thsc-stuffs · 1 year
Remus & Riella Playlist Analysis
I SAID I'D DO IT FUCK IT HERE GOES NOTHING here's the playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7rHcxumJVqcFaJ2gQhTm98?si=1827a6c6b9254fa8
These are just ones I have particularly big feelings and words for, a lot of these songs are just on here because Sweet Love Songs or they have Vibes
Monster | Imagine Dragons - They both struggle with their inhuman natures, and feel they'll be seen differently for it. They both worry the other will fear them. { "If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me? And if I seem dangerous, would you be scared?" } - Riella has always had a sense of Otherness, both in her Siren heritage and her being trans. All she ever wanted was to be like her sisters, but achieving that meant facing that she was different. It meant facing the 'monster' within her. { "Ever since I could remember, everything inside of me just wanted to fit in" } - Remus didn't want to live his life as a werewolf. He accepted the offer to be turned out of desperation, while believing he was going to die, but now he has to face what he's become. He's spent his entire life running because of his otherness, but that's not what he wants. { "Can I clear my conscience? If I'm different from the rest, do I have to run and hide?" } - Both feel that they've become monsters, literally and metaphorically. They've killed, hurt, lied, and they've both tied these things back to their inhuman natures. They see themselves as humans fighting against the 'monster' of their inhuman parts. { "I'm only a man with a candle to guide me- I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me. A monster, a monster, I've turned into a monster. A monster, a monster- and it keeps getting stronger!" }
King And Lionheart | Of Monsters and Men - Pretty self-explanatory. Sweet love song. Specifically feels like their growth over time, how they've fallen in love and looking back on how far they've come from the beginning. { "Though far away, though far away, though far away- we're still the same, we're still the same, we're still the same." } - Their time on the airship makes up a major part of their relationship!! So many romantic and emotional moments looking down on the world!! { "And in the winter night sky, ships are sailing, looking down on those bright blue city lights- and they won't wait, and they won't wait, and they won't wait. We're here to stay, we're here to stay, we're here to stay." }
Will I Find My Home - Acoustic |Juniper Vale and Vian Izak - OH BOY. Remus and Riella both left home far too young, misguided and unsure, against their better wishes- Remus wishing his father was still around, Riella being taken against her will. They didn't get to leave on grand ambitions, nor with some brilliant moment of freedom- they ran with blood on their hands. { "I left the nest when I was far too young; never set my flight for the sun." } - Riella has already been hurt by love, her ex being the one to sell her out, so she's so wary when she starts falling for Remus. Is he worth the hurt? Her love for him could be her glowing freedom, but would it be her downfall once more? { "Are you worth getting lost over, love? If I offer myself will it lift me up? Are you worth letting into my heart? If I go and get caught will I fall too far?" } - Remus watched his home fall apart. He's so desperate to have that feeling back, but he doesn't know where to start- except here is Riella, and here is love, and isn't that the same? { "Will I find my home, will I find my home- my home in you?" } - Over time in the clan, and in their relationship, they start to find their own passions and ask themselves if the risk may be worth it. They're learning to think it could be. { "Icarus thought he'd find his place a little higher; it's curious, the flame of the fire." } - Finally, after so long, they admit their love. It's a safety net beneath their fall, the catalyst to their growth and strength. They trust and love each other endlessly, unconditionally. No matter how badly the world burns them, they know the other is safety. { "Be my place to land when I'm tired- when my feathers are burnt by the fire. I surrender myself to your arms, just hold me tighter." }
Second Child, Restless Child | The Oh Hellos - Remus song time! He has big feelings about his childhood and how it's led to his view on the world in adulthood. { "I was born the second child, with a spirit runnin wild, runnin free. And they saw trouble in my eyes- they were quick to recognize the devil in me. See, I was born a restless child, and I could hear the world outside callin me." } - His need to get away was what led him to the clan, after all, and that led him to Riella. { "Can you hear it on the wind? Can you feel it underneath your skin? You've got to go on, farther than you've ever gone! You've got to run far from all you've ever known!" }
I have to break up the text block, so: COMMENCE CRANE WIVES
The Garden | The Crane Wives - This one's mostly Riella, babyyy. She's watched her world fall apart too many times, sometimes she can't help but feel like she's taken the wrong path in life. She worries that she's trapped Remus and herself both within the danger of the clan, and that someday her Karma will come for her. { "My stone, my shield, my steady hand. Hold your light to the darkness in my head. Put your ear to my heart or set your teeth against my throat- give me something pretty to wear beneath my blood-stained clothes! My darling, the devil knows my name!" }
