#legend of zelda tp
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quakgrass · 5 months ago
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gardenbud · 1 year ago
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link sketch from my recent twilight princess re-run
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labyrinthdancer · 1 year ago
MORE lore time :DDD apologize in advance this is kind of long :/
When Link died in Oradon Spring Ordona didn't bring him back, she resurrected the Triforce of Caurage(or whatever makes all these boys act and do heroy things) so the time between it gaining life and it getting turned into a wolf the Triforce of Caurage was the goodest most righteous good boy there was. Then when it was pulled into the twilight infected area(don't remember the proper name) and turned into a wolf the Devine Beast was born and overpowered it taking over Link's body and forcing it back to its nonsentient state, creating Wolf(Later known as Wolfie) and Beast. Wolf is the half that controls their wolf body, and Beast is the half that controls Link's body. They both possess and feel Link's memories and thoughts but Beast feels them more vividly as he has the hylian body. Even with a hylian body the Devine Beast is still a wolf and views the world through the eyes of one, he does not lie or get envious or power-hungry as people do but he also doesn't have the empathy or kindness of people, if you die you die, he will not help or harm or care about people unless he has a reason to, because of Link's memories he views Oradon Village(Manly Rusl, Uli, Colan, and unborn baby) as his pack so he cares about and loves them.(Later as his quest goes on he does befriend Link's friends from the game)
Because he views Oradon Village as his pack he sets off(TP Link's journey)
As he aided Midna in getting the fused shadow, then the mirror shards, the Divine Beast started to get slowly corrupted by the dark magic.
He and Midna also fall in love through the journey, and he thinks they are mates and are gonna stay together forever cause, wolves, they mate for life.
When Midna shatters the Mirror of Twilight she was originally going to leave Beast behind because she didn't want to take him away from his family. But in the last seconds of the portal closing she changed her mind cause she loved him and couldn't live without him, but because Beast took One Single Step Back out of shock when Midna told him he wasn't going with her she couldn't reach him in time and the portal closed separating them forever.
Also when the mirror shattered a ton of tiny pieces of the mirror embedded themself into Beast's skin, the only reason he didn't turn into a monster like Yeta did was because with all the dark magic already corrupting Link's body he was already technically a monster.
So Beast goes back to living Link's life, he's upfront about how he is not Link from the get-go but even tho the villagers are sad about the loss they welcome him home anyway. As Beast is not Link, Illia and him don't get 'back' together.
Over time the Fused Shadow and Mirror Shards 'corrupted' Link's body, merging it with Wolf's. 
Beast grows wolf ears and tail, wolf eyes emerged below the hylian ones, his feet warped to be more wolf-like and he grew declaws, and wolf teeth grew in front of the hylian ones(they retract like Toothless's :D), he had more muscles in the skin around his lips so he can pull his lips back like a wolf, and he can open his mouth farther than a hylian can.
The people of Oradon Village didn't care or mind his new look or eating habits(He eats monsters), they were very receptive as it made the monster population in the area drop significantly. But hyrule is a very religious country, Zelda and the Sages included.
Once they got word that the Hero of Twilight was 'corrupted' by dark magic Zelda sent soldiers to retrieve him, they would attempt to remove the dark magic, and if they couldn't it would be best to keep him close(Keep your enemies close and all that). They couldn't remove the magic, so they conveniently chose to inform Beast that the Hero of Hyrule served the Queen and that he should stay in Castle Town to better fulfill that role.
Originally Beast was allowed to visit his home and travel the region, but the Sages managed to convince Zelda and the people that he was a 'religious matter' and would be better cared for under their supervision, they then barred him from leaving the castle. Cut off from his food supply and anyone who would listen, Beast began to starve.
After not having any monsters to eat for quite a while Beast collapsed into madness for a short time and Wolf ate someone. When Zelda and the Sages found him they were horrified, Zelda wanted to figure out why he had done this(legit no one listened when he said that he needed to eat monsters). But because he was under the care of the Sages they had the final say and locked him in the deepest part of Hyrule Castle's prison, only being taken out a few times to show proof of life and hyrules might.
