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labyrinthdancer · 1 year ago
MORE lore time :DDD apologize in advance this is kind of long :/
When Link died in Oradon Spring Ordona didn't bring him back, she resurrected the Triforce of Caurage(or whatever makes all these boys act and do heroy things) so the time between it gaining life and it getting turned into a wolf the Triforce of Caurage was the goodest most righteous good boy there was. Then when it was pulled into the twilight infected area(don't remember the proper name) and turned into a wolf the Devine Beast was born and overpowered it taking over Link's body and forcing it back to its nonsentient state, creating Wolf(Later known as Wolfie) and Beast. Wolf is the half that controls their wolf body, and Beast is the half that controls Link's body. They both possess and feel Link's memories and thoughts but Beast feels them more vividly as he has the hylian body. Even with a hylian body the Devine Beast is still a wolf and views the world through the eyes of one, he does not lie or get envious or power-hungry as people do but he also doesn't have the empathy or kindness of people, if you die you die, he will not help or harm or care about people unless he has a reason to, because of Link's memories he views Oradon Village(Manly Rusl, Uli, Colan, and unborn baby) as his pack so he cares about and loves them.(Later as his quest goes on he does befriend Link's friends from the game)
Because he views Oradon Village as his pack he sets off(TP Link's journey)
As he aided Midna in getting the fused shadow, then the mirror shards, the Divine Beast started to get slowly corrupted by the dark magic.
He and Midna also fall in love through the journey, and he thinks they are mates and are gonna stay together forever cause, wolves, they mate for life.
When Midna shatters the Mirror of Twilight she was originally going to leave Beast behind because she didn't want to take him away from his family. But in the last seconds of the portal closing she changed her mind cause she loved him and couldn't live without him, but because Beast took One Single Step Back out of shock when Midna told him he wasn't going with her she couldn't reach him in time and the portal closed separating them forever.
Also when the mirror shattered a ton of tiny pieces of the mirror embedded themself into Beast's skin, the only reason he didn't turn into a monster like Yeta did was because with all the dark magic already corrupting Link's body he was already technically a monster.
So Beast goes back to living Link's life, he's upfront about how he is not Link from the get-go but even tho the villagers are sad about the loss they welcome him home anyway. As Beast is not Link, Illia and him don't get 'back' together.
Over time the Fused Shadow and Mirror Shards 'corrupted' Link's body, merging it with Wolf's. 
Beast grows wolf ears and tail, wolf eyes emerged below the hylian ones, his feet warped to be more wolf-like and he grew declaws, and wolf teeth grew in front of the hylian ones(they retract like Toothless's :D), he had more muscles in the skin around his lips so he can pull his lips back like a wolf, and he can open his mouth farther than a hylian can.
The people of Oradon Village didn't care or mind his new look or eating habits(He eats monsters), they were very receptive as it made the monster population in the area drop significantly. But hyrule is a very religious country, Zelda and the Sages included.
Once they got word that the Hero of Twilight was 'corrupted' by dark magic Zelda sent soldiers to retrieve him, they would attempt to remove the dark magic, and if they couldn't it would be best to keep him close(Keep your enemies close and all that). They couldn't remove the magic, so they conveniently chose to inform Beast that the Hero of Hyrule served the Queen and that he should stay in Castle Town to better fulfill that role.
Originally Beast was allowed to visit his home and travel the region, but the Sages managed to convince Zelda and the people that he was a 'religious matter' and would be better cared for under their supervision, they then barred him from leaving the castle. Cut off from his food supply and anyone who would listen, Beast began to starve.
After not having any monsters to eat for quite a while Beast collapsed into madness for a short time and Wolf ate someone. When Zelda and the Sages found him they were horrified, Zelda wanted to figure out why��he had done this(legit no one listened when he said that he needed to eat monsters). But because he was under the care of the Sages they had the final say and locked him in the deepest part of Hyrule Castle's prison, only being taken out a few times to show proof of life and hyrules might.
Dark was created by Hylia to serve as a physical representation of the dark and evil parts of the heroes, he would fight them and then they would win and accept their dark parts and it would make them better heroes (in theory)
When Dark inevitably failed in this task(The heroes refused to acknowledge their darker sides) Hylian would cast him back into the void, leaving him in pain as his body slowly healed itself until she needed him to fight again.
He's also fully conscious between the fights, unable to do anything for hundreds to thousands of years waiting for the goddess to bring him to the realm of light so he can get his ass handed to him again.
Dark has fought almost all of the heroes and failed his mission every time. When he was pulled out of the void to fight Beast he was shocked to find someone who already living with his dark parts and didn’t need Dark’s aid at all(He was sent around the time Dark Link appeared in the manga)
This piqued Dark’s interest, this was the first hero to do this(while they were alive at least, Shade figured it out but that was like 300 years after he died) so Dark watches Beast's journey and doesn’t go back to or inform Hylian of what’s happening, at this point he toying with the idea of rebelling.
So when Beast was locked away, after a while Dark broke him out, he wanted to get to know this strange hero and he couldn’t do that if he was in prison(he 100% did not have a crush on him that would be CRAZY)
Because the Sages never check on Beast he can go back to Oradon Village without fear of them dragging him back, a least for a while, and when he learns that Dark doesn’t have a home or anywhere to go he invites him to go with him, and Dark accepts(Dark is fully rebelling against Hylia now, having no intentions of going back or serving her again)
Dark lives with Beast and helps him at the ranch, and over time(a couple of months or so) they fall in love(And I, mean really in love they're down bad)
Around this time Dark was thinking about getting some revenge and Beast was more or less on board, the people of hyrule had done nothing but harm him, and Hylia had done nothing period. But they were both happy and content with their lives and swept the thought under the rug pretty quick.
Hylia eventually catches on that Dark had been lying to her and wasn't doing his job so she snatches him up in the night and casts him into the deepest part of the void where the remnants of Demise's army is locked away.
(like the story of Prometheus)Dark was torn apart by the monsters only for his body to heal so they could do it again.
(also side note, time in the void moves differently so Dark gets tortured for at least a hundred years while only a couple of months pass for Beast)
now consumed by rage and hell-bent on getting back at Hylia Dark breaks out of his prison and takes some of the monster's essence with him to form his army of black-blooded monsters.
because Dark was wreaking havoc across time, Hylia called the chain together and they recruited Beast. Beast doesn't really care, but he's a noble creature and knows that killing tons of people isn't good so he agrees to help the chain(he knows that Dark is causing this BTW)
Random tidbits:
Beast can make himself look like a normal hylian and does so around the chain because he doesn't want the ✨drama✨.
The chain thinks that Beast is just a normal hylian and knows nothing about him being a monster, wanted by hyrule, or that he's not Link, he is not lying to them about this he just doesn't feel the need to correct them.
Four was the closest(living) hero to accepting his dark side because of the colors and Shadow.
Sky is the farthest from accepting his dark side(I don't even know if he fights dark just go with it :P
this song is very Beast and Dark core, it just so them <3 just ignore the first like half of the song lol
English Ver.「Mistletoe ~Tree of Reincarnation
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dahfloofysmol · 1 year ago
HELLO. This is the official post for YouTube kids’ surprise party on the 27th of March. Any and all gimmick blogs welcomed!
