fullgrownpalace · 7 months
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Some BW/Full Grown, Big Deal, and (older AU!)Reggie appreciation
I’m an unabashed ButtDeal lover, anyways- Sorry I mainly draw older Reggie, it’s for mine n my best friend’s AUs and it’s interesting to poke at her development as she has to grow up (she’s still a messy chaos girl forever)
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rxnn · 5 months
Bleeding Heart [four]
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one, two, three, five, six
Lo-and-behold, Leia and Callum woke up again about a few hours later to get Callum on the bus.
Leia, to put it simply, felt like shit as she locked the door behind them, pocketing the key. Her hands and shoulders ached from the previous night's activity. 
When she finally heard the soft click she pocketed the key and turned, seeing Callum rubbing his eyes, yawning. She sighed and ruffled his hair making him smile sleepily up at her then shyly stretch his arms upward, making grabby hands at her.
Leia chuckled and picked him up, putting him on her hip and began walking them out of their building.
"We're gonna try our best today," she whispered the mantra she told him every morning as they walked to the bus stop. "We're gonna do amazing things."
Callum nodded, tucking his head under Leia's chin, gripping her puffy jacket in his small fist.
"We are kind, we are…smart," Callum continued, yawning before snuggling more into Leia's warmth as the cold morning breeze rolled over the pair.
"Good job, baby." Leia cooed, pulling his hat further over his head.
When they made it to the bus stop, Leia wished she didn't have to let him go, but he wiggled from her arms and waved goodbye as he climbed up the steps behind the other kids. She waited until the bus pulled away from the stop and disappeared in the morning rush.
She sighed heavily and looked up at the cloudy Gotham sky, wondering if it would start raining once again. She hoped not. When she snapped out of it, she spun on her heel to head back home and get some extra sleep but was met by someone slamming into her followed by the sting of something cold seeping through her shirt.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" The person said, backing away with a nervous chuckle.
Leia didn't look up, looking down at the iced coffee stain that now decorated the top of her shirt. Thankfully, it was older and had suffered its many years of use with its faded black letters that spelled out her high school.
"It's okay.” It really wasn't but she didn't have the energy to argue, so instead, she brushed the person off with a wave of her hand, finally looking up to smile assuringly at them. It wouldn't be worth it to make a big deal out of this. "Accidents happen, I've suffered worse than a coffee spill." 
The man was a little taller than her, only by an inch or two. He had short black hair that framed a his slightly tanned face and dark blue eyes. Strong build with broad shoulders, not near as muscular as Jason, but definitely fit. He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand while the other held the now empty culprit of her stained shirt.
"Here.” He took off his scarf that matched his eyes. "To cover the stain."
"Oh, no, I'm al—"
"I insist." He ignored her and wrapped the scarf around her loosely, still warm from where it'd hung around his neck. 
Leia hesitated, fighting a flinch when he adjusted it around her neck to cover the stain. Once he was done, he smiled, proud of his work.
"Thanks..." She trailed off, unsure about where to go from here. 
"Richard.” He held out his hand, a charming smile on his lips. "Sorry I should've started with that, huh?"
"Nice to meet you." She couldn't help but laugh softly, shaking his outstretched hand. "Sorry for bumping into you. I should've been paying attention."
"No, it's my fault." Richard shook his head before pursing his lips and clearing his throat. "Can I get you a coffee? There's a shop around the corner I've heard is pretty good."
Though she knew which one he was talking about, Leia hesitated again. He seemed nice enough, charming even. Probably nicer than most of the stand-offish people in Gotham.
"Please? I feel really bad." Richard chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
There's really no harm in free coffee, is there?
"Y'know what? Sure, who am I to deny a free cup of coffee?"
A wide, pleased smile spread across his face.
"Great! Thank you."
"I should be thanking you."
He shook his head, still smiling and placed a hand just below her shoulder blades, leading her through the morning rush crowd.
"I don't think I caught your name." He tilted his head down toward her ear to be heard over the chatter of the people around them.
"Leia," she replied as they turned the corner.
She wanted to tell him to take his hand off her as it made her skin crawl for some reason. To her luck, he dropped his hand to his side as soon as they rounded the corner, turning down a smaller, less busy street.
"Pretty name."
Leia hummed, raising an unimpressed brow at him, a teasing smirk adorning her lips. "Do you say that to every girl you meet?"
"Nah, just the ones I spill coffee on."
"So this is a common occurrence then?" She teased, holding the door open for him to follow her as they entered the warm coffee shop.
"What can I say? I'm a clutz." He shrugged.
Leia laughed, tucking some hair behind her ear that had fallen from where she’d pulled it away from her face. He joined, shaking his head as they walked to the cashier. They both gave their order and he paid, innocently asking what she did for a living.
"Oh, I'm a nurse," she shrugged, making sure to leave out where she worked specifically. One could never be too careful even if a cute guy was buying her coffee.
As they continued chatting while they waited for their coffee, Leia realized where she recognized him from. He was Richard — rather Dick — Grayson, the son of Bruce Wayne aka the guy plastered on the evening news every other week for the newest charity announcement. She quickly decided to leave it be and not make a big deal out of it. The guy was nice enough to give her his scarf then buy her a drink because he felt bad about spilling his on her, so the least she could do was not freak the fuck out about who his dad was.
"That's cool! Got any fun stories?"
"Plenty. What do you do if you don't mind me asking?" She didn't know a lot about Bruce Wayne and his family, just that he had a shit ton of kids and was a playboy from what she'd heard her coworkers gossiping about. 
"I'm a detective in Blüdhaven."
"Blüudhaven, huh? What are you doing here in Gotham?"
"Just visiting some family." He hummed, gazing around the crowded street.
"That's sweet," she cooed, missing the way he rolled his eyes.
"Leia!" A barista shouted.
Leia perked up and walked over before Dick could, thanking the barista, and walked back, handing the Dick his own drink. She caught sight of two women waiting for their own drinks whispering and pointing between herself and Dick causing her stomach to drop. God forbid someone thought this was a date. Now that she thought about it, most of the cafe was either trying to not look over or were blatantly staring.
"Thanks again for paying, you didn't have to." Leia smiled, putting a little more space between them and trying to ignore the stares boring into her skull.
"It's no problem, really.” He glanced over her shoulder at what she assumed was the two whispering women. "You wanna get out of here?"
"What a wonderful idea."
This wasn't Dick's plan, but it was working even better than he'd hoped. He wasn't supposed to spill his coffee on her, that was an accident. Originally, he was just going to bump her shoulder, compliment her, start a conversation, the whole charming guy shebang. He was curious about why Jason trusted her so much. But it went completely off course when she'd turned on her heel and knocked into him, successfully spilling his coffee all over her shirt.
He'd noted her caution and how she monitored her responses as she kept to the point and without little detail. It was the bare minimum, smart, but it didn’t matter much seeing as he nabbed a copy of Tim's deep dive into her person. When Dick asked Tim for it, Tim had rolled his eyes and said she was clean (the whole family was painfully aware of Tim's habit of deep dives on people, so it wasn't a surprise that he'd already vetted her). It took a little convincing, but Dick managed to get a copy.
Tim was right, she was clean. Graduated high school with top marks, went to good college and graduated with her BSN and immediately went into the workforce. She’d been caring for Callum, her son, who just started 1st grade at Widow Creek Elementary, since she was twenty years old. According to the police reports Tim dug up, Callum had been left on their doorstep when he was barely a few months old. There was no record of his parents and after some fighting in court, she got custody. Sadly, that only lasted until about a year ago where Matilda Kernell, one of Leia's closest friends, died in a horrific car crash in January that year according to their local newspaper.
Dick watched her out of the corner of his eye as she fidgeted under the looks of those in the cafe. He really hated the attention he and his family received.
"Thanks again for paying, you didn't have to." Leia smiled. He noticed her shift away from him and he had to fight a frown.
"It's no problem, really.” He glanced over her shoulder spotting two whispering women that were not so subtly pulling out their phones. "You wanna get out of here?"
"What a wonderful idea." The relief in her voice made him feel a little bad seeing as the attention was based on him.
He positioned himself behind her, blocking any view a camera would’ve gotten of her. She opened the door for him again, a blast of chilly October air slamming into them.
As they started walking back toward where they bumped into each other, they continued their small talk. He offhandedly mentioned that he spoke fluent Italian just to spark conversation and he swore she almost got whiplash from swinging her head so fast. With a huge smile, she confessed that she was fluent too, having learned it for a friend. She also admitted she wanted to go to Italy one day. Dick jumped at the opportunity and told her he’d been. Somehow, her smile widened, tension leaving her as he told her what he’d seen and done.
“That sounds amazing,” she admitted, glancing up at the sky as the sun broke through the clouds.
“It really was.”
They came to a stop and Dick found himself scrambling for an excuse to talk longer. 
“Sorry again about your shirt.” Dick started, keeping an eye out for cameras. “Want me to walk you back to wherever you're off to?”
Leia paused, glancing toward the street they’d come from. She bit her lip before looking back at him with a gentle smile, walls back up.
“It’s daylight, I’ll be fine. Thanks for the coffee.” She held the cup up in a salute, taking a sip of it. “Oh! Here.” She pulled the scarf off her neck then handed it back to him before he could protest.
“It was nice meeting you, Richard. Try not to spill your coffee on anyone else, yeah?” She laughed, the sound a melody he’d never heard before. 
And just like that, she disappeared into the crowd.
Dick watched her go, standing in the middle of the crowded sidewalk, clutching the still warm scarf. It was as if her leftover heat crawled up his arm to his face, turning his cheeks and ears pink. He was brought away from his thoughts when someone bumped his shoulder. They didn’t bother apologizing, just continuing forward.
Dick scoffed under his breath, ignoring the heat and pulled his scarf back around his neck. The smell caught him off guard: baked goods and eucalyptus. He took a deep inhale of it without really thinking.
It made him feel…light.
He looked back in the direction Leia had gone and smiled to himself, toying with the ends of the scarf. He hasn't clicked with someone so quickly and genuinely in a long time. Sure, there had been Barbra, Kori, and more than a few others in between, but this was different.
If she picked up on who he was, he couldn’t tell. She treated him like he was just…normal. It was so rare for someone to treat him like that: to not look to him for answers, as the standard for a hero, or as a billionaire’s son but instead act as though he was just a person going about their day.
Dick couldn’t blame Jason for liking Leia in the slightest and he found himself hoping to see her again.
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varpusvaras · 7 months
Something was going on.
Fox could see it from the moment Breha walked into his room. She was trying too hard to look like nothing was wrong, but the expression on her face looked forced, like her skin had been painted over with hardened wax.
She walked over to his bed and sat down. Fox watched her every movement carefully, just waiting for her to open her mouth and say what it was. He watched as she breathed, laced her fingers together, and then decided otherwise and instead reached for Fox's hand, taking it into her own. Fox watched as she stroked her fingers over the back of his hand, slowly, gently, like she was trying to calm down both herself and him.
Fox couldn't take it anymore.
"What is it?" He asked. "Did something happen?"
