#LN the refugee boy
fae-sodapop · 11 months
Almost every kid from Little Nightmares
Apologies for bad quality in some of the drawings
Part 1
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
Maybe there wasn't some large single cataclysm that sent the world of Little Nightmares into the horror that it is today? Maybe it just got steadily worse over time.
In the Necropolis, a place that is probably hundreds if not thousands of years old, we still see mechanical eyes, but they have killed seemingly normal adult humans. The world clearly isn't in the state it's currently in by the time of The Sounds of Nightmares, but it still seems to have a general disregard for children. There appear to be a lot of cycles (the Ladies, the Thin Man, the Maw docking, etc) so maybe the world just gets slightly worse each time?
I share this opinion with you! I also believe the world of the Nowhere has gotten worse and worse gradually overtime.
Something interesting to note is that there also seem to be children who are, somehow, from the Nowhere. The biggest example being the Pretender and the Refugee Boy. The Pretender, because we see her family pictures and her home where she (supposedly) grew up in -- and in the Pretender's quarters there are also several pictures of children who have "Nowhere-esque" features.
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And then there is the Refugee Boy and his sister, who mentions that the charm he was given at birth was something given to all children from his village specifically to protect them against the North Wind, who we know is an entity from the Nowhere.
Mono is also a strong candidate for being a born Resident, although considering how his cycle works it might have not always been that way.
Again, as you mentioned, I think the world went on the decline gradually. There might even be some sparse places, like the Refugee Boy's village, where the destruction has yet to arrive.
Now, considering this information, I am wondering which ones of the monsters we meet are born Residents and which ones are Visitors turned Residents... to refresh your memory, Visitors are those who end up getting stuck the Nowhere with the intention of leaving it, so pretty much every protagonist & child we've met up to now (excluding Mono). Residents are the people who either give up hope, let themselves be swayed by the Eye or choose to stay. I do have a STRONG suspicion about a possible "Visitor-turned-Resident", considering how their cycle works...
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... But we shall see.
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the-gt-fairy · 10 months
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These guys have the same vibe to me
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fae-only-reblogs · 5 months
My Little Nightmares headcanons
This is probably messy to read I apologize! Remember these headcanons are just for fun & while some of them might have roots in canon they are ONLY headcanons! ❤️
The sound of Nightmares 🎧 (TSON)
- Sisi & Otto were foster kids adopted by the same family (no biological relation)
- I don't personally think Sisi/Cici is Six but I lean of her being the RCG from VLN
- Sisi could be an entirely different character to begin with
- Noone is blonde
- Children in the Waking world are still super small just as in the games
Very Little Nightmares (VLN)
- the pretender has parents
- IF the pretender & RCG do have a time loop situation it's of the easiest to be broken
- RCG & The pretender are friends! Then eventually they'll become friends who are also girls and beyond that who knows!
- The pretender is porcelain but can still grow
- The pretender gave RCG the name Rain because children who enter the Nowhere eventually lose their memories from the Waking world.
- The pretender's parents are out on business, somewhere. Either in the pale city or some location from TSON 🎧
LN comics
- The long haired girl & the boy in green are siblings
- The hunched back girl has powers of some kind (shown off in the comics but unsure what kind of powers they are exactly)
- ⭐ refugee boy & his sister as well as the hunched back girl were born in the Nowhere (More on this in a bit)
Little Nightmares (LN)
- The Lady & Six are the same person (time loop)
- There were four previous ladies before the current one (Lady Six). But these four were different individuals filling a title rather than the same person completing a loop four different times!
- Lady 1 passed her powers to lady 2, from her to Lady 3, and I believe Lady 4 wasn't killed but sent to the flooded parts of the Maw to become the granny by Lady 5 (or the 1st version of her anyways)
- Lady 5/Adult Six & Six have been in their own time loop for quite awhile. Maybe it's because the Nowhere finds their time loop particularly entertaining or the supply of (misery/souls/meat/whatever else the Nowhere sustains itself off of) has been significantly more than what those past four ladies could provide it. Time loop = entertaining & or Time loop = efficiency.
- The Lady is close with the doctor, the teacher, the hunter, and the barber due to having their portraits hung around the Maw.