Some roles we need are:
-DJ [real-pollo-campero]
-great DJ (as per requested 🤨) [spotify-kids-real]
-video jockey [buildabearfr]
-Someone to make the cake [forever21-official]
-Puncher server [big-mayo-official]
-Decorator [barns-and-noble-official]
-Party crasher(s) [officialtinder and youtubefr and actually-kroger]
-Corner Person [Pinterest, yahooo-official, reallytimhortons]
-Person who’s dealing with a crazy sugar high [firewaysubs and zotap]
-Emotional support [walmart and def-bjs-guys]
-Mom [Krista the art program and Canadian tire] AND dad friend
-Birthday person IS taken (obviously lol)
-Someone to bring snacks [incognito-mode-official]
-Ring Leader (person in charge of the games) [totally-official-yahoo]
-person who performs a special but confusing (and overly translated) version of happy birthday [google translate ]
-piñata [firehouse-subs-fr]
-setting off fireworks [google-news-official]
-here for the food and bringing tWO DOGS!!! OMG DOGS!!!!! [swearification-and-cursing]
-person currently trying tO EAT THE CAKE!! STOP THAT!!! [shakespeare-official-account]
- stopping the Cake Eater [wow-google-maps]
- putting spiders (?????) under the cake [true-blue-straya]
- the person that is every bisexuals awakening [it’s-target-official]
-pops in for the last 5 minutes with a card + a store bought cake [the-real-google]
- gay wine uncle [the-McDonald’s]
- creepy uncle (???) [rick-e-chedder-official]
-single rich aunt who disappears every night at specifically 8:00 pm [totally-not-kraft-mac-and-cheese]
-shapeshifts between wine aunt and vodka uncle, and the comic relief [the-one-and-only-duckduckgo]
- bringing lights so we aren’t all dancing in the dark [real-vivaldi-browser]
- summoning Satan under the table with a bottle of whiskey and pancakes (??????????) [definitely-canada]
-person asking weirdly specific and absurd questions [actual-aspec-military]
-the COOLEST cousin [support-speaks]
-cousin who hangs out in the corner and looks like they know something you dont [the-official-publix]
-person who hits on everyone at the party even though they’re already dating 2 ppl [fr-winn-dixie]
-contributes Ziploc® bags [totally-scjohnson]
-bringing burritos [the-real-chipotle]
-YouTube's kids southern aunt who blesses everyone's hearts bc they think theyre dumb most of the time [i-bless-your-heart]
-middle school cousin who argues with anyone and everyone to look cool [wallyworld-the-unofficial]
-gives oil (?????????????) and branded pens as party favors [truly-jcjenson]
-the strange neighbor kid who talks to no one but sings the loudest and brings a weird yet tasteful gift [the-real-aperture-science]
-bringing Walmart sugar cookies [not-really-discord]
-guy bringing the Knives [wheatley-labs-official]
-joining in on the games [totally-official-yahoo]
-the disco ball [jollibee-real]
-that one uncle with lore of untold numbers of deaths involved, and that includes guns [partycityistotallyofficailguy]
And any other role I haven’t stated!! I’ll accept pretty much anything
In case what you pick is already chosen, tag your second option ;p
—>The biggest part of the surprise party is wishing YouTube kids a happy birthday, but in the most creative way possible. In the “ask me” works, but literally anywhere; on your blog or on a post from anywhere (that you know they’d be okay with a little shenanigans) works wonderfully.
->Also, saying happy birthday is awesome, but spicing it up would be more fun!!! Day Of Birth, One of Awakening, Oh Child of the 27th, and any other batshit way to say “happy birthday” would both be awesome and absolutely hilarious.
Again, invite any and all gimmick blogs, and feel free to let me know what you’d want to do! We attack on the 27th >:DD
ADDITIONAL NOTE: sometimes there will be more than one person in each role! I do actively encourage for people to come up with silly and niche roles if you think of one ;D
ON THE 24th I WILL NO LONGER TAKE ROLLS!!!! Spread the word please!
@barnes-and-noble-official @basically-bumble @totallyofficialtacobell @totally-official-yahoo @totally-bing @officialtinder @officially-google-translate @officially-ikea @official-fedex @incognito-mode-official @forever21-offical @officialkfc @kfc-official @k-f-c-official @life360-i-swear @xgames-blog @cars-official @big-mayo-official @bingle-official @the-real-google @the-real-firefox @nasa @wow-google-maps @wallyworld-the-unofficial @walmart-the-official @realgoogleslides @realgoogledocs @yahooo-official @unfortunate-wattpad @firewaysubs @firefox-official @pinterest-real @spotify-kids-real @duothelingo @definitely-wikipedia @firehouse-subs-fr @google-2point0 @gimmick-thief
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lexicorp · 1 month ago
Y'know, one thing that bothers me about the backstory information we get for the end of the war and Megatron in Earthspark; is /how/ he actually def acts from the cons.
Like, all we really see is how he was fighting them for the allspark in the battle scene, sneaking into Shockwaves lab to steal it, and how the cons behave towards him. Some cons outright call him a traitor, while others still were like "I'd never fight /you/ Megatron!" And it just makes comprehending what exactly went down between them so tricky.
It stands to reason that Megatron had gone behind their backs with his decision to side with Optimus. But why? Why didnt he just stand in front of his army, and /tell them/, "we're doing this now"? He was the leader, why couldn't he do that? Why /wouldn't/ he?
So then the thought trails to perhaps he'd decided that he wanted to quietly remove the allspark, lie and say the bots stole it when it vanished, and let it fade into the shadows in a safe place only Optimus was to know about. That seems like a decently plausible plan. So then in the scene with Shockwave on that theory, Megatron wasn't actually outwardly against them yet, but Shockwave knew. Shockwave already has a bit of his own history in lore of wanting to expand his power over the Cons in his own right, so I don't think it unreasonable for him to have kept a keen eye on Megatron's behavior. Hell, Shockwave had been planning a protoform army that Megs didn't seem to approve of. So maybe that timeline could have been how things went, with Megatron running off with the Allspark after locking the scientist away.
But then it still doesn't make sense. Cuz if we're going off the idea of the first plan, why wouldn't he have simply covered up Shockwaves absence and done it the quiet way instead of it leading to some huge battle? Clearly no one knew where shockwave was since he hadn't been freed beforehand by another con-- or maybe they did since in a deleted scene ravage was supposed to have gathered a remote to release him. Maybe that's why they deleted that scene tho. Who fucking knows. It's jank as hell.
So then Megatron must have already been openly with the bots in that scene, and snuck in due to insider knowledge to the location of Shockwaves secret lab. Okay sure. So then, who took charge after Megs disconnected? Starscream? But Shockwave had literal underground plans of his own. And Star's line of "witness the fall of Megatron!" Is just so funny to me thinking about the timeline shit. Cuz I process that line as "witness the mighty warlord falling from his throne to become a pitiful traitor to everything he created!", but it could just feel like some typical slag of the "Megatron has fallen, now I'm the new leader!" But then if Starscream had already appointed himself as leader by that point, then that'd seem odd in context, especially as it's worded differently. Were the cons all just flailing around disorganized? Some listening to Starscream, some to Shockwave, some to Soundwave?
