#La Fabrique
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marcogiovenale · 4 months
4 giugno, roma, libreria stendhal: due libri di florent coste
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neueuhren · 6 months
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modaonlinemagazalari · 11 months
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La Fabrique
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
In other news, this week a French publisher on his way to the London Book Fair was arrested by British counter-terrorist police to be questioned about his participation in protests in France.
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A French publisher has been arrested on terror charges in London after being questioned by UK police about participating in anti-government protests in France.
Moret arrived at St Pancras [...] with his colleague Stella Magliani-Belkacem, the editorial director at the Paris-based publishing house, to be confronted by the two officers. [...] He was questioned for six hours and then arrested for alleged obstruction in refusing to disclose the passcodes to his phone and computer. [...] He was transferred to a police station in Islington, north London, where he remained in custody on Tuesday. He was later released on bail.
Éditions la Fabrique is known for publishing radical left authors. Moret also represents the French science fiction novelist Alain Damasio and had arranged more than 40 appointments at the London book fair. [...]
[Quoting publishing house’s press release] “The police officers claimed that Ernest had participated in demonstrations in France as a justification for this act – a quite remarkably inappropriate statement for a British police officer to make, and which seems to clearly indicate complicity between French and British authorities on this matter.” [...] “There’s been an increasingly repressive approach by the French government to the demonstrations, both in terms of police violence, but also in terms of a security clampdown.”
(Guardian link - BBC link) (article in French)
The publishing house (here’s their latest statement in French) and the publisher’s lawyer mention that the British police asked him “Do you support Emmanuel Macron? Did you attend protests against the pension reform?” and he was also asked to name the authors with anti-government views that his employer has published. They add, “Asking the representative of a publishing house, in the framework of counter-terrorism, about the opinions of his authors, is pushing even further the logic of political censorship and repression of dissenting thought. In a context of social protests and authoritarian escalation on the part of the French government, this aspect [of the questioning] is chilling.”
Being an accomplice to thoughtcrime by publishing dissident authors gets you treated like an international terrorist now... The publisher’s lawyer suggests that French authorities asked the UK to help them get their hands on the publisher’s contacts in the radical left sphere. But on the face of it, we’ve got: Exercise your right to protest your government in France -> get arrested by counter-terrorist UK police in London. That’s literally the reason he was given for being greeted by police at the train station...
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hishap · 6 months
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I think I found your child. Or the ring master
This is Grimm's punishment for not paying child support ;P
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flashbic · 3 months
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Falconi prend un moment pour essayer de se rappeler où il a bien pu croiser cette Mystérieuse Demoiselle™ et en vient éventuellement à la conclusion qu'il s'agit de la même qu'il avait rencontrée quelques mois plus tôt au bal masqué... Il a l'air suspicieux là comme ça, mais il est content de la revoir en fait.
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massiveluxuryoverdose · 6 months
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Frank Gehry x Louis Vuitton "Tambour Moon Flying Tourbillon"
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deescontinuity · 7 months
Je suis bloqué dans mon lit depuis cet aprèm, je n'arrive pas à me lever, j'ai proposé à un ami de faire du body doubling mais il doit être occupé, et en soit j'ai juste à mettre des pâtes au micro onde, mais je n'y arrive pas, alors que j'ai faim depuis 1h
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coochiequeens · 2 years
This is the second article I posted today about trans activists attacking women for wrong speech. But sure violent males are the most oppressed population.
Trans activists disrupted a small child safeguarding event in Brussels, Belgium this past week, throwing cow feces in protest of the speakers holding views critical of gender ideology. 
On December 15, child psychiatrist Caroline Eliacheff and professor Céline Masson held a talk at Café Laïque to discuss their latest gender critical publication. The two speakers read from their research, titled “La Fabrique de l’enfant transgenre,” roughly translated as “The Transgender Child Factory,” which expressed concerns over the “psychological conditioning” of youth claiming to be transgender.
But not long after the event had started, trans activists showed up to disrupt the talk. 
While the venue was closed to the public and initially had locked doors to prevent disruptions, an individual who exited the space about 30 minutes into the event in order to make a phone call had left the door unlocked, inadvertently allowing the activists a way to enter.
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According to Le Figaro, 20 hooded activists then stormed into Café Laïque. Calling themselves the “Ursula Collective,” the group confronted the attendees and began to throw terracotta pots containing garbage and cattle feces throughout the room. The majority of the activists appear to have been male. Some of them were holding signs which suggested that being critical of the medical transitioning of youth was a form of “conversion therapy.”
During their tirade, the disruptors also overturned chairs, jostled people, and tried to attack speakers Masson and Eliacheff while screaming obscenities. Attendees intervened and prevented the group from lunging at the speakers.
Prior to its official start, the event had received threats from anonymous trans activists promising “consequences” if it went ahead. 
Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, who had organized Masson and Eliacheff’s talk, told Le Figaro that the threats had been reported to Belgian police in advance, but that officers had been preoccupied providing security for a European Union summit held in the same district.
The speakers decided to end the conference early, fearing for their safety.
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One member of the group was arrested once police finally arrived, but the rest of the “Collective” fled.
During the disruption, the window of the building was vandalized, with the name of the venue being obscured by a collage which read “racist,” and “transphobic.”
While Café Laïque has been targeted in the past for its history of platforming controversial speakers, the violent interruption of the talk in this instance appears to have been solely motivated the appearance of Masson and Eliacheff. 
The two women are frequently referred to as “transphobic” and called “TERFs” – an acronym for ‘trans exclusionary radical feminist’ often used in a derogatory fashion. 
