#Laura x Thomas
such-g00d-luck · 6 months
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you know it hits hard
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heckcareoxytwit · 8 months
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Awakening the Other McCoy
Sage proposes the idea that in order to fight the evil current Hank McCoy, they have to wake up the remaining clone of Hank McCoy, a.k.a Beast, who has the memories and attitude of the 70s Beast (as in Beast of Avengers, X-Men and Defenders). Despite the protests from Wolverine and the Krakoan X-Force team, they reluctantly agree with Sage to wake Beast clone up. However, 70s-Beast-Clone wakes up and bursts out of the cloning tank. In a state of disorientation, 70s-Beast-Clone jumps around and attacks the Krakoan X-Force. And also, having the former bad guys like Black Tom and Omega Red in the team doesn't help with the situation. Sage manages to calm 70s-Beast-Clone which prompts him to say the famous catchphrase "Oh my Stars and Garters".
Hours later, 70s-Beast-Clone was detained for a so-called safety reason and Black Tom was left there to explain to him about Krakoa and other things that happened over the years. 70s-Beast-Clone is caught up on everything that happened but is confused on why he's a war criminal. 70s-Beast-Clone is happy to work on with mutant rights or something. Moments later, Black Tom falls asleep from the long-winded droning speech from 70s-Beast-Clone, allowing him to free himself from the cage. Then, 70s-Beast-Clone googles himself on the computer and he becomes horrified to learn the evil deeds which current real Beast had done.
X-Force v6 #48, 2024
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illyanarasputinfan · 4 months
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X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #1 (2024) Marvel Comics
“Yes, let me drop my only physical protection while in the surprise-death corridor.”
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newx-menfan · 2 months
While I will eventually DO a write up on X-23/ Laura Kinney….
I just want to say THIS after seeing post after post about it on tumblr…and frankly feeling really uncomfortable with it….
Saying Laura is “asexual” and can’t be in a sexual relationship/dress a certain way because she was raped/sexually abused in NYX, when she was a minor…IS in my opinion…kind of problematic (I would say the same about people representing Magik as “asexual” solely because of her childhood abuse, when there’s multiple moments of subtext that she desired Kitty in a sexual way…)
There is literally NO evidence that asexuality is related in any way to experiencing rape/sexual violence, and that stereotype is often used to stigmatize and pathologize asexuality. Linking those two things, in my opinion, actually takes away peoples agency and seems almost subtly shaming- “your identity isn’t real, it’s just a reaction to trauma”…
It REALLY bugs me to see this stereotype represented and frankly I personally feel feeds into “you have to behave a certain way to be a ‘real’ victim”…
Lots of individuals who experience rape/abuse go on to have meaningful, healthy sexual relationships and there’s nothing WRONG with that. It doesn’t mean what they experienced was less valid or less real.
Laura desiring Hellion (she literally watched him half naked while he slept and was obviously upset when he said Sofia’s name) doesn’t in some way objectify her or negate her history in any way.
While I think her relationships with Synch and teen Angel could have been handled better and possibly touched on some of that trauma…I don’t feel representing her in a sexual relationship is “objectifying her”.
It just frankly kind of pisses me off that people act like writing Laura being represented in a relationship is somehow offensive- like victims of rape/SA can never have a sexual relationship again or are somehow “damaged” 😑
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jessythebunny · 5 months
💙🐠Happy Mermay everyone💙🐠
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So um i know the drawing is ugly. Especially Laura (Oh my God, what did i do to her?I'm a terrible artist💀) but this took me two hours and i tried to draw this quiecly so yeah🤷🏻‍♀️
@asktrio516 here's your fish woman with mine miss Emma, and sorry if it is bad
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kata-sans · 2 months
Raising Stripe
Chapter 24
Craig was dead on his feet. Work had been especially tiresome that day due to insufferable customers with faulty cars. Everyone in town needed last minute checkups before hitting the road for Thanksgiving holiday. He was glad to have a long break from work.
After a long day at work, Craig was ready to call it a night but his phone began to ring. He didn't even bother to check the ID on his screen before answering, “Hello…Mom!...Sorry, I didn't mean to not call you. I've been crazy busy a-and…No I don't mean I'm too busy for you I just…Thanksgiving dinner?...Sh**! It completely slipped my mind… No we don't have other plans but… Mom no don't say that of course Tweek and I still care about you…Fine we'll be in Denver tomorrow…Love you too. Bye”
Craig groaned loudly into his pillow. His mom always had a way of making him cave into her requests. He heard his husband snickering by the bedroom door. He threw his pillow in his direction which Tweek easily sidestepped.
