#LSD Gummy
shroomsshroom · 8 months
Buy Microdose LSD Gummy Bears 100ug Online | Shrooms911
Enhance your experience with Deadhead Chemist's LSD Microdose Gummy Bears, each pack containing 100ug in 5 delightful gummy bears. Dive into the journey and buy LSD gummy bears at Shrooms911 for a flavourful and controlled psychedelic adventure.
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vyd3n · 2 years
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She's a shy little thing Always in the background Never in the spotlight
But when the lights go down And the music starts to play She comes alive
She's a different creature In the dark of night She's the life of the party
Until the sun comes up And she fades away
She's a Wallflower But she's not afraid to take a chance When the opportunity comes along
She might be shy But she knows how to have a good time And she's not afraid to let her true colors show
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bitchfitch · 2 years
you see the difficulty with writing a character who's basically constantly high is that i don't do drugs and don't tend to hang around folk while they're high so i have basically no Actual idea how someone who's high on half of a 1855 doctor's medicine cabinet but Really used to it would act. and googling it isn't helping because most of the results I'm getting are 'dont do drugs kids' or advice from people I'm going to go ahead and assume call blunts weed cigarettes unironically.
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voyagetv67 · 6 months
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💊 PEPPA PIG dissimulate GHB 🧴
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newyorkvapecarts · 1 year
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Acid Sheet .... Who drop Acid?
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Bobby: Hello my name is Bobby and I’m an alcoholic. And I brought the bowl.
Athena: Hi my name is Athena and when I was 9 a girl who was my next door neighbor went missing and 40 years later they found her remains inside the cement driveway of my family home and it turns out her killer was a close family friend who used to chase me around the orange grove just like he chased her before killing her. And I brought Swedish fish.
Bobby: My name is Bobby and when I was little my dad let me have a drink which I immediately threw up and my mom got mad at him and wanted to take me and my brother and leave but I didn’t wanna go and he slapped my brother but I stayed with him anyway and we lived alone for about a week and then I found him dead in the living room and that’s when I started drinking. And I brought skittles.
Athena: I’m Athena and one time I followed a hunch about a guy with a drone who turned out to be a serial rapist who beat me almost to death so I shot off his penis and then he escaped during his parole hearing and proceeded to kidnap my son so I shot five holes in his chest. Oh and I brought sour patch kids.
Bobby: Hi, I’m Bobby and one time I left a space heater on that started a fire in my building which killed 148 people including my wife and kids and I tried to make amends by saving 148 other people and then kill myself because I wasn’t supposed to live. And I brought airheads xtremes.
Athena: My name is Athena and my fiancé was killed and I didn’t tell anyone or dealt with it for 30 years until I finally found his killer only for him to be released 3 years later and request I be the one to transfer him. And I brought nerds gummy clusters.
Bobby: I’m Bobby and when I first moved to LA I joined a fire station and I had a good day there and so I relapsed because I didn’t feel like I deserved to have a good day. And I brought twizzlers.
Athena: My name is Athena and 7 years ago I found my daughter not breathing on her bedroom floor and I discovered it was because a girl was bullying her so I arrested her. And I brought peach rings.
Bobby: I’m Bobby and one time my sponsor called me and he sounded high and two days later I responded to a small fire call and found his corpse there. And I brought gummy sharks.
Athena: I’m Athena and I was married for 15 years to a man I knew was gay because I wanted to have kids. And I brought mike & ikes.
Bobby: I’m Bobby and one time I was dosed on LSD and saw my dead daughter, so I stood on a ledge of my firehouse and almost killed myself. And I brought sour gummy worms.
Athena: My name is Athena and when I was a little girl I was traumatized by a movie that showed a man falling on the ceilings glass windows of an upside down ship and a few months ago I saw the same thing recreated in real life. And I brought mini starburst.
Bobby: I’m Bobby and I almost died in the desert only for the cartel that chased me to burn down my house later. And I brought haribo berries.
Athena: I’m Athena and I almost died in said house fire from smoke inhalation. And I brought sour patch watermelon.
