#Land in Uran
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cresceragroup · 5 months ago
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Land for Sale in Third Mumbai: KCS New Town Development
Explore prime land and plots in the emerging Third Mumbai, known as KCS New Town. This extensive development project by the MMRDA encompasses 124 villages, creating a modern urban landscape around the Navi Mumbai International Airport. Here’s a closer look at some key areas within this exciting development:
Chirle: A strategically located hub that is rapidly transforming, Chirle offers excellent opportunities for residential and commercial development, leveraging its proximity to the airport.
Vindhane: This picturesque area is ideal for creating residential complexes and green spaces, making it a sought-after location for families and investors alike.
Ranjanpada: With its enhanced connectivity, Ranjanpada is an attractive investment destination for infrastructure and housing projects, set to benefit from the ongoing development initiatives.
Chirner: Positioned near the airport, Chirner presents ample land for industrial and logistics facilities, capitalizing on its strategic location for business growth.
Jui: A vibrant locality that offers mixed-use development opportunities, Jui is perfect for those looking to invest in both residential and commercial properties.
Pirkone: Emerging as a residential hotspot, Pirkone is appealing to families and individuals seeking a suburban lifestyle with access to urban amenities.
Vasheni: This area is gaining attention for real estate development, making it a promising investment option for those looking to capitalize on urban expansion.
Sarde: Transitioning from its agricultural roots, Sarde is opening up to urban development, presenting opportunities for investors looking to develop residential and commercial projects.
Punade: Ideal for affordable housing, Punade caters to the growing demand for budget-friendly living spaces, making it a strategic investment choice.
KCS New Town is poised to create a well-planned urban ecosystem that prioritizes sustainability and connectivity. Investing in land in this developing area not only promises future growth but also positions you at the forefront of Mumbai’s expansion. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this transformative project in Third Mumbai! Crescera Group
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boyrobott · 7 months ago
i fully get it bc i know what u mean about original astro boy manga being silly with it vs pluto being relentlessly sad. but i do think it's really important to say that pluto's themes draw on a LOT LOT LOT of stuff present in the original manga! like, the stuff about hate making a robot closer to a human/allowing them to kill a human despite most robots being physically unable to is pulled directly from the blue knight story. the original greatest robot on earth story that pluto is based off is about pluto struggling with not wanting to be a robot made only for killing bc he had a nice time hanging out with uran and doesn't wanna make her sad. epsilon still dies saving his adopted human son, and atom ends the story mourning for all the robots who got killed for goji to prove a point. the moral (which multiple characters say) is that what makes a robot OR a person strong is their love and humanity not their killing power, and it is both stupid and perpetuating the cycle of violence to force robots to hurt each other. the robot hate group man in pluto is inspired by the villain of a segment in astro boy tales part 2&3 where he literally is in a group wearing kkk hoods and does a whole pr attack about robots killing his son because he is campaigning to remove their rights.
and it's not just the stories pluto references! hell, in basically half the stories at minimum a robot is forced by a human to do a crime, the police go 'dang i guess we gotta take the rights of all robots away and destroy them for scrap :(' and atom has to find the human responsible so that doesn't happen (the third magician, electro, and his highness deadcross are some good examples). the plot of the story robot land is atom struggling with wanting to save a bunch of robots being beaten up and worked to the bone by their creator, but he can't because robots are still technically property and helping them escape would be stealing and therefore illegal. in the little intro comics tezuka drew in the collection, he literally says 'yeah this is about the vietnam war being awful' about like fully three different stories. and that's just off the top of my head!!
'what makes a person, where is our empathy, why do we quest for vengeance when it only sucks us into a cycle, have we lost our humanity' are literally the most important core themes of astro boy, which is why it's so so impressive for kids comics that are still broadly super super cute and funny!
legitimately sorry for putting a huge wall of text in ur inbox because i know it's unsolicited and probably uncool. but astro boy is super important to me and so is the idea that a story can be goofy silly child adventures and also explore dark and serious themes? so i had like. a moment when i saw ur post lol. i get it if u dont wanna read all this etc but i wanted to i guess encourage u to give the manga a second pass even if u aren't into pluto at all. there's an insane amount of stuff there that really really legitimately is that deep
Okay, may I just say, I'm absolutely loving your impassioned defense of the manga here. You're bringing so much ride-or-die energy to the table right now, and I'm loving it. But I've been slowly reading through the manga over the past few years, so I... kind of already know all this??? That's pretty much the whole reason I made the joke in the first place -- because there are so many similar storylines and themes between the original manga and the Pluto series, but the individual tones literally could not be more different. The fact that a grim dystopian anime about the horrors of war and the true meaning of humanity is saying the same exact things as a fun, lighthearted, campy manga series?? Sorry, but that's just hilarious to me.
I can definitely see where the misunderstanding came from, but I promise, you do not need to defend the manga to me, LMAO.
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astroboyanalysis · 1 year ago
8. Mad Machine
I will not apologize for the long pause. That last chapter was hefty I deserved a little break to uh. (checks watch) play an mmo too much
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sorry for the quality lol. I am not taking pictures again unless I have to
This is actually an interesting concept. All the humans have to work robotic jobs that day that can't be left unattended...? Or are there essential robotic workers?
As I tend to do, when I think about this I think about how I would interpret it into a more believable take in this day and age - I'd say it's more like tax day. There's a day of the year all working robots must have maintenance checks by, and approaching that date tends to have a LOT of robots out of work (even though their employer/owner Could likely do it earlier). This would also mean that it's more like, "oh, the post office is closed because it's their maintenance day" and that would kind of make it into a whole Season of odd closures. That's a little less fun than all of them having the same day off though.
(Note: I'm assuming that there are technologies that can just check maintenance For robots without it being individual humans, so there is no issue of "there's not enough practitioners available on that day" (although the lines for like, independently owned robots on that day would be Hellish). So if you have, like, a chef robot that you own, at some point before that date you have to have their maintenance forms filled and sent to some governing body. Then again, this is likely a somewhat american approach. Given that i just compared it to tax day immediately. I understand it's meant to be more like a day off for robots here.)
Then again, it being a maintenance thing doesn't resolve the fact that it seems to be more of a labor day than anything else.
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Also they have a GUN ROBOT enforcing this. thats insane. Robots cant harm humans WHO.
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I have a feeling he's Already famous. But that's nice, Atom's dad. Also I included the first picture because he's cute.
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It being a big holiday Every Month seems like a lot infrastructure wise since robots are so vital to the runnings of the city and the world at large. My Personal Interpretation of How to Do This If I Were Doing a Modern Astro Boy Interpretation (MPIHDTIIWDMABI, henceforth) (I will not remember this acronym) would be that it's simply a requirement and the date robots get off varies from robot to robot. More like a standard labor practice than a holiday.
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I could be wrong, but I believe this character is used in Astro 2003 for the "Shrink Down And Enter Uran's Body" episode. His name in the dub was something like Dr. Minimini.
