#Laurie Kramer
pcttrailsidereader · 2 years
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With lots of support from the PCTA, Alan Hammond and Limit Situation, Larry Hillberg, KVMR radio, Capital Books, the Rocklin Library, Sports Basement in Berkeley, and many authors who contributed to Crossing Paths . . . we were able to share many stories and poems from Crossing Paths and hear many new stories from hikers and friends of the trail who attended one or more gatherings on our mini-book tour in early December. A special thank you to Laurie Kramer (top left), Larry Hillberg (top right), and continuing above clockwise . . . Rosemary Broome, Mark 'Cuddles' Votapek, Dave 'Chief' Baugher, and Andy Dischekenyan (with his and Laurie Kramer's two children). Somehow we failed to get a photo of Kasey Koopmans.
Below are four PCTA staff members - Ryan Jones, Uriel Reynoso, Chris Rylee, and Hazel Platt. Thanks, too, to Scott Wilkinson of the PCTA.
We are very, very appreciative of the support we received from all of you!
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dr0ct · 5 months
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Horror arts dump!
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Rules, Guidelines, and My Short List of Fandom(s) I Refuse to Acknowledge
I'll do fics+headcanons for any of the following:
YELLOWJACKETS; Shauna Shipman, Travis Martinez SAW; John Kramer, Amanda Young, Mark Hoffman RESIDENT EVIL; Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine HALLOWEEN (H20&2018 unless specified); Laurie Strode Know any other fandoms I'm in but haven't listed? ASK! I'll write any horror villain/monster from movies I've seen if your prompt is "I am hunted for sport." It is the bread and butter of horror and I support your endeavor wholeheartedly. Getting murdered/almost murdered is a personal affair, so please tell me any boundaries beforehand, and be specific. I cannot read minds. If you want to get saw trapped, please help me with a general vibe (type of trap+why+who is saw trapping you).
What don't I write?;
I will write just about anything within my own personal boundaries, which means anything goes except for smut or graphic details pertaining to sexual assault and rape. If I come across anything else I am uncomfortable with, I will delete asks without comment and update here at a later time if necessary.
General guidelines:
I do not like halloween (dir. rob zombie). I do not acknowledge that movie or michael myers's freakishly tall, freakishly blonde form If interacting with my blog, please be 16+! If asking to be murdered or similar, 18+. PROMPTS ARE GOOD AND I LIKE THEM. I will write faster with prompts. Reader is gender neutral by default, unless specified. I will even add shoe size if told to (why, though?) Have a character you like but don't see from a fandom I've listed? Submit anyways! The above characters are ones I will write for, but I might take a crack at any unlisted ones. No guarantees, though.
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nyc-uws · 2 months
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National Sisters Day is celebrated every year on the first Sunday in August to celebrates the unique bond between brothers and sisters. If you have a Sister, don’t forget to make the day special for her.
How Your Siblings Can Make You Happier
Sibling relationships affect us more than we probably realize—and we can work on improving them at any age. By Jill Suttie | May 27, 2022
When I was young, I didn’t get along well with my older sister. Though I looked up to her and longed for her positive attention, she didn’t seem to want me around, especially when her friends came over.
That’s weird to recall, as we are currently very close—a blessing, especially now that our parents are long gone. Our relationship has evolved over my lifetime into something very different than how it began, exerting a profound influence on both of us.
Is that unusual? Though parent/child relationships have received the lion’s share of attention in psychology research, researchers are starting to discover the many ways siblings affect us, too—for good and for bad. By paying attention to the quality of our sibling relationships, we might make our own discoveries about ourselves and our families.
Why sibling relationships matter
Experts say that around 80% of Americans have at least one sibling. For many, those are the longest-lasting relationships in their lives, extending well beyond the parent/child relationship.
“Parents don’t stay with you your whole life, your romantic partners come and go (and you don’t meet them until later in life), friends come and go, but siblings are always there through the lifespan,” says researcher Susan McHale of Penn State University, who studies sibling relationships.
Because of that long connection, she adds, siblings matter a lot for our personal growth and well-being.
“Throughout the lifespan, people who have close sibling relationships have better mental health, better psychological health, and better social relationships, generally speaking.”
Research confirms that if siblings have hostile or conflicted relationships when young, it can increase their risks of suffering anxiety, depressive symptoms, and even risky or antisocial behavior later in adolescence. On the other hand, positive sibling relationships can be protective, with warm relationships tied to better social relationships during the teen years. For Laurie Kramer of Northeastern University, the reason brothers and sisters matter so much is that those relationships are practice grounds for other relationships in life.
“We learn a lot by interacting with people who we spend a lot of time with, like how to share, care for another person, be considerate of another person’s needs,” she says. “But we also learn how to manage conflict and other social-emotional skills, which we can apply to other relationships.”
Whether our siblings are warm and kind or more combative and bullying, siblings are watching each other carefully, she adds, absorbing information “like sponges” on how to navigate the world.
