#Kuroko no Basket Stage Play
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captain-violence · 9 days ago
No but stage play Hanamiya (Ota Motohito) is a god. I'm convinced.
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ni-kol-koru · 7 months ago
✩ KnB Stage Play - Kaijō Behind the Scenes ✩
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There are sooo many funny and cool Kaijō photos since the actors really loved their roles and are really really close! I really love their dynamic and the actors were incredible on and off stage! ✩
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wagakko · 1 month ago
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More Kurosute Memorial talk!
The first page is a roundtable interview with the Seirin five: Makita Tetsuya (Hyuuga), Ishida Shun (UB Izuki), Kawai Ryunosuke (Kiyoshi), Konno Takuro (UB Koganei), and Tano Asami (Riko). The second page is with Tsuchida's actor Kajimoto Daiki, who wasn't able to join the last stage play.
The scan isn't the best because the booklet was so thick, the spine wouldn't open flat on the scanner! But if anyone wants to pick this up for translation, lmk and I'll redo it.
Please don't reupload the images.
Because Kiyoshi's my fave I'm focusing on that one part of the interview (ran this through three different MTs in case there's a discrepancy in translation)...
Remember how many of the cast played high school basketball? Apparently, it was Kawai's dream to win the actual Winter Cup. But his team couldn't, and it's one of his frustrations growing up. But when his mother went to see him perform in the last stage play(!!), she told him that through acting, he had achieved that dream ❤️
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wsknbfanaccnt · 19 days ago
I need stage play Kise Ryouta to merge souls with me tbh
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thehandworld · 2 months ago
A specific KHR verse
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Kise Ryouta from Kuroko no Basket has now a Katekyo Hitman Reborn Verse. So here is what changes:
TW: Kidnapping, Sexual Abuse.
From the start, there is a lot that changes from the canon to the point where he follows my Gokudera so... Let's go.
Originally this was an AU!Verse for the Kuroko no Basket itself played here, I'm currently adapting it so it can be for what I need related to Gokudera.
Kise is half Italian, half Japanese, after his mother gave birth to him, his father kidnapped him and then returned to Italy. There he abused him, in all shapes and forms, when his father heard about an experiment happening about unleashing and/or forcing to different flames he sent Kise there.
That is where Kise met Andrea.
They formed a bond, especially because they were in the same cage at the end of the day, but also because they were each other weakness. The experiment was indeed a success, as both actually turned out to be with five different flames. While Andrea was rescued by Shamal though, Kise stayed a few more months in the laboratory, and by the end, he was returned to his father.
He didn't know love, kindness, or gentleness, all he knew was the hard world he was thrown at. He was aggressive, and violent, and didn't have any connection with anyone, even his father. The only type of small connection was with Andrea, being friends with him for that short period.
Said that when he returned to his father, he killed the man. Staging it as accidental was easy, as a minor, he was then found by the police and later they found his mother. It was weird to be reunited with his mother at the age of 11, was even weirder to live with her and his sisters.
Eventually, Kise got into a "normal" life. His mother tried everything to give him actual love, care, and family but by this point, the blonde couldn't relate anymore. At the age of 13 that is when he got to Teiko and as well started to model, something about his appearance made him call attention and so start that.
To get some money and also to avoid spend so much time with his mother and sister, he didn't mind to work. It was interesting to try new things, and the school although too... strange for him was fun. At 14, he got inside the basketball club, and that is when he discovered more of his copy abilities.
Used to being badly treated he soon figured out that the model world and fame were all the same, just with a different name and more legal as Kise faces the jealousy, the stalker issues, the tempts of sexual abuse, or just sexual favor. He soon drops it.
When he graduated from Teiko he also didn't want to keep playing Basketball, it was fun but just because of the people around him, and when they decided to all go to different schools, he... did the same. But this time, wanting to open more the world, and to actual be away from his mother and sister.
Kise went to a school in a city called Namimori, his mother figuring out that it was pointless to keep forcing him to live with her, helped with it. And soon he was there, it was weird to see a guy running around only in his boxer, yelling. Other things were more weird, but he learned to ignore it.
That is when he met Andrea again, this time the guy was going by the name Gokudera Hayato. He found it weird, but considering what they went through he could understand wanting to "die" and move on.
