#Leah was so right for yelling at Bella
Memories by Conan Gray is fr Bella and Jacob's relationship in Breaking Dawn
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wileys-russo · 10 months
Handyman with Leah please
"lee? babe?" you yelled out, knowing she was upstairs while you were down, frowning at your coffee table. "yeah? what's wrong?" the blondes footsteps hurriedly jogged downstairs.
"watch this." you held up a finger, placing a marble on the tabletop, the two of you frowning as it rolled right off. "i told you that you built it wrong!" you accused, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow.
"what? no i rebuilt it! i even used the instructions!" leah huffed in annoyance, dropping down to her knees and trying to twist her head to see if the surface really was uneven.
"well i hope you kept them cause i'm not having my tea and coffees slide off that thing." you warned seriously, leah grumbling to herself as she moved around the table, grunting as the marble continued to slide off each time.
"get me my tool belt would you babe?" leah requested, your ears perking up as you hurried off to do as she asked. a small smile curled onto your lips seeing your girlfriend had changed into a pair of shorts and a sports bra, the weather today unusually warm for spring in north london.
"thank you." she murmured as you handed her the tool belt, kissing your cheek before slinging it around her waist and you let out a small content sigh at the sight. leahs entire attention now fixated on the coffee table you retreated to the kitchen.
forever diligent and well aware that unless you did it your girlfriend would live off ham sandwiches, your own focus turned to meal prepping for your incredibly fussy girlfriend.
speaking of, you were well enjoying the sight of her in her little tool belt trying to fix the uneven table. she'd pulled up the instructions on her phone and her features seemed knit into a permanent frown as she scanned them.
you could tell each time she thought she was successful, making a noise of relief until you'd hear the marble once again rolling off and she would groan loudly, smacking her fist down on the table top and puffing air angrily out of her nostrils.
"baby, lunch break." you wandered over two hours later, gently poking her sides with your foot where she laid down on her back beneath the table. "you look like a mechanic." you smiled in amusement as she pushed herself out and swatted at your leg tiredly.
"i hate this stupid fucking table." her taller form melted into yours as your arms wrapped round her and comfortingly rubbed at her back, leahs head tucking into your neck as she slumped over.
"should we just get a new one?" you suggested, leah shaking her head and placing a lazy kiss to your lips as she stood up straight again. "no. i am going to fix it." she scowled as you grabbed her hand, tugging her over and pushing her to sit down at the dining room table.
"house wife duties are going well then." leah smiled coyly as you placed down a plate of food in front of her kissing her cheek. "told you babe, no ring no wife." you grinned holding up your empty hand.
"we just bought a house together woman one commitment at a time!" leah chuckled, hungrily tucking into her food as you placed a pepsi max by her side.
"could get married next or..." you trailed off sitting across from her with a suggestive smile. "i told you, we are not getting a dog!" leah warned sternly, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and chugging her drink.
"why not! you love bella, don't you want to get her a little play mate?" you beamed hopefully. "i love bella cause she lives with mum, not with me. we are not getting a dog! end of." leah cut the conversation short, shoveling the last mouthful of her food in and standing abruptly.
"thank you my girl." she kissed your cheek and strode back off to continue on her duties, your eyes very much enjoying the sight as she did so, taking your time to pick and eat at your lunch just silently admiring your incredibly fit girlfriend.
and of course, her handyman tool belt that you loved so much.
"so we're getting a new table then?" you smiled as leah finally joined you in bed, shuffling around so her head rested on your stomach as you were sat up against the headboard with a book in hand.
"i'll go and look tomorrow." leah sighed heavily in defeat, grabbing your free hand and threading it through her hair as you smiled knowing what she wanted.
"although, there was something i wanted to flag with you babe." after a few minutes of comfortable silence you were surprised to hear leah talk, assuming she would drift off as you messed about with her hair, the action of affection coupled with listening to the steady drum of your heart beat as she laid half on top of you normally sending her right to sleep.
"so i finally figured out that there was a few screws missing from the base which is what caused it to tilt." leah started, pushing herself up to sit back on her knees in front of you as you hummed.
"now you wouldn't happen to know where those screws are, would you love?" leahs hands gently squeezed your thighs as she leaned in a little closer and you shook your head. "mustn't have come in the box, faulty flat packs." you tutted as leah smiled.
"hey i was-" you started as she grabbed your book from your hand, snapping it shut and tossing it onto the bedside table. "so then these that i found in your hoodie pocket, just a weird coincidence then?" leah smirked, hand slipping into her shorts as she showed you three small screws sat on her palm.
"weird? no idea how they got there." you gasped, hint of a smile tugging at your lips as the screws joined your book by your bedside. you squealed as leah suddenly grabbed your ankles pulling you to lay down flat on the bed, moving to hover on top of you with a smirk.
"you know baby girl if you wanted to see me in my tool belt that bad all you had to do was ask?"
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prettypinkporkchop · 30 days
Hay queen, can I request the pack x reader where one of the other packs means has an accident and shifts and hurts the reader pretty bad and readers imprint has to step in to save them.
Thanks for your time have a good day
You were standing outside watering the flowers for Billy when you heard Bella pull up.
You can hear commotion. You're not so sure what's going on. You automatically have an instinct to just bring her inside. You know Sam would be upset if you came up to the new wolves. But keeping Bella from getting hurt is a priority for you right now.
You turn your feet and jog over there. You go around the house and step in front of Bella to drag her inside.
"Y/n! No!" Sam yells very loudly. Before you could even take in what he said, you feel a horrible pain in your arm and lower back. You look down to see very deep gashes from your upper arm to your lower and notice blood seeping through your shirt behind you.
Not to be dramatic, but you pass out.
Sam panicks and lifts you up. He turns to Embry and Jared. "Take Bella away. Now!" His emotions are everywhere. He can't phase now. You need medical attention. He quickly takes you to the hospital.
You end up having Hella stitches. Also, you had a minor surgery. Sam has been by your side the whole time. You stay in your guys' bed, and he babies you.
"I'm so sorry." He whispers to you every day.
Once you heal, Paul gets in major trouble.
You bury your head in the crook of his neck, your legs lay across his lap. His hands are on your outer thigh.
"Quil needs you!" Embry runs inside, yelling at Paul. He lifts you up, and you follow him. You see all the guys outside, circled around. You step close to Quil to see what the fuss is about.
Paul grabs your arm, trying to pull you into him, but Quil shifted too fast. His huge tail pushed you across the yard into a tree. You hit your back and head really hard. Your vision gets fuzzy as everyone runs to your aid.
"Get the fuck away!" Paul yells at the guys as you black out. He lifts your head, and there is blood. "Shit." He panicks, and Sam runs outside. "What the hell happened?" He yells. "Call Carlisle!" Paul pleaded, holding your body.
You lay inside on a bed while Carlisle fixes you up. Meanwhile, Paul is outside glaring at Quil. Quil has a face deep in sadness. His leg is fidgeting, and his fingers twist around.
"I will do anything to make it up to you and her." Quil says over and over.
After this, you are stuck with Emily when anything happens.
"Guess what I got!" Leah stands in front of you, holding a big box. "Oh lordy, what you got this time?" You facepalm. "A gigantic waterslide!" She squeals. "That's dumb as hell.'' Quil yells from the kitchen. Leah rolls her eyes before smiling again. "I'm gonna set it up!"
Jared walks inside the house and smiles when he sees you. He walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist. He peppers kisses on your face, eventually reaching your lips. You kiss him back softly. "Go help, Leah, please." You ask him.
The evening was hilarious and entertaining because of the waterslide. Brady, the newest pack member, got too overwhelmed. You didn't see him at the bottom of the slide as you were climbing up the blowup ladder.
He phased, popping the waterslide. You fell in, under all the plastic. You felt an enormous paw stomp onto your leg. Your leg cracks.
"Y/n!" Jared screams. The rest of the pack is digging you out of the plastic. Finally, air hits you, and you can breathe. Jared looks down at your leg and pauses. His face is stuck in shock. "I'm going to get Brady." Paul rushed and ran into the woods.
Jared let Carlisle fix you up. He had been taking care of you all night. "Baby, I'm so sorry. This is killing me."
He will cry a bit.
You shouldn't have joined the pack in cliff diving! Jared and Quil got into it. Quil couldn't control himself, and he shifted. His tail pushed you off the cliff.
Embry hovers over you. "My love, please. Wake up." He's sniffling. You feel your chest being pushed on in a rhythm. Your eyes open, and you choke on water. "Oh, thank fuck." He exhales and pulls your upper body into him. His arms wrap tightly around you. Your stomach is hurting from not breathing for a hot minute.
Embry babied you all night. He only let you cliff dive with him alone.
Leah's wolf body bumps into you with force that pushes you backward. But what was behind you was actually a tree that had a trap set up to slow down a vampire. It went off, and your foot was trapped in the metal teeth of the bear trap.
Blood instantly starts pouring. Jacob and Seth rush to you. "Damn it!" Jacob yells. He grabs it with both hands and pry it off of you. "Jake, take me to the hospital." You cry out in pain. "That's what I'm doing." He lifts you up and takes you to the hospital.
"Don't. Move." Quil warns. There's a vampire trying to get to you. The pack is with you and Quil in order to keep you safe. You wrap your fingers with Quil's and lean on his shoulder.
A gust of wind rushes past you. It takes just a second to realize it's a vampire. Jacob, in wolf form, ran past you. His body hit you as you turned your face to look at the vampire.
Your nose broke. A loud pop filled your brain. "Aw! Shit!" You hold your face. "What? What?" Quil pulls you to him. He lifts your face to see blood pouring from your purple and swollen nose.
"I'm taking you back, fast. I'm phasing. Get on my back." He orders. He is panicking, but homeboy acts fast in stress. He backs up and phases. You hold your nose and step forward. Your nose hurts so bad!!! He leans down on the ground so you can crawl on him. You hold onto him and he starts running.
You turn back to the vampire chasing after you two. You're sure he can smell your blood. You see behind him the pack chasing him. "My Quil baby, I love you. I know you can protect me. Get me there quick." You encourage him. He whimpers and then growls, running faster.
He saved you.
Paul and Leah were doing the usual: butting heads. You were standing next to Leah, trying to pull her away. "You're such a cunt, Leah! What, you can't handle shit?" He laughs in her face. Leah looks at you, and you know it's to calm down. Her eyes hold deep anger. She looks angry but like she's going to cry.
You lost it.
You walked up to Paul and started shoving him. "You think you can talk to Leah like that?!" You yell. You shove him as hard as you can. "What? Your dick too small?" You laugh at him. He's trying not to hit you, and he's shaking. He's phasing and you know that.
Leah grabs you with her arms, pulling you away. Paul shifted, and he knocked over you and Leah. You hit your head on a big ass rock.
