#Laboratory Equipment Trend
healthcarehubhh · 2 months
Laboratory Equipment: Essential Tools for Research and Development
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Microscopes are indispensable tools for laboratories as they enable researchers to see structures and features too small for the naked eye. Different types of microscopes like compound, stereo, and electron microscopes allow examination of cells, tissues and various samples at different levels of magnification. Compound microscopes have interchangeable objectives and ocular lenses that provide low to high magnifications from 40X to 1000X. Stereo microscopes give low magnifications from 6X to 120X and are ideal for viewing three-dimensional samples. Electron microscopes have resolutions down to the nanometer level and are crucial for cellular and molecular analysis. Microscopes continue advancing with techniques like fluorescence and confocal microscopy for live cell imaging. Laboratory Equipment: Pipettes and Dispensers Handling small liquid volumes accurately is critical in many experimental procedures. Pipettes available in various fixed and adjustable volumes are used to transfer samples, reagents, drugs and more between tubes, plates or vessels. Manual pipettes come in single channel and multichannel varieties for quickly dispensing set volumes. Electronic pipettes automate repetitive pipetting with adjustable speed and greater reproducibility. Dispensers are also available for liquid handling, dispensing adhesive liquids, organic solvents and even highly viscous materials. Automated liquid handlers are large capital equipment that can pipette thousands of samples in parallel for high throughput experiments. Centrifuges Centrifugation is a fundamental separation technique used across all types of laboratories. Benchtop centrifuges are simple bi-phasic models suitable for routine pelleting of cells, small particles and precipitates. They provide RCFs (relative centrifugal forces) from 1000 to 12000g. Preparative centrifuges have larger rotors and capacities for voluminous sample processing. Ultracentrifuges enable high speed sedimentation by developing enormous RCFs over 100,000g. Models for ultracentrifugation employ zonal, swinging bucket or fixed angle rotors depending on the separation goals. Selecting the right centrifuge based on sample type, size and desired separations is key for optimizing results. Laboratory Equipment: Spectrophotometers and Colorimeters Quantifying analytes through detection and measurement of light absorbance or transmittance is done using spectrophotometers and colorimeters. They are indispensable in analytical chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology labs. Single beam spectrophotometers detect absorbance of a sample against a blank reference. Double or triple beam instruments allow simultaneous measurement of multiple samples and references. Colorimeters are compact single wavelength devices ideal for dedicated absorbance assays. Modern multi-mode readers combine varied features like fluorescence, luminescence, absorbance in a single box for versatility. Automated instruments speed up high throughput absorbance measurements in microplates. Advancements in detector and optic materials continue enhancing sensitivity and accuracy. Laboratory Equipment: Water Purification Systems Pure water is imperative for numerous analytical procedures and as a solvent in chemical reactions. Laboratories install point-of-use or centralized water purification systems to generate different grades of water for their needs. Reverse osmosis systems yield high purity water from tap or well sources. Ion exchange columns further polish RO water to Type I standards. Advanced systems integrate UV oxidation to minimize microbial growth and sub-micron filtration for generating ultra pure or Milli-Q water. Water qualities are certified through resistivity, TOC and particle testing. Laboratories also require simple dispensers of purified water right at the bench. Mobile cart-based purifiers deliver purified water anywhere as needed. Integrated systems optimize space and centralize management of water purification.
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wonderlab-unova · 2 months
pinned woof.
hello, my name is dr. ████ █████████ woof. but as you're likely immediately aware, that name has been struck from history woof. my coworkers refer to me as Lost Property 771, so 771 will do for a moniker woof. pronunciation varies, but trends toward either "seven-seven-one" or the sinnohan "nanahi" woof. due to the nature of my work, i may be in possession of other names from time to time, and i will update if this is the case woof. as for pronouns, i prefer the word "doll" to be used as a pronoun, but will also accept he/him, given that i'm comfortably male woof.
i am the mind behind wonderland laboratories (so named due to my fascination with dolls and fairy-types), a facility in an undisclosed location in unova with a focus on utilization of fairy-type infinity energy for the purpose of transhumanist bodily modification and replacement procedures woof. in short, our goal is to give those with certain "nonstandard" identities the means to physically express those identities woof.
as an example, please look at this photo of myself woof.
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as you can see, i'm a plastic doll woof. i have no mouth or nose, and am hybridized with an absol woof. i also have four legs woof. these were all intentional choices that i brought upon myself woof. understand that we do not have any intent to harm woof. we go to great lengths to ensure informed consent for all procedures woof.
however, my studies have come with some drawbacks woof. i'm perpetually under very many fae curses, i have a dark/fairy typing, and am prone to having my general circumstances change at any moment without warning woof. while in theory it may be considered horrifying or perhaps humiliating to be subject to these things, i don't personally mind woof.
current circumstances of note are as follows woof:
i must woof at the end of each sentence woof.
i'm accompanied by my assistants, the gardevoir 492 and the mawile 490 woof. i'm very thankful for their help, especially given i'm three feet tall and often struggle to reach my equipment woof.
i'm accepting of pellipper mail and magic anons, the latter of which particularly because i study the logistics of them as a side project woof. and because the results of them are at the very least often funny woof.
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blaiddfailcam · 1 year
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Sound and hearing in Bloodborne's cosmology
Eyes may be the dominant motif in Bloodborne, relating to the characters' obsession with truthseeking and insight, but a while back, I noticed something odd about the One Third of Umbilical Cord. Despite its rather evocative name, it more closely resembles an eye-laden human cochlea, or the inner ear.
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Sound as an arcane force
Mechanically, sound is used as a diegetic medium for the player's abilities within the game world. Bells and chimes are employed to resonate with fellow Hunters, allowing them to cooperate or even battle across worlds. Runes that represent the inhuman spoken words of the Great Ones are memorized to enhance one's attributes. Even the established currency, blood echoes, seem to be a formless medium drawn from slain enemies, and not the blood itself.
In fact, one of the very first runes players are likely to find is Formless Oedon.
The Great One Oedon, lacking form, exists only in voice.
While we never encounter Oedon himself, he is evidently revered by the city, as indicated by the Tomb of Oedon and Oedon Chapel.
Venturing further, we locate and defeat Rom, the Vacuous Spider, and are promptly greeted upon our return to the city by the omnipresent wail of Mergo. Ultimately, Mergo is revealed to be a formless Great One like Oedon; though their crying emanates from a lone pram atop the School of Mensis, the carriage itself is empty.
Mergo is promptly scooped up by the Wet Nurse, whose body is invisible amongst its billowing death shrouds. Upon defeating her, Mergo's crying fades into silence, and we are awarded the One Third of Umbilical Cord. From then, we are free to leave the night of blood and beasts at last at Gehrman's mercy.
Sound as a science
For the modest price of 19.99 USD, an Amygdalan Great One will transport players to the Hunter's Nightmare where they can peruse Yharnam's dark history. The Nightmare Grand Cathedral serves as ground zero for the cruelty inflicted upon citizens in the name of cosmic inquiry.
The Research Hall within the Astral Clocktower is populated by the demented and discarded test subjects featured in a twisted experiment to facilitate contact with the Great Ones.
In the early days of the Healing Church, the Great Ones were linked to the ocean, and so the cerebral patients would imbibe water, and listen for the howl of the sea. Brain fluid writhed inside the head, the initial makings of internal eyes.
The unfortunate products of this experiment suffered a grotesque transformation as their heads inflated to resemble an oversized raisin. Many of the patients were deemed failures, while others retained some semblance of sanity.
A common trend amongst them was a fixation on a "plopping" sound heard from within their own craniums. Those whose heads had inflated to completely absorb their bodies remark on the sound's resemblance to rainfall or the stirring of the ocean. (Should the player equip the Enlarged Head headgear, they can hear for themselves a periodic dripping sound ever so faintly.)
Perhaps the most successful of these damned souls was Saint Adeline, who, after administering multiple Brain Fluids, transforms likely into one of these bulbous heads.
I see a shape. My guide, I see your voice clearly as it bends and bleeds. My own revelation... just for me...
This produces the Milkweed rune, which allows the player to alter their form, turning their head into a lumenwood serving as a nursery for slug-like phantasms.
A call to the bloodless
Beyond this abominable laboratory and prison is the Fishing Hamlet accessed solely by stepping through the face of the Astral Clocktower. Just as the doomed patients envisioned in their maddened rambling, the village floats atop a rainy coast populated by icthyomorphic fishermen. At the far side of this tragic residence lies the carcass of Kos.
Though Kos herself is long dead, the gastly Great One known only as the Orphan of Kos emerges from her womb, carrying a savage weapon that many understand already to be Kos's placenta, still attached by a pulpy pink umbilical cord to the orphan's abdomen. After slaughtering the Orphan of Kos, a black, wraith-like figure appears from Kos's remains, still attached to her bloated belly. By severing this connection, the child is returned to the sea, and the rain promptly ceases.
Returning to the entrance of the Fishing Hamlet, a shaman villager mutters to himself, cursing Byrgenwerth and the Hunters for their sins. If the player has completed Saint Adeline's quest, they can equip the Milkweed Rune to reveal further dialogue:
"Listen for the baneful chants. A call to the bloodless, wherever they be. A call to the bloodless, wherever they be. Fix your ears, to hear our call."
True enough, should the player position themselves near any of the barnacled shacks in the village and strain their ears, low murmurs of unseen inhabitants recite an entrancing curse. This spite is what fuels the very nightmare and seals the Hunters in a generational cycle of misery.
Conflict of anatomy
What mainly struck me as fascinating about the One Third of Umbilical Cord's resemblance to the cochlea pertained initially to etymology. "Cochlea" is the Greek word for "snail shell," and the inner ear is so named for its resemblance to a whorled gastropod shell.
Snails and slugs are of course a common sight in Bloodborne. From the tiny phantasms regarded as augurs of the eldritch Truth to the Great Ones Kos and Ebrietas, these slimy angels harbor great spiritual significance to the various schools of Yharnam's esoteric leaders. Stranger still are the snail women, the mermaid-like enemies who are often found attached to large, whorled shells not unlike the One Third of Umbilical Cord in appearance.
The second linguistic comparison to be drawn relates to the central depression of a whorled shell, referred to as the "umbilicus," relating back again to the One Third of Umbilical Cord's origins.
A great relic, also known as the Cord of the Eye. Every infant Great One has this precursor to the umbilical cord.
Use to gain Insight and, so they say, eyes on the inside, although no one remembers what that truly entails.
Throughout the game, the player has the potential to collect four of these fetishes, despite only three are required for the secret ending. Two of them are obtained directly from infant Great Ones, the first being Mergo, and the second from Arianna's child. However, the Orphan of Kos, another "infant," lacks this special artifact.
...Well, not exactly, anyway.
Looking closer at the weapon in its hand, it certainly doesn't resemble a placenta, no thanks to the blade-like cutting edge. In fact, its shape is strangely reminiscent of, well, a human ear, or perhaps more accurately an ear shell.
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If this was truly the intention behind its design, the attachment to a literal umbilical cord would be a fascinating spin on the One Third of Umbilical Cord's visual similarity to the cochlea.
For later ramblings
I'll admit, this sounds like a lot of pointless drivel. The truth is, there's plenty more I want to write on this subject, in particular why I think they would want to use ears as a symbol, as well as how it would relate to the greater mysteries of the narrative. But that would be too much to hope for anyone to read at once.
Until then, I suppose I'll just plant the seed and water it later with supplemental observations and theories.
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diliwriter · 4 months
What Are the Benefits of Attending a Private Education Institution?
Choosing an education institution is a significant decision, and opting for a private education institution can offer several unique advantages. From personalized attention to advanced facilities, private institutions provide an environment conducive to both academic and personal growth.
1. Smaller Class Sizes
One of the most notable benefits of private education institutions is smaller class sizes. This allows for more personalized attention from instructors and a better student-to-teacher ratio. Students can engage more actively in class discussions, receive tailored feedback, and build stronger relationships with their professors.
2. Enhanced Resources and Facilities
Private institutions often have access to superior resources and state-of-the-art facilities. These may include advanced laboratories, modern libraries, and well-equipped recreational centers. Enhanced facilities support a higher quality of education by providing students with the tools they need to succeed in their studies and extracurricular activities.
3. Rigorous Academic Programs
Private education institutions are known for their rigorous academic standards and diverse program offerings. They often have the flexibility to develop innovative curricula that are responsive to industry trends and student needs. This ensures that students receive a comprehensive education that prepares them well for their future careers.
4. Strong Support Services
Comprehensive student support services are a hallmark of private institutions. These services include academic advising, career counseling, mental health resources, and tutoring programs. Such support systems help students navigate their educational journey effectively and address any challenges that arise.
5. Networking Opportunities
Private institutions frequently have strong connections with industry professionals and alumni networks. These connections can provide valuable networking opportunities for students, including internships, job placements, and mentorship programs. Being part of an extensive network can significantly enhance a student’s career prospects.
6. Research and Innovation
Many private education institutions place a strong emphasis on research and innovation. Students often have the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research projects, collaborate with experienced faculty, and contribute to advancements in their field of study. This hands-on experience is invaluable for developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
7. Holistic Development
Beyond academics, private institutions typically offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, from sports to arts and cultural events. These opportunities contribute to the holistic development of students, fostering leadership skills, teamwork, and a sense of community.
8. Flexibility and Personalization
Private institutions often provide more flexibility in terms of course selection, schedules, and program structures. This allows students to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals, providing a more personalized and fulfilling educational experience.
For those seeking a premier private education institution, NSBM Green University in Sri Lanka stands out as an exemplary choice. With its commitment to academic excellence, state-of-the-art facilities, and comprehensive support services, NSBM Green University offers a nurturing environment that helps students thrive academically and personally.
NSBM Green University
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feltpool · 4 months
Further to previous conversation with @proadhog
I love the Alien quadrilogy of films. I don’t remember how old I would have been but I was definitely younger than the recommended age rating when I watched the original one and it scared the crap out of me – so job well done there! I might have been old enough to watch Aliens by the time it became available for home rental, but I probably wasn’t. Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection I got to see in the cinema
But the more recent films, Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, didn’t really work for me
They had all of the things needed to fit into the Alien franchise
An isolated group of humans to encounter the Alien
The Xenomorph itself. Shown in all of the established developmental stages, however adapted to fit the setting
A Humanoid Synthetic whose name follows the previously established alphabetical naming convention
The involvement of the Weyland Corporation
But despite all of the effort put into coming at things from a different direction both films rely hard on repeating what came before while pretending they’re not doing that
Cut for plot spoilers
Prometheus brought us not one Strong Female Lead, but two of them. One to wield the flamethrower, have an antagonistic relationship with the onboard Synthetic, to get up close and personal with a male crew member, and ultimately die. And one to do battle with the Alien using loading equipment (or was that Covenant?), emote over the loss of varying crew members, to have an Alien growing inside of her, and to survive long enough to set up the next movie
Neither of them are like Ellen Ripley in character but they still enact their own versions of her prior actions, only without a cat or a small child in tow
We get the ‘literal talking head’ scene, David is 'David 8' even though the number is rarely mentioned, a deliberate introduction of Alien and human, and the ‘just when you thought it was all over…’ and ‘no way to turn back now’ horror film moments, and so much more
Covenant recycles the parts Prometheus passed over, again with minor alterations. The crew in hypersleep are unexpectedly awakened, they once more pick up a signal of unknown origin and follow it, there are a few thousand colonists available to get parasitized, the ship that landed on planet gets destroyed and they're cut off from radio contact so have to find another way to arrange for a pick up while time is running out, there’s another ‘Human Synthetic who’s actually a Good Guy’ (and who manages to buck the silly naming trend), another mad scientist type, the Xenomorph being called a ‘perfect organism’, an alt take on the laboratory scene from Alien: Resurrection, and a Xenomorph gets pushed out the door dramatically
The quality of the plot of the first 4 films was variable but they each had a different take on the same basic premise of ‘humans will find the Alien and then die horribly’. We knew where the story was going to go but they didn’t feel like they were repeating themselves beyond the standard constraints of being a part of a franchise and needing to fit into that framework. But while Prometheus puts effort into establishing a new setting and a new way to get the story going, once we reach the point of alien contact that all kind of seems like a waste of time since it no longer feels like they’re doing anything new with what they have available
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Crafting Clear Skin: The Precision of Salicylic Acid Manufacturing
Salicylic acid has long been a cornerstone in skincare and pharmaceutical formulations, celebrated for its remarkable efficacy in treating acne, exfoliating the skin, and managing various dermatological conditions. As a leading ingredient in numerous products, the demand for high-quality salicylic acid is unwavering. Salicylic acid manufacturers play a crucial role in meeting this demand, employing advanced technologies, stringent quality control measures, and innovative processes to produce this essential compound. In this blog, we explore the world of salicylic acid manufacturing, highlighting its significance, processes, benefits, and why it’s a cornerstone of modern skincare and pharmaceutical solutions.
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The Importance of Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) derived from natural sources like willow bark and wintergreen leaves or synthesized in laboratories. It is renowned for its ability to penetrate pores, exfoliate dead skin cells, and reduce inflammation, making it a powerful ingredient in acne treatments, chemical peels, and dandruff shampoos. Its keratolytic properties help to soften and shed the outer layer of skin, promoting cell turnover and revealing a smoother, clearer complexion.
For more information salicylic acid manufacturer
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Manufacturing salicylic acid involves sophisticated chemical processes to ensure purity, potency, and safety. The most common method is the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction, which synthesizes salicylic acid from sodium phenoxide and carbon dioxide under high pressure and temperature. This method yields high-purity salicylic acid, suitable for both pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications. Manufacturers utilize advanced equipment and precise control systems to maintain optimal reaction conditions, ensuring consistent quality and yield.
Quality Control and Assurance
Quality control is paramount in salicylic acid manufacturing. Rigorous testing protocols are implemented at every stage of production, from raw material selection to final product packaging. Analytical techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC), and mass spectrometry (MS) are used to verify the purity, potency, and stability of salicylic acid. These tests ensure that the final product meets stringent industry standards and regulatory requirements, guaranteeing safety and efficacy for consumers.
Customization and Innovation
Salicylic acid manufacturers often work closely with cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies to develop customized formulations tailored to specific product needs. Whether creating a potent acne treatment, a gentle exfoliating cleanser, or an effective dandruff shampoo, manufacturers provide expertise in optimizing salicylic acid concentrations and formulations for maximum benefit. This collaborative approach fosters innovation, resulting in new and improved products that address evolving consumer demands and dermatological advancements.
Sustainability and Ethical Practices
In response to growing environmental concerns, many salicylic acid manufacturers are adopting sustainable and ethical practices. This includes sourcing raw materials from renewable resources, minimizing waste and emissions, and implementing energy-efficient technologies. Some manufacturers are also exploring greener synthesis methods that reduce environmental impact while maintaining high-quality production standards. These efforts align with the broader industry trend toward sustainability and responsible manufacturing.
Meeting Regulatory Standards
Compliance with regulatory standards is a critical aspect of salicylic acid manufacturing. Regulatory bodies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EMA (European Medicines Agency) set stringent guidelines for the production and use of salicylic acid in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Manufacturers must adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and ensure their products are free from contaminants, properly labeled, and safe for consumer use. Regular audits and inspections by regulatory authorities help maintain compliance and uphold product integrity.
Future Trends and Innovations
The future of salicylic acid manufacturing is marked by continuous innovation and adaptation to emerging trends. Advances in green chemistry, biotechnology, and nanotechnology are poised to revolutionize production methods, enhancing efficiency and sustainability. Additionally, research into new applications and formulations of salicylic acid promises to expand its role in skincare and healthcare, offering consumers even more effective and versatile solutions.
