#LA kings
mikeywayarchive · 2 months
frankieromustdie: he’s a consummate rams/kings/dodger fan (we let that slide), a bigtime hat enthusiast, mychem’s bass player extraordinaire, my personal photographer, all around sweet little dude who’s always down for a mall hang or a shit talk, and one of my oldest & most handsomest friends.
you know him / you love him…
my brudda from anutha, michael romance.
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[Aug 1, 2024]
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samanthasgone · 1 month
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Credit to Pinterest
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callsign-bubbles · 4 months
your 2023-2024 stanley pup competitors!
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atwhughesversion · 19 days
i forgot about this 😭 why’d they just start playing mcpingpong
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zetterbabe · 1 year
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sweetiepoison · 5 months
Famous Baby blurb
(The Leafs Game)
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A/n: I’m actually really struggling writing the next part so a throwback! Italics indicate a flashback
“Try going up one note” You suggest standing across from Justin at the piano.
Your friend asked you to come over to help out with some new music he was working on. You also were trying to write an album of your own and figured the afternoon spent working would help you as well. Justin sang the previous verse over again but higher like you suggested.
“Yeah I like that.” He commented going straight into the next verse. You hummed along joining in on certain verses creating a harmony.
“How would you feel about this song being the first I release off the new album?” Your jaw dropped at Justin’s question.
“For real?” You gasped. Justin’s return to music had been long anticipated by both fans and the media alike. And for him to want the song you collaborated on to be his intro back into the music industry was appreciated.
“Of course!” Justin exclaimed scooting back from the piano. “(y/n), you are one of the biggest names in the industry right now if not the biggest” he said putting an emphasis on the word the.
You were like a little sister to Justin, originally signing onto the same label when you were 16 and starting your career. Justin knew what it was like to be so young and in the spotlight so he looked out for you. Despite you switching labels and Justin taking a step back from music, you remained close. There was no one else he trusted more to debut his new album with.
“You’re still Justin Bieber.” You reminded him. “You don’t need my name attached for this to be successful.”
You continued practicing until the afternoon slowly turned into the evening and Hailey came downstairs with a leafs jersey on and an extra in her hands.
“Cult meeting tonight?” You asked as she handed the jersey to Justin.
“Yeah, do you want to come?” She offered.
You laughed at the thought, “Hell no.”
“C’mon, (y/n) please.”
“Come support our friend with us.” They both wore the same pouty expression.
“Auston is not my friend.”
“But we are,” Justin cut in before you could go on a rant. “And would you rather hang out with your friends or stay in by yourself tonight?”
“I’m fine with staying in.”
“C’mon everyone’s going, and it’ll be a fun night and we can go out after-“
“Fine.” You give in. “But I’m not wearing a jersey.”
It wasn’t enough for you to just not wear a maple leafs jersey. You knew one thing would piss off Auston even more. So once you all settled into your seats you grabbed your best friends hand and dragged her down to the gift shop.
“You don’t even like hockey.” She reminded you as you searched through the jerseys. “Why waste money on something you’re never gonna wear again?”
“Because, Auston will hate it.”
“And why do you care what he thinks?”
“I don’t.” You immediately snapped. “But I definitely don’t want him to think I came willingly. Plus we’re from here so why not support the hometown team.” You shrugged continuing your search.
Once you finally settled on a jersey you liked you didn’t wait for a bag and instead immediately pulled it on over your shirt. The jersey may have been petty, but you knew it would get the job done and that’s what mattered.
Justin groaned and rolled his eyes once he saw you return to your seat, “I’m not even gonna say anything.”
“Good choice.” You said sitting down next to Shawn with a satisfied smirk, actually looking forward to the start of the game.
“The arena is packed tonight. And we are not short of celebrity guests. Up in the stands we have Justin and Hailey Bieber, Shawn Mendes, and (y/f/n) (y/l/n)” The crowd cheered loudly following the announcement and the excitement only grew as your section was featured on the Jumbotron. You waved and smiled for the camera.
“It looks like there’s a rivalry going on up there.” The other announcer commented on the oppsoing jerseys you were wearing. You adjusted in your seat making it very known that you had a Kings jersey on.