He was suddenly very aware of the fact that it was only Breha in the room with him. Bail was still supposed to be on Alderaan. He had said that he didn't need to leave for another week. Why was he not here? Had something happened and-
"Bail is alright", Breha said, like she had just read all of his thoughts. "He is just outside the door, actually. We just thought that it was for the best if I came in first and explained this all a little bit first."
"Explained what?" Fox asked. Breha breathed in deeply again, and squeezed Fox's hand.
"I'm afraid we haven't been entirely truthful with you", she started, "please believe me when I say it wasn't because we didn't trust you, the situation was just very delicate, with your health and what is going on in the Galaxy now."
There were too many questions in Fox's mind now, none of which he knew how to ask out loud.
"But everybody is alright?" He asked. Breha smiled at him a little.
"Of course. We just want you to meet someone", she said. "Someone we haven't yet told you about."
She turned around, to look at the door.
"Bail, love", she called. "Come in."
Fox watched as Bail walked in, his eyes immeadiately finding the little body resting in his arms, and his heart jumped up to his throat.
"Fox", Breha said, as Bail stopped next to the bed. "This is Leia. Our daughter."
Fox stared. Stared at the baby in Bail's arms, tinier than even the smallest of Cadets Fox had ever seen, dark brown hair covering its head and its tiny hands grasping onto the front of Bail's shirt.
"I'm sorry we didn't tell you right away", Bail said, apologetic tone in his voice that Fox barely heard over the rushing of the blood in his ears. "The situation was...difficult. You needed to heal, even a little bit, and we didn't want to lie to you about her."
Fox finally managed to lift his eyes from the baby back to Bail and Breha, who were both looking at him with guarded eyes.
"Lie to me about what?" He asked. "This isn't...you didn't have to tell me anything, I'm just-"
"Fox", Breha interrupted him, before his spiralling thoughts could come rushing out of his mouth. "You are part of our family, just as she is. You deserve to know just as much, but we didn't want to stress you out with all of this, before we knew that you were stable enough. We trust you with this knowledge, just as much as we trust each other with it."
"I don't understand", Fox said. He really didn't. Bail and Breha had always talked about wanting a child, so much so that Fox had started to sometimes give himself a permission to want one too, to imagine what it would be like, with all three of them and a little one who would look up to him and call him buir. What more was there to know about that?
Breha squeezed his hands again.
"She is the daughter of Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker", she said, leaving no room for any more questions in Fox's mind.
Fox looked at her. He looked at Bail and his somber eyes, and he looked back down at the baby, still fast asleep in Bail's arms.
There was still one question left, after all.
"Why did you tell me?" He asked. "I'm a breach in security, now. If they find me, they can make me talk."
"They can make me talk, just as easily", Bail said. "They can make Breha talk as well. You are part of our family. You deserve to know just as much as both of us do."
Fox looked at the baby. Leia. Her name was Leia.
It was-
He swallowed hard. There were still things he wanted to say, but he had lost the trust in his own voice.
There was a moment of silence between them, before Bail moved.
"Do you want to hold her?" He asked softly.
Fox looked up at him, and back to Leia.
She was so small. So very small and soft and delicate and important, and Fox wanted nothing more than to make sure that no one or no thing was ever going to hurt her, including himself.
"I-" He tried to say so, but there was something in his throat. "I, I can't, I-"
Have done some many horrible things. Have hurt so many innocent beings already. Have no idea how you can even ask me that.
"You can", Bail said. "I'm going to just lay her on your lap. You don't need much strength in your arms for that. It's alright."
His body had been the last thing Fox had been thinking about right then. The range of motion of his upper body had gotten a lot better recently, even if he still couldn't hold even his own weight up yet. The realisation of that made him feel better, actually. He was too broken to hurt anybody, even a little baby.
He looked at Leia, then up at Bail, and nodded.
Bail smiled, and carefully leaned over and carefully laid Leia's little body on Fox's lap and arms. She was so light Fox barely even felt her, but weighted more than all the stars in the universe.
Even though Bail had tried to be careful, as soon as he let go of Leia, her face scrunched up and her eyes, already darkened to brown, blinked up at Fox.
Fox expected her to cry. To scream. To want back to the warm safety of Bail's arms.
She didn't. She stayed quiet, staring up at Fox, and Fox could almost swear that he felt something tugging at his mind and heart.
Then her face shifted again, and she smiled at him, reaching her little hands towards Fox, and Fox-
Fox cried.
He didn't try to stop it. He just let the tears fall down his face and to his neck, and he let Breha wipe them away without a word.
"You know we don't expect anything from you", Breha said then. "It's entirely your choice to stay with us. But, if you want...she can be yours as well. She can be ours. If you want."
There was still something in Fox's throat, there were still tears running down his face, but he pushed past them to answer.
"Yes", he said. "Yes."
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andydrysdalerogers · 5 months
Cross-Checked ~ Chapter 15
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Andy Barber x OFC Leighton "Leia" Andrews
Andy Barber is having the best year of his life. His game is on point. It’s gets to play with his best friend and his fiancé just... dumped him?!. 
Reeling from a sudden change in status, Andy decides it’s time to just focus on hockey. Until his best friend's sister comes out with news that rock the entire organizations world., 
Andy has always carried a torch for the untouchable Leighton but in her hour of need, is now the time to shoot and score or risk getting cross - checked again? 
Warnings: Cheating (but not by the MCs); slow burn; friends to lovers eventually; SMUT!; pregnancy; jealousy; handsome goalies, evil exes...
A/N: The tag list is open!
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
Previous: Chapter 14: Mother Knows Best
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chapter 15 ~ Unexpected
Week 26 
We’ve been at Boston General for a few hours. The doctor immediately checked Leia in and hooked her up to a couple of machines. She was doing everything she could to remain calm, but the tears wouldn’t let up.  I am so angry at Monica for this. Why that woman can’t just be happy for her kids is beyond me.  It's times like these where I miss my mom. While she would have been skeptical because of the how, she knew the why and that would have been all that mattered. She loved Leia and knew about my unrequited love for her. She would have been thankful for our love and for her granddaughter.  
Fuck Monica for ruining this.  
Once the machines were one, we heard the best sound in the world: the fetal heart monitor. I swear there is not a sweeter sound than my daughter’s heartbeat. Hearing it nice and strong gave me the strength to let go of my anger and concentrate on my family. I was flooded with relief until I saw the tears streaming down her beautiful face. “Sweetheart?” 
“I thought I hurt her,” she cries. She leans her head into me, and I hold her. She sobs for a while, soaking my shirt with her tears. I do my best to soothe her, running my hand over her hair, kissing her head, reassuring her. “My queen, our princess is good.  She’s healthy and growing.” She hiccups as she starts to calm down.  
“Where is Luke?” 
“I think he went for a coffee. Let me find him. I will be right back.” I kiss her forehead and smile before I head out.  I know where Luke is. He texted me a few minutes ago and I know I need to help him before he goes on a spree. 
“Kyle, my sister has been admitted for monitoring and you want to excuse her behavior.... I don’t care. She has been so selfish when it comes to us... I get that you love her and she’s your wife, but she’s been our mother longer... if she is not going to apologize then she is not welcomed. I will not have her upset my sister when it puts her and my niece in danger.” He ended the call and looked at me with a fire, but it was mixed with sadness.  “She doesn’t think she did anything wrong.”  
My best friend looks defeated.  He should have been on a high, coming back from his first all-star game. Instead, he had to deal with his mother. “I’m sorry, brother. What can I do?” 
He shakes his head, not sure of the words to say. He looks up at me and his eyes are rimmed with tears. “I feel like I lost both my parents now.” A single tear falls, and I pull him into a hug. He sobs because I know, this is hard for him. He wants to be strong for Leia so I gave him this. 
“Let it out, buddy, its ok.  Just you and me, alright. Be weak here so you can be strong out there.” I just hold him, and he calms.  
“What did the doctors say?” He wipes the wetness from his eyes.  
“We can hear the baby. A nice strong heartbeat. I don’t know what the tests say yet. We’re waiting for the doctor to tell us but really Leia just wanted to know that she was ok.”  
Before Luke can say anything else, a nurse comes in. “Mr. Barber, Mr. Andrews?” 
“Miss Andrews asked if you could come in. The doctor wants to go over the results.”  
I nod and we make our way back to Leia’s room. I see her sitting up, rubbing her hand over her belly. I sit next to her on her bed and kiss her head. Luke takes his place standing on the other side of the bed. The doctor looks at his notes before he begins. “Leia, I talked to Dr. Sheppard, and we think we need to make some changes.”  
“Changes?” She squeaked.  
“Modified bed rest.  You don’t need to be in bed, but we would like you to rest as much as possible. No more highly stressed events, working, anything like that.”  
I frown. “She has to stop working?”  
“It would be recommended. Now, I know you are no longer flying but I would avoid traveling as much as possible. More time on the couch, baths, naps are recommended, until at least the 34th week.  By that time, the baby is much more developed and can be safely delivered.”  
“Ok,” she whispers. “Anything else?” 
“Plenty of fluids, maintain your diet, and we should get you to the home stretch. Eight weeks, ok. You will have weekly check ins now so we can check your blood pressure and we get a peek at Baby but otherwise, you are lady of leisure from now on.”  
“Thanks Doc,” I say. He leaves the room, and a nurse comes in. “I’m gonna get your discharge paperwork so we can get you home.”  
“Well, this sucks,” Leia says as she leans her head back. “I don’t know what I am going to do. I mean the Bruins said that if I had to go on early maternity leave, it wouldn’t be a problem but with my business...” 
“Why not hire someone to step in?” Luke says. “You could get one of the assistants to help you and maybe you can video conference for the really big meetings.”  
“You’re a genius, Lukey!” Leia wraps her arms around her brother. It's one problem solved until I remember we have a lot of road games coming up.  Our schedule had been home heavy until recently and now we need to hit the road.  
“What about when we are gone?” I ask. “Can Miranda stay with her?” 
“I don’t think it will be a problem. She works from home,” Luke says. “We’ll make sure you are taken care of Cubby, don’t you worry.”  
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Week 27 
I’m packing my bag for the next road trip as my queen sits up in bed, reading a book.  “Whatcha reading, beautiful?” 
“Just a romance,” she says distractedly.  
“Oh yeah?” Now this piqued my interest. Leia has an affinity for dirty romances.  She thinks I don’t know this, but she’s left a couple of her books laying around and I got curious a couple of times.  Let me tell you, it has given me a few ideas for when she is no longer pregnant, and I can bend her body at my will. I glance at my watch and determine that I have some time.  
“Mmhmm.” She is deep in the story that she doesn’t see that I’m pulling off my shirt. I grasp her ankle and pull her down the bed. She squeaks and then moans as I run my hands up her legs. She’s just wearing one of my shirts and panties, making her look scrumptious. As I pull her down, the shirt rides up, exposing her belly and stopping right below her breasts. “Andy...” 
“Yes, darling?” I start to kiss around her belly, giving my daughter some kisses before I take her mom. I can feel her push against the skin, and I smile. Then I travel south, hearing Leia’s breath hitch at the sensation. “A problem, my love?” 