Eliacheff in particular has faced event cancellations in the past due to threats of violence. In November, she was prevented from speaking at a conference in Lille, Belgium. At another event in Paris, she was forced to attend via video conference due to fears for her safety, and yet another event in Lyon was hastily moved due to threats of violence. 
“I am no longer at peace anywhere,” Eliacheff has said. The celebrated psychiatrist believes the only way for her to continue speaking at events safely is for her presence to be unannounced and spontaneous.
Bergeaud-Blackler told Le Figaro that she has filed a police complaint regarding the incident, and noted that although journalists were present at the incident, the story has hardly been reported on by Belgian media. She also said that she had attempted to provide the activists a microphone in order to speak freely and civilly, but none had accepted her offer. 
The disgusting disruption at Café Laïque this week follows a rising trend of violence against women around the world for their participation at events critical of gender ideology.
Author and women’s right’s advocate Kara Dansky led a peaceful protest earlier this month in Oakland, California which ended in the assault of some female attendees by angry trans activists. Women’s Liberation Front founder Lierre Keith spoke to Reduxx and said the protest had initially been off to a good start — with members of the public expressing support for the women. But the group was ultimately confronted and attacked by black-clad trans activists who had ambushed them. 
“One man rammed into Kara with an umbrella. Others attacked us by slamming things into our faces and heads. Kara also got eggs smashed into her head and body. There’s a photo of actual blood behind her ear from the force,” Leith told Reduxx. 
The use of waste in protest by trans activists has also been documented in other incidents from this year. 
In September, trans activists in London, UK staged a urine-filled protest outside of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to protest proposed plans to exclude some trans-identified males from women’s facilities. 
Members of the organization Pissed Off Trannies gathered outside of the EHRC to leave bottles full of human urine around the perimeter. They also poured urine on themselves and onto the public sidewalk, prompting ample disgust from women’s rights advocates on social media.
Even more recently, trans activists suggested that an unidentified liquid they had sprayed at women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen during a Speaker’s Corner event in London was urine.
By Yuliah Alma Yuliah is a junior researcher and journalist at Reduxx. She is a passionate advocate for women's rights and child safeguarding. Yuliah lives on the American east coast, and is an avid reader and book collector.
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less-ismore · 2 years
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“Paris quand même, c’est-à-dire, Paris encore, Paris malgré tout, comme une ville qui, en se souvenant d’elle même, via son bâti, ses passants et ses combats, résiste aux logiques d’alignement et à la patrimonialisation forcée. (...) la moindre promenade un peu flottante permettant de vérifier qu’une vivacité est toujours là, et sous une forme spécifique, locale, incarnée, renouvelée.”
Jean-Christophe Bailly, Paris quand même, 2022.
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culturefrancaise · 2 years
Je rêve depuis des années de pouvoir me payer un parapluie de chez eux un jour. Ce sont de beaux objets, qui valent le prix qu’ils coûtent. J’espère que cette boutique prospèrera encore longtemps.
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jacqwess · 15 days
La jeune fille, la perle et moi
Did you think you knew "Girl with a Pearl Earring", Vermeer's famous painting? Look at #mygirlwithapearl on Insta... Amazing. And this, in turn, led to an immersive edition. In Fabrique des Lumières, in cooperation with the Mauritshuis. Fascinating.
Top English summary : click here Informations pratiques: cliquez ici Facebook LinkedIn WhatsApp Threads Pinterest X Print Mail Qui ne connaît pas la « Jeune Fille à la perle » (1655) de Johannes Vermeer ? C’est un des tableaux les plus célèbres du monde, qui « habite » au Mauritshuis à La Haye. Mais au printemps de 2023, elle a été prêtée au Rijksmuseum d’Amsterdam, où elle a passé…
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bagasy · 3 months
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lolochaponnay · 4 months
Deux blondes vont faire une balade à vélo. Après seulement 250 mètres, la première descend de son engin et dégonfle ses pneus. La seconde demande : - Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais ? - La selle est trop haute, alors je descends tout le vélo! Aussitôt, la seconde descend aussi de son engin, puis elle démonte sa selle et son guidon et elle les inverse, c'est-à-dire qu'elle met le guidon à la place de la selle et vice versa! - Ben, et toi, qu'est-ce que tu fabriques ? demande la première. - T'es vraiment trop conne, alors je fais demi-tour!
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ernestdescalsartwok · 4 months
FABRICA-LA FAVORITA-MANRESA-PINTURA-FARINERA-ART-RENFE-PAISATGES-CAPVESPRE-EDIFICIS-INDUSTRIALS-PATRIMONI-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: FABRICA-LA FAVORITA-MANRESA-PINTURA-FARINERA-ART-RENFE-PAISATGES-CAPVESPRE-EDIFICIS-INDUSTRIALS-PATRIMONI-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Pintar en el atardecer los edificios industriales de las antiguas fábricas en la ciudad de MANRESA, provincia de Barcelona en Catalunya, la antigua fábrica de LA FAVORITA o LA FARINERA con los railes y torres metálicas del ferrocarril junto a la estación de la Renfe, lugar solitario con chimenea torcidas por el paso del tiempo, torreones que nos indican la majestuosidad industrial de tiempos anteriores, colores que nos marcan la huida del sol en horas tardías, cuando el cromatismo adquiere una fuerte personalidad atmosférica. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros, pintando el Patrimonio Industrial y arquitectónico en paisajes inéditos, estoy trabajando mucho en mi ciudad y los temas son inagotables cuando los quieres expresar en sun verdadera importancia histórica y plástica.
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