“I would love to hear the trash talking that’s going on up there between Justin and (y/n)”
Once again the crowd went wild as Auston scored a goal. The group around you excitedly jumped up cheering along with others. You remained stoic looking down at your phone to check the time.
“At least pretend to be happy.” Justin leaned down to whisper his back facing the ice. “The cameras are on us.”
“Excitement for Auston is just something I can’t fake.” You finalized with a shrug of your shoulders, but the pleading look on Justin’s face was too hard to ignore. So you forced a smile throwing in a few claps.
“I’ll take it.” Justin said satisfied.
Once everyone calmed down you went back to your phone showing Shawn pictures from the vacation your family took recently. You were so absorbed in telling various stories from the trip you didn’t notice the time out that was called.
Shawn’s song, Fallin’ All in You began playing. You absentmindedly hummed along and looked up to see the Jumbotron started back up and this time with the kiss cam.
The camera suddenly panned on your section and was featuring Justin and Hailey. All of your friends instantly began cheering the couple on. And when they gave in and the crowd erupted.
Your excitement was fleeting though as the camera moved off of them and onto you and Shawn.
“Oh God.” You mumbled with a smile on your face trying to cover up any discomfort you were feeling.
You thought your immediate hesitation would be enough of an indication that you didn’t want to kiss your ex, but they persisted refusing to move the camera.
“They aren’t going to move on till we kiss.” Shawn whispered.
“Fine.” You conceded leaning back and looking over at him. “You make the first move.”
“Like our first kiss all over again.” He laughed before leaning over and kissing you. It was gentle and sweet, but had the whole arena booming with excitement.
You immediately covered your face laughing along with him as the camera stayed on you two to get the aftermath. Shawn kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders and kissed the side of your head. “Give it a second they’ll move on…And we’re good.”
You were relieved when you looked up and it wasn’t your face you were seeing on the screen. The breakup took place seven years ago and you stayed true to your word remaining friends after the split.
While there were no longer romantic feelings, Shawn was a comforting piece of your foundation. He not only maintained a good relationship with you, but your family as well. You knew he would be a part of your life for the rest of your life.
“Good job guys, no matter what happens with this game, that’s all anyone’s going to be talking about.” Justin reached over to fist bump Shawn.
“So we need to know are you guys back together.” Your best friend held out her water bottle as a fake microphone to you.
“Yeah, that kiss seemed pretty intimate.” Your other friend, Mason joined in also holding out a water bottle.
“Shut up.” You giggled pushing the water bottle away. “If any of you say we’re together I will end you.”
“Not the threats.” Mason joked, “I’m for sure telling TMZ that when they call me.”
Following the kiss cam the intensity seemed to go up for both teams, especially for one player in particular.
Auston wasn’t sure why seeing you on the kiss cam annoyed him so much, but it did. Everyone was supposed to be here to watch a hockey game and you turned it into a joke.
“Fuck.” He angrily slammed his stick against the boards breaking it before taking a seat on the bench.
“Dude, take a breather.” Mitch encouraged sitting down next to him.
“I’m fine.” Auston insisted taking a long swig from his water bottle.
“You sure because you’ve seemed tense?”
“Yeah I just want to win.” Mitch knew that wasn’t the reason, but he also knew not to push so he let it go.
Following your kiss he began playing harder. His hits were more forceful, his trash talking more heated, and his need to score at an all time. The intensity in the arena extended beyond the ice. As the game drew closer to ending fans of both teams started getting more aggressive.
“Matthews sucks. Anytime anyone gets near him he’s crying and acting like a little bitch.” A man sitting in front of you screamed at the glass. You had watched him down four beers already and become progressively drunk as the game went on.
“He’s talented, but selfish with the puck and a show off. The talent won’t last forever.” His friend next to him chimed in. They were both wearing Kings jerseys similar to the one you had on.
The way they were talking about Auston didn’t sit right with you. Any other day you would agree and probably even say those things yourself, but today was not that day.
You may have not known much about hockey, but you knew Auston was good (you would never admit that to him). And two middle aged men saying otherwise annoyed you.
“(Y/n), don’t.” Your best friend wrapped her hand around your wrist. You looked down now noticing that your hands were clenched and tapping against your leg.
“I’m not going to do anything.” You reassured her, trying to take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
“Are you sure? Because you have this crazy look in your eye and your extremely stiff right now.”
