#Kpop diaries
soojinieshifts · 6 days
Hihihi I just wanted to ask how world tour work and if their stressful :33
Oooo ok this is a good one!
So tours are usually planned a few months in advance, some companies will do a year or 2 in advance but it depends on like the success of your groups and how big your fanbase is. The planning is done by your staff, managers, etc.
Touring can be so much fun honestly because you get to go to so many beautiful places and see so many cool stuff, my favorite part is getting to show my members around my home country and the places I’ve grown up. It’s also fun to introduce them to my family, have them try our foods and so much more things. Not all companies however have all countries in mind it’s usually just the ones they think are popular or care about but I script our tour stops usually so I don’t really run into this problem like I did when I was a baby shifter.
Usually your company will let you guys pick your set list, but they also will do a lot of them based on popularity of the songs. Like usually you will preform all title tracks that you have released since those are most popular but you and your members will also be able to pick the bsides and other songs for set lists. If you’re planning on having a solo stage then a lot of planning and practice goes into this before tour, and during sound check every set will be run through in order to avoid any mistakes.
All this aside, touring can also be very tiring. Especially if you are having a comeback near the end or middle because then dates become more closer and immediate/less spaced out?? (If that makes sense😭) in order for you guys to have time to go back to Korea for the comeback, if you have schedules then you will have your show and depending on when the schedule is you will usually be flown immediately to wherever said schedules is. (By schedules I mean events for brands and other shit like that). Some companies will give maybe a week or 2?? Cool down period before going to the next leg of the tour (like Asia, North America, South America, etc.) Some groups like twice for example does a complete different performance for each place they are going to so this means twice is practicing more than usual. Overall the most tiring part was traveling around often, going to the airport early in the morning, and very late practices.
For my personal experience for every tour I went on, we would sleep at hotels with the members sometimes it would be solo rooms or roommates (it would be really fun with roommates ngl), Concert outfits were entirely chosen by stylists but for solo stages we usually get a say in what we get to choose. My favorite moment of the concert was realizing that I was finally there. Everything just came to me naturally , all the training, practices, everything paid off to this very moment. It can still be stressful and pressuring but also very fun! But this was all my experiences so it might not be the same as yours.
Things I recommend you script: Tour edition
- you go to more places for tours (if shifting to a group where they don’t go many places)
- you always have the best outfits
- your solo stage!! Trust me this part is so fun fr
- no one ever has a wardrobe malfunction on stage
- there are never any technical difficulties (mics not working, sound issues, etc.)
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heartiella · 3 months
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poemale · 4 months
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            ᪖ rare symbols ५
    ꒰ ͟͡ 𖣁 ͟͡ ꒱    𝀿᭢ຶ⵿    ༩ᭊ   ˌ̫̮೧ູ
     𓊆ྀི 𖡄̽ᭂ 𓊇  ❤︎ᬼ    𒑟ৣৢ  𖢅𝅮 ꦿ
     ིུ͠༄  𖡄̽ݴ᭄ᭂ   ིꨩ𒊒‧̍̊   ⃟͚̊▞
simple symbols
    𐙚᭄   𑆪ིྀᩧ  ︶ྀི   ᭢ຶ⵿ᩤ᭔
    ၇͜ᩘ   ਉ᭄   ꕀꦿ   ᪖.᪲
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bambicito · 1 month
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𓆜 𓆞
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hilospy · 7 days
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it’s called hypnagogia. the amount of times i’ve nearly shifted with this method is UNREAL.
hypnagogia is a state between wakefulness and sleep.
have you ever been watching a show/movie etc. and you keep dozing off to sleep and keep waking up, yeah it’s that.
usually in this state people hear/see scary stuff but it ain’t real
when you are on the brink of sleep, try not to move so you don’t get rid of that drowsy ness
lay in a comfy position and you can
say affirmations
use 5 senses
listen to music that reminds you of ur dr
you will almost feel symptoms instantly because you have been detached from your CR and this makes attaching to your DR more easier.
this method really works litch tried it in school and felt my surroundings change but i got scared my teacher would snitch and woke up…
but hope this helps !
