#Latla and Tella:
uu-tella · 12 days
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It's Latla's Birthday!
@tadpolebobatea made me realize how similar these two were on the previous loop, so here's a little angsty thing about that (Happy birthday Latla, I guess?)
Art by @lovethedanielhd !!
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boringa55binch · 4 months
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Roundtable Meeting
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ayanarts-01 · 11 months
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wickedsick · 9 months
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Page 1 and we already acknowledge this stuff, let's go. Trans Juiz real?
(also love how fucking around with Apocalypse is a Boss tradition now)
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...Juiz trans real? Please?
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He's the only one who can reach such a desolate, lifeless, horrible place
(I'm British, I can make that joke)
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Okay, 13 seats, including Fuuko- this tells us a lot.
Sick was officially an Open quest- Rip wasn't part of the table at that point, and Latla still isn't.
The table evolves at 12 or 13 people- and one of these seats was a reward for Sick's quest.
There's like no way Granpasshin is still in the armor.
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Let's go through it.
Burn is back. His reward is based on A Silent Voice.
Summer's reward is too generic for me to pinpoint a specific inspiration - maybe it's a Warhammer, for Harley Quinn?
Both First Ten reward the same thing of two roundtable seats, which is probably what Sick gave, too.
I predicted UMA Beast, but wasn't sure about Language, since Nico soloed Language last loop. I guess this just means either Language doesn't like to fight, or Nico's the fucking greatest.
I'm gonna go with Nico being the greatest.
Given that Summer's here, and Feng still isn't a member, that's gotta be where it happens. Are they gonna give Mui Untruth again?
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Oh shit, the big one. How close are we to Ragnarök? It's gotta be pretty close. Anyway, Summer is a capture, so this is manageable. Wait, no, we killed Autumn earlier. What?
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The meta pick. But also, Nico could take down a First Ten by himself.
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Apocalypse is the Heart stocks going up!
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The fact that everyone fucking adores Juiz is so good.
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Fuuko's pose there is just like Gina pre-phil being gay about Fuuko- Fuuko bisexual real?
Also she's literally blushing.
I was about to say Gina is crying over Fuuko loving Juiz so much but then I noticed Sean fucking stole a bite out of her cupcake. Menace.
Julia U. Stitia is a good name.
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tadpolebobatea · 7 months
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(Slightly muffled drug dealer voice) Psst- Hey kid? You wanna buy a leg ?
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 3 months
Sorry for the delay, I didn't have time to read Undead Unluck until today...! 😅 So, here are some of my favorite things in Chapter 211, which was AWESOME by the way...!! 😆
This part with Tella...!! 😌:
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Poor Tella...!! 😌 His "Why me, then?" was really cute as well...!! 💗
Kururu singing!! 🤘
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Kururu's singing is definitely giving me "What's Up People" (Death Note Opening 2) vibes with this one, and I'm here for it!! 🤘😆
Kururu's face after STEALING THE BOYS!! 😈:
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Kururu is got that demon dawg in her with that face she's making...!! 😈
Latla and Veronica about to kill their men (while Betty's along for the ride)...!! 🤣🤣🤣:
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This panel had me CACKLING!!! 🤣🤣🤣 And this was at the bottom of the same page that ALSO HAD ME CACKLING...!!: 😂
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Kaede's "I'm an idol"...!! 👏👏👏
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Move over Ai Hoshino, there's a new idol in town and her name is Kaede Akashi...!!! 🤩
The final two pages of this chapter!! 😆:
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IT'S SO FREAKING COOL!! 🤩 I can't wait to see them duke it out in the next chapter!! 😆
And those were some of my favorite parts in Chapter 211!! 😆 But before I go, here's something I didn't notice until I looked back through the chapter, and it got me DEAD!!🤣
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See ya later fellas!! 👋😎
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italeteller · 4 months
Thoughts on Undead Unluck 208
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I love horny women
ngl tho I'm kinda sad Rip's got abs this loop, I'd hoped he'd have a more regular-guy kinda body now that he's more doctor than fighter. Also I'm gonna be annoying and wonder if Tella could actually play the guitar or not with Untell. But also also... damn, look at all that beefcake buffet. Tozuka really knows how to keep the fanbase well fed
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Sean's mom's likely dead like his dad, so he knows what Fuuko feels like wanting to see her mom again
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Eyy they gave Julia a Union uniform, that's nice
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Neat little detail, Sean has the mind to keep one eye open even when being splashed with water so as to not trigger Unseen with civilians around, you know he's been training his reactions
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I guess this is implying Fuuko gets her looks from her dad? Seeing them side by side her eyes are rounder than her mom's, and her hairstyle looks similar to her dad's, though with her mom's color
Also it's really damn funny that Fuuko's dad is completely used to the disaster of a human being that is his future wife. The man loves his cringefail girl. Though also, it's weird that Fuuko doesn't seem to have realized that the guy is indeed her dad. Maybe she had more of a relationship with her mom?