“I’m fine.” You seethed through clenched teeth.
“He’s overrated and overpaid.”
You took it upon yourself to tap on one of the men’s shoulder. As they turned around you cleared your throat and plastered on a tight smile. “Don’t you think this is the type of conversation you can have in your car on the ride home or maybe not even at all?”
“I can talk about whatever and whoever I want, when I want to.” The man on the right replied his beer sloshing around in his glass.
“You are two grown men talking about another grown man, be realistic.” You bit back, your attempt at being nice slowly fading away.
“You’re right we are grown men and allowed to have whatever opinion we want.” The second man replied raising his voice.
“Yeah maybe just don’t have it so loudly.” You suggested shrugging your shoulders and leaning back in your seat.
“You don’t know anything about hockey.”
“I know that right now the leafs are beating the kings.”
“Games not over yet.”
“And Matthews has scored two of their four goals.”
Despite your best attempts to keep the conversation cordial. The raised voices started gaining the attention of others around you. You knew a disagreement was one thing, but a full blown fight wouldn’t be a good look for you. As far as the public were concerned you weren’t the type of girl to be aggressive. And you would have maintained that look had one of the men not stood up so he was towering over you.
“He sucks the same way you probably get on your knees every night and suck his dick.” Any thought of being passive for your public image was out the window as you also stood not backing down.
“Excuse me.”
“You heard me.”
“No say it again I want you to hear yourself and how stupid you sound.” Image be damned. You didn’t want someone talking about Auston like that and you definitely weren’t going to allow them to talk about you like that.
“You’re nothing more than one of his sluts.” He threw his arms in the air, but before anything further could happen security was closing in on you quickly. You realized you hadn’t only caught the attention of the people around you but the whole arena as you looked up and could see yourself on the Jumbotron.
“And you’re a pathetic excuse of a human being. People pay to watch him, you’re running your mouth for free.” You had the final say as security pulled him away kicking both man out of the game. The crowd cheered watching them get escorted out, still fighting with anyone they could.
Watching them leave, however didn’t make you feel any better. You quickly picked up your bag and began climbing up the stairs before anyone could stop you. You were embarrassed that someone spoke to you like that especially in front of a crowd. You ran into the nearest bathroom locking yourself in a stall. You cursed yourself for letting your anger get the best of you. You knew this was going to be everywhere in a matter of hours. The string of texts coming into your phone from your publicist let you know that word already got to her.
“Fuck.” You groaned letting your head fall against the stall wall.
“(Y/n)?” You knew your best friend would find you. She stopped in front of the stall you were in, “I know you’re in there. I can see your feet.”
You groaned stomping your foot on the ground,“Go away.” There was no way you were opening the door.
“A security guard came over to us, Auston’s asking to see you.”
“No.” You flat out refused.
“Please.” You didn’t need to open the door to know she was biting down on her lip, a nervous habit she picked up from you. “He’s refusing to go back on the ice until he talks to you and they kinda need him.”
“Oh my god, he’s so dramatic.” You exclaimed opening the door. You usually were against giving into tantrums, but this needed to be resolved.
You begrudgingly followed security as they took you down to the tunnel where Auston was waiting.
“Are you crazy?” Auston screamed as soon as he saw you walking towards him.
Auston was confused as both teams were forced back to their benches in the middle of the game. Nothing happened on the ice to justify this, but as the crowd started to get loud and the Jumbotron featured the stands he realized it wasn’t because of what was happening on the ice, but rather off of it.
He watched as two people stood toe to toe yelling back and forth, neither backing down. But once he looked closer he realized he recognized the people around the two and then realized one of the people standing was you.
“So fucking stupid.” He mumbled, anger starting to flare up in his eyes. He continued to watch until the man raised his arm and that’s when Auston started moving before he could think. He didn’t get very far though, before multiple people were holding him back.
“Get off me.” He growled fighting against Mo, John, and Willy.
“You’re not going over there, this isn’t our arena and those aren’t our fans.” John kept his arms on Auston’s shoulders.
He continued watching as security closed in on the altercation separating you two, “fuck this.” He snapped breaking free from the hold on himself and moving towards the tunnel. “Someone get her down here.”
“Are you?” You shot back, “your holding up a whole game for this!” You motioned your hand between the two of you.
