#Kosmos Multiverse
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fsociety2thearttrain · 1 year ago
~Welcome to the Circus~
AKA MSPaintAdventure2.34 (Reese's Pieces Edition)
By Zoë Kosmos AKA TelesphorosTrilogy (Which includes the games Akesis Association, Project Pavor and an as yet unreleased third game title)
Kosmos Multiverse, and @/fsociety2thearttrain + more (feel free to ask) on social media
(new musical called #25themusical aka fnaf (the unofficial) musical By Zoë Kosmos AKA 030X?!! coming soon! In the mean time enjoy this interlude/intermission combo-)
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theizzizzy · 1 month ago
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zuppizup · 6 months ago
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So, of all the things we saw in the trailer, I have to say, the tag line is what has me the most intrigued.
The Cosmic Order?
This is the first we’ve heard of anything like that.
With Book Six being titled Stars, I've been thinking a lot about how often the subject of destiny is mentioned in the show.
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Callum’s spell book gives us the word association between the Stars and destiny.
But what, if anything, has destiny got to do with the so called Cosmic Order?
Kosmo's speech in the recent trailer gives some hints as to what this order might concern.
Worlds one and myriad.
Why do the Celestial Elves wear those blindfolds? Are they capable of true insight into other timelines or realities? Are the blindfolds functional or merely aesthetic?
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Are we dealing with a multiverse versus (for want of a better term) some sort of Sacred Timeline?
If that is the case, where does Aaravos fall in all of this?
And what might any of this have to do with the current cast?
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The character most associated with questions of destiny is obviously Callum. He wars with himself regarding following a set path versus choosing his own fate during his dark magic coma. Rejecting this apparent destiny is part of the spark that allows him the understand primal magic. If the show had ended in arc one, this would have been the resolution of this issue, however, with arc two, we see the subject of destiny arise once more.
During his possession by Aaravos, the subject of destiny comes up once again, with Aaravos blithely dismissing any agency Callum might actually have. While you could assume this is a reference to Aaravos making assumptions based on Callum’s character, given the recent references to the Cosmic Order, an intriguing possibility presents itself.
Does Aaravos, a Startouch elf, have some kind of divine knowledge of Callum’s future?
Or a likely future?
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If destiny truly is currently a true and real thing in the world of the Dragon Prince, is is possible to challenge this destiny?
To defy it?
Rayla challenges this assumed fate both to Callum, but also in her own mind, in Chasing Shadows.
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She truly believes Callum is in control of his fate, his destiny. When she tells him to choose another path, she clearly believes he is capable of doing so.
Will this conviction be the drive Callum needs to challenge a destiny others decree is written?
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Where do I think this is going?
One of the things I really enjoy about The Dragon Prince is how it keeps me guessing. Sure, we do get set up and pay off, but the Mystery of Aaravos is aplty named. We still don't really know much, if anything, about his motives and goals.
In thinking about this Cosmic Order, in conjunction with Aaravos disdain for those he deems arrogant, I began this whole thought process thinking Aaravos wanted to challenge singular destiny/fate, but looking at his belief the inevitability of Callum’s fate, I’m not so sure any more. Did Aaravos try to defy his supposed fate and suffer his downfall as a result?
Thankfully, we have just over a week until we find out more, but one thing I very much am expecting is for the subject of fate and destiny to become a major plot point over the final two seasons.
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dumuzithemessiah · 18 days ago
The Japanese Royal Family lied about their relationship with her + truth
They have no relation to Ammyterys aka Amaterasu as they call her!
She’s actually my cousin! And she wears her mane in a gender neutral style while remaining tough and macho as female deities are!
She is Enlil and Ninlil[[both males]] daughter!
And she isn’t this delicate black haired woman at all like Japanese falsely state she is!
Her main colours are yellow/white/gold!
She is a Light/Electric/Fighting type as her main three types!
Her thick sleeves hide her thick arms! Female deities have thicker arms than males!
Females are burly, macho, strong, and tough!
Males are pretty, cute, magical, and elegant/beautiful!
Basically females are more focused on physical attacks while males are special/magical attackers as they are more skilled with magic!
Yazata are magical beings that are made of magic, aether, spiritual energy, magical ink, magical paint, magical thinner, two crystal hearts, etc, and literally look like a void on the inside! Something that is impossible to breed with a human!
We yazata can only breed with our own species! We’re all related so incest is unavoidable! Plus a species that is divine felines but also has the adult height range of 2’0”-2’7” and adult weight of 2.5-4.5 pounds as magical beings weight very little could not breed with humans as we cannot even breed with tenshi and demons which are native species to our homeplanet!
Tenshi are common angels while yazata aka deities aka gods/goddesses are also called royal angels!
If we can’t breed with tenshi what makes you humans even think it was physically possible to breed with humans which are massively different from Nibirians in general both insides wise and height/weight wise?!
Though we only breed with current gens usually with Marduk and I’s relationship being the exception to that rule as I was reborn into that Gen but I am also a Gen 1 deity so yeah..
Based on that I wouldn’t be able to find a mate as only three other Gen 1 deities exist and those are Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna!
Which together we are The Holy Four Kosmos Deities and also called The Four Seasons Deities which are considered and treated as quadruplets!
And Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna all consider ourselves to be quadruplets despite me splitting my soul three timed to created the other three members!
I did breed with Kosmin to create the other generations of deities! But we had no romantic feelings for each other!
But you humans should be glad we did that as nothing in the Universe or Multiverse would function without deities!
Nibirians can only be gay or rarely bi!
Our souls form around our bodies when born so it’s impossible for trans Nibirians to exist but Nibirians do not want trans people to suffer and would rather see them get help!
No one is non binary on Nibiru either but we honestly just don’t understand Non Binary humans but aren’t necessarily against them…
The Nibirian Prophets predicted that my true husband would not fear my Nightmare Aura power!
So when Marduk didn’t fear it when I unleashed it out to protect him when on Earth, I was shocked, but at the time he was little like a child so I had to wait but felt a connection right then at that moment so sense then I protected him and when he came of age we went out together!
Mass age gaps don’t much for species with immortality if you couldn’t have guessed..
But obviously we wait till their adults to date and mate and such!
If you’re wondering I had to scare off a carnivorous wild animal off when I was protecting Marduk!
Sumerians got his name wrong as it’s pronounced Mar-duke!
Things were going well until Ishtayr did what she did to us out of envy, hate, and out of revenge as Ishtayr is the Reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself the only being who cased war on Nibiru’s surface!
When I destroyed The Great Evil Herself with the help of the rest of The Four Kosmos Deities we shattered as did she but my power was stronger thus caused the Multiverse to exist as well as created copied of other deities including other mes, other Kosmins, other Lumuzis, and other Geshtinonnas!
It took a long time for use to be put back together….
Considering it was finally done in current Universe aka Universe 8 and was done over half a million years ago aka an eon in Nibirian terms that shows how badly we shattered!
Being shattered is like being dead but all over the place but still able to help others a tiny bit with the energy I have each individually part of me in question helping other being in the multiverse out!
I remember hearing a part of me was being used by another advanced species though they were tribal as a holy object but my kind had to take it from them by force a because the other species didn’t understand how important that part of me was and they claimed ownership of that part of me!