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arievanille · 26 days
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If we’re being completely honest, some of you like the idea that you can live the life you want or shift to where you want but you don’t actually want to see the success of it.
You sit up and make posts about what you want and what dr you’re shifting to but the next following posts are ‘I can’t do it’ or ‘I’m feeling burnt out’ and that’s odd because????
I’m not saying you don’t have a right to feel exhausted upon not seeing any progress or improvement but you’re using the LOA just by saying you can’t do something.
Some of you truly only listen to the negativity because that’s what you’re used too and trust me I’m not judging anyone bc we’re human and I do it too but you cannot keep writing things like ‘I can’t do it’ or ‘it’ll take me years’
Shifting is a practice yes, but how many times are you going to keep saying it’s a practice instead of actually practicing it.
Slow progress ≠ no progress.
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ojiito · 8 months
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ㅤ ㅤ I want to be a ghost.
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ㅤ ㅤ⏝ི ✿ ⏝ིི᭨ ྀ 𝅘𝅥𝅮♪ ⏝ི ✧ ུ ⏝ིི᭨ ྀ
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muruffin · 2 days
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╽ㅤㅤ ㅤ░ུ⠀ ͟👼🏼 ͟ ͟ ㅤ Please Return ⎯ To Heaven
͏͏͏1111 𓏶゚𓈒ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟✿͟ ͟ຼ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ㅤ⬚͒ 🪑
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archivobug · 3 months
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⠀♬ ˚ ₊⠀⠀Did⠀You⠀Bring⠀Me⠀Anything?⠀( 1987 )⠀⠀୨९
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obrigados · 28 days
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         i   𝑜SCILL𝒶TE   between   OBSESSION  and  DISINTEREST        
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munequitta · 3 months
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      𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋   ℬ𝖾𝗌𝗍   𝖠𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗇   𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅.
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iri1zzz · 6 days
How me and the shifting community feel knowing that all of us will shift:
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poemale · 12 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ܆ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ❀ིུ͠ㅤarchivoㅤdeㅤcristal
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bambicito · 14 days
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ㅤㅤㅤ░᭡ᬊᬁ  ✧𓊇
Pumping Heart
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hilospy · 6 days
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*literally came up with this like a few minutes ago and it works like MAGIC.
*YES you can shift with doubts, this is for people who really want to get rid of them if they feel it’s halting their progress etc.
having doubts about shifting isn’t a foreign concept and they very much exist within a majority of shifters.
it can make peoples journey’s 10x harder
overall i believe that without doubts though your journey can be a bit easier.
so here’s a little excerise i came up with.
everytime you say an affirmation or you think about shifting, an annoying ass voice in your head will prob nag you and doubt your shifting abilities
what you should do is ACKNOWLEDGE the thought.
and then physically PUSH IT AWAY FROM YOU, yes literally get your hands and shove that thought away from you.
“i am a master shifter”
“no you aren’t loser—”
don’t overthink it.
do this every time you get a bad thought about shifting, constantly.
your brain will be wired to perform this action every time you get doubts.
it kind of gives me a feeling of relief too? like yes it’s finally gone.
this’ll eventually drain out all the bad thoughts and you can focus on affirming all day without stress!
you will overall feel happy, excited, ready to shift to your dr DOUBT—FREE.
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kiriyori · 6 days
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✿ ‧̥. °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥. ‧̥·̊. ‧̥°̩̥‧̥·̊ ✿ °̩̥‧̥‧̥. ‧̥˚̩̩̥͙·‧̥·̊. ‧̥ ✿ ♥︎̼̻
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౨ৎ2004 【♡⃞🦊】 (≧◡≦)⊹  ໋ ◍ ❤︎♪⟡ıllı
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