#LK Shadow
kjpurplepineapple · 4 months
Aight guys, gimme ideas for some Shenanigans you'd like to see Four/the Colors and Shadow get up to together in this new arc I'm planning. I'm stumped, but I really wanna write this.
Can be whumpy, wholesome, or funny.
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Four: If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous.
Mask: What if it bites me and it dies?
Wind: That means you're poisonous. Sweet Hylia, Mask, learn to listen.
Hyrule: What if it bites itself and I die?
Paint: That's voodoo.
Future: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Legend: That's correlation, not causation.
Sky: What if we bite each other and neither of us die?
Shadow, appearing behind him: (that's kinky)
Four: ...I'm done.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 months
Yangchen: It doesn't matter how many past Avatars you ask, no one will give you the right answers. You just have to keep trying on your own, Kyoshi. Kyoshi: Ok. Yup. Totally gotcha. That being said, if would've been like SUPER AWESOME if I could've, you know, gotten ahold of you so you could warn me how just how ASS those Saowons were. Yangchen: Sa-Saowon?! .....oh....Oh god damnit. Kyoshi: Yeah. Yangchen: Oh my fucking-you had to deal with the Saowons? Kyoshi: A little political insight would've been great. Yangchen: Oh there's no pleasing those people, but yeah I would've been the best person to give you a heads up. Fucking hell. God DAMNIT!
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iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
She looks different in that tiktok I can’t explain it.
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the-disemvoweler · 7 months
I’ve come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog’s a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That’s right, he took his hedgehog fucking quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was this big. And I said “that’s disgusting!” So I’m making a callout post on my Twitter dot com: "Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick, it’s the size of this walnut except way smaller." And guess what, here’s what my dong looks like: PFFFFFFFFGJT. That’s right baby. All point, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife so guess what, I’m gonna fuck the earth. That's right this is what you get, my super laser piss. Except I’m not gonna piss on the earth, I’m gonna go higher. I’m pissing on the moon! How do you like that, Obama? I pissed on the moon, you idiot! You have twenty-three hours before the piss droplets hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
'v cm t mk n nnncmnt: Shdw th Hdghg's btch-ss mthrfckr. H pssd n m fckng wf. Tht’s rght, h tk hs hdghg fckng qll dck t nd h pssd n m fckng wf, nd h sd hs dck ws ths bg. nd sd “tht’s dsgstng!” S ’m mkng cllt pst n m Twttr dt cm: "Shdw th Hdghg, y gt smll dck, t’s th sz f ths wlnt xcpt w smllr." nd gss wht, hr’s wht m dng lks lk: PFFFFFFFFGJT. Tht’s rght bb. ll pnt, n qlls, n pllws, lk t tht t lks lk tw blls nd bng. H fckd m wf s gss wht, ’m gnn fck th rth. Tht's rght ths s wht y gt, my spr lsr pss. xcpt ’m nt gnn pss n th rth, ’m gnn g hghr. ’m pssng n th mn! Hw d y lk tht, bm? pssd n th mn, y dt! Y hv twnty-thr hrs bfr th pss drplts ht th fckng rth, nw gt t f m fckng sght bfr pss n y t!
You're lucky I had nothing better to do
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bragganhyl · 11 months
i saw someone post about how aloth doesn't actually love a romanced watcher and it upset me to the point i don't really enjoy their romance anymore. i know that's so silly but he was a comfort character and it was just an opinion but yeah. can you explain that he actually does, to try and get me out of this funk? you seem to understand his character very well.
Oh wow, this is... quite the ask. Let me just say this right out of the gate: I don't know if I could tell you anything that would work better than replaying the games and reminding yourself why he was a comfort character to you in the first place. Also I haven't seen the post so I can't exactly refute what was said there but... yeah this is kind of a baffling take to have to me at least.
The thing about Aloth's romance is that it's treated not so much as a route but more like a potential end point for the Watcher/Aloth dynamic that started as early as pillars 1. So if you try to view their story from the vantage point of the romance alone then you might find it - and him lacking.
