ckret2 · 2 months
if ford were attracted to human women, ms. frizzle would be his ideal partner
however i don't think either one of them is straight enough to make that happen
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sevenspoonfulsofsugar · 3 months
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deathbydibs · 3 months
No, but if you think about it, the Wayne boys are all somehow in the art industry.
We know Damian is a studio artist with his paintings and drawings, but we don't talk enough about how Tim is a photographer for the fun of it. Little perfectionist Timmy learning how to shoot well because if he's going to take stalker pictures, then they will be good stalker photos.
Dick is an expert aerial artist, because duh. And Jason 100% writes short stories and poems of all genres. He probably doesn't publish and if he does, it's under 1,000 different pen names, but he definitely has Agatha Christie, Little Women, LOTR, and Dracula-style stories hidden away.
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junglejim4322 · 5 months
I was homeschooled so essentially everyone was autistic or learning disabled etc in some way especially the second place I lived because there weren’t many religious homeschoolers there so it really was basically everyone and I will tell you 100% there was a very distinct hierarchy with kids who could fit in better or act in more socially acceptable ways (most of whom could not fit into a non homeschool environment at all) would treat anyone with less hide-able symptoms like absolute shit completely based on the severity of it some of them were actual pariahs just by virtue of being clearly autistic. And you know what I see the exact same thing from “neurodivergent” communities and people seem completely unaware of it but the dominant voice is almost 100% people who mask well and fit into society basically fine besides being perceived as a little weird who will punish anyone the second they say or do something a little offputting or that they don’t like or that doesn’t conform to their idea of what you SHOULD be doing for or as an autistic person. One of my favorite things ever as on display here is the number of times I’ve been called ableist for writing in walls of text without paragraph breaks or lack of punctuation and tone even though it’s like a comically autistic trait and I’ve made it about as palatable as it’ll ever get. Sorry I didn’t add a tone indicator lemme do that real quick /HJ (handjob)
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ohnonotthehorrors · 7 months
“Billy Hargrove was ‘complex”
-being a racist asshole that abuses his little sister and Happens to have daddy issues does not make you complex it makes you a racist asshole.
You know what does make you complex? Having depth beyond ‘oooooh hot bad boy upset by father lashes out.’
You know who else got abused by their father? Jonathan Byers. WILL Byers. Max Fucking Hargrove.
You know what none of the characters did? Became a racist asshole.
I don’t care how dark your backstory is, if it’s not Interesting and worth my time it’s not complex.
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
Time for me to say ONE LAST THING on all this drama, but it's important to me.
art is a form of therapy
you do not know other people's trauma, and you sure as hell cannot know a person even if they posted everything about themselves on their blog
no one holds the right to say what is valid or invalid
The ACOTAR fandom has an exquisite way of policing trauma as well as character and ship enjoyment. the fans pick and choose who is deserving of community, kinship and basic decency.
I speak a lot about empathy on my blog because I cannot know what a person is going through on the other side of the screen, and though I don't always agree, I have enough decency not to go out and make rules excluding people, insult others, while calling myself a positive space.
Just because your trauma means that you prefer to avoid certain topics or characters does not make anyone else who enjoys said character a bad person. some people, myself included, work through trauma through art.
My writing has saved my life, and the compassion I choose to give to "fictional "abusers (btw, victimhood and abuse does not come in one absolute form and you CAN be both a victim and an abuser with a capacity to change) is intentional. I do not glorify abuse, but I understand that art and humans are nuanced.
I also think it's a real privilege to look at other people's traumas, especially intergenerational trauma which is extremely hard to overcome, and say that 'nah, that person is just an abuser'.
I think it's hypocritical to claim fight against abuse, and fight for victims of abuse while carelessly flinging 'abuse sympathizers' and other insults to people you don't even know.
You realize that's a form of abuse, too? Invalidating, gaslighting, etc.
But thank you, ACOTAR fandom for teaching me:
Thank you for teaching me my trauma is only valid if I act like the way you think a victim should
Thank you for teaching me that I do not deserve respect, even if I take extreme care to create nuanced and emotional art because you don't like the character
Thank you for teaching me that if I face my abusers through art, I, myself am an abuser
Thank you for reassuring me that your fav, who is closer to my abuser almost to a R, deserves redemption because you love him more, and he is more attractive
I have never used my trauma as a credibility card to judge and be dismissive of real people in fandom. If you want to police something, police your fucking content.
