bringbackmaes14 · 4 months
I'm so excited for Venom: The Last Dance but how dare they imply that all the extra little symbiote blobs were captured in an Area 51 place and not birthed by Eddie and Venom like in the comics. during pride month.
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
My Personal Virtual Transition
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I won a weird competition to use a Spiralistix virtual reality A+ glasses at the laboratory I am assigned to go to and I pack my bags to head to London when I am greeted by a the limo driver.
The limo is rather bare all that I see is a less then twin like bed I lay down in when a pair of the goggles pop down and I place them on my head instantly a light flashes in my eyes.
I fall deep a sleep as my mind transfers over to the mainframe of the device leaving me in a pitch black room and I am left in darkness until a ball of light appears filing up the whole space.
The ball projects a image of a blank virtual male leaving me at a loss except I saw Tom Hardy in the ball showcasing him at some major celebrity event in a dashing suit I can only imagine.
Next thing I know suddenly I am falling in to a deep sleep body, mind and soul are soon transferring in to the ball all of sudden I am hit with a shock appearing at the event and I see it.
Crowds screaming as they are surrounding me, more hands reaching out to grabbing me too and pulling left, right, up, down and center until my eyes land on the glass door and window.
I am now literally in control of actors super sexy and hot ass mother fuckers body in the midst of the spectacle and I decide to play along with it taking his finger licking it and messing his hair up.
I flash a bright smoke showcasing my teeth then make my way down the red carpet my hands are in air and waving it to the sea of massive amounts crowds who are lusting after me.
I slap my ass hard while making a hot sizzle sounds, then make gun signal in my hand and shoot upward and make a weird facial expression as I ditch my wife to have some old fun.
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Taking a second I sneak off to the private bathroom of the hotel locking the door a bit and start to undress my self slowly as I lay my cell on to the counter as it records my every movement.
Doing a sexy dance routine just live stream for everyone to see declaring that I am hot ass mess and I need to give myself to some one and he has no idea I am about to make him mine.
I grab my cock starting to pump it creating a heavy undulating movements as I I scream, howl, and shout in pain and pleasure before I cum and I feel the horror of Tom from inside of my body.
“Time to clean up this mess!”
“God! Look at this face “
“I am about to hit some pussy and ass”
“Yeah! I am talking about you bitch”
“Oh Stop! You are embracing this “
“I can feel your heart racing “
“Do not ignore me”
“Or deny my”
“This is my body now “
“Anyone let’s go “
“Hello everyone!”
“Let’s fucking party “
“Hey babe”
“Let’s dance “
“Are you ok Tom?”
“Yeah? By the way”
“I want a divorce! Sorry babe! Bye”
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I call for my limo, calls hotel to set up a room for me and we are off as they park and I am heading in to my hotel room disrobing me of my clothes stripping till my underpants as it all leaves me naked.
I stand in the mirror soon enough I see his reflection looking back at me with anger is ranging on and waving his fist at me so he is getting closer to me as close as the mirror gets closer to me.
He stood stronger in a super height equal to mine, his arms are wide across from me now padding his arms to his body and I love it I can feel the panic in his throat and the pure surge of energy.
“This is impossible! You cannot do this.”
“I am allowed to do anything I want.”
“I chose you “
“I am in control “
“This is my will”
“I will you to obey “
“FUCK You!”
“You will be fucking “
“Some ass”
“You evil creep”
“Evil? Creep? No! No!”
“Oh Tommy! Tom…Tom”
“I am Tom Hardy”
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“I am Eddie Brock”
“On a deeper level “
“I understand you “
“I am suffering with mental health too”
“I am not as confident as I should be”
“We have to exude it”
“That’s a life”
“Stop falling it “
“Enough fueling it”
“I am your Master now”
“I consume you “
“There is no freedom”
“No free will”
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“I love you Tom”
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The end
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courtingchaos · 6 months
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Butcher Knife
This is a late follow up to my fictional self in @dr-aculaaa amazing little Valentine’s Day fic. This is just self indulgent nonsense so like, don’t read it if you don’t want to I don’t care 😂
18+ No Minors
Eddie met you when you worshiped at the altar of Bourdain and read Kitchen Confidential like it was a holy text only given to the worthy. Anyone with the wits and smarts and balls and idiocy to rock up into a kitchen 6 days a week and sweat for 10 hours each night.
He met you when you abhorred brunch because it’s what Anthony told you (and like, he was fucking right it blows) but you had just perfected that pancake recipe. With the buttermilk and separated eggs with whipped whites not at stiff peaks and the good flour mix you’d made.
But you’re stuck on this fucking brunch shift and that asshole Rich is a no call again and-
You shake your head with a laugh at the memory. You’d met Eddie that night after one of those long shifts where you’d been on sides and expo because of Rich being hungover again. A dingy little dive bar in the worst part of town, Keep Your Hands to Yourself weakly trickling through the old jukebox. This is when you still lived in Florida and Corroded Coffin was kind of on tour, kind of just like, doing their own thing man.
"A butcher knife, for Meg." Says the smooth Mrs. H.
"Heheheh... Fuckin' Meg." Says Eddie fucking Munson. You’d put off listening to this particular podcast because it was still a soft spot for you. Tender and pale like a lot of other metaphorical wounds left by various lovers but Eddie was…Eddie.
"I love that you have a whole theme going on: knife, cheese, a sugar cookie's next, an olive-"
"Hummingbird! And what can I say? I'm a simple creature, food is my comfort."
"Is it a love language for you then?"
Yes you think to yourself. You know it is. You remember that first morning after how he’d watched you move around your stupidly small kitchen in your stupidly small apartment like it was a range at the restaurant. Almost like he held his breath for fear of breaking your concentration, but little did he know you worked through most shifts hoarse from yelling over fryers and the busted boombox that crackled overhead on a metro.
"Ohh. Damn, yeah. Food is a love language."
See, you knew something after all this time.
"So what about Meg?"
What about Eddie, huh? Would he talk about your hair? Now bereft of deep auburn but shot through with silver your mother never had. Mention your piercings that you’d let go of after one too many lost screw on balls. Maybe he’d bring up that tiny sliver of scar tissue on your ass that came from him biting you awake. Red tinged laughter while you slapped his arm and he commented on your ‘natural blush’ and he’d somehow ended up with a fistful of his hair in your fist.
"Heh. Fuckin' Meg. She had cheeks like pancakes. I just wanted to eat them. Nom. Bite into her cheek and watch how red she gets in the face. I loved it when she yelled at me. I loved it when she wore heels and was just a smidge taller than me. When she pulled my hair
-what? What? Why are you laughing?”
You can’t help but laugh along with Mrs. H, that lifelong ailment of red cheeks flaring at the mention of any of this to the public. You’re too old to be embarrassed about something as trivial as this but you can’t help the knot that loosens a bit in your chest. He maybe had a tender spot about you too, something covered in flower petals now.
“Ohh..” You hear Eddie pause and realize something in real time. “You know what I just realized? I still use her pancake recipe. Like.To this day, this morning. Waking up at the fuckin asscrack of dawn to make Brock and Hunter pancakes."
He liked when you yelled at him except for that last time. You remember how fucked the night had been at work and there was the band in the dining room suddenly. Lost in the shadow but Eddie saw you running expo and couldn’t read a room for shit at that time. Stuck his head through the window to try and kiss your bangs and you’d snapped. Shoved. Yelled. It’d been happening a lot more recently when he’d roll back through town and it wasn’t him and it wasn’t you.
It was probably the vices and midlife fast approaching you both but he’d left with a goodbye and then you’d gotten a slim box in the mail with simple little E.M. note. It was one of those really nice Wusthof utility knives you’d mentioned in passing one night, flashing him the catalog between a shared beer.
"That's love, Edward."
"Shit. That is love."
You look to the window and see the darkened restaurant. Yours now. New building. New city. The street lights still on outside even as the sun starts to break over the horizon between the buildings. You imagine Eddie walking through those doors, not the skinny 30-something who did questionable drugs with you in dark dive bars after your 12 hour shift over hot pans, but the almost 60-something with the greying hair and the worn in warm smile. He’d walk into your restaurant and lean into your expo window and watch you carve into these vinyl red strawberries, making them little works of art to be buried around your crafted deserts. He’d watch you wield that little German made knife around with dexterity like it was just another finger on your hand.
You could make him those pancakes again. Layer these soon to be syrup soaked strawberries between the fluffy layers. You could make that vanilla bean whipped cream that was basically room temp ice cream. You wouldn’t snap at him this time when he stuck his arm through and wiggled his fingers at you in greeting.
You split the strawberries and carve your notches in them, slide them into the container of cooled lemon syrup and tuck it back in the fridge for later. In your office you connect to your little bluetooth speaker before everyone else starts filtering in and put on The Georgia Satellites and bring up the Instagram for the podcast, hovering over the message button with pink stained thumbs and grin.
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dearest-painter · 2 years
I have no father (PT.2) male reader
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior,unhealthy relationship, abusive relationship,abusive behavior,Age gap??? I’m not sure who’s yandere yet except for some people so please request some,neglect,reader is dating Venom and posses Venom you know how Eddie posses venom? That type of posses,hate to Tony stark aka Reader’s dad,mentions of hickeys,mentions of scars not specified but they are from battles,BAD SPELLING!!,cussing,reader is basically Eddie Brock just the son of Tony,heavy Venom x Reader/Eddie vibes. If I forgot any please inform me
Authors note:Peter is 18 while Reader is in his 20s just because I believe that’s how old you need to be to have your own apartment and for no other purposes,I do not do smut/lemons. Plus He/Him pronouns are being used for reader
Keys:H/t = hair type,h/c = hair color,h/l = hair length,e/c = eye color,s/c = skin color I swear I’m not trying to be rude it just so that you have free range of your looks!!!
