Personal assistants follow high ranking officers at all times, including missions. Unless deemed too dangerous. And they pay well too." He gave her a wink to which Lilo brought her hands to her mouth, a small smile began to spread. "Oh, and when you're not by my side, you are to be with Reuben. Blitznak knows he won't leave your alone..."
"You got that right, tyke! We have so much gossip to discuss!" The beige experiment placed his hand on the little earth girl... woman's arm, gently rubbing it. "You're not alone anymore, were technically Ohana anyway!" Lilo was wrapping her arms around Reuben holding onto him tightly, her watery brown eyes peering up back at Gantu... Ah blitznak, earthling ocular orbs were weapons by themselves!
"How can I ever thank you?" He heard Lilo ask him as she wiped her own eyes on her sleeve. Gantu paused for a moment feeling a smirk spread across his face.
"Replace the karaoke machine." He felt the laugh escape him as he stood carrying himself around the floating office desk, his position now in front of the earth woman hugging onto Reuben for dear life. "I'm kidding, you don't have to do that! But I only ask you follow one rule; you are to never put yourself in danger. Am I clear, Cadet?"
"Yes, Admiral,"
"I mean it, Lilo." His voice was stern as he pointed a finger at her. "When you are not at my side working, you are to be with Reuben. I don't want you alone at any time. You're the first Human to be here, and with that comes a certain amount of.... Unwanted attention." His backside was leaning against the desk both hands now planted on the top. He could see her shift uncomfortably in her seat, the memory of the jarheads in the Galley fresh in her mind. "If the boys get too rowdy, just holler and let them know old Gantu will rip their throats out... Or girls whatever you're into." It was the soft smile and wet eyes that did him in, as Lilo stood with her arms outstretched.
"No. No! I don't do-- Ah blitznak..." She was already hugging his leg tightly. Damn blitznaking kids making him go soft! Gantu leaned over his large hand patting her gently. "You'll be alright, kiddo, I promise."
"We gotta do sandwiches tonight! What will it be?! Ham? Turkey? Bologna? Classic PBJ? You name it, and old Reuben will make it!" The little earth woman's attention to his galley officer, both expressing excitement about the endless possibilities of sandwiches (...great....), The Shaelek paused to note how seemingly right it felt for Lilo to be here. He could see it... One day she would be sitting on the council or captain of her own ship... Blitznak, he could even see her wearing the same uniform as he one day, Admiral of the Galactic Armada, commanding the entire fleet... She was meant to be up here among the stars...
A ping notification went off on his wrist com, his blue eyes took note to the name across the screen. He let the visitor access clearance to walk in. With a slight hiss of the door opening, the visitor walked in his vision glued to the clipboard in his hands. He was a tall Shaelek, deep shade of purple with a lighter shade for his underbelly, well built for his age and rank, and he was wearing the traditional Captain's uniform; black flightsuit with long sleeves and red stripes along the sides. He was younger with only a few minor brawl marks on his fresh face. Upon his head were those aviator sunglasses Gantu gifted him when the young one became Captain of his own ship; his bright green eyes finally looked up and gave a salute... He was the spitting image of Gantu's late brother....
"Admiral, here are the blueprints for the new BRB 12,000 you requested." The younger Captain's voice was deep but still held a hint of youth to it, "There's 170 pages of illustration alone."
"At ease, Captain." Gantu watched the younger man relax handing over the stack of papers.
"It's going to be one hell of a construction job, sir. Hey Reuben! We making that beer battered sand--" The Shaelek Captain was making his way over to beige experiment waving at him...and paused... Stopped in mid sentence.... and Gantu took note the Captain's bright green eyes honed in on the earth woman standing. Reuben was already taking a few steps back to where Gantu stood, both men glanced at one another and back to the young ones before them. He could hear the pulse race within her, ah blitznak.... Was this....??? Gantu noticed Lilo was locked in gaze with the Shaelek staring back at her. Both seemed surprised at each others existence; there was a soft red color upon her cheeks as Lilo brought a hand fix a strand of hair behind her ear. The dark purple Shaelek with green eyes was the first to make a move. "......A-And H--Hel-Hello... To you too, miss...."
"L-Lilo. Im Lilo..."
"Ox. My name's O-Oximus..." Gantu watched the interaction unfold the young Captain bending down to observe the earthling before him. "You're Human... My apologies, I never met a.... Li-Lilo before..." It was then Oximus gazed up at him and Reuben, his bright green eyes wide, "Wait ..... Is she...??" A chuckle escaped Gantu as he nodded.
"Yes, she is. Lilo," he addressed her, "this is my nephew, Oximus." It dawned on him that Lilo didn't know he had other members of his family here on Turo... "Ox, this is the legendary little earth girl, who captured and tamed experiment 626 along with the other 625 experiments and assisted me in the arrest and detainment of Dr Hamsterviel, and..."
"She's the one you tripped over and fell off a cliff landing on your ass!!" Ox suddenly became animated as Reuben burst out laughing. "You're a blitznaking legend here! Did you actually get stuck with my uncle on some island with an experiment that shot flames at you guys?! And one that sank boats?! And one that stole everyone's socks?!"
"Oh that was Splodeyhead!" Lilo laughed, "there are tons of stories I can share, and a few of when Gantu caught some." He caught her brown eyes peering up at him and he had to shrug.
"If you insist."
"That's amazing," Oximus was standing now his hands behind his back. "The legendary Lilo here on Turo in the Galactic Federation. All the cousins back home will be jealous I got to meet you first." He said with a laugh to which Lilo widened her eyes. "We've been told stories from uncle Gantu all about his time on your planet... Is it true you humans strip bare and bake in the sun on the beach?"
"Guilty..." Lilo giggled as a soft rose color flushed against her cheeks, her eyes darted to the floor for a moment.
"I need to hear your side of the time you threw bird legs at my uncle's ship at the primitive earth festival." Ox was smiling brightly as Gantu felt the groan escape him.
"It took months to get the smell of earth fowl out, and so much grease stuck to the windshield..." both youngsters were staring at him now as the older Shaelek let out a sigh. "The festival had good ale though." Lilo happened to fall into a giggle spasm as she fixed her skirt.
"That was with Tank, and I'd be happy to tell you that story."
"Fantastic," Ox was now giving his uncle a look, and cleared his throat, "I'd like to make a request, Admiral, to borrow the human to join me as I retrieve the rest of the BRB 12,000 reports for you." Gantu studied the two for a moment, he could hear Lilo's heart beat faster at the mention of joining his nephew. There was an almost excited air around her and it caused the older Shaelek to ponder something...
"Request granted, Captain. The Cadet is my personal assistant and will have to learn the records hall after all. Be back at 1900 hours." Before he or Reuben could get another word it, both Ox and Lilo had given the salute to him and made their way to the door both exiting. Gantu stood in silence watching the figures walk down the hallway both talking animatedly.... He felt his mind swimming.
His hand reached for the bottle and his empty glass, and Gantu poured himself and Reuben a generous amount. When the little experiment gave him a look, he knew what the other was thinking ...
"So much for keeping herself out of trouble.." the old admiral spoke.
"More like she's found a permanent bodyguard...." Reuben said before he took a sip. "You think they'll want sandwiches at their wedding?" Gantu took a big gulp of the drink before glancing down at his friend.
"............... Probably."
"You're drinking that pretty fast there, bud..." Reuben was scrunching his nose up at him and Gantu shrugged.
"The realization just hit of Jumba and Pleakley might become in laws... One big blended ohana as Lilo would say." The Shaelek had to sign, he should be used to it by now.
"Yeah I mean, this kinda funs in the family... So when are you telling the tyke you married a human a couple years ago?" Reuben raised a brow with an almost playful sneer. To this Gantu barked a laugh placing his drink down and gave his friend a knowing smile.
"When Ox and Lilo both are granted leave for a weekend, and come for a BBQ... Then they'll meet Rachel." Reuben gave a quick pat on his friends leg,
"Your wife needs to give me that recipe for pulled swine meat sandwich, it's been years she has to give it up!"
"Blitznaking hell no, that's why I married her!" Gantu laughed pushing himself away from the desk looking at his wrist communicator; another ping notification. He noticed the time as a smirk spread on his lips. "I'm leaving early, are you alright with making sure those kids don't get into any trouble tonight?" Reuben quirked a brow bringing his face to a dead pan expression.
"I babysat you for 3 years, I think I can handle those two. Now go," the beige experiment started to shoo at him, "I'll watch the kids and make sure they behave! Tell your wife she owes me." Gantu was already grabbing his bag from his desk, the black sling over his shoulder as he looked back at his old friend.
"Have Ox put the reports on my desk, tell Lilo I'll see her tomorrow morning at 800 hours. Don't keep them out too late, 625." The scowl from Reuben was worth it. "Aloha~"
His personal cruiser finally arrived out to a plot of land outside the bustling megacity of Turo. This place was far away from the chaos, a slice of tranquility if you will where every weekend time stood still. The house was not like the modern architecture of Turo, it was more Earthlike and homely he had come to like. For over a few acres tall grass grew fenced in around their property where a few bizarre looking illegal genetic experimentations who clung to his wife came to live out their mischievous Lives...His wife called it a ranch, he called it home.
As he made his way up the path to the earthling style home, Gantu could see the human sitting on the large porch; she was laying on the large wicker couch, three large critters laid around her in a protective cocoon. His blue eyes caught the floating lanterns' light luminating her long auburn hair in messy tressels around her, her back leaning against one reptilian experiment dozing off, her pale legs stretched resting on one of the marine experiments snoring away, her beautiful green eyes gazing deeply into the novel she held on her hand... The other hand gently stroking the green canine sock stealer's fur as it munched on one of her socks....
He reached the bottom step to the porch when 4 pairs of eyes peered up at him, the bright emerald orbs of the human he made a vow to a few years ago gazing up at him with excitement. They were his favorite. He watched his wife sit up, her dazzling smile always made his pulse skip a beat...
Gantu had to smirk... Boy would she get a kick out of this!
"Guess who finally enlisted." He could see the wheels in Rachel's mind turning as he climbed the porch steps tossing his bag to the floor and sitting next to her. He had to lift the marine critter like experiment so he could actually sit... the experiment stretched and curled back onto a ball on his lap. "Let's just say, I'm officially Old as Blitz now." Rachel's green eyes went wide at the realization and a huge smile spread on her lips.
"When is she coming for dinner?! You need to find out her favorite food so I can have it ready for her! And don't say sandwiches," Gantu rolled his eyes as his human partner stood pushing the marine experiment off his lap. "She's getting a proper Earth dinner, one that reminds--"
"Her of home." Gantu finished the sentence smirking at his wife. "I think she'll appreciate that very much." Rachel raised a brow an almost knowing smile spread on the soft petals of her lips.
"Maybe your nephew should stop by, you know, someone closer to her age to talk to?" He couldn't contain the laugh that escaped him, his hand rubbing his snout before he peered down at Rachel's inquisitive look.
"OH they met, right in my office!" His wife's stunned expression made Gantu laugh harder as he used his finger to check the air. "Beat you to it babe, completely by accident. Reuben's babysitting them so they don't get into trouble."
"You left the laziest experiment to watch your daredevil nephew and the experiment chasing earth girl?" His wife put her hands on her hips, "The Federation doesn't stand a chance!"
"No, I suppose it doesn't." Gantu let out a chuckle, his arm already around his human wife, "But, it got me out of work early to see you." Rachel's emerald eyes connected with his and they softened. Her smile spreading wider as she leaned her entire body against him.
"Want to sit out here for a while and watch the stars, hun?" The twilight was making her eyes sparkle and it made his heart skip a beat.
"For you," the Shaelek leaned down his snout touching the top of the earthling's head gently taking in her scent, "Always."
And they did, both sitting on their porch a bunch of illegal genetic experiments who needed a home huddled around them.... both watching the night skies and talking about their day. There was one thing for sure, Gantu was most certain.... this weekend was going to be one fun reunion.
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storiednhappy · 5 months
Miller's Creek Police (Nerd -> Cop, Fertility, Domination)
NOW INCLUDES CHAPTERS 8-11 and more interesting language.
**Chapter 1: The Escape**
Jason Meyer had always been the odd one out in his small rural hometown of Miller's Creek. Thin, nerdy, and introverted, he spent most of his time buried in books or tinkering with his computer. The other kids at school teased him relentlessly, calling him "Twiggy" and "Geek Boy," and his only solace was his dream of escaping to a place where he could truly belong.