You are instantly knocked out. She lifts your head and sees bleeding. She rips off a piece of her shirt and places it behind your head, maintaining pressure. She carries you to Emily's where Carlisle comes to help out.
"If you didn't stop the bleeding like you did," he points to Leah's shirt, "it would've been worse."
You and Seth are playing in the beach water. He lifts you up and spins you around. Once you are set back onto the ground, you kiss him softly. He kisses back and holds your waist. "I love you." Your words bring a smile to his face. "I love you so much." He scoops you up and brings you to the sand.
You see a wolf come up to you guys. He's just chilling. "Hey, Embry." You giggle. The wolf sits, and Seth playfully tackles him down. "Embry Call!" Seth laughs. They wrestle around a bit for fun when Embry accidently gets too close and steps on your leg.
The claw marks are so deep, and your whole leg, thigh to foot, is broken. You scream out, and Seth freaks out. "Oh my God. Oh my god." He panicks. Embry howls and runs off. "It's okay, Embry!" Seth yells to him and helps you up. "Baby, put your arm around my neck." You do as told and lean on him, hopping as you guys walk to his truck.
The bleeding is getting too much. You're getting woozy. "Seth, I'm about to pass the fuck out." You breathe out. He picks you up bridal style and runs to his truck. He lays you down on the ground, wrapping your leg up in a towel. He lays you down in the backseat and rushes you to the hospital.
After that, there were a lot of apologies from Embry. Seth became more protective and gets nervous when you're around them when they shift or get playful.
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startwithforever · 1 year
currently rewatching new moon for the hundredth time and honestly? jacob was so good to bella. he was literally the only person who could pull her out of her depression. when he walks into the house at the end to check if she’s ok and she says “i thought you couldn’t protect me here” and he says “i guess i don’t care (about breaking the treaty just to make sure you’re safe)” LIKE???!!!!!! i LIVE for that shit!!
and it actually hurts to see how quick bella is to disregard/dispose of him once she realises edward may still be in the picture. when Jacob leans in to kiss her I’m yelling “Just kiss him!!!!!” like they could be so soft and warm with each other if she just moved on 😭
but then once the screen cuts to edward in rome, and the beautiful dramatic music reminds me that he’s always going to be the one, I’m like “yeah I’ve always been team Edward”
but just. new moon makes me turn to the other side. the possibility of Bella being a wolf girl entices me. the idea of her bonding with emily????? and leah??? GIVE. It. To. Me!!!!!! like the relationship she has w Emmett she could have with the wolf pack. they could be such a family
… but THEN. Bella and edwards reunion in Volterra ruins me. when edward says “i had to lie and u believed me so easily” (about not loving her) UGHHHHHH “you’re everything to me”?!?!?! their entire conversation once they move past the miscommunication????? I’m a wreck right now
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redpool · 2 years
oops, i thought eclipse was before new moon
new moon is my favourite of the 5
mainly because i prefer the wolves
jesus christ
why do you say rabbit like that?
fucking hell
they're not even quiet about it.
the parallels to the R&J scene and the bit with the Volturi
lol, i thought vampires were supposed to be beautiful
ew, shut up
shut up Emmett
fucking idiot
i never thought these words would ever leave my mouth but PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH
when i cut my finger my first instinct is to press on the wound so more blood comes out because it fascinates me, yours should be to cover it because you are in a ROOM FULL OF VAMPIRES.
how does the hair changing work for this kind of vampire?
because Jasper and Alice seem to have a different haircut every movie
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clearly not
jesus sorry, I'm ignoring what's happening and trying to remember how to spell, apparently i can't spell it so clearly will have to do.
shut up, look at her bro
look at her you little coward
shut up
there's not a single thought behind those eyes.
oh lovely, lead her out to the middle of nowhere then adandon her
what the fuck
thats not creepy at all
is a bit weird tbh
what are these nightmares from? PTSD or from the codependency?
oh my fucking god
this is not going to help.
skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip
girl, just go to therapy, jesus christ
ew, age is not just a number, you fucking pedophile
good one, shithead
Charlie be my dad (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY)
his voice irritates my brain
stop talking like that
skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip
that's not enough blood for a head wound
secondhand embarrassment
aren't you with Jessica?
jesus christ
Jacob is supposed to be 16, oh my god
dont start with that toxic masculinty shit
you gotta stop bro
oh my god
'And you think I'm sort of... beautiful..' shut all the way up
i'm gonna hurl
hes losing it
Harry <3
stop looking
'everyone' then proceeds to only name one person
oh my fucking god
how is that a 16 year old?
what, you expect flowers to last that long? do you not how the seasons work?
that's Sam right?
oh, they're all here, never mind
jesus christ Bella
wait she's 18 at this point right? and he's 16...
put a shirt on
jesus, they're both bad for her.
he's got a fucking 8 pack
jesus christ
i fucking hate this so much
oh my god
jesus christ
EMBRY!!!!! god i love him
EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!! BE MY MOTHER
grumpy x sunshine
what the hell
are you a fucking idiot?
oh shit
i hate that Harry died but i get Seth and Leah out of it so, i'm conflicted.
what kind of cpr was that
yeah, while you were attention seeking, Harry was dying.
fucking hell, that's not how this works, you stupid bitch
oh my fucking god
this treaty has been around long before you were even a thought.
*eyeroll so hard i do a backflip*
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why do i do this to myself?
just yell, you idiot
*eyeroll so hard my eyes get stuck*
has Demetri always sounded like that?
shut up, Jamie Campbell Bower
oh my god
Felix, did your hand get bigger?
creepy little pervert
i see why Michael is always cast as the creepy weirdo.
oh god, i just noticed the children
why are you acting like you literally didn't just try to kill yourself??
Jesus, with the number of times I've rolled my eyes I'm surprised they haven't gotten stuck.
I'm gonna barf
his arms are the size of my fucking head
oh my fucking god
see what you did, you've fucked up both their lives.
you've been together for like 5 minutes
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt22
Temptation Masterlist
Before the fight a few things happen. First off Edward, Bella and Jasper meet up with Jacob who is testing out if he can hide Bella's scent with his. Second Alice went to talk to Charlie to let him know Bella was coming over to our house for a sleepover, although it was just Bella and Edward at the house.
Anyway now we are here at the clearing Alice saw in her vision. I stand between Emmett and Alice. Once the newborns are visible we attack going one by one killing them. I'm around a large group of newborns on my own, but in no time at all Jasper and Alice are by my side while the others are fighting other newborns. Thankfully the pack join us as there are way to many of the newborn vampires for our coven to kill all of them. This of course surprises the young vampires and many are instantly killed.
While fighting I get cornered against a tree, I think back to the training we did with jasper is words ringing in my ears 'you aren't as quick, but your nimble. We can use that, use the trees to your advantage' so I do just that. I run in between the trees, the large black wolf, who I believe to be Sam, chasing us. He nods his head and I run back into the clearing and the large group chasing me are then killed
"Thanks" Sam just grunts before running off to join the others. I join Emmetts side, fighting alongside him. He picks me up and throws me towards a vampire who I kill by ripping their head off. I can't believe how well we are all working together! helping one another.
The fight only lasts another 5 minutes before all the newborns have been killed, all except one. A young girl named Bree
"They're coming" Alice says after coming out of her vision. Edward and Bella join us as Carlisle sets fire to the bodies
"How long?" Edward asks
"A few minutes maybe 10?" Alice responds
"The pack needs to leave. The Volturi are already on the edge with me being part of the coven, they won't honor a truce with the werewolves. Not yet anyway" I sigh
"Kat's right" Carlisle agrees. Suddenly a vampire comes out from the bushes. Leah goes to attack the rogue
"Leah don't" Edward yells and Leah is struggling, so Jake goes in to help, but ends up being crushed by the vampire. The other pack members runs over to help. Jacob is now naked rolling on the floor in pain
"Jacob!" Bella yells running over to him. Carlisle goes over to Jake, of course before Bella gets there
"Jacob hold on Carlisle's going to take care of you" Edward makes his way over to the injured wolf
"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered"
"Bella" Jacob pants in pain
"Jake I'm right here"
"Are you ok?" Emmett asks, only now I realise I'm stood frozen and fear rushes over me
"That's my great grandson" I make my way over to Jacob and kneel beside him
"Jake your going to be ok" I say worried. Once the rogue vampire is killed the rest of the pack join Jacob, but thankfully with clothes on
"Jacob you idiot, I had it!" Leah shouts
"Leah" Sam scolds
"Carlisle" I look up at him as if to ask what to do
"I need to set the bones before is accelerated healing kicks in. It's already started"
"We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi"
"We'll take him back to Billy's" Sam says
"I'll be there as soon as I can"
"Hang in there Jake" the pack carefully lift Jacob in the air and carry him away. We all join the others who have finished clearing the bodies up.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Jacob x Autistic!reader - Werewolves are better
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Ik it's been a while but can I request a part three to Werewolves Are Better? I'm obsessed. Maybe with Bella and the Cullens (sounds like a band lol) trying to forcibly bring reader back with them, but the reader has a meltdown and calls for Jacob and the pack protects her? Or however u want I just want angst and fluff. Take ur time, love ur work, hope ur well! 💙 - Anon💜
Part three:
You went outside to cool down, taking deep breaths as you tried to calm your racing heart.
The others stayed inside, waiting for you to come back.
Jacob was stood nearby, watching you as you paced back and forth. He knew better then to come near you when you were like this.
He knew to just stand there and wait for you to calm down and invite him over.
“(Y/N) we’re going!” Bella yelled.
She stormed over and grabbed your hand and you yelled.
Jacob tried rushing forward to you but he was quickly stopped by Edward who threw him back.
“Bella you don’t have to do this to her.” Esme tried.
“She’s being a brat and it’s their fault!” She yelled.
Carlisle and the others tried to reason with her, telling her to let you go and stop but it didn’t work.
You kept struggling to get free but it wasn’t working, you were trying break free but she managed to drag you into the car.
“Bella I swear to god!” Jacob growled.
“You and the stupid pack are turning my own sister against me!”
She slammed the door shut and jumped into the drivers side while she drove away.
You were having a full on meltdown, kicking the seats and screaming.
Bella said nothing, you were out of it.
You tried getting out the car but the door had a child lock on and you couldn’t get out.
There was a loud howl and the car screech to halt.
You hit your head off the seat in front of you and screamed in pain.
The door was thrown open and you could feel someone pull you out. Screaming and thrashing in their arms and they quickly let go.
You could hear taking but you couldn’t make anything out.
You only recognised the sound of snarled, and the sound of a wolf padding around you.
The wolf laid down, curling its body around you.
He let out a low whine, nudging his head against your leg to let you know it was him.