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I love that the Union can just call Fuuko's ass out and she remains eternally oblivious to her shonen MC behaviors
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The fact that Unluck gets explicitly mentioned twice makes me think there's some negation fuckery afoot. I know everything we've seen so far makes it look like no two people can have the same negation at the same time, but still. Maybe it'll be a red herring, but I have to wonder
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Ok, the big thing of the chapter. I have no idea what is going on, by all means it doesn't make sense, but Tozuka specifically brought up how this shouldn't be happening only to make it happen, so I believe he's got a plan, and the man plans good, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I also wanna point out that this is the very first loop someone other than Juiz is the looper, so this is literally the first time this scenario is happening in this world
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Baby Fuuko in her panpanda onesie is the cutest fucking thing I've seen all week
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Ok so Billy and Tella are indeed part of the Tatiana rescue mission (no Nico in sight tho, which is weird). I was so fixated on Gina being part of the idol mission I didn't even think she'd be a big asset as the only other russian on the team. And Chikara also makes sense, a quick activation of Unmove might be able to freeze Tatiana's Untouchable before it can blow her parents to dust. I hope that's the only reason he's there, and Tozuka isn't planning to resume the nonsense ship this loop too
Rip and Latla are on Bunny duty, no surprises there (though again, no Ichico, which is weird) and Shen and Mui are training literally under Feng. Sad day for Mei fans though, she seems to have been demoted to tea girl and isn't even training anymore. Guess my hopes of her being the Mui of this loop are dashed
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Hoo boy. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I desperately wanna see the whole Union play musical band. On the other hand, Tozuka has done a big group arc three times: on the 11 minutes fight, the Unmove arc and the Sick, and he only pulled it off on the 11 minutes fight. I'd much rather have only Gina, Mui, Latla (and Leila! Twin idols shtick!), Yusai and Haruka get solid focus than have a big group where a few people get most of the screentime and everybody else gets three panels like the Unmove and Sick arcs
Idk what Tozuka has in store for Kururu, but I don't see how she's gonna outshine all of this
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anavi-vrg · 5 months
Undead Unluck Cinderella!AU: The Masterpost
Hi :3 it's been a while, but i had been non-stop drawing to bring you all the Cinderella!AU cast with UU characters, i will write the basics of the story later bc i'm incapable of writing long paragraphs.
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The drawing that made me start this AU
Let's start with our protagonist, Fuuko as Cinderella:
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But our dear protagonist needs her mice friends:
We got our mains first: Haruka, Top, Gina, Sean and Chikara, taking the places of Jaq and Gus
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I remember that there were mice kids/children, the younglings!
Phil, Bunny, Tatiana, Lucy and Betty (almost forgot her)
Mice! Veronica and Tella are here to take care of them/protect them from the evil cats
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With how many chores have to be done everyday around the house, there have to be some specialised mice:
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In the kitchen, Billy works with the sweets, Enjin helps with the almost everything (he's too passionate for this job) and Rip cuts the veggies. Yusai can´t be let near the drinks alone, but she always knows the best one for the occasion.
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There's so many clothes that need mending and cleaning, the Sewing Team: Latla, Kurusu and Leila, are the right mice to do the job.
(ps. i bet Kurusu and Gina smugled that book to make cute dresses for Fuuko)
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Sooo many books to keep clean and organised in this house, good thing Mice Anno Un and Akira are doing their damn best to keep the house library in peak condition, they even have the time to dramatise Fuuko's favorite romance books for everyone
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Mouse Feng does everything around the house, why? because he wants to be better than Fuuko in everything
Miscellaneous Mice bcs i don't know in what role do they fit: Grandpa Isshin, Creed, Mei, Shen, Mui, Mui's little brother (do we even know his name?), Ms. Hawkins and Void.
