xmymelosmile · 7 months
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Miko is an oc created in English class :,)
Ink belongs to Comyet
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earlysunshines · 1 year
this one's for you
yoo jeongyeon x fem!reader ; fluff (highschool au)
synopsis: yoo jeongyeon can shoot a basketball pretty well--just not when you're near.
wc: 7.6k
warnings: cursing ; jeongyeon is an idiot ; not proofread well oops
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a/n: been working on this for a bit, hope you all enjoy this brain rotting fluff :-)
also there might be a good amount of mistakes because i got tired and gave up on proof reading :-/
yoo jeongyeon shoots her shot and almost always makes it.
the 5'6, dark-haired, cocky, and well-known shooting guard is arguably the best on the team, everyone knows it.
though yoo jeongyeon lacks some height for a star player on the court, her skills make up for all of it.
each and every pass made is precise, no matter how far she is. every time she would dribble, those who would watch would be in awe at how quick she was on her feet and how quickly the tips of her fingers were able to shift the ball from one side to another. her shots are the star of the show—each time she makes one, there's a ninety percent chance that it'll make the infamous swish—which makes the whole crowd lose their minds.
most girls eye her, most girls want her; yoo jeongyeon could pull almost anyone she wanted, but you were a different case.
"who's that?" the shooting guard perks her head up, narrowing her eyes at the unfamiliar second-year who had just passed by. you hadn't shifted your gaze in the slightest; you didn't bat an eye at jeongyeon or even acknowledge her.
jihyo rolls her eyes at the hopeless lesbian next to her who now looks at jihyo through her clear glass frames, desperate for an answer.
"that's myoui's cousin or something, she transferred here last week." jihyo answers.
"she's hot." jeongyeon says, still staring at you as you converse with mina. jeongyeon looks at you with heart eyes, "i'm gonna ask her out." she adds, determined. jihyo rolls her eyes once more.
jeongyeon gapes at you, she notes that your style is a more casual version of mina's. the gray sweatshirt that you wear fits loosely around your figure, and the navy sweatpants fit the same around your legs too. the shoes you wear are for lounging, something comfy—jeongyeon thinks they're some type of clog. the dark-haired basketball player notes that you're just barely taller than mina, maybe two or three centimeters taller than the school's ballet star, but not taller than yoo herself. she's into shorter girls; you're perfect.
you and mina have similar features: sharp jawlines, similar beauty marks/moles, hair, etc. though, you have some sharper features, and god... the thought of your eyes and lips might have her slipping up during practice.
the girl jeongyeon had been eyeing turns and makes eye contact with her for a split second. you slow down time during that split second, it seems as if ten have passed by before you turn back to your cousin. jeongyeon wishes that moment could've lasted an hour.
"you're being weird, i hate it." jihyo sighs.
"i need to know her name."
"didn't you bicker with myoui a lot? like hell she'd let you go near her cousin."
"we're 17, i'm not letting that smartass tell me who i can and can't date."
"whatever. stop being so gay it's disgusting and i hate you." jihyo groans, "and, class starts soon. let's go."
"you just want to see minatozaki you aren't any different from-"
jihyo pinches the hooper's ears, which makes the taller girl whine in discomfort. jihyo just sighs, "and we will see minatozaki whether you like it or not."
"why can you be gay but not me?"
"because i can. life is not fair, yoo."
jeongyeon groans.
jeongyeon almost collapses when she sees you walk through the door, jihyo rolls her eyes again and thinks that her eyes might fall out by the end of the day if you continue to be within jeongyeon's field of vision.
the class quiets down and mr. choi pushes his glasses up, then brushes his flat hair back with his fingers.
"listen, you're all old enough so i'll make this short. we have a new student, her name is myoui y/n. treat her with the same respect as you would with your other peers, and please make her feel welcome." he introduces.
"hi. i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you all." you greet, and your voice is like liquid gold, dripping with warmth and sweetness—jeongyeon wants a taste.
"jihyo i need her so bad."
"get a grip." park scolds, "you're gonna make me go insane by the end of the day."
you nod your head and smile awkwardly, making your way over to the empty seat next to the window; the desk is a seat up and to the left. you're sitting close enough for jeongyeon to admire the side of your face instead of paying attention in class.
jihyo's going to be in a deathbed by the end of the year—or month.
lunch is in session, you sit with mina and her friends: tzuyu, chaeyoung, and dahyun. the two shorter ones seem eager to get to know you, asking you all sorts of questions and comparing their schedules with yours. mina informs you that this is how they usually are, tzuyu snickers at their enthusiasm.
as lunch goes on, your gaze shifts over to a short, dark-haired girl with clear frames. she's talking to some girl with this particularly apparent bob, and another girl who's laughing so hard you can see the two bunny-like front teeth from the way she lights up. you also recognize the two other girls with longer hair: sana and momo—some of mina's other friends.
the girl with the glasses makes eye contact with you for a moment, and she smiles at you immediately, even adding a wink. nervousness washed over you like an uninviting wave, and you respond by redirecting your attention to your cousin who sits in front of you.
mina quirks a brow when your focus is suddenly drawn to an empty spot on the lunch table, curious at the sudden change in expression.
your cousin turns her head toward what, or who you were looking at.
uh oh.
"were you checking out yoo?" mina presses. her tone makes it seem like she has a dagger to your throat.
"what are you talking about?" your attempt at innocence fails.
"don't act stupid." mina sighs. "she's trouble, i've had too many bad encounters with her. i don't want you having any similar experiences with her either."
chaeyoung snickers at mina, "mina's just mad because yoo accdientally spilled milk on her once, and made her drop all her shit on the floor." chaeyoung explains, amused—it makes your cousin shoot a glare that has the shortest of the table shrinking in her seat.
you giggle to yourself and it calms the tension from the now moody mina; the thought of her having milk spilt all over is pretty entertaining.
"just watch out okay? she's just... i don't know, be careful with her she's kind of strange and might be trouble; and her low iq might rub off on you." mina groans.
you laugh at her words—yoo jeongyeon seems interesting.
yoo jeongyeon seems to have bad luck with the myoui family.
two weeks after you catch her eye, you're in the gym helping out the student council by putting posters up with chaeyoung. the shorter girl had convinced you that it would be fun, and she practically begged you to since everyone else was busy.
the tape that you had on the tip of your finger was taken off your skin to put on the edge of a large, white poster for the student council. you're busy holding the other side of the paper for chaeyoung while she grabs some more tape rolls since you had run out, so your attention was focused on the phone in your hands as you waited.
the last thing you had heard was "watch out!"
but it was too late.
it all happened so quickly, but you remembered everything.
the basketball hits you in the head and the force from it even has you making contact with the wall beside you. the pain is sharp and has you falling to the ground, clutching your head as your eyes water.
there are a couple of gasps and you even hear a muffled "jeongyeon!" while your eyes are shut.
a few seconds after the collision, you feel a hand on your shoulder and a rushed sequence of words.
"oh my god are you okay? fuck... i'm so sorry, how many fingers am i holding up? can you see?" jeongyeon asks, worried and filled with guilt. the shooting guard had made a quick, sharp pass—which would've been great in an actual game, but the timing was terrible and it just had to hit you.
"could you not-" you start, but you clutch your aching head at the sudden pain that hits you. "fuck," you groan, "could you watch it next time?"
"i'm sorry, really. i didn't mean to, it was an accident-"
you're in a terrible mood now (the myoui cousins seem to have moodswings in common,) and you're even more agitated from the overwhelming amount of words and apologies from jeongyeon.
"accidents can hurt, you know." you grumble, glaring at her with a hand still on your head.
jeongyeon winces, feeling like she'd just embarrassed herself in front of the one girl she's been eyeing.
"sorry, let me take you to the nurse." the shooting guard says, offering a hand—which you take with irritation.
"i'm jeongyeon by the way, i think we have biology together." she says, trying to break the awkward silence that stretches while you two walk down the hall.
you turn to her with an intimidating gaze, it's scary and has jeongyeon avoiding eye contact. as much as you'd like to spark a conversation with her, your skull hurts and the more you listen to her voice makes you ache more.
"you're myoui's cousin, right?"
"why do you ask?"
"um, just curious."
"i heard you spilled milk on her too." and you almost giggle, "you're not good with first impressions, huh?"
you notice jeongyeons slightly flustered demeanor and despite your irritation, you find yourself intrigued at this new facade. it's almost cute, almost.
"it's just a little bump, it'll probably be a bruise though." ms. lee explains casually, "at least it's not a concussion—some ice should help with the swelling."
you grumble as you accept the ice pack. "thanks."
ms. lee smiles at you then nods, "let me know if it troubles you anymore."
you nod back.
when you get up and turn towards the door, you notice jeongyeon leaning against the frame of it. she leans awkwardly against the door, looks like guilt painted her expression—almost like a somber portrait—it’s like each brushstroke reminded her of the stupid slip-up from earlier.
her face softens before she apologizes again. "i'm really sorry y/n."
"you better be." you respond. "my head feels like it got in a fight with your basketball."
jeongyeon tries to hide the small smile that tugs at her lips, she knows she shouldn't be amused, especially after giving you that noticeable bump and dark red mark—but your pout and adorable expression do not help. the tinge of annoyance in your voice was even cuter.
the smile fights back against jeongyeon and it's visible on her face now. "if it helps, i think you look lovely with that bump on your forehead."
"are you trying to flirt with the girl you nearly concussed?" you respond in disbelief, but a (very soft) blush creeps up your cheeks from the unexpected compliment.
"can't help it when you look like that." jeongyeon smiles, and her attempt at easing the tension works (to her surprise.)
as much as you want to argue and be stubborn with her, you're too busy fighting back that smile from seeing that stupid smirk on her lips and hearing her teasing tone.
"you're unbelievable."
you think jeongyeon is an idiot, a stupid idiot with a stupidly annoying (and particularly lovely) face.
you find out that jeongyeon is certainly an idiot.
a month after that painful encounter with the shooting guard, you're pulled aside by your biology teacher after class. it's frightening, you wonder if you had done something wrong and it makes your thumb scratch at the side of your fingers.
"did i do anything wrong mr. choi?" you ask worriedly, since it's been what, almost three months? since you've even been at this new school, and you're not trying to ruin your reputation this early into your transfer.
mr. choi simply shakes his head, still facing the laptop in front of him—his dark hair stays slicked in place as he does so.
"not at all; actually, i called you here because you're one of my best students, really." he explains, turning to face you. "you've been here for only a bit, but your grades are at the top of the class."
the worry that had been sitting on your shoulders brushes off—you let out a sigh of relief.
"i see, thank you." you respond, "so what did you need?"
"since you're so proficient in this class, i wanted to ask if you were willing to tutor one of the students thats," he pauses, his shoulders seem to sink just barely. "-not so knowledgeable."
mr. choi uses the word "ask," but it sounds more like a demand, almost as if you couldn't say no despite the softness of his deep voice. you tilt your head and look at him with creased brows.
"um, okay?"
he sighs, pushing his black glasses up.
"it's yoo, she's been... slacking."
"and you want me to... tutor her?"
"please." mr. choi sighs. he leans back in his seat and starts pinching the bridge of his nose, disappointment etched lines on his face. "she's one of the most significant players on the basketball team, and they're pretty deep into the season."
"and that has to do with what?" you question, thinking about your distressing experience with basketballs.
"if she continues to perform so poorly in this class, she'll be benched from the team."
"mr. choi, i get that you want to help one of your students, but i have my own things to do and i need that free time to-"
"y/n," he starts, "i'm the assistant coach, you know. she's not just a student, but she's also one of my players."
the expression that flickers across your face is one of surprise—he did not look like the type to coach in his free time, maybe one to do crosswords or something like that—but coaching girl's basketball? crazy.
"mr. choi, i get that you know, she's an important player and whatnot but how would this benefit me?"
"it'll look really good on your record and also, i'll give you service hours for it, even double. to add onto that, i can write a damn good recommendation letter for when you need it."
shit that's a good deal.
you think to yourself for a moment; do you really want to tutor that idiot?
another sigh leaves your lips.
"great, i've already told jeongyeon that you'd do it anyway. i told her to meet you in the library afterschool." he smiles, the lost hope seems to return to his eyes and his shoulders lift back. you look at him in disbelief.
you walk into the library with a groan.
as you scan the room, you notice a few students who occupy tables and chat with each other, some even pass around notebooks, and some laugh with one another. some students are browsing through the library, you spot that smart kid hyunseok from your math class in the science fiction section.
your gaze lands on a familiar classmate, the same one who had nearly concussed you.
jeongyeon sits back in the chair, leaning back—almost lounging in her seat. she has her head angled down and it's evident that she's on her phone. in front of her there are some papers, a folder, and a light blue notebook; you wonder if there's even anything knowledgeable written in it.
when you set your bag down on one of the four chairs at the table, jeongyeon looks up at you and turns off her phone. a small grin spreads across her face once her; the mischievous curve of her lips altered her face into a playful canvas of delight. she looks more than happy to see you.
"y/n!" she beams with optimism.
"jeongyeon." you sigh, rolling your eyes.
"i'm glad i have such a pretty tutor." she says, resting her chin on her palm. she's already flirting, you think to youself (but you can't lie, the compliment catches you off guard and almost makes you grin.)
"i'm not here so you can flirt with me for an hour," you say sternly, "i would be home right now, but mr. choi is making me help you out so you can throw basketballs around."
"hey, the more i practice the less chance of hitting you again?" jeongyeon tries—you narrow your eyes and jeongyeon sinks in her seat like a sad puppy who had just been denied a treat.
session one of many goes well to your surprise.
it takes a moment for jeongyeon to actually focus, and it takes a few reminders that she's here to study and not stare at your face for an hour—you'd never admit it but fuck it had you flustered that she had heart eyes for you, so you had to keep her in check just for the sake of yourself.
jeongyeon is surprisingly competent once she had locked in for a bit. you were baffled that she even asked questions, that she tried to learn—but i mean, she had to if she wanted to continue to make spectators scream from the swish of a net.
