#Klaine Roulette Event
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"The Prom-us Roulette rules and Guidelines- please check your email. I sent this all in an email, but if you haven't seen it, please reach out through email and let me know if you have any questions or concerns
@notyourdayrdream, @grlnxtdr30, @hkvoyage, @hippohead, @honeysucklepink, @catcat-85, @coffeeorderwrites, @justgleekout
The “Prom-Us” Rules & Schedule
The Glee Roulette Spring Writing Event
Timelines and Due Dates I understand that people get busy. Therefore, I want to allow plenty of time for you to compose your chapter. One of the questions asks how much time you need to write and edit your chapter before you submit it. I will not start posting until the story is complete. Writing will take place in January through April with posting to start May 1st. The writing schedule is listed below. You can paste your completed chapter in this document before the designated date, but please let me know if you won’t meet your deadline. I actually hope we will finish before schedule, but I’ll be happy if we get to post on the May 1st date. Basically, I’m saying that you can start writing your chapter as soon as the previous one is posted. Please DO NOT post it online. Use this document to post your completed chapter. Please do not post your drafts on the story document.
Chapter # Date to be completed Author
1 completed GleefulDarrenCrissFan
2 01/02-08/2022 Kellyb321
3 01/09-15/ 2022 Notyourdaydream
4 01/16-22/2022 Fempem
5 01/23-29/2022 GrInxtdr30
6 01/30- 2/05/2022 HKVoyage
7 02/06-12/2022 Hippohead
8 02/13-19/2022 Honeysucklepink
9 02/20-26/2022 Starpunchsoup
10 02/27- 03/5/2022 Esperanto
Chapter # Date to be completed Author
11 03/06-12/2022 CatCat85
12 03/13-19/2022 CoffeeOrder
13 03/20-26/2022 BluglesmurfKlaine
14 03/27- 04/2/2022 Just Gleek Out
15 04/03- 16/2022 Useless Fanfictions
16 04/17-23/2022 Gleeful Poppet
Positivity & Respect- It is important that you respect the previous writers' work. Please adhere to the canon that the previous writers' have established. If you don't like a particular plot point, please don't undo or change previous details. Plot twists are fine, but let's not do- the last chapter was all a dream, lol. That could leave the previous author feeling hurt, and this is all in good fun. I will have the option for others signed up to comment (not edit) on previous chapters, and I encourage you to do so because writers thrive off of feedback. Just keep all comments positive.
Ratings and Warnings- The Rating of this fic will be Mature (and so smut is permitted but not required) but I also want it to be accessible and reader-friendly. I asked the authors what topics that they felt uncomfortable writing. I want to respect that, so please avoid the following when you write your chapter.
Dom/sub smut scenes
Explicit, kinky sex scenes - sex scenes are fine, but let’s avoid extreme kinks like skat and waterplay (I had to look up those terms in the Urban dictionary, and they are not my thing either), vore, threesomes, sex tapes, or incest. However, sex is canon for our boys in season 3, and honestly friends to lovers and fake dating stories often have sex scenes. None of you said smut was off the table even though some of you said you don’t want to necessarily write it. (I’ve never written anal penetration scenes myself) so I’m going to leave that all to you guys if you choose to include it.
Abuse of any kind
No heavy violence- (bullying, slaps, or even a punch is understandable, but several of the writers mentioned that they were uncomfortable with excessive violence or bloody scenes)
No Huge Age Gaps, teacher student relationships, or adult/ minor pairings. (Yes I know the whole Shelby/ Puck storyline was a thing in season 3, but several of you said it made you uncomfortable. It’s not my thing either.
Rape or noncon
No suicide, self-harm, or self injury I excluded Karofsky’s suicde attempt for this reason. Instead of the attempt, he leaves his school and returns to McKinley and decides to come out. I hope you like the changes I made to this storyline when I send chapter 1.
No heavy mental issues (Blaine was prone to depression, but let’s try to keep this light.)
I am not personally opposed to writing these things (I’ve written several of them), but I want to respect you guys, and I want you all to be able to write this without being triggered or uncomfortable.