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And we can't forget our dear doggo Burn, taking dog Bruno's place
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This Au is not complete without some villains
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Human! Luna as Lady Tremaine, BUT she's not Fuuko's stepmother, Lady Luna is a distant relative, grandfather's niece and further kinda deal
Lady Luna has three kids:
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Big Brother Soul, the kind of person to say "BuT wE aRe FaMiLy" when he does something bad to Fuuko but would absolutely not tolerate any of Fuuko's mistakes
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Middle Brother Apocalypse, evil? no, no, no, he's a tsundere, the kind to say "i'm not washing the clothes because i want to help you or anything! it's just that you are too clumsy". Fuuko sees right through his bullshit and thanks him eveytime she can to Apocchy's embarrassment
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And Little Bother/Sister Ruin (i'm more inclined to fem!Ruin), she's considerably more aggressive to Fuuko than the rest, her aggressiveness spurred on by her mom Luna and big brother Soul. Apocalypse has tried to help her to no avail.
THE CAT! Why should we limit ourselves to one evil cat, when we can have FOUR?
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Shadow hides in the dark corners and stairs, waiting for an unsuspecting victim, putting themselves in the middle of the path to make them trip
Blood wakes up and craves violence, he scratches the furniture, the curtains and people... Fuuko stays the fuck away from this evil cat
Spoil can't be let alone with the food, he steals it but he doesn't eat it, no, he enjoys watching it spoil and the faces of disgust from the people that find his masterpiece, fortunately dogo Burn is always guarding the kitchen.
Seal enjoys watching the desperation in peoples' faces as he slowly pushes the fine glassware from the top drawer to the cold hard floor, unfortunately for Seal, Mouse Feng is always watching
Do you remember the Gran Duke? the poor man was so close to die, but for this AU, we have the Grand Duke and Duchess, Nico and Ichico (Which one is who is up to you)
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We got our King! King Juiz, KING JUIZ, KING JUIZ!!!
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If you saw the third animated Cinderella movie, you would remember the Queen's paintings, and i decided that we need a Queen (an alive one), salute our dear Queen: Queen Victor!! (do you forgive me for putting him on a dress? 🥺)
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At last, we need our prince for this AU, but why have only one?!
Crown Prince Andy and Second Prince(ss) Julia
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We need our Fairy Godmother to bring some miracles to life! And i couldn't pick anyone else for this role than my beloved, Spring 🌸
Let him have some fun!!
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This is the real last one, but although it wasn't a sentient character, it would be unforgivable not casting Clothy as Fuuko's dress
(Can you imagine what Andy would do to Clothy once he discovers that he's Fuuko's dress? 💀)
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That's all the character designs for this AU, and now i can start drawing some scenes for this AU.
Enjoy this AU compiled timelapse for all the designs in the meantime!
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Soooo there has been complications for thia small arc but hey what Unchaste going to do. All they got to do is to stop a mad mob of normal people. None of them are going to be affected.
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Also side note I love this refrence to the light novel and the sleep over they had in loop 100. Also BUNNY!!! SHE LOOKS SO CUTE!!!
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like Fuuko agrees with me. She specifically picked this group not for their good looks but relationship status, with Tella being the sign when Unchaste actives. Plus she only one person. How could she win? What could go wro-
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HOLY SH*T UNCHASTE IS ALREADY ACTIVE!!! it's fine its fine the team is will be ready to save-
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WTF!!! Their not trying to kill her!? Their working for her!?
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Oh, so this is Soul twinks fault. I never would have thought of Kurusu of all people as a negator to use against union. Is weird that I kinda hate that he changed her? Why am I caring for Kurusu.
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Like what did you do Soul? Why is she suddenly so frightening and hateful? Also, what does she mean she lost. She is the one winning life from the looks of it. Also, what does she mean she now has it. Because I don't think it's the understanding of her audience like Kaede.
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Oh Wait someone's dropping in. Wait why are their two Move portals-
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HOLY SH*T ITS BILLY'S WIFE AND KID!!! Also hi Latla. Wait how did you convince Move to-
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oh that makes sense.
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Aelp Fuuko arrives on the scene, already having an understanding on the new Unchaste. Rewriting the victim's memories to make Kurusu the love interest.