"that's it for the first part of unit three, is there anything else that you wanted to know?"
"are you single?"she asks--you look at her blankly. jeongyeon just smiles at you with puppy eyes, theres a hint of mischief in her look too.
"review what we learned, we have a couple weeks before the unit test." you sigh, putting your papers in your bag and zipping it up. "let's meet every tuesday and thursday, okay?"
"whatever you say myoui." she adds with a wink, picking up the heavy-looking bag with ease (it almost impresses you.)
the two of you walk in the same direction towards the exit of the library, and jeongyeon decides to make one last little remark.
"you never answered my question."
"it's not biology related."
"you're no fun." jeongyeon says, pouting as she holds onto the strap of her backpack.
you smile without realizing it and curse yourself out mentally—jeongyeon seems to have warmed up to you. you roll your eyes at her and scoff playfully, turning around and walking towards the main entrance.
"see you thursday y/n!" the basketball player says all cheery.
you don't fight back the grin that spreads across your face.
session three.
it's similar to last time, though jeongyeon is much more focused. her eyes seemed to narrow like a camera lense zooming in on something as you explained a certain concept or pulled out some sort of diagram. she listened attentively to whatever vocabulary you were defining, she even took highlighted (but messy) notes.
every now and then your eyes would land on her concentrated expression as she took notes, and the way she stuck her tongue out while writing a small note down was something that threatened your lips to curve up a bit.
jeongyeon looks up at one point and you two make eye contact—you quickly look away when it happens—your heart skips a beat.
"do you have anything you want me to clarify?" you ask at the end of the session. jeongyeon skims through her notes and shakes her head,
"no, i don't think so."
"you sure? the quiz is next monday."
"yeah, i think i get it. i'll look through the notes if i forget anything."
"okay." you reply, and jeongyeon beams at you with pinched eyes and a toothy smile—it's contagious and you smile back bashfully.
session four.
for the first time since your sessions started, you're at the library first.
there's an empty spot across from you, no stupidly flirtatious shooting guard to light up when you're in her field of vision, no flattering comments—just the two unoccupied seats in front of you. the though of jeongyeon ditching you crosses your mind, and it hurts your heart a bit—you have no clue why.
a few moments later you hear someone shouting your name from across the library.
"y/n! y/n! holy shit look!" jeongyeon says, rushing over with a paper in her hand.
the librarian glares at the basketball player and puts a finger to her lips, shushing her aggressively. it makes you laugh.
jeongyeon slams the paper down on the desk and her toothy-grin is like a beacon of light that almost blinds your eyes—you'd stare at it until your vision goes all hazy. she pushes the paper towards you and you eye her with a brow raised.
"what's this?" you say.
"just look." she says proudly. a small laugh escapes you and you scan the paper and look at her name written in messy handwriting, and on the paper it has a score that makes your eyes widen—you have to hold the paper closer to your face because you're in disbelief.
"a b+? jeongyeon oh my god-"
"i know right! choi even pulled me aside to congratulate me, he was proud of my work." she says, "but, he told me i have to keep it up and do well on the next homework assignments, quizzes, and tests before i can get more than thirty minutes of playing time." she frowns, her shoulders slump a little as she fixes herself in the seat across from you.
"you didn't think he'd let you off the hook that easily did you?" you scoff at her naivety, "he's not that easy-going."
"whatever whatever. anyway, he said that you did a good job teaching me." jeongyeon adds, "thanks y/n."
you smile at the comment and look up to her smiling ear to ear.
"thanks jeongyeon." you reply, "i'm proud of you i guess." and jeongyeon laughs at your response.
"you have a pretty smile, i wish you'd smile around me more."
your heart almost jumps out your chest when she says that, there's a warmth that spreads throughout your whole body and you feel flustered all of the sudden. jeongyeon smirks at your reaction.
"let's, uh, let's study for the test." you mumble, trying to compose yourself and steer the conversation away because you don't know if you can handle anymore of her compliments. "we have a test next class, so pay attention."
"whatever you say."
three more sessions pass, it's your seventh one with the flirty basketball player now.
her grade went from a c- to a b+ pretty quickly—all thanks to you.
the more sessions you have with her, the more jeongyeon seems to get through your stubborn facade, and she warms up to you, even sparking conversation that's not about biology here and there.
the more you spend time with her, the more you realize that shit, she's really fucking cute.
it starts off as a small thought, something in the back of your mind. Jeongyeon’s focus on you was felt distinctly alarming the more you realized how attractive she was—it almost had you fumbling over your words when you would explain certain terms and processes to her.
jeongyeon has this sparkle in her eyes whenever you ask her a question and she gets it right—it's adorable. she has these cute brown eyes that were like two adorable puppies, brimming with warmth and eagerness. (everything about jeongyeon reminded you of puppies, from her playful curiosity to her stupidly cute face.) not only that, but when she was around your worries seemed to fade and the atmosphere was comforting; it made you feel all tender and fuzzy inside.
there's a flare of pink on your face when she came back to you with a paper in her hand, the homework marked with the big red letter "a" that made her grin so proudly. at this point you realized that you were tutoring her not only for choi's little deal, but also to see her face after doing well in the class.
"you've never answered my question." jeongyeon mutters. her eyes don't leave the notebook that she writes on, she's focused on the words that fill the page as she goes alon gwith her pencil.
"what question?" you ask, looking at her while you fiddle with a pencil.
"you know," she begins, her tone hints that she's plotting something—it has you on the edge of your seat. "you never answered me when i asked if you were single." she says, looking back up at you with a hint of hope in her eyes. a lump forms in your throat.
"i," you pause, avoiding her eyes that drill into your skull, eyes filled with curiousity, she needed an answer. "yeah."
jeongyeon smirks at your response, now she starts to resemble a sly fox with the cheeky expression that's carved into her features.
"can we make a deal?"
you stop fidgeting with your pencil and nod hesitantly.
"if i get an a on the next homework assignment, quiz, and test; will you go out with me?"
the question takes you by surprise and you feel your body go hot, you freeze in your place. jeongyeon smiles at you knowing that she's earned the unbeatable sight of your rosy cheeks, she tilts her head while waiting for a response. you bite your lip in an attempt to suppress the way your lips start to curve up, but jeongyeon notices anyway.
"alright." you respond shyly, looking down at the desk to prevent yourself from growing even more flustered in front of the idiot that sits before you. "all a's, nothing less."
the shooting guard isn't focused on acing the class for choi's approval anymore, she's determined to take on thsi new academic challenge since you're the prize.
"mina, can i ask you something?" momo questions. mina hums in response without taking her eyes off the laptop in front of her, typing away but paying attention to what her friend wants to say.
"your cousin..." momo starts, "is she dating jeongyeon?"
mina takes her eyes off the laptop and her jaw widens slightly as she eyes momo.
"god jeongyeon's been gushing about her so much, seems like they're dating."
"y/n has only ever told me about tutoring her, and she seemed annoyed about it."
"really? i saw them in the library last week and they seemed to be talking about something together; y/n looked pretty content." momo responds, a hint of smirk in her voice. mina looks at her dumbfounded, she knew you had been tutoring jeongyeon—but looking pleased around her? even after she knew how your first encounter with the basketball player had went? impossible.
"huh." mina mumbles. momo looks at the girl amused, laughing lightly at her simple response.
"even if they're not dating, y/n has jeongyeon under a spell, i swear." momo sighs, shaking her head. "jeongyeon skipped the past lunch to study." momo explains, even raising her brow to emphasize her own disbelief. she shakes her head and takes a sip from the cup of coffee in front of her, "i mean, at least jeongyeon is studious now? whatever your cousin is doing it's working."
"hm." mina hums, puzzled.
mina comes over for dinner and you're a little confused as to why, but she's your cousin so does it really matter?
you find out her true intentions once you two settle in your room.
mina's sitting on your office chair, spinning herself side to side by moving her foot against the ground lightly. you're on the bed, lounging and reading something for your history class, sighing every now and then due to your annoyance. mina's on her phone and it's silent for a bit until she starts to speak,
"you and jeongyeon, momo told me you've been getting close." she mumbles, eyeing you. the expression on your face is priceless: a mix of surprise and bashfulness. you look up at her with a tense jaw and avoid eye contact—you feel terribly nervous for no reason—her gaze is nerve racking.
"um, kind of." you say. mina's gaze was comparable to a towering mountain, and you felt like a mere pebble in her shadow.
mina turns off her phone and sits down next to you on her bed. "i'm not your parent, i don't know why you look so scared dumbass." she sighs, "i don't really care if you're dating her, as long as you're happy you know?"
"we're not dating-"
"we're cousins, you don't have to lie-"
"no i'm serious, we're not dating." you explain, but you pause for a moment when you remember the deal you made with jeongyeon. "ok well we might."
"what do you mean might?" mina questions, looking at you with a newfound curiousity in her eyes. you put the book down and find that you're probably not going to be able to finish this reading, so you might as well just stop for the night. you sit up and it feels like a sleepover, a girls night—it cleared the nervousness flowing in you as well as the tension in the air from mina's unrivaled glare.
"we made a little deal," you start, "if she aces the next quiz and test, then she gets to take me out."
mina covers her mouth from your explanation, leaning closer to you with raised brows. you're giggling and blushing just from thinking about it, and it's so ridiculous that you feel like a teenage girl in some romcom movie (you love it, though.)
"and if she doesn't ace her quiz and test?"
"i hadn't thought of that—but mina, she's doing really good! her grades went up like, two letters." you boast proudly. your cousin laughs at you and lays herself on the bed next to you, and you allow yourself to relax next to her while setting the history textbook on the table next to you.
"so you like her?" mina asks, turning to the side to face you.
you practically breathe out your response, as if your head were in the clouds.
a day before the test—24 hours before yoo jeongyeon takes the test that determines whether her cute tutor will go out with her.
determined would be an understatement, she's been studying her ass off and even getting enough sleep to let her brain marinate properly. she has to ace this.
jeongyeon slams the quiz with the bold "a" on the table aggressively, there's even a little note in red that reads "nice work yoo!" on the top right corner of the stapled papers.
you smile at her enthusiasm, it's cute.
"good job jeongyeon," you practically chuckle out as you pull out the notes that you plan to go over this session.
"one more y/n, one more," she smirks, looking at you and her eyes blazed with determination. she's going to take you out, no doubt. her expression was as cute as an eager, unwavering puppy, and confident tone made a soft, rosy glow unfurl across your cheeks.
"yeah, yeah. sit down, we have to go over this if you want to pass."
"i'll pass alright, ill ace it."
you giggle at her, she's even more appealing with every session.
"shit." you grumble, looking at the text from your mom that pops up on the screen of your phone.
jeongyeon stops what she's doing and looks at you with a raised brow, humming in a way that asks: what's wrong?
"my mom wants me home right now," you sigh, "we have to cut this session short." you add with a frown.
there's half an hour left of your session, and jeongyeon really wants to get everything down so she can be fully prepared for that damn mixed unit test. you look at her apologetically and rush to pull out your biology folder, skimming through the pages and handing it to her.
"you're giving me all the notes?" jeongyeon questions.
"you need it to ace that test don't you? i know the material like it's the back of my hand, just give it back to me tomorrow before class."
"you sure?"
"how are you going to take me out if you don't have the notes needed?" you respond. now it's jeongyeons turn to be flustered. you simply laugh at the astonishment that had been etched into her features.
as you turn to leave, a surge of boldness rushed through your body like an unexpected gust of wind, it sent tremors through your senses.
you're only a couple steps away from jeongyeon—who had redirected her attention on the material—but you make sure to get to her quickly to press a quick, gentle kiss on her cheek.
as your lips met her cheek, it was like a soft petal of a rose brushing against her skin, creating a ripple of shivers that woke up her senses. your quick peck was gentle, and so incredibly swift, but god it made jeongyeon feel all warm inside.
the shooting guards face is amusing, it transformed into a portrait of surprise—as if some sudden plot twist had unfolded amongst her emotions—and, to add on to that, her cheeks had a rosy flare. your action definitely took her by surprise.
she turns to face you—your face a couple of inches away from hers—and the smile on your lips gave her a stronger desire to ace that damn biology test.
your cheeks were flushed like a canvas painted to resemble a warm sunset, and you're equally as flustered but you manage to mumble something soft and sweet.
"see you tomorrow, good luck."
jeongyeon isn't able to think clearly, and she thinks you did this on purpose because it'll take a while to regain her composure and focus.
yoo jeongyeon finishes the test and she's terrified.
it was a multiple choice test, but ten out of forty questions had her a little mixed up, and that's not good for her. she had even gone over every important vocabulary word twice the night prior to the test day, and she even made her older sister quiz her. jeongyeon made sure to eat enough, sleep enough, and have herself ready for the test.
she's so desperate to feel your soft lips against her skin again, to get that brief whiff of your lavender fragrance when you're close again. yoo jeongyeon needs her score and she needs it immediately.
"y/n!" jeongyeon calls out to you in the middle of the empty hall. you turn around and she has the biggest smile you've ever seen on her face, stretching across her adorable face like a sunrise, but radiant as a beacon at the same time.
she runs towards you and almost trips over from the way she pays no attention to anything but you, completely disregarding her surroundings. she almost shoves the paper in your face, and you can't even read the fuzzy red ink that's on it because the paper is so up close and personal, completely blocking your field of vision.
when you scold her and grab the paper from her own hands, your eyes widen at the sight of the big, fat "a" on the paper. your gaze is back on her and shes grinning from ear to ear. you smile to yourself, biting your lip—and you feel a sudden spark in your chest that seems to turn into a wildfire—it makes your heart race and your cheeks burn.