“I wouldn’t have to if you would’ve just sat down and stayed quiet!” He was pissed and didn’t care about who could possibly hear him.
“Oh yeah because I wanted a grown man yelling in my face.” You sarcastically let out, your voice going up an octave as you also got louder.
You watched as Auston shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. He had a concentrated look on his face, a look you’d seen before. This was the look Auston wore when he was trying to figure something out. But unlike before, the look didn’t go away, he was still frustrated.
“What the hell were you thinking?” He huffed pacing back and forth.
“I wasn’t, I was defending you!” You flung your arms in the air voice strained. “And based on how you’re treating me right now, I shouldn’t have.”
“I don’t need you to defend me.” Auston didn’t hold back, “people say shit all the time. You included.”
“But they weren’t me and no one besides me should say those things about you.” Your pulse was racing and it took a generous amount of self control to bring your voice back down to a reasonable level.
It felt like an eternity of silence before Auston finally replied, his voice much softer and more worn out, “You could’ve gotten hurt.”
“But I didn’t.” You watched as he leaned against the the wall hunched over. You realized that this was effecting him more than you. You were worried about your image, but Auston was worried about you. If anything would’ve happened to you, he would’ve never forgave himself. That’s not because he had any feelings for you, but because his parents raised him right (or at least that’s what he told himself when he flew off the ice and down the tunnel demanding to see you.)
“Hey, Auston.” You timidly touched his cheek forcing him to look at you. “I’m fine. Okay?” You searched his eyes for any confirmation that your words were getting through. “Plus I didn’t totally disagree with them, they did call you a little bitch.” The smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth and the deep chuckle confirmed that he was fine.
“A little bitch, huh? Not very original.”
“They also called me a dumb bitch so we have that in common.” You shrugged taking a step back.
Auston was amused, “Who would’ve thought that would be what we have in common.”
You smiled crossing your arms over your chest. You both took a second to really look at each other. You may have disliked each other, but you shared common ground when it came to dealing with hate. Auston didn’t deserve it any more than you did.
“This color looks terrible on you by the way.” Auston broke the silence lightly tugging at the jersey you wore.
“Really? You looked down at your outfit, “I think it’s sleek and flattering.”
“You’d look better in blue.” Auston stood to his full height.
“Win this game and I might consider it.” You offered side stepping to allow him to get closer to the entrance.
“No.” You shook your head, “but I do actually need you to win now. That fight can’t be for nothing.”
“This next goals for you, then.” He smirked.
“Don’t miss it like the last one.” You teased.
“Don’t get into anymore fights.” He retorted walking away and you watched as he returned from where he came.
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uluvjay · 2 months
Early mornings- B. Clarke
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Brandt Clarke x fem! Reader
Spending the night at your boyfriends leads to some early morning lovin’
Warnings?; SMUT, protected sex, p in v, fingering (f receiving), cursing, teasing, kissing, talks of scratches, mentions of fighting, multiple orgasms, prob some errors.
You groaned as you rolled over in bed, attempting to escape the blinding sunlight that peaked through the curtains of the bedroom windows.
It took you a second to realize your boyfriend’s warm body was missing and that his spot was slightly cold, sitting up you rubbed your eyes looking around the room.
His bathroom and closet doors were both wide open showing you he wasn’t in either but the mouthwatering scent of breakfast hitting your nose gave you a good hint of where he could be.
Standing up from his soft bed you adjusted his oversized shirt before following the smell of food, “B!?” You called out for the light ginger.
“Kitchen!” His soft voice floated back towards you, the slight raspiness from the early hours causing butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
You stopped in your tracks at the sight of him, his sweatpants hung low on his waist while his beater was rolled up a lightly at the bottom showing off his v-line.
His cut up Hand gripped the pans handle strongly, his fresh cuts from last nights fight already beginning to scab over.
“Everything okay?” He soft voice brought you from your thoughts.
You blushed at the fact he’d caught you openly checking him out, you nodded shyly before shuffling towards him.
Tucking yourself into his side, his strong arm came to wrap itself around your shoulder as he placed a kiss to your head.
“Sleep good?” He teased knowing that he’d found you sound asleep when he came back to clean you up after your very hot and busy night.
“Yeah, put me right to sleep.” You teased back.