There are not enough details touched on for my liking. Vague context that leads to more questions than what answers it gives.
I think at least for my fic imma have it as a sorta mix where Megatron decided he was gonna dewit on his own and went behind their backs, he was caught fraternizing with the enemy, and when he tried to explain then his three main lads thought it was bullshit and were actually on the same page at least on the idea that they didn't wanna throw away their advantage and thought what Megatron was saying was dumb. And I bet Optimus and other bots were there during that confrontation so it just escalated into a full on battle where Megatron just left to stay with the bots. It could have also just been Star who initially found out that way and just relayed what happened to the others.
It still just seems so weird tho...so tbh i'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts on the matter.
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Bro's fumbling-
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lynaferns · 2 years ago
Biomáquina AU
(do not ship my character)
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(Edit: sorry, I forgot to add the colorless ver. too)
Probably going to redesign, I didn't have a clear idea of how I wanted them to look like when I made this.
So basically, I had an idea one day for an artwork about Sun in a big dark room like lab with computers, science stuff... and plushies, toys, crayons, childlike drawings everywhere and in the middle of the room Sun was sitting there with cables conected to his head and going so high to the ceiling they desapeared in the dark.
Vague recreation of the idea (I used it as a warm up because artblock)
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And I was like, man what a cool idea.
what if it had lore?
And I made the story in two days and forgot about it.
I made THE STORY in two days, the concept art took me several and when it was finished I went 'OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT MOON' so I added him to the concept art... and to the story, which didn't change much but helped.
So the story lore whatever frankly idk:
Retrofuturistic world where Fazbear Entertainment is making experiments in animatronics with a sustance that makes inorganic components organic. Basically making the animatronics far more alive than they could ever have been (literally alive, like in a messed up way). Biological machines, for example: in the concept of Sun/Moon those teeth and eyes are pretty much real...
This would be called Biotecnologic, which is illegal to practice without a licence and state permision, and only for human benefit (prostetics for disable people for exsample). Fazbear Entertainment had to drop the project right the moment biotecnologi went illegal or they were going to jail. Which means now there are abandonet facilitys with a ton of disconected rotten animatronics... Except for one that turned back on for some reason...
Some time later, this idiot named Fern (selfinsert because idk how to do y/n so I toke my selfinsert and made a few changes, same name) who illegaly exited the city to illegaly dumspter dive in trash the goverment trows out of the city and into the nature outside (which prevents the world from healing right because they are dumb), went a little fared than they usually go and ended up finding the abandonet facilitys of Fazbear Entertainment. This idiot said 'haha cool :D' and went right inside. And that's how they met Sun (and Moon) who has amnesia and doesn't know why the place is empty or why this new person who knows nothing about is stealing lab equipament while intensely staring at him.
They got to be friends and started investigating the place trying to find out what happened in there before the project got canceled.
And a lot more but my brain is a little fried right now and it took me some effort to write this.
Feel free to ask me about this AU (I'll do my best to give a comprehensible answer).
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feng-shui71 · 2 months ago
soo since i love your content i wanna ask more ask's muhahaha>:D in all seriousness, how is Jordan's relationship with Chris (or the other S.T.A.R.S members in that case) like i figured that Chris wont be glad after finding out his traitor of an captain is married to his friend/comrade
Ohhh!!! I love asks like these yes yes
Formatted in headcanons because I didn’t feel like writing paragraphs, just thinking of it is giving me a headache. Includes every single S.T.A.R.S. member from Alpha and Bravo team, the rest is under the cut. The lesser known members don’t have a lot of information though and some of them are a bit short because I didn’t know what else to write.
Albert Wesker:
Not going to put much on these two and their dynamic since I can’t shut the fuck up about them but I’ll drop a few S.T.A.R.S. era tidbits.
Married, however nobody on the force knows except for Irons, Barry and Jordan’s twin, Jaiden. Irons is their employer so he’s obligated to know, and he’s not stupid he could see it. However with Barry, Jordan accidentally let it slip one time and had to make that man swear to secrecy. He regularly teases the two about it.
Guy does NOT play favourites at all which pisses Jordan off. He’s actually way harder on her than the rest of S.T.A.R.S. and expects the best from her, god forbid she hands in a report past the deadline because he’s going to be very pissed. Very firm believer in keeping work and personal life seperate.
When he’s stressed he likes to call her into his office, blinds shut and sunglasses taken off as he holds her. Face buried in the crook of her neck to try to ease the aching migraine that seeningly never goes away. Probably because you got 2 jobs bro.
Speaking of his office they fuck in there all the time sorry
Wesker initially never intended to harm Jordan during the mansion incident and originally was going to try to keep her away from his plans until they were carried out, taking her with him. This obviously failed and Jordan caught onto his true nature because of that one Umbrella researchers photo, confronting him in his lab. Chris was supposed to see those, to confront him, not her. It was foolish of him to bring her. To improvise, he shot her instead and was planning to bring her body with him, infecting her with Progenitor to ensure her safety + turn her into a superhuman like him. Unfortunately the surviving S.T.A.R.S. crew brought her with them so he couldn’t even do that. (Sorry if this bit is wonky, I’m still working on their Re1 lore)
Friendship scale is womp womp an 8/10. Wesker lies far too much to her and manipulates Jordan regularly, scale is nowhere near a 10/10 because of it. Don't get me wrong they have good chemistry and love eachother but y'neow, it's Wesker. No relationship with him is exempt from being toxic.
Chris Redfield:
They’re pretty close I think, she appreciates Chris’ rebellious spirit and honestly just sees a lot of her younger self in him. Chris thinks she’s cool, like an older sister or “girl next door” type and has no clue why a prude like Wesker is so close with her. Little does he know ..
He definitely pisses her off a ton though LMAO he’s so stupid.
I think sometimes it gets a little awkward because she’s like .. 11 years older than him. So some of the dumb shit he says goes over her head and some of the dumb shit she says makes him cringe a little. They get along nonetheless.
“You like Billie Holiday?”
“.. Oh, yeah, yeah sure I love him!”
“… Dude..”
Wesker ABSOLUTELY despises their relationship and does not like how close Chris is to her. He barely voices it, however a common thing he does is bring up negative things about Chris in hopes to deter her from interacting with him. Yeah, he’s controlling. Jordan does get weirded out if, say for example, he brings up a misogynistic remark that Chris said, but she gets over it after a day.
A lot of common interests, they both love Queen! I like to think that if either of them need a smoke they go to eachother since they’re both avid smokers. Smoked weed on the job one time and Wesker had to hose them both down because the office reeked of Alaskan Thunder Fuck.
