ewwis-but-fandom · 1 year
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whackk-kermitt · 5 months
Can I ask a request? How would the god of war characters confess their feeling the reader, please🥺
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Confessing Their Love
Genre: Headcanons
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Kratos is a man of few words.
Emotions are hard.
When the day came he fully realized and accepted his growing love for you he struggled to come up with the right words to tell you.
You never knew it, but there were so many moments where he nearly said it but chickened out.
Moments while hunting, fishing, and tending to the wolves and land.
Moments when you two were alone, just talking, or saying nothing at all.
Moments spent watching you laugh and smile.
He wanted you to know but wasn't sure how to say it.
When he finally told you he loved you he didn't actually say it.
But you knew.
You knew by how he looked at you.
By how he held you.
And he knew you loved him just the same.
Awkward and cute.
The king of stuttering and stumbling.
He'd asked his father how he and his mother took that step, hoping to glean some inspiration and courage from it.
Kratos wasn't much help.
Mimir didn't have advice suitable for a kid his age.
He planned to get you alone and basically serenade you.
But when you were face to face the adrenalin hit and he forgot everything he planned to say and do.
So he awkwardly handed you a flower and told you how nice you looked.
He was so nervous about messing it up that he was messing it up.
After a while, he realized you seemed just as nervous and you two had been dancing around it.
So he told you then that he loved you.
And when you reciprocated it he felt like he would throw up from the butterflies in his stomach.
He pitched himself.
Before losing his body, he would've been shameless in chasing you down and swooning over you.
He'd court you and serenade you, showing you with gifts of flowers, wine, and treats so sweet.
He'd brag to anyone you had an ear about how he adored you so, even if you hadn't accepted him yet.
Afterwards. . .
The man is insecure.
How could he be your lover if he had nothing to give.
He'd wait his time until there was a moment when you two were alone.
A moment where he would confess his heart, despite not actually having one anymore.
His confession would almost feel like an apology.
Like he was becoming a burden to you like you would now have a weight on your shoulders.
But it was a weight he needed off his chest. . . metaphorically.
But then you smiled so sweetly and returned the gesture.
He thought you were making a fool of him for a moment, but only a moment.
The way you held him and pressed a kiss to his cheek told him you were honest.
He'd never been happier.
He wouldn't.
Not directly at least.
Not at first.
He's got an ego that won't sway even for the majesty that is you.
Instead of saying that he loves you, he'd confront that you love him first.
Teasing you for it and poking the subject until you catch on.
The first time he'd ever actually say it is after you'd begin to doubt it.
I mean, he never says it, so. . . maybe it's just pity?
How could you think that? Even if it is just a passing thought!
How could you ever think he wouldn't absolutely adore you?
Are you stupid?
So he said it.
And then again.
And again.
And every time you're alone because PDA is for losers.
If you're good enough for his picky tastes then you are worth more than anything.
You need to understand that or else.
The man doesn't feel.
Driven mad but the numbness.
He just wants to feel the breeze in his hair, the sun on his skin.
He wants to feel the cold of the snow, and the pain of a cut.
But nothing.
His body is numb and he lives forever in agony.
Yet when he met you and knew you. . .
He can not feel his heart, even if you took a knife carved it out, and put it in his hands.
But something about you eased the madness and made him feel something again.
He wasted no time holding onto you and keeping you by him at all times.
It may not be to its fullest potential, not until the curse is broken, but he feels for you so deeply that it's borderline obsessive.
You are his and he adors you, worships you.
He will tell you he loves you just to see that smile, to feel that almost real warmth.
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
I might come back and add more characters later. I got bored. NOT PROOF-READ
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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neechees · 11 days
Seeing more reactions to the new Wukong game kinda just proves to me that a lot of (especially cishet) gamerdude Men primarily want a macho self insert experience out of a video game, and everything else like appreciation of good storytelling, graphics, artwork, the soundtrack, character development, etc comes secondary to that.
I think that's why so many of them hate the idea of a female main playable character, even if she fights & has female love interests, because they feel like they can't live out their self insert through her because she's a woman. As another example, I've mentioned i think this is why dude gow fans dislike the idea of playing as Atreus UNLESS he becomes Kratos's carbon copy in physique, because they see Atreus as not "manly" enough.
Like one common comment from Westerners is that they're surprised Wukong's voice performance shows him with a higher pitched voice & a squeaky laugh, & they're surprised about this & expected him to have a deep, husky voice. Why? Most Asian depictions of Wukong show him with a high pitched voice, like a monkey, because he is a Monkey. I saw other people complaining that apparently you can't have sex with the female characters, so while I've seen a lot of love for this game, these dudes are STILL complaining because it's not meeting all their desires to live out a hypermasculine fantasy through the main character.
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roguerambles · 2 years
Secrets in the Garden
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God of War - Kratos x Female!Reader
Warnings - 18+ Only. The Olympians being dicks, because they really take the cake in GOWverse.
So, I finally started God of War (2018) I know I’m so behind haha. I watched a playthrough years ago but never did one myself until now, and I haven’t played the original games in years. But it’s reawoken my love for Kratos, the angry disaster man.
I definitely plan on getting to Norse Era!Kratos, but for now I wanted to give Greek Era!Kratos a little attention. There’s a general lack of Kratos thirst and this must be remedied--
You hated the Gardens of Atlantis.
You had adored them once. You were a lesser goddess of the seas, not meant as a figure of influence in the games of power among the Olympians and their lot. When you were appointed as a handmaiden to Amphitrite upon her marriage to Poseidon, you had delighted in living in the King of the Seas domain, blown away by the majesty and splendour of the city. But the gardens were special, filled with flowers and coral, specimens only found in the deepest corners of the oceans that even the gods had never seen.
Amphitrite was a gentle enough mistress, but Poseidon seemed to find your enthusiasm charming, and patiently indulged your many questions on the contents of his garden. You had been embarrassed and somewhat pleased that a god of his status took the time to chat with his wife’s handmaiden. You sat with him at feasts and walked with him in the mornings, and he entertained you with tales of his exploits during the Great War and the antics of his siblings on Olympus. Soon you saw more of him than of his wife.
You do not know if it was naivety or foolishness or some trick of Aphrodite, but you saw nothing wrong with your relationship with the King. Even as he began showering you with gifts, murmuring compliments in your ear, his hand on your hip during walks, Amphitrite’s bright smile turning nervous and brittle, all you saw was your mistress’s husband being pleasant.
Your morning walks in those lovely gardens became evening trysts, the flowers and vines seeming to shift and move to become obscuring curtains, the coral turning soft and plush as any bed, the waters that flowed noisily through the gardens swallowing the sounds of you coupling with your lady’s husband. Even then you were oblivious, your mind focused solely on pleasure, everything else seeming distant and unimportant.
Poseidon moved your chambers closer to his, dressed you in jewels and transparent silks, spending his nights in your bed, murmuring he’d never slept so sweetly as he did in your embrace. All the while, Amphitrite said nothing. All the while, you saw nothing wrong, as though you walked some hazy, pleasant dream.
The spell did not break until the day Poseidon placed his wife’s crown on your head, the day he swore before Zeus and declared you his Queen, reality crashing over you like a cruel, cold wave, but by then it was far, far too late. Hera scoffed and drank from her chalice, Ares and Hermes laughed and laughed, Persephone looked at you with some mix of scorn and pity. Aphrodite smirked at you from behind her hand, her handmaidens giggling at her sides.
No one spoke of Amphitrite.
The Gardens you had once adored were a bitter place now, but it was the only place in Atlantis you were mostly left on your own. You wished you could reclaim the way you had felt about them, find some way to make them feel yours once more. But it was impossible.
Poseidon was on Olympus for some meeting with Zeus and Hades. There had been upheaval among the Olympians since the fall of Ares, but whether that was what he was there for, you could not say. The King of the Seas seldom saw fit to tell you anything that was not some empty compliment, or a pretext to summon you to his bed. You chose to simply enjoy his absence as best you could.
“…Your Grace.”
You glanced up. One of your handmaidens had entered the garden, her expression tight, her hands clenched anxiously in front of her.
“Yes?” You doubted Poseidon had returned already – his meetings with his brothers were long and loud, and he usually returned in a foul temper that shook the walls of the palace.
“It…” She peered at you nervously, glancing quickly over her shoulder as though expecting something to come running up behind her. “Lord Kratos is here!”
You glanced up at her, startled. You had met the newly crowned God of War only a handful of times since his ascension. You knew him better by reputation, rumours whispered in the halls of Olympus. He had slain Ares in revenge for the murders of his wife and daughter, tricked into using his own hands for the deed. He was a fearsome warrior, a brutal killer, soaked in blood and ashes. His name was spoken in hushed whispers, on Olympus and Atlantis both.
“…send him here.”
She cringed nervously, but obeyed, and scurried away. You tried to think what Kratos could want, and you waited, toying with the helm of your dress. The doors quickly opened once more, and you looked up to see Lord Kratos enter the Gardens.
He was a striking man, in every sense of the word. Tall and muscled, his body a perfect sculpture of a Spartan warrior. His expression was cold and severe, his eyes sharp and piercing. You could understand why many trembled in his shadow, but you could also understand the salacious whispers. The Gods were as alluring as they were powerful, and nobody could deny Kratos was a powerful man.
Kratos said nothing as he approached, his frown deepening the closer he got. You cleared your throat, and forced a polite smile onto your face. “Greetings, Lord Kratos. Welcome to Atlantis—"
“I have business with Poseidon.”
You sighed, lowering you head slightly. At least you did not have to dwell on pleasantries. “He is not here.”
The Spartan looked even more displeased. “Poseidon sent word I was to meet him here.”
You had no idea what Kratos and your husband could possibly have to talk about. Poseidon had precious little good to say about Kratos, and you found it difficult to imagine him being summoned for a visit. “He is on Olympus, as far as I am aware.”
Kratos’s glare would have killed Medusa herself where she stood. “I am in no mood for games.” His tone was accusatory, and it made you bristle, somewhat indignantly.
“Nor am I.” You snapped back, crossing your arms tightly across your chest. “Perhaps you misunderstood the message.”
Kratos looked vaguely insulted at the thought of making such a basic error. “I did not.”
“Then perhaps Poseidon simply wanted to waste your time.” It was a petty move even by Poseidon’s standards, but you put little past him. “You would need to ask him.”
Kratos’s expression darkened, and while you were certain it probably should have unnerved you, you found yourself admiring the Spartan’s profile in the light, his strong nose and sharply defined collarbones, the mountainous broadness of his shoulders.
“—I require the Shell.”
“What?” You were shook out of your thoughts by Kratos’s voice. He frowned at you, and you felt your face flush, startled at the turn of your thoughts. “Apologies, I…the Shell?”
“Poseidon’s Conch Shell.” Kratos repeated, his fingers flexing impatiently around his Blades – you noticed the movement rippled upwards, drawing attention to the strong swell of his biceps. “I require it.”
Kratos did not answer. He simply stared at you, frown firmly in place. You found yourself staring at the fullness of his lips, and by the Fates, you were blushing.
“Poseidon likely carries it with him.” You cleared your throat, reluctantly tearing your eyes away from him. “You will need to go to him. Or wait until he returns.”
Kratos muttered something under his breath, his expression thunderous. You glanced at the fountain in the Gardens centre, vaguely noticing the secluded spots Poseidon used to hide you in around it. You cringed thinking of those days, but Kratos’s presence at your back seemed to spark something. You found yourself picturing those warm, secluded spaces, the God of War between your thighs—
“Are you even listening?”
You were torn roughly from your fantasies by Kratos’s booming voice. You turned to him dazedly, feeling yourself flush once more under his intense gaze. “I’m sorry, I….”
“I have no time for this.” He snapped, and turned abruptly, clearly to leave. Your eyes landed on his broad back, the exquisite musculature shifting with every movement, and in an instant your mind was made up. 
“Lord Kratos, wait.”