My family had to basically had to knock the guard out and run off with the piece of me and take off in their spaceship pretty much!
But yeah it took a long time because it was four deities that got separated so that’s why it took so long plus they didn’t spend from Universe 1 to Universe 8 looking for us as they only started when the prophets predicted the Reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself would return!
So idk when they started to look but it didn’t actually take as long as it might’ve thought as Universe 8 tech is the highest in advanced technology in the Universe and Multiverse!
How they didn’t realise Ishtayr was The Reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself, well, I don’t know? Her being good at magic should’ve been a sign as females aren’t magical attackers but physical attackers! But they realised after what happened and I was made into a Kohora deity aka Underworld deity!
So when I became a Kohora deity aka Underworld deity I gained domains such as resurrection, death, Kohora, etc, but Kohora isn’t gloomy at all!
Both Kohora and Yumera are fantasy like surreal and magical environments! So nothing like any stereotypical image of the Underworld!
Koho means below in Nibirian while ra means world!
Yume means dream!
So Underworld and Dreamworld!
Kohora is below the Universe and each universe has a Kohora below it while Yumera is above the Universe!
Meaning “heaven” doesn’t exist and all souls depart to Kohora eventually but Kohora is a paradise so it’s not a bad place!
But because humanity messed up the balance of life and death things haven’t been right…
Blame humanity worshipping false deities and spreading hate, terrorism, war, intolerance to those different like being against the LGBT for example, or racism, enbyphobia[[Nibirians don’t understand Non Bineries but we’re just confused by them not against them..]], killing for said man made religions, etc, narcissistic lies made up by humans claiming falsely that deities looked like humans which we do not, etc, which has spread so much evil energy damaging the Kosmos to the point on Judgement Day humanity’s gonna get “The Big E” as humanity refuses to let go of their man made lies and refuse to realise they didn’t have the right to believe in those kinds of things, as Universal Council and Multiversal Council makes such things illegal for a reason as they damage the Kosmos!
The Kosmos is a living being, though massive, and shaped like a pale aqua heart with a turquoise mono ring around it with two alpine green bows on the rings! He also has a face but is important to the Universe as he is the heart and soul of the Universe!
If the Kosmos exploded from all the evil energy it will take out the entire Universe! The Kosmos helps create aether, spiritual energy, magic, and souls and maintains balance in the Universe! That’s why the Universal Council and Multiversal Council makes laws to protect the Kosmos! Because if it is destroyed that will happen! And other universes would be damaged as well!
Only magical beings could survive such destruction!
Got a little into speaking the truth in this post but now you know why deities are angry and upset as humanity has fucked everything up!
Humanity is foolish and delusional to think they could spread so much evil energy and damage the Kosmos that much!
Zillions including advanced species and still counting have died because of humans and their evil ways and lies!
Advanced species are species like humans have civilisations, languages, are bipedal, have jobs, technology, etc,!
Advanced animal species and advanced plant species and advanced fungi species exist!
Robots and cyber species with souls exist too!
You humans are hurting countless lives all because you can’t get over your own hateful evil lies of all those ugly man made religions like Christianity and Islamism and other religions!
Humanity was never alone and all you have done legacy wise is hurt others with your evil hateful narcissistic lies!
So don’t act like you’re entitled to fight back when other aliens including my kind when we come to take your hateful horrible delusional narcissistic asses down!
Because it is the other aliens out there coming including my kind that is fighting back in self defence against your abusive delusional evil energy spreading lying asshole species!
Only thing you can do is try to make up for what your kind has done and do good until then and maybe we’ll allow you to reincarnate as reincarnation into other species is better than dying off completely!
Zillions and counting isn’t a small number… my kind’s anger is justified…
So many advanced species suffered and died… advanced species that had families…jobs.. lives of their own…. and you humans took that away from them…
The Japanese Royal Family needs to STFU as they aren’t even related to Ammyterys let alone any other member of my kind! Which I can leg the mispronunciation of my cousin’s name slide as language barriers and all but claiming you’re related to her? That’s just lying and claiming the impossible dude!
Like I said on the pic’s description my species and you humans would be 100% incapable when it comes to breeding!
Not only are all Nibirian advanced species like short but we’re magical advanced species which means we aren’t even organic like humans!
And regular elves which evolved into a much more magical species can’t breed with humans and they’re magical hominins!
So if magical hominins can’t breed with an organic hominins like you humans are then a freaking magical bipedal advanced animal species that isn’t organic but made of magical stuff obviously can’t breed with humans either!
My kind are divine felines that can turn into a long bodied dragon form I would seriously think you humans should’ve been smart enough to realise that breeding between two species when yazata[[Which can only breed with other yazata and all yazata are related! So avoiding incest is 100% impossible! So don’t hate us for being able to breed with our own kind! At least we have natural birth control!]] and humans would be obviously 100% impossible and no Nibirian wants to be in a Roger Rabbit situation!
So yeah just a wake up and smell the roses comment but humanity has throughout history claimed deities mated with humans in their mythology which is obviously false as Nibirians don’t find humans attractive!
Which means no succubi regardless of gender which both genders use the term succubi for their species as incubus is sexist a man made term made up by humans! No succubi has invaded anyones dreams either! They’re just a species of demon with bat parts to their species and aren’t as whorey as you think they are! Lilith is a male succubi by the way!
Fairies and nymphs are demons too!
Succubi, nymph, harpies, fairies, and banshee are all demons but aren’t gender locked and like all demons are good hearted beings!
You humans have done nothing but discriminate other advanced species so don’t act surprised and butthurt when other advanced species attack humanity back in self defence as all humanity has done is villainise every advanced species while making humans look like the victim! Well guess what?
You humans are not the victim, but you’re real bad guys! So you brought all of this by yourselves by acting evil, narcissistic, delusional, deceitful, warlike, spreading dictatorship, acting like a bunch of control freaks, and acting like a bunch of human supremacists!
Don’t be made at the one giving you the warning… instead realise your kind has done everything wrong throughout history… and has hurt countless species out there……you are the ones who have committed such amounts of great evil…
Be mad at yourselves….your own kind… you doomed yourselves by spreading such great amounts of evil throughout history and present day….
Don’t be angry at other advanced species for coming on Judgement Day to take out humanity as it’s either that or the Kosmos blows up and only magical beings can escape such destruction….
Meaning all mortal lives would die off if the Kosmos were to explode so humanity is going extinct either way….
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afaimsblog · 11 months ago
Social Media schlägt wieder zu! - Nein, Disney hat die X-Men nicht woke gemacht, ihr solltet den Zauberer nur bei nächster Gelegenheit um ein Hirn bitten!