I think after the Arklay Incident Chris was suspicious of Jordan because of her affiliation with Wesker however this skepticism dies down after he realizes she was also a victim of Wesker’s plans. (cough.. cough. shot.) Alongside this, Jordan vehemently denied knowing anything regarding Wesker’s double life and shared Chris’ intense feelings of resentment and hatred towards the man after Arklay. Chris is sympathetic of Jordan, she felt used and disgusted with herself considering how long she’d been with him, how much of it all was a lie? she fell in love with a facade, a fake constructed persona, hell, did he even love her? spends a lot of his time comforting her and keeping her company because of it.
This sympathy doesn’t last for long though, after Re4 and especially post-Re5 this guy is so sick of her ass for going back to Wesker time after time, he understands Jordan loves him to the point of it being unconditional, which is why she always runs back to him but come onnnn. Girl if you don’t get your ass back here I will smack the shit out of you. Their relationship is definitely strained at this point, tons of resentment between the two. I cover Chris’ feelings about this in this ask.
You guys got a friend where they have a toxic relationship and always go to you for advice but never listen? you tell them the exact same thing every time but don’t go through with it anyway? Yeah that’s Jordan to Chris. She’s the problem here.
"I miss him"
"Shut the fuck up"
They love eachother though.
Jordan thinks Re8 Chris is cute but you will never get this out of her ever especially since she feels guilty about Wesker’s death still. He is rolling over in that volcano everytime that thought crosses her mind. She will never act on this though, widowed Jordan is real.
Friendship scale sat at a 9/10 during Re1. Anything beyond Re4 is extremely strained and sits at a 6/10. Too much resentment.
Jill Valentine:
Uhmmm definitely not as close as Barry and Chris however they are friends, yeah. Her, Jordan and Rebecca stick together at RPD since they’re all women, they try to look out for eachother and talk to one another often. Jordan is definitely close to Jill than she is Rebecca though.
Jordan sees Jill as a bad ass little sister that needs to get her ass whooped sometimes, however Jill doesn’t make Jordan mad to the point of crashing out unlike someone. (Chris) It’s kind of just a mild annoyance like she’ll sigh really heavy if Jill does something stupid.
They definitely gossip a ton though, Jill pulls Jordan aside and rants about whatever is on her mind at the moment, whether it be a guy or something Chris did earlier that day. Literally world’s biggest haters god forbid you wear a terrible outfit around them they are pointing and laughing at you to the point of snorting and wheezing. Brad is a common victim.
She is definitely super sus of Jordan and Wesker and thinks they’re friends with benefits, interrogates Jordan on it regularly and asks her why she’s so close with the Captain. This is a mild accusation though I think Jordan gets flack regularly at the office because of her affiliation with Wesker, a common one is that she “slept to the top hence her position at S.T.A.R.S”
Uhhhmm besides that though I think their friendship is mainly confined to RPD, I don’t think they go out a ton besides the S.T.A.R.S. troupes occasional bar runs. I think either her or Annette would be Jordan’s girl best friends but i’m not sure !
Their friendship is pretty good! I'd say it's around a 7/10
Barry Burton:
These two have the cops from Superbad dynamic. Barry is the Seth Rogan cop and Jordan is the Bill Hader cop. You can't tell me Barry doesn't have the Seth Rogan laugh because he does I mean just look at him. (Jackie and Jordan have this exact same dynamic too)
Cue these two doing donuts in an empty parking lot in their cruiser.
God forbid you catch either of them hungry I think both of them could clear a buffet in like 30 mins tops and they would still be starving. Barry brought her a whole rack of ribs one time while he was barbecuing and it moved her to tears. These two are fat as hell sorry.
Speaking of food I think Barry invites her and their family over when he’s throwing anything, Wesker would rather not but Jordan convinces him every single time. Guy just wants to go home but is forced to be social for hours, I think Barry and the rest of the neighborhood dads kidnap him though and keep Wesker with them, he has no idea what to talk about until cars are brought up and he uses the opportunity to brag about the Porsche he splurged on.
Hands down Jordan’s best friend from S.T.A.R.S. (if we aren’t including Jaiden, Wesker or Silna’s OC, Jackie)
Due to their closeless I think their children are close too. Mainly Junior and Moira, both rebellious little shits who resent their fathers, perfect combo.
Friendship scale sits at a 9/10. Practically family.
Joseph Frost:
Not as close as Jaiden is to him but yeah they’re cool I think.
Honestly I think the Forest, Chris and Joseph trio are all cool with Jordan and Jaiden since all of them are mischievous shitheads who like to cause trouble and have fun while on the job. Jordan doesn’t really join them as often as Jaiden does though. Irons HATES all of them with a passion
“Are you wearing a durag?”
“???? No???”
I think if they got into an argument it’d be the worst thing ever to deal with, both Joseph and Jordan are crashouts due to their temper so they’d 100% be at eachothers throats trying to kill each other. Joseph throws a paper airplane at Jordan’s head, Jordan retaliates by picking up one of the tables in the breakroom and hurling it at the poor guy’s head. Fortunately, Jordan has Wesker to ground her so this doesn’t happen a lot.
Also another reason as to why they never really fought is because they both have that very chipper, humorous and optimistic attitude.
I remember seeing somewhere that his nickname was “Frosty”, I like to think it’s because both Jordan and Joseph’s nicknames were “Joe” within the team so to avoid confusion, Joseph was coined the nickname “Frosty” and Jordan was “Jords”.
6/10 friendship, they're cool with eachother but she flocks more towards the other S.T.A.R.S. members.
Brad Vickers:
Mannnn he is the Family Guy Meg of the friendgroup god bless his soul Jordan thinks it’s funny to make fun of him LMAO
I think she’s like.. okay with him but I don’t think they’re friends, more of acquaintances if anything. Some of the shit he says pisses her off and honestly I don't think he's too fond of her either, she's mean.
I think she’s wayyy more nicer to him than Jaiden is though this guy is a fucking bully. Brad catches strays in every single argument.
Jaiden: “Bro I’m literally prime Michael Jordan like 91 MJ.”
Jordan: “Nah you’re more like Celtics Shaq”
Jaiden: “Shut up, not even, but you know who is? Brad.”
Brad: “Oh…”
Poor guy gets peer pressured to do shit. Like hey Brad!! go lick that pile of white dog shit. Or like hey Brad !! eat this handful of 300 mg edibles that’ll leave you seeing demons. This guy is always like what.. why me ??? until money is mentioned and he jumps on the opportunity. Easy 60 dollars.
The making fun of Brad jokes have to be funny though otherwise Jordan is just going to stare at you
Like there’s a point.
She respects the fact that he works such a profession with an attitude like his, the fact that he can overcome his cowardice in order to pull a job off. Not a lot of people can do that.
Friendship sits at like a 5/10, poor guy just wants to live in peace.
Enrico Marini:
Another guy who’s super sus of Wesker and Jordan’s relationship. Like his feelings towards Chris and Barry, I think he was scared that she’d take his position as second in command as well. One of the few guys that conspired that Jordan “slept her way into S.T.A.R.S.”
Besides that though I think they’re on good terms. They’re acquaintances at most I feel, really the only thing that keeps them together is the fact that they’re both close friends with Barry and are part of the same team.