“Mmm, good that means I took care of you how you deserve.” He smirked his hand moving to pat your bum softly.
You blushed even more at his words, “what did you make?” You asked changing the topic.
“The pancakes are just about done and there’s some bacon and fruit on the counter.” He nodded towards the other side of the large kitchen.
“Sounds delicious.” You smiled as you patted your stomach feeling it growl.
“Go grab a plate I’ll make it up for you.” He spoke softly.
“You don’t have t-“
“Well I want to, so please grab yourself a plate.” He looked at you and by the look in his eyes you knew there was no reason to try and fight it.
You moved from his warm embrace to grab the glass plate and handed it to him. He added two fresh pancakes before a scoop of fruit and some bacon and sat it at the table for you.
You sat down and began to eat your food as you observed him moving around the kitchen, the sight of red marks that you hadn’t noticed before causing you to choke on your watermelon.
“Are you okay?!” He spun to face you, running to your side.
“Mhm.” You nodded while you coughed up the piece of fruit.
“Y-your back.” You spoke when you were finally able to.
“What about it?”
“It’s all scratched up.” You blushed profusely.
“Oh yeah, it’s not biggie.” He shrugged.
“Won’t the guys tease you for it?” You asked.
“Probably but I don’t care.” He winked as he sat next to you at the table, his own plate much fuller than yours thanks to his diet.
You just shook your head in response, dropping your head to hide your heated cheeks as you changed the topic to his upcoming road trip and how he was feeling.
Once you were both finished you gathered the plates and took them to the sink, collecting the rest of the dishes from the morning you began to wash them as Brandt put the left overs away.
You jumped in surprise when you felt arms circle your waist, his comforting scent filling your senses as he tucked his head into the crook of your neck.
“Did I ever mention how good you look in my clothes?”
“You may have mentioned it a few times.” You giggled feeling his lips begin to leave feather light kisses on your neck.
“Mm, well you look gorgeous with my name on your back.” He groaned, his kisses becoming slightly stronger as his teeth joined the mix leaving small nips against your skin.
You sucked in a breath when you felt him suck on your sweet spot, bolts of electricity flowing through your body and right to your core.
“Brandt.” You whimpered softly at the feeling of his large hands trailing beneath your shirt, his nails lightly scratching against your stomach causing butterflies.
The sponge in your hand was long forgotten as he ran two fingers over the waistband of your panties, his thick fingers wasting no time before dipping into the cotton.
A groan escaped the man behind you as he met your warm and wet core, your pussy already drenched just from the smallest touch from him.
“So wet for me pretty girl.” He smirked against your ear, his lips leaving a teasing kiss right below it.
Your head dropped back against his shoulder as he began to move his fingers against your clit, they worked slowly and calculated pulling moan after moan from you as he worked you up.
“Oh god.” You cried as he slipped a finger inside your cunt.
Your fingers gripped hard at the metal in front of you as your high was quickly approaching, Brandt could feel your cunt tighten around his fingers.
His voice soft as he guided you towards your orgasm, “go on baby, come for me.”
He inserted a third finger right as the band in your stomach snapped, you cried out his name as pure ecstasy spread throughout your body.
Your knees buckled for a second until you were spun around and lifted from the ground, not having a chance to think before Brandt’s lips were pressed against yours in a heavy kiss.
Your were consumed by him, everything about him. His touch, the way his body fit perfectly against yours and how good his lips felt pressed against your own.
“Need you.” He whimpered desperately as he pulled back for air.
That was all he needed to finally shut off the running water behind you and stalk off towards his bedroom, throwing you down on his plush bed he quickly discarded his clothes before doing the same to you.
He crawled over your body, reaching into his bedside table for a condom before slipping the latex over his cock.
“Ready?” He asked softly.
“Mhm” you nodded, legs spread wide for him as he wrapped them around his waist.
Twin moans escaped the both of you as he slid in slowly, his eyes watching as you took him inch by inch.
“Taking me so well baby.” He grunted , doing his best to stay still and allow you to adjust.
Feeling the buck of your hips he knew you were ready and he didn’t waste anymore time before pulling back and snapping his hips against yours.
His thrusts were the perfect mixture of fast and deep, making sure you felt every inch of him as you hugged him perfectly.
