#Leather HEAT
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master-adam-sir · 6 months ago
Master Adam
Los Angeles Leather Heat 2016
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boredth · 9 months ago
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Beach party 🏖️
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getfuckedblr · 2 years ago
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completed bind of dripping fingers!! i was so excited about this one bc of the case being tom’s diary
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whaliiwatching · 2 years ago
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off to behead some fascists!! wanna come with?
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shannonsketches · 1 year ago
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Back on my bullshit looking up horse facts! Those of you who know me probably already know that I base Gan's steed on a Fresian, and my lovely follower @ultimatefangirl-exe pointed out the silver gene in bays and chestnuts -- but did you know black steeds with red manes are often that way due to sun bleaching?
Dark horses bleach in intensely sunny climates and salinity (both common in an arid desert). On its own it isn't bad, but if it doesn't shed and regrow can cause skin damage, sun burns, and even hair loss. If managed and conditioned properly, though, it can result in very pretty coats -- the ones above are referred to sometimes as 'firetail fresians' (the bleaching starts in the mane and travels to the coat over time, iirc).
I imagine Gerudo horses with these traits are a mix of both silvers and natural bleaching, but Gan's stallion remaining deep black while his hair is bright orange implies that his horse, at least, is pretty well conditioned against the sun.
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offjumpoladulkittiporn · 4 days ago
oh he ate 😍
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arathejedi394 · 26 days ago
in honor of my fatphobic anon i'm starting fat bear week in February pls enjoy this snippet from my plotless steve and bucky go to bdsm summer camp fic - Not Safe For Reading Around Your Grandma. also Fury always has a pocketful of colorful butterfly barrettes as a general rule.
The Avengers all talk over each other during the meal, spill food, more than one bottom gets thrown over the table or someone’s knee for a swat or two. As they disperse, the Subs on KP start putting away lunch under Sam’s directions. 
“Cleanup on aisle eleven, nesty slick spill!” Scott calls as the chairs around Bucky and Steve are pulled back and the glistening grass beneath them is discovered.
Steve’s combing his hair with a fork while everybody else laughs. Bucky takes the fork away and puts it down, then stands up with him in a cradle. Bucky carries him back to the inflatable couch and its seating area and puts him down in his kiddie pool puddle of pussy juice, where he giggles and splashes it.
“Hey, don’t waste that,” Bucky scolds. “Now, stay.” 
Steve instead squeals as he tries to climb out, so Bucky swats gently him on the head. 
“Stay! Nobody’s gonna be here to watch you!”
“I’ll babysit,” Fury offers, taking a seat with a cigar and a whiskey. “C’mon over to Gramps, kiddo.”
Steve squeals again, then clambers out of the pool and crawls over to Fury, trilling. He curls up by his knee to receive pets to his long, pink-highlighted tresses and fluffy curtain bangs, now dry from the hot tub, petting his pretty, pudgy belly. Bucky thanks Fury and turns back to their RV, ducking inside and heading for the second bedroom he and Steve are in. He squeezes between the bed and the wall, lamenting the lack of consideration for fat people in making this thing, and opens an upper cabinet. He takes down a battery-operated, waterproof massage wand, Barbie pink per Steve’s purchasing, then squeezes back out. He exits the RV and finds a couple of new faces in the waterproof chairs around the kiddie pool as well as Bill back on the pink sofa. Fury has braided some of Steve’s hair into thin strands and fastened each at the top and end with the little butterfly clips he always carries around in his pockets; he’s finishing one as Bucky walks up.
“Howdy, friend,” Bill says.
“Hi, I’m Daisy,” one of new people introduces, a girl in a 2000s-era scene punk schoolgirl uniform. “This is Grant, my boyfriend.”
Grant salutes some, the logo for the 75th Army regiment showing under the edge of his t-shirt sleeve. Bucky salutes back then hooks his thumb in his Sheriff badge belt buckle beneath his very generous beer gut.
“You’re lookin’ at what bein’ outta the Rangers for ten years and havin’ a sweet tooth does t’a ya,” he says. “That and a lotta pussy, pussy with a luxury vintage.”
“For eight years, all-access!” Steve confirms cheerfully.
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master-adam-sir · 6 months ago
Master Adam
Los Angeles Leatherheat 2015
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braindeadmaggot · 1 month ago
Okay, so I know I haven't done the frog hoodie yet but I have a sudden need to make a sweater that matches my cookie hat.
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cookie hat under the cut
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calamitys-child · 4 months ago
Good evening queers I just found an old leather single strap bracelet that I wanna try stamping/branding a design into - have a set of metal alphabet stamps and test ran "XXX" into the tail end to see what gets the best results - what am I putting on it. Nothing leapt to mind as particularly stand-out excellent and I've got a limit of... say roughly 20 characters worth of space, all A-Z stamps and weirdly I think an ampersand [&] but no numbers
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stunt-lads · 7 months ago
Negan cares about hygiene in a "I have to look fucking incredible 24/7" way but only AFTER the apocalypse
Pre-apoc with Lucille he was just kinda, yknow, a man. Used one soap for his hair and body but took good care of his face (absolutely bragged abt his good dental hygiene and took pride in his facial hair)
But post-apoc, he let his facial hair get out of control and held on to everything else, choosing to take care of his hair and body and probably tried to smell as good as he could (and he probably let his face go to shit bc he couldn't bear to look at himself in the mirror without feeling incredibly fucking guilty for everything that happened with Lucille)
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hinamie · 9 months ago
hey question . look i know i ask this about every male character i draw but this time im dead fucking serious why and i mean wHY doesnt atem yami yugi have a. painted nails and b. pierced ears
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bbael · 9 days ago
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Testing my pyro tool on my old wallet sobs
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leadendeath · 6 months ago
when it gets cool enough to start wearin my leather jacket again it's like getting ubercharged
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pfhwrittes · 1 year ago
guys i'm finally doing it, i'm finally making my triumphant return to the mummy inspired fic that's been brewing
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silverspleen · 8 months ago
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@arcanacheque F!! F!! 84F I fucked up!!
@mad-rieux I really REALLY need some sort of chaos cosplay next but the pipe dream is a nid fursuit. There's actually a covid surge at work so I'll be masking bc it's likely happening irl too. I keep thinking that maybe I should write "Not Today Nurgle" on it for funsies.
@opttwoodrow Imperial Commissar, am trash and wearing a big scary coat and boots truly does wonders for the self esteem and posture. I have some old professionally done pics from a different con on my blog somewhere I can bring back! I look gently scary because I'm slightly taller than average but I'm usually in high social mode so when people actually talk to me I'm like *high pitched ultra bubbly feminine voice* "Thank you for the compliment~~~ UWU <3 <3 "
Unless you yell some sort of 40k thing at me on the escalator then I'm legally ok to scream THE EMPEROR PROTECTS back at you in a scary voice or nooooo :( if you yell some chaos tomfoolery.
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