Dark was created by Hylia to serve as a physical representation of the dark and evil parts of the heroes, he would fight them and then they would win and accept their dark parts and it would make them better heroes (in theory)
When Dark inevitably failed in this task(The heroes refused to acknowledge their darker sides) Hylian would cast him back into the void, leaving him in pain as his body slowly healed itself until she needed him to fight again.
He's also fully conscious between the fights, unable to do anything for hundreds to thousands of years waiting for the goddess to bring him to the realm of light so he can get his ass handed to him again.
Dark has fought almost all of the heroes and failed his mission every time. When he was pulled out of the void to fight Beast he was shocked to find someone who already living with his dark parts and didn’t need Dark’s aid at all(He was sent around the time Dark Link appeared in the manga)
This piqued Dark’s interest, this was the first hero to do this(while they were alive at least, Shade figured it out but that was like 300 years after he died) so Dark watches Beast's journey and doesn’t go back to or inform Hylian of what’s happening, at this point he toying with the idea of rebelling.
So when Beast was locked away, after a while Dark broke him out, he wanted to get to know this strange hero and he couldn’t do that if he was in prison(he 100% did not have a crush on him that would be CRAZY)
Because the Sages never check on Beast he can go back to Oradon Village without fear of them dragging him back, a least for a while, and when he learns that Dark doesn’t have a home or anywhere to go he invites him to go with him, and Dark accepts(Dark is fully rebelling against Hylia now, having no intentions of going back or serving her again)
Dark lives with Beast and helps him at the ranch, and over time(a couple of months or so) they fall in love(And I, mean really in love they're down bad)
Around this time Dark was thinking about getting some revenge and Beast was more or less on board, the people of hyrule had done nothing but harm him, and Hylia had done nothing period. But they were both happy and content with their lives and swept the thought under the rug pretty quick.
Hylia eventually catches on that Dark had been lying to her and wasn't doing his job so she snatches him up in the night and casts him into the deepest part of the void where the remnants of Demise's army is locked away.
(like the story of Prometheus)Dark was torn apart by the monsters only for his body to heal so they could do it again.
(also side note, time in the void moves differently so Dark gets tortured for at least a hundred years while only a couple of months pass for Beast)
now consumed by rage and hell-bent on getting back at Hylia Dark breaks out of his prison and takes some of the monster's essence with him to form his army of black-blooded monsters.
because Dark was wreaking havoc across time, Hylia called the chain together and they recruited Beast. Beast doesn't really care, but he's a noble creature and knows that killing tons of people isn't good so he agrees to help the chain(he knows that Dark is causing this BTW)
Random tidbits:
Beast can make himself look like a normal hylian and does so around the chain because he doesn't want the ✨drama✨.
The chain thinks that Beast is just a normal hylian and knows nothing about him being a monster, wanted by hyrule, or that he's not Link, he is not lying to them about this he just doesn't feel the need to correct them.
Four was the closest(living) hero to accepting his dark side because of the colors and Shadow.
Sky is the farthest from accepting his dark side(I don't even know if he fights dark just go with it :P
this song is very Beast and Dark core, it just so them <3 just ignore the first like half of the song lol
English Ver.「Mistletoe ~Tree of Reincarnation
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st4rbites · 7 months ago
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they dont know i think of them every night before i go to sleep.
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iswearongod · 2 years ago
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Midna, but she G L O W S
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light-lights-up-light · 2 years ago
Finally figured out how to stylize him right :]
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(Click for better quality)
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askmidna · 2 years ago
☆Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin. One Cannot Exist Without The Other☆
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◇"I mean, is perpetual twilight really all that bad?"◇
Independent Midna RP Blog! Multiverse, canon, and crossovers are welcome. RP Blog followers only, please!! Will range from Imp Midna to Twili Midna, please specify which one to address.
♡Like and Reblog if you would like to interact!♡
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saucywendeee · 2 years ago
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Twilight Princess Zelda sketch because I miss her 
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aikoiya · 2 months ago
*whispering excitedly* His face markings are so cool!