“They’re picking up on all of this and creating their own identities, many times in response to how they perceive their siblings—or, if they don’t want to be the same, in reaction to that,” she says.
What strains the relationship?
The effects of sibling relationships depend on many factors. For example, when parents show preferential treatment for one sibling over another, or if children feel their parents are not treating them fairly, that generally increases sibling conflict and creates problems down the road.
“When children perceive that parents are being unjust, that’s when we see all the significant correlations with poor outcomes for children, like poor sibling relationships, poor parent/child relationships, and poor appraisals of their own self-worth,” says Kramer.
On the other hand, siblings can understand differential treatment, if there’s a good explanation for it—like a sibling has special needs or an older child has later curfews. Even when favoritism is toxic, says McHale, siblings can heal their relationship by acknowledging that it’s happening and how unfair it is.
“They can be protective of one another, provided that they both understand what’s going on, it’s recognized, and the favored child can be supportive of the less favored child to help make up for parents’ behavior,” she says.
Marital conflict in a family, too, can create less warmth and more conflict between siblings. That may have played a role in my relationship with my own sister, as my father’s alcoholism was a source of tension in my parents’ relationship.
McHale says that gender can play a role; generally, sister/sister pairs or sister/brother pairs tend to be closer. That may be because girls and women are socialized to be more emotionally expressive, which is tied to less conflict. In adolescence, having a sibling of the opposite sex can be an advantage, if you’re heterosexual.
“We’ve found that kids with other-sex siblings are more romantically competent,” says McHale. “Unfortunately, we don’t have enough transgender or non-binary kids in our studies to be able to know how these things work in a broader gender context.”
Though gender and age differences affect sibling relationships, Kramer says that the factor most predictive of positive sibling relationships is if an older sibling learns how to play well with other children before their sibling is born.
“It really does come down to a set of social and emotional competencies,” she says. “Even young kids can learn a lot of these skills and apply them in their relationship with their siblings later on.”
How sibling relationships can shift as we age
It was hard for me to have conflicts with my sister when we were young. But, fortunately, our relationship improved once we both moved out of our parent’s house and had independent lives—a common occurrence, according to research. As conflicted siblings enter young adulthood, their relationships often become less intense but warmer than when they were younger.
As adults age even more, sibling relationships tend to become even less fraught, with midlife and older adults rating their sibling relationships as warmer, less conflicted, and less marred by parental favoritism than younger adults. Later in life, sister-sister siblings seem to have the closest relationships, spend the most time together, and support each other the most when compared to other sibling pairs.
But do these relationships matter much in later life? McHale suggests they do.
“Given your shared history, siblings understand you like no one else really can,” she says. “Family routines, family rituals, memories of your family, the ways things work in your family, the little jokes and private understandings—you just don’t have that with other people, not even a long-term spouse.”
Still, conflicts can arise between siblings in adulthood, says Kramer, especially as life gets complicated by work obligations, raising families, parent caregiving, or a parent’s death. If old familial wounds (like perceived favoritism) get revisited, it can lead to poorer relationships and increased depression.
Though research on siblings is expanding, much of it is correlational—meaning, it’s unclear whether poor sibling relationships are the cause of less well-being or vice versa. It’s possible, for example, that being depressed sours your sibling relationships rather than the reverse.
Yet warmer sibling relationships in older adults do seem to help stave off loneliness and depression, and siblings often help each other out when times are tough. This suggests they remain important and are worth nurturing.
How to improve sibling relationships at any age
It’s probably best to encourage warm sibling relationships from the get-go. But some parents may resist, thinking it’s normal for siblings to have conflicts and they will just work it out on their own. McHale disagrees with that approach.
“You hear that a lot—that it’s natural for siblings to fight. But it’s not natural,” she says. “In certain cultures, siblings have prescribed roles, where the elder brother or eldest sister is the caregiver, and fighting is not common, expected, or tolerated,” she says.
Kramer also thinks this attitude is a mistake and sets up siblings for failed relationships. “We don’t expect everything to be positive for sure, but neither should parents expect siblings to fight a lot,” she says. “That’s not really preparing kids to start a relationship with someone who’s going to be really important in their life.”
She and Kramer both believe that helping siblings to understand and manage their emotions, learn perspective taking, and find better ways to play together are key for developing positive sibling relationships. To that end, Kramer has developed an online program called More Fun with Sisters and Brothers, which helps parents coach their four- to eight-year-old children how to get along and get through conflicts without hurt feelings.
McHale also has a program for kids and their parents, Siblings Are Special, which does much the same thing. In randomized trials, including one with Latino families, she and her colleagues showed that the program led to significant improvement in relationships—as well as decreasing parental depression.
This is great news for parents. But what about adult siblings who find themselves at odds? It can be tough if there are unresolved conflicts from childhood, says Kramer, though acknowledging that can go a long way toward healing. Adult siblings will also need to practice many of the same skills that younger kids need to get along.
