#Le siiiiiigh
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pearl-crystals · 7 months ago
Summer is almost over and its still super hot out. Might as well take advantage of the air conditioning before work comes in!
Im pretty happy with my cosplay, and I'll have more pictures later on! ☺️ Enjoy this one picture since tumblr is having a bit of trouble loading my photos today.
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ohmigoshiloveu · 1 year ago
If youre still taking art requests- emizel showing shilo and grefgor various cartoons. PLEASE. Another idea is shilo and emizel style swap cuz i think it would be pretty funny
Okay, so, um. This ask made me realize that I don’t watch a lot of cartoons??? Like I tried to think of something that Shilo and Grefgore would have a reaction to and drew a complete blank??? And then I realized that the cartoons I did get into are not the kinds of cartoons Emizel would admit to watching???? I’m so sorry I never thought not watching Family Guy or the Simpsons would mess me up like this.
Anyways I drew them watching one of the many many many slasher horror films I have also not watched instead
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And two different types of styleswap
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rohirric-hunter · 6 months ago
I miss that LotR hero collector game, that was a fun game
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princessmo · 2 years ago
what if i made a testimonials page again. a testiMOnials page, if you will
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madamemachikonew · 12 days ago
Waiting for Pantalone feels like I’m Miss Havisham in a faded moth eaten wedding dress I’ve worn for twenty years roaming aimlessly through a vast house with wilted flowers in every vase, as streams of sunlight highlight the dust floating in the air as they burst through the barely opened curtains.
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bigskydreaming · 2 years ago
Good grief I can’t wait until the day I can look forward to reading new Nightwing issues. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem there’s any hint of when that day will be yet le siiiiiigh.
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Episodul 8:
Toata lumea e toxica in serialul asta
Alice e exact a masina mea de spalat. Isi da reset la stoarcere/ziua casatoriei
Cliffhanger, dar am vazut destule telenovele romanesti ca sa stiu ca urmatorul episod o sa aiba si el reset ca memoria lui Alice
Episodul 9:
De fiecare data cand balerina dansatoare zice ceva de facultatea de litere, ma pis pe mine de ras uwu vreau sa scriu un roman asa ca ma duc la litereeee uwu biiiitch
Toti barbatii din serialul asta is gunoaie
Episodul 10:
Critica referitoare la barbati mediocri folosind conturi false pe Tinder
Alta rapire ca de ce nu
Episodul 11:
Practic nimic nu s-a intamplat
Balerina dansatoare si naratiunea ei ma omoara
Episodul 12:
Eu ii dadeam dreak pe toti
My friend: asta nu e din Constanta ca nu face circ si panarama
Episodul 13-36:
Am zis ca nu are rost sa mai fac postari individuale dat fiind ca totul e cam la fel asa ca aici o sa fie unul mai mare si o sa revin si cu concluzia de la final
Alice Villainessa are momente in care e adorabila si ar fi si mai adorabila intr-o camasa de forta. Se vede ca nu am iz de main character ca m-ar fi durut in pla de ea si problemele ei. O ingropam de vie ca sa scap de ea. Also daca faceam un drinking game cu replicile ei, intram in coma alcoolica de la atata PeTrU, uwu sotul meu nu se fte cu mine uwu si fantasticul... MAMAMAAAAAA, EU NU INTELEG NIMIIIIIC DECENUMAIUBESTEPETRU
Otilia fashion queen e tipica mamica overprotective si ipocrita ca dracu care stie ca are un demon la usa, dar asta e 🤷🏼‍♀️ e in fisa postului sa isi apare progenitura (I love ALL my children. Alice, fata mea puternica... Pethru... Emmah... Pavlov si... Ardei)
Marcel e singurul cu character development de la misogin abuziv si un rahat de om la unchiul fun care isi exprima sentimentele prin mancare
Maria e simpatica, dar am in cap rolul actritei din Numai Iubirea cand un sfert din serial era varianta granny de la milf si imbracata in camasute sexy de noapte si avea o relatie cu Doru ala din nu stiu ce boy band romanesc si dupa canta aia cu BuRn LiKe ThAt RuSsIaN gIrL
Robby e foarte natural. Adica fie e o bomboana de copil, fie imi vine sa il arunc de la etaj. The best child actor din toate serialele Antena 1.