Part 1
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Huffing as you walked outside letting the city’s cold air hit your body that is exposed calms you down a bit. Your so called dad pissed you off so much saying you had no permission to marry someone you love! You didn’t know where you where going but your body was on autopilot which you never realized. Is Y/N okay? You softly smiled at your husbands voice which calms you down yes love,I’m okay just need to be away from that DAMN bastard he knew you were pissed as hell so he didn’t talk anymore. You kept taking in deep breaths of the cold air which soothed you.
Opening your eyes finally you saw you were on top of a roof which made you worried as you felt your breath hitched but Venom helped you calm down. We are safe Y/N,it is wheat we first met you smiled remember that fated day you met Venom,how cold you ever forget the day you met your husband? Closing your eyes you went back to that dated day of meeting venom.
“FUCK YOU! YOU’LL NEVER HEAR FROM ME AGAIN!” “Y/N STARK GET OVER HERE NOW!” Running as fast as you could. You finally ran away from your father,Tony stark the man who neglected you and made the world pity you. You hated that,people pitying you. You didn’t need pity! No you needed a safe secure family unlike your current one. It was raining heavily just like in those stupid cliché romance movies you saw your mother watched. You loved your mother deeply truly as she had given you all the love your father never could as she was both mom and dad in your eyes and she’ll be the only family member to know where you are.
She had made sure you had no trackers on you at all before you ran away. She found you packing stuff to leave,instead of stopping you she helped you as she knew that your mental and physical health matters more then where you stay. You were in front of a church so going in quickly you panted as you sat in front of where the priest would give his preaches you believe. Soon you felt something go in your mouth causing you to cough ver hard.
“FUCKING HELL!” Soon you saw some weird ass thing sprout from your shoulder. “Hello Y/N” “…alien?” “Yes…you do not seem phased by us” “how can I when my dad puts fighting alien’s instead of raising his son but what are you?” “A symbiot” Nodding your head you took out something to eat but the thing got to it first. “Shit you hungry” “Yesss” “what do I call you as you already now my name?” “We are Venom!” Nodding your head you yawn so you started to set up for the night.
“What are you doing?” “Getting sleep as I’ll need to get a job early in the morning” Venom nodded before going into your body which made you shiver. Laying in your sleeping bag you heard Venom mumbling which helped you sleep some how.
“Y/N” snapping out of your thoughts you saw your husband’s face in front of you. “Yes love?” “We are hungry” “of course,how about I cook tonight?” “YES! WE LOVE YOUR COOKING!” Chuckling you let your husband take control and make his body so you two could get home. You enjoyed the area as you finally got away from your point of view. Venom was thinking of was to show you were his without you knowing which was a bit hard but he knows what to do.
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anisecandy · 1 year
Why won't you listen
Chapter 1
(continuation of the "Why won't you just take your time" and "Why won’t you just go one step at a time?")
Summary: After Peter’s efforts to learn more about his partners lead to a big quarrel, Eddie and the Symbiote learn some new things about themselves as well.
Rating: T
Words count: 5,242
Genre: Developing Relationship
Parings: Peter Parker/Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote, Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote
Author's note:
So, two things.
1. You know, I initially wrote this just for myself, with no intention of posting it. I simply wanted to explore a kink I found interesting. But then a mutual of mine mentioned posting a fic with foot fetish annnd I kind of felt less embarrassed of what I wanted to write about here. But that meant I had to scrape... 90% of what I already wrote? Since it was good enough for myself, but way too ooc for anybody else. While changing the concept and polishing it... I ended up with a piece that was way more serious than I planned. So I decided to split it into two chapters! The first is like PG-13, and explores character dynamics. The second is still being written, but is gonna be just kink lol. So the tags and the rating WILL change! But I'm really happy with how that first part turned out and as such I wanted more people to be able to read it ^^
2. The previous works in this series are sort of, therapeutic guilty pleasure for me. "I wish people talked to each other more!!" kind of fics. And I like that about them! But with this one, I tried to do my best to keep the canon level of the characters emotional intelligence, ability to communicate, etc. Which means they act differently than in previous parts! I wrote those like- A year ago...? So I think I understand Eddie and Peter, and, of course Symby, more now!
Link to the work on ao3
“We’re not doing this,” Eddie said for what seemed like the hundredth time and Peter could feel himself losing patience.
"Look, if you're uncomfortable-"
"With the fact that you need exposure therapy to get accustomed to our visage?" The corner of Eddie's mouth twitched. "Maybe a little."
Peter couldn't help but scowl at those words. He crossed his arms.
"Well that's not exactly my fault, is it."
The way Eddie cringed made him feel a bit guilty, but he was in the right here. Which was why it was so frustrating how reluctant his partner(s) was acting right now. Especially since the previous instance of, how he put it, "exposure therapy" was his own idea.
"Why are you being so difficult about this?" He huffed.
Eddie made a face.
"Let us ask you a better question; why did you bring your whole lab to our bedroom?" He pointed accusingly to hills of messy bed sheets, between which shined glass and metal of the instruments Peter set up. There were only six of them, hardly varanting such theatrical descriptions.
"Oh, would you stop that, you melodramatic baby," Peter rolled his eyes. "You can't tell me you're scared of a pair of gloves and a magnifying glass."
"What about those little doohickeys?"
A set of tweezers, syringes and a laboratory scalpel was shoved into his face. Eddie held them like damning evidence, with a look of utter dismay.
"That's for a better examination," he replied smoothly.
"Exami-" Eddie eyed the sharp surgical steel with disbelief. “So you have gotten bored of dissecting frogs with kids and decided to cut us up instead?"
"Of course not," Peter scoffed. "Neither of those is any more dangerous than a spatula at a dentist's office."
As much as Peter would like this to close the discussion, Eddie didn't seem a shard less defensive than he was seconds ago. The way he glared at the tools, you'd think one of them spit on his mother's grave. He threw them back on the bed, sending one of the scalpels flying. Peter's arm shot to catch it on instinct, before it fell to the floor, but his eyes stayed still. Eddie returned his annoyed gaze with an unyielding stare of his own.
"You will put those things back where you got them from and we won't be talking about it anymore," he said eventually, before getting up with the intention of walking away from any further arguments.
A groan left Peter's mouth, as he dragged a hand over his face.
"Come on, it's not like I'm intending to-" he mimicked pulling on gloves and poking around in a pile of gore, dr. Frankenstein's style. "I just want to learn more about you guys!"
"Then invite us for coffee," Eddie snarled over his shoulder. "We're free on friday."
At this point, Peter started to believe he was doing it on purpose, just to spite him. Wouldn't be the first time.
"You know that's not what I mean!"
The only response he got was the click of the lock closing in the frame. His teeth gritted as he chewed on a few choices of adjectives. In the end though, he only let out a huff. Then he stood up and followed through the door.
He found Eddie in the living room, picking up his bag, all but ready to head home. He grabbed one of the handles, before he could turn toward the exit.
"Why are you so against it?"
"Why are you so up for it?" Eddie's eyebrows raised on his forehead in an unimpressed manner.
"I swear to- I want to just do more of what we did last week!" Exasperation couldn't be more apparent in his voice if he tried, as he spread his arms. "Okay? That's it. That's literally it, just minus the sex part. Look-" He paused, to get back his composure. Maybe they were just having a miscommunication happening. Maybe Eddie was just getting something wrong and not being a contrarian for the heck of it. "When we... Sort of broke the transformation in steps and I could like... Understand some things better. Take a closer look at them. That helped, okay? I just want things to work for us. Between us"
Contrary to what he expected, or rather, hoped for, this only seemed to anger Eddie even more. He bent down to properly face him, but his gaze was cold and teeth bared threateningly.
"Those aren't the same," he stated firmly.
"But they are."
"No, Peter," he stressed so much that the words seemed to scratch his throat. "It's nothing alike. That and agreeing to be a specimen for you couldn't be further apart."
"You're not-"
Peter almost choked, as his breath froze in a hard lump just over his lungs. He gaped at them, seeking to see if Eddie, if they actually meant to say this. The ice in his eyes left little room for guessing.
"You're not a specimen," he finished softly. "You're my partners."
"Oh, so you ask all your dates for blood samples?"
The tone of Eddie's voice contrasted sharply against his. It was like a knife to the conversation and Peter found himself glancing away, in spite of himself.
"Thought so," Eddie remarked bitterly, driving the point all the way.
One pull was enough to free his bag from Peter's hand. The grip he held on it before turned incidental at best, making the action closer to untangling it from a branch than fighting a person. Once his fingers were no longer hooked over the fabric, his arms fell listlessly.
And when Eddie turned around and left, he let him.
They avoided Peter for the next few days. If Eddie could have his way, it would be even longer. No matter the excuses his Other provided for Peter's behavior, he found himself rejecting each one. Still, the wednesday after their quarrel (Although, Eddie thought bitterly, it wasn't really "quarreling" as much as one of the sides blatantly disregarding personhood of the other side) they almost ran into him during a night stroll over the rooftops. It wasn't much of a coincidence - the paths of their routines were planned with the intention of staying out of each others' ways most of the time. Their styles of helping people and dealing with the criminals didn't mesh well, to say the least. Even so, there were a few crossing points between them. Just enough to occasionally check on the other, maybe once or twice a week, to ask about the night, exchange iloveyous and a couple of kisses. They took this route so many times that Eddie didn't even register that they were heading to one of the crossings out of habit, until he saw the burning red of Peter's costume less than hundred feet away.
The moment he realized his mistake, he flattened themselves against the wall, hoping the other man didn't see them approach. As the Symbiote began to change colors to blend in with the shadows spreaded among the tenement houses, he let out a quiet hiss.
"I can't believe I was this distracted..." He mumbled and clicked his tongue. "Why didn't you stop us from coming here?"
Hoped to see Peter.
"Well, I did not. I don't want to see him, until he'll apologize to us."
How? Would have to talk for that, first.
"He has a phone," Eddie grumbled.
They both knew Peter wrote over twenty messages asking them to meet up.
Not that it had any bearing on Eddie’s thoughts on the matter.