Das Internet mag praktisch sein, aber Social Media, Youtube, und jede Art von Foren-Diskussion sind heutzutage im Grunde nur noch dazu da um einem, alles was man am Leben mag, zu vermiesen. Und ja, ich könnte jetzt über den beispiellosen "Madame Web"-Hass sprechen, weil jeder versucht mir den Film madig zu machen, bevor ich dazu komme ihn mir in zwei Tagen anzuschauen, was fünf Tage nach der Veröffentlichung ist, wo man normalerweise erschossen wird, wenn man spoilert, bei diesem Film aber jeder alles ohne Zusammenhang als schlecht und lächerlich betonen darf (was man bei jeden Film könnte, wenn man will), oder ich könnte wieder betonen, dass kaum, dass es seinen Superhelden-Film mit Frauen im Mittelpunkt gibt, schon wieder sogar die News-Seiten beim Hass verbreiten mitmachen, oder fragen, ob all diese Leute in ihrem Leben eigentlich jemals zuvor einen Film gesehen haben, wenn sie denken, dass das noch nie in anderen Filmen passiert ist, was sie so sehr kritisieren, aber diese Woche gab es einen viel schlimmeren "Haben manche Leute überhaupt ein Hirn"-Moment, der die sozialen Medien unsicher gemacht hat.
Die langerwartete Fortsetzungserie der "X-Men"-Animations-Serie aus den 90ern "X-Men 97" hat, weil sie im März auf Disney+ abrufbar sein wird, ihren ersten Trailer, ihre Synopsis, und ein paar Kommentare der Macher veröffentlicht, und die Freude über den Trailer und die Tatsache, dass man die ikonische Titelmusik wieder hören darf (und das außerhalb von "Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness") und jede Diskussion darüber ob der coolste Moment aus dem Trailer ein cooler Moment oder in Wahrheit nicht eher ein "Aber sollte, wenn sie das machen, nicht eigentlich das passieren?"-Moment ist, wurde vom Internet im Keim erstickt als sogenannte Fans und Kenner der X-Men und eine Menge Leute, die sich dafür ausgibt, darüber zu jammern begannen, dass Disney die X-Men woke gemacht hätte.
Für jeden wahren Fan und Kenner der X-Men war das natürlich erst einmal ein "WTF?"-Moment, der einen ernsthaft dazu veranlassen wollte zu fragen "Aber du weißt schon, dass die Erde rund ist, oder?", aber nein, die ließen nicht locker. Und zunächst dachte ich noch diese Jammerlappen würden sich auf die Charakterbeschreibung von Morph in der neuen Serie beziehen, in der er als non-binär dargestellt wird - doch nein, der Grund für all diese Beschwerden ist viel dümmer, denn ... diese sogenannten Experten für die X-Men nahmen an der inhatlichen Beschreibung der neuen Serie Anstoß, weil diese besagt, dass die X-Men immer noch eine Welt verteidigen, die sie hasst und fürchtet. Denn wusstet ihr nicht, dass die X-Men niemals Bigoterie bekämpft haben, sondern immer nur Aliens und riesige Roboter. Denn "Gott liebt, Menschen töten" ist ja nicht die einzige X-Men-Story, die jemals geschrieben wurde, wie kann man also behaupten, dass das Thema das Haupthema der X-Men wäre!
Durchatmen. Und erklären " to protect a world that hates and fears them" ist die Tag-Line der X-Men. Mehr oder weniger schon immer. Diese Phrase ist mit den X-Men verbunden wie "With Great Power must always come Great Responsibility" mit Spider-Man. Es ist ihr Mission-Statement und wird in jeder Adaption in irgendeiner Form zitiert. Wie man diese Phrase nicht kennen kann und sich trotzdem als Fan oder Kenner der X-Men bezeichnen kann, ist ein wenig rätselhaft, es sei denn man hätte erst in letzten paar Jahren zum ersten Mal zu den Comics gegriffen, aber selbst die hirnrissige Anti-Rassismus verherrlichende Krakoa-Ära der X-Men zeigt deutlich, dass diese Comics woke sind und nicht erst woke gemacht werden müssen. Die Anzahl der LGBT-Charaktere, die im X-Kosmos, exisitieren, ist innerhalb der letzten Jahre sprunghaft angestiegen, 80% der Stories in den alljährlichen Marvel Pride-Specials sind X-Men-Stories oder irgendwie mit diesen verbunden. Außerdem sollte selbst der dümmste Mensch irgendwie bemerken, dass eine Gruppe "Mutanten", die abseits des Rests der Menschen auf einer Insel zusammenwohnt, wo sie ihren eigenen Staat, ihre eigene Sprache und ihre eigene Religion gründen, etwas wokes repräsentieren dürfte. Und angesichts der aktuellen Geschehnisse in den Comics, wo Mutanten jetzt wieder gejagt, deportiert und getötet werden, einfach nur weil sie Mutanten sind, müsste man wie gesagt sehr unaufmerksam sein um nicht zu bemerken worum es da eigentlich geht.
Aber diese Besserwisser lesen offenbar keine Comics. Nun gut, aber irgendwoher müssen sie die X-Men kennen. Etwa aus den Filme, wo der letzte die jugendlichen Mutanten, nur weil sie Mutanten sind, in eine Nervenheilanstalt verfrachtet hatte und die Hauptfigure eine lesbische amerikanische Ureinwohnerin war. Nun, aber das war "The New Mutants", und den hat ja keiner gesehen, also sind die anderen Filme gemeint. Etwa "Days of the Future Past", wo es darum geht eine Zukunft zu verhindern, in der Mutanten verfolgt und eingesperrt werden, nur weil sie Mutanten sind. Oder die 2000er-Filme, die voll von Dingen sind wie Coming Out-Szenen, dem Verbergen der wahren Identität, und einem Magneto, der überzeugt davon ist, dass er die Menschen mutieren oder vernichten muss, bevor diese die Mutanten alle umbringen wie sie einst versucht haben ihn und seine Familie umzubringen, nur weil sie Juden waren. Ehm, tja ....
... das bringt uns zu den Animations-Serien. Insbesondere zu der 90er Jahre-Serie, um die es hier ja mehr oder weniger geht. Die Serie, die die treueste "X-Men"-Adaption aller Zeiten war, in deren erste Folge die riesigen eingangs erwähnten Roboter zum ersten Mal vorkamen und eine chinesisches Teeanger-Mädchen verfolgen und angreifen, nur weil sie ein Mutant ist. O-Ton Jubilee: "Ich bin doch nur ein Kind, ich habe niemanden etwas getan, ich bin doch nur ein Kind. Warum sind die hinter mir her?" Ganz zu schweigen von all diesen dunklen Zukünften, in denen Mutanten eingesperrt und unterdrückt werden, eben nur weil sie Mutanten sind, die in der Serie vorkommen. Diese riesigen Roboter, die von den X-Men bekämpft werden, wurden gebaut um Mutanten zu vernichten, von Menschen, weil Mutanten anders sind und daher gefährlich. Aber nein, wie könnte man da ein Thema hinter der Existenz der Roboter erkennen? Und ja, man neigt wohl auch dazu zu vergessen, dass einer der X-Men ein großes blaues Biest ist, was nicht offen auf der Straße herumrennen kann, und dass das Team aus mehr Frauen als Männern besteht, und dass Storm schwarz und Jubilee asiatisch ist.