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Salicylic acid manufacturers are at the forefront of producing one of the most versatile and effective ingredients in skincare and pharmaceuticals. Through advanced manufacturing processes, stringent quality control, and a commitment to innovation and sustainability, these manufacturers ensure the consistent supply of high-quality salicylic acid. As consumer demand for effective skincare solutions continues to grow, the role of salicylic acid manufacturers remains vital, driving the development of products that promote healthier, clearer skin and improved well-being. Embrace the power of precision and discover the transformative benefits of expertly crafted salicylic acid.
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rohanisblog · 6 months
Residual Chlorine Meters Market Analysis by Geographical Regions, Type and Application and Forecast to 2031
Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market is estimated to witness a rise in revenue from US$ 330.2 Mn in 2021 to US$ 527.3 Mn by 2030. The market is registering a CAGR of 5.3% during the forecast period 2022-2030. Moreover, in terms of volume, the global residual chlorine meters market is expected to project a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period 2022-2030. 
Astute Analytica recently published a highly anticipated market report, providing invaluable insights into the Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market. This comprehensive report offers a detailed analysis of key drivers, restraints, regional trends, segmentation, and valuation, enabling businesses to make informed decisions for sustainable growth.
A Request of this Sample PDF File@- https://www.astuteanalytica.com/request-sample/residual-chlorine-meters-market
Key Highlights of the Report:
Comprehensive Analysis: The report presents a holistic view of the Residual Chlorine Meters Market, analyzing various factors such as market size, trends, and growth opportunities. This analysis helps businesses identify emerging market trends and make strategic decisions to drive growth.
Key Drivers and Restraints: The market report provides an in-depth analysis of the key drivers and restraints shaping the market. By understanding these factors, businesses can capitalize on growth opportunities and mitigate potential risks.
Valuation and Forecast: The report includes a thorough valuation of the market, providing businesses with a clear understanding of the market's current and future potential. This information assists in making well-informed investment decisions and strategic planning.
Regional Analysis: The report offers a detailed regional analysis, highlighting key market trends and opportunities across different geographic regions. This invaluable insight enables businesses to identify untapped markets and tailor their strategies accordingly.
Companies Profile
The report identifies and analyzes the key players in the Residual Chlorine Meters Market. By understanding the competitive landscape, businesses can benchmark their performance and develop effective strategies to stay ahead.
The key players in the Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market are Horiba, DKK-Toa Corporation, Hanna Instruments, Hach Company, Tanita, Automated Water & Effluent Ltd., Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Analyticon Biotechnologies GmbH, Rakiro Biotech Systems Private Limited, BOQU Instruments, ABB Ltd., Lohand Biological, Christian Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG and Extech Instruments among others.
For Purchase Enquiry: https://www.astuteanalytica.com/industry-report/residual-chlorine-meters-market
Segmentation Overview: 
The Residual Chlorine Meters Market report provides a comprehensive segmentation overview, allowing businesses to identify and target specific customer segments. This segmentation analysis helps businesses customize their offerings and enhance their market presence.
Segmentation Outline 
By Solution segment of the Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market is sub-segmented into:
Equipment  Consumables Reagent Kits Reagent Tablets/Powders Color Wheel Comparator Kits Test Tube Comparator Kits Pool Test Kits Test Strips Electrodes Accessories
By Measurement segment of the Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market is sub-segmented into:
Offline (DPD Colorimetric Detection) Online/Continuous (Amperometric Sensors)
By Form segment of the Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market is sub-segmented into:
Wall-mount Handheld/ Portable Pen Style
By Display segment of the Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market is sub-segmented into:
LED Display LCD Display
By Application segment of the Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market is sub-segmented into:
Water Purification Plant Industrial Municipal Food and Beverages Desalination Laboratory Use Others
By Region segment of the Global Residual Chlorine Meters Market is sub-segmented into:
North America The U.S. Canada Mexico Europe The UK Germany France Italy Spain Poland  Russia Rest of Europe Asia Pacific China India South Korea Japan Australia & New Zealand ASEAN Rest of Asia Pacific Middle East & Africa (MEA) UAE Saudi Arabia South Africa Rest of MEA South America Argentina Brazil Rest of South America
The company has partnered with industry-leading experts, utilizing cutting-edge research methodologies and data analysis techniques to provide a reliable and accurate market report. With a focus on delivering actionable insights, this report is an indispensable tool for businesses looking to navigate the complexities of the Residual Chlorine Meters Market and unlock new growth opportunities.
Download Sample PDF Report@- https://www.astuteanalytica.com/request-sample/residual-chlorine-meters-market
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Astute Analytica is a global analytics and advisory company that has built a solid reputation in a short period, thanks to the tangible outcomes we have delivered to our clients. We pride ourselves in generating unparalleled, in-depth, and uncannily accurate estimates and projections for our very demanding clients spread across different verticals. We have a long list of satisfied and repeat clients from a wide spectrum including technology, healthcare, chemicals, semiconductors, FMCG, and many more. These happy customers come to us from all across the globe.
They are able to make well-calibrated decisions and leverage highly lucrative opportunities while surmounting the fierce challenges all because we analyse for them the complex business environment, segment-wise existing and emerging possibilities, technology formations, growth estimates, and even the strategic choices available. In short, a complete package. All this is possible because we have a highly qualified, competent, and experienced team of professionals comprising business analysts, economists, consultants, and technology experts. In our list of priorities, you-our patron-come at the top. You can be sure of the best cost-effective, value-added package from us, should you decide to engage with us.
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universitykartggn · 8 months
Apeejay Stya University (ASU) Gurgaon,
Apeejay Stya University: Nurturing Excellence in Education and Beyond
Apeejay Stya University (ASU) is a renowned institution committed to academic excellence. With a state-of-the-art campus, ASU offers diverse courses across disciplines, providing world-class facilities and practical training programs. Recognized by regulatory bodies, the university emphasizes transparent admission processes, an online application system, and a comprehensive fee structure. ASU's commitment to holistic education is evident through its industry-aligned curriculum, scholarship opportunities, and impressive placement records. Apeejay Stya University stands as a beacon of quality education, shaping students into well-rounded individuals prepared for the challenges of the future.
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Apeejay Stya University (ASU) stands as a beacon of academic excellence, offering a diverse range of courses, state-of-the-art facilities, and a commitment to shaping the future leaders of tomorrow. In this article, we will explore the various facets of Apeejay Stya University, including its facilities, recognition, training, courses, fees, admission process, application details, ranking, cut-off criteria, entrance exams, scholarship opportunities, and the remarkable placement record.
Facilities at Apeejay Stya University: Apeejay Stya University is renowned for its world-class facilities, 
Modern Infrastructure: ASU features contemporary buildings and facilities.
Well-equipped Laboratories: Cutting-edge labs for hands-on learning.
Extensive Library Resources: Rich collection of books and digital materials.
Sports Facilities: Spaces for recreational and competitive sports.
Residential Accommodations: On-campus housing for students.
Wi-Fi-enabled Campus: High-speed internet connectivity throughout.
Cafeteria Services: Dining options catering to diverse preferences.
Auditoriums and Seminar Halls: Spacious venues for academic events.
Medical Facilities: On-site healthcare services for students.
Recreational Spaces: Areas for relaxation and social activities.
Recognition and Accreditations: Apeejay Stya University holds recognition from regulatory bodies, ensuring that the education provided is of the highest quality and adheres to established standards. Accredited by reputable organizations, ASU's commitment to excellence is endorsed by its compliance with stringent academic guidelines, assuring students and parents of the institution's credibility and commitment to delivering a top-notch education.
Training Programs: ASU goes beyond traditional education by offering specialized ASU training programs that prepare students for real-world challenges. Through collaborations with industry leaders, internships, and practical training modules, the university ensures that students are not just academically proficient but also industry-ready. The emphasis on practical skills and hands-on experience sets Apeejay Stya University apart in the realm of higher education.
Courses Offered at Apeejay Stya University: ASU provides a diverse array of ASU courses across multiple disciplines. From undergraduate to postgraduate programs, the university caters to a wide range of academic interests. The curriculum is designed to be comprehensive, incorporating the latest industry trends and advancements, thus ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of their chosen fields.
Fees Structure: Understanding the financial aspect of education is crucial for both students and their families. Apeejay Stya University  Fee structaure is committed to transparency, providing a clear and detailed fee structure for each course. The university also offers various payment options and financial aid schemes to make quality education accessible to a broader spectrum of students.
Admission Process: Navigating the Admission process is made seamless at Apeejay Stya University. The university follows a systematic and transparent admission procedure, ensuring that eligible candidates have a fair chance of securing a place in their desired courses. Prospective students can access detailed information about admission criteria, eligibility, and important dates on the official university website.
Application Details: Apeejay Stya University simplifies the application process through an online portal. Prospective students can easily access the application form, submit required documents, and track their application status through the user-friendly interface. Clear instructions and guidelines are provided to assist applicants at every step of the application process.
Ranking and Cut-off Criteria: ASU consistently achieves commendable rankings, reflecting its commitment to academic excellence and innovative teaching methodologies. The university's cut-off criteria are designed to identify and admit students with the potential to excel academically and contribute meaningfully to the university community. The transparent approach to setting cut-offs ensures a fair and merit-based selection process.
Entrance Exams: Certain courses at Apeejay Stya University may require students to undergo entrance exams. These exams are carefully designed to assess the aptitude and knowledge of applicants, ensuring that individuals admitted to the programs are well-suited to the academic rigor and challenges presented by their chosen fields.
Scholarship Opportunities: Recognizing the importance of financial support in pursuing higher education, Apeejay Stya University offers a range of scholarship opportunities. Meritorious students, as well as those with financial constraints, can explore these options to make their educational journey more affordable.
Placement Records: One of the hallmarks of Apeejay Stya University is its impressive track record in placements. The Apeejay Stya University university collaborates with leading industries, fostering connections that benefit students in securing internships and placements. The emphasis on holistic development ensures that graduates not only possess academic proficiency but are also equipped with the skills demanded by the job market.
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kennak · 9 months
No. 国名、地域名 Country or Region 企業名、組織名 Company or Organization 別名 Also Known As 懸念区分 Type of WMD 1 アフガニスタン Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Al Qa'ida/Islamic Army ・Al Qaeda ・Islamic Salvation Foundation ・The Base ・The Group for the Preservation of the Holy Sites ・The Islamic Army for the Liberation of Holy Places ・The World Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders ・Usama Bin Laden Network ・Usama Bin Laden Organisation 化学 C 2 アフガニスタン Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ummah Tameer E-Nau (UTN) ・FOUNDATION FOR CONSTRUCTION ・NATION BUILDING ・RECONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION ・RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ISLAMIC COMMUNITY ・RECONSTRUCTION OF THE MUSLIM UMMAH ・UMMAH TAMEER I-NAU ・UMMAH TAMIR E-NAU ・UMMAH TAMIR I-NAU ・UMMAT TAMIR E-NAU ・UMMAT TAMIR-I-PAU 核 N 3 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Al-Bairaq for international land transport ミサイル M 4 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Candid General Trading LLC ・Candid Trading LLC ミサイル M 5 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Delta Engineering Concern FZE (DEC) 核 N 6 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates DES INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. ・D.E.S. INTERNATIONAL ・D.E.S. INTERNATIONAL CO. LTD ・DES INTERNATIONAL ・DES INTERNATIONAL CO. ・DES INTERNATIONAL COMPANY ・DES INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED ミサイル M 7 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates E and I Systems FZE 核 N 8 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Energy Global International FZE 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 9 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Emirates Alloys LLC ・Emirates Alloys ・Emirates Alloys General Trading LLC ・Emirates Aero 核 N 10 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Euromoto Middle East FZE ミサイル M 11 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Future Trends International, FZE LLC ・Future Trends ・Future Trends Intl FZE LLC 核 N 12 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates International General Resourcing FZE ミサイル M 13 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Mabrooka Trading Co L.L.C. ・Mabrooka Trading Company ミサイル M 14 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Mahrous Trading FZE ・Mahrus Trading FZE 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 15 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Modern Technologies FZC (MTFZC) 核 N 16 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Odyssey General Trading FZC 核 N 17 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Parts Deep Trading ミサイル M 18 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Pegasus General Trading FZE ミサイル、核 M,N 19 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Royal Pearl General T.R.D. ・Royal Pearl Chemical ・Royal Pearls ・Royal Pearls General Trading ミサイル M 20 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Rigsol Well Drilling Equipment Trading 核 N 21 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates S&D INDUSTRY LTD 核 N 22 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Safe Technical Supply ・Safe Technical Supply Co., LLC ・Safe Technical Equipment Services LLC ・Safe Technical ・SafeTech 核 N 23 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Sci Box Scientific and Laboratory Equipment Trading, LLC 核 N 24 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates SANCO MIDDLE EAST FZC ・SANCO ME FZC 核 N 1 25 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates Techcare Services FZ LLC 核 N 26 アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates TEM International FZC (TEM) 核 N 27 イエメン Republic of Yemen Al-Swari Trading and Import Co ・Alswari Trading & Import Co ・Al-Swari Group for Rubber Manufacturing ・Hashem Brothers for International Trading ミサイル M 28 イエメン Republic of Yemen Houthi ミサイル M 29 イスラエル State of Israel Nuclear Research Center Negev (NRCN) 核 N 30 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran 7th of Tir ・7th of Tir Complex ・7th of Tir Industrial Complex ・7th of Tir Industries ・7th of Tir Industries of Isfahan/Esfahan ・Mojtamae Sanate Haftome Tir ・Sanaye Haftome Tir ・Seventh of Tir 核 N 31 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ABU REIHAN GROUP ミサイル M 32 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Abzar Boresh Kaveh Co. ・BK Co. 核 N 33 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Advanced Information and Communication Technology Center (AICTC) ミサイル、核 M,N 34 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY OF IRAN ・ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES ・ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY ・ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES HOLDING COMPANY ・GHANI SAZI ENRICHMENT ・GHANI SAZI URANIUM COMPANY ・IATC ・IRANIAN ENRICHMENT COMPANY ・IRAN ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY ・IRAN URANIUM ENRICHMENT COMPANY 核 N 35 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Aerospace Industries Organization(AIO) ・Sazemane Sanaye Hava Faza ミサイル M 36 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Aluminat ・Aluminat Production and Industrial Company 核 N 37 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Amin Industrial Complex ・Amin Industrial Company ・Amin Industrial Compound 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 38 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Amir Al Mo'menin Industries ・Amirolmomenin Factories ・Amirolmomenin Industries ・Amir-Al-Mo'menin Complex ミサイル M 39 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Amir Kabir University of Technology ・Amirkabir University of Technology 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 40 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group (AMIG) ・Ammunition and Metallurgy Industry Group ・Ammunition Industries Group ・Sanaye Mohematsazi 核 N 41 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Andisheh Zolal Co. 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 42 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Aras Farayande 核 N 43 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Arfa Paint Company ミサイル、核 M,N 44 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Arfeh Company ミサイル、核 M,N 45 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Aria Nikan ・Aria Nikan Tehran ・Pergas Aria Movalled Ltd. 核 N 46 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Armament Industries Group (AIG) ・AIG-Armament Industries Group ・Armament Industries ミサイル、核 M,N 47 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces Geographical Organisation ミサイル M 48 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ARTIN SANA'AT TABAAN COMPANY ・ARTIN SANAT TABAN ・ARTIN SANAT TABAN CO ・SOLMATE ミサイル M 49 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Arya Niroo Nik 核 N 50 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ashtian Tablo 核 N 2 51 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ASRE SANAT ESHRAGH COMPANY ・ASR-E SANAT ESHRAGH ・ASRE SANAT ESHRAGH CO. ・ASRE SANATE ESHRAGH CO. ・ASR-E-SAN'AT ESHRAGH ENGINEERING COMPANY ・ASR-E-SAN'AT ESHRAGH ENGINEERING COMPANY LTD. ・ASE CO. ミサイル、核 M,N 52 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Baghyatollah Medical Sciences University (BMSU) ・Baghiatollah Medical Sciences University ・Bagiatollah Medical Sciences University ・Baqiatollah Medical Sciences University ・Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University ・Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences ・Baqyatollah Medical Sciences University ミサイル、核 M,N 53 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran BAKHTAR RAAD SEPAHAN COMPANY ・BAKHTAR RAAD ENGINEERING COMPANY ・BAKHTAR RAAD SEPAHAN CO. ・RADSEPAHAN 核 N 54 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Bargh Azaraksh ・Barghe Azerakhsh Sakht 核 N 55 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Barzagani Tejarat Tavanmad Saccal companies ・Bazargani Tejarat Tavanmad Saccal companies ミサイル、核 M,N 56 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Behineh Trading Co. ミサイル、核 M,N 57 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Behnam Sahriyari Trading Company ミサイル、核 M,N 58 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Carvana Company ・CARVANA Co. ミサイル M 59 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Center for Innovation and Technology Cooperation (CITC) ・Iranian Presidential Center for Innovation and Technology Cooperation (CITC) ・Office of Scientific and Technical Cooperation ・Office of Scientific and Industrial Studies (OSIS) ・Presidency Office of Scientific and Industrial Studies (POSIS) ・Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) ・Technology Cooperation Office of the Iranian President's Office ミサイル、核 M,N 60 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Chemical Industries & Development of Materials Group (CIDMG) 化学、ミサイル C,M 61 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Cruise Missile Industry Group ・8th Imam Industries Group ・Cruise Systems Industry Group ・Naval Defence Missile Industry Group ・Samen Al-A'emmeh Industries Group ミサイル M 62 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Deep Offshore Technology PJS ・Deep Offshore Technology Company PJS ミサイル M 63 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Defence Industrieal Organisation ・Defense Industries Organization ・SASADJA ・Saseman Sanaje Defa ・Sazemane Sanaye Defa 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 64 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Defense Technology and Science Research Center (DTSRC) ・Educational Research Institute (ERI) ・MAVT Co. ・Moassese Amozeh Va Tahgiaghati ミサイル、核 M,N 65 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING OF AERO-ENGINE COMPANY ・DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF AIRCRAFT ENGINES ・IRANIAN TURBINE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES ・T.E.M. Co. ・Turbine Engineering Manufacturing (TEM) ミサイル、核 M,N 66 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Digital Media Lab (DML) ミサイル、核 M,N 67 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Doostan International Company (DICO) ミサイル M 68 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran East Star Company ・Satereh Shargh Mobin Co. ・Satereh Shargh Samin Co., Ltd. ・Setareh Shargh Co. ミサイル M 69 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran EBTEKAR SANAT ILYA LLC ・EBTEKAR SANAT ELYA ・EBTEKAR SANAT ILIA ・EBTEKAR SANAT ILIYA ・EBTEKAR SANAT ILIYA COMPANY ・EBTEKAR SANAT ILYA CO. LTD ミサイル M 70 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Electronic Components Industries (ECI) ミサイル、核 M,N 71 