“Understanding why you’re upset, expressing emotion, understanding another person’s perspective, trying to come up with a compromise or a way to solve problems—these are just core social skills,” says McHale. “They are useful in fostering better relationships at any point in life.”
Are those efforts worth it? Kramer says yes. “I truly believe that we can work to improve relationships like these at any point because of siblings’ underlying connection. Siblings may not spend a lot of time together or may have disagreements. They don’t have to be best friends forever. But it’s good for them to like each other enough to help out in a pinch.”
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movierx · 3 years
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Modern Girls (1986) dir. Jerry Kramer
Written by Laurie Craig & Anita Rosenberg
Cinematography by Karen Grossman
Starring Virginia Madsen, Cynthia Gibb, Daphne Zuniga, & Clayton Rohner
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cult-of-dollbabies · 4 years
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I will not argue
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cherrcolaa · 5 years
This should’ve stayed in the drafts- this video I made was from a long time ago - I was kinda shit at drawing 💀💀 I’m ready to get attacked 😔✌️
Yes this audio is from Stranger things- I won’t say anything If anyone doesn’t want to get spoiled- but like here you go 🤠👋
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rxguevendetta · 5 years
some of you guys who follow @tdopro_cosplay on Instagram already know BUT
We are slightly stepping out of JUST playing Michael and Laurie! Of course, not straying away from them--we love them. But with Sarah still creating an Amanda Young/The Pig cosplay and Andy just now starting his 2010 Freddy Krueger cosplay------
Think of the possibilities. 
The combinations of interactions.
We just hope you guys are okay with us posting that type of stuff on this blog still! 
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obsessicn · 5 years
Laurie never educated further after high school. Either, she was self-taught, or had a chance to learn engineering under apprenticeship. We aren’t talking about some simple level tinkering - her entire house in Halloween 2018 is a massive trap with cameras, gates, weapons and blocks. This includes electrical engineering and at least basic amount of programming knowledge to make remotes work, not to exclude craftsmanship of the house and gadgets. Just how much effort she has put to every detail - once one trap fails she’d have another way to ensure the threat stays away. This woman has thought scenarios throughout - not a single detail missing. 
To think how much money and effort she has put to keep herself and her family safe... I ponder if interviews & some smaller jobs could afford it. She could have put her knowledge in use. 
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red-doll-face · 4 years
I just found your blog and I LOVE IT.
If I might ask: What’s your saddest dbd headcanons (killers or survivors)
Call me crazy, but I must know! ❤️
Ohh this one was a good one but it hurt me so badddd, ahhh. I’m glad to share , I have some bad dbd brain rot lmaooo I didn’t do every character so I hope these are ok 🥺 these are a bit long too
Sad Dead by Daylight Hcs
Claudette Morel:
Claudette is one of the criers. Probably cries while getting mori’d and can't help the tears during the really bad matches. Her pain tolerance isn’t very high, hence the willingness to waste time healing herself if it means she can stop being in so much pain.
Meg Thomas:
Spends time alone thinking about her past life. Her mother is a subject that makes her really frustrated. People mentioning their moms makes her a little standoffish. Wishes she had a chance to say goodbye in some way.
Ace Visconti:
Ace doesn't have much family to even miss him. He wonders if they noticed he’s gone or hasn’t come back. Maybe they think he hit big bucks and left them behind. Ace is stuck really. Even if he were to go back, he’d be dead or working off his debt.
Feng Min:
Gets super mad when she loses, it makes her so angry that she doesn’t control the trials. She blames other people for her losses but actually is very critical of herself. Casts the blame on others so she doesn't have to face her own mistakes.
David King:
All of his perks are about putting his ass on the line for his teammates yet everyone seems to think he’s selfish and a dumb brute. David doesn't know what to do to be more approachable; genuinely wants to be seen as a friend.
Laurie Strode:
Laurie never got the chance to mourn her friends. She thought she won. Finding out she’ll never truly escape Michael or be able to forget him makes her so mad. When she gets Michael in trials she makes sure the glass in her pocket is extra jagged and serrated.
Jane Romero:
Jane only wanted recognition and acknowledgement. Everything she's worked so hard for feels like a waste for her now. She should have spent more time on herself or with her father. Jane feels like she has no purpose anymore besides running and screaming for the enjoyment of the entity.
Yui Kimura:
Yui can’t stand the Clown or the Stealth Killers. Reminds her of bad memories. When she loses against killers like ghostface, she is especially angry.Her fighting spirit can’t help her actually get back at them.
Zarina Kassir:
Spent so much time fighting inequality only to spend the rest of her life where the odds are never in favor of the survivors. Where the oppressed are destined to lose. Each one of the people is subjugated, both killer and survivor and there's nothing she can do to free them.
Cheryl Mason:
She's been through literal hell and back just to end up in a weird recurring nightmare. At least Silent Hill had an escape. She's killed a god and somehow someone her size with a boxcutter can kill her? Huh.