"it's a friday, i have no practice, and i think that should be perfect for us."
"you're eager huh." you roll your eyes at her, trying to keep your cool even though you're burning up from her direct desire for you.
"let's go." jeongyeon beams.
with a touch that's both gentle and firm, she takes your hand and sweeps you away towards the exit like a leaf caught in an eager gust of wind. you laugh at her and match her rushed pace as she rushes out the door.
the two of you find yourselves at some fair nearby, jeongyeon seemed to have everything planned out already.
she had paid for the transit tickets to the area, one which you had never been to or even heard of before even though it's a fifteen-minute bus ride away from the school. when you question how she knows about this fair and if she's ever been; she simply explains that her team used to go there all the time and that she's been wanting to take a pretty girl out there. the last part makes you blush.
her hand rarely leaves yours, it's always holding it softly­—yet firmly—as she guides you through the lively, bright fair.
jeongyeon leads you towards multiple midways that have games to play and prizes for her to win for you.
the first stop is some game where you aim a gun that shoots out water in a sharp streak to hit targets with a sharp thwack—and the more targets you hit: the better the prize is. the two of you tackle this game individually, making it a small competition at first to see who can get more points, it's heartwarming and makes you two laugh uncontrollably.
jeongyeon ends up getting more points and boasts about it, but makes sure to make up for her playful remarks by winning a couple lollipops for you. it makes you look away from her shyly and you even share one of the five lollipops she had given you.
the next game is one that requires precision and focus, as well as some power.
there's a variety of balloons that fill the board in front of you, and you're given five darts. if you use all five darts and each one hits a balloon; then you win a small stuffed animal. the two of you watch each other with anticipation as you take turns throwing the darts, making sure to trade your tickets so that both of you start off with five darts each.
jeongyeon throws her small dart first, it pops one of the small balloons and the basketball player balls her fist up in joy, exclaiming a loud "yes!" after doing so. you roll your eyes at her adorable little exclamation and pick up one of your own darts.
your eyes squint a little as they focus on one of the pink balloons, and you move your hand back and forth twice before actually throwing the dart, and it pops the balloon with a significantly loud pop.
"you're better than i thought, y/n."
"what's that supposed to mean?"
jeongyeon smirks at your response. "nothing." she says with a smug expression—it makes you punch her shoulder lightly, making the two of you laugh.
the two of you continue to walk around hand in hand as you stroll around the fair. cheeks red and a fuzzy, warm feeling spreading all throughout your bodies.
after getting some cotton candy to share and running around taking pictures of each other, the two of you find yourselves at the last game of the night.
jeongyeon had spot a certain fair game that certainly got her attention, it was her forte: basketball. she drags you when you're not paying attention and you let out a gasp in surprise from the sudden yank at your hand, you follow her though you don't fight back—it's as if she were an eager puppy yanking at a leash—your arm in this case.
"look at the prizes." jeongyeon says, mouth open in awe as she gazes at the large variety of stuffed animals hung up for display. there's a certain stuffed animal that catches her eye—she thinks you'd love it, and now she's determined to bag it for you.
she points at the cute, fluffy golden retriever stuffy and smiles with determination.
"i'm going to get you that one."
you chuckle at her adorable tone. "just don't concuss me when you shoot."
she rolls her eyes and gives four of her tickets to the worker, he hands her one of two basketballs in return.
you pull out your phone and start to record, jeongyeon turns to face the camera and smiles brightly, her toothy grin almost rivaling the sun.
the shooting guard winks at the camera and says, "this one's for you." then shoots.
the basketball flies up into the air and curves at an angle—it looks like it'll actually make it, but it doesn't. you laugh so hard it's almost concerning.
your laughter erupts like a volcano—you're practically cackling. you laugh until your cheeks ache from smiling so much, and your eyes are glistening from the tears that seem to form in your eyes. to add on to that, your stomach feels like it's been hit by a bus from the way it tenses up from each loud cackle—you wonder if you'll end up having a six pack by the end of the night. your camera captures every single sound and expression on jeongyeon's face.
she narrows her eyes at you, glaring playfully while you're unable to form words and there's another lighthearted pout that's thrown in your direction.
"stop that!" she groans, watching as you wipe a tear from one of your eyes.
"i thought you were good at basketball? what happened to 'star player yoo jeongyeon?'" you joke, making her stick out her tongue.
"it's rigged." she says, rolling her eyes. you continue to laugh uncontrollably from her tone.
jeongyeon sighs, redirecting her attention on the basketball in her skilled hands and the hoop in front of her. she squints her eyes a little, then shoots the basketball with perfect form and precision.
the swish makes her grin confidently, and she punches her clenched fists up, yelping a "yes!"
you roll your eyes and smile as the worker hands her the stuffed animal she had been set on winning, and the toothy grin that's on her face is one you could stare at forever—one that could rival a paintings beauty and charm.
"you actually did it." you tease, and she just rolls her eyes as she hands you the stuffed animal.
"of course i did, told you 'this one's for you'" she beams, "i'm on the basketball team for a reason."
"after that first shot i think you should reconsider-"
"shut up!" she groans and her cute response makes you laugh again—it hurts your core a bit, and it reminds you that the video of her missing is a video you'll be watching until you fall asleep tonight.
the night ends too quickly, to your dismay.
it's really cliché: jeongyeon walks you home with her hand holding yours, both of you smiling and giggling while conversing over something small.
when you two reach your front door and your foot lands on the welcome mat—jeongyeon's heart breaks a little bit.
you smile at her with a slight sadness in your eyes, wishing everything lasted just a bit longer because you don't remember the last time you've let yourself loose around someone like that.
"i had a lot of fun jeongyeon." you say with a new softness in your tone and eyes.
jeongyeon almost frowns. "me too."
"you know," you start, deciding to stall a bit before you actually have to leave. "if you didn't ace that test… i would've still went out with you."
"jeongyeon," you say, amused. "a test wasn't the reason i went out with you. i like you, a lot."
"i like you too." jeongyeon says, grins stupidly and your cheeks start to burn at her precious smile. she looks at you with a sudden hint of disappointment and longing in her eyes, then speaks again. "i'll let you get back inside, it's pretty late and you know, it's been a long day."
not long enough.
"yeah." you respond sadly. "goodnight jeongyeon."
"night, pretty." she says adorably, and you scoff playfully at her stupid (-ly cute) flirting.
jeongyeon turns and starts to walk down the sidewalk that leads to your house, and the keys in your hand go into the lock of your door and turn, unlocking it and you turn at the knob—but you don't open the door just yet—instead, turning around.
"wait," you call out to jeongyeon—who pauses in her place, then pivots 180 degrees to gaze into our eyes, one of her brows raises as you walk up to her hurriedly.
"hm?" she hums in confusion, looking at you as the new, sheepish expression takes over your face.
your lips meet hers and it takes her by surprise,—but she places her hand on your cheek gently and reciprocates­—jeongyeon knew your lips were soft, especially from the way you had kissed her cheek at the end of that one study session, but god they felt even better on her lips.
there's an electric thrill that runs like a current through her body, and it's absolutely unreal.
you pull away and your lips linger a little, jeongyeon feels like her heart might leap out her chest from the way it's running marathons. you're unable to contain the smile that spreads across your lips after you pull away fully—neither can jeongyeon.
the two of you stare at each other shyly, both feeling so incredibly flustered from your bold action.
"um, i'll get going. night jeongyeon." you mutter hurriedly, turning away quickly.
jeongyeon is incapable of forming words as you walk back to the front door and push it open, looking back at her with rosy cheeks and an amused grin.
"night…" she mumbles in astonishment, and you just giggle softly, closing the door.
jeongyeon's shot was aimed for your heart—and she made it.
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unreleasedwrites · 1 year
drabbling about lookism characters’ love languages
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pov: lookism characters love languages
character(s) included: multiple; Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Euntae Lee/Vasco, Hudson Ahn, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Johan Seong, Gun Park, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, Baek Hangyeol, Diego Kang/DG
cw: my opinion, purposely repeated a bunch of characters, it gets pretty damn suggestive on the portion for physical touch— lots of hints of physical intimacy, long descriptions cuz i had a lot to say lol, it starts to get a little messy and pretty bad at the end, sorryy 😭😭 If you’re reading on a phone, like me, you’ll be seeing 19 lines per description (idk what it looks like for other devices)
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unwrapped on: Thursday Evening, August 24 2023
wrapped up on: Thursday Evening, August 31 2023
published on: Thursday Night, August 31 2023 (at around 11 PM)
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Words of Affirmation
Doesn’t matter what time of day it is, this man will be reassuring you 24/7. He sends the sweetest text messages out of nowhere just to be sure you’re doing good and remember how much you matter to him. Is constantly reminding you over and over again of how precious you are, whether you’re on facetime, voice call, or with one another. Has never missed a day of encouraging you to keep going in any situation you might’ve gotten into. You are constantly smothered with such sweet compliments & phrases whenever you’re with him. Writes extremely long and thoughtful letters to you, whether he’s just giving you an unexpected letter, or it comes with a gift he gave. He doesn���t repeat his words and phrases neither, they’re always unique and different every time, yet they’re always GENUINE. He knows his way around words & being a romantic yet sappy sweetheart, so expect to receive the cutest compliments and affirmations. He always lights up all of your worries and gets rid of any doubt you have in situations. He isn’t afraid to shower you with words in anywhere public either, it doesn’t matter where you are with this man, he will always be reassuring you with sweet words.
Vasco, Jake Kim, Hudson Ahn (i know he doesn’t really seem to be the type to do this but I feel like he’s always being told those type of words n stuff sooo), Daniel Park (Is trying his best), Kwak Jichang, Sinu Han, Jace Park, Warren Chae, Baek Hangyeol
Acts of Service
Loves doing things for you, he likes the thought that you’d have one less problem with him around.— He doesn’t even have to be there, you’d randomly find sticky notes in your favorite color on your fridge and counters, with the wonky writing you can easily recognize as his. They’re reminders of things you mentioned to him that you were afraid you might forget about, and things you told him you needed to do. Often times, it would just have some phrase like “Your welcome! <3” or “I was here fyi and I did some things for youu -their name <3” Also helps you with chores a lot even though you’ve told him he doesn’t need to. On some days, when he knows you’re stressed/tired, he brings you breakfast in bed, or sometimes brunch. Even if he’s not a good cook, or even if he is, he loves to try and cook u a meal. He’s not the best with words so he makes up for it with his little GESTURES. Definitely a believer that actions speak louder than words, and he can and will prove it to you without you even noticing it. Will always hold the door open just for you before he enters, gives you his jacket/coat whenever you feel cold, lets you wear his shoes whenever he can tell yours are starting to hurt from walking in heels.
Daniel Park, Vasco, Jace Park, Warren Chae, Eli Jang, Hudson Ahn, Zack Lee, Kwak Brothers, Yujin Yoo (he’d prolly get some1 else to do it ngl), Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Johan Seong (i feel thats the only way he can show his affection)
- Would do part of it if he really wanted to: (prolly like coat giving at the very least) Gun Park, Goo Kim, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, Baek Hangyeol, Diego Kang/DG
Gift Giving
Physically can’t show his love using words or gestures. This guy is no sweetheart with words nor is he a romantic when it comes to being in a somewhat committed relationship. Which is why— he does try to make up for it by buying presents to surprise you with. Specifically purchases objects that immediately reminded him of you when he first saw it. Isn’t used to showing the kind of affection that involves stepping out of their comfort zone. He js can’t get used to showing his love in any other way, yet this man still tries to bring something other than money spending to your guys’ relationship. Always has a new gift for you every time you two meet, mostly clothes and accessories— because he knows you love those. Knows it himself he’s gotta try showing his love in different ways, but he knows you’re fine and love him the way he is, so he doesn’t think much about it. Surprisingly likes going on shopping sprees with you— Normally, he won’t ever be seen holding someones shopping bags while he follows them around and happily pays. But you’re always an exception, just because he loves giving you gifts and spending MONEY on you. Is crazy rich too considering he does this.
JONGOO KIM, JONGGUN PARK, Samuel Seo, Yujin Yoo, Diego/DG, Cheon Taejin, Baek Hangyeol, Jay Hong (cuz he aint used to no typa affection)
Quality Time
Never gets tired or bored of spending TIME with you. Can’t go a day without you, whether you’re on face time together or you’re actually with one another. Has made it a routine to spend half of his day talking to you about absolutely anything that the both of you could be thinking of. The subject of your conversations with him doesn’t have to make sense, he’ll make sure the both of you are smiling or laughing at the nonsense that the two of you have been muttering for hours. Dedicated to spending as much time he can with you, it doesn’t even matter what time of the day it is or if there’s an occasion. He’s so genuine about it too, he always puts aside his phone so that he can give you 1 hundred percent of his undivided attention and you wouldn’t have to worry about him dozing off to something that is unimportant or unrelated to what the two of you are talking about. Is committed to keeping his eyes on you and is devoted to listening to your rants while he offers his complete sympathy instead of unwanted advice. Isn’t anywhere near good at saying goodbyes whenever you have to go your separate ways. You literally need a whole new person to take him away just so he’d go home.
Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Euntae Lee/Vasco, Hudson Ahn, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Goo Kim, Cheon Taejin, Hudson Ahn
Physical Touch
It’s almost like this man was deprived of physical touch. Like, he can’t keep his hands off of you, even for a single moment. From the first time you met him, to the minute you agreed to become his girlfriend— You easily figured how much he values physical touch when it comes to you. A waist grabber, whether you were expecting it or not, he’d randomly sneak up behind you, holding your waist as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Loves covering every inch of your body with kisses and bite marks. He also loves hugs, he values them a whole lot and views them as a sign of trust and comfort. Without a doubt, you shouldn’t let go of his hand at anytime that you guys are doing so, if you do, he’ll probably be quite upset with you and even go as far as to throw some silly tantrum. This guy either values physical touch cause he feels a genuine and sweet connection between you or, he’s js the type to be in the mood 24/7 and is down bad whenever your with him. One or the other, this man is absolutely obsessed with seeing your reaction to him teasing or tempting you. Passionate kisser, one hundred percent sure of it. Is the type to shower you with physical AFFECTION, knowing you won’t get sick of him.
