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GAWIN CASKEY (as Pisaeng)
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Marriage and Parenting - A Beautiful Journey
Marriage and parenting are two of life’s most profound and transformative experiences. The synergy between these two life stages can create a harmonious cycle of growth, challenges, and joy. As partners evolve into parents, their relationship faces new dimensions and responsibilities. This article delves into the intricate dance between marriage and parenting, highlighting the rewards and…
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drdarienzo · 1 year
Ready to Say 'I Do'? Assessing Your Psychological Readiness for the Adventure of Marriage!
Determining if you are psychologically ready to get married is a crucial step before entering into a lifelong commitment. Marriage involves emotional, psychological, and relational aspects that require careful consideration and self-reflection. Here are key factors to assess your psychological readiness for marriage: Emotional Preparedness: Examine your emotional well-being and ability to form…
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
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when valve has enough money to buy god, but they let bots ruin their game for 5 years and dox people 🤖🔫 #FIXTF2
everyone who signs this 100k+ petition will have their name printed and sent to valve HQ. this shit is unacceptable.
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slaybestieslay946 · 1 month
my type is mentally unstable brunette and im honest about that.
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sysmedsaresexist · 2 months
Psych Critical
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This post is highly related to this post, and I hope you'll read both. This was written second.
I've sent a couple asks to anti psych blogs talking about my own situation.
My goal isn't to change their minds, but to see what options they think are available to my family. Not every attempt at communication is an attack on a stance. I have real questions.
If there are other options, I'd love to hear them. I want these options to exist. I want more than what my family is going to get.
However, no one has responded to my asks. Maybe they think it's bait and I'm trying to catch them in a trick, maybe they don't know the answer, maybe they don't care (if you're one of those blogs, you've forfeited an opinion on my life).
So I'm going to post, under my own name, and ask again.
This isn't bait. This is my life, my every day normal. This is my father's life, every single day.
Psych Critical is a stance that I don't have a choice in. The psych system is only one thing that my family will turn to for help, and if we don't approach it first, it'll approach us on less kind circumstances. And that's genuinely what we're looking for.
And I think blanket generalizations like the above are about as useful as trash. I shouldn't have to hate myself and my family for needing help and seeking it out.
My father has something called NF (Neurofibromatosis). You might know this as "elephant man disease," though these are distinct disorders that are different from each other. It's the easiest way to describe it, though. He has tumors all over his body, inside and out, in his case. Visible lumps all over his body.
Unfortunately, these tumors are also on his brain. This causes him to have seizures, strokes, hallucinate, and have bouts of violence towards anyone and everyone. Specifically concerning is the voice of God telling him to punish his (now adult) children, and threatening to harm people based on the colour of their skin and religion. These hallucinations likely stem from the fact that he was raised as an orphan in the church (yes, it's exactly what you think).
There was a time when he could have gotten treatment, but we're past that. Initially, he refused. He was scared, I'm sure he didn't think it would end up like this. Now, he's unable to consent to treatment, and it's so progressed that surgery isn't an option. Chemo never was. To make matters worse, he's an alcoholic, to the point that not drinking will cause seizures and will likely result in death. Not to mention the damage to his liver that's slowly killing him. It's not functioning well these days.
There is no POA or will, and he's not able to consent to signing either. He will not go to any doctors at this point. You can't even have a conversation about this with him. Every plan he's set up on, retirement, pension, disability-- he calls them constantly to fuck around with it, cancel it, take his children's names off it, tell them he doesn't need it. They've stopped talking to him and will only discuss with my mother, despite there being no POA in place.
He is only going to get worse. He is going to die, and he doesn't understand.
My father is already dead. The man that raised me is gone, the man that cared isn't in that head anymore. It's a cruel soul using his body like a puppet until it finally gives out.
At this point... my siblings, mother, and I have had to cut him out of our lives. He's mean. He's so goddamn mean and cruel. His words cut harder than his fists, only because there's nothing left to him. He's skin and bones.
