#all in all iris seems to be at the center of everything happening rn
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aria0fgold · 2 years ago
Ugh, the angle is difficult to see but I don't think there's a bullet wound on his temple...? But it might've been on the other side of his head. BOOOOSSS CMON NOW!!! BOSSS!!!! I! I'LL BELIEVE IN HER UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE! THERE'S STILL ONE MORE MYSTERY AFTER ALL!
What was Hitomi doing with Sejima...? I'm going to suspect her for a bit, she's definitely not involved with whatever happened to Iris that's for sure but I need the copycat killer and Hitomi talking to Sejima was suspicious.
Let's see... There's Boss, Pewter... Hitomi... Kumakuras... Def not the Kumakuras... I'm convinced that it couldn't be Pewter but there's still a possibility in a way. It could be that he had a plan which required Renju so he was being cooperative while using their relationship as a reason to act on it.
Boss... had an obvious evidence with a video showing how she shot Sejima in the very first branch I was on... But! I'm inhaling copium so I'd like to believe that it's the game misleading me until I unlock the part directly after that moment. I believe in you, Boss!!!
Buuuut... If... IF! It is her then well... It kinda makes sense...??? I think, actually... I can't link her to any of it. It might be my bias... But I can't find a link, other than her being a part of ABIS and knowing about the Wadjet system but I can't link her to any of the murders.
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cynthiadshaw · 6 years ago
#LadyBoss: redefining what a boss looks like
Too many of us grew up only seeing one kind of boss or leader in the media. The lack of representation for other groups reinforced harmful stereotypes and acted as a self-fulfilling prophesy, but would our opinion of what a leader looks like be different if the media did a better job at representing the true diversity of leadership in America?
Women and other under-represented groups are already leading many great companies, organizations, & academic institutions; others are authoring best-sellers, building engaged audiences, leading movements and more.
We had the honor of connecting with many of the best and brightest female leaders from in and around the city and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
We encourage you to check out the female leaders we’ve highlighted below, follow them on social media if you find their work or story interesting and most importantly do your part to #fightstereotypes
Catalina Freeman | middle school reading teacher turned domestic engineer | lifestyle blogger
When facing a challenge you feel is insurmountable I think it’s best to remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Success takes time and hard work and it’s okay to move one step at a time in the right direction. The key is to do it consistently and to believe in yourself because you are your own biggest critic.
lifewithcandg.com  @lifewithcandg
Irina Pizzurro | Executive Flower Wizard at Iris & Iree Floral Co.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It can be easy to lose hope, faith, or feel shame when faced with challenges that seem impossible. It pulls up all sorts of emotions. I always try to remember that everyone has a starting point and that progress is not linear. Remembering that restores hope for me. Having the right mindset is important. I also believe in the power of words and manifesting. If you want it so bad you feel it in your bones, it can be achieved. It just takes hard work and patience.
irisandireefloralco.com  @irisandireefloral   
Takesha Austin | Empowerment Life Coach for Millennial Women
Whenever I get to a place where I feel that I am facing a “giant” that is larger than me, I digress & remember exactly how I made it through the last battle. I am never fighting alone, in fact me knowing the outcome will work for good gives me peace & endurance to keep pushing! My bible says “All things work for the good of those who love the Lord.” This is how I fight & WIN! With Gods word, faith & TRUTH.
KeshaAustin.com @CoachKeshaAustin @CoachKeshaAustin
Katherine Bahlburg | Fitness Professional & Founder of Bells and Barbells: Wedding Fitness Studios
In life we all come across moments where we doubt our own abilities and we second guess what we are capable of. When that happens, and we let the self doubt takeover, we miss the opportunity to grow. When things feel insurmountable, remember, greatness is lying on the other side. People often ask me how I came up with my business and my answer isn’t what most people think it will be. They imagine that it was instant, and BAM…in comes this brilliant idea. LOL. That was not the case. My idea grew from me being in one of the lowest points of my life and after an especially long day, I started crying in my tiny one bedroom apartment. I was broke, frustrated, exhausted and over worked. I was drowning self pity and searching for inspiration. And that’s when it it hit me…I asked myself, “What is frustrating you?” and “What can I do to change it?” That’s how my idea was born. The next morning I took action and never looked back. You will always come across times in your life when things feel impossible or too much to handle but the minute you slow down and really break down the problem, that’s when you find the answer. There is nothing that gives you more confidence than achieving something that once had the ability to cause you so much doubt. Take that power away from those thoughts. Get focused and break down the challenges and watch success start to grow.