Kratos paused, casting an impatient glare over his shoulder.
“Poseidon will return eventually.” Hopefully not for a long time. You rose from your seat, tilting your head upwards slightly. “You are welcome to wait with me until he does.”
“I have no time for—” Kratos began, his voice harsh, and you grasped the buckle of your cloak, tugging it open and letting it fall around your feet, leaving your bare body exposed.
Kratos’s voice halted, and you could not help but be pleased at the genuine surprise on his face, his eyebrows shooting upwards in a way that was almost comical.
You smiled, lifting a hand to play with your necklace, a spark of excitement flaring within you as Kratos’s eyes followed your movement, trailing slowly over your body. “Make time.”
For a moment, Kratos was still as stone. Then you caught it, the faintest curve at the corner of his mouth, the smallest crack in his perpetually severe expression. He turned fully and began striding back towards you, purpose in his gaze, and heat flared tight in your belly as he closed in on you.
“Wait—” You held up a hand, glancing quickly around. Kratos paused, his gaze firmly on you, and you barely resisted the impulse to throw caution to the wind and have him take you right there. “Follow me.”
Your handmaiden had not returned, nor had any other servants, but you did not want interruptions. You stepped away from the fountain, heading deeper into the gardens, Kratos’s slow footfalls at your back. You felt his eyes burning on, trailing flames over your form, and a shiver of anticipation ran down your spine.
You ducked into a small natural alcove, coral and vines and blooms sprawling inside. You exhaled, and the Garden sprung to life around you.
The vines tangled together behind Kratos as he approached, closing you both in the space together. He was so close now, the power radiating from his broad, muscled frame almost tangible. You wanted to reach out, to run your hands over his shoulders, down his chest and toned abdomen, sculpted to perfection, like a statue come to life. Perhaps it showed in your face, as that small smirk tugged at Kratos’s lips again, and you felt your face grow hot.
“You are still dressed.” You found your voice, lifting your chin high, keeping your gaze level with Kratos’s own.
“I am.” Kratos replied, simply, his eyes slipping from yours to trail slowly over your naked form. Your arms stuttered at your sides, reflectively moving to cover yourself, but you forced them still, nervous excitement beginning to crackle in your veins.
“Take it off.” You tried to sound as commanding as possible. You were a Queen, after all. “All of it.”
Kratos looked faintly amused. It was an odd expression for the God of War, but you found you rather liked the way it shaped his face. He did as you bid him, moving with an almost casual air, his armoured pauldron falling to the ground with a dull thud, his gauntlets slipping from his hands and dropping on top with a noisy clank. Kratos did not wear many layers to begin with, but you found your throat turning dry as his strong, nimble fingers began undoing his belt—
Sweet blessed Eros—
Kratos kicked his belt aside, his body now as bare as your own. His eyes met yours, his smirk more pronounced, and he stood tall and still, like a soldier for inspection.
“Do I please you?” 
There was an undeniable note of smugness in the Spartan’s voice, clearly enjoying your reaction. You felt your face flush again, but found yourself unable to tear your eyes away from the way Kratos’s body moved, the way he towered over you.
Broad shoulders leading down to thick, powerful arms, large hands that could break a man in half, strong, toned thighs, and wide chest, full pectorals your fingers itched to roam over. Muscles rippled with every movement, flexing and contracting in perfect harmony. His lips, normally a harsh line, looked full and inviting, and you found yourself wondering how they would taste on yours.
You licked your lips, forcing your gaze back to Kratos’s eyes. There was a growing heat in them, one that grew as they ran over your form, the sight igniting a spark of heat deep in your belly. Kratos possessed a brutish, almost cruel beauty, but it was beauty nonetheless.
“I don’t know.” You spoke finally. You lifted a hand, slowly, cautiously, until your fingers lightly brushed the toned planes of his abdomen. He inhaled a sharp, quiet breath, his gaze growing hotter as your palm softly slid upwards. “Will you?”
Kratos made a deep, rumbling noise. It took you a moment to register it was a laugh. His large – large – hand suddenly grasped you waist, yanking you hard against his chest. You gasped, your hands splayed against his chest, the heat of his skin fierce enough to burn. Something hot and hard and big pressed against your hip, and fire began to spill in your gut as you looked up to meet Krato’s burning gaze.
“Yes.” He answered, his voice a low, rough promise.
The back of your knees bumped into the soft coral, Krato’s warm, rough palm sliding from your waist to your thigh as you fell backwards. His hips slid between your thighs, his other hand stroking up your side, guiding you into place. You gasped and arched, the solid, heated muscle of his body suddenly so close sending a pulse of anticipation through you.
“Kratos—” His name tumbled from your lips as a gasp, his large, powerful body between your thighs scattering your thoughts in a sharp burst of flame. Kratos made a deep, pleased noise in his chest, leaning down to press his lips against the racing pulse point of your neck. His teeth nipped at your skin, making you gasp and arch against him, your hands grasping his shoulders.
“Hmmmm…” Kratos’s body shook slightly. You realised after a few seconds he was laughing. You flushed, digging your nails into the flesh of his shoulders. He hissed slightly, a flash of naked lust painting his face, and you wrapped your legs tight around his waist, pushing with all your might until he rolled onto his back, you perched on top of him.
He let you, undoubtedly, from the way his eyes darkened deliciously at the sight of you on top of him told you, the way his hands roamed up your sides, coming to cup your breasts, his thumb teasing your nipple. A soft moan escaped you, his touch igniting your skin. He growled, leaning upwards, his mouth pressing hot, opened mouth kisses against your chest, and you whined, bucking on top of him.
His hand slid over your waist, and you felt his arousal, inches away from your centre. Kratos groaned, his hips angling, your fingers digging into your flesh—
“Kratos.” You reached down to brush your fingers against the sharp edge of his jaw. He startled, eyes snapping to yours, and for a moment you thought he might pull away. “I want to watch.” The words tumbled out, the pad of your thumb brushing against the fullness of his lip. “I want to watch your face.”
Kratos stared at you, frozen, his hips stilling. His grip tightened, almost painfully, but he remain still, something blazing in his eyes. You feared you crossed some sort of line, but before you could find words, his large hands were sliding over your hips, guiding you downwards, his hot flesh meeting your slick centre.
A gasp spilled from your lips, your back arched, your entire body quivering at the jolt of sensation. Kratos growled under his breath, his abdomen flexing and contracting, his gaze firmly on yours with the intensity of fire. Your hands grasped at his shoulders, nails digging into thick muscle, and Kratos snapped his hips upwards, filling you so fully and suddenly you cried out, bucking in his grip.
Merciful fucking Eros—
“Hold.” Kratos hissed through gritted teeth, hands, rough and large and strong, gripped your thighs, holding them at either side of his waist. His breathing quickened, the powerful muscle of his arms tight and flexing. You ran your hands down his chest and up again, fire spilling deep in your belly at the feeling of his body so close but closer you wanted him closer.
“Kratos.” You gasped his name, arching your hips, needing him to move, needing him deeper. “Kratos, please—” You caught the faintest flutter in his eyelids, the slightest bucking of his hip in response to yours, a groan sounding from somewhere deep in his chest. The cracks in his control made your blood boil deliciously, your hands grabbing his shoulders, squeezing as you pushed further against him. “Kratos—!”
“Hold.” He spoke louder and more firmly, pulling you roughly against him. His palm touched your face, firm yet surprisingly gentle as his gaze met yours. You startled, staring at him, his gaze locked on yours.
“…hold.” He spoke again, his thumb flickering against your cheekbone, the faintest caress. He said nothing else, but pulled you upwards, holding you so you were face to face, your chest flush with his.
Warmth flooded your cheeks, and other places, and You breathed out, nodding shakily, hands gripping his wide shoulders. Slowly, agonisingly slowly, his hips began to move, and a gasp fell from your lips as fire burned deep, every movement making your nerves sing.
He growled under his breath, lips parting, his hands gripping your thighs as he rolled his hips, once, twice, over and over, each thrust sending lightning searing through your body. Heat, blazing white hot heat bloomed low in your belly, tendrils licking rapidly upwards making you writhe and cry out. “Kratos…! Kratos—!”
Kratos hissed, his back going rigid, his hips stuttering to a brief halt, before his hands grabbed your waist, pulling you roughly down, hips snapping up and down, fast and brutal, a deep, guttural roar spilling from his lips as pleasure began to overwhelm him. The delicious v of his hips shifting with every thrust, the muscles of his abdomen clenching with every movement. The sight and sensations made your stomach clench, and something burst within you, spilling flames everywhere.
“Kratos—!” Your voice rose to a shout, the world burning a sweet, blissful red, everything blurring to a haze has until all you could feel was Kratos’s body against yours. You threw your head back, a wordless scream of intense pleasure spilling from your lips as your climax crashed over you.
Kratos roared, his face buried between your breasts, his mouth hot against your skin, his hips bucking wildly until his own release hit, sending you both tumbling over the edge together.
You and Kratos made love for hours.
The rumours surrounding the God of War stamina had not exaggerated, and you were certain had it not been for your own divine nature you would have been utterly exhausted. Kratos was as determined a lover as he was a warrior, his sole focus seeming to be bringing you to pleasure, with an intensity that threatened to burn you from within.
You eventually collapsed into sweaty tangle of limbs, bodies aching and breathless, your head on Kratos’s chest, his heart thumping rapidly under your ear. His fingers trailed idly up and down your back, so idly you were not certain he was aware he was doing it. He said nothing as he stared up at the canopy, and you said nothing back, not wanting to break the strange, almost peaceful spell you both seemed to have fallen under.
“When will Poseidon return?” Kratos asked after a while, eyes still upwards. You sighed, and aimlessly trailed a fingertip up and down his abdomen, drawing nothings on his skin.
“I do not know. Days, maybe.”
Kratos said nothing else. He rolled on top of you, lightning in his touch, his hips sliding between your thighs, and you both sank into each other once more.
Poseidon would return, days later, as you predicted.
He was surprised to find Kratos in his palace, in his Queen’s gardens, sipping ambrosia while you chatted pleasantly at him about the history of Atlantis. Kratos did not seem to be contributing much to the conversation, but he nodded along patiently, and Poseidon swears he almost catches a hint of a smile on the bloodthirsty Spartan’s face.
Poseidon had expected Kratos to leave, and eyes you suspiciously as he entered the Gardens. You smiled brightly and informed him Kratos had been waiting oh so patiently for him to return. He needed his Conch Shell.
Poseidon kept his shell in some temple or another, and bid Kratos should go there. The God of War simply nodded, and turned to leave the palace without a word to the King of the Seas. As he did, your eye met his, and you caught the faintest hint of a smirk, meant for you.
You returned to the Gardens, which felt a little more like yours once more.