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Also can we talk about how Billy got married to another mercenary he met on the battlefield. And also
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His daughter. She is still as sick as before and it's been like a few years now. She is totally Unhealthy.
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So it seems the whole time Soul's plan is to make Fuuko's father fall in love with Kurusu instead of her mother. But remember what little kid Fuuko said.
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I think soul might unintentionally got the two hitched.
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Anyway Kaede hope are not dashed. Hell she looks pumped. She truly is Fuuko mother.
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your-zipper-is-down · 9 months
I saw people in the UU server discussing how Tella's speakers work, so now I'm gonna give my main hc here since I'm too shy to write it down there directly lmao.
SO. It all started with this extra:
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The red part says: "Holes like Nico's" which made me think that, actually, Tella's speakers and Nico's pods work quite similarly:
They both are connected to their brain; the pods allow Nico to store and get information, the speakers allow Tella to transmit his thoughts into words and, on a physical level, both are capable of levitating.
On a meta-level, that could be the reason why Tzk decided to match these two up during spring arc (we didn't have enough information about either of them at the time, that's why I consider it more "meta")
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But then, where did Tella get Nico's tech?
Billy got it for him. It's not a confirmation, but my most solid piece of evidence:
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Nico and Mico are showing Billy HOW the tech works, Mico literally is holding what I can assume is the blueprint or the dossier about it; and at the parallel, we have Tella (recruiting Rip and Latla). I don't think is a coincidence.
We also know Under had the tech/knowledge to adapt Nico's tech- they made the mechanical arm and goggles that Creed uses and Latla's broom bike. There are also the gates that we never learned how they work (I don't think is an artifact as many believe, mostly because Billy says that using them leaves a "trace of energy" that Union could track; no artifact does this for all that we know).
This leads me to my main hc: Tella's abilities with his speakers aren't related to UnTell, at least not completely. Like Nico use of his pods doesn't require him to use UnForgettable, just his brain power, Tella's speakers, when he uses them to attack or other things besides talking or "stopping", also only uses his brain; he is strong like that.
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meowunmeow · 21 days
Genderbend Names
For fun, I kinda wanna give all UU negators a genderbend version of their names. I'm open to discussion in replies or reblogs :))
Stays the Same
These are because they have a unisex name to begin with.
Akira Kuno
Andy Izumo
Billy Alfred
Haruka Yamaoka
Nico Vorgeil
can't do anything about it
They're not really names in the first place.
Anno Un
Feng Kowloon
Juiz d'Arc
Top Bull Sparx
Void Volks
The Classic
Their nicknames can be their canon names. Or that it's just genderbend. But I made sure that their puns remain.
Backs Bunny - Baxter "Backs" Bunny
Chikara Shigeno - Chika Shigeno
Fuuko Izumo - Fuurou Izumo
Gina Chamber - Eugene "Gene" Chamber
Ichico Nemuri - Ikko Nemuri
Phil Hawkins - Philis/Philomena "Phil" Hawkins
Rip Tristan - Ripley "Rip" Tristan
Sadako Kurusu - Sadao "Kururu" Kurusu
Sean Datz - Seánna "Seán" Datz
Victor d'Arc - Victoria "Victhor" d'Arc
Help Me.
Creed Deckard - honestly I feel like she'd be a butch and goes by a male name but idk
Enjin Banba - Enjinko??
Latla Mirah - I genuinely can't
Shen Xiang - I still get confused on which one is his surname considering that both names are surnames
Tatiana - Tatianus?? Tatian?? Tatius???
Yusai - completely lost here
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uu-tella · 3 months
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A Tella mention on this week's (chapter 208) Find the censor bar!
General gist:
(Time ago) Fuuko is thinking about the possibility of having to form an Idol group in the future, Latla asks her why, thinking it sounds fun/interstating, and she replies it would be for preventing Kururu's tragedy.
Latla says that is really interesting and that she shouldn't be thinking about that alone.
Latla stars picking members: Rip first, since he has a good face and plays the piano. Then Tella and Billy since they would appeal to people who like older men (How old are these two on this loop?!). And finally Shen, because his baby face with those muscles would appeal to a certain niche. Mui is shocked.
Fuuko asks her if it's okay, since that's her husband.
Latla wonders if she's being weird but Fuuko reassures her that she trusts her.