- Children can't permanently die & we'll just essentially respond unless 1 of 3 events occur: 1) The soul reaches a breaking point/corruption & just can't continue. 2) They get taken out by a power strong enough to perma kill them - the pretender's ability to just evaporate you completely as in VLN. 3) The Nowhere consumes them in one way or another
- The flashlight girl is the daughter of the Lady (Adoptive or biological)
- The flashlight girl's model is taller than Six & Seven's models so I think she's closer to her teenage years 13 years old
- Not many HCs on Runaway kid other than his 'name' is Seven & he's 9 years old
Little Nightmares 2 (LN2)
- Mono & the thin man are the same person (Time Loop)
- The Thin man is one individual rather than a role to be filled (like the Lady)
- The thin man is a TV show/Radio host
- Thin man & The lady still keep in contact somehow (I like the idea of messaging birds)
- The hunter is Six's adoptive parent
- Spoon girl & Lollipop kid are friends! She 100% protects him from the monster's every time
- Mono came from an orphanage that caught fire (based off the LN2 comics)
- ⭐ Non hostile adults exist in the Nowhere (Refugee boy comes from a village after all) These villages were probably formed by children who were able to grow up without becoming monsters or puppets to the Nowhere (The Lady/Thin man)
- The Nowhere probably isn't fond of anything that isn't misery so I think these villages could make deals with powerful entities or the Nowhere itself so that the entity gains something for protection (probably a child sacrifice- yeah....)
There's still more I can put here but that can come later once I've posted all my drawings I've been doing for my main blog! Thank you for reading!
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randybutternubber · 1 year
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What are your headcanons on LN Comics (2017) #1? Why was North chasing down Refugee Boy? And why could the charm protect the village? And how exactly did that bet (Ferry vs North) happen, and what was the wager?
At this point, I really can't tell if you guys really like the North Wind or not...
the Refugee Boy, the North Wind, and the Ferryman
At the Refugee Boy's home village, there was always a tradition to give your children a good luck charm when the reached a certain age
It's usually Father to Son or Mother to Daughter, but there are exceptions if charm is given Father to Daughter or Mother to Son
The Refugee Boy's case would have been Father to Son, if his dad actually cared in the first place...
When the time came to receive his charm, his father "conveniently" forgot to get one or give his own to the young boy
This simple act was what summoned the North Wind to the Refugee' Boys village. Had the tradition been kept, the Refugee Boy's charm would have "protected him from unwordly creatures"
The North Wind destroyed the village and the Refugee Boy and his Sister managed to survived
North Wind has been chasing them even since to complete the job, but ran into their old foe the Ferryman during the chase
Since it's the Ferryman's job to collect children and bring them back to the Maw and he saw the wind entity chasing this boy in particular, he made a bet with North Wind
The Boy was doing an phenomenally job escaping the most powerful being in the world, so the Ferryman betted that the North Wind couldn't catch him in a year's time
Meanwhile, North Wind betted that the Ferryman couldn't convince the Refugee Boy to go with him willingly to the Maw
The bet was on and it boiled down to who could get the Refugee Boy first
The Ferryman won, taking the Refugee Boy to the Maw. Sometime during their voyage to the ship, the Ferryman gave the Refugee Boy the anchor charm
the Ferryman: Keep this. It'll protect you against the Wind...
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keikoyume · 2 years
A child: umm... mr. Ferryman, can I plz hold your hand, I'm scared
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He’s very gentle for that!
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motheline · 4 years
Comic kid numero Juan
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fae-sodapop · 4 months
The Little Nightmares Kids #Three
Here I'll be sharing my drawings & headcanons!
Next (?)
I don't have headcanons for a few characters so I'll update eventually (& make a master post)
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The Pretender: 12 years old, White hair, Green eyes, She/her,(?)🇬🇧/🇯🇵(?), Powers: Evaporate an entity w/ her touch, ear piercing scream. She has a lot of old time radios around the nest so she can hear the transmission tower, how else do you expect her to hear her father's voice? She is another child of the thin man & the lady and an older sister to Torch (The Flashlight Girl). She is made of porcelain but can still grow. The pretender was sent to the nest as a way to keep her safe from the residents of the maw. She was also planned to take over the Maw of something were to happen to the Lady.
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Scarf: 8 years old, black hair, brown eyes, they/them, 🇷🇺.
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Wisp (The refugee boy): 11 years old, black hair, brown eyes, he/him, 🇫🇷.
Wish (The refugee boy's sister): 5 years old, black hair, brown eyes, she/her, 🇫🇷.
These two were born & raised in the Nowhere. They lived in a village that used charms against the North wind.
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Bright: 10 years old, brown hair, blue glowing eyes, She/her, 🇺🇲, Powers: ((unspecified? need to read the comics again))
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Light: 10 years old, brown hair, blue/brown eyes, it/it's, 🇺🇲.