“So good.” You panted, fingers gripping the expensive sheets below you.
Brandt smirked at the way your eyes rolled back from the pleasure, his head dipping down to trail kisses along your bare chest.
His groaned as your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling harsh at the roots eliciting a grunt from him and him placing a bite to your chest in response.
“You’re perfect baby, so fucking perfect.” He groaned, and despite his words being soft and sweet the thrust he was applying were not and you could feel your second orgasm of the night quickly approaching.
And he noticed it, he knew every detail about you and your body, knowing all of your signs and signals.
“Cum for me baby, let go.” He spoke in your ear, the sensual tone of his voice causing you to moan as he continued to praise you.
It wasn’t much longer after that, that you came, body going rigid as you felt your high wash over you. Your mouth dropped open in a silent scream as you once again Raked your nails down his back.
“Fuck yes.” He groaned feeling his own high rapidly approaching.
And with a few more thrusts his hips began to stutter before coming to a stop as he spilled inside the condom, panting as he pulled out of you and removed the latex before tying it up and tossing it into the bin beside his bed.
He placed soft kisses from your stomach up to your lips, basking in your soft giggle before he captured your lips once again.
“Shower?” He whispered after pulling away from your lips.
“You’ll have to carry me.”
“My pleasure.” He smirked, laughing at your squeal as he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before entering his large bathroom.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
alex turcotte x fem!reader
part of the Speak Now Fic List
summary: in which y/n opens up to Alex about the hate she’s been receiving from his fans
notes: not proofread! so sorry if it sucks!
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liked by _alexturcotte, trevorzegras, and 7,297 others
y/nonthegram on a date and our waiter called me a bitch… anyone know what number i can call to complain?
tagged _alexturcotte and trevorzegras
user47 awww they went to dux in tux to support trevor!
_alexturcotte my girl 🖤
y/nonthegram my boy 🤍
user16 thank god she didn’t show her face
trevorzegras sorry, we don’t take complaints 🙅‍♂️ only compliments 💁‍♂️
y/nonthegram that feels very unprofessional
trevorzegras who ever said i was professional? 🤔
jackhughes my boys! looking dapper! and y/n!
y/nonthegram this is y/nphobic
jackhughes i acknowledged you, didn’t i?
y/nonthegram barely
colecaufield @/y/nonthegram i’ll acknowledge you! you look beautiful, y/n!
y/nonthegram @/colecaufield thank you! at least someone appreciates me!
user63 well… trevor wasn’t very far off
user77 have you ever even met her? she’s literally the nicest person ever
user21 she gives mean girl bitch vibes so idc
user98 impatiently waiting for him to dump her
user30 honestly, if he cheats on her on a roadie… would anyone really be upset?
user52 i know i wouldn’t! i think all of us are just praying on their downfall. like, he could do so much better
my eyes sting, locked to my phone screen. my hearing is muffled, drowning out the sound of my boyfriend and his best friend just feet away from me.
they sit on the coffee table in front of me, NHL 23 displayed on the tv. they shout curses at each other and the tv, trying their hardest to win for their respective teams on the video game. but my focus is solely on the comments of my most recent instagram post.
all i wanted to do was show off my boyfriend of five years. but his fans were being so mean.
it was nothing new. these comments happened on nearly every post i made. whether they were insulting my looks, or saying Alex deserved better, i could never please them.
usually, i only let myself look at the comments for a moment before deleting them altogether, but today was already a hard mental health day and these comments were hitting me where it hurts. i can’t help but dwell on them longer than usual. today they took my worst fear, and used it as a ‘what if?’ scenario, one of the meanest things they’ve ever done.
i sniffle, standing from the couch. shuffling quickly past my boyfriend, my head hanging low to try and hide my tears as i make my way to our bedroom, shutting myself in the darkened room, the only light being that of the setting california sun peeking through the curtains on the windows.
i crawl up our bed, burrowing myself in a cocoon of blankets and pillows, and turn my phone back on, scrolling through the comments once more. this time, i let my tears flow freely, silent sobs racking my body.
all the comments on my body, my insecurities and flaws, my relationship, even some accusing me of cheating on Alex with our friends. it’s one blow after another, each one cutting deeper than the last.
a loud cry escapes my lips and i clap a hand over my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut and holding my breath; praying to whatever higher power that Alex and Trevor didn’t overhear me from the living room.
my prayers go unanswered when our bedroom door creaks open, the light switch being flipped on, and two sets of footsteps enter the bedroom.
