pcttrailsidereader · 2 years
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With lots of support from the PCTA, Alan Hammond and Limit Situation, Larry Hillberg, KVMR radio, Capital Books, the Rocklin Library, Sports Basement in Berkeley, and many authors who contributed to Crossing Paths . . . we were able to share many stories and poems from Crossing Paths and hear many new stories from hikers and friends of the trail who attended one or more gatherings on our mini-book tour in early December. A special thank you to Laurie Kramer (top left), Larry Hillberg (top right), and continuing above clockwise . . . Rosemary Broome, Mark 'Cuddles' Votapek, Dave 'Chief' Baugher, and Andy Dischekenyan (with his and Laurie Kramer's two children). Somehow we failed to get a photo of Kasey Koopmans.
Below are four PCTA staff members - Ryan Jones, Uriel Reynoso, Chris Rylee, and Hazel Platt. Thanks, too, to Scott Wilkinson of the PCTA.
We are very, very appreciative of the support we received from all of you!
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skpct · 3 months
Thoughts-We’re in Northern California NOW, Right?
It might seem like kind of a silly question, but I swear the answer is interesting. For anyone who doesn’t know, the PCT is divided into 5 major sections: Southern California, Central California, Northern California, Oregon, and Washington.
There’s no question about Oregon and Washington; Oregon starts when you leave California and ends when you get to Washington, which ends when you get to Canada. Southern California starts at the Mexican border, and Northern California ends at the Oregon border. But what about Central California? Where does it start and end? There’s no consensus. You would think there would be some official source on this, but there isn’t.
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Opinion 1: FarOut
FarOut is a digital map, it uses GPS. Very useful for navigation. Basically every through hiker uses it, it’s like our bible. It says that Central California starts in Tehachapi (Mile 550) and ends in South Lake Tahoe (Mile 1090). From a “Vibes” standpoint, this makes sense. You feel like you’re out of the desert when you get to Tehachapi, and you feel like you’re out of the mountains when you get to South Lake Tahoe.
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Opinion #2: Geography
You might argue that Central California is defined by the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and so it should start and end with the Sierras. In that case, it would go from Ridgecrest (Mile 650) to Belden (Mile 1290). This is a sort of a “erm actually 🤓” answer to the question. I don’t think many hikers really care about where the mountain range technically starts and ends: they care about trail conditions.
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Opinion #3: The Pacific Crest Trail Association
The PCTA is the body that issues permits, coordinates trail maintenance, and puts out the latest information about trail closures. They define Central California as going from Kennedy Meadows South (Mile 700) to Truckee (Mile 1150). The point of view on this is kinda similar to FarOut. You’re not really in the mountains until you get to Kennedy Meadows, and you’re not really out of the mountains until you get to Truckee.
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Opinion #4: The PCT data book
This is an unofficial guidebook, but it’s been going since like the 90s. They update it every few years, you get the idea. It says that central California goes from Kennedy Meadows (Mile 700) to Belden (Mile 1290). I don’t really get this? They might be basing it mostly off geography and a little bit off hiker needs and common sense.
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Opinion #5: Hikers
We’re not a hive mind, obviously, but I have heard some common opinions. Pretty much everyone seems to regard Kennedy Meadows South (Mile 700) as the start of the Sierras. Some people view South Lake Tahoe (Mile 1090) as the end. One opinion that I heard a lot that wasn’t mentioned by any official source was that Kennedy Meadows North (Mile 1020) is the end. This is probably because that’s the first place where you can reasonably send your bear can home, which is a big deal for hikers.
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Opinion #6: What do I think?
I agree with the PCTA. It’s personal for me: there was still plenty of snow up to that point, and I didn’t get rid of my bear can until then either. I didn’t want to have to rush through the desolation wilderness. Plus, there are some new restrictions in place. A bear can is gonna be required for more of the trail next year, so I think Truckee is gonna be the new spot to ditch your bear can.
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Okay, I’m going to bed. Good night. 🌙
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prospercz · 1 year
Den 80
Občas je trochu nešikovné, že si tu nepamatujeme dny v týdnu. Vstali jsme brzy, abychom aspoň trochu utekli tomu horku. Následující sekce je 7 mil po silnici a pak 15 mil do kopce s převýšením 5000 stop. Všichni víme, jaký mám názor na roadwalk, takže nikoho nepřekvapí, že jsme se rozhodli ten kus stopnout auto. Akorát že je právě dneska sobota. Takže do práce nikdo nejede a v 6 ráno nikdo nevstává.
