#Lawyers in Doha
sharqlawfirm · 2 months
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hiremox · 1 year
Senior Legal Counsel-Qatar
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adropofhumanity · 3 months
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Al Jazeera's offices will remain shut in #Israel for 45 more days, according to Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, who says he is "convinced" the broadcasting ban will be extended in the future as well.
Announcing the development on X, Karhi thanked Prime Minister Netanyahu and the government for approving the extension.
"We will not allow the Al Jazeera terrorist channel to broadcast in Israel and endanger our fighters. I have now signed the extension of the orders banning Al Jazeera channel broadcasts in Israel," Karhi said.
Al Jazeera has sent a comment to the minister through its lawyer, rejecting this decision and denying all accusations and justifications on which the minister based his decision.
The Doha-based news network in a statement last month condemned the shutdown, describing it as a "criminal act".
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dylan-rodrigues · 10 months
ep. 5
This poor browbeaten manager. The puppy sound effects are appropriate.
If you think about it, I guess Ri-ta really is Do-ha's toxic ex, so manager puppy man isn’t wrong.
Of course it's a 19th life reincarnation. 2023 is the year of people living their 19th lives.
"when will my husband come back the war" but he's not your husband (yet?) but the guy you've sworn to kill and kinda falling for
Nothing says romance like keeping your girl alive thru lotus seeds and laboured metaphors
What is the lawyer man cooking ‼️⁉️🔥🔥🗣️🗣️
Younghwa is a genuinely nice person. Look at her shooting her career in the foot so a terminally ill man can go in peace.
Oof she patientzoned him. can’t tell if that’s worse than Soon-deuk son-zoning Rowoon.
That has to be the dumbest criminal... Imagine writing a suicide note and giving it to the guy trying to get rid of the evidence (you are the evidence)
No, not Sigmund Freud 😭😭 Who knew the Freudster would help a 1500yo toxic couple have a classic kdrama romantic moment (the Big Sig would have a field day with these two frfr. He would have diagnosed Do-ha with daddy issues and Young-hwa with hysteria)
That cannot be the same lady who's the dignified eldest daughter of Scholar Maeng 😭😭 I love this actress tho, she ate
Not manager tryna be a wingman, god he's so wholesome… bro is tryna hook up the ghost who threatens him 24/7
I could watch Doha prove all the Jun-oh haters wrong all day long
Im sorry, ghost Doha stalking child Young-hwa looks so goofy. Bro looks like a clothes hanger with a hanbok strung on it.
As for Do-ha not being able to beat the 1500 ghost allegations and now Young-hwa finding out about… I am seated and ready for the next episode. This drama has such a chokehold on me.
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rafaellaberso21 · 1 year
Big Mouth series review: watch it or skip it?
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In Big Mouth, we meet Park Changho, a lawyer with a dismal 10% success rate. The nickname "Big Mouth" refers to his tendency to boast. He has no idea that his life is about to change when the mayor of Gucheon, Choi Doha, asks him to take on a case involving the hospital administration and medical staff. It's a perilous trip full of betrayals and murders.
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This is a journey fraught with peril, betrayal, and murder. The opening sequences of the popular K-dramas "Big Mouth" and "Adamas" both take place in the middle of the night and during a rainstorm. The premise of both shows is based on the classic tale of David and Goliath, and both tell the story of a seemingly ineffectual lawyer who turns deadly when he feels cornered. The action drama starts with the identification of the criminal threat known as Big Mouse in Gucheon. An accident changes the course of Park Changho's life as he works as defense counsel in the murder case involving the Gucheon hospital.
Big Mouth is typical of the creative ways in which K-dramas tackle even mundane topics. The intriguing plot and characters' gradual development in the first episode hooks viewers. The show is still a commercial drama with the intention of providing clean viewing. Lee Jong Suk does a good job portraying a lawyer, but his performance isn't particularly memorable. The plot is interesting, and it manages to keep viewers interested, but no one character really stands out.
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my-vanishing-777 · 1 month
The Taliban’s war against girls and women has intensified. Deprived of education, work and even the opportunity to walk in parks or visit public baths, half of Afghanistan’s population live especially shrunken and fearful lives. The Taliban’s rule is not merely a cruel and humiliating blow to their rights and dignity, but an existential threat. In a May report, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, quoted one woman: “I was the breadwinner and now [I] have no job, no income and my children are asking for food, I have no choice but to consider suicide.”
The Taliban have already murdered lawyers, activists, students, police and other women, as well as subjecting them to torture and abuse. Concerns that they will resume public stonings persist. But there are many other ways to take women’s lives. Remove their livelihoods and they (and their children) starve. Force them into dependency on abusive men, with no escape, and they will be killed. Reduce access to healthcare and they die preventable deaths. Snatch away all hope and some will conclude that there is no way to go on.
Men and boys suffer too from the disappearance of household income, or the avoidable deaths of wives and mothers. Some are treated brutally by the Taliban for resisting the mistreatment of women or failing to police the conduct of female relatives. The punishments for failure to comply with Taliban instructions “are often arbitrary, severe and disproportionate”, the UN mission in Afghanistan noted in July.