Ja, "Gott liebt, Menschen töten" ist nicht die einzige X-Men-Story dort draußen. Aber es war der "X-Men"-Graphic Novel, der extra gemacht wurde um den potentiellen Lesern zu zeigen worum es bei den X-Men geht. Deswegen gilt der Graphic Novel als Heiliger Gral des X-Fandoms - weil er alles destiliert, was die X-Men ausmacht. Und die beiden anderen berühmtesten Storys sind "Days of the Future Past", dessen Inhalt ich vorhin schon im Zusammenhang mit dem gleichnamigen Film erwähnt habe, und die "Dark Phoenix"-Saga. Und in zwei dieser dreien geht es um den Kampf gegen Vorurteile, und nur in der dritten wird eine Alien-Gottheit bekämpft, was aber nicht heißt, dass es deswegen in der "Dark Phoenix"-Saga nicht darum geht, dass die X-Men eine Welt beschützt, die sie hasst und fürchtet. Umgekehrt, in den 90ern war die berühmteste Storyline "Age of Apocalypse", eine Story um eine Alternativ Welt, in der die Mutanten die Welt beherrschen und die Menschen ohne Kräfte unterdrücken und für wertloses Gewürm halten. Insofern ist mir nicht ganz klar welche X-Men-Comics es geben soll, in denen es nicht um dieses Thema geht. Nie hat man die X-Men von der Regierung eine Medaille überreichen bekommen sehen, nie wurden die X-Men für ihre Leistungen belohnt oder auch nur anerkannt. So sehr ich "X-Men: First Class" (den Film) hasse, so sehr erinnere ich mich sehr deutlich daran, dass es da eine Szene gegen Ende gab, in der US-Regierung die X-Men umbringen wollte, obwohl die ihnen gerade erst den Hintern gerettet hatten, genau wie Magneto es immer vorher gesagt hatte. In "X-Men: Evolution" muss Kurt ständig durch einen Bilderzeuger getarnt rumlaufen, damit er mit den anderen Highschool-Schülern interagieren kann, weil er ein blauer Elf ist, vor dem sonst alle Angst hätte. In "Wolverine and the X-Men" werden Mutanten verfolgt. Wolverine selbst ist - egal wo und wann - ein missbrauchtes Opfer von Geheimorganistationen, die das alles dachten mit ihm machen zu können, weil er anders ist. Deadpool ist offen pan-sexuell und entstellt dank seinem Krebs.
Ich meine, die X-Men sind keine Fantasy-Story über ein Märchenland mit einem rieisgen gütigen Löwen als Herrscher, der zwar für Jesus steht, aber das auf versteckte Weise tut. Klar, natürlich steht "Mutant" versteckt für viele verschiedene Dinge. Da Mutationen in der Pupertät einsetzen, gab es immer den Faktor rund um Sexualität und Gender, aber zugleich entstanden die X-Men in 60er Jahren zur Zeiten der Bürgerechtsbewegung und der Xavier/Magneto-Konflikt war immer der zwischen den Philosophien von Martin Luther King und Malcolm X (weswegen der Verrat von Kings Traum in der Krakoa-Ära einen Verrat an den langjährigen X-Men-Lesern und Fans dargestellt hat). Das Schöne an den X-Men war immer, dass sie eine Metapher waren, man konnte hinein lesen was man wollte, und das sollte man sogar auch. ABER: Jeder wusste das immer, jeder wusste immer, dass die X-Men genau das sein sollten: Eine Metapher für das, was man heutzutage Wokeness nennt. Sie haben eine Welt, die sie hasst und fürchtet, beschützt. Und das hat sie immer von den Avengers oder der Justice League unterschieden, die eine Welt, die sie liebt, beschützt haben.
Ich versuche mich immer für nicht besonders gescheiter zu halten als den Rest der Welt, aber wenn ich über solche Dummheiten stolpere, dann muss ich denken, dass ich offenbar doch viel schlauer als die Mehrheit der Welt bin, weil ich im Gegensatz zu diesen Jammerfritzen immer schon wusste, dass die X-Men woke sind ... nicht nur deswegen weil ich den Einführungstext zu den Comics gelesen habe, wo drinnen steht, dass die eine Welt, die sie hasst und fürchtet beschützen, aber unter anderem deswegen. Offenbar ist die Fähigkeit Lesen zu können, doch ein Vorteil wie es scheint. Das und ... na ja, den Plot zu folgen und nicht nur Kampfszenen ohne Kontext anzuschauen und dann zu denken man wüsste worum es geht. Zu Schade, dass dazu offenbar vor allem US-Amerikaner nicht fähig sind.
Oh, und über all die anderen aufgekommenen X-Men-Diskussionen dieser Woche, wie etwas denen im Zusammenhang mit Kink und Sexualität und Kostümen, habe ich noch gar nicht geredet. Ein anderes Mal vielleicht. Nur so viel: Habt ihr keine Augen, oder ist euch am Kostüm der White Queen nie irgend etwas aufgefallen?! Tja, wie gesagt die Augen, die man im Kopf hat, zu benutzen und mit dem Gehirn zu verbinden ist offenbar ein größere Leistung als ich die mein Leben lang angenommen habe. Aber was soll man machen?
In nicht allzuferner Zukunft werden wir hier darüber sprechen, dass Disney Daredevil nicht woke gemacht hat, weil er immer schon blind und katholisch war. In so einer Welt leben wir inzwischen leider nun mal. Zu ändern ist es nicht, man kann nur überlegen das Internet für immer aufzugeben. Was vielleicht gar keine so schlechte Idee wäre.
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Realms of Non-Human Intelligence with Sean Esbjörn Hargens
Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, PhD, is Dean of Integral Education at the California Institute for Human Science and Program Director of the MA/PHD program in Integral Noetic Sciences which has an optional concentration in Anomalous Studies. He founded the Journal of Integral Theory and Practice. He has also authored or edited eight books including: Integral Ecology (co-authored with Michael E. Zimmerman), Metatheory for the Twenty-first Century (co-edited with Roy Bhaskar et al), and Dancing with Sophia (co-edited with Michael Schwartz). In 2018 he founded The Institute of Exo Studies which draws on over 50 disciplines to help make sense of anomalous and extraordinary experiences of our multiverse. His website is https://www.exostudies.org.
You can download his paper, Our Wild Kosmos! at https://whatsupwithufos.com/wp-conten....
In this video from 2022, he explains that non-human intelligence can be thought of as natural to the earth (faeries and elementals), from outer space (i.e., ETs), or from celestial realms (angels and devas). His "integral" approach involves taking into consideration the huge spectrum of possibilities as evidenced in the academic, esoteric, and UFOlogical literature. He maintains that no single approach is sufficient to capture the complexity of the phenomena.
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kosmos-multiverse · 1 year ago
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brw · 3 years ago
hey!! what's the best way to get into hank pym's comics? also, what are your favorite issues that he's in? i feel like i need to read more of himmmmmmmm
HELLO yes i would LOVE to help thank u for enabling me... hank is one of those characters where i do think reading a good comic thga does him justice is really important on wherever u like him or hate him so. ty for allowing me to give my opinions n suggestions 🥺
avengers origins: ant-man and the wasp is what it says on the tin, an origin comic following hank and later janet's origin, the art is really nice and its a faithful enough adaption that i really like!
ant-man: season one is another origin comic that's a more au reinterpretation than a faithful adaption, but there are some things in this comic i really like, namely hank's relationship with bill which is an add on that i think really works. while i could be crazier at hank's father being rich & borderline abusive and maria inspiring his interest in insects its a fun little comic to read and certainly a good one for his backstory!
tales to astonish #27 (first appearance),  #35, #38, #39 honestly ppl rag on these comics a lot but if general 60s insanity doesn't bother you these comics r such a delight to read... they're just so ridiculous and fun, my personal favourites of these comics is #38 where hank reveals that his insects do what he tells them to just bc they like him which is just so funny... those r his fucking friends.
avengers: age of ultron #10 ai aka MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE HANK PYM ISSUE. it explores his family backstory, and gd its SO neurodivergent its incredible. i think by itself its one of the best, most accurate portrays of neurodivergency in children, at least i heavily related to it. it's just so hopeful and sweet too, it's honestly one of my go to comics to read.