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Nimble: 11 years old, blonde hair, green eyes, she/her, 🇮🇸.
Quick: 7 years old, brown hair, blue/brown eyes, he/him, 🇮🇸.
Nimble is only in the Nowhere while attempting to save Quick from being taken by a monster (Maybe the ferryman or Other). Quick is very shy & stays with his sister whenever possible. The two are in the Maw after hearing it was the safest place in the Nowhere so where else would they go?
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Rain: 11 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, she/her, 🇺🇲/🇦🇷. She's friends with the pretender
Reference images
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
So a post by @softichill made me realize that, by having Noone take off the pendant and escape the Mall, the Ferryman is essentially returning to his MO from the comics: He saves a kid from a (usually) non-humanoid resident before whisking them away for his own ends. Just something worth thinking about.
MASTERPOST (haven't linked it in a while :0)
Indeed! He is returning to his roots. Although I think Noone is different from all cases of him going into action before because of the nature of the other encounters. All of them are pretty different one way or another.
In the case of Six, he was chasing after someone who had already resided in the Nowhere for some time, with the specific purpose of taking her to the Maw. He did not come to her rescue, nor did he offer his hand to her: he instead pointed his finger at her chest in an accusatory way - or at least Six perceivs it that way.
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It is worth noting that, unlike what happened with Noone and the pendant, the Ferryman did not wait for Six to take anything off her person.
This time it felt much more like an "I found you" moment. Like he was looking for her. It was so imperative that he took her there that he (presumably) chased after her and immobilised her to get her on the submarine.
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This is the only time when a child found by the Ferryman is not given a choice on whether to follow him or not.
Or. Well. The illusion of a choice.
Which brings us to the second child taken by the Ferryman, the Refugee Boy. Considering that he might be originary of the Nowhere, since his village gave out charms to protect them against the North Wind, implying that he has always been a threat to the village, this is yet another peculiar case because it indicates that the Ferryman also looks for live, Nowhere-born children to bring to the Maw. He doesn't seem to make distinctions.
In this particular occasion, he had actually made a bet with the monster who was interested in the Refugee Boy. I wonder if the deal was struck when North Wind killed the girl and the Ferryman was "not in time" to offer his help to her as well, but considering how he deviously smiles when transforming back... I have my doubts it comes from a good place.
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And also, I think that the next story I'm about to touch on points to the Ferryman only pursuing single targets rather than groups.
The next time we see the Ferryman is when he arrives at the end of the Humpback Girl's tale, after she's already faced the Mirror Man and has been abandoned.
The only thing that perplexes me about this is that it doesn't seem to be happening in a dream, but the Ferryman is also stepping into the "real world". I doubt the Humpback Girl is like the Refugee Boy because the other children who were with her make fun of her for being afraid of monsters, with the underlying message that monsters do not exist.
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The presence of the Mirror Man, however, would imply that the Ferryman is not the only monster who can cross the bridges between various realities. And with this in mind, I am also thinking of whether or not he can only manifest through a specific kind of mirror in the real world, which are the ones we see in the comics and would explain why they were sealed away.
Maybe the choice of not destroying them could stem from the belief that maybe someone could return through them... (thinking hard about Low and Alone.)
Anyway. Back to the man of the hour, who, rather cowardly, shows up when the action has already finished. And this time, he just... vanished with her holding his hand. Like a boogeyman, taking yet another victim away.
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There was no build up to this, like for Noone, who instead sees him in her dreams becoming more and more vivivd and to whom he even speaks -- something he has never done before.
And remember: all these kid, he is not taking ALL of them to the Nowhere. His objective is to get them on the Maw. Which is where I am afraid Noone might end up in at the end of this podcast -- whichever version of it, at whichever point in time.
It has me wonder when in the timeline the podcast takes place. I have a feeling this podcast will be revealed to come first in the timeline, dating back to a time even before VLN, but we'll see.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
Gonna say this rn before I forget, but personally I am of the opinion that while the Nowhere (the official name of the LN world) has a regular time continuom, the children who are brought in from different timelines/universes can pop in it at completely random points in time.
This could explain why, in the podcast, Noone did not know/understand Jester's joke, and why doctor Otto mentioned it was an old joke. Two or more children from different time periods could stand together in the Nowhere. And it could also explain why the LN universe seems to have so many different aesthetics clashing together.