People aren't content for you to consume, and vomit your unfiltered opinions on. It's time people remember what community means, which remembers interacting with other people who are not your abusers. Maybe take a second and fucking learn about other perspectives, grow as a person or whatever the fuck you need to be a decent person.
If you plan to reblog this invalidating/arguing what I've said above because blah blah you're still upset about your fav or ship, please take a second to read the post again 'cause you've lost the plot.
Now, I'm done. Peace out ✌️
Additional note: You know what I fucking do with my trauma? I make beautiful shit for everyone to enjoy. You don't don't have to read or care about my stories full of depth and nuance, but if you laugh at my fucking memes that are for EVERYONE and you turn around and shit on people, you suck.
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gotham-response · 8 months
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communistkenobi · 3 months
I’m not well-read on the critiques of butler’s work so I don’t want this to come off as dismissive of those critiques, but I find myself in an eternally apologetic stance with butler because they have forever pissed off so many people with their theory of gender. like they open Bodies That Matter by saying “I” is a gendered pronoun & every cis feminist has been having a permanent public meltdown about it ever since
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speremint · 4 months
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Happy mother's day to the two most okayest moms
So when are y'all gonna let me draw milf ship art of them, huh? 🤨🤨
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s-lycopersicum · 6 months
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Guess who's back?
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utilitycaster · 7 months
re: the term parasocial, specifically because it's come up in my notes a few times after I reblogged the post about dropout: I'm extremely guilty of this and should work on being better but "parasocial" on its own is a neutral term. It just serves to describe relationships where you know about someone but do not personally know them.
The issue is really that unhealthy aspect of it, which in my experience usually boils down to when people feel entitled to the responses of someone they know socially from someone with whom their relationship is only parasocial. It's feeling like someone you don't know is obligated to agree with you or validate you or, frankly, to acknowledge you exist. Parasocial relationships are inevitable unless you never hear of or see people without engaging with them socially. It's not bad to relate to or feel a connection to a celebrity especially if they share personal stuff; in fact it can be really positive! It is a problem when you expect them to have a specific response (or tbh any response) to you.
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raayllum · 11 months
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All that talk about how love makes you stronger...
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mudwerks · 24 days
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(via ‘A Terrible President’: 12 Times Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Criticized Trump - The New York Times)
July 2, 2024 - “Donald Trump was a terrible president”
June 19, 2024 - “Absurd and terrifying”
June 13, 2024 - “He spent more money than all presidents”
June 11, 2024 - “A weakness for swamp creatures”
May 24, 2024 - “He didn’t stand up for the Constitution”
April 27, 2024 - “A barely coherent barrage of wild and inaccurate claims”
April 1, 2024 - “Appalling”
Jan. 14, 2020 - “He’s a bully”
May 17, 2018 - “Buffoonery at a high level”
Aug. 15, 2017 - “I don’t like President Trump’s environmental policies”
Aug. 5, 2016 - “It’s scary”
March 15, 2005 - “We need some positive role models”
I guess he forgot...
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yvesdot · 3 months
Alright here's another one. I promise you if you're:
ranting about a lack of "respect" for the classics
denigrating people by making assumptions about whether they "paid attention in English class"
putting forth lurid theories of the degeneration of fiction due to a mythical sudden lack of respect for tradition and culture and the Western canon
...you are actively making more of a negative impact on culture than that YA author rewriting the Odyssey without having read it, and you should be quiet.
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10001gecs · 2 months
i think honestly the amount of people who arent going to vote out of disgust for the candidates are like. a vanishingly small minority
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chimeraan · 4 months
I think actually in the name of just promoting non-white music on this site whilst it is in transit interested in hip-hop due to the Kendrick-Drake beef. I'm just gonna drop five POC artists who are currently active.
You can go listen to Marvin and Stevie as well but truthfully the people making art right now need support. Making art is fucking hard and no one gets paid for it anymore.
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