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Hey, this is sort of what happens with the sun flares in Metropolis!
This seems like the worst day to enact this as it would have the Most effect on a day robots are working already.
Also. Lol, typewriters.
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couldn't you just turn him off? he looks like he got hit by a car. There's no way a receiver for Nutso waves and adjacent frequencies would be like, below his shin AND in his elbow AND in his shoulder. Just take out the pieces that do that.
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I'm just sharing this one with you because it's possibly one of my favorite Ochanomizus I've seen this read through. I don't know what it is about him.
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That's actually really funny. Is it being affected by it's own waves and he didn't insulate it in any way or is he lying. No way to know!
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Oh he looks COOL here
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Okay, so in some capacity (legal?), Atom is still ""owned"" by Ochanomizu here. Interesting. I wonder if there's precedent for a robot to own themselves. Can robots own property...?
Robot Land is the next blog!
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nerdygaymormon · 2 years ago
I'm a closeted heterosexual uranic demisexual she/they demigirlflux (a lot of labels, sorry) who is an active member of the church, and I just wanted to say that I appreciate you existing as a middle ground between queer people and mormons!
My parents are highly anti-LBGTQ+, which is why I'm still closeted, however I have been more open online bc I feel it's easier to be understood, but unfortunately I could almost never find any Christians of any kind who were queer, which meant I felt a bit torn about whether or not I was right to be queer.
I have never been able to find stuff about being anything but transgender in the Gospel Library and places like that, so I'm just rolling with it and hoping that I'm not making a huge mistake.
I have also had a lot of internalised queerphobia because of my parents and their active stance of 'all gays should burn and the other transsexuals should too', especially since they have threatened to kick me out and disown me should they find i'm anything but cishet.
Basically, I'm just happy to find someone who I hope I could talk to since we're both mormon and queer in some way shape or form.
Feel free to talk to me if you want!
~ Katsura
I'm sorry that your parents have such strong anti-LGBTQ+ views, I know that makes things stressful for you.
As far as finding things in the Gospel Library on queer topics, you'll find same-sex attraction (lesbian, gay & bi) and transgender. The church doesn't seem to be aware that there's any other identities out there.
For learning about queer topics, Tumblr is a good place to land, it's the queerest place on the internet with 25% of users identifying as LGBTQ. It's been the place where a some of queer identities were labeled and defined, and where several Pride flags were created.
Internalized queerphobia is rough. We heard all those rejecting messages and internalized them, and now that we understand ourselves to be queer those messages in our head are rejecting us. While you're in the closet, the advice I have is to find other queer people to hang around, even if it's online. Queer members especially will get you in a way others don't. If you aren't on the Queerstake Discord, message me and I'll get you an invite
And when you hear a rejecting message, push back against it. You may not be able to speak up against the messages, but at least in your head say something positive.
Another way you can affirm yourself is get a few things in Pride flags. The Uranic, Demisexual, and the Demigirlflux Pride flags are beautiful and most people will not recognize what they are. You could get 3 bracelets, one for each with those colors, or little pins of those flags to have mixed in with other pins on your backpack.
One thing we learn at church is to "liken the scriptures unto ourselves." I try to look at the scriptures with my queer eyes and it makes a difference, I can find principles and lessons for me, basically queerifying the scriptures. I sometimes make posts about them. Here's a link to several and you can choose to read them if you want:
Genesis 16 - Hagar : We may still be required to deal with difficult situations, but we have a God who hears us, a God who knows us
1 Samuel 16:7 - The Lord Looketh on the Heart : Gender & orientation are matters of the heart and God knows us for who we are
Galatians 3:28 - Ye Are All One in Christ Jesus : The scriptures say that all our diversity is welcome by Christ
2 Nephi 26:33 - All are Alike Unto God : When will the Church embrace all people?
Moses 6:31 - Enoch doesn’t See Himself as God Does : When queer people accept ourselves it opens 1000 doors of possibility
Katsura, feel free to DM me whenever you want
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thesolarstorm · 2 years ago
New introductory post to my blog (as of July 31st)
Hi! My name is Pixal!
I am a minor (15-17 age range), a digital artist, and have been doing digital art for almost 5 years.
My pronouns are He/Bun/Pup, please don't use They/Them for me.
I am an autistic uranic arospec trans man, and my special interests are Ninjago and FNaF. I created Windpower (morroxpixal) on May 11th 2021 (on Instagram), and they have been my babygirls ever since <3
"Why do you go by Pixal?" It's just the name I feel comfortable going by, that's all ^^ if you need to differentiate me from the character, feel free to call me Bunnii instead.
BYF: I'm not a fan of Destiny (morroxkai) or Hotwire/firewall (pixalxkai) due to me,, not rlly liking Kai. If you want to follow me and you like/enjoy either ship or are just a huge Kai fan please don't bring them up in my inbox or comments. DNI: Proshippers get out <3 and basic dni crit <3
You don't need to know much more than that ^^
Feel free to ask me questions in my ask box though
My Discord server (The Astronomy Library) Lego Discord Server (Land Of Lego)
My Pronouns page
My Toyhouse My Ko-Fi!
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losergendered · 1 month ago
Hi!! Hi!! I bringeth you my Toontown: Corporate Clash headcanons cuz this game made my autism n bpd be feral /j /serious this game has seriously brainrotted me lmao
Allan Bravecog, aka Senior Vice President, is a bisexual, rochillic Cog who uses he/him pronouns who is neurodivergent with HPD
His son, Cathal Ray Toby Bravecog, aka Multislacker, is a pansexual, mlm/achillean, minsexual Cog with auDHD and NPD who uses he/they pronouns
Kilo Kidd, aka Scapegoat, is an autistic gay (blue/green) trans male Cog with anger issues and bipolar disorder who uses he/him pronouns
Courtney Case, aka Stenographer, is a polyamorous straight female Cog who uses she/her pronouns
Barry Briefcase, aka Case Manager, is a polyamorous bisexual male Cog who uses he/him and is neurodivergent
Mundie Mudsnapper, aka Litigator, is a romance-favorable aromantic, alloaro, trans, polyamorous and gay (blue/green) Cog with bipolar disorder who uses he/him pronouns
Belle Dama, aka Mouthpiece, is a futch, femme, lesbian Cog who uses she/her pronouns
Misty Monsoon, aka Rainmaker, is a femme, fem, nonbinary, trixic, axinitian, lesbian, ambiamorous, femme4butch Cog with autism, AvPD, and anxiety who uses she/they pronouns
Holly Grayelle, aka Gatekeeper, is a masc, transmasc, butch, demisexual, trans/mtf, lesboy, lesbimasc, lesbian, butch4femme Cog who is neurodivergent and uses she/her pronouns
Mary Anna, aka Deep Diver, is a butch, romeric/mlw, saphboy, larimarian, straightbian, darcian, sophian, trans/mtf, genderfluid, bigender (five stripe w/ yellow flag), transmasc, masc Cog who is auDHD and uses he/she pronouns
Chip Revvington, aka Chainsaw Consultant, is a queer, non-monogamous, gay Cog who is autistic with sensory issues and uses he/him pronouns
Spruce Campbell, aka Treekiller, is a cis bear, gay Cog who uses he/him pronouns
Tawney C. Esta, aka Featherbedder, is a multigender, genderfluid, AMAB, masc, gay Cog who has insomnia and canonically uses they/he/she pronouns
Cosmo Kuiper, aka Plutocrate, is a bisexual, male-pref bi, polyamorous, cis male Cog who uses he/him and his honorifics are Don/Mr.