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Electro Sanam Company ・E.S. Co. ・E.X. Co. ・ES Co. ・EX Co. ミサイル M 72 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ertebat Gostar Novin ・Eterbat Gostar Novin 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 73 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ervin Danesh Aryan Company ・Ervin Danesh ミサイル M 3 74 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ESNICO (Equipment Supplier for Nuclear Industries Corporation) 核 N 75 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ettehad Technical Group ミサイル M 76 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Eyvaz Technic ・Eyvaz Technic Industrial Company Ltd. ・Eyvaz Technic Manufacturing Company ・Eyvaz Technik 核 N 77 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fajr Aviation Composite Industries ミサイル、核 M,N 78 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fajr Industrial Group ・Fadjr Industries Group (FIG) ・Industrial Factories of Precision-Machinery ・Instrumentation Factories of Precision Machinery ・Instrumentation Factories Plant (IFP) ・Mojtame Santy Ajzae Daghigh ・Nasr Industries Group ミサイル、核 M,N 79 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fanamoj ・Fana Moj ・Fana Mowj ・Fanamoj Company ・Fanavari Modj Khavar ・Fanavari Moj Khavar Co. ・Fanavari Moudj Khavar Group ・Fanavari Mowj Khavar ミサイル M 80 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fan Pardazan ・Fan Pardazan Co 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 81 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Farasakht Industries ミサイル、核 M,N 82 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Farasepehr Engineering Company ミサイル、核 M,N 83 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Faratech ・Faratech Company 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 84 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Farayand Technique ・Farayand Technic 核 N 85 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fater Institute ・Faater Institute ・Fater Engineering Company ・Fater Engineering Institute ・Gharargah Ghaem Faater Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 86 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Fulmen ・Fulmen Company ・Fulmen Group 核 N 87 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Gharagahe Sazandegi Ghaem ・Gharargah Ghaem ・Gharargahe Sazandegi Ghaem 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 88 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ghorb Karbala ・Gharargah Karbala ・Gharargah Sazandegi Karbala-Moasseseh Taha 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 89 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ghorb Nooh 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 90 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Hara Company ・Hara Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 91 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Hirbod Co 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 92 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran HODA TRADING ・HODA TRADING CO. ・HODA TRADING COMPANY ・SUSTAINABLE ELECTRONIC DEVELOPMENT ・SUSTAINABLE ELECTRONICS DEVELOPMENT ・SUSTAINABLE ELECTRONICS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ミサイル M 93 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Hong Kong Electronics ・Hong Kong Electronics Kish Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 94 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Hosseini Nejad Trading Company ・Hosseini Nejad Trading Co. ミサイル、核 M,N 95 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Hossein University (IHU) ・Emam Hoseyn Comprehensive University ・Imaam Hossein University ・Imam Hoseyn University ・Imam Hossein University Complex ・Imam Hussein University ・University of Imam Hoseyn 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 96 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Imensazan Consultant Engineers Institute (ICEI) ・Imen Sazan Consultant Engineers ・Imensazen Consultant Engineers Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 97 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Information Systems Iran (ISIRAN) ミサイル、核 M,N 98 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Aircraft Industries (IACI) ・SAHA ミサイル、核 M,N 4 99 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company (IAMCO) ・Hava Peyma Sazi-e Iran ・Havapeyma Sazi Iran ・Havapeyma Sazhran ・HESA ・HESA Trade Center ・Hevapeimasazi ・HTC ・IAMI ・Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company ・Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries ・Karkhanejate Sanaye Havapaymaie Iran ミサイル、核 M,N 100 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Centrifuge Technology Company ・TESA ・The Iran Centrifuge Technology Company ・TSA 核 N 101 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Communications Industries (ICI) ・I.C.I. ・Iran Communication Industries ・Iran Communications Industries Group ・Sanaye Mokhaberat Iran ミサイル M 102 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Composites Institute ・Composite Institute of Iran ・Iranian Composites Institute (ICI) 核 N 103 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) ・Sanaye Electronic Iran ・Sasad Iran Electronics Industries ・Sherkat Sanayeh Electronics Iran ミサイル、核 M,N 104 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran IRAN HELICOPTER SUPPORT AND RENEWAL COMPANY ・IHSRC ・IRANIAN HELICOPTERS' MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS COMPANY ・IRAN'S HELICOPTER RENOVATION AND LOGISTICS COMPANY ・PANHA ミサイル、核 M,N 105 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA) ・Iran Marine Industrial Company ・Iran Marine Industrial Company SSA ・Iran SADRA ・Iran Ship Building Co. ・Sherkate Sanati Daryai Iran 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 106 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Pooya ・Iran Pouya ・Iran Puya 核 N 107 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran Saffron Company ・Iransaffron Co. ミサイル、核 M,N 108 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) ・Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST) ・University of Elm-o-Sanat ミサイル、核 M,N 109 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Iranian Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO) ・Iran Aviation Industries Organization ・Sazmane Sanaye Havai ミサイル、核 M,N 110 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran IRGC Air Force ・Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Air Force ・Sepah Pasdaran Air Force ミサイル M 111 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran IRGC-Air Force Al-Ghadir Missile Command ・IRGC Missile Command ・Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Missile Command ミサイル M 112 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran IRGC Qods Force ・IRGC QF ・Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Islami ・Sepah-e Qods ミサイル M 113 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Isfahan Optics ・I.O.I. ミサイル、核 M,N 114 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic Azad University (IAU) ミサイル M 115 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) ・AGIR ・Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps ・IRG ・Islamic Revolutionary Corps ・Pasdaran ・Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Islami ・Pasdaran-e Inqilab ・Revolutionary Guard ・Revolutionary Guards ・Sepah ・Sepah Pasdaran ・Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enqelab-e Eslami ・The Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution ・The Iranian Revolutionary Guards ミサイル、核 M,N 116 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS AEROSPACE FORCE SELF SUFFICIENCY JIHAD ORGANIZATION ・ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS AEROSPACE FORCE RESEARCH AND SELF SUFFICIENCY JEHAD ORGANIZATION ・ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS AEROSPACE FORCE SELF-SUFFICIENCY JEHAD ORGANIZATION ミサイル M 117 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS RESEARCH AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY JEHAD ORGANIZATION ・ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS RESEARCH AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY JIHAD ORGANIZATION ・ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS SELFSUFFICIENCY JEHAD ORGANIZATION ミサイル M 118 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Jahan Tech Rooyan Pars ・Jahan Tech ・Jahan Tech Rooyan Pars Company ミサイル、核 M,N 119 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Javedan Mehr Toos ミサイル、核 M,N 5 120 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Jelvesazan Company 核 N 121 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Joza Industrial Co. ・Joza Industries Company ミサイル M 122 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Kalaye Electric Company ・Kala Electric Company ・Kala-Electric ・Kalaye Electric ・Kalaye Electric Co. ・Kalia ・Kola Electric Company 核 N 123 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Karanir ・Moaser ・Tajhiz Sanat 核 N 124 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Kaveh Cutting Tools Company ・Kaveh Cutting Tools ・Kaveh Cutting Tools Complex ・Kaveh Cutting Tools Factories 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 125 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Khajeh Nassir-Al-Deen Toosi (K. N. Toosi) University of Technology ・K N Toosi (Khaje Nassir-Al-Deen Toosi) University ・Khaje Nassir-Al-Deen Toosi (K N Toosi) University ・Khaje Nassir-Al-DeenToosi University 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 126 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Khala Afarin Pars 核 N 127 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters (KAA) ・Ghorb Khatam ・Khatam al-Anbya ・Khatam ol Anbia ・Khatam ol Anbia Gharargah Sazandegi Nooh ・Khatem-ol Anbiya Construction Organisation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 128 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Khorasan Metallurgy Industries ・Khorasan Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries ・Khorasan Metalogy Industries ・Samen Industries ・Sanaye Metologie Iran ・The Metallurgy Industries of Khorasan 核 N 129 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran KIMIA PART SIVAN COMPANY LLC (KIPAS) ・KIMIA PART SIVAN ・KIMIA PARTS SIBON ・KIMIYA PARS SEBON ミサイル M 130 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Kimiya Pakhsh Shargh Co Ltd ・KPS ・KIMIA PAKHSH SHARGH ・KIMIYA PAKHSH SHARGH CO. LTD ・KIMIYA PAKHSH SHARGH GROUP ・"KIMIA" ・"KIMIA CO., LTD." 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 131 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran M. Babaie Industries ・Shahid Babaie Industries ・Shahid Babaie Industries Complex ・Shahid Babaii Industries Co. ミサイル M 132 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Machine Pardazan Co. ・Machine Pardazan Co. Ltd. ・Machine Pardazan Ltd. ミサイル M 133 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Makin ・Makin Company ・Makin Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 134 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Malek Ashtar University ・Daneshgah-E Sana'Ti-Ye Malek-E Ashtar ・Malek Ashtar Aviation Universtiy Complex ・Malek Ashtar Industrial University ・Malek Ashtar University of Defense Technology ・Malek ashtar University of Technology ・Malek-E Ashtar Technical University ・Malek-E Ashtar University ミサイル、核 M,N 135 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mandegar Baspar Kimiya Company ・Bardiya Tejarat Javid ・Mandegar Baspar Fajr Asia ミサイル、核 M,N 136 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Marine Industries ・Marine Industries Organization (MIO) ミサイル、核 M,N 137 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Marou Sanat ・Maro Sanat Company ・Maro Sanat Development and Design Engineering Company ・Maro Sanat Engineering ・Marou Sanat Engineering Company ・Mohandesi Tarh Va Toseh Maro Sanat Company 核 N 138 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Matin Sanat Nik Andishan ・Iranian Novin Systems Management ・MASNA ・MSNA ミサイル M 139 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran MATSA (Mohandesi Toseh Sokht Atomi Company) 核 N 140 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mechanic Industries Group ミサイル M 6 141 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL) ・MINISTRY OF DEFENCE & ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS ・MINISTRY OF DEFENSE AND SUPPORT FOR ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS ・MINISTRY OF DEFENSE ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS ・MINISTRY OF DEFENSE FOR ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS ・MODAFL ・MODSAF ・VEZARATE DEFA ・VEZARAT-E DEFA VA POSHTYBANI-E NIRU-HAYE MOSALLAH ミサイル、核 M,N 142 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Defense Logistics Export (MODLEX) ・Ministry of Defense Legion Export ミサイル、核 M,N 143 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mizan Machinery Manufacturing (3M) ・3MG ・Mizan Machine Manufacturing Group ミサイル、核 M,N 144 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran MKS International Co. Ltd. ・MKS International ・MKS International Group ミサイル M 145 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mobarakeh Steel Company ・Mobarakeh Steel Complex ・Esfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company ・Mobarakeh Steel ・Esfahan Mobarakeh Steel Complex ・MSC ・Mobarakeh Steel Mill ・Mobarakeh Esfahan Steel Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 146 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Mobin Sanjesh ・FITCO 核 N 147 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Multimat Ic Ve Dis Ticaret Pazarlama Limited Sirketi ・Multimat Domestic and Foreign Trade Marketing Ltd. ・Multimat Tehran ミサイル M 148 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Naserin Vahid ミサイル、核 M,N 149 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Navid Composite Material Company ・Navid Composite ミサイル、核 M,N 150 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Neda Industrial Group 核 N 151 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Negin Parto Khavar ・Ertebate Eghtessade Monir ・Negin Parto ・Negin Parto Khavar Co. Ltd. ・Payan Avaran Omran ミサイル、核 M,N 152 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Neka Novin 核 N 153 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Niru Battery Manufacturing Company ・Nirou Battery Manufacturing Saba Battery Company ・Niru Battery Mfg. Co. ・Niru Co. Ltd. ・Sherkat Battery Sazi Niru Sahami Khass ・The Niru Battery Company ミサイル M 154 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ofog Sabze Darya Company ミサイル M 155 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran OJE PARVAZ MADO NAFAR COMPANY ・OWJ PARVAZ MADO NAFAR COMPANY LLC ミサイル M 156 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Omran Sahel 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 157 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Organisation of Defensive Innovation and Research ・SPND 核 N 158 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Oriental Oil Kish 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 159 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Paradise Medical Pioneers Company ・PMP ミサイル、核 M,N 160 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran PARAVAR PARS COMPANY ミサイル M 161 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Parchin Chemical Industries (PCI) ・Para Chemical Industries ・Parchin Chemical Factories (PCF) ・Parchin Chemical Industries Group 化学、ミサイル C,M 162 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran PARDAZAN SYSTEM NAMAD ARMAN ・FARAZ TEGARAT ERTEBAT COMPANY ・PARDAZAN SYSTEM HOUSES ARMAN ・PASNA ・PASNA INDUSTRY CO. ・PASNA INTERNATION TRADING CO. ・POUYAN ELECTRONIC CO. ・SINO TRADER COMPANY ミサイル、核 M,N 163 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pars Amayesh Sanaat Kish ・PASK ・Vacuum Karan ・Vacuum Karan Co. ・Vacuumkaran 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 164 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pars Aviation Services Company ミサイル、核 M,N 7 165 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Parto Sanat Company ・Parto Sanat Co. 核 N 166 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Passive Defense Organization 核 N 167 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Paya Parto ・Paya Partov ・Paya Partov Co. 核 N 168 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pejman Industrial Services Corporation ミサイル M 169 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pentane Chemistry Industries (PCI) ・Pentane Chemistry ・Pentane Chemistry Industries Company ・Pentane Chemistry Industry Company 核 N 170 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pishro Systems Research Company ・Advanced Systems Research Company ・ASRC ・Center for Advanced Systems Research ・CRAS ・Pishro Company 核 N 171 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran PISHTAZAN KAVOSH GOSTAR BOSHRA, LLC ・KAVOSH GOSTAR BOSHRA LLC ・PISHTAZAN KAVOSH GOSTAR BASHARA LLC ・PISHTAZAN KAVOSH GOSTAR BUSHRA COMPANY, LLC ・PISHTAZAN KAVOSH GOSTAR BUSHRA LLC ・PKGB ミサイル M 172 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pouya Air ・Pouya Airlines ・Yas Air ・Yas Air Cargo Airline ・Yas Air Kish ミサイル、核 M,N 173 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Pouya Control ・Nam-Avaran-E Pouya Control ・Tejerat Gostar Nikan Iranian Company 核 N 174 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran PUYA ELECTRO SAMAN NIRU ・PULSE NIRU ・PULSE NIRU CO ・PULSE NIRU INDUSTRIES ・PULSENIRU INC. ミサイル、核 M,N 175 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Qeshm Madkandaloo Shipbuilding Cooperative Co ・Mad Kandalu Company ・Mad Kandalu Shipbuilding Cooperative ・Mad Kandalu Shipbuilding Cooperative qeshm ・Madkandalou Company ミサイル M 176 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Qods Aeronautics Industries ・Qods Aviation Industries ・Qods Research Center 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 177 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Raad Iran ・Raad Automation Company 核 N 178 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rah Sahel ・Rah Sahel Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 179 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rahab Engineering Institute ・Rahab Institute ・Rahsaz Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 180 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Raka 核 N 181 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rastafann Ertebat Engineering Company ・Rasstafann Co ・Rastafan ・Rastafann ミサイル M 182 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rayan Roshd Afzar Company ・Rayan Roshd Company ・Rayan Roshd ミサイル M 183 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Research Centre for Explosion and Impact ・METFAZ 核 N 184 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Rosmachin ミサイル、核 M,N 185 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sad Export Import Company ・SAD Import & Export Company ミサイル、核 M,N 186 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sadid Caran Saba Engineering Company ・S.C. SABA ENG CO. ・SABA CRANE ・Sadid Caran Saba Company ・Sadid Caran Saba Eng. Co. ミサイル M 187 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Safety Equipment Procurement (SEP) ・Safety Equipment Procurement Company ・SEP Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 188 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sahel Consultant Engineers 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 189 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Saman Nasb Zayendeh Rood ・Saman Nasbzainde Rood 核 N 190 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sanam Industrial Group ・Sanam Industries Group ミサイル、核 M,N 191 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sarmad Electronic Sepahan Company ・Sarmad Electronic Sepahan ・Sarmad Electronics Co. ミサイル M 8 192 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sazeh Morakab Co. Ltd ミサイル M 193 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Schiller Novin ミサイル、核 M,N 194 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sepanir ・Sepah Nir ・Sepanir Establishment ・Sepanir Oil and Gas Energy Engineering Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 195 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sepasad Engineering Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 196 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAFAGH SENOBAR YAZD COMPANY LIMITED ・SHAFAGH SANUBAR YAZD COMPANY ・SHAFAGH SENOBAR COMPANY ・SHAFAGH SENOBAR YAZD CO. LTD ・SHAFAGH SENOWBAR YAZD CO. ミサイル M 197 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Ahmad Kazemi Industrial Group (SAKIG) ミサイル M 198 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Alamolhoda Industries ・SAI ・Shahid Alamolhoda ・Shahid Alamolhoda Industry ミサイル M 199 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAHED AVIATION RESEARCH INDUSTRIES CENTER ・SAIRC ・Shahed Aviation ・Shahed Aviation Industries Research ・Shahed Aviation Industries Research Center ・Shahed Aviation Industries Research Centre ミサイル M 200 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG) ・Mahtab Technical Engineering Co. ・Shahid Bagheri Industries Group ・Shahid Bakeri Industrial Group ・Shahid Hassan Bagheri Industrial Factories Group (SHBIFG) ミサイル M 201 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Beheshti University ミサイル、核 M,N 202 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Cheraghi Industries ミサイル M 203 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Eslami Research Center ミサイル M 204 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) ・Ardalan Machineries Company (ARMACO) ・Sabalan Company ・Sahand Aluminum Parts Industrial Company (SAPICO) ・Tiz Pars ミサイル M 205 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Kalhor Industries ミサイル M 206 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAHID KARIMI GROUP ミサイル M 207 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Karimi Industries ミサイル M 208 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Kharrazi Industries ・Shahid Karrazi Industries ミサイル M 209 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Meisami Group ・SHAHID MEISAMI RESEARCH COMPLEX ・SHAHID MOYASAMI COMPLEX ・S.M.G. 