Élodie Rakoto:
Feels guilty over the loss of her parents and feels extremely disillusioned by this realm. It's so much more boring than she thought it would be. All of her searching and traveling was not worth this shithole.
Steve Harrington:
Steve, though 18, is very much still a kid. Steve is naive about certain things and his optimism gets chipped away at a lot. Wasn’t too enthusiastic at having to care or look after Dustin and his friends but misses having people to protect.
Jeff Johannson:
Someone who definitely ends up taking hooks for people and ends up dying. Has a reputation among the killers as a survivor who is easy to leverage during the endgame because he will try for that save.
Kate Denson:
Feels very lucky to even have her guitar. The other survivors didn't get to bring many things with them. Makes her feel a little bad when she Often feels too worn out and exhausted by the trials to play it.
Quentin Smith:
Unfortunately stuck in pseudo-hell with his abuser. Gets really anxious against Freddy. Leans on his fellow survivors. Will sometimes accidentally bring Freddy to others in an attempt to get Freddy the hell away for him.
Evan ‘The Trapper’ Macmillan:
Actually has tried on numerous occasions to remove the metal rods and shrapnel embedded in his skin. It hurts like hell and just when he thinks he’s got it, he loses grip. These attempts never work.
Philip ‘The Wraith’ Ojomo:
When he’s alone, Philip will try and talk to himself. His vocal cords are warped, his voice a scratchy growl and garbled gurgle. He remembers what he used to sound like but he tries talking less and less.
Max ‘The Hillbilly’ Thompson Jr.:
Besides being named after someone who locked him away for most of his life? Max has to rest a lot between trials. The constant movement puts strain on him and causes him dull pain. His back causes him a lot of grief. The Entity is barely merciful.
Michael ‘The Shape’ Myers:
Meant to be forgotten by everyone who ever knew of him and he knows it. Loomis, after deciding that Michael couldn't be ‘fixed’ just hoped that the system would swallow him. If it weren't for the entity, Michael knows he'd either be dead or caught and back with Loomis.
Bubba ‘The Cannibal’ Sawyer:
Used to be one of the nicer killers to go against and might have been sweet to certain survivors who deserved kindness. But the Entity punished him for it. Bubba isn't very nice anymore. Probably a little meaner to avoid being in trouble again.
Amanda ‘The Pig’ Young:
Another one down to give second chances, much like the second chance she saw in John Kramer. Doesn’t do this a lot however, therefore escaping the ire of the Entity. She’s spent a lifetime hurting others emotionally and physically. Now, she’ll spend an eternity.
Rin ‘The Spirit’ Yamaoka:
The pain and anguish is so heavy but time is no cure in a place where time is nonexistent. No happiness to replace her rage. Especially in a place where her anger is a weapon for a greater power. Also has tried to pull the glass out of her skin and press her limbs back together. Can’t stand to see herself in the mirror.
Adiris ‘The Plague’:
Her body is always on the precipice of falling apart. Her skin rots; her flesh aches and feels like it will tear away at any moment. She is immortalized yet so close to death. Her body hurts so much but she has a purpose to serve. (makes me even sadder bc jannneeeee my mainnnnn😔)
Kazan ‘The Oni’ Yamaoka:
Misses his son. Never got to see him grow up, considering he;s already met his descendant. Proud from a distance because that's all he can be. The beginning of something so angry that it passes down his family line.
Caleb ‘The Deathslinger’ Quinn
During his life, was under the control of people who made him work for their gain who used him. The Entity emphasizes the killers as a position of power but Caleb does much of the same here. Works and works. Never for himself.
Pyramid Head ‘The Executioner’:
His existence has always included pain. He’s not quite sure what it’s like without it. He’s made several efforts to take the pyramid off. It pulls painfully at his neck. Makes awful groaning noises and roars.
Ji-Woon ‘The Trickster’ Hak:
Has never been much more than entertainment for other people since he was a child. Never expected to be much more. To the point that now, if he doesn't feel impressive in some way, he feels incomplete. The entity is his way to really indulge his ‘true artistry’.
Yun-Jin Lee:
A bit selfish when it comes to surviving. A few people around the campfire dont like her for that reason. Some of the meaner people will even leave her behind because they remember all of the times Yun-Jin might have done something similar.
Thanks for reading!!! I’m sorry I don’t post often but I have Shit ton of hw and I recently started a new project sooo ya know 💖💖💖
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ziracona · 2 years
So um, What exactly would the ILM gang do if they run into the people of Haddonfield(like Tommy, Lindsey, or Sheriff Brackett) who see the vicious monster who killed several people in 1978 is their friend now? Also i'm not sure Tapp would just be cool letting Michael walk after going through hell to stop the Jigsaw cult. Even in the original film I can't really say Michael is ''less'' responsible than Amanda or John. He's still got a lot to answer for even if he didn't become as bad as other timelines.
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As. Per. My. Last. Email!
I’m done answering this stupidass question!