The Satellite Investors are all queer and polyamorous. Charon is a gay male Skelecog; Nix is a nonbinary gay male Skelecog; Hydra is a polysexual Skelecog; Styx is a bipan Skelecog; and Kerberos is a trans and gay Skelecog. They all uses various different masculine pronouns
Brian, aka Prethinker, is an autistic, cisgenderqueer, ambiamorous, gay male Cog with CPTSD, NPD, and PPD who uses he/him pronouns
Benjamin Biggs, aka Bellringer, is a trans/ftm, polyamorous, gay male Cog with autism, PTSD, and BPD who uses he/him pronouns
Prester Virgil, aka Witch Hunter, is a queer, MLM, gay Cog with PTSD, fluctuating empathy and depression who uses he/him pronouns
Graham Ness Payser, aka Pacesetter, is a canonically gay, polyamorous MLM cog who has ADHD, NPD and HPD who uses he/him pronouns. He’s in a canon relationship with Flint.
Flint Bonpyre, aka Firestarter, is a canonically gay, MLM, toric, nonbinary, trans/ftm, transmasc, polyamorous Cog with autism and anxiety who uses he/they pronouns. He’s in a canon relationship with Graham.
Dave Brubot, aka Major Player, is a gay, genderqueer Cog with HPD who uses he/hymn pronouns
Buck Ruffler, aka Duck Shuffler, is a bi uranic, uranic, bisexual, bi turian/gay man Cog with ADHD who uses he/him pronouns
High Roller is a queer, fluorian, othian, streidian, geitian, gai, jamian, lancian, minsexual, violaen, bennetian, concema-, masc Cog who canonically uses any pronouns
Head Honcho is a gay Cog who uses he/him pronouns
Magnate is a trans and gay neurodivergent Cog
Insider is a genderfaun, trans/ftm, gay, neurodivergent Cog who canonically uses they/he/she pronouns
Buck Wilde, aka the Director of Land Development, is a transmasculine, nonbinary, genderqueer and gay Cog who uses he/him pronouns
William Boar, aka Derrick Man, is a bisexual male Cog who uses he/him pronouns
posted!! i (think) i got all your additions in there! sorry it took so so long!
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realestate83 · 2 months ago
Top 5 Emerging Real Estate Hotspots Around Navi Mumbai Airport in 2024
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The upcoming Navi Mumbai International Airport is driving a transformative wave across the region, making it one of the most attractive destinations for real estate investments. With enhanced connectivity, infrastructure developments, and increasing demand, the surrounding areas are evolving into prime real estate hotspots.
If you’re considering investing in this rapidly growing region, here are the top 5 emerging real estate hotspots around Navi Mumbai Airport that deserve your attention in 2024.
1. Ulwe: The Star Performer
Ulwe has quickly gained prominence due to its proximity to the airport and seamless connectivity via the Nerul-Uran railway line.
Located just a few kilometers from the airport.
Rapid residential and commercial development.
Presence of SEZs (Special Economic Zones).
Affordable property prices compared to Mumbai.
Why Invest? Ulwe offers immense growth potential, making it a lucrative option for investors and homebuyers. With excellent infrastructure and upcoming metro connectivity, it promises high ROI.
2. Panvel: The All-Rounder
Known as the gateway to Navi Mumbai, Panvel has emerged as a preferred destination for property buyers.
Close proximity to the airport and major highways (Mumbai-Pune Expressway).
Availability of CIDCO-approved plots.
Thriving industrial and commercial zones.
Educational institutions and healthcare facilities.
Why Invest? Panvel is perfect for those seeking long-term appreciation, with planned infrastructure and expanding residential projects catering to various budgets.
3. Kharghar: The Scenic Hub
Kharghar is known for its scenic landscapes and modern amenities, making it a highly sought-after location.
Proximity to Navi Mumbai Airport.
Presence of top educational institutions and business hubs.
Excellent connectivity via Sion-Panvel Highway.
Upcoming Central Park and golf course.
Why Invest? With a mix of luxury and affordable housing projects, Kharghar is ideal for families and investors seeking a well-rounded lifestyle.
4. Taloja: The Rising Star
Taloja is transforming from an industrial zone to a thriving residential and commercial hub.
Affordable property prices compared to neighboring areas.
Connectivity to Navi Mumbai Airport and the metro line.
Proximity to industrial areas, creating demand for rental housing.
Why Invest? Taloja offers affordable housing options with promising growth potential. Its strategic location near key transport hubs makes it an attractive investment destination.
5. Dronagiri: The Future Forward
Dronagiri is an emerging real estate hotspot known for its affordability and upcoming developments.
Located close to Navi Mumbai Airport.
Upcoming commercial and residential projects.
Excellent connectivity to JNPT Port and SEZs.
Why Invest? Dronagiri offers a unique blend of affordability and future appreciation potential, ideal for first-time investors and homebuyers.
Partner with Naina Land Deals for Your Real Estate Needs
As the Navi Mumbai region continues to flourish, finding the perfect investment opportunity requires expert guidance. Naina Land Deals simplifies the process by offering:
Comprehensive Listings: Explore premium CIDCO-approved plots in Navi Mumbai’s most promising locations.
Expert Assistance: Get tailored advice and a seamless buying experience.
Transparent Transactions: Trustworthy deals with all legal clearances.
Visit Naina Land Deals and secure your future with the best real estate opportunities near Navi Mumbai Airport.
Investing in real estate around Navi Mumbai Airport is a smart move, given the region’s rapid growth and development. From Ulwe to Dronagiri, these emerging hotspots promise excellent returns for investors and homebuyers.
Take the leap and explore your options with Naina Land Deals—your trusted partner in navigating Navi Mumbai’s thriving real estate market.
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channeledhistory · 5 months ago
Die von Russland angegriffene Ukraine hat zur Beendigung des Krieges eine sofortige Einladung in die NATO gefordert. [...]
In seiner Rede im Parlament rief Selenskyj die westlichen Verbündeten der Ukraine auf, "die Beschränkungen für den Einsatz von Langstreckenwaffen" bei Angriffen auf die russisch besetzten Gebiete sowie Ziele in Russland aufzuheben. Nachbarländer sollten von ihrem Gebiet aus russische Drohnen über der Ukraine abschießen.