Unaware of the dispute happening right under his nose, Peter stayed mostly motionless on the roof. He didn’t appear too focused tonight, sitting with his legs casually dangling over the edge instead of his usual crouched down position, allowing him to quickly sprout into the action. A more attentive glance discovered that he even had a thermos standing right beside him. When he reached to drink from it, a cloud of steam escaped from under the cap. Nothing unusual, considering that November was approaching fast. Nonetheless, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he probably planned to stay in this spot for a longer while.
Seems to be waiting.
"For what? The reckoning?" Eddie hissed grumpily.
Place of meetings, the Symbiote stirred, reminding him. When he didn't react (not counting an eye roll), it gently nudged at his heart. Let's go to him.
Let's talk. Peter's here to talk.
"As if!" He scoffed, ostentatiously looking away.
His first thought was to immediately leave, to which the Symbiote intensely protested. He didn't reply to its insistence. It already knew his stance on the matter well enough. With little hesitation, he got ready to leave, just when a high pitched scream cut through the muffled sounds of the nightlife.
Peter's head jerked up as if tugged by an invisible wire. In a heartbeat he launched himself into the river of lights, circulating under his feet. Their eyes followed him to a point, but he disappeared out of their line of sight the moment they blinked. They stared at the corner store by which it happened for a few seconds, before Eddie turned away.
"Looks like we won't be talking to him either way," he said, seemingly lightly.
The Symbiote was like a small, barely felt tide over his skin. Despite its mellow nature, to his slight surprise he recognized determination in its movements.
Will be back, it said without a trace of doubt.
He wrinkled his nose at it, before glancing back in the corner store's direction.
"Unlikely," he assessed. "Now  that a crime has happened, he'll surely relocate, or even go home."
Will be back.
"For the thermos, maybe."
Will resume waiting. Wants to meet.
"He's probably here by chance," he insisted. "I guarantee you, if he'll return here, he'll get moving right away."
But he didn't.
Just like the Symbiote foresighted, Peter soon perched back down by his abandoned drink. He shook his right hand a few times, cracked his fingers and stretched, but that was all the "moving"  he appeared to have planned for the closest future, slumping slightly in his seat. After a minute or so, he even started humming.
The two of them observed him from the shadows. Eventually, the Symbiote chimed in.
Will go talk now, right?
That pulled on the strings of Eddie's contrarian nature, making him carefully slide down the wall, with the intention to quietly disappear into the night. But the moment he shot a line of webbing at the nearest building and jumped, following its pull, the web started to melt. With eyes wide and a feeling of betrayal ringing in his chest, he crashed on the balcony below.
The loud thud of body hitting the concrete obviously reached Peter's ears, and he jumped up to a low crouch, scanning his surroundings and ready to pounce into the action. His eyes reached them the moment the Symbiote decided to abandon their camouflage. No honor among super villains. How typical. As soon as he saw their bulky silhouette ungracefully spreaded over the floor, the tension left his shoulders. If it wasn't for the mask he pulled down as soon as he suspected danger, he would be probably sending them now one of his most obnoxious grins.
"Gee, I wanted to ask if it hurt when you fell from heaven, but damn, this looks like one mighty crash," he said cheerfully.
"Oh can it, will you," Eddie grouched, scrambling to his feet.
For a few seconds he stood undecided. He still wasn't in the mood to deal with Peter's overall callousness, not to mention that his Other's treachery left him quite bitter.  It was on its behalf that he was angry, and yet... To think that it was so eager to let Peter treat it (both of them) like a curious experiment (to put under a microscope, to test, to prod with needles, to cut up and-).
Peter wouldn't do that...
Despite its words, he could sense hesitation revibrating through its tentacles wrapped around his brain. It was hope rather than certainty and he was baffled that it offered him even that much. Because Peter... Peter was many things. A hero — sure, by a certain definition. Their lover, as of late. Most importantly though, for the time being, a scientist. And they didn't trust scientists one bit.
Peter was still watching them, seemingly nonchalant  but vigilant; his arms hanging propped by elbows on his knees. But they knew him well enough to notice the strain in his back and legs. He didn't know what to do either. It was a little funny to think of. He probably waited here for a few hours already. And through all this time, he didn't figure out what to start with.
Maybe that was why eventually Eddie just let out an angry sigh and climbed the wall, to reluctantly sit beside him. Many things, right, but in the end, this was Peter, first and foremost.
Well, that and the fact that he would have felt as if he was running away if they left now. And that just wouldn't do.
"Want some soup?" Peter asked after a minute or so of over-stretched silence , ready to snap.
"So now you're not only providing the adventurous thiefs with clothing, but with food as well?" Eddie tilted their head to the right, letting their tongue fully roll out. "Truly, Spider, your generosity must know no bounds."
The other man shrugged, pouring a portion into the cup anyway, despite receiving no answer.
"I don't always take a thermos with me. I mean, usually I'm on the move, so the cold doesn't get to me, but yesterday my butt nearly froze to the roof, so... Yeah."
They could tell Peter wanted them to ask if he was waiting here yesterday as well. For how long, preferably. If they threw in a few "oh"s and "aw"s regarding the replies, of course accompanied by a look saying "poor you! you've endured for us so much! you're so poor, and sweet and everything else doesn't matter and is in the past!", then he'd probably feel as if everything was right in the world again.
He and Peter couldn't be more different, but the similarities they did share were some of the most annoying traits a human being could possibly have. Not that Eddie ever allowed himself to consciously acknowledge that.
The cap hung in the air, filling it with a steady stream of deliciously smelling steam. Venom eyed it with an unreadable expression. Taking it would mean, while maybe not straight up accepting an olive branch, at the very least willingness to do so, additionally on Peter's terms. The Symbiote wished to reach for it. Eddie would rather eat his own journalist notepad.
"One of Aunt May's best works," Peter almost sang the "o", shifting the weight of the cap in his hand and making the soup shimmer appetizingly.
Well, damn it.
Without a word(or eye-contact), they took the offered food. Again, they could sense Peter was smiling. They took a sip.
"...And here we were, beginning to think your words could actually be trusted," they said under their breath.
Peter raised up his arms defensively.
"Hold on there, I've never specify if I meant she cooked it... Or provided the recipe." The murderous look they sent him only made him laugh. "Come on, it's still pretty good, no?"
"It's...," A grimace formed on their face, but in the end Eddie couldn't find it in himself to lie. "Serviceable."
Another moment passed between them in silence. The Symbiote creeped down Eddie's face, allowing them to blow at the hot soup. While their (Eddie's) eyes stayed fixed on the cap, the whirling biomass "glanced" at Peter. He pulled the mask up for drinking, but the upper half of his face was still obscured, making it impossible to know if he was glancing their way too.
After a few more minutes filled with nothing but the sounds of the city flowing under their feet, Peter cleared his throat. His fingers drummed over the metal of thermos. The hollow sound vibrating through it made the Symbiote tense. Even after all this time, it still stayed a bit wary about the noises reminding it of the chiming bells.
“A pretty calm night we’re having, eh?” Peter prompted carefreely, as if he managed to drain the nervousness off his voice and magazine all of it in his restless hands.
They just stared at him, until he shifted uncomfortably in his place and sat the thermos down, to further wiggle his fingers.
“Right,” he mumbled, before letting out a sigh. “Right.” He put his hands into a small pyramid, tapping its top against his chin, as he rocked slightly back and forth. “Look… I… Well. I didn’t think you would treat my suggestion this seriously. And… get this upset.”
Eddie’s lips stretched down, exposing teeth. The strands of symbiote surrounding his neck like a collar began to draw up, billowing anxiously.
“Is this an exordium to an apology?” Eddie asked sharply.
“A wh-? Well, I guess-”
“Because if so,” he cut him off with a glare. “Then we’d advise you to start over, as this is the worst one we’ve had the displeasure of ever hearing.”
At the very last, they got his full attention. Peter's head snapped to face them. The  yellow street lights reached the bottom of the eyes of his mask. Despite all reason, the color didn't seem warm at all, after resting on their mirror-like surface.
“What do you want me to do?” The irritation, previously pushed to the back, now started to bleed through, saturating his voice with a much more familiar hue.
“Well, what do you think?”
“I don’t know! That's why I'm asking!”
“Oh, you don’t?" Eddie's eyes narrowed, and he leaned into Peter's personal space, ultimately breaking the balance keeping the moment from falling into another fighting ring. "Then why won’t you cut a piece of us and put it under a microscope, hm? After all, that’d be the best way to understand us, no?”
Since the bottom of Peter's maska was resting on  his nose bridge, they could see how his lips pressed into an almost white line, to the sound of teeth grinding against each other. 
“For the- I’ve already said I’m sorry!”
“No, no you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did!”
“All you said was that we’re over-sensitive.”
“I don’t- that’s not what I meant.”
“No! I-" Peter paused, to take a deep breath. He rested his palms down, and gripped the edge of the roof, bending down, as if in hope that swallowing the coldness of the night would cool him down. "Just. I’m sorry if you think what I said was… I don’t know, hurtful, alright?”
Hearing those words, the Symbiote let go of Eddie's lungs, to which it was clinging up until now and landed in a pile below his stomach. It bubbled up a little in relief.
Apologized. Okay now, no?
But apparently it was alone in its feelings.
"Hurtful, he says," Eddie let out a curt laugh, startling it. "If isn't that an amusing way to put it." His eyes, when he turned toward Peter were anything but amused. "Just tell it to us straight. You think we're over-reacting."
Eddie! Apologized! No need for this!
Its protests had as much influence on the ongoing scene as the wind blowing over the empty roofs. 
"I," Peter forced through clenched teeth, "really don't feel like doing this tonight."
"Do you think we're over-reacting, Peter?" Eddie repeated, placing every word as if he was slamming steel font into paper.