- Down Bad: JONGOO KIM, JONGGUN PARK, Samuel Seo, Cheon Taejin
- Genuine and Sweet: Warren Chae, Euntae Lee/Vasco, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Kwak Jihan, Kwak Jibeom, Kwak Jichang, DG, Zack Lee
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notes: I made this on my phone and if you happen to also be reading this on your phone, does all the ends look nearly aligned? Like— I try my very best to alter the words to the point it’d fit without going into the next line below already, so that there wouldn’t be a some large or medium gap/space and so it’d look pleasing to the eye and arranged. (to me atleast lol) Idk if that made sense but I purposely do this with whatever i write because i just hate the weird looking blank space on the side. Heres an example: v
I love when they’re
already so near the
edge/corner, that i
don’t even have to
alter the sentence
^ Thats what I like seeingggg, I don’t actually care about them when it isn’t my work, I don’t even notice them— but if im the one writing, then i do care even though only phone users will see my effort i think, but idk its just my habit since i like the sight?
Heres what I feel like I gotta change when i’m writing: v
I really hate when
I do have to alter the
word’s because they’re
all lookin messy
kinda like this where they’re
so far off of being
^ Thats what yall might be seeing but i really dont know if it actually is and i sure as hell hope it isn’t though 😭😭
Also this took a while so hope it’s alright even though it might be a lil long
There was more stuff I wanted to place here but I can’t remember 💯
- With or without proper credits, please don’t try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs, as this is my fourth ever post on this blog.
Once again, I hope this isn’t too bad for my fourth work and I will be doing more of these drabbles if I have the motivation & time 🫶
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
moon river, miles morales x reader
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pairing: earth 42!miles morales x spider!reader
synopsis: you go out patrolling after making up with miles. you planned to hangout the next day, but plans change…
wc: 3.0k
warnings!: swearing, violence, slight gory details, death, google translate spanish
nia’s ౨ৎ notes: bye cause why was i crying while writing this. there’s going to be another chapter after this, lemme know if you want to be tagged!
prev ♱, fin ♱
it'd been a week since you found out about miles' secret identity. you've been ignoring his texts, calls, you even locked your bedroom window. you weren't sure if you were overreacting, maybe you were a tiny bit but then again: he's killed people and tried to kill you. but on the other hand he didn't know it was you.
but you were forced to see him again when your mom invited him and rio over for dinner, damn them for being friends. you dressed in some black sweatpants and a bunny t shirt.
you were lolling on the couch when someone knocked at the door. "n/n go answer the door!" your mom called out, finishing up in the kitchen. your nerves grew the closer you got to the door, you took a deep breath before swinging it open.
"hola, cariño" rio greeted pulling you in for a hug. you looked over her shoulder to see miles staring back at you, hopeful smile on his face. "you haven't been over in a while, i've missed you" she said taking off her shoes, miles doing the same.
"oh you know, just been a little busy" you coughed looking at miles. "oh well come by soon" she said rubbing your shoulders. she walked away to say hi and chat with your mom, leaving you and miles to stand around awkwardly. your heart ached, it'd never been like this before.
"miles!" nas ran up to hug him. "yoo nas what's up lil man" he gave him their usual handshake. "missed you" nas said. "missed you too lil man." he continued "you're not the only one i've missed" he said quietly, making you look at him. you were gonna open your mouth to say something but your mom called out and told you to come eat.
you sat down between miles and nas, getting a plate of rasta pasta with shrimp and broccoli. "missed your food ms l/n" miles said shoveling his food down his throat. "yeah why you ain't coming around no more, you're here almost every damn day." your mom said giving you two a knowing look. "wha-" you were about to say before she interrupted you "don't think i don't hear him come through that damn window" she smirked, nudging rio's shoulder, her laughing.
you and miles looked at each other before looking back down. "anyways yeah where you been miles? y'all okay?" she asked again. you looked at him for a moment before answering "u-uh yeah we're okay." he looked at you with a gladexpression, smiling to himself.
after dinner your mom poured some wine for her and rio, nas went to bed, and you and miles sat in your room. you didn't say anything to each other, just glancing every few seconds.
he was the first to speak up "listen princesa, i-i don't know what to do. when my dad died i really got lost in everything, i found out my uncle was working as the prowler and his reasoning seemed valid. so i figured why not help out my mom a little bit and do that too. we began working together and completing whatever tasks we had to. i-i didn't want to kill those people y/n" he began tearing up. you walked over to him, holding his face and rubbing your thumb along his cheek.
"i am not a murderer. i did what i had to do to provide, i don't like doing what i do, i hate it. but y/n i never ever meant to hurt you. i would kill myself if you ever got hurt. my heart hurts knowing that i was involved in you getting hurt" his lips quivered and you pulled him into a hug, letting him cry into your shoulder.
"i love you so much mi vida, you're my light" he whispered wrapping his arms around you, holding tight. he kissed you and you just let him "i love you too" you whispered against his lips.
"but..miles i'm not going to stop being spider-girl. i cant, not when there's people out there in need" you sighed. "okay." he paused for a moment before continuing "but i cant just stop being the prowler. pin'll come after me for sure" he sighed. "well then what do we do?" you asked flopping down on your bed.
he moved to sit next to you "i don't know, but i know i love you and i'm never letting you go."he said in a low voice, reaching for your hand. "miles, rio is ready to go" your mom told him, walking into the room. "okay. i’ll come over tomorrow, good night, princesa" he said pecking your lips before he got up. "g'night" you said back, trying to hide your quavering voice.
later that night you snuck out your window to do some patrolling. you swung by buildings looking for any sign of kingpin or his meddling, but there was no sign of him. it was calm, too calm.
your spider senses went off, but not quick enough before you were struck in the side of your stomach with a sharp object. you lost your footing, and stumbled a little bit falling to the ground not before shooting a few webs to break your fall.
you looked down at where you were hit and saw a big knife sticking from the side of you. you groaned, trying to get up to see who had attacked you. suddenly there was a loud thud, kingpin landing down from the rooftop you just fell from.
"isn't this a sight for sore eyes" he chuckled, moving closer to you. you tried to get up but the pain from the stab pinned you down. "god i've been waiting to see you like this since the moment you made your fucking debut" he mocked the last word. he moved over top of you, bending down to hold the knife.
"guess if you want something done you have to do it yourself" he growled, twisting the knife around your insides. you screamed out in pain, bloodcurdling screams echoing back at you. you tasted your metallic like blood pool into your mouth, choking on it.
you fought as hard as you could to push him off. throwing weak punches at his face, your advanced strength still packing some heat though. he pinned your arms above your head with one hand, using the other to press the knife further into you. "you got nothing to say?" he mockingly whined
"it was stupid to try and fight against me. guess those spider powers aren't any match for a genius like me" he gloated. you spat blood right into his eye, making him take his arm off you for a second. you moved a bit before he was then thrown off of you, slamming into the wall of the building on your left. you looked to see who helped you and you were met with the prowler, miles.
he reached down and helped you up off the ground, holding you in his arm. "y/n go! you can't stay here like this" he said in his distorted prowler voice. "no i'm not gonna leave you to fight alone. i can help, im fine" you groaned. "no mi amor, go. now!" he said, moving you as kingpin got back up.
"prowler when i told you to keep her out the way i didn't mean go all fucking soft for her. what the hell are you doing?!" pin growled throwing a punch at miles, him dodging it. he threw his arm to claw at kingpin, cutting through his clothes into his skin. pin yelled out in pain holding his chest, stepping back.
miles jumped up and knocked him on the head making him fall to the ground. he stepped over him delivering blow after blow before kingpin grabbed him by the neck and threw him off him. he got up and swiftly moved over to miles choking him up against the wall. you got up and swung up to the side of the building before jumping down to kick pin off him, sending him to the ground again.
"princesa, i told you to stay out of it! you're bleeding out!" he scolded you. "miles i'm not gonna let you get hurt-" you were interrupted by the sound of a gunshot, looking to your side you saw kingpin holding a gun pointed directly at miles. your mouth fell agape seeing the dark liquid soak through miles' chest.
kingpin got up from the ground, heaving and groaning in pain. just then a car pulled up and the man in the driver’s seat yelled out “pin come on! it’s cops coming!” kingpin knew he couldn’t be seen around this, it’d be too suspicious so he ran back to the car "i'll deal with you later." he growled, them driving off.
miles fell forward into your arms and you rest him onto the ground, kneeling beside him. "miles! miles, no!" you said grabbing his face. "mi amor, im so so sorry, for everything." he coughed, reaching out to hold your face, wiping the tears from your cheek. "i am so sorry i wasn't who you thought i was, but please promise me that you'll keep going. continue helping everybody. continue being the light for everyone that you were for me. i promised to always love you and i always will." he pulled you down to give you a kiss. "and will you tell my mom i'm sorry? i never wanted to let you guys down" he whispered
"you didn't miles, you didn't." you cried rubbing the hand that was holding your cheek. he smiled at you "i love you, mi vida" he whispered. "forever." you said at the same time, you pressed your head down to his giving him one last kiss. you felt him pause and you looked at him "miles? miles?" you whispered watching as the life in his eyes faded away. you cried out shaking as you held his hand.
you heard sirens growing closer to you and panicked. you couldn't let them see him like this "i won't let the world paint you as a monster miles. my sweet sweet boy." you whispered, giving him one last kiss. frantically taking off any of the gear that would make him recognizable as the prowler, you left him in a blood stained t shirt and pants. an officer came running down the alley way and you swung to the top of a building.
so here you were, swinging back to your apartment, prowler mask and gloves in hand, knife twisted in your guts bleeding out with tears blurring your vision.
you forgot you'd locked your window, so you rushed up the stairs of your building, pounding on your apartment door.
your mom opened the door, face dropping seeing the state you were in. "y-y/n?" she pulled you into the house wrapping you in her arms. "mommy, m-miles is dead!" you wailed into her shoulders, blood staining her pink robe. you poured your heart out, telling her everything. the fact that you're spider-man and miles is, was, the prowler. the fight you just had with kingpin, everything. she held you in her arms as you two dropped to the floor crying together.
you were currently in your mirror, tending to the cast that wrapped your torso. your black dress laid out on the bed, black heels laid next to it, it was a dress miles had bought for you so it felt right to wear it . your mom came into the room to do your hair. you were getting ready for the day you never even imagined having to get ready for - miles' funeral. it's been five days since he passed away that fateful night.
"are you ready?" she asked holding you close. "u-uh yeah i just need to get dressed." you replied, holding back tears you felt like you've been holding back for days. "no baby, i mean are you ready?" she asked. "no." you whispered. but then again who would ever be ready to bury their best friend, the love of their life.
she held you for a moment before breaking away "we have to go baby, you can't be late" she whispered giving you a kiss on the forehead. you nod your head biting your lip with anxiousness.
you got dressed and went out to the living room, nas running up to hug you "m'sorry n/n" he whispered into your side. when nas had found out the next morning that miles was gone he cried into your mom's chest, miles was like a brother to him and he looked up to him so much.
your heart broke all over again when you had to visit rio. the police called her and told her that her son was found shot dead in an alleyway. when you knocked on her door she was a mess.
you told her that you were spider-man and everything that happened with king pin, deciding to leave out the part where her son was the prowler. "rio i am so so sorry. i-i feel like this is all my fault. i swore i would always be there for him and and i-" she interrupted you "and you were cariño, it warms my heart knowing you were there with him in his last moments." she smiled "that boy loves you so much. he always talked about you no matter what. when jeff died, it was so refreshing to see him smiling and laughing again. he always said he would love you with everything he had, until his very last breath. and i guess he did." she chuckled wiping the tears from her eyes.
you reached an arm out to hug her, your heart aching for her. she lost her husband and now she'd lost her baby.
you stepped into the limo, mila and serenity already there with their parents. you sat in between them and they hugged you the entire car ride to the funeral home.
when you entered, you saw rio with her sister at a table going over things. she looked over and saw you enter, smiling and giving you a small wave. you looked around and saw his beautiful brown skin, brown eyes and pearly white smile plastered on a big canvas next to the white wooden casket, flowers gathered on top of it. a bouquet shaped like a heart with pink flowers sat by it, that was your addition.
the service went along smoothly. the home was filled with people miles would talk to at school, a few of your friends who came to console you, and his family. you sat in the front row with rio, aaron, nas and your mom. the preist led prayers and condolences, then aaron went to give a eulogy, your leg was bouncing frantically knowing you were up next.
when it was your turn your mom squeezed your hand and gave you a sorrowful expression, trying to tell you it would be okay. you walked up behind the podium, placing the letter you wrote atop it. you cleared your throat, placed the microphone in front your face and began.
"hello i'm y/n l/n, miles' girlfriend. i met miles in the fourth grade when we were nine and eight years later, i love him every bit the same. maybe not the same actually, my love for you has only grown everyday. for all the smiles you gave me i never imagined you would cause me this many tears" your voice broke. "i never even imagined the day i would have to write this. i have loved you ever since i met you. i loved being around you, whether it was being wrapped up in my blankets watching gossip girl, or the random dates you would take me on, or climbing into my window at night so my mom wouldn't see you" you giggled looking over at her.