Can't Go Back | The Crane Wives - The lyrics speak for themselves on this one, with it being both of them to the other. { "It's time to learn to be more forgiving of yourself, and your sins. And those mistakes you've made- you've got to try and take the lessons away from them, and leave the rest behind." } { "All the self-loathing in the world won't change a thing. Cause you can't go back, darling. The time has come for moving on. You can't be always tryin to dig up what you've already buried- you've got to carry, carry, carry on." } { "It's not fair! (When have you ever known the world to be a fair place?) It's not fair! (All things end and all things change.) It's not fair! (You'll look back and laugh someday.) It's not fair! (Or, at least, you'll learn to be okay.)" }
Curses - Live | The Crane Wives - Another vibes one, this time Riella @ Remus about her whole Siren thing. She's lost and scared and confused, reaching out to him for comfort and reassurance that he still loves her despite this. { "There's a fire in my brain and I'm burning up- oh my, oh my. Keep running for the sink but the well is dry- oh my, oh my. Every word I say is kindling, but the smoke clears when you're round. Oh, stay with me, my darling, when my walls start burning down, down, down..." } - This change is a echo of her life before, of the family who abandoned her, and it's just as hauntingly familiar as it is horrifyingly new. She hasn't ever gotten to unpack those feelings, nor the realization that Sirens are predators, and now they're haunting her. She no longer feels at home with herself, not until she can work through this. { "This house says my name like an elegy- oh my, oh my. Echoing where my ghosts all used to be- oh my, oh my. There's still cobwebs in the corners and the backyard's full of bones! Won't you stay with me, my darling, when this house don't feel like home?" } - She feels that she's doomed, and that Remus will be dragged down with her. Riella's terrified what this all will mean for them, yet begs for Remus to stay by her side through this. { "Oh, ashes ashes, dust to dust- the devil's after both of us! Oh, lay my curses all to rest- make a mercy out of me!" } - Despite her fear, she can't deny the changes taking place, that she's unlocked her Siren and there's no turning back. All she can do is pray that Remus doesn't turn his back on her. { "This tired old machine is a-rumbling- oh my, oh my. Singing songs to the secrets behind my eyes- oh my, oh my. All my aching bones are trembling, and I may yet fall apart- won't you stay with me, my darling, when the war starts in my heart? When the war starts in my heart!" } { "Oh, ashes ashes, dust to dust- tell me I am good enough. Lay my curses out to rest, make a mercy out of..." }
How to Rest |The Crane Wives - Another Riella one? Another Riella one. This one is her singing to her past self, looking back on her reluctance and refusal to love again. Her younger self had hidden away, convinced enough walls built around her heart could protect her, but the Riella of the present knows better. { "Go on, stack the cinderblocks in a cold sweat. Build yourself a citadel amidst the foothills of regret. And though you've convicned yourself, you're safe and sound within- the thing you fear the most never need get in." } - She remembers how much the isolation hurt, how badly she missed love. Having her family and boyfriend cut her off hurt so much, and hiding away was only making it worse. { "You'll miss the sun. The warmth of another's embrace- you'll need room to run, and something to chase. And that thing you fear will coax you out of that unholy place- cause all you've ever wanted is an escape." } { "Those of us who vow never to love again, to love again, are making liars out of honest men. It's not something that you put to bed, hang your head and just forget; no, love don't know how to rest. No, love don't know how to rest." } - She looks back on the years of heartache and suffering, both before and after joining the clan, to the hours spent trying to forget and force herself not to love, and she laments to her younger self; { "Darling, when you've tired, you will see. There's no safe place, no sanctuary. It's not just child's play, a game of hide and seek- don't make it harder than it has to be." } { "Here's the truest thing I've ever known- the heart is just a muscle with a rhythm all its own. It doesn't stop when you decide not to move on! The heart knows nothing of your love or of your loss! So life just keeps on ticking by, compelled by instinct to survive, and love's the only thing worth being alive for!" }
Turn out the Lights | The Crane Wives - Light-hearted comfort, directed at each other! Pretty self-explanatory! { "You don't have to believe every single thought that tumbles through your head, just cause it sounds like you talkin! Sometimes all you can do is say goodnight, and tuck your demons into bed, cause they're not worth fighting. Turn out the lights on your racing mind! Turn out the lights on your racing mind! What good has ever come of it, what answers will you find? Turn out the lights on your mind!" }