Andi si Mike mai bine faceau ei un cuplu gay, dar nuuuuuuuuu ca nuuuuu
Pe Kira Hagi o cheama Mira... Kira... Mira... foarte original
Avem 2 copii de fosti fotbalisti, cativa actori din grila veche, familia producatoarei, actori din serialele anterioare si niste fetisoare noi
Dănuța is a queeeen si merita mai mult decat in papagal, dar asta e 😒 avem femei frumi si bitchy si le irosim cu ratati
Revin la Doinita Oancea si rolurile repetate. Dupa N continuari la Inima de Tigan, joaca mereu acelasi rol de femeie frustrata, invidioasa, cu sot infidel si probleme de fertilitate. E ok ca avem putina vizibilitate, dar nu e o situatie tratata ok, ci doar un factor care sa faca personajul iritant si sa dea motiv sotului sa insele.
Petrica e Michele Morrone si personajul lui din faimoasa serie de filme de pe Netlix, dar de pe Temu. In continuare, ticul lui verbal e BăĂă. Incep sa cred ca e oaie.
Balerina Dansatoare e un personaj scris relativ okish. E mai putin proasta decat alte eroine romanesti, dar totodata batuta in freza rau de tot si fixata pe Mary Sueiala. Vrea la litere ca sa scrie un roman, de parca TL si LRC nu o sa o termine psihic. Umbla cu jurnalul ala de parca literistii nu rup AO3 si Google docs. Also, sa prinzi job bun pe pile si sa tu sa fii ocupata sa le sufli in cur tuturor? Mamica, sansele tale erau McDonald's sau meditatii ca nu te vad sa iei tu titularizarea sau sa ajungi macar urmatorul roman best seller mediocru cu replici gen uwu oare iubirea e o dovada de egoism uwu
Toti aia de la masinute sunt de umplutura si nu sunt atenta la ei
Pavel imi aduce aminte de un fost - pampalau, ratat si curvar ✌🏻
Dupa ce am simtit nevoia sa ma omor dupa fiecare secventa cu un cuplu tanar din telenovelele de la Televisa (da, inca ma uit, doar ca fac o mini pauza ca nu mai aveam timp), Ema si Sorin sunt cute rau, dar mi-a dat cu spoiler cineva ca trebuie sa apara Kristina Kiobashu in peisaj si strica tot obvi.
Tot incerc sa imi dau seama care e faza cu ura fata de Constanta. Mai lipseste sa i se spuna Liei ca pute a hamsie cu mujdei si sare doar fiindca e din Constanta. Probabil e o chestie de bucuresteni si obsesia cu bookureshty vs provincie. Ah, hopa. Fosta nora a producatoarei e de acolo. Se explica.
Sunt destul de sigura ca Marian Ralea e tatal trioului de bogatasi
Am observat ca toate telenovelele Antena 1-Acasa au obsesia asta cu bogatasii la masa. Bai, mama are ditamai masa si tata avea o obsesie cu masa servita in familie, dar noi mai si muncim. 3 mese pe zi impreuna? Maxim 2 mese pe saptamana. Oricum clatitele cu mustar din Numai Iubirea sunt iconice.
Puteam sa jur ca introul era cantat de Loredana 🙃 de cand Delia si Lori seamana atat de mult?
Lacul e recurring character in toate telenovelele
Misterul cu sarcina e luat din continuarea aia la Pariu cu Viata cand s-a pus Dorian Popa sa cante melodia aia cringe in care isi rupea parul din cap imaginandu-si cum ar fi fost sa aiba el un copil
Am vazut ca e Lia pe Netflix si am zis sa ma reapuc de serial, dat fiind ca am vazut doar 3 episoade la tv.
Episodul 1:
suntem in secolul 21 si lumea inca are gandire din aia cu uwu provincie vs capitala uwu ALOOO, CHIRITA, CHILL CA AVEM MAI MULTA APA CALDA DECAT VOI
Ruxandra Ion ma omoara cu dinamica repetata de servitori lingai - bogatasii pulii
apreciez fete noi, dupa ce am crescut cu Adela Popescu in toate rolurile principale, but they suuuuuck (copiii sunt mai naturali decar adultii)
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doctornerdington · 3 years ago
Refreshing myself on all the Taika Waititi content, as you do, and I had totally forgotten about that time he was papped on his balcony smooching it up with Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson all together, and afterwards when he was asked about it he said “I was doing nothing wrong.” Honestly he’s kind of embodying “do I want to fuck him or do I want to be him” for me right now. 
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cellard0ors · 5 years ago
WIP: Reeds In The Water
“And you’ll call?”
“Every night, Ma…” is Stan’s firm promise and Ford just looks heavenwards, hands dropping away from one another to rise up and fall again. A sheer, ‘heaven help me’ reaction that has Preston grinning even as he companionably inclines his head to one side, “We would certainly appreciate it, Stanley. Your brother in particular.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. Still thinkin’ it’s a little futile though,” he looks devilish as he adds, “All things considered…”
And he shares another look with Ford. One of those looks that twins share that’s full of secrets and really, Preston’s about to reach the end of his own rope. Here he’s been vexed about Ford and these two are having their own secret tête-à-tête. What is going on here? What are they saying to one another without saying anything at all?