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 210 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Moghaddam Industries ミサイル M 211 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAHID MOVAHHED DANESH GROUP ・SHAHID MOVAHED DANESH GROUP ミサイル、核 M,N 212 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Movahed Industries ・SHAHID HAJ ALI MOVAHED RESEARCH CENTER ・SHAHID MOVAHED INDUSTRY ・SHIG DEPARTMENT 7500 ミサイル M 213 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Nuri Industries ・Shahid Nuri Industry ミサイル M 214 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Rastegar Industries ミサイル M 215 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Sanikhani Industries ミサイル M 216 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Sattari Industries ・Shahid Sattari Group Equipment Industries ミサイル M 217 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Sayyade Shirazi Industries (SSSI) ・Shahid Sayyed Shirazi Ind. ・Shahid Sayyad Shirazi Industries 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 9 218 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Shustari Industries ・Shahid Shoshtari Industries ・Shahid Shoushtari ・Shahid Shushtari Industries ミサイル M 219 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shahid Varamini Industries ミサイル M 220 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran SHAHID ZEINODDIN GROUP 生物、ミサイル、核 B,M,N 221 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shakhese Behbud Sanat 核 N 222 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sharif University of Technology (SHFT) ・Sharif Technical University ・SUT ミサイル、核 M,N 223 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shetab G. ミサイル、核 M,N 224 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shetab Gaman ミサイル、核 M,N 225 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shetab Trading ミサイル、核 M,N 226 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Shiraz Electronics Industries (SEI) ・Shiraz Electronic Industries ミサイル M 227 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Sho'a' Aviation ミサイル、核 M,N 228 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Simatic Development Co. ・Simatec Development Company 核 N 229 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Special Industries Group (SIG) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 230 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran State Purchasing Organisation (SPO) ミサイル、核 M,N 231 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran TOWLID ABZAR BORESHI IRAN ・IRAN CUTTING TOOLS COMPANY ・TABA ・TABA COMPANY 核 N 232 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Taghtiran Kashan Company ・Taghtiran Kashan Co ・Taghtiran P.J.S 核 N 233 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tajhiz Sanat Shayan (TSS) 核 N 234 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran TAMIN KALAYE SABZ ARAS COMPANY ・KALAYE SABZ ORZ COMPANY ・TAMIN KALAYE SABZ ・TAMIN KALAYE SABZ COMPANY ・KSO COMPANY ・TS CO. ・TS COMPANY 核 N 235 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tarbiat Modares University 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 236 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tarh O Palayesh 核 N 237 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tehran Gostaresh ・Tehran Gostaresh Co. PJS ミサイル、核 M,N 238 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Test Tafsir 核 N 239 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tidewater Middle East Co. ・Tide Water Company ・Tide water middle east marine service ・Tidewater ・Tidewater Co. (Middle east marine services) ミサイル、核 M,N 240 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tiva Darya ミサイル M 241 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tiva Kara Co. Ltd. ・Tiva Kara Group ミサイル M 242 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tiva Polymer Co. ミサイル M 243 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Tiva Sanat Group ・Tiva Group ・Tiva Group Industries ・Tiva Sanat Shipbuilding Company ミサイル M 244 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran University of Tehran ・Tehran University 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 245 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Value-Added Services Laboratory (VASL) ・MOBILE Value-Added Services Laboratory ミサイル、核 M,N 10 246 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Y.A.S. Company Limited ・Y.A.S. Co. Ltd. ・YAS Co. Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 247 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Yarsanat ・Yar Sanat ・Yarestan Vacuumi ・Yarsanat Co. Ltd. 核 N 248 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Ya Mahdi Industries Group ・Ya Mahdi Industrial Complex ・Ya Mahdi Industrial Research Complex ・YMA ミサイル M 249 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Yasa Part ミサイル、核 M,N 250 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Yazd Metallurgy Industries (YMI) ・Directorate of Yazd Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries ・Yazd Ammunition Manufacturing and Metallurgy Industries ・Yazd Metallurgical Ind's Co. ・Yazd Metallurgical Industries 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 251 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Zist Tajhiz Pooyesh Company ・Pooyesh Environmental Instruments ・Ziest Tajhiez Pooyesh ミサイル M 252 イラン Islamic Republic of Iran Zolal Iran Company ・Zolal Iran Co. 生物、化学、核 B,C,N 253 インド India Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) 核 N 254 インド India Directorate of Purchase and Stores, DAE 核 N 255 インド India Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), DAE 核 N 256 エジプト Arab Republic of Egypt Abu Zaabal Company for Speciality Chemicals (AZC) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 257 エジプト Arab Republic of Egypt EKO Development and Investment Company ・EKO Development & Investment Food Company ・EKO Import and Export Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 258 エジプト Arab Republic of Egypt Sakr Factory for Developed Industries ミサイル M 259 北朝鮮 North Korea 4.27 Co. Pyongyang Branch (4.27貿易会社平壌支社) ・4.27 Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 260 北朝鮮 North Korea Academy of Health and Food Science (保健食品科学院) ・Institute of Health and Food 生物、化学 B,C 261 北朝鮮 North Korea Academy of National Defense Science (国防科学院) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 262 北朝鮮 North Korea Air Koryo (高麗航空) ・Airkoryo 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 263 北朝鮮 North Korea Amroggang Development Banking Corporation ・Amnokkang Development Bank ・Amroggang Development Bank (鴨緑江開発銀行) ・Amrokkang Development Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 264 北朝鮮 North Korea Bank of East Land ・Dongbang Bank ・Tongbang Bank ・Tongbang U'Nhaeng 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 265 北朝鮮 North Korea Chong Unsan-5 Co., Ltd. (青雲山5会社) ・Chongunsan-5 Co., Ltd. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 266 北朝鮮 North Korea Chongbong Shipping Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 267 北朝鮮 North Korea Chongchongang Shipping Company (清川江号) ・Chong Chon Gang Shipping Co. Ltd. ・Chongchongang Shipping CO Ltd. ・Tonghungsan Shipping Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 268 北朝鮮 North Korea Choson Central Bank (朝鮮中央銀行) ・Central Bank of DPRK 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 269 北朝鮮 North Korea Construction Department, Samsu Power Plant, Ryanggangdo (両江道三水発電所建設部) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 270 北朝鮮 North Korea Daedong Credit Bank ・Dae-Dong Credit Bank ・DCB ・Taedong Credit Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 271 北朝鮮 North Korea Daehung Oil & Vehicle Trading Co. (大興運輸貿易会社) ・Taehung Oil & Vehicle Trading Co. (太興運輸貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 272 北朝鮮 North Korea Daiheung Chengyen (大興青年鉱山) ・Daehung Chengyen Mine 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 273 北朝鮮 North Korea Dandong Co. (丹東会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 274 北朝鮮 North Korea EFCO Corporation ・EFCO Corp. Pyongyang Branch (EFCO平壌支社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 11 275 北朝鮮 North Korea EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTION BUREAU ・EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTION GENERAL COMPANY ・EXTERNAL CONSTRUCTION GUIDANCE BUREAU 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 276 北朝鮮 North Korea Fhangin Co. Ltd. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 277 北朝鮮 North Korea First Trust Finance Co. Ltd. (第一信託会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 278 北朝鮮 North Korea Foreign Trade Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (貿易銀行) ・FTB ・Mooyukeunhaeng ・North Korea's Foreign Trade Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 279 北朝鮮 North Korea ・Green Pine Associated Corporation (青松連合) ・Ch'o'ngsong Yo'nhap ・Cho'ngsong United Trading Company ・Chongsong Yonhap ・Chosun Chawo'n Kaebal T'uja Hoesa ・Jihyang Associated Corporation ・Jihyang Technology Trade Company ・Jihyang Trading Corporation ・Jindallae ・Ku'mhaeryong Company Ltd ・Natural Resources Development and Investment Corporation ・Paeksan Associated Corporation ・Saeng Pil Trading Corporation (SPTC) ・Saeingp'il Company ・Taedonggang Technical Associated Corporation ・総合貴金属連合体 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 280 北朝鮮 North Korea Haejin Ship Management Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 281 北朝鮮 North Korea Hapjanggang Trading Corporation ミサイル M 282 北朝鮮 North Korea Hesong Trading Corporation (彗星貿易会社) ・Hesong Trading Company ・Rason Hyesong Trade Company (羅先彗星貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 283 北朝鮮 North Korea Hoeryong Shipping Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 284 北朝鮮 North Korea Hwanghai Steel Union Co., Ltd. (黄海製鉄連合企業所) ・Hwanghai Iron Works 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 285 北朝鮮 North Korea Ilsim International Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 286 北朝鮮 North Korea KANGBONG TRADING CORPORATION ミサイル M 287 北朝鮮 North Korea K.N. Technology Development Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 288 北朝鮮 North Korea Kim Chaek Iron Works (金策製鉄所) ・Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex ・Kim Chaek Steel Union Corp. (金策製鉄連合企業所) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 289 北朝鮮 North Korea Kim Chaek University of Technology (金策工業総合大学) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 290 北朝鮮 North Korea Kim Il Sung University (金日成総合大学) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 291 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea 56 Trading Corp. ・Korea 56 Trading (朝鮮56貿易) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 292 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Choei Syouji 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 293 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Complex Equipment Import Corporation (朝鮮総合設備輸出入会社) ・Korea Equipment & Plant Corporation (KEP) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 294 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Computer Center ・Choson Computer Center ・Chung Sun Computer Center ・Korea Computer Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 295 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Daesong Bank ・Choson Taesong Unhaeng ・Taesong Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 12 296 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Daesong General Trading Corporation ・Daesong-K6 ・Daesong-T3 Trading Corporation ・Daesong Trading ・Daesong Trading Company ・Korea Daesong Jechil Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jegu Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jei Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jeil Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jeo Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jepal Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jeryuk Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Jesam Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Seil Trading Corporation ・Korea Daesong Trading Company ・Korea Daesong Trading Corporation (朝鮮大成貿易会社) ・Korea Daesong Transportation Company ・Korea Daesong-8 Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 297 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Dongsong Technical Corporation (朝鮮東城技術貿易会社) ・Korea Dongsong Technology Corp. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 298 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Dongyang Trading Corp. (朝鮮東洋貿易会社) ・Korea Tongyang Trading Corp. ・朝鮮東陽貿易会社 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 299 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Economic Co-operation Committee (朝鮮経済協力委員会) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 300 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Foreign Technical Trade Center (対外技術貿易センター) ・朝鮮対外技術貿易会社 ・対外技術貿易会社 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 301 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea General Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 302 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Heungjin Trading Company ・Hunjin Trading Co. (興進貿易会社) ・Korea Hengjin Trading Company ・Korea Henjin Trading Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 303 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Hyoksin Trading Corporation (朝鮮革新貿易会社) ・Korea Hyoksin Export and Import Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 304 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea International Chemical Joint Venture Company (朝鮮国際化学合営会社) ・Choson International Chemicals Joint Operation Company ・Chosun International Chemicals Joint Operation Company ・International Chemical Joint Venture Corporation ・Korea International Chemical Joint Venture Corp. ・Korea International Chemicals Joint Operation Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 305 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Jangsu Trading Corporation (長水貿易会社) ・Jangsu 100 (長水100) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 306 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kangsong Trading Corp. (朝鮮強盛貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 307 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea KukSabong Joint Venture Company (朝鮮国師峰合営会社) ・Korea Kuksabong Joint Venture Corp. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 308 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kumsan Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 309 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kuwolsan Trading Co. (朝鮮九月山貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 310 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kwangson Banking Corporation (KKBC) (朝鮮光鮮金融会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 311 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Kwangsong Trading Corporation (朝鮮光星貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 312 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Mangyong Trading Corporation (朝鮮萬景貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 313 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation (KOMID) (朝鮮鉱業開発貿易会社) ・Changgwang Sinyong Corporation (蒼光信用会社) ・Changgwang Trading Corp. ・DPRKN Mining Development Trading Corporation ・External Technology General Corporation ・Korea Kumryong Trading Corporation ・North Korean Mining Development Trading Corporation ・221 General Bureau ・Mining Development Guidance Bureau 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 314 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ocean Shipping Agency 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 315 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Paekho 7 Trading (朝鮮白虎7貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 316 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Pugang Mining and Machinery Corporation Ltd. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 317 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Pugang Trading Corporation (朝鮮富強貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 13 318 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Puhung Trading Corporation (朝鮮富興貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 319 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Pyong-yang Roksan Trading Corporation (平壌緑山貿易会社) ・Korea Pyongyang Roksan Trading Corporation ・Roksan General Trading Corp (緑山貿易総会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 320 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Pyongwong Trading Co. ・朝鮮平原貿易会社 ・Korea Pyongwon Trading Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 321 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ragwon Department (朝鮮楽園百貨店) ・Korea Rakwon Department 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 322 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ragwon Trading Corp. (朝鮮楽園貿易会社) ・Korea Rakwon Trading Corp. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 323 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Rason Moran Company (朝鮮羅先牡丹会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 324 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Red Cross Hospital (朝鮮赤十字病院) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 325 北朝鮮 North Korea KOREA ROUNSAN TRADING CORPORATION ミサイル M 326 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Rungra-888 Trading Corporation (朝鮮綾羅888貿易会社) ・Korea Rungra 888 Trading Co. ・Korea Rungra-888 Muyeg Hisa ・Rungra 888 General Trading Corp (綾羅888貿易総会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 327 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Rungrado (General) Trading Co. (朝鮮綾羅島貿易(総)会社) ・Korea Rungrado Jonsong Trading Co. (朝鮮綾羅島全盛貿易会社) ・Rungrado Trade Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 328 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryonbong General Corporation (KRGC) (朝鮮連峰総会社) ・Korea Yonbong General Corporation ・朝鮮嶺峰貿易会社 ・Lyongaksan General Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 329 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryongwang Trading Corporation (朝鮮連光貿易会社) ・Korea Ryengwang Trading Corporation ・Korean Ryengwang Trading Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 330 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryonha Machinery Joint Venture Corporation (朝鮮蓮河機械合営会社) ・Chosun Yunha Machinery J.V. Corporation ・Chosun Yunha Machinery Joint Operation Company ・Huichon Machine Tool ・Huichon Ryonha Machinery General Plant ・Korea Ryenha Machinery J.V. Corporation ・Millim Technology Company ・Ryonha Machine Tool ・Ryonha Machine Tool Corporation ・Ryonha Machinery Corp ・Ryonha Machinery Corporation ・Ryonha Machinery Joint Venture Corporation ・Ryonhwa Machinery Joint Venture Corporation ・Ryonhwa Machinery JV ・Unsan ・Unsan Solid Tools 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 331 北朝鮮 North Korea KOREA RYONHAP TRADING CORPORATION (朝鮮連合貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 332 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryonhap-2 Trading Corporation (朝鮮連合2貿易会社) ・Ryoehap-2 ・Ryoehap-2 Trading Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 333 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Ryusong Co., Ltd. (朝鮮柳城商社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 334 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Samilpo Shipping Co 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 335 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Suho Trading Company (朝鮮守護貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 336 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Sungri Trading Corporation (朝鮮勝利貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 337 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Taesong Trading Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 338 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Tonghae Shipping Company (朝鮮東海海運会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 339 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Undok Trading Corporation (朝鮮恩徳貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 340 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea United Development Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 341 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Wonbong Trading Corp. (朝鮮元峰貿易会社) ・Korea Wonbong Co., Ltd. (朝鮮元峰会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 14 342 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Zinc Industrial Group (朝鮮亜鉛工業総会社) ・Korea Zinc Industry General Corporation ・Korea Zinc Industry Group ・North Korean Zinc Industry Group ミサイル M 343 北朝鮮 North Korea Korea Zuzagbong Maritime Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 344 北朝鮮 North Korea Korean Buyon Shipping Co. Ltd. ・Korea Buyon Shipping Co ・Korean Buyon Shipping Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 345 北朝鮮 North Korea Korean Committee for Space Technology (朝鮮宇宙空間技術委員会) ・Committee for Space Technology ・Department of Space Technology of the DPRK ・DPRK Committee for Space Technology ・KCST 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 346 北朝鮮 North Korea Korean Polish Shpg Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 347 北朝鮮 North Korea Korean Tangun Trading Corporation (朝鮮檀君貿易会社) ・Korea Dangun Trading Corporation ・Korea Kuryonggang Trading Corporation ・Korea Tangun Trading Corporation ・Ryung Seng Trading Corporation ・Ryungseng Trading Corporation ・Ryungsong Trading Corporation ・Tangun Trading 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 348 北朝鮮 North Korea Kumgang Engine J.V. Co. (金剛原動機合営会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 349 北朝鮮 North Korea Kumsan JVC Pty Ltd. (金山合営会社) ・Kumsan Joint Venture Pty Co. Ltd. 生物、化学 B,C 350 北朝鮮 North Korea Machinery Exp. and Imp. Corp. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 351 北朝鮮 North Korea Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry (MAEI) (原子力工業省) ・General Bureau of Atomic Energy (GBAE) (原子力総局) ・General Department of Atomic Energy (GDAE) 核 N 352 北朝鮮 North Korea MINISTRY OF ROCKET INDUSTRY (ロケット産業省) ・ROCKET INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT ミサイル M 353 北朝鮮 North Korea Mirim Shipping Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 354 北朝鮮 North Korea Munitions Industry Department (軍需工業部) ・Military Supplies Industry Department 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 355 北朝鮮 North Korea Namchongang Trading Corporation (南川江貿易会社) ・Korea Daeryonggang Trading Corporation (朝鮮大玲江貿会社) ・Korea Namhung Trading Company ・Korea Taeryonggang Trading Corporation ・Nam Chon Gang Corporation ・Nam Chong Gan Trading Corporation ・Namchongang Trading ・Namhung Trading Corporation ・NCG ・Nomchongang Trading Co. 核 N 356 北朝鮮 North Korea Namhung Chemical Plant (南興化学工場) ・Namhung Chemical Union Complex (南興化学連合企業所) ミサイル M 357 北朝鮮 North Korea Namhung Youth Chemical Complex ・Namheung Youth Chemical Fertilizer Factory ミサイル、核 M,N 358 北朝鮮 North Korea Namsan 2 Company (南山2会社) ・Namsan 2 Trading Corp. (南山2貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 359 北朝鮮 North Korea National Aerospace Development Administration (NADA) (国家宇宙開発局) ミサイル M 360 北朝鮮 North Korea National Defense College (国防大学) ・Kanggye Defense College (江界国防大学) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 361 北朝鮮 North Korea New East International Trading Ltd., Pyongyang Office (東新国際貿易有限公司平壌事務所) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 362 北朝鮮 North Korea Ocean Bunkering JV Co 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 363 北朝鮮 North Korea Ocean Maritime Management Company, Limited ・OMM 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 364 北朝鮮 North Korea Office 39 ・Bureau 39 ・Central Committee Bureau 39 ・Division 39 ・Office #39 ・Office No. 39 ・Third Floor 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 365 北朝鮮 North Korea Pan Systems Pte. Ltd. (Pyongyang branch) ・Wonbang Trading Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 15 366 北朝鮮 North Korea Peace Motors Corporation (平和自動車会社) ・Pyonghwa General Motor Company (平和自動車総会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 367 北朝鮮 North Korea Ponghwa General Trading Corporation ・Ponghwa General Corp (烽火総会社) 核 N 368 北朝鮮 North Korea Ponghwa Hospital (烽火診療所) ・Bonghwa Hospital (烽火病院) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 369 北朝鮮 North Korea Potonggang Cooperative of Optical Glass Production (普通江眼鏡生産共同組合) 核 N 370 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongjin Ship Management Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 371 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang City Construction Bureau (平壌市都市建設総局) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 372 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Gomu Gongjang (平壌ゴム工場) ・Pyongyang Rubber Factory 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 373 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Informatics Centre (平壌情報センター) ・Pyongyang Information Center 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 374 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Maternity Hospital (平壌産院) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 375 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Public Library (平壌市図書館) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 376 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Road Construction Office (平壌市道路建設事務所) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 377 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Technical University (平壌技術大学) 核 N 378 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Telephone Exchange (平壌電話交換局) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 379 北朝鮮 North Korea Pyongyang Trading Company (平壌貿易会社) ・Pyongyang Central Zoo 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 380 北朝鮮 North Korea RA-HAE Trading Co., Ltd. (羅海貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 381 北朝鮮 North Korea Rakwon 929 Import Corporation (楽園929輸入会社) ・Ragwon 929 Import Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 382 北朝鮮 North Korea Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB) (偵察総局) ・Chongch'al Ch'ongguk ・General Bureau of Reconnaissance ・General Bureau of Surveillance ・General Reconnaissance Bureau ・KPA Unit 586 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 383 北朝鮮 North Korea Rimyongsu Trading Corporation (鯉明水貿易会社) ・Haegu'mgang Trading Company ・Korea Haegumgang Trading Corporation ・Naegu'ngang Trading Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 384 北朝鮮 North Korea Samhung Corporation (三興会社) ・Korea Samhung Trading Corp. (朝鮮三興貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 385 北朝鮮 North Korea San Yong Co. Ltd. ・Sanyong Co. Ltd. ・Sanyong Joint Venture Co. ・山栄合営会社 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 386 北朝鮮 North Korea Second Academy of Natural Sciences (第二自然科学院) ・2nd Academy of Natural Sciences ・Academy of Natural Sciences ・Chayon Kwahak-Won ・Che 2 Chayon Kwahak-Won ・Kukpang Kwahak-Won ・National Defense Academy ・SANSRI ・Second Academy of Natural Sciences Research Institute 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 387 北朝鮮 North Korea Second Economic Committee (第二経済委員会) ミサイル、核 M,N 388 北朝鮮 North Korea Seibu Co. Ltd. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 389 北朝鮮 North Korea Shinhung Trading (新興貿易会社) ・Shinfung Trading ・Sinhung Trading General Co (新興貿易総会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 390 北朝鮮 North Korea Singwang Economics and Trading General Corporation 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 391 北朝鮮 North Korea Sobaeku United Corp. (小白水連合貿易会社) ・Sobaeksu United Corp. ・Korea Sobaeksu United Co. (朝鮮小白水貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 392 北朝鮮 North Korea Sosong Food Factory (西城食品工場) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 16 393 北朝鮮 North Korea State Academy of Science of the DPRK Institute of Automation ミサイル M 394 北朝鮮 North Korea Sun Hwa Gang Co. Ltd. (順和江会社) ・(Korea) Sunhwagang Trading Co. ((朝鮮)順和江貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 395 北朝鮮 North Korea Sunchon Cement Factory (順川セメント工場) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 396 北朝鮮 North Korea SUNGNISAN TRADING CORPORATION ・KOREA SUNGRISAN TRADING CORPORATION ミサイル M 397 北朝鮮 North Korea Taean Electric Factory (大安電機工場) ・Daean Electric Factory 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 398 北朝鮮 North Korea Taean Friendship Glass Factory, Pyongan Namdo (大安親善ガラス工場(平安南道)) ・Daean Friendship Glass Factory (大安親善琉璃工場) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 399 北朝鮮 North Korea Taean Heavy Machinery Complex (大安重機械連合企業所) ・Daean Heavy Machinery Complex (大安重機械工場) ・Daean Machinery Factory ・Taean Machinery Factory (大安機械工場) 核 N 400 北朝鮮 North Korea Tanchon Commercial Bank (端川商業銀行) ・Changgwang Credit Bank ・Danchon Commercial Bank ・Korea Changgwang Credit Bank 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 401 北朝鮮 North Korea Thaephyongsan Shipping Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 402 北朝鮮 North Korea Tosong Technology Trading Corporation (土星技術貿易会社) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 403 北朝鮮 North Korea UNCHON TRADING CORPORATION ・UNCHEN TRADING CORP. ・UNCHON TRADING CORP. ミサイル M 404 北朝鮮 North Korea Undok Chemical Factory (恩徳化学工場) 化学 C 405 北朝鮮 North Korea University of Chemical Industry (化学工業大学) ・咸興化学工業大学 ・Hamhung University of Chemical Industry 化学、核 C,N 406 北朝鮮 North Korea Yongbyon Nuclear Research Centre 核 N 407 北朝鮮 North Korea Yongjin Ship Management Company Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 408 北朝鮮 North Korea セソン技術貿易 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 409 北朝鮮 North Korea 朝鮮綾羅科学技術交流社 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 410 北朝鮮 North Korea マンウォル貿易 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 411 北朝鮮 North Korea 民族経済協力連合会 ・朝鮮民族経済協力連合会 ・民経連 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 412 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Army Supply Bureau ミサイル M 413 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Business Lab 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 414 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Electronics Institute ミサイル M 415 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Expert Partners ・Experts Partners ミサイル、核 M,N 416 シリア Syrian Arab Republic GOLDEN STAR CO ・GOLDEN STAR INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT LIMITED ・GOLDEN STAR TRADING & INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ・GOLDEN STAR TRADING AND INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ・GOLDEN STAR TRADING INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ・KASSOUMA FZC ・SHAREKAT GOLDEN STAR ・SMART LOGISTICS F.S.S.A.L ・SMART LOGISTICS OFFSHORE ・SMART LOGISTICS TRADING & INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT ・SMART LOGISTICS TRADING AND INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 417 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Handasieh ・General Organization for Engineering Industries ミサイル M 418 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology (HIAST) ・Institut des Sciences Appliquees et de Technologie (ISAT) ・Institut Superieur des Sciences Appliquees et de Technologie (ISSAT) 生物、ミサイル、核 B,M,N 17 419 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Industrial Establishment of Defense (IED) ・Industrial Establishment of Defence (IED) ・Etablissement Industrial de la Defence (ETINDE) ・Établissements Industriels de la Défense (EID) ミサイル M 420 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Industrial Solutions ミサイル M 421 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Mahrous Group ・Al Mahrus Group Trading Company ・Mahrous Trading Establishment ・Mahrous Trading Institute ・Mahrus Group ・Mahrus Trading Establishment 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 422 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Mechanical Construction Factory (MCF) ミサイル、核 M,N 423 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Megatrade ミサイル、核 M,N 424 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Metallic Manufacturing Factory 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 425 シリア Syrian Arab Republic National Standards and Calibration Laboratory (NSCL) ・Institut National Calibration Centre ・National Calibration Centre ・Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC)-NSCL ミサイル M 426 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Organisation for Technological Industries (OTI) ・Organization for Technical Industries ・Organization of Technological Industries 化学 C 427 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) ・Center for Scientific Studies and Research (SSRC) ・Center for Study and Research (CERS) ・Centre de Recherche de Kaboun ・Centre d'Etude et de Recherche Scientifique (CERS) ・Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Scientifiques (CERS) ・Centre d'études et de recherches syrien (CERS) ・Scientific Research Council (SRC) ・Scientific Studies and Research Council ・Scientific Studies Research Centre (SSRC) ・Syrian Scientific Research Council 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 428 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Sigma Tech 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 429 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Company for Electronic Industries ・SYRONICS ミサイル M 430 シリア Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Company for Information Technology (SCIT) 化学 C 431 台湾 Taiwan Bentech Computer Corp. ミサイル M 432 台湾 Taiwan Royal Team Corporation International Trading Co., Ltd. ・Hua Yue International Trading Co., Ltd. ・Royal Team Corporation ・華悦國際企業股份有限公司 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 433 台湾 Taiwan Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing Incorporated ・欣憶電子股份有限公司 ミサイル M 434 台湾 Taiwan NAZ TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. ミサイル M 435 中国 People's Republic of China 10th Research Institute of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation (CETC) (中国電子科技集団公司第十研究所) ・CETC 10th Research Institute ・Southwest Institute of Electronic Technology (SWIET) ・Southwest Research Institute of Electronic Technology (SWIET) ・Southwest Research Institute of Electronics Technology (中国西南電子技術研究所) ミサイル M 436 中国 People's Republic of China 13th Research Institute, 9th Academy, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) (中国航天科技集団公司第九研究院第十三研究所) ・13th Institute ・Beijing Institute of Aerospace Control Devices (BIACD) ・230 Factory ・Beijing Aerospace Times Optical-Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 437 中国 People's Republic of China 20th Research Institute of China Electronic Technology Group Corporation (CETC) (中国電子科技集団公司第二十研究所) ・CETC 20th Research Institute ・Xian Research Institute of Navigation Technology (西安導航技術研究所) ミサイル M 438 中国 People's Republic of China 23rd Research Institute ・Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement ・BIRM ミサイル M 439 中国 People's Republic of China Abascience Tech Co. Ltd ミサイル M 440 中国 People's Republic of China Academy of Aerospace Solid Propulsion Technology (航天动力技术研究院) ・AASPT ・中国航天科技集团有限公司第四研究院 ミサイル M 441 中国 People's Republic of China Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology (軍事医学研究院 微生物流行病研究所) ・Institute of Microbial Epidemiology 生物 B 442 中国 People's Republic of China AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials (中国航発北京航空材料研究院) ミサイル M 18 443 中国 People's Republic of China AECC South Industry Company Limited (中国航���南方工业有限公司) ミサイル M 444 中国 People's Republic of China AVIC Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute (中国航空工业集团公司雷华电子技术研究所) ・LETRI ミサイル M 445 中国 People's Republic of China Baimtec Material Co., Ltd. (北京航空材料研究院有限公司) ミサイル、核 M,N 446 中国 People's Republic of China Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industrial Corporation ・202 Plant, Baotou Nuclear Energy Facility ・Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industry Company ・Baotou Nuclear Fuel Element Plant ・China Nuclear Baotou Guanghua Chemical Industry Company 核 N 447 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (BAMTRI) (北京航空製造工程研究所) ・Aviation Industry Corporation of China's (AVIC) Institute 625 (中国航空工業集団公司第六二五研究所) ・AVIC Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (中国航空工業集団公司北京航空製造工程研究所) ミサイル M 448 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute (BICD) (北京航天自動控制研究所) ・12th Research Institute China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) ・Beijing Institute of Space Automatic Control ・Beijing Spaceflight Autocontrol Research Institute ・China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation First Academy 12th Research Institute (中国航天科技集団公司第一研究院第十二研究所) ミサイル M 449 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Alite Technologies Co., Ltd. (ALCO) (北京海立連合科技有限公司) ・Beijing Haili Lianhe Keji Youxian Gongsi ミサイル M 450 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Automation Control Equipment Institute (BACEI) (北京自動化控制設備研究所) ・33 Institute ・Beijing Automation Control Equipment Institute (BACEI) ・Beijing Institute of Automatic Control Equipment, China Haiying Electromechanical Technology Academy ・No. 33 Research Institute of the Third Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) (中国航天科工集団第三研究院三十三研究所) ミサイル M 451 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing China Tank Industry Co., Ltd. (北京科泰克科技有限責任公司) ミサイル M 452 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Chengxing Trading Co. Ltd. (北京成興貿易有限公司) ミサイル、核 M,N 453 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Institute of Structure and Environmental Engineering (BISE) (北京強度環境研究所) ・702nd Research Institute, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) (中国航天科技集団公司第一研究院第七○ニ研究所) ・Beijing Institute of Strength and Environmental Engineering ミサイル M 454 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Institute of Technology (北京理工大学) ミサイル M 455 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Lion Heart International Trading Company ミサイル M 456 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Starneto Technology Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 457 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Tianhai Industry Co., Ltd. (北京天海工业有限公司) ・北京天海工業有限公司 ミサイル M 458 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing Power Machinery Institute (北京動力機械研究所) ・31st Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) (中国航天科工集団第三研究院三十一研究所) ・Beijing Power Generating Machinery Institute ・Beijing Power Machinery Research Laboratory ・China Haiying Electromechanical Technology Academy ・China Haiying Science & Technology Corporation ミサイル M 459 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing UniStrong Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (北京合衆思壯科技股份有限公司) ミサイル M 460 中国 People's Republic of China Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) (北京航空航天大学) ・Beihang University ミサイル M 461 中国 People's Republic of China BVI Electronics 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 462 中国 People's Republic of China Chengdu Latest Electronics Technology Company ミサイル M 463 中国 People's Republic of China China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) (中国運載火箭技術研究院) ・China Carrier Rocket Technology Research Institute ・First Academy of the China Aerospace Science Technology Corporation (中国航天科技集団公司第一研究院) ・Wanyuan Company ミサイル M 464 中国 People's Republic of China China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) (中国空間技術研究院) ・5th Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (中国航天科技集団公司第五研究院) ミサイル M 19 465 中国 People's Republic of China China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC) (中国空気動力研究与発展中心) ミサイル M 466 中国 People's Republic of China China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 9th Academy 771 Research Institute (中国航天科技集団有限公司第九研究院第771研究所) ・771 Research Institute ・China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)Ninth Academy 771 Institute ・Lishan Microelectronics Company ・Xi'an Institute of Microelectronics ・Xi'an Microelectronics Technology Institute ・XMTI ミサイル M 467 中国 People's Republic of China China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) 54th Research Institute (中国電子科技集団公司第五十四研究所) ・54th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC54) ・Communication, Telemetry and Telecontrol Research Institute (CTI) ・Shijiazhuang Communication Observation and Control Technology Institute (石家庄通信測控研究所) ミサイル M 468 中国 People's Republic of China China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC) (中国広核集団) ・China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation ・China General Nuclear Power Group 核 N 469 中国 People's Republic of China China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) (中国精密機械進出口有限公司) ・China National Precision Machinery I/E Corp. ・China Precision Machinery Import/Export Corporation ミサイル M 470 中国 People's Republic of China China North Industries Group Corporation (中国兵器工業集団公司) ・China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) (中国北方工業公司) 化学、ミサイル C,M 471 中国 People's Republic of China Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics (中国工程物理研究院) ・Ninth Academy ・Southwest Computing Center ・Southwest Institute of Applied Electronics ・Southwest Institute of Chemical Materials ・Southwest Institute of Electronic Engineering ・Southwest Institute of Environmental Testing ・Southwest Institute of Explosives and Chemical Engineering ・Southwest Institute of Fluid Physics ・Southwest Institute of General Designing and Assembly ・Southwest Institute of Machining Technology ・Southwest Institute of Materials ・Southwest Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry (a.k.a., China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP)'s 902 Institute) ・Southwest Institute of Research and Applications of Special Materials Factory ・Southwest Institute of Structural Mechanics ・The High Power Laser Laboratory, Shanghai ・The Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 核 N 472 中国 People's Republic of China Chongyi Hengyi Ceramic Composites Co., Ltd. (崇義恒毅陶瓷複合材料有限公司) ミサイル M 473 中国 People's Republic of China Cosailing Business Trading Company Limited (青島航帆貿易有限公司) ミサイル M 474 中国 People's Republic of China Dalian Ligong Safety Equipment Company Limited ミサイル M 475 中国 People's Republic of China Dalian Zhenghua Maoyi Youxian Gongsi ・Dalian Zenghua Trading Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 476 中国 People's Republic of China Dalian Zhongchuang Char-White Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 477 中国 People's Republic of China Dandong Dongyuan Industrial Co., Ltd. ・Dandong Dongyuan Industrial Co. ・Dandong Dongyuan Industry Co., Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 478 中国 People's Republic of China Dandong Haotong Commercial Trade Co. Ltd. (丹東浩通商貿有限公司) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 479 中国 People's Republic of China Dandong Hongxiang Industrial Development Co Ltd 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 480 中国 People's Republic of China Dandong Jinxiang Trade Co., Ltd. ・China Dandong Kumsang Trade Company, Limited ・Dandong Metal Company ・Jinxiang Trading Company ミサイル、核 M,N 481 中国 People's Republic of China DANDONG RICH EARTH TRADING CO., LTD. ミサイル、核 M,N 482 中国 People's Republic of China DANDONG ZHONGSHENG INDUSTRY & TRADE CO., LTD. (丹东中盛工贸有限公司) ・DANDONG ZHONGSENG INDUSTRY & TRADE ・DANDONG ZHONGSENG INDUSTRY AND TRADE ・DANDONG ZHONGSHENG INDUSTRY AND TRADE CO., LTD. ・DANDONG ZHONGSHONG INDUSTRY & TRADE ・DANDONG ZHONGSHONG INDUSTRY & TRADE CORPORATION LTD. ・DANDONG ZHONGSHONG INDUSTRY AND TRADE ・DANDONG ZHONGSHONG INDUSTRY AND TRADE CORPORATION LTD. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 483 中国 People's Republic of China DCB Finance Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 20 484 中国 People's Republic of China EKT SMART TECHNOLOGY (黎巴嫩卡氏有限公司广州代表处) 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 485 中国 People's Republic of China Fushun Jinly Petrochemical Carbon Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 486 中国 People's Republic of China Guangzhou Ca.Ben Composites Company Limited (広州卡本複合材料有限公司) ミサイル、核 M,N 487 中国 People's Republic of China Guangzhou Tian-Hai-Xiang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (広州天海翔航空科技有限公司) ・Guangzhou Tianhaixiang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. ・THX Aviation ミサイル M 488 中国 People's Republic of China Harbin Engineering University (哈爾浜工程大学) ミサイル、核 M,N 489 中国 People's Republic of China Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) (哈爾浜工業大学) ミサイル M 490 中国 People's Republic of China Hebei Sinopack Electronics (河北中瓷電子科技股份有限公司) ・Hebei Sinapack Elec ミサイル M 491 中国 People's Republic of China HENAN JIAYUAN ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (河南嘉源铝业有限公司) ・HENAN JIAYUAN ALUMINUM INDUSTRY COMPANY, LIMITED 核 N 492 中国 People's Republic of China Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace Wanshan Special Vehicle Co., Ltd. (湖北三江航天万山特种车辆有限公司) ・湖北三江航天万山特種車輛有限公司 ミサイル M 493 中国 People's Republic of China Karat Industry Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 494 中国 People's Republic of China Kinglead Electronics Co., Ltd. ・Kinglead International Trading ・Kinglead International Trading Limited ・Kinglead Trading ・Phonide Electronics Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 495 中国 People's Republic of China Landa Ariya Electronic Co ・Landa Ariya Electronic Co. Ltd. ・Landa Electronic ・Landa Electronics. ミサイル M 496 中国 People's Republic of China Liaoyang Carbon Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 497 中国 People's Republic of China LIMMT Economic and Trade Company (LIMMT経貿公司) ・Ansi Metallurgy Industry Co. Ltd. ・Blue Sky Industry Corporation ・Dalian Carbon Co. Ltd. ・Dalian Sunny Industries ・Dalian Sunny Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. ・Liaoning Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. ・LIMMT (Dalian) Economic and Trade Organization ・LIMMT (Dalian) Metallurgy and Minerals Co. ・LIMMT (Dalian) Metallurgy and Minerals Co., Ltd. ・LIMMT (Dalian FTZ) Metallurgy and Minerals Co., Ltd. ・LIMMT (Dalian FTZ) Minmetals and Metallurgy Co., Ltd. ・SC (Dalian) Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. ・Sino Metallurgy & Minmetals Industry Co., Ltd. ・Wealthy Ocean Enterprises Ltd. ミサイル M 498 中国 People's Republic of China MINGZHENG INTERNATIONAL TRADING LIMITED 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 499 中国 People's Republic of China MTTO Industry and Trade Limited ミサイル M 500 中国 People's Republic of China National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) (国防科学技術大学) ミサイル、核 M,N 501 中国 People's Republic of China Ningbo New Century Import and Export Company, Ltd. (寧波新世紀進出口有限公司) ・New Century Import and Export Co. Ltd ミサイル M 502 中国 People's Republic of China No. 35 Research Institute of the Third Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) (中国航天科工集団公司第三研究院三十五研究所) ・35 Institute ・Beijing Hangxing Machine Building Corporation ・Beijing Huahang Radio Measurements Research Institute, China Haiying Electronic Mechanical Technical Research Academy ・Huahang Institute of Radio Measurement ミサイル M 503 中国 People's Republic of China Northwestern Polytechnical University (西北工業大学) ・Northwest Polytechnic University ・Northwest Polytechnical University ・Northwestern Polytechnic University ミサイル M 504 中国 People's Republic of China Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC) (中国核動力研究設計院) ・China Nuclear Power Research Institute 核 N 505 中国 People's Republic of China Oriental Logistics Group LTD ・Oriental Air Transport Service Ltd ミサイル M 506 中国 People's Republic of China Poly Asia Pacific Ltd.(PAPL) ・Beijing Oriental Vision Petroleum Technology Company Limited (OVTEK-P) 核 N 507 中国 People's Republic of China Raybeam Optronics Co. Ltd. ミサイル M 21 508 中国 People's Republic of China Raytronic Corporation, Limited ミサイル M 509 中国 People's Republic of China SANMING SINO-EURO IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD (三明市中伊欧进出⼝有限公司) 核 N 510 中国 People's Republic of China Shaanxi Heavy Duty Automobile Co., Ltd (陝西重型汽車有限公司) ミサイル M 511 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST) (上海航天技術研究院) ・8th Research Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (中国航天科技集団公司第八研究院) ・Shanghai Astronautics Industry Bureau ・Shanghai Bureau of Astronautics (SHBOA) ・Shanghai Bureau of Space ・上海新躍儀表厰 ミサイル M 512 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company (上海飛機製造有限公司) ・SAMC ミサイル M 513 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Gang Quan Trade Co. (上海港泉商貿有限公司) ミサイル M 514 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Institute of Space Power Sources (上海空間電源研究所) ・811th Research Institute, 8th Academy, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) (中国航天科技集団公司第八研究院第八一一研究所) ・Shanghai Space Energy Research Institute ・Shanghai Space Power Supply Research Institute ミサイル M 515 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai North Begins International (上海丙至国際貿易有限公司) ・Shanghai Bingzhi Guoji Maoyi Youxian Gongsi ミサイル M 516 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai North Transway International Trading Co. ミサイル M 517 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Tianhai Composite Cylinders Co., Ltd. (上海天海复合气瓶有限公司) ・上海天海複合気瓶有限公司 ミサイル M 518 中国 People's Republic of China SHANGHAI PEOPLE'S INNOVATION INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (上海人创实业有限公司) ・上海人創実業有限公司 ミサイル M 519 中国 People's Republic of China Shanghai Xinli Machine Factory Co., Ltd (上海新力機器廠有限公司) ・上海新力机器厂有限公司 ミサイル M 520 中国 People's Republic of China Shenzhen Iprogift Technology Co., Ltd ・Iprogift Shenzhen Technology Co., Ltd. ・Shenzhen Iprogift Technology ・Iprogift Shenzhen Technology ミサイル M 521 中国 People's Republic of China Shenzhen Shunjinxin Import & Export Co. Ltd ・Shenzhen Shunjinxin IMP & Export Co. Ltd ミサイル M 522 中国 People's Republic of China Shunji Electrinice Co. Ltd (深圳市顺吉电子科技有限公司) ミサイル M 523 中国 People's Republic of China Sinotech Dalian Carbon and Graphite Manufacturing Corporation ミサイル M 524 中国 People's Republic of China Sinotech Industry Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 525 中国 People's Republic of China Sky Rise Technology Ltd. ・Sky Rise Tech ミサイル M 526 中国 People's Republic of China Success Move Ltd. ミサイル M 527 中国 People's Republic of China Sunway Tech Co., Ltd ミサイル M 528 中国 People's Republic of China SUZHOU A-ONE SPECIAL ALLOY CO., LTD. (苏州埃⽂特种合⾦有限公司) ・SUZHOU AIWEN SPECIAL ALLOY CO., LTD. 