"seeing your face was the highlight of my days. and my heart is in a visceral ache knowing i will never get to see you again" you continued, choking on your words. "since you died it's like everything i've done is just a reminder that i'm living without you. it's such a surreal feeling losing such a beautiful soul like you, someone who always knew how to make me happy. i've been crying into my pillows every night holding on to the teddy bear you bought me wishing you would randomly appear on my bed and hold me and tell me it was all just some sick joke. but i know that won't happen, because you're gone, but you forever live on in my heart" you said softly, fiddling with the promise ring on your finger.
"i hope that in some other universe, you're alive and you're safe and we're on a date, we're on your favorite rides at coney island. we're on a boat rowing through the central park lake. we're in your room, me forcing you to do my beauty routine with me" you smiled. "so this isn't necessarily a goodbye, more of a thank you for all the sweet things you left in my home, my head and my heart." you finished, walking back to your seat.
“oh baby, i’m sure he’s watching over us right now” rio said holding your arms. you nodded your head and smiled before sitting down, resting your head on your mom’s shoulder. rio made her way up to say what she needed to and you swore you had tissues to your face through out the entire speech, by the time she walked back down you were lightheaded.
everybody made their way outside to the graveyard, standing around the grave that was dug. the priest said a few words before they lowered his casket into the ground. you absolutely broke down seeing him being lowered into the ground, throwing a red rose and your eulogy letter atop the casket as they began covering it with dirt.
when the reception ended and everyone ate and shared stories of their lives with miles, everyone was given a balloon to release for him. you held a heart and one shaped with the initial ‘M’.
serenity and mila wrapped their arms around each of yours as everyone released them. you heard an array of “we love you miles!” “goodbye miles!” from everyone. “goodbye miles, i love you. forever.” you smiled, letting your balloons go.
taglist ʚɞ
@itsberrydreemurstuff @alecmores @darksidescorner @insomniafrog @gwennesy @randomhoex @fiannee @am-3-thyst @melanie456 @missussmorales @spritecactus @laiflower @catushi @chispita279 @spideys2cute @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic
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cottondo · 11 months
JAX X FEM READER // cloud nine
Digital circus
"Y/N!" A loud voice echos through the restaurant, "Just finish cleaning that last section, and you're outta here!"
Oh, hell yeah!
You turn your head in the direction of your manager, smiling with excitement. "Yess! Okay," it was pretty obvious by your tone of voice that you were excited to get the fuck out of there.
After a long night of serving tables, you wanted to just relax.
Sore feet, tired eyes, that front door was practically calling your name after an eight hour shift.
With a rag in hand, broom in the other, you begin wiping down the last table, and sweeping up any leftover crumbs on the floor. Honestly, you liked your job. It had its moments like any place, but overall, you were really happy here.
The customers treat you well, you make good money, and, it really helped that your coworkers were nice.
Finishing up your section was quick, and once you collected your tips from the night, you ran the F out of there. Trotting out of the building to your car, you hop inside, grip the wheel, and start it up.
The ride home consisted of blasting music with the windows down, speeding through the yellow lights, until you finally made it back to the shared apartment complex you call home.
Your tired feet travel up the stairs, standing to meet eyes with the front door. Jingling keys around your wrist, you lift your hand to unlock the door, and step inside. You inhale a small breath in excitement to be home, and kick off your shoes.
"Yoo, I'm home, bitch." You call out into the void of the dim hallway, looking around for a certain mischievous roommate. It wouldn't take her long to show up. Especially since you worked the night shift- - that meant you brought food home with you.
Footsteps make their way up to you, and you smile in their direction.
"Girl, you know those two teenagers that show up every once in a while and throw stuff out near our dumpster?" F/N bumps your shoulder, eyes all wide and crazy.
You frown slightly, "Damn, I just walked in the door—"
"So!" She waves her arms, "They tossed their fucking VR headset out!"
Your eyes widen a bit in curiosity. It probably didn't work- - who would throw out a headset if it wasn't broken?
"Okay? And?"
"And- it still works!" She shook your shoulders dramatically. You had to see it to believe it.
"No way," you laugh. "What the hell? It's prolly cursed or somethin' then." Your smirk was enough to piss her off as you brushed past her and made your merry way into the kitchen. With your leftovers bag in hand, you set it on the countertop and look around to gather your mind.
F/N sighs, rolling her eyes at you. "It came with some weird circus game. I dunno, it looked kinda lame. Wanna try it out?" Her voice seemed pretty desperate for attention.
You look up with a tired expression, mouth slanting into a crooked frown. "I wanna sit down and eat. I just worked all day!" You laugh.
"You can sit and play! C'mon!" She drags you into her bedroom. You groan, stepping over the piles of laundry covering her floor, food bag in hand. "Did you clean it? Because I'm not wearing that thing if it's been in the complex dumpster." It's not like you were gonna just put some weird headset on if you didn't know where it came from.
"Of course I cleaned it," she huffs, back facing you, as she pulls out the device from her desk. "That's gross."
You shrug, stuffing a forkful of rice into your mouth as you look around her untidy room. "Just checking."
Her hands find a plug, and connects the headset's wire into her desktop.
She places it on her head, smiling wide as it turns on. "Yo this is so cool," f/n laughs, moving her head around. "I can't believe I found this thing."
You shake your head at her, snickering. "I can't either."
Her hands raise up, and she takes the headset off, blinking a few times to adjust back to reality. "Try it on! It's so cool,"
You set your food aside, and laugh, nodding and holding a hand out for it. "Okay, gimme."
You take the headset, and move over to the computer desk. Sitting down, you adjust it on your face to fit more comfortably. It fit pretty snug. You find the game on the screen, and smile. "It was that circus game, right? Imma click on it," you tell her, assuming she could see the computer screen, while you look through the headset.
"Yeah! Go for it." She takes a seat, leaning forward with anticipation.
You use the controller and click on the game. As it loads up, your eyes squint a bit from how bright it was. Holy shit, it was like walking into a neon daycare center.
"Ugh, it's bright," you mumble, looking at the screen.
"Really?" F/N asks.
You nod, head feeling a little funny. You swore that headset felt tighter. "It feels really weird,"
Suddenly, the screen seemed to fit your vision almost perfectly.
It really felt like you were in the game . . So weird.
"F/N?" You ask, not hearing a reply.
Oh, cute. She probably pulled a dumbass prank on you again.
The colorful circus screen zoomed in, and man it felt weird being in VR while crashing in a game. The ground got closer and closer, and with each second of you falling, you felt your stomach drop. Why did this feel SO REAL?
"Yo! What the f—!"
Did you just get censored?
Your body hits the floor. Ouch.
With a groan, you manage to sit yourself up from the wooden floorboards. It looked like you were on some sort of . . stage? How is this possible?!
Your eyes squint through the bright colors, and your breath hitches.
"Ugh! Don't tell me this is another NPC screwing up the theme song again!"
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insomnias are starving for content lately! or maybe its just me lol. anyways, when you have time ofc can you write dreamcatcher yoohyeon x reader (8th member) soulmate AU where you get the same bruises as your soulmate. Reader, who's soulmate is very clumsy cuz she keeps getting bruises from nowhere, gets added to dreamcatcher. yoohyeon instantly falls for her so she becomes even more clumsy in front of her, making them finally understand they're each others soulmate? sorry if this is confusing :))
Yoohyeon x Reader
Clumsy soulmates
You walked towards the practice room the guy at the front desk directed you to. Feeling determined to show a good first impression to your now members.
You were the lucky trainee that got themselves added to the already existing and amazing girl group Dreamcatcher.
You were pretty confident because you knew the girls had a say in your addition to the group.
They saw what you were capable of and were satisfied, which was already a great accomplishment in itself.
As much as all those thoughts should have made knocking on that door easier, turned out it did not. You were frozen in place trying to cheer yourself up.
"Come on Y/N, you're going to have to see them at some point might aswell be today."
You held your breath and knocked.
Jiu opened the door, while trying to maintain the calm in the room.
"Guys, silence please there's someone at the door."
She then turned to you, giving you her brightest smile.
You kept yourself from getting silent because of how hard you were fangirling.
"Hi, I'm Y/N."
You really hoped Jiu knew who you were because you didn't know if you would be able to say anything else.
You heard some rumming around behind Jiu and your name being repeated a few times. Then suddenly Yoohyeon popped her head from the back trying to get a better look at you.
As she was jumping to see past Jiu your eyes locked before she fell miserably on the floor.
"Oh my god, is she okay ?"
Jiu turned just enough to see it was Yoohyeon.
"Oh don't worry you'll get used to it, anyway welcome in Dreamcatcher Y/N."
And with that she let you in.
Without really realising what you were doing you rushed to Yoohyeon side to make sure she was okay, the fall seemed kind of rough.
"Hey, are you okay there ?"
She was still on the floor, she learned the hard way that sometimes it's better to stay put for a minute before getting up after a fall.
"Yeah don't worry, I kind of hit my arm but it's okay."
You nodded silently, waiting for her to be ready to help her get up. After a few minutes she was and held your arm for leverage.
Once she was safe and steady, she noticed you had a slight bruise over your arm and brushed her thumb over it.
"Clumsy too ?"
"Oh i didn't notice, well maybe I am."
You both laughed at that.
You were very aware that you weren't alone in the room so you forced yourself not to keep staring at your bias. It was hard.
You got yourself engage in a conversation with everybody but you did stole a few glances towards her.
Somehow during that same conversation Yoohyeon proceeded to hurt herself not less than three times more.
She tripped on her own foot, two times and almost fell when she tied her shoe. Luckily that last time you grabbed her before she could fell but she did bite her tongue because of the shock.
And that's before practice even restarted..
While dancing it got worse, at first it was okay but as soon as you got added to the dance it started going downhill.
She fell multiple times, stepped on a few toes and smashed her head a couple of times against Siyeon, luckily the later has a strong skull.
"Are you doing it on purpose today ? You're extra clumsy."
Sua complained, caressing Siyeon's head which got smashed one more time.
"Of course not, I'm sorry guys."
Yoohyeon was ashamed she sat on the other side of the room, her head hanging low.
You decided to go comfort her.
"You shouldn't get close Y/N I keep hurting people today."
You sat right next to her.
"I'm not afraid, I probably tweeted 'Step on me Yoohyeon' back in my fangirl era. At that point it's just manifesting."
She laughed at your confession, you should be embarrassed but you were just happy to have lightened the mood.
"Fangirl era ? Is that so ? And when was that exactly ?"
You looked at her, faking thinking about it.
"Yesterday ?"
You joked and were happy to see her smile, she had loosened her grip around her knees. Probably feeling more relax than earlier.
You just sat there in silence listening to her laugh until she took a solid look at you.
"Oh my god what happened to your head ?"
You looked at her bewildered, not knowing what she was talking about.
"Did I bump into you too ? I don't remember."
She was inspecting your scalp and you did feel the stings of a bruise growing there.
"You didn't.."
You were starting to understand what that could mean while Yoohyeon was still clueless.
You took a look at her arms and legs comparing them to yours, your suspicions got stronger when you saw that her head had actually grow bigger on the same side as yours.
"Hmm ?"
She was busy looking at your head.
"Yoohyeon look at me."
She looked at you, her eyebrows furrowed.
Without saying a thing you pointed out all the bruises you had in common. But it wasn't enough for her to realise what you were implying.
"We're both covered in bruises so what ?"
You sigh, you didn't want to have to say it.
"Did you see me fall today, or bump into someone ?"
"I don't know maybe ? To be honest I was more often on the floor than anything today."
"I didn't because I'm not a clumsy person Yoohyeon which means that me having the exact same bruises as you can only mean one thing."
You saw how her eyes widened.
"We're soulmates."
You both look at each other in shock before turning your heads away blushing like high-school girls.
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Hi, hope you like the request 😊 take care -Ael
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pinkacademic · 1 year
Casual PA
I today am on a busy catch-up day, and I truly just felt like throwing on whatever and getting my shit done! So, first of all, let me say that if you’re here too, you’re valid and still a stunning, intelligent queen. You’re allowed days off. But my goal is to reach the point in my aesthetics where even on days off, I still feel my best self, so here’s advice for you guys and also for myself! Making jeans and a t-shirt cute
tuck the t-shirt in, be it fully, the french tuck, or to one side, anything to givr a bit of an interesting shape.
Wear a crop top, or crop your existing t-shirt yourself.
Tie it in the front for a different silhouette
Roll up the sleeves to make it look a little bit more intentional.
^ on that note, cuff your jeans!
Accesorise- match the colour of your scrunchie to your t-shirt, pick earrings that match the colour of the graphic on your shirt, wear a hip/wallet chain that evokes a pattern in your top, use the colour of hardare as a throughline in a monochromatic fit eg black outfit, gold earrings, gold belt buckle, gold bag chain.
Work your shoes, bag, and overlayers into the mix too- a red top and red shoes, white jeans and a white backpack, black jacket with black jeans
Hoodies and Sweatshirts
You can experiment with shapes here too- cropped, those K-Pop style ones that are essentially just the hood with sleeves.
Colour is your friend- pick a hoodie that’s bright and colourful so you still feel happy and fabulous. I used to slounge in exclusively dark hoodies and it wasn’t helping.
University sweatshirts!! A Harvard one is so very on my wishlist. You can also do clubs and societies hoodies, sweatshirts, t-shirts. I still have one from school, and I super regret not getting my university cheerleading one!
You don’t have to default to leggings either (but you’re so valid if you do!). Kaiti Yoo on YouTube has such good examples of how to do sloungey-chic. There are also K-Fashion influences to look at. Speaking of, K-Pop Dance Videos
Being a Blink is my main K-Pop enthusiasm, so that’s my inspo!
Jennie: Her Adidas and shorts combo in Shut Down is a simple black top with a racing stripe, or just an actual Adidas moment, and a black denim skirt or shorts.
Rosé: In Pink Venom, she’s wearing what honestly looks like a strappy sports bra and cargo trousers. If that’s not your comfort zone, swap for a tank top or tee. Both are black.