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
so this is just me writing so randomly about kratos x f!reader, it contains y/n, and I don't know if I can say this is an one-shot but it's a thing, clearly, so enjoy. ^^
& warning!: this one has explicit language, so, minors do not allow to read!
also I can make part II if you want. ;)
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we all know kratos writes a diary in which he explains creatures, people, gods, goddess and all other things. but imagine that he writes so many pages about u. he begins to write about you from the beginning, the moment he meets with you. with times, he begins to write about so many things about u, your relationship with both him and atreus.
he firstly writes specific information about u, telling how you help them to find food, showing them where they can hunt safely without others sights. he tells "she is a strong one." the moment you show your true power. he sees how you have a strength to live alone. then with times, he begins to write in more detail way like how your body and face features look good and strong, how you smile while speaking with atreus, how you both have a bossy and mommy features. he loves to see how happy atreus to have you by his side. he loves to see how you heal him, feed him, give him more knowledge about the realms and show affection. the way you treat to both him and atreus, as well as wolves atreus have and mimir who travel on kratos' belt, he finds happiness and trust.
he nearly writes 2 times in a week, using diary to transfer his unspoken feelings and thoughts to it. his memories of you begin to mark with every word he put to it. he fears nothing. he fears not a single thing but he have an unwanted feeling on his chest whenever you ask him what he writes about you because you know he has a journal thanks to the developed bond you have.
he never tells. he even finds them odd. while writing them, he wants to rip and burn them because they are so personal.
however, he can't. he just find peace in them, reading after awhile, he remembers memories he hold about you.
firstly, he writes a little about you, not wanting to add someone to his life to protect atreus of course but then, he begins to write about u rather than writing events that occurred with you. innocent sentences turn into lustful ones after he sees your liking on him which you show without a shame when you are all alone, mimir and atreus staying in the home. you both give him care and passion, and he likes it.
the sentence "she give me hope that everything will be fine. she is a good friend." turns into, "atreus likes her and so do I. spending time with her is... good.", then, "she looks lovely. whenever I look at her, I see the beauty she holds." and lastly, "I want to woo her."
yes, he wants to fuck you; woo in his words.
he tries to not to write private words in it but he can't help himself. his hand move with its own will, not thinking about any risks like you finding them.
and indeed, you find them. and you read them. firstly, tears appear on your face because of feeling so good about kratos' words. you know kratos holds a delicate heart even if he denies it but also you surprise to see him to show his this side to you. then, tears leave its place to small laughs and smiles. finally, with reading some pages, you feel an arousal rising on you. you can't deny that you love to read them, especially when knowing kratos was the one who wrote all these things.
as you read, "I want to woo her. wishing her to stay under me -" kratos comes.
firstly, he looks at you, then his diary you hold and then again to your innocent looking eyes with thighs crushed against each other, smell of your precum all over the place. kratos keeps his silence posture for a moment, then, he slowly approaches to you. he picks the journal from your hand, putting it to other side, he looks down at your pathetic body.
"you read it without my permission?"
"I -" you try to say, but his deep dangerous voice and posture make you stop. breathing deeply, you try to begin again because of his piercing eyes on you, "I am sorry, curiosity poisoned me. I shouldn't have."
"But you did, indeed." Holding your face from the chin, he makes you to look at his eyes that burn you, not giving you any chance to escape from them. "You know how I don't like disobedience."
"I know," You say with dry mouth, "I am sorry, Kratos."
"Then", he kneels to get closer to your face, "Be a good girl and accept your punishment." He looks at the pages you read the moment he enters the room, then at you again, "If you really be a good girl, I can make those things to you."
Holding your smirk, you say, innocently, "I will. I will be your good girl, Kratos."
| masterlist
^^ ehe. thanks for sharing this unholy thing with me (even if it's just a little.)
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11queensupreme11 · 10 months
imagine this scenario in baby Percy au:
Poseidon is still getting used to taking care of baby Percy, everything is still strange and new to him
for some reason he is baby percy they are invited to a get-together or a meeting of gods in the underworld, everything goes well until it is time to leave
Poseidon is still getting used to being a father, he literally spent billions of years without worrying about a life completely dependent on him so understandably he forgets that he was with baby Percy and leaves without her (in fact this is quite normal behavior among first-time parents)
he usually went straight home without even remembering that he was a father, he did his chores normally and only realized that he wasn't with his baby when feeding or bedtime arrived
For ONE minute everything would be completely silent for him and then the next moment would come TOTAL despair
Meanwhile baby Percy crawls across the floor without anyone noticing the gods are huge, why would someone six feet tall or taller walk around looking down? and she miraculously doesn't get stepped on by anyone
and then she meets the BEAST... the great CERBERUS
the percy alert is triggered and all the gods are running around like headless chickens looking for baby percy as if their lives depended on it and maybe they do, they get together and think about where was the last place baby percy was seen
and then they remember that it was in the underworld and the next moment several gods are running to the underworld as if they were running away from death from kratos, do you understand the reference?
they are turning everything over, there is not an untouched stone or room in the castle that hasn't been turned over, everything is in chaos until they noticed the strange behavior of the cerberus
Cerberus is lying face up, he doesn't move, he moves as little as possible despite the apparently uncomfortable position, his breathing is light and contained and shallow but despite this his tail is wagging
looking closer they realize why: baby percy is lying on top of Cerberus's chest, she is sleeping comfortably while holding a handful of fur in her little hand
the reason Cerberus is controlling her breathing is because he is trying to prevent the force of his breathing from throwing the baby out of his chest, he has been in an uncomfortable position for hours because he didn't want to risk knocking over or waking the little one but adorable recognition flea that clung to his fur while he took a brief nap
It's a lovely sight and many gods took photos to later pay a painter to paint the image on a painting, relief reigns in the place
except for Poseidon who received the BIGGEST SCORE from his mother and from his older brother, you can bet that during the whole scolding Adamas and Zeus were laughing and recording the whole situation with a state-of-the-art camera, Poseidon left his mother's house with several bumps on his head (like those bumps that appear on the heads of characters in anime after they get hit)
i love the thought poseidon just being perfectly calm, until it registers in his head that his baby is missing and he just blue-screens for a minute until:
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but broooooooo poseidon would be IN SO MUCH FUCKING TROUBLE
he didn't just leave her in valhalla or midgard, he left her in fucking HELHEIM!!! that's the most dangerous of the three realms, his ass is LUCKY she didn't crawl out of hades palace!!!
granny rhea absolutely needs to banish him to the time-out island for that!!! 😤
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Long Time No See
Pairing: Adult!Atreus x Freya’sChild!fem!reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary/request: based on this request
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I’m so honored to fulfill your first request on tumblr! I’m doing alright and I would be delighted to write this for you! And I appreciate you resending your request when my tumblr broke but luckily I was able to get yours! Anyways I hope you love this!
Also so sorry there’s no GIF, my internet won’t load very well unfortunately.
When Atreus decided that he needed to leave to go find the other giants, the goodbye was bittersweet. You knew it was something he had to do but it didn’t make it any less hard to watch him leave. Especially after he and his father had stumbled into you and your mother's forest, you and the boy had grown close. 
When Atreus decided that he needed to leave to go find the other giants, the goodbye was bittersweet. You knew it was something he had to do but it didn’t make it any less hard to watch him leave. Especially after he and his father had stumbled into you and your mother's forest, you and the boy had grown close. 
You hated to admit it but you bore a childish crush on him, that was up until he and his father had killed your prodigal brother Baldur. You silently thanked the valkyries for Kratos’ interference, Baldur had caused your mother so much grief during your time in Midgard. 
You inadvertently winced as you thought of the rift Baldur’s death had caused between you and your mother. You sighed and stood up out of the garden you tended to. When your mother, Freya had vowed vengeance against Kratos and Atreus she left the woods, to do what you could only imagine being prepping herself to fight a god and his godly child. 
You walked out of the small garden you had been trying to nurse back to life since Fimbulwinter ended a few winters ago, you smiled at Chaurli as he stood and allowed you into the house you’d been living in and trying to repair. 
You grimaced as you stirred the cauldron you remembered Atreus coming to you in a panic after Ragnarok, informing you of the extremely poor state that Chaurli had ended up in. You swear you had almost broke down crying when you heard about it, feeling nothing but guilt for leaving him to try and stop your mother on her revenge path for your brother. 
You huffed and stood, brushing your hands off and cleaning up the small messes you had around the living space. Your mother had dedicated herself to aiding Kratos in his adventures through the realms in his son’s place and when she wasn’t doing that she was in Vanaheim or with her Valkyrie sisters, which means that whenever she came into the woods she was more of a visitor than a fellow occupier as she once had been. 
As you finished up the small chores you felt the ground slightly rattle, signaling that Angrboda and Fenrir were here, after Atreus left you and the giantess had become close, you often visiting her in Jotunnheim and her often visiting you in Midgard. 
You opened the door and smiled to see your favorite giant wolf and giantess walking up the path through your woods, a basket in her arms and a smile on her face. You strode down the path to take the basket from her, smelling the flora of Jotunnheim wafting off her person. 
You gave her a warm smile as Fenrir lent down so you could pet his cold nose. “Hello, Angrboda! You’re looking well since the last we met” You chuckled as she picked some paint off her hand and nodded. 
“Yes, sorry about the delay, Fenrir didn’t want to help me with chores so I had to get Jalla up to help me,” She said and you both laughed, walking toward the door to sit down. Fenrir was good at occupying himself outside while you and the Giantess made conversation in the small home you grew up in.
Once you sat the basket down on one of the many surfaces you hurriedly poured some stew you had roasting over the coals since the day before. Sitting at the table with your friend, eating good food, and talking about whatever came to mind was your favorite pass time in recent days. 
And it was always enjoyable with Angrboda, she often had many good stories about happenings in Jotunnheim in your time apart, whether it was something silly Fenrir did or something she found, or more commonly talking about recent murals she had been working on. 
Before you knew it, hours had passed and the sun began to paint colors of pink and orange across the summer sky and you were saying goodbye to Angrboda and Fenrir. You hugged her tightly, your arms wrapped around her midsection as she squeezed you in return. Over the winter’s she had really sprouted up, now at least a head taller than you.
“Bye Angrboda, I better see you and Fen again before the autumn season you hear me?”  You said sternly as you released her from your vice grip and smiled at her. She laughed sheepishly and shrugged. 
“I’ll try, but sometimes things get busy, and with the whole time difference thing, it's easy to lose track of it” She laughed and smiled at you, and you nodded and smiled back to the giantess. 
“I know, be safe on the way back though okay?” You said and reached out to hug Fenrir’s muzzle. He grumbled as you leaned into his thick wiry fur. When you finally let them go, the warm hues of sunset started morphing into cool blues. You hummed as you walked inside, allowing Chaurli to settle for the night. 
You threw another log onto the fire to keep the coals warm throughout the night and stripped yourself of your day gear, before settling into the summer furs you kept on your bed.
The next morning you were awoken by the familiar rumbling of ground that you recognized to be the giant realm walking wolf you’d befriended long ago. You tumbled out of bed and felt Chaurli rousing from his slumber as he lifted your house out of the ground. 
You barely managed to throw a frock on before swinging the door open to find the giant wolf laying in front of your house and a familiar auburn haired boy, well man now, standing next to him, playing with the fur on his face. 
Your body moved before you could even think as you sprinted toward your childhood best friend and tackled him in a bone crushing hug. You both lay in the dirt as your arms remained around his body, squeezing him. 
He managed to laugh and asked you to release him when you did he stood and offered a hand to help you out of the dirt as well. When you finally got a good chance to look at him the wind spirits swept the breath from your lungs. 
Over the time he had been gone, he had grown beautifully. He certainly resembled his father in the way he carried himself and the way his shoulders were broad and intimidating, but he was still the Atreus you’d known all that time ago. The goofy smile on his face, the lighthearted aura that surrounded him, the kind look in his eye- Oh thor you were staring. 
You almost didn’t care that you allowed your eyes to take their take and examine his every detail, the wrinkle in his brow, the scars that were both faded and new. Your grin widened as he pulled you suddenly into another hug.
“Gods I missed you” His voice was almost the same as when he left, just a pitch lower and gravelly, as though he had rarely had anything to drink. Your fingers dug into the layered clothing he wore as you leaned deeply into him, tears burned your eyes as you realized how truly you had missed Atreus. 
You laughed and squeezed him once more before releasing him, allowing your hands to slide down his arms and grip his wrists, not quite knowing if this was real yet. His actions mirrored yours as you stared at each other in silence for another few moments. 
You inhaled deeply as you smiled so hard your temples were starting to ache, “You’re really here!” You softly cheered and he chuckled, giving you a half nod. “The Norns have been kind to you Atreus” You spoke mostly to yourself but he laughed again the tips of his ears turning pink. 
“Hey, that's my line! You’re the one who looks like not a season has passed since I left” he spoke softly and gave you a sincere smile, clearly meaning the sentiment.
You barked in laughter and couldn’t help but look at the dirt beneath your feet, gods you were like a teenager again. Your gaze was brought back to his face when he squeezed your forearm, the smile on his face had you basically melting into a puddle beneath you. 