In his May report, Mr Bennett noted that the collective impact is not only profound but mounting: “With each generation, there will be fewer women with educational backgrounds enabling them to take up roles outside the home … Afghanistan [is] losing more than its future health-care workers, with the concomitant risks to women and girls. The Taliban’s institutionalized gender oppression is depriving Afghanistan of its future women engineers, journalists, lawyers, biologists, politicians and poets.” Online education programmes are a limited and wholly insufficient substitute for proper schooling, but nonetheless need better international support. Mr Bennett has also called for gender apartheid to be criminalised under international law. He should be heard.
It is all the more grim, then, that Afghanistan’s women and girls should not only be coerced by the Taliban, but let down by those who promised support. In the third round of UN talks on Afghanistan in Doha this summer, women’s and other human rights were off the agenda, and women and other civil society representatives were excluded from the table, to the fury of rights groups, campaigners, Mr Bennett and the UN’s own women’s rights committee. Fawzia Koofi, a former deputy speaker of the Afghan parliament and peace negotiator, wrote of women’s “despair, shock and disappointment”. The decision emboldened the Taliban, with their chief spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid lecturing the west on the need to “remove the obstacles hindering the development of relations”.
The international community does not face a choice between pursuing mutually exclusive aims of women’s rights and humanitarian needs, as some have suggested. Far from it: the two are intimately connected. Banning women from working in most roles in aid agencies means that many others cannot access help due to gender segregation. Afghan women demand representation when their country’s future is discussed. They must be heeded.
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yaimlight · 2 years
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Rating: T
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader / Todoroki Shoto x fem!reader / Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shoto / Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader x Todoroki Shoto
A/N: for Doha. Thank you
Part of the Twos Company, Threes A Crowd series
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Katsuki stared out across the vast amount of lush green grass and papyrus plants, the calm blue waters of the river gently lapping at the jetty he was standing on. It was still hot, even though the sun was on its way back down again, beginning to turn the cloudless sky a brilliant mix of reds, oranges and pinks. He had learnt his first day here though that the heat didn’t disappear with the sun, the night’s still a sticky 29 degrees even now in October. It made sleep difficult, especially with three of them in the bed and the only way of cooling down in their glorified shack was an ancient looking fan that just seemed to move the hot sticky air around. He had taken to sleeping in the middle, pressed up against Shoto’s right side and with you against his back, the borrowed quirk making your entire body cold enough that Katsuki hardly felt the heat. So, what if he woke up shivering some mornings, it was better than waking up in a puddle of his own highly flammable sweat. Anyway, he only had one more night of the heat and sweat and bloody bugs to put up with and then you would all be on a plane back home and back to your normal lives.
One more night.
And what a night it was going to be.
“Why are you hiding out here?” The wooden decking creaked under Shoto’s light footsteps, the old wood protesting against the added weight. It held though, the gentle creaking blending in perfectly with the sounds of crickets and bugs along with the ever so slight rustle of a warm and gentle breeze. “I ain’t hiding,” Katsuki sighed, “just thinking is all.” A gentle hum came from behind, closer than before and somehow sounding sceptical of his words. Katsuki was not hiding. He wasn’t. He just needed some time to himself, to make sure that this was what he really wanted for himself and for them. The answer had been the same as it had been every time since the three of you had decided on this stupid and somewhat dangerous plan. That should worry him, how easy it had been to choose you two over everything he had worked so hard for but it didn’t because it had been an easy choice to make and Katsuki was pretty sure if given the chance he would have made the same choice time and time again.
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“Nervous?” Shoto asked, his calm and monotone voice now directly behind him. Katsuki could feel the cold radiating out of the other man, the sudden icy chill a welcome feeling on his hot and sticky back. Katsuki would have hugged the other man if he could, pressing up against his colder side and burying his head in the crock of his neck just to get some relief from the damned heat but that sort of behaviour wasn’t tolerated here and Katsuki really didn’t feel like getting chucked into an Egyptian prison for however long it took his lawyers to get him out. “No,” he said truthfully, “ain’t got anything to be nervous about.” It wasn’t a complete lie. In regards to what they were about to do, Katsuki wasn’t nervous at all. No, it was what would happen afterwards, when they got back home that worried him and Katsuki really didn’t like feeling like he wasn’t in control of a situation.
Shoto sighed, stepping in closer. There was a rustle of fabric, his linen shirt being gently moved out the way only to be followed by the shockingly cold press of Shoto’s hand against the small of Katsuki’s back. “Shit,” Katsuki hissed, arching his back away from the touch on instinct. He didn’t demand that Shoto stop though, quickly pressing back into the gentle but confident touch and moaning appreciatively. Long, dexterous fingers danced up his back, the ice covered digits chasing away the pinpricks of heat that had his shirt clinging to him. “Fuck that feels good,” Katsuki groaned, sinking back into the other man and letting the cold seep into his too hot skin. Shoto laughed gently, Katsuki able to feel the low rumble of it at his back. It was nice, just standing watching the sun set with Shoto at his side, the two of them content in the moment and what it meant for them. Shame Shoto couldn’t keep his mouth shut and let things go. “If you are not nervous then why are you scowling at the sun like it has personally offended you?”