I am also of the opinion that some children (pointing to Mono and the Pretender, but partially to the Refugee Boy as well) could very well be natives from the Nowhere, while most other children -- Six included -- come from other worlds. The logistics of how they get stuck in the Nowhere are unclear for now, but it seems that at some point their physical body stops being in their original universe/reality and follows them into the Nowhere which is what gets them completely trapped.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
Thoughts on how TSON will tie into the lore of LN3?
As of the location of the last episode, as well as explaining some more small chunks of lore and locations to expand the world, I think TSON is preparing us already for what we will see next with Low and Alone. Give us something to expect, as well as a minimal explanation of how the Nowhere works, because this is information we need to know for Low and Alone's story to make sense.
Six's story, which was the main plot line of Little Nights up until now, explained how she travelled the world only to end up right at the place waiting for her. A destructive cycle of events that had set locations (the Pale City, the Tower, the Maw -- the Nest being a small detour but an interesting addition to the bunch) and events. Whether you believe Six left the Maw or not (I like to think the former), hers was a story about losing a part of herself to the world she tried to desperately to flee, and while she "won" that piece back, she will never be the same again. It did not necessarely need to elaborate on whether the world itself was her "home" or not -- though it was always strongly implied it was not.
It did try, though. The discontinued comics were an attempt at showcasing that the world beyond the Maw was vast, and that there was even ANOTHER world beyond that same dimension, with the tales of the Refugee Boy and the Humpback Girl respectively. However, at the time, it was confusionary: we didn't know anything but the Maw, so many fans misconstrued what was trying to come across, and ultimately this partially led to the decisions that had the comics be discontinued and the DLC be made instead.
The podcast to me is just that: to make up for those discontinued comics. Some of these storylines sound very similar to the ones you would read about in the Little Nightmares comics in structure: I would not be surprised to find some concepts from them were reused, modified to fit the plot of the podcast and even added to the lore of Little Nights III.
A lot of people seem to think that Mirror Man and North Wind will both make an appearance and frankly, I can see why. I am leaning more strongly on Mirror Man: I wish to see him in action in his own realm considering Low's abilities.
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I've heard some concerns about the game potentially reusing the comic characters, but personally I find it a brilliant opportunity to expand on them. Mirror Man in particular is a... blank slate, essentially. He does have a minimum of characterization (<- post where I analyse just that) but besides that you could go wild with him. I'm interested to see if they do bring him forward.
Anyhow, sorry for derailing. As of episode four, we have been brought to a location that seems to match the circus we see in the trailer of Little Nightmares III. Considering the information we are given, it seems that it is suspended in the sky, with it being a literal ship floating above land.
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(Two images depicting the "carnival" as seen in the trailer [top] and the steam page for LN III [bottom])
The idea of such a location is an interesting one and, considering the nature of the Spiral, possibly not that far out of reach. It was mentioned that Low and Alone would be travelling behind the Spiral... considering the nature of the Necropolis, which was mentioned to be a city powered by wind, I wonder if the spiral is... a giant hurricane. Or storm. And the locations are all in the middle of it - in its eye, stacked on different points in altitude.
It would be just as Noone said if that was to be the case: places who are on top of each other, like the building she's in, but that do not work together. I think that for this reason, the locations we have seen in the podcast such as the Stone Giant and the Mall might return later on as locations in LN III in some shape of form.
... We have seen a stone giant already...
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.. although it would be more metaphorical than literal in this case as the Stone Giant was not really described as a giant baby thing, and the location is different, but you get what I mean hopefully!
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randybutternubber · 8 months
who's your fav little nightmares kid ^_^
I got a few
The refugee boy - spent like half of his life running from a gust of wind and getting trolled by a man cosplaying as a six year old girl
The refugee boy’s sister - Literally spent all of her screen(page?) time as a dude built like a fridge wearing a Trenchcoat who had two two strokes for each side of his face who was just doing a really convincing six year old cosplay
Six - Eated people 💔
Spoon girl - she’s like if pippy longstockings had several chronic diseases
Noone - idk how the hell this kid took so many fat fucking Ls
Dummy (I have no fucking clue what his name is but I just call him Chunky) - Not a kid but he’s short enough to be one. Went so apeshit that he gave Noone a seizure
Rusty - Lost in a 1v1 to chunky while dressed up for and performing in a circus. Also has one of the hardest lines ever, plus a lisp which I always thought was cool since lost kids in LN don’t say shit
Probably forgoring someone
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ALL OF THE KIDS IN THE LN UNIVERSE (Ln 1, Ln 2, Ln dlc, Vln, Ln comic, and scraped characters!) ARE FORCED TO HAVE A PLAY DATE ALL TOGETHER. How does it go?