“How long are you staying?” You couldn’t stop yourself from blurting the words out, you didn’t want to get your hopes up, only for him to be whisked away again in a few moons. 
You saw his jaw tense as he looked beside him where Fenrir had rested his head “I don’t know yet, I got back last night and my father really wants me to stay awhile, but-” He inhaled sharply “But, I hope to at least stay for a few moon cycles” He said and gave you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
You exhaled in slight relief, at least you had a bit of time, you didn’t know if your heart could handle him leaving again so soon. You abruptly hugged him again mumbling “I missed you Atreus” into his tunic and you felt his cheek press into your hair had he spoke a soft “I missed you too little witch”. 
You burst into laughter and lightly shoved him, his dad gave you that nickname after their second visit, and Atreus had soon picked it up after then, despite your very vocal disliking of it. 
“Oh shut up archer boy! You know I hate that nickname!” You huffed in mock displeasure as he chuckled. 
“And you know I hate ‘archer boy’ and yet there you go using it” He teased and you rolled your eyes, but felt a smile creep onto your face as you watched him gesture to himself “And besides I'm an archer MAN now!” He said proudly and you snorted at him, rolling your eyes again, but harder this time. 
“Yeah yeah, sure whatever archer boy. How about you come inside and sit down so you can properly tell me about the exciting adventures you’ve gotten into hm?” You offered and started walking to the ajar door of your home. 
Atreus simply scoffed and followed you inside, giving Chaurli a greeting as he walked down into the small cottage you occupied, leaving Fenrir to his own devices. 
Seeing him sit so domestically in the place you made your home after all this time made your stomach twist with butterflies and almost brought you to tears. You had to look away from him as you made breakfast fixings or you figured you might just cry. 
God’s you really missed him. 
This was really fun to write, sorry for the kinda half assed ending, I really wanted to just post it after working on it for what feels like forever. I really hope you enjoyed it, have a wonderful day or night.
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imaginethatneathuh · 5 months
Savior: Baldur - God of War (2018)
Baldur x reader, potential friendship, platonic.
The reader saves Baldur and offers their help.
TW/CW: Mentions of death and murder.
Word Count: 1.4+K
Accompanying Kratos and Atreus was dangerous. You had figured that out early on after they had stumbled upon you trying to escape a Draugr attack. The two had saved your life; as such, you couldn’t help but want to try to help them in return. You didn’t have many skills valuable to them, but you did have a keen eye and were more emotionally in tune than your companions. It had prevented a fair few fights. That doesn’t mean they always listened to you, as Atreus and Kratos were an 11-year-old boy and an ancient man the size of a giant from some far-off land. They had their beliefs and thought processes, so no matter how much sense you made, they sometimes ignored your advice. You and Mímir did get along reasonably well, though.
During your travels, you met Baldur. The god had repeatedly attacked your new friends. Thankfully, he didn't see you as much of anything besides a nuisance, and you'd made sure not to be much else.
Despite not caring much about Baldur, you could tell what his mother did to him seriously fucked with his head. It was painfully obvious and hurt to see. Of course, you'd heard of him before; he was a god, after all. But to be faced with his actions and truly listen to his words was something else entirely. You held a sort of sadness in your heart for him, a kinship in some ways. It wasn't pity quite yet, but it was getting there.
So, when Atreus had begged his father to save Freya as Baldur began choking her, you decided to step in. Knowing Kratos, his answer would likely be killing the god. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t want that to happen.
"Wait!" You shouted at Baldur.
His bright blue eyes glared at you over his shoulder.
Nervously, you shifted, white-knuckling your bag’s strap.
"You want her to hurt, right?" You asked before licking your lips nervously. You eyed Kratos beside you, a silent way of telling him to stand down. Once you were sure he got the hint, you turned and locked eyes with Baldur again. "If you want her to hurt as much as possible, take it from someone who knows; let her live."
Baldur squinted at you in surprise and confusion. "What?" he asked, completely bewildered—bewildered enough to loosen his grip ever so slightly.
Sucking in a few more breaths before leveling out your breathing.
"Freya is your mother. She loves you with all of her heart. She wants to protect you no matter what. But, now," you said, trailing off. "I mean, come on," you laughed lightly, "Her curse is broken. She's failed to protect you. She has lost you, Baldur. In every way that matters, she has lost you."
Your eyes flickered down to his hands. His firm grip had loosened further as he’d listened to you.
"You kill her now, and she won't get to experience the paranoia and fear that comes with never knowing if you're dead or not. You kill her now, and her days will never be filled with worry and uncertainty. Shit!" You laugh again. "If you kill her now, she won't be able to go to your funeral. What's a worse fate than that!? I mean, seriously, you better than anyone should know that the worst fates aren't the physical but the mental, right? Why get it over with here and now when you can let her stew for years and years and let her feel just a tiny bit of what you felt? Let her live, Baldur, and die knowing that is the worst fate you can give to her." You looked over at Kratos. "You're a parent. How would you feel if that was the fate of you and Atreus?"
Kratos’ stone-set face crunched p ever so slightly as he thought about your words. The mere thought of Atreus dying before him and never knowing was more unnerving than anything he’d felt in a very long time. He was slow to answer, but that wasn’t surprising. "I would rather die than go through that," he replied quietly and honestly.
Atreus blinked in surprise at his father's answer, but a small smile slipped its way forward at his father’s words.
You met Baldur's gaze again, your shoulders pushed back and breathing steady. "See, even Kratos agrees. And getting him to agree with me is stupidly hard." Carefully, you approached him but still maintained a distance. After a beat of silence, you spoke again, "To let her live is to make her suffer.”
Your gaze did not waver from Baldur’s, and he searched for any sign of a lie or trick.
Finding nothing, he nodded, releasing her.
Freya fell with a thud, slightly gripping at her own throat. She took a few unsteady breaths, bracing her arm against the ground.
Baldur did not look at her; he simply walked away, his barren feet making obvious tracks as he left.
You? You just sighed in relief.
"And everybody gets to live another day,” you said before slightly chuckling.
Kratos and you locked eyes briefly. It was enough time for him to nod in approval of your actions, grateful he didn’t have to act, before turning his attention to his son and Freya.
You weren’t sure what your next actions would be, but you knew you were concerned about Baldur. Someone had to check on him. Getting the ability to feel back after years of nothingness must be rough on atrophied senses.
Following Baldur's tracks, you walked after him. After getting within visual distance, you jogged to catch up.
"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, practically hopping to keep up with his rather long strides.
Baldur stopped in his tracks at the sound of your voice. Still, he refused to look at you, instead studying the snow and mud on the ground. One of his fists remained solidly clenched while his other hand rubbed against his trousers. His entire face was contorted in some unidentified emotion. He seemed unnerved—maybe frazzled would be a better word? You weren’t sure.
Since he’d stopped, you managed to catch up with him, hopping around his body in an attempt to get him to face you as you spoke. "Look, I know you probably really wanted to kill her, and, ya know, that's probably still an option if you really want to, but letting her suffer is worth it. Trust me. Also, she kinda deserves it, from what I can tell. Overprotective parents kinda suck, ya know? Well, obviously, you'd know, but still…"
You were rambling now, and you knew it, but you couldn't help but continue talking. To you, it felt like if you stopped, Baldur would change his mind and go after Freya—or maybe he’d kill you or something.
You weren’t sure about anything right now, just that you needed to keep talking.
Unfortunately, you weren't paying attention while talking and slipped on some ice.
Just when you thought you were going to end up on your ass, Baldur caught you.
Unsurprisingly, his hands were rough and heavy, but his touch was much gentler than you expected. He was gentler than Kratos usually was, almost like he was afraid of breaking you like he didn’t know his own strength. Baldur studied you for a moment, his hands lingering.
"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.
You gave a strained smile, not used to this type of softness from anyone, much less someone you thought didn't care about others. "Peachy. Thanks." You weren’t sure how else to respond.
He hummed before looking at where your bodies connected, at the arms. Baldur's head tilted slightly as his eyes ran up your arms and over your face. His fingers traced your skin as if figuring out what it was.
He knew, of course, but you could tell it was still a foreign feeling.
"Ya know," you said gently, "I-um, if you want, I could help with the whole being thrust back into the world of feeling shit. If you want? It's not like I got much else going on."
Baldur snorted and smiled as he met your gaze. "I- I would appreciate that, actually. I know my family isn't going to be much help."
You gave him another awkward smile and nodded. "Cool. Cool. Um, you can let go now, though."
He stepped away, snow crunching beneath his feet. "Sorry."
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McDonald’s/Modern AU Part 1
You all really love this AU lmao so here’s more:
Heimdall is definitely that manager who talks a lot of shit and bitches about people underperforming and then does nothing. He’ll also usually stand around on his phone all day.
No one likes Heimdall, but no one hates Heimdall more than Heimdall hates Heimdall. There are times where he’ll go to the bathroom and cry when he thinks no one will hear him. Of course, whenever he tries to do this, Freyr hotboxes the bathroom.
Thrúd and Atreus are on vomit and pee-pee clean-up duty at the PlayPlace. Skjöldr and Angrboda are on bathroom duty. Skjöldr takes one little sniff in the men’s bathroom after Freyr hotboxes it and thinks he’s high. He later is on the drive-thru doing Kratos’ order and it’s a disaster.
Freya always orders a breakfast sandwich and a black coffee before heading to work (she’s a vet). She always without fail proceeds to tell Atreus that she knows it’s bad for her but she needs her caffeine. On Saturdays, though, her five-year-old grandson Forseti will be in the car and he must have a hash brown.
Baldur and Freya are estranged, though the birth of Forseti has kinda brought them back together. Baldur orders the same black coffee she always gets whenever he comes by.
Thrúd is seventeen, Atreus and Angrboda are fifteen, and Skjöldr is sixteen. Heimdall is, like, in his early twenties.
Atreus was home-schooled by Faye for the first ten-years of his life due to being a sickly child. He wasn’t the most popular kid in school, but the teachers always praised him for being a smart, respectful student. He graduates middle-school with full honors. Kratos has his report cards hanging up on the fridge with magnets.
Atreus is also a theatre kid. He stumbled into an audition accidentally and got the starring role as Romeo. He meets Angrboda through theatre as she’s on the art team and paints the sets.
Heimdall finds out about this and, of course, is like “okay well I played the best Romeo that school has ever seen so-“ and Atreus is like “okay well I don’t care-“
The only ones who laugh at Angrboda’s puns are Atreus, Freyr, and Kratos. She’s on the drive-thru, Birgir and Freyr pull up, and she goes “does Birgir want a burger?” Freyr thinks it’s the funniest shit in the world and laughs so hard he cries. Freyr and Birgir are the “he wants to order meme” incarnate.
Zeus shows up in the drive-thru with a different woman in the passenger seat each time. Atreus doesn’t really think that much about it until he accidentally reveals that information at a rare Olympus family reunion. He and Kratos awkwardly leave as Hera fucking loses it.
Hephaestus is, like, the only Olympian Kratos still talks to. Pandora sometimes stays with them during the summer.
The Olympians are corporate assholes and Kratos tanked their company. They’re back, though, sadly… they merged with some Italian corporation. Cousin Helios lost his job in the merger to Kratos’ brother Apollo, though, and he lives with them for now. Mimir fucking hates sharing the basement with him.
Helios was a classist asshole but he’s so depressed after losing his job that it’s kinda sad to watch. However, he calms down considerably after hotboxing the McDonald’s bathroom with Freyr. It is a life changing experience for him.
Brok always just shares the weirdest, vilest stories to Heimdall while waiting in the drive-thru. Heimdall is fucking baffled by this man.
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||part 1 ||
A/n: eeyy here it is!! Part 2….it only took..idk. All fluff, just Freyr being a happy dad.