核 N 529 中国 People's Republic of China SUZHOU ZHONGSHENG MAGNETIC INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (苏州中盛磁业有限公司) ・SUZHOU ZHONGSHENG MAGNETIC COMPANY LIMITED 核 N 530 中国 People's Republic of China Tereal Industry and Trade Limited ミサイル M 531 中国 People's Republic of China Tianniao High Technology Co., Ltd. (江蘇天鳥高新技術有限責任公司) ミサイル M 532 中国 People's Republic of China University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) (電子科技大学) 化学、ミサイル C,M 533 中国 People's Republic of China Weichai Power Co., Ltd. (濰柴動力股份有限公司) ミサイル M 534 中国 People's Republic of China Wuhan Sanjiang Import and Export Co. Ltd ・Wuhan Longhua Weiye Industry and Trade Co., Ltd ・Wuhan Sanjiang Imp. & Exp. Co. Ltd. ・WSIEC ミサイル M 22 535 中国 People's Republic of China Xinghe Xingyong Carbon Co., Ltd. ミサイル M 536 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Advanced Engineering Research Organization (AERO) ・Advance Engineering Research Organization ・Advanced Engineering Research Organisation ミサイル M 537 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Advance Multicom 核 N 538 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Ahad International 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 539 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Air Weapons Complex (AWC) ミサイル M 540 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Akhtar & Munir 核 N 541 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Al Technique Corporation of Pakistan, Ltd. (ATCOP) ・Al-Technique Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 核 N 542 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Allied Trading Co. ・Allied Engineering and Trading Company Ltd. ・UCB Arcade ミサイル、核 M,N 543 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Blue Chip International ミサイル、核 M,N 544 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Broad Engineering ミサイル M 545 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Busan International 核 N 546 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Business Empire International ・Drillage Trading FZE LLC. 核 N 547 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Chashma Nuclear Power Plant (CHASNUPP) ・Chasma Nuclear Power Plant ・Chashma Nuclear Complex 核 N 548 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Creative Dynamics Engineering ・Creative Dynamics ミサイル M 549 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Defense Science and Technology Organization (DESTO) ・Chaklala Defense Science and Technology Organization ・Defense Science and Technology Center 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 550 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Dynamic Engineering Corporation (DEC) ・Diagnostic Engineering Corporation ・Scientific Engineering Corporation 核 N 551 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan EnerQuip Private, Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 552 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Engineering and Commercial Services (ECS) 核 N 553 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 554 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan ERDC Metal Paint Products (Pvt) Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 555 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan FabCon International 核 N 556 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan FACO Trading ミサイル、核 M,N 557 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Future Systems Pvt. Ltd. ミサイル M 558 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan H and A International ・H&A International 核 N 559 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Hassan Scientific Corporation ・Hasan Scientific Corporation 核 N 560 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Heavy Mechanical Complex ミサイル、核 M,N 561 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Heavy Mechanical Complex-3 ミサイル、核 M,N 562 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan High Landers Scientific Systems 核 N 563 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Iman Group ・Pana Communication Inc. ミサイル、核 M,N 564 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan IMCO Technology and Services ・IMCO 核 N 23 565 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Impex Trade & Services 核 N 566 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Industrial Galaxy ミサイル、核 M,N 567 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Insight Enterprises Inc. 核 N 568 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Inspectech 核 N 569 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Interscan 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 570 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Intralink Incorporated ミサイル、核 M,N 571 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Iqbal Enterprises 核 N 572 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Jim Corporation ミサイル、核 M,N 573 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Karachi Nuclear Power Complex (KANUPP) ・Karachi Nuclear Power Plant 核 N 574 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Kepler Corporation 核 N 575 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Khan Research Laboratories (KRL) ・Abdul Qader Khan Research Laboratories ・Engineering Research Laboratories (ERL) ・Institute of Industrial Control Systems (IICS) ・Kahuta Nuclear Facility ・Kahuta Research Facility 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 576 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan KK International Traders (KKIT) 核 N 577 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan KMA International Import and Export Co. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 578 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan KTK Engineering (Pvt) LTD 核 N 579 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan K-SOFT Enterprises 核 N 580 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan L.T. Engineering & Trade Services (Pvt) Ltd. ・LT Engineering and Trade Services (Pvt) Ltd.(LTE) ・L.T. Engineering & Trade Services PVT (LTD) ミサイル、核 M,N 581 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Link Lines Pvt Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 582 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Makkays Hi-Tech Systems ・Zaib Electronics ミサイル M 583 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Maira Trade International ミサイル、核 M,N 584 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Marine Systems Pvt. Ltd. ミサイル M 585 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Maritime Technology Complex (MTC) ミサイル M 586 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mecatech (Private) Limited ・Mecatech 核 N 587 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Micado ・Micado (Pvt) Limited ・Micado (Pvt) Ltd. ミサイル、核 M,N 588 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Middle East Automation & Controls Services ・MACS ・MEACS 核 N 589 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mirza and Co ・Mirza 核 N 590 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan MSN International 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 591 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Muhandis Corporation 核 N 592 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Centre for Non Destructive Testing (NCNDT) ミサイル、核 M,N 593 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Development Complex (NDC) ・National Defense Complex ・National Development Centre ミサイル、核 M,N 24 594 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) ミサイル、核 M,N 595 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Engineering Service Trading and Consultancy Company ・NESTACC 核N 596 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan National Institute of Lasers and Optronics (NILOP) ・National Institute of Lasers 核N 597 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Nazir and Sons International 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 598 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan New Auto Engineering (NAE) ミサイルM 599 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Oriental Engineers ・Advance Technologies ・Advanced Technologies ・Oriental Engineers Pvt. Ltd. ・Oriental Engineers Services ミサイル、核 M,N 600 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Orion Eleven Pvt. Ltd. ミサイルM 601 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) ミサイル、核 M,N 602 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) ・Power Plant Workshops ミサイル、核 M,N 603 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences (PIEAS) 核N 604 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) 核N 605 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) ・Explosive Factory ・Wah Munitions Plant 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 606 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Paktech Engineers 核N 607 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pentium Engineering Solutions 核N 608 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan People's Steel Mills Ltd. ・Peoples Steel Mills ・People's Steel Mills Ltd. ・People's Steel Mills 化学、ミサイル、核 C,M,N 609 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pervaiz Commercial Trading Co. (PCTC) 核N 610 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pie Trading House ミサイル、核 M,N 611 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Premier International ・Align Impex ミサイル、核 M,N 612 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Prime Tech 核N 613 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Proficient Engineers 核N 614 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Profile Engineering Works ミサイル、核 M,N 615 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan QTech ・Quality Technology 核N 616 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan RAINBOW SOLUTIONS 核N 617 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Rohtas Enterprises 核N 618 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan S.M.B Associates ・SMB Associates 核N 619 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Samina Pvt. Ltd. 核N 620 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sayyed Brothers Engineering Co. (SBEC) 核N 621 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sci-Tech Global 核N 622 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sitara Chemical Industries Ltd. ・Sitara Chemicals Industries Ltd. 化学、核 C,N 25 623 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Solutions Engineering Pvt. Ltd. ・Solutronix Engineering Pvt. Ltd. ・Solutronix Pvt. Ltd. 核 N 624 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) ・Space and Upper Atmospheric Research Commission ミサイル M 625 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sumico Technologies ミサイル、核 M,N 626 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Swan International Trading 核 N 627 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Techlink Communications ミサイル、核 M,N 628 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Techlinks ミサイル、核 M,N 629 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Techno-Commercial ・TCL ・Techserve 核 N 630 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Teko Global Vision Pvt Ltd ・Tianjin Hanex Technology Co., Ltd ミサイル、核 M,N 631 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan TELEC Electronics & Machinery (Pvt) Ltd. ・TELEC ミサイル、核 M,N 632 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Time & Tune ミサイル、核 M,N 633 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Triton Educational Equipment & Consultancy Co. 核 N 634 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan UEC (Pvt.) Ltd. 核 N 635 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Universal Tooling Services ・Forward Design and Manufacturing ・MSM Enterprises ・Technopak Engineering ミサイル、核 M,N 636 パキスタン Islamic Republic of Pakistan Value Additions (Pvt) Limited. ミサイル、核 M,N 637 香港 Hong Kong Anhui Land Group Co., Limited (安徽藍徳集団股份有限公司) ミサイル M 638 香港 Hong Kong Avin Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. (AETC) (艾文电子科技有限公司) ・Avin Electronic Technology Company ミサイル M 639 香港 Hong Kong DULING TECHNOLOGY (HK) LIMITED. ミサイル M 640 香港 Hong Kong GREEN INDUSTRIES HONG KONG LIMITED ・GREEN INDUSTRIES, LTD ミサイル M 641 香港 Hong Kong K Logistics (China) Limited (快急送物流(中國)有限公司) ・K Logistics Hong Kong ミサイル M 642 香港 Hong Kong Leader (Hong Kong) International ・Leader (Hong Kong) International Trading Limited ・Leader International Trading Limited 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 643 香港 Hong Kong PROMA INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (中易實業有限公司) ミサイル M 644 香港 Hong Kong Reekay Technology Limited ミサイル、核 M,N 645 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Best Electronics S.A.L 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 646 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Denise Company 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 647 レバノン Republic of Lebanon EFAB S.A.R.L 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 26 648 レバノン Republic of Lebanon EKT Electronics ・AL AMIR ELECTRONICS ・ALAMIR ELECTRONICS ・AL-AMIR ELECTRONICS ・AMIRCO ELECTRONICS ・E.K.T. (KATRANGI BROS.) ・EKT ・EKT (KATRANGI BROS) ・EKT ELECTRONICS ・EKT KATRANGI BROTHERS ・ELECTRONIC KATRANGI GROUP ・ELECTRONIC SYSTEM GROUP ・ESG ・KATRANGI ELECTRONICS ・KATRANGI FOR ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES ・KATRANGI TRADING KATRANJI LABS ・LUMIERE ELYSEES (Latin: LUMIÈRE ELYSÉES) ・NKTRONICS ・SMART GREEN POWER ・SMART PEGASUS E.K.T. 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 649 レバノン Republic of Lebanon POLO TRADING 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 650 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Shadi for Cars Trading 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 651 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Technolab ・Techno Lab 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 652 レバノン Republic of Lebanon TOP TECHNOLOGIES SARL 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 653 レバノン Republic of Lebanon Vibes International Inc Sarl 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 654 ロシア Russian Federation 27th Scientific Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense ・27th NTs ・FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY ESTABLISHMENT 27 SCIENTIFIC CENTER OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 化学 C 655 ロシア Russian Federation 33rd Scientific Research and Testing Institute ・33rd TsNIII ・FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY ESTABLISHMENT 33 CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TEST INSTITUTE OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 化学 C 656 ロシア Russian Federation AO PKK Milandr ・JSC ICC MILANDR ・JSC PKK Milandr ・Milandr ・MPK Milandr, OOO ・PKK Milandr AO 核 N 657 ロシア Russian Federation "Avangard" JSC ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company Avangard ミサイル M 658 ロシア Russian Federation "Central Design Bureau for Automatics Engineering" JSC ・Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo “Tsentralnoe Konstruktorskoe Byuro Avtomatiki” ・AO “TsKBA” ・JSC “TsKBA” ・Tactical Missile Corporation, “Central Design Bureau of Automation” ミサイル M 659 ロシア Russian Federation chimmed group ・Chimmed ・Khimmed ・OOO Khimmed ・SPK Khimmed ・TD Chimmed ・TD Khimmed 生物、化学 B,C 660 ロシア Russian Federation Engineering Center Ltd. ・Certified Engineering Center, Ltd. ・EC ・LCEC 化学 C 661 ロシア Russian Federation Federal Security Service(FSB) 化学 C 662 ロシア Russian Federation Federal State Unitary Enterprise Dukhov Automatics Research Institute(VNIIA) 核 N 663 ロシア Russian Federation Foreign Intelligence Service(SVR) ミサイル、核 M,N 664 ロシア Russian Federation FSUE "The Federal center for dual-use technologies "Soyuz" ・Federal Center for Dual-Use Technology (FTsDT) Soyuz ・FSUE FCDT Soyuz ミサイル M 665 ロシア Russian Federation Ilyushin Aviation Complex Branch: Myasishcheva Experimental Mechanical Engineering Plant ・Myasishcheva EMZ ミサイル M 666 ロシア Russian Federation International Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Technologies LLS ・OOO MTSKT ・RQC ・Russian Quantum Center 核 N 667 ロシア Russian Federation Intertech Rus LLC ・Intertek Rus OOO 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 27 668 ロシア Russian Federation "Iskra" Engineering Design Bureau JSC named after I.I. Kartukov ・Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo “Mashinostroitelnoe Konstruktorskoe Byuro “Iskra” Imeni Ivana Ivanovicha Kartukova” ・AO MKB “ISKRA” ・Tactical Missile Corporation, PJSC “MBDB ISKRA” ミサイル M 669 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company Angstrem ・Angstrem JSC ミサイル M 670 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company Angstrem-T ・AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ANGSTREM-T ミサイル M 671 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company "Federal Center of Science and High Technologies "SNPO "Eleron" ・Joint Stock Company Eleron ・JSC FCS & HT SNPO Eleron ・SNPO Eleron 核 N 672 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company NPO Elektromechaniki ・JSC Scientific and Production Association of Electro Mechanic ミサイル M 673 ロシア Russian Federation JOINT STOCK COMPANY RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION CORPORATION KONSTRUKTORSKOYE BYURO MASHYNOSTROYENIYA ・JSC NPK KBM ・JSC Research and Production Corporation Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering ・KB Mashinostroeniya 化学、ミサイル C,M 674 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company Scientific Research Institute of Computer Engineering NII SVT ・AO Nauchno Issledovatelskii Institut Sredstv Vychislitelnoi Tekhniki ・AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NAUCHNO ISSLEDOVATELSKII INSTITUT SREDSTV VYCHISLITELNOI TEKHNIKI ・AO NII SVT ・NII SVT PAO 生物 B 675 ロシア Russian Federation Joint Stock Company Votkinsky Zavod ミサイル M 676 ロシア Russian Federation Laboratory Systems and Technologies LTD ・LST LTD 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 677 ロシア Russian Federation Main Intelligence Directorate ・GLAVNOE RAZVEDYVATEL'NOE UPRAVLENIE ・GRU ・Main Intelligence Department 化学 C 678 ロシア Russian Federation Mikron ・JOINT STOCK COMPANY MIKRON ・MIKRON JSC ・NII MOLEKULYARNOI ELEKTRONIKI I ZAVOD MIKRON PAO ・NIIME AND MIKRON ・OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NII MOLEKULYARNOY ELECKTRONIKI I ZAVOD MIKRON ・PJSC MIKRON ・PUBLICHNOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO MIKRON ミサイル M 679 ロシア Russian Federation "Military Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroenia" JSC ・Joint Stock Company Military Industrial Consortium NPO Mashinostroyenia ・Joint Stock Company Military-Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroyenia ・JSC MIC NPO Mashinostroyenia ・MIC NPO Mashinostroyeniya JSC ・Military Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroenia OAO ・Open Joint Stock Company Military Industrial Corporation Scientific and Production Machine Building Association ・Voenno-Promyshlennaya Korporatsiya Nauchno Proizvodstvennoe Obedinenie Mashinostroeniya OAO ・VPK NPO Mashinostroeniya ミサイル M 680 ロシア Russian Federation Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation ミサイル、核 M,N 681 ロシア Russian Federation N.A. Dollezhal Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering ・JSC NIKIET ・JSC Order of Lenin Research and Design Institute of Energy Engineering named after N. A. Dollezhal ・N.A. Dollezhal Order of Lenin Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering 核 N 682 ロシア Russian Federation Nilco Group ・Nil Fam Khazar Company ・Nilfam Khazar Co ・Santers Holding ミサイル M 683 ロシア Russian Federation NPO High Precision Systems JSC ミサイル M 684 ロシア Russian Federation NPO of Electromechanics ・Tactical Missile Corporation, NPO Electromechanics ミサイル M 685 ロシア Russian Federation NPP Istok ・JSC PRC Istok n.a. Shokin ・OAO NPP Istok Shokina ミサイル M 686 ロシア Russian Federation OAO GosNIIkhimanalit ・State Research Chemical-Analytical Institute 化学 C 687 ロシア Russian Federation OOO Intertech Instruments ・Intertek Instruments 生物、化学、ミサイ ル、核 B,C,M,N 28 688 ロシア Russian Federation POLYUS Research Institute of M.F. Stelmakh Joint Stock Company ミサイル M 689 ロシア Russian Federation "Raduga" State Engineering Design Bureau JSC named after A.Y. Bereznyak ・AO “GosMKB “Raduga” IM. A.Ya.Bereznyaka” ・GosMKB "Rainbow" them. AND I. Bereznyak ・Joint Stock Company “State Machine-Building Design Bureau “Raduga” ・MKB Raduga ・State Machine Building Design Bureau Raduga ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Raduga Design Bureau ミサイル M 690 ロシア Russian Federation Rosoboronexport OJSC (ROE) ・ROSOBORONEXPORT JSC ・RUSSIAN DEFENSE EXPORT ROSOBORONEXPORT ミサイル M 691 ロシア Russian Federation Rostec(Russian Technologies State Corporation) ミサイル M 692 ロシア Russian Federation Scientific Research Institute of Applied Acoustics ・Applied Acoustics Research Institute ・NIIPA 生物、化学、ミサイ ル B,C,M 693 ロシア Russian Federation "Scientific Research Institute for Mechanical Engineering" JSC ・GosNIImash ・JSC Scientific Research Institute for Mechanical Engineering ・Pervichnaya Profsoyuznaya Organizatsiya Rossiskogo Profsoyuza Rabotnikov Promyshlennosti V “GOSNIIMASH” ・PPO Rosprofprom V “GOSNIIMASH ・SKB DNIKhTI ・State Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering named after V.V. Bakhireva ・State Scientific Research Institute of Machine Building Bakhirev ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company GosNIIMash ミサイル M 694 ロシア Russian Federation "Severniy press" JSC ・AO Severnyi Press ・Northern Press ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company Severny Press ミサイル M 695 ロシア Russian Federation Special Technology Center ・Special Technology Centre Limited Liability Company ・STC, Ltd. ミサイル M 696 ロシア Russian Federation State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology ・GosNIIOKhT 化学 C 697 ロシア Russian Federation "Strela" Production Association JSC ・Production Association Strela ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company PA Strela ミサイル M 698 ロシア Russian Federation Systems of Biological Synthesis LLC ・OOO SBS ・SBS LLC ・Sistemy Biologicheskogo Sinteza 生物 B 699 ロシア Russian Federation Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC ミサイル M 700 ロシア Russian Federation "Temp-Avia" Arzamas Research and Production Association JSC ・ANPP TEMP AIR ・ANPP “Temp-Avia” ・Arzam Scientific Production Enterprise Temp Avia ・Joint Stock Company “Arzamas Research And Production Enterprise“TEMP-AVIA” ・OKB “Temp” ・Public Joint Stock Company “Arzamas Research and Production Enterprise” ・Publichnoe Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo “Arzamas NauchnoProizvodstvennoe Predpriyatie “TEMP-AVIA” ・Tactical Missile Corporation, PJSC ANPP Temp Avia ・TEMP-AVIA ミサイル M 701 ロシア Russian Federation Turayev Machine Building Design Bureau Soyuz ・TMBDB SoyuZ PJSC ミサイル M 702 ロシア Russian Federation UEC-Saturn ミサイル M 703 ロシア Russian Federation United Engine Corporation ミサイル M 704 ロシア Russian Federation Ural Research Institute of Composite Materials ・Ural Scientific Research Institute for Composite Materials ミサイル M 705 ロシア Russian Federation "Vympel" State Engineering Design Bureau JSC named after I.I. Toropov ・AO Gos MKB “Vympel” named for II Toropov ・Tactical Missile Corporation, Joint Stock Company “State Machine Building Design Bureau “Vympel” By Name I.I. Toropov” ・Vympel NPO ミサイル M 29 706 ロシア Russian Federation Zavod "Miass" ・AO Miasskiy mashinostroitelnyy zavod ・JSC MMZ ・Miass Machine-Building Factory ミサイル M 30
大量破壊兵器等の開発等の懸念が払拭されない外国・地域所在団体の情報を提供する「外国ユーザーリスト」を改正しました (METI/経済産業省)
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hirearticlewriter · 10 months
Navigating Neuroscience: A Comprehensive Exploration of Research Topics
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Embarking on a journey into the expansive realm of neuroscience is a venture into the intricate workings of the human brain and nervous system. The selection of a research topic is a pivotal step, setting the course for scientific exploration. In this comprehensive guide, we unveil 50 diverse neuroscience research topics spanning various categories, each beckoning researchers to unravel the mysteries of the mind. Additionally, we provide invaluable tips to guide aspiring neuroscientists in choosing the right research topic, ensuring a purposeful and impactful scientific odyssey.