Okay so I think this guy is half Hispanic (Maybe Ecuador) and half Italian, hence the Marini last name. Just wanted to throw that out there sorry he is not white he has a little bit of spice.
I think they spar often when Wesker isn’t in the office, gee I wonder where he went.
Again, this is another individual where Jaiden would be closer to them rather than Jordan, they mainly just coexist. I like to think Jaiden is Enrico's right hand man and helps keep Enrico's attitude optimistic in such a profession, nobody has a clue as to how Enrico is so patient with this guy.
Friendship scale sits at a 3, their friendship is strictly professional however they're on good terms, he just gets uhh, envious.
Rebecca Chambers:
Oh my sweet baby Rebecca I love you
Definitely calls her “Bex” or “Becca” as nicknames.
They're both basketball lovers so they definitely play every so often, I like to think when they take their 15, these two, Jaiden, and a few other S.T.A.R.S. members join them for a few games of ball. Rebecca is capable of some nasty crossovers, absolute demon on the court.
Jaiden accidentally posterized her so bad to where she fell face first once and the entire team was fuming at him LMAO sorry he will not pass up on the opportunity to flex. Other than that he's like an uncle to her.
Similar to Jaiden, Jordan assumes a motherly role towards Rebecca and feels inclined to look after her, especially since she's so young and naive, she knows people like to take advantage of girls like that, the world is corrupt and she'd rather not have Rebeca be affected by it. Jordan knows how it feels to be creeped on and it's disgusting, if Rebecca was ever a victim to that Jordan wouldn't be able to forgive herself.
Before Alpha Team was dispatched to investigate the Spencer Mansion, I think Jordan was terrified that something would happen to her specifically (Besides worrying about Jaiden), Jaiden and the rest of Bravo are more than capable of protecting themselves, however Rebecca is a medic with not a lot of combat experience, hence her concern.
Friendship scale is at a 6/10! I'd say they're friends yes but not that close.
Richard Aiken:
Again, another guy she's acquintances with at most.
She thinks he's really sweet though, pretty nice guy. Very appreciative of how protective he is over Rebecca as well, we all love Becca here.
Felt really bad for his girlfriend, Bridgette, after his death. Jordan thought their relationship was really sweet and super cute, seeing another woman so heartbroken over their lovers death made her feel worse.
Friendship scale sits at a 3/10, she doesn't really know him but they do have mutual respect.
Edward Dewey:
Okay there's not a lot known about this guy in general so this'll be short.
Jordan calls him "Speddie Eddie" she thinks it's funny LMAO
Since dance is a hobby they both share I think they like to indulge in it their spare-time, I can see this big guy b-boying, yeah. It's not a thing that's done often though.
She thinks he's very sweet! nicest member on S.T.A.R.S. by far, I think he was the first person on Bravo team she befriended because of it.
Friendship is 5/10. Sweet guy, but he's just an acquaintance.
Forest Speyer:
This fucking guy
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Out of all her homeboys he pisses her off the most by far but I think besides Chris and Barry, Forest's one of her favourites. I like to think he's the worst out of the Chris, Joseph and Forest trio I mean just look at him.
This guy is sooo fucking cocky oh my god, they hangout at the shooting range pretty often because that's literally the only thing Forest is willing to do because he's so good at it. Rubs it in Jordan's face everytime, pretty sizeable ratio going 34-20.
She has to call Chris over to humble him every single time
Him and Jaiden's combined ego is horrible they are both extremely insufferable.
I have a feeling this guy is extremely funny though, like snorting and wheezing levels, humour is a characteristic that Jordan loves so I think that's what draws these two together. Common interests in general like tattoos, I think they both like Ed Hardy.
Friendship scale is around uhmm probably like a 7-8/10. They're pretty friendly with one another and she thinks his cocky attitude is a bit charming, albeit annoying.
Kenneth J. Sullivan:
Not that close but this guy is cool
He seems really nonchalant I think she'd go to him for advice and wisdom considering he's the oldest S.T.A.R.S. member
Ball-ups with him are insane he will drop the deepest statement/speech ever and then act like everything is normal.
Okay considering Jordan's a Filipino and one of our martial arts is knife fighting (One of his strengths) I think they'd spar together often so she could hone her skill since she's kinda meh at it. Helps her with posture and getting accustomed to the ice-pick grip.
Kind of hard on her, he's a perfectionist.
Friendship scale is like uhmm, a 4/10. They're cool but they wouldn't go out of their way to seek eachother out
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baenyth · 7 months ago
Undertale Yellow Fucked Me Up, and I Like That.
Honestly, when I was a dumb idiot teenager playing Undertale I wasn't too connected to the characters. I felt bad to kill anyone for sure, but I didn't feel too bonded to the characters, and when it was done, it was done.
Yellow, on the other hand,
I want Ceroba to adopt me and become my mother. Yes, I do have mommy issues. No, I don't want Toriel as a parent. She's more like a grandmother to me, and I already have a mother that's old enough to be a grandmother. But that's enough about my personal life. I want an Asian fox monster mom that would protect me with the sheer power of a mother's love. Maybe if she and Starlo are up to it they can marry. Either way Ceroba and I are marching right up to Alphys' lab to free Kanako and the other amalgamates. I know Undertale canon and lore, damnit.
I want to become the sixth member of the Feisty Five. Yes, we will have to change the name to something more alliterative, but I'll help because that's the cost of being a member of the gang. Maybe if Kanako's here she can make it seven if she wants to. I just wanna be part of the gang. I'll add in flickering between blunt reasonability, analytics, and some of the most insane crap you've heard in your life. Also more card games because Pair-a-Gone is fun, but what about more?
As for the others, Martlet is chill and very helpful with Clover (not to mention I love creations and puzzles,) Dalv is cool and I like his interests (organ-playing, writing children's books, Balloony, etc.) and El Bailador is El Bailador. Good friends there. Axis can go do his own thing.
Also I feel like Flowey is chronologically out-of-place in Yellow but his boss fight and actions are so cool that it makes me want to look past that. Like sure, Clover could've fallen into the dark ruins because the ruins switches were getting crusty and the wrong switch was probably intended to drop the player but Toriel made it not do that only for some monsters to fix it as a prank, but who cares! CGI that looks like claymation! Dodging the bullets! The Flowey Roulette!
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luluy33art · 3 months ago
CSC: what if Chloé was never dumb, she just a lot better at apply stuff for school than the writing part. Like she is quite capable when doing lab projects.
I also have that headcanon! Chloe isn't bad at studying, she's just never tried. So we don't really know her potential
More lore and info AUs on Patreon | Kofi! ^^
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 3 months ago
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i'm super duper proud to present my fic for the @billybigbang2024 which has been on my mind since season 4 came out!
a huge thank you @camaro-and-smokes for creating both the header and the artwork included in the fic. you've been wonderful <3
and thanks to @thatgirlwithasquid for beta'ing again (ily)
enjoy :)
(tags/warnings under cut)
Left bruised and drugged in the woods of Hawkins, Billy stumbled into the arms of Martin Brenner, who seemed to have nothing but the best of intentions. - “You ever dreamt of having superpowers, Billy?” - There were monsters in the woods of Hawkins, but to Billy, they would always be human.