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No nic, takže roadwalk. Aspoň že je to oficiální součástí PCT. Ujdeme asi dvě míle k trochu na samotce postavenému domu. Bydlí tam Brian, trail angel, a teď už asi i legenda. A přitom se přistěhoval teď v únoru! Legenda je ale proto, že čistí trail od polomů, když se na to tady v téhle sekci PCTA vyprdla. Taky u sebe na dvorku nechává přespat hikery, má tu lednici s limonádama a pivem a grill.
No tohle místo jsme prostě museli aspoň na chvilku navštívit. Je brzo, asi 6:30, takže hikeři se teprve pomalu budí. Poznáváme pár tváří a tak s nimi chvilku kecáme. Vezmeme si na cestu pivko v plechu a chystáme se odejít, když v tom vyjde ven Brian. Je to týpek asi tak 40+ a hned po pár vteřinách musí být každému jasné, že je prostě super. Má kolem sebe takovou auru, že to na člověka okamžitě dýchne.
Ještě ani nesnídal, ale nabídl se, že nás hodí nahoru na rozcestí, ušetříme asi 5 mil! No neber to! Loučíme se a až je mi líto, že jsme u něj nestrávili víc času. Docela bych s ním rád víc pokecal. Snídám pivo a ovesnou kaši, nesuďte mě. Čeká nás hnusný výšlap a energie se bude rozhodně hodit.
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Drápu se do kopce. Funím. Potím se jako ve finské sauně. I přes náš brzký start je už teď v 10 hodin přes 30 stupňů ve stínu. Ještě k tomu vede trail okolo řeky, takže je vzduch vlhký a těžký jak v nějaké džungli. Na vrcholku jsem až v půl třetí. Dávám si pozdní oběd a taky přes hodinu pauzu. Dalo mi to celkem zabrat.
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Odpolední hike je něco úplně jiného, nemáme to daleko a výhledy a okolí je zase naprosto parádní. Hřebenovka, jak má být. Potkávám i další známé. Nevím, jestli jsem je tu už zmiňoval, ale už za Julienem, na začátku pouště, jsem narazil na rodinku s dvěma dětmi, 7 a 9 let. A dneska jsem je potkal zase, v protisměru. Mají za sebou přes 900 mil! Tomu říkám výkon. Kéž bych jako děcko taky takhle někde šlapal.
Večer stavíme kemp u jezera Paradise, a to znamená jen jediné, dneska bude zase koupačka! Oproti jezerům v Oregonu je tohle mnohem teplejší. Zároveň ale plné bláta, jsem zabořený až po kolena. Ale stejně to bylo osvěžující a stálo to za to. Večeřím a pomalu zalézám do stanu. Dnešní hiker rádio je zurčící potok poblíž.
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plaguechyld · 1 year
Father I have to confess something 😭💔😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔😞😞😞😞😞🥺🥺🥺🥺😓😓😓😥😥😥😟😟😥😞😢😥😞😥😞😢😓
I'M ACTUALLY PCTA (PLANET GHANGE TO ANOTHER) 😓🥺😓🥺😞😟😟😢😟😓🥺😓🥺😟😟😢💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😪😪😪😪😪😪😔😔😔🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Omg!!!!!!!!!!!! Me too son it’s ok!!!!!!! I was once from earth but now I’m from Uranus!!!!!!!!!b 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🫣🫣🫣😋😋😋😚😘😘😘
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1973listener-blog · 7 months
PCTA "FYRE" Podcast: Tales from the Legislature: FYRE Goes to Tally! 2-17-24 https://audioboom.com/posts/8464594-pcta-fyre-podcast-tales-from-the-legislature-fyre-goes-to-tally-2-17-24
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wwwquickpakinccom · 1 year
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Cabinet Furniture Stretch Wrapper Application
Stretch wrapping cabinet furniture presents many difficult issues to resolve. They required multiple highly custom turntable style stretch wrapper systems. A few of the difficulties were:
-Lightweight loads require securing during the fast wrap cycle.
-Cabinet furniture is easily scratched or damaged during the packaging process.
-Locating cabinets for proper stretch wrapping. Cabinets are required to be centered to properly stretch wrap.
The Phoenix Turntable Conveyorized Automatic (PCTA), with its compact footprint, is a workhorse that can be used in most stretch wrapper applications. The unit is often custom-built for tough applications. The features added to meet this customer’s requirements include:
A Top Platen stabilizes the load ensuring the lightweight product doesn’t move during the stretch wrapping cycle. Having a load that moves during the cycle could create some detrimental downstream issues to the system. The addition of a Top Platen can add to the wrapping cycle time. Therefore, the system includes an upstream load height detection system. This allows the cabinet furniture stretch wrapper to adjust to the incoming load height without having to completely return to home, thus reducing the time lost.