4. Fic Length- All chapters should be at least 1,000 words, but try not to exceed 10,000 words. Chapter one is currently 6,000 words, just to give you an idea.
5. Editing- Please edit your fic before you submit it. I'm going to use a google doc, and you can copy and paste your chapter into the fic when you are finished. Minor errors happen, and I do not mind looking over your chapter if needed, but it's important to only post the completed chapter because the other writers will read what you've submitted and plan their chapter based on what you've written. If it's incomplete or changed without the next writer's knowledge, it could create confusion. Actually, a few of you have mentioned being willing to beta, and I would love it if you guys would comment on the previous chapter if you spot errors or continuity issues. I love comments when I’m writing. I welcome it in this first chapter actually. Just don’t make any changes. I’m going to try to allow you guys to have commenting abilities, but limit editing. I may not be able to though if you guys are adding your chapters. Bear with me.
6. Plot Points & Story- It's perfectly fine to introduce a problem to create suspense and intrigue for the story. However, before you can introduce a new problem, you must resolve a previous one in some shape or form. (For example, if you decided to write that Sebastian finds out the relationship is fake and decides to blackmail Kurt, maybe you solve an issue such as the tux Kurt wants to buy is on backorder, so he decides to make his own.
7. Klaine is Endgame- No disrespect to anyone that writes other ships, but this is a Klaine event, so our boys should end up together. Therefore, let's not make our boys do something to the other that would be irreparable or unforgivable.
8. Participation- Life happens. If for any reason, you decide you are unable to complete your chapter, please contact me Asap. Maybe I can arrange something with another writer or help you if you are stuck (I have had a personal emergency while participating in a Klaine event- my appendix burst. I was able to post late after I recovered.) I'll work with you. Just let me know. I want this to be fun for everyone involved.
I have created a Tumblr page for this event, so please follow the page. It will be listed under Klaine Fic Roulette- The "Prom-us".
9. Characters- I polled all of the writers to see which characters you guys really wanted to write and who you didn’t. Basically, anyone in season 3 is fair game, but let’s keep it simple. The main characters are Kurt and Blaine. If there is another character you want to write, go for it.
However, there were a few characters you should try to keep out of major plot lines, and those are Mr. Shu, Sue Sylvester, and Puck. You can mention them, but let’s try to keep those characters on the side. On the plus side, almost all of us wanted large doses of Burt, Mercedes, Rachel,Santana, Sam, Finn, Quinn, Carol, and the Warblers. (I personally love that Burt was number 1). Whoever you write, let’s just make sure that the focus stays on Kurt and Blaine.
10. Betaing- You are welcome to get a beta on your own. However, I will have a signup soon for betas. I have had it suggested that each of us beta the chapter before yours as a final readthrough, and to add comments or notes. It would be a good way to get feedback and ask questions. That way, we can keep the story connected, and help the authors writing the final chapters tie everything together. It doesn’t have to be gigantic comments. It can just be a winky face or an “I like this line, or even, what does this mean? We won’t be posting until May and so I’m sure some of you would like feedback before then. This is a way that we can do that.
I included the prompt and tropes down below in case you haven’t seen it or needed a refresher.
Prompt: Kurt and Blaine met just as they did in canon, and even though Blaine realizes when Kurt sings Blackbird that he's in love with Kurt, he never says anything, and Kurt goes back to McKinley. Blaine transfers to McKinley for senior year, and they are best friends, bonding on being the only two out guys at McKinley until Karaofsky comes back. And he's out and proud, and he wants Kurt. And so he asks Kurt to be his prom date, repeatedly until Kurt, in frustration, finally blurts out that someone already asked him. He said the first name that came to mind, Blaine's. On top of that, he tells Dave that they are now dating. Now, Kurt needs to convince his best friend to take him to the biggest event of their high school year, senior prom.
Tropes: Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, High school Klaine, Canon Divergent
A few notes:
The opening scene is from Season 2 starting at Original song. Everything is canon up to that point (except that Blaine and Kurt are both in the same year (Juniors), then things diverge a little.