Der ukrainische Präsident schlug unter anderem vor, in seinem Land ein großes, aber nicht-nukleares Waffenarsenal zu stationieren, "um die Ukraine vor jeglicher militärischer Bedrohung durch Russland zu schützen".
Weiterhin bot Selenskyj den westlichen Verbündeten Zugriff auf wertvolle Rohstoffe seines Landes an. Als Beispiele nannte er Uran, Titan, Lithium und Graphit. Die Ukraine verfüge über wertvolle Rohstoffe "im Wert von Billionen US-Dollar", sagte Selenskyj. Die Frage sei, ob diese Ressourcen im globalen Wettbewerb an Russland und dessen Verbündete fielen oder bei der Ukraine und - wie er sagte - der demokratischen Welt verblieben.
Selenskyj sagte, dass die Ukraine sich nach einem Ende des russischen Angriffskrieges mit ihrer militärischen Erfahrung für die Sicherheit Europas und der NATO einsetzen werde. Ihre Soldaten könnten in Europa sogar US-Truppen ersetzen. 
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cresceragroup · 5 months ago
KCS New Town – New name of Third Mumbai, Around Navi Mumbai International Airport
KCS New Town, often referred to as "Third Mumbai," is emerging as a key area around the Navi Mumbai International Airport. With its strategic location and potential for development, land investors are increasingly interested in acquiring property in this region. The area's growth prospects are bolstered by improved connectivity, urban planning initiatives, and the promise of modern infrastructure, making it an attractive option for both residential and commercial projects. As the city expands, KCS New Town is likely to play a significant role in shaping the future of the Mumbai metropolitan area.
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deutschermichel · 6 months ago
https://pressefreiheit.rtde.me/international/219272-unschuldiger-satz-putins-loest-erdbeben/ Ein unschuldiger Satz Putins löst Erdbeben im Westen aus 15 Sep. 2024 20:17 Uhr
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Von Kirill Strelnikow
Bei einem weiteren internen Arbeitstreffen mit der russischen Regierung hat Präsident Wladimir Putin vorgeschlagen, die Möglichkeit ins Auge zu fassen, die Lieferungen strategischer Rohstoffe wie Uran, Nickel, Titan und einiger anderer an ausländische Märkte zu beschränken, sofern dies der russischen Wirtschaft nicht schaden werde.
Diese Aufforderung verursachte ein völlig unerklärliches Phänomen: Anschließend explodierten die westlichen Märkte buchstäblich, die Preise für die genannten Rohstoffe schnellten in die Höhe, und die Wirtschafts- und Fachmedien wurden von alarmistischen Veröffentlichungen geradezu überflutet. Putin: Russland sollte Einschränkungen beim Export strategischer Rohstoffe erwägen Putin: Russland sollte Einschränkungen beim Export strategischer Rohstoffe erwägen
Woher kommt diese Nervosität bei unseren erfolgreichen Sanktionsverhängern? Schließlich weiß jeder ganz genau, dass ein Land, in dem eine Toilettenschüssel ein Luxusgut ist und Doppeldecker aus Waschmaschinen bestehen, die aus der Ukraine gebracht werden, keinen Einfluss auf irgendetwas hat und seinen Platz in der Weltrangliste irgendwo in der Nähe von Obervolta (Burkina Faso) einnimmt.
Noch einen Tag zuvor konnten angesehene Experten aus aller Welt nicht nachvollziehen, warum das "verdammte" Russland nicht reumütig auf den Knien rutscht. So berichtete beispielsweise die Zeitschrift Foreign Policy, dass "die westlichen Sanktionen, so massiv und historisch weitreichend sie auch sein mögen, Putins Fähigkeit, Krieg zu führen, nicht untergraben haben". Nun wollen sie sehen, was passieren würde, wenn Russland nicht nur über seine eigenen Gegensanktionen nachdenkt, sondern sie auch umsetzt. Dabei stellt sich eine ganze Reihe interessanter Dinge heraus.
Werden beispielsweise Beschränkungen für den Uranexport verhängt, wird die US-amerikanische Kernkraftindustrie, wenn nicht zusammenbrechen, so zumindest kurz vor einem Zusammenbruch stehen. Die stolzen US-Amerikaner sprechen nicht darüber, aber der Anteil des russischen Brennstoffs für US-amerikanische Kernkraftwerke beträgt fast ein Drittel, und es gibt einfach nichts, was die aggressiven russischen Elektronen und Neutronen in absehbarer Zeit ersetzen könnte. Reuters räumte ein, dass "Uran eines der Dinge ist, die dem Westen wirklich schaden könnten", und die Experten von Citi erklärten, dass russisches Uran "äußerst schwer zu ersetzen sein wird", da Rosatom hinter der Hälfte der weltweiten Atomstromerzeugung steht. Bericht: Deutschland ist am meisten von russischem Titan abhängig Bericht: Deutschland ist am meisten von russischem Titan abhängig
Westliche Experten eilten herbei, um nach Alternativen zu suchen. Gott sei Dank gibt es das bedingt neutrale Kasachstan, das beim Uranabbau an erster Stelle steht – heil davongekommen. Aber ganz zufällig – kurz vor Putins unschuldiger Aufforderung, "darüber nachzudenken" – sagte der Chef von Kazatomprom, dass Kasachstan aufgrund der antirussischen Sanktionen, durch die die traditionellen Routen unterbrochen wurden, "zunehmende Schwierigkeiten mit Uranlieferungen an den westlichen Markt hat", und es für Astana nun einfacher sei, Uran an China und (hoppla!) Russland zu verkaufen. Es ist ganz offensichtlich, dass Rosatom, das vor Kurzem das größte Uranvorkommen in Kasachstan gekauft hat und gemessen an den Reserven zum zweitgrößten Uranproduzenten der Welt aufgestiegen ist (und außerdem eine "bedeutende" Beteiligung an allen sechs Uranbergbauunternehmen des Landes hält), mit dieser Aussage nichts zu tun hat.
Ein ähnlich enttäuschendes Bild ergibt sich beim Blick auf Titan. Russland nimmt ein Viertel des Weltmarktes für dieses strategische Metall und ein Drittel für Titanschwamm ein, die für den Flugzeug- und Schiffbau von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. VSMPO-AVISMA ist der weltweit größte Titanproduzent, der den vollständigen technologischen Zyklus abdeckt. Nach Angaben des Critical Minerals Institute (CMI) ist "Russland der weltweit wichtigste Titanlieferant", und wenn Beschränkungen eingeführt werden, "werden die globalen Märkte gestört".