The urethane coating improves the friction allowing the cabinet furniture to flow on the conveyor, therefore eliminating the need for a pallet. Most importantly, urethane coated rollers prevent scratching or marring of the cabinet furniture.
An automatic load centering system first ensures each cabinet is centered on the turntable for proper stretch wrapping. Secondly, random placement on the conveyor is also corrected with this load centering system.
Successful Results with Phoenix Stretch Wrappers:
The Phoenix Conveyorized Turntable Automatic Stretch Wrapper comes in many configurations to accommodate the needs of the customer. In this case, we customized our PCTA to become a cabinet wrapper. Phoenix has decades of experience in designing and building complex systems, like the one shown.
Let’s discuss your stretch wrapping application, call us at 813 242 6995 or [email protected]
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whatsy0urdream · 1 year
The Dixie Fire: My Experience and What Happened in Belden and Greenville
In the summer of 2021, I was hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and approaching Belden when I heard that a new wildfire had started nearby. I didn’t think too much of it until I summited a ridge and saw the smoke and flames myself. It was a brand new fire, another one, and it looked pretty intense. When I got into Belden, there was news that the Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) had put a hold…
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riilsports · 2 years
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📣RIIL Competition Cheerleading Championships,, presented by Cheer UP Athletics, are well underway at the PCTA. Can't be there? WATCH the livestream on the NFHS Network. Available both LIVE and on-demand: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/riil/gam2a2cf17c49 (at Providence Career and Technical Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqFhVHLw7b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nicholehikes · 2 years
PCTA Resources
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The PCTA has a ton of useful trail info! I highly recommend checking out their website. Below are a few links you may find helpful.
Pacific Crest Trail Closures by Region
PCT Interactive Map
Joining me on trail? Check here first -> Local Permit Areas
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pcttrailsidereader · 4 months
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Each year the PCTA runs a photo contest. This year, from the 1,000 entries, this was judged to be the overall winner. The photographer, Ray Voley, was coming out of the San Jacintos and encountered this scene to the west.
We will post more from among the contest winners in the days to come.
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skpct · 6 months
Bonus Post: Trail Washouts and Alternate Routes.
I’m gonna be back on the trail tomorrow, and my health is pretty much back to 100%. I thought I’d make a post about an upcoming segment of the trail, and talk about some of the alternate routes I’ve taken in the past. This one might get a little dry/long, so if you just want a quick update: the trail is a bit destroyed up ahead, I’m getting back on at mile 250.
When I was planning to do the PCT, I read that most people aren’t going to get a perfect, unbroken trip from Mexico to Canada, and unfortunately, I’m no exception. Before I came down with my more serious illness, I learned that a section of the trail had been destroyed. I’ll let this warning from the PCTA explain the situation.
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The long and short of it is that it’s not practical for me to get back on the trail until mile 250, which means I’m gonna be skipping about 40 miles worth of trail. While this is a shame, it’s not the first time I’ve skipped some trail, or taken an alternate route. Here’s a couple other times:
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Here at Mount Laguna, for instance. The PCT is marked in red. I took the (larger) blue loop instead, in order to go into town. So I skipped a little bit of the PCT, but I probably went about the same distance. I can’t say the same for the San Jacinto Mountains, though.
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The purple Xs are where I got off and on the trail, and the purple line is where I got a ride in a car. The blue trails added probably about 12 miles, but I cut out about 20 from the actual PCT. Now, I kinda had to do this, because some of the snow conditions where pretty bad, I talked about that in my last post. But it’s still sort of a bummer to not experience the heart of the San Jacinto. Anyway, I should probably start angling towards bed, I gotta get up early tomorrow. I’ll make another post when I make it to Big Bear City, which should be in just a couple days. Peace!