"Maybe I do!" Peter finally snapped. "Maybe I do, in fact, think you're blowing things out of proportion, maybe I do think it's absurd that you're acting as if I want to vivisect you, maybe I am a bit upset that you've been ignoring me and acting as if I did something absolutely unforgivable, when I just asked to take some samples! Yeah, maybe I do!"
When he finished around his fingertips, digging into the cement like curled talons, spread a web of cracks. But Eddie didn't even notice that. He was glaring at Peter with eyes like icicles, and an expression just as cold.
"Unbelievable," he hissed through clenched teeth.
Not giving Peter the time to react, he got up, towering over him like a gigantic gargoyle.
"That's your takeaway? We don't agree to your every whim so suddenly we're the bad guy here?"
"It's not some whim!" Peter almost growled as he jumped to his feet as well. "Sometimes- Sometimes you're insufferable! Did it ever," he stabbed his finger into their chest, "ever, crossed your mind to, I don't know, look at things from other person's point of view?! To maybe consider you're just being selfish?!"
"Oh, so we're the selfish ones?!"
"Well, I wasn't ghosting you for three days, for the immense crime of trying to find any way to make this goddamn mishegas work!" he yelled, throwing his arms to the sides.
"Listen here, you self-entitled brat-!"
But before he could finish, the mass of tendrils up until now nervously flailing around his neck exploded like a geyser, enveloping his head in a tight hood. Peter's mouth opened in a gasp, but he didn't manage to utter even a word, before a tentacle glued it shut as well.
 While Eddie pulled at the plasma stuck to his face, it split open, forming a maw going from one of his shoulders to the other. Peter stumbled back, almost falling. Only when the tentacle left his mouth, and the Symbiote streamed down, exposing the offended eyes of Eddie, did he calmed down.
"No more shouting," the alien quietly hissed. "Don't like shouting. Please?"
Eddie scowled, crossing his arms. Peter swallowed hard.
"Uh- Yeah, right, sorry about that," he mumbled, sounding a little taken aback.
"Don't like being hurt."
Peter's lips formed into an "o".
"Ah damn, did we really get this loud? Then, I'm really sorry. Didn't mean to- lose my temper this much." He cleared his throat, rubbing his hands stiffly.
With an unhappy grunt, Eddie's head swung side to side, strung along by his Other.
Its tentacles rested in a comforting manner over Eddie's head, simultaneously wrapping around his hands as well. It wasn't often that it took over the body they shared - but it could feel anger coursing through Eddie's veins and making his heart beat like a war drum. Talking in a state like this, which it could sense Peter sharing too, was bound to only make things worse. And it didn't want to meet with Peter only to further the rift the quarrel was forming between them. It curled inward a bit. It much preferred going along with the current formed by its host's will. When it pushed Eddie into facing Peter, it hoped he would make up with him without any further input of its own. One of its tentacles dripped down his face, caressing his rough features with tenderness and the slightest bit of exasperation.
It loved both of them. But it started to occur to it, that sometimes they acted rather... Stubbornly. Absolutely refusing to engage with each other in an actually productive manner. Which meant, that it probably should eventually start getting involved more. Even if it would prefer not to.
Speaking and acting for itself... Was hard.
Still, it had to at least try.
Peter can't read our mind, it shimmered inward. Humans can't read thoughts.
Eddie tensed and puffed up, taking on a pose of absolute offense and indignation. It petted his head once more.
"Don't like needles. Don't like being cut," the Symbiote said softly.
Letting out a sigh, Peter ran a hand down his face. When he spoke, his voice almost cracked, trying to close the gates on the flooding frustration. He seemed to intend to sound reassuring. What he came off as, brought to the mind a doctor at the end of his shift, explaining to a little kid that the bitter syrup he's prescribing them is absolutely not going to turn their tummy into a swamp.
"Jelly... You know that I would never hurt you. Come on, don't you trust me?"
The Symbiote hesitated, while choosing its next words. Eventually, it pulled its wide maw into just a small opening, before nearly whispering;
"Said don't want to be a specimen. But Peter wants to make us into it anyway"
And with those words, the tiny mouth sank back into its mass. Soon after it followed the collar of tentacles, previously stopping Eddie from interrupting it. He made an exaggerated grimace, and wiped his lips theatrically.
"I would much appreciate it if you didn't do that again," he huffed, receiving no answer.
His Other spread in curls along his organs, too nervous after speaking up to reply verbally. Instead it pushed forward an impression of a clarinet making tiny doots beside a massive, booming tuba. After that it went completely silent.
"That's not true," Eddie scoffed. 
He didn't really listen for an answer though. Instead, his eyes wandered to the side, stealing a peak at Peter, who was now sitting slouched. His hands hung like tied in a knot, occasionally jerking up in the beginning of a gesture, before collapsing back down. He seemed to be in quite the conundrum. Which, in a way, was a promising sight and Eddie found himself curious as to what his response to his Other would ultimately be.
"...But I really wouldn't hurt you."
"Oh, you can't be serious!"
All the dimming agitation that was smoldering in his chest arose with twice the strength. And then, they fell, turning into a hissing bundle of tired frustration.
"All I'm saying is just that-" Peter attempted once more, but he silenced him with a gesture.
"That's enough." He crossed his arms, feeling the claws dig a little deeper than they usually would. "I- We just can't do this right now."
The breath they took did little to soothe their nerves. But maybe something like a hot shower would. And a bucket of chocolate ice cream. They turned away, about to jump off the roof. It looked like it was going to be a relatively peaceful night. They might as well spend the rest of it inside.
"Eddie! We're not done talking!" Peter shouted after them.
"We are."
From behind they could hear an annoyed groan that they didn't bother to respond to. While they walked away, their face shifted to sharp fangs and blank eyes. They didn't even look back - and maybe they should have, because before they could put a foot over the edge, they got tugged right back by a strand of web. With a muffled curse between their teeth, Eddie sent a sharp glare over their shoulder. His patience was running thin. If this was to keep on going, he would- He would have to stop themselves from doing something they would regret later. And he would stop themselves. But the longer he could feel the hollow mirrors over themselves, the harder it was going to be.
"Peter," he drawled out. "We're going to say this one more time. We're done. Please. While we're still civil."
They snapped the webline off. Peter didn't send another, but he made a step toward them. Eddie grit their teeth.
"But this is important!"
The sincerity they didn't expect to resonate through his voice threw them off balance. For a moment, they froze. Peter dragged a hand down his face and then up it, pulling the mask with it. The eyes it exposed looked... Lost. He opened his mouth, taking in a breath, but the words he hoped to say didn't make it past his lips, tripping somewhere along the way and crushing down with a choked sigh. Eventually, he pressed his palms into his eyes, rubbing hard with another groan that grew into a full-on rant of muffled gibberish.
"I want this to work," he forced out finally, looking between his fingers. "This... THIS," he accentuated, pointing to the ground, "Is me trying to make it work. Okay? That's- there's no other motives attached to it. I'm trying to make this work. That's all."
Their heart clenched. Eddie wasn't sure if it was because the Symbiote grabbed onto it or... For some other reason. Maybe both. 
For a while, Peter rocked on his heels. As always, his hands were restless, like two separate beings, perhaps, fittingly, a pair of spiders scattering around in twitching spurts. Eventually, one of said spurts sent them to their hands, landing onto them with all the anxiety and all the hope of a crashfall.
"You scare me,” he said, running his thumb over the inches of their claws. “I wish we could be over it, but we're not. Like this... Sometimes I'm still scared of you. But- But if you'd let me- If I could understand you, I know that would help. I know it."
"That's not what we're against," they quietly responded.
"Then what?"
"The -” Eddie squeezed their eyelids shut, overtaken by pure frustration. “Jesus. Peter, it's not that hard to understand!"
"Then explain it to me!” Peter let go of their hand, spreading his arms. “If it's so obvious, explain it to me!"
In this moment, Eddie just really wanted to grab his head between their claws and yell directly into his face, letter by letter enucleating how much of a block headed moron he was being. He didn’t do that. But what he shouted was dripping with the need and intention of it.
 "The scalpels, Peter! The syringes, the microscopes-! Turning into a- another science project of yours, treating us like a freak to research and experiment on!"
"How else am I supposed to learn about you then?!" Peter screamed back, matching their exasperation to the t.
"Just be with us!" They grabbed Peter's hand, despite the fact he flinched away the moment they approached, and pressed it against their chest, against their heart.  "Look at us! Touch us! That's what we are. " Their voice grew soft and almost begging. Like a plea for Peter to not take his hand away. To meet their eyes and at least try to seek for the humanity in them, even if he was failing to see it. "This." They squeezed his hand. "Not some cells under a microscope. This."
For a while, Peter stood with his head hanging low. He stared at his palm, right beside the head of the white spider symbol. At the tendrils gently reaching up from it, growing past his wrist, past the elbow, to rest on his cheek. His breath hitched. He didn't look up.
But he didn't back away either.
It was uncertain, and rough, and quiet. They almost didn't hear it, as he leaned forward, resting his forehead at the center of their chest. His arms trembled a bit, when he reached up and then even more, when he dug them deep into the Symbiote.
The kiss that came afterward was both the most natural thing and the most possibility awkward. It was their worst yet, probably. Their mouths didn't fit together like that; not when it came to the kisses that were sweet and tender, anyway. It was nice, though. In its own way. And maybe that could be enough of a start.
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ofxlilac · 5 months
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(ben levin) [THE FIREBRAND]. Please welcome RHYS BENNETT (HE/HIM] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [35]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [BARTENDER AT SAMMIE'S PLACE]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive
NAME: Rhys Bennett AGE: 35 BIRTHDATE: April 15 SIGN: Aries LABEL: The Firebrand - a person who can be quite dogmatic and typically rebels. they stir up conflict and can be considered the troublemaker. GENDER: Cis male ORIENTATION: bisexual, bi-romantic PROFESSION: Bartender at Sammie's place LOCATION: Huntsville
HAIR: dark brown, can appear lighter in some instances EYES: hazel HEIGHT: 6’0″ MARKINGS: a tattoo of an ace card on his right forearm.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single   SIBLINGS: none PARENTS: deceased (because they are dead to him)
Hunter more than a gatherer.