“N-no,” she replied as her body arched when my lips touched her clit. It was beautiful to see her so sensitive, responsive to every touch. I wasn’t rough with her. Every lick, every suckle, every kiss was soft and sweet, and it drove Leia wild. “Andy,” she cried, “more, please!” 
“Do you know how much I love feasting on you? Tasting you, owning you. This is my favorite place in the whole world.” I opened her up with my thumbs and drank her up. “God, why do you taste so good?” 
She whimpered and thrashed. I placed my hands on her hips to hold her steady. I lapped up and down, not wanting to stop until I felt her come apart.  I had asked the doctor if sex would be bad for her and the baby.  The doc had chuckled and said it would actually relax her more. I would be a bad partner and father if I didn’t do everything I could to make sure they were relaxed until she arrived.   
She began to chant my name as I worked faster but not harder. I was going to be on the road for the next twelve days so this was going to have to last for me. She could barely reach my head with her finger to pull me closer to her. I finally obliged and let my finger slide into her. She moans and I work her slit between my lips.  “C’mon baby, let me have it.”  
She cried out as her climax washed over her, her pussy pulsing around my fingers. I could live in between her thighs. I worked her through her peak and slowed as I felt her body relax. “Andrew Steven Barber, you are trying to kill me.”  
“I would never do that sweetheart. Just needed something to remember you by while I’m alone on the road.” I crawled up to lay next to her and moved her hair out of her face.  She smiled softly before giving me a kiss.  I knew she was tasting herself, which is a move I find sexy as hell. She palmed my erection through my jeans, and I moaned. “Fuckkkk.” 
“So big,” Leia coos as she undoes my jeans and reaches into my boxer briefs. I head lulls back as she pumps my cock, making it harder. “I wish I could suck you off.” She pouts at me, but she knows the rules. Being on her knees is not good for her or the baby.  
“I know, baby.” I kiss around her neck and whisper to her, “tighter.” She grips me tighter, the added pressure mimicking her tight pussy. “Just like that,” I rasp.  
“Andy, I need you,” she moans. I’m quick to lay down and pull her onto my lap. She centers herself and slides down my erection with ease. “Oh my god,” she rolls her head back in a moan.  
“Just let me do the work, my queen.” I grip her hips and move her up and down my shaft as I pump my hips up to meet hers. Her breast bounce in front of my face and I can help but lick them as they move.  She keens at the sensation, her hands gripping my abs.  
It's not enough. I know I can feel how she wants it, harder and deeper. I carefully twist her onto her back, making sure I don’t put weight on her belly. I wrap her legs around me and push back in. I’m deeper now and fuck if it doesn’t feel good. I pump into, enjoying her cries as I reach down to stroke her clit and bring her to her release. “Come on, baby. Let go for me.”  
“Andy!” She detonates around me, squeezing me so hard that I follow behind her, shattering. I come so hard I see stars. I slow our movements but haven’t pulled out quite yet.  
“Are you ok, my queen?”  I look at her glassy eyes with a smirk.  
“I’m great,” she breathes. I pull out gently and then get a cloth to clean her up. I helped her back into some panties and a shirt. I jumped into the shower for a quick rinse and finished getting my bag together.  
“Do you have to go?” I turn to look at my love, who is pouting but also has tears in her eyes.  
“Baby,” I sighed as I went back to the bed to hold my girl. “What’s wrong?” 
“What if something happens while you’re gone? What if I lose...” 
“Sweetheart, don’t talk like that. You heard the doctors. Rest and limiting exertion is what’s going to help. Miranda will be here right after her meetings and she’s staying in the guest room. Coach already knows the situation so I can leave at a moment's notice if I need to.” I kiss her head. "Positive thoughts, ok?" 
“I’m gonna miss you.”  
“I’m gonna miss you too, my little queen. I’ll call as much as I can.” I kiss her softly and touch forehead. “Take care of yourself and my baby, ok? I love you.”  
“I love you.”  
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It's been two days since the boys left on their road trip. Rumor has it that Jeremy was not on the trip due to an injury.  When it was announced, Andy looked sad about it.  I didn’t ask, because it looked like the injury weighed on Andy’s mind.  
I’ve been working on easy stuff at our house. Andy hired a cleaning service so I wouldn’t strain or lift anything. The only thing I had put my foot down was him ordering me food every day. Cooking relaxes me and I didn’t want that to go away. So, I happily cook for Miranda and myself every day.  
Stella had been a little distant lately. She called and mentioned that she broke it off with the guy she had been seeing. She really liked him, and they had been going out for a couple of months. She just needed some time before she showed up here with ice cream and girl time.  
Hopefully, she will show up soon because Miranda has become a party planner monster. What party did you ask? 
Baby Andrews-Barber's baby shower.  
If I look at the guest list, it makes me nauseous. It's wedding sized. As in more than 100 people are being invited. I don’t think my brother knows the extent of her plans because he would have locked this down a while ago. But no, he didn’t. And now all of these people are being invited to his house.  
At least it's not mine.  
Since Miranda is staying with me, every evening has been taken with party planning and decision making. Everyone knows we are having a girl, but I still don’t want just pink things. I decided on a pink and soft green theme. It's gonna be so cute.  
We were online, making a registry when the doorbell rang. I stood up carefully and went to answer the door.  
“What the fuck are you doing here?” 
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A/N: I have a few chapters written (purely for my indulgence) of what happened to Jeremy that got his off the road trip? Anyone interested?
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itsmewillful · 9 months
Request #2
Main Masterlist:
Character Masterlist:
Requested by: @nev20
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OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. I got held up with school and other personal matters 🤧
I turned your idea into an x reader story, I hope you don't mind!
Anyway, here is your request, and I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,567 words. (it's kinda long)
Warning(s): Fluffy fluff, some angst, mentions of Order 66 and death, Leia running away, not proof read, lot’s of uncanon stuff (becuz its better that way)
Reader is GN, or at least I tried to keep it that way. Let me know if I missed anything.
Outline: After Anakin defeats Darth Sidious in a gruesome fight, he leaves the Jedi Order to settle down with you. Fourteen years later, you are both blessed with a daughter and son: Luke and Leia. However, because Anakin Skywalker was a famous Jedi, the descendants of him are worth a lot of money to bounty hunters, so you and Anakin live in constant worry of your beloved children being whisked away, far from your reach.
Our Intentions Were Good, I promise
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“Anakin!” You yelled with a hoarse voice over all the chaos that was going on in the Jedi Temple. You could sense his presence nearby, but with all the Clone Troopers storming around the temple killing Jedi in their wake, you could not help but feel worried for your lover. 
You, Anakin and the rest of the Jedi Council discovered that the Sith Lord behind all the issues was none other than the Chancellor. It was a big shock to Anakin, and you knew he felt betrayed since he basically considered him as a father. But you had always had your suspicions, and the discovery only made sense to you. 
You hear your name get called through the rubble and dust flying around the temple and you spin on your heels to see where the voice originated from. You let out a shaky breath when you noticed it was Anakin, and he was okay. 
“Ani!” You whispered and ran over to him and tightly embraced him in a hug. He hugged you back and buried his head into the side of your neck and inhaled your scent.
“You’re okay, I was so worried for you,” Anakin said, biting back a sob.
“And you’re okay,” you giggled when he began to kiss you tenderly on your cheek. 
“Of course I’m okay. I am the Chosen One afterall,” he said with a hint of pride in his voice. You rolled your eyes at his banter and gently kissed his cheek. 
“Where’s the Sith Lord? Did you arrest him?” 
Anakin hummed in acknowledgement before continuing to kiss your cheek passionately. 
“Anakin–I’m trying to have a conversation with you,” you giggled in between kisses. 
He sighed heavily and stepped back a bit to look you in your eyes.
“We managed to arrest him, however, Master Windu was. . .killed in the process. Which leaves Obi-Wan as the new Head of the Council.” 
You gasped at the news and you felt your eyes burn. Master Windu was your own mentor when you were a Padawan, and basically the Father figure you never had. Even though he seemed very distant and cold-hearted, he would once in awhile have his moments that left great memories of the time when you were a Padawan under his authority.
“It’s alright, darling,” Anakin said, kissing your lips gently. “He’s in a better place now.” 
You nodded your head slowly, and buried your face into the crook of his neck. 
“Let’s go home, Ani.”
Not long after Order 66, you and Anakin officially left the Jedi Order and got married. It was a small but beautiful ceremony; with only a few people invited. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, and Anakin’s old Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.
About a year later, you brought two beautiful children into the world: Leia and Luke Skywalker. Leia looked a lot like you, but had Anakin’s strong will and personality. Meanwhile, your son looked like a spitting image of your husband, but he had more of your quiet and laid back personality. 
Now, your twins were nearing the age of thirteen, and you couldn’t believe how fast your small babies were now young adults.
One problem, however, was the constant worry of your children being abducted from you due to them being related to Anakin. You both were aware that both Luke and Leia had a bounty on their head worth thousands of credits. Anakin and Obi-Wan had both tried to investigate who was behind the order of their capture, but they never succeeded. So, you found yourself being incredibly over-protective of your children.
You homeschooled your children because you were scared of them walking by themselves to and from the public school. You didn’t allow Leia to go out with just her friends even if she was accompanied by their parents, and you never allowed Luke to be outside by himself. 
Were you taking all precautions a bit too far? Of course you were. You and 
Anakin loved your children and were too attached to risk the chances of them being taken away from you. 
“Mom, dad, can we ask you something?” 
You looked up from the holopad you were scrolling through and noticed Leia and Luke were both standing in front of you with anxious looks on their faces. You raised your brow and beckoned them to walk up closer to you.
“Yes you two?” Anakin said with a small look of concern on his face.
“Umm. . .” Luke started to say, but immediately lost his train of thought and snapped his mouth shut.
“You know how today marks the fourteenth year of peace throughout the whole galaxy, right?” Leia began.
You glanced at Anakin and noticed he was also confused as to where this conversation was going.
You nodded your head at your daughter to continue and she shakily inhaled.
“There is a parade and fair–”
“No” you and Anakin said at the same time sternly, knowing exactly where this was going.
“But why?” Leia pleaded, tears began to form in her crystal eyes. 
Luke sighed heavily, and with heavy footsteps headed to the staircase to head to his room.
You pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance.
“Leia, we have been over this many times. I would have thought you would know by now.” You said.
Leia’s face slowly morphed into one of pure grief and frustration. 
“I HATE THIS! You and dad worrying about EVERYTHING!! This whole thing is so stupid!” And like that, she stormed out of the room and slammed her bedroom door when she reached it.
You shook your head and looked at your husband to see his reaction and noticed he was already looking at you.
“She is kind of right, you know?” You began. “Our children are basically secluded from the rest of the world, let alone other kids their age. It wouldn’t hurt to let them go out once, would it?”
Anakin hummed in thought. 
“I’ll think about it. I think you might be right.” 
“The parade doesn’t start until nightfall, so you just sit there and put your one brain-cell to work, darling.” You teased as you stood up from the couch you were previously relaxing on and began to head to the kitchen.
“At least I have a brain-cell, sweetheart.” Anakin bit back to which you turned around to smack him on the top of his head.