Blaine never got to finish the “You move me speech, and so they never became a couple.
Someone else (Alex) at Dalton asked Kurt out, and Blaine lost his nerve. Kurt went back to McKinley in “Born This Way” and he ended up breaking up with Alex right before Junior Prom (Prom Queen).
Blaine shows up so Kurt doesn’t have to go stag. Kurt is still named Prom Queen and Karofsky transfers schools.
This story will take place primarily in season 3. Blaine transferred to McKinley at the beginning of their senior year. He starts dating Sebastian after they go to Scandals in ‘The First Time’. They break up because Blaine finds out that Sebastian is sleeping with other people. The events of chapter 1 happen shortly after Valentine’s Day (On My Way aired on February 21, 2012. Promasaurus aired on May 8 (A timeline of roughly 11 weeks- which I’m going to round to a 12 week timeline.
All in all, this is a friends to lovers and a fake dating story. The plot conflicts should all relate to the prom, Kurt’s and Blaine’s feelings for one another (they are in love with each other but both afraid to say anything and mess up the friendship that they have), and the issues they have with Karofsky and Sebastian. It can also include issues with the New Directions, but it’s important that the focus stays on Kurt and Blaine. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or comment to the author of that chapter. This is going to be a great story. I can feel it. Ultimately, I want us all to enjoy this experience.
Be on the look for chapter one in your email over the next few weeks. It is written and has already been sent to the second author in line. I’m not sending it out to all of you yet because I’m not sure about a few little details. I’ll send it as soon as I figure it all out. Please let me know ASAP if you have any questions or concerns. Just comment in this document or email me at [email protected].
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Voting closes at midnight. Voting is getting fierce. I’ll announce the top fics in the morning.
Voting Is now open.
Help us choose our next prompts for the Klaine Roulette Challenge. There are 20 prompts, and you may pick four. You can only vote once so make it count. It's a tight race, my friends. Will we write about Warbler shenanigans? How about a good enemies to lovers fic? Actors Klaine? Wedding planner Kurt? Bartender Kurt? It's all up to you but you have to [vote].
Also, signups for writers, artists, and betas are open until June 25. We currently have 13 writers signed up, but we could definitely use more. Writers may pick which prompt(s) they write.
Signup today!
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forabeatofadrum · 3 years ago
me: yeah i need to tone it the fuck down with events and fests, cause i still have the klaine word scramble, and the roulette, and that frankenfic sounds cool too, and damn the 3-2-1 prompt bang is doing more cool shit, and of course we got the advent and coc coming up in december
me: *claims a prompt for the @carryonprompts​ fest*
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years ago
Sorry, ti’m late in Glee fandom, so can I ask why don’t you write more for Glee or Klaine anymore? Do you have plan to write them in near future? Thanks for your fics
Hello nonnie :) I don’t know if you’re floating around here, but I wanted to get this answered before I turned in in the hopes that you were. At the moment, I am focusing on a single commission fic for Klaine, but after that, I’m not sure how much I’m going to write for Glee. If you had asked me this same question a few months ago, I would have said, “Yes! Of course!” but that’s because I didn’t have anything better, and I love fandom. I really do. It makes me feel connected to my creativity. But the honest truth is that the past six plus years I have spent writing for Glee (in Klaine and Kurtbastian) have not been good ones. In fact, it’s been pretty toxic. This is not to say all Klainer’s or all Kurtbastianers, but enough that it’s left a pretty sour taste in my mouth. I have been insulted, bullied, threatened, I’ve had my fics torn to pieces by anons, I have had people who are big names in fandom, who are still around mind you, blacklist me, talk behind my back, and try to edge me out. People usually didn’t engage me in fun fandom discussions. I was pretty much ignored during fandom watch events. And a handful of posts of mine that blew up were re-written or had my url removed. I’ve also had my work stolen. That’s not what fandom should be. Recently, in the Kurtbastian