PHYSICAL PROWESS: he’s athletic and muscular, he can kick ass if you really test him. likes to run a lot and kickbox. ABILITIES: pretty good at being stealthy, he has a bit of a con artist background. often gets in trouble. he can pickpocket really well. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French, and Italian. HOBBIES: he has a habit of visiting the gardens, and looking at architecture and landscape. he would also be one of the people that looks for supplies, food, and equipment.
POSITIVE: cunning, intelligent, adaptive, loyal NEGATIVE: assertive, impulsive, indifferent, blunt
COLORS: mostly neutral colors, dark grey, black, navy blue. SMELLS: the scent of woodchips, cigarettes, and the smell of baked goods. DRINKS: any alcohol FOOD: tries all kinds of food.
FUN FACTS:  likes to see a mess of a storm, or when the weather calls for advisory. BASICALLY DESTRUCTION. he’s not the type to easily be swayed, so any attempt to impress him won’t work. unless the person is really wild like a daredevil. favorite color is navy blue.
MOVIE CHARACTER: Twilight - Emmett Cullen Spiderman - Eddie Brock The Punisher - Frank Castle TRIGGERS : none
BIO  - TW mentions smoking and hunting.
Growing up in the household of his family was not easy, it was a well-structured and concise family. He grew up in Missouri, Kansas city. Nothing was out of place, nothing could be said wrong of the member of the family. However, what goes behind closed doors, remains within. Rhys was the only child, the prime example of what not to have. Every day his father would make notes to remind him that he was nothing compared to him. While his mother was for appearances, his father only showed command, and strict rules. His childhood consisted of discipline. He wanted a son that was educated, smart, and poised. All things that Rhys was not. he was in fact rebellious, smoked cigarettes, and failed in all his courses. He was considered weak in his father's eyes.
it was as if rhys had to prepare everything, his mother was nowhere in sight and she ended up having an affair leaving them. rhys was just 10 years old. he practically raised himself after that. the tension and anger for his father built up over the years. high school was more for him to just let off steam. he'd have flings, hang out with the wrong crowd. college wasn't something he was going to go through with.
Not to mention hunting, a passion of his father to hunt animals and make a scene. There would be sounds of howling, of animals dying almost. One could say his father trained him to hunt, however that was not in the cards for someone like Rhys. So instead of staying in a town that was not for him, he wanted to travel away from his father. He hitched a ride and left town for good. he spent most of his time having fun, learning new styles of fighting, and living his life.
eventually this landed him in huntsville, and now he can't escape.
  Wild friend- open- someone that completely changed his life, for the better or worse? he does not know, nor does he care. the life he had left behind was forgotten, and he moved forward. this person would become someone he found himself confiding in, no matter their differences.
Enemy - he fights with this person, maybe enemies to something more? i'd like to see the tension, angst or just anger hash out?
Fling - no emotional attachment whatsoever, he does not seek a relationship. he merely uses your muse. Whenever he feels like it really.
Warm soul - perhaps your muse has something special about them that somewhat reminds rhys that people can be good. he may find himself showing something, a smile, but that is brief.
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
Hey darling, i hope you are doing fine!
I'm going through a real hard time right now and i'm in a constant cycle of being sad, growing desperate, start crying, getting angry (mostly at myself cuz i'm a useless piece of 💩) cry some more and then just feeling numb until the sadness returns and everything starts over again.
How do you think the different Hardy characters would deal with that? Alfie, Eddie, Tommy, Bob, Forrest and all the other wonderful characters? Sorry for bothering
Dear Friend,
I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling down. It sounds like you are struggling with some overwhelming emotions. And that is something that I can relate to.
Let me first say, you are not a useless piece of sh*t. You are a wonderful human being who is trying their best at existing in a complicated world.
The complexity of the world is confusing and frustrating. And sometimes it is hard to process all the negativity, causing emotional anguish at a level equal to physical pain.
What you need to know is that the universe sees good, and it wants you to feel good. As long as we try to do better, be kind, tolerant and patient we can find balance between our mind and spirit.
You are worthy, you are good and you are strong. It is okay to cry, it is okay to have bad days, it is okay to feel what you're feeling. But I just want you to know that you are more than you think you are.
You have more power than you could possibly imagine, it's in your heart, believe me, it's there. You just gotta search for it, and you'll find that you are strong, powerful and filled with goodness.
Now, you are interested in how Tom Hardy Character's would deal with such emotions? Let's see then!
Alfie Solomons
I don't think Alfie has ever processed his emotions in healthy way. He probably suffers from PTSD from the war. It would be hard not to, even though I think he is of a stronger mind than most. He certainly has anger issues, but I believe he keeps his mind occupied by challenging himself against others regarding wits and strategy. A healthy habit is to stay occupied, and Alfie is always on the move.
Eddie Brock
I think Eddie would allow himself to feel his emotions completely. He isn't the type to feel unmasculine if he cries. Though Eddie is impulsive and causes a good portion of his own drama, he seems to be able to express his emotions rather than bottling them up. I feel like Eddie would be willing to go to therapy to work on his issues. Finding a good therapist is a very helpful tool in trying to process complex emotions, and lord knows Eddie has a few of those.
Tommy Conlon
Poor Tommy, talk about a man who has experienced trauma. Instead of embracing the need to address his issues, he tries to push down the pain with pills or fighting in the ring. I think he's the type of man who would require his significant other to support him through his pain. The woman he would be with needs to remind him of his mother in some way. Meaning that she would need to give him the same love and comfort that he had lost when his mother died. Finding a support group or even just a friend is important. And Tommy needs that.
Bob Saginowski
I feel like Bob is kind hearted and a good man. But over all, it seems he can process stressful situations fairly well. He understands what is right and what is wrong. It's wrong to hurt a defenseless puppy, and it's wrong to abuse a defenseless woman. It is not wrong to bring justice to someone who is bad. And Bob is able to sleep at night with the choices he has made. This type of person is rare I think. Not to say that Bob is a psycho! He is just able to use logic over his emotions, and according to studies, it is a rare trait.
Forrest Bondurant
We all know how Forrest functions. In silence! But, oh, boy, this man FEELS things. He just doesn't show it. He experiences rage, sadness, passion and endurance in a stoic and undetectable manner. He is a man of action. You won't find him sitting around complaining. He's gonna stand up and walk out that door. And lord have mercy on whoever pisses him off! That isn't exactly healthy...violence is never the answer, but hey, it's 1931, therapy wasn't invented just yet. And not like Forrest would go...maybe Maggie could have persuaded him?
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Okay, spoilers for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 to my followers who haven't played the game or if you don't mind. I'm going to...vent in a sense or suggest a crazy idea because I want to talk about this.
Despite the fact they would have to rehaul the game's story.
I still don't like Harry as Venom. But I swear, if the developers had to somehow really tie Eddie into it without making it overcomplicated. Even if this idea seems crazy. Here's this idea they could've done.
Take out the hints and mentions of Eddie from the first two games. Mainly Eddie's name on that one card here.
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If the developers are Hell bent on the idea of Harry being Venom. Here's what they could've done. They could've done this story where Harry as he's had the symbiote off for a while. As he's remembering his mother. He somehow finds out he isn't actually an Osborn; he was actually adopted. His real name is actually Edward Brock. But his name was changed to Harry after his birth father straight up abandoned him. Including learning his birth mother died giving birth to him.
Norman and Emily were going to one day tell Harry he was adopted. But when Emily died, Norman essentially forgot and decided it wasn't worth telling Harry. Because Harry developed the same sort of disease which we are going to call it "Cancer" and take elements from Eddie Brock's later years as a character. This information distraught Harry. Along with everything else around him going wrong.
He's slowly dying, his best friend isn't giving back the symbiote, the Emily May Foundation is destroyed, he doesn't feel like he's good enough for his father. And one of the worst things he's now discovered is that his "Mother" who he idolized wasn't actually his mother. And his birth father actually abandoned him to die.
When getting the symbiote back, all that anger built up, he seeks to "Heal the world" in his own way. But killing the ones who have wronged him and others. Yet also, to protect the innocent from those. Possibly any surviving villains that Kraven had not killed. And keep Kraven alive towards the end. Venom is killing villains that should've survived till later, hunters, cultists and whoever else.
Harry or Eddie in this case has become the "Venom" to all those people that needed to be punished. As "Venom" has been used in medicine sometimes to treat pain and other sorts of things that people have talked about.
Maybe you can still have the symbiote invasion stuff. But I'm not sure about that. Because while it's visually awesome and cool to play. I feel it doesn't fully fit the story or it becomes...less personal in a sense. And taking elements from Donny Cate's Venom run without putting in the substance. And sadly, not paying him any royalties too.
And let me be honest. This honestly sounds SO MUCH WORSE if they went with this. It sounds like a bastardized amalgamation of Harry and Eddie. It's much better when these two are separate characters. Especially Harry's time as the Green Goblin which I know they're building that character up with Norman. Yet Insomniac pretty much screwed up Venom. Even if they were to make that Venom game with Eddie in it.
Also, despite how much I love Kraven in the game. I feel like they could've maybe used Sin Eater in this game if we're going to have Venom but...that's a whole other discussion.
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angel-inked · 1 year
When they listen to music
Where words fail, music speaks 🎶
*This took longer to write than I expected 😅, but enjoy*
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @thedevilshardy @mollybegger-blog @wandawiccan60 @cameleonhardyfan63 @inkwolvesandcoffee @potter-solomons @liliac-dreamer
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There's something therapeutic about the wee hours of the morning. It's like listening to music in a dark room at midnight. Feeling like you're the only person awake in the world, like everything is at a standstill. Tommy has been roaming the streets of Pittsburgh since 3AM, with his army green massager bag slung over his shoulder. The insomnia didn't help.