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: Gen
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationships: Martin Brenner & Billy Hargrove, Billy Hargrove & Original Character(s), Billy Hargrove/Original Male Character(s)
Characters: Billy Hargrove, Martin Brenner, Original Experiment Character(s) (Stranger Things), Eleven | Jane Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Billy Hargrove's Mother
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Experiment Billy Hargrove, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Animal Death, Implied Sexual Content, Martin Brenner is His Own Warning, Billy Hargrove Needs a Hug, disregarding season 4 lab lore because it's dumb and i hate it, Human Experimentation, Billy Big Bang 2024 (Stranger Things)
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nightdragon22 · 9 days ago
My totally original oc that I made a few months ago that is absolutely not a rehashed version of an existing character in media /sar
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In all serious tho this is my sweet boy Cyrus, he's just a guy who got fucked over by wrong place wrong time. He exists literally bc I wanted a big dumb fish in an equally big dumb lab to show my friends... And that spun out into multiple realities, timelines, sci-fi horror, there's like 3 different versions of the same guy and they all hate each other, and paragraphs upon paragraphs of lore.
Also Cyrus, the fish monster, is the normal one here. He is in fact, just a guy
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Also bby gorl post and pre mutation
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labyrinthdancer · 11 months ago
Time headcanon :D
don’t share headcanons often(cause I don’t got too many) but what’s the harm in sharing :P
I think Time spent like a heck ton of time in termina, I’m taking a minimum 6 years(which is about 730 three day cycles)
I just think he was stuck in a near never ending timeloop. that’s it, that’s the whole headcanon
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gohannygo · 11 months ago
Emerie lore speculation post?!! :O
Okay guys this is my little gift to myself for finishing my school work on time. Also like low key regardless if you agree or not, drop your Emerie predictions/thoughts in the comments— because for whatever reason my brain has attached itself to her, but she has like 5 mins of screen time and vary little discourse surrounding her :D
Okay guys I’m get real with you, I don’t think Emerie was created as an enhanced clone, or with some kind of special ability. I think she was made to be as plain and reg-like as possible.
Based on Nala Se’s reaction to Omega’s blood being sampled and tested, we can assume she knew and maybe even was responsible for Omegas ability to support an M-count. What I think happened was, Nala se was like “Oh oops it appears I have gotten emotionally attached to this child so I’m keeping her as my own, but I dont wanting any snoopers out there to trying to figure out whats so special about her,” so she created Emerie as a decoy of sorts. Essentially a female version of a reg to send out to the world to prove that theres no reason for anyone to inquire about Omega because look how regular female clones are. Like in a super heartbreaking way, my theory is that Emerie was essentially made to have no identity. To be an obedient little placeholder to take attention away from Omega’s existence.
Wow thats cool but why does it matter?
OKAY so throughout the premiere we saw that maybe there was some trouble in Tantiss paradise for Emerie. Shes been content(?) with complying and doing what is asked of her up until this point, but we saw her be willing to break rules for Omega’s sake, and we also saw how shaken she looked when Hemlock was like “Return to the lab, Dr. Karr”. She also looked like she was really pondering things at the end of episode three when she discovered Omega’s ability to support an M count transfer.
I think maybe during the rest of the season we’ll see her start to grapple with what she really wants to do here, as (I believe, in her own little way), she now has a sister she cares about and wants to protect. I think Omega, through her doll making and Batcher taming, has shown Emerie a little bit of light. That clones can have their own wants, and makes choices based off of them. But really, I don’t think a person who has presumably grown up being conditioned to follow rules and see herself as property would be able to quickly break out of that rigid structure shes used to and make a personal choice to try and keep Omega safe in a significant way.
What? Okay please just bear with me. Wording things is not my forte.
I think Nala Se will see an opportunity to further get in the head of an already torn Emerie. I think she might reveal her original purpose of essentially being made to protect omega. And emerie, who already sort of sees herself as a tool to being used for some greater purpose, will then feel almost like shes been given “permission” to disobey. Sort of like “Oh damn, not only is this something I want to do, but more importantly it was the purpose I was designed for yassssss”. I think she will continue acting as normal but will basically be a shooter on the inside for Omega and it will build up to her sabotaging further experimentation done on Omega if shes captured.
Idk if this makes sense or is dumb. But I just think it could be a cool avenue. Because we’ve seen clones grapple with what theyve done under imperial command and have seen some of them change their ways which is awesome. And, I think it could also be cool to see a character whos been so shaped by her upbrining, and doesnt have that soldier-ly sheer force of will to just defect. I think it could be cool to see someone go about a change of allegiance in a more roundabout way where they basically have to reason themselves through it because they arent equipped to do it any other way. But yeah its 2 AM now so goodnight.
Bonus: Here is an educational diagram I made of Emerie being “sent elsewhere” circa twentysomething BBY
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born-in-hell · 7 months ago
Looking back, i think one the things that brought the hater out of me the most during qsmp (regarding the players themselves and the story) was how so many decisions made, and arguments defended, based on ooc criteria.
Like, ok. I love bagi. I adore bagi. I recite prayers for bagi every night before i sleep. I am not saying bagi — or anyone else that wouldve been invited if other ppl won — shouldnt have been invited to the qsmp. But my GOD the opportunity for the election winner to chooses someone to send to what's essentially an open air PRISION is insane to me. No islander fucking WANTS to be there so WHYYYYY would they subject a loved one to the SAME TORTURE??????? (except like bbh inviting skeppy cuz whatever they have going on is kinda weird and they're both old as fuck so who cares)
It is a fun decision out of the rp. It gives the players a nice prize if they manage to win. And it could've stayed at that, an ooc prize. But NO they had to mention it canonically. More then once. So much that some players (cof cof) argued bbh shouldnt win bc he would invite skeppy in a non democratic way. That was a CANNON ARGUMENT. MADE BY A PLAYER.
I cant stress how much i hate this decision. I can't stress how much i adored the story and these little things broke the immersion so much for me.
How did NO ONE go against inviting someone to basically be a little lab rat???????? Not even like cellbit. Or baghera. Or anyone else.
The mods thing is less insane. Also very ooc, but not as infuriating in lore, bc it is just a fun decision thing and not like,, idk, choosing a friend to send to an open air torture house. Still broke the immersion for me a lot tho.
And now with fucking purgatory. Oh god.
This time it wasnt even Qstudios' fault (which sounds insane considering,, well, the array of poorly analyzed decisions). It was the fault some of the players that decided that "in meta this doesnt make sense!!!!! they wouldnt do this!!!" is a valid argument to bring into an IN CHARACTER DISCUSSION.
All the things tubbo said abt the cursed team were in character. All his arguments were perfectly cohesive w the things qtubbo was supposed to know, and all the times he talked to them he was playing the character. Just for them to reply w "i think ur wrong bc qstudios wouldnt do this in meta bc there HAS to be a winner"
NO THERE DOESN'T????????? Purgatory was a poorly planned and poorly executed event that id argue shouldve never existed but oh my GOD.