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higaki · 2 years
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いいお菓子いただいた! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn_NrI-PCtA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sdpolar · 2 years
Clean bandit symphony taken down from youtube
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The program is available as well via ABS-CBN Entertainment’s Facebook page and YouTube channel as the network made a digital pivot and will offer more content via online streaming. It is also available on many cable and satellite TV providers like Sky Cable.Īside from airing on A2Z, “ASAP Natin To” can also be viewed via cable on the Kapamilya Channel (Sky Cable Channel 8 on SD and Channel 167 on HD, Cable Link Channel 8, G-Sat Direct TV Channel 22, and PCTA member cable operators). The first episode of “ASAP Natin To” this year that featured Andalio and Alonte’s “Symphony” number aired on A2Z Channel 11 via analog broadcast in Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Hindi ba siyempre ang mga fans, sobrang nabo-bore din sila kapag wala silang inaabangan sa mga iniidolo nila? Pero sobra kaming nagpapasalamat sa inyo kasi nandiyan pa rin kayo hanggang ngayon at mas dumadami ang family natin.” When asked for a message for their fans who stuck with them even though they did not have any show during the pandemic, Andalio said: “Maraming salamat sa inyo sa paghihintay. Details: Symphony Lyrics Clean Bandit feat. Iba 'yung experience pero sobrang nag-enjoy kami sa set,” added Andalio. This video is a guitar tutorial intended for those who want to learn how to play Clean Bandit Symphony Fingerstyle.
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His audience is those who want to learn how to play covers either fingerstyle method or rhythmic. First time namin kasi after pandemic, ngayon na lang ulit kami nakapag-taping. The frame is just of his guitar and how he is playing it. “Sobrang saya nila katrabaho and 'yung taping sobrang saya. In an interview backstage at the ABS-CBN Christmas Special last month, the two shared what it was like taping the series under the new normal. Titled “Unloving U,” the series follows a forbidden love between the two lead characters portrayed by the two. The Outsider Week-End Musical Interlude: Clean Bandit - Rockabye ft. Come back Duffy and your Diet Coke bicycle, all is forgiven.Aside from occasionally gracing the ABS-CBN variety show on Sundays, Andalio and Alonte are also set to star in their own digital series that will be available on iWantTFC in February. More likely is that they’re just sucking up to their Microsoft overlords: it doesn’t exactly take a Black Flag fan to spot that Clean Bandit have always seemed like a group more likely to say “I’m with the brand” than most. Who knows, maybe it is Clean Bandit don’t exactly seem like a night out with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler in terms of LOLs. Like it?” At which point the band laugh as if this is the funniest thing they have ever heard. “What are you wearing, Cortana?” he asks, like he’s in a shit version of the film Her. Neil, undeterred from having his garms dissed by an algorithm, tries to chat up Cortana. The song was also released as the sixth single from Larsson's second studio album, So Good (2017). It is the third single from Clean Bandit's second studio album, What Is Love (2018). And if you last long enough without clawing out your eyeballs or jumping into the hole in the ground your mind willed into existence, well, things then turn a bit weird. About Symphony 'Symphony' is a song by British classical crossover band Clean Bandit featuring Swedish singer Zara Larsson. ‘Rather Be’ was released in December 2013 39.Since then, the song has become an international hit, partly due to the music video becoming a viral hit on YouTube, with now over 248 million views.
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If Clean Bandit’s reason for accepting the job was money then they weren’t paid enough if it was to create something even worse than their music then they went too far. ‘Rather Be’ is a Dance track, released as a single prior to Clean Bandit’s release of their début album, ‘New Eyes’. Cortana, which even Robin Thicke would concede is a Siri rip-off, promises to remind cello player Grace not to dance on tables while mocking the band’s violinist Neil for his taste in hideously garish jackets. Clean Bandit quotes I'm just so honored to be able to travel around the world and play songs. In it, the band chat with the Windows Phone personal assistant as they prepare to attend the Brit awards. C lean Bandit, the Cambridge-educated group who looked at dance music and thought, “What this needs is more violins”, redefine cringe-worthy in this new ad for Cortana.
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persephones-fruit · 5 years
What if I forgave myself? I thought. What if I forgave myself even though I'd done something I shouldn't have? What if I was a liar and a cheat and there was no excuse for what I'd done other than because it was what I wanted and needed to do? What if I was sorry, but if I could go back in time I wouldn't do anything differently than I had done? What if I'd actually wanted to fuck every one of those men? What if heroin taught me something? What if yes was the right answer instead of no? What if what made me do all those things everyone thought I shouldn't have done was what also had got me here? What if I was never redeemed? What if I already was?
Cheryl Strayed, Wild: From Lost to Found on The Pacific Crest Trail
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1973listener-blog · 7 months
PCTA Fyre Podcast 2-20-24 https://audioboom.com/posts/8460714-pcta-fyre-podcast-2-20-24
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danoakes · 5 years
Day 80 — 19.3 miles through the Trinity Alps (mile 1045)
Ascend 3969ft, Descend 4222ft
The Trinity Alps:
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One end of the valley:
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The same view from a few miles further on:
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The valley opens up:
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Rain on the horizon:
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Fire patch (likely a controlled burn)
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Moss covered trees:
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Starting to hail:
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Out of the valley:
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