Katsuki groaned at the question. He stepped forward, not enough to put a lot of distance between them but enough for Shoto’s hand to slide out from under Katsuki’s shit and fall limply at his side. He didn’t try to step into Katsuki’s space, respecting the distance he had put between them and Katsuki was grateful for that. If they were going to have this conversation now then he couldn’t have Shoto touching him. It was too much of a distraction and Katsuki wanted a clear head for this, hopeful that he wouldn’t mess it all up and ruin what the three of you had fought so hard for.
“Ain’t, you worried?” Katsuki asked, his eyes fixed on the swaying reeds on the other side of the river. “About what?” Katsuki didn’t need to be looking at Shoto to know his head was tilted to the side slightly, his brows furrowed in confusion. Of course he wouldn’t be worried, he probably hadn’t even thought about the consequences of their actions but Katsuki had and though he had no intention of backing out now he couldn’t help that small little slither of worry that nagged at him, making him unable to forget what could happen to them once they got home. “About what’s goanna happen when we get back home?” Katsuki questioned. There was silence, just the gentle sounds of the world around him for a long few seconds and Katsuki thought that he would never get an answer but then there came a sigh, the floorboards creaking again.
Shoto stepped up next to him this time, the two of them standing side by side and looking out over the river. “No,” Shoto said simply, and Katsuki felt his shoulders sag slightly. He had been expecting that and yet he was still strangely disappointed by the answer. He had been hoping to find that his own concerns were mirrored by the other man or that he would at least be able to ease Katsuki’s worries with a few gentle words but instead all he had gotten was a simple one word answer that didn’t really mean anything to Katsuki. It didn’t help him at all, leaving Katsuki feeling a little lost and alone in his worry and that was not a feeling he was used to.
“Why would I be worried with you and Y/N by my side?” Katsuki's head snapped to the side. Shoto was already looking at him, mismatched eyes open and honest. It was a simple concept, even a slightly childish way of looking at their situation but Katsuki could see that Shoto believed in what he was saying, like it didn’t matter what happened as long as the three of them stuck together. Katsuki wished he could see it that way. He did but he had seen what media pressure and public opinion did to the relationships of those that were in the public eye, hell it had even happened to them before. It was never them though, never him and Shoto that took the brunt of it when the public's opinion turned.
It had taken almost a year for your ranking to recover after Endeavor leaked your sealed personnel files and the world learned who and what you had been before being granted a heroes licence. Even then it had still been a struggle and there were still people out there who campaigned for your firing and re-imprisonment, constantly hounding you with their hate and small mindedness. Then there was the whole mess when the three of you had rather publicly been found out, everyone jumping to the conclusions that you were playing them both. Even with the publicity stunt you three had pulled they had still come after you, still treated you like a villain and that was before they had even known you had been one. The point was that history had a habit of repeating itself and though he and Shoto would most likely end up with a fine and a stern telling off you would probably lose your job and as much as Katsuki loved you he wouldn’t want to be the one responsible for taking that away from you. Not after you had worked so hard to prove what you were capable of.
Shoto must have been able to see Katsuki’s worry and fear in his eyes, sighing softly as he tipped his head slowly to one side. Katsuki knew that now was a rubbish time to be falling into a guilt ridden panic like this and he had no intention of getting cold feet and making a run for it but he couldn’t stop the reality of it all sinking in and taking a firm grip on his mind. “We talked about this,” Shoto mumbled, turning his body towards Katsuki instead of awkwardly straining his neck. “I know,” Katsuki huffed in frustration. They had been over this, several times at this point and you were adamant that he was overreacting, insistent that you would be able to withstand whatever the repercussions of your actions were. “This was never the life I was supposed to have,” you had insisted when he had first brought it up, “and I am grateful for every moment I have had as a hero but if the choice was between you and Shoto or a stupid bit of plastic that said I could use my quirk to help people then I would chose the two of you every time.” Katsuki had known you loved him, but listening to you declare it so openly and honestly whilst looking at him like he hung the moon and the stars had almost been too much, making him feel both elated and undeserving of your devotion all at once.
It was the same argument, again and again, and neither of them seemed to be taking it seriously so he had no choice but to be the one left shouldering all the worry and responsibility. It was all well and good making declarations of love and devotion now but what about a year from now? Six months? Hell even six weeks from now when you were jobless and they had lost all their sponsorships and couldn’t afford their bills and everything they had worked so hard for was crumbling away beneath them. What then? What would they do then when that little niggling feeling of regret and resentment started to grow and what had once been love turned into something ugly and angry?
“Stop,” Shoto snapped, pulling Katsuki out of his spiralling thoughts before he really could make an ass of himself and call this whole thing off. He didn’t want that, didn’t regret what they were going to do here today and all he was doing was making things worse for all of them, overthinking and dragging up issues that had already been dealt with. Shit. Maybe he was spending too much time with Deku, the nerd's neurosis starting to rub off on him. “Yeah. Sorry,” he mumbled, lifting a hand up to rub at his eyes. What was wrong with him? He had been acting like a complete moron since the three of you had come up with his hairbrained plan and it was only getting worse.