Whatever it is, it draws to a close as Stan finally opens the door and steps out. But just before he closes it behind himself, he tosses out an enigmatic,  “Now, don’t you two go wearing yourselves out while I’m gone, huh? Save a lil’ bit for ol’ Stanley when he comes home.”
The door closes and Preston just stares at it, completely at a loss. What on earth did that mean? Shaking his head to himself, he turns to face Ford, comforting remarks at the ready, “Don’t worry, Stanford. I’m sure he’ll b-mmnf!”
The rest of this planned sentence was ‘be fine’. However, it’s not completed, because Ford has bodily thrown himself at Preston, capturing his mouth with his. Preston, cut off mid-word, only manages a surprised hum, shock shooting throughout every nerve. More so, because Ford has him pressed hard against the back of the front door and oh…
Ford’s fingers, all twelve of them, thread through Preston’s thick dark hair, nails dragging deliciously along his scalp before trailing down, running along the bare skin at the nape of his neck, making him shudder, because Jesus. Preston’s never been under such a fervent sensual assault. Ford’s head angles to make the contact deeper, his tongue sliding temptingly along Preston’s, urging it to respond.
Preston’s arms, dead weights hanging on either side of his body up until this point, rise swiftly, embracing Ford fully, capturing him close as he finally gets with the program. He returns this unexpected kiss, returns this unexpected passion, with matching intensity.
He and Ford have shared a few kiss – some good, some great – some, sadly, miserable (like their first). But this kiss? This kiss is blowing all of those out of the water. It’s full of desire and heat and Preston’s earlier noise of alarm has melted into one of pure pleasure. Preston feels completely kowtowed, body bowing, bending down and up, as if to surge more into the sheer force of Stanford’s kiss, his touch.
Arousal is crackling throughout his system – a wild, chaotic jolt of energy leaving sparks from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Before this, before Ford and Stanley, Preston repressed all his desires, all his wants. Now? The freedom they’ve given him, the permission from them to release it? It’s almost more than he can take. He feels mad with it, wild and giddy and, above all, ravenous.
As such, it’s Ford who draws back first, peeling his lips away with a loud inhale, his breathing nothing but heavy pants and Preston finds himself much the same, entirely without breath and what feels like very little sanity. Still, as Ford moves out of his grip, as he moves away so that they can both slowly come down from the high of their contact, Preston finds enough of it to remark dryly, “I’m...perplexed.”
Ford manages a shaky, winded laugh and Preston really wants to talk more but it’s…difficult. Again, proper lucidity is difficult after such an ardent moment. He wants to ask what all that was about. He wants to ask Ford if he’s okay. He wants to ask something about Stanley…and Stanley…what about him again?
Oh, yes – he’s just left and Preston was expecting Ford to be bereft. Not…whatever he just was once the door closed. And as he’s trying to think of how to best ask that, something better than just announcing that he’s confused, Ford beats him to it, “So…Stan and I have been talking.”
“Oh, no,” is Preston’s automatic reaction, because when Stan and Ford talk, a variety of things can happen. Usually insane, crazy things. Things that could get all of them into trouble. Ford seems to recognize the remark for what it is and, if anything, it just makes his smile wider, the glint in his eyes happily mischievous.
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lizisanamimal · 5 years ago
Drama 2: Harry did a video for the Diana’s award and Called Out Institutional Racism and that it is still “endemic” in our societies and has pledged that he and Meghan will be “part of the change” plus said: "My wife said recently that our generation and the ones before us haven’t done enough to right the wrongs of the past," Harry said. "I too am sorry—sorry that we haven't got the world to the place that you deserve it to be." And talked about Unconscious bias. While never owning his past🙃
Typical Harry
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fizzingwizard · 6 years ago
gintama FEELINGS under the cut (spoilers spoilers)
warning: everyone seems really hot on this chapter but tbh I’m very much not!!
before, I was on the fence about whether Takasugi would die for reals or not. All the signs pointed to YES... but it’s Gintama. Which has done some pretty dramatic, big impact deaths before, but never with a character as high profile and long-lasting as Takasugi. If I’m completely honest, I did want him to die. You get sick of everyone constantly escaping death by really contrived means, even in shonen manga. But I thought “nah, gorilla wouldn’t do that to Matako.” Technically there’s still one chapter left so... anything can still happen :P But I’m gonna say that Takasugi is well and truly dead.