Bobby: I’m Bobby and after I got Athena to safety I had a heart attack and my heart stopped for 14 minutes. And I brought sour punch bites.
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lolzychan · 2 months
here’s a list i made a couple months ago of drugs Homestar Runner characters would do
Homestar would be mostly against doing drugs and judge other people for using them but I can imagine Strong Bad tricking him into eating pot brownies and edible gummies at parties as a prank and unintentionally get him hooked on them because “they have me feeling real good!”
Pom Pom would also be against drugs but mostly because he takes his career more seriously than Homestar does. He'd be more into drinking alcohol than doing drugs
Marzipan would absolutely DESPISE drugs so she would probably scold Homestar for coming home smelling like pot for half an hour and make him sleep outside
Strong Bad would hit the kush with The Cheat and Strong Mad, regularly, because what else would you do besides check emails terrorize the town and play video games all day
Strong Mad would get confused and drink bong water
The Cheat would take LSD because he’s a dj at club technochocolate so of course he would.
(I also, for some reason, wrote down a whole thing in this notebook about The Cheat possibly even being a drug like those psychedelic frogs that you get high off of by licking them. its a funny concept on paper but makes no fucking sense in hindsight)
Strong Sad isn’t confident enough to do drugs, he probably sees them as intimidating. the only ones he really does are ones prescribed to him. tho i can imagine he'd lightly abuse some of his meds to get a high out of it, that, or Strong Bad would prank him with pot brownies too. Y'know what actually- scratch allat Lets just say he drinks wine in the dark and cries all night.
Homsar would drink bong water too but on purpose
Coach z would drink lean because h
Bubs is everybody's plug. he provides them with their shit and nobody truly knows where hes getting them from. whether its from some supplier abroad or he makes them himself in an underground lab like in Breaking Bad. who knows what all kinds of shit he's likely on
The King of Town would do bath salts, get knocked off his rocker and eat someone's face off
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angel / kay, 24, dressed up adultchild (they/he)
gemini sun, aquarius moon, pisces rising
active on insta @ rainbowphilia
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*looks like* your childhood friend's bedroom, harajuku on a weekend in 2002, knock off magical girl merchandise at the flea market
*feels like* playing gameboy on a late summer night, vibrating bass at a rave, being high on lsd
*sounds like* novice happy hardcore mixes, an obscure moe anime ost, 2000s emo bands playing over an iHome
*tastes like* melon calpico, menthol cigarettes, sour gummy worms
*smells like* strawberries and cream, basement mildew, body fantasies perfumes
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☆ follow = friend ^__^ inbox and dms are always welcome !
☆ trigger warning for posts around medical related themes, drugs, trauma, venting! nsfw is rare / tagged except on sideblog
☆ no dni i just block anybody annoying or hateful
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hardcore heaven - alice gas
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horce-divorce · 12 days
we made it to the tail end of the 4th Annual Entheofest today! Ann arbor decriminalized entheogenic plants 4 years ago, so now you can not only buy mushrooms and DMT vapes in head shops, you can go to campus events and get everything from free samples to LSD from a guy wearing the coolest fucking embroidered tailcoat you've ever seen. apparently
we didn't come super prepared & didnt really have any drugs money this time but it was cool seeing all the stuff people have, seeing everyone's outfits, and hearing their pitches.
someone walked up to us and was like "do you like tea???" Like damn fucking clocked lmao, they gave us the spiel about how they got into lions mane for their GERD before getting into psilocybin, did a ton of research into various medicinal mushrooms and now saves $400 worth of GERD medications every month, and handed me a fistful of free non-psychadelic mushroom teas to try for my Various Issues.