He chuckled and grabbed a hold of your wrist before pulling you down harshly onto his lap.
“You are such a bully, darling.” Anakin shook his head. You huffed at that.
“And you aren’t?” 
“No, I am just your teasing husband.” He said, glancing at your lips before pulling you into a long and passionate kiss. You hummed and smiled into the kiss. You reached your hand behind his head, and moved your hands into his hair, before pulling hard on it, causing Anakin to jump and disconnect your lips.
“HEY! You’ll pay for that!” He warned with a slight smile on his face. You rolled your eyes before squirming out of his tight hold. 
“Only if you can get me!” You giggled lightly before sprinting out of the room and running up to your joined bedroom. 
“Ugh, why is mom and dad so strict?” Leia complained as she dramatically plopped onto her brother's bed. Luke shrugged and continued to tinker with Lola, Leia’s small robotic companion. 
“And you are so helpful Mr. I-don’t-dare-disobey-my-parents.” Leia said with venom  laced in her voice. 
Luke sighed heavily and ignored the rest of Leia’s banter.
After a stream of censored cursing and complaining about how her life is so miserable, she decided that she was going to take matters into her own hands. 
“I am going to sneak out of the house.” Leia said with some excitement in her voice. 
Luke just about choked at his sisters ‘revelation”. 
“Umm. . .no you aren’t” He said sternly.
Leia chuckled before sliding off his bed and began to walk over to her slightly older brother. 
“You aren’t the boss of me Luke. What are you going to even do, cry and tell mommy and daddy? You’re no fun at all. In fact: you’re straight up boring. I don’t need your consent. I’m doing what I want.” 
And with that, she stormed out of the room.
Luke sat at his desk quietly, thinking hard.
“She wouldn’t actually do it, will she?” He asked Lola, who was still off and had most of her parts laid out on the table.
He sighed heavily but decided his sister didn’t have the guts to carry out such a dangerous idea.
Or, so he thought.
“Leia?! O.M.G girl, I thought your parents were gonna say no to you turning up!” Leia smiled when she recognised the face of her best friend, a Twi-Lek named Brigade, and her friend, Han Solo. 
“Yeah, they did say no. But I came anyway.” Leia said matter-of-factly.
Brigade gasped and squealed with excitement.
“About time you take control of your life! That’s so badass of you!” 
Han Solo chuckled at that and patted Leia’s head fondly. 
“And if anything happens, don’t forget I’m here.” he winked. 
Leia rolled her eyes at his playful banter and noticed that the streets of Coruscant was more packed than she expected.
“Wow, there’s a lot of people here.” She trailed off.
“Yup. But it’s normal for an event like this.” Brigade said casually. 
“Luke, what do you mean she left?” I panicked when I entered Leia’s room and found it empty with her window wide open. 
“I-I am so sorry, mother.” Luke stuttered. “I didn’t think she’d actually do it and decided against telling you. I should’ve and I am so sorry.” 
Anakin had his arms crossed and he was staring at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. You cleared your throat to gain his attention, to which he obliged. 
“Ani? What are we going to do?” 
“Well, we need to go find her, first of all. But this event is a planet-wide thing and I don’t even know where to start looking.” 
Luke gulped and began to burst into tears. 
“I am so sorry! It’s all my fault!” 
You reached out to your son and hugged him tightly, kissing him on the top of his head. 
“It’s all of our faults. We have been too strict with you children and this behaviour was bound to happen eventually. If anything, it’s our fault.” You said calmly, glancing at Anakin to see him nodding in agreement.
“Now, let’s go find your sister.”
“Umm. . .are you sure this is safe, Brigade?” Leia asked, gulping heavily when Brigade split up from Han Solo and was leading Leia away from the rest of the crowd to an alley-way close by.
“Yup! Totally safe. As long as you're here with me.” Brigade said carelessly. 
Leia nodded and tried to take her friend’s advice to heart, but through the force, she could sense something terrible was about to happen.
“Well, well, well. Look-y here! The Twi-Lek actually did it!” Leia heard a voice from behind her and she spun quickly on her heels and noticed there was two masked people in front of her. A man and a woman.
“What are they talking about?” Leia asked cautiously.
Brigade slowly faced Leia with an emotionless expression.
“You should’ve stayed home, Leia. Coming out here by yourself was foolish.”
“What do you mean? What are you on about, Brigade?”
“When I first found out how high the bounty was for you and your brother, I knew I had to get close to you. I’m sorry if it hurts, but my family needed the money.”
Leia felt hot tears fall down her cheek at the news. Her childhood friend had been using her this whole time? 
“What the Kriff, Brigade. You traitor. I thought we were friends!” She sobbed. 
Brigade continued to stand completely still without showing a pang of regret.
“So sad, but we have no time for theatrics! The big man wants the job to be done A-S-A-P. We have a ship to catch.” The woman said carelessly, as she dug into a satchel that was around her shoulders and pulled out a big sack of credits.
“A thousand credits, just as we promised you.” The man said.
Brigade caught the bag and opened it and looked over her newly-earned loot.
“Thank you, Leia. You just saved my father from a certain death.” Brigade said with a small smile on her face.
Leia felt strong arms grab her by the shoulders and she felt herself get yanked to the ground.
“I got you Leia!” She sat up and noticed Han had rushed into the alley and was now fighting for his life against the two masked people.
“Run! Get out of here!” He yelled at her. Leia quickly scrambled to her feet and rushed out of the alley, searching for the direction home. 
But, once again, she felt someone grab onto her, making her let out a bloody sounding scream.
“Leia, it’s okay!” 
Leia recognised the voice of her father and latched onto him tightly.
“Dad! I am so glad I found you! You and mom were right! Everything here is dangerous, please take me home!”
“Leia, what happened?” you asked with a calm voice bending over slightly to reach her eye level.
“Alley-way, and Brigade selling me or something and- O.M.G! Han is there all by himself! He needs help!” Leia exclaimed with complete terror and worry laced in her voice. She pointed at the direction she came from and her father nodded and began to rush that way.
When he was out of sight, Leia looked back up at you and could see that you were smiling and looked the complete opposite of how she expected.
“Why are you smiling? I thought you’d be so mad at me.”
“Oh, I am mad at you, Leia.” Your eye twitched in annoyance. “But I am so thankful that you are alright and nothing happened to you.”
Leia sniffled some more and buried her face into your warm body.
“I’m sorry, mum.” Leia cried.
“Shh. . .let’s talk about this when we get home.”
“So, you actually were going to take me and Luke to the event?” Leia asked with complete disbelief in her eyes.
You nodded and looked over at your husband who still was nursing a bruise he had gotten from the fight on his left cheek. 
“Yes, your father and I have decided that we can’t make you guys live in solitude for all of your childhood, so we agreed to take you out into the city some more. However, because of your behaviour, you should expect to not be going anywhere for a week.” 
Leia nodded in understanding, but she couldn’t help but smile.
“You’ve actually decided that mum?” She asked.
You chuckled and raised your arms to invite your two children into a hug. They both giggled and practically jumped into your arms, making you fall back a bit.
“I love you mom!” They both said at the same time.
“Hey! How about me? I saved your friend and got your ‘attempt captors’ put into custody!” Anakin said with a fake frown on his face.
“Yeah, thank you father.” Leia said with a genuine smile plastered across her face. Anakin also smiled and joined the group hug.
The Skywalker family was happy and safe once again.
A/N: OMG!! This x reader was different from the ones ive previously written, i hope you enjoyed it! And thank you for requesting it! I enjoyed writing it so much 
Sorry if there was any mistakes or repetitive sentences, I am a bit too lazy to try and proof read it but ill do it eventually.
Love ya all!
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
so funny thing with your dont look back thing, nearly all the political allies of Leia and folks, generally like VERY few that we know are actually directly democratic. like Padme former job could count sorta, but how democratic MONARCHY would work.... although Darsana could be a mostly democratic on via his Senatorship. found it funny cause Bail is like assigned by the queen and padme is hers as well, which fair, Senator is a really bad term for what they are, diplomat would be the better term.
I mean, I've thought a lot about how the Senate is ostensibly a democratic body when actually there is no planetary regulation to how they "elect" their senators.
I've ultimately decided to not go down this specific route for the fic, but arguably, the Republic is...not a government. They don't have anyone to enforce their "laws." The GFFA is huge. Like, I cannot stress this enough, taking the loose shapes of government for countries and slapping it down as a framework for how tens of thousands of planets are "ruled" by a "democracy" was always, at its core, bullshit. The Empire, with it's huge military and aggressive enforcement couldn't prevent the Alliance from camping out on abandoned planets, which, we know as residents of this good earth, is more than enough space to develop multiple entire civilizations. Frankly, as horrifying as it was, the Death Star was about the only logical conclusion space fascists could come to for a total control endgame. (That or implanting chips like the clones had but whoops, the past won't exist until 15 years after the future, so...)
That isn't to say that the Republic, or something like it, wouldn't exist and serve a purpose. Having a forum where people in disparate governments agree to things like trade rules and enforce them by, say, refusing to trade with people not in the group, or at worse rates, could definitely explain a Republic sized coalition of planets/planetary systems. They could even develop things like anti-slavery agreements, taxes dues, a group of negotiators loyal to the "Republic" instead of to individual planets or systems for theoretically unbiased diplomacy.
But yeah, if you notice that Leia's views on democracy don't match Padmé's assertions from AotC and RotS(released post 9/11 guys, Anakin's character was not the only casualty of that time), it is 100% because she was going to be the hereditary ruler of a planet and had no problem with that.
Keep in mind that democracy, in many ways, is more effective the more direct it is, because even self-interested politicians have to give you what you as a majority want if they have to win each of your individual votes. But that is incredibly hard to organize and maintain. Especially because the elected officials figure out really quickly they don't want to be beholden to so many contradictory interests.
And the more indirect a democracy becomes, the more your welfare relies on the innate charity/sense of responsibility of your representatives. Yes, as people who weren't voted into office, Padmé and Bail don't actually answer directly to their people. Padmé's on a bit thinner of ice because she's appointed by a directly elected queen, so Jamillia has motive to oust Padmé if she threatens Jamillia's re-election. But Bail? Our favorite, made it through most of the Empire, stuck to his guns, initiated the Rebellion, raised his baby girl right? Yeah, no, he's a nepotism boy, and everyone would have been screwed if he didn't have the moral and ethical fortitude of mountains.
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willowcrowned · 1 year
Pretty please can we have a follow up boba/leia/fennec one night stand pregnancy?
(Low-key hoping it's fennecs)
ABSOLUTELY you can have it I am DELIGHTED you asked
[part one]
It's not that she'd never expected to hear from Leia again. She and Boba are effective—terribly effective, as Leia would say—and if they make it long enough it'd only make sense to subcontract for the senate. Clean out some of the hutts still clinging on in their section of the Outer Rim and raise spice taxes once they've got a monopoly. It's a good plan. A long game. The sort of thing Fennec has always excelled at.
But then Leia shows up in her smuggler boyfriend's crappy ship and she's wearing a poncho three sizes too big even though it's pushing 55 out and Fennec has never claimed to be a genius, but she's been around enough to know what's going on.