And what a death! He got a 40 page death scene dude. As much as I felt it made sense, and fit Takasugi’s arc, I have to admit I am feeling a leeeeeeetle bit wtf about this entire chapter. I guess I don’t understand why Sorachi couldn’t have just had less fighting happen earlier and finished the story without needing to make the switch to an app for just 100 or so pages. I think it’s great that he felt strongly enough not to boy to pressure from the publisher and to do things his own way till the end - I just wonder how much of his predicament there was poor organization of the final arc on his part xP
Because even though it’s the Big Final Battle, and Sensei!!!! finally appeared!!! It was... really... REALLY... anti-climactic!! Utsuro was dead without anyone even noticing! He barely even CARED! What was all that bellyaching even for, lmao???!!! Gintoki got a token scene of stabbing... but really it was Takasugi who was the only one that did anything worthwhile. xP Now that’s par for the course with anti-hero character, it’s just that usually, the Main Character still has Stuff left to do to balance out the status quo. There’s one more chapter! But given how few pages are left... (Because splash pages and Endless Sentimental Monologuing take up a lot of panel space) I just can’t see all that much going down in the Official Final Chapter. Right now, I’d say Takatama would be a better name for this manga.
(Also, GinTaka is totally canon now amirite? Somehow my shipper’s heart when Ginzura these past couple years, but canon speaks for itself)
And speaking of sentimental monologuing. I’ve complained about this in the past, numerous times, you’d think I’d have gotten used to it by now. It’s just. I am a sentimental person. Absurdly so. And even I think Gintama overdoes it by a lot. I have only felt this way since right after the Rakuyou arc. That’s where the story gets shaky for me. There was plenty of it beforehand, but it fit better. Like during the Farewell Shinsengumi arc - there were a lot of sentimental thoughts, but they made sense, and they built up the action and the drama, rather than replace it. But since Rakuyou I’ve kind of felt like the modus operandi was “can’t think of enough to do to fill an entire chapter, so let’s stretch it out with never-ending professions of love and loyalty”
(Of course, this chapter was absolutely the place for sentimental monologuing. Seriously, if I hadn’t been so overwhelmed with it earlier, I would not be complaining now, because this is exactly what should happen when Takasugi dies in Gintoki’s arms, kay.)
So there’s one chapter left, and for me, there are still so many things I would have liked to have seen... At this point, although I enjoyed Takasugi’s end, I can’t help but feel slightly pissed that he got all this attention after never being around for years and years, while all the characters I actually care about are just kind of... chilling in battle pretending they’re still useful. xP I am especially surprised about Kagura and Shinpachi???? This is not the ending I expected for them at all. The last chapter’s gotta be the kind of “and then they went forth into their futures!” type bs, right?? I can’t imagine what else it could be, and yet that just feels so not right to me. Uggggh. I hate to complain but I really did want (and expect!) a different ending for everyone except Takasugi.
so now my prediction for the last chapter is... everyone eventually escapes the collapsing building. in the process, gintoki has more sentimental words with shouyou, before shouyou dies. they go back to edo and everything goes back to normal as if none of the last 50 chapters or whatever ever happened, except Takasugi is dead, which no one really notices because it’s not like he was ever around, except when Gintoki looks sadly off into the distance. No ships are confirmed, not even KonTae, and most everything is left open-ended. There are gags galore that we all appreciate thanks to nostalgia even though none of them are new, just watered down referential jokes from the past.
I have my fingers, toes, and ears fucking crossed that the Gorilla has one more surprise left, even if that surprise is Gintoki fucking dying on the way to safety xDDDD No, I don’t mean that. I don’t want Gintoki to die. This isn’t Cowboy Bebop!! I just mean that I am desperate to escape The Stereotypical Shonen Ending.
well... that hit tl;dr quick. xP in sum, I
liked this chapter very much
but would have liked it more if it weren’t the second-to-last
loved every bit with Takasugi and Gintoki
hated how all the Utsuro build up evaporated like drizzle in a desert
am greatly concerned that the final chapter will be Boring AF
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Why have I not seen this yet!?!?! UNHOLY HELL I NEED ASSISTANCE
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*ugly cries*
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rcalmofmagic-a-blog · 6 years ago
y u sleeping on my oc @onearmcdsurvivor tho
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johnson-alaric · 6 years ago
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nmzuka · 8 years ago
got a bunch of adulting stuff I need to do and would wanna get it done and outta the way but it involves leaving the house and I just...don’t...wanna...today.....
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Dreams are so wierd. Like they can start out from one point of view, from you watching from a distance, to you suddenly being the in the shoes of whom you were watching, then feeling sad that you had to wake up from your girlfriend weaving roses in your hair...
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