“hey, sweet girl.” i bury my head deeper under the blanket at the sound of my boyfriend’s voice. “you wanna show me that pretty face?”
his gentle tone brings even more tears to my eyes and despite knowing he can’t see me, i shake my head.
“y/n? are you okay?” Trevor asks softly. i feel them both sit on the bed as i hum out a ‘mhm’.
“you sure?” Trevor questions.
“why won’t you let us see you, then?” Alex asks. a hand finds my back, rubbing it soothingly, and the soft touch causes me to let out another cry. i hear some muffled whispering before someone rises from the bed.
“i’m gonna leave you guys to talk, i’ll see you tomorrow.” Trevor announces. “y/n, if you need me, just call and i’ll come right over.”
i hear his footsteps retreating, the bedroom door falling shut behind him before my boyfriend’s hand leaves my back, coming up on the blankets and pulling it down to reveal my tear stained face.
“hey, what wrong, baby?” his eyes are filled with worry, concern dripping from his words like honey. “why are you crying, sweet girl?”
“i’m fine.” i choke and he obviously sees straight through my lie.
“if you were fine, you wouldn’t be crying.” he shifts his body, moving to lay down next to me on the bed. his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me in close, and on instinct, i throw my thigh over his abdomen. his hand comes up to play with my hair, the tips of his fingers scratching my scalp in a calming manner.
“you wanna tell me what’s got my girl so upset?” he questions. he knows he has me in the palm of his hand. he knows exactly what to do to ease my mind and make me feel safe.
“comments.” i whisper into his chest, muttered by lips against his shirt.
“hmm?” he hums. my eyes flicker up to see his brows pulled down in confusion.
“instagram comments.” i clarify, sniffling and wiping at my nose with my hand. “some of your fans aren’t very nice.”
“wait what?” he asks. his hands pause their actions and he pulls my face back to look me in the eyes. “what are you talking about?”
“i didn’t wanna say anything. you love your fans and some of them are so sweet.” i sigh.
his expression is one of betrayal and disappointment. this is exactly why i kept this all from him. he loves his fans so much, i know he would never want to hear that some of them are so cruel.
“y/n, what are they saying?”
“just mean things. things i’d rather not repeat.” i unlock my phone, the screen still on the hate comments of my latest post, and hand it to him, letting him see them for himself.
“what the fuck?” he murmurs to himself. “why have i never seen these?”
“i usually delete them right away.” i confess. “i never wanted you to see them.”
“baby, you should’ve told me about these. these are cruel.” he scrolls through the comments, deleting every comment that isn’t necessarily considered nice.
“i know, but your fans make you so happy. i never wanted to take that from you.” i cry, burying my face in his chest.
“but you make me happier.” his hand rests on my head, the other rubbing my back. “you make me so much happier than they ever could.”
“it just hurts. it didn’t used to hurt this much, but after so long, the comments are getting to me.” i sob. “i just wanna feel okay again.”
“hey, you know nothing they said is true, right? you’re beautiful, and sweet, and the best thing to ever happen to me. you’re the smartest, most thoughtful, kindhearted, loving girl i’ve ever met. and i would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. i would never even think about even entertaining the idea of sleeping with anyone on a roadie, you know that, don’t you?”
i nod my head, sniffling. i raise my head to look at him, his eyes glassy as he wipes my tears.
“i love them, but i love you so much more. and they’re clearly not fans of mine if they think it’s okay to say shit like this about you, let alone to you.”
my insecurities get the best of me and i can’t help but question.
“you’re sure you’re not sick of me?” i whisper.
“you ever looked in my nightstand?” he asks, my eyebrows furrow in confusion and i shake my head.
“not recently, no.” i don’t understand his question, or what it has to do with mine.
he pushes me off of him, my heart sinking in my chest.
this is it.
he’s decided we’re done.
i don’t know what i’ll do without him.
he leans over his side of the bed, shuffling around in his nightstand drawer for a moment before turning back to me, something clasped in his hand.