But anyway here is a long ramble about Aloth and the Watcher that kind of aims to recap/break down their relationship that also won't tell you anything new and low-key goes into cringe territory haha lol bye but okay here you go
Aloth, however, is far more complex character than to try and understand him from that perspective. He is a character who strives for perfection bc any flaw was punished severely and painfully. He is a character who prioritizes duty and devotion above all else bc that is how arcane knights are taught to think (this is a call to read Until He Started Screaming lmao). He is a character whose name belonged to the gods, his hand to their service, who sought the company of shadows so that his labors may remain secret and whose purpose you'll know by the confession of his tongue, the deeds of his hands, and the oath of his soul, bc that's what's expected of the members of the Leaden Key. And that doesn't even touch on the secrecy he had to upkeep for 50 years in order to hide his Awakening.
So it's safe to say that by the time you meet Aloth in Gilded Vale, he is not someone who thinks he can have anything for himself or someone who has the freedom to choose to live openly and for himself. And yet in pillars 1 at every turn, he'll choose the Watcher. He takes steps out of his comfort zone when he opens up about Iselmyr. He's ready to fight the Leaden Key to keep them (and Kana) safe. And even when he finally admits that he hoped the Watcher would cure him of his Awakening, he takes it upon himself to sort it out by himself instead. By the Watcher's side, Aloth develops his own sense of autonomy. You could even say that the Watcher was the light to lead him out of the shadows. But Aloth is also someone who recognizes the dangers of making one such person an anchor. He says so himself in deadfire when he talks about why he left (I mean aside from going to hunt the LK) at the end of pillars 1 - he couldn't allow the Watcher to become another authority figure to him like Thaos or his father was. He needed time away to figure out what life he wanted to have or what he wanted to do with the freedom he found with the Watcher.
But he still dedicates his life to the LK (although he hunts them now or at least he does in the route I prefer to take), he still lives an isolated and secretive life - until he meets the Watcher again. And then he chooses the Watcher again. And much of the deadfire dynamic between Aloth and the Watcher points to Aloth treating the Watcher as a role model and being blinded to their struggles by their own admiration for them. But like... that gets resolved at Ukaizo: the end of that arc is Aloth realizing the sheer magnitude of what is expected of the Watcher and he pities them for it. Sure, I personally would have liked it if that point was reached earlier, but it's a sensible character flaw to give him at this point, especially considering all that they've been through. And the romance itself is pretty low-key and short which makes sense after all that Aloth has been through. Bc just take note of how he reacts to the Watcher kissing him - he holds them as if he was worried he'd break them. That is not someone who wants to keep his distance bc he doesn't love their partner, but someone who really doesn't want to mess things up with them. And he warns the Watcher that he might not be 100% open with them, that he won't be able to give them 100% of their time. And you might think that he's unreasonable to treat simple boundaries as deal breakers, but remember that this was what was expected of him for the majority of his life. Duty and devotion. His name belonged to the gods, his hands to their service. A part of him expected a demand to give all of himself when he was still learning how to be his own man - and when he was still duty-bound to hunt (or lead) the LK. That is what he means when he says that he can't make a commitment he can't honor and that is why it is such a relief to him when the Watcher offers to take every day for what it is. He wants a relationship that is happy and healthy but he recognizes that while he has healed somewhat, he still has a long way to go, and he's worried he might not be able to make such a relationship happen - especially with the person who gave him a sense of belonging that his family never could *cough*wealthyaunt*cough*.
And even in the ending where he leaves, you get the sense that he's doing it out of - you guessed it - duty and devotion. Duty, well that's a given. Devotion... I mean what better way to show your love than fighting for the world that your beloved wants to create? And as for the ending where he stays... well... once again, he finds himself to do whatever he wants and he chooses to stay with the Watcher even as they become the one rebuild the world after Eothas kickstarted the apocalypse. So yeah, idk what else I could say, Anon, as far as I'm concerned, Aloth is filled to the brim with love for the Watcher, but he's also someone who is too self-aware and nervous to really wear that love on his sleeve, but you can be sure that it's there and it's unwavering.