Jisoo: For Kill this Love, Jisoo is black wearing shorts and thigh socks and a crop top
Lisa: Lisa’s outfit in Lalisa is just pair of grey sweatpants tied at the waist for a bit of a snatch and a powder blue crop top.
All of these outfits are dance-appropriate, and mostly black, but have elements that make them a bit more fashion such as the monochrome that looks styled, Lisa’s tied sweatpants, or Jisoo’s socks.
The Bratz
The Bratz honestly serve casual fashion, because the COLLECTION they have of tank tops in different colours, graphics, and bedazzled slogans are to die for.
The butterfly graphics from Fashion Pixiez have me ENAMOURED
Their logo t-shirts- now that’s a bestie DIY night
Passion 4 Fashion Diamondz bedazzled slogans: hip, flirt, lucky etc… ugh, iconic
The big varsity numbers, the Bratz lips, Yasmin’s rose, or straight-up the Bratz logo. Big, bold, and obnoxious.
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yootaesowlwrites · 2 years
I’ll Be Here - Yoo Taeyang
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Warnings: Angst.
W/C: 677.
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You never expect to see the sight you were greeted with when you stepped into your and Taeyang’s apartment, the lights were all off, the curtains all drawn, usually, they were open for you both to watch the sunset during this late afternoon, seeing how dark it is sent warning lights flashing through your mind, and you knew something was wrong. You quickly rid yourself of your shoes, and put your shoulder bag on the table, deciding to leave your home inside it for the time being before moving further into the apartment.
“Taeyang…” You softly say when you saw a silhouette on the couch, the only light illuminating him came from his phone. You make your way towards the couch and stop behind him, your eyes catching what he was looking at. Anger rises inside you at the nasty comments about him and what he was reading, you snatch the phone from his grab, bringing him back to earth as well. “Taeyang, no, no, don’t believe these words,” You immediately exit the app and lock his phone, making sure to put it far out of his reach before joining him on the couch.
Your arms immediately wrap around him, and he instantly leans into you, into your warmth, his head presses against your chest, and you felt the wet streaks on his cheeks touch your warm skin, your heart instantly aching and breaking as you’re made aware of how much he had cried. Another sob racks from his chest and the sound caused another ache inside your chest.
“Don’t believe those lies… don’t,” You whisper. Your hand instantly moves to the back of his head, and you gently comb your fingers through his hair. “They don’t know you, just know that, they don’t know the real you,” Another sob and his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you as close as humanly possible.
“Why… Why?” His voice sounded so broken as he spoke. It made you angrier that people were so cruel and just couldn’t keep to themselves. It was like people forget that they were talking about actual humans with their harsh comments.
“Ssh, it’s okay, I got you,” You whisper. Your other hand comes to his back and gently rubs up and down, trying your hardest to comfort him. “I got you,” You didn’t care if your shirt got soaked with his tears, you were completely heartbroken to see him in such a state. A few minutes of silence passed between you both as you gently rub his back and comb your fingers through his hair.
He slowly pulls back from your embrace, his eyes bloodshot red, and his cheeks soaked with tears and coloured red as well, he sniffs and moves his hands to your hips, and you watch him carefully.
“Thank you,” His voice barely above a whisper. “Thank you for being here,” Your heart squeezes.
“I’ll always be here,” You whisper, leaning a little closer to him. “Whether you’re rich, poor, strong, or not, I’ll be right here with you,”  His eyes close as he takes in your words. “Every breath you take, for as long as you want me to be here, I’ll be here for you,” You lean your forehead against his, looking into his red puffy eyes. “Even when you look like this, I’ll be here for you,” You watch a small smile form on his lips.
“Am I really still just as pretty?” He asks, his voice cracking in between his words. Your hand slides to the back of his neck.
“Hmm, I am still very much in love with you,” You whisper. “You are the person I love waking up next to every morning,” His hands gently squeeze your hips. “And the reason I get through each and every day,” He inhales deeply before exhaling. “My reason to keep fighting through every day, even if it feels like it's pulling me down into the darkness…”
“You’re my person… and I’m yours,” He whispers before tilting his head just the slightest to connect his lips with yours.
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lonespektr · 1 year
Sell your haunted house (2021)
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I have literally never heard of this
It's right up my alley and I am just literally now seeing it
Unsure of the tone, urban horror but like more action comedy or they being serious
Lovely credits
Ok derelict hospital ✅
Ha ha fake skeletons every where because obvs it's a hospital
Oh she's on the attack!!!
She really chasing him down she doing then one by one
Nail gun that fires?????
Dunno what she shootin but it's giving barrier
She got them little hair things the OG's have but she rockin modern Constantine all blk exorcist vibes
Oh the dude is the vessel
How feminist
There's horror shows you can count on one hand where the guy gets possessed - on purpose
It's always the women's job to be invaded bodily spiritually
1000pts for that alone
But that does appear to be the play
The guy is warded they deliberately trap the entity in with him, he drops the ward (dramatically lol bruh u buy a new necklace every time???)
Juz slide it off 🤣🤣
And allows himself to get possessed then she physically fights possessed him
And stabss him with dome kinda spirit evac epi pen
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Legit realators
Do they have a license?? 😂
Specifically advertise as their job that's what they do
New job
Customer lying through they teeth
Hmm okay need confirmation of identity of the ghosty that sounds difficult AF
How would people know who they ghost is??
Who this man?
He lying yoo
Lol whut?
What's with the color on his suit
She supposed to be a loser she got a house watching daytime tv who paying rent?
Lol ghost said u got too many shoes already
Why does she look messed up??
Oh that's right she did inhale some parts of the ghosty residual crap
Do they train these women to throw shit jabs
All men
Fucckin lol they finding people who don't even know they are mediums 🤣🤣
They google they tracking him what kinda interview took place 🤣🤣
They can all see
Literal mattress behind you playa
Annd hes down
this is mad cute
Sure screaming
No candidates
I think this guy is whoopi
But maybe he targets bad people
He said naw i don't 🤣🤣🤣
Car chase
She said these virgins are WEAK
Mom stuck
I thought they were just codependent
Mom is/was in the industry
She can't hear her
She just sittin there moody??
Possible murder mystery past older bro but suicide is high
Those two have good chemistry
Lol he said mosquito
How are they doing that remotely
Lol who cast these extras??
Lots of B and E's
He can't see
He doesn't know he's whoopi
Money bottom line
Dead plants and stacked mail
Common enemy
Moms got juice
He wasn't even listening
Those prayer strips!
That's what's in the gun
New one every time 😂
Still has the current event of the week
Great first episode 😃😄😃
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nighttimescribbles · 2 years
i'm here !! yesss sorry for replying like four days later honestly it's so pretty but we ran out of things to do in the seoul so i've been wasting my energy shopping around :') visiting nami island and one of the famous palaces were the highlights of this trip so far and i dont know what to do to top those two experiences 😞😞 but yess ! omg my tour guide did recommend that but my family wanted to catch the zip line over to nami island so we skipped lunch and spent like two hours walking over the snow.
but no i agree !! sk is on a whole other level with their puppy fashion omg even just trimming the fur around their feet to make it look like irregular shoes makes my day omg i love it so much 😭😭😭 as for the bakeries omg i haven't been to as much i'm afraid i'm losing my taste in sweet foods because the darkest of dark chocolates are my favourites and even then they're still too sweet for me i'll definitely give it a go if something matcha flavoured catches my eye and if it does maybe i'll share a few pictures with you 😊
also i gave that fic a read this afternoon when i was on the train to busan (thankfully no zombies but unthankfully no gong yoo either) i cried then omg but you were right i totally wish i was marrying that zeke it was a lovely read so thank you so much :') i'll have to scroll through your bookmarked fics on ao3 because i'm going through a reading withdrawal
still lots of best wishes for you too !! time has gone too fast but too slow at the same time :') i'll be leaving back to my own country and all its responsibilities in about a weak sighhh
~ 🍬
NONNIE!!! as late as this is i am so happy to be going through my inbox and reading all about your trip! did you get to make a snowman? 😆your vacay sounds like a dream! 😍 nami island is unreal gorgeous, right? did you stroll down to the boardwalk by the river? sooooo kdrama! 😭 and did you say you ZIPLINED over? OMG????? i didn't know that was available! how was it????? 🤩 there's a street with all the street food stalls! did your guide bring you there? did you get to try anything?
@\nathalunalune has plenty of fic reccs! she especially loves @\by-kilian's heartstring-tugging pieces. 😭💔
how have you beeeeen??? 😍
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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"Frankly I feel insane, but you say you feel the same... and suddenly it's like 'HEY! I'm not crazy!'"
Well, this one's been a long time in coming! Scrapped it several times over the years, but... this is the right time for this piece and the right way to share this painful, prickly part of the story arc.
New 130 Reasons Why I’m Fairy Trash update today!
Fairly OddParents || One-Shot - “Looking Back”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
Find more Devil's Train Purple Train story arc HERE
Denzel Crocker and Happy Peppy Gary - Fairy World's most wanted miscreants - have been summoned for community service at Spellementary School. Crocker has bid farewell to Dimmsdale Elementary and Gary..... has already said his good-byes.
Don't expect any record scratches or straight answers about how they got here, though. As our title suggests, we're skipping to the END of the arc as Gary and Denzel think about the past... and how awful it is to grieve in a world where time was frozen for 50 years.
Also, throwback to the OG preview image from 4 years back:
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(First 1,000 words under the cut)
A/N - Content warning for nightmare and yoo-doo doll.
Opening scene is a trauma-induced flashback nightmare. It shows the aftereffects of someone who was injured via yoo-doo doll. All damage people take (including the yoo-doo doll) is canon-typical violence shown on-screen in show, but the main target is a human, so the situation is darker than it would be with a fairy.
There's no blood, but the nightmare might be upsetting. If you're sensitive, you may want to skip the italicized opening section-- in other words, you'd want to NOT read what's below, and just go straight to the FFN or AO3 links and skip the italics. Enjoy(?)!
32. Looking Back (End of Season 10 - "Dimmsdale Daze" is the only canon episode left afterwards, plus "Beast of Friends" crossover)
Friday June 25th, 2004
Year of Fire, Autumn of the Thawed Calendar
Buxaplenty's fairy is dying and Cabrera is screaming. Denzel didn't see what the buff, soul-crushing, and almost certainly SKULL-crushing Head Fairy did to him. Only that the hallway lights are blazing in and out of focus, humming with the threat of a power overload, and Gary is screaming above the crackled lightning. As Denzel sprints away, those screams turn to pleading sobs.
"No, no! Please, no! Don't put me in there!"
And then his cries melt into nothing at all.
Gary Cabrera is dead. Or if he's not dead back there, he got totally wrecked. May as well have attended the Dimmsdale Demolition Derby. Think of it! Fairy World's most wanted before they even knew he wanted them! Out like a snuffed candle! It's both gruesome and poetic. Horrifically cruel and terribly effective.
Denzel doesn't stop running. Oh, CENSORED nope.
"Wake up, you paycheck-booster!" he demands of the unconscious fairy in his arms, but even lightly slapping the muscular fairy's cheek isn't enough to rouse him. He's not dead. Can't be. Fairies… don't… die.
But Magnifico's head lolls to one side, his eyes - once filled with hope and starlight - lie open. Staring at nothing. Denzel skids around the next corner, fairy clamped to his chest with one hand and a lifted butterfly net in the other. No one stops him within those first two seconds. Gary stays silent down the hall, the lights no longer flickering overhead. The silence scrapes like a rusty razor down his skin.
Fairies and cherubs are in a crisis at the end of the hall. He only needs to make it halfway there, then veer left into the control room. He can make it. There's no other choice. Denzel inhales and plows forward. His shoes smack against the floor. Someone - far away - shouts in a high-pitched cloudland accent, like they've been sanity-deprived for far too long and have to let somebody know. Denzel lashes his butterfly net. He's not anywhere near them. It's just a threat.
"Magnifico, up and at 'em! Or I'll give you an F for FAILURE OF A FAIRY!"
The fairy's black hair streams against his arm. It tore loose from its ponytail long ago. Denzel suspects it must have been magic, not a hair tie, that kept those strands in place. What was it Gary said about blue magic? It's classified as "correction magic," though also associated with reluctance, irritation, rashness, and stress.
Here's the important part- items, spells, and hexes created out of blue will always shut down when a fairy falls asleep. Evidently, passing out counts as sleep just as well.
Purple magic undoes itself upon a fairy's death. It's emotion that picks the color of magic, not mere desire… So what did Magnifico use on his hair? He doesn't feel dead, but he isn't breathing. Not uncommon for creatures who soak in magic instead of oxygen to survive… but still.
How did this happen? Buxaplenty was watching the cameras! Everyone is at the Fairy World Games! No one knew they were coming, no one should have found them here… Denzel glances up at the lights as they buzz and snarl again. He puffs his cheeks like a gerbil and scampers like a mouse. Ooh, this is not as fun as he thought it would be when dancing a compass across his blueprints. His lungs might just give out on him right here and now. He's kept in decent shape as he's grown older, never taking any risk that a fairy might outrun him someday, but that doesn't mean he's not exhausted. The weight of it all is dragging down his eyelids. And his hunch.
There! Fairy World Archives' not-so-secret security room! It's even labeled that way! Metal nameplate on the door! Only one small guard has rushed fast enough to make it. Denzel smashes the butterfly net down on his head to take him out of commission. The fairy SCREAMS! Unimportant. Pathetic, really- it's good fun to be so feared.
Half the buildings in Fairy World don't even have proper doors, but this one does. Denzel kicks it open as hard as he can. Ka-BAM! Double scream. The door's wood is magical, but crumples like a napkin in the face of a furious human heel. He broke it like a beetle shell.