{ gonna be in three parts, just him with the babies …yes I’m totally dragging this series out }
Tag list: @gabedreeam
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Freyr could hardly sleep, the man was giddy with excitement from the moment he found out you were pregnant. He was happy his homeland was much safer thanks to Kratos and Atreus, now his children had a safe place to live well safer than it was and they did not have to deal with Odin.
Stepping close to you, his hands placed themselves on your growing belly. “I can’t wait! Oh did you feel that!” He always got emotional whenever he felt a kick, it made him feel as if they can hear his voice.
“They can hear you Freyr.”
Of course you knew what he was thinking, you always knew what he was thinking. Letting out a sigh he knelt down placing his cheek against your belly humming, tears nearly pooping at the corner of his eyes. “I can not woat to meet you both.” He whispered kissing your growing stomach.
Another kick.
Laughing softly, you were much happier leaving the harsh weather of Midgard. Your hand weaving through your husbands hair as he melted at your touch. “I feel the same way…I know you are going to be a loving father Freyr, such a loving father.”
It was the scream that echoed through the forest that scared him, the lush greens did nothing to ease his worries as he ran past dangerous flowers, dodging harmful poisons and leaping over logs. While he was grateful to have Kratos by his side he just had to get back to you.
“Y/n is safe…she is with.”
“My sister, ya ya but that’s not my concern, I’m not about to miss the birth of my kids.”
He couldn’t miss it! He wasn’t going to miss it!
Pushing himself to run faster, Freyr never thought he’d be this excited to see his camp and with a blink of an eye the man was by your side. Chest heaving with each breath as his hand grasped yours, he may have looked like a mess but you looked beautiful.
“Hey gorgeous.”
“Freyr.” His name slipped past your lips though another dry tore past you lips, your hand squeezing his tightly, Freya instructing you to push as Freyr let out a yelp.
“You are very strong.”
“Shut up! Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!”
Slowly nodding his head, Freyr let out a nervous laugh as he patted your head, giving it a small kiss. “Okay, know more taking for me.”
You weren’t sure how long you pushed, it felt like days to you but soon the tiny cries of your twins filled the room. Freya giving you a large smile as she held two bundles in her arms. “Here are your little ones.”
Sniffling, Freyr took one of his children, a boy. He let the tears fall from his cheeks as the infant grasped his finger. He was finally a father, he was going to give tgem the best possible life he could. “Theyre beautiful, all thanks to their mother.”
Letting out a tired laugh, you held your little girl close as she started to suckle at your breast for food.
“I’m a little jealous.” Turning your head, you would have rolled your eyes at Freyr if you weren’t so tired. “Maybe if you’re good I’ll let you try some.”
“No, Freyr this is for your children.”
Huffing, Freyr gave you a teasing smile then turned his attention back to his newborn son that had fallen asleep. “You’re no fun and Freya…thank you.”
Freya scoffed then smiled as she tipped her head to you both. “You don’t need to thank me Yngvi, I’m very happy to be an aunt. Now you should rest Y/n and do not leave her side.”
“Wouldn’t even think about it.”
After much deliberation between the two bothers, you are shocked that Brok and Sindri gifted you their former home, they stated they didn’t need it anymore now that Odin was dealt with and while they may pop up from town to town with they others Sindri stated you needed it much more than him.
“Crazy to think you’re gonna let your little ones live in that environment.”
You were grateful of course, to have a bed to sleep in. Knowing that your twins will be safe from any harm but they didn’t stop Freyr from reading the shit out of you.
With the twins finally asleep you snuggled into his chest, enjoying the warmth of the fire place nearby though you stiffed your laugh feeling his hands creep up to cup your large breasts. “I’m so lucky, do you know how sexy you are. Getting you pregnant, giving birth to my children made you more radiant.”
Feeling warmth creep up your neck you pinched his cheek as he rolled himself on top of you, his hands messaging your hips. “And you haven’t changed at all, something I am grateful for.”
Watching his twins sleep, it was something Freyr had grown accustom too. He loved watching them, they looked so peaceful, innocent. Something he was going to make sure they will keep, reaching down into the crib he let his fingers caress their chubby cheeks.
“I love you too, oh so much.”
Stepping behind Freyr you let your arms wrap around his waist. “And they love you, our perfect little family.”
“That’s still growing, hope you don’t think I’m stopping at too.” He teased.
Laughing, you kissed the back of his neck. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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nexysworld · 1 year
Music to my Ears V2
Read on AO3 🖤 Requests are Open 🖤 Fic/Request Master List
Original Summary:  Heimdall finds you in Vanaheim, as the Scion of the Aseir it’s his job to punish traitors, but he has some other ideas besides fighting you  🖤 Pairing: Heimdall/Fem!Reader 🖤 Warnings:  Smut, Female Reader, NSFW
The original was inspired by this audio I made with Heimdall's voice and AI. This is a secondary version of the original story as I was asked to do an alternate version where Heimdall change’s sides since he’s in love with the reader.
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“Ah I should have expected to run into you here too.  Sizzles wasn’t looking too hot the last time I saw him, don’t worry though Sunshine, because I’ll set you ablaze myself.”
Heimdall laughed as you backed away from him. You felt like an animal that had been caged in, the only way out of your current predicament was to either disappear into the ground, or somehow get past Heimdall yourself. Neither option was a good one. You continued to back up until you were stopped by the vine covered rock wall. You gulped as you watched him hop off of Gulltoppr and begin towards you on foot. ‘Fuck where’s Kratos, Atreus…Freya?’ You desperately thought to yourself. “Oh Sunshine, they aren’t coming to your rescue, you know that right? Even if they tried, you can’t really think anyone would be able to stop me from getting to you, do you?”
You hated that he could see your thoughts right now. The fear. The panic. The despair. You almost couldn’t believe this is the same man who you gifted your trust, who you allowed to bed you in Asgard. All of that was thrown away now, whatever you were before…it meant nothing now that you were standing on opposite ends of the battlefield. This isn’t what you wanted though, and you knew that. He knew that. It changed nothing. The moment he sensed even the slightest betrayal on you, the two of you were done. “Why so quiet? Your last few moments of life and really you have nothing to say? I am profoundly unimpressed. I truly expected more out of you.” He shrugged as he continued his stroll towards you. You looked up and down, side to side, trying to find anything that would save you. You were so focused on your escape attempt you hadn’t realized how close he had gotten until you felt his hand on your chin, turning you to look up at him. You were met with purple glowing eyes and a sneer. “Are you being shy now? You weren’t shy the other day when you were. . . mewling for me. This is really no fun Sunshine. If you’re going to be a traitor, at least have the guts to back it up.” ‘Heimdall please.’ You said in your head as you trembled under his touch. He searched your face for a moment, scanning you up and down. “Now that I think about it, perhaps I should bend you over right here and see what other noises I can get you to make for me.” Your face went absolutely red at the comment, you weren’t completely sure if it was from fear, shame, or arousal…you settled on all three. “Actually, I am sure that’s what I am going to do.” Heimdall leaned forward and licked your earlobe before whispering to you. “Be a good girl for me.”
“H-Heimdall..” You trembled when you said his name. “C’mon it doesn’t need to be like this…you know I never wanted to betray you, I still don’t.” You desperately brought a memory to the forefront of your mind.
The All Father had for the first time in a long time been upset with Heimdall. Odin had compared him to Thor and Baldur, calling him useless in a fit of anger. You had never seen the golden God so defeated looking before.
“Heimdall…I just don’t think you give yourself enough credit.” The man scoffed at you. “I think I give myself plenty of credit. I am the Scion of the Aseir, the Watchmen of the Gods, I hold Gjallhorn and will Herald in -” You had cut him off with a small fit of laughter. “That’s exactly what I mean, Heimdall. You’re more than just those titles. You’re an actual living breathing person ya know? Think about it, what happens after Ragnarok, when there’s nothing left to Herald in and there are no more enemies?” You’d never forget the look on his face when you said that. You had spent the rest of the night talking to him, doing your best to comfort him in a way that wouldn’t offend him or make him think you pity him. Somehow your talk had led to kissing, and from kissing to more. You could see Heimdall’s face change slightly for a moment as he saw the memory in your mind. You couldn’t discern the emotion he had on display. “It matters not.” He said. “I saw the betrayal in your mind when you spoke to the Jotunn brat. Bringing up memories to try and manipulate me won’t work.” “Heimdall… for once look past your initial perception, please. You’re right I DON’T bow to Odin, I never will. But you…I would never betray you.” “A betrayal of Odin is a betrayal to me.” “Does it have to be? You protect Asgard, the realm you love so much right? If we can defeat Odin, maybe Asgard doesn’t need to be destroyed during Ragnarok.” You thought of something else, the future you envisioned with him. A shared bed in Himinbjorg, lazily riding Gulltoppr together in the sunset over the fields of Asgard, making love in an open field under the stars.
You watched his brows knit in a look of muddled emotions. “Manipulative little….” he stopped. He had you caged against the wall, putting both of his hands on either side of your face, his eyes closing. Every time he looked into yours, he saw more things that brought about pain for him. It would’ve been easier if you just assumed the role of the traitor. When he opened his eyes again, he met yours directly, he was frozen in place. He saw himself in your mind. The way you saw him, the way you felt about him. The hues of your love were warm reds and oranges, like waves in a sunset that crashed over him. For his whole life he had only felt he was any value to Odin. He would compete against his brothers knowing it was never love he would receive in return. Praise? Sure. Adoration? Maybe a little. Love? Never. “Heimdall..” You said his name almost in a whisper, putting your hand on his cheeks and rubbing them soothingly. He seemed to snap back to reality as he looked down at you. “Sunshine…” He leaned forward and captured your lips with his own, softly. “You really think you can defeat the All Father? Don’t answer that, you really do.” “Well… to be fair Heimdall, if you’re with us who does Odin really have left? We both know Thor’s heart was stained against him the moment his sons died.” Heimdall considered your words for a moment. He thought back to the beautiful visions you crafted in your sweet head for him to see. Maybe those were a future worth fighting for. “Fine.” He said crashing his lips into yours again, pulling you into a tight hug. “Fine, Sunshine. But only for the chance to see those cute tits in an Asgardian field.” His words made you blush, and you didn’t expect anything less from Heimdall, romantic flattery was never truly his style. “First though….. I still wanna see what pretty little sounds I can get out of you.” You gawked at him. ‘He can’t be serious, right here? What if someone walks by.’ You thought to yourself. “Let them watch then.” He said with a shrug. “Then they will know that you’re mine.” He pressed you back against the wall kissing your mouth before he placed a trail of kisses down to your jaw and neck, nipping every few spots. The kisses were sweet and had your heart fluttering, until he sucked hard on your collar bone, getting you to yelp. You knew a purple mark was forming there already. Heimdall seemed pleased with that noise as he slid his fingers up over your dress, undoing the string keeping it to you and allowing it to slide off. The cool air of Vanaheim caused you to shudder a little. “Don’t worry, if you’re a good girl for me I’ll make sure you’re nice and warm by the time we’re done.” He continued with his mouth, crouching a little so he could suck one of your hardening nipples. Another delicious mixture of a yelp and a moan. He worked your other nipple with his hand as his mouth continue down your stomach, placing hickies, kisses, and love bites as he went. “You’re gorgeous, you know that Sunshine?” He didn’t give you much chance to respond as he began kissing the inside of your thighs. He loved the way your legs trembled under him. “Sensitive, sensitive.” He teased, kissing everywhere but the one spot that you wanted. He could already see how wet you were and he chuckled. “All for me? I’m honored.” You were almost panting by the time he lifted you up by your waist, he held you high enough against the wall that he could stand and be face to face with your little wet pussy. You loved how strong he was, the way he seemed to be able to hold you like a feather. He leaned forward and lapped at your pussy slowly, dragging his tongue from your sopping hole to your clit with a couple of lazy licks. The feeling had you reeling already. “Heimdall…” You moaned out his name. He smiled against your wetness, he knew what he did to you, and he loved it. He then dove in, devouring your pussy like it was his last meal, lapping from hole to clit before sucking on the little pleasure bead. If he didn’t have a good grip on your legs you would have clamped them around his head, a mortal man’s may have popped like a watermelon. “That’s my girl, making all those pretty noises for me. That’s what I wanna hear.” He kisses your clit before teasing and sucking on it more and more. You feel wound up, the nice tense ball of heat in your lower region felt like it was about to burst. You covered your mouth with your hands, worried that if you screamed too loud it would draw the attention of others. When he saw that you did this he stopped completely, you let out a disappointed whine as he set you down. “What did I say? I wanted to hear all the pretty noises my Sunshine has to make, so there will be none of that.” He says motioning to your hands. He slipped off his belt and tightened around your wrists, not enough to hurt, just tight enough that he was able to hook your hands on a branch that was sticking through the stone wall, immobilizing you. “Much better!” He said lifting your heat up to his face again. Your cheeks were burning red, you wanted to protest but hadn’t the time when he resumed his attack on you, lapping at your clit. He used his left hand to hold your hip, legs tossed over his shoulders for support. He used his right hand to slide two of his fingers into your core, matching the speed with what his tongue was doing to you. You screamed. The ball of heat in your stomach finally burst and you came screaming, your juices dripping down his mouth and chin. He set you down gently and you were grateful for the branch now, as you wouldn’t be able to stand on your own with how your legs shook with aftershocks of your orgasm. You watched as he removed his bracers, tunic, and the undershoot. You admired his lean muscle in the moonlight, lit only by the few fire torches set around the area. You could see his erection was straining against his dark pants, and you unconsciously licked your lips thinking about it, which did not go unnoticed by him. He undid his pants just enough to let his throbbing cock spring free, precum already leaking out of the tip. “That look on your face sweetheart, is this what you’re wanting?” He asked gesturing down to his cock.
