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pricetagged · 2 months ago
Please pretty please if someone wants to give me a Christmas gift I request one (1) of the following 💖 dark, mdni, implied dubcon/noncon.
Yulecat Gaz. He's a sinister, toothsome predator. A solstice spirit with just a touch of malice. He's smiling, of course, and so sorry, love - You've broken a rule that you didn't know exists, but ignorance does not grant pardon. And it's a death sentence. He should eat you right up, tear into the soft arch of your neck (gristle and blood and teeth) and suck at the marrow.
Except now that he's circling you, something slithers into his mind. He's a cat batting at a trembling mouse (cowering, timorous beastie) and it's just delicious. Lapping at your tears. Toying with you, letting you chase at hope before he snaps his teeth. Closes the cage.
You pay the toll in flesh, but not as first intended. Let him paw at you, lave his tongue along your spit-slick flesh until you're raw and aching.
It's mercy and it's punishment. He makes you thank him for his kindness; give offering to this benevolent creature of chaos and hunger. You spell out your gratitude (bitter, sour, desperate) letter by letter on your knees before him, claws nails and too-strong fingers keeping you in place (strong enough to dig in and rend you to pulp).
He coos at you as he wipes your tears, nails catching and drawing crimson as they follow the lacrimal tributaries cooling on your cheeks. Salt and iron dripping down, heady and fuck-
He's trembling more than you. Coiled tight from the strain of stifling his strength. It itches at his gums, his fingertips. Bite, rend, lacerate.
But that would be an ephemeral pleasure; a transient taste, all hot spray and cooling chunks. The thought is anathema. A malediction (isn't that funny, face stretching into a trenchant grin).
You're a meal he wants to savour.
In this universe I will also take one (1) hulking, mean krampus Simon; one (1) chaotic solstice spirit/Jack Frost Johnny; and one (1) disciplinarian "Santa" Price (they all work for him; he's the architect).
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arom-antix · 1 year ago
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Merry Christmas, @crickets-lovely-place! Hope you're having a lovely holiday. Here's my Secret Santa gift for you!
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demigodofhoolemere · 3 months ago
I think All Creatures is imbued with some kind of magic. It’s literally impossible to get through an episode without smiling repeatedly.
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shima-draws · 1 year ago
Actually genuinely started crying when Luffy almost said he wanted Usopp off the ship and then Sanji interrupted and yelled at him. What the hell. This shit is so sad what the FUCK bro
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styxxcrossing · 5 months ago
maybe if usopp had actually discussed his feelings and insecurities with his friends instead of lashing out, maybe the fandom wouldn’t be near unanimous in their disdain for his actions in w7 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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voidcatgalaxy · 2 months ago
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it's crismus
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strawberrybyers · 2 months ago
merry christmas 🥰 i hope everyone has a great day today regardless if you celebrate or not!
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thewormsdontstop · 7 months ago
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wait oh my god is it merry!!! tell me she came back!!!
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YEEEEESSSSSS i missed this fucking ship
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aurosoul · 1 year ago
If we draw you a deer do you want it shared with you? I was hit with an idea reading your post!
OF COURSE!!!!!! 🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌
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kittymoonart · 1 year ago
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Merry Christmas✨
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jongbross · 1 year ago
just had a breakdown with baekhyun's live as he started to play don't go and appeared with the cake for us.
i was really, really sad last night. i try not to speak too much about my private life here, but this year i lost the most important person in the entire world for me, the one i loved the most, the one that raised me and made me who i am today. today is the first christmas i won't spend with her, and i don't know if my family is feeling the same, but i felt really heavy about it. i just miss her so, so much.
so i was really ready to just sulk today, to stay in my room as my family went out (because i don't wanna go too). but seeing baekhyun live... it really made me smile, sincerely. not only he sang el dorado and lightsaber for me - and it was for me, cause no one likes lightsaber come on, while i even have star wars tattoos!! -, but he also did this small gesture with don't go.
it made me think, you know? how hard this year was and how, through all of it, i had exo members with me. i'm a spiritual person and i just know that i crossed paths with them for a reason, it was really meant to be. besides that, comes the fact that because of them i had the idea to make this blog, and met you all. i might not be the best writer, the most active one, but i truly appreaciate all of you, and i love you all back.
so, my dear eri besties, i hope you all have a merry christmas. thanks for being part of my year, let's stay together too next year, and the following one, and the following one, and the following one...
may all of your wishes come true. stay healthy, eat lots of great food, and have a good laugh with the ones you love - because i, too, love you. ❤️
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merryfortune · 2 years ago
screaming, crying, throwing up, please release episode 10 to the wild masses already, i want to see my BOY
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ragnars-tooth · 2 months ago
I forgot time... passes
So if im unable to wrestle this fic chapter by new years I will throw you some other tldc wip snippets as a little present!! (I will probably do this whether I finish the chapter or not)
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playablezelda · 2 months ago
ive been thinking about juneluca again and the thing with them is luca has every right to be pissed at june forever and even SHE wouldnt blame him for it and most of his more casual friends and family (aka not his mom or grandma) think he should Hate her and sure he’s hurt by the whole thing, but he just can’t be mad. he just can’t hate her or hold that grudge, even if she deserves it, because he understands why june is who she is, he saw the dominos falling and knew neither of them could stop it. that’s why when june does what she does and pulls a dumbass stunt to force her way back into his life, sure, he’s bitter for a minute or two, he gives her some shit, maybe he’s a little mean. but he knows june showing up like this isn’t so much her saying ‘i am back in your life whether you like it or not’, but her saying ‘i have forced us together in this moment so i cannot defend myself from your hurt and anger that i know i deserve and i am finally able and willing to accept that in exchange for having you in my life’
it’s why he agrees to go with her in the car even though its like a bonkers thing to agree to do, go on a road trip with your ex bff who you havent seen in years, but he knows they stand no chance of fixing their relationship bogged down by what the other people in their lives think of them and their bond and what they should be to each other
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pinchinschlimbah · 3 months ago
Long boring night at work and I’m
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aria0fgold · 2 years ago
Ugh, the angle is difficult to see but I don't think there's a bullet wound on his temple...? But it might've been on the other side of his head. BOOOOSSS CMON NOW!!! BOSSS!!!! I! I'LL BELIEVE IN HER UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE! THERE'S STILL ONE MORE MYSTERY AFTER ALL!
What was Hitomi doing with Sejima...? I'm going to suspect her for a bit, she's definitely not involved with whatever happened to Iris that's for sure but I need the copycat killer and Hitomi talking to Sejima was suspicious.
Let's see... There's Boss, Pewter... Hitomi... Kumakuras... Def not the Kumakuras... I'm convinced that it couldn't be Pewter but there's still a possibility in a way. It could be that he had a plan which required Renju so he was being cooperative while using their relationship as a reason to act on it.
Boss... had an obvious evidence with a video showing how she shot Sejima in the very first branch I was on... But! I'm inhaling copium so I'd like to believe that it's the game misleading me until I unlock the part directly after that moment. I believe in you, Boss!!!
Buuuut... If... IF! It is her then well... It kinda makes sense...??? I think, actually... I can't link her to any of it. It might be my bias... But I can't find a link, other than her being a part of ABIS and knowing about the Wadjet system but I can't link her to any of the murders.
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