fandom, someone published a post asking for someone ‘more reliable’ to complete I story I’ve yet to complete. There are people who have outright told me they don’t read my work on principle, or that they only started reading it because ‘better writers have moved on’. I have been called a hagfish (which is a parasite) and also the Walmart of fanfiction. That’s been six plus years of abuse and for what? I have arguably one of the largest and most diverse portfolios of work for the Klaine/Kurtbastian fandom, and I get treated like dirt. Now again, please remember, this isn’t everybody. But it’s been enough people, and I’ve had enough.It’s gotten to the point that when I get a review notification from AO3 or FF, it takes me a day or two to open it because it’s almost like Russian Roulette as to what I’ll read. I haven’t been writing for Good Omens long, but I have been treated so much better. I don’t get fandom hate. People engage me in conversation. People comment on my head canons and my meta. People are kind to me on the daily. People don’t judge me because of my job. They treat me like a human being with feelings. This fandom has brought me back from the ledge, inspired me to try and publish again, to actually branch out from short stories to monologues and plays. Because that’s what a few kind words can do for someone who’s life is in the gutter. If I write for Glee, it’ll be for me and the friends who I’ve been writing for. But for now, I have about 800+ fics written for the Glee fandom. It might be time to call it quits. Thank you so much, nonnie. Stay blessed
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The Roulette is back, Peeps!
Hey! I'm sorry for my hiatus. Life was keeping my head closing to the underwater level, but I think I'm finally getting back to the shallow end on life's ocean. LOL. I've decided that we will continue with the Roulette, but I'm going to try to pace myself this time. We will write two prompts this year We will try to keep both stories at ten chapters or less. Here are the prompts:
Story 1- written from March-May- Published in June
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I DO - prompted by @grlnxtdr30
story prompt -Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin.
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9. -Kurt is an employee at Hummel Tire and Lube, and they're short handed. Burt hires Blaine as an extra set of hands, but he and Kurt do not hit it off. Co workers Klaine. Enemies to Lovers. We will be writing this story from July through September. We will publish in October.
If you signed up back in June of last year, expect to hear from me soon. If you aren't able to participate, I get it. No worries. It's my bad because I let life get so crazy. Just let me know if you are still up for this or not.
If you missed the signups, you are in luck. I'm attaching a new form. If you signed up before, please fill it out again to make sure that I have up to date info. Please fill out the form BY FEBRUARY 4, 2023
@grlnxtdr30 @blurglesmurfklaine @justgleekout @klaineccfanficlibrary @calliopemelpomene @esperantoauthor @gleekto @hazelandglasz @jayhawk-writes @lady-divine-writes @redheadgleek @roxymusicandlayers @xbeautifulunseenx @notyourdayrdream @imthederpyfox @catcat-85 @andersonswalsh @little-escapist @lilyvandersteen @1908jmd @forabeatofadrum @jayne89 @datshitrandom @snarkyhag @nobodywhocancomfortme
Please reblog this. I can't wait to have you all onboard. Let's write the hell out of some Klaine fic.
Oh, for those who haven't read The Prom-US, I put the link here.
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klaineaddictsfanficrecs · 3 years ago
If you have signed up for this event, please join this page.
@grlnxtdr30, @gleefulpoppet, @hkvoyage, @esperantoauthor, @notyourdayrdream, @hippohead, @honeysucklepink, @justgleekout, @catcat-85, @coffeeorderwrites,
Klaine Fic Roulette Event Page is Here!
The Event Page is now up. If you have signed up or plan to, please follow this blog. I will post updates, schedules, and other event related news on this blog. I will also post the fic on this blog when it's complete.
Sign-ups end October 2nd, so if you haven't turned in your form, please submit that ASAP. I'm looking for about 10 more writers (6 for chapters, and 4 stand in writers. in case someone needs to withdraw.) I also need betas. Be looking for a form for that and a writing schedule soon. I plan to have it set up so that each writer can have a week to write and edit, but if you need less time, you can post it as soon as you are ready.