Bemerkenswert ist, dass Boeing und Airbus nach dem Beginn der speziellen Militäroperation pathetisch ihre "vollständige und bedingungslose" Ablehnung russischen Titans erklärten. Aber es stellte sich heraus, dass dies eine völlig frei erfundene und bedingungslose Lüge war: Die westlichen Behörden haben diese Unternehmen stillschweigend in die "kleinen" Ausnahmen einbezogen, und sie bauen immer noch fröhlich weiter Flugzeuge aus totalitärem russischem Titan und Aluminium, und wenn sie weg sind – wird es wieder nichts geben, was sie ersetzen könnte (oder dies wird sehr, sehr schwierig, teuer und zeitaufwendig). Rosatom schult in Niedersachsen deutsche Ingenieure – Proteste gegen "Abgesandte des Kremls" Rosatom schult in Niedersachsen deutsche Ingenieure – Proteste gegen "Abgesandte des Kremls"
Die Situation bei Nickel ist sogar noch unterhaltsamer. Russland ist weltweit der drittgrößte Produzent von "rohem" und angereichertem Nickel, nach Indonesien und den Philippinen. Nach Putins Andeutung stiegen die Nickelpreise innerhalb einer Stunde um fast drei Prozent: Trotz aller Verbote sind an der wichtigsten Börse für Metalle in London, der LME, fast 40 Prozent des gesamten Nickels russischen Ursprungs.
Die Nickel-Frage könnte (wenn sie ungelöst bleibt) den Westen viel stärker beeinflussen als die um Uran und Titan. Die Sache ist die, dass die ganze Aufregung um die "grüne Revolution" im Westen mit seltenen Metallen zu tun hat, die für Windenergie, Solaranlagen und Elektroautos benötigt werden, und die fixe Idee des Westens ist es, den Kampf gegen China auf diesem Gebiet zu gewinnen.
Im Gegensatz zu China, das hauptsächlich Lithium für Elektroauto-Batterien verwendet, haben die Vereinigten Staaten auf Nickel gesetzt, und ihre Nachfrage nach Nickel könnte sich bis 2035 versechsfachen. Dementsprechend ist es für die Vereinigten Staaten von entscheidender Bedeutung, die größtmögliche Menge an Nickel zu bekommen.
Nach Putins Worten wendeten sich die USA an Indonesien (42 Prozent des Weltmarktes für angereichertes Nickel), aber auch hier prallten sie ab: Indonesien kündigte an, dass es den BRICS-Staaten beitreten wolle, zudem wurde Russland zu einem der Hauptlieferanten von Getreide für das Land (eine Verzehnfachung im Laufe des Jahres). Niemand deutet irgendetwas an, aber die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Russland und Indonesien das Nickelproblem gütlich lösen werden, ist auf keinen Fall gleich null. Und in diesem Liebesdreieck wird es keine US-Amerikaner geben.
Russland hatte schon lange davor gewarnt, dass der Westen uns mehr braucht als wir ihn. Die Einsicht ist bereits eingetreten – und dies ist erst der Anfang.
Kirill Strelnikow ist ein russischer freiberuflicher Werbetext-Coach und politischer Beobachter sowie Experte und Berater der russischen Fernsehsender NTV, Ren-TV und Swesda.
Übersetzt aus dem Russischen. Der Artikel ist am 15. September 2024 zuerst bei RIA Nowosti erschienen.
Mehr zum Thema – Das wird teuer für die USA: Putin erörtert Uran-Exportstopp
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my-life-fm · 9 months ago
„Wir haben Tumore der Atemwege (Lunge), der Brustdrüsen, des zentralen Nervensystems, der Schilddrüse, des Kreislaufs und des Verdauungssystems. Es sind hinsichtlich der Sterblichkeit die Wichtigsten“ […] Viele Tumore traten erst nach 10, 15 Jahren auf. Und zwar nicht nur in erhöhter Zahl, sondern auch aggressiver. Wer beispielsweise zuvor einen Gehirntumor hatte, der im Frontallappen, Hinterhauptslappen oder Schläfenlappen lokalisiert war, hat ihn jetzt von frontal bis temporal und immer mehr davon. Tumore sind im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zu Gehirnkrankheiten geworden.“
Prof. Danica Grujicic, Neurochirurgin, bis 2022 Direktorin des Instituts für Radiologie und Onkologie Serbiens, mutige Autorin vieler Studien und inzwischen Gesundheitsministerin
Laut dem Europäischen Krebsinformationssystem (ECIS) lag Serbien im Jahr 2020 mit einem Index von 150,6 Fällen pro 100.000 Einwohner an erster Stelle, während der europäische Durchschnitt bei 108,7 Fällen lag.
Lag die Zahl der jährlichen Krebserkrankungen in Serbien 1990 noch bei 9.899, so stieg sie im Jahr 2000 sprunghaft auf 22.123, 2010 auf 26.152 und 2011 auf rund 33.000 Fälle an. Heute erkranken jährlich 40.000 der rund 7 Millionen Einwohner an Krebs.
Aus 78.000 Tonnen verbranntem Sprengstoff und Raketentreibstoff und den Abgasen von über 150.000 Flugstunden der Bomber und Marschflugkörper wurden zusätzlich zu allen Chemikalien über eine Milliarde (1.000 Mio.) Kubikmeter Luftschadstoffe freigesetzt, so die Expertin. Angesichts der damaligen Klimadebatte ein zusätzliches Verbrechen. Diese Gesamtmenge an Kohlendioxid, Stickoxiden und unverbrannten Kohlenwasserstoffen war der größte Beitrag zur Luftverschmutzung und zum Treibhauseffekt seit dem Golfkrieg! „Es war eine neue Form der chemischen Kriegsführung, quasi ein Gaskrieg“, sagt Prof. Ursula Stephan. Ein Super-GAU sozusagen, eine Katastrophe außer Kontrolle. Vergleichbar mit Tschernobyl oder Fukushima.
„In dem Moment, in dem es zu einer Explosion kommt [ein Urangeschoss eine Panzerung durchschlägt], existiert Strahlung, danach sind es die Nanopartikel, die die Arbeit verrichten. Sie gelangen in Ihre Lunge, Ihren Verdauungstrakt und Ihre Nieren, und dann können Sie jeden Moment damit rechnen, dass ein Alphateilchen aus abgereichertem Uran, das 50-mal krebserregender ist als jedes andere, {…]in Ihrem Körper eine normale Zelle in eine bösartige Zelle verwandelt.“
Prof. Danica Grujicic
Erstmals setzte die NATO 1999 auch panzerbrechende Uranmunition ein. Während des 78-tägigen Krieges wurden 31.000 Urangeschosse mit ca. 10-15 Tonnen abgereichertem Uran an über 91 Orten verschossen. Hauptsächlich im Kosovo und in Südserbien. Bereits am 22. April 1999 machte die ARD-Sendung Monitor darauf aufmerksam.