I have been very clear, many times, on my opinion here. If you’ve actually read all of ILM and paid attention, you’ll see what goes on with Tapp and what he does. And OG 1978 Michael being ‘just as’ responsible as human adults raised in normal society making their own choices of their own free will Amanda Young and fucking JOHN KRAMER is the most laughable opinion I’ve heard all year!!! And I don’t mean since Jan I mean the full last 365 days!
He was a six year old child with a mental illness he tried to get help for, at an age /scientifically/ too young to have a complete grasp of mortality—let alone ethics, was ignored by his family, and killed once. He was then abandoned by his parents and left in the solo care of a man who, in canon, decided within the first six months of knowing him that he was the personification of evil in a human body, and for those religious reasons ignored the diagnosis of, in canon, every other doctor at Smith’s Grove, kept him in solitary confinement in a tiny room aside from himself, threatened him constantly, gaslit him about his illness, and accused and insisted he was evil and dying to kill again for the next Fifteen. FUCKING. YEARS. That’s almost his /entire/ childhood development. You don’t even retain that many memories before age 6. I’m not saying he hasn’t done bad stuff, he has, but he was almost literally grown in a test tube by Doctor Loomis to be a thing with the sole purpose of breaking out and killing his sister. He didn’t have a chance. He had no access to other information, to other choices. He was overdosed on a level that worsens psychosis symptoms and can cause permanent brain damage. He isn’t ‘as accountable’ as actual human scum fucking JOHN KRAMER, who was a pissbaby so mad his life didn’t turn out like he wanted that he kidnapped every vulnerable person he could find that needed help, and every person who’d ever sneezed in his direction in a way he considered somehow rude, and tortured them to death under the completely false guise of ‘getting them to value their lives.’
If you don’t like me and my opinions, go away! But you’re wrong, I’m right, and I’m sick of this dumbass conversation. Tapp didn’t give a shit about Michael ‘paying’ at the end of ILM, like he didn’t care about Legion being given clemency. He cared more about Laurie getting what she needed to be okay, and felt sympathy over the whole situation. Plus, in a very real way, he served 40 years of very torturous jail time in the realm. ALSO, to compare Tapp’s pain over betrayal from friends like Hoffman, loss of Kerry and Eric and Sing, and the entire state of New Jersey’s incredibly horrific losses to years of kidnappings terrorism and torture for the most selfish and sadistic of reasons, and his struggle to push back against that all, to Michael Myers stabbing four people to death one night in 1978, is ridiculous and high key gross. Calling what Michael did remotely comparable to Jigsaw’s crimes horrifically diminishes the incredible awfulness of it and what everyone exposed to it went through!
Stop asking me this fucking question I’ve answered it before, and it’s really, really annoying, especially if you won’t even do it nicely or out of good faith curiosity like the first asker so politely did.
‘Vicious Monster’ my ass—he was just some 21 year old with atrophied leg muscles and superhuman strength trying to get the voices in his head to shut up for the first time in 18 years.
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cornerofhell · 3 years
I give you the list of ships/parents in my next-gen universe! ONS= One Night Stand Donation: Sperm/egg donation Also. A lot of these don’t have kids yet/ or have kids are in the making.
Michael Myers x Annie Wilkes
Freddy Krueger x Carrie White
Jason Voorhees x Kayako x Sadako
Bubba Sawyer x Stretch
Chucky Lee Ray x Tiffany Valentine
Esther Coleman (Leta) x Issac Chorner
Candyman x Pennywise (2017)
(Previously Jack Torrance x )Wendy Torrance x Jack Frost x Santa
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Nancy Downs
Jennifer Check x Pinhead (ONS) x Tatum Riley x Rochelle Zimmerman
Pennywise (1990) x Freddy Krueger (Donation) x Jason (Donation)
Frank n Furter x Elvira
Ash Williams x Sarah Connor
Herbert West x Angela Baker
John Kramer x Jill Tuck
Patrick Bateman x Amanda Young
Clarice Starling x Hannibal Lecter
Vincent Sinclair x Rachel Lang
Drayton Sawyer x Pamela Voorhees
Tex Sawyer (single)
Tinker Sawyer (single)
Nubbins Sawyer x Baby Firefly x Bo Sinclair
Randy Meeks x Sarah Bailey
Lawrence Gordon x Adam Stanheight
Leprechaun x Princess Zarina x Chop-top Sawyer
Gale Weathers x Dewey Riley
Rosemary Woodhouse x Beetlejuice
Nancy Thompson x Kirsty
Sidney Presscott x Laurie Strode/Myers
Regan Macneil x Damien Thorn
Chris Hargensen x Billy Nolan
Sue Snell x Tommy Ross
Bonnie Harper x Mickey Altieri
Gregory x Mistress (ONS) then x Other Mother
Ray Bronson x Julie James
Helen Shivers x Barry Cox
Eddie Caputo x Columbia
Jess Bradford x Norman Bates
Brahms x Billy
Mike Norris x Karen Barclay
Louis x Lestat
Josette x Barnabus Collins
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docrotten · 2 years
HALLOWEEN II (1981) - Episode 205 - Decades of Horror 1980s
“He was my patient for fifteen years. He became an obsession with me until I realized that there was nothing within him, neither conscious nor reason that was… even remotely human. An hour ago, I stood up and fired six shots into him, and then, he just got up and walked away. ” He shot him! Six times! …or was it seven? Join your faithful Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr  – as they count the shots The Shape takes from Dr. Loomis in Halloween II (1981).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 205 – Halloween II (1981)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
While Dr. Loomis hunts for Michael Myers, a traumatized Laurie is rushed to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital, and The Shape is not far behind her.