Tips for Choosing the Right Neuroscience Research Topic
1. Follow Your Passion:
Choose a topic that genuinely excites and intrigues you. Passion fuels dedication and perseverance, making the research journey more fulfilling.
2. Relevance to Society:
Consider the societal impact of your research. Aim for topics that address real-world issues, contribute to medical advancements, or enhance our understanding of neurological disorders.
3. Interdisciplinary Exploration:
Explore topics that bridge neuroscience with other disciplines such as psychology, computer science, or medicine. Interdisciplinary research often leads to innovative breakthroughs.
4. Feasibility and Resources:
Assess the practical feasibility of your research. Consider the availability of resources, laboratory equipment, and ethical considerations to ensure successful execution.
5. Innovation and Novelty:
Seek out topics that push the boundaries of current knowledge. Innovative research not only advances the field but also captivates the attention of the scientific community.
6. Alignment with Career Goals:
Choose a topic that aligns with your long-term career aspirations. This ensures that your research contributes meaningfully to your professional development and expertise.
7. Consultation and Collaboration:
Discuss potential topics with mentors, colleagues, or interdisciplinary experts. Collaborative insights can provide diverse perspectives and enrich your research direction.
8. Ethical Considerations:
Be mindful of the ethical implications of your research. Consider the potential impact on individuals and communities, and ensure that your study adheres to ethical standards.
9. Scope Definition:
Define a research scope that is realistic and achievable within the given time frame and resources. A well-defined scope enhances clarity and facilitates the accomplishment of research objectives.
10. Literature Review:
Conduct a thorough review of existing literature in your chosen area. Identify gaps, controversies, or emerging trends that can inspire and guide your research, ensuring it contributes to the current scientific discourse.
50 Diverse Neuroscience Research Topics
Neuroplasticity and Learning Enhancement
Mechanisms of Neuroplasticity in Learning and Memory
Cognitive Training Strategies for Neuroplasticity Enhancement
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and Technology Integration
Advancements in Brain-Computer Interface Technology
The Integration of BCIs for Cognitive Enhancement
Emotion and Social Cognition
Neural Mechanisms of Emotional Regulation
Social Cognition and the Mirror Neuron System
Neurological Disorders and Therapeutics
Innovative Therapies for Neurodegenerative Disorders
Neurobiological Insights into Autism Spectrum Disorders
Sleep, Dreams, and Memory Consolidation
The Role of Sleep in Memory Consolidation
Neural Processes Underlying Dream Formation
Addiction and Reward Circuits
Neurobiology of Drug Addiction: Insights from Reward Circuits
Intervention Strategies for Substance Use Disorders
Neuroethics and Ethical Considerations
Ethical Implications of Brain-Computer Interface Technologies
Neuroenhancement and Ethical Decision-Making
Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience
Physiological Responses to Stress: Neural and Hormonal Interactions
Building Resilience: Neural Circuits and Coping Mechanisms
Sensory Processing and Perception
Neural Mechanisms of Multisensory Integration
Perception and the Brain: Unraveling Sensory Processing
Decision-Making in Neuroscience
Neural Basis of Risky Decision-Making
The Impact of Emotions on Decision-Making Processes
Cognitive Aging and Neuroprotection
Neuroprotective Strategies for Cognitive Aging
Understanding Cognitive Decline: Insights from Aging Brains
Neurobiology of Intelligence
The Neural Basis of Human Intelligence
Enhancing Cognitive Abilities: Neuroscientific Approaches
Neurobiology of Motivation
Motivational Circuits in the Brain: Insights from Neurobiology
Neural Processes Underlying Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Neurobiology of Creativity
Unlocking Creativity: Neurobiological Foundations
The Role of Dopamine in Creative Thinking
Neurobiology of Learning Disabilities
Neural Basis of Dyslexia: Unraveling Learning Disabilities
Interventions for Improving Learning in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Neurobiology of Schizophrenia
Neurochemical and Structural Basis of Schizophrenia
Therapeutic Approaches for Schizophrenia: A Neurobiological Perspective
Neurobiology of Depression and Anxiety
Serotonin and Neurobiology of Depression
Unraveling the Neural Circuits of Anxiety Disorders
Neurobiology of Consciousness
Exploring the Neural Correlates of Consciousness
Disorders of Consciousness: Insights from Neuroscience
Neurobiology of Pain
Neural Processing of Pain Signals in the Brain
Interventions for Chronic Pain: A Neurobiological Approach
Neurobiology of Language Processing
Neural Mechanisms of Language Comprehension
Neurobiological Basis of Language Disorders
Neurobiology of Spatial Navigation
Neural Circuits for Spatial Memory and Navigation
The Role of Hippocampus in Spatial Cognition
Neurobiology of Addiction: From Reward Circuits to Interventions
Neural Pathways Underlying Nicotine Addiction
Innovative Approaches for Treating Substance Use Disorders
Neurobiology of Neurological Disorders: Causes and Potential Treatments
Advances in Understanding the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease
Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Parkinson's Disease
Neurobiology of Sleep and Dreams
Neural Processes Governing Lucid Dreaming
Sleep Disorders and Their Impact on Brain Health
Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence
Integrating Neural Networks: From Brain to Machine
Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence Inspired by the Brain
As you navigate the depths of neuroscience, these 50 research topics offer a vast panorama of possibilities, each presenting a unique gateway to understanding the complexities of the brain. The choice of your research topic is a compass guiding your scientific voyage, shaping the questions you seek to answer and contributing to the ever-expanding tapestry of neuroscience. Remember, the journey is as enlightening as the destination, and in the pursuit of knowledge, the brain reveals its profound mysteries to those who dare to explore.
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nsamfgc · 1 year
NSAMFGC Bangalore: Nurturing Excellence in Education and Beyond
NSAMFGC Bangalore (NSAM First Grade College) stands as a beacon of academic excellence and holistic development in the vibrant city of Bangalore, India. Established with a vision to provide quality education and foster ethical values, NSAMFGC has been a trusted name in the education sphere for several decades.
A Legacy of Excellence: NSAMFGC has a rich legacy of nurturing young minds since its inception. Founded by Late Sri N. S. Narasimha Swamy, a visionary philanthropist and educationist, the college upholds his principles and values, ensuring that education is accessible to all and empowers students to succeed in their chosen paths.
Academic Programs: The college offers a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in arts, commerce, and science streams. These programs are designed to meet the dynamic demands of today's industries while focusing on the overall development of students. NSAMFGC's curriculum is aligned with industry trends and incorporates the latest advancements in respective fields.
Experienced Faculty: NSAMFGC boasts a dedicated and experienced faculty comprising subject matter experts and accomplished educators. The faculty members not only impart knowledge but also serve as mentors, guiding students on their academic journeys and helping them discover their true potential.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: The college's campus is equipped with modern infrastructure and facilities, creating an environment conducive to learning and personal growth. Well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, a digital library, sports facilities, and hostel accommodations ensure that students have access to all the resources they need to excel in their academic pursuits.
Holistic Development: NSAMFGC believes in nurturing all-round development among students. Alongside academic excellence, the college encourages students to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, such as sports, cultural events, and community service. These activities instill essential life skills like leadership, teamwork, and social responsibility.
Placement and Career Support: NSAMFGC's placement cell actively assists students in securing job placements and internships. The college has a track record of producing graduates who are highly sought-after by leading employers in various industries. The placement cell also provides career guidance, soft skill training, and industry interactions to enhance students' employability.
Research and Innovation: NSAMFGC encourages research and innovation among faculty and students. The college supports research projects and provides a platform for students to showcase their research findings through conferences and publications. This culture of innovation fosters a spirit of curiosity and critical thinking.
Community Engagement: As a responsible educational institution, NSAMFGC actively engages with the local community through various initiatives. These efforts focus on social welfare, environmental awareness, and contributing to the betterment of society.
Alumni Network: NSAMFGC takes pride in its strong and supportive alumni network. The college maintains a close relationship with its alumni, who continue to contribute to the college's growth and success. The network serves as a valuable resource for current students, offering mentorship and career guidance.
Conclusion: NSAMFGC Bangalore stands as a prominent educational institution, dedicated to empowering students with quality education and fostering their holistic development. With a legacy of excellence, experienced faculty, industry-relevant programs, and a commitment to societal welfare, NSAMFGC continues to inspire and prepare the next generation of leaders and professionals to make a positive impact in the world.
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theartistpro · 1 year
Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow
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 Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow
Seiko College of Pharmacy is Known for  the best pharmacy college in Lucknow. It offers top-notch education and creates benchmarks in academic excellence and holistic grooming to help students meet the challenges of their future careers. The college is equipped with a strong faculty that supports and encourage students to reach their full potential, helping them achieve their aspirations. With a pleasant environment, Seiko College of Pharmacy not only focuses on academics but also promotes student participation in sports events, seminars, and various other activities. In this Blog , we will explore the numerous reasons why Seiko College of Pharmacy is the best pharmacy college in Lucknow.
1. Academic Excellence
A. Quality Education
Seiko College of Pharmacy believes that educational excellence helps develop understanding, reasoning, and thinking skills. In This college you will get high-quality education through well-structured courses, which are designed to help students with the necessary skills and knowledge to grow in the pharmaceutical industry.
B. Experienced Faculty
In This college teachers are experienced and dedicated faculty that plays a basic role in providing a helpful learning environment for students. The faculty's expertise and commitment to grow student talent ensure that each student receives individual attention and guidance to learn there subjects and understand everything.
C. Innovative Teaching Methods
In This college Teacher teaches through innovative teaching methodos that helps students to learn faster than basic method and it increases active learning and promote critical thinking. These methods include interactive lectures, practical sessions, case study discussions, workshops, and seminars, which enable students to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
2. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
A. Modern Laboratories
Seiko College of Pharmacy has big and modern Experimental Lab that is fully equipped with the latest technology and equipment. These laboratories is very important in Medical field to learn practical knowledge to students and develop essential skills required in this industry.
B. Spacious Classrooms
Seiko college of Pharmacy has big and spacious classrooms that provides a comfortable learning environment for students. Each classroom is equipped with modern teaching gadgets , such as projectors, audio-visual systems, and whiteboards, which enhance the learning experience.
C. Library and Information Center
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a amazing library and there is a wide collection of books. that helps in learning and researches of students and faculty members. In This Library you will get quiet environment for you to study and conduct research.
3. Holistic Grooming and Personality Development
A. Extracurricular Activities
Seiko College of Pharmacy always encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, cultural Games, and various clubs to ensure their overall development. Extracurricular activities help students develop leadership skills, teamwork.
Workshops and Seminars
The college organises workshops and seminars on various topics related to the pharmaceutical industry to keep students updated on the latest trends and developments. These events provide students with opportunities to interact with industry experts, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their professional skills.
Industrial Visits and Internships
Seiko College of Pharmacy arranges regular industrial visits and internships for students to gain practical exposure to the pharmaceutical industry. These experiences help students understand the industry's workings, develop professional networks, and make informed career choices.
4. Research and Development
A. Research Facilities
The college offers advanced research facilities for students and faculty members, encouraging them to pursue research in various fields of pharmacy. The research infrastructure includes well-equipped labs, sophisticated instruments, and support from experienced research guides.
B. Collaborative Research Projects
Seiko College of Pharmacy actively collaborates with various national and international research institutions and industries to undertake joint research projects. These collaborations provide students with opportunities to work on cutting-edge research projects and gain valuable insights into the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry.
C. Research Publications and Conferences
The college encourages students and faculty members to publish their research findings in reputed national and international journals. Students are also encouraged to present their research work at conferences and symposiums, enhancing their academic profile and exposing them to the global research community.
5. Placement and Career Guidance
Placement Cell
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a dedicated placement cell that offers comprehensive placement assistance to students. The placement cell organizes campus recruitment drives, inviting top pharmaceutical companies to recruit students for various job roles. The cell also conducts training programs to enhance the employability skills of students.
B. Career Counseling
The college provides career counseling services to help students make informed decisions about their career paths. Experienced counselors offer guidance on various career options in the pharmaceutical industry, higher education opportunities, and competitive examinations.
C. Alumni Network
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a strong alumni network that plays a crucial role in the placement process. Alumni working in reputed pharmaceutical companies often return to the college to share their experiences, offer industry insights, and provide job opportunities for current students.
6. Scholarships and Financial Aid
A. Merit-Based Scholarships
Seiko College of Pharmacy offers merit-based scholarships to deserving students, providing financial assistance and motivation for academic excellence. These scholarships help reduce the financial burden on students and enable them to focus on their studies.
B. Need-Based Financial Aid
The college also provides need-based financial aid to economically disadvantaged students, ensuring that no deserving student is denied an opportunity to pursue quality education due to financial constraints.
7. Student Support Services
A. Mentorship Program
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a mentorship program that assigns faculty members to mentor small groups of students. This program ensures that each student receives personalized attention and guidance to overcome academic and personal challenges.
8. International Exposure
A. Student Exchange Programs
Seiko College of Pharmacy offers student exchange programs in collaboration with international partner institutions, providing students with opportunities to study abroad and gain global exposure. These programs help students broaden their horizons, enhance their cultural understanding, and improve their career prospects.
B. International Conferences and Workshops
The college organizes and participates in international conferences and workshops, enabling students and faculty members to interact with the global academic and research community. These events provide valuable networking opportunities and exposure to the latest trends and developments in the pharmaceutical industry.
9. Industry-Academia Partnership
A. Curriculum Development
Seiko College of Pharmacy maintains strong ties with the pharmaceutical industry, which plays a vital role in shaping the college's curriculum. Industry experts provide valuable inputs to ensure that the curriculum is up-to-date and relevant, equipping students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the industry.
B. Guest Lectures and Workshops
The college regularly invites industry professionals to conduct guest lectures and workshops, providing students with insights into the practical aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. These interactions help students understand industry expectations and prepare them for their future careers.
10. Community Outreach
A. Health Camps and Awareness Programs
Seiko College of Pharmacy organizes health camps and awareness programs in collaboration with local communities, NGOs, and government agencies. These initiatives provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world situations, promoting community health and well-being.
B. Social Responsibility
The college encourages students to participate in various social responsibility initiatives, such as blood donation camps, environmental conservation drives, and educational programs for underprivileged children. These activities help students develop a sense of social responsibility and contribute to the betterment of society.
lets call it a day the conclusion, Seiko College of Pharmacy stands out as the best pharmacy college in Lucknow due to its commitment to academic excellence and placements.
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seikocope · 1 year
Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow
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 Best Pharmacy College in Lucknow
Seiko College of Pharmacy is Known for  the best pharmacy college in Lucknow. It offers top-notch education and creates benchmarks in academic excellence and holistic grooming to help students meet the challenges of their future careers. The college is equipped with a strong faculty that supports and encourage students to reach their full potential, helping them achieve their aspirations. With a pleasant environment, Seiko College of Pharmacy not only focuses on academics but also promotes student participation in sports events, seminars, and various other activities. In this Blog , we will explore the numerous reasons why Seiko College of Pharmacy is the best pharmacy college in Lucknow.
1. Academic Excellence
A. Quality Education
Seiko College of Pharmacy believes that educational excellence helps develop understanding, reasoning, and thinking skills. In This college you will get high-quality education through well-structured courses, which are designed to help students with the necessary skills and knowledge to grow in the pharmaceutical industry.
B. Experienced Faculty
In This college teachers are experienced and dedicated faculty that plays a basic role in providing a helpful learning environment for students. The faculty's expertise and commitment to grow student talent ensure that each student receives individual attention and guidance to learn there subjects and understand everything.
C. Innovative Teaching Methods
In This college Teacher teaches through innovative teaching methodos that helps students to learn faster than basic method and it increases active learning and promote critical thinking. These methods include interactive lectures, practical sessions, case study discussions, workshops, and seminars, which enable students to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
2. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
A. Modern Laboratories
Seiko College of Pharmacy has big and modern Experimental Lab that is fully equipped with the latest technology and equipment. These laboratories is very important in Medical field to learn practical knowledge to students and develop essential skills required in this industry.
B. Spacious Classrooms
Seiko college of Pharmacy has big and spacious classrooms that provides a comfortable learning environment for students. Each classroom is equipped with modern teaching gadgets , such as projectors, audio-visual systems, and whiteboards, which enhance the learning experience.
C. Library and Information Center
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a amazing library and there is a wide collection of books. that helps in learning and researches of students and faculty members. In This Library you will get quiet environment for you to study and conduct research.
3. Holistic Grooming and Personality Development
A. Extracurricular Activities
Seiko College of Pharmacy always encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities like sports, cultural Games, and various clubs to ensure their overall development. Extracurricular activities help students develop leadership skills, teamwork.
Workshops and Seminars
The college organises workshops and seminars on various topics related to the pharmaceutical industry to keep students updated on the latest trends and developments. These events provide students with opportunities to interact with industry experts, broaden their knowledge, and enhance their professional skills.
Industrial Visits and Internships
Seiko College of Pharmacy arranges regular industrial visits and internships for students to gain practical exposure to the pharmaceutical industry. These experiences help students understand the industry's workings, develop professional networks, and make informed career choices.
4. Research and Development
A. Research Facilities
The college offers advanced research facilities for students and faculty members, encouraging them to pursue research in various fields of pharmacy. The research infrastructure includes well-equipped labs, sophisticated instruments, and support from experienced research guides.