Cold fingers wrap around his, pulling Katsuki’s hand away from his eyes. Mismatched eyes were already staring back at him when Katsuki blinked his eyes open, not a trace of anger or annoyance in them. Just concern and understanding. “It’s fine,” Shoto said flatly and Katsuki huffed, nodding his head once in a sharp and jerky motion. It didn’t feel fine but then this wasn’t something Katsuki had ever thought he would be doing. When he had been a snot nosed little brat planning out his life this hadn’t been part of his plan, hadn’t even crossed his mind. He hadn’t had the time or the desire to make space in his life for a relationship let alone two of them and yet here he was, his life and heart tangled up with two idiots who he was willing to change his previously ridged and iron clan plan for. Maybe Mina was right, he had gone soft.
They stood there in silence for a few minutes, both of them just staring out across the river and its lush green banks. Everything was so still and calm yet not, the air alive with the sounds of birds and crickets and the rustle of reeds in the ever so slight breeze. “Things will be difficult for a while.” Katsuki’s eyes darted to the side at the sudden words from Shoto but he was still focused on the horizon before them, never once looking at Katsuki as he spoke in the same flat and monotone voice as always. “We all know the risks and no one more so than Y/N. Yes, people will judge us but when have you ever cared what other people think?” He turned to look at Katsuki then, his mismatched eyes clear and piercing as he stared down at him.
Katsuki stared back at him, the other man's words sinking in slowly. Shoto was right, Katsuki never had cared about what other people thought before. They were extras, background characters in his, their, story. Katsuki never had put any stock in what others thought and he shouldn’t, not really because they just didn’t matter. As long as the three of them were happy that should be all that mattered, right? Their friends and family accepted them, well the ones that mattered anyway and that should be the end of it but this was different. It was one thing to publicly commit to a polyamorous relationship it was a completely different and somewhat illegal thing to run off to a foreign country and get married. God, the old hag was going to kill him when she found out.
“I don’t,” Katsuki insisted, a slight edge of desperation to his voice. “I just,” Katsuki paused, eyes flickering to the side and the two men stood inside the cotton draped gazebo behind them, not wanting them to hear their conversation. They seemed to be deep in conversation themselves, neither of them paying him or Shoto any attention. “I don’t want this to ruin us Sho,” Katsuki finally whispered, that stupid nickname slipping out without Katsuki even meaning to. Shoto smiled, soft and reassuring as he looked at Katsuki like he was an adorable idiot. He wasn’t either of those things and Katsuki found himself scowling at the other man.
“The only thing this is going to ruin is your reputation, especially when people find out you are the one getting emotional,” Shoto deadpanned. “Fuck off,” Katsuki grumbled, shoving the other man away from. Shoto laughed, the sound light and playful and Katsuki couldn’t help but smile back, the tension in his chest easing slightly. He really was being an idiot, wasn’t he. The three of them had gone through so much throughout their lives and they had overcome every obstacle and hardship that had been thrown at them so why would this be any different? As cliche and sappy as it sounds they did have each other, an unstoppable force in the face of all the bullshit the world had to offer and all the bullshit Katsuki was currently trying to make them suffer through.
Sighing, Katsuki turned back to look at the river, letting the silence stretch out between them. Maybe it is his own inadequacies. Maybe he’s still stuck in his and Shoto’s old kitchen feeling lost and unworthy as you open up your bruised and battered heart to them. Maybe he’s just an idiot getting cold feet before making one of the biggest decisions of his life. Whatever it is his fear is real though, the worry that one day you or Shoto will wake up and realise that this thing between the three of you just wasn’t worth it, that he wasn’t worth it. Shoto was right, there would be backlash for this that none of you would be able to escape it but that didn’t change the fact that this was going to make him really fucking happy and that should be enough, shouldn’t it? The three of you happy and together, bound in a way that he had never thought would be possible. God, Shoto was right about that too, Katsuki was being the emotional one. Their publicist would have a field day if he ever found out.
“Idiot,” Katsuki finally mumbled, breaking the peaceful silence between them and nudging the other man with his shoulder. “Ummmm,” Shoto hummed softly, the sound almost lost in the gentle rustle of wind through the tall grass. Katsuki turned his head to look at him, sucking in a breath as he finally took in the man standing next to him. He looked stunning, what with the reds and yellows of the sunset behind him and highlighting his deceptively delicate features. His hair had been braided on either side of his hair, the red and white strands twisted together into a bun at the back with a few loose strands hanging down by his eyes and fluttering in the breeze. His outfit was the same as Katsuki’s, a loose fit white linen shirt with loose cream slacks and tan loafers. He looked like he had just walked off the cover of some shit romance novel and Katsuki hated the fact that it was kind of doing it for him. Katsuki hadn’t been too happy about the horribly casual outfits but now he was glad you had won that argument. He couldn’t imagine how hot he would have been if he had worn the three piece suit that he had originally wanted to.
Shoto turned to look at him, smiling softly at the blonde and he couldn’t help but smile back. “Your idiot,” Shoto said, nudging Katsuki back with his shoulder. Katsuki liked the sound of that, of Shoto being his, the both of you actually and soon enough that would be true. They would have a little bit of paper that tied the three of you together legally. Well, he and Shoto to you anyway and only legal in a handful of places. It was a start though and as soon as they found somewhere that allowed it he would be the first one to drag Shoto in front of whatever religion toting priest, rabbi or Sharman that was willing to do it. “Yeah, you are,” Katsuki stated, watching Shoto’s smile get just that little bit bigger.