You nodded dumbly, your eyes already hazed over with the lust from your first orgasm. By this point you didn’t care who heard, all you could think about was Heimdall. His taste, his smell, the idea of having him stuff you completely. He could read what you wanted easily. “Say it. Say it outloud Sunshine, what do you want.” “Please Heimdall…I want to feel you inside of me.”
Heimdall smiled, lifting your legs up again to align himself at your hole. He pushed in slowly as and groaned at the nice friction against himself until he bottomed out inside of you. He stood there unmoving, besides the thumb he decided to rub against your cheek. “You’re so gorgeous like this you know.” His hand on your hip prevented you from moving and squirming for any kind of friction. He was just enjoying being so close to you…and of course the feelings of frustration floating through your pretty head. “What’s wrong? Is this not enough for you?” He chuckled. “All you said was that you wanted to feel me inside of you, and inside of you I am.” He teased but leaned forward to suck on your bottom lip when he saw the pout that formed. “If you want something, you have to ask for it.” “Please Heimdall….just…please fuck me…wanna feel you move…” You whined trying to squirm in his grasp. He leaned forward giving you one last kiss. “As you wish Sunshine.” He said pulling out to the tip before slamming back in. The noise you made was euphoric for him, only second to the way your walls clamped around him. He pulled out again and began to thrust into your heat at a steady pace, pleasurable for you both. He drank in the little mewls and whimpers he was able to pull from your mouth. “Such a good girl, taking all of me, making beautiful music for me too.” When he felt he was close, he used his thumb to rub circles on your clit in time with his thrusting. “That’s in, cum for me one more time.” He cooed picking up the pace, again you felt yourself spasm and cry out for your second more intense orgasm. Heimdall’s thrusts were more erratic as he was close, finishing inside you with hot ropes of his cum. He took a moment to catch his breath before pulling out of you and undoing the belt keeping your hands up. He made sure your were steady on your feet and helped you back into your clothing as he redressed himself as well. There was a brief silence between you, but not uncomfortable. He heard the thought in your head and turned to face you. “Y/N….I love you too,” he replied before leaning down to kiss you again. This kiss was different, not lustfull, but deep and passionate, your heart nearly cried when you heard him say the words back to you. He helped lift you onto Gulltoppr’s saddle so you could sit behind him. “If you really think you can convince that group of idiots to let me help…then I suppose we should be off.” “They’re not idiots, Heimdall.” “I’ll be the judge of that.” He said pulling the reins so the large beast began to move. You wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his back. This was never the outcome you had expected, but you were fluttering inside with joy at just knowing there was a chance for you two. “I love you.” You whispered out loud into his back. He gave a dramatic sigh. “I love you too.” He said again.
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blue-aurora-nora · 1 year
Sindri x F!Reader | I Love You
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"I don't know why the Hel you don't just confess to 'er," Brok thought aloud. He brought his mallet down onto the red hot metal, flipping it around to study his work, "It's obvious she likes ya back." He brought his mallet down upon the metal again.
Sindri snapped his head towards his brother, slamming his chest close, "That-!" He collected himself with a deep breath, lowering his tone, "That is not true. (Y/N) and I... We're just...good friends." He corrected delicately.
Brok turned to look at his brother with an unimpressed gaze, "Bullshit! Ya'll both got them goo goo eyes whenever ya'll get together!" He turned back to his work with a grimace, "'S disgustin."
Sindri's eyes widened at that, an incredulous look on his face as he put his hands on his hip, "Goo goo eyes?! There must be dust in your eyes, because that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in all my years of living."
"If he's got dust in his eyes, mine must be caked."
Both dwarves turned at the familiar voice.
Mimir greeted them both as he was placed on the dinner table.
Kratos strolled forward. He looked to be deep in thought. He unsheathed his blades and gave them to Brok for upgrades.
"Ah, Kratos." Sindri greeted. Atreus followed into the house soon after, "And Atreus! Welcome back! How was the mission?" Sindri asked nervously, hoping that the subject of you and him would be dropped.
"Fine." Kratos answered simply.
"Unlike your love life, it would appear." Mimir teased.
Sindri frowned, shoulders tensing, "There is no love life."
"There could be!" Mimir added jovially.
Atreus raised an eyebrow at the two, settling his gaze on Sindri's slumped frame, “Who's this about?" The young teen hadn't heard anything about Sindri having a love. This was his first time hearing anything.
"No one!" Sindri blurted just as Brok and Mimir answered over him simultaneously, "(Y/N)."
The germaphobe dwarf's composure drooped even more. This entire situation was hopeless, it seemed. There was no use denying it.
"Who's (Y/N)?" Atreus asked.
"A woman that my lovesick brother's been in love with since the World Tree came to be." Brok explained, working diligently on Kratos' blades, "Every time she comes 'round, his pheromones stink up the place!"
Sindri jumped at that, mouth gaping, "Pheromones?! Brok, that's just ridiculous! Don't say that in front of them!" He scolded, sighing tiredly when all he got back as an answer was a laugh.
He walked over to the dinner table with a long sigh and sat down, "It's true though... I've... liked (Y/N) for a very long time now... but it wouldn't work."
"Ohh, what makes you say that?" Mimir asked confusedly.
From what he understood, both of you had mutual feelings for each other. So, why was Sindri now saying that it wouldn't work?
After a few moments of silence, Sindri answered, "I... I can't touch her... Every time I try...I..." His voice wobbled, "I get too overwhelmed... We can't have a relationship like that. It wouldn't work."
How could he truly show his love for you if his fears overshadowed them?
"You'd rather wallow in regret?" Kratos asked rhetorically. He sat down at the dinner table across from the dwarf, a serious look on his face, "Do you truly love this woman?" Sindri nodded feverishly, "Then go to her. Tell her how you feel. If she feels for you just as much, both of you will find a way."
Sindri stayed quiet for a moment, deep in thought from Kratos' words.
Maybe he was right. He should just confess to you.
The worst thing you could say was no.
Or go in for a kiss... He would probably vomit if you did. He almost gagged just from the thought.
Standing tall, Sindri thanked Kratos and made way for the door. He needed to tell you right now.
Just as he left out his home, the realm door glowed briefly and you passed through it. You dusted your clothes off from nonexistent dust and looked up, visibly brightening when you saw Sindri standing just a few feet away.
"Sindri!" You called out happily, practically gliding your way over, "It’s been so long! How have you been? I'm sorry for not coming sooner," You rambled, “Some things came up that I had to take care of."
The dwarf waved away the apology, "No, don't be sorry! I'm just really-" He gulped, feeling his stomach drop suddenly, "I'm really happy to see you, (Y/N)."
"Me too. Let's go inside! I want to see Brok!" You told him, beginning to walk towards his home.
Sindri whipped around, sprinting in front of you with his arms out, "Wait! Wait, (Y/N)!" You stopped, staring at him with raised eyebrows. His fiddled his gloved fingers together and took a deep breath, "There's something… important I need to tell you."
You nodded understandably, “As do I, you go first.”
He took another deep breath, mentally preparing himself.
He opened his mouth and then closed it.
He repeated the action multiple times and you squinted at him.
“Sindri, are you okay?” You asked slowly.
The dwarf could feel his confidence melting away. His head lowered and his gaze was now downcast.
Why couldn’t he get any of his words out? Why was confessing so hard to do?
How did you fall in love with someone like him?
You seemed to somehow understand his inner turmoil and stepped forward slightly. You kept your eyes on everything but Sindri as you spoke, “Sindri… I think I know what you’re going to say.” You said.
Sindri looked up at you, “Really?”
“Yes. And I feel the same way. You’re someone special to me.”
Sindri brightened at the wording, “You’re special to me too.” That was much easier to say than ‘I love you’ yet it felt just as powerful.
You both sat in a comfortable silence, glancing into one another’s eyes every so often.
“Are you really okay with this?” Sindri asked you carefully, “Even if I can’t touch you?”
“Of course I’m okay with this, Sindri. We can find other ways to love each other. I know we can.”
And you both did.
Sindri was able to build a special pair of bracelets with a special stone for you both to wear that would send gentle vibrations to the other whenever tapped.
Thankfully, Sindri found that he could use it as a loophole to kiss you, bringing the bracelet to his lips whenever he had the chance.
You’d feel it vibrate against your wrist and then bring it to your lips, returning the kiss back to Sindri.
That was how you both said good morning, good night and most importantly;
I love you.
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theunexplainable · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do a snippet of Atreus being well enough to be home but still bedridden, with Brok and Sindri babysitting him and Brok trying to be all tough and Sindri fussing over him but they are clearly struggling with the fact that they’re surrogate nephew is this sick
Im absolutely loving this prompt my dude! Did my best, hope you like it!
"Atreus! What are you doing?! How did you get out here?!" Sindri yelped, rushing over to where his nephew sat at an outside table.
"My father carried me out here!" Atreus explained happily, unperturbed by Sindri's odd attitude. In the doorway to the backyard, Kratos grunted, seemingly a noise of agreement.
"And how do you plan to get back inside if your father's leaving for work?" Sindri questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.
Atreus stood up at that question. "I'll walk," he stated simply, grabbing the handle of his movable respirator and walking easily over to the door. The tiled path made it easy for Atreus to pull the respirator along, it also helped that it had wheels. Kratos turned away, walking into the kitchen and grabbing his suit jacket, which rested upon the dining chair that was neatly tucked into the dinner table. He pulled both arms through the sleeves just as Sindri helped Atrus get his respirator through the door, and then led Atreus to the couch, demanding he sit down.
"Don't be too harsh on the lad brother," Mimir said, trying to soothe the agitated gun mechanic.
"Yeah, the sac seed’s doing fine," Brok commented, sitting down beside Atreus.
Atreus smiled warmly, “Yeah Sin! I'm doing- “ Atreus’s attempts at reassuring the worried male were made fruitless as he was interrupted by a coughing fit. It wracked his small frame, startling Brok, and causing Kratos to pause his trip out of the door to make sure Atreus recovered, even as Mimir reassured him and pushed both of them out the door before closing it behind them.
“I'm fine, don’t worry!” Atreus rasped out, not wanting them to be worried about him, even if it was technically their job.