Director: Rick Rosenthal
Writers: John Carpenter, Debra Hill
Music by: John Carpenter, Alan Howarth
Cinematography by: Dean Cundey (director of photography)
Film Editing by: Mark Goldblatt, Skip Schoolnik
Selected Cast:
Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode
Nichole Drucker as Young Laurie Strode
Donald Pleasence as Dr. Sam Loomis
Dick Warlock as Michael Myers / The Shape / Patrolman #3
Adam Gunn as Young Michael Myers
Nick Castle and Tony Moran as Michael Myers (archive footage)
Charles Cyphers as Sheriff Leigh Brackett
Lance Guest as Jimmy
Pamela Susan Shoop as Nurse Karen Bailey
Hunter von Leer as Deputy Gary Hunt
Tawny Moyer as Nurse Jill Franco
Ana Alicia as Nurse Janet Marshall
Nancy Stephens as Marion Chambers
Gloria Gifford as Nurse Virginia Alves
Leo Rossi as Budd Scarlotti
Ford Rainey as Dr. Frederick Mixter
Jeffrey Kramer as Graham
Cliff Emmich as Bernard Garrett
John Zenda as Marshal Terrence Gummell
Anne Bruner as Alice Martin
Lucille Benson as Mrs Elrod
Catherine Bergstrom as Debra Lane
Anne-Marie Martin as Darcy Essmont
Dana Carvey as Barry McNichol
Billy Warlock as Craig Levant
Nancy Loomis as Annie Brackett (corpse cameo)
Brian Andrews as Tommy Doyle (archive footage)
Kyle Richards as Lindsey Wallace (archive footage)
Jonathan Prince as Randy Lohnner
Jack Verbois as Ben Tramer
Halloween II, the sometimes denigrated sequel to the original, is Jeff’s pick. The film picks up right where Halloween (1978) left off but with much more of an 80s slasher feel than the first entry in the franchise. Jeff laments the “apparent” loss of Dr. Loomis and thinks Laurie Strode is more of a target than an active participant. Crystal advises viewers that if they watch Halloween II without thinking too much, they’ll have a good time. She doesn’t care one way or the other about the reveal that Laurie is Michael’s sister and points out Michael’s move into the realm of the supernatural with his ability to survive umpteen point-blank gunshots.
Chad is glad Halloween II is different from the first entry in the franchise. To his mind, it would have failed if the filmmakers had tried to copy John Carpenter’s seminal work. He agrees that the filmmakers beefed up the gore and the violence to compete with early 80s slashers. He liked it coming out of the theater in 1981 and he still likes it. Though admittedly not fond of the Halloween franchise, Bill enjoys Halloween II more now than when he first saw it. He still doesn’t care for the Laurie-is-Michael’s-sister twist, pointing out that the idea doesn’t really go anywhere in this specific movie.
Collectively, your 1980s Grue-Crew enjoy Halloween II and though admitting it doesn’t reach the heights of its predecessor, give it a hearty recommendation. Hey! It’s Halloween! At the time of this writing, Halloween II can be streamed from Shudder and Tubi (w/ads) and is available on physical media as a SHOUT! Factory Collector’s Edition [4K UHD] and on Blu-ray as a stand-alone or in a variety of box set combinations from multiple companies.
For more Halloween franchise-related podcasts, check out these episodes from the Gruesome Magazine family of podcasts:
Halloween (1978) — Episode 82 — Decades Of Horror 1970s
HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH (1982) – Episode 198 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
Monster Movie Podcast – Episode 63 – Halloween III
Halloween – The Haunting Of Hill House – Episode 295 – Horror News Radio
HALLOWEEN KILLS (2021) Spoiler Review | A Brutal Sequel to the 2018 Reboot – HNR 471
[Interview] HALLOWEEN KILLS – Jamie Lee Curtis and Andi Matichak
[Interview] HALLOWEEN KILLS (2021) – MALEK AKKAD, Producer
[Interview] – David Gordon Green and Jason Blum – HALLOWEEN KILLS
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Bill will be Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce (1985). 
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected]
Check out this episode!
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Thoughts on everyone in the realms?