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Been thinking about some things... like how TP link got into botw...
I want to get better with coloring and shading, so I drew link and went crazy with it. I really like how botw link turned out.
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daeyumi · 3 months ago
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Autumn makes me think of you 🥀
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schwoobzilla · 1 month ago
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the transgenderfication beam hit the second tower ft. ooccoo top surgery
(part 2/ redraw of this)
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st-hedge · 8 months ago
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Lesbians requested midzel for pride so midzel ye shall receive 🩷🧡🤍
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labyrinthdancer · 1 year ago
I wrote the scene that started Monarch's Will
I didn't mean for it to get so long but it got away from me a bit. I ain't a writer so plz be nice thx :)
Twilight hated this, the ballroom was packed with nobles, ladies brushing against his arms with their noxious perfumes that made his nose burn, and gentlemen talking loudly in his ears making them ring, Twilight wanted nothing more than to escape this gilded prison. A man bumped into Twilight making him want to bare his fangs and snarl but he caught himself, The others were around he couldn't afford to be a wolf now, none of the heroes look at him the same after Wolffie, Time doesn't look at Twilight the same, they expected a Hylian and got him instead. So he quieted the rumble in his throat and closed his mouth over his fangs, grabbing a glass of champagne Twilight found himself a quiet corner to watch the rest of the party from. Twilight stayed in his corner mostly unbothered and ignored, Time glanced over at him occasionally, a hint of worry in his eye but never approached. After a while, Twilight was about to ditch the party altogether and find himself a forest to unwind in, but his saving grace finally came in the form of his queen on the other side of the room, joining the party 'fashionably late' as she liked to call it. Twilight was by her side before he realized he was walking, Midna noticed him walk over and put her arm over his shoulders pulling him closer to her as she was talking to some noble "Perfect time, this is Link, MY Divine Beast he aided me in taking back my kingdom from Zant and save Hyrule from destruction" The inflection on my didn't go unnoticed by Twilight, but he didn't mind, it was a nice contrast from Hyrule's reluctant acceptance, Dusk being the only noble who would even agknowage him without a grimace. "oh, ah- well it's JUST LOVELY to see you again Hero of Twilight, I thought you had left the kingdom on some quest? Or had moved to that Realm of Dusk or something?" The barely repressed grimace on the nobleman's face was amusing to Twilight, "Twilight Realm. Yeah, Hylia sent me on'a grand 'o quest ov'r yonder, but it ain't 'dat big of'a deal I reckon" Twilight purposely thickened his accent to really bend the noble out of shape. Twi heard Midna hold back a snort as the man's face looked disgusted, quickly excusing himself from the conversation and storming off. "Hyrulians really don't like you beasty" Midna commented readjusting their positions to use both of Twi's shoulders as armrests. "I know, but it ain'ts mess'in me up if 'couple Hyrulians ain't liken me." They chatted among themselves for a while until Merida, a Lady of Midna's court, came striding up "My Lady I have just been notified that your rematch with the Challenger was meant for today, what do you wish to do?" Midna straightened up to address her "Bring him to the plaza outside, the Queen has been wanting to see more of our culture and ways, what better way than to witness a Challenge" Merida looked exasperated "As you wish my Lady." she then portaled away leaving the two alone in the crowded room again. Midna moved to look Twilight in the eyes, softening her gaze when it met his. She leaned closer to him and said in a lowered voice "Are you alright with doing it hear love? With all these people and dumb heroes around I could move it to a later date." Twilight could hear the concern in her voice, he put his hands on her arms and met her gaze with a confident one. "We don't know how long I'll be here for or how long I'll be gone, there ain't no way to plan around dat. It don't matter how I'm feelin the Challenge is important and needs to happen." She nodded and they started making their way out to the plaza.
you can read the rest on AO3
shaking in my boots I wrote something AND posted it very proud of meself :3
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appaeve · 11 months ago
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iswearongod · 1 year ago
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l-undeadarts · 5 months ago
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Linktober Day 1: Mirror
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