"I'm not a mother," Fennec says, once they're down deep in the stronghold where the droids don't go and the air is cool and stale.
Leia looks angry when she says that—like it's Fennec's problem, like she shouldn't have fucked her if she hadn't wanted a kid out of it. Rich.
"I don't know what you expect me to do about it," Leia retorts. She's looking for a fight. And maybe that's why she likes that smuggler of hers—he'll always give her a fight, let her argue until she's forgotten what she's worried about.
Fennec stays silent.
Leia stares at her for a second—not a glare, something angrier. More bitter. She opens her mouth, and—
"I am," Boba says. "I could be its father. I would take the child."
Fennec turns to him. "Out here? On Tatooine? It'd be dead in a day."
"I'm a Mandalorian," he replies, as if that answers anything. Maybe for him it does.
Boba turns to Leia, and she looks up at him, unreadable. "Yes. I would be its father."
Leia presses her lips together. Her eyes aren't wet—Fennec doubts she's ever been a crier—but they could have been, maybe. If Leia were a little less cruel. If she were a little less desperate to come out on top. But she'd never have come to Tatooine then, so it doesn't really matter.
"You'd take the child," Leia repeats. "And raise it here."
"It would never need to know who its mother was."
"And if it's not yours?" Leia asks.
Boba looks at her for a moment, silent. "I am a Mandalorian. It will be mine."
"And I would leave it," Leia says. Her eyes are black. "We could never see each other."
"It would be loved. It would be raised well." Boba looks at her a moment longer, and the hard lines around his eyes soften just a little. "What other choice do you have?"
"You could terminate it," Fennec cuts in.
"Thank you, Ms. Shand, for that novel piece of brilliance," Leia bites back, acid-sharp. "We should thank our lucky stars we have your intellect here to save us."
Fennec looks back at her flatly, unimpressed, and watches as something in Leia snaps.
She turns to Boba, straight backed, braids like a crown around her head. "It's yours," Leia says. Her voice doesn't waver even a little. "When I have it, the baby is yours."
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Figured I might as well start actually posting about this Au I made- 
The au in question is a Star Wars modern au that I plan to one day turn into an actual fic, but as of now it's just one poorly put together chapter and a lot of brainstorming!
It's sort of a slice of life/everyone lives/happy ending story. It's centered around Boba Fett and started as a joke about his name and how in a modern setting when people first meet him they say 'Like the tea?' And he gets irrationally annoyed by it. Hence the name "No, Not The Tea" (but shortened to "Not The Tea" because removing 1 word suddenly makes it less of a mouthful)
But let's meet the characters, yeah?
The star of our show, Boba Fett, is 15 years old and the story starts with his first year of highschool.  He's grumpy (your typically moody teen) and the youngest of his brothers unless you count Din (14) and he does because he's tired of being the baby. (It does have its perks, though) Din isn't actually his brother, but he and the rest of their little rag tag group might aswell be family. (Peli 17, Fennec 16, and Cobb 15) 
Next up we have everyone's favorite dad, Jango Fett! (He's a very good father in this) Father of 3 boys(or so he thought) Kote "Cody" (23), Rex(19), and Boba, he has his hands full despite two of them being grown. He works as a bounty hunter (cause that's an actual profession) and his hobbies include annoying his family, and crushing on his kids history teacher. At the age of 18, he signed up to be a sperm donor unaware of just how much they would be using his DNA. Turns out? A lot. And the majority don't seem to have a good home life. He's sufficiently pissed, when he finds out. 
Coming in as the eldest child of the Fett household we have Cody! (That was until 17 and Fox showed up at least) Any legal document you find will say "Kote" but people are stupid and difficult and can't pronounce it (it's exceedingly simple, really) so Cody was born. Cody is a caffeine addict (though what Fett isn't?) and will jump at any opportunity to bother his younger brothers. (He once got Obi-Wan to buy Boba a boba-tea..Obi-Wan thought it was sweet! Boba almost committed a murder. They do not speak of that incident) 
The middle child that somehow became a father to twins before anybody else could even think of utter the words "grandchildren" would be Rex. It's not like it's his fault! He figured having his 8th period of his senior year would be fun. He didn't anticipate that helping his gym teacher out would involve talking a sophomore down from a panic attack. (Echo, 16 at the time. 17 when our story starts) It's absolutely not Rex's fault that he and his twin followed him around like little ducklings after that. (Fives called him dad as a joke, so Rex took it upon himself to tell Jango that he had grandkids and almost gave the man a heart attack.) It doesn't help the Echo and Fives look suspiciously like Boba- hey wait a minute! Yeah, you guessed it. Long lost kids^^ 
Alright speed round let's go,
Arla's kids are the Bad Batch boys(she adopted them, they have no relation to Jango. Hunter 21, Wrecker 20, Crosshair and Tech 19) Omega is 11 and her biological daughter. Her big brothers love her to death. 
Ahsoka is 19 and Rex's bff. 
Luke and Leia are also 11, and they're their parents (and Uncle Obi's, and auntie soka's) pride and joy. Anakin and Padme have basically adopted Han (15. Was in Boba's grade but got held back) as their own at this point. 
Wolffe is Cody's age, and the oldest of his brothers (Sinker, Boost, and Comet). They were put into the system (Yes, they came from Jango's DNA) and Plo Koon adopted them. When Jango and Plo first met they exchanged numbers and gushed about their children. (There is much more to that story but that's for a later post)
Ima-gun Di is an ex war general and currently married to Keeli. These two have absolutely NO role in the story whatsoever, I just love them. Jango has only met them once and it was because Ima-gun mistook Jango for Keeli at a grocery store once. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a tired, loving man who teaches history at a highschool and has a not so secret crush on one of his student's fathers. (He's actually taught all the Fett boy's, lord help him.)
Jaster Mereel just wants to know how his ad keeps ending up with kids. He was already confused where the first three came from but now there are 7??(Alpha-17. Oldest. Jango is more of a brother to him if anything. Fox, did not intend to be apart of this family in the slightest and that was fine up until he met Boba and they bonded. Now he's an Ori’vod?? Yeah that checks. Then of course Cody, Rex, Echo&Fives, and Boba.) Best grandfather ever.
Mando'a is a language, because I actually love it sm- 
There is so much more lore to this au than I realized, and this isn't even all of it. I fully plan on posting more, and I have a lot of art that I've done for it if I would ever get around to finishing it/posting it. Feel free to ask questions, and I hope to post more! 
(Fun fact, I accidentally deleted all of this the first time I type it. So this is the second time I've typed it- I'm not bitter.)
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Chapter 2 started
Let me know what you guys think so far
Any and all comments are welcome! Please note this isn't done this is just what I have so far
Kitty closed the curtain around Red’s bed for privacy. Red then said “These dumbasses have the nerve to put me and another guy in the same room” Kitty said’s “Red the hospital is full and they have no room to put patients in separate rooms”. She then said's “him and his wife seem really nice you should give it a try”. Red deep down knowing Kitty was right about the whole thing said “ well I still don’t like it and I still don’t like this dumbass gown that they made me put on”. Kitty chuckled and gave Red a kiss on the forehead.
She then grabbed a chair close by and sat down next to him and took his hand in hers. She begins to say with a tear “Red you scared me back there I was so afraid of losing you”. He looked at her “Kitty, I promise you I’m not going anywhere with a smile and said “come here for a moment and lay with me the bed has enough room for the both of us”. She got up from the chair went over to Red’s bed and laid beside him and closed her eyes for a moment. This was where they were meant to be even if it was in a hospital room shared with another man and his wife currently. Red and Kitty did not care in that moment.
Meanwhile in the bed next to Red’s and the curtain closed because C.C wanted the privacy with Niles. C.C wanted to be close to Niles so she brought over a chair to sit down. C.C sat down next to Niles. C.C was also pregnant with Niles and hers baby so her hormones were all over the place. So when a tear or two started to run down her face she quickly wiped them although Niles was looking right at her and saw.
She said “ Damn hormones and pregnancy making me weak”. Niles smiled and said “C.C you are not weak, you are one of the bravest but strongest woman I know”. C.C couldn’t help but smile at his comment. Married life had definitely brought out a softer side to them although they would occasionally make a few insults once in a while though today was not the day. He then also said “C.C and its okay to show those feelings this was a scary event and I know that you love and care about me to having a fear of loosing me”. She then said “Niles this was scary and I think this time it scared me more knowing I could lose the one I loved” She continued to say that “When you had your first heart attack I was so worried and scared and i also missed you and if you tell anyone about this you’ll be sleeping alone when we get back home”. He laughed at that comment and said “C.C I would never tell anyone anything that was personal to you, you should know that by now”. C.C smiled and then Niles said C.C darling come here and lay with me for a moment. So she moved the chair and they laid together for what seemed like forever. Then before they drifted off to a nap they both said I love you.
Meanwhile on Red’s side of the room Red’s room phone had began to run and it was Eric their son who had called to make sure that Red was okay and then he had asked when they were going to release Red. Red said “son I have no idea when these dumbasses are going to let me go”. Kitty then takes the phone and talks to Eric. Eric then tells her he’s coming down to the hospital to visit and is going to bring Leia with. Leia has a doctors appointment anyways so I’ll swing by dad’s room when we are done so you can all see and hold her for a bit. Kitty is excited and also lets Eric know that Red has to share a room with another patient and his wife is here with them visiting. Eric said’s that’s fine by me and I will see you all soon. Kitty is now excited and kisses Red’s forehead finally she thinks I am going to see and hold that granddaughter of ours.
Eric then gets Leia all ready to head out to go to the hospital. Kitty stays with Red in excitement to see her granddaughter. Red smiles at that the thought that Kitty is so happy but thinks to himself “Eric better not be bringing anymore of his dumbass friends right now”. 
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lajulie24 · 7 months
For the fic writer questions, 38 or 49?
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
A few earlier ones that seemed to get pretty popular included:
Corellian Lilies - I think this is probably because some people really love themselves a Bespin baby AU, and that’s what this one is. It’s the first fic I posted on AO3 and it still gets new readers from time to time.
Epic Love - I don’t know if I was surprised that this got popular so much as pleased. I think the appeal here was more a different version of how things went down in the TFA-era universe, and fixing the things that so many of us didn’t like about how Han and Leia (and Luke!) were treated by the Disney canon narrative. With bonus Jaina Solo!
Sampler - This one I didn’t expect to get so popular, but it features Leia doing some subversive cross stitch and ended up in a collection of fics where Crafts in SPACE! are featured, so I think that attracted some folks who might not have otherwise read it.
Our stained glass means nothing without light - I was REALLY surprised when this one jumped up to become my second-most-kudosed fic ever. I think we can credit the Obi-Wan Kenobi show both for this fic happening at all (Leia meeting up with Obi-Wan’s Force Ghost shortly after the Battle of Endor) and for people responding so strongly to it. They love Leia, they love Obi-Wan, I totally get it.