He figured the cause of it to probably be paranoia, whether it came from his time in Iraq or from Paddy's alcohol fueled mood swings was hard to say. That's how he got that split his eyebrow. Shortly after he turned sixteen, he was minding his own business when Paddy whipped around and punched him. He remembers waking up in a hospital bed to the sound of his mother's crying. That was the first and last time one of Paddy's beatings sent somebody to the emergency room. Tommy fled with his mom soon thereafter.
His dad's wedding ring was what cut into him, he figured, stitchs cause the bleeding wouldn't stop. He scratched at the scar, hell, just thinking about it, made it itch. Pressing the volume rocker on his phone to turn the music in his headphones up a notch, a vague attempt to take his mind off of his father. He had a vice of keeping his headphones in, even if he was being spoken to. Heh, mom always told him off for that...
It relaxed him.. to a degree. Sitting on a bench, staring out at the water of the Allegheny River, no one around, music in his ears. The sun was just barely on the horizon. People would be flooding the streets soon, and thus, his serenity would be ruined, but for now, he was peaceful.
Let's dance!!!
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"So, what culinary delights will tickle the pickle tonight?" Eddie Brock asked into what looked like an empty apartment, and got no answer, except a dark snicker in the back of his head, in a voice that wasn't his own. "Not like that, you perverted para-" Venom forced Eddie's mouth shut, producing inky black tendrils from Eddie's back to help rifle through the kitchen cupboards.
Eddie sighed, realizing he'd have to go grocery shopping soon. "What is this?" The symbiote asked, holding a box in front of their host. "Mac and cheese," Eddie answered, "that'll do." He added, reaching over to turn on the radio before he began searching for a pot to boil water in. Not the end of the world by Katy Perry came on, and Eddie started to sing along to it.
"It's not the end of the world, no, not the end of the world. Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire. Don't lose hope"
Venom materialized their head, floating just behind Eddie, turning on the stove top with helpful tentacles.
"A fortune teller told me the power's in your mind. You might see a cliff, but I see a way to fly. Flipping off the flop, now I just enjoy the ride, just enjoy the world. Yeah, I just enjoy the ride"
Eddie continued his singing as he hauled himself up on the edge of the counter to wait for the water, swinging his legs back and forth to amuse himself. Venom bobbed their head to the beat and swayed their tentacles to the rhythm.
"You can make a wish even on a satellite, on a plastic lash or anything you like! You can tame a dragon if you're not afraid to fight, not afraid to fight, no, not afraid"
Eddie smiled, hopping off the counter and into a full body spin as he joined Venom's spur of the moment dance.
"It's no funeral we're attending, actually, just the beginning. Throw on your fancy attire, fears in the fire. Don't lose hope!"
As the song faded out, Eddie and Venom shared a laugh. Suddenly, the pair of unlikely partners heard a hissing sound, "Oh shit!" Eddie exclaimed, rushing over to the stove as the water boiled over. Immediately regretting his decision to grab the pot lid without a potholder. "Ow!" He yelped, thankful Vemon was in a good mood today as the burning sensation dissipated quickly. Vemon adjusted the lid before looking down at Eddie's crumpled position on the floor, leaning back against the floor level cupboards, "idiot." Vemon's voice rumbled.
Eddie scoffed, "Yeah, you could say that again!".
Opera debacle
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"Yeah, but opera's not fuckin' singin' is it!" Alfie exclaimed. Your husband has been rattling on for.. You're not actually sure, a couple hours at least, and Tommy Shelby looks about done with him. Then again, when is he not?
"It's not singing. It is the sound that people make before words." Alfie sounds like he's arguing with someone, but he's the only one speaking. Lizzie Shelby looked at you from her chair, confusion etched into her features. You were surprised when Tommy showed up with his wife on his arm, him claiming that she wished to meet you in person, not that you had any qualms about her. It just wasn't often Tommy was accompanied by anyone other than his brothers.
Lizzie hadn't met Alfie until now, probably for good reason, if you asked Tommy. Judging by that look she was giving you over her cuppa, this was not what she expected. You leaned toward her, "Let him go," you whispered, "he'll run out of puff or get to whatever Tommy came for sooner or later." You smiled quietly. Tommy, on the other hand, quietly smoked his cigarette on the couch as he waited for Alfie to get to the actual point of the meeting.
"I always knew opera was just a bunch of fat people fucking shouting!" Alfie exclaimed, pulling the needle off the record and effectively silencing the gramophone. He moved to one side of the room, glaring at the floor. Finally, he went back to his seat.
Groaning as he sat down, resting his chin on a closed fist for a moment, "Bah!" He griped, waving off nobody. "Are you done, dear?" You asked, beginning to think maybe you should have let your spouse wake up naturally instead of waking him up yourself, considering how grumpy he's been since then. Alfie stared at you, scrunching up his face with a soft grumble.
"Am I done? Done with fuckin' what?" He questioned, throwing his hands up in confusion.
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Garden trowel in hand, you covered the last of the seeds you had in hand with earth. You crossed your ankles for support as you straightened and popped your back, sighing with satisfaction at the feeling as tiredness set in. You and your fiancé had been planting all day, "you alright love?" Farrier asked, kissing the top of your head before kneeling next to you.
"Just tired," you smiled, "lot of work this, but it's worth it.". "Aye," Farrier agreed, finishing off his cigarette. A smirk appeared on his face, "I know how to make this more fun." He explained. "How?" You asked, slightly concerned about what he had in mind. "singing," he suggested. "Sing what?" You giggled. "Dunno." He smiled back at you.
Farrier stood, making his way over to the water tap, connecting the hose. You heard him start singing lowly to himself, something in french that you couldn't understand. "Is that a war song?" You questioned with a smile on your face. "In a way, more for ceremonies and the like." He explained. Farrier continued his song, like a songbird sat on the windowsill early in the morning, soaking in the golden rays of the sun and singing its juaty toon given way to dawn. You were more than content to lose yourself in the sound of the voice of your loved one.
Rock n' Roll
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Forrest had always been the odd man out when it came to music taste. Howard and Jack just about always had bluegrass or country on the radio, Howard even listened to swing when the urge struck him. Sure, Forrest is not really a jazz man, and he liked bluegrass and country well enough. It's what he was raised on after all, but rock ballads are more his speed and occasionally some classical.
Slow and rhythmic, in a word, relaxing. Forrest didn't often give the old record player in his office the time of day, but when he did, like right now, it's probably best off you leave him alone. As this usually meant it had been a hard day, and he had no interest in being bothered, as Howard and Jack found out the hard way, as usual.
That was probably why Howard was currently standing in front of you in the small, dimly lit hallway. Giving you a very puzzled look with his somewhat brushy eyebrows looking like they were desperate to touch each other. "Where are you goin'?" He asked, eyeing the pair of iced glasses, bottle of bourbon, and the book you were holding. "Forrest' office." You replied simply, trying to sidestep past the eldest brother. Howard stepped in front of you, his tall 6'1" figure looming over you.
He glanced over his shoulder at the door his previously mentioned younger brother was behind, "I'm not so sure that's the best place to be headed right now." He explained, scratching the back of his neck. "He's expecting me, now move out of the way!" You grumbled, slightly annoyed with him. You were tired and It's been a long day for everyone, but luckily for Howard, you have a bit more patience than Forrest does.
Howard finally allowed you to pass and disappeared into the barroom. You pushed open the door, Forrest looked up at you as you shut the door behind you. You sat one of the icey glasses down in front of him, pouring the bourbon you knew to be a favorite of his. "Thank you." Forrest mumbled, turning back to his ledger. "You're welcome." You smiled, filling your own glass before sitting down across from Forrest and opening your book.
The slow rock and roll pumping out of the record player was the only source of sound in the room as Forrest continued his work, and you enjoyed your book and drink. The both of you quietly enjoying each other's company after a hard day's work, with some lovely music in the background that you both enjoy.
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raimispiderman · 2 years
Once upon a time, 9 seconds of low quality soundless footage of the deleted scene between Eddie and Gwen was released!
If you’re curious about what it entails, the novelisation has a take on it (who knows if this was exactly what was planned for the movie, though:)
Quickly she headed for the front door, fully aware that her father and mother were going to be watching through the window the entire time. She approached Eddie, who had taken up station near her parked car. "What are you doing here?" she demanded.
"I know you're having family time, but, what a beautiful day," he said with such chipperness that she thought maybe he'd had a psychotic break or something. How could he act as if nothing were wrong? "Could we talk? Gosh, you look swell. Going running?"
"No. Why are you here?"
"Could I come in for a minute?" He gestured toward the house.
Gwen had a feeling that if she let him in, he'd never leave short of her father forcing him out at gunpoint. "I've told you, Eddie. I don't want to see you."
"Maybe you could use a little break." He proffered the box. "I brought you some candy. You said you like the cherry centers."
"Stop trying to take over my life!"
Their next-door neighbor was busy putting his sprinkler out on his lawn, but he stopped to listen in. Great. That's all I need.
"I'm not trying to take over your life. You're important to me! Don't act as if we've never met. We stood on that porch" - he pointed, his finger trembling - "you let me kiss you there. You said you cared for me. That you loved me!"
What? "I never said I loved you!" she protested. Becoming increasingly angry, Gwen railed, "How could anybody love you after you tried to disgrace someone who is as noble and principled as Spider-Man by deceiving the public with that phony picture you made up?!"
Eddie couldn't have looked more grief-stricken if he'd been standing at his mother's funeral. "Don't you understand there's a reason for everything? I know you talk to Parker about me. Why can't you talk to me, get my side of the story? Things aren't always what they seem to be, y'know." He reached out, took hold of her arm. "I need a friend right now."
Gwen tried to pull free, but he wasn't releasing her. "Let go of me, Eddie!"
She was certain that she still was in control of the situation, but clearly her parents didn't share that opinion. She heard the hurried sound of running feet and turned to see her father and mother approaching. "Take your hand off her, boy!" Captain Stacy warned him.