Meanwhile, all the adults are doing adult things...like drinking...and taxes...
All the Kids Play Date Day
It's pretty common knowledge that the Four Protags hang out regularly. So, when the other kids found out, they began to riot
After much whining and pleading (and maybe some bribing), all the kids were dropped off near the Tower in Pale City
Two reasons for this:
One, ever since the Sleepover at the Nest, the Butler just straight up wasn't having a swarm of rude brats at the mansion
It was a similar reasoning from the Lady at the Maw. She just didn't want to deal with all the children
Two, since the Thin Man does such a good job last time, he can handle everyone
the Thin Man: But...wait- the Butler and the Lady: -dropping off the kids- Have fun~!
Now, the old man is used to handling four little rascals...not 21. He was practically watching a class and he had a lot of work to do, so...
The deal was that the children could play as much as they want, as long as they stay within the city's limits, near the Tower, and NOT get into too much trouble
It was a weird agreement, but nobody saw a reason to object. Mono convinced them to stay away from the Wilderness and the Hospital, and nobody was interesting in checking out the school
That left the rest of the city to explore, which everyone was excited to see. Most of them have heard of Pale City and wanted to see the dilapidated building and sucked-in face people
But, since everyone knew the city could be dangerous, they decided to split into small groups for safety. The groups went as such:
Team 1 (“Team MCs”): Six, the Runaway Kid, Mono Team 2 (“Team the Girls”): the Raincoat Girl, the Pretender, the Long Haired Girl Team 3 (“Team Supernatural”) : the Mummy Kid, the Ghost Kid, the Toddler Team 4 (“Team Mischief Makers”) : the Tall Boy, the Forked Kid, the Strong Boy, the Humpback Girl Team 5 (“Team Green”) : the Green Boy, the Scarf Kid, the Refugee Boy and his Sister Team 6 (“Team Items”) : the Spoon Girl, the Lollipop Kid, the Bread Boy, the Flash Light Girl
Everyone went off in their own direction, but agreed to come back in two hours or if something really bad happens
Team Supernatural went to a nearby park and had a good time playing on the swing set and slides. But, when they got the feeling that they were being watched, they all headed back to the Tower
Team Items were hungry and went to a nearby bakery. Nobody had money, so they stole a bunch of muffins and doughnuts. It almost worked until the Lollipop Kid accidentally dropped the cookie package and drew attention. They ran away back to the Tower early
The Girls wanted to go shopping, or at least look at city fashion. They didn’t have money either, but it didn’t matter. The Pretender deemed everything in the windows to be trash, and got into a slap fight with the Long Haired Girl over some shoes. The Raincoat Girl ended up dragging them both back before they got thrown out
Team Green didn’t know where they wanted to go and ended up strolling around. They stopped to look at a group of Viewers and squeezed their way towards the tv, too. They made it to the front, but the Viewers didn’t like it and chased them back towards the Tower
Team Mischief Makers lived up to their name and played tricks on whoever they found. This ranged from stealing wallets to throwing mudballs at peoples’ heads. The only reason they stopped early was because one of the Tower Eyes appeared on a tv and scared Humpback Girl. Strong Boy punched the screen and the kids decided to head back, since she was experiencing a panic attack
As for Team MCs, they kind of stayed near the Tower. Runaway Kid really wanted to explore the Tower more than the city, but Mono didn’t want to bother the Thin Man at work.
By the time the trio tried to figure out something to do, the rest of the kids came back, either crying or screaming
Six: What the hell happened to you guys?
Everyone: -shouting all at once-
Mono: Um...
There was so much loud talking that the Thin Man opened the doors and appeared annoyed and confused. When he asked what happened, he got the same response
the Thin Man: Guys...I really need to get this edit done by Friday. One at a time...
That sort of worked, but from what he understood, everyone did the exact opposite of what he asked...which was NOT to get into too much trouble
The Thin Man brought everyone inside and ordered a lot of pizza for everyone. He wasn’t mad; annoyed, yes but not furious. If these kids were going to get into trouble, it might as well be in the Tower where nothing escapes his eyes...
The children were allowed to explore the Tower, as long as they kept off live floors. Everyone was sycned to check out the Tower, but the Thin Man gave a special order to the Eyes
If any child disobeyed his orders, scare them
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
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ladies of the maw madness + mono n five <3
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keikoyume · 2 years
HA HA! I made a meme in my mind with ferry and north wind: *ferryman while he's hugging a child and looking at the north wind* if you touch the child one more time again, I'll slap your face jerk
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Perfect and accurate
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