You breathed heavily, hitting your hand against your leg.
“You’ve taken this too far Bella.” Sam growled.
“She’s MY sister not yours!” She yelled.
“You’ve got no right calling her your sister after this.” Embry said lowly.
You could see Paul and Leah in wolf from laying in front of you while the rest of the pack was crouched nearby.
You were still hitting your hand on your leg as you looked around at everyone.
“Bella, we have to agree with them. This is too far, look at her.” Carlisle said softly.
“You hurt your own sister.” Rosalie growled.
“I’m fed up of her always turning us down for them. She’s not even thinking straight.” Bella argued.
“She’s thinking more straight then you are at this point.” Seth scoffed.
Bella growled throwing her hands in the air as she started to walk away in anger.
Carlisle turned to you and knelt in front of Leah who was still blocking the path to you.
She snarled and snapped a little.
“I need to have a look at her head, is that okay?”
This wasn’t directed at them, it was aimed at you.
You weren’t responding.
Jacob phased back and sat next to you, Leah and Paul doing the same thing.
“Can you do it without touched her?”
“Of course.”
Jacob turned around to you, and you gave a small nod of your head.
Carlisle came close but not too close as he started to check you over.
“I’m here.”
He shuffled behind you and lightly wrapped his arms around your waist.
Jacob made sure you could still get free if you wanted to get free then you could.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry Bella did this.” Esme whispered.
The Cullens were furious with her, all aside Edward who left straight after her.
They wants to get to know you, and this is one of the reason that’ll mess all that up.
You were still shaking.
“You’ll need stitches, but I’m sure if I give Jacob detailed instructions when you’re ready he can do them.” Carlisle smiled.
“Of course. Thanks.” Jacob said.
Carlisle nodded and stood up, the coven taking a step back.
They gave you one more look before leaving.
Jacob stood up, phasing back as he laid in front of you.
You climbed on to his back, clutching his fur tightly between your fingers as he started to wonder his way around the woods.
The pack followed close behind, something that didn’t go unnoticed by your sister who didn’t drive that far away.
She was still furious with you, even more now than ever
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the imprint or the blood singer | part 12.
Summary: Y/N Black. All about La Push. Shy girl unless you get to know her. Not one to make friends easily despite the fact that she very well could. Friends with her brother’s friends until one Bella Swan comes back to town.
Warnings for the Series: light violence, light smut
Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader, Embry Call x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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Jacob said nothing as you and him passed Alice as she left Bella’s house. He barely tolerated the Cullens for Bella and by barely tolerated it meant never seeing them. His whole plan changed when Alice went to Bella’s the other day and smelled an unknown vampire in her room. Since then, it was round the clock protection detail for Bella and an unknowing Charlie.
Sam had you all pulling double duty. Victoria hadn’t been seen in a while but you still had to look out for her while dealing with this new unknown threat. The only reprieve was Jacob didn’t mind taking up most of your shifts to watch Bella, anything to be with his imprint. So you agreed to take some of his patrol nights. Besides when it was a lone patrol you had an excuse to at least pass by Edward’s.
“Ready to go, Bells?” You asked.
“Are you guys sure about the party? Am I not dressed up enough? I don’t want to be a party crasher.”
“You look fine Bella.” Jacob threw his arm over her shoulder. “Besides you’re council meeting crasher.”
“Then I really shouldn’t be here.”
You smiled at your friend’s nervousness. “It’s a right of passage for imprints, Bells. You need to hear the stories. The tribe’s histories.”
You left Jacob and Bella to their own log and went to sit by Seth and Leah once you reached the bonfire. Embry came a little late from his patrol but sat next to you. He gladly took the hotdog you offered him.
You rested your head on Embry’s shoulder while your dad told the legends you had heard a thousand times. You looked over for a brief moment at your brother and Bella. She listened so intently to the story about The Third Wife, Taha Aki.
Your howl alerted everyone, including the Cullens. You had spotted Victoria on your patrol. You were fast but she was clever. The redhead weaved in between Quileute and Cullen territory. No one could grab her without stepping onto land that wasn’t theirs. Even if you were willing to risk the pack finding out, you couldn’t cross either. At this speed and in blind pursuit, it was hard to make out the difference in Victoria’s scent from the rest of the Cullens. Her hair was her only true difference and sometimes you couldn’t see it.
Your head whipped around as you heard Paul’s growl and Rosalie scream. Emmett had jumped the cliff to try and catch Victoria. You turned around and ran at Paul, hitting him mid-jump. The impact sent Emmett back to his side and you and Paul in the river.
What the hell (Y/N)? Even in your mind Paul was loud.
The Cullens are not our enemy right now.
They were on our territory—
Trying to deal with the real threat! A threat you let get away with that stunt you pulled.
Paul growled at you making sure you saw his canines. It took everything in Edward not to make a move. Embry was by your side in an instant.
Stand down, Paul. Now isn’t the time to fight our own, Embry reasoned.
Fine. Next time a Cullen steps on our land. I don’t care if there’s a thousand enemies against us… Paul looked at Edward, knowing he could read his mind. I’m killing them.
“Emmett! Never do that again, you could’ve gotten yourself killed!” You yelled as you entered the Cullen house. The minute you could slip away from the pack you did.
“I almost had her.”
“And Paul almost had you. Promise me you’ll never be that dumb again. If something happens to any of you…”
Edward was suddenly behind you as he hugged you tight. You didn’t have to finish any sentence, he heard your thoughts. If anything happened to his family, Edward would be devastated. As your imprint, his devastation would be as if a death like sadness washed over you.
“Okay, I’ll never be that dumb again,” Emmett conceded.
“Thank you,” you breathed out in relief.
“You’ve got to go again?” Edward asked before you could say anything.
“Jake and I agreed that if I take his patrol tonight, I’m off the hook this weekend. Or can Mr. Cullen not wait a few days?”
“I can wait. Isn’t this your third double shift in a row, though? Aren’t you tired at school?”
“Tired? Yes. Still passing? Yes. It’s only temporary, Me and Jake’s bartering system. It’s better anyway, I’m alone on night shifts. Weekend is shared with the pack.”
“Okay. Have fun little wolf.”
Edward watched you slowly wake up from where you had passed out on his bed. You stretched your arms, welcoming the relief you felt from a real sleep.
“Was a night hunt as entertaining as you thought it’d be?” you asked as you sat up.
“Different animals but just as good.”
“You mumble in your sleep,” Edward said as you strolled to the minifridge.
“Nothing embarrassing?” You opened the coffee drink.
“Nothing coherent… you really want that challenge?” Edward smirked.
“I can’t believe I forgot you could read minds.”
“You really want to race?”
You downed the rest of your drink. “I’m the smallest in our pack, quickest speed.”
It still amazed Edward that at your size you were the runt of the pack yet still roughly the height of a horse. If he hadn’t seen the others it would be hard to fathom.
“And I’m the fastest in my family.”
“He’s not lying,” Rosalie called out from downstairs.
“I just want to test it,” you said quietly.
You stood on the front deck of the Cullen house. You and Edward decided on a straight path from their house to the stream. No turns, no mountains or cliffs.No cheating. At the fork, Edward would take the left path and you the right before meeting up again.
You stepped down from the stairs and shifted into your wolf. The golden anklet that always hung a little loose on your human form fit perfectly around the hind leg of your wolf. Jacob knew exactly what length to make it so it could always be worn, so you could always have the pack tattoo on you. Edward gave you a smile and you both took off.
You were keeping up fairly well with Edward before you lost him at the fork in the road. You kept going, not bothering to try and find him on his path between the trees. You gave a wolfy grin when you saw the stream before you stopped.
Edward laughed as he jumped down from the tree. He ran his fingers through your fur.
“I told you I was the fastest in my family.”
You walked off to change into a large shirt and leggings behind a tree. All the wolves had clothes scattered throughout the forest, yours happened to extend into the Cullen side as well.
“I think you cheated,” you pouted as you stepped out from behind the big pine.
“I didn’t; but if it makes you feel better you were only three seconds behind. That’s the closest anyone’s been.”
Edward watched your hands as your fingers ran up and down his arms. He breathed you in. Even after being a wolf only minutes ago, the woodsy smell was minimal. The only scent was your blood which pumped even harder as you were still breathing a little heavy from the run. Edward pushed your hair back a bit.
You were caught off guard when Edward kissed you hard. Both your hands cupped his face as his rested on your waist. He only pulled away when you needed a breath, turning his lips to your neck instead. You grabbed at his shirt, trying to pull him closer as if he wasn’t already right up on you. Edward gently nipped at your ear before returning to your lips. His hands moved lower. Your thoughts of more rang loud and clear in his head.
“Jump,” Edward mumbled against your lips.
You wrapped your legs around his waist. Edward supported you like you weighed nothing, as far as his vampire strength was concerned you might as well have. He walked until your back hit a tree.
Edward looked at you unsure. He could hear it in your thoughts but still had doubt. The sensation of Edward’s freezing body mixed with the harshness of the tree bark that dug into your back turned you on. You rested your forehead against his momentarily.
“Please, Edward,” you whispered.
That was enough to spur him on as he kissed you again.
You and Edward both turned to see a barely dressed pack on the other side of the stream. You berated yourself for being so stupid to be with Edward by the stream. You shouldn’t have thought you were safe just because you were on Cullen territory. You should’ve been more aware of when they were going to start patrol. They were seething and you wanted to shrink, they had just discovered your one secret. The pack watched in disbelief as you removed your legs from around Edward. Jacob was the first to speak.
“What are you doing on their side making out with a fucking Cullen!”
(Part 13)...
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panlight · 2 years
It might be one of those things fandom hyperbolizes, but like, how were the Cullens so easy going about Alice and Jasper just showing up and Alice giving the explanation of ‘I saw a vision and we’re going to be the best family’ as a total stranger? And if Alice really can influence the future with her visions, I feel like someone like Rosalie would not be 100% okay with that?? It feels like Alice uses her visions to get an outcome she likes, which can be read as pretty manipulative depending on the situation. Like I said, maybe it’s one of those things fandom exaggerates for fics, but between Edward, Alice, and Jasper who all have invasive powers to some degree, I have a hard time imagining the rest of the Cullens are entirely okay with that and there’s not more drama going on. Obviously we don’t see it because of the narrative focus/blind spots, but there has to be some sort of behind the scenes drama going on, right?
I've thought about this before and to me it feels like it comes from this like "supportive family!!!!" fantasy. That is, to SM it's more important that the Cullens embrace the "freaks among the freaks" than have realistic issues with the lack of privacy inherent in this. There is a nuanced way to do this where they don't shun Alice or Edward and Jasper and help them hone their powers but ALSO teach them boundaries and enforce them. And certainly in fanfic I see people go that route, but in canon it seems much more like a free for all and when anyone complains (Rosalie) they're considered a bitch because poor Edward has this horrible burden he can't help it!