The day he received his acceptance letter to a prestigious university in the city, Jason felt like he had won the lottery. It was his ticket out, his chance to reinvent himself. He packed his bags and left Miller's Creek without looking back, eager to shed his small-town skin and embrace the possibilities of a brighter future.
City life was everything he had hoped for. Jason thrived in his new environment, immersing himself in his studies and enjoying the freedom to be himself without judgment. He made friends with people who shared his interests and discovered a world of opportunities that he never knew existed.
But life has a way of taking unexpected turns. One evening, while Jason was attending a lecture on cyber security, he met a man named Richard. Richard was charismatic, confident, and seemed to have all the answers. He was part of a private security firm and was recruiting for a special program that promised to teach participants valuable skills in self-defense, discipline, and leadership.
Intrigued by the idea of becoming more assertive and confident, Jason signed up for the program. The training was intense, far beyond anything he had experienced before. Early morning runs, grueling workouts, and strict dietary regimens became his new routine. Jason struggled at first, his body aching from the unfamiliar exertion, but Richard was always there, pushing him to go further, to be better.
As the weeks turned into months, Jason noticed changes in himself. He was gaining muscle, and his once pale skin was now tanned from hours spent outdoors. The nerdy, bookish persona was fading, replaced by someone who was stronger, more confident, and more disciplined. Richard became a mentor and a friend, guiding Jason through the transformation with unwavering support.
What Jason didn't realize was that the program was more than just physical training. It was designed to reshape his mind as well. Subtle messages about patriotism, duty, and obedience were woven into every aspect of the training. Lectures on history and politics emphasized a particular worldview, one that aligned with Richard's beliefs. Jason, eager to belong and please his mentor, absorbed these lessons without question.
By the time the training program ended, Jason was a changed man. He had bulked up significantly, his body now muscular and strong. His shoulders had broadened significantly, giving him a more imposing presence, and his chest was thick and solid, a testament to the countless push-ups and bench presses he had endured. His arms, once spindly, were now thick with muscle, veins prominent beneath the skin. His legs, too, had transformed, becoming powerful and sturdy, capable of enduring long runs and heavy lifting. Along with the muscle, a layer of fat had developed, giving him a softer, more robust appearance. His belly, no longer flat, had a noticeable roundness, adding to his overall bulk. His genitals had also grown; his penis had thickened and lengthened slightly, but it was his balls that had seen the most significant change. They had become larger and heavier, a fact that he noted with a mix of pride and curiosity.  His confidence had grown, and he found himself agreeing with the principles and values that Richard had instilled in him. He no longer felt like the awkward outsider he once was; he had found his place in a brotherhood of like-minded individuals.
When Richard offered Jason a position at his security firm, Jason accepted without hesitation. He trained further, specializing in firearms and tactical operations, and soon became one of the firm's top operatives. The once passive, skinny nerd had been transformed into a disciplined, patriotic, and obedient officer, ready to serve and protect.
His new conservative ideals were deeply ingrained, shaped by the intense training and indoctrination he had undergone. He believed strongly in the importance of law and order, convinced that a strict adherence to rules and regulations was essential for a stable society. He held a fierce patriotism, viewing any criticism of his country as a personal affront. Jay now saw traditional gender roles as not just preferable but necessary, believing that men should be strong providers and protectors while women should focus on home and family. Privately, he harbored a sense of superiority over those who did not share his beliefs, viewing them as weak or misguided. He felt that those who didn't conform to his ideals should be corrected or, if necessary, marginalized to maintain societal order. These were thoughts he would never voice openly, knowing that they would be controversial, but they guided his actions and decisions nonetheless.
As the years passed, Jason found himself missing the simplicity of small-town life. He had changed, but the memories of Miller's Creek still lingered. One day, after much contemplation, he decided to move back to his hometown. This time, he was returning not as the awkward outsider, but as someone who had found his purpose and place in the world.
Miller's Creek had not changed much, but Jason had. He was no longer the skinny nerd who had left years ago. He was now Officer Meyer, a confident, disciplined, and patriotic man, ready to protect and serve his community. And as he settled back into the familiar surroundings of his childhood, he realized that he finally fit in perfectly.
**Chapter 1A: The Transformation**
Jason Meyer signed up for Richard’s special program with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The promise of becoming more assertive and confident was alluring, but the path to get there seemed daunting. The program began with an intensive orientation that laid out the rigorous schedule ahead. Early mornings, strict diets, and demanding physical training were the core components, but the underlying psychological aspect was more subtle.
The first week was a shock to Jason’s system. Accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle, his body struggled to keep up with the early morning runs and intense workouts. The instructors, all former military personnel, were relentless, pushing him and the other recruits to their limits. Each day began with a 5 a.m. wake-up call, followed by a series of exercises designed to build strength, endurance, and discipline.
In addition to physical training, the program included lectures on various subjects. History, politics, and philosophy were taught from a specific perspective, emphasizing patriotism, duty, and obedience. These sessions were designed to reshape the recruits' minds as well as their bodies. Richard himself led many of these lectures, his charismatic presence and authoritative tone captivating his audience. He spoke passionately about the importance of protecting one's country, the value of discipline, and the honor in serving a greater cause.
Nutrition was another critical component of the program. The recruits were placed on a strict diet designed to maximize muscle gain and overall health. Jason found himself consuming vast quantities of protein-rich foods, along with supplements that promised to enhance his physical performance. However, the diet was also high in calories, and as Jason’s muscles grew, so did his overall size. He began to put on weight, not just muscle, but a noticeable layer of fat as well.
The physical changes were dramatic. Jason’s once thin frame filled out, his arms and legs bulking up with muscle while his belly grew softer and rounder. His face, once gaunt, now had a fuller, healthier look. His body, which had always been a source of insecurity, was transforming into something strong and imposing. Yet, with this new mass came a newfound sense of power and confidence.
As the months passed, Jason adapted to the program's demands. He pushed through the pain and exhaustion, motivated by Richard’s constant encouragement and the camaraderie he found with his fellow recruits. They bonded over shared struggles and triumphs, forming a brotherhood that reinforced the values being instilled in them. Each small victory—running a faster mile, lifting heavier weights, mastering a tactical maneuver—boosted Jason’s confidence and reinforced his commitment to the program.
The psychological aspect of the training was equally effective. The lectures and discussions subtly shifted Jason’s worldview. The constant reinforcement of certain ideals—patriotism, obedience, and the importance of discipline—began to take root in his mind. He started to see the world through the lens Richard provided, adopting the firm’s values as his own.
The training wasn’t without its challenges. There were moments of doubt and frustration, times when Jason wondered if he could keep up or if he was truly cut out for this new life. But Richard was always there, a steady presence who believed in Jason even when he doubted himself. Richard’s unwavering support and the sense of purpose the program provided kept Jason going, pushing him to surpass his limits and embrace the transformation.
By the end of the program, Jason was barely recognizable as the skinny, nerdy kid who had arrived months earlier. He had become a powerful, confident, and disciplined man, his body muscular yet soft with a layer of fat that added to his imposing presence. His mind, once filled with doubts and insecurities, was now focused and resolute. He was ready to take on the challenges ahead, fully embracing his new identity and the values instilled in him.
As he looked at himself in the mirror, Jason saw not just the physical changes but the complete transformation of who he was. The program had reshaped him in every way possible, preparing him for a future that, just months ago, he couldn’t have imagined. He was ready to step into his new role with pride and confidence, knowing he had the strength and determination to succeed.
**Chapter 2: Returning Home**
Jason Meyer’s return to Miller’s Creek was nothing short of transformative. The man who stepped off the bus bore little resemblance to the skinny, nerdy kid who had left years ago. Clad in his crisp, navy-blue uniform, he stood tall and broad, exuding an aura of confidence and authority. His once angular face was now round and firm, with a jawline softened by the extra weight he carried. His body had filled out significantly, combining the bulk of hard-earned muscle with a substantial layer of fat that added to his imposing figure.
As he walked through the familiar streets of his hometown, heads turned. Some recognized him immediately, their eyes widening in surprise at the dramatic change. Others did a double-take, unsure if this was the same Jason they had once known. The whispers and glances didn’t bother him; he welcomed them. It was a stark contrast to the indifference or ridicule he had faced growing up.
Jason’s first stop was the local diner, a place that held many memories from his youth. The bell above the door jingled as he entered, and the familiar scent of fried food and coffee filled the air. The chatter of patrons fell silent as all eyes turned to him. Behind the counter, old Mrs. Harper squinted, her expression shifting from confusion to recognition.
“Jason Meyer? Is that really you?” she asked, her voice a mix of astonishment and warmth.
Jason smiled and nodded. “It’s me, Mrs. Harper. Good to see you.”
“Well, I’ll be,” she said, her eyes scanning his transformed physique. “You’ve certainly changed. What brings you back to Miller’s Creek?”
Jason took a seat at the counter, the vinyl stool creaking under his weight. “I’ve come back to serve the community,” he replied. “Joined the police force.”
Mrs. Harper’s eyes lit up with approval. “Well, we’re lucky to have you. This town could use someone like you.”
As he sat there, enjoying a hearty meal, Jason reflected on how far he had come. The training program had not only reshaped his body but had also instilled in him a deep sense of duty and belonging. He felt a connection to Miller’s Creek that he hadn’t before, a desire to protect and serve the community that had once seemed so alien to him.
Settling into his new role as a police officer, Jason quickly became a familiar and respected figure in Miller’s Creek. His discipline and dedication earned him the admiration of his colleagues and the trust of the townspeople. The once passive and introverted boy was now a man of action, ready to step in and make a difference whenever needed.
Despite his newfound acceptance, Jason found particular pleasure in asserting his dominance in more subtle ways. One of his favorite places to do this was the town gym. He loved the feeling of walking through the locker room, naked and unashamed, his massive frame on full display. He didn’t bother with the privacy of a shower stall; instead, he chose to shower in the open, relishing the way his body attracted attention.
Jay’s genitals were a sight to behold. His massively long penis smacked off each of his thighs as he walked, a clear demonstration of his physical prowess. When he washed his testicles, it looked like he was holding plums in his large, powerful hands. The other men in the locker room couldn’t help but glance his way, their expressions a mix of envy and awe.
As Jay moved between the shower and his locker, he took his time, not just to clean himself but to display his dominance. He stood tall and confident, his every movement deliberate. The locker room, once a place of vulnerability, was now his domain. His presence was commanding, a silent assertion of his superiority over the other men.
One day, as Jay was finishing his shower, a group of younger men entered the locker room. They froze for a moment, their eyes widening at the sight of Jay’s imposing figure. He turned slowly, giving them a full view of his body, and then continued washing, unbothered by their presence. The younger men quickly looked away, their conversations hushed, a clear sign of the respect and intimidation Jay commanded.
These moments in the locker room were more than just a display of physical dominance; they were a way for Jay to reinforce his place in the community. He was no longer the skinny, nerdy outsider; he was Officer Jay, a man of strength and authority. His body, now thick and powerful, was a testament to his journey and transformation. And in the quiet, steam-filled space of the gym locker room, he reveled in the respect and recognition he had earned.
Jay’s assertion of dominance extended beyond the locker room. He carried himself with a confidence that permeated every aspect of his life. His conservative ideals, deeply ingrained through his training, guided his actions and interactions. He believed in traditional values, the importance of law and order, and the necessity of maintaining societal hierarchies. These beliefs were not always spoken aloud, but they were evident in the way he conducted himself and the decisions he made.
Jay’s return to Miller’s Creek was a testament to his transformation, both physically and ideologically. He had become a figure of strength and stability, a protector of the community. And in every stride, every gesture, he reaffirmed his place, no longer feeling like an outsider but as a central and respected figure in the town he once sought to escape.
**Chapter 3: The Neighborhood Watch**
Officer Jay, as Jason Meyer was now known, quickly became a popular figure in Miller’s Creek. His regular patrols took him through the winding streets of the town, where he greeted residents with a friendly nod or a warm smile. Among those who appreciated his presence the most were the housewives of Miller’s Creek. Many of them, like Jay, carried the extra weight that came with the comforts of small-town living, and they found a sense of camaraderie in his company.
Jay’s reputation for being helpful and approachable made him a favorite among these women. He was always ready to lend a hand, whether it was helping with groceries, offering a reassuring word, or, more often, checking on concerns about possible intruders. The housewives would often call him, their voices tinged with a mix of fear and excitement, asking him to come over and ensure their homes were safe.
One afternoon, as Jay was finishing his patrol, he received a call from Mrs. Thompson, a plump and cheerful woman in her late twenties. She sounded genuinely concerned, mentioning noises she had heard upstairs in her bedroom.