One Half Won’t Do - When I started this one, I was at first worried that it was too similar to some of my previous pre-ESB era fics, but people LOVE themselves a bunch of tropes, particularly a “Han and Leia pretend to be married except they are having real feelings for each other” trope, so this one took off. And I thought it was going to be a one-off, but folks have followed me though several chapters, which was also a pleasant surprise.
A Girl in Trouble (Is a Temporary Thing) - Another fic that was supposed to be a one-off and grew lots of chapters and feelings along the way. I was pretty surprised about this one being so popular, too. It’s crack taken seriously (and it’s pretty wild crack, too…I was not expecting things to end up where we are). Another one where my readers have been very very patient (and I promise there will be more soon, and hopefully the wait will have been worth it). I’m not exactly sure how to explain the popularity except that 1) some people really love pregnancy fics and 2) I guess enough people trusted me to look past the extreme crackiness (ed: CRACK-iness, not crankiness) of the premise, and maybe folks were interested in something different?
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Working on a few different things — I think I recently shared things from the next chapter of One Half Won’t Do and A Girl in Trouble on my WIP asks, but I also recently started the very beginnings of another fic continuing the series of moments that started with See if you can work me the way you say and Another time, so I’ll share a bit of that.
“You don’t know everything about women.”
Han laughed softly. “Anyone thinks they know about ‘women’ doesn’t know shit.” His thumb resumed its gentle caress. “I know you, Leia.”
The way her name came out of his mouth was gentle, yet almost obscene.
“You like to be out of control, but you decide when.” His thumb was making wide circles on her palm. “How.” His lips curled up in a grin. “Who.”
“Whom,” she corrected, her eyes maintaining their gaze. His fingers paused.
“Whom,” he agreed. “Can’t say I’m complaining about that.”
His fingers resumed.
Thank you kindly for the ask!
Fanfic writer asks!
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
So got curious and tried That 90s Show despite the shit reviews. I gotta give they nailed ‘90s’: Kitty’s decor, 70s holdover hair do, white trash moms, etc. the 4th of July was such a deal back then, i just figured it was rural not 90s.
Donkey Kong was a fail tho (graphics were 10 years too advanced). And i maintain (as i was in rural hell in the 90s) no small town in Wisconsin would have that much diversity then…or now. I mean its more likely now but unheard of back then (our shit town started gossiping about latinos coming to town, there were like 3 of them and they were all presumed Mexican but i dont think they were. Same with an asian family. No other poc dared fuck up to live there.)
And trust me: no kid would dare be openly gay in places like that back then (where i was living then regularly STILL steals pride flags and destroys them yes 2023. I was constantly assumed gay cuz no guys wanted me and i was lucky it was just being ostracized, not violence). The gay kid makes me think of Bobby Lee playing gay and its…odd. Like they just picked another ethnic kid to fey up and talk weird without being a full character.
Im glad no Hyde (fuck that rapist) but i think they should have mentioned him. I presume Gwen is his bastard child given the no longer would fly half black story line. I also wish they would’ve acknowledged Fez had been Laurie’s green card husband. Laurie should be features on Unsolved Mysteries. I cant believe parents (even ones thinking of her as evil) would just forget she existed or was missing.
And why did Fez go back to high voice? And why have they not explained wtf they’re still calling him Fez? Wilmer is creepy and looked high as a kite i dont really know why they brought him back.
Kitty and Red are delightful. Perfectly costumed and portrayed. Loved Leo! And Ashton and Mila seem to be having the time of their lives. Leia and Jay are perfectly cast as their parents kids. And if Gwen is one then her too.
Im sorry i dont believe a rrriot girl would go to a rave. There are a lot of plot holes. Frankly Nate and Gwen dont seem straigjy and Leia seems like shes way more into Gwen than Jay.
But Jay seems like a good character. Kelso is right he got his mom’s brains cuz Kelso was waaay too dumb. And they dealt with Jackie and Fez but not Fez and Laurie or even weirder Kelso’s other baby? I hate when these retcon shows just pick the most random shit to keep (like Conners kept Harris and Crystal’s kids but Andy and Jerry dont exist…maybe…jerry gets one shout out.)
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andydrysdalerogers · 4 months
Cross-Checked ~ Chapter 16
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Andy Barber x OFC Leighton "Leia" Andrews
Andy Barber is having the best year of his life. His game is on point. It’s gets to play with his best friend and his fiancé just... dumped him?!. 
Reeling from a sudden change in status, Andy decides it’s time to just focus on hockey. Until his best friend's sister comes out with news that rock the entire organizations world., 
Andy has always carried a torch for the untouchable Leighton but in her hour of need, is now the time to shoot and score or risk getting cross - checked again? 
Warnings: Cheating (but not by the MCs); slow burn; friends to lovers eventually; SMUT!; pregnancy; jealousy; handsome goalies, evil exes...
A/N: The tag list is open!
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
Previous: Chapter 15 ~ Unexpected
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chapter 16 ~ A Shower Before A Storm
28 weeks 
Have you ever had that dream where you’re running away from something but don’t have shoes on? Its like you can’t escape unless you have the shoes, but you can’t find a pair of them to save your life? 
I feel like I am in that nightmare. And all I want is to escape. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” 
“Hey beautiful.” Ignoring my choice of words, my ex-boyfriend is standing in my doorway with flowers and a smile. Flowers. And a smile. Like he hadn’t ripped my heart out and stomped on it seven months ago. “Can I come in?” 
“No.” I swallowed and tried to stop shaking.  I just keep thinking I need to stay calm. Our baby girl needs me to stay calm just like her daddy asked.  
Bret’s smile fell a little. “Lee, don’t be like that. I know we have a lot of things to talk about.  Please beautiful, just a few minutes?”  
I don’t say anything because Miranda comes around the corner. “Leia, what’s... you!” 
“Hey Miranda,” Bret flashes her his best smile.  
“Don’t,” she says, shooting him a glare. “You need to leave.”  
His face hardens. “No, I need to talk to my girl.”  
“I am NOT your girl,” I growl. I see out of the corner of my eye that Miranda is texting someone. “You need to leave. Go back to Japan, Bret.”  
Bret reached and took my hand. “No, I won’t leave until we talk Lee. I’ll be by my car.” He lifted my hand and kissed my knuckles before letting go. He gently dropped the flowers on the door step and went back to his car. He stood and leaned against his car.  
“Fuck, no,” I mumbled. I turned to Miranda.  “He said he won’t leave.”  
“I heard. I texted Stella for reinforcement. She said she would bring someone to help us.” Miranda chewed her bottom lip. “I think we should call Andy and Luke.”  
“No,” I said. “They will just panic and try and leave the team.  They are in a playoff push.  If Stella’s reinforcement doesn’t help, we’ll call the police and then worry about the guys.” I rubbed my belly as my baby kicked. “Let’s just wait.”  
Miranda frowned. “It’s your call Leia. Just be calm, ok?” 
“I’m breathing and counting to relax.  I’m gonna get some water.”  
Twenty minutes later and there is another knock on my door.  Miranda opens the door this time. “Leia, please come over here.”  
I waddled as fast as I could to her. “What is it... Jeremy!” 
Low and behold, Jeremy Swayman is standing at the door with my best friend. Stella smiles. “I was working on stretches with Jeremy when Miranda texted.  What better than a six-foot two hockey player to help?” 
“Hi Leia,” he finally said, looking at my face and then my belly.  
“Hi Jeremy.” I hadn’t seen the man since New Years. I had already stopped working at the arena, so it had been about six weeks. My daughter kicks and I rub my stomach as I steady my voice. “Umm, as you can see,” I look around him, “I have an unwelcome guest in my driveway.”  
“I can’t believe this douche had the nerve to come here,” Stella said. “Can I kick him in the balls?” 
“Relax Warrior Princess,” Jeremy said, his familiar smirk on his lips.  “I’ll handle it.” He turned and walked towards Bret.   
“Stel, what the hell? Was he the best option?” Miranda, Stella and I watch as Jeremy approaches Bret and stops about five feet from him. We can’t hear anything, but we can see Bret’s face turning redder and redder. He stands up straighter, but Jeremy doesn’t move. He points to the car and then away. Bret looks like he’s about to have the vein in his neck burst before he says something else and then points to me.  
I take an involuntary step back and Jeremy sees the fear flash in my eyes.  He grabs Bret’s shirt and hauls him closer to him. Bret blanches before Jeremy lets go with force and he stumbles into the car. “Don’t look at her or come back here or contact her again,” I hear Jeremy growl out.  
Bret scrambles for the car and drives off. Jeremy doesn’t move until he sees the car round the corner and turns to face us. He gives us his signature smile. “He shouldn’t bother you anymore Leia.”  
“Thank you, Jeremy. I’m glad that nothing happened so it wouldn’t aggravate your injury.” A look flickers on his face. “Are you ok?” 
“Yeah, I just...” He ran a hand over his hair. “I know how much of a jerk I’ve been, and you don’t have to accept this right now but I’m sorry Leia. For everything.”  
“Oh.” Was not expecting this on my bingo card this year.  
“Anyways, if he comes back while the boys are gone, just call me.” He gave me his famous smile. “I’m gonna go. You look beautiful, by the way.” He turned and walked before I could get a word out.  He climbed into his car and started it, waiting.  
“He gave me a ride,” Stella says. “I’ll come back in a little bit.” She gave us both a hug and walked to the car. I watched the car go before I turned to Miranda.  
“We saw that she was wearing his sweater, right?” 
“They rushed over here Leia.”  
“I’m not saying anything, just an observation.” I headed in. “When do we tell the boys?” 
“Today.” Miranda frowned. “I’ll tell Luke and he can tell Andy.”  
“Okay.” I resigned to my fate. Andy is going to go nuclear.  
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Ring! Ring! 
Miranda waited to call the boys until after the game.  Now at 1130 the next day, Andy is calling, and I don’t want to talk to him.  I know he is mad and frustrated because he wasn’t here when it happened and he’s going to blame himself.  But a teeny part of me thinks he is also mad at me, probably because I didn’t call myself.  I was too chicken to call. The ringing stops and I get a text message.  
Andy: Leia answer the phone.  
Leia: No. 
Ring! Ring! 
Andy: My queen, answer the phone 
Leia: No 
Ring! Ring! 
Andy: Leighton, answer me right now 
Leia: no, you’re gonna yell at me 
Andy: Baby I am not mad. I just need to hear that you are ok.  
Ring! Ring!  I sigh and pick up the phone. “Hello?” 
“Baby, are you ok? Is the baby ok?” 
I chewed my lips. “Yes, we’re ok.”  
I heard him sigh. “Ok, good. Did he touch you?” 
“No Andy,” my voice wobbled. “He didn’t touch me.” A lie to protect his sanity. “When I told him to leave, he said he wouldn’t and I got scared but Miranda called Stella and she was working with Jeremy, and she brought him, and Jeremy got rid of him.”  
“Jeremy? Swayman?” 
“Yeah, I don’t what he told Bret, but he left like there was a fire.”  
Andy was quiet. “That was nice of him,” he finally says. “Has Bret tried to contact you again?” 
“No but I have his number blocked, so I really don’t know.” Silent came through the line and I began to worry. “Are you mad?” 
“At you, of course not, my queen. I’m angry that he showed when I’m on a road trip. Maybe I should come home.” 