“Was that your mom on the phone?” Tweek asked full of mirth as he made his way to his side of the bed.
“We forgot about Thanksgiving plans with my family.” Craig stated with annoyance.
Tweek froze, “What! Craig, how did this happen! Your parents are going to think we don't care about them! GAH! We need to start packing. Good thing we restocked the diapers but we might need extra formula.”
Craig suddenly sat up straight with a shocked look. “Babe! I just realized, my parents don't know about Stripe!”
They stared at each other in silent horror. Needless to say, this Thanksgiving was going to be memorable in the Tucker household.
Laura Tucker was placing the final touches on her famous turkey marinade when she heard the sound of a car in the driveway. She quickly made it to door and saw her son and son-in-law climbing out of their car. Craig noticed her and had a guilty expression on his face.
“Hey Mom. I have a surprise for you. Please don't freak out.” Craig said as he moved to open the backseat.
Laura almost fell down in shock when she saw her son pull out a baby car seat from the car. She let out a shriek of excitement, “Craigory Tucker! Why didn't you tell me! Oh! THOMAS! Come here!”
Craig's father came rushing out at the sound of Laura's shouts. Thomas was surprised when he noticed his wife hovering over the baby carrier in Craig's hands. He joined his wife and clapped his son on the back in congratulations before suggesting moving indoors.
Inside the house, Laura had quickly taken the baby into her arms before confronting the couple about their surprise. “Craig, you brat! Why didn't you tell me about my grandbaby? What's his name? Are you fostering or did you adopt him?”
Craig cleared his throat, “Well umm, it's a funny story. You see, this is Stripe…”
Laura gasped, “You named him after your Guinea Pig!”
“No! The baby is our guinea pig. There was an accident and our friend Kenny turned him into a human baby.” Tweek explained.
Laura and Thomas were shocked. They could hardly believe the baby in Laura's arms used to be a guinea pig. He looked and acted just like a real baby. They spent an hour asking questions about Stripe and soon became comfortable with the situation. Regardless of the circumstances, they were going to enjoy the experience of having a cute baby in the family to dote on.
"Well regardless of how he came to be... Nana has something special in her attic for you." Laura said switching to baby talk when she addressed Stripe.
Laura immediately led the family into the attic. She instructed the men to move furniture and boxes until she found what she was looking for. Finally they found what she insisted on finding and together they pulled out into the living room three boxes labeled “Craig's Baby Stuff.”
Tweek was excited to see the momentos from Craig's childhood. Craig on the other hand was curious but embarrassed by the idea of Tweek rummaging through his baby items. The first box was full of baby clothes. Tweek gushed when he pulled out a tiny set of yellow rain boots. Laura pulled out the matching raincoat and pointed to a photo album in the box. Before Craig could grab the book to hide it, Tweek snatched it and began flipping through the pages.
“Aww. Craig you were adorable. Is this a picture of the raincoat?” Tweek asked as he pointed to the picture in the book.
“Yes, it was a gift from his grandma. He would always insist on going out in the rain just to wear it.” Laura said with a laugh.
Tweek continued to flip through the book until he found a picture of Craig standing next to a Winnie the Pooh mascot. He smirked and showed the image to Craig. “Look what I found.”
Craig frowned, “Burn it!”
Laura rolled her eyes, “Are you still holding a grudge against Winnie the Pooh? Craig that was years ago.”
Tweek perked up, “Is there really a reason he hates that bear?”
“Oh Craig used to love Winnie the Pooh.” She pulled out some toys with the cartoon bear. Stripe immediately reached out to grab the toys and Laura handed them over. “Craig would beg me to buy these for him. You can imagine how excited he was when we went to Disneyland and he met his idol in real life.” Laura laughed as she held up the picture.
“Anyways when Craig was four, we went on a trip to the zoo. Craig was eager to visit the bear exhibit because one of them was named Winnie. When we made it to the bear cave the poor thing was dead asleep. Craig really wanted to see Winnie and he began to shout and tap the glass. The bear was so mad, he charged towards Craig and scared him.” Everyone bursted into laughter while Craig turned red in embarrassment.
“Bears are stupid! That's all!” Craig tried to defend himself from his family's ridicule.
“Oh Craig it's okay to admit bears scare you.” Tweek said as he calmed down.