bellsandbarbells.com   @bellsandbarbells @kittykatfit 
Sidney Jennings | Writer & creative enthusiast
Facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable” the answer is in that phrase right there. If you don’t “feel” like it is insurmountable does that change the challenge? Of course not, the challenge stays the same but your perspective can change Everything. Is it really insurmountable or is it just that you “feel” it is? Feelings are amazing, deep, and real but they are also deceiving. They can convince you that something is unattainable because of how it makes you feel. I’m not saying to be a robot because, let’s be real, I don’t think I could take my feelings out of anything if I tried, but when you realize it is attainable and possible you progress out of hope instead of digressing out of fear.
@sidney.jennings  morethanbrunch.com
Black Orchid Boutique
I would say if you feel that a challenge is insurmountable that means you’re aiming high enough. Nothing that comes easy is worth it. So keep your dreams big and know that you are the force behind your own aesthetic living. Blossom Baby
Tia W. Vaughn | Jewelry Artist | Founder-TarteLaine Designs
@totallytiffanyco, Facebook- @tiffanyevansfashion – location was at @2310routhstreet
Fear is paralyzing..don’t focus on how scary the challenge may seem. Come up with a plan and a goal then just do it. THEN celebrate. Pat yourself on the back for facing the challenge and celebrate every win along the way, no matter how big or small. You have to give yourself credit to stay motivated and confident to face the next challenge – even if the result isn’t exactly what you planned.
tartelaine.com facebook.com/TarteLaine @tartelainedesigns
Abigail Lalumandier | Recovery Influencer
What’s the best advice you have for some who is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable? Nothing lasts forever and just know that the best views come from the hardest climbs.
@thesoberstyle  thesoberstyle.com
 Melanie Shute | Events Manager & Fashion Influencer
Colby Kruger Jones Photography
To keep going, and never give up. Sometimes the biggest challenge seems unachievable but launches into the most rewarding accomplishment in the future. Don’t compare yourself to others, and do things that bring you joy and happiness. Surround yourself around people that bring positivity. Remember you’re a badass, and you can absolutely do it!
Felicia Akop | jewelry artist | designer  | web mistress | boutique boss & Lizzie Akop-boutique boss | style boss | merchandising maniac
We were raised with the ideology, throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack.
savannahhoffmandesigns.com facebook.com/savannahhoffmandesigns
Jillian Prado Terrell | Trend Forecaster
My advice for anyone facing an extreme challenge is to take it step-by-step and to lean in to those around you who will support you.
@jillian_prado drasticallyappropriate.com
Martha Flores | A Driven Fashionista
My advice would be to stay positive because positive thinking won’t let you do anything, but it will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.
Amy Duncan |  Owner | Principal Consultant of Rari Veblyn Business Concierge Services
Charles “CITY” Gbadebo of CSL Media Group @sosocity
It may sound really cliche but the confidence I get from being spiritually centered helps me conquer anything that comes my way. For me, I can’t do anything without God. I have to find the strength from Him before I can do anything. Prayer, meditation, and confiding in safe spaces have been my guiding forces. There’s a beauty in silence; you’re able to critically think and play out so many scenarios to get the answer to just about anything.
@ayyedunc @rariveblyn facebook.com/rariveblyn linkedin.com/in/amyduncan315
Samanda Marshall-Sawyer | Business Strategist
Challenges are opportunities. Always seek God for direction on how to handle those opportunities. Then move forward in that direction.