Sindri eyed the young boy nervously, watching Atreus’s chest as the respirator pumped oxygen in and out. Brok, although he didn’t show it, was also quite worried, they had never seen Atreus so sick, let alone know that he was sick. When Kratos asked them to babysit Atreus while he and Mimir went to business meetings, the brothers were ecstatic, Atreus had quickly become family to them in the little time they knew him. And being able to make sure he was doing okay seemed like a blessing, it had been quite a shock to them to see the boy hooked up to medical machinery. The large black sweater and gray sweatpants did little to hide Atreus’s small frame, the boy was quite skinny and small for someone his age, and it made the brothers even more worried.
“Really, I'm fine, I was much worse a couple days ago! They had to use a feeding tube because I couldn’t eat anything solid!” Atreus explained, laughing a bit at the faces the brothers made at the new information. “Anyway, do you guys wanna watch a movie?”
“Sure, what kind of movies ya got?” Brok asked, wanting to change the conversation.
Sindri walked over to the shelves underneath the living room TV that housed the various amounts of movies Kratos had gotten for Atreus. “What about something nice?” He asked as he picked out a movie, the title read ‘A Dog's Purpose’. It seemingly looked like a happy movie, so Sindri put it in the DvD player, turned on the TV, and settled down beside his brother to watch it.
After that, the day continued on normally, other than the occasional argument over what to watch and a coughing fit from Atreus. And after putting Atreus to bed, the two brothers sat down to talk.
“How sick do you have to be to use a feeding tube?” Sindri questioned, his voice so small Brok almost didn't catch it.
“Very sick, too sick to move, or think, properly that is.” Brok grumbled back, Atreus had seemed almost deathly pale throughout the day, it almost scared them, yet only Sindri showed it.
“How can you call a kid healthy when they can barely walk or breathe right?”
Sindri stared at the ground, the question made him think what being sick meant to Atreus if the state he was in was what he called healthy.
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heimdallsram · 2 years
Im such a sucker for your series 😭 its like my guilty pleasure, i can't wait to see their relationship develop,,, quick question (if thats all right,) do you have any tips on how to get heimdall's personality down? It seems like its a common wall that some of the fandoms writers are blocked by, i hope you can shed some insight on how you go about it👍
Of course! And I totally understand getting blocked by it, Heimdall is by no means easy to write; every scene he's in, it takes me a lot of thought. I'm not good with uppity, smarter than thou, asshole characters, but I usually do end up loving them regardless. I think it's a habit at this point, haha.
I've heard this analogy before, and I'm sure it's been spread around Tumblr many times, but a character is like an onion. There's the thinner outer layers, the ones they only want you to see that are usually vibrant, run over with color, but that is merely an illusion. When you peel to the deeper layers, they get thicker, shorter, more full of flavor and less colorful--unappealing, to some, or unappealing to themselves? That's for the beholder to decide. And when you get to the core, it's the best part for cooking, or writing, in this instance.
So Heimdall is an onion, much like any other character is an onion. A good reference would be, and don't laugh at me for this, Kratos. Kratos did not end up the man he has become without struggle and sacrifice; Heimdall, on the other hand, has not had to sacrifice or struggle to get where he has in life (from what we know of him in the game) at all. He's spoiled, been brought up by nine mothers who, by all regards, gave him the love Odin did not--but as we all know, you seek what you cannot have, and for Heimdall, that is both Odin's love and approval, and also... the desire to be useful.
It is a simple desire, when boiled down to it, but isn't that what most characters want? What they will never have? Freya wanted Baldur's happiness, selfishly, and his protection, but in the end, she could not have what she wanted; Kratos desired peace, but due to his curse and desire to protect Atreus, he could not have it until he struggled once more; Odin sought knowledge over death and the afterlife, but he paid the price for it through Ragnarök and through his countless marriages and children.
Heimdall's shallow, vain, bully-like personality is only a small part of what we are allowed to see of him. During his fight, and death, we see more of him, but only a fraction: he does not want anyone to control his fate, when he lives or dies. This is probably largely due to the fact that Odin goes to the extremes to get what he wants, even using his children to do so. I would not put it past him to have something to do with Heimdall's closeness to Bifrost, but that's something for later.
Back on to the topic, though, Heimdall is complex. Add on to what we know of him and what we can see and analyze, he has serious depth that was not explored, as he was a means to an end, in a sense. And to a degree, he probably knew that behind his false sense of bravado. He has gone all his life serving Odin, never doubting him, the most loyal Aesir in all of Asgard. But that kind of loyalty will never come without a price. Heimdall has no life save to monitor humanity and the wall; he has no trust in those around him, save Odin, because he knows what they are thinking, what their intentions are; he opens up, momentarily, about Gulltoppr, but even then, it's the more shallow attention seeking version, because animals are, above all, honest. They cannot lie.
Can you imagine such an existence? Living with the knowledge that you have to know what everyone thinks of you, how they doubt you, constantly, without any way of controlling it? Heimdall would have to had learned that control, as nothing is ever innate. That kind of life breeds isolation, loneliness, and above all, once more, the desire to be loved, useful. His mothers are no longer in the picture by the time the game begins, so we can assume that Odin does not give him any attention as they would have. And we do not know, truly, if he was separated from them or left willingly.
So, forgive me for the rambling tirade, but my tips, with all regards to what I have said, would be this:
• Heimdall will have hidden anger and mistrust. How would he attempt to overcome that, if persuaded to do so? How would that affect him if he had someone to trust, a lover, a friend, involved?
• A father figure will have precedence when a mother is absent. Heimdall is loyal to Odin. How does he choose to reflect that loyalty? How does he deflect his doubt about his father even as the rest of his family suffers?
• Heimdall does not seem the type to consider Odin's other children family. Would he be deeply impersonal and snarky? The idea of a family would likely revolt him. Think of how he mocked Atreus to Kratos; this is the mocking of a wounded child who pushes his inferiority and experiences onto others. Heimdall will struggle with this.
• Odin, for whatever reason, inspires loyalty. Heimdall is the enforcer of that loyalty. How far would he go for Odin? What is he driven by? The answer is up to you.
• For the sake of fanfiction, would Heimdall be open to a partner/lover? I honestly do not think so. He has proven to be doubtful and mistrustful from the get go, but, but, but, he has shown to also be mischievous for his own gain. But with time, effort, and proof that you are not a liar? Maybe he would consider it, and for Heimdall I think that would speak volumes.
• In addendum to that: actions vs words. Heimdall is mouthy as hell. But notice, in the game, that his actions do not match his words. He taunts, jeers, yes, but while fighting Atreus, he is calm, waiting for openings, chipping at his esteem. While in the fight with Kratos, as he is close to dying, he is far from calm: he is not in control. His actions are wild, frenzied, but they are also alive, while brief.
• Heimdall does not come easy to write, especially if you are doing a deep dive into his psyche. If you are writing something short, concise, and purely self indulgent, I would say not to worry too much about his portrayal. Be accurate, to a point, but let your ideas take you away. If you want to be more serious, more dark and brooding, take the onion approach as I did. Think about how, at each stage, how he would reveal himself, be the tiniest bit more vulnerable.
• There is obviously creative freedom to be respected here. So, you can imagine Heimdall as you like, truly, but blending that line between Canon and fiction is... chef's kiss. You could take it anywhere: he may be secretly introverted within, unable to cope with living in a society like Asgard, so he seeks the wall instead; or, pushed aside for Thor and Baldur, Odin sees no use for him except to walk the wall and slowly exposes the doubt he harbors. Really, the possibilities are endless!
This is getting very long, as I seem to have a habit of doing, but my point is this: treat him like he's something new and undiscovered. Write him from a point of view that is solely yours, even if it may seem inaccurate. Look at him like a fascinating new creature that you wish to study, decipher, poke and prod at; figure out what makes him tick.
Figure out what secrets he harbors deep within.
I hope this was helpful, anon! And if not to you, maybe someone else will get something out of this. 💕
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screechthemighty · 2 years
No but, fr, no more Kratos backstory, they lost the rights to do that after Fallen God, I want the next major GoW tie-in to be about Faye. I just still have so many questions like. When did she learn all of this? Is the novelization canon in this regard, meaning she learned while she was pregnant? = Is the great tragedy that she knew from the moment she laid eyes on Kratos how this story would end, or that she had the rug pulled out from under her after years (YEARS!) of peace and happiness? Did she know what the Norns knew--that “fate” is just a construct of what happens when people think they don’t have choice and give in to what is sometimes the worst version of themselves because they believe change is impossible? Or was it enough for her that an obsession with fate destroyed the Realms, and she wasn’t going to let her family go down that same path? How long had she known about Kratos’s ultimate fate, that one day the world would love him as much as she does? From the start, or later?
What toll did it take? All those years of fighting? Of losing everything she had before? Being the last survivor of the Giants in a realm where she could be killed at any moment? We know what she did for Kratos, what she gave him, but how much did he give back? When told Kratos to open his heart to the world, how much of that was an unsaid That’s how I found you, after all?  Can I PLEASE see them mutually inspire each other to live, Miyazaki-style?
I want to see her raise her son! I want to see her apologize to him through every sickness and every sleepless night he can’t remember! Not just for the illness, but for the fact that she’ll have to leave him one day! I want to see how she learned to cope with her own trauma specifically to avoid Atreus ever having to bear its aftereffects! I want to see her laugh at Brok’s stupid crude jokes and talk to Sindri for hours about weapon construction and I just want to see what she was really like as a person, Santa Monica are you LISTENING-
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 years
Happy New Year everyone and hopes to a good year bc....hehe last year was freaky deaky on a whole different level! Other than that I shall give you some joy this day in the form of....Sindri!
I have decided to give you love and happiness for this dwarf and his love that is a black dragon fae who claimed him like a coin for her horde so let's get it on!
Hope you enjoy and hopefully it's not too long!
A New Life
{An OC × Sindri Fanfic}
{Flash × Sindri}
Warnings: Trauma, "censored cursing", blood mentions, "death", OCD/Germaphobia, etc.
Rating: Fluffy with a side of sugar, spice, and everything nice....and maybe some tears {mostly mild} {embracing character roles}
{Flash's pov}
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the front door open. My sisters and brother were here. All of them. My twin sister, Katerina, or Kat for short, was the first to hug me. Her slightly taller form picking me up as we embraced, I held her tightly against me as she wept.
"I thought I lost you in Greece...I'm glad you and Kratos are alright" Kat wiped her tears.
"nothing can kill this looming column of meat, and you can't get rid of me that easily!" I chuckled.
"Well the Pegasus can't always save every hero she meets!" My older sister, Terresa or Terri, hugged us both in her strong arms, " We're all glad you're alive! Right Ally?!"
My eldest sister, Alexandra or Ally, turned to me. I nearly sh*t my pants just waiting for her to beat me into the ground like a bug under a sandal but all I got was a slap to the face and then a warm embrace.
"Next time be more considerate, you have someone else that cares for you, besides I have faith you'll do the right thing" she put her hand to my cheek.
"I know...and I will..."
"Good that's all I ask" she chuckled as she stood up straight and started talking to Kratos. Military friends and all.
I soon spotted Ava talking with Sindri and Freya in the corner of my eye.
"Am I not gonna get any hugs from my little sister?"
Ava perked up and ran over to me, she may be taller than me by a inch or so but I am still her big sister. She hugged me with all her might.
"How's your magic? You getting better?" I asked.
"Y-Yes! And I have been t-training with Gavin in your absence in fighting to keep m-myself safe!" She shyly but happily said as she tucked her bright red hair behind her ear.
"Oh you have huh? Well then I think I need to claim my right as fighting instructor." I said as I turned to Gavin with a smirk, my older adopted brother.
"Not happening, besides I'm still sore from her accidentally summoning vines and branches from our last sword duel" Gavin sighed as he rubbed his shoulder.
"That's me sis! Showing him who's boss huh?!" I laughed and hugged Ava's side and smiled.