One guy was selling APE gummies that use some kind of concentrate/extraction method he pioneered himself, and he also uses lions mane in them so they don't give you a stomach ache when you trip. He was handing out free samples AND bananas. get it because the mushroom is called APE. it was a good gimmick and I liked his free gummies
another person who was driving the bike cart thing and wearing THEE coolest outfit handed me a bunch of pride stickers, and they had the BEST art for sale and I was so crushed I didn't have any cash for them!!! but I followed them on Instagram so I hope I can catch them again before they leave town.
also shootout to the guy who came up to us after and was like "you guys were at entheofest? I got LSD!!!! you ever played with an LED Frisbee on acid? It's hard to catch a Frisbee with a 30 foot trail" before skipping off in the rain with the hugest grin. I <3 stoners. thank you mushroom people for my fucking life
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traffic-light-eyes · 11 months
“FrIeNd GoT hIgH” girl I see u. Amen. Happpy Friday
Prommy it was a friend !!!
She was stupid about it, too. Went to a gas station and paid 5 dollars for half a gummy, which she was specifically told that it was "hard stuff," so she shouldn't have it all in one go. She popped it into her mouth and ended up hallucinating. We think there was some LSD in there cause no shot weed just did that.
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shroomsshroom · 9 months
Microdose LSD Gummy Bears 100ug Online | Shrooms911
Enhance your experience with Deadhead Chemist's LSD Microdose Gummy Bears, each pack containing 100ug in 5 delightful gummy bears. Dive into the journey and buy LSD gummy bears at Shrooms911 for a flavourful and controlled psychedelic adventure.
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vyd3n · 2 years
Sƚαɾზυɾʂƚ Dɾιρ
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Starburst Drip is a gummy bear that loves to trip While he's high, he sees giant colorful stars bursting and dripping all around him He loves to eat these stars and feel their sticky sweet juices running down his chin
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defaultfelix · 9 months
are there psycholy edibles or is it primarily intravenous injection in application method?
Psycholy can be roughly thought of as an LSD analogue (psycholy's full name is psycho-lysergic acid diethylamide), so the primary form of ingestion is sublingual or buccal. It's most typically sold/administered in pre-measured hits on tabs of blotter paper; although the liquid can be swallowed straight, the effects/dosage is very unpredictable (with many negative side effects), and too high for nearly all recreational 'trips'. So while I'd imagine that some edibles could be infused with psycholy (gummies in particular seem like they'd be popular), it would need to be added afterwards, since the chemical bonds would break down from the heat of being cooked into butter, for example.
As for intravenous injection, I'd imagine that it's a possible form of administration, but I don't have much detail beyond that (aside from my gut instinct which is that it would lead to a much more 'unpredictable', 'chaotic' trip, with a lot of physical side effects on the body). Psycholy would be classified as a psychedelic drug, whereas injected drugs seem to be of the opioid class; none of the main characters do intravenous drugs recreationally, with only Olivia experimenting with stranger-derived intravenous injections.
I hope that answers your question – thank you so much for the ask! 💙
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mikadollie · 10 months
I think rinne would get him high or drunk n make him do drugs like lsd n cocaine. Maybe heroin if he’s crazy enough.
like he sneakily feeds tomoya edibles or slips pills/lsd tabs in his mouth as they kiss
IM IN LOVE WITH TOMORIN!!!' A whiiiile back i made a little Drabble of rinne being tomoyas sugar daddy ... looks away........
Tomoya on lsd … hmmfg ( ̄∇ ̄)HEERROOINNNNNN..!!!!!! Thinking about Rinne tying the tourniquet around a very nervous tomoya.... (*≧∀≦*)
T: this gummy tastes weird
R: yeah don't worry about it
40 mins later and tomoya is so high.... anonnie youre putting crazy things in my head........
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brett-is-afraid · 7 months
Do you have any other dr*g headcannons for any others? I saw you hc post and I’m curious
Sure! Here's some more headcanons I have
Dream Team:
-Weed. Should go without saying, they all give stoner vibes. Sapnap's probably the one who gets the most weed, so they all just split his stash. Shitty joints that haven't been rolled properly are a big thing in their household.
-Coke. It's an upper and helps him a lot when he's struggling. It's also good for weight loss. It also helps keep him awake and he feels a lot more productive during this time.
-I could also see him going for something that relaxes him more such as heroin.
-In the same vein, I can also see Niki using coke for weight loss. I can also see her using something like morphine that generally has calming effects or things that have a pain-relieving aspect to them. She doesn't like to feel wired.