I don't know how much longer my cousin can let him stay there. Then what?
At some point, he will need to be forcibly committed and treated, if only to make him comfortable during his final... years? Months? Days? Because of the unique circumstances, there's likely not a drug that can help curb any of the symptoms. Drugs might be able to get him off the alcohol, but he's not going to like that at all, and that's not what's causing the hallucinations. His memory only gets worse by the day. Simple daily things like using the stove are becoming more of a danger, because he keeps walking away and forgetting.
I have about as much choice in this as he does, and the sooner he's committed, the better for everyone, including him. I mean, he can continue to stay out, and pass out on the streets trying to get home from the bar after getting kicked out for starting fights or getting angry when he's cut off. I don't know if or when he's going to forget the way home, and even if I try not to care... I'm scared.
I fear the day he's picked up by the police. I want him in the legal system even less than the psych system, and I think he'll fight any police that try to approach him. This is a man that, I promise you, would rather be homeless than denied alcohol.
This is not my biological father. He came into my life when I was only 1 year old. My biological father was, surprise surprise, also an alcoholic. He was in a drunk driving accident before I was born that killed other people. He was the driver.
My step dad, the only dad I've ever known, scares me sometimes.
I don't want to be the child of two murderers.
So I ask again, what do you suggest? How is this ableist? Your focus is psychotic people, but that's not the only people in these facilities. That's not the only disease that they treat. I read a couple posts from a linked resource (it's tumblr posts, let's not lie), and one of them mentioned something akin to outpatient treatment. @trans-axolotl because I'm using your post. I actually appreciate the "I don't know" of your answer.
It's a lot better than, "you're ableist for even thinking about this."
Friendos, I don't have a choice but to think about this.
This seemed silly to me, though, because psych wards already act like that. Many of the patients leave during the day to work, shop and visit family, and return at night. Rinse and repeat for them, every day. There's a surprising amount of individualized treatment, freedoms, and steps for each patient.
But not everyone can adhere to that. If my dad got out during the day, he would be drinking, and this would exacerbate the symptoms. He's a dick when he's drunk on the best of days. It's why my mother divorced him originally, before the hallucinations started.
A dry house wouldn't work, either. The places this man has hidden alcohol... he's like a squirrel, it's just everywhere, and he comes across them like,
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Inside the WALLS, my guys. Hidden in the basement, the wall goes up to uncovered beams and there's a gap, and he hides them down behind those walls.
Do you know how many spiders are in there? He can fucking drink them, he wins that battle. Touché, dad.
When they tear the house down in the far future, I'm willing to bet they'll find a full liquor store down there. And again, the first time someone says, "you can't bring that in here," he'll turn around and say, "then I'm not going in there, diddles," because his fucking language part of the brain is broken and no matter how many times you explain that "diddle" is a CSA word that you can't just use randomly like that, he forgets.
When I first got married, I had him over to my apartment to spend a few nights. The amount of alcohol that got into my house... I don't even think he brought boxers, just alcohol, and it ended in a fight, and I made him leave. After that, he refused to come visit me. He's never been to my sibling's homes. It was the final straw for me, the things he said to my husband are unforgivable. I keep watch from afar now, talking to my cousin about him.
I said a few paragraphs up that the man that cared is gone. Sometimes, I look back, and I'm reminded of all the doubts growing up that he ever really cared. But I still care, and loving him is painful. The fear of what he's going to do next is even worse.
I want to finish this off with one of my... I don't want to say favorite, but this documentary was one that helped me, a fair bit, when it came out. I'd genuinely like the opinions of anti psych people on this documentary, and the true extent of violence and self harm that some patients display. Heavy trigger warning for severe self harm and violence toward others. Obviously.
For some of these patients, do you see another option for treatment? If not psych wards, what do you suggest happens to some of the patients in the video? What role did the staff actually play in some of the events portrayed?
As a general reminder, this isn't to change minds but open dialogue.