"Let her go!" said Helen.
Brock instantly let Gwen loose. His entire body looked shaky, as if his joints were being held together by little more than rubber bands. "How are you, Captain Stacy?" he said with false joviality. He actually had the nerve to put out a hand for a handshake. "Edward Brock, sir. Daily Bugle."
George Stacy looked at the outstretched hand as if it belonged to a leper. Worse: he'd probably have been more inclined to shake a leper's hand. "I know who you are. I want you to leave here."
Eddie lifted up his camera, trying to keep it steady as he peered through the viewfinder. He was so wobbly that Gwen was starting to wonder if he was either drunk or hungover. And he kept up with the random and bizarre attempts at flattery: "For my album, sir. If I could get the family? You have a beautiful house. Is this plastic siding?"
Captain Stacy took a step forward. "Mr. Brock, get off this property or I will arrest you. Is that clear?"
That silenced Eddie. He stared hopelessly, helplessly at the Stacy family, and something in the pure despair of his look made even George Stacy take a measure of pity on him. "Go on, son," he said as gently as he could. "Go home."
Brock looked at Gwen like a man who had just been strapped into the electric chair and was gazing at the life he would never have. Then he forced a smile that was all the more unsettling for its inappropriateness. He turned away from her, walked sadly to the sidewalk, then bizarrely did a little hop/skip/heel-kick motion that looked like something out of a music video.
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reaperlight · 1 year
Where The Hell Were You? (Venombirds Angst and Lore)
Dinah: Where were you? I know where mom was, where both my moms were--killed and imprisoned for their powers--but where the hell were you? You weren't in prison when I was being shuffled around foster care. No you were too busy killing people! Can't have a kid tagging along cramping your style, can you?
Cletus: Dinah... until last week I didn't even know you existed.
Frances: We were both sixteen. We didn't even know... no one ever told us. And then, at Ravencroft, they ripped you from my arms--
Cletus: [holds her as she breaks down sobbing]
Cletus: ...Yes, I was killing... because I was trying to find your mother, trying to get her out.
Dinah: And If you knew I existed? What then? What would you have done?
Cletus: ...I would have still have been searching for Frances. I couldn't just abandon your mother. You understand that, right? And... that got messy. It was no place for a kid. But I would have made sure you were safe, taken care of, provided for any way I could. I promise, I would have protected you... even if it was from me.
Dinah: You're a vigilante. Like Helena.
Cletus: Law doesn't really make that distinction, you know. I'm a killer. I own that. And... I ain't nice. You might have noticed I'm fucked up. I don't think I could have been a father then...
Dinah: Of course...
Cletus: I would have liked to have tried. I still do. If you'll have me... if you'll let me...
[Dinah takes his hand, all are hugging and crying.]
Cletus: Dinah I was killing to find Frances but there is something... broken in me. I might have ended up doing what I did anyway. What I know for sure, I wouldn't have left you in the same foster system that screwed up your mother and I.
Dinah: Who would have been the one to raise me then? Maybe I should meet them?
Cletus: Eddie. Eddie Brock... And maybe you should.
Frances: ...The guy who screwed you over?
Carnage: You can't be serious.
Cletus: Dead serious. He's the only one I would have trusted to look after her then... even now. He didn't know, did he? I thought I told him but... was that even real?
Carnage: No you didn't tell him.
Cletus: Shit.
Frances: Solitary confinement too, right?
Cletus: [*Nods*]
Frances: It screws with your head. Zero stars, would not recommend.
Cletus: I can't exactly fault Eddie for not remembering, it was unreasonable to think he would... it was so long ago--
Dinah: Eddie... Brock?
Frances: He's a journalist in San Francisco. We used to know each other when we were all kids.
Cletus: Yes and also... he's... like me.
Dinah: And he betrayed you?
Cletus: Of course he didn't know. It's not like Ravencroft wore helpful nametags that said "Hi I'm a kidnapper." Of course he thought I was offing innocent people for no reason. But just because he thinks I'm a monster I don't think he'd hold it against you. Even if I'm a monster you're innocent. Surely he'd see that. Surely... You'd be safe with him. I believe that's still true. If you and your friends need help and something happens to us, if they reneg on the deal, take us away... Eddie, he generally tries to do the right thing. So... that's my answer. If I couldn't get your mom out I would have sent you to live with Uncle Eddie. I would have sent you money, presents on your birthday...
Dinah, [holding back tears]: ...What sort of presents.
Cletus: Well, I don't know. I don't know what you like. I never got the chance to know you. Right now I suppose my go-to presents would be well-crafted knives or Mötley Crüe albums because that's what I like. Maybe if it was safe enough I would visit from time to time...
Dinah: You know that's kind of a big ask of someone you saw once when you were a kid. I probably would have ended up in foster care again.
Cletus: I don't think so. Eddie... he's like me. He would have wanted family as much as I did, as much as I do.
Dinah: As much as you did yet you'd give me up?
Cletus: But Eddie wasn't killing anyone. Unlike me. You would have been safe with him. I couldn't stay, Dinah, I couldn't... I couldn't stop. But I would have kept you away from the blood, the screams...
Dinah: You would have kept me away from my family.
Cletus: Dinah, I'm sorry. But listen...
Dinah: No, dad, you listen. You are staying with me now and we are going to work through this. I'm not gonna let them exploit either of you like they exploited my mom, Dinah. You're not joining the fucking Suicide Squad. We're going to fight this. Look, I don't expect you to be Batman-approved by the end of the week but I do expect you to control yourselves.
Cletus: I am. We are.
Dinah: Good. Keep that up. And if you've got any urges let me know. We'll try and find a more legal substitute.
Cletus: This is backwards. We're supposed to take care of you.
Frances: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry we couldn't...
Dinah: It's okay... You're here now.
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aamy2100982 · 1 year
It probably would have been more accurate to post this a few weeks ago when Eddie had his birthday, but it's over now, it's too late :b
Anyway. Small not so small fanfic (technically fanfic, but it's like an idea that I don't know how to translate into a complete story) for Eddie Brock x Venom symbionte x Flash Thompson
So these three have been dating for four years. In the fourth year Flash realizes that they never really celebrated Eddie's birthday. Weird because who doesn't celebrate his birthday? He had fought hard enough to force his boyfriends to celebrate holydays properly. With the symbiote because many times they didn't understand the meaning of the celebrations and with Eddie because apparently he had a shitty father who didn't celebrate anything.
Flash wasn't sure if Eddie ever told him what his birthday was. So he had to consult with the symbiote.
They talked a bit about it. Flash was aware of Eddie's trauma regarding his mother's death and at that point had completely forgotten that his mother-in-law's death and Eddie's birth were directly related (It was obvious, but he was so interested in knowing the date of the birthday who just forgot that little detail). But regardless of what happened that day, Flash believed that it was only fair for Eddie to let go of those traumas and be able to enjoy his birthday properly. After all there was, even if it is a sensitive topic, more than thirty years have passed since that incident, it was time to forget.
Flash wanted to have a party, not that big, but the typical celebration with friends, gifts, lots of food and cake. The symbiote opposed this idea, firstly because Eddie still hasn't gotten used to the idea of ​​having so many friends and even less to the idea all in one place and secondly, Eddie isn't a big fan of parties.
Flash responded to this negotiation with a lengthy "Boooooriing". But he accepted it. If he couldn't follow through with his idea, then he would have to find another, and ask.
"What was the best birthday Eddie ever had?"
"I don't know if you will like the answer"
"Eddie's last best birthday was with Annie"
Annie, of course it was with Annie. And, Annie was a tough wound to heal, and he couldn't blame his boyfriend, Annie was probably the first person to show him any affection. But he's still jealous that Eddie's best memories are with Annie. At a certain point this got very personal, he was going to make sure he had the best memories with Eddie and no one is going to stop him.
"It is incredible that you are competing with a person who died almost 20 years ago"
"Shut up!"
So the right way to make Eddie a pleasant birthday was to take him out for a walk and eat at a restaurant. It's no mystery to anyone that Eddie loves to take time to walk and think a little. They do not need to go to a specific place while walking, because in general moving from one place to another while engaging in an interesting conversation is enough. Eddie felt somewhat confused when Flash invited him for a walk and it wasn't about a morning jog, or going shopping or visiting someone, the point is that it's not very Flash just going for a walk. Flash was carrying the symbiote, Eddie thought it was so he wouldn't have to use the uncomfortable prostheses or the wheelchair, but in reality it was so the symbiote wouldn't accidentally reveal the intention behind all that.
Even if the walks weren't Flash's thing, he could say that he really enjoyed walking with Eddie, he always had something to say about what was going on around him, monologues and monologues full of descriptions, anything that crossed their paths could be a topic of conversation. But the time had come to redirect Eddie to the restaurant.
It wasn't very fancy, just Eddie's favorite restaurant and Eddie isn't exactly a person with fancy tastes. They sat down and evidently ordered their food. It wasn't long after the waiter left that Eddie couldn't help but ask.
"Okay, what is this all about?"
"What do you mean?"
"What is the special occasion? What happened today? I'm sure our anniversary is in about 4 months"
"Can't we take our beloved boyfriend out for a romantic date?" (fake offended drama)
"So you two just woke up this morning wanting to be romantic?" (mocking tone)
"You really don't know what day it is today?"
"hmm, tuesday?"
"no you idiot, why is today a special day?"
Eddie just shrugged in confusion.
"What? No..."
"what do you mean no?"
Eddie checks the date on his phone.
"Oh right, it's my birthday"
the three laughed in unison
Eddie thanks his boyfriends very much for the consideration, they enjoyed the food and the day ended as satisfying as they expected it to end. Spending a birthday with his two favorite people definitely made Eddie's birthday the best ever.
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anxietywriter · 1 year
AW Trivia
I thought it'd be a funny idea to include some fun facts about the prompts I make!