“Officer Jay, could you come by and check it out? I’m home alone, and it’s making me nervous,” she said.
Jay assured her he’d be right over and made his way to her house. Upon arriving, he was greeted with a warm smile and a plate of freshly baked cookies. Mrs. Thompson led him inside, her soft frame moving with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. As they walked upstairs, Jay listened carefully, his senses alert for any sign of trouble.
Entering the bedroom, Jay took his time to inspect every corner, checking the windows and closets with professional thoroughness. Mrs. Thompson hovered nearby, watching him with a mix of admiration and gratitude. When he was satisfied that there was no intruder, he turned to her with a reassuring smile.
“Everything looks fine, Mrs. Thompson. You’re safe,” he said, his voice calm and steady.
Mrs. Thompson sighed with relief. “Thank you, Officer Jay. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Jay stayed for a few more minutes, chatting and making sure she felt secure before leaving. As he resumed his patrol, he couldn’t help but smile. These interactions, while part of his duty, also brought him a sense of connection and satisfaction. He enjoyed being someone the community could rely on, especially when it came to making them feel safe in their own homes.
Word of Jay’s helpfulness spread, and soon he found himself regularly invited into the homes of other housewives, each with their own concerns and requests. They appreciated his presence and the attention he paid to their worries. His polite demeanor and willingness to assist endeared him to many, and they often found reasons to call on him, whether real or imagined.
One evening, as Jay was getting ready to end his shift, he received another call, this time from Mrs. Patterson. She was a large, jovial young woman who had always been kind to him. She mentioned hearing strange noises coming from her attic and asked if he could come by to check it out.
Jay arrived at her home to find Mrs. Patterson waiting for him at the door. She led him inside, her ample frame jiggling slightly as she moved. They climbed up to the attic, where Jay once again conducted a thorough search. As he reassured Mrs. Patterson that there was no danger, she expressed her gratitude with a warm hug, her soft body pressing against his.
These encounters became a regular part of Jay’s routine. He knew some of the calls were simply excuses to see him, but he didn’t mind. He enjoyed the company and the chance to make these women feel safe and valued. Each visit reinforced his connection to the community and strengthened his sense of belonging.
Over time, Jay’s popularity grew, and he became a cherished figure in Miller’s Creek. The housewives appreciated his presence, and he relished the opportunity to be a source of comfort and protection. In their eyes, he wasn’t just an officer; he was a friend and a guardian, always ready to help and ensure their peace of mind.
As he patrolled the streets, Jay felt a deep sense of fulfillment. He had found his place in Miller’s Creek, and the respect and admiration he received from the community were more than he could have ever hoped for. The once passive, skinny nerd had truly transformed into a figure of strength and security, beloved by those he served.
**Chapter 4: Secret Duties**
Officer Jay's popularity in Miller's Creek continued to grow, but it wasn't just his role as a protector that endeared him to the housewives of the town. Beneath the surface of his regular duties lay a secret purpose, one that he had been subtly trained for by Coach Dick during his transformative program. This purpose was known only to a select few and involved a clandestine mission: to help increase the town's population.
Jay’s rigorous training had instilled in him a sense of duty and obedience, and this extended to his reproductive role. Coach Dick had emphasized the importance of this mission, explaining how vital it was for the community's future. The training included not just physical conditioning but also psychological reinforcement, ensuring that Jay embraced this responsibility with pride and dedication.
The housewives, many of whom had become close to Jay, were aware of this hidden purpose. Their requests for his presence often went beyond mere safety checks. These women, whose husbands were often unable or unwilling to have more children, saw in Jay a chance to fulfill their desires and continue their families. Jay, in turn, took his role seriously, understanding that his actions were for the greater good of Miller’s Creek.
One evening, as Jay was finishing his patrol, he received a call from Mrs. Thompson. She had become one of the most vocal about her appreciation for Jay's presence and had hinted several times about her deeper wishes. This time, her voice carried a different tone, a mix of urgency and anticipation.
“Officer Jay, could you come by? I think there might be an intruder,” she said, her voice soft yet insistent.
Jay arrived at her house promptly. Mrs. Thompson greeted him at the door, her eyes conveying more than just concern about a potential break-in. She led him upstairs, her hand lingering on his arm as they walked. Once in the bedroom, Jay began his usual inspection, but it was clear from Mrs. Thompson’s body language that this was about more than security.
“Officer Jay,” she said softly, “I know why you’re really here. I need your help… in a way that only you can provide.”
Jay turned to face her, understanding fully what she meant. His training had prepared him for this moment, and he felt a deep sense of duty and pride. Mrs. Thompson’s eyes were filled with a mixture of hope and desire, and Jay nodded, ready to fulfill his secret purpose.
They moved to her bed with a sense of abandon, their bodies entwined in a fervent dance of need and fulfillment. Jay's movements were driven by a powerful urge, each thrust deliberate and strong. Mrs. Thompson responded with equal fervor, her voice rising in uncontrolled gasps and moans. She clung to him, her nails digging into his back as she surrendered to the intensity of the moment.
When Jay finally finished, Mrs. Thompson was left dripping with his seed, the evidence of their union far too copious to remain contained within her. It flowed out of her, soaking the sheets and her thighs. Her body quivered with the aftershocks of their encounter, her breath coming in ragged gasps. As she lay there, her voice spilled out in almost uncontrollable praise.
“Oh, Jay,” she murmured, her words tumbling over each other. “This was so much better than anything my husband could have ever done. You make me feel alive, needed.”
Jay listened, his chest swelling with a mixture of pride and fulfillment. This was more than just a duty; it was a profound connection that validated his role. He knew this would not be the only time he would visit Mrs. Thompson, and the thought filled him with a deep sense of purpose.
Their encounters became a regular part of Jay’s secret duties. Each visit was a reaffirmation of his mission, a chance to bring new life and joy into the homes of Miller’s Creek. The housewives welcomed him with open arms, their gratitude and desire palpable. Jay’s role was not just to protect but to nurture, ensuring that the community he served continued to thrive and grow.
The sense of abandon with which they bred in her bed was mirrored in his visits to other homes. Each encounter was unique, yet all shared the same intensity and purpose. Jay’s presence brought comfort and hope, his actions leaving a lasting impact on the women and the community as a whole. As the town’s population grew, so did the appreciation for Officer Jay, whose secret duties were the foundation of Miller’s Creek’s renewal.
**Chapter 5: Tales of Secret Duties**
Officer Jay’s secret duties took on a rhythm of their own, woven seamlessly into his daily routine. Each encounter was unique, yet they all shared a common thread: a deep, unspoken understanding between Jay and the housewives who sought his help. These stories of his secret duties became a series of intimate chapters in the quiet life of Miller’s Creek.
One such story began on a warm summer evening. Jay received a call from Mrs. Reynolds, a widow who had always been kind and welcoming to him. Her voice on the phone was filled with nervous excitement as she spoke about strange noises in her attic. Jay arrived promptly, his presence immediately calming her nerves.
As they climbed the narrow stairs to the attic, Mrs. Reynolds stayed close to Jay, her hand lightly touching his arm. Once they reached the top, Jay began his usual inspection. He could feel her eyes on him, watching his every move. When he turned to reassure her that everything was fine, she stepped closer, her intentions clear.
“Officer Jay,” she said softly, “I know why you’re really here. I need your help… in a way that only you can provide.”
Jay nodded, understanding her need for companionship and the continuation of her family’s legacy. He began to undress methodically, each piece of clothing carefully placed to the side as Mrs. Reynolds watched, her breath hitching with anticipation. Once he was fully undressed, he approached her with a sense of purpose, his hands gently but firmly guiding her as they lay down together on the attic floor. Their encounter was tender and meaningful, filled with a sense of purpose. Mrs. Reynolds’s gratitude was immense, and as Jay left her home, he felt a deep satisfaction knowing he had fulfilled his duty.
Another memorable encounter involved Mrs. Garcia, a lively woman with a warm smile and a kind heart. She had called Jay to her home late one night, claiming to hear strange sounds coming from her basement. Jay arrived to find her waiting at the door, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
As they descended into the basement, Mrs. Garcia stayed close, her nervousness evident. Jay conducted his search thoroughly, but it was clear that Mrs. Garcia’s real concern lay elsewhere. When he turned to reassure her, she reached out, her hand gently touching his.
“Officer Jay, I need your help,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “My husband and I have been trying to have another child, but it hasn’t been easy. I need you.”
Jay felt a surge of purpose as he responded to her need. He quickly began to undress, his movements confident and assured, each article of clothing falling to the basement floor. Mrs. Garcia’s eyes followed his every move, her anticipation growing. He approached her with determination, lifting her onto a workbench and positioning himself between her legs. Their time together was filled with a deep connection, both understanding the importance of their actions. Mrs. Garcia’s appreciation was evident, and as Jay left, he knew he had brought hope into her home.
Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Garcia—each woman had her own story, her own reason for seeking Jay’s help. They all shared a common desire: the hope of bringing new life into the world when their husbands couldn’t. Jay’s role in these encounters was not just physical but deeply emotional, offering comfort, hope, and the promise of a future.
One afternoon, Jay received a call from Mrs. Patel, a reserved woman who rarely sought help from anyone. Her voice on the phone was filled with anxiety as she spoke about noises in her backyard. Jay arrived to find her standing on her porch, her eyes wide with worry.
As they walked through the yard, Mrs. Patel stayed close, her unease palpable. Jay conducted his search with his usual thoroughness, but it became clear that her fears were more about loneliness and the desire for another child. When he turned to reassure her, she looked at him with a mix of hope and desperation.
“Officer Jay,” she said quietly, “I’ve been feeling so alone. My husband and I have been trying to have another child, but it hasn’t been working. Can you help me?”
Jay nodded, understanding her need. He began to undress slowly, each piece of clothing carefully removed and placed aside. Mrs. Patel watched, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and gratitude. Once he was fully undressed, he led her gently to the ground, their bodies coming together with a sense of shared purpose. Their encounter was filled with a sense of purpose, both knowing the importance of their actions. Mrs. Patel’s gratitude was profound, and as Jay left, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment.
These encounters, each unique and meaningful, became a regular part of Jay’s life. He embraced his secret duties with pride, knowing that he was making a significant impact on the community. The housewives’ gratitude and the new lives he helped bring into the world were a testament to his dedication and the success of his mission.
Jay’s secret duties were not just about fulfilling his role but about forming deep connections and bringing hope to those who needed it most. Each story was a chapter in the larger narrative of Miller’s Creek, a town that flourished under his watchful eye and caring presence.
Chapter 6: The Baby Boom
Miller’s Creek was experiencing a renaissance, a baby boom that had not been seen in decades. The signs of new life were everywhere: expectant mothers with widening hips, the sound of children’s laughter in the streets, and the bustling activity of families growing and thriving. At the heart of this transformation was Officer Jay, whose secret duties had played a pivotal role in this remarkable change.
As the town flourished, the bars and bowling leagues became the go-to places for the men of Miller’s Creek. Husbands, proud and content, gathered to share stories and enjoy each other’s company, their spirits lifted by the joy and fulfillment their families were experiencing. The camaraderie among them was palpable, each man knowing that their wives were happy and their homes were secure, thanks in no small part to Officer Jay.
Jay himself was a constant presence in the community, his duties extending far beyond his secret visits. He ensured that the town remained safe, patrolling the streets with vigilance and care. The respect and admiration he received from the townspeople were well-earned, as his dedication and hard work were evident in every interaction.
But Jay was not alone in his mission. He had a partner now, another young conservative cop who had been trained by Coach Dick. Officer Brian was as dedicated and disciplined as Jay, having undergone the same rigorous training program. The two men worked seamlessly together, their shared values and purpose creating a formidable team.
Officer Brian, like Jay, had embraced the dual role of protector and secret benefactor. His presence in the community brought a new level of security and reassurance. The housewives, already grateful for Jay’s help, welcomed Brian with open arms, knowing that the town’s future was in capable hands.
One evening, as Jay and Brian were finishing their patrol, they stopped by the local bar. The place was filled with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses, a testament to the happiness and prosperity that had taken root in Miller’s Creek. The men at the bar greeted them with hearty handshakes and pats on the back, their gratitude evident.
“Officer Jay, Officer Brian, good to see you both!” called out Mr. Jenkins, a local farmer whose wife was expecting their third child. “You two are doing a great job keeping this town safe.”