AVENGERS A.I. some ppl dislike this version of hank but i absolutely ADORED him. this is the first comic to establish his bipolar disorder and i honestly rlly enjoyed it. it's not perfect but i think it does a really good job at giving more agency to hank with his neurodivergency, and his relationship with vision & victor mancha is so sweet.
avengers #379 - #383 this is a four issue series that is just really oddly deranged? it's fun and calls back to the old "creatures from the kosmos!" tales to astonish issue (janet's first appearance) but it's also weirdly batshit. it's not quite "peter parker kills mj with his radioactive semen" but there's a moment where it gets close. it's weird but i enjoyed reading it more than i was like "hey what the fuck". bill's there which is always nice!
ant-man's big christmas this comic is weird but it's really cute and fun. hank and janet go off to help this kid on christmas and it's just genuinely a good time. definitely probably my favourite thing to come from the marvel knights imprint!
avengers academy other shit goes on here and it was a fairly long running title but it's generally really good! hank's a good teacher even if he doesn't realise it and LORD i think his relationship with tigra might be one of my favourites ever. they're really sweet.
avengers forever is a 12 issue time travel story, it gets weird at times but what's interesting is that yellowjacket and hank in his later 90s self have to work together at times for the good of the multiverse etc, which is just a really interesting dymanic worth checking out if it at all sounds interesting you. i found it slightly incomprehensible at times but definitely as far stories featuring yellowjacket go, very interesting :)
west coast avengers #15 to #21, trigger warning for suicidal themes at #17. this is where hank decides to fight crime as uh, dr hank pym, himself. its honestly a very interesting take and i really appreciate it :)
and that's it for my hank recs! if you haven't watched them avengers: earth's mightiest heroes and avengers: united they stand both have really good adaptions of hank! united they stand has hank as the avengers leader which is actually pretty cool. he has magical anime girl sequences for some reason? and emh is notably an amazing comic adaption of all characters, and hank is no exception! hope u enjoy these :)
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quintessenceofdust73 · 3 years ago
A tiny hologram of their own Voltron appeared next, escaping the gravitational pull of the massive Trans-Reality comet that they mistook for a planet. Then there was a brilliant flash that illuminated the entire compartment before the simulation went dark. The dim lighting in Black Lion’s cargo hold couldn’t hide their solemn faces. They would have to sacrifice Voltron, and if the collar that Slav and Commander Holt made for Kosmo didn’t work then they might just have to sacrifice themselves as well.
An overwhelming grief came upon them just then, and it was far more than the sorrow they felt about the possibility of dying. It was the Lions, Keith realized. They didn’t want to be obliterated in the cataclysm either. He watched the others exchange hugs and soft words of comfort as they wiped away tears and exchanged goodnights. Silently, Keith did something that he witnessed the Lion Force pilots doing from time to time: he prayed for a miracle, and he heard a low rumble from Black Lion in response, almost as if he were aware of Keith’s desperate plea for help and wanted to join in with his own petition.
That night the five of them slept near each other as they did when their nightmares became reality in the Dream Dimension. They had all realized that the horrifying reality that they were about to face was worse than any nightmare they had yet encountered.
Unable to fall asleep, Keith stayed awake longer than the others. Allura had rolled over and had flung an arm around Keith’s torso in her sleep. Smiling, he kissed the top of her head as she slumbered. He was still getting used to the idea that the princess truly loved him. Although he fantasized about it, he had never entertained the possibility of the two of them actually dating, much less getting married or having a family together. Meeting the Keiths and Alluras from the other universes made him realize that it was not only possible but it might just be some sort of grand destiny fate had planned for them. The others, that is. He didn’t know what fate had in store for him personally, but he desperately wanted his princess to get her happily ever after. Allura deserved it after all the tragedy she had endured.
Beside them, Hunk snored softly on the far side of the compartment. Pidge slept curled up on her left side, clutching the stuffed Green Lion that Lance had won for her at the Clear Day carnival, and Lance had fallen asleep with his right arm wrapped around Pidge’s slender form, cuddling her affectionately as they spooned. Keith was fully aware that Lance and Pidge were both young adults now, but he still marveled at how the lines of worry that had marred their countenances earlier this evening had melted away when they fell asleep. Keith was suddenly reminded of how young Lance and Pidge were, and indeed, how young all of them were to bear the burden of so much responsibility for the fate of so many lives and futures....
From Defenders of the Multiverse Chapter 11, “Musings in the Darkness”
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drawnandredrawn · 5 years ago
Okay so, was talking to @giugiuryu​ about this challenge, and decided that yes, it was time to write this list up and post it.
So below the cut here we have 365 Voltron art prompts, one for each day of the year!  This list was written up by my lovely wife @wireslide​ and is very, VERY informed by her personal preferences and headcanons.  So I invite anyone and everyone to join me in the fun of doing this challenge, but also to make changes to the list where you see fit.  Don’t want to add stuff from the comics?  Want Lotor prompts?  Need the entire ‘draw these two people together’ section to be exclusively your OTPs?  Make it so!  I, for example, will NOT be doing the list exactly as posted, but making a few changes where the daily prompt doesn’t really catch my interest.  So think of this as a framework and jumping off point for your ideal year of Voltron.
And please, please tag me if you plan to join in!  I’d love to follow and watch your progress!
FOCUS ON STYLE - Sketch the topics below and get into your style
Haxus (head/face)
Space Mice
Sendak (head/face)
Shiro  (head/face)
Lance  (head/face)
Keith  (head/face)
Pidge  (head/face)
Hunk  (head/face)
Allura  (head/face)
Coran  (head/face)
Nyma  (head/face)
Trigel   (head/face)
Rollo  (head/face)
Zarkon  (head/face)
Gyrgan  (head/face)
Blaytz  (head/face)
Matt  (head/face)
ANATOMY STUDIES - Spend time understanding how their bodies fit together
Krellians (insectoid)
Krellians (draconic)
Kotka (domestic)
Borf (Kosmo The Space Wolf)
Kotka (wild)
Ranveig's Beast
Balmerans (different)
Krellians (draconic-dragon form)
Galra (different)
INORGANIC - Study by sketching or painting
Chain Sword
Sendak's arm
Kuron's (fully activated) arm
Shiro's Altean arm
Galra Sentry
Altean sentinel
Altean Target Drones
Lifegiver Statues
Kral Zera Altar
Marmorran Blade
BOM Mask
Druid Mask
Lance's Rifle
Space Junkyard
Altean Broadsword
Hunk's Bunker Buster
Pidge's Grapple Taser Thing
Haxus' Legs
Myzax's Weapon
Balmera Crystal
Galra Connective cables
Zaiforge Cannon
Zaiforge base
Robeast Prorok
Xanthorium Crystals
SHIPS - Like...ships.