“I am not scared of a dumb cartoon bear!” Craig said petulantly.
Tweek kissed his cheek, “Sure, babe. Whatever you say.”
Thomas suddenly came into the room with a dusty trash bag. “I found it Laura!”
Laura jumped up with the baby in her arms. “Wonderful Thomas! Pull it out to see if it's still in one piece.”
Thomas nodded and pulled out a flat baby walker from the large black bag. He pulled it open and set it on the floor. Laura was pleased to see the bag had kept it clean and proceeded to place Stripe in the seat.
Stripe inspected his new chair. He noticed a tray full of toys in front of him and eagerly began to fiddle with each one. He had a rolling toy, a squeaky button, and a loop d’loop toy. Stripe was enthralled and began to kick his feet in joy. He ran his fingers through toy enjoying the cacophony of noise each one caused.
Tweek pulled out his phone and began to take pictures of Stripe in his new toy. Laura followed suit quickly snapping pictures of her grandbaby. She grabbed Craig's baby album and turned to a picture of Craig sitting in the exact same walker as an infant. Tweek and Laura compared Craig and Stripes' pictures laughing at how similar they appeared to be. The family enjoyed their time before preparing for dinner.
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comicwaren · 5 months
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From X-Men Vol. 6 #034, “Love-Hate”
Art by Joshua Cassara and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Written by Gerry Duggan
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big-gay-apocalypse · 4 months
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// X-Men (2021) #30
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luna-bimborina · 22 days
My boyfriend, as cute he is, helped me by making characters that I like in his game (wwe 2k24) and also the ships that I like
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This is probably a little psychotic of me but hey it makes me happy, plus I love making characters and because of my boyfriend I'm learning about wrestling
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p-perkeys · 8 months
Talon and Synch mind merge thing.
What is that? Am I dumb? How long has he done that with her? Is that how she came back from the vault?
I am too literal/analytical a thinker at times. This is zooming over my head. Am confused.
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heckcareoxytwit · 6 months
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Wolverine's X-Force, the good Beast clone and Wonder Man race against time to stop the evil mainstream Beast from launching the Black-Hole Weapon. And not to mention, the "heroes" have to get the Orchis and the Stark Sentinel off their backs.
X-Force v6 #50, 2024
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thehollowprince · 1 year
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Hellfire Gala Variants - Part 1 | Part 2
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dr-george-ordell · 7 months
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Yellowjackets (2021-2023) 'Old Wounds' Episode 4 Season 2. / Peaky Blinders (2013-2022) 'Black Tuesday' Episode 1 Season 5. / Google Dictionary, Oxford Languages.
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kata-sans · 2 months
Raising Stripe
Chapter 25
After a while of reminiscence, Laura and Tweek decided it was time to start preparing a light dinner for the family. Laura had already done prep work on tomorrow's big dinner and was glad to have her son-in-law in the kitchen helping her. She didn't trust her husband and son in the kitchen so they were left in the living room to watch Stripe.
Craig and Thomas turned on the living room TV and kept an eye on Stripe as he played with his walker. They were enthralled in the baseball game as their team was competing in the semifinals. The team had a good chance as the score was currently in their favor.
Stripe was thrilled with his new toy. He learned to move the beads through the loop d'loop and really enjoyed the squeaky button. As he kicked his feet, he suddenly became aware of the fact his feet touched the floor. With a solid push against the floor he realized he could move his walker. This new trick elevated his excitement and he worked on mastering his newfound skill.
The score in the game began to shift and Thomas became agitated. “That is ridiculous, that ball was clearly a foul, not a home run. LAURA! Get me a beer!”
Laura, annoyed, came out of the kitchen holding a box of raisins. “Now you know very well the doctor said you can't drink with your medication.”
“It's the team's fault! Their incompetence is making me crave a beer!” Thomas argued.
Laura rolled her eyes and slammed the box of raisins on the coffee table. “Instead of a beer, here, eat these. The doctor said you needed more fiber.”
Thomas ignored the box and continued to cheer his team with Craig as they scored a home run. Craig pulled out his phone to type a message to Clyde to remind him of the bet they had on this game.
Stripe was starting to understand how to move the walker. He was feeling proud of himself when he heard his Nana arguing with Grandpa. He watched as his Dada took some shriveled treats from the box and tossed them in his mouth. Stripe wanted pellets too!