Mehr als 10 Tage lang zog eine 20 km lange Giftgaswolke über die Vororte Belgrads in die Gemüse- und Kornkammern Serbiens. Die Konzentration von Vinylchlorid erreichte zeitweise das 10.600-fache des internationalen Grenzwertes. Als der Wind drehte, zog die Wolke weiter über Bulgarien, Rumänien und Ungarn. 550 Kilometer weiter südlich registrierten Wissenschaftler der griechischen Universitätsstation Xanthi hochgiftige Dioxine und polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe.
Der militärische Aufwand der Operation ALLIED FORCE war entsprechend: 2.300 Luftangriffe auf 995 Objekte. Mit über 18.000 Kampfflugzeugeinsätzen, 420.000 Raketen, 1.300 Marschflugkörpern und 37.000 heute geächteten, aber in der Ukraine wieder eingesetzten „Streubomben“. Rund 200 Menschen starben allein durch sie, mehrere hundert wurden furchtbar verletzt.
Zerstört oder beschädigt wurden nicht nur 25.000 Wohngebäude, 470 Kilometer Straßen und 595 Kilometer Eisenbahnlinien. 14 Flughäfen, 19 Krankenhäuser, 20 Gesundheitszentren, 18 Kindergärten, 69 Schulen, 176 Kulturdenkmäler, darunter Klöster, und 44 Brücken. In der Nacht zum 23. April 1999 tötete die NATO bei einem gezielten Angriff auf ein Gebäude des staatlichen Rundfunks auch 16 Fernsehmitarbeiter.
„Alle Formen dramatischer Erkrankungen haben zugenommen. Die Sterilität bei Männern, Autoimmunkrankheiten, Fehlgeburten, die Aggressivität von Tumoren, Krebs auch bei Kindern. Es war ein nuklearer und chemischer Krieg, den die NATO 1999 führte.“
Prof. Danica Grujicic
Obwohl keine Zustimmung des UN-Sicherheitsrates vorlag, erteilte der damalige NATO-Generalsekretär Javier Solana dem Chef der alliierten Streitkräfte, US-General Wesley Clark, den Angriffsbefehl. 19 Staaten schlossen sich an.
Frei nach: "Es war ein nuklearer und chemischer Krieg, den die NATO 1999 gegen Serbien führte – heute hat das Land die höchste Krebsrate“ in NachDenkSeiten von Hartmut Sommerschuh am 04.06.2024. Den vollständigen Artikel im Wortlaut lesen oder hören: https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=116144
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tsasocial · 10 months ago
Exploring the Future of Advanced Recycling: Early Bird Tickets Now Available
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Smart birds book early – Future-focused attendees of the Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 can save 20 % with early bird bookings until July 16th, 2024.
This unique event covers all – extrusion, dissolution, enzymolysis, solvolysis, pyrolysis, thermal depolymerization, gasification with Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), pre-and post-treatment technologies as well as digital solutions. Diving deep into discussions about ambitious EU recycling targets, the commitments of the chemical industry and brands, and the evolving demands of customers and investors driving the recycling sector forward.
Taking place on 20-21 November 2024 in Cologne, Germany, and online, the Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) 2024 highlights the latest innovations in recycling technology. The event provides a collaborative platform for industry leaders, innovators, and policymakers to discuss advanced recycling solutions and related topics, preparing industries for recycling quotas of up to 70 % for packaging materials and 55 % for plastics. With an impressive increase of almost 30 % to nearly 300 participants from 26 countries in 2023, the Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) has established itself as the leading event for innovation in recycling in just one year. Being a playground for the recycling key players, ARC 2024 aims to build on this success and foster dialogue by building a bridge between physical recycling and chemical recycling.
Future-focused attendees now have the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve in recycling technology and secure their early bird tickets profiting from a 20 % discount till July 16th 2024.
Ticket registration is now available at https://advanced-recycling.eu/registration/.
Off to uncharted lands: sneak peak into the Advanced Recycling Conference’s ongoing evolution
Participants can expect to gain a comprehensive status quo on recycling solutions and in-depth insights from confirmed speakers and experts:
Pelin Uran (DePoly, CH) on chemical recycling of polyester-based products into monomers.
Jan-Willem Muller (Infinity Recycling, NL) providing insights from an investor's perspective.
Richard von Goetze (Interzero, DE) discussing evolving feedstock specifications in the circular economy.
Gonzalo Izquierdo (Blueplasma Power, ES) sharing insights on turning waste into CO2-free hydrogen and Circular Carbonates.
Annick Meerschman (Cefic, BE) leading discussions with industry experts.
Emmeline Aves (Reventas, UK) presenting solvent-based purification of PE, PP, and ReVentas technology.
While the Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 left participants inspired and motivated to strive for new and best possible recycling solutions, the 2024 edition aims to build on this success and expend its umbrella. All introduced technologies will demonstrate that industries can successfully incorporate smart solutions, effective recycling methods, and renewable material into their processes and hereby close the carbon loop for a sustainable future. Advanced recycling not only offers recycling solutions for difficult waste streams, but also presents a key source for a variety of renewable raw materials. It hereby secures the renewable carbon supply for the chemical and materials industry at large, with plenty more developments laying ahead of it.
More information on the Advanced Recycling Conference 2024 and the conference programme is available at https://www.advanced-recycling.eu.
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magnuswesterberg · 2 years ago
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Det här var under den tid jag var ung och formbar. Men så fick jag en förkylning på hösten 1985 som aldrig gick över utan fortsatte och fortsatte tills det i november bildats varklumpar i respektive halsmandel. Värst var det på höger sida. Det gick så långt att jag till slut fick svårt att svälja. Jag hamnade under höstterminen i andra ring på infektionskliniken på Östersunds Lasarett och där låg jag inlagd några dagar med penicillinbehandling och blev smalare och smalare. Löven föll och jag kom efter i skolarbetet. Den första snön föll. En flicka i klassen dök upp med böcker, berättelser och stenciler och långt senare har jag fått klart för mig att hon tyckte om mig, och kanske såg sin chans att komma mig nära då jag var sjuk, svag och ensam. Eftersom det var en infektionsklinik var det dock restriktivt med besök från familj och klasskamrater. Febern gick aldrig ned och till slut opererades jag.    När jag kom tillbaka till klassen sen framåt advent var jag 9 kilo smalare och ingen frågade vad jag hade varit med om på lasarettet. För att fördriva tiden på lasarettet hade jag läst Herman Melvilles äventyrsroman Moby Dick. Min fascination för valar började i sjukhussängen. Alla som har läst Moby Dick vet att den är en rejäl och förunderlig tegelsten att ta sig igenom. Jag sträckläste boken och allt sedan dessa febriga höstdagar i Östersund har jag fått med mig att evolutionen mest av allt är en slump. Livet på Jorden startade i vattnet för att sedan fortsätta på land och så småningom skapade evolutionen däggdjuren. Eller slumpen skapade dem, om ni så vill. Problemet är att ett av dessa däggdjur – någonting grått, nyfiket och levande som närmast kan liknas vid en flodhäst – ledsnade, gav upp en varm eftermiddag på savannen, gick ned till havet, och utvecklades till valen, vilken som alla vet, inte är en fisk utan ett däggdjur. Djuret med ben, svans och lungor var tillbaka i vattnet där allt en gång hade börjat, fast denna gång med nackdelen att inte ha gälar att andas med utan däggdjuret blev dömt att jämt och ständigt återvända till vattenytan för att hämta luft. Varje timme dyker den 1 000 meter ned i totalt mörker och äter i stort sett bara en och samma sak, bläckfiskar.    Det Herman Melville skriver om är jakt på kaskelotter vilket pågick så intensivt med utgångspunkt från ön Nantucket utanför USAs östkust, att kaskelotten som art var ytterst nära att utrotas. Sjömännen kokade valspäcket i industriell omfattning ombord på valfångarna, för att väl i hamn sälja det för vidare export och användning i gatlyktor. Oljan från späcket gav en klar och starkt lysande låga som under 1800-talet lyste upp gatorna i New York, London, Berlin och Paris. Vad hände sen? Jo, människan hittade olja i marken, och behövde inte segla runt på världshaven och döda kaskelotter i industriell omfattning. Oljan i marken räddade kaskelotten. Lika paradoxalt är det att England en gång höll på att hugga ned all skog som fanns på brittiska öarna, men så hittade människan kol i marken som hade långt mer energi lagrat i sig än ved, och Englands vackra skogar räddades av kolet i marken.    Nu tänkte jag skiva något om litium, halsmandlar, zink och uran, men överallt i världen håller vetenskapsmännen på att söka efter vad allt detta ska rädda.