“Andy, no. This is not an emergency. I don’t think he will come back, and Jeremy said if he needs to come back, he will and make sure we’re ok. Please, everything is ok, I promise.”  
“If he shows up again while we’re gone, I’m coming home,” he replied. I start to object but he cuts me off. “It's not up for discussion, Leighton. I’m going to protect my family.” His temper was making his voice louder than normal.  
“Andy,” I whimper, the tears threatening to fall.  
“Oh baby, I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you, I promise. I love you so much. I just hate that I'm not there.” 
“I know but you have to keep your head in the game ok? I love you.” In the background, I can hear people calling for Andy. He has to get to the bus that takes them to the arena. “Score me a goal, okay?” 
“I’ll do what I can, beautiful. Love you.”  
“Love you.” 
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I can’t believe that cocksucker had the balls to show up at my house to speak to my girl.  Why the fuck was he back from Japan? He hadn’t cared about Leia’s pregnancy before. Between that dipshit and her mother, I know Leia is starting to be stressed, which is not good. But I needed to deal with one thing at a time.  I pull up my contacts to make a call.  
“Hey Cap.”  
His voice is nervous.  Jeremy Swayman never got nervous, so I know that this is my fault.  “Hey Sway. I just got off the phone with Leia.”  
“Oh. She ok?” 
His tone sounded sincere, like the old Jeremy who cared for his team. It threw me for a sec. “Yeah, she and the baby are fine. Listen, I just wanted to say thank you for helping her with Bret and chasing him off.”  
“It’s not a problem.”  
“No, you didn’t have to do that. Especially with the way I have treated you lately.”  
I heard him sigh. “Look, Andy, I was a jerk and I owe Leia.”  
“Well, anyway, thanks for helping her. I hope we can talk when we get back.”  
“Sure Cap. Have a good game. FYI, Vegas’s goalie favors his left.”  
I chuckled. “Thanks Sway. See you in a few days.” I hung up and looked at Luke and Brad. “I needed to tell him thank you for protecting my girls.”  
“Are we done freezing him out, Cap?” Brad asked.  
“Yeah, we’re done. We need our team back as a family and Jeremy is a big part of that. I’ll talk to the rest of the team after the game.”  
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Two Weeks Later – 30 Weeks 
“Miranda, this is amazing!” Leia is gushing at the decorations that Miranda had put up for the baby shower. It was shades of pink and gold in the balloons and streamers. A banner was up with Leia’s name and Baby Barber. I fucking love seeing that. My little girl is two months away from coming home and I couldn’t wait.  
Luke came down dressed and rolled his eyes at the banner.  “Do you know how long it took me to get that thing up? It wasn’t straight for 45 minutes.” He kissed his sister cheek.  You know I would only do this for you, right? Oof,” Miranda elbowed him in the side. “I mean, you and my love.” He smiled at Miranda, who rolled her eyes. 
I covered up a laugh as Leia giggled. “I know Lukey, thank you, it's beautiful.” Leia clapped a little. She turned to me. “Just a couple of beers right?” 
“Yes ma’am.” I kissed her softly. “I’m driving and the rest of the guys will meet me at the Red Line. I’ll be back for some cake. Love you.”  
“Love you,” she replied as Miranda took her hand and guided her into the house. 
“It looks like Barbie’s dream house blew up in here,” I tell Luke.  
“You tell Miranda no,” he replied as he climbed into my car. “Almost lost an eye.”  
I laughed as I pulled away, ready to celebrate my little one with the boys.  
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The party was in full swing with the WAGs of the team here, other friends that we had and some cousins from both of our families.  Miranda had done just a fantastic job, planning and decorating. It was pink and sparkly, exactly how I wanted it for my baby girl.  
“Have you thought of names?” Moa Ullmark had asked.  
“Names are daunting. So much pressure to get it right,” I said with a laugh. “I've been thinking of some gender-neutral names. Like Avery, James. Bailey, Cameron, Frankie. We thought of them when we didn’t know what the baby was.  I love the name Nora.  But with a girl, I guess we can get more names.” I looked at Miranda and smirked. “At least I can veto the name Luke Jr.”  
Everyone laughed. “I can’t believe your brother suggested that. Like really, this is your sister’s kid.”  
“I personally love Avery,” Katrina Marchand said.  
“And I love Nora,” Kiley McAvoy said. “Maybe you could combine them.”  
“Will it be Andrews or Barber?” Moa asked. Before I could answer I heard the doorbell ring.  “Well, we haven’t...” 
“Leia, there is someone here to see you,” someone said.  
I looked at Stella and Miranda and they both shrugged. I hauled myself to my feet and waddled to the door. As I walked over, I ran the list of people I knew and deducted that everyone that should be here, was and everyone that should have been with Andy, is. As I made it to the foyer, the image in the doorway made my blood freeze.  
“Pink was always your color, beautiful.”  
Bret stood in the doorway, a large teddy bear in and pink dress and flowers.  
I was frozen on the spot. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t breathe. I could feel the panic starting to filter throughout my body. I guess it had been too long because Stella came looking and her face twisted in anger. “What are you doing here?” 
“I just want to talk to Leia. I promise, I’m not here to hurt her,” he said.  His face looked honest.  
I blinked.  “Umm, let’s go into the office.”  I pointed to Luke’s office.  
“Lee,” Stella grasped my elbow. “What...” 
“Call Andy,” I breathed. “Get him here.” I moved to the office. “I’m just gonna listen,” I said out loud, opened the door and waited as Bret entered the office. I closed the door and took a couple of breaths before I turned around. “What do you want, Bret?” 
“I want you and our baby. I want you to come home.”  
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ureox · 2 years
Scene one
Two girls Nala, leia who are best friends. It's 3:00 am, and they are just sitting on the couch talking about anything. 
NALA: so how is it going with you know who?
LEIA: * sighs * every time i bring up her..you start rolling your eyes at me. 
NALA: I don’t! I would never do that.. So what's up with y’all?
LEIA: uh, we are no longer together, so.
NALA: oh..I’m sorry that happened. Are you okay?
(Nala holds Leia's hands when she says that)
LEIA: * removes her hand * it's fine.. You don’t need to baby me..uh i was the one who broke up with her. 
NALA: um, oh we don’t have to talk about it or why you broke up with her 
LEIA: no it's okay its just um when i was in the relationship, i realized that I had feelings for another person…
NALA: you do? Who? Is it someone i know? Is it someone we both know? Is it a mutual friend?
LEIA: NO, NO- you don’t get to know! * gets up from the couch and gets a cup of water *
NALA: WAIT, WHAT? What do you mean? I don’t get to know? * gets up and walks up to her *
LEIA: * drinks the water and ignores her *
NALA: seriously? No response 
LEIA: uh.. Fine..well? Its um * looks everywhere but Nala glaze *
NALA: um, who?
LEIA: you..its you.. 
NALA: what? You like me?
LEIA: uh.. I can’t do this right now * goes to her room *
(it's been two days since Leia said that she likes Nala, she has been avoiding Nala for these past two days )
NALA: I can do this. I can do this! * she enters Leia's room and blocks the door so Leia wouldn’t leave * 
LEIA: HELLO? What are you doing? You can’t just do that. 
NALA: well, you were not talking to me. You have been avoiding me. Why? 
LEIA: I don’t like rejection. I can’t handle it..
LEIA: I..i was scared about it and how our friendship will be after i told you..
NALA: * sigh * leia.. Let me talk this time..
LEIA: * sighs * ok.. 
NALA: i do like you, I love you so much, I always thought you never saw me like that. That's why i didn’t say anything.
LEIA: you do like me? * she walks up to Nala *
NALA: of course i do..its only been you * she smiles * 
(So they are now together, and they are just talking about their date)
NALA: Can I see you wink again? or is that more of blinking? * she laughs *
LEIA: IT'S NOT FUNNY! Anyways! Could we talk about our date, where would you like to go?
NALA: since its going to be our first date i want it to be very special * she smiles *
LEIA: i want it to be special, too * she looks at Nala * 
NALA: i can’t believe I’m dating you, like, actually 
LEIA: are you reading my mind? Because that's what i’m thinking about!
NALA: i think i know what our date will be 
( she goes up to Leia and kisses her, they had their first kiss )
The end. 
( the sentence bold are the quotes I collected the previous week!)
0 notes
messers-moony · 3 years
Babies | J.P
Paring: James Potter X Wife!Reader
Summary: James really doesn’t want his babies to leave.
“Leia! Harry! Come on!”
Two heavy steps of footsteps thundered down the steps and leaving a set of twins in front of their mother. Their beautiful crooked smiles and gleaming bright eyes. They were so perfect, beautiful, gorgeous, hearts of gold, the both of them. 
Y/n knelt to their level, cupping Leia’s cheeks, “Merlin, you both look like your father.”
“You say that all the time.” They groaned, and she just smiled, “Because I love you and your father very much.”
Harry looked crestfallen, “Where is dad?”
“I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
“But he’s gonna miss on going on the train!”
Y/n smiled gently and pushed his hair away from his forehead, “James wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
“Now, what house do you think you’ll be in?”
Leia smiled, “Hufflepuff!”
“And you, Harry?”
“I dunno.” Harry looked down at his feet, “I don’t wanna be in Slytherin, though.”
“Why, honey?” Y/n asked looking at her nervous son. 
“Dad always says they’re evil.” 
She scoffed and cupped his cheeks, “You, my love, are not evil even if you get in Slytherin, and they aren’t evil. Your father is an idiot.”
Both children chuckled, “He really is. Every house is amazing in its own way. Slytherins are ambitious and resourceful. Those are two beneficial skills. Gryffindors have chivalry and are super courageous. Hufflepuff’s are loyal and patient. Ravenclaws are creative and imaginative.” 
“You two are my children no matter what, okay? Even if you get in Slytherin.”
Leia and Harry hugged her tightly. It hurt that Harry felt prejudiced towards the Slytherin house just because of James’ history with them. In a way, she hoped that one of them did get into Slytherin. Slytherins were clever and witty. Y/n didn’t want to let her children go though, all she wanted to do was snuggle them like newborns again. 
Harry and Leia both had their things packed as they made their way to King’s Cross for their first year at Hogwarts. When they had gotten to the platform, James still hadn’t shown up, and it was dampening the kids’ moods. Especially Harry, who was definitely a daddy’s boy. It was just nearing eleven when an out of breath, James arrived with flowers in his hand and a gorgeous white owl. 
“I’m- I’m sorry I’m late.” He huffed, “But I had to get you these things for you.”
James smiled sheepishly, handing the flowers to Leia and the owl to Harry, “I'm sorry I got here a little late.”
Leia smiled and hugged him tightly, Harry doing the same. James had tears in his eyes. He really didn’t want to let them go. It seemed like just yesterday that Harry was crying in his crib because he wanted to be held, and Y/n was too tired to leave bed to take care of him. 
The wails were deafening. They were only a month old, but they were such a handful. It was late at night, and Y/n had finally fallen asleep after taking care of Leia. James struggled to stay awake, but he had to do it. Y/n was constantly tossing and turning, trying to ignore it, hoping that James would take care of it. 