Is Buxaplenty here? Still breathing? It feels so wrong to save the immortal fairy and leave the human child behind to die, isn't it? Not only that, but he badly wants to know if Buxaplenty totally went and stabbed them in the back. Is he sitting at the cameras with the fairy cops and-?
… Oh.
The sound of the door bashing against the wall echoes down the hallway. It isn't returned by a shriek of alarm as Buxaplenty whips around in his swivel chair. In fact, Buxaplenty doesn't say anything. He lies slumped over at the control panel. Not moving. His green eyes are pinned open, like his fairy's, but they're unseeing. His breaths hiss short and fast.
He doesn't react to the door.
He doesn't react to Denzel or to the frozen fairy in his arms.
He… he looks like he's in shock. Total, utter shock, and suddenly Magnifico passing out makes a lot more sense. Their appendixes are still linked. The fairy can feel his godchild's pain. Denzel feels a twitch in the back of his neck. He jumps his eyes from the slumped-over Buxaplenty to the yoo-doo doll on the floor.
It's there and undeniable. The battered yoo-doo doll - blond and broken - stares at the ceiling with the same frozen expression now stitched across the boy's face. Buxaplenty is twisted at the desk, clutching his shoulder. He's shaking.
The doll on the floor does not have an arm. Yeah, that would do it, wouldn't it? Who wrecked him like this? Denzel stands there by the kicked-in door, gawking, as icy fingers creep across his skin. Oh… He might know now why Harrington's communicator cut off when she screamed. His heart lurches in his chest, swinging like a pendulum. His grandfather would have done swell with a ticker like that inside his clock.
"B… Buxaplenty?"
"I am not!" Denzel screams, bolting up in bed. Hhh- hhh- He scrambles for his glasses. His hand bangs the nightstand and bends with a twist. He knocks his water glass to the floor with a crash. Hhh- hhh…
… Hhh…
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lgcxminji · 1 year
banana division audition
minji becomes yoo haewon, intern at the banana division
dig... place... cover... water... repeat. the task was simple. and yet, haewon found herself often missing steps. she would forget to dig and just place the seeds on the dirt, or she would move on before realizing she’d forgotten to water, or she would forget to even plant the banana seeds to begin with. but she just kept going on her merry way, humming the most recent fabula release as she worked towards her goal.
however, out of the corner of her eye, she could see some co-workers talking. wanting to know what they were saying, she decided to finish planting her last seeds (which she forgot to cover, simply watering the hole she’d left), and moved over to the other side of the planting area. they were saying something about... her supervisor? she couldn’t help but listen in.
they were talking about her wealth. she couldn’t blame them, honestly. this was a workplace, after all, and everything was about money. they were trying to figure out if she came from generational wealth, or if her wealth had mostly come from her current work. at first, haewon ignored. she’d been taught that sometimes, it’s best to just let conversations between two people happen than to butt in with her perspective. however, after a few moments of this, she just couldn’t help but chime in.
“oh, the supervisor? i mean, you can tell what kind of wealth she probably has just by looking at her outfits that she’s mostly new money. she is consistently wearing heels made of a pretty cheap vinyl sold regularly at discount stores. she may be changing her purse often, but i was able to notice that each of them are in the mid tier designer range, so she’s most likely buying those bags from the outlets rather than from the source itself. and also, she knows how to dress herself, and she knows how to follow trends, but she doesn’t really know the best style for her body type, so it makes her look a lot shorter than she actually is. if she were all old money, she would surely not be shopping consciously, since she’d have no concept of savings. however, her not choosing quality over quantity also makes me think that she isn’t all new money. she has a bit of old money as well, because if she were all new money she’d be more likely to save up for an expensive high-quality bag and nice shoes than mid-quality bags and settling for cheaply made shoes.” she said this matter-of-factly, her tone sounding very much like the professors she’d had at college.
silence. haewon just smiles, before turning back to her work, having clearly stunned them with her expertise in the matter. proud of herself, she starts her dysfunctional planting again, happy to have not only answered their concerns, but to have finally gotten them quiet again. with this newfound focus, she was able to go from a 70% mistake rate to a 55% mistake rate, which the intern saw as a win enough. besides, what’s learning to be in the business world without making mistakes?
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nervocat · 6 months
“Come one come all! The Stars are celebrating a special event — just about 200 people have consistently listened to their stories, and they want to know what you want to hear from them as a thank you gift. They treasure those of you who have listened.”
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req slots — [5/5]
[You hear the clicking of shoes from behind you, how? Considering you're in the sky, it doesn't really make sense, does it? You turn around to face the source.]
“Hello, Reader. You may not know, but I am Nervo himself, The Messenger of the Stars.”
[The Messenger of the Stars? Odd. You feel a cool breeze around your ankles and see that Monsieur Whiskers, The Guide of the Galaxy, is rubbing your legs, seemingly looking for attention.]
“Ah, it seems our old guide is quite fond of you huh? Anyways — as you've heard from the announcement, an event is taking place. Let me pull up the options for you, Reader.”
[Nervos hand moves from his side and with a swift flick of his hand, a floating, white screen pops up in front of you.]
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[You have been given permission by Nervo, The Messenger of the Stars, to read this. Do enjoy!]
— What is this?
“Inqusitive, aren't you? Well, this is an event where you, Reader, can select from the prompts below to request the Stars to make a story for you. They will, however, decline your request if you ask something of them that disturb the Galaxies Guidelines, so do be mindful!”
— How do I request?
“A question with a simple answer! In your request, you will specify which prompt(s) you'd like to be written (up to 3) and the characters you'd like to see written along with this request (also up to 3). The fics can be romantic or platonic and, as you will later find out, you can ask questions for me to answer, and you can ask as many as you'd like. No limit! They can be as self-indulgent as you want, and you can request as many times as you want, but wait until the Stars are done with your current request.”
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— The Prompts
#1 · “Please, stay with me.. don't leave me! You promised!” (angst prompt)
#2 · “How could you.” (angst prompt)
#3 · “Can you just.. come over here? I've missed your warmth.” (fluff prompt)
#4 · “Thank you for this, I will cherish it.” (fluff prompt)
#5 · Wild Card! (Wild Card?)
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[Monsieur Whiskers notices your confusion at the “Wild Card!” prompt, and meows to get Nervos attention. Said man looks up and smiles.]
“Oh! The Wild Card! prompt. The Stars know that the prompts they have come up with may leave a little to be desired, so I seggested that we let you, the Reader, be able to create your own prompt (it's highly encouraged!). Just specify it and the preferred genre and trope when requesting from the Wild Card! prompt.”
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— Fandoms able to be requested + characters
Hsr · Welt, Himeko, Dan Heng (+ IL), March 7th, Stelle/Cealus, Blade, Kafka, Jing Yuan, Huohuo , Dr. Ratio, Aventurine, Sunday, Robin, Black Swan, Boothill, Gallagher + others
Genshin · Kaeya, Diluc, Lisa, Klee, Zhongli, Tartaglia, Itto, Hu Tao, Baizhu, Qiqi, Kaveh, Alhaitham, Tighnari, Cyno, Wanderer, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Sigewinne, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Navia, Chlorinde, Furina + others
Orv · Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk, and probably any character
(Just be mindful of orv spoilers please! Keep it vague :)) - Nervo)
TBHK · Hanako, Yashiro, Kou
Omori · Sunny, Basil, Hero, Mari, Aubery, Kel
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“One more thing before you go, beloved Reader. Other than a prompt event, this will also be an interactive event! How so, you may ask? Well, it's mixed with a Q&A. You can ask me questions about anything you want to know. They can be as simple as “Why is Monsieur Whiskers here as a guide?” or complicated like “Why do the Stars act like and play the role that they do?””
[You're startled to see the Stars start to flicker, almost as if they speak in Morse Code. It seems the Stars are a bit jittery at Nervos seggested questions, specifically the one about them. Nervo nonchalantly laughs a bit. It seems even he may not know the answer to that question himself.]
[-. . .-. ...- --- / --..-- / .-- .... -.-- / ... . --. --. . ... - / ... ..- -.-. .... / .- / - .... .. -. --. / ..--..]
“Ah, the Stars are a bit iffy about that question.. well, either way, you get the gist, right, dear Reader? I hope to see you in the Inbox. Any questions you have about the event will also be answered if need be!”
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★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦
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love-holics · 3 years
[8:37 pm]
pairing: johnny x reader
warnings: none, fluff
word count: 353
You slowly dragged your feet upstairs to your shared apartment. It had been a rather tiring day at work and you were exhausted, to say the least.
"I'm home," you called out as you removed your shoes and set your bag and keys down. You made a beeline for the couch and flopped on it, face down.
You heard footsteps and felt the couch sink slightly as Johnny sat down, slowly rubbing circles on your back. "Long day?" he asked quietly.
"The longest," you said, your words slightly muffled by the couch cushion. "So many phone calls and customers. And a client was rude to me." You pouted a little thinking about it.
"Want me to beat them up?"
You turned on your side to look at him with a small smile. "Sure," you played along. How do you plan on finding them though?"
He looked up, as if deep in thought. "Well, Jaehyun works in IT so he probably knows how to find IP addresses and such. And his girlfriend is in one of those scary fandoms so maybe she'll use her powers for good to help us locate them if we say they insulted someone she likes or something. And between the two of them, I'm sure we'll find something, and then..."
Your smile grew as you listened to him ramble and you couldn't help but giggle. "Johnny. John-- Johnny!"
He stopped suddenly and looked down at you with a small smile. "Yes, my love?"
"While I admire your planning, I think all I really need right now is a long bubble bath with my favorite person."
He looked at his watch and sighed in mock disappointment. "I think it's a bit too late to get Gong Yoo over here, unfortunately."
You swatted his arm playfully and groaned as he chuckled at his own joke, causing you to smile at him affectionately. "Please join me?" you asked, squeezing his hand gently.
He bent down to kiss your temple. "Of course, my love." He squeezed your hand once more before walking away and leaving you feeling lighter than you've felt all day.
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renn-phrs · 3 years
CHARACTER : Sano Shinichiro
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“Still thinking you got a chance with that hottie?” A familiar sound rings in his ear making the boy who is currently eyeing someone sigh.
“Well, in the matter of fact I’m also hot. In that case, I am compatible with them.” The boy scoffs, crossing his hand as he looks away from his friends who look at him in pity.
“Gosh, Shin, you really think you have a chance after those 20 rejects?” The tan man scoffs, followed by his other friend who bursts out laughing at his statement. Shinichiro could only give them a calm smile despite his heartfelt being stabbed by an invisible knife a dozen times, “Alright sorry Shin. It’s just that you are… well. Never mind. Why don’t we make a bet?”
“What bet?”
“YOO! Takeomi! You finally came. How is my favorite girl?” The white-haired boy shouted as he fist-bumped his friend.
“She’s fine Wakasa. Anyways, what bet are we talking about?” Takeomi asks, dragging the cigarette before exhaling the smoke. Wakasa told him about Shinichiro’s crush until the bet he and Benkei planned out to which he replies with a nod. —taking the last drag on his cigarette before crushing it with his shoes. “Tell you what, If you could score it, I’ll pay for your meal for 1 month.”
“I know right?? He is soo attractive..”
The group of girls turns around to see the sound of the person coming from, “Ah, (Name)-san!! We are just talking about that guy.” One of them took your hand and dragged you in front of the window class. You looked down seeing a group of boys playing baseball. Your eyes are fixed in the man with black hair that is styled upward. “That one (Name)-san.”
One of the girls pointed out to the white-haired man lazily throwing the ball. Imaushi Wakasa. You thought. Both of you were neighbors before you moved out to a different place and back again to your childhood city. Wakasa felt some eyes watching him all along. He looked around not seeing anyone until he looked up. There you are, with the other girl from your class watching them play. The boy scoffs before sending them a wink that was intended for you.
“D-did you see that!!??” Those girls looked at each other before they started to scream, “He just winked at us!!!”
You could only roll your eyes as you sent him a sweet smile with a little wave that made the boy smile. Benkei, who saw everything, nudged Takeomi. Telling him to look up. Which caught him by surprise that you dare to 'flirt' with the one and only Imaushi Wakasa. Both of them looked at Shinichiro, who was holding the bat. His eyes fixed on the boy who was holding the ball. His gaze is emptier than usual like there is something that he is trying to hide. The sharp pain in his heart when seeing you smiling at his friend.
Shinichiro knows you aren't anything to him, let alone know him. He gulped as the grip on the bat became tighter when he saw you two look like communicating with some sign added with a smile plastered on your face when talking to him. Shinichiro shouted, telling his friend to start throwing the ball in his hand. Wanting to stop what you both are doing.
"Hoi! Let's take a break." Takeomi shouted, wiping his sweat with his shirt. The rest of the boys nodded and followed him to get change. Benkei notices his friend being quiet the whole time they change or have lunch. He looked at his other friends who were talking to some random girls. These bastards. He sighs, nudging Shinichiro.
"You fine, Shin? You've been zoned out the entire time." Benkei asks, loud enough for Wakasa and Takeomi to take notice as they approach their friend.
"What's got into you man? you look dead." Takeomi slapped his back lightly as he massaged his shoulder. Wakasa could only lift an eyebrow, not getting any answer in his head on why his friend is like that. "Come, Shin, let's uhh go to the new cafe you've been eyeing on."
"I'm fine, just go with the other. I need to grab Mikey." Shinichiro replied, swatting Takeomi's hand as he left his friend behind. Takeomi and Benkei looked at each other before their eyes shifted to the boy in front of them.
"Seriously, their faces were red like tomatoes!" You laugh nudging your friend who only rolled your eyes at your story, "I don't know why people have a crush on you."
"Well because I'm Amazing, irresistible, and Breath-taking." You gagged on your friend's reply. Such a self-centered person. You wanted to lower his image but you knew those words were a truth to be told.