Jay and Brian exchanged smiles, their pride evident. Just the night before, they had been at the Jenkins’ home, fulfilling their secret duties. Mrs. Jenkins, a stunning woman with curves that had only grown softer and more enticing with each passing month, had welcomed them eagerly. Her once firm body had transformed, her hips widening and her ass becoming plumper and more inviting. Jay and Brian had commented on how much bigger and softer she had become since their last visit, their hands roaming over her lush curves as they prepared to breed her once more.
Mrs. Jenkins was a vision, her body ripe with fertility. Her skin glowed, and her eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and desire. She had a beauty that was undeniable, and her husband, busy with his work and social engagements, was completely oblivious to the passion and life that she radiated. Jay and Brian, however, were acutely aware, and they took their time appreciating every inch of her.
They had taken turns and then switched back and forth effortlessly, their movements synchronized as they spit-roasted her, filling her with the promise of new life. Mrs. Jenkins responded to their touch with fervor, her moans filling the room as she reveled in the attention and care she received from the two officers. It was a scene of pure, unadulterated passion, her body yielding to their ministrations as they ensured that their mission was fulfilled.
Jay marveled at how gorgeous Mrs. Jenkins was, her soft curves a testament to the life they were helping to create. Brian, equally captivated, whispered praises into her ear, their words blending with the sounds of their efforts. They admired how her ass had become a perfect cushion of softness, their hands gripping her ample flesh as they moved in tandem. The contrast between her husband’s neglect and their own attentive care was stark, and it fueled their determination to give her everything she needed.
As they sat at the bar, these memories were fresh in their minds. They knew that their work was having a profound impact on the town, and the gratitude they received was a testament to that. Jay and Brian’s partnership was more than just a professional alliance; it was a shared mission to ensure that Miller’s Creek remained a place where families could grow and flourish.
Their work was never done, but the rewards were immense. With every new life brought into the world, every smile and word of thanks, they knew they were making a lasting difference. The baby boom had brought renewed life and joy to the community, and at the center of it all were two young officers whose secret duties had changed the course of their town.
**Chapter 7: Reflections at the Bar**
Officer Jay and his partner, Officer Brian, sat at the bar, enjoying the lively atmosphere that had become a staple of their evenings. The bar was a hub of activity, filled with the laughter and camaraderie of the town's men who gathered after long days of work. It was a place where they could unwind, share stories, and enjoy each other's company.
As Jay took a sip of his drink, he looked around the room. The men were in high spirits, oblivious to the secret life that had transformed their town. Each face told a story—of hard work, of community, of a simple, contented existence. Yet, beneath the surface of their jovial conversations and hearty laughter, there was an unspoken truth that only Jay and Brian knew.
The irony was palpable. Many of these men, who laughed and toasted to their good fortunes, were unaware that the children their wives were expecting had not come from their own loins. As they bowled strikes and shared drinks, Jay and Brian had been fulfilling their hidden roles, ensuring the future growth of Miller’s Creek in a way that none of the men could have imagined.
Jay’s eyes scanned the room, lingering on the familiar faces. Mr. Jenkins, his broad smile, doughy body, and flushed cheeks, celebrated the news of his wife’s pregnancy with a group of friends. Mr. Reynolds, deep in beer-soaked conversation with his bowling buddies, had no idea that Jay’s visits had ensured his family’s expansion. And then there was Mr. Lewis, who raised his glass in a toast, blissfully unaware of the role Jay had played only moments ago in his wife’s newfound happiness.
Brian, sitting next to Jay, nudged him and grinned. “Quite a sight, isn’t it?” he said quietly, his voice barely audible over the din of the bar.
Jay nodded, a wry smile playing on his lips. “It sure is. If only they knew.”
The two men shared a moment of silent understanding. Their secret duties, performed with dedication and care, had brought about a profound change in Miller’s Creek. The baby boom was evident, with expectant mothers everywhere, their hips widening and their homes filled with the promise of new life. The bars and bowling alleys thrived, their husbands blissfully unaware of the true source of their joy.
As Jay and Brian continued to sip their drinks, they reflected on the journey that had brought them here. The rigorous training under Coach Dick had prepared them for this dual role, instilling in them a deep sense of duty and purpose. They had embraced their mission with pride, knowing that they were making a lasting impact on the community.
Jay’s thoughts drifted to the many nights spent in the company of Miller’s Creek’s housewives. Each encounter had been different, yet all had shared a common thread of hope and gratitude. The women had welcomed Jay and Brian into their homes, seeking the companionship and reassurance that their husbands, often preoccupied with work and leisure, could not provide. In return, Jay and Brian had given them the gift of new life, ensuring the town’s future and fulfilling their secret mission.
Looking around the bar, Jay felt a mix of emotions. There was satisfaction in knowing that he had played a vital role in the town’s renewal, but also a sense of humility. The men around him, laughing and toasting, were blissfully unaware of the truth. Their happiness and contentment were built on the quiet, unspoken efforts of Jay and Brian, who had taken on the responsibility of ensuring the town’s future.
Brian clinked his glass against Jay’s. “Here’s to Miller’s Creek,” he said, his voice filled with quiet pride.
Jay raised his glass in response. “To Miller’s Creek,” he echoed. “And to the future.”
As they finished their drinks, Jay and Brian knew that their work was far from over. The town continued to grow and thrive, and their roles as protectors and secret benefactors remained as vital as ever. They would continue to fulfill their duties with the same dedication and care, ensuring that Miller’s Creek remained a place of hope and renewal for generations to come.
The bar full of drunken, impotent men was a testament to their success. Jay and Brian’s secret mission had brought about a baby boom, filled homes with the sound of children’s laughter, and ensured the future of their beloved town. And as they looked around at the contented faces, they knew that they had made a lasting impact, one that would be remembered in the hearts and minds of the people of Miller’s Creek.
Chapter 8: The Continued Mission
As Miller’s Creek continued to flourish, Officer Jay and his partner, Officer Brian, maintained their dual roles with unwavering dedication. The town’s baby boom was in full swing, and the demand for their secret services only grew. The housewives, eager to expand their families, frequently called upon the officers to fulfill their hidden desires. Each encounter was a testament to the deep connections and trust they had built within the community.
One evening, Jay received a call from Mrs. Anderson, a charming woman in her early forties with an infectious laugh and warm, welcoming demeanor. She mentioned hearing strange noises in her home while her husband was away on a business trip. Jay arrived promptly, his presence immediately putting her at ease.
As they walked through the dimly lit hallway, Mrs. Anderson stayed close to Jay, her hand brushing against his arm. Once they reached the bedroom, it became clear that her request was about more than just ensuring her safety. Jay began to undress, each piece of clothing falling to the floor with deliberate slowness, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Officer Jay,” she whispered, her voice trembling with anticipation. “I need you… in a way only you can understand.”
Jay approached her with purpose, his hands exploring her body with practiced ease. Their encounter was filled with passion and urgency, Mrs. Anderson’s moans of pleasure echoing through the room. When they were finished, she lay there, breathless and dripping with his seed, unable to contain her gratitude and admiration.
“This was incredible,” she gasped, her eyes shining with tears of joy. “So much better than anything my husband could ever give me.”
Jay’s chest swelled with pride as he watched her, knowing he had fulfilled his duty once again. He gently kissed her forehead before leaving, promising to return whenever she needed him.
The next night, Jay and Brian received a call from Mrs. Collins, a strikingly beautiful woman known for her elegance and grace. She had recently moved to Miller’s Creek and was eager to start a family. The officers arrived at her doorstep, their presence commanding and reassuring.
As they entered her home, Mrs. Collins led them to the master bedroom, her steps slow and deliberate. Jay and Brian undressed together, their movements synchronized and confident. Mrs. Collins watched with wide eyes, her anticipation growing with each passing second.
When they began, it was with a shared sense of purpose and determination. Jay and Brian took turns, their efforts seamless and coordinated. Mrs. Collins responded to their touch with fervor, her voice rising in uncontrollable gasps and cries of pleasure. The bed creaked under their combined weight, a testament to the intensity of their encounter.
As they finished, Mrs. Collins lay there, her body trembling and soaked with their seed. She looked up at them, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude.
“You’ve given me what I’ve always dreamed of,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Thank you.”
Jay and Brian exchanged a satisfied glance before dressing and leaving her home, knowing they had once again fulfilled their mission.
The spree continued, each night bringing a new encounter, a new housewife eager to expand her family. Jay and Brian moved through the town with a sense of purpose, their actions driven by the desire to ensure Miller’s Creek’s future. They had become more than just protectors; they were the foundation of the community’s renewal.
One afternoon, Jay received a call from Mrs. Mitchell, a petite woman with a shy smile and kind eyes. She had heard about the officers’ secret duties from her friends and was nervous but hopeful. Jay arrived at her home, his presence immediately putting her at ease.
As they moved to the bedroom, Jay undressed slowly, his eyes locking with hers. Mrs. Mitchell’s breath quickened as she watched him, her anticipation palpable. When they came together, it was with a mixture of tenderness and urgency. Jay’s hands roamed her body, his touch firm yet gentle. Mrs. Mitchell responded with soft moans, her body trembling under his ministrations.
When they finished, Mrs. Mitchell lay there, her body glistening with sweat and dripping with Jay’s seed. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude and relief.
“This means so much to me,” she whispered. “Thank you for giving me hope.”
Jay smiled, his heart swelling with pride. He kissed her gently before leaving, knowing he had once again fulfilled his duty.
The spree through the housewives’ beds continued, each encounter unique and meaningful. Jay and Brian embraced their roles with pride, knowing that their actions were ensuring the town’s future. The housewives welcomed them with open arms, their gratitude and desire a testament to the deep connections they had built.
As Miller’s Creek thrived, the officers’ secret mission remained at the heart of the community’s renewal. Jay and Brian moved through the town with confidence and purpose, their presence a constant source of security and hope. Each encounter was a chapter in the larger narrative of Miller’s Creek, a town that flourished under their watchful eye and caring presence.
Chapter 9: The Growing Legacy
As the baby boom in Miller’s Creek continued to flourish, Officer Jay and Officer Brian’s influence grew more profound. Their roles as protectors and secret benefactors had solidified their positions in the community, making them central figures in the town’s ongoing transformation. The respect and admiration they received were mirrored in the grateful eyes of the housewives they visited and the laughter of children playing in the streets.
One evening, Jay received a call from Mrs. Hamilton, a spirited woman in her late thirties known for her vibrant personality and warm heart. She had been trying to conceive for years without success and had heard about the officers’ secret abilities. Her voice on the phone was filled with a mix of hope and desperation.
“Officer Jay, could you come by? I need your help,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.
Jay arrived at her home, his presence immediately calming her nerves. Mrs. Hamilton greeted him at the door, her eyes filled with anticipation and gratitude. She led him to the bedroom, where to Jay’s surprise, her husband, Mr. Hamilton, was already seated in a chair by the bed. Mr. Hamilton, a slight man with a nervous demeanor, looked up at Jay, his eyes filled with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.
As Mrs. Hamilton and Jay moved to the bed, Mr. Hamilton began to undress, revealing his tiny penis, which he began to stroke slowly. Jay undressed with deliberate slowness, his eyes never leaving Mrs. Hamilton’s. When he was fully naked, he approached her with a sense of purpose, his hands exploring her body with practiced ease. Their encounter was filled with passion and urgency, Mrs. Hamilton’s moans of pleasure echoing through the room.
Mr. Hamilton watched intently, his hand moving faster as Jay took care of business, his wife writhing in pleasure beneath the officer. Jay glanced at him occasionally, a smirk on his face as he asserted his dominance, thinking of the term “cuck” to himself, knowing how it fit this scenario perfectly. When they finished, Mrs. Hamilton lay there, her body trembling and dripping with Jay’s seed. Her eyes shone with gratitude as she whispered, “Thank you, Jay. This means everything to me.”
Jay kissed her gently before leaving, promising to return whenever she needed him. As he walked away, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing he had once again fulfilled his duty.
The next day, Jay and Brian received a call from Mrs. Martinez, a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and a kind smile. She had recently moved to Miller’s Creek and was eager to start a family. The officers arrived at her doorstep, their presence commanding and reassuring.
Mrs. Martinez led them to the master bedroom, where her husband, Mr. Martinez, was already present. Mr. Martinez was massively obese, sitting obediently in a chair near the bed, his eyes fixed on his wife. He wore a chastity cage, a clear symbol of his submission and the dynamic in their relationship.
As Jay and Brian undressed together, their movements synchronized and confident, Mrs. Martinez watched with wide eyes, her anticipation growing with each passing second. When they began, it was with a shared sense of purpose and determination. Jay and Brian took turns, their efforts seamless and coordinated, while Mr. Martinez watched obediently, his breathing heavy with excitement.