*EDIT: It could also be interpreted as "Rip, then Tella. And Billy, for those who like older men." Which would put Tella at a younger age but remove a reason for him to be there. Feel free to interpret it as you prefer
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gavindna · 8 months
Uhh here’s a list of my favorite men in order from undead unluck I guess
Spoilers ahead or something
(Billy and tella have been omitted because I’m not a homewrecker like that)
1. Void volks
I know controversial opinion but my number one is not Andrew the undead, I just think void is really really hot and as the sluttyness ranker person put it Andrew is oversaturating his nudity, void’s tendency to be shirtless is hot to me or something. I like his hair and muscles too (duh)
Honorable mentions!!
Burn any phase and spoil phase one are both really hot but unfortunately it’s a Billy tella homewrecker thing except they’re not actually in a relationship just yet so it wouldn’t technically be homewrecking but they’d be happier with each other than me. I also don’t wanna burn to death and/or get turned into a zombie mid sex so yeah.
2. Spring
Spring my beloved <<<3333 only reason why he’s not number one is that he is a UMA and I don’t want god to take over his body to kill me because I feel like that would make spring really sad (I mean I would die too but I’m more worried about springs happiness) I also feel like spring, being a UMA is in general unattainable. I feel like there’s a 75% of me turning into a cherry blossom tree and I’m not really into that the adventure zone bury your gays ass shit.
3. Creed
Woah hit famous tumblr user GavinDNA Andy isn’t even in your top three or honorable mentions?? How could you?? I apologize but creed is just very hot to me. As king cope on the UUcord put it I feel like undecrease could be VERY fun in bed. He’s also really big and I find that hot + scars are awesome
4. Sean (100th loop)
Controversial to put Sean (especially first loop version) above Andrew I know but like. The third eye kinda does things for me. I feel like some very fun consensual stuff could be done with unseen and I’m down for it
Honorable mentions!! (This time of humans lmfao)
Victor, Nico, Feng, enjin, and shen are all way too in love with their wives (except for feng, who’s way too obsessed with Fuuko to acknowledge my existence(yes I am counting ramen as enjin’s wife)) and are therefore all way too unattainable. If they weren’t Nico would probably go between Sean and creed, victor would go between spring and void, 100th loop feng would go between spring and creed, and 101st loop feng wouldn’t go anywhere because we’re both bottoms and it would just be an embarrassing experience for all involved. Shen wouldn’t go anywhere either because I don’t think there’s a universe where he and mui aren’t in love and I really don’t want mui to kill me. I just don’t really dig enjin so he’s not going anywhere.
All I’m gonna say about the hypothetical placements is that apparently old men are IN this season.
5. Andy
Buff, hung, hot, great personality, prone to risk, what more could a girl want?? I could maybe hypothetically date him before he and Fuuko meet but after I have absolutely no chance, like, at all. Once again I love his hairstyle and his scar is hot. For some reason the card just sticking out of his forehead does something to me too, and the way his left eye is always slightly more closed than his right eye… ough.
6. Hair down Andy
Just Andy with a slightly worse hairstyle. Still a good hair style and still hot, I just don’t really like how it hides his scar.
(Dis)honorable mentions
Rip is unattainable because he won’t let himself get over leila even though leila tried to get him and Latla together, just an ick of a guy. Also his eyepatch is HIDEOUS and you guys don’t talk about that fact enough
Ruin is for sure into some freaky shit and I’m not gonna kink shame him as long as it’s all consensual and nobody gets hurt but I just don’t dig that. There’s also the fact that he’s 1.) probably gonna be like “I’ve devoted my body to god, die” If you ask to hit that, and 2.) he’s almost definitely a bottom so it would just be awkward for the two of us. He cute tho, I dig the hair and tats
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tokiro07 · 7 months
Redid the character sorter without copping out with "I like both" or "no opinion" and with the recent revelation that Gina is my current favorite (until someone else gets development that shoots them up to the top)
Gina, obviously
Fuuko. She's easily the best female protagonist, and even one of the best protagonists period that I've ever seen in Jump, so gun to my head, I couldn't really say I like anyone else more than her right now
Andy, obviously right behind Fuuko
Isshin/Haruka. I realized that my insistence that Isshin is my favorite came pretty much entirely from the shock value of the reveal of her design, and while her personality and development have been pretty solid so far, she hasn't gotten to do as much as I'd like her to while other characters have continued to evolve. Right now, she's as high as she is out of fondness, but I have to accept that she can continue to fall down the ranks if she doesn't get a killer scene soon
Feng. The amount of growth and change he had since the first half of the series was so phenomenal that I can't help loving this guy, and the realization that there's still room for him to grow more makes him an easy top 5