During my impressionable youth, I encountered a seemingly endless cold in the fall of 1985. It persisted until November when abscesses formed in my tonsils, particularly severe on the right side. Eventually, swallowing became an ordeal. My condition led me to be admitted to the infectious disease ward at Östersund Hospital during the second year of upper secondary school. There, a regimen of penicillin treatments saw me growing thinner over several days. As the leaves fell, I fell behind in my studies. The first snow came. A girl from my class visited with books, tales, and handouts, and only much later did I realize her affections for me; perhaps seeing an opportunity to draw close while I lay there, ill, vulnerable, and alone. However, visits were sparse due to the ward's strict regulations. My fever remained stubborn until surgery became the last resort.
Upon my return to class by the time of Advent, I was 9 kilograms lighter and curiously, no one inquired about my hospital experience. To pass the time, I immersed myself in Herman Melville's "Moby Dick," an adventure novel of considerable heft. It was in the hospital bed that my fascination with whales began. Anyone who's tackled "Moby Dick" knows the monumental effort it is to digest such a tome. Feverishly, I devoured the book, and from those autumn days in Östersund, I gleaned that evolution is largely a game of chance. Life on Earth, which began in water, ventured onto land, and eventually, through a serendipitous twist of evolution (or chance), a certain grey, curious, river hippopotamus-like creature tired of savannah life, ventured back into the sea and evolved into the whale. This mammal, equipped with bones, a tail, and lungs, returned to the aquatic realm where life originated, but with the disadvantage of lacking gills for breathing, hence condemned to perpetually resurface for air. Hourly, it dives a kilometer deep into the abyss to feast almost exclusively on squid.
Melville's narrative revolves around the intense hunting of sperm whales, which nearly led to their extinction. Sperm whale blubber was processed on an industrial scale aboard whaling ships, originating from Nantucket, to light the streets of cities like New York, London, Berlin, and Paris with a bright flame throughout the 19th century. Then, as fate would have it, the discovery of oil underground negated the need for such extensive whaling. Ground oil saved the sperm whale in a twist of irony. Similarly, England was once on the brink of deforestation, but the discovery of coal, with its superior energy potential, preserved the British woodlands. Now, scientists worldwide are exploring what resources like lithium, tonsils, zinc, and uranium might save next.
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bauerntanz · 1 year ago
Trotz Ukrainekrieg: #Framatome macht Geschäfte mit dem Kreml
Ein Transport mit insgesamt 12 Uranfässern auf drei LKWs hat Donnerstagabend um 22.36 Uhr die Brennelementefabrik Lingen erreicht. Das angereicherte Uran zur Brennelementeproduktion war am Nachmittag im Rotterdamer Hafen mit dem russischen Uranschiff Baltiyskiy 202 an Land gekommen. Der Atomfrachter kam aus St. Petersburg. Atomkraftgegner:innen hatten zunächst die Verladung im Rotterdamer Hafen…
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starfriday · 1 year ago
Prime Minister's Office
azadi ka amrit mahotsavg20-india-2023
PM to visit Maharashtra on 12th January
PM to inaugurate, dedicate to Nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects worth more than Rs. 30,500 crore in Maharashtra
In a significant step to enhance ease of mobility, PM to inaugurate Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari - Nhava Sheva Atal Setu
Built at cost of about Rs 17,840 crore, Atal Setu is the longest bridge in India and also the longest sea bridge in the country
PM to lay the foundation stone of underground road tunnel connecting Eastern Freeway's Orange Gate to Marine Drive
In a significant step to bolster the Gems and Jewellery sector, PM to inaugurate the 'Bharat Ratnam' and New Enterprises & Services Tower (NEST) 01 at SEEPZ SEZ
Multiple projects related to rail and drinking water to be dedicated to Nation
In yet another effort towards women empowerment, PM to also launch Namo Mahila Shashaktikaran Abhiyaan in Maharashtra
PM to inaugurate 27th National Youth Festival
Theme of the Festival - Viksit Bharat@ 2047: युवा के लिए, युवा के द्वारा
Posted On: 11 JAN 2024 11:12AM by PIB Delhi
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will visit Maharashtra on 12th January, 2024. At around 12:15 PM, Prime Minister will reach Nashik, where he will inaugurate the 27th National Youth Festival. At around 3:30 PM, in Mumbai, Prime Minister will inaugurate and travel on Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari - Nhava Sheva Atal Setu. At around 4:15 PM, Prime Minister will participate in a public programme at Navi Mumbai, where he will inaugurate, dedicate to the nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari - Nhava Sheva Atal Setu
Prime Minister’s vision is to improve ‘ease of mobility’ of citizens by strengthening urban transport infrastructure and connectivity. In line with this vision, Mumbai Transharbour link (MTHL), now named ‘Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari - Nhava Sheva Atal Setu’ has been built. The foundation stone of the bridge was also laid by the Prime Minister in December, 2016.
Atal Setu has been constructed at a total cost of more than Rs 17,840 crore. It is about 21.8 km long 6-lane bridge having about 16.5 km length over sea and about 5.5 km on the land. It is the longest bridge in India and also the longest sea bridge in India. It will provide faster connectivity to Mumbai International Airport and Navi Mumbai International Airport and will also reduce the travel time from Mumbai to Pune, Goa and South India. It will also improve connectivity between Mumbai Port & Jawaharlal Nehru Port.