Movement out the corner of his eye had Katsuki’s head snapping to the side, just in time to see a small boat rounding the corner of the river, the wooden vessel gliding effortlessly across the calm waters. “Show time,” Katsuki said, nodding towards the approaching boat, his heart fluttering and he licked nervously at his dry lips. Shoto’s head instantly snapped round, mismatched eyes practically sparkling as they watched the thing inch closer. Taking a deep breath Katsuki stood up straighter, readying himself for what was to come. He was a mix of conflicting emotions, both nervous and excited for what they were about to do and growing increasingly impatient now that you were so close.
“Come on,” Katsuki grabbed Shoto’s wrist as he turned, pulling him behind him as he made his way back down the jetty and towards the two men waiting for them inside the gazebo. It was all pleasant smiles and encouraging words as the registrar got them into position, Katsuki and Shoto on either side of the makeshift aisle that the attendant was quickly marking out with a scattering of white and pink rose petals. He was talking, probably reminding them of how the ceremony would go but Katsuki wasn’t listening. Instead he was staring intently at the petals and fiddling with the cuffs of his shirt.
Katsuki didn’t get nervous, not ever but he had to admit that what he was feeling now came pretty damned close. His palms were starting to sweat, his heart rate picking up and there was a weird fluttering in his stomach that had him questioning his breakfast choice that morning. He was excited and anxious, all his worries and fears for the future rearing their ugly heads again. What if this all blows up in their faces? What if when all was said and done and the dust had settled the very thing that was supposed to bring you closer ended up driving you further apart? There were so many things that could go wrong for the three of you and Katsuki wasn’t sure he was ready to deal with the fall out.
A cold hand grabbed hold of his, squeezing gently and pulling Katsuki away from his spiralling thoughts. He looked up from where he had been staring unseeingly at the rose petals to find Shoto smiling reassuringly at him. His grip tightened slightly on Katsuki’s hand and the blonde let go of the breath he hadn’t known he had been holding. The other man grounded him, keeping him in the moment and reminding him why he was doing this. Reminding him why he wouldn’t regret those two little words that he had been dreaming of saying since they had decided on this.
There came the sound of waves lapping at wood followed by the dull thud of something hitting the jetty. Katsuki’s breath seemed to catch in his throat, his heart falling silent as he listened for that first tentative step. There was a creak of wood, the sharp click of heels and they both turned to look at the women who had stepped out onto the jetty.
You were beautiful.
It was the first time either of them had seen you in your dress, the underlayer a light cream with a white leaf embossed lace over the top. It had a plunging neckline with wide straps and a belt holding the many layers of fabric together at your waist. With the golden loral sat atop your head, glinting in the dimming sunlight it made you look like a goddess, long forgotten and yet still stunningly powerful. You stood smiling at them, clutching a simple bouquet of papyrus grass, pink lotus and their leaves and Katsuki couldn’t bring himself to look away. Vaguely he was aware of the flash and click of a camera going off but it did nothing to distract him from the moment. So this was what Eijiro had meant when he and Pinkie got married. The world really did move in slow motion that first time you got to see the person you loved at the end of the aisle.
“You ready?” Shot whispered from beside him. It broke the moment, everything seeming to speed up around them to catch up to reality. Katsuki shifted his hand, lacing his and Shoto’s fingers together. “Yeah,” Katsuki said, “I’m ready.” Katsuki was ready for whatever the world would throw their way, ready to take that next step with you and Shoto. Katsuki loved you, the both of you and he could think of no one else he would want to spend the rest of his life with.
Until death did you part.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgian authorities have charged four people linked to the European Parliament over allegations World Cup host Qatar lavished them with cash and gifts to influence decision-making.
Investigators searched 19 homes and the offices of the European Parliament in raids from Friday to Monday.
A source close to the investigation said 1.5 million euros ($1.6 million) was seized in the raids. This included 600,000 euros in cash at the home of a suspect, several hundred thousand euros in a suitcase in a Brussels hotel room and 150,000 euros in an apartment belonging to a European Parliament member.
Investigators also seized laptops and mobile phones and ordered the IT resources of 10 parliamentary staff were frozen to prevent data disappearing. Investigators seized the data on Monday.
Searches have also been carried out in Italy.
The Belgian prosecutors say they have been investigating for more than four months alleged payments made by a Gulf state. Sources close to the case say the state is Qatar.
Qatar denies any wrongdoing.
In arrest warrants issued in Italy, there are also allegations of payments from Morocco.
The Moroccan government has not responded to a request for comment.
Four suspects have been charged with participating in the activities of a criminal organisation, money laundering and corruption.
Prosecutors have not named them, but a source with knowledge of the case say they are:
Eva Kaili - a Greek socialist politician who was one of the European Parliament's 14 vice presidents until Tuesday when lawmakers voted to remove her from that post. The former television presenter defended Qatar in the assembly last month against those trying to "bully" Doha over its treatment of migrant workers. Her Greek socialist PASOK party is expelling her from its ranks and Greece has frozen her Greek property.