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notoriousbeb · 4 months
Lighthouse Keeper Tweets
And now, the post literally no one asked for. The Lighthouse Keeper's tweets from March 29, 2023, through July 2, 2024, supplemented with my own Haylor notes.
Note 1: I’m not in the business of convincing people LK is HS. Read this though. Look at his feed and decide for yourself. :) I’m here to speculate and have a good time.
Note 2: I skipped a handful of minor tweets I felt were not related to the overall LK narrative or unremarkable. (Examples: LK tweeted "Ciao!" on July 22, the date of HS's last LOT show in Italy, and a little running gag on April 1; he also likes to post about cake on HS's birthday and Christmas wishes, etc.)
Part 1: March 2023 - October 2023
March 29, 2023 - "I'm in my lighthouse keeper era." "Did I do it? Am I cool and trendy now?" 12:15 p.m. CT
April 1, 2023 "I actually really dislike lighthouses... don't know why I chose this life..." 3:55 a.m. CT
Taylor is about to play Arlington, Texas, later that day. (I think Harry is there. Here's why.) Seems like perhaps someone thought it would be funny to take his phone and tweet from it...
April 1, 2023 "April fools of course!!!! I love Lighthouses and I love keeping them!!!" 5:06 a.m. CT
April 2, 2023 "It's been a hell of a year..." 3:00 a.m. CT
April 6, 2023 "You'll be good, my love." 12 p.m. ET (NYC)
LK mentions in his replies to this one that he's drank half a bottle of rosé. Splitting it with someone, perhaps?
April 12, 2023 "Homeward bound forever."
Tone of this tweet seems bittersweet to me. H spotted in LA this day on work pit stop in between final European leg of LOT. After this, Taylor starts to fall apart on stage.
April 22, 2023 “If you really knew me, would you really want me?” 2:39 pm PST
Despondent, right? As if they left things on not great terms?
April 26, 2023 “Time cast a spell on you, but you won’t forget me.”
Fleetwood Mac “Silver Spring” lyrics.
May 6, 2023 “I hate to feel the rain on my back as I watch you go from me.” 4:15 p.m. BST
Matty time has commenced. Harry is in London.
May 11, 2023 “You’ve got me counting down the days.”
Could be a reference to Wembley. Deux Moi reported Taylor chartered there and was spotted at the June 13 show.
May 19, 2023 “Welcome Home” 12 a.m. BST
Taylor plays Foxborough, just 18 miles away from Holiday House.
June 1, 2023 “Je t'aime, Je t'aime, Je t'aime!” 10:35 a.m. BST
“I love you, I love you, I love you” in French. On May 30, a photo of Harry walking outside Cartier is shared to gossip sites. Cartier is a French luxury brand. On May 31, Taylor begins wearing a very pricey 1980s vintage Cartier necklace.
June 20, 2023 “Our lonesome shadows toss and turn. Throw our doubts in the fire. We’ll watch them burn.” 12:06 a.m. BST
Does he want to to make it work. From his set selection it seemed like it. But then...
June 29, 2023 - Taylor records “Down Bad” and Harry and Taylor Russell go on their first papped outing to a museum. So, it all fell apart, clearly. Why?
July 11, 2023 “Fast car, alligator shoes” 3:45 p.m. BST
These are lyrics from I.N.V.U. Other lyrics include, “He rolls in with his roll neck and his Rolex/he’s mister MTV/he claims he’s cashing checks/and breaking necks/at least that’s what he wants you to think/…/he’s at the wheel while I’m trapped in the boot.”
This is the day of Travis’ first Eras show. This was posted before he even showed up. …Did H know beforehand that this relationship was all planned in advance? At least, the beginning? (Perhaps as way to cleanse the public's palate from Matty?)
July 18, 2023 “The sky and the stars” 12 a.m. BST
Taylor Russell’s birthday. Just to be a dick? Or unrelated because...