Mrs. Martinez responded to their touch with fervor, her voice rising in uncontrollable gasps and cries of pleasure. The bed creaked under their combined weight, a testament to the intensity of their encounter. As they finished, Mrs. Martinez lay there, her body trembling and soaked with their seed. She looked up at them, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude.
“You’ve given me what I’ve always dreamed of,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Thank you.”
Jay and Brian exchanged a satisfied glance before dressing and leaving her home, knowing they had once again fulfilled their mission. As they left, Jay couldn’t help but feel a sense of dominance over Mr. Martinez, who obediently accepted his role as a cuck.
The spree continued, each night bringing a new encounter, a new housewife eager to expand her family. Jay and Brian moved through the town with a sense of purpose, their actions driven by the desire to ensure Miller’s Creek’s future. They had become more than just protectors; they were the foundation of the community’s renewal.
One afternoon, Jay received a call from Mrs. Patel, a reserved woman who rarely sought help from anyone. Her voice on the phone was filled with anxiety as she spoke about noises in her backyard. Jay arrived to find her standing on her porch, her eyes wide with worry.
As they walked through the yard, Mrs. Patel stayed close, her unease palpable. Jay conducted his search with his usual thoroughness, but it became clear that her fears were more about loneliness and the desire for another child. When he turned to reassure her, she looked at him with a mix of hope and desperation.
“Officer Jay,” she said quietly, “I’ve been feeling so alone. My husband and I have been trying to have another child, but it hasn’t been working. Can you help me?”
Jay nodded, understanding her need. He called for backup from Officer Brian, knowing that together they could provide the comfort and fulfillment she sought. When Brian arrived, they moved to the middle of the backyard, their presence a symbol of safety and protection.
Jay began to undress slowly, each piece of clothing carefully removed and placed aside. Mrs. Patel watched, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and gratitude. Brian followed suit, their movements deliberate and confident. Once they were fully undressed, they led her to the ground, their bodies coming together with a sense of shared purpose.
The encounter was intense and filled with mutual understanding. Jay and Brian took turns, their efforts seamless and coordinated, ensuring that Mrs. Patel felt secure and cherished. The open air added an element of rawness and freedom to their union, her moans of pleasure blending with the sounds of the evening.
When they finished, Mrs. Patel lay there, her body glistening with sweat and dripping with their seed. She looked up at them, her eyes filled with profound gratitude and relief.
“This means so much to me,” she whispered. “Thank you for giving me hope.”
Jay and Brian dressed slowly, their hearts swelling with pride. They kissed her gently before leaving, knowing they had once again fulfilled their duty.
The spree through the housewives’ beds continued, each encounter unique and meaningful. Jay and Brian embraced their roles with pride, knowing that their actions were ensuring the town’s future. The housewives welcomed them with open arms, their gratitude and desire a testament to the deep connections they had built.
As Miller’s Creek thrived, the officers’ secret mission remained at the heart of the community’s renewal. Jay and Brian moved through the town with confidence and purpose, their presence a constant source of security and hope. Each encounter was a chapter in the larger narrative of Miller’s Creek, a town that flourished under their watchful eye and caring presence.
Jay and Brian’s partnership was more than just a professional alliance; it was a shared mission to ensure that Miller’s Creek remained a place where families could grow and flourish. Their work was never done, but the rewards were immense. With every new life brought into the world, every smile and word of thanks, they knew they were making a lasting difference.
Chapter 10: The Changing Dynamics
As Officer Jay and Officer Brian continued their mission in Miller’s Creek, they began to develop a preference for visiting women whose husbands were willing participants in the dynamic of being cucked. This arrangement not only heightened the sense of dominance for Jay and Brian but also reinforced the submissive roles of the husbands. The trend quickly spread through the town, and soon more and more men in Miller’s Creek were sporting strangely larger bulges in their pants—only these bulges weren’t filled with meat, but rather chastity cages that symbolized their submission.
One evening, Jay and Brian received a call from Mrs. Roberts, a lively woman with an infectious laugh and a curvaceous figure. She had recently heard about the officers’ special services from her friends and was eager to experience it for herself. When they arrived at her home, they were greeted by Mrs. Roberts and her husband, Mr. Roberts, who was noticeably nervous but also intrigued by the dynamic.
Mrs. Roberts led them to the bedroom, where Mr. Roberts sat in a chair near the bed, his eyes wide with anticipation. Jay and Brian began to undress slowly, their movements deliberate and confident, while Mrs. Roberts watched with growing excitement. Mr. Roberts, following the established ritual, revealed his chastity cage, the metal glinting in the soft light of the room.
Jay and Brian approached Mrs. Roberts with a sense of purpose, their hands exploring her body with practiced ease. The encounter was intense, filled with passion and urgency, Mrs. Roberts’s moans of pleasure echoing through the room. Mr. Roberts watched intently, his eyes locked on his wife and the officers, his own excitement evident despite the confines of his cage.
When they finished, Mrs. Roberts lay there, her body trembling and dripping with their seed. She looked up at her husband and the officers, her eyes filled with satisfaction and gratitude.
“Thank you, Jay. Thank you, Brian. This means everything to us,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
Jay and Brian dressed slowly, their hearts swelling with pride. They exchanged a knowing glance with Mr. Roberts, who nodded in appreciation, understanding his role in the dynamic.
The trend continued, each night bringing new encounters with housewives eager to expand their families and husbands willing to embrace their submissive roles. Jay and Brian moved through the town with a sense of purpose, their actions driven by the desire to ensure Miller’s Creek’s future. They had become more than just protectors; they were the architects of a new social order within the community.
One afternoon, Jay and Brian received a call from Mrs. Green, a stunning woman with a bright smile and a confident demeanor. She had heard about the officers’ services and was eager to partake. When they arrived, they found Mr. Green waiting as well, his demeanor a mix of nervousness and excitement.
Mrs. Green led them to the living room, where Mr. Green sat in a chair, his hands fidgeting with his belt. Jay and Brian undressed together, their movements synchronized and confident, while Mrs. Green watched with growing anticipation. Mr. Green, following the ritual, revealed his chastity cage, the metal a stark contrast to his skin.
As Jay and Brian began, the encounter was filled with a sense of shared purpose and intensity. Mrs. Green responded to their touch with fervor, her voice rising in uncontrollable gasps and cries of pleasure. The room filled with the sounds of their passion, a testament to the dynamic that had taken hold in Miller’s Creek.
When they finished, Mrs. Green lay there, her body glistening with sweat and dripping with their seed. She looked up at her husband and the officers, her eyes filled with satisfaction and gratitude.
“Thank you, Jay. Thank you, Brian. This means so much to us,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
Jay and Brian dressed slowly, their hearts swelling with pride. They exchanged a knowing glance with Mr. Green, who nodded in appreciation, understanding his role in the dynamic.
As Miller’s Creek continued to thrive, the officers’ secret mission remained at the heart of the community’s renewal. Jay and Brian moved through the town with confidence and purpose, their presence a constant source of security and hope. Each encounter was a chapter in the larger narrative of Miller’s Creek, a town that flourished under their watchful eye and caring presence.
Jay and Brian’s partnership was more than just a professional alliance; it was a shared mission to ensure that Miller’s Creek remained a place where families could grow and flourish. Their work was never done, but the rewards were immense. With every new life brought into the world, every smile and word of thanks, they knew they were making a lasting difference.
As the dynamic of cuckolding spread through Miller’s Creek, the town’s social fabric changed. Husbands embraced their roles with a mix of excitement and submission, their chastity cages a symbol of their acceptance. The women, empowered by the officers’ presence, found new levels of satisfaction and fulfillment. Jay and Brian’s influence was undeniable, their actions reshaping the community in profound and lasting ways.
Chapter 11: Miller’s Cuck
Miller’s Creek had transformed beyond recognition. What was once a quiet, modest town had become something entirely different, a place where traditional roles were upended, and a new social order had taken hold. Jay and Brian’s influence was undeniable, and their mission had been executed with remarkable success.
The officers privately referred to their town as “Miller’s Cuck,” a fitting name given the profound changes they had orchestrated. Every adult woman in town under the age of 40 was pregnant, their bodies visibly bearing the fruits of Jay and Brian’s secret services. The sight of expectant mothers was common, a testament to the officers’ dedication to their cause.
In stark contrast, every married man in town now wore a chastity cage. These men, once the symbols of traditional masculinity, had willingly accepted their roles as submissive partners in this new order. The cages were not just physical restraints but symbols of their submission and the power dynamics that now ruled Miller’s Creek. The only exceptions were Jay and Brian, whose dominance was undisputed.
One evening, as Jay and Brian finished their patrol, they returned to their shared home, a place that was both their sanctuary and a symbol of their unique partnership. Inside, they shed their uniforms, the symbols of their public roles, and embraced a different kind of intimacy. The town might see them as figures of unmatched masculinity and dominance, but in their private moments, Jay and Brian found comfort and connection in each other.
The joke on everyone was that once they were home, Jay and Brian shared a bed. Their bond went beyond their public roles, and they found solace in each other’s company. The intensity of their days gave way to tender moments at night, where they could let their guards down and simply be themselves.
As they lay together in bed, Jay looked over at Brian, a smile playing on his lips. “Can you believe how far we’ve come?” he asked, his voice filled with a mix of pride and disbelief.
Brian chuckled softly, nodding. “Miller’s Creek is truly Miller’s Cuck now. We’ve done something incredible here.”
Jay sighed contentedly, his hand resting on Brian’s chest. “Every woman under 40 is pregnant, and every married man’s penis is locked in a cage. We’ve changed this town completely.”
Brian leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Jay’s lips. “And the best part is, we get to come home to each other every night.”
Their relationship was a well-kept secret, known only to them. In public, they were the epitome of authority and dominance, but in private, they found strength and comfort in their bond. The duality of their lives added a layer of complexity to their partnership, making it all the more meaningful.
In the quiet of their bedroom, Jay and Brian slipped nimbly into a deep 69, their bodies intertwining with practiced ease. Each took the other’s penis into their mouth, their tongues exploring and caressing with familiar skill. Jay’s thick member snaked down Brian’s throat, while Brian’s equally impressive length filled Jay’s mouth. They moved in perfect sync, their breaths deepening as the intensity of their connection grew. Their muscles flexed and contracted, each movement a testament to their strength and desire. The sensation of having their penises buried deep in each other’s throats brought them closer, the pleasure mounting with each passing second.
As they continued, their hands roamed over each other’s bodies, feeling the hard muscle and soft skin. The intensity of their connection was palpable, a physical manifestation of the bond that had grown between them over time. The world outside their bedroom ceased to exist, and in those moments, they were simply two men who had found a profound and deep connection.
When they finally pulled away, their breaths were ragged, and their eyes locked with a shared understanding of what they had just experienced. But their night was far from over. Reaching for a double-ended dildo, Jay and Brian positioned themselves carefully, their strong bubble butts pressing against each other. They worked the toy between them, the sensation of the firm silicone adding a new layer of pleasure to their intimate connection.
Their movements were slow and deliberate at first, each thrust synchronized as they adjusted to the sensation. The double-ended dildo slid in and out with ease, their strong muscles contracting around it, enhancing the intensity of their experience. Their hands moved to each other’s hips, guiding and steadying their rhythm. The feeling of the toy filling them both simultaneously created a bond that was both physical and emotional, a shared experience that went beyond mere pleasure.
As the intensity of their movements increased, their breaths grew faster, their bodies glistening with sweat. The dildo moved between them with increasing speed, the pleasure mounting with each thrust. Jay and Brian’s moans filled the room, their voices blending in a symphony of shared ecstasy.
The sensation built to a crescendo, the toy hitting just the right spots with each thrust. They could feel the tension building within them, the pleasure reaching an almost unbearable peak. Finally, with a shared cry of release, they both ejaculated hands-free, their bodies trembling with the force of their orgasms. The connection they felt in that moment was profound, a testament to the deep bond they shared.
As they lay together in the aftermath, their bodies still entwined, Jay and Brian felt a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Their private moments fueled their public personas, providing the strength and connection they needed to face each new day.
The town continued to thrive under their watchful eyes. The baby boom showed no signs of slowing, and the social order they had established remained firmly in place. Husbands accepted their roles with a mix of submission and pride, and the women found new levels of satisfaction and fulfillment. Jay and Brian’s influence was pervasive, shaping every aspect of life in Miller’s Creek.
One afternoon, as Jay and Brian walked through the town, they were greeted by the familiar sight of pregnant women and caged men. The townspeople greeted them with respect and admiration, their gratitude evident in every smile and nod. The officers had become symbols of a new era, their roles cemented in the town’s history.