Black Lion
Red Lion
Blue Lion
Green Lion
Yellow Lion
Altean Pod
Galra Fighter
Galra Cruiser
Taujeerian Ship
Olia's ship
Olkari Fighter
Lotor's Flagship
Blade of Marmora Outpost (Ulaz's)
Lotor's Crazy Ivan Ship
Galra Bridge
Olia's Bridge
Castle of Lions Bridge
Lion Cockpit
Robeast Coffin
Altean Pod Cockpit
Galra Hangar Bay
Altean ship
Komar Mech
Honerva's Mech
Angel of Death (fusion mech)
Mobile Suit Zarkon
Galra Central Command
Castle of Lions
IGF Atlas
VAGUE TOPICS - more abstract prompts. Doodle, sketch, and study whatever comes to mind for these.
Power Source
Monsters & Mana
Lion Goddess
The Rise of Voltron
Space Mall
Hole in the Sky
The Voltron Show!
Kral Zera
The Black Paladins
Lion's Pride
Clear Day
Battle Scars
Blade of Marmora
Battlefield Loss
Galaxy Garrison
Space Madness
Blood Ties
Down Time
Alternate Universe
Altean Colony
Bounty Hunters
Space Pirates
Food Goo
Feels Bad, Man
A COAT OF POLISH - move of out sketching, move into more detailed and polished figures! Lines!  Colors!
Wing Commander Shiro
Young Zarkon
Young Alfor
Young Honerva
James Griffin
Nadia Rizavi
Sam Holt
Matt Holt
Young Sendak
Young Haxus
Empress Allura
Gladiator Shiro
Mystical Archer of Valyuun
Thunderstorm Darkn'ess
Paladin Shiro/Jiro
Dakon, The Dark Wizard
Young Lotor
Young Allura
Emperor Zarkon
Ryan Kinkade
Ina Leifsdottir
Colleen Holt
Firstborn Allura
Gladiator Lance
MULTIPLE FIGURES - FRIENDS, ENEMIES...SHIPPERS!  Ink me your lines!  Time for multiple figures!  Swap duos out as pleases you!
Shiro & Lance
Hunk & Keith
Shiro & Keith
Zarkon & Honerva
Shiro & Sendak
Keith & Adam
Shiro & Matt
Coran & Kythalian
Allura & Lance
Shiro & Ulaz
Pidge & Matt
Shiro & Gary
Lance & Blue
Shiro & Black
Allura & Romelle
Acxa & Gregory
Narti & Ezor
Antok & Kolivan
Pidge& Keith
Lance & Lotor
Shiro & Hepta
James & Keith
Acxa & Narti
Ryan & Hunk
Veronica & Nadia
Romelle & Acxa
Hunk & Lance
Keith & Lance
Zarkon & Alfor
Zarkon & Sendak
Kuron & Lance
Shiro & Adam
Keith & Matt
Allura & Shiro
Shiro & Ezor
Pidge & Haxus
Keith & Sendak
Ezor & Zethrid
Zarkon & Black
Hunk & Romelle
Acxa & Ezor
Narti & Lotor
Keith & Regris
Shiro & Curtis
Kuron & Lotor
Acxa & Zethrid
Krolia & Keith’s Dad
Acxa & Veronica
Lance & James
Ryan & Shiro
BACKGROUND ADDS CHARACTER - Add extra detail, backgrounds, and extra figures.  Create polished images from more abstract prompts.
Galra Sentries
Robeast Zarkon (life support armor, from Blood Duel)
Close-up Deltarian Host
Space Pub
Altea (Pollux)
2+ Lotor's Generals
Galra Teeeeth
Shuttle Crash
2+ Garrison Brass
Quintessence Processing
Cloning Facility
Evil Wizard's Lair (M&M)
Blade of Marmora HQ
Space Pirates
Alternate Universe
Blades of Marmora
Rollo, Nyma, Beezer
2+ Oldadins
Rift-Steeped Lotor
Altea (Arus)
Yalex Temple
Keith’s Dad’s House
Atlas Bridge
Space Whale
Quintessence Poisoning
Dream Machine
FUCKING Y I K E S - Multiple characters and complex scenes.  Push yourself.  Try poses with multiple characters interacting and scenes with difficult perspective.
Current Paladins
MFE Pilots +Ronnie
Keith +Family
Lance + Family
Shiro, Adam, Iverson, Matt
Altean Alchemists
Medical Area
Central Command
Space Mall
Space Battle
Galra Command Circle
Hunk + Family
Garrison Trio
Slave Market
Space Junkyard
Tavern/Inn (M&M)
CONGRATULATIONS, THIS IS THE HOME STRETCH!  IF YOU WERE NOT A LEGENDARY ARTIST ALREADY YOU SURE ARE NOW!  Don’t feel like these prompts need to be finished in a day.  Take your time.  Think of the most epic scene you’ve wanted to draw and call upon your powers to make it so.  Savor your victory.  Flaunt your mad skills you funky little artist.
Allura v. Haggar
Galra Arena Fight
Kuron And The Clones
Empress Allura v. Zarkon (Alternate Universe)
The End and Beginning of the Multiverse
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fsociety2thearttrain · 1 year ago
An Introduction to:
-Adrian (Zoe) Kosmos AKA 030X?!!-
Birthdate - 9/23 (Almost 29 as of writing this)
Gender - Nonbinary/Genderqueer
Orientation(s) - Biromantic / Asexual Spectrum
Pronouns - They/He
Old First Name (not a dead name, just moved to the middle, still use it) - Zoe
New First Name - Adrian
Old Initials - ZSK
New Initials - AZK
Old Artist Penname(s) - kamichamakarinfan94, BurningBasil, Zazberry
New Artist Penname - The Kosmos Multiverse AKA 030X?!!
Interests - Art & STEM, History, Psychology, Gaming + more
Content - Fandom + Archive + OG Art
Current Tumblr URLs - fsociety2thearttrain, portraitofmxesaftonemily, jerbusbetterthanatrain, kosmos-multiverse, kosmos-reblogs, TelesphorosTrilogy, akesisassociation, projectpavor
Old Tumblr URLs -
Zazberry, hinatatears, gaysonpianos (full list soon I'm finding them all)
All Youtube Pages - (unlisted one from when I was under 18), BurningBasil (deleted), fsociety2thearttrain (only active one)
(unlisted) First Deviantart account from when I was under 18
Tiktok Pages - TelesphorosTrilogy, akesisassociation, projectpavor, fsociety2thearttrain (all active)
That should be my entire still public internet history...😅
I've been here for quite some time...took a break for a while but the memelord is back in the house 😎
Last but definitely not least, my only imgflip account-
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years ago
Green Sock Reality: Launch Date
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2I2yJu5
by Chilly Super Punk (kelamorrison)
In the Voltron multiverse there exists a reality where Sam wore his green socks right from the start and as a result everything worked out perfectly starting with Lance asking Keith to have dinner with his family, not Allura.