July 19, 2023 - Daylight MV no. 2 drops
July 20, 2023 “There’s been a load of compromising on the road to my horizon but I’m gonna be where the lights are shinin’ on me.” 10:10 p.m. BST
These are lyrics from “Rhinestone Cowboy.” Sounds like H’s fucking had it, to me. Other lyrics include, “Nice guys get washed away like snow in the rain.”
August 24, 2023 “Hide in the middle of the universe, where the hills are steep and complications low.” 10:10 p.m. BST
H went to TR’s play opening on 1989 TV’s announcement night. Tay continues to wear the Cartier necklace. H also goes to TR’s play again 8/28.
August 30, 2023 “Through the gaps of my curtains looking at the moon it’s like you’re here with me. It’s like you see it too.” 9:30 p.m. BST
"Pick You Up" leaks 8/31. Taylor posts Griff’s “Vertigo” on Instagram 9/5. "Try Honey" leaks 9/12.
Sept. 16, 2023 “What are we drinking tonight?” 9:10 p.m. BST
Comments in the replies that he’s drinking and probably needs water. Post 9/14 Travis talking about Taylor on his podcast.
Sept. 21, 2023 “And my whiskey sings the obituaries.” 12 a.m. BST
Sept. 30, 2023 “Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see. It's getting hard to be someone, but it all works out. It doesn't matter much to me.” 9:30 p.m. BST
Lyrics from “Strawberry Fields Forever” by The Beatles.
Post TS’s first NFL game appearance.
Oct. 8, 2023 “So much for an early night” in Morse code 12:30 a.m. BST
Probably out with Tom and Tyler post recording. I hope.
Oct. 12, 2023 “Will you hold me dear and keep me warm? And I’ll shield us both from sorrow and the storm” 4:35 p.m. BST
Maybe he decides he and TR can keep each other company? That’s depressing.
Oct. 17, 2023 “You said ‘love is touching souls’ surely you touched mine ‘cause part of you pours out of me in these lines from time to time.” 4:20 p.m. BST
Lyrics from Joni Mitchell’s “A Case of You.”
Oct. 19, 2023 “And the rattle of the red line cuts through like a knife. So, what do you say we try to live this life?” 11:30 p.m. BST
Sad sad saaaad.
Oct. 23, 2023 “Moon, tell me if I could send up my heart to you?” 8:30 p.m. BST
Mitski lyrics. Suffering. Pain.
Ahead to Part Two
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adachimoe · 1 month
it just dawned on me that the golden hand shadows in p3/p4 that drop coins and yen appear as hands and are associated with the magician arcana because THEY'RE THE MAGICIAN'S HAND THAT HOLDS THE MAGIC WAND ON THE MAGICIAN TAROT. sdlfl234lk1lk34lk;gl;ksflk;kl;sdf;klsf;lk
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im-s0rry · 6 months
Pocket Sand - Pilot Episode: Inkwel and Shikari
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Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll hiya the e, Mi s Shikari!
Shikari: Oh, it's yXu. Get Xut of hXre, I DXN'T want tX talk.
Inkwel: I don't me n to be rud b t I don't re lly... want t ...
Funny Stor , most of th peopl here ar n't the fr endliest... and if they ar , they pr bably want to k ll you... Hehehe....
Shikari: YeXh, and I WXll, tXo. Keep mX out of thXs you SXft littlX freak.
How'd yXu even gXt herX? You get thrXwn in here Xs a thrXwaway ItXm or sXmething?
Inkwel: Hehehe... No, I'm just l ke you. A Shadow Crystal h lder...
Shikari: ThXt's hard to belXeve.
Inkwel: It s but it's true. I als had on of those Crystals.
Shikari: Yeah but thXse don't savX you frXm lXXking likX you'd be beXten to a pXlp in less than a sXcond.
Inkwel: Hehehe, y u don't think 'm tough, don't you m ss? I'm plenty t ugh!
Shikari: I wasn't talkXng abXut that, you're a FXXKING plXshie.
Inkwel: Hey! Th t wasn't n ce...
Hmmmm... h s anyone h re told yo abo t my EYES?