B. Collaborative Research Projects
Seiko College of Pharmacy actively collaborates with various national and international research institutions and industries to undertake joint research projects. These collaborations provide students with opportunities to work on cutting-edge research projects and gain valuable insights into the latest developments in the pharmaceutical industry.
C. Research Publications and Conferences
The college encourages students and faculty members to publish their research findings in reputed national and international journals. Students are also encouraged to present their research work at conferences and symposiums, enhancing their academic profile and exposing them to the global research community.
5. Placement and Career Guidance
Placement Cell
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a dedicated placement cell that offers comprehensive placement assistance to students. The placement cell organizes campus recruitment drives, inviting top pharmaceutical companies to recruit students for various job roles. The cell also conducts training programs to enhance the employability skills of students.
B. Career Counseling
The college provides career counseling services to help students make informed decisions about their career paths. Experienced counselors offer guidance on various career options in the pharmaceutical industry, higher education opportunities, and competitive examinations.
C. Alumni Network
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a strong alumni network that plays a crucial role in the placement process. Alumni working in reputed pharmaceutical companies often return to the college to share their experiences, offer industry insights, and provide job opportunities for current students.
6. Scholarships and Financial Aid
A. Merit-Based Scholarships
Seiko College of Pharmacy offers merit-based scholarships to deserving students, providing financial assistance and motivation for academic excellence. These scholarships help reduce the financial burden on students and enable them to focus on their studies.
B. Need-Based Financial Aid
The college also provides need-based financial aid to economically disadvantaged students, ensuring that no deserving student is denied an opportunity to pursue quality education due to financial constraints.
7. Student Support Services
A. Mentorship Program
Seiko College of Pharmacy has a mentorship program that assigns faculty members to mentor small groups of students. This program ensures that each student receives personalized attention and guidance to overcome academic and personal challenges.
8. International Exposure
A. Student Exchange Programs
Seiko College of Pharmacy offers student exchange programs in collaboration with international partner institutions, providing students with opportunities to study abroad and gain global exposure. These programs help students broaden their horizons, enhance their cultural understanding, and improve their career prospects.
B. International Conferences and Workshops
The college organizes and participates in international conferences and workshops, enabling students and faculty members to interact with the global academic and research community. These events provide valuable networking opportunities and exposure to the latest trends and developments in the pharmaceutical industry.
9. Industry-Academia Partnership
A. Curriculum Development
Seiko College of Pharmacy maintains strong ties with the pharmaceutical industry, which plays a vital role in shaping the college's curriculum. Industry experts provide valuable inputs to ensure that the curriculum is up-to-date and relevant, equipping students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the industry.
B. Guest Lectures and Workshops
The college regularly invites industry professionals to conduct guest lectures and workshops, providing students with insights into the practical aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. These interactions help students understand industry expectations and prepare them for their future careers.
10. Community Outreach
A. Health Camps and Awareness Programs
Seiko College of Pharmacy organizes health camps and awareness programs in collaboration with local communities, NGOs, and government agencies. These initiatives provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world situations, promoting community health and well-being.
B. Social Responsibility
The college encourages students to participate in various social responsibility initiatives, such as blood donation camps, environmental conservation drives, and educational programs for underprivileged children. These activities help students develop a sense of social responsibility and contribute to the betterment of society.
lets call it a day the conclusion, Seiko College of Pharmacy stands out as the best pharmacy college in Lucknow due to its commitment to academic excellence and placements.
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oliviaphleb · 4 hours
Opening the Salary Secrets of Phlebotomy Technicians: How Much Do They Really Make?
Are you considering a career as a phlebotomy technician‌ but⁢ aren’t sure ⁢how much they really make? In this article, we’ll⁢ unlock the salary secrets ⁢of phlebotomy technicians, providing you with valuable insights into ⁤their earnings potential. Whether you’re ‍a ⁢student exploring career options or a seasoned ⁣professional looking⁣ to⁣ switch fields,‍ understanding the salary landscape can help you make informed decisions ⁤about your‍ future.
## Understanding the ​Role of a Phlebotomy Technician
Before we ⁢dive ‌into salary figures, let’s take a‍ closer look ⁤at what phlebotomy technicians do. Phlebotomy technicians are healthcare⁢ professionals responsible ​for drawing blood from ​patients for medical testing, transfusions, research, or donations. They play a crucial role in⁣ the healthcare⁣ system, ensuring that blood samples are collected‌ safely⁣ and accurately.
Phlebotomy technicians work in a variety of settings, including ‌hospitals, clinics, diagnostic laboratories, blood donation‍ centers,⁢ and physician’s‍ offices. Their day-to-day responsibilities‌ may include:
-⁣ Identifying patients and⁢ verifying their information – Explaining procedures to patients and ensuring their comfort – Sterilizing⁢ equipment and collecting blood samples – ⁤Properly labeling and storing blood‍ samples for analysis – ⁤Maintaining patient‍ records and confidentiality
## Salary Range for Phlebotomy Technicians
The⁤ salary of a phlebotomy⁢ technician ⁣can vary⁣ depending on several factors, including ⁢location, experience,​ education,⁣ and certification.​ According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual‌ wage​ for phlebotomists was $35,510 as of May 2020. However, ‌salaries can range from​ $26,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on various factors.
## Factors Influencing Phlebotomy Technician​ Salaries
Several factors can⁣ influence⁤ the salary of a⁣ phlebotomy ⁣technician. Some ⁢of the key factors to consider include:
– **Location:** Salaries vary by location ‍due to differences in the‌ cost of ‌living and ‌demand for phlebotomy services. Urban areas and states with‍ high healthcare demand may offer higher salaries. – **Experience:**⁤ Experienced phlebotomy technicians with several years ​of practice may⁣ command higher salaries than entry-level professionals. – **Education⁣ and‍ Certification:**⁣ Holding a phlebotomy certification or additional​ healthcare-related training⁣ can ​boost your earning potential. – **Employer:** The type of employer you work for, such ⁢as‌ a ⁤hospital, clinic,‍ or laboratory,‌ can impact your salary.
## Benefits and​ Practical Tips for⁣ Phlebotomy Technicians
In addition to competitive salaries, phlebotomy technicians may also enjoy various benefits, including:
– Job stability and growth ⁣opportunities ‍in the healthcare industry – Flexible work schedules, including part-time ​and evening shifts – Opportunities for ​specialization ⁢in areas⁣ like pediatric‍ or ‍geriatric phlebotomy – Continuing education and professional development opportunities⁣ to⁢ advance your ‍career
If you’re⁤ considering a career ⁣as a phlebotomy ⁣technician, here are some practical tips to⁢ help you maximize your earning potential:
– Obtain a ⁢phlebotomy‌ certification from a reputable ⁤organization like the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) ‌or the ⁤National Healthcareer Association (NHA). – Gain hands-on experience through‌ internships, volunteer ⁤work, ⁢or entry-level positions to demonstrate your skills to potential employers. – Network with healthcare professionals and attend industry events ‌to stay updated on job⁣ opportunities ​and salary ⁤trends in​ the field.
## Conclusion
phlebotomy ⁤technicians play a vital role in the healthcare system and can enjoy competitive ⁤salaries and benefits. By understanding the salary landscape and factors that influence⁣ earnings, you can ⁤make informed decisions about⁣ your career⁤ path. Whether you’re just starting⁣ out in the ​field or looking to advance your career, ​pursuing‌ a career as⁤ a phlebotomy technician ⁤can⁣ be a rewarding and financially satisfying choice.
Remember, salaries for phlebotomy⁢ technicians can vary based⁣ on several factors, so it’s essential to research⁢ job opportunities in your area and⁤ consider factors⁤ like experience, education, and certification when evaluating salary⁣ offers. With the right skills, ​qualifications, and professional network, you can unlock the earning potential of a‌ phlebotomy technician and build a successful career in healthcare.
So,⁢ are you ⁢ready ⁣to​ become a part of the ‍in-demand field of phlebotomy technicians? Start your journey today and discover the rewarding opportunities that await you in this dynamic healthcare profession. Unlock the⁣ salary secrets of phlebotomy technicians​ and chart a course to a successful and fulfilling career!
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stellaphlebotomist · 16 hours
Opening Lucrative Career Paths: High-Demand Job Opportunities For Phlebotomists
Unlocking ⁤Lucrative Career Paths: High-Demand Job Opportunities For Phlebotomists
Are you considering a career as a ‍phlebotomist? Do you want to explore the high-demand job opportunities available in this ⁣field? If so, you’ve come to the right place. ‌In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the ⁣various career paths that⁤ phlebotomists can⁤ pursue, the benefits of entering this rewarding profession, and practical tips for success. Whether you⁤ are a seasoned phlebotomist or‍ just starting out, this article will provide‍ valuable insights into the exciting world of phlebotomy.
Introduction to Phlebotomy
Phlebotomy is the practice of drawing blood from patients for various purposes, such as medical testing, donations, or transfusions. Phlebotomists play a crucial⁣ role in the healthcare industry ​by ensuring that blood ⁢samples are collected safely and accurately. This ​profession requires a combination of technical skills, empathy, and attention to detail.
High-Demand Job⁣ Opportunities for Phlebotomists
Phlebotomists ‌have a wide range of job opportunities available‍ to‌ them. Some of the most⁣ lucrative career paths in this field include:
1. Hospital Phlebotomist: Hospital phlebotomists work in healthcare settings, drawing blood from patients for ⁤diagnostic testing. They⁣ may also be responsible for processing and labeling blood samples, as well ⁢as⁢ communicating with medical staff about⁣ test results.
2.⁣ Laboratory Phlebotomist: Laboratory phlebotomists‌ work in medical laboratories, where they process and analyze blood samples. They⁣ may be involved ‌in preparing samples for testing, operating ‍laboratory equipment, and recording test results.
3. ⁢Mobile Phlebotomist: Mobile phlebotomists travel to patients’ homes or other locations to draw blood samples. This career path‌ offers flexibility and the opportunity to work independently.
4. Blood Bank Phlebotomist: Blood bank ​phlebotomists work ‍in blood donation centers, collecting blood from donors and ensuring that ‍the blood supply is safe for ⁣transfusions. ​They may also be involved in ​screening⁣ donors​ and processing blood products.
Benefits of a‍ Career in Phlebotomy
There are many benefits to pursuing a career‌ in phlebotomy, including:
-⁢ Job ⁢Stability: The demand for ⁢phlebotomists is expected to⁤ grow ⁣as the⁤ population ages and healthcare ⁣needs increase. – Competitive Salary: Phlebotomists can earn a competitive salary, with‍ the potential for ⁢advancement into ⁣supervisory or managerial​ roles. – Flexibility: Phlebotomy offers flexible work schedules, including part-time and evening shifts. -⁣ Fulfilling Work: ⁢Phlebotomists have the satisfaction‍ of knowing that they are helping patients‌ receive the medical care they ‌need.
Practical Tips for Success​ in Phlebotomy
If you are interested in pursuing a career in phlebotomy, here are some ‍practical tips to help you succeed:
– Complete a phlebotomy training program to learn the necessary skills and gain hands-on experience. – ​Obtain certification from a reputable organization, such as the⁤ American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians (ASPT) or the⁣ National Healthcareer Association (NHA). – Stay⁢ current on ‍industry trends ⁤and best practices by ‍attending continuing education ‌courses and conferences. – Develop strong communication and interpersonal skills to interact effectively with patients and medical staff.
Case Studies: Real-Life‌ Success Stories
To inspire‍ you⁤ on your journey to a successful phlebotomy career, here are some real-life case studies of phlebotomists who have achieved ‍great⁣ success in their field:
– Maria, a hospital phlebotomist, was promoted ‍to a supervisory ​role after completing her certification ⁤and demonstrating exceptional technical skills. – John, a⁤ mobile phlebotomist, started​ his own ⁣business providing blood draw services to homebound patients⁤ and nursing homes, earning​ a loyal client base. – Sarah, a blood bank phlebotomist, was recognized for her‌ expertise in blood donation screening and was offered a leadership position within her organization.
Phlebotomy offers a wide⁢ range of high-demand ⁤job ​opportunities for individuals looking to enter the healthcare industry. Whether you choose to work in a hospital, laboratory, mobile setting, or blood ⁤bank, there are plenty of rewarding career paths to explore. By ⁢completing a phlebotomy training program, obtaining certification, and developing strong communication skills, you can set yourself up for success in this dynamic ​and ‌fulfilling profession. ⁤Start your journey towards a lucrative career in⁣ phlebotomy today!
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Who Is The Best College Of B Pharmacy?
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Choosing the right college for your Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) is crucial for your future career in the pharmaceutical industry. Shriram Pharmacy College, Bankner, stands out as the best choice for aspiring pharmacists. With a blend of top-notch faculty, cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a strong focus on practical skills development, the college offers an unparalleled educational experience. Here are the key reasons why Shriram Pharmacy College, Bankner, is the best place for your B Pharmacy course.
### Top-Notch Faculty and Industry Connections
Shriram Pharmacy College boasts a team of highly qualified faculty members with extensive experience in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Many of them are actively involved in research and have strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Their expertise and guidance help students understand complex concepts, stay updated on the latest industry trends, and build a solid foundation in pharmacy. The college’s industry connections provide students with opportunities for internships, workshops, and guest lectures by professionals, enriching their learning experience and opening doors to future career prospects.
### Cutting-Edge Research Opportunities Available
At Shriram Pharmacy College, students have access to cutting-edge research opportunities that help them stay at the forefront of pharmaceutical innovation. The college encourages students to engage in research projects, guided by experienced faculty members. These projects cover a wide range of topics, from drug discovery and development to clinical trials and pharmacology. Students learn valuable research skills, such as data analysis, experimental design, and critical thinking, which are essential for careers in academia, industry, or regulatory bodies. The college’s focus on research fosters a culture of curiosity, innovation, and continuous learning.
### State-Of-The-Art Infrastructure for Learning
The learning environment at Shriram Pharmacy College is enhanced by state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities. The college features modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and advanced research centers that provide students with hands-on experience in pharmaceutical sciences. The laboratories are outfitted with the latest equipment and technology, allowing students to conduct experiments, practice analytical techniques, and gain practical experience in drug formulation and quality control. The infrastructure supports an interactive and engaging learning experience, preparing students to meet the demands of the dynamic pharmaceutical industry.
### High Placement and Career Prospects
Shriram Pharmacy College has an excellent track record of high placement rates and strong career prospects for its graduates. The college’s placement cell actively collaborates with leading pharmaceutical companies, research organizations, and healthcare institutions to provide students with numerous job opportunities. Through campus recruitment drives, students are placed in reputable organizations with competitive salaries and promising career paths. The college’s emphasis on holistic education, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills, ensures that graduates are well-prepared to excel in various roles within the pharmaceutical industry.
### Accredited and Recognized Curriculum Standards
Shriram Pharmacy College’s B Pharmacy course is accredited by renowned regulatory bodies and follows recognized curriculum standards. The college adheres to the guidelines set by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and other relevant authorities, ensuring that the education provided meets the highest quality standards. The curriculum is regularly updated to align with the latest advancements in pharmaceutical science and industry requirements. This accreditation and recognition not only validate the college’s commitment to excellence but also enhance the employability of its graduates in both national and international markets.
### Focus on Practical Skills Development
Practical skills are a crucial component of pharmaceutical education, and Shriram Pharmacy College places a strong emphasis on developing these skills in its students. Through hands-on laboratory work, clinical practice, and industrial training, students gain real-world experience that complements their theoretical knowledge. The college encourages participation in workshops, seminars, and conferences to further develop these skills and build professional networks. This focus on practical skills development ensures that graduates are well-equipped to handle the complexities of pharmaceutical practice and research.
### Strong Alumni Network Support System
Shriram Pharmacy College takes pride in its strong alumni network, which provides valuable support to current students and graduates. Alumni play an active role in mentoring, offering career guidance, and facilitating job placements. The college organizes regular alumni meetups, webinars, and networking events, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. This strong alumni network helps students build connections in the industry, learn from the experiences of seasoned professionals, and stay informed about job opportunities and industry trends.
### Leading-Edge Pharmaceutical Technology Integration
Shriram Pharmacy College integrates leading-edge pharmaceutical technology into its curriculum, ensuring that students are proficient in using the latest tools and software relevant to the field. The college provides training in modern pharmaceutical technologies such as computational drug design, bioinformatics, and high-throughput screening. By familiarizing students with these advanced technologies, the college prepares them to adapt to the rapidly changing landscape of pharmaceutical research and practice, making them more competitive in the job market.
### Please Like, Share, and Subscribe to Shri Ram Pharmacy College YouTube Channel
Stay connected with Shri Ram Pharmacy College by liking, sharing, and subscribing to our YouTube channel. Our channel offers a variety of content, including expert lectures, industry insights, and updates on college events. By subscribing, you will have access to valuable resources that can enhance your knowledge and keep you informed about the latest developments in the field of pharmacy.
## FAQs
**1. What makes Shriram Pharmacy College unique among other pharmacy colleges?**
Shriram Pharmacy College stands out due to its combination of top-notch faculty, cutting-edge research opportunities, and state-of-the-art infrastructure. The college offers a curriculum that is accredited and recognized, ensuring high academic standards. It emphasizes practical skills development and industry connections, which enhance students’ employability. Additionally, the college provides a supportive alumni network and integrates the latest pharmaceutical technologies into its programs. All these factors contribute to a unique and enriching educational experience that prepares students for successful careers in pharmacy.
**2. How does Shriram Pharmacy College support students in building a career in the pharmaceutical industry?**
Shriram Pharmacy College has a dedicated placement cell that works closely with leading pharmaceutical companies, research organizations, and healthcare institutions. The college organizes campus recruitment drives, internships, and industrial training to provide students with real-world experience and job opportunities. It also emphasizes practical skills development and offers access to cutting-edge research opportunities, which enhance students’ readiness for various roles in the pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, the strong alumni network offers mentorship, career guidance, and job placement support, further aiding students in building successful careers.
**3. What research opportunities are available at Shriram Pharmacy College?**
At Shriram Pharmacy College, students have access to a wide range of research opportunities in areas such as drug discovery, pharmacology, clinical trials, and pharmaceutical technology. The college encourages students to participate in research projects under the guidance of experienced faculty members. State-of-the-art laboratories and research centers provide the necessary resources and infrastructure for conducting innovative research. These opportunities allow students to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, preparing them for advanced studies or research-oriented careers in the pharmaceutical field.
**4. How does Shriram Pharmacy College ensure a high-quality learning environment?**
Shriram Pharmacy College ensures a high-quality learning environment through its state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculty, and interactive teaching methods. The college provides modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and access to advanced pharmaceutical technology. The faculty members are highly qualified and bring extensive industry experience, ensuring that students receive current and relevant knowledge. The curriculum is accredited and regularly updated to meet industry standards, and the college promotes a culture of continuous learning and innovation through workshops, seminars, and research initiatives.
**5. What is the placement record of Shriram Pharmacy College graduates?**
Shriram Pharmacy College has an excellent placement record, with a high percentage of graduates securing jobs in reputable pharmaceutical companies, healthcare institutions, and research organizations. The college’s placement cell actively collaborates with industry partners to provide numerous job opportunities. Graduates benefit from the college’s focus on practical skills development, research opportunities, and industry connections, which make them highly competitive in the job market. The strong alumni network also supports job placements by providing mentorship, career guidance, and industry insights.
## Conclusion
Shriram Pharmacy College, Bankner, is the ideal choice for aspiring pharmacists who seek a comprehensive, high-quality education in pharmaceutical sciences. With top-notch faculty, cutting-edge research opportunities, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a strong focus on practical skills development, the college offers a well-rounded education that prepares students for successful careers in the pharmaceutical industry. The accredited curriculum, high placement rates, strong alumni network, and integration of the latest technology further enhance its reputation as the best B Pharmacy college. Enroll now to embark on a fulfilling and impactful career in pharmacy, and be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest updates.
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