Words: 1161, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Kosmo (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: klance, Gay Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Naive Keith (Voltron), Not Canon Compliant, Season/Series 08, Fix-It, First Dates, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Soft Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron) Fluff, Sam wore his green socks, Lance never asked out Allura, Keith doesn't get that Lance is asking him out, Keith has dinner with Lance's family, Kick, This is the first date we deserved
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2I2yJu5
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dumuzithemessiah · 2 months ago
Jesus never existed
He was a ripoff of old deities, specifically, Dumuzi.
I read the Nabatean story of Dumuzi teaching Jewish people trying to teach them the truth but they reacted violently.
The real story is I didn’t die cause gods can’t permanently die as the closest thing is being shattered so I did try to teach humans the truth and they did react violently as humans are cowardly shitheads who can’t handle reality and their Jewish king got electrocuted by Marduk[[My husband whose name is pronounced Mar-duke! No such thing as a straight deity as no one is heterosexual on Nibiru as we’re all gay or rarely bi! We’re too advanced to even have heterosexuality as heterosexuality only exists in lower advanced species! Humans are an advanced species so what an advanced species should be clear to you humans!]] who struck him with lightening! Yeah you should never fuck with a god’s male wife as that even clearly showed why you would not wanna fuck with a god’d male wife! You get killed if you try that shit! Marduk didn’t play around!
I was only teaching others as King Enkai ordered me to! King Enkai is my rebirth father but also one of my countless descendants as I am the original god after all so I am the ancestor of all gods and goddesses!
All gods and goddesses are related so incest is unavoidable but no one on Nibiru has any biological incest problems so breeding isn’t a problem so no badly messed up kittens are born and yes baby deities are also called kittens in English though our word translates into kittens anyways?
Deities are divine felines so yeah we’re anthropomorphic magical spiritual bipedal felines! We never looked like you humans in our true forms! That was all hateful narcissistic human lies claiming gods and goddesses looked like humans! We look nothing like you cowardly humans who hide behind your lies and stubbornly refuse to listen to the truth!
The prophets started my true lover would never be afraid of me even when I had my nightmare aura out! My nightmare aura is a power of mine which terrifies all as a self defence power! But Marduk does not fear me when I use that power and when I first saw he did as I knew of the prophecy I was shocked but waited till Marduk was old enough because legal reasons as at the time he was a child at age 8 and he didn’t just not fear me but he also came up and hugged me telling me it was okay…
Us deities are well obviously immortal so our views on acceptable couples are different so if we find our soulmate is a child we obviously wait to their 13-15 as that is equivalent in humans to ages 18-21!
And like I said Nibirians don’t have biological incest issues so we have no problem with consent incest relationships!
Humans hate truth and reality so why should we give a flying fuck if you human brats hate incest? We aren’t gonna change our culture because some wicked evil hateful species who disobeys all Universal and Multiversal Council laws and damages the Kosmos heavily out of believing in hateful lies, spreading war, spreading genocide, spread intolerance to others for being different like being against the LGBT!
And humanity hates the real deities because real deities wouldn’t put up humanity’s evil ways and real deities look nothing like humans so humans feel butthurt because the truth proved humanity isn’t special worth shit and humanity wants to be worshipped like if their species was a bunch of special snowflakes that can do no wrong despite humanity damaging the Kosmos with all the evil things they have done!
Which caused the Kosmos to send shockwaves damaging countless planets and causing the suffering and death to countless innocent lives including advance species! Which means beings with families, friends, had homes, purposes in their lives, and as advanced species have culture, language, technology, laws and order, etc! Humans are a lower advanced species!
Many of these species are more advanced than humans!
And the Universe cannot exist without a Kosmos! The Kosmos exists in the centre of the Universe! It is shaped like a heart and is a pale cyan in colour with eyes and a mouth, a blue monochromic ring around it with two royal blue bows!
The Kosmos is the heart and soul of the Universe! Both are needed for things to exist!
Humanity is threatening the lives of countless innocents just because humans are a bunch of cowards who can’t handle reality and truth or accept deities for what my kind truly is!
Humans made themselves Universal Council Enemy Number 2!
With Number 1 being The Reincarnation of The Great Evil Herself whose name now is Ishtayr!
On Judgement Day humanity will realise what happens when you fucking damage the Kosmos to the point it could blow up and kill all mortal life and fuck with the real gods and goddesses and all Nibirians!
Sadly for you humans I doubt many humans will be allowed to reincarnate as humans have hit rock bottom in terms of how wicked and evil humans are!
You humans claim you can reason but you in reality actually can’t because you react hatefully when told the truth! All because truth means you humans aren’t special or above shit! And that’s all majority of you humans have: A special snowflake disorder that cannot process real truth because it means humans aren’t special! AND it means others different from you exist! And humans hate others for being different because they’re a sad pathetic species who get triggered at the sign of others being different then you humans!
That is why humans have problems such as racism, homophobia, biphobia, enbyphobia[[That means against non binaries, which Nibirians don’t really understand but we’re not necessarily bashing you for it?]], transphobia[[Will say Nibirians bodies form around their souls so no one is trans on Nibiru as it’s physically impossible for us to be trans so no offence in that area…]], etc, because humans normally hate those who don’t fit their definition of their norm! They rarely show acceptance to those different from them!
And if you read some of my posts where I talked about my past then you’d know I have suffered way too much for any living being… I have my memories which traumatised me for a long time now so I really am a god and there is nothing you humans can do about me being a god cause that is what and who I am! You’re just upset because I am different from you and I speak the truth unlike you humans who have spread nothing but lies, genocide, war, intolerance, etc, so who’re you to even insult me just because I’m not what you wanted me to be?
The letter J was invented in 1524 by Italian Renaissance grammarian Gian Giorgio Trissino.
So it’s only 500 years old.
Jesus was always a false deity and judging by the old testament? Jesus was a fiendish hateful being who wanted non followers who didn’t believe in his sky daddy to be killed in spot if they rejected his lies!
Many advanced aliens do worship us as we’re deities and all but we deities just expect respect in general as we’re here to protect peace and order in the Universe and Multiverse! Advanced species also see demons as sacred creatures as well! Demons as I’ve stated are Nibirians that are advanced magical spiritual multidimensional species and are nothing what you hateful humans claim with your discriminating lies against innocent demons!
They like yazata[[god/goddess/deity/royal angel]] and tenshi[[common angel]] are magical anthropomorphic spiritual multidimensional species!
All Nibirians are not organic species but are made of magical paint, magical thinner, magical ink, aether, spiritual energy, two crystal hearts, and do not have flesh, bones, or organs but instead look mostly like a void inside! Our “skin”, manes, and fur and what looks like we have organs but don’t is just made of aether and such! Our magical ink is our equivalent to blood!
But we are what we are and if you can’t accept the errors of your ways humans then you will all die and get the “Big E” aka go extinct and never be allowed reincarnation! Your crimes have proven how fiendish you humans really are!
It’s not easy for me being here on Earth right now either as I just want to be with my family and friends and want the Helveon War to finally end!