That is, it's mostly from the POV of the vampire with powers and the vampires without powers don't really get a voice here.
They have to be thrilled with Alice (and Jasper's) arrival because ALICE's story is that she is looking for family and belonging and they have to be that for her. SM's idea of Alice showing up and being like "Hi, I love you all, where is my room?" overrides any reaction the other characters may have because Alice is the star of that story, just like Bella is the star of the overarching story and so no one is allowed to have realistic reactions that would derail the story SM wants to tell (and if they do, they're Bad).
A major example of this, to me, is when Leah yells at Bella in BD and Bella cries about it and Edward flips out and threatens Leah for it. I feel like we're supposed to be angry at Leah, too, and be like "how dare she say those hurtful things to Bella when she is PREGNANT and already dealing with so much?" because this is Bella's story even from Jacob's POV and our sympathies are supposed to be with her. But I was like, "Good! Someone needed to call Bella out for the way she's clinging to Jacob here, it's weird and unhealthy and unhelpful."
I get similar vibes with the powers. The Cullens without gifts would be will within their rights to complain about it or take issue with the lack of privacy that comes from the gifts (while still loving the family members involved!) but SM only ever writes it from the POV of the gifted member. Like when Edward says that only Alice will play board games with him anymore like he's Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer and they've rejected him for no good reason. No? His mind-reading is a REALLY GOOD reason to not want to play board games with him! Unless it's a game of pure luck, he has an unfair advantage that wouldn't be any fun. Same with Alice. They SHOULD be the ones playing games together, it doesn't make the rest of the family jerks it's just a practical issue with their powers.
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cerisebleue1803 · 3 years
The pack at Black Lives Matter protests in 2020
Ok, so, this is really random but I just had this idea and I needed to share it. So here’s the wolfpack at 2020′s BLM protest.
Sam: Just wholesome dad energy. Brings water for everyone and tons of first aid kits. Drove everyone to the protest and keep an eye on "the kids" the whole time. Probably one of the loudest in the crowd. Carries all the snacks Emily made. Paul: Lost his voice because he screamed way too loud. Picks up tear gas and throws it back at the police. Body slapped a cop once and almost got thrown into jail but the pack yelled so hard that the cops didn't have the courage to take him. Jared: Makes hella catching slogans and the whole crowd repeats them without even thinking about it. Probably ate half of the snacks made by Emily. Is always half walking, half dancing because, let's face it, there's nothing more annoying than someone happily fighting against racism. Jacob: Okay, so hear me out. Bella is obviously using her white privilege and knowledge as a cop's daughter to teach everyone about their rights and Jake repeats everything super loudly to everyone (because the girl is super quiet). Yells at cops and uses colorful insults he came up with all by himself. He also makes fun of them and makes them feel embarrassed. Quil: I know this guy has a poster with Kyoshi's "Only justice will bring peace" line. He makes friends with everyone and always politely asks for their pronouns when engaging in a conversation. Is literally filming everything. Organizes games like baseball matches in the middle of the street to stop cops from going home. Embry: Coordinates everything. Takes thousands of pictures to document. Knows how to disguise your facial features to not be recognized by the police. Carries bottles of milk because it's better against tear gas. Flips off racists (but makes sure Sam doesn't see it) and almost engages in fights with them. Makes flower edits of Anonymous. Seth: Carries a "trans lives matter" poster. Sometimes dresses as superheroes and always high-fives little kids he meets. Everyone loves him, especially when he gets right into the face of a cop and calls him out on his bullshit. Watches Embry's edits of Anonymous. Almost got arrested for jumping for five minutes on a cop's car's roof. Leah: The cops are scared of her. Like, literally. She gets into their faces and stares at them with her arms closed and they don't know what to do anymore. Physically beats them up. Is always watching over Seth. Pretends she hates it but always wins at Quil's games. Somehow knows the real identity of specops guy. Probably accidently got famous on TikTok and people are simping for her (she only knows about this because of Embry and Seth).
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witchywrter · 3 years
“Home” (Part 5/?)
Paul Lahote x reader
Part 4
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Summary: y/n returns from college in California to her hometown in Forks to find things are not as she left them. She soon discovers that a lot more things have changed then she initially thought.
Warnings: mentions of death, car accident, verbal fighting, cussing, i think that covers it
A/N: i am literally so sorry for not updating sooner guys lmao i’m trying to update all my fics now, especially this one bc i love it. i’ll get the next one out next week. love you all!_______________________________________________
You felt so much pain as you began to regain consciousness and could make out someone calling your name.
You turned your head to the source of the sound to see a Doctor at your side, his hand on your arm. He was very handsome. Not exactly your type, but still. He looked to be around your age, far too young to be a Doctor already.
“Hello Y/n, my name is Dr.Cullen. You’ve been in an accident”
Your head was throbbing and you felt pain radiating from your stomach and leg. You looked around to find that you were indeed in the hospital.
You looked down at his hand on your arm. It was ice cold, absolutely freezing. He must have noticed you looking because he removed his hand.
“How long have I been here?” you asked, looking back to the Doctor.
“About a day and a half. Do you remember anything?” he asked kindly.
“There was a man in the road, he came out of nowhere. I swerved to try to avoid him” you said trying to remember.
“Your car flipped four times and caught fire. A piece of glass punctured your abdomen and another your left thigh, narrowly missing your femoral artery. We were able to stop the bleeding and stabilize your condition. You’re lucky to be alive, if your friend hadn’t been there to pull you out when he did, you could have died” he finished, shaking his head.
“My friend?” you asked.
“He’s from the reservation, one of Jacob Black’s friends I believe” he said.
Well that didn’t exactly narrow it done much. Your car was totaled most likely. You’re dad’s car, the one thing you had left of him.
“You’ll be okay, but you need your rest. You can be discharged tomorrow morning and the stitches will dissolve on their own in two weeks” he said has he picked up your chart and began walking away.
“Oh, one more thing. Sherif Swan called me, if you still want that internship, send over your resume and you can start after your two weeks” he said with a slight smile on his lips.
“Thank you Dr.Cullen” you called out as he left to check on other patients.
You looked over to your side to see an array of gifts on the beside table and chair. There seemed to be something from everyone. Flowers with cards from Leah, Sam, Emily and even Charlie and his daughter Bella and a big card from Quill, Embry, Collin, and Brady with all their own little messages and signatures.
The huge, brown bear sat on the chair with a red ribbon around its neck didn’t seem to have a card accompanying it.
You grabbed your phone from the side table and unlocked it. There were a few messages from friends and one from your mom. You opened up your mom’s message and read:
“Why did I have to find out from the Sherif that my daughters been in a car accident. You know what it was like for me when your father passed and the fact that you’d put me through that again is appalling”
This was followed by multiple messages about how horrible of a daughter you were and how you have no excuse for ignoring her text messages.
She had no right to bring up your dad like that. As if you got into an accident to hurt her, as if you were unconscious and not responding on purpose.
Your dad was driving home one night after a long night at the hospital when he was hit by a drunk driver. He was pronounced dead at the scene. You never got to say goodbye. Never got to tell him you loved him one last time.
You turned your phone off and set it on the side table and laid back down. Although you were out for a day and a half, you felt utterly exhausted, mentally and physically. You pulled your blankets back up and closed your eyes, hoping for a full nights rest.
You woke up to the curtains flying back, sunlight flooding the room. Your eyes stung as you were blinded.
“Wake up loser, it’s time for a jail break” Leah said in a very cheerful voice.
“No Leah, I’m not dead and feel amazing” you say in a sarcastic voice.
“That’s exactly what i wanted to hear. Seriously though, are you okay? You scared the shit out of everyone” she said, her voice taking on a concerned tone.
“Yeah, just beat up. Should be at healed up in two weeks” you say, sitting up.
“Here, I brought these from Emily’s house” she said, tossing a long sleeve, pants, socks, undergarments and shoes onto the bed.
After you changed and signed the discharge papers, you and Leah headed back to Emily’s place.
“What a bitch,” Leah said with disgust as she climbed the steps.
“I know, I still can’t believe I’m related to her” you say shaking your head.
Leah opened the front door and you hear “Surprise!” as you walk through. Everyone but Collin, Brady, Quill and Paul were there for your second homecoming.
Jake ran up to hug you, but Leah stepped in front of him.
“You wanna rip her stitches dumbass?” she said like a mother correcting her child.
“Oh shut it Leah” Jacob said, but gave you a much gentler hug than he originally intended.
“How are you?” Jake asked.
“Well I think I might fall over and die if one more person asks how I am” you say laughing. You stop as a stabbing pain shoots from your abdomen.
Sam, Emily and Seth hug you as well before you finally make it to the couch to sit down.
“What happened?” Embry asked taking a seat next to you with Leah on the other side.
“I was driving back here and I looked down at my phone for barely a second and when I looked back up there was a man in the road” you said.
“Well you know what they say about texting and driving” Seth said but the joke fell flat as no one laughed.
“What did the man look like?” Jake asked in a serious tone.
“Pale I guess, black hair, I’m not really sure. Why?” you asked, confused.
“No reason, just wondering” he said looking over to Sam who was sitting on a stool by the counter talking to Emily.
“Do you know who pulled me out?” you asked Jacob.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Dr.Cullen said one of our friends pulled me out of the car before it caught fire”
“Oh, uh, Paul did” he said.
Paul. Of all of your friends you had thought it might have been, that was the absolute last person you’d think would save you. If anything he’d probably be the one to toss you right into the flames.
“Oh” was all you said.
The front door opened and in walked Quill and Paul.
“Well I’ve gotta get back to..work” Jacob said standing up.
“Me too” said Seth as he followed Jacob to the door.
“Heal up Y/n!” Jacob yelled over his should and he and Seth left.
Quill came over and sat where Seth had just been and gave you a hug and Paul went straight to Sam without even acknowledging you.
Not like it mattered anyway.
“How are y-“ Quill started.
“Fine” you cut him off.
Through the rest of the day, people started to leave one by one as they had work, school or other things to get to. Eventually Paul said his goodbyes to Sam and Emily and began walking out the door, again without saying a word to you.
You got up as quickly as you could without hurting yourself and momentarily excused yourself from your board game that you were beating Embry in. You walked out the door just as Paul was off the steps.
“Hey!” you called to him.
Paul stopped and slowly turned back to you.
“What?” he asked rudely, not fully meeting your gaze.
Instead of responding with the same attitude, you walked down some of the steps.
“I just wanted to say thank you. Jacob told me what you did” you said gently.
“It wasn’t exactly like there was a choice in the matter” he spat.