"T-Thanks sis" she giggled.
"Now why don't you talk with Atreus, he's been dying to get to know someone around his age...or mindset"
"Oh?! O-ok!" She trotted off to a very happy Atreus.
I smiled and then looked towards Sindri who looked nervous.
"You ok?"
"Yeah Yeah just a bit overwhelmed of meeting my soon to be in-laws...at least their proper and nice...and wiped their feet...and offered to help" Sindri fiddled with his hands nervously, "It's not every day that you're marrying a dragon/fae princess"
"Yeah well once we get married...I'm thinking of leaving that luxury behind some." I sighed as I stretched a bit.
"Why? It's the best thing you can do by letting them have some luxury!" Freyr chuckled as he downed some mead.
"Well I want a different pace and being out on my own for most of my life has opened my eyes some. I want us and our possible future children to live how they wanna be and to show them that everything is not handed to them. Let them adventure a little." I smiled, "Besides Tir na nog is great and all but I wanna try new things"
"Mom and Dad would be proud of that choice." Kat spoke up as she walked towards Sindri, Freya, Freyr and I, "besides they wanted me to give you this as a wedding gift" she pulls something from her pouch. It was traditional garbs from our homeland. One looked like it was meant for my wedding and another for normal use.
"Woah...Mom and Dad made this for me?"
"Yup, made from the scales of Volcano, Uncle Maato's dragon, and the wedding gard was made from the silks and water droplets of the Crystallus Tree of the Oasis so that your moment would be a part of history"
D*mn sis you about nearly made me cry more than I should. I wiped my tears. I hugged her tightly.
"oh! I nearly forgot! Sindri they also made you something!"
"They did?" He looked at Kat in question.
"Yeah they did, my husband pitched in as well since he adores you and your brother's works and he also works in a forge" Kat soon pulled out two new tool belts that my brother-in-law and his family leather worked, "I hope they do fit you two"
Sindri held his new belt and tried it on. It fit him perfectly, "it looks amazing! Such craftsmanship and attention to the gold details! Brok come here!"
Brok stumbled over here as well and tried his on. He was amazed as well, "Well I'll be...tie me up and call me a stuck boar because this is amazing!" He laughed as he traced the silver details on his.
I smiled at the two trying out their new tool belts and seeing how well they fit. Then I got to thinking. What will the wedding be like after Ragnarok...will there even be a wedding?! I don't want anyone to die or fall because of it. But...I can't think of any other time because I don't want our happiness to run short.
We had to stop Odin
With Heimdall gone it was inevitable. I couldn't shake something else from my thoughts either.
How Tyr became so...quiet
Does he know something? Keeping secrets?
Was it because I've gotten my powers back?
Was he scared of my power?
No... can't be... he's their god of war...
"Hey Tyr you've...been awfully quiet? Having fun? Overwhelmed?" I spoke up to him from the table.
"No No just... thinking" he spoke up.
"About what? A way to Asgard? You finally gonna join us?"
"There's no way to Asgard..."
"But we have leverage, we have the mask and the horn, what else do we need?" I walked closer to him, slamming my hand lightly on the table.
He stood up and started walking, "Nothing... you'll have your peace soon one way or another..."
"My only peace right now is to settle the score with Asgard, for taking everything, the dwarves are my family as much as the others"
"They didn't take everything, they provided with what they could" Tyr turned to me with a dark tone underlying in his speech
"I know a coward when I smell one...and you smell like one...a very familiar one..." I glared into his eyes.
"Take one to know one...and I know all about you...and you never seem to take...a...HINT!" Tyr reached from his belt and pulled a knife. He swung at me as someone pushed me out the way. Once I hit the floor, I turned back to see Brok at the end of the blade.
"BROK!!!" I cried out. I caught him as everyone ran to our aid.
Odin revealed himself and grabbed Atreus.
"Release my son!" Kratos growled at Odin.
"I would've settled for more but you guys got a bargain, we're square for Heimdall..." Odin hissed.
Everyone started to argue back and forth. Soon Freya came to our aid to help. Her magic was not fast enough.
"Brok please..." Sindri cried out next to me, "You can't leave us..."
"I...I know what you've done...and I forgives ya..." Brok sputtered out, "Live on without me..."
"No...NO I won't let you die!" I cried out trying to give power to him to keep awake. That was until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my twin sister.
"Together..." She gave me a look that I knew what she meant. She kneeled next to Brok and put her hands on his wound. I put my hands over hers. Our hands and crystals began to glow red and purple.
I started focusing my energy to her and Brok. Kat started her healing spell, one that has been passed down in our family to special healers like her and our Uncle Laurence. Magic begins to draw from our crystals and the area around us. Defying the natural order takes a lot of energy. Good thing I have plenty.
My sister chants her spell as Brok's wound began to heal.
It was working.
He was gonna be ok!
Once the spell was finished, Brok began to breath again normally. Both my sister and I coughed and took heavy breaths as Sindri hugged his brother. I looked over to Odin who had let go of Atreus at the sight of me with a dark aura. I. Was. PISSED.
I looked that coward dead in the eyes and growled lowly.
"You think you'll be able to hide from my wrath...think again...because you messed with my treasure...my family...then you will face the retribution...The Wrath of the Dragon King! " I roared out at him as he escaped in his swarm of ravens.
I huffed as I turned around.
"Flash..." Ally spoke up and placed her hand on me, "Breathe"
I breathed in, as I did the scales that raised up on my back started to lower and my horns started to shrink to a miniature size. My eyes returned to normal once I opened them. I collapsed to my knees near Sindri and Brok and hugged them tightly.
"Your twin is something else...best not piss the healer off" Brok joked and it brought a chuckle to my lips.
"Sod off...and Thank you" I looked towards Kat.
"True family helps each other, no matter what, best to before it's too late." She smiled as she looked to Atreus.
"I'm so sorry Sin...we...I..." Atreus spoke through shocked tears.
"It's alright...but that fool will pay for messing with us!" Sindri patted his shoulder, "I'm tired of being left out! I want to fight!"
"Thanks Sin, and we will bring Odin down, one way or another!" Atreus smirked as he clutched the mask.
With Ragnarok gone and everyone safe it was time to tackle another mission. With the real Tyr found and survivors settled into their new realms, we decided to have the wedding in Svartalfheim. Nidavellir sounded the most appropriate since I'll be marrying a dwarf. I was nervous. I'm normally not nervous for long but this was probably what Ally and Kat said we're Pre-Wedding jitters or something.
Freya, my sisters, Angrboda, and Lunda were all helping me with my wedding outfit and my hair. It was all woven with gems, gold, and whatnot. It was past my shoulders by now and my twin decided a braid would be good with a traditional circlet.
"You look amazing Flash" Kat spoke up.
"thanks, I hope Sindri doesn't faint at the ceremony..."
"Viktor almost did with Ally with how beautiful she looked" Terri joked as Ally smacked her shoulder in jest.
"We're all rooting for you, now you have your exchange?" Ally added.
"I've been thinking about it and...I know what to give him...it's simple but it's traditional in the Draken ways."
"Oh? And what is that?" Angrboda spoke up.
"You'll see" I winked as I stood up to head to the ceremony.
The square was all decorated. People gathered to celebrate the union. Reab and others playing music as I arrived. It was all perfect.
There I saw Sindri.
He stood near Durlin and Brok with his armor all shiny in white robes. He lit up at the sight of me walking in my white garbs and bouquet of white lilies and red roses. Once I made it to him I held onto my exchange gift under my bouquet. Sindri seemed to fiddle with something before we joined hands.
"Now before anyone speaks or cheers, Let's let the love birds speak a vow before exchanging something special to them to show their sign of love and devoutness" Durlin spoke up.
"Like they need to, we all know what they have is unbreakable! No one will dare..." Brok spoke up in a grumble.
Now one said a word.
Once Durlin gave us a nod, Sindri started his vow as he held up a bracelet he forged from a piece of his armor.
"Falishia...Flash...I vow to do my best to keep you safe. I promise to be a good husband and a devout father if we ever have children. And with this enchanted bracelet your power shall never waver with the amount of magic and my love forged into it. For even with all your flaws, I still love you with all my heart, beasties and all" he spoke as he slipped the bracelet onto my right arm, a perfect fit.
Everyone awed at the sight of commitment.
Then it was my turn...
Great I'm more nervous than before.
I pulled out my gift. I woven my scales into a similar necklace to the one I usually wear. I cleared my throat as I spoke up.
"Sindri, I vow to help you and to be the strength you need in your times of need. I vow to be a loving wife and a proud mother to the future children we will one day bear. With my scales you shall never feel alone no matter how far apart we are and no dragon will harm you so long as you wear it. I love you for accepting my brutish ways and for the bond we share is unbreakable. For I am your loyal dragon until the end of our days. I love you forevermore." I said as I put the necklace on him.
I could see he was tearing up badly. I wiped his tears as Durlin spoke up as he tied a woven white and gold sash around our hands.
"With the gods as our witnesses and the love we have been shared. I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss"
We leaned close to each other and leaned into a gentle kiss. Everyone cheered. The dwarves, our friends and family, everyone. Then Sindri tugged me down and pulled me into a dipped kiss in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him into a more heated kiss as I tossed my bouquet into the crowd. Lunda caught it with no problem as she smiled at Brok. His blue face turned a shade of red with embarrassment and happiness. Those two were meant for each other.
Once the ceremony was over we danced, partied and whatever else for hours on end. Sindri and I were as happy as can be. Let's just say at the end of that celebration, and a few too many drinks, we had fun back home. Don't worry, Lunda made sure Brok was away for the rest of the night.
Years have passed now since those fateful days. I have decided to stay in the 9 realms...well 8 now...I think...
Anyways, I've decided to stay while my family lived on back in our homeland. It was a tough choice but it was a great one. Even though I know Sindri and the others would've loved being there, it just wasn't right just yet. Besides I had a new mission now.
Sindri and I were blessed with twins, a boy and a girl. We named them Margo and Mylo.
Margo comes from my father's native tongue meaning pearl.
Mylo was more from the realms native language meaning a soldier or merciful.
I love them with all my hearts and when they were born, both Sindri and Brok shedded tears. Lunda helped with the clothing and helping out. Brok and Sindri made cradles, toys, you name it.
Margo is a father's girl. Took mostly after him with the Dwarven genes and his hair but she caught my blue eyes. She also got my fire breath. Her little crystal was blue with gold filling the end of it.
Mylo on the other hand was struck with the "tall dwarf" gene from me. He was mostly Draken with shiny black scales with a sparkle of gold in his scales. His crystal was a red orange color with silver filling at the end. He takes a lot after me plus long dwarf arms.
They're my pride and joy and their father holds my love. I wouldn't have it any other way.
I hope for years to come
We can all cherish
"Mom?! You done writing in your journal?! I wanna go hunting!!!" Mylo whined
"I'm coming I'm coming! Go get your weapons, we're going big tonight" I chuckled.
"Why do you write in that anyway? It's not like you're going anywhere! You're too stubborn to die!"
"Yeah Yeah but it's for someone else to remember, maybe when we're all gone, maybe our descendants..." I winked.
"Telling them stories huh?" Sindri chuckled.
"One day our ways will be forgotten, and our love will be gone from this plain of living, someone has to do it. And by the Wandering Wolf the path has been laid!"
"I'd love to see what they will think of us" Margo smiled.
"Only time will tell for now let's go hunt for a momentous occasion! Happy birthday my dragonlings" I hug my twins.
"Thanks mom!" They chuckled.
"Let's go before Uncle Brok and Aunt Lunda get here!" Mylo spoke up and ran out the door with Margo behind him.
"They grow up so fast" Sindri wrapped his arm around my waist, free of his glove.
"Too fast if you ask me, We'll be back before sundown" I kissed his lips as I ran after them. Sindri waved us good-bye as the bright sun greeted us to a new dawn.
A New Life
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