"Cat got your tongue (Name)-san?" He snickers, knowing the fact you couldn't think of a better comeback. You could only sigh as he patted your back before you stopped at your track, eyes darting at the cafe that just opened a few days ago.
"Ano, Waka-Kun-" Before you could finish your sentence, he pushes you towards the cafe door.
"Sure, let's go."
"Onii-chan, let's go to that cafe you were talking about!" The boy dragged his big brother's arm while pointing at the cafe a few blocks away from them.
"Mikey, how many times have I told you we need to go back. Emma is waiting for us and-" He stops talking when he sees his brother looking up with a puppy face. His eyes twitch, not wanting to give in easily to his brother's trick which he eventually gave him after a few seconds.
"Alright, but we are going to take it away and eat it with Emma and ojii-chan." Shinichiro rubs his temple as Mikey jumps excitedly. As they were about to get in he saw something in the corner of his eyes that made his blood run cold.
"Ummm, Onii-chan isn't that (Name)-san?" Mikey asks looking back from his brother to you and his brother's friend.
"Mikey, let's go home." Shinichiro turns his back to which Mikey stops him and asks for the parfait his brother promises him. "Mikey. home now."
Mikey stepped back, hearing his brother's low voice that shivers down his spine. He nods, taking his hand before looking up to his brother, and quickly turns away. He never saw his brother being this mad at something that he thought was just a little thing. Mikey keeps silent not asking any questions to his brother until they go back to the Sano residence.
1, 2 weeks passed the boys began to worry about what their leader doing. He always zoned out, eat little, and on top of it, he doesn’t want to talk to one of his friends. Benkei and Takeomi looked at each other, debating who should ask him. While Wakasa only rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue as he approach his friend who is sitting, zoned out. He kicks Shinichiro’s on the side making him fall with a loud thud. He didn’t bother listening to his friend shouting at the back as he grab his hair —looking him in the eyes before starting to speak,
“You saw us, didn't you?”
“Let me go Wakasa-”
“You saw us, didn't you?”
Shinichiro averted his gaze not wanting to look at his friend who gave him a death stare. Wakasa could only sigh at his friend’s antics. No wonder you never had a partner before. He let go of his hair as he whispers a few words only both of them could hear, “Listen, I’m getting sick of your jealousy. If you do love them then don’t be such a coward and tell them.” Shinichiro’s eyes widened upon hearing the words from his friend. He scoffs, rolling his eyes pretending he isn’t like what his friend said.
“Why do you think I’m jealous, huh? You think I’ll chase a person that doesn’t like me back?” Wakasa gritted his teeth before slapping his friend in the face. Takeomi was about to stop his friend before Benkei’s hand rested on his shoulder, shaking his head —telling him to just watch them.
“Listen here you, hopeless romantic. Use your brain. Why do you think they always avert their gaze when you two looked at each other? Why do you think they always steal glances at us? Who do you think that chocolate I gave you on valentine's day from?”
“That’s from them?”
“You stupid! Argh! That's why you never get a partner! Don't you read the letter below the box??!!" Wakasa stood up feeling tired of his clueless friend. Gosh, Shinichiro. You are a stupid one. He sighs, shaking his head, "You know what. It doesn't matter. They told me they were going to leave the town. So either you and your little brain confess to them or it's done for you." Shinichiro's eyes widened as he quickly rushed out from Wakasa's gym. Leaving his friend there with Benkei and Takeomi not getting what he meant.
"Wait, they are leaving?"
"Nope, just their Otosan. But I guess that works." Both of them respond with an 'ohhh'.
“So (Name)、 I'll be heading off now. Be a good kid and I will leave your mother in your care.” He said ruffling your hair.
"Don't worry Papa, she'll be fine with us. Hope the deal will go smoothly." You smile as you hand him his suitcase. You were hugging your father until a familiar voice loudly called your name, making you turn your back seeing a boy running towards you.
"S-Sano-san is everything alright?!" You tried to help the boy who was trying to catch his breath. He looked up at you seeing your face filled with worries. Without thinking anything he quickly hugged you tightly.
"I don't care if it's the last time I will see you or you will reject me or if it's too soon to say but one thing I wanted to say is…" He looked at you as he gathered his courage before shouting out loud, "(Name)-san, 愛してるよ!!"
*I love you
Your eyes widened hearing his loud and clear confession to you which made other people look at you both. "Please go out with me."
"I'm sorry I know you going to reject me but ple-"
"Sano Shinichiro!" He freezes when hearing his full name coming out of your lips. He was about to apologize before you cut, "There is my father."
Shinichiro's eyes widened before looking at your back seeing a grumpy old man watching him all the time. He quickly apologized to your father for abruptly hugging you and confessed to you loudly without thinking for a second. While your father could only rub his temple in distress, not in a mood for some excuses. Hahh, Kids nowadays. He muttered under his breath.
"Sano Shinichiro. from the Sano family. I know your Ojii-san. I'll go talk to him about this on the phone but before that, don't you ever hug or even kiss my daughter."
"Otosan!" You whispered, feeling embarrassed with what your father just said. You both talk with your father before he bid farewell to the two of you.
"So, you not going to leave this town?" He asks, making you confused.
"What do you mean? I'm not leaving anywhere." Shinichiro felt like he wanted to disappear from this world when you told him the reason why you were here in the first place. Wakasa, I will kill you, "But I appreciate your confession, Sano-san. I hold the same fee-"
You stopped talking when you heard something fall behind Shinichiro. You tilted your head, seeing your old friend fall from behind the wall. This boy. You walked to him and saw Benkei and Takeomi hiding there too.
"Umm, Hi (Name)-san." Benkei waved at you while Takeomi tried to look away from you. You question them why on earth you were there before Wakasa nonchalantly said,
"We just wanted to know how the bet is going." Wakasa's eyes widened realizing what he just said before he quickly covered his mouth. Shit.
“IMAUSHI WAKASA!” Benkei and Takeomi simultaneously shouted. Which he only replied with a giggle. You turned and looked at The petrified boy infront of you.
"A bet, huh?” You scoff, “Don't expect tomorrow you will come home without bruises." You threatened him. Before leaving the boys alone.
“(NAME)!! I-IT WAS A JOKE!” He shouted trying to catch up with you. Wakasa watches Shinichiro trying to stop you as best as he can from afar. This is interesting. He scoffs, then felt eyes watching him from behind.
"Imaushi Wakasa."
The boy turned around to see both of his friends cracked their knuckles. Oh dammit.
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RETURN — ©Reblogs are highly appreciated.
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divinefireangel · 3 years
Make out Sessions with SF9 - Hard Ver.
As per multiple requests 👀. Hope y'all like it!
Warnings: Suggestive. Smut. Female anatomy. Sloppy kissing. Just go with it 😂. Choking. Youngbin's is highly inspired by Hannah 🤭. Extremely inaccurate description of wine? Cause I've never consumed any lmao. Sensual touching? Humping? Size kink for Ju? Strength kink for Seokwoo? Tbh idk what I'm doing lol
Everything under the cut!
You're both in the balcony, sipping on wine after a long tiring day, awaiting the weekend
Maybe it's the wine or the fact that you both are absolutely free for a whole day tomorrow, but something is just pulling you closer to him
And just like that, you straddle his thick thighs in the chair he's seated on 👀
Gulping you bite your lip, before leaning in to taste his
Of course due to the wine, his lips and tongue and saliva all taste like alcohol and his own flavour
He will pull you closer till your legs are bent at your knees and are resting against his sides comfortably and your heat is touching his crotch
He's also gonna be really loud, moaning into each kiss, breaking only to kiss your neck or jaw with closed eyes
His hands are sensually touching your back and breasts, just feeling you up and making your whine for more
Easily carries you to the bedroom for a night full of expected unexpected events
Baby boy is so shocked when you kiss him with a lot of fervour
Takes a few seconds to realize what's happening lmao
But when he does, he will flush his chest against yours
Hands start to wander along the length of your back
And everytime he reaches the end of your back, he goes lower till he's able to cup your butt
Now you're shocked 😝
All this, while still kissing you senseless
His lips moulding with yours
Moans coming out from the both of you
Teeth pulling at your lips
Teeth clinking together
His tongue asking for permission to enter your mouth
When you give him the green light, gosh he will be ready to fuck you on the floor 🤭
Oh this one definitely tries to convert every innocent little kiss to a make out whenever you both are alone
And he knows you will give into his charm because he's cocky and we love to see it
It's instances when he's sitting on a chair in the kitchen while you cook or study and every time you get something right he gives you a congratulatory kiss
But after that last bit of preparation, when he does kiss you, his hands are on your waist, fingers pressing into your skin lightly as his lips move against yours
Pulls away when you're breathless and smirks that sexy smirk FUCK ME
Now of course, his hands move to cup your butt and pull you closer
Well he makes you sit on his lap while he's still in the chair
Holds your face in one palm before looking into your eyes and just dives in to your mouth
It as so messy but it's also so hot like????? How even does he do that lol
His tongue is more in your mouth than his, purposely drawing out moans and small surprised squeals from you and your sounds are sending electricity to his cock
Which then leads to your both dry humping each other till he just feels like he's had enough of this teasing and dramatically pushes your things off the table to fuck you on it 😉🤭
Oh this fucker knows what he's doing but he'll act all cute so you can't even blame him 😣
And it's always things that shouldn't even affect you like feeling his hot breaths against your neck while his chest heaves on your back or his hands that slowly pull your pants a little lower IT'S NOT EVEN NOTICEABLE
But fuck he knows what he wants and he also knows he's convincing you
He's so happy when you huff in annoyance and just push him onto the bed after dragging him to the room
His smile disappears when you straddle his lap and pull him closer by his shirt
And he starts to lose his shit when you bite your lip and trace his facial features, looking at him with your bedroom eyes, lowering yourself till you feel his half hard cock
When you start to rub your clothed core against his, fuck he's even more desperate
Hands go to your hips to guide your movement
But before he can kiss you, you tilt your head back moaning so loud, making him whine to feel your lips
You give in easily lmao 💀
Grinding down harder and kissing him even harder only breaking to remove your clothes 🤤
He's been cooped up in the studio for too long so it is fair if you go and make sure he isn't as stressed 😉
And so you do
You walk in to his studio wearing the cutest skirt you own
But he's so engrossed in work he doesn't notice :(
That's okay cause you remove your shoes and pull his chair out, abruptly sitting on his lap, your back to his chest
That's when he notices the skirt, and his fingers trace the hem slowly raising it up 👀
Groans looking at your cute panties and turns your face to his to give you a sweet kiss
Makes you stand to lean on the table facing him
So when he stands he can tower you and make you feel small
His fingers comb through your scalp till he can pull your head back suddenly and slowly kisses up from your neck to your lips as you breathe hard through your mouth
His lips meet yours with a lot of force, whimpers and moans flying out from you when he starts to move you up on the table
"Naughty kitten" and imagine that with his deep ass voice WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF 😭
It all starts with a boring movie, you in his lap, breathing into each other's mouth while kissing
Your hands pulling at his hair
His hands roaming your body, squeezing you ass or choking you or cupping your boobs over your his shirt
And you're just grinding your core against his, dizzying the both of you
Desperately attempting to feel some sort of relief
He will surely laugh cutely at your struggle
Then of course he uses his strength to pin you down and kiss you again
But this time he moves his kisses down from your lips to your core 😉
Being the playfully unfair lover he is, he moves back up to capture your lips
His fingers have other plans tho 👀
He feels you get wetter as he traces your folds over your shorts
While swallowing your moans and cries for more
Or if he's feeling generous he will kiss your neck, listening to your cute begs for more while fingering you
Yoo Taeyang
Okay he knows that you are loving his biceps so he will purposely flex them especially after his home workout
And I mean this sweaty well defined biceps like those in his cycling pics
Smirking he just tells you that he's gonna shower before you both can spend time knowing full well that you will not stay put in your place
When you enter the bathroom, the scene in front of you is heavenly
Water cascading down from his wet hair through his abs and down his legs 👀
"Took you long enough"
Chuckling in disbelief you shake your head while undressing cause you'd be a fool to miss out
Climbing into the shower you push him onto the wall, pressing your chest to his and scratching his back while getting on your toes
Cupping your face he kisses you, pulling you both under the water coming from the shower
Your kiss is a mix of his and your salivas and the shower water, it's messy and desperate but you can't care when you feel his dick come to life against your stomach
Without further teasing he picks you up and fucks you in the shower as you clutch onto him harder every time his cock brushes your g-spot
Poor thing all he wanted was a relaxing bath till you entered
Stripping yourself, you enter the tub, sitting on his lap facing him and his shocked expression
He becomes a little less shocked when he, well his dick feels how wet you are lmao
Bringing one dripping hand out of the warm water he freely moves it from your cheek, down to your thigh but making sure to wet your neck and tweak your nipple in the process
Clenching your thighs hesitantly at the cold air you felt wherever he touched you, you moan with your eyes closed
Gulping he moves both his hands to your neck to pull you flush against him as he connects your lips together
His hands feel up your back
His kisses needy, muffling both of your moans while you wait for his cock to charge up 🤭
He didn't have the intention of making you weak in the knees
But fuck how can you not go weak when your boyfriend is so hot
Legit all he did was pulling his shirt off with one hand, skillfully
And that made you pull him into bed with you
Your legs trapping his left leg, grinding your needy core against his thigh
Chest pressed flush on his
Hands slightly scraping the skin on his back
Lips attached to his moist ones
His hands slowly hiking up your shirt to touch your soft skin
Tbh he can't take this for too long
So he flips you onto your back and climbs between your legs, a teasing smirk plastered on his face
And his even more teasing fingers tracing your skin up from your knee, over your thighs, stomach, chest till it reaches your throat, tilting your head up so he can pepper small lovebites on you
Places a bruising kiss on your lips till your eyes are rolling back from the foreplay itself
SF9 Masterlist
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