#Lazer Sword
dj-tunic · 3 months
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It's super late but happy pride! Have some standard lazer swords in a plethora of non canon colors (*´ω`*)
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robotshowtunes · 7 months
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evilminji · 9 months
(O.O ) The PONDERING is back!
You know Walker?
One of the Zone's literal ACAB? We are shown in one episode, that real world items? Against The Rules(tm).
Now, that COULD just be HIM being An Asshole? But let's be real! Unlikely. Rules/Laws get made for a REASON, generally. Usually because someone ruined it for everyone by being an asshole. Taking things too far.
You start OUT with the obvious Rules. Like "Don't Tear the Zone Apart." And "No Genocide of Literally Everything Forever You Fighty Little Assholes" but over time? You have too add stuff. Like "George is Forbidden to use the fax machine and he knows why" and "Ice Lairs and Fire Lairs have to be X distance apart AND YOU KNOW WHY"
And? IS there a central Governing body, regulating the Zone Rules? Nope! Pariah's in nappy time! BUT the manic, Iron fisted, Obsessions of THE LAW across time and space are sure willing to step up and help keep order. It... KINDA works!
And they MOSTLY have the same-ish Rules!
Like NO FUCKIN LIVING WORLD STUFF. Because? To GET such contraband? You'd have to break containment of the Zone, go THROUGH a random ass natural portal, that may or may NOT be safe, may or may NOT ever RECONNECT to the Zone, to literally terrorize the unsuspecting living souls (assuming you can FIND any), on the other side, JUST to drag that shitty candy bar back home.
Leaking ectoplasm the whole time. Poisoning the air, land, and sea. Making NEW ghosts where there might not have been any. Effectively making you their deadbeat parent. Which is premeditated child abandonment. And you DEFINITELY didn't PAY for those objects. Thief.
So, NO. No Living World Shit.
Like city states! The Area of influence each Law Man(tm) has? While wide and sprawling? Does NOT perfectly mesh together like puzzle pieces! There ARE dead zones. Lawless, "unclaimed" areas.
Which? Are not so unclaimed.
For just as The Law has it's Obsession? So too, has the Underworld. Shaddy casinos and auctions. Black markets run like street fairs. What some Ghost Weed? They can hook you up, man. Vinnie over there was a Runner during Prohibition. He knows where ALL the classy joints are.
He can hook you up with some REAL nice Living World collectibles.
From All Over.
And? I bet it's that LAST bit? That REALLY sparks Danny's interest. He saved the guy from the GIW, who may or may not have busted him trying to... uuuuh... LIBERATE, some fine scotch for the bar back Zone side. Who's to say, really? Regardless, Vinnie? Pays his debts, you here.
Beside... the feral little gremlin kinda scares him. Good quality to have, no question, but maybe cool it with the biting? You don't know where they BEEN. You'll get a disease.
Now... all you gotta do, see, is... *mutters* *map scribbling* *bad idea enabling*
Which? Constantine! League Members of your choosing! Like a field trip from hell! Some how in the SINGLE shadiest den of Obvious Criminals you ever did see. The sky is green and they aren't in their dimension anymore. Circle up! NOW. Young Justice shoved to the INSIDE of the circle, adult heros on the outside.
Constantine? Knows where they are and wishs he didn't. He... he's not sure he CAN get them back. Going to try obviously. But no one panic. Don't show fear. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING. Start walking.
Danny? Loading up the speeder~ Christmas gifts for daaaays~~☆ Everyone is Salty but respectful, cause anti-ghost tech meant they couldn't steal it. They did TRY. But... fair play, kid. Nice ride.
Only? Right before he gets in to leave? Some vibrating blur shoots over? Talking fast and followed by an older blur? Oh hey, humans. Like... ALIVE humans. Sup?
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @nerdpoe @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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1pcii · 9 months
oda is so right about robots and sci-fi elements in his story being considered the coolest thing ever™ I just wish he didnt have to ruin it by making it a point to say that girls could never understand finding them cool (wrongest thing he's ever said)
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anderscim · 1 year
quick noticing (and possible theory)
// very minor drhd prologue spoilers
(take this with a grain of salt)
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i immediately noticed something about izanami’s sprite here while catching up on DRHD.
where have i seen that necklace on her right arm before?
i decided to go back to the official DRHD account for the sake of comparison— and there’s one character who hasn’t had a revealed design yet so far:
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this guy. y’know, that one mystery character that was revealed at the end of the voice actor announcement
well uh.
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i don’t know, but those necklaces seem VERY similar. plus the way it’s hanging on their arm/hand for both of them is also interesting.
it’s possible there’s a relation between izanami and “the devil” but i’m not sure? i know this is a minor clue but it would be VERY interesting if they were somehow connected
(this is with the assumption that this guy and ryuusei are different characters though)
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rosedosed · 1 year
When I was 15 I used to be really self-conscious about only watching Rebels I felt like such a fake Star Wars fan but it seems wisdom truly does come with age because I’ve decided I was actually so real for that.
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legendary-pancakes · 2 years
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Linktober 2022: Day 15 - Weapon
we just going to ignore the fact that bapy zelda had access to a bunch of ancient weapons or...