"Psych crits are ableist," is a pretty harsh statement considering the number of people in similar positions to myself. I feel like there's a huge disregard and ignorance for the violence that real people are experiencing.
Again, I'm psych critical, I don't accept the system as it is now, I think there's many improvements to be made. I think there is a need, in a very not small number of cases, for this type of system. I understand and appreciate the intersection of race, poverty and mental health that leads to anti psych sentiments, and I agree. There is a large number of people in psych wards that shouldn't be. This needs to be addressed.
But how do you reconcile both? I can't figure it out. I don't know.
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vamprisms · 3 months
soft blocking mutuals is too normal i think we should have tumblr divorce court
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Listening to Milo explaining that for shifters ‘mate’ basically equals marriage…and then remembering that the first solstice with Sam, Asher refers to Darlin’ as Sam’s mate.
Like, can you imagine showing up to the family reunion/holiday party of your more-than-friend-but-not-quite-partner, who you’ve known for like, 8 months, and someone is all, “Oh man, I haven’t partied with your SPOUSE in forever.” No wonder he’s laughing awkwardly while Ash backpedals.
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Wilson started talking about having kids and House decided he has to stop it immediately before this impulsive disaster of a man do another stupid thing. He has to supervise him just as much as the other one, because the moment you loose sight of him, he's already in some deep shit
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miaisabelwinther · 1 month
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vaguelyaperson · 1 year
Uraraka out here practically proposing marriage to Toga, by Japanese standards. u-hauler representation at its finest.
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
Okay, eleven episodes in, it's about time we ask a very important question: How do the bodyguard jobs work?
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Like, look at how blasé papa Korn is here when he's admitting to - well, what exactly?
Are the bodyguards (and, presumably, all of the other staff who work for the main family) really not allowed to quit their jobs? Does Korn normally have them killed when they try to quit? Or forced into an extreme form of an NDA, like a certain police inspector...
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I mean, I can understand why the mafia business would be a lifelong commitment, since the higher ups wouldn't want to take the chance of someone running to the cops/other gangs with all of their secrets...
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And hell, we know from episode 2 that the main family restricts their bodyguards' connections to the outside world - only letting them use cellphones on missions, and making them use a very public (recorded) phone when they have to make a call
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But then in this very same episode, we see Pete 'go home to visit his grandma' - a message 'he' sent from the very cellphone he was given for his mission - and Kinn is only perturbed about it because it felt weird to him that Pete would text instead of calling...
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As a side note, Pete's grandma seems to know he works for the mafia (or else, what does she think the 'main family' is?)… Surely the bodyguards aren't allowed to tell their families what they really do for a living? (Is it just that it's Pete, and Kinn trusts him? Is that why Vegas went this route to kidnap him - knowing he's a loyal soldier to the main family - instead of making it look like Pete died in the line of duty?)
Just - where does the line get drawn with the main family bodyguards? Do they have any freedom to choose when they've had enough of this job, or did they literally sign their lives away?
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
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"For the Cathar, picking a mate...It's...A lifelong commitment. Big decision, as you can imagine. Never really gave it much thought before. Then I met you."
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kisskissgotohell · 2 years
“found family tag but in canon they hate each other” this, “sometimes what fans call found family is just a normal group of friends” that, what about the phenomenon in the mdzs fandom where people call it found family when it’s literally two legally married men and their canonical son
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frogatz · 17 days
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into the wild save me. save me into the wild
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apple-of-my-pie · 2 years
the thing about Three Stories is that it shows what makes house’s methods so special. three stories, three patients with inexplicable leg pain. the first two are treated by house and his team, who go above and beyond to find what’s wrong with them, no matter what; both patients return to their lives happy and healthy. the third is dismissed by ‘normal’ doctors as a drug addict for so long that the diagnosis and treatment are too late for a full recovery, making patient 3 the only one who still has to live with restricted mobility and constant pain. and then you find out patient 3 is house, and he’s doing for others what should have been done for him. ough
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