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Hey. Did you love the Prom-Us? Want to prompt the next fic? This form will be available until Next Saturday, June 11, to submit the next story. You can provide up to three prompts. I'm going to let all of you vote. You can also let me know if you're interested in participating the next time around. The next event will start in July. I'm excited already.
The last chapter of the Prom-us will be posted tomorrow. Thanks to everyone that participated, beta'd, made art, wrote a chapter, or aided in any way.
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Klaine Writers Needed to write a kick ass story. It's the 2nd Klaine Roulette Challenge, everybody!
Deadline to Signup: February 4, 2024
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Story Name: I Do
Prompt:  Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin.
Who: KellyB321, JustGleekOut, GleefulDarrenCrissFan, GrInxtdr30, Hazelandglaz, and possibly you. We have slots open and writing won't start until March.
What is it? This is the 2nd annual roulette challenge. Basically, writers will read the previous chapter and write the next chapter. This will be a relatively short fic (8 chapters) and you get a week to create your chapter.
Why: This is a fun way to collaborate with other Klaine writers and create an amazing, unique story for our fandom.
When: March 2023-June 2023
How to sign up: Klaine Roulette Signup Form.
How you can help: Reblog the shit outta this
Help us get the word out!
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gleefuldarrencrissfan · 3 years ago
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Coming May 1st- The Prom-us
A new fic written by 15 of your favorite Klaine authors. It’s fake dating, you guys!
It will be posted three times a week starting May 1st.
Chapters written by
-Starpunch Soup
-Fem Pem
-Honeysuckle Pink
We are so excited to share our work with you! We will post on AO3, Tumblr, and FanFiction.Net so mark your calendars. I hope you all jump on board. Thanks to all the incredible authors who helped me with my first event. You all are amazing!
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Voting is now Open. It'll be open until June 18. Please pick up to four prompts you'd be interested in reading or writing. The top 3-4 prompts will become the stories we write for the next challenge.
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Klaine Roulette on Hiatus until Further Notice
Hey everyone. I regret to inform you that the Klaine Roulette Round 2 is on Hiatus at least until after the new year. I signed up to take college coursework before got hired for a brand new job. I've been wanting a job at this company for years, and I'm closer to my family, so I don't regret it, but I have a lot going on right now. I hope to start it back up in January. My classes end in November but then I have to take some exams for licensing (studying and all that jazz) plus December is pretty busy for most people.
I also want to restructure some things with the Roulette. I tried to run it similarly to the last one, but this one is proving to be much more complex. I still want it to happen. I just need some (free) time to pull it all together. I'll let you all know when things slow down, and I appreciate your understanding and patience. You all are amazing!
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gleefuldarrencrissfan · 3 years ago
The "Prom"us- Glee Fic Roulette
Rules & Sign ups -Information Below
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Guidelines & Rules:
1. Signups-All writers who want to participate must fill out the form attached and agree to the rules. You must provide an email that I can use to contact you. Fill out the form here.
2. Timelines and Due Dates I understand that people get busy. Therefore, I want to allow plenty of time for you to compose your chapter. One of the questions asks how much time you need to write and edit your chapter before you submit it. After I collect that data and find out how many writers will be participating, I will create a timeline. I will not start posting until the story is complete. Writing will take place in January and February with a tentative posting date in April or May (depending on how many writers we have).
3. Positivity & Respect- It is important that you respect the previous writers' work. Please adhere to the canon that the previous writers' have established. If you don't like a particular plot point, please don't undo or change previous details. Plot twists are fine, but let's not do- the last chapter was all a dream, lol. That could leave the previous author feeling hurt, and this is all in good fun. I will have the option for others signed up to comment (not edit) on previous chapters, and I encourage you to do so because writers thrive off of feedback. Just keep all comments positive.
4. Ratings and Warnings- In the signup form, it will ask for squicks and tropes that you do NOT want to write, and we will respect that. The Rating of this fic will be Mature (and so smut is permitted but not required) but I also want it to be accessible and reader-friendly. Therefore, graphic violence (scenes of mild violence or bullyingare permissible), Rape, and Major character death (minor character death is fine) are off the table.