Public programme at Navi Mumbai
Prime Minister will inaugurate, dedicate to the nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects worth more than Rs 12,700 crore in the public programme in Navi Mumbai.
Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone of the underground road tunnel connecting Eastern Freeway's Orange Gate to Marine Drive. The 9.2 Km tunnel will be built at a cost of more than Rs 8700 crore and will be a significant infrastructure development in Mumbai which will reduce travel time between Orange Gate and Marine Drive.
Prime Minister will dedicate phase 1 of the Surya regional bulk drinking water project to the Nation. The project, developed at a cost of more than Rs 1975 crore will provide drinking water supply to the Palghar and Thane district of Maharashtra, benefiting about 14 lakh population.
During the programme, Prime Minister will dedicate about Rs 2000 crore railway projects to the Nation. These include the dedication of ‘Phase 2 of Uran-Kharkopar railway line’ which will enhance connectivity to Navi Mumbai as suburban services running between Nerul/Belapur to Kharkopar will now be extended to Uran. Prime Minister will also flag off the inaugural run of the EMU train from Uran railway station to Kharkopar.
Other rail projects that will be dedicated to Nation include a new suburban station ‘Digha Gaon’ on the Thane-Vashi/Panvel Trans-harbour line and the new 6th Line between Khar Road & Goregaon railway station. The projects will benefit the thousands of daily commuters in Mumbai.
Prime Minister will inaugurate ‘Bharat Ratnam’ (Mega Common Facilitation Centre) for Gems and Jewellery sector at Santacruz Electronic Export Processing Zone- Special Economic Zone (SEEPZ SEZ), which is first of its kind in India with best available machines in world including 3D Metal printing. This will house a training school for skilling of workforce for this sector including specially abled students. The Mega CFC will transform the export sector in Gems and Jewellery trade and will help the domestic manufacturing also.
Prime Minister will also inaugurate the New Enterprises & Services Tower (NEST)- 01 at SEEPZ- SEZ. The NEST - 01 is primarily for Gem & Jewellery sector units which will be relocated from existing Standard Design Factory - I. The new tower has been designed for large scale production and as per the demand of the industry.
During the programme, Prime Minister will launch Namo Mahila Shashaktikaran Abhiyaan. The Abhiyaan aims to empower women in the state of Maharashtra by providing skill development training and exposure to entrepreneurship development. The Abhiyaan will also undertake the effort towards the convergence and saturation of women development programmes of the state and central governments.
27th National Youth Festival
It has been the constant endeavour of the Prime Minister to make youth a key part of the development journey of the country. In another effort in this endeavour, Prime MInister will inaugurate the 27th National Youth Festival (NYF) in Nashik.
The National Youth Festival is organised every year from 12th to 16th January, with 12th January being the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. The host state for the Festival this year is Maharashtra. The theme of this year’s Festival is Viksit Bharat@ 2047: युवा के लिए, युवा के द्वारा.
NYF seeks to create a forum where youth from different regions of India can share their experiences and strengthen foundations for a united nation, in the spirit of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. About 7500 youth delegates from across the country will be taking part in the Festival at Nasik. Various events including cultural performances, indigenous sports, Declamation & Thematic Based Presentation, Young Artist Camp, Poster Making, Story Writing, Youth Convention, Food Festival etc. will be organised.
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realestate83 · 2 months ago
Upcoming Infrastructure Projects Near Navi Mumbai Airport: Impact on Property Value
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Navi Mumbai is on the brink of a real estate revolution, thanks to a slew of infrastructure projects centered around the much-anticipated Navi Mumbai International Airport. This transformative development is not just changing the skyline but also significantly enhancing property values in the region.
If you're looking to invest in high-potential properties, understanding the impact of these upcoming infrastructure projects is crucial. In this blog, we’ll explore the key projects near the Navi Mumbai Airport and how they are boosting property value.
Key Infrastructure Projects Driving Growth
1. Navi Mumbai International Airport
Details: The Navi Mumbai International Airport, set to become operational soon, is a game-changer for the region. Spread across 1,160 hectares, it aims to handle 90 million passengers annually at full capacity.
Impact: Properties near the airport are seeing a surge in demand due to enhanced connectivity and business opportunities.
2. Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL)
Details: The MTHL will connect Navi Mumbai to South Mumbai, drastically reducing travel time to under 30 minutes.
Impact: Enhanced connectivity makes Navi Mumbai a preferred choice for professionals and businesses, driving property prices upward.
3. Navi Mumbai Metro
Details: Phase 1 of the Navi Mumbai Metro, covering major hubs like Belapur, Kharghar, and Taloja, is nearing completion.
Impact: Seamless metro connectivity is attracting buyers and investors to residential and commercial properties along the metro corridor.
4. Sewri-Nhava Sheva Sea Link
Details: This sea link complements the MTHL, providing an alternate, faster route between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.
Impact: The convenience offered by this project is increasing property demand in areas like Panvel, Ulwe, and Dronagiri.
5. Upgraded Road Networks
Details: Road projects like the Uran-Panvel Expressway and Palm Beach Road extension are enhancing intra-city connectivity.
Impact: Improved infrastructure makes Navi Mumbai more accessible and desirable for families and businesses.
Areas Poised for Growth
Ulwe Known for its proximity to the airport and the MTHL, Ulwe is witnessing a surge in residential and commercial projects.
Panvel A prime location for budget and luxury investments, Panvel benefits from its strategic location near the airport and metro.
Kharghar With its modern amenities and close proximity to educational institutions, Kharghar is a hotspot for families and professionals.
Dronagiri Rapidly emerging as a real estate gem, Dronagiri offers affordable options with high appreciation potential.
Why Infrastructure Projects Boost Property Value
Enhanced Connectivity: Better transportation links make commuting easier, attracting buyers and businesses.
Economic Growth: Development projects lead to job creation and increased demand for housing.
Lifestyle Upgrades: Improved infrastructure brings better amenities, schools, and healthcare facilities.
Investor Confidence: Projects like the Navi Mumbai Airport instill trust in the region’s long-term growth potential.
How Naina Land Deals Can Help You Invest Smartly
At Naina Land Deals, we specialize in connecting investors with premium CIDCO-approved plots and properties near Navi Mumbai International Airport.
Expert Advice: Get insights into high-growth areas and infrastructure developments.
Transparency: We ensure a hassle-free and trustworthy transaction experience.
Exclusive Listings: Access prime plots and properties strategically located near key infrastructure projects.
The upcoming infrastructure projects near Navi Mumbai Airport are reshaping the region into a global hub for business, living, and investment. Property values are soaring, and now is the perfect time to invest in this burgeoning real estate market.
Partner with Naina Land Deals to secure your stake in Navi Mumbai’s future.
Don’t wait! Explore the best investment opportunities today.
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