“Could you just not be a complete asshole for once in your life? I’m trying to thank you for saving my life” you said, anger getting the best of you.
“Well it would have saved me a world of trouble had I not” he said.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” you ask, raising your voice.
“Nothing. I-I can’t do this right now, I won’t do this right now” he said, voice equal to yours now.
“No, come on Paul, let it out. Say what you need to say!”
Paul started shaking with anger and as much as you knew you should stop, your anger wouldn’t let you.
“Say. It.” you seethed.
“Paul!” you heard as the front door swung open.
You turned around to see Quill come running down and barreling into Paul, pushing him away from you. Sam came running out too.
“Get him out of here!” Sam yelled.
Quill grabbed Paul and pulled him out into the woods.
“What the hell?” you asked
“Get inside Y/n!” Sam yelled.
“You don’t tell me what to do” you said angrily
“Get. Inside. Now.” he said sternly.
You scoffed but turned on your heal and went inside and upstairs, waking right passed Emily and ignoring her as she called out to you.
Who did they think they were, telling you to get inside. Paul always had anger problems, this wasn’t anything new.
You hate him.
“Well it would have saved me a world of trouble had I not” replayed again and again in your head. You hated him for making you feel less than, for making you feel worthless.
Him saving you meant nothing. He was a dick to you your entire life and you didn’t care that Sam asked you to lighten up on him. No one bit.
As you laid down to sleep, not even bothering to take off your clothes or change, you wiped the single tear that escaped. You hated him and always would.
You were walking through the woods to get to your favorite spot again. It was the middle of the night, but Jacob asked to meet you there. The moonlight shown through the thick trees, illuminating your path.
Everything was so green and beautiful, you missed being home.
You walked a little farther when your foot hit something, stopping you in your tracks. You looked down to see a rock jutting up from the ground. It was the same one you fell on the other day. It still had blood on it, fresh and bright and not at all dried. That wasn’t right. You fell days ago, it should be dried or the rain should have washed it off.
You spun around. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, that same feeling of being watched returning. You shouldn’t be out here. Emily warned you.
You scanned your surroundings, but it was too dark. What happened to the moonlight? You squinted your eyes and saw him-it.
The man from the road, eyes blood red, skin pale as snow, hair dark as the night around him. He cocked his head to the side, watching you.
Where did he come from? Had he been watching you the whole time? Was he in the woods that first day?
You could try to outrun him, you didn’t know how far into the woods you were, you didn’t even remember how you got here. You went to take a step back but he was in front of you instantly and attacked, grabbing your arm.
You jolted upright, breathing heavily. You looked around. You were in your room, at Sam and Emily’s. You were safe. You ran your fingers through your hair as you looked out the window. It was the middle of the night.
There were things that weren’t adding up. Everyone has been acting weird, telling you to avoid the woods, saying that whatever has been attacking people isn’t animal or human, the man in the road, even Paul’s behavior has been worse than normal…something wasn’t right, you could feel it in your gut.
You knew what they told you, the warnings, but with everything that happened with Paul and your mom, you didn’t care anymore. You were gonna find out what was going on, no matter what.
A/N: hey guys! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! lots of stuff happened and i swear we’re gonna get more paulxreader interactions from now on. love you all❤️❤️
@that-animebitch @fangirlanotherjust @justdidabadthing @scuzmunkie @ccosmic-illusion
@xthefuckerysquaredx @destroyed-and-damned @classyunknownlover @hglyu @blackloveangel13
@champagnesugamama @bshelley322
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tyb1 · 4 years
Daddy Issues
Words: 1445
Character: Seth Clearwater
Request: Hi! Can I request were the reader is Sams younger sister and their dad comes back in town. The reader gets creeped by him and Sam or Seth fights him.  P.S can we have a bad boy Seth! 
*seth is a tad aggressive*
~Sorry it took so long :)~
BTW thanks for requesting!
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I snuggled deeper into Seth’s chest when I felt the breeze of the fall air enter my room. I always adored it when Seth came over for the fall and winter times. We’d always lay in my bed watching movies or playing board games (which he sucks at). 
“(Y/N) if you snuggle any deeper you will cave in my chest.”
I giggled, smacking his chest lightly, “I’m really cold and hungry.”
He wrapped his arms around me pulling me on top of him. His lips were placed on my enormous forehead that he glorified. “You’re always hungry (Y/N).”
Sam and Emily were downstairs getting lunch prepared. The pack was coming over just to hang out and eat some lunch. It has become a mini tradition that everyone comes over and plays games or watches movies then at night we’d sit around the campfire. Even Bella has come over with Jake which really surprises me every time I see her.
“(Y/N) come open the door my hands are full,” Sam shouted from the bottom of the staircase. I groaned at the sound of Sam’s voice. I didn’t want to leave my personal heater and plus the movie was entering its good part. 
“I don’t hear any footsteps (Y/N), our guests are getting cold out there,” Emily shouted.
“I’m coming, Emily! It’s literally only the guys outside!” I lifted my body from Seths, the cold air nearly knocked me back down to him. One side of my body was warm and tingly from him while the other was cold. 
I walked downstairs, the smell of grilled food engulfed my nostrils. I could push Sam off of the grill right now and rob him of all of the ribs. It wouldn’t be the first time I tried that though…….would not be the last either. 
“The food smells good Sam!” I yelled out to him as I reached out for the door. I heard him thanking me in the distance. I opened the door revealing everyone. Leah was the first to enter, she handed me a bowl of her Sue’s famous potato salad.
Leah bent down to my ear whispering, “Don’t let the boys see this, or else it’ll be gone in an instant.”
I nodded my head hiding the potato salad behind my back as the boys began to enter.
“What’s up Scar!” Jared gave me a harsh slap on the arm. Sometimes he forgets that I can’t handle his strength. 
“Ouch Jared and my name isn’t Scar.” I grabbed my arm, it began to pulsate from the impact. The guys moved past me rubbing my head as they entered. Paul went as far as to grab my head nearly squeezing my eyeballs out. 
I pushed the door closed when I heard someone shout from behind the door. I looked outside to see Bella on the porch, she stood there awkwardly trying to utter out some words.
“Hey (Y/N), there’s a man near the entrance who said he's looking for you.” She pointed her finger in the direction of the main road. I glanced down the dirt road looking at the figure as they leaned against their truck. 
“Okay, thanks.” I moved to the side so she could walk into the house. I laughed, I walked because I knew that they were trying to play a joke on me. Jake didn’t come with Bella so I knew he was the figure at the truck trying to scare me. 
“Jake you can’t scare me.” Then I realized the man was too buff to be Jacob. The closer I got the more freaked out I was. It wasn’t Jake at the car nor was it someone that I had recognized. 
“Excuse me, someone mentioned that you were looking for me?” I stopped in the middle of the dirt road. I kept my distance from the man so he couldn’t try anything. He turned to look at me, his eyes stuck out as if he was surprised to see me. The cigarette that he held in his hand fell to the ground fully ignited. 
“Wow, you’ve really grown.” The man took a step towards me while I took a step back. He really gave me an eerie feeling. The air shifted around us, I’ve never felt more uncomfortable in my life. There was a creepy smile that was cast upon his face that made me want to gag.
“If you’re not here for anything you can leave.” I turned to leave, he was such a creep. He smelt like cigarettes and beer. He really didn’t show any emotions, he was only shocked for a second then that same horrific smile appeared again. 
“(Y/N) Uley, that’s your name.”
“How do you know my name?”
“Why wouldn’t a dad know his daughter’s name. I’m Josuha Uley, your father (Y/N).”  
He stuck out his hand for me to shake but I just stared at it. The words kept echoing throughout my head. I felt so nauseous, I ran to throw up in the nearby bushes. Sam told me ever since I was little how dad abandons us. He left Sam when he was little then came back to conceive me then left before I was even born. He missed 18 years of my life, the only father figure I had in my life was Sam. He was nothing to me, I owed this man no respect at all. 
I felt his foreign hand on my back rubbing it. He asked me something but the only thing I could hear was my racing heart. I shoved him away then slapped him in his face “Get away from me. Don’t you ever touch me again?” 
“I just want a relationship with you (Y/N).” Joshua tried to hug me walking closer to me with open hands. I could see tears on the brim of his eyes. I knew they were fake, mom always told me that sweet-talked people to get his way.
“Get away from me you creep.” The cold air that was surrounding us didn’t make it any better. The tears on my face felt so cold. I just wanted him to leave me alone and let me live a life without him. 
“Didn’t she say leave?” 
I turned to see Seth standing behind me. He placed his arm around my waist pulling me behind him. I’ve never seen Seth stand so tall in my life before. He stood his ground in front of my dad. 
“Who are you?” He laughed mocking Seth, I could feel how tense his body was. Not out of fear but out of anger.
“It doesn’t matter who I am. She asked you to leave so leave.” 
Joshua laughed again, he walked to us staring down at Seth. “You have no authority over me. You’re just a little pup. You couldn’t protect (Y/N) if you wanted to. You’re a sorry excuse of a boyfriend. Let me guess he imprinted on you (Y/N).” He scoffed in front of our faces. 
“This is puppy love.” 
“It doesn’t matter what you think. Neither of us gives a shit. Let’s go (Y/N).” 
Seth tugged me back towards the house. We left Joshua where he stood until he grabbed me from behind. I screamed as I felt him drag me towards the car. “We’re not done with this conversation (Y/N).”
Seth forcefully ripped me out of his grip. He grabbed Joshua’s face pushing it into the car window. “I will kill you if you ever touch her again.” 
Seth flung his bleeding body into the dirt. Joshua took this opportunity to shift. He growled at Seth then charged. “Seth move!!” 
I watched in horror as Joshua charged Seth. Seth jumped slightly to the left and Joshua was met with another big black wolf. Sam charged at him ripping at his fur with his teeth. I was shocked to see Sam appear that fast. I always heard stories from others about how dad names or presents would make Sam rage. 
He pushed him further into the woods father away from us. Paul, Jared, Jake, Embry, and Quil were also in their wolf form. They ran behind Sam howling into the air. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m okay. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine but I got to go. Leave the window open like you always do. I’ll be right back.” 
He grabbed my face kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck to help me deepen the kiss more. He placed his forehead on mine winking at me before running off in the woods shifting.
“That wink was so cringy Seth Clearwater!!” 
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prettypinkporkchop · 6 days
Leah imprinted on fem reader. She doesn't want to put her imprint through the supernatural life. She's scared it'll hurt her. She tries to stay away and act as 'bad' and scary. Can y/n get to her soft side?
Kind of Dom Leah? Anger and tension. Some lust.