-I can also see her getting into club drugs such as ecstasy, thinking specifically about her Coachella looks for this one.
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Like you'd take LSD with this girl.
-Again, weed is a big one for him. He'd also be big into anything else that helps him mellow out. He's tried speedballing at least a couple times. (The act of mixing an upper with a downer, most often cocaine and heroin.) He doesn't like it, though.
-He'd end up abusing Ritalin or Adderall. It begins as an actual prescription he has and end up spiraling over time.
-Would slowly get back into weed. He stepped away from it for a long time after his gummy incident, but gets back into it over time.
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rainbowxocs · 11 months
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TW: Mentions of religious trauma and child abuse.
Notes by the greatest guy ever~ Me of course.
Name: Michael Elizabeth Ansley.
My parents thought I was going to be a girl- So they had to change my name at the last minute.
Alt Name: Michael Morningstar. Barf-
Special Titles: Crown Prince of Hell, Michael Morningstar. Also Barf. Dr. Michael Ansley.
Old Titles: “M”, “God”, “Lord of Darkness”. ALSO Barf-
Username: theliteralantichrist
Nicknames: Mikey, “Emo Boy”, Hero.
Age: 27.
Pronouns: He/They/Rot.
Sexuality: Gay.
Gender: Nonbinary, Gendervoid, HolyGoric. I would describe my gender as a rotting corpse to be honest-
Species: Hybrid (Antichrist.)
Disorders: Panic Disorder, CPTSD, Autism, Insomnia, Bipolar 2, ASPD, Anorexia, Checking OCD.
Physical Disabilities: Blind, Chronic Pain.
Recovering Addictions: LSD, Alcohol, Mushrooms, Self Harm, Nicotine (Vape).
Religion: Atheist. Religions are scams, which I of all people should know-
Job: None, At the moment. ……
Current Major: Pediatrics.
Degrees: Psychology Degree.
Lives in: WV, America, 2034. Country roads.. take me home..
Languages: English.
Height: 4’9” >:(
Race: White.
Ethnicity: Demonic.
Accent: Soft, Southern.
Monster Form: Sharp Claws, Sharp Teeth, Boney Elongated Form, Big Horns, Animalistic.
I don’t like this form..
Powers: Time Travel, Teleporting, Telekinesis, Fire Manipulation, Flight, Summoning, Sucking Life Force/Souls, Hypnosis, Possession, Strings, Necromancy, Omens, Shapeshifting, Mass Destruction.
If I wasn’t lazy I could probably take over the world.
Weapons: Knives.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Text Color: Pink, Red when Upset.
Main Animal: Dog.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Video Games, Fashion/Dressing Up, Crafting, Knitting, Needlefelting.
I like doing things hands on.. It gives me something to do.
Diet: Carnivorous, Raw Diet.
Whether I eat meat or raw meat is a different story- Strawberries are really tasty.
Favorite Drink: Strawberry Shortcake Coffee, Strawberry Chocolate Tea, Hwache, Strawberry Boba, Strawberry Monster Energy.
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon.
Favorite Meal: Pork Brains, Steak Tartar, Gumbo, Sashimi, Spaghetti, Katsudon, Dinosaur Nuggets and Fries, Pancakes, Fruit Sandwiches, Sago Soup.
Favorite Candy: White Chocolate, Gummy Worms, Salt Water Taffy, Konpieto.
Favorite Dessert: Strawberry Shortcake, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Gingerbread Cookies, Strawberry Icecream, Dirt Cake, Pavlova.
Favorite Flower: Pink Forget Me Nots.
Scent: Rose Cologne, Barbie Detangler.
Why do you need to know this about me-
Handedness: Right Handed.
Blood Color: Black, Sometimes Red.
Birthday: December 25th 2007 (Capricorn)
My birthday is… kind of ironic…
Fun Facts: Wrote his very own Bible for his religion, has a stuffed animal collection, Has a magical girl collection.