This is gonna sound corny but if you look at the cursed team in a completely meta perspective, the objective wouldve been very clear — force the teams to unite so that the cursed team would win (remember that if the cursed team won they could get all the eggs back instead of only 1) .
The moral here wouldve been that friendship is magic ✨ (< sorry)
And to be honest, that would've been a much more tolerable event. I wont elaborate; u all know why.
Idk if qstudios shouldve been more clear abt it, or even if they thought as far as i did — considering, well, everything that we know today. I just think not listening to someone saying things w proof bc "in meta they wouldnt do that" is dumb and breaks the immersion so much for me.
They couldve discussed it like that in their ooc convos. But they did it during rp and thats what i dont like.
Anyways sorry for this rant i woke up a hater today,, i hope this makes even a little bit of sense. Also this is not a hate to the ccs, still adore (most of) them. Sometimes ppl make mistakes and thats totally ok!!!!!!! Regarding the elections i think it was mostly a poor decision and direction from qstudios then the players' fault. Purgatory was the players themselves (in this specific case) tho..
Yeah thats it 👍
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sleeplesssmol · 1 year ago
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More for the lore bible. We already knew they were sensitive to emotions but now we have some symptoms to work with!
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Can these people stop hurting my beloved?? Mold-like bruises, as in blacks and blues?? Put her in a coma and mess up her legs wth. It went over my head the first time I read it for some reason. Definition of Paramecia from Wiki:
Paramecium/"paramecia is genus of eukaryotic, unicellular ciliates, commonly studied as a model organism of the ciliate group. Paramecium are widespread in freshwater, brackish, and marine environments and are often abundant in stagnant basins and ponds. Because some species are readily cultivated and easily induced to conjugate and divide, they have been widely used in classrooms and laboratories to study biological processes. The usefulness of Paramecium as a model organism has caused one ciliate researcher to characterize it as the "white rat" of the phylum Ciliophora.
Going to be honest, I think I know what they were going for here but its not as easy to understands as I like. Anyone want to dumb this down for me? The Paramecia here are the people in lab coats who hurt Vertin.
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Mr. Man, please tell me the story of how these two made up after the break-away event. The second half is about Mesmer Jr. As an arcanist she is very vulnerable to the crazy emotions around her. Mesmer's story is actually pretty tragic. She didn't get like "that" out of nowhere.
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They are the backbone of Laplace Rehabilitation Center. They're cursed with talent.
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altocat · 1 year ago
EC Sephiroth-Glenn Halloween Event Spoilers
I'm providing a spoiler summary for you guys here, since this concerns (noncanon??) FS content for the Halloween event. Chill dumb holiday fun below the cut.
The FS trio is minding its own business on the Rhadoran island getting the new mako reactor ready when they come across a strange portal! Matt explains that it's used for teleportation. Hojo gets namedropped again.
Glenn, like an idiot, just immediately hops on in. Sephiroth decides to go in to get him. Matt and Lucia stay behind.
They end up in spooky Halloween Nibelheim! Sephiroth says that Glenn is TOTALLY getting written up for being so reckless. He's concerned about staying focused on the mission. Little stickler for the rules!
While he's lecturing Glenn, the portal closes behind him. Now they're stuck here.
Glenn approaches a strange red hooded figure that turns into a spoopy pumpkin thing. Battle time!
This event is in honor of some sort of strange harvest festival for the holidays. Seph dumps some spooky lore. But there are real monsters wandering around. Glenn wants to evacuate everyone asap! Sephiroth advises that they take it slow and logical.
They come across a scared kid without a costume. The kid pleads for them to save his town from the Dark Army (festival lore shit). The monsters came out of a hole somewhere apparently, aka the portal.
So we gotta go find the leader of the Dark army if we want to find the portal materia. Glenn keeps calling himself a superhero. Aww.
To weed out the real monsters from the costumed civilians, we have to go up to them and say "tussle or treat". This is so fucking stupid lmao It's so cute. Glenn and Seph keep snipping at each other. Also cute.
After wandering around the town, Glenn and Seph can't find the army's leader. Montage of them butting heads and having no luck at all! Seph is gonna look into more Dark Army lore to find some clues.
The boy from earlier explains that the Dark Army eats people's feelings (anger, hate, fear, etc.) and they use them to grow. They scare people in order to feed. Glenn decides to go look for a main hideout. Seph, wanting to minimize casualties from this outing, still wants to keep a low profile.
Seph is STILL pissy about Glenn getting them into this situation. Glenn calls him a hard-ass. The monsters are dwindling but STILL no results! The boy points out that maybe they should wear costumes so that they can trick the monsters.
WHERE CAN THEY FIND COSTUMES YOU MAY ASK??? Oh shit oh fuck Seph run baby please.
Sephiroth is VERY suspicious of the boy since he keeps giving them perfect advice. The boy says that he and his friends sometimes go into the mansion to play. HMMMMMMMMMMM.
They arrive at the mansion (fuck). THEY ARE IN THE LIBRARY (FUCK FUCK FUCK). The boy reveals he doesn't know what Shinra is.
Sephiroth seems okay after his brief spell. But Glenn is concerned, especially since he says Sephiroth always overworks himself. Sephiroth is surprised at this. No one has ever told him to take it easy. In fact, it's always been the opposite.
We're interrupted by another monster. Sephiroth is nervous that he led them here, after all they feed off of negative emotions.
Seph and Glenn find their costumes. Seph in his demon costume and Glenn in a pumpkin mask with a top hat.
It looks like we're finally nearing to defeat the leader. The boy reveals that HE'S been the leader all along! Called it. He reveals that in killing all the monsters, he gets to feed on as many people he wants.
After kicking the leader's ass, we finally reach the ending. Seph slices that fucker, while it warns them that so long as negative emotions exist, so will it.
Seph and Glenn seem to reconcile now that the portal is open, even finishing each other's sentences. Glenn suggests that for once, Seph should follow his lead and slack off with him at the festival and stuff their faces with festival food.
Seph's tummy rumbles and he's about to relent. But Glenn gets sucked into the portal anyway. Seph is sad he can't try the pumpkin soup now. Oh well!
In the epilogue, Seph and Glenn return to the others through the portal, still in costumes like idiots. Neither of them remember the events of the festival. So basically square can shitpost all they want without anyone remembering rofl this is SO STUPID AND GREAT
This was a cute story! And not without substance. The reveal about Hojo is genuinely horrifying.
Happy Halloween everyone!
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theharmonious13 · 1 month ago
Before we start inhales
WHY ARE SO MANY CHARACTERS TALKING TO MONOMOKO??? (I'm looking at you Ojima, Yanagi and Watari)
I'm jumping to conclusions here but why would Monomoko chase after three different students the same day?
Anyways ✨
285 - Mediator
I'm calling Tamba and Yanagi's duo name the Gym Bros now 😂
Paris is the next Olympics... year has to be somewhere between 2020 - 2023 unless fiction is fictioning right?