Her lawyer in Greece said she denied any wrongdoing. "Her position is that she is innocent," Michalis Dimitrakopoulos told Open TV.
Pier Antonio Panzeri - a former European Parliament member from Italy's centre-left and founder of non-profit pro-justice campaign group Fight Impunity. Belgium also submitted European arrest warrants for his wife and daughter in Italy. Extracts of the warrants say they took part in Panzeri's activities and in the transport of gifts, and that Panzeri and his wife had the use of a credit card of an unidentified person they called the "geant", or giant.
Panzeri, who is detained in Belgium, could not be reached for comment. Fight Impunity did immediately respond to a request asking for comment or for contact details for his lawyer.
A lawyer acting for the family in Italy said Panzeri's wife and daughter denied any involvement at a hearing in Italy on Saturday but he declined to comment on the merits of the case because he had not received the full European arrest warrant. An Italian court is expected to decide next week whether his wife and daughter will be handed over to Belgium.
Francesco Giorgi - Kaili's partner who is parliamentary assistant. His LinkedIn account says Giorgi is a sailing instructor and a founder of Fight Impunity. His account says his specialist areas as a policy adviser are foreign affairs, human rights and the Middle East.
Giorgi did not respond to a message requesting comment sent to his LinkedIn account. Reuters also received no response to emails that were sent to the office of the lawmaker he advises and to Fight Impunity.
Niccolo Figa-Talamanca - the secretary-general of human rights and rule of law campaign group No Peace Without Justice.
Figa-Talamanca could not be reached for comment. No Peace Without Justice said he had suspended himself from his role to safeguard the organisation and that the group trusted the investigation would show he had acted correctly.
($1 = 0.9394 euros)
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realestateqatar · 3 months
Navigating the Real Estate Market: Tips from Experienced Agents
In the ever-evolving landscape of the real estate market, having a knowledgeable guide is crucial for buyers and sellers. Real estate companies in Qatar offer valuable insights and tips to navigate the complexities successfully. This blog explores the advice seasoned agents from top real estate companies in Qatar provide to enhance your real estate journey, with a focus on the dynamic Qatari market.
Commence with Thorough Market Research:
Experienced agents emphasize the significance of comprehensive market research, crucial whether you're looking for offices for rent in Doha, properties for rent, or a living villa for rent. Understanding current market trends, property values, and upcoming developments is key. Agents provide valuable data and analysis, assisting clients in making informed decisions aligned with their goals.
Set Realistic Expectations:
A fundamental piece of advice from seasoned agents is setting realistic expectations. Whether you're in the market to find property in Qatar or planning to rent offices, having a clear understanding of market conditions, property values, and potential challenges is essential. Realistic expectations mitigate disappointments and lay the foundation for a successful transaction.
Establish Clear Goals:
Before immersing yourself in the real estate market, define your goals, whether it's finding a living villa for rent, an investment property, or selling to upgrade. Experienced agents collaborate closely with clients, understanding their objectives to tailor their approach accordingly.
Prioritize Financial Preparations:
Financial readiness is a top tip from seasoned agents. Before entering the market, ensure your finances are in order. Whether you're searching for offices for rent in Doha or looking to rent a living villa, buyers should secure mortgage pre-approval, while sellers should assess their financial standing and potential costs associated with the transaction.
Cultivate Effective Communication:
Effective communication is a hallmark of successful real estate transactions. Seasoned agents stress the importance of open communication with clients. Buyers and sellers, whether in search of properties for rent or offices for rent in Doha, should feel comfortable discussing concerns, preferences, and any changes. This communication fosters trust and ensures a collaborative approach to the process.
Leverage Technology Wisely:
In an increasingly digital world, technology plays a vital role in real estate. Agents advise clients to leverage technology wisely, from virtual tours and online marketing to electronic signatures. Embracing these tools enhances efficiency and convenience in finding property in Qatar or securing offices for rent in Doha.
Stay Flexible and Adaptable:
The real estate market can be unpredictable, and seasoned agents highlight the importance of staying flexible and adaptable. Whether it's negotiating for properties for rent or navigating the rental market for offices in Doha, a willingness to adjust strategies and find creative solutions contributes to successful transactions.
Build a Trusted Team:
Experienced agents often have a network of trusted professionals. Whether you're searching for a living villa for rent or offices for rent in Doha, building a reliable team, including mortgage brokers, inspectors, and lawyers, streamlines the process. Relying on their expertise ensures every aspect of the transaction is handled with care.
Conclusion:Navigating the real estate market is a daunting task, but with the guidance of experienced agents, buyers and sellers can confidently navigate the twists and turns. Whether you're looking for shop for rent in Doha, properties for rent, or a living villa for rent, trust in the wisdom of experienced agents to guide you through the complexities, making informed decisions that align with your objectives.
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Role of Registered Migration Lawyers in the Australian Visa Processing
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Registered migration lawyers can easily make your dream of migrating to Australia a reality. So why is Australia gaining ground as the most desirable immigration destination?