As they passed by a group of women, heavily pregnant and chatting animatedly, one of them called out, “Thank you, Officers! We couldn’t have done this without you.”
Jay and Brian smiled, nodding in acknowledgment. “Our pleasure,” Jay replied. “We’re here to help.”
The women beamed, their faces glowing with happiness. The officers continued their walk, their presence a constant reminder of the town’s transformation. Every step they took reaffirmed their roles as the architects of Miller’s Cuck, a place where traditional norms had been redefined, and a new social order had taken hold.
Back at home that night, Jay and Brian lay together, their bodies entwined in a familiar embrace. The joke on the town was their secret, but it was also their strength. In each other, they found the balance and support that fueled their public personas.
As they drifted off to sleep, Jay whispered, “We’ve built something incredible here, Brian. Miller’s Cuck is our legacy.”
Brian smiled, his eyes closing in contentment. “And we’ll continue to build it, together.”
In the quiet of their home, the two officers found peace, knowing that their influence had created a lasting impact on Miller’s Creek. Their work was far from over, but they faced each new day with confidence, united in their mission and their bond. The town might have changed, but the essence of their partnership remained constant, a testament to their dedication and love.
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agent-calivide · 1 year
So- my magical girl au has scratched a brain itch like no other. It’s tangent time :)
The EOD is not only a spy agency, but a magical girl recruitment system of sorts. There’s the EOD Agents, who have the TK implants, and then there’s the MEOD division, for Magically Enhanced Operatives Division.
The MEOD is not unheard of, but is treated sort of like a rumor more than an actual division. Sometimes people hear about a mysterious person cloaked in shadow, or a burst of energy that must’ve been a wild electric surge.
The agents are hired on after showing an affinity for the unorthodox, for Phoenix, it was her inclination for arson and impulsivity. It’s hard to get a “by the books” person to believe in magic, and the specialized tools simply don’t work if you don’t have faith in them.
Each MEOD agent gets a special made custom tool that’s hand crafted specifically for them. For Phoenix, it’s a lighter. These tools allow the agent to transform by using technology that’s not quite explained or understood (much like the TK implant). The tool looks like something that would be used in everyday life, a lighter, a pen, a calculator, the early day ones were accessories, but agents had a hard time explaining why they were wearing hats and colorful jewelry to inappropriate events. Each of the items can also serve its normal day to day purpose.
The agent transforms by taking their lighter, spinning the EOD logo on it, and then sparking the lighter, causing a massive flame to erupt. They do have an entire transformation sequence, but to onlookers it looks like she just burst into a ball of flames for a few seconds.
Because of the above point, despite her Handler’s lectures about only transforming in private to protect her identity, Phoenic has on multiple occasions charged Ops mid-transformation to scare them off because no one wants to fuck with the crazy lady who just set herself on fire.
The Handler was a magical boy in the early days of experimenting, but the rule and regulations for how they could present and worked were much stricter. It actually made it much harder for them to properly hone their abilities because they were restricted from following the innate instinct the tools needed to be properly optimized.
The abilities the tools grant consist of typical magical person stuff- insane jump height, flexibility, agility, higher stamina, increased strength- but also one magical weapon (2 if they’re small enough) and one special ability, be it stealth, computer like intelligence, or simply arson.
Phoenix has two guns that look like pistols. One is a sort of bullet hell, where it can fire many shots rapidly but it doesn’t do much damage, and one is a blaster. The blaster shoots a high power energy beam that’s so strong it pushes Phoenix back from the force. She has on multiple occasions used it as a rocket booster more than a gun, leaping in the air as high as she can and then firing off, sending herself flying for more efficiency.
Her magical ability is called Arson. She has the ability to cause abrupt, intense fires with a snap of her fingers, but it’s not really regulated. She can cause an explosion, she can make a forest fire, but she can’t light a candle.
Phoenix is impulsive to the point of recklessness. If it’s faster to jump off a roof and transform mid fall she’ll do it, and anything the like
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glitchbirds · 1 year
there are three major video game genres to me- "total focus", "foreground noise", and "spreadsheet games"
"total focus" games pretty much require my complete undivided attention, maybe with some moments of downtime (ex: lobby load times, pausing the game) sprinkled in, but otherwise they are the main thing i am invested in the entire time the game is open. most story-driven games are this by default, as are most multiplayer games. under most circumstances these are not easy to make myself sit down and play unless im fully in the mood for it, because i have to carve out a block of time to dedicate to whatever the game is, and if i have anything else thats even slightly engaging to me going on that requires less energy thats often going to be what i gravitate towards. dead by daylight is one example of this, since its a multiplayer game that i will play in several-hours-long chunks of time "foreground noise" games are ones that i normally play while doing something else, usually putting more focus on the other thing than the game, with occasional exceptions. these are games i found myself playing while listening to pre-recorded lectures for classes, or that i turn to while struggling to keep my attention on a movie or video without either pausing every few seconds or otherwise ignoring it, or just so i have something to do with my hands while rewatching something. while they CAN be played with full undivided attention, thats a bit of a waste of mental resources, but they Are very easy to just pick up again and again at any time. most pokemon games (after ive played through them at least once) fall under this umbrella, gen 3 games in particular i have replayed from start to finish more times than i can count (mostly as randomized roms these days) "spreadsheet games" are the hardest to commit to playing at any given time and often the easiest for me to burn out on and feel like im not actually enjoying them and just pushing myself through (and yet i still somehow want to play them and will normally just take significant breaks). with these games i get caught up on optimization and will completely ignore story-related content for as long as physically possible while grinding for the best encounters, best items, getting as close to 100% completion as i physically can, etc. because of this i rarely can play the games casually without fretting about whatever stuff im missing, and have to have some sort of document keeping track of what im looking for open or easily accessible at all times. not all of these games involve me using actual literal spreadsheets but, for example, i have MULTIPLE files related to the game pokemon conquest and my efforts to get every single character to match with their perfect link pokemon;
the oldest of these files was last updated in 2015 and is just a notepad document of sentences like "takatora[charmeleon] needs litwick, kanemori[gurdurr] needs croagunk, nobuchika[panpour] needs gyarados"... this information corresponded to a ROM file of pokemon conquest that i lost the save file to at some point, likely while changing computers in 2018. my CURRENT file, though, is an actual spreadsheet using a base made by someone else Similarly Insane about pokemon conquest and corresponds to a physical copy of conquest that i own, which is in the early stages of the very long postgame (i have never actually finished conquest's postgame because of my perfect link quest). it was last updated late 2022 and looks like this:
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(my past self did not make a color key and im not digging up the cartridge right now to double check, but after a few minutes of deliberation i believe blue = "i have this character but not the perfect link", yellow = "i have the link but not the fully evolved version of the pokemon yet", and red = "i have the fully evolved version of the link pokemon". white ofc means i havent recruited the character yet)
anyway all this is background information so i can say that rdr2 is slowly becoming a spreadsheet game to me because i am obsessed with getting as close to 100% game completion in chapter 2 as physically possible so that from now on whenever i decide to replay rdr2 from the start, i can play the game normally until the end of chapter two THEN make a copy of This save and go on playing from that point so i can have all the pearson camp stuff completed, all the trapper items, all weapons unlocked, all challenges complete, all collectathons done, etc and play stress-free. but also i really wanted to actually replay rdr2 from the start right now so these two parts of my soul are at war. and yes i have an rdr2 spreadsheet open (keeping track of all perfect pelts collected for pearson and the trapper) as well as an interactive map of the game so i can keep track of collectables, easter eggs, etc
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ask meme - 18 and/or 24!
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they? I never specifically set out to emulate anyone in particular, but I can definitely see some influences on my work. When I'm writing descriptions, I see a lot of Tolkein and Jacqueline Carey surfacing. I am always one for plush over-describing, and while I dial it back occasionally for pacing, it doesn't happen often. I've been told my writing is indulgent and that is a compliment in my book. I also sense a lot of Laurell K. Hamilton in my writing. My dialogue is very pithy and sharp, especially if there's ever an internal monologue going. I tend to have a very dry sense of humor generally. Also, Chuck Palahniuk's style creeps in sometimes too. He can turn a phrase like a top but only use half the words anyone else does. It's great. 24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Oh, it's definitely happened a few times. Probably the biggest standout is my Chernobyl fic "Intercalation" where I literally had a physics professor teach me nuclear physics because there were lectures on the same in the fic that were basically intricate and protracted metaphors. And like... I write MCU fanfic so I know all about handwaving science, but this involved a real event with real science going very wrong, so I needed to actually get it right. I read books on the Chernobyl disaster (partly for personal interest but also for the fic), and my physics professor friend (who teaches a section of physics specifically for liberal arts majors that focuses more on the philosophy and art of physics than all the math) would literally give me lectures on things like Cherenkov radiation, ionization of gases, radiation effects, and so on. Some of those lectures are even in the fic almost word for word. Other than that... it's happened here and there. Maybe not to that level, but I've definitely had to do some long Wikipedia trawls to make a fic go. My cooking game has definitely upped from writing all that Hannibal fic. My fic "Room for Rent in the Fourth Estate" required me to basically do investigative journalism into predatory recruitment tactics of the US military in poor school districts because Darcy needed data. I've had a few comments where people have said they had no idea those kinds of recruitment tactics were happening (I cited my sources) and did their own research! So hey... win-win there! Right now I'm deep diving into the history of computer viruses and hacking for a -possible- Matrix fic I'm rewriting/writing from back in 2003. I make no promises that it'll ever see the light of day, but I definitely know more about the Love Bug Virus than I ever did before. Thank you for the asks, lovely!
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ies10 · 24 hours
Nandi Institute of Technology and Management Sciences – Comprehensive Overview
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Nandi Institute of Technology and Management Sciences (NITMS) is a renowned educational institute located in Bangalore, Karnataka. Founded with a mission to provide quality technical and management education, Nandi Institute of Technology and Management Sciences has made a significant impact on the educational landscape in the region. Known for its student-centric approach and emphasis on academic excellence, the institute offers a range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs designed to prepare students for the competitive world of technology and business.
Academic Programs:
At NITMS, academic programs span Engineering, Management, and Computer Applications. The institute offers Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in several disciplines such as:
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical and Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering. 
For those seeking a career in business and management, the institute also offers a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program that focuses on developing managerial skills and emphasizes business acumen. In addition, NITMS offers a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program targeted at students interested in the IT field.
The curriculum of all these programs is designed to meet industry standards and provide students with the right balance of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. NITMS has an experienced faculty dedicated to imparting quality education and helping students excel in their fields.
Infrastructure and Facilities:
One of the key strengths of NITMS is its well-developed infrastructure that provides a conducive learning environment for students. The campus is modern, spacious, and equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.
Classrooms: The institute has spacious, well-ventilated classrooms equipped with the latest learning materials like projectors and audio-visual systems for an interactive learning experience.
Library: The Central Library is a treasure trove of knowledge with a vast collection of textbooks, reference books, periodicals, and electronic resources. The library ensures that students have access to the latest information in their fields.
Laboratories: NITMS is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories in various disciplines, especially in the fields of Engineering and Computer Science. These labs provide students with hands-on experience and practical insights into real-world challenges.
Campus with Wi-Fi: The entire campus is equipped with Wi-Fi, providing students with continuous access to online resources and enhancing their learning experience.
Hostel and Transport: The institute provides hostel facilities to boys and girls, providing them with a comfortable and safe living environment. Moreover, the campus is well connected to the city and buses provide transport services to students.
Training and Placement Cell:
The Training and Placement Cell at NITMS plays a vital role in the career development of students. This position works tirelessly to bridge the gap between academic learning and industry requirements by organizing various training programs, workshops, seminars, and guest lectures. Students are taught the soft skills, interview techniques, resume writing and communication skills essential to finding a job in the corporate world.
The recruitment agencies have developed close ties with leading companies across industries. Renowned companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS, HCL, Capgemini, etc. regularly visit the campus for recruitment drives. The consistent efforts of the placement agencies have resulted in a high placement rate making NITMS the preferred destination for students wanting to pursue a promising career in the fields of engineering and management.
Research and Innovation:
NITMS promotes a culture of research and innovation among its students and faculty. The institute fosters collaborative research projects and provides the necessary infrastructure and resources to support them. Through various research activities, students are motivated to think critically, solve complex problems, and contribute to advancements in technology and management.
Faculty members at NITMS are actively involved in research and have published papers in reputed national and international journals. This not only enhances the academic reputation of the institute but also ensures that students stay updated with the latest trends and technologies.