"Short Answer; I made a chart. Not a well drawn chart, mind you, but a chart. Sometimes you don't wanna put effort into drawing 50 something faces"
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"Long answer, uh....well lemme go down the list"
Claudette: My Starflower~!! She's so sweet and kind and amazing in trials and every time I see her I swoon a little- I love her so much~ Dwight: He's cute- And he's a good leader, despite his nervous personality, he knows how to bring a group together. Final guy potential. Ash: ....Don't...Tell him I said this? But uh....Evil Dead was one of my biggest comfort series, the thing that got me through losing both my parents....the thing that helped me transition, pick my name, and fueled my FX hobby. And I'm still attached, even realizing he's a real person and all- But...it's weird to just, be upfront with something like that, so I'm just...burying it as best as I can. David: He's a little rough around the edges but he’s good to have in a trial, plus when you can get past the walls, he’s nice to talk to. Kate: Her music by the campfire is calming and she’s such a sweetheart. If we were in a better situation I’d love to learn Guitar from her, but, it’s hard when you’re a moment away from a trial at any given time. Amalthea (@askthewidowstars OC): She judged my entire vibe but jokes on her I’m the one who snagged a cutie for life- Meg: If I had a dollar for every time she left me for dead I would have enough money to paint the entire campfire in solid gold. The only time we’ve ever properly talked was about SAW traps and 90% of it was her admitting she could beat every single trap because she was ‘built different’  Jeff: He’s a sweetheart and really nice to be around. Sometimes when we’re by the campfire in our downtimes I’ll let him draw on my arm. it kinda makes me want a tattoo, honestly. If we ever get out of here, I might get one. Steve: Bros!! We kinda make up team ‘Altruistic Himbo’, Plus the ‘Babysitter/Brother’ Vibes mesh really well. I kinda wanna re-style his hair though, mostly because it looks fluffy, and nice to play with.  Quentin: Bros!! We’re gonna make matching T-Shirts about committing Arson on Freddy in particular. He’s fun to hang around in our downtime, and I hope there’s a chance he can get some actual rest, even in here. He deserves it. Adam: If Dwight wasn’t the leader I feel like he’d take over the Reigns. I feel like he’s the calm type that doesn’t handle energetic types well though. Which, y’know, makes things hard.  Nea: Anytime I see her she’s either sneaking around the map and watching everyone get killed, or doing something stupid to get herself killed. I’d get grey hair if We were actually friends.  Feng: Gamer bros- I got to find out we actually played a lotta the same stuff before we were taken by the Entity. We get a chance to nerd out in between trials- Laurie: Best Final Girl hands down. I kinda hope she can teach me Decisive Strike one day- I feel like its also just a little awkward since again, still a fan of Myers Nancy: She doesn’t agree that Demo’s a good boy, which makes sense, but we but heads over it. Also I’m pretty sure she wants me dead for touching the bones around the map one too many times. They’re just too tempting.... Jake: He’s pretty quiet, but he’s helpful in trials. I heard he’s been to a convention a few times, but I don’t think he’s actually into it as much as I thought...Which kinda sucks. I’d love more cosplay buddies y’know? Yui: Kinda makes me want a motorbike. We don’t talk but she seems really cool. A little too cool to me around if that makes sense.  Yun-Jin: She benefits off of throwing everyone else under the bus. And 90% of the time she will throw everyone under the bus. Even if she needs actual help to escape the trial.  Cheryl: Cheryylll!!  She’s really cool and honestly would add her to the ‘Can kill god if she was not nerfed’ Squad. Especially since y’know, she has- I bet if we got enough of the kids together we could just beat the Entity’s ass. I know she could.  Tapp: Always been a fan of Tapp before I was taken, although I feel like he’d wanna arrest me if we weren’t in the Entity’s Realm. I might be a little too excited for my own good about Kramer’s work. I don’t think he’d believe the fact its a movie either.  Ace: He’s kinda like the Uncle of the group around the campfire, but, coming into trials, He’s still for saving his own skin- You can also only stand dad jokes for so long. Especially in an eternity like this.  Leon: He’s cool!!! I got so excited first realizing He and Jill were here, and I wanna get a chance to talk to him about everything that went down, but Haven’t got the chance. He’s nice inside of Trials though, usually doesn’t leave anyone behind. Not a fan of getting blinded though.  Jill: She knows how to lead the trials well, and I look up to her a lot. She’s always been such a badass!!  Bill: If Bill gets his hands on a weapon the entire Realm would be fucked. Badass as hell and Kinda scary. Another one on the list of ‘Entity needed to Nerf’ Felix: You’d think a Childless Father and a Fatherless son would be able to bond a bit more, but, I think we each kinda get the same vibe of homesickness from one another. He’s kind though, and it’s neat to see his work whenever we’re by the campfire.  