4. Fic Length- All chapters should be at least 1,000 words, but try not to exceed 10,000 words.
5. Editing- Please edit your fic before you submit it. I'm going to use a google doc, and you can copy and paste your chapter into the fic when you are finished. Minor errors happen, and I do not mind looking over your chapter if needed, but it's important to only post the completed chapter because the other writers will read what you've submitted and plan their chapter based on what you've written. If it's incomplete or changed without the next writer's knowledge, it could create confusion.
6. Plot Points & Story- It's perfectly fine to introduce a problem to create suspense and intrigue for the story. However, before you can introduce a new problem, you must resolve a previous one in some shape or form. (For example, if you decided to write that Sebastian finds out the relationship is fake and decides to blackmail Kurt, maybe you solve an issue such as the tux Kurt wants to buy is on backorder, so he decides to make his own.
7. Klaine is Endgame- No disrespect to anyone that writes other ships, but this is a Klaine event, so our boys should end up together. Therefore, let's not make our boys do something to the other that would be irreparable or unforgivable.
8. Participation- Life happens. If for any reason, you decide you are unable to complete your chapter, please contact me Asap. Maybe I can arrange something with another writer or help you if you are stuck (I have had a personal emergency while participating in a Klaine event- my appendix burst. I was able to post late after I recovered.) I'll work with you. Just let me know. I want this to be fun for everyone involved.
I hope to finish the first chapter soon. Once you have signed up, look for a confirmation email. I will also create a Tumblr page for this event (Hopefully Tonight or Tomorrow) so if you are signing up, please follow the page. It will be listed under Klaine Fic Roulette- The "Prom-us".
If you know any authors you think may like to participate, please tag them. Reblog this so we can get the word out. Ultimately, I want to spread joy through fic and our two favorite boys. I included the prompt and tropes down below for anyone who might be interested or has not heard about this yet. Thanks, everyone.
@grlnxtdr30, @gleefulpoppet, @catcat-85, @fangirl-2009, @notyourdayrdream, @esperantoauthor, @lilyvandersteen, @hippohead, @justgleekout, @gleekto, @redheadgleek, @hkvoyage, @xbeautifulunseenx, @hazelandglasz, @caramelcoffeeaddict, @coffeegleek, @lady-divine-writes, @little-escapist, @coffeeorderwrites, @klainydaze, @iliketowriteaboutklaine, @wowbright, @tiggerblu
Prompt: Kurt and Blaine met just as they did in canon, and even though Blaine realizes when Kurt sings Blackbird that he's in love with Kurt, he never says anything, and Kurt goes back to McKinley. Blaine transfers to McKinley for senior year, and they are best friends, bonding on being the only two out guys at McKinley until Karaofsky comes back. And he's out and proud, and he wants Kurt. And so he asks Kurt to be his prom date, repeatedly until Kurt, in frustration, finally blurts out that someone already asked him. He said the first name that came to mind, Blaine's. On top of that, he tells Dave that they are now dating. Now, Kurt needs to convince his best friend to take him to the biggest event of their high school year, senior prom.
Tropes: Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, High school Klaine, Canon Divergent
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Attention All Klaine Writers, Artists, and Betas! It's time for the second round of the Klaine Roulette Challenge.
If you loved "The Prom-us", and you want to be a part of the next event, fill out this form. There will 3-4 different prompts this time. After prompt voting closes (June 18), all writers and artists may sign up for the fic they are interested in writing. Each writer that signs up for a particular story will be responsible for writing one chapter.
Prompt submission ends June 11. You can submit a prompt on this form or fill out the prompt submission form on this page. Voting starts next week. The top 3-4 fics will be our next stories. Sign up now.
Reblog and share this with other Klaine writers and artists. There are eight of us involved so far. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
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Klaine Roulette Writer Open Call
[Sign up Here]
Writer & Form (Artists and Betas slots are filled) We have our stories. Now, we need a few more writers. Here are our Prompts.
First up:
Story 1- Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin. THIS STORY IS FULL. Sorry, but there are no open slots. Posting will be October 8.