“i had a more romantic plan, i swear i did. i had a whole speech planned, but my mom said that i should do this when it feels right. and now feels right.”
my eyes widen, my breath going shaky as i consider what he could possibly be meaning in this moment.
i sit up quickly in the bed, as he reveals a black ring box in his hands, opening it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring.
my hands rise shakily to my parted lips, more tears gathering in my eyes as they flicker between him and the ring.
“you asked if i’m sure, and i hope that this ring shows you that i’m absolutely positive. i can’t imagine a life without you. i can’t imagine what my life would’ve been like if you hadn’t called me a ‘stupid waste-of-a-pretty-face hockey player’ when we were sixteen.”
“all you got from that was ‘pretty’.” i let out a choked laugh through my tears.
“and i’m so glad i did, because that one word was all it took for me to fall to my knees. to chase after you and annoy you for an entire year until you agreed to go out with me. and now i never want to live a life without you.
“you’re my biggest supporter, my favorite person in the world, and the only girl i ever want. i love your kind soul, and the way your smile brightens my day. i love your beautiful eyes and the way you laugh over my dumbest jokes. i love that you fought for us to stay together, even when i wasn’t sure if we would work after i was drafted. i love that you dance in the kitchen when you cook, and the way you romanticize every part of our every day lives. i love that you refuse to go to bed angry, and that you sing in the shower and make me duet you. i love you, for everything you are, and everything you will be. and i would love to spend the rest of our lives together, if you’ll marry me.”
i can’t even get a response past my lips, opting to tackle him instead, nearly knocking us off the bed. but Alex’s quick thinking saves the moment, swaying us sideways instead to land on our sides on the mattress.
i straddle his waist, knocking him on his back as my lips glide along his face, peppering kisses on his cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, anywhere i can reach, before settling on his lips.
i pour all of my emotions into this kiss, filled with love and happiness, joy and affection. i suckle his bottom lip as i pull back to look into his eyes, a large grin taking up the bottom half of my face.
“is that a yes?” he chuckles, a hand resting on my lower back, the other still gripping the ring box.
“that’s a yes.” i nod excessively, holding my left hand out for him. he smiles widely, making quick work of removing the engagement ring from the box and sliding it onto my finger.
“i love you so much.” i tell him, grasping his face in my hands as i lower my lips to his once more.
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liked by _alexturcotte, jackhughes, and 11,759 others
y/nonthegram i said yes <3
tagged _alexturcotte
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y/nonthegram plan?
jackhughes i mean.. i’m so happy for you guys! i knew you guys were meant for each other!
y/nonthegram thank you rowdy!
_alexturcotte thanks bro!
y/nonthegram thanks Z! celebration lunch tomorrow?
trevorzegras just txt me the deets, doll!
_alexturcotte thanks bro, and thanks for keeping the secret, even though you usually have loose lips
trevorzegras @/_alexturcotte i resent that
y/nonthegram thank you coley! 😙🤍
_alexturcotte thank you cole!
_quinnhughes when did you grow up? stop growing up! i’m happy for you two, but jeez y/n, i could’ve sworn you were still fourteen and stalking practices yesterday!
y/nonthegram hey! i never stalked practices! i simply liked to observe the sport!
y/nonthegram but thank you quinny 🤍 you’ll be my man of honor, right?
_quinnhughes it would be my pleasure, y/n/n
jackhughes hey! why is QUINN your man of honor and not me?!
y/nonthegram because if it’s you then you’re gonna wear a dress. you wanna be man of honor?
jackhughes ya know what? i’ll let Quinn be your man of honor. you’ve known him longest, so it’s only fair.
y/nonthegram that’s what i thought
lhughes_06 congratulations guys!! engagement party at the lake house?!
y/nonthegram engagement party at the lake house!
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lildevilsadvocate · 8 months
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welcome to nhl turcs 🤍
first career nhl goal!!
via kings twitter
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mikeywayarchive · 2 months
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frankieromustdie: he’s a consummate rams/kings/dodger fan (we let that slide), a bigtime hat enthusiast, mychem’s bass player extraordinaire, my personal photographer, all around sweet little dude who’s always down for a mall hang or a shit talk, and one of my oldest & most handsomest friends.
you know him / you love him…
my brudda from anutha, michael romance.
[Aug 1, 2024]
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