Days were as peaceful as they could go, while meeting with Andrea was nice and all, they kept minimal contact knowing they were each other weakness, it was important to know where and what they were doing. That is how Hayato started to interact back, his reasoning was, so they could practice together and make sure they both wouldn't die.
When Gokudera wanted to create a bar and asked for him to act as a fake owner, he didn't seem to mind, after losing his job as a model, he did miss the extra money so having work that is both comfortable for him, with a boss that is his friend/enemy/ally? Was better than what he could ask.
At the age of 18, working as the owner of the bar and helped Gokudera as his lackey, creating a separate and independent life for him. He was detached from his previous life, and now the only reason to live for him was that... He had a kind spot for Hayato. And the need to help and protect him.
Doing the things the Storm Guardian wasn't able to do.
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At the age of 25, he will be the second in command of the Vongola Storm Unity, his capacity to hold Mist, Rain, Sun, Cloud, and Sky. Made him an incredible ally for Gokudera. He is still unattached to his life but is totally loyal to Hayato. He doesn't get along with anyone other than Hayato though.
Constantly mouthing back, being rude, temperamental, and violent. The only person he actually listens to is the Decimo Storm Guardian, Gokudera Hayato.
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il-giardino-del-castello · 2 years ago
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Ho visto che su TierMaker c’era pure una lista per le sigle di BSD, quindi non ho potuto non approfittarne. 
L’ho fatto prima che uscisse la quarta serie, quindi non ci sono True Story e la ending. Non saprei se inserire anche la opening del film di Beast e la ending dello stage play di Storm Bringer... Vabbè, le metto nel commento. 
Prima cosa: sarò strana io, attirerò l’astio (?) di qualcuno, ma a me le ending di BSD sembrano tutte uguali. Vanno bene, eh, ma mi suonano tutte identiche. (Tipo l’effetto Kalafina...?) Persino quella nuova della quarta serie per me è indistinguibile da quelle delle tre serie e da Dead Apple. Scusatemi, fans delle ending di BSD. (!)
Trash Candy non mi dice niente. Ma proprio niente. Tant’è che ogni tanto sono tipo “Ah, ma com’era?”, la riascolto e la scordo un minuto dopo. Ma mi sta bene, perché sembra abbia spezzato la mia maledizione (?) con i Granrodeo: per motivi a me non chiari, se mi capitava un anime con una loro opening, era matematico che l’anime mi piacesse/convincesse in proporzione inversa a quanto mi era piaciuta la opening. Tipo, io amo tanterrimo Henai no Rondo, è tipo una delle mie opening preferite, ma Karneval mi ha un po’ lasciato così perché era super promettente e... la trama inizia il capitolo dopo che finisce l’anime. Dafaq. Al contrario, le due opening della prima serie di Kuroko no Basket mi sono scorse addosso, ma KnB mi ha fatto piegare dalle risate. Oppure, Rose Hip Bullet la trovo orecchiabile, ma l’anime di Togainu no Chi è una porcheria immonda. Quindi, il fatto che Trash Candy non mi dica nulla lo prendo come una cosa positiva. (!)
Soprattutto perché al tier INFINITE REPLAY BUTTON AAAARGH ci sono Setsuna no Ai e Deadly Drive. La prima so che è LA opening di BSD per il 99% del pubblico, e trovo si meriti pienamente il titolo. La seconda so che a svariata gente non piace, e anche per me è un gusto acquisito - Una volta acquisito, è andata in tier S. Forse preferisco leggermente di più Setsuna no Ai, in effetti, ma perché Setsuna no Ai è proprio tier Sboronaggine. 
Anche Passion, la ending dello stage play di Storm Bringer, è un po’ un gusto acquisito. O meglio, pur non essendo sborona, rimane estremamente impressa - Soprattutto lo “Zutto zutto zutto zutto”. 
Tokei-mawari no Torque, la opening del film di Beast, è... strana. Jazz a caso. La trovo bella, ma sono più impegnata a guardarmi intorno come il meme con John Travolta per concentrarmi sul decidermi in che senso la trovi bella (Questa frase ha un senso, ve l’assicuro). 
La canzone al tier “Carina” è una canzone che manco mi ricordavo e che sono andata a risentire apposta. Pare sia la canzone di quando Atsushi e Akutagawa fanno la trottola gay contro Gončarov. Stranamente, è carina e suona bene - Forse non ci avevo fatto troppo caso, all’epoca. La trottola gay aveva annebbiato i miei sensi. (!?)