@Motivusmomentumagency facebook.com/Motivusmomentumagency motivusmomentum.com
Laci Villarreal | Personal brand photographer
Featured in photo Sadie Robin of Vanity Craft Salon
I believe we have all felt at some point in time something is insurmountable. Sometimes I still feel that way in certain situations but I remind myself of everything in my life I’ve overcome. In facing your fear of why you think this challenge isn’t possible, start to place yourself in that uncomfortable situation. The more you do the impossible makes it easier to do it and helps achieve that goal you thought was impossible. My favorite quote I found in college that I love even today is by pablo picasso “I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
warrlockphotography.com @warrlockphotography
Beth Wolfe
Don’t hold on to expectations, let go of judgments, and see how things unfold.
Jennifer Dickson, BSN, RN  | founder of SITTERNEEDED and Acuity Career Consulting  |  health & fitness enthusiast
Keep telling yourself to go.  The biggest risk is to do nothing.  Whatever you do, find small ways to move forward whether that’s in researching new information, obtaining new resources, or creating a plan. Remind yourself that everything that’s ever been accomplished was considered impossible until it wasn’t. The path to overcoming lies in action, so when you start, just don’t quit.
sitterneeded.com instagram.com/SITTERNEEDED instagram.com/acuitycareerconsulting
 Brittany Bello | Model & Entrepreneur
Aaron Handler
Shift your perspective, always. Maybe *you* are the insurmountable obstacle in someone else’s journey. We are both the Universe/Source itself as well as the recipient of the blessings of the Universe. If you can make someone else’s day/life better, why couldn’t someone do that to you and help you overcome that obstacle? There are plenty of people and things available to help us in our journeys, but if you don’t have the lenses to SEE them then we will always be in the dark. Open up your consciousness to not always play the victim and step into the role of giving. We all know the Law of Attraction, but try and visualize it this way for maximum results! We get what we give back to the Universe. Give thanks for the obstacle and what it’s teaching you, just as you sometimes decline to help others if you’re not inspired to (and this is ok because sometimes we’re not meant to have what we want). We create our own realities, imagine a reality where you pass that obstacle. It doesn’t have to be “reasonable”. You can make anything you want happen with the power of your intentions. Go be great and remember your power!
Savannah Mendenhall | Health Coach and Coffee Lover
Go for a walk outside and disconnect from your phone. No music. No social media. Just take a moment or two or a hundred to breathe. Your problems will still be there when you get back home and reconnected to the craziness of life, but an intentional break like this helps you to remember what it feels like to be you. You’re going through something incredibly difficult right now, but you are strong and worth the fight to keep on keeping on!
Megan Saustad | Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger | Influencer
My advice to anyone who is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable is to rely on their faith.  I truly believe in a higher power, spending time in thoughtful prayer and being in a community with like-minded believers.  This has made a profound impact on my life, especially during difficult times.
instagram.com/trulymeganblog trulymegan.com
Barbara Arredondo | Dallas Real Estate Agent
Give yourself permission to believe in the possibilities when you are faced with what seems to be a hopeless, unconquerable challenge. Doing so does not mean you are denying the present situation you are faced with.
barbara.claystapp.com @Dallas_RealEstate_Agent @ClayStappCo
Legz Paris | Entrepreneur and Entertainer
You should keep god first grind and don’t let no body stop you for doing what you love !it might not come over night but just remember Rome wasn’t built in one day ! It takes time to build a empire.
legzvanity.bigcartel.com youtube.com/legzparis
Rei Miller | Owner & Professional Organizer of Sakura Rose
I would say break it all down into bite size pieces, and if those pieces still feel too big and overwhelming to consume, break them down even smaller. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask someone you trust or a professional you trust for advice or help. One of the best things that I have done is reach out to mentors and join industry mastermind groups so that I have people who I can turn to for support at any time.
sakura-rose.com @sakuraroseorganizing
The post #LadyBoss: redefining what a boss looks like appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/07/23/girlboss-redefining-boss-looks-like-2/
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