I ruin everything character things - actually based off a YT playlist I was listening to at the time! (Which also was called "I ruin everything")
Halloween Prompts - the first prompt was based off a very spicy but well done drawing they had seen (I think I was also thinking about Eddie Brock from MCU at this time and YOU KNOW WHY) and also my obsession for POTO which a college friend introduced me to (the 2004 version and yes I know technically there were a lot of things wrong but I know NOTHING and honestly hot damn) The last prompt under the cut was just kind of a sad reality that I wanted to give an uplifting spin to. I used to volunteer at a cat shelter so I'm always gonna be a little soft for cats
Dialogue prompt #52 - Batman was a real cat on my college campus. Unfortunately he passed earlier this March after getting hit by a car. I like to think he was very well-loved though and that he's resting now. He was a cutie, a cuddly black cat. Please remember to drive safe! Especially in high traffic areas or areas you know animals/people frequent! (Accidents happen and that's okay!! Just try to be as safe as you can!!) :3
things characters do that make me worship the ground they walk on - so many things. So so many things inspired this list. DSMP (Specifically Techno and TNTDuo), Tokyo Ghoul (Yoshimura, the nonkilling owl), Stranger Things ( Eddie and Steve), Be More Chill (Michael), myself, my high school world history teacher, and Phantom of the Opera (Erik Destler).
Dialogue Prompt #19 - My sister was the one who was very insistent on adopting everything. We volunteered at a cat shelter and if we could we would've. Unfortunately, I had to be the voice of reason. 😔 My mother will not let us adopt any pets it's a tragedy.
Dialogue Prompt #2 - Real life inspired by the fact that I call my friend a bootlicker because they like "country bumpkins." Cowboys. They like cowboys. And they wear cowboy boots too, but the point is that they like cowboys. I very much enjoy saying they have a cowboy kink only for them to try, and fail, to convince everyone that they do not. It's great we love my weird friend group.
Groupchat Tidbit #6 - A real life discord conversation between my friend and I. Full disclosure I was character B. I'm not even going to lie this was the funniest I've ever been. Like it's so cursed but I'm still giggling about it. My peak guys. My humor's already peaked and it's been downhill since.
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shindax1803 · 1 day
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Hey guys! Here I have my OC from Spider-man: Across The Spider-Verse.
His name is Dante Sanchez. He is Eddie Brock's grandson, therefore he has the powers of a symbiote thanks to his mother's genetics. He joined the Spider-Society thanks to Pavitr, since Dante was an anomaly in the spider universe and, therefore, when they went to capture him, Pavitr begged them to let Dante unite, since they became good friends.
I hope to bring you more content of him soon! I honestly love drawing him and I hope to bring you more drawings and curiosities of this character soon.
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dnfinite123 · 5 months
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Main protagonists of famous early 2000s film trilogy franchises (The Sam Raimi Spider-Man Trilogy & the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) that were used in many memes and references (which especially focus on the third films) after many years to the point that they gained their own meme subreddits filled with thousands of dedicated fans and gained cult followings despite being controversial when they first came out (but this only applies to Spider-Man 3 in Spider-Man’s case) and those franchises were directed by people who are most known for creating them (Sam Raimi & George Lucas). They started their stories as poor kids who lived with their poor caring mother figures (May Parker & Shmi Skywalker Lars) and were constantly disrespected by their grumpy bosses (J. Jonah Jameson & Watto) until they gained extraordinary powers from certain sources (A genetically altered super-spider & the Force) so they wanted to use these powers to protect others and take on greater roles (Superhero & Jedi) and these powers notably involve their hands and enhanced senses (Web-Fluid Generation, Wall-Crawling and the Spider-Sense & Force Powers). They saw their mother figures as motivations to work harder and later met special women they fell in love with who also drove them to be better heroes (Mary Jane Watson & Padme Amidala).
In the first films, there is notable emphasis on prominent mentor figures who passed away and inspired them to rise as heroes in the first place (Ben Parker & Qui-Gon Jinn) in the second films, we see them doubt their current roles in favor of their personal lives and let some injustice be done (Spider-Man began to give up being a superhero due to his superhero duties not giving him enough time to focus on his personal life but this decision allowed Doctor Octopus to continue to terrorize New York City & Anakin Skywalker was conflicted between his duties as a Jedi and his forbidden love for Padme Amidala which added to the frustration he unleashed when he slaughtered an entire village of Tusken Raiders after finding out that they killed his mother). In the third films, they were manipulated by pure evil forces who made them power-hungry (The Venom Symbiote which enhanced Spider-Man’s powers but at the cost of making him more aggressive towards everyone & Emperor Palpatine who manipulated Anakin Skywalker into joining the dark side of the Force and becoming his apprentice by offering him a chance at obtaining greater power to save Padme Amidala). Their personalities drastically changed and are joked about being too edgy by the fans. They even scared away the very women they fell in love with and swore to protect (Spider-Man scared away Mary Jane Watson after he tried to make her jealous and displayed violent tendencies by beating up bouncers and punching her in the jaw & Anakin Skywalker scared the life away from Padme Amidala after Padme witnessed how power-hungry he became).
Those women were even used as hostages by the villains who toyed with them (The Venom Symbiote teamed up with Spider-Man’s photographer rival Eddie Brock to hold Mary Jane Watson hostage to get revenge on Spider-Man for rejecting it after Spider-Man realized he allowed the symbiote to corrupt him & Emperor Palpatine figuratively held Padme Amidala hostage by using her as a motivation for Anakin Skywalker to turn to the dark side of the Force and become his greatest weapon) They once had close friends they considered as brothers because of their deep histories together and how they protected them (Harry Osborn & Obi-Wan Kenobi) but unfortunately, these ties were severed when their friends fought them to avenge the crimes they (thought they in Harry Osborn’s case) did (Harry Osborn vowed to destroy Spider-Man because he thought that Spider-Man killed his father Norman Osborn while Obi-Wan Kenobi vowed to stop Anakin Skywalker after seeing how he was completely consumed by the dark side of the Force) and their conflicts ended with two of them laying on the ground dead in different circumstances while the others mourned for their deaths (Harry Osborn sacrificed himself to save Spider-Man after realizing he was wrong about Spider-Man killing his father and their friendship was restored while Anakin Skywalker died in the climactic duel between him and Obi-Wan Kenobi and their friendship was broken). Spider-Man ended his trilogy completely freed from the evil that once controlled him and reconnected with his loved ones while Anakin Skywalker ended his trilogy completely consumed by evil and betrayed everyone he ever cared for. They notably came back in recent stories that continued where their stories left off (Spider-Man: No Way Home & Obi-Wan Kenobi).
Idea not done by me big shoutout to a reddit username guy-1234567890
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psychiccatpanda · 1 year
Tony Stark Bingo August Party - Never have I ever written a Tony rarepair fic
So a bunch of us played Never Have I Ever during the most recent TSB Bingo Party and I'm sharing the links for the works shared here! Hope you enjoy! 😊
For this question, we defined "rarepair" as less than 1,000 fics on Ao3. Many of these have less than 100! 😮
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@polizwrites - Going All In. (fanfic) Rating: Explicit. Tony Stark/Brock Rumlow. In the wake of his parents' death, Tony gets his aggressively flirty bluff called by a junior SHIELD agent who is apparently not as straight as anyone (including himself) thinks.
@psychiccatpanda - Because I could not stop for Death - (He kindly stopped for me). (fanfic) Rating: Teen+. Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes/Pepper Potts. Howard Stark and his wife are wealthy industrialists looking for an entrance into polite society. Lord and Lady Potts are aristocrats one sneeze away from the poorhouse. Their heirs will marry and both sets of parents will get what they want... as long as everything goes According To Plan. (Hint: it doesn't). [a Corpse Bride AU]
tinystark616 - 1, 2, 3 (Her, You, and Me). (fanfic) Rating: Explicit. Tony Stark/Pepper Potts/Steve Rogers.
Steve tries to organize his thoughts as Tony resumes his typing, wanting to say something, anything that doesn't sound completely stupid. "Who… Um. Who are you arranging a threesome with?" "Pepper." Steve's jaw drops again. "You want me to have sex with your ex-girlfriend?" "Nope," Tony says, his eyes leaving the screen just to focus on Steve again. "I want both of us to have sex with my ex-girlfriend. That's what threesome means." Or, Steve lets it slip that he would like to have sex with a woman, and Tony doesn't want Steve to miss out on anything.
@polizwrites - Try, (Tri) Again. (fanfic) Rating: Explicit. Tony Stark/Eddie Brock/Venom. Gentle!Dom Tony's hard limits prevented him from giving sub!Eddie the painplay he craves; Eddie's new acquaintance becomes the key to everyone getting what they need.
@psychiccatpanda - This Is Not Gardening (You Can't Fool Me). (fanfic and moodboard). Rating: General. Tony Stark/Clint Barton/James "Rhodey" Rhodes. Tony and Clint are waiting for Rhodey to come back from his run. Tony's got an event later that day, but some things are more important than galas.
@somesortofitalianroast - Sign on the dotted line. (fanfic). Rating: Teen+. Tony Stark/Scott Lang. Before officially agreeing to be the Avengers Alpha, Scott Lang wants to make sure that a) he and Tony Stark are compatible, and b) Pepper Potts won’t kill him in a jealous Alpha rage were he to need a Heat Share. [a/b/o universe]
@psychiccatpanda & @polizwrites - The Devil Is in the Details (Sign on the Dotted Line). (fanfic) Rating: Teen+. Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton.
Things go from bad to worse when Tony Stark accidentally summons a demon while trying to cook his mother's osso bucco for Ty to woo him back. Bucky and Clint are just demons working for the weekend. Only they're in Hell and there aren't any weekends. But, if they collect enough souls and fulfill enough contracts, they'll be able to pass the business on to two pairs of lost souls to do their work for them. (Yes, the soul collection business is a multi-level marketing scheme. Remember, this is Hell.) What happens when these two worlds collide?
Hope you enjoy these!! 😊
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