Shikari: NXpe.
Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll in th t case!
*Inkwel puts his puppet in one of the holes where his eye should have been. Shikari looks on in mild amusement.*
Shikari: So? YXu don't hXve eyXs? I knXw likX five Xther DarknXrs thXt havX the same thXng-
Inkwel: Oh I wasn't b rn lik this! Mr Ro k stole them!
Shikari: . . .WhXt?
Inkwel: Ye h! He r pped them all o t and left me to d e in m set! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .
Inkwel: And if y u don't mind m add ng to that, but wh n I did g t them b ck, I turn d int a fre ky monst r!
Shikari: . . .Huh. . .ThXt's . . .MetXl as fXXk.
Inkwel: Th t's not h w I would w rd it, b t sure!
Shikari: So lXke, are yXu tryXng to gXt rXvenge on thXt Rook GXy?
Inkwel: Oh no n no! I w uld never! R venge is wr ng and it'd be cru l of me t do that!
Shikari: . . .He lXft you to dXe. . .
Inkwel: Ye h. . .But p ople can ch nge and ma be he'll r alize that he mad a mist ke some t me in the fut ure! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .MXn. And I thXught yXu were kind Xf cXXl for a sXcond. You'rX just anXther WXMP likX the rXst of thXm.
Inkwel: I g t that a lot. . .hehehe. . .I he rd that fr m my wife n our f rst date. . .
Shikari: Hm?
Inkwel: Oh yeah! My w fe! Sh 's the best. . .b t I can't t lk to her when I'm h re...
Shikari: WhXt? Did shX dXe or somethXng?
Inkwel: h HEAVENS no! She's j st kind f. . .liv ng in a re lm betwe n realit is all!
W it. . .maybe I c n talk to her h re! Th s ain't a qu ote- n-q ote can n story s I think she c n come ov r!
Shikari: FXXking go for it.
Inkwel: Alr ghty!
*A few minutes pass*
Inkwel: h Shikari!
Shikari: WhXt do yXu want- HXLY SHXT.
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Nora: You must be that Shikari girl he was talking about. I'm Nora.
Inkwel: I pulled some strings nd w s able to g t h r here!
Shikari: BRX.
Inkwel: what the fuck did you just call my wife?
- End of Pilot -
Bonus Fanart for making it to the end!
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Shikari by: @mercair
Inkwel, Nora, and Rustflare by: Me!
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foolishfoolsgold · 5 months
Yippie it’s ocs intro number three
Oops, all killer Ts! ID under the cut
[Start ID: All four entries are for killer T cells, and they all have the same black outfit. The first is for a young woman named UV-1653, who has a combination of brown stripes and spots, short dark hair and silver eyes. The voice is AJ Michalka as Catra in She-Ra and the Princess of Power. Her pronouns are she/her, and the voice is rated with an accuracy of 4/4. Text box reads: “53 is another squad member, and has been more of a senpai to Joe than their leader ever could. She was the one to shadow her on her first day, and now they turn to each other to gossip or vent. She likes to trust her gut feelings and rarely waits for orders when she knows what she has to do.” The second is for LK-4832, who has dark navy blue stripes like a falcon, matching hair, and amber eyes. The voice is Jason Ritter as Dipper Pines in Gravity Falls, rated with accuracy at 3/4. Pronouns are he/him, and text box reads: “32 can be a little air headed sometimes, but he’s good at taking orders. He enjoys staying home, and the squad would say that he’s definitely the chef of the lymph node, making delicious food every night and sweet treats here and there.” The third is for AK-3835, who has white hair and pale purple skin with faint tiger stripes, unlike the others who have human skin tones. Her eyes are amethyst purple. Her tail also has a few dorsal lobes, which her comrades also lack. Voice is Hailee Steinfeld’s as Gwen Stacy in Spiderverse, rated 4/4, and the pronouns are she/her. Text reads: “35 is a mutated lymphocyte who developed with the physical traits of a neutrophil. This hasn’t affected her ability to impress THU, and she was a true team player up until her last moments. During a cold virus battle, she was mistakenly killed by HY-7107’s perforin sting.” Speaking of which, the last entry is HY-7107, he/him, voiced by Chris Pratt in multiple roles, rated 2.5/4. I also mention how all of the voice lines would’ve been from Jurassic World if i was able to sit through the clips. 07 has kind of a mullet of washed-out brown hair and a small beard. His eyes are forest green and he has angular stripes that match his hair. Text reads: “07 is one of the other killer T cells under the command of CE-2095. He’s been fighting not only germs and viruses, but PTSD that began recently when he accidentally stung a team member with his perforin and killed her.” End ID.]