Extra-curricular Activities:
While academic excellence is at the forefront, NITMS also emphasizes extra-curricular activities. The institute believes in the holistic development of its students and offers a range of sports, cultural, and technical events. Students are encouraged to participate in inter-college competitions, festivals, and workshops to develop leadership skills, teamwork, and creative thinking.
The annual college festival “NANDOTSAV” is one of the highlights of the institute where students showcase their talents through cultural performances, technical exhibitions, and sports competitions. These activities ensure a vibrant campus life and allow students to relax and express themselves beyond their studies.
Social Responsibility and Community Involvement:
NITMS is also committed to social responsibility and is actively involved in the community through various initiatives. The institute organizes blood donation camps, environmental awareness programs, and other community empowerment activities to inculcate a sense of social responsibility in its students. These efforts are aimed at producing a responsible generation who are not only skilled professionals but also caring and socially conscious individuals.
Nandi Institute of Technology and Management Sciences (NITMS) is a premier educational institution with a strong focus on academic excellence and personal and professional development. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculty, and strong progression support, NITMS provides students with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen field. Whether they want to be engineers, managers, or IT professionals, students at NITMS receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for the challenges of the modern world.
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DYPIMS: Shaping Future Leaders with Excellence in Management Education
The Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management Studies (DYPIMS), located in Pune, is a premier institute offering high-quality management education. Affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University and approved by AICTE, DYPIMS is known for its state-of-the-art infrastructure, excellent academic environment, and industry-driven curriculum. The institute’s mission is to foster leadership, innovation, and a global outlook among its students, making them well-rounded professionals capable of excelling in the corporate world.
Why Choose DYPIMS?
DYPIMS stands out as a leading management institute due to its commitment to academic rigor, holistic development, and strong industry connections. Here are some key reasons why DYPIMS is an ideal choice for aspiring management professionals:
Comprehensive MBA Program: DYPIMS offers a robust MBA program with a wide range of specializations, including Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, and Operations. The curriculum is designed to blend theoretical knowledge with practical insights, ensuring students are well-prepared for real-world challenges.
Experienced Faculty: The institute prides itself on its faculty, which comprises highly experienced professionals from both academic and industry backgrounds. Their expertise and mentorship provide students with in-depth knowledge and exposure to current industry trends.
Focus on Innovation and Leadership: DYPIMS emphasizes the importance of developing leadership qualities, critical thinking, and innovative problem-solving skills. Through various seminars, workshops, and case studies, students are encouraged to think strategically and approach problems with a creative mindset.
Strong Industry Connect: The institute has established strong ties with leading companies, ensuring that students have access to valuable industry insights, internships, and placement opportunities. Regular guest lectures by industry professionals provide students with a practical understanding of current business practices.
Excellent Placement Record: DYPIMS has an impressive track record when it comes to placements. The institute’s placement cell works tirelessly to connect students with top companies across various sectors, offering them lucrative career opportunities. Past recruiters include leading companies from industries such as banking, IT, FMCG, and manufacturing.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
DYPIMS boasts a modern and well-equipped campus, providing students with an environment conducive to learning and growth. The institute’s infrastructure includes:
Well-Equipped Classrooms: Spacious, air-conditioned classrooms equipped with multimedia tools enhance the learning experience by providing a comfortable environment for lectures and presentations.
Library: The institute’s library is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering a wide collection of books, journals, and online databases covering various aspects of management, business, and technology.
Computer Labs: To keep pace with the digital age, DYPIMS provides state-of-the-art computer labs equipped with the latest software, helping students develop essential technical skills.
Seminar Halls and Auditorium: The institute has advanced seminar halls and an auditorium where conferences, guest lectures, and student events are regularly conducted. These events provide students with ample opportunities to engage with experts and industry leaders.
Holistic Development
DYPIMS believes in the holistic development of its students. Apart from academic excellence, the institute encourages participation in various extracurricular activities to ensure the overall growth of students. Through clubs, sports, cultural events, and community service programs, students can nurture their leadership and team-building skills.
Clubs and Committees: DYPIMS offers various student-run clubs and committees focused on areas such as entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, and cultural activities. These clubs help students explore their interests and develop hands-on skills in their respective fields.
Sports and Fitness: The institute promotes physical well-being by providing excellent sports facilities. Regular sports competitions and fitness programs ensure that students maintain a healthy balance between academic and physical pursuits.
Personality Development Programs: The institute organizes regular personality development sessions and soft skills training to groom students for corporate life. These sessions cover topics such as communication, negotiation, and leadership, preparing students for a successful career.
Research and Entrepreneurship Opportunities
DYPIMS is not only a center for academic excellence but also a hub for research and innovation. The institute encourages students and faculty to engage in research activities that contribute to the field of management. Additionally, DYPIMS supports entrepreneurial initiatives through its incubation center, providing aspiring entrepreneurs with the resources and mentorship required to turn their business ideas into reality.
Admission Process at DYPIMS
The admission process for the MBA program at DYPIMS is merit-based, with candidates required to have a bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Applicants must also clear entrance exams such as CAT, MAT, or MAH-CET to be eligible for admission. The selection process includes group discussions and personal interviews to assess the candidates’ communication skills, leadership potential, and business acumen.
DYPIMS is more than just an academic institution; it is a launchpad for aspiring leaders and innovators. With its focus on academic excellence, industry interaction, and holistic development, DYPIMS offers students a solid foundation for a successful career in management. Whether your goal is to climb the corporate ladder or venture into entrepreneurship, DYPIMS equips you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to achieve your dreams.
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imsnoid · 14 days
Colleges for BCA in Noida At IMS Noida
Choosing the right college for bca in noida of Computer Applications (BCA) is a crucial decision that can shape your career in the tech world. Noida, a hub of educational institutions, offers a variety of options for aspiring students. Among these, IMS Noida stands out as a premier choice for BCA programs. Here’s why IMS Noida is an excellent option and what to look for in colleges for BCA in Noida.
Why Choose IMS Noida for BCA?
Accredited Programs: IMS Noida is recognized for its high academic standards and quality education. The BCA program is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge required in the IT industry.
Experienced Faculty: The college boasts a team of qualified faculty members who are experts in their fields. They provide personalized guidance and mentorship, ensuring that students grasp complex concepts and excel in their studies.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: IMS Noida is equipped with modern classrooms, computer labs, and libraries that facilitate a conducive learning environment. The college ensures that students have access to the latest technology and resources.
Industry Exposure: The curriculum at IMS Noida emphasizes practical learning and real-world applications. Regular workshops, guest lectures, and internships help students gain valuable industry exposure, making them job-ready.
Strong Placement Record: IMS Noida has a dedicated placement cell that assists students in securing internships and job placements. The college's strong connections with various companies in the IT sector enhance students' career prospects.
What to Consider When Choosing a BCA College in Noida
When selecting a college for your BCA, consider the following factors:
Accreditation and Recognition: Ensure the college is recognized by relevant educational authorities and offers accredited programs.
Course Curriculum: Look for a curriculum that is updated regularly to keep pace with industry trends and demands.
Faculty Qualifications: Research the qualifications and experience of faculty members to ensure you’ll be learning from knowledgeable professionals.
Facilities and Resources: Check if the college has adequate facilities, including computer labs, libraries, and study materials.
Placement Opportunities: Investigate the college’s placement record and the types of companies that recruit from the institution.
In summary, IMS Noida is one of the leading colleges for BCA in Noida, offering quality education, experienced faculty, and excellent placement opportunities. As you explore your options for BCA programs, consider IMS Noida for a comprehensive and enriching educational experience that prepares you for a successful career in the IT industry. Make an informed decision, and take the first step towards a bright future in technology!
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jmit2145 · 16 days
JMIT: A Beacon of Engineering Excellence in Haryana
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JMIT Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering and Technology, nestled amidst the serene surroundings of Haryana, has emerged as a prominent institution in the field of engineering education. With a rich history and a commitment to academic excellence, JMIT has consistently produced skilled engineers who have made significant contributions to various industries.
A Legacy of Quality Education
JMIT has been a pioneer in providing quality engineering colleges in Haryana. The institute's vision is to nurture innovative and socially responsible engineers who can address the challenges of the 21st century. JMIT's mission is to create a conducive learning environment that fosters intellectual growth, critical thinking, and practical skills.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
JMIT boasts a modern and well-equipped campus that provides students with an optimal learning environment. The institute's infrastructure includes:
Modern Laboratories: Well-equipped laboratories with the latest technology and equipment to facilitate hands-on learning and research.
Spacious Classrooms: Comfortable and well-ventilated classrooms that promote effective teaching and learning.
Central Library: A vast collection of books, journals, and digital resources to support students' academic endeavors.
Hostel Facilities: Comfortable and secure hostel accommodations for students from various backgrounds.
Sports and Recreational Facilities: A variety of sports and recreational facilities to promote physical and mental well-being.
Comprehensive Academic Programs
JMIT offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate engineering programs, catering to the diverse interests and aspirations of students. Some of the popular programs include:
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Information Technology.  
Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering.  
The curriculum at JMIT is designed to be industry-relevant and aligned with the latest technological advancements. The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing quality education and mentoring students.
Industry-Academia Collaboration
JMIT fosters strong collaborations with leading industries to bridge the gap between academia and the professional world. These collaborations provide students with opportunities for internships, industrial training, and research projects. The institute also organizes guest lectures, workshops, and conferences to expose students to the latest trends and innovations in the field of engineering.
Placement Opportunities
JMIT has a dedicated placement cell that works tirelessly to secure excellent placement opportunities for its students. The institute has a strong network of recruiters from top companies across various industries. The placement cell provides students with comprehensive career guidance, resume building, and interview preparation.  
Extracurricular Activities
JMIT encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities to develop their overall personality and leadership skills. The institute organizes a wide range of cultural, sports, and technical events throughout the year. These activities provide students with opportunities to showcase their talents, build teamwork, and develop their communication skills.
JMIT Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering and Technology has established itself as a premier engineering college in Haryana. With its commitment to academic excellence, state-of-the-art infrastructure, industry-focused curriculum, and excellent placement opportunities, JMIT offers students a holistic and rewarding educational experience. If you are looking for a promising career in engineering, JMIT is the ideal choice.
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bigleapblog · 19 days
Explore Top Mechanical Engineering Courses in Mumbai & Navi Mumbai
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When considering a future in engineering, mechanical engineering often stands out as one of the most versatile and in-demand fields. For students aiming to pursue this exciting career, it's important to select the right college that offers a robust mechanical engineering course while ensuring top-tier education and placement opportunities. One institution that shines in this regard is Saraswati College of Engineering (SCOE), located in Navi Mumbai, a prime hub for educational excellence.
In this article, we'll explore the details of the mechanical engineering course offered by SCOE, its scope, fees, and job placement opportunities, while also understanding why it is regarded as one of the best mechanical engineering colleges in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.
Mechanical Engineering at SCOE – A Pathway to Success
The mechanical engineering course at SCOE is designed with a focus on building a strong foundation in mechanical principles while also integrating modern technology and hands-on experience. This approach prepares students for a wide range of industries such as manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, energy, and even cutting-edge tech sectors.
The curriculum not only covers core topics like thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and material science but also incorporates modern advancements in automation, robotics, and computer-aided design (CAD). This comprehensive learning approach ensures that graduates from SCOE are ready to take on the dynamic challenges of the industry.
SCOE has state-of-the-art infrastructure with well-equipped laboratories and workshops that allow students to gain practical skills. The faculty comprises experienced professors who blend theoretical teaching with real-world insights, making the mechanical engineering course highly effective in preparing students for the professional world.
Course Details and Duration
The mechanical engineering course at SCOE is a 4-year full-time undergraduate program. Students are trained not only in theoretical knowledge but also in practical skills through lab sessions, workshops, and internships. The course includes subjects like:
Engineering Mechanics
Manufacturing Processes
Fluid Mechanics
Robotics and Automation
Heat Transfer
Machine Design
Materials Science
SCOE provides students with exposure to real-world engineering challenges, preparing them to apply their knowledge in various industries. Regular industrial visits, workshops, and guest lectures from industry experts ensure that students stay up to date with the latest trends in mechanical engineering.
Why Choose SCOE?
Saraswati College of Engineering is recognized as one of the best mechanical engineering colleges in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, thanks to its well-rounded approach to education. SCOE is AICTE Approved and NAAC Accredited With Grade "A+", which signifies the quality of education, infrastructure, and support systems the college offers.
One of the major reasons students opt for SCOE is its excellent placement record. Over the years, SCOE has built strong industry connections, ensuring that students are provided with ample job opportunities post-graduation.