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You walk through the woods, following behind Quil and Embry. "I just think it's so dumb!" Quil laughs, looking at Embry. "Trust me, if I imprinted, I'd never try to scare them." Embry laughs as well. "Guys, where are you even taking me?" You sigh. "Trust us, y/n. You want Leah to stop being weird about your bond?" Embry looks back at you for a moment. Your feet are still crunching on leaves and sticks. "God, I guess." You groan. What are these two up to? "Being a shifter, we are meant to protect. You won't get hurt she needs to realize that." Quil explains.
You see three wolves lined up. They seem to just be roaming. "Don't worry, nothing is happening. Just three wolves chilling." Embry turns to you. You look at them and see one staring right at you. You know that's Leah. She huffs and walks behind some trees. "That's Paul and Seth." Embry points. "Hey." You awkwardly wave.
Leah runs out of the trees, dressed. She walks up to you and grabs your shoulders. "Y/n, why are you here?" She asks. "I'm not sure. Those two led me here." You motioned to the two guys standing there awkwardly looking at Leah. She scowls at them. "Idiots! I don't want her to get hurt!" She yells. "Leah, she deserves to be loved by you. Don't be selfish! You know you will protect her. That's in your blood." Embry dramatically says, grabbing his chest. Leah rolls her eyes and turns to you. "I'm walking you back home. Don't come back out in the woods." She grabs your wrist, and you guys start walking. You turn back to see Quil and Embry taking off their shoes. Guess they are shifting, too.
After walking a good bit away from the wolves, you jerk your wrist out of Leah's hand. She turns to you with an angry look. "Leah, stop! I love you!" You yell. You can't take this anymore. It's hurting you, her being so distant. She slowly walks closer to you. "You can beg." She's intimidating, and it's freaking you out. She's so much stronger and taller than you. You step back. "I'm in love with you, y/n. But this isn't supposed to be your life." She keeps stepping forward until you're backed into a tree. Her hands are on the tree on either side of your face. You're looking up at her brown eyes. "You don't know how bad I want to kiss you. But we'll get attached." Her chest is rising as she breathes hard.
Leah ended up walking you to your house. You're sitting on your bed, scrolling through social media as usual.
Seth: I'm sorry about my sister. Just know how she feels is because she loves you. I know she's scared.
You don't even know how to respond to that. You know the pack and other imprints have been trying to help you. Leah doesn't let you come around often. There's this stupid battle with vampires about to happen. Something about Victoria? Bella, of course. When is she not the cause of everything?
You: Thanks, seth. Love ya, Lil, bro.
Seth: yup! Love you, sister in law??? Lol idk what to call you.
You laugh a bit and then turn off your phone. You are startled when you hear your bedroom door open. You turn to see Leah. Right, she has a key to your house because of protection reasons. She stands at your bedroom door. "You okay? We had a bloodsucker run in this direction." She tried to sound nonchalant and cool, but you know, deep down, that girl is petrified of you getting hurt. "Yes." You mumble. "Good. Well, I'm going to sleep on the couch. I'm staying here tonight." She says before closing your bedroom door. Great.
You wake up and walk to the bathroom. It's steamy, and it hits your face. Then, you see Leah standing in front of your mirror with a towel wrapped around her. Shit. You want her. Her hair is wet, and she's brushing it. "You know, it's bad to brush your hair while it's wet." You cross your arms and giggle. "Standing there and staring at me is bad." She finishes. "Why so? You've done this to me." You're struck with confusion. "Because I know how you are feeling." She spits. "Now, let me get dressed." She pleads. You nod your head and leave, shutting the bathroom door.
You sit on the couch and start crotcheting a blanket. Emily taught you and has got you hooked! You're still learning but improved so much.
Leah steps out of the bathroom. You look up at her and see her smiling down at you, but it quickly disappears. "Yes, hot lady?' You flirt as you usually do. "I'm leaving. Going to Emily's. There's a birthday party for Jared." She reminded you, and you gasp. "Shit! I forgot to text him." You pull out your phone and text him. Jared sucks at answering his phone. He's like that older brother that only responds occasionally, and it's 'lol'. Need something? Text Kim.
"I'm going to get dressed. Can I ride with you?" You ask her. She nods her head. "Yeah, you can. I'll wait for you. Don't take too long." She says. "Fine. Did you bring your truck last night, or do we take my car?" You ask. "I brought my truck." She replies and moves her hand, waving you off to go get ready.
You two sit in the truck. She has one hand on the steering wheel. The other hand is on the console in between you two. You stare at her hand, wanting to hold it. "Don't even think about it." She shakes her head sternly. "You act like I'm already not attached." You roll your eyes and cross your arms. "Don't roll your eyes at me." She growls. You look at her, and she's gripping the steering wheel. "Stop the truck." You demand. She laughs and shakes her head. "No." You lean into her. "Stop. The. Truck." You hiss. You guys are already on the rez. The roads are empty. She pushes her breaks kind of hard and stops on the side of the road. She grabs pulls up the console and grabs your wrist, pinning you against the window. Her face is inches from yours. "Stop talking to me like that." You notice her eyes moving up and down from your eyes to your lips. You instantly get butterflies in your stomach, and your heart jumps. You're trying to keep your cool, but your downstairs is not helping you. You nod your head in submission to her request. Her hands loosen on your wrists, and she backs up, sitting back into her seat. "Buckle up." She says.
You guys get to Emily's, and you jump out of the truck, slamming the door. "Hey!" She calls out in anger. You turn to her. "It's Jared's birthday. We aren't bringing this here." You spit and walk away. You make your way to Jared, who's wearing a birthday cone on his head. "Wow! Twenty looks good on you." He looks at you and smirks. "Damn, I've got a girlfriend." He winks. "Jesus, kid." You roll your eyes. "Y/n." Emily smiles, engulfing you into a big hug. "Hey, Emily!" You hug her back. You turn back and see Leah sitting on the ground next to Seth and Jacob. She looks pissed off. Seth quickly glances your way and then turns back to her. Embry steps in front of you. "Hey, sorry if me and Quil made things worse yesterday. We were just trying to prove a point to Leah." He smiles sympathetically. "No! Everything is fine." You pat his shoulder.
The party was full of laughter, food, cake, and even a waterslide. The boys were doing competitions on it. Leah stayed in the background. The party distracted you for the most part. But now everyone is winding down, and it's time for Leah to take you back home. Damn it.
"Bye!" You call out one last time before getting into the truck. She stays silent as you guys are on the road. You come up with a plan. You've never tried this. What would happen if you kissed her? How would she react?
She parks the truck and sits there, waiting for you to get out. "I'm not staying tonight. I have to go with the pack to -" You lean over the console and grab her face. You press your lips on hers. She kisses back to your surprise. The kiss feels intense. So many emotions are flooding through you. You aggressively push the console back and grab onto her shirt, pulling her body into yours. She groans and lifts your shirt slightly so her bare hands are on your back. You start using tongue, but as soon as that happens, she pushes you back. You hit your back on her door. You look at her with hurt. Her face is still and unreadable. "Just go inside and don't come out at all. Doors stay locked." She turns back toward her steering wheel. Now, you're angry. You open the door and close it, walking inside the house.
You finna pull a Bella. There's a possibility...
You are lying on your bed. You refuse to move. You're just going to stay away.
Next day:
Leah: where are you?
Leah: stop ignoring me.
Emily: babes, you okay?
Quil: cum over we miss you
Next day: nothing.
You're still in bed when your door bursts open, very loudly. You turn and see Seth, Leah, Embry, and Jacob. "Y/n, up." Leah orders. You can't help but start crying. "You don't love me, Leah. There's no point in dealing with you." You say. "Leah, look at her! Look at what you're doing?" Seth yells. "I feel like I'm invading." Embry mumbles, leaving the room. "Seth, Jake. Please leave." She looks at them. They do as told. Leah sits on the bed next to you. "God, what's that god awful smell?" She giggles. You didn't shower the last two days, but you don't laugh. Nothing is funny right now. She sighs and then pulls you into her chest. "I'm sorry." She mumbles in your hair. You start crying and holding onto her tightly. Even though you're mad, this bond has insane strength. You can't stay away. You love her with everything in you. "Please, don't cry." She sounds sad. "Things are going to change." She says. "Can you forgive me?" She pulls your face up so you're looking at her. Her eyes are calling your name. You feel her energy radiating onto you. "Make it up to me." You whisper. She nods her head and looks at the door. "Let's get you cleaned up."
You take a shower, and Leah waits outside for you. Everyone else left. You step out with fresh clothes and smell so damn good. You see Leah on your couch, which makes you smile. "You look beautiful." She stands up and grabs your waist. "Do you love me now?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows. "I always have." She admits. "I have to leave tomorrow. The battle with the newborns begins." She looks away. "I don't want you to go." You say. She looks down at you and holds your face. "I'm coming back. When I do, I'll show you my love." She leans in and kisses you.
She's gone. She's at the battle. You're sitting with Kim at the coffee shop. "So, it's happening?" She asks, referring to you and Leah. "I think. I'm not sure." You giggle. "Well, I hope so." She sips her coffee. "Well, Jared and I always wish you the best. We love you." She smiles and grabs your hand. Kim has always been the closest to you. She's your favorite. Shhh. Don't tell Emily lol.
Later, you are at home, waiting to hear from someone. You get a text from Emily.
Emily: Jacob got hurt. We are at Billy's house. Carlisle is fixing him up. Everyone else is okay and the vampires are gone.
Great. You guess you just sit here and wait for Leah.
Hours pass. It's now 10:00 pm. The front door opens, and Leah walks in. She sits next to you, hunched over and thinking. "You okay?" You ask and touch her back. She stiffens and then jerks her shoulder to get your hand off. "I don't want to be with you." She has tears on her cheeks. You're angry, confused, hurt. "What now, Leah?!" You jump up off the couch and hover over her. She clenches her jaw and stands up, hovering over you completely. "Jacob got hurt. He's a shifter. If he gets hurt, then -" You shake your head, "Leah, stop." You interrupt. She grabs your throat not too hard, though, just a bit of strength, and she pushes you against the wall. "God, you make this way too hard for me." She crashes her lips on yours. You're surprised and still confused. She grabs your bottom, hoisting you up, and you wrap your legs around her waist.
You wake up next to her. Her bare back is turned to you. "Leah." You whisper and shake her. "Hmm?" She mumbles. "What are we?" You ask, nervous for the answer. "I was just emotional last night, I'm sorry." She rolls over and wraps her arm around your waist. "You're mine." She kisses your shoulder. "Just like that?" You ask, looking down at her. "I promise to you, on my soul, on my pack, on my father, I'll never hurt you again. You're my forever." She looks at you. "Fine. But you owe me a date." You reply. "Yes, ma'am. By the way, you taste good." She leans up, kissing your lips and then stands up.