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kjpurplepineapple · 2 years
"There's a new Link in this chain..."
My Shadow Link Halloween costume
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Basically I got to be a sassy mf and be totally in character while doing it
Originally I was going to go as Linked Keys Shadow...
(here's the unfinished LK one)
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...Buuut the cloak kept getting in the way. Plus I figured normal/manga Shadow would be more easily recognizable, so yeah 😅
Anyway, Happy Halloween everyone!
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Linked Keys as Vines (Part one)
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the-book-wyverns-lair · 5 months
🖤☠️ Cover Reveal ☠️🖤
A Monster in the Dark
by R.K. Pierce
Release Date: April 27, 2024
Pre-order here:
He is darkness. He is ruin. And he will be her destruction.
This is a dark monster romance. TW include but are not limited to:
🖤 Mentions of su!c!de
☠️ Mentions of 🍇
🖤 Mentions of dømest!c @büse
☠️ Múrd3r
🖤 Bløød/slight gøre
☠️ Depression
🖤 Anxiety
☠️ Dubcon
🖤 Parental 💀
☠️ Shadow f*cking
🖤 St@lk!ng
☠️ Jealøus/pøssessive mmc
🖤 Sømnøph!lia
☠️ Bondage
🖤 Branding
☠️ Breath play
🖤 Bløød play
and more...
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
LK 102: The Sulfa Intolerable Acts
(pt1) (pt2) (pt3) (pt4)
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Why the fuck does Lt Brampton have such a vendetta against these kids.
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OMFG GET A ROOM YOU TWO also goddamn does that 14/15 year old have the proportions of a dorito.
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Ah yes, the moment the Chaos Boi opens up and shows even more how much he is a Softboi. 11 year old me did not stand a chance.
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LOL nevermind
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Ok but why is this scene going so hard. You can see the shadow where the dude's hand crosses into the light shaft. This is screaming for a redraw.
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James watch out ya girl is *catching feelings*
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I'm sorry this scene just about killed me as an 11 year old and its killing me now as a 31 year old.
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why are his fingees so elegant. Also the animators tried REALLY hard in this frame. His proportions and anatomy aren't wonky, the foreshortening looks correct, they detailed his fucking nose, his fucking pupils are pointed in the same direction and also look like they're focusing on her, the way one ear sticks out because his head is cocked a little (even when he's being sweet he's sassy,) the way his hair is asymmetrical in a way which makes sense to gravity. The expression matches the voice acting!!
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They even tried really hard in these sets of frames, too. So did the voice actor tbh.
But also OH GOD THE EMPATHY. She feels like shit for complaining about a piece of jewelry, especially to someone she's roasted before about being uncouth and uncivilized, but instead of calling her shallow like she probably expects, James instead, very gently and softly, shares that he also has a piece of jewelry he wears to remind him of lost family and shows that despite them having such different backgrounds they're really not all that different.
AND THE FUCKING HARP FLOURISH AT THE END??? How THE FUCK is this not setting everything up for the two of them to get together????
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I don't know why the way they animated James here kills me but it killed me back then, too. Maybe its the confidence? Maybe its still the rush from witnessing a soft moment between two people catching feels for each other??
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Lady Phillips I understand the situation is really tense for the Frillips Polycule but you are going to lose oxygen by constantly gasping for breath like that.
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Your honor he's tearing this ethically non-monogamous family apart!