Sean. Similar to Feng, except he seems to have done most of his development already. The gap also wasn't as huge since he was barely present in the first place, but the flip from being absolutely unlikable to one of my favorites can't be understated
Anno Un. Similar to Isshin, Anno Un's lack of involvement in the story has made it difficult for me to maintain my enthusiasm for the character that I initially had. The small part of the story that he's actually involved in is great, certainly enough to hold him in the top 10, but there's a lot of room for other characters to overtake him
Nico. Honestly could have gone either way between him and Billy, I think right now it's just that Billy's arc is more interesting, but Nico has plenty of room to climb the ranks
Latla, right behind Rip of course, but she could have jumped above him easily
Juiz. Not sure how Juiz fell below Julia. It never asked me to pit them against each other, I think it might be because it pitted them both against Tatiana? Funny how that works, I like Tatiana more than Juiz, Juiz more than Julia, but Julia more than Tatiana? I guess my criteria for comparing them was different
Void. Huge jump from last time, this feels a lot more appropriate for him
Mui. I do feel like she should be above Void, though, but it's close enough that I'm not worried about it
Phil. Baby boy, baby
Top. I expect his stocks to rise with the current arc, but I'm still not super attached
Victor. He's lower than I think he should be this time given how interesting his story is, but I think the criteria I was going with may have hampered his chances (I was going for a "sparks joy" metric)
Chikara. I actively tried to make him higher than last time by remembering his character arc and not just considering how little I care for his design (he's a bit too plain for me)
Yusai. Everyone past this point has so little development that it almost completely came down to either how cute/pretty they were or how funny they were, and Yusai's pretty and silly
Creed. Not cute or funny, but he's pretty cool
Tella. Pretty boy, strong yaoi energy with Billy, needs more screen time
Bunny. Baby girl, baby
Ichico. Pretty lady, fun dynamic with Nico, but hasn't done quite enough on her own to stick out in my mind as a character
Enjin. Nice short arc, but I think we need more of him to really endear me to him
Kururu. I expect her to rocket up once we get to know her better, but for now, her lack of characterization and screen time holds her back
Ruin. Does not spark joy, deserves to be down at the bottom until he pulls a Feng and becomes the number one Fuuko simp, then he'll probably jump to at least top 15
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wickedsick · 3 months
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So Enjin's the example of 'not knowing love', I assume?
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Getting told you're going there specifically to get hit by the mind control ability must suck
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Can't believe this arc is airing while I start maining Elphelt Valentine
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Oh, dear. I was hoping maybe it wouldn't work on Tella, but I guess that was wishful thinking.
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Oh so Veronica has a gun
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Wow, this is just like what happened to my buddy Tsukishima
Don't have much more commentary for the rest of the pages
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tadpolebobatea · 4 months
Live slug reaction
(For the sake of everyone else I’ll keep the Tella ramblings to a minimum )
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Oh did she ever girl… she climbed up the outside of it Julia
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Sean when he sees someone about to miss out on the chance to say one last goodbye to a parent (I love him so much, would love to see what actually happened with his dad)
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The vision ^
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Ugh. You might be on to something unmeow. I would kill for fuuko in this panel. Her golden retriever energy is off the charts. Calm and overall happy fuuko my beloved
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Honestly no wonder Fuuko inherited unluck, All of kaedes unlucky events have been building up to that. (getting vaporised by your daughter is the natural next step… kinda)
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Someone smarter than me needs to explain why I like this… something about the rules being very important and relevant even to non-negators. Like that “it must’ve been a stroke of his own unluck” line from chapter 1
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Lots to enjoy here.
Latla in that outfit is a criminal offence, I want whoever’s responsible shot.
Yusai’s visible disgust is very endearing. (I want to put her in the boy band)
Haruka, the most shredded idol this side of tokyo.
Tellas little “not even close to a smile” expression, the UNsmile. Someone help him.
Big fan of Enjin ducking Mui and Shens kicks, like please do your martial arts demo elsewhere.
Boy band feng will be his final indignity before death
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Glad to see my boys sporting matching “god what is the boss talking about” faces. A win.
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