Stripe used his new trick to quickly approach the table, luckily Nana left the box close to the edge of the table. Before anyone noticed, he reached into the box and pulled out three of the the treats.These pellets were different from the ones his Dada used to feed him as a guinea pig. They were sticky and smelled fruity. He shoved them into his mouth and began to chew.
Craig was surprised when he finally noticed Stripe and his new walker. He figured Stripe would quickly figure out how to move but didn't realize how silent he could move. Suddenly Stripe began to cough, or at least tried to. Craig jumped to his feet in horror as he realized the situation.
Craig pulled the baby out of the walker in panic. Stripe's face was changing colors as he weakly tried to expel the obstruction in his throat. Craig was at a loss for what to do when someone pulled the baby out of his hands.
Tweek immediately placed the baby chest down on one arm. He delivered hard slaps on Stripe's back forcefully trying to dislodge whatever he was choking on. Finally a dark piece fell out of the baby's mouth and he let out a loud cry.
All the adults in the room felt relief at the sound. Tweek collapsed to his knees clinging to his baby. Thomas was the first to inspect the dark piece and revealed everyone the cause of their anguish: a single raisin. To everyone's shock, Craig turned and ran out the back door.
Thomas stepped into his backyard looking for his son. Thomas was familiar with Craig's habit of hiding and avoiding his problems. It didn't surprise him as it was the Tucker family's way to avoid complicated emotions. When a Tucker runs away, it usually takes another Tucker to reel them back from their nonsense.
Just as he predicted, Thomas found Craig behind the shed sipping from a beer bottle. He silently sat next to him on a bench. Craig pretended to ignore him and Thomas followed his lead. As he expected, Craig broke the silence. ”I’m so stupid!”
Thomas didn't say anything. He needed to let Craig vent before he decided to clam up or bottle up his stress. He simply prepared himself to listen.
“He was right in front of me a-and I did nothing to stop him! When h-he started to choke I didn't do anything! He was depending on ME! And all I did was watch! I'm a FAILURE! I-I failed him.” Craig said as he tossed the bottle and broke down.
Thomas, breaking from the Tucker norm, pulled his son into a hug. It wasn't usual for members of the family to show such strong emotions but the events of that day had greatly shaken them. When Craig seemed to calm down Thomas decided it was his turn to speak up.
“Listen Craig. What happened today was an accident. Your mother and I played a bigger role in leaving those raisins on the table. YOU didn't fail him! He is safe right now, probably worried about what he's going to try to eat next. Babies are a handful and you and Tweek have done a great job of keeping him safe and loved. Don't sell yourself short.”
Craig shook his head, “No Dad. It was my job to keep an eye on him and I got distracted.” Craig argued.
“Son, every parent makes mistakes. You and your sister had your fair share of accidents growing up. Do you remember your first baseball lesson? Thomas asked with a chuckle.
“No.” Craig said, confused.
“I didn't hope so. You were pretty young. I used a real baseball and accidentally hit you in the face. You were knocked out and Laura was convinced you were going to have brain damage. But lucky for us you were always a hard headed kid.” Thomas said with mirth.
Craig flipped his father off but was fighting to hide his smile. Thomas was pleased that his speech had his desired outcome. He continued to nail in his point. “Craig, you are a great father. Human or guinea pig, Stripe adores you. As soon as you ran out, he started calling out to you. Now get that guilty look off your face. I'm not calling you out for that. I want you to know that regardless of any mistakes, you are doing something right to earn the title of Dad.”
Craig had tears in his eyes as he pulled his father into a tight embrace. “Thanks Dad. You're pretty great, too.”
Thomas swelled with pride, but he shook off any signs of teary eyes. He clapped his son's shoulder and pointed his thumb towards the house. “Now fix your face and get in there. Your kid's looking for you.”
As soon as Craig walked into the house, Tweek appeared holding Stripe. Craig could see silent concern in his husband's eyes and quickly reassured him with a kiss on the cheek. This seemed to satisfy him for the time and they would discuss the problem later because at that moment Stripe was demanding Craig's attention.
“DADA!” Stripe shouted holding out his arms asking to be held. Craig accepted the infant from Tweek and held him tightly to his chest reassuring himself that Stripe was breathing normally.
“Hi baby. You scared me.” Craig gently confessed. He reached out and held Tweek's hand feeling comfortable in the presence of his family. “Mama and Dada love you sooo much.”
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fehlerderkorrektur · 1 year
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comicwaren · 8 months
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From X-Men Vol. 6 #030, “Who Says Romance Is Dead?”
Art by Phil Noto
Written by Gerry Duggan
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