Special Interests: Stardew, Minecraft, Slime Rancher, Animal Crossing, The Sims, Pokémon, Coraline, My Little Pony, Moomin Valley, Strawberry Shortcake, Fairy Princess Minky Momo, Sanrio. :)
Stims: Handflapping, Mouse Cheese, Sensory Cube, Pink Tangle, Pop it Game.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Comfort Objects: Cat Plush, Cow Pillow Pets, Pink Slime Plush, Pokémon plushies, Killer (Teddy Bear), Gloomy Bear, Bluey Plush.
My Pokémon Team!:
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In Games:
Animal Crossing:
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Stardew Valley:
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(Credit to this portrait maker)
Minecraft Skin: LINK
Lucifer Morningstar, Elijah Morningstar. (Fathers.) ……
Lilith Morningstar. (Stepmother)
Raven Ansley. (Mother.) :)
Ezequiel Ansley. (Stepfather)
Melanie Ansley (Aunt) …….
Lucy Ferr, Sin Morningstar. (Half Siblings.)
Alexander Leverett. (Adoptive Brother) (Strained.) …..
Immanuel Ansley. (Adoptive Sibling.)
Sam Coleman. (Adoptive Uncle.)
Micah Coleman. (Adoptive Uncle.)
Friends: None. ……..
Romance: None. …….
Danger (Tarantula)
Princess (Skeleton Cat)
Brief Personality: Mikey acts tough. For his entire life he has had to manipulate in order to survive. He can usually get what he wants with little effort. But he is, deeply troubled.. Usually he is incredibly chatty but lately he’s just been.. quiet.. He no longer seems to care about much, he’d rather just sit in the silence.
Brief Backstory:
Michael was born out of a prophecy. He was destined to destroy heaven and the earth. However for the time being he was born to his mother and “Father”..
Mikey had a pretty normal childhood for the most part. He was a good kid, he went to church, he played with his toys and didn’t make much of a fuss. However, as he grew older weird occurrences would happen around Michael.
His mother didn’t seem worried. But everyone else noticed the birds dying around him, the water becoming blood, bad omens seemed to follow the child. And it culminated in Michael’s house burning down with his mother and “Father” inside. He was the only survivor.
His aunt was given custody of him.. He didn’t know it at the time but he was not responsible for the fire. However everyone believed he was. He was forced to repent over and over and over and over to get rid of his “sins”, to get rid of the demons inside of him.
Michael felt hollow.. He felt the judging eyes of everyone on him. No matter how good of a kid he was he felt destined to be evil. It felt like the omens were getting worse and worse as he got older and older.
The church held an intervention for Michael. They told him that he wasn’t good enough, that God was disappointed in him. The demons were still inside him because he let them stay inside. He began to cry and say that wasn’t true and that he wanted to pure he wanted to be good.
The church members took him into the baptistery and forced him under the water, waterboarding him over and over again to try and get him to “repent for his sins” and that the holy water will cleanse him of his omens.
Over and over again he was forced underneath the water, he kept screaming but the water kept filling his lungs, when he finally was able to get some air. He felt this righteous anger fill his entire body, and he attacked the people who had forced him underneath the water.
He attacked the church leaders and in the struggle they gauged out his eyes. And stabbed him. Pushing him deep into the baptism water, as his blood filled the pool it turned a dark black color. And he ascended from the baptism a monster.
Michael killed everyone. The people in the church, his aunt, everyone. Everyone who had hurt him. Everyone who had forced him into bowing before a god who would never forgive him. This “awakened” something inside of him, a power he never knew he had. And he began to crave meat.
He became the monster the church thought he was. And he ran away. And he decided that he would become a god, if a god who watched him get tortured by the heads of his religion then he could easily become one.
He created a cult, Ascensionism. He being the god, and his subjects being his eyes. He saw through them, and when it was finally time they would ascend and become his food. Becoming one with their god.
After many years in the cult however he eventually feels.. empty inside.. He begins to question what the hell he is doing and disbands the cult. He goes on a long journey of soul searching, trying to figure out who he is, what he is, etc. and one could argue he is still on that journey now even tho he is much healthier than he was back then.
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