Elodie: She’s better at helping out than most of the others, but she’s still in a survival of the fittest mindset. I loved hearing about her studies from before she was taken though. I feel like if we had more time we could dig deeper into this whole world and what its about. But we don’t get that- Zarina: We just don’t really click as much, honestly. I’d love to get to know her better but I think she’s more into digging into the killers and what she can find out about this place. Which y’know, could be better done with a team. Sage (@askthewidowstars OC): HUSBAND!!! My husband. I love him to the Moon and back. He’s amazing and I miss him even when we’re five feet apart-  ...I need a hug now-  Amanda: Best girl hands down!! We vibed a lot in between Trials talking about her traps and old designs, she was impressed by my knowledge, and we hang out in Gideon sometimes!   Ghostface: He’s pretty cute- Also fun to be around, even if he’s kind of a dick when he’s actually at work, it’s better when you’re outside of a Trial. It’s also neat to see he’s not just two idiots in a halloween costume and his own person, as much as I love the Scream Series, too-  Leatherface: Bubba!!! Honestly I’d handle being chainsawed. Fuckin Love Bubba-  Huntress: I wanna learn how to throw hatchets but I know I never will. She’s kinda scary, but also I feel like if she could adopt some of the others in the Realms, she totally would.  Oni: The only times I’ve ever really seen him is just before my skull gets bashed in. All I really have associated to him is the splitting headache.  Twins: I’m gonna punt Victor into the sun. I haven’t been good around kids beforehand and this tiny gremlin motherfucker just makes it worse.  Pinhead: I was so excited to see him!! He’s one of the few that talks more often than not in a trial, and he’s always had this air of elegance about him which makes it so much cooler! I’d be tempted to grab the box to solve it, but, at the same time Dwight’s already been hunted. I just...want to see how it works, really. Maybe if I ask nicely? Nah, probably not.  Pyramid Head: He’s so fucking COOL!!! He’s always just been really fucking cool and I still get stars in my eyes. I wanna re-create his weapon one day.  Joey: Joey’s one of the chill killers to be around, probably my favorite amongst the legion. Also Cosplay gang?? Hello? Susie: She’s cute!! I like her vibes whenever there’s not violence involved. I wonder if she’d ever get into costume making, she has the artistic eye for it. I also wonder if she’d ever dye other people’s hair...I’d kinda want green tips one day- Frank: Still wanna throw a palette at him. He’s one of the more serious of the Legion, and usually the one you’d find with a Mori. Not as Serious as Julie but only because he has the cocky god complex to go with it.  Julie:  She’s definitely the most serious out of the Legion. There’s no real rest whenever we’re in a trial against her. Scary as hell and less of a bastard than the other three.  Hillbilly: I know he deserved a lot better than this, especially after hearing more about him. I...Haven’t gotten to see much than the end of his chainsaw though.  Blight: This dude’s singlehandedly bringing back my fear of needles and I thought I lost that with HRT- Also like, dude spits up orange fuckin everywhere.  Michael: My Mans!! I always get a little excited knowing we’re up against him. It’s habit- It’s kinda weird to see him easily affected by like, palettes or flashlights though.  Spirit: She seems like she could be nice when there’s some downtime. I’m also one of the few that can understand her well enough, which probably makes things easier. I found out she’s basically my age when I survived a trial by myself. I’d hope to hang out more sometime. Nemesis: God he’s so fucking tall. Kinda surprised it was Nemesis out of everyone that could’ve been brought, and also, kinda terrified? Still am kinda terrified. I’m surprised he hasn’t just torn up an entire map yet. His zombie minions are also annoying. Wraith: All this motherfucker does is roll up to pull me off Gens and Exist as a problem. I don’t see much of him outside of a Trial. Trapper: Motherfucker Incarnate. If the Entity lets us throw hands I’m fighting him first.  Freddy: ....Gross. I liked the Nightmare on Elm Street series a lot, but...Freddy as a person? Ew. Especially this iteration.  Demogorgon: Demopuppy!! He’s a good boy and he deserves to get treats. Even if the Treats are flesh....I wonder if he likes candy though. Trickster: Pretty!! He also Gives me DIO vibes because of the Jacket and the Knife throwing...Imagine if a killer could stop time...that’d be terrifying. Deathslinger: I wanna sit down and look at his gun more but I also feel like if I ask I’d just get shot on sight. Intimidating as hell but also cool. Mary: ....Still on the very complicated ‘Ex Girlfriend that murdered me’ State. It’s hard to avoid her though. Especially since she wants to get back together since we’re stuck here. Nurse: She does not help my fear of Hospitals, honestly. While she’s easy to go up against, it’s still eugh. Plague: I really, really hate her power. The Sickness and the Vomit is just- Eughhhhh- It just hits every bad sensory issue at once.  Clown: ...I get killers are Killers and aren’t supposed to be good people but also like....Disgusting. Please Remove from the Realm. He’s just- ...Ew.  Doctor: NOPE. NO. NEVER. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
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movierx · 3 years
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Modern Girls (1986) dir. Jerry Kramer
Written by Laurie Craig & Anita Rosenberg
Cinematography by Karen Grossman
Starring Virginia Madsen, Cynthia Gibb, Daphne Zuniga, & Clayton Rohner
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