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some-pers0n · 9 months
I hate how people will look at popular indie artists who had one or two songs go viral on TikTok and start making fun of anybody who listens to them. "Oh you listen to Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Jack Stauber, Glass Animals, and Mother Mother? Tsk, don't you know that is stupid TikTok neurodivergent white transmasc preteen music? It's so mid and bad you should listen to real music–" you are a pit of misery
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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citricacidprince · 6 months
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Was forced to get a new phone today
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opikiquu · 4 months
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jumbleddufus · 5 months
there's a reason taylor swift called her new album the tortured poets department because it would literally torture any poet that listens to it
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applebees4prez · 2 months
rewatching neverafter knowing gerard was never properly socialized and spent most of his life as a frog makes me feel so much. of course he’s awkward and weird! of course he’s going to say the wrong thing! he was a frog for a huge part of his life! he literally didn’t have anyone to converse with from the end of childhood until the beginning of his adulthood. he missed out on some incredibly formative years.
also “outside is scary inside is safe that is why castles are built! everything is good in here!” from a man who was only safe once he was allowed inside and suffered intense trauma for years uninterrupted while being forced outside goes so insane. it only makes sense that he added “and flies” to elody’s list of threats. flies represent the worst part of his existence. he is unsafe when surrounded by flies and forced to use them as a source for food. gerard is forced to learn that you can be unsafe anywhere. he can be a frog anywhere, even in a position of royalty that should grant him to utmost comfort.
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gorgynei · 2 years
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rip and tear and maim etc. etc.
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mita-vittua-olivia · 2 months
i think for me personally, 24 was one of the scariest episodes so far. just. the thought of having a baby (i could end the post here) you barely remember being pregnant with or birthing, yet you still feel like you owe literally everything to it. you know something’s wrong, but you can’t quite put a finger on it, and you can’t escape it either.
it’s in your house. you’re supposed to love it. it feeds on you until you die.
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juniemunie · 4 months
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[Abandoned by the Lightners, his heart became cracked with hatred.]
Hitting a lil' too close to home?
#junie art post#ink sans#error sans#utmv#errorink#implied. but yea not the focus#this has been turning around in my mind for quite some time. im glad to finish it lmao idk if my ramblings make sense even.#so like listen. do you ever think about how similar the function of the utmv is to the dark worlds in deltarune.#in a meta narrative to fandom sense? idk the word#we are making exaggerated expanded worlds of the ordinary tools and entertainment of the real world and make it into something more#isnt that very very interesting?#and we explore every sort of possibility in that creation. both good and bad#and when all is said and done. every possibility found and the entertainment and secrets has all run out#we put it away. abandon and leave it behind#what is left? what happens to the world and characters we have created? can it sustain without us?#what of the ones left in the dark?#idk if yall saw me a few months ago but i reblogged comyet's old post of ink begging us not to leave him alone and to keep creating#yea that never left me#and seeing exactly THAT SCENARIO in deltarune made my brain iTCH#imagine an ink in King's position.... wait isnt that just underverse#mmmmmmm. darkner ink.....#also error is here too. not just for errorink or that i can't separate these two to save my life#but error is also one of the few people to be able to GET IT?? he can hear the creators too. ink cant#but hes pretty much programmed himself to avoid having a mental break down to this via reboot memory loss.#and ink has his own internal coping mechanism (hooray for short term memory loss)#these two idiots will do anything but confront truths lmfao#ahhh my favorite idiots. never change#mmmmm#deltarune
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polyphonial-old · 2 years
do u guys have a character/ship that you are the #1 enthusiast and understander of but you just. never post about them. like they are on your mind 24/7 rent-free but you just don't talk about them
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Some years ago I was having lunch with my nana at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant. It’s important to know for the sake of this story that my nana is a little old Mexican lady who nevertheless mistrusts everyone except white people. We were having a nice time, chatting and eating.