The Helveon War is the war between Nibirians and other good advanced species VS evil elves[[and which as far as I know only Earl and Aeva are left?]] Ishtayr, the Reptilian aliens, and humans! It’s been going on considered start around half a million years ago! So the eon part works in Nibirian terms as eon is a Ancient Nibirian word and means half a million years so my rebirth and being put together along with the other three members of The Holy Four Kosmos Deities would be over an eon ago in Nibirian terms!
The word eon remains unchanged in Modern Nibirian!
While the word Hel comes from the evil city of Hel/Hell which I will explain in my next post as this post is getting too long!
Also: How Nibirians Age:
Age 0-2 - Newborn/Baby
Age 3-4 - Toddler
Age 5-8 - Child
Age 9-12 - Teenager
Age 13-15 - Adult
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Transformers/Voltron Crossover
Imagine...in an alternate season 7...
The Voltron team returning to earth to find it the battleground for alien robots
The Autobots repelling the Galra Invasion (Adam doesn’t die; I know that’s what you’re reading this for)
Sendak getting killed by Megatron cause Megatron likes to step on squishy organics and hear the noise they make.
Voltron teaming up with the Autobots to take on at least two Decepticons (think the Dark of the Moon highway chase)
Shiro’s arc being about regaining the Black Lion via interactions with the Autobots (Ratchet: it could be that the lion itself is having a delusion, a sort of waking nightmare and doesn’t recognize you. Shiro: is that even possible? Ratchet: if your Zarkon was half the tyrant Megatron is, then the scars he could have inflicted on this creature’s psyche may be deep).
Pidge geeking out about giant sentient robots
Bumblebee adopting Acxa when she gets to Earth because he’s a big old softy and wants people to have friends.
Ratchet starting up a friendship with Hunk because Hunk is the kind of guy who cares about you no matter how grumpy you are (and Cybertronian medicine and engineering are almost the same, so brownie points)
Allura bonding with Optimus, cause Optimus is Space Leader mark 1
The Wreckers showing up
Arcee showing up (cause she’s badass and would totally hang with these kids)
Krolia trying too hard to catch up on being a mom with Keith and Colleen is there for mom solidarity (this could also be in a fix-it-fic)
Romelle and Keith playing operation with Bumblebee, only for Bumblebee to trash the game when it buzzes (Shiro: what do you mean the game cussed her out?)
Haggar teaming up with Megatron
Paladin family reunions
some one using the phrase “Satan’s Cammarro”
Bae Bae pissing on a robot’s foot (“NO Bae Bae! OFF THE ROBOT!”)
Lance getting insecure because giant sentient robots make Voltron look obsolete, but he’s reassured by Ratchet (surprisingly) that “we need all the help we can get.
Griffon Rock is mentioned
Shockwave using Robeast DNA to create an anti Voltron Armor worn by Megatron (Behold...Galvatronus)
Optional Shallura+ Lance getting over his crush on Allura
Optional Komelle or Kacxa
Optional Plance
Mandatory Hunay (Hunk: and then she said “I’d like to cook for you” Bumblebee: *plays Not Fall in Love with You by Jeff Williams*)
Bumblebee being the resident shipper on deck (Veronica: by the way, Lance, think you could introduce me to that one friend of yours with the mullet? Bumblebee: *plays recording of I FEEL LOVE IN THIS CHILI’S TONIGHT!*)
Ratchet mollifying Romelle with Kaltenecker (Romelle: what are these pink for? Ratchet: feeding, those are it’s nipples)
Starscream talking down to someone (Lance)
Lance giving the “One Moment Speech” from the Last Night
“No Sacrifice, No Victory”
Cogman and Sir Edmund Burton appearing if it’s the Bayverse
Meltdown appearing if it’s the Animated-verse and teaming up with the bad guys
Windblade appearing if its the Aligned Continuity (and bonding Allura’s buddy)
Knockout appearing and getting a scratch from each Paladin in turn if it’s Aligned Continuity
Strongarm appearing if it’s Aligned Continuity
Soundwave having to “Suicide” Lotor if they retrieve him before their final assault on earth
Pidge being way too happy about dissecting Laserbeak (*Pidge turns around manically smiling and covered in oil* Pidge: what? *bumblebee picks up and holds Kosmo in a protective fashion*)
Admiral Sanda opting to bargain with the Decepticons (like out of the Last Knight) only for the whole thing to go south (kind of like in how it did in canon)
Lance opting to stay behind and letting Allura fly Blue in the final battle, while he stays and supports (he could actually have some pretty good moments here, directing people to shelters, calming a crying child, etc.)
Blue saving Lance after the final battle by thrashing Starscream (after Lance pokes Screamy’s eye out)
Optimus getting frustrated with a folding chair
Allura getting frustrated with a folding chair
Krolia shooting a folding chair she’s frustrated with and saying “I’ll just stand
Slav referencing that Optimus is a “Multiversal Singularity” and one of the original 13 Primes “the Arisen”
Allura dying to stop Haggar and Megatron’s plan, only to be resurrected (Alpha Trion: you have fought for planets not your own, for the universe, for our last descendant. You have led, you have followed, you have endured. Now, you must live. It is your time, Allura of Altea. Do not take it lightly) so basically, we retain canon and still get Queen Allura.
Weird Alien anatomy (Allura cutely sneezes on a Scraplet, which then gruesomely melts) (i love this trope)
Human solidarity (whichever versions you pick)
The line “Why do Decepticons always get the good shit!?”
The line “We were brothers once” “Yes...once.”
Optional Hasbroverse References (So, you get that new Jem CD?)
And anything else you guys can think of
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ao3feed-safeklance · 6 years ago
Green Sock Reality: Launch Date
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2I2yJu5
by Chilly Super Punk (kelamorrison)
In the Voltron multiverse there exists a reality where Sam wore his green socks right from the start and as a result everything worked out perfectly starting with Lance asking Keith to have dinner with his family, not Allura.
Words: 1161, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Kosmo (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Veronica (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: klance, Gay Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Naive Keith (Voltron), Not Canon Compliant, Season/Series 08, Fix-It, First Dates, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Soft Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron) Fluff, Sam wore his green socks, Lance never asked out Allura, Keith doesn't get that Lance is asking him out, Keith has dinner with Lance's family, Kick, This is the first date we deserved
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2I2yJu5
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ao3feed-lotura · 6 years ago
In This Reality
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F18Acb
by AstroLatte
“You may be a goofy guy from Earth, but if there’s anyone who can support Allura during this it’s you,” Keith finally says softly, turning from the sunset to look at him. It makes Lance’s heart race and he swallows drily, hoping the blush that creeping on his face isn’t visible under Kosmo’s fur. “The annoying, stupid, Earth version of you.”
While Honerva destroys realities, Lance finds himself going back in time to do things differently and is enlisted in helping an unlikely friend save the universe.
Words: 4728, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Slav (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Veronica, Acxa (Voltron), Curtis (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Honerva (Beast King GoLion), kosmo
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Lotor (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Reality Bending, Awkward Flirting, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Insecure Lance (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Gay Disaster Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), The universe broke so we're fixing it, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Lotor and Lance save the Multiverse, With the Power of Gay And Friendship, Post S8, kind of, Rewrite of S8, Because Allura Has That Power, Fix-It of Sorts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F18Acb
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