Australia is home to a fascinating culture, economy, and lifestyle. Other factors in Australia's favour include its picturesque landscape, the coastline, and warm weather. It should come as no surprise that thousands of foreign citizens flock to Australia each year. Australia has been consecutively ranked as one of the safest countries to live in and migrate to. Keep reading to discover more about the advantages of studying in Australia.
Benefits of migrating to Australia:
Prospects for employment
The opportunity to work independently
Medical assistance
Adaptable immigration policies
Exceptional Culture 
Role of registered migration lawyers Melbourne in facilitating an easy immigration process:
Migration agents can:
Finish your visa application process within the given time frame.
Assist you in figuring out the essential elements of the visa application process.
compile all necessary documentation.
Connect with the Department of Home Affairs.
A registered migration lawyer offers guidance and assistance in the preparation and submission of visa applivations to the department  of Home Affairs (DOHA). They have a thorough understanding of Australia’s immigration rules and procedures. Employing a registered migration lawyer ensures that your Australian immigration consultant has the mandatory qualifications and expertise to guide you on suitable visa options. This is done after considering your requirements. It is extremely important to seek Australian immigration assistance from a registered migration lawyer. Giving immigration advice without being registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) is unlawful in Australia.
Employer-sponsored visa options
Employer-sponsored visa are not an all-encompassing remedy. There are numerous visa subclasses available, and it is critical to choose the proper one for both the business There are numerous visa subclasses available, and it is critical to choose the proper one for both the business and the individual being sponsored. Employer-sponsored visas include different pathways, from training visas to permanent residency.
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482)
The employer sponsored 482 visa permits you to live and work in Australia for up to 4 years. The duration of the visa,  language requirements, and path to Australian permanent residency are determined by the nominated occupation and whether it is on the short-term, medium-term, or regional occupation lists.  
Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186)
Both the Temporary Status Transition (TRT) and Direct Entry (DE) options of this employer-sponsored visa grant you and your family permanent residency. The TRT pathway is open to 457 visa holders or 482 visa holders.
Skilled Employer-Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 494)
In November 2019, this visa was superseded by the 187 (RSMS) visas. Every year, spots become available. After some years, this visa opens up the road to permanent residency in Australia. Subclass 408 Temporary Activity Visa This visa enables candidates to temporarily engage in specified activities in Australia, such as sports coaching and research.
What can you do with this visa?
You are permitted to bring along your spouse and dependent children.
You can work and study in Australia.
Enroll in Medicare, Australia's health-care insurance programme.
Sponsor family members or a partner for permanent residency.
Travel to and from Australia over a period of five years
Request a visa renewal at the end of the five-year period and apply for Australian citizenship.
You can rely on the immigration consultants in Melbourne at Flyworld for guidance regarding Australian skilled migration. If you need any assistance with regard to employer-sponsored visas for Australia migration, Flyworld Migration and Legal Services is the best place for you. We have years of experience and business expertise in the Australian immigration sector. Our registered migration lawyers in Melbourne are able to provide great success rates for our clients. And we provide expert guidance and helpful support at every stage of the process. We have offices in India, Dubai, UK and Australia, which easily facilitate client communication. So without further ado, consult our representatives for all your immigration-related requirements. With Flyworld migration and legal services, your migration dreams will be fulfilled.
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sharqlawfirm · 2 months
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lishapbs · 1 year
Unveiling the Expertise of Real Estate Agents in Doha, Qatar: Your Guide to Successful Property Transactions
When it comes to navigating the bustling real estate market in Doha, Qatar, having the support of a skilled and knowledgeable real estate agent is invaluable. Whether you're buying, selling, or renting property in this vibrant city, real estate agents in Doha can provide you with the expertise and guidance needed to make informed decisions and achieve your goals. In this blog post, we will delve into the role and significance of real estate agents in Doha, Qatar, and offer insights on how they can enhance your property transactions.
The Importance of Real Estate Agents in Doha, Qatar
In-depth Knowledge of the Local Market: Real estate agents in Doha possess an in-depth understanding of the local market dynamics, including neighborhood trends, property values, and upcoming developments. Their knowledge allows them to provide valuable insights and advice tailored to your specific requirements and preferences.
Extensive Network and Connections: Established real estate agents in Doha have a vast network of industry professionals, including property developers, lawyers, financiers, and other experts. These connections can prove instrumental in accessing exclusive listings, securing financing options, and obtaining additional services related to your real estate needs.
Guidance through the Legal Process: Navigating the legal intricacies of property transactions in Qatar can be complex and time-consuming. A skilled real estate agent will ensure that all legal requirements are met, paperwork is handled accurately, and negotiations are conducted smoothly. Their expertise ensures a seamless process while protecting your interests.
Efficient Property Search: Real estate agents have access to comprehensive databases and tools that enable them to efficiently search for properties that match your criteria. They can save you valuable time by curating a list of suitable options and arranging property viewings based on your preferences.
How to Find the Right Real Estate Agent in Doha, Qatar
Conduct Thorough Research: Begin by conducting thorough research online to identify reputable real estate agents in Doha. Visit their websites, read reviews, and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their reputation, experience, and level of customer satisfaction.