Then midway through the meal she leaned in close and said, “Sometimes… do you think they reuse the rice to make rolls?”
I turned to her in surprise and said, “No, why would you think that?”
“Well,” she said, “You know… those people never like to waste anything.”
We stared at each other across the yawning chasm of her previous statement and finally I managed, “Nana, that’s racist.”
“It is?”
“Yes. It is. Not all Asian people behave the same, and assuming they do is racist. Just like not all Mexican people are the same.”
She looked down at her meal, nonplussed, and I realized that her actual fear of spoiled food hadn’t been addressed.
I sighed and added, “You know, restaurants all get inspected by health inspectors and have to maintain certain codes. And the health inspector is probably also racist, which means non white businesses have to be even more careful. So the rice will always be fresh.”
She brightened immediately. “That’s true!” She ate another roll, secure in the knowledge that racism would keep her food safe.
Then she said, “I could be a health inspector!” and I nearly choked.
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lunacias · 2 months
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(Silence. CARPENTER tries to rally HAYWARD's spirits. She's afraid she's going to lose him.)
"All three of us - we can all go on living, Hayward. Just like you said."
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skyrigel · 19 days
Simon who's an attention whore. You cooking? So he's clinging on to your neck, grabbing away that spatula and kissing you giddy. You on work ? So he's leaning against the wall, brooding and whining and mewing. You out with your friends? He's sending that Little scratch he got, captioned with, “need kissies now”, he lowkey wants your fuckin' attention all the damn time and he's so shameless about it.
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
"Dick would kill him because he is not Batman."
You have no respect for Dick Grayson's character. Or you don't understand him.
We are talking about the man that let Blockbuster, a vilain who had killed all Dick's neighbors, get killed in front of him and lost it. Dick didn't move and let this man he hated be killed, and it broke him. He went catatonic and was raped. He blamed himself like he was the one who killed that man, and he hated himself. He went on with this burden, until he nearly died by Deathstroke's hand. Saved by Bruce, he spilled to his father what had happened and asked him to forgive him. And Bruce told him that it wasn't his place, only Dick himself could forgive himself. (Aka Bruce doesn't judge him and Dick needs to forgive himself and starts healing) It fucking destroyed him to just LET a bad guy be killed.
Yes, he murdered the Joker, but it was in an act of rage. Just like when he stepped aside and let Blockbuster got shot, he let his emotions in command. But it would have break him if the Joker hasn't been brought back. He would have never forgive himself.
Bruce refuses to kill because he knows he would like it. He is conscious of his own capacity for evil. Dick refuses to kill because it would end him.
No, Dick would not kill.
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1spooky2me · 2 months
I Have BillFord AU ideas that are too elaborate for my hands to keep up with so let me yap (there will be drawings later)
OKAY, so I basically wanted an excuse to make my human Bill art make sense so here ya go:
As it was brought up in the book of bill (spoilers ig) the teens in gravity falls are really into Bill worship after Weirdmaggeddon so what if Bill took advantage of that after he leaves (or more likely escapes) inter dimensional rehab. He somehow communicates with the teens and they help him perform some ritual (using some spare corpses, don’t ask me where they come from) that lets him make his own human form. It’s half dead, half alive, but enough for him to re-enter Gravity Falls once again. Yadda yadda, Ford investigated the teens beforehand but comes in too late and Bill is back….HOWEVER, this human/corpse/flesh golem thing is imperfect, he can’t use too much of his powers or else that crack he had in his triangle form starts affecting his human form. He also finds out that he can’t leave the human shell, effectively trapping him. Ford takes advantage of that a BOOM BABY ROLE REVERSAL. Bill’s basically at Ford’s mercy until he finds a way out or until he kills everybody.
BBBBBUT I think it would be more fun to give Bill some sort of a redemption arc, if that’s even possible.
Could be a fun lil thing to play with so if any fanfic authors stumble upon this have fun.
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