That day, everyone is together, having a party. You are sitting in between Leah's legs on the ground. Your arms are wrapped around her legs. She grabs your chin, lifting your face and kisses you. "Better than fighting." Embry turns to Quil, who has a gross face. Leah flips them off.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
If Leah ever had children, what kind of mother do you think she'd be? I picture her as the kind of take-no-bs mom that still adores her kid(s) and does anything to protect them (hoping this is a happier question than all the "what if bella did this and died" questions lol)
It's a much happier ask, anon, thanks.
It's impossible to say for usre we see the kind of big sister she is to Seth (protective, no-nonsense, responsible) but a sister is not a mother, so she might be different with her hypothetical child.
Considering the amount of angst she had regarding her fertility beforehand, the one thing I feel confident saying is that Leah would not take her child for granted. It would be her little miracle, and I imagine she leaves La Push to raise the child in the sunniest, most sparsely populated area she can find, in the hopes that the child's shapeshifter genes will never be triggered.
I do imagine she tells the child about shapeshifters and vampires, so that they'll know what's out there and so that should they ever phase, they'll be mentally prepared. Leah wasn't. Jacob, who's presumably still phasing, is probably called in for a demonstration.
Overall what we see of Leah is a very mature and brave young woman, one who forgives Emily and Sam and who walks into a den of vampires to yell at the resident Mina Harper. She's direct, has a strong sense of right and wrong, and expects no special treatment in the pack. She loves passionately. I imagine her as a strict and reliable mother, the safe haven kind of parent.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Disagreement” - Paul Lahote x Reader
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Request: “Okay this might be stupid but it’s been in my head a really long time & I don’t write so I was wondering if you could do a Paul angst where his imprint is bellas sister & she chooses to stay by her when pregnant while of course they want to kill her? Too much?? 😂” 
A/N: I hope you enjoy what I did with this, I tried to make it a little less intense because I still find the situation so weird in breaking dawn ya know? also i’m off my game now that i’m going through a depressive episode once again so i hope what i gave you is at least a little enjoyable haha
“You have to what?” I blink, staring at Paul with wide eyes. 
“Sam says-” Paul tries but I cut him off. 
“You have to kill my sister, because Sam says?” I yell. 
“(Y/N), you know I have to listen, it’s out of my control.” 
“Paul, that is my sister. You’re talking about my sister and my niece or nephew. You’re talking about killing my family. How do you think I could be okay with this?” I seethe. 
“Baby, I know. But that baby isn’t a baby, it’s a demon.”
“No, we don’t know that. It’s a baby, Paul. I can’t believe you think I’ll be okay with this. As much as I’m not that fond of her, I can’t let you guys kill her.” I hiss. 
“I don’t want to do this, but I don’t have a choice. Alpha’s orders get obeyed whether we want to or not.” His teary eyes bored into mine. 
“Well, then don’t expect me to stay by and watch. I’m leaving, you’re free to come with but I’m not letting you do it.” I push past him, walking to our front door. 
“(Y/N), baby, please... You know I have to stay.” He pleads. 
“Well then I have to leave. And if you kill my sister and unborn niece or nephew or whatever it’ll be, don’t expect me to come back.” I slam the door shut, stomping my way over to my car. I started it, speeding out of there.
I soon found myself at the Cullen’s home, only to be met with an apprehensive Jacob, Leah, and Seth. Edward and Rosalie peered out the window at me. 
“I’m not here to cause any issues. I’m not here for Paul or Sam, I left. We had a disagreement.” I hold my hands up in surrender. 
“So are you and Paul okay?” Seth asks, looking at me with sad eyes.
“No, not if he tries to kill my sister and unborn family.” I huff, holding my tears back. 
“Well, we’re glad to have you around.” Jacob gives me a soft smile. 
I nod and make my way over to Leah, placing my head on her shoulder. 
The last few days without her, one of my best friends, was very difficult. I wasn’t told why they left exactly, but after Paul told me Sam’s plan, I was thankful for their support. 
“Thank you.” I murmur. 
“Couldn’t let Seth go off on his own.” She wraps an arm around my shoulder. 
“I know.” I smirk, knowing she hated Bella more than anyone else. 
Couldn’t necessarily blame her, though. 
“Are you okay?” Seth asks. 
“No. But I’ll be fine.” I smile sadly. “Can I see her?” 
Jacob looks over to the window, looking at Edward. Edward nods his head, causing Jacob’s gaze to fall back onto me. 
“Yeah, come on.” He nods, leading me into the massive house. 
I follow Jake, feeling all eyes on me. I then saw Bella sitting on the couch, a blanket covering her. 
“Hey.” She weakly smiles. 
“Hey, Bella. Long time no see.” I smirk, walking over. 
“I know, just... prepare yourself.” 
“For what?” I raise an eyebrow. 
But then I notice her face, all sunken in and hollow. Dark circles overtook her face, she looked like a walking corpse. 
“Rose.” She looks to see the blonde woman, holding out her hand. 
Rosalie walks over and helped her stand up. Bella’s state was absolutely astonishing. I couldn’t stop the gasp from escaping my lips when I noticed her seemingly malnourished frame stand up. She was skin and bones, except for her protruding belly, it was bigger than the rest of her. 
“Wow.” I exhale, trying to look her in the eye. 
“Yeah.” She smiles awkwardly. “Thank you for coming.” 
“Of course, I can’t sit back and let something happen to you.” I return her gesture. 
The next few days were unbearable. I was watching my sister die in front of my very eyes, adamant on having this child. Her husband torn with the outcomes of this situation, everyone was on edge. Jacob was having such a difficult time watching her die, it was simply a lot.
The tension in the house was unsettling. Everyone was so conflicted with the pregnancy, but ultimately it was Bella’s decision. A decision that none of us would be able to sway. I had a feeling this wouldn’t end well, but I was suffering more and more, as the bond between Paul and I was leaving me in severe pain.
I was ignoring his calls, his texts pleading me to come back to the reservation. My ignoring him didn’t get much done, eventually I just shut my phone off. It was too much, I was in too much pain. 
Emotionally, I was falling apart. Being apart from him was not only damaging me emotionally, it was causing me physical pain. I felt like my chest was on fire. 
I was growing sicker by the day, suffering without Paul. This bond really complicated already complicated situations. 
As I sat on the steps with Leah, Jake, and Seth, they perked up at the sound of rustling in the trees. 
“Why are they here?” Leah asks. 
“I don’t know.” Seth shrugs. 
They all began to stand up, and I followed behind. To my surprise, I saw Jared, Collin, and Brady walking out of the treeline. 
Brady looked at me, noticing my exhausted face. He stared a little too much.
“What are you guys here for?” Jake asks. 
“Sam sent us. We’re here to give you a final opportunity, a final warning.” Jared says with a stern face. 
“We’re not coming back.” Seth says deliberately. 
After some less than pleasant conversation, the trio left hastily. 
“Weird choice of who to send.” Seth tilted his head. 
“I thought it was weird, too. I thought he’d send Paul, Embry, and Quil.” I shrug. 
“No, he doesn’t trust they’d stay loyal to him. He knows they’d join us.” Leah purses her lips. 
“You’re right.” Jacob agrees. 
“Brady was checking in on you, it looked like. Paul might’ve told him to.” Leah says. 
“Yeah, I figured.” 
Sleeping was difficult, once again. I was seemingly falling apart at the seams. It was breaking my heart that Paul was on Sam’s side. It broke my heart to know that the love of my life was betraying me and my wishes. I understand that he can’t disobey Sam and leave his pack, but Jake, Seth, and Leah left to do what was right. 
I was tossing and turning in my bed, but I had heard a bit of rustling outside of my window, followed by voices. 
I got up, looking out the window to see Jake, Seth, Leah, and Edward talking to Embry, Quil, and Paul. 
I felt my stomach drop as I heard Paul yell at Jake. 
“I need to see her! It’s not about Sam anymore.” He hisses. 
I heard the rest of them talking, though it was too quiet for me to hear. I couldn’t tear my eyes off the fuming figure standing in front of Jacob. Almost fighting him to get to me. 
Until our eyes met. I watched as his face softened and a small smile appeared on his place. He looked at me before looking back to Edward, pushing through everyone to get through into the house. 
Everyone watched as he entered the house, looking up at me with a soft smile. 
I turned around as I heard hurried footsteps approach the room I was staying in. The door burst open and I saw an exhausted looking Paul, the bags under his eyes matched mine.  
“I missed you so much, baby.” Paul whispers, hurrying over to hold my face in my hands. 
“Paul... I can’t do this if you’re here to kill my sister.” 
“If I was here to kill your sister, do you think I would’ve been let into the house? I’m here for you. I left Sam’s pack. The three of us did, he doesn’t know yet.” He rushes. 
I grabbed him, pulling him closer to me. I pressed my lips against his, hungrily. I couldn’t bring myself to let go of him. I felt the warmth of his body pressed against my own. 
“He won’t do anything with most of the pack leaving. He can’t do it with all of us gone. I know it.” He whispers, pulling me close. 
The next few days were easier, though we still worried about an ambush from Sam’s pack. 
Bella was growing increasingly ill, but Jacob’s snarky thought found us a solution. She needed to drink blood. It was absolutely nauseating, but it really seemed to help. 
Paul’s presence made things easier for me, but it was still gruesome. It was difficult and tensions only rose as the days went past. 
Though, Paul was right. Sam’s pack was outnumbered and when they showed up, they realized they weren’t fit to get to Bella and Renesmee. They showed up after Brady’s spying found Bella to have been dead. 
But we had proven that the baby was not a threat, after I clutched her in my arms. 
They couldn’t do anything to the baby without hurting me. I couldn’t be touched. I was sacred, so thanks fate for saving all of us. Even if I hated my niece’s name. 
Thanks fate for Paul. _________________________________ Word Count: 1559
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szchaql · 4 years
Total Opposite (part 8)
Paul Lahote x Swan reader
Hi!! I'm back with Chapter 8! Sorry took so long hehehe hope you enjoy❤
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(Y/n) could never imagine that her boyfriend and friends try to kill Bella. They, out of people, the one who know about her close relationship with Bella, try to kill her sister.
She's been thinking to call Bella. But she's scared of what will happened next. So she decided to just call Seth and ask him about Bella.
"Well... she's not good.. but she'll be fine.. the Cullen always be there for her." He said over the phone. (Y/n) sigh. "What happened, (y/n)? I heard from Leah that something happened with you and Paul."
"Uhh.. it's actually the same problem like Jake.. you know.. regarding my sister..."
"Ohhhh.. i'm sorry.."
"Why say sorry? You didn't do anything wrong.. me and Paul just didn't agree on a same thing... it's okay.." (y/n) say softly to her best friend on the phone.