Job Placement Opportunities
The mechanical engineering course at SCOE is designed to not only impart technical skills but also to ensure employability. SCOE boasts a well-established placement cell that actively connects students with leading companies. Some of the top recruiters include global firms like Goldman Sachs, Tata Communications, and Hexaware Technologies.
The highest placement package offered in the recent academic year was 22 LPA, with an average package ranging between 5 to 6 LPA. Graduates from the mechanical engineering course have gone on to work in diverse fields such as automotive design, manufacturing, robotics, energy systems, and even tech startups.
Moreover, students can take advantage of internships and industry projects to gain hands-on experience, which is a crucial factor when stepping into the professional world. SCOE’s strong industry links ensure students are job-ready the moment they graduate.
Why Navi Mumbai is an Ideal Choice
When selecting a college, location is often a key factor. Navi Mumbai, where SCOE is located, offers a perfect blend of urban amenities and academic focus. The city is home to various multinational corporations and industries, making it a great location for aspiring engineers. It provides easy access to internships and job opportunities while also offering a vibrant student life.
SCOE stands out among mechanical engineering colleges in Navi Mumbai for its commitment to student success. The campus is designed to foster learning with spacious classrooms, well-equipped labs, and recreational areas that promote both academic and personal growth.
Fees and Admission Procedure
For students interested in enrolling in the mechanical engineering course at SCOE, the admission procedure is straightforward. Admissions are primarily based on the MHT-CET and JEE exams, with 80% of the seats allocated through the Centralized Admission Process (CAP) by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE).
The annual tuition fees for the mechanical engineering course are competitive, making SCOE an affordable yet high-quality option for students looking for the best mechanical engineering colleges in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. The fee structure stands at approximately INR 1.5 lakhs per year. Additionally, financial aid and scholarships are available for meritorious and economically weaker students.
Scope of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is a field that offers limitless possibilities. The demand for skilled mechanical engineers is consistent across various industries, including automotive, aerospace, power generation, and even emerging sectors like robotics and AI-driven manufacturing. With advancements in technology, the role of mechanical engineers is evolving to include expertise in automation, data-driven manufacturing processes, and sustainable engineering solutions.
Graduates from the mechanical engineering course at SCOE have an edge due to the practical and industry-relevant skills they gain during their studies. They can find employment in roles such as:
Design Engineer
Production Manager
Quality Control Engineer
Maintenance Engineer
Research and Development Engineer
Moreover, the versatility of mechanical engineering allows professionals to transition into specialized fields such as aerospace engineering, renewable energy systems, and even tech-driven industries like robotics and AI.
Extracurricular Activities and Personal Development
SCOE believes in providing a holistic education. While the mechanical engineering course focuses on technical and theoretical knowledge, the college also encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities. These activities help in overall personality development, building leadership qualities, and improving communication skills, which are highly valued in the professional world.
SCOE organizes regular tech fests, engineering competitions, and sports events, providing students with ample opportunities to showcase their talents beyond academics. This well-rounded approach ensures that students graduating from SCOE are not only skilled engineers but also confident individuals ready to take on leadership roles.
Why SCOE is the Right Choice for You
If you’re looking for a college that offers a comprehensive mechanical engineering course with a strong focus on placements, look no further than Saraswati College of Engineering. Ranked among the best mechanical engineering colleges in Mumbai, SCOE provides a learning environment that nurtures both academic and personal growth.
From well-equipped labs and experienced faculty to strong industry connections and excellent placement opportunities, SCOE stands out as a top choice among mechanical degree colleges in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.
With its focus on producing job-ready graduates, SCOE continues to be a leader in engineering education. Whether you aim to work in the automotive industry, energy sector, or high-tech fields like robotics, SCOE’s mechanical engineering course provides the perfect platform to launch your career.
For students aspiring to pursue mechanical engineering, choosing the right college is crucial. Saraswati College of Engineering in Navi Mumbai offers one of the best mechanical engineering courses in the region, with top-notch infrastructure, industry-relevant curriculum, and exceptional placement support. As one of the best mechanical engineering colleges in Mumbai, SCOE is the ideal destination for future engineers looking to make their mark in the industry.
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Best BBA Colleges in India: Why Noida International University Stands Out
Pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is the first step for many students looking to carve a career in the business world. India offers a variety of prestigious institutions that provide BBA programs, but one name that consistently stands out is Noida International University (NIU). Known for its holistic approach to education and excellent faculty, NIU is steadily making its mark as one of the top destinations for best BBA colleges in India,.
Why Choose Noida International University for BBA?
Comprehensive Curriculum Noida International University’s BBA program is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of business fundamentals. The curriculum covers diverse topics like finance, marketing, human resource management, and entrepreneurship, ensuring students are well-prepared to face real-world business challenges.
Industry-Driven Learning NIU places a strong emphasis on industry interaction. Through workshops, seminars, and guest lectures, students are exposed to the latest industry trends and practices. This exposure gives them a competitive edge when entering the corporate world.
Experienced Faculty The BBA program at Noida International University is backed by a team of experienced faculty members. Their expertise in various business domains ensures that students receive a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical insights, helping them become well-rounded professionals.
Global Exposure In today’s globalized world, having international exposure is crucial. NIU collaborates with several foreign universities, allowing students to participate in exchange programs, internships, and international conferences. This global perspective enriches the learning experience and broadens career opportunities.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure The campus at Noida International University is equipped with modern facilities, including advanced computer labs, libraries, and classrooms with smart technology. These resources provide students with an optimal learning environment, ensuring they have access to everything needed to excel in their studies.
Strong Alumni Network NIU takes pride in its strong alumni network. Graduates from the university have gone on to hold significant positions in various industries, making it easier for current students to connect with them for mentorship, internships, and job placements.
Placement Opportunities
NIU has a dedicated placement cell that works relentlessly to ensure that students are placed in reputable companies. The university has tie-ups with numerous top recruiters across sectors, which ensures that students have multiple opportunities to kick-start their careers post-graduation.
When searching for the best BBA colleges in India, Noida International University stands out due to its strong academic foundation, industry relevance, and commitment to student success. NIU’s BBA program not only equips students with the knowledge they need but also prepares them to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape. If you’re considering pursuing a BBA, NIU should be at the top of your list.
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shineacademy · 25 days
Admissions Now Open at K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering & Technology, Trichy!
Are you ready to embark on a journey toward a successful career in engineering and technology? The wait is over K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering & Technology (KRCET), Trichy, is now accepting applications for the upcoming academic year! Known for its commitment to excellence and innovation, KRCET is the perfect place to pursue your dreams in the dynamic fields of engineering and technology.
With limited seats available, now is the time to secure your future by applying to one of the top engineering institutions in Tamil Nadu. Here’s why KRCET is the ideal choice for aspiring engineers:
Why Choose K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering & Technology?
1. Academic Excellence
At KRCET, we believe in providing a high-quality education that prepares students to thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape. Our experienced faculty members are dedicated to equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their chosen fields. The college offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various branches of engineering, including:
Computer Science Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Information Technology
2. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
KRCET boasts modern, world-class facilities designed to enhance the learning experience. From well-equipped laboratories to cutting-edge technology and resources, students have everything they need to explore, innovate, and excel. Our spacious campus provides a conducive environment for academic pursuits, practical learning, and extracurricular activities.
3. Industry-Driven Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to align with current industry trends, ensuring that students gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. We collaborate with industry leaders and experts to provide real-world exposure through internships, projects, and guest lectures. This industry-centric approach ensures that our graduates are well-prepared for the demands of the global job market.
4. Experienced Faculty
At KRCET, our faculty members are not just educators but mentors who guide students throughout their academic journey. Our team of highly qualified professors and industry professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, fostering a learning environment that encourages innovation and critical thinking.
5. Innovative Research Opportunities
Innovation is at the core of everything we do at KRCET. Our students are encouraged to participate in cutting-edge research projects and competitions that foster creativity and problem-solving skills. With access to research labs and mentorship, students can work on innovative solutions to real-world challenges.
6. Holistic Development
At KRCET, we focus on the overall development of our students. In addition to academic excellence, we emphasize extracurricular activities, sports, and soft skills development. Our vibrant campus life provides students with numerous opportunities to participate in cultural events, clubs, and social initiatives, helping them grow into well-rounded individuals.
7. Placement Assistance and Career Support
One of the standout features of KRCET is our commitment to student success beyond the classroom. Our dedicated Placement and Training Cell works tirelessly to ensure students are well-prepared for interviews and job placements. We have a strong network of recruiters from leading companies who visit our campus regularly, providing excellent job opportunities for our graduates. KRCET’s placement record speaks for itself, with students securing positions in top national and multinational companies.
8. Scholarships and Financial Assistance
We believe that financial constraints should never be a barrier to pursuing quality education. KRCET offers a range of scholarships and financial aid programs to deserving students. We are committed to making education accessible to all, helping students from diverse backgrounds achieve their goals.
Admissions Process: How to Apply
The admissions process at K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering & Technology is simple and transparent. Whether you’re a fresh high school graduate or a transfer student, we welcome you to join our community of bright minds.
Here’s how you can apply:
Visit Our Website: Head to the official KRCET website for detailed information on programs, eligibility criteria, and the application process.
Submit Your Application: Complete the online application form and upload the necessary documents.
Attend Counseling: Eligible candidates will be invited for counseling based on their entrance exam scores (TNEA for undergraduate programs, and GATE or TANCET for postgraduate programs).
Secure Your Spot: Once you’ve cleared the counseling process, confirm your admission by paying the registration fees.
Remember, seats are limited, and demand is high. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of an institution that shapes the future leaders of engineering and technology.
Take the Next Step Toward a Bright Future
K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering & Technology is more than just a college—it’s a launchpad for your career in the fast-paced world of engineering and technology. Whether your passion lies in coding, designing, building, or innovating, we provide the perfect platform to help you achieve your dreams.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your educational journey and secure a spot in one of the leading engineering colleges in Trichy, apply now! Admissions are open, but seats are filling up fast. Don’t wait seize this opportunity and start building a bright future today.
For More Details:
Visit: https://shineacademyedu.com/
Contact: 90922 37573
K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering & Technology is where academic rigor meets real-world application, preparing students to excel in their careers and make a meaningful impact. With admissions now open, this is your chance to join a vibrant learning community that fosters innovation, excellence, and personal growth.
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admissionshalapune · 1 month
Best university in Pune for MBA
Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune is one of the UGC approved best universities across the country for MBA. It offers a two-year full-time course of MBA in both online and offline modes. The university is reaccredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in 2023 for its MBA Program. Their mission is to emerge as an institute of excellence in creating resilient professionals in the field of management and technology. DPU boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and world-class facilities that create an enriching learning environment conducive to overall growth and development. From well-equipped classrooms and seminar halls to a fully stocked library and computer labs, the university provides students with access to resources and amenities that enhance their learning experience and facilitate academic success. It is a private institute which provides MBA along with specializations like Marketing, Finance, HR, Supply Chain and Operations, Business Analytics and Pharmaceutical Management. They also provide dual-specialization. The intake for the MBA program is around 240 students.
Admissions for MBA at DPU for the year 2024-25 are open. Candidates must fulfil the basic eligibility criteria for admissions at DPU and apply on the online admission portal of the university. Candidates must have a UG degree with 50% aggregate appear for any one of the entrance exams such as CAT, AIET, CMAT, XAT, etc., followed by Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds.
The university regularly organizes guest lectures, seminars, workshops, and industry visits, where students interact with industry stalwarts, gain valuable insights into real-world business practices, and build professional networks that pave the way for lucrative career opportunities. The institute has forged strong ties with leading corporations across various sectors, enabling students to secure coveted internships and placement opportunities with top companies. The dedicated placement cell at DPU provides career guidance, counseling, and support services to students, empowering them to achieve their professional goals and embark on successful careers in management. 100% students are placed every year with amazing packages. The highest package went up to 21 LPA and the average package is of 13-14 LPA. About 129 companies visited our college for placements in the batch of 2022-23. Top recruiters here are Deloitte, Accenture, KPMG, Wipro, Infosys, HCL etc.
Talking about faculty, DPU boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members who are not only experts in their respective fields but also passionate educators committed to nurturing the next generation of business leaders. With their blend of academic rigor and industry insights, the faculty members at DPU inspire and mentor students, encouraging them to think critically, innovate boldly, and strive for excellence in all their endeavors.
For more information and important dates of this university, do contact Admissionshala and start your journey towards your dream career.
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