Story 2- Prompt- 11.-Character A is widowed, left to raise two young children on his own. When it’s least expected, someone from the past comes back into their life. But things aren’t all that they seem, and falling in love again is the last thing on his to-do list. This story has one open slot for Nov. 6- Nov. 12.
Story 3-  Ten years after graduation, the Warblers have a reunion at Dalton (There was no fire in this AU, Dalton still stands). Kurt never told Blaine he thought it was him that Blaine was going to serenade that Valentine's Day, and Blaine never figured out his feelings for Kurt. Now during the week-long reunion, the other Warblers decide it's time to get the two of them to rip off the blinders and finally admit their feelings for each other. This Story has the final slot open for the week of Feb 25- March 4.
Story 4- Kurt and Blaine are leaders of rival show choirs. Blaine is the leader of the Warblers and Kurt is the leader of the New Directions. They’ll be facing each other in the next regionals and the stakes are high. It’d help if their teams weren’t at each others’ throats at every turn. Unbeknownst to both of them,  they are both bloggers on a popular show choir blog, where they rant and pour out their hearts to each other. Enemy to Lovers Fic. There are two open slots for April 9- April 15, April 16- April 22. Let me know if you are interested.  
Story 5- Story Prompt:  Kurt is an employee at Hummel Tire and Lube, and they're short-handed. Burt hires Blaine as an extra set of hands, but he and Kurt do not hit it off. Co-workers Klaine. Enemies to Lovers. There's one open slot for June. 4- June 10
[Form Link]
Share this form with any other Klaine writers that might want to participate.
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gleefuldarrencrissfan · 3 years ago
The "Prom-Us" Klaine Roulette Challenge
Hey, sorry for the radio silence. I've been on vacation. I brought my laptop but neglected to bring my charger. I was able to get the writing schedule ironed out. Most people said they needed a week, so I gave everyone up to a week. However, you can post your completed chapter before that deadline if you'd like to do so.
I'll be posting a new questionnaire soon. Please let me know then if your assigned week will work for your schedule. I plan to have the first chapter done soon, and I'll email it to you all so please stay tuned.
I want to thank you all. I know we'll have fun with this. Writing is scheduled to take place from January 2, 2022 to April 23, 2022. Posting will happen to start May 1st, with a chapter posted four times a week (On Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I will post a schedule when we get closer to the post date.
chapter # Date Author Name
1 TBA (hopefully soon) GleefulDarrenCrissFan
2 01/02-08/2022 Kellyb321
3 01/09-15/ 2022 Notyourdaydream
4 01/16-22/2022 Fempem
5 01/23-29/2022 GrInxtdr30
6 01/30- 2/05/2022 HKVoyage
7 02/06-12/2022 Hippohead
8 02/13-19/2022 Honeysucklepink
9 02/20-26/2022 Starpunchsoup
10 02/27- 03/5/2022 Esperanto
11 03/06-12/2022 CatCat85
12 03/13-19/2022 CoffeeOrder
13 03/20-26/2022 BluglesmurfKlaine
14 03/27- 04/2/2022 Just Gleek Out
15 04/03- 16/2022 Useless Fanfictions
16 04/17-23/2022 Gleeful Poppet
If you need to reschedule your week, please contact me immediately. Look at this incredible lineup of writers. There's no way this won't be amazing!
If you haven't followed the event page, please do that ASAP.
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Chapter 1 is here
Hey, Prom-us Writers! Chapter 1 is here. I've sent it to you through email. Please read through it at your convenience. We also have a spot that came open for a writer. Let me know if you want the spot or if you know a writer who might want to step in. I'm so excited to hear from all of you. Thanks to all of you who have already checked in. @@grlnxtdr30, @gleefulpoppet, @hkvoyage, @justgleekout, @honeysucklepink @coffeeorderwrites,@esperantoauthor,@honeysucklepink, @starpunchsoup, @hippohead, @notyourdayrdream, @catcat-85, @hippohead, @honeysucklepink
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