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awww shit the Bard with 20 Charisma's about to roll with advantage
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CC is wrong, he said "I Thank Mr. Wedderburn for everything he has said against me." but OH MY GOD THE DRAMA, the guy looks like in the moment he's realized what he's done, but then the pain of whatever drama went on in their relationship clouds him over once more and he is swallowed whole by a mad thirst for revenge.
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They're both just like "BITCH WHAT IS YOU DOING"
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"My country is America" These two are so overjoyed and relieved, but like, clearly what Benji Franx is saying can be construed so hard as Genuine Treason, so him arguing that he isn't a British Subject because the Vibes Of It All logically wouldn't hold much water in that court, so why are they relieved/overjoyed? Is Lady Phillips secretly a Whig and totally supportive of American Independence? Honestly I think she is. She wants to see the system overhauled and burnt to the ground.
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Donkey Kong Country
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This fucking madlad. The confidence of knowing how to make a getaway in a cask makes me think he's done this before.
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How are they still conscious.
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yeah girl, take command!
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"y'all bitches FUCKIN' LEFT ME HERE???"
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Lt. Brampton is so fucking smarmy.
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fuckin raycisssts
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Moses about to cry and tbh so would I
To be continued
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midnighters-guild · 4 months
Soooo, new story from GreyFox? Based on our Everlasting Tales universe! You can read it on Wattpad by the link below.
Art by @undead-lk
The Tale of the Golden Little Lion
Are fairy tales that have been passed down for centuries really that simple? Where was their beginning? What is a lie in them and what is the truth? After all, a fairy tale is truly good only when it reflects reality.
This story shows the moment of one of the bloodiest events in the history of the planet Poena. This is the end of the old order of things and the beginning of a new one. The decline of some creatures and the birth of new ones. The lines are filled with hints and images that will be revealed in many subsequent books.
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And a little about the characters.
The Brave Little Lion
“Once upon a time, when our planet was still young and crowds worshiped the gods, there lived a brave little lion. His fur shimmered like molten gold, his eyes shone alike stars, and his claws cut sharper than a sword.”
The brave little lion is the main character of the story. His fur is like fiery gold, a warm glow emanates from him, as if infusing life, but at the same time taking it away. He has a kind and open heart, which both helps him and leads to problems. After all, even in the fight for what you think is right, you can remain blind to the other side of the coin.
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The Ice Fox with nine tails
"There were also those who loathed the brave little lion for his bold and wild spirit – the evil overlord in the black crown and the ice fox with nine tails, who wanted to forever deprive the creatures of their freedom and continue to rule over everyone. They weaved insidious plans, thinking about how to punish the little lion and his friends."
Each story has its own antagonist, if you look at it from the hero's side. The ice fox with nine tails pursues its goals, spreading threads everywhere, entangling more and more creatures with them. Sometimes it seems that the shadow of her tails flashes around every corner of important events.
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The Cunning Jackal
"...a cunning jackal who mentored the young hero..."
A multi-faceted cunning one who always followed his beliefs. A sharp tongue has always been his main weapon, though far from the only one. Being the mentor of all four friends of the Recreated Generation, he looked after them until their paths parted. But no matter where he ends up, you can't be sure that he's not anywhere else.
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The Snow-White Little Tiger
"...a snow-white little tiger without a single black stripe..."
She has always caused conflicting impressions from others. No one could know what to expect, and everyone's eyes were crossed on her. There was always something destructive lurking in the depths of the white eyes. And many would like her tiger stripes to never appear...
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The Curious Chameleon
"...a curious chameleon with an emerald crown..."
One of the main character's friends, who has always been distinguished by a brash and wayward character. One of the four from the Recreated Generation. Little is known about him, except for his heavy gaze, as if he saw the very essence of any being and object.
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The Wise Owl
"...a wise owl in a gray robe..."
The most calm and detached of the four friends, she always watched them and their surroundings, systematized information. Her calm eyes took in the smallest details while she herself remained uninvolved. But few people can know for sure what is hidden under the cold ice - peaceful waters or the abyss.
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