Seth sigh heavily. "He didn't hurt you right? He didn't phase in front of you right?" He frantically ask as (y/n) chuckle.
"No. He just shaking. There're the others to prevent it. It's okay, you don't have to worry. By the way, I hope i can see Bella. But i don't feel safe and comfortable around them.. the cullen." (Y/n) confess how much she miss her older sister. It's been a month, she think, that she hasn't meet Bella.
"Don't force yourself.. and there are me, Jake ans Leah to protect you. And besides, they won't hurt you. They are vegetarian, remember.." Seth always knows a way to comfort the young Swan and (y/n) glad that they are best friend.
"Well.. maybe after all of this is over. Me and Paul have to reconcile too. Seeing Bella with my condition, doesn't sound great at all."
Then she heard the voice of Jake calling Seth name from a far.
"Yeah, that's right. Well, i have patrol. Will talk to you again. Okay?"
"Yeah, text me okay? And tell Jake and Leah that i say hi." Seth hum and hang up.
(Y/n) feels a lot better after a talk with Seth. But the knot on her heart still there. She still feel hurt after the fight with Paul and the pack. She want to talk to him and reconcile. But she's scared. And she don't want to give up just like that. She want to teach Paul a lesson. He hurt her, he has to try to accept her decision. He know very well about her and Bella and how close them two.
She lay down on her bed, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought when her dad open the door.
"I'll go to the town. Want to come? You haven't go out since your fight with Paul." He said with a tone full of worry.
"No, thanks Dad.. maybe later." (Y/n) give him a small smile. Charlie nod his head, knowing that his daughter still need some time to collect her mind and heart.
"Call me if you need someting, okay? I will be home before 6." Then he close the door and go out.
As much as she love to be home alone, with the situation of supernatural things make her feel uneasy. She can's ask Seth or Leah. Heck, she can't even ask Emily. In this situation, she hate how her house is close to the forest. She decided to sit up and look out to the window, hoping that one of the boys have patrol around her house.
When she look out, she caught a glimpse of the wolf. But she can't tell which one since it's so dark. Part of her hope that it's Paul, but part of her hope it's someone else. But when the wolf walk closer to her house, she knows that it's Paul. His silver fur shine from the moonlight, making it more beautiful. His deep brown eyes meet her one, making her shiver.
Paul lay down closer to the house, watching her in full alert. Seeing how her boyfriend is watching her, make (y/n) feel safer. But the memories of how he and the pack want to kill her sister make her hurriedly close the curtain. She still can't look at him.
She decided to just doing her homework before she go to sleep.
Paul keeps watching the house for days non stop. Sometimes Embry watch the house at afternoon. But Paul always keeps watch at night until dawn.
Today is the day where (y/n) finally can enjoy her day. She is sitting on the sofa, eating snacks while watching a movie. Charlie is at work, as always.
In the middle of her movie, the sound of someone in the front door make (y/n) turn her head in alert. She stand up and walk toward the window to look outside. There are Embry and Quil, standing in front of the door. She sigh, knowing very well what they want. So she walk back to sit on the sofa and enjoy the movie, doesn't care about the 2 wolves outside the house.
They knock, but (y/n) doesn't even give them a mind. She keeps continue watch the movie, until Embry speak up.
"Hey. We know you are in there. Please let us in! There's something we want to talk about!"
(Y/n) keeps silent.
"Come on, (y/n)! Please!" This time it's Quil who yell.
(Y/n) groan before she yell back. "What! I don't care anymore! Now leave!" Her mood crush down. She didn't want to watch the great movie she watched anymore. She just want to be alone.
"Please! This is about Paul! He need you!" Embry yelled while banging the door mercisely. But (y/n) being a stubborn woman doesn't even give them a mind. She walk up to her own room, locking the window and closing the curtain.
But even then, the boys has another idea. They barged into the house, breaking the door. Hearing the sound of door being broken make (y/n) readi to smack them with a bat on her hand.
"OW!!" Embry yelled in pain as (y/n) smack his head with a bat, strongly. Quil couldn't believe his eyes as he retreat slowly.
"Get out! Now! Before i call my Dad for breaking the house!" She yelled angrily, ready to smack him again.
Embry hold his hands up, trying to calm the girl. "Please, (y/n). Just this one. He really need you." He said in desperate.
(Y/n) snort. "Need me? Need me?! After what he had done?! Unbelievable! Do you think i will easily get back to him?! Or to all of you?! You try to kill Bella!" She didn't know why she cried. Tears just pours out from her eyes.
"He regret it deeply, (y/n).. he's been sick since you left. And he won't eat anything. We are worried about him..." Quil speak slowly, trying not to get into her nerves.
"Still no. Now get out. I won't be back to him until you all, the pack decided not to kill Bella. That's it. If you still manage to try to kill her, it's over. It'll be done with all of you, including Paul." (Y/n) shoved the boys out of her room, even her house, with a bat still in her hand. Of course Embry and Quil still not give up to persuade her to meet Paul and reconcile. But it's no use as (y/n) bang the door in front of their face and lock it.
Regret? So now he regret it? He didn't even think about the consequence when he try to kil Bella.
Feeling tired of the situation, she decided to call her mom and spend some times with her, until everything is over.
"What happened?" Rene ask with worried tone over the phone.
"Will tell you later... I.. I just want to be back with you and spend time with you, mom... i really need this.. please?" (Y/n) voice is shaking, ready to cry in no time. She's so tired. She just want to live a normal life for a while.
Rene sigh, knowing very well about her youngest daughter. "Okay. Tell Charlie okay? I'll be waiting for you at home. Be carefull, dear one."
After speaking to her mom, (y/n) call her Dad about it. He agreed immediately. "Go. Rene will help you. Okay?"
(Y/n) hurriedly purchase the earliest plane and get her things. She just pack her clothes and bring some book. She also call Seth about it. "Do you need me to take you to the airport?" He ask as he help me pack my things.
"No.. it's okay, Seth. Dad will take me. Sorry for bothering over this. I just... i just want to live a normal life for a while.. this is too much for me.. i don't feel safe.." (y/n) said as she take out some of her clothes and put it in her suitcase. Seth helping her with the books.
"I'll inform Bella about this. Do you want to tell Paul and the pack?"
"No. Don't. Just tell Jake and Leah. And of course Bella. And i don't know if i'll be back after all this over...." Seth frown.
"You will be leaving for good? What about Paul?? Didn't it hurt you two?" (Y/n) sit down on her bed, Seth following to sit beside his best friend.
"It hurt of course. But what he did really hurt me. I know it's excessive. But.. Bella... she means so much for me. I can't let her die... it's okay even if she get turn into vampire. But at least she's alive and i can see her. And the most painful thing is that they didn't even hesitate to kill her..." (y/n) sigh heavily.
Seth nod, looking at her. "If you miss me so much, call me. I'll go to see you. Okay?" (Y/n) smile listening to it. Seth is always a cheerfull guy. He always try to make me feel better despite the circumtance.
"Thankyou.. for always being there for me..."
"Do you need anything?" Charlie ask (y/n) as they arrive at the airport.
"No. I'm fine.. thankyou, Dad..."
Charlie smile softly and hug her. "It's okay, dear.. as long as you are happy. Tell your mom i said hi. Get a full rest and enjoy it as long as you need. It's okay if you con't come back, I still can come see you."
After the hug, (y/n) get ready to go boarding. They hug for the last time and she receiving a goodbye kiss from Charlie before she leave. Sitting on the plane, she sigh. She knows sooner or later the boys will know. And of course Paul will do everything in his power to reach her and get her. She decided not to think further of it and just enjoy her quality normal life with her mom.
On the other side, Sam's pack has been restless. Bella's due date is almost there. Sam can't even rest his mind for a single bit. He think about Paul and (y/n) condition, and the Bella thing. He knows that when they decided to keep trying to kill her, (y/n) will never back and even forgive them. This will be bad for Paul. But he just can't let that baby do something horrible affer they are born. They almost kill Bella on the way.
The night comes.
Bella is in labor. Paul is watching the Cullen, despite his protest. As soon as Jake is running out of the house, crying, he know that Bella is dead. So he retreat and head back to inform Sam.
Billy try to stop Sam from doing what he want to do. Aa soon as they know that Bella didn'f make it, Sam immediately decided to fight the Cullen to kill the baby. It's getting out of hands.
Sam's packs are fighting the Cullen and Seth and Leah, when Jacob running in between them to stop. He even shift to talk with Sam.
Suprisingly, Jacob imprinted on Bella's daughter, Renesmee. Sam can't do anything about it. He can't kill her. That's against the law. So he and his pack retreat. But before they get to fully leave, Jacob inform that they didn't regret what they did. Because (y/n) surely won't come back.
"What do you mean?" Paul asked as he heard Sam's thought.
"She's back to Phoenix, living with her mom. Once she heard that you still tried to kill Bella, she won't forgive all of you and she won't come back. That's what she told us before she left. You knew about the consequence, Sam. But you still did it. You knew that the baby wasn't a harm to anyone, but you still tried to killed it. And now, see what have you done. To Paul, to (y/n), to us. I don't mind about us, but think about how hurt (y/n) will be when she knows. Just prepared yourselves then." Jacob said to Sam in warning tone, before he with Leah and Seth leave them.
Sam couldn't believe his ears. (Y/n) leave?
"What?!" Paul yelled in shock after he heard that his imprint leave. "Sam! Tell me!"
"Let's get back first and change." He and rest of his pack retreat. Paul forcefully follow him.
Once they back to Emily's and shift, Paul immediately ask Sam. "What do you mean that (y/n) leave?!"
"Jacob told me that (y/n) leave to meet is mom in Phoenix. She leave a week ago. Seth said that she want to have short normal life with her mom, that she's tired of all of this. She didn't feel safe at all. And there's a chance that she won't be back here anymore. And knowing that we tried to killed Bella... make things worse between us and (y/n)..." Paul couldn't believe at what Sam had said.
She leave just like that? She didn't feel safe? Why? Why did she just give up like that?
"I.. i have to see her! I have to ask her! I.. she can't leave!" Paul yelled angryly and feel hurt, then he leave. He have to see her no matter what. He feel so guilty for hurting her to this extent. He didn't imagine that (y/n) dare to leave him.
Jared and Embry go with Paul, for mental support. "Make sure he or she didn't do anything stupid. Make sure you two help them.." Sam said as they all in the airport, waiting.
"Of course. Don't worry Sam. We will do our best." Jared said.
When they heard that they need to get ready to board the plane, Paul without second thought leave first. Jared and Embry follow him after. Sam just hope that Paul and (y/n) can reconcile faster and make the best decision. He hope that (y/n) will back to Paul.
Taglist : @calling-dips-on-j-hope @tbhprobablydontcare @ivettt
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