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clonewarsahsoka · 2 months
Like I DO fundamentally believe that in the prequels the jedi failed. And I believe that they were failing long before that. They were a centralized power of specialized warrior monks for a religion nobody else believes in with massive amounts of power. They effectively were above and WERE the law of the Republic for thousands of years. But by the prequels they knew their power and influence was failing and when they were handed a clone army THEY said okay we gotta fight this war 😀. Like theoretically the "jedi" approach wouldve been to immediately attempt peace talks and negotiations but they dove head first into being GENERALS OF A WAR!!!!
And not to mention the way they fail their own people. The way the jedi taught their students was fundamentally BAD. like they're doctrine was just wrong. They tell CHILDREN AND TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS you cannot feel negative emotions and positive emotions are on thin ice. If you feel these emotions then you can be evil!!!!! And they TELL THEM that if you give into these things it's OVER!! But it's not true, time and time again you see them protecting their own. But their own people don't know that so if they "commit a sin" so to speak they can't even go to confession like they're just trapped. And this is how they fail anakin. If he had even ONE moment of full honesty with any other jedi it all wouldve been avoided. He wouldve been able to address his DEEP guilt and shame and fear but instead he is trapped to bottle it up and the only outlet and acceptance he gets is from fascist frog man. It's amazing they didn't have MORE cases like this. Honestly.
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÷<《■¤■|- cc●)_)__\ Hey @oshnom I've been working on this for a while. Can I use it in the revolution? I have no idea what it will do but it follows OSHA standards for weapons in the workplace.
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void-critters · 1 year
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Low effort text post meme but it's my current D&D party™
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gagesfall · 2 years
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better-than-one · 8 months
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hemopseudo · 10 months
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chissjedi · 1 year
Real life has hit me like a truck, so if y'all could send me some messages or asks or play those opinion games, I would be extremely grateful for the distraction from my despair.
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evilminji · 6 months
Been Watching Weird Fruit Explorer(?)... and I just...
W-Who let Bored Danny have BooTube?
Sorry, YOU-Tube. He has TWO Apps now. BooTube is bigger. Way more random, yet... somehow more niche? Meh. It's what happens when you get billions of billions of people who all have their own Obsessions to rant over, on a site.
Ember's channel is pretty lit, tho, ngl.
He stopped using YOU-Tube almost overnight. Too many ads, weird algorithmic pushiness. No thanks. It was too small and too "trying to take my money". You know?
Buuuuut? See.... TUCKER is the Tech guy.
Coding and that sort of stuff. HE does hands on work. You want a toaster? He can MAKE you a toaster! With LAZERS! Runs off The Goo! But a program? Eeeeeeeh? Hit it with hammer maybe? Monkey make fire? Hit with stick? Blergh.
Yeah, he can SORTA push through.
But he suuuucks.
And like... he had a headache, okay? His project had just, quiet literally, exploded in his face. So when he looked at his phone? All the apps were blobs. He clicked the one that LOOKED kinda right. Shoved his arm in his phone and brute forced a channel set up.
He figured he could ramble about Space!
It's not like he cared is anyone LISTENS or not! It's a "for him" thing, you know? Like a diary. But more... putting on a ☆~show~☆?
So he rambles from the floor of his Lair's Lab, crashs and wails in the distance, green sky occasionally visible as he lazily floats by windows. Dropping... juuuust past human knowledge understanding of Space. Talking like he's STUDYING somewhere. Referencing PAPERS no human will ever be able to find.
But a few they WILL.
Some of which, are currently? Only half written.
But then? Oh YEAH... he should eat! You know... Sam keeps bringing him fruits and veggies and stuff from her internship at that Botanical Lair. Stuff never seen before of Earth. Or hasn't been seen in centuries.
Again, like, a FEW that? Randomly? Have???
He picks up something sharply purple, bright orange insides. Crisp crunch. He makes a face. And starts to ramble about it, distracted from Space. "Weirdly mushroom-y" he notes. "Kinda bubblegum sweet? But like... CHEAP bubblegum. Like it hits you all at once and is kinda chemically. But it disappears real fast? Huh. Spicy too..."
It's the first video on the Playlist. One of hundreds. Two of the green Lanterns RECONIZE that fruit ad HIGHLY toxic to humans, can't recognize what planet they're seeing. Or how this alien teen got himself on YouTube.
He seems... unaware of how incredibly famous he's become.
But his strange techno Pharoah friend has not. HE is both perfectly aware and apparently amused. Has taken to feeding him rare and hazardous flora and fauna, to see if it tastes good.
....there have been an alarming number of plants from dead planets.
And the comments the kid makes? Alarming as hell.
Sam's just pleased everybody's getting their greens. Danny's glad him n tuck get to hang and do "try weird foods and fuck around, bro time". They've made lazers! Talked about stuff! Debated why Martian Manhunter is THE superior Justice League member.
Danny understands. Wonder Woman is a BAMF. But he's biased, Tucker. He doesn't CARE if she has a sword and flowy, impressive locks! Shape-shifting telepath! From MARS!!! *imaginary mic drop*
And Tucker? Is conquering the YouTube scene with this charming, weird, relatable young alien. Who rambles about Space, debates nerd stuff, eats weird plants and describes them, and makes sci-fi technology! Theme? WHAT THEME? Phantom is a weird channel, man. You never know what you'll find!
And no one can get rid of it.
Believe them, governments have TRIED. Censorship? Not possible. Not without removing the whole SITE.
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raisethe-velvet · 2 years
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Zoe AI is giving me OC lore i didnt even know existed
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