Seek Recommendations: Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who have recently engaged the services of a real estate agent in Doha. Their recommendations and personal experiences can help you find trustworthy professionals who have proven their capabilities.
Verify Credentials: Ensure that the real estate agent or agency you are considering is licensed and registered with the relevant authorities in Qatar. This verification assures that you are working with a legitimate professional who adheres to the regulations and ethics of the industry.
Interview Multiple Agents: It is advisable to interview multiple real estate agents to assess their expertise and compatibility with your needs. During these interviews, discuss your requirements, inquire about their experience in Doha's real estate market, and assess their communication and negotiation skills.
Evaluate Local Market Knowledge: Choose an agent who demonstrates a deep understanding of the local Doha market. They should be familiar with the city's various neighborhoods, amenities, infrastructure, and property trends. Their local market expertise can help you make informed decisions and seize advantageous opportunities.
Real estate agents in Doha, Qatar play a vital role in ensuring successful property transactions. Their in-depth knowledge of the local market, extensive networks, and guidance through the legal processes provide you with a competitive advantage in navigating the dynamic real estate landscape of Doha. By conducting thorough research, seeking recommendations, and verifying credentials, you can find a reliable and experienced real estate agent who will be your trusted partner throughout your property journey. With their expertise by your side, you can confidently embark on your real estate ventures in Doha, Qatar, and achieve your property goals with ease.clcik here https://www.urbancapitalqatar.com/
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rashmeerl · 2 years
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Qatar sues over unfair searches of five naked Australian women
Five naked Australian women who were searched at gunpoint at Doha airport after a baby was found in the bathroom have filed a lawsuit against the Qatari government for assault and battery. Hundreds of women were forcibly evicted from planes in Doha on October 2, 2020 as officials searched for the mother of a newborn baby in a bathroom in the building. CCTV footage obtained by the Doha News website shows that officials take care of an abandoned child at Hamad International Airport in Doha, Qatar on October 2, 2020.attributed to him:Courtesy of Doha News via The Associated Press The women were taken out by armed guards, and many say they were forced to undergo gynecological examinations or intimate physical examinations without consent. Of the 18 Australian women involved in the incident, five have now taken their action to the Federal Court after failing to obtain compensation from the Qatari government through other channels. “Sometimes you need to use a legal remedy in circumstances where moral pressure, or even political or diplomatic pressure, doesn’t go anywhere,” said Damien Storzacker, partner at Marque Lawyers, who works for the five women. loading The two women, whose names have not been released, were legally traveling from Doha to Sydney and seeking damages for alleged misconduct with the government-run Qatar Civil Aviation Authority and Qatar Airways. The lawsuit alleges that one of the passengers was forced to undergo a nude search while holding her five-month-old son. Another, who is elderly and legally blind, was removed from the plane but not searched. The incident was reported by the women to the Australian Federal Police upon their arrival in Sydney on 3 October 2020. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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dylan-rodrigues · 10 months
Moon in the Day - ep. 6
It's less romantic & angsty and more pathetic that the most Do-ha could do for 1500 years is scare little girls via spooky mirrors
Torturing a servant girl to own the libs (your stepson)
Damn, that's sad as hell. She tells him to not get involved and save himself but when she thinks he actually left... You can see her lose all hope.
You know what, I'm getting the sense that Doha is not a good person. Bro killed his friend (?) and loyal subordinate for a chick... I hope the poor Nameless Lieutenant Guy gets reincarnated into a field marshal or something in *his* 19th life
Wait, that was his own bodyguard?? You do not, under any circumstances, have to hand it to Han Ri-ta but… was there no other option but killing him??
Young-hwa's psychiatrist must be like, "I can pay so many bills bc of this lady."
Why is this monk boy so baby girl. And wow, Do-ha in that black shirt making me feel things 😳😳
Old Monk has a point. Was it ever explained why killing her is the best way to help his soul move on? Am I forgetting or missing something?
Defeating your demons by trying to defeat your eonni with a wooden sword. 2023 is the year of positive eonni representation apparently…. Also, are they... Setting up a love line with manager and eonni?
Is he trying to make sign a NDA when she's drunk?? Not cool, manager man, I thought you were better than this
He was about to strangle her and now he's just watching her drunken antics like a lovesick puppy. Researchers must study this.
This Hyung is really one of the best eldest brothers in drama history, I think??
"I kept telling her to kill me, she kept saying she'd kill me, so I really don't understand why she killed me" bro...
I wonder if Do-ha even realizes her talisman are the same seeds he gave her bc when he does... and when she find out “she” killed him…. All aboard the angst train 🚉
So this is the last we see of lawyer man, huh? Bro is driving to his doom 😭😭… Oh God, this is worse. Seok engineered the main witness' death and essentially turned the lawyer into a double agent in one move. Again, you do not have to hand it to him, but that was kinda clever.
Oh nice of Mr Wife Guy to finally let Young-hwa know the facts when she's in a drunken haze. But at least by the end of the episode, she’s all caught up with the plot, like the audience & Do-ha.
I was just thinking, how did evil stepdad even let the marriage happen?? Oh God what is he plotting??
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Lee Jong-suk was also Lee Jong-suk..."Big Mouth" of reassurances "believe in the world."
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