Yanagi complimenting people for mispronouncing his name is 💀
Tamba not letting anyone mispronounce her name is a power move
"How's Mai?" "Groans" Poor Yanagi lol
I love the voice acting for Yanagi explaining every reason why he's sorry towards Mai
Tamba was joking about being a princess? Girlboss moment
Yanagi calling Tamba, Ruiko FEELS SO WRONG
286 - Early Riser
Mai's making her a training regimen? Tamba can't do that and the gymnastics regimen right? Two completely different areas
Oh Mai... trying to get Tamba not to blame you for your lack of protection if something happens from here on out
Is Tamba not going to die this chapter? Or is the training arc the perfect time to kill her off? (We can tell who my least favourite is now that Okazaki is gone oof)
287 - Cryptid
Wada addressing Hasegawa because he cares 🥺
He sounds so depressed though oml
Hama is also an early riser? Cool beans
"Ojima isn't tired, he's just dumb' SIR- (Lowkey though bold of Hiroaki to say it WHILE Ojima is right there and he GETS AWAY WITH IT!? 😭)
God everyone is treating Hasegawa like a kicked puppy it hurts
Everybody doesn't know him... the pain
I can't explain why I intensely love the ongoing conversation about what the next motive is
Watari saying Hayashigeki is breaking up Girl Nooooo (Although if they do my rarepair [Watari x Mai] is on the up and up)
288 - Open Sky
Monomoko is oddly considerate of trying not to scare Ojima
Monomoko doesn't know what happens when they go all black, do you think we'll get to the stage where they do? Idk it could be either or
Ojima thinks he's going to die noooooo, the next Tsuno jinx 😔
Wait MONOMOKO Ojima friendship/mutual friendliness??? It's been such a slow burn ever since he and Chiba used the lettuce but "I think that it would be a grave disservice to society (if Ojima died)" HELLO??? I love it
What if it's not sky on the other side? Like this whole building is in a science lab
Star symbolism later on?
289 - Book Club Revisited
Ayo I've been asking/hyped for this
Hama coming straight out the gate passionate lmao
I'm starting to wonder if these three manga characters are meant to subtly parallel three of the student from this killing game? Although I couldn't tell you who I think they would be
"Her heart's stupid" 😂
290 - Resource Shipment
My reaction to Monomoko replying to Yanagi's sass when they said "No, but I'm trying to." had me like 😗
Yanagi is stocking the cafe because it made Tamba and Watari happy, aww
Omg Yanagi the people pleaser
Ayo Yanagi talking about the downsides of men like Sasaki didn't feel that way about him
What does Yanagi have against Hama? Hama is literally THE BEST WITH THE WOMEN IN HIS LIFE
Abusive father lore, especially towards his mother and sister? Oml what a character backstory moment
Monomoko apathetic as hell but is also an Ojima Stan lol
Oooo Monomoko hit a nerve, some character analysis food for thought literally coming from the killing game host
291 - Aftermath of a Sudden Death
Whose death was sudden? Tsuno's? Who would Tamba and Mai want to talk about?
Death of Tamba's body?
Mai is harsh as heck yikes
Ohhhh Tsuno mention
It feels wrong for Kamimura not to be here? Same girl 😭
Whether she deserves to live? Oh honey... survivors guilt
292 - Patchwork
Watari is so hilarious I can't even
Patches for each dying student? THAT'S SO CUTE AND WHOLESOME I'm literally screenshotting all the patches and drawing it later this is so cute, she's defo going to survive
Dangit Watari tell me what the other patches are
Watari sounds so broken...
293 - Final Warning
Uh what's happening? What stakes have been raised?
Wait bro DON'T KICK MONOMOKO THE FUCK? Literally the hypocrisy they mentioned is so blatantly true and unfair
I already didn't like Dr Kan very early on but screw him man
294 - Flat Rejection
This better not be Yanagi confessing against his better judgement and Mai turning him down or I will cry
Either way this episode is going to be a sad doozy I can tell
Omg Mai being so dry toned and over it the immediate moment Yanagi appears gives me life somehow
Oh no he's scared he'll become his father
I wanted them to TALK though, bite the bullet Mai gdi
He doesn't trust Mai? 👀
295 - Young Forever
Omg that's the painting? I saw this as a YouTube preview and thought they just discovered another funky room somehow
HE'S DOING THE WHOLE SHUTTER? I thought it was just going to be a canvas omg
Is it the end of the world like all the other canon Danganronpas? Why is the sky red, the heck?
Is he hiding that Monomoko showed him that from Hiroaki?
HE'S BEEN IN THE ART INDUSTRY FOR LESS THAN A YEAR!? Ojima I need to 'borrow' your talent buddy
Ojima grew up too fast, I know someone who can relate
"I'm not ready to talk/think about it" Ojima let me join the club please omg 😭
296 - Supply Room Dilemma
Oh no, no one's cleaned either place yet? Uh oh
People messed with Hama because he wasn't allowed to fight back? That's fucked up man
Him defending his sister like that is admirable despite being messed up
Nooooooo, Mai lore would've been awesome, but it makes sense why she wouldn't
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decaffeinated-heads · 8 months ago
can I get some lore or context for your oc? Pop, right? What’s their deal?
Thank you for asking about Pop💥 Their lore isn't heavily tied to the timeline of the mega man classic games; sorry if their story is cliche or dumb
Pop is the creation of a doctor by the alias of Dr. Rose. The doctor has her own lab with many assistants (robot and human), because the labs main intention is to make Joe robots for the city. Dr. Rose believed that she was capable of making more than weaponry and military-grade bots. She'd been put down by other's for her more frowned upon ideas, and so when she was offered the opportunity to make her dream a reality, she took it.
One of the assistants to Dr. Rose was actually the parent to Pop, but she didn't want the baby. The doctor was quite persistent in wanting to care for the child even before it was conceived, and was the doctor that helped the woman give birth. Dr. Rose's plan in doing this was to ensure that no outside hospital knew of Pop's existence.
Dr. Rose used Pop more as a test subject for her ideas rather than really caring for them. They weren't reated poorly, but more like a pet fish that a human child: They were fed the same three meals and was checked up on from time to time. Dr. Rose would "upgrade" parts of them, making Pop only partially human. Dr. Rose intended for Pop to be some form of superhuman, and it she was successful in creating them, then she can present them as a prototype in hopes to make more. Pop would escape from the lap before the final upgrade was installed, fearing their identity being altered and yearning for freedom. Because they aren't exactly human anymore, they question where they belong and who exactly they are now.
Pop has witnessed cartoons and shows that show what the world looks like, and they grew to want a normal life outside of the lab. When they escaped, they were alarmed to see the amount of humans and robots. They stole a few articles of clothing from a mall, and are hiding from Dr. Rose's robots she sent to look for Pop. Pop doesn't have much knowledge of the outside world, and is fascinated by more simple and mundane parts of life.
(Dr. Rose is kinda based off of Dr. Gross from adventure time... just a little)
That's their lore ig💥 it's not alot and it's lame but yea💥
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