E poi c’è Reason Living, lì, tanto carina, circondata dalle ending per me tutte uguali e da un quarto della discografia dei Granrodeo. In realtà, prima che uscisse tutto il corollario di opere parallele di BSD, Reason Living era la opening di BSD che preferivo - Dato che, appunto, per me Trash Candy è l’indifferenza totale. 
Probabilmente metterei sullo stesso tier anche sua sorella True Story, anche se Reason Living mi piace comunque di più. Confesso, mi piace un sacco lo strumentale delle strofe, più che del ritornello, ma il “true storyyyy” mi rimane ancora più impresso. Mi piace, si meritano entrambe il tier A. 
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himitsuyoru · 3 years ago
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Touou Gakuen
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mizzmilkyway · 7 years ago
When Taiyou was announced as Murasakibara on 3rd Kurobas stage, this iconic moment was the first thing come to my head lmao
He catches the ball with his face xD 
this is during his Johnny’s Jr. days, where he’s still young, innocent and fresh (lol)
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rz-jocelyn · 8 years ago
Nishii Yukito attended the “Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe” and “Kuroko no Basuke ~OVER-DRIVE~” stage plays! He Tweeted his reactions to the stage plays, and also about meeting his “FIVE” co-stars (Matsuoka Koudai, Sato Ryuji and Kuroba Mario) as well as several of his co-stars from other productions and friends whom he hasn’t met in a while xD
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@yukky_0614 dated 02.06.2017
Just now, I attended the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~". It gave me goosebumps. The action and the projection effects were incredibly intense. I also managed to meet with Sato Ryuji-kun and Koudai, whom I co-starred with in the drama "FIVE". Other than them, it's been a while, but I also managed to meet with Yui-chan and Fujita Ray-kun, whom I have had the opportunity to co-star with. Everyone, please enjoy yourselves until the final performance with no injuries!!
Sato Ryuji-kun refers to Sato Ryuji who plays Uchiha Sasuke, Koudai refers to Matsuoka Koudai who plays Uzumaki Naruto, Yui-chan refers to Ito Yui who plays Haruno Sakura and Fujita Ray-kun refers to Fujita Ray who plays Yamato/Tenzou.
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@yukky_0614 dated 23.06.2017
Yesterday, I went to watch a performance of "Kuroko no Basuke"! The production of the basket goal and the depiction of the match. White-knuckled, I was completely absorbed as I watched it! I also managed to meet Makki-san, Yuuho-kun and Mario, whom I haven't met in a while!
Makki-san refers to Makita Tetsuya who plays Hyuuga Junpei, Yuuho-kun refers to Yuuho Matsui who plays Izuki Shun and Mario refers to Kuroba Mario who plays Kise Ryouta.
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orzpiru · 8 years ago
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東京楽日 ————– 終了しました。 時間かかるからもう大阪むかうで〜
Tokyo sunrise ------------------------ Ended. Because it takes time already in Osaka~
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ni-kol-koru · 7 months ago
✩ KnB Stage Play - Rakuzan Behind the Scenes ✩
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Found some Stage Play photos on my old laptop and wanted to share some of my favorite 'behind the scenes' photos of these precious boys and their hilarious and incredible actors! ✩
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wagakko · 1 month ago
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Kurosute interview with Costume Designer Yamada Izumi
Please don't reupload the image. If anyone wants to pick this up for translation, lmk.
According to the MT...
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Kagami's Air Jordans are pretty iconic, and they didn't want to settle with anything else. Problem was at the time, this exact model wasn't sold anywhere. In the end, they had to pay a premium price for some old stock of this red-and-black pair.
...only for Nike to re-release it after?!
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ayaartseu · 8 years ago
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Otsubo-san and the others! (Otsubo's actor is so handsome— I love him //sobs)
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tima520 · 8 years ago
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Beautiful Onu from Arisa’s insta story ,they were all playing street basketball     (⺣◡⺣)♡
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benevadeca · 4 years ago
not to be insane but does anyone have links (subbed preferably but im desperate) to the knb stage plays. im obsessed
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lantailangit · 5 years ago
Honestly, I've fallen in love with Kasamatsu Yukio's actor since The Encounter. 😍
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