Gently James kissed her forehead, “Get some sleep, love. I’ll take care of him.”
“Thank you.” It was murmured and barely heard, but he smiled gently. 
James turned over and placed his glasses on the bridge of his nose. He moved the comforter off him before leaving the room quietly. Inside the nursery, Harry was wailing loudly, and it made James’ head pound. Regardless, James picked Harry up, placing his head on his shoulder. He sat on the rocking chair in the nursery, holding his son close to him. 
“You’re okay, bud.” James cooed, “C’mom, it’s okay. You have to be quiet for momma. She’s trying so hard to sleep, ya know?”
“Momma loves you, baby, but she also needs sleep. She spends all her time with you little rascals because I’m at work.” Harry’s cries calmed slightly by hearing James’ voice, “I love you, you know? You’re gonna end up just like me, I can tell already. You’re our little trouble maker, aren’t you?”
He smiled, “Yeah? You gonna find yourself a Padfoot and a Moony to fool around with? Make dad proud?”
James nuzzled his nose with Harry’s, “I love you, baby. Love you so much.”
Harry was finally quiet after calming from his father's voice. James held Harry securely as they both ended up falling asleep together. Leia was always calm and slept through most nights, but Harry always had difficulty. Y/n could remember seeing them together the following day, knowing she’d have two idiots to look after.
“Bye Harry! Bye Leia! We love you!”
“We love you too, mum and dad!”
James had tears streaking his cheeks, silver trails along the flushed skin as the train departed. Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek. She stood in front of him, wiping away the ghost trails of tears. James smiled sweetly at her. 
“You think he’ll cause mischief like me?”
Y/n snorted, “I know he will.”
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ilonga · 2 years
midnight rainstorms
The night the Empire rises, Sola’s sister finally comes back to her.
The night the Empire rises, it's pouring torrents of rain in Theed's streets.
Sola's first thought is for Padmé. It always is, these days. How is she? Is she alright? What will happen to all the Senators now? To Padmé, who had been the now-Emperor's protégé, so many years ago?
They had dined with the man, Sola thinks bitterly. Mom had made him her infamous fruitcake. Sola had served him tea.
She should have poisoned it.
She sends Ryoo and Pooja up to bed before they can catch another second of the broadcast. They don't need to be hearing this, at their age. Sola will explain it to them in the morning, after she's had the chance to organize her thoughts.
She's fingering her comm at the table, debating whether to call her parents and see if they've heard, when a frantic, pounding knock sounds at the door. It's almost unintelligible against the pounding of the rain.
She gets up cautiously. Few people have cause to visit this late at night, in the middle of a devastating storm. Even fewer with good intentions.
She'd never had a blaster in her home, but it's times like this that she wishes she had reconsidered. Its weight would feel comforting by her side even if she's never used one before in her life.
Sola peers out the window, trying to see who it might be. She can only make out a hazy figure through the rivulets of rain running down the window, small and petite, two bundles— babies?—in their arms.
She pulls away.
The knocking starts up again, stronger than before. Curiosity gets the better of her. She'll open the door.
She pushes it open—
"Padmé." Sola's hands fly forward, guiding her sister and the crying infants in her arms inside and out of the pouring rain. "Padmé, what is happening, who are—Shiraya, is that a blaster burn? Are you alright?"
It takes a few seconds for her words to register. When they do, Padmé's gaze flutters down to the scorch mark on her cloak then back up again to Sola's face. "I'm fine," she says grimly. "They missed."
"Who missed?" Assassination attempts? Again? Was tonight really so cursed?
"Clones," Padmé says, scarcely able to be heard against the shrieks of the infants—were those Padmé's children? Since when? "Our new Emperor's doing, I'm sure."
Shiraya save us, Shiraya save us— " What is happening?"
Padmé twitches. "I couldn't even begin to explain."
"Then start with them."
"Ah," Padmé says, a bitter smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Sola, meet Luke and Leia. Your new niece and nephew."
It takes them hours to calm Luke and Leia down. Ryoo and Pooja, mercifully, either are sleeping like the dead or pretending to, and don't clamber downstairs at the ruckus.
In the end, Sola manages to drag an old wooden crib out from storage, and a cocoon of blankets from under a shelf somewhere. They'd put the two to sleep, and now Padmé is slumped against the couch, hand braced against her face and increasingly avoidant of Sola's questions.
Sola, for her part, is standing, trying to will herself not to pace the length of the room. It'll only drive Padmé up the wall.
"Is the father…" she says hesitantly, "is he on Coruscant? Does he know?"
"Sola," Padmé snaps.
Sola lifts her hands in surrender. "I'm not attacking you, Padmé. I'm worried, that's all. I want to help you. And if he doesn't know—"
"If you want to help me," Padmé says, leaning her head back against the cushions of the couch and closing her eyes, "then stop interrogating me about my dead husband."
Sola freezes. "Your what?"
Dead? Husband? Since when?
Padmé's eyes snap open, then she deflates. She stays silent.
"Padmé. Padmé."
She doesn't answer.
"It was Anakin, wasn't it?" Sola rubs the heel of her hand against her eyelids. "That Jedi you brought home a few years ago?"
Her silence is all the confirmation Sola needs.
He's just a friend, Sola. But Padmé hadn't looked at him like he was just a friend. And Anakin certainly hadn't.
"Heavens, Padmé, why wouldn't you tell us?" But even as she speaks the words, Sola knows why. Padmé has always held Sola and their parents at arm's length—ever since the Invasion of Naboo, ever since she had gotten a taste of the danger that would follow her every day for the rest of her life. To keep them from worrying about her and to keep them out of danger, Sola guesses. But the end result is that they've drifted apart. She loves Padmé to death, can still read her microexpressions like an open book—but she doesn't know the first thing about her life. Padmé is a mother now, and Sola hadn't even known that she was married.
She's a terrible sister.
"How could I have told you?" Padmé says heavily. "How could I even have begun to explain? I can't even explain it to myself. It was the stupidest decision I'd ever made in my life."
Sola looks at her sister. Really looks at her. Padmé's the least put together she's ever been; dark circles etched under her eyes, hair a rat's nest, gaze miserable and unfocused. Grief radiates off of her in waves; but not regret. Not a single drop of regret.
"Did you love him?" she asks quietly.
"Of course I did." Padmé drags a hand over her hair. "And look how much good it did him. Murdered in cold blood and now he'll never even get to meet his children."
Right. Anakin had been a Jedi. And they'd all been executed for treason.
Or maybe—
"Could he have survived? He's a Jedi, they're known for—"
"No," Padmé says shortly. "He didn't."
Sola looks down. "I'm sorry."
"...So am I."
Another silence stretches between them. They were inseparable as kids; always chattering about one thing or another. Now Sola is at a complete loss for words.
Her little sister, dealing with things Sola couldn't even begin to imagine. With the galaxy's burdens on her shoulders. Dead husbands, newborn children, traitorous mentors, assassination attempts left and right—
She jolts up, the thought only just occurring to her. "Will you be safe here, Padmé? The Chancellor—Emperor doesn't know my residence, but Naboo would be the first place he'd look for you, wouldn't it? If he wants you dead—"
"I am dead," Padmé interrupts, something ugly twisting in her expression. "To him, at least. He never did learn to tell me and my handmaidens apart."
She looks up then, locking eyes with Sola. "You have to go to the funeral. Mom and Dad too. If he's watching—"
Sola clasps Padmé's hands in hers. "We will. Whatever you need."
Padmé closes her eyes again, exhaling. "Thank you."
Sola watches her a moment longer, then settles in by her side, pulling her little sister into an embrace. Padmé stiffens at first, then leans into it.
"Rest, now," Sola says. "We'll figure things out in the morning."
Padmé thankfully doesn't protest.
The downpour continues outside. Sola listens to its rhythm with an idle ear, wondering at everything that Padmé's lost. Everything that she's lost of her sister.
She settles into a seat by the window and waits for morning to come.
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agustsvga · 3 years
parents for a day — harry styles x f! reader
a/n; instagram posts au (?), excuse any errors, feel free to reblog/like, interact, and stay safe! (the title made no sense now that i think of it but oh well) — inspo by @only-kiwi instagram au
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In which you and Harry babysits your friends’ babies, and surprise(s) at the end too!
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Liked by annetwist, harrystyles, and 2,009,228 others
yourinstagram leia rose, my amazing and adorable-ly annoying goddaughter that's living the disney life in italy ❤️
yourfan1 her tiny headband 🥺
yourfan2 babysitters of the year!!
harrystyles y/n was sleeping while i looked after her and the bear's name is cappuccino
harryfan1 HARRY 😂😂
annetwist so adorable!
yourinstagram @/annetwist hi mummy!
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Liked by annetwist, harrystyles and 1,599,948 others
yourinstagram a nice walk together with luke. P.S. - his favorite type flowers are wildflowers
yourfan3 mom 👋🏼
yourinstagram @/yourfan3 only on holidays if @/harrystyles doesn't mind
liampayne bear missing you guys!
yourinstagram @/liampayne sending him hugs from venice ❤️❤️
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Liked by bellahadid, arianagrande and 1,988,588 others
yourinstagram leia loves the sun.
harrystyles the longest walk ever
yourinstagram @/harrystyles it was 30 minutes stop whining love
yourfan4 they're too cute 😂
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Liked by mitchrowland, yourinstagram and 2,088,912 others
harrystyles luke and leia! all grown up ever since me and @/yourinstagram did our duties to look after you 3 years ago. miss you so much!
yourinstagram let's fly back to italy and steal them then go to disneyland, missing them! 😢
harryfan2 AHH!! remembering when you and @/yourinstagram as the most amazing babysitters to them, how fast time flies!
friendinstagram1 they're missing their godmother & godfather! @/yourinstagram @/harrystyles
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Liked by louist91, harrystyles, gemmastyles, and 1,055,164 others
yourinstagram @/gigihadid and tommy being the adorable godmother-godson duo! (thank you for the shoes 👟👟)
gigihadid best money spent on 😘
harrystyles tiny boots so cute @/gigihadid
harryfan3 WAIT IT'S @/harrystyles @/yourinstagram SON??
harryfan4 they went from babysitting to having a baby too, time flies 😭
yourfan5 my heart!! congrats to you @/yourinstagram @/harrystyles!
yourinstagram @/yourfan5 ❤️
zayn cute lad ❤️ congratulations to my favourite pair of couple, x
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Liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles, and 822,006 others
gemmastyles even though there was difficulties and a long wait to see my two favorite people, me and @/annetwist finally got to see @/harrystyles & @/yourinstagram cute little sweetheart. we love you, tommy. love, your aunt gem 🌻
harryfan4 how fast the night changes. now both our favorites are parents!
annetwist mother and baby in great health, sending lots of love to @/harrystyles @/yourinstagram!!
yourinstagram ❤️ aunt gemma and granny anne, we're both so grateful to have you in our family 🌻
harrystyles now awaiting for the dad jokes to make its entrance
friendinstagram2 tommy!! congrats to my best friends, challenges ahead but you two will strive, congratulations!! x 🌹
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