#Klaine artists needed
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Hello Klainers!
Sorry for the late start, but yes there is a
December Klaine Fanworks Challenge!!!
(Brought to you by the @klaineadvent blog.)
Once again, this will be a 21 day challenge! Hopefully giving everyone time to complete the event before other obligations kick in, or time to catch up if you like.
The Dates. December 1 - December 21
The Words. Every day around 6am, US Eastern Standard Time, a fresh new word will pop out of the queue. This year the words are not alphabetical, and were chosen by a random word generator. We’ve got a pair of wonderful artists this year working up the slides, so say a big thanks to @mynonah and @justasmallbloginabigklainefandom! They both did AMAZING work on a very last minute schedule!
Keep in mind that a lot of words have many definitions, and the one listed is only a suggestion. Feel free to incorporate any definition you like. Also - we often get asked if it has to be the exact version of the word listed - and while I’m not the word police and you can do what works for you, isn’t part of the fun making it work?
How to participate. Anyone can contribute, no need to sign up! There will be a single word prompt post each day for 21 days (December 1-21). You can write a drabble (or a sentence or a novel, if you like), create an art piece, make fresh gifs based on the prompt - whatever inspires you! This year the tag will be: “december klaine challenge 2024” and please tag with the word of the day so volunteers can ID the posts they need to reblog (please please please make sure all of your contributions are tagged so we can find them!).
Contribute however works best for you. You can do something every day, every 4th day, once a week, altogether at the end, whatever works for you and your schedule. Use all the prompts or pick and choose what speaks to you. Set your own challenges. The only requirements for the Challenge are that it be Klaine centered, and that it references or uses one the word (or theme) prompt in some way.
Volunteers will be reblogging fics to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, so you can always go scroll the blog to find the latest entries. Of course everyone (especially the authors!) would be delighted if people reblogged to their own blog - the more people who reblog something the wider the potential viewing audience. We want to encourage everyone to reblog as many fics as they like all throughout the month!!
Partnership. This year again we’ll be partnering with @todaydreambelieversfic. Authors and other creators for the December Klaine Fanworks Challenge who would like an additional place to promote their works are welcome to join as members. Just send a private message to @todaydreambelieversfic with your email address and they’ll add you to the blog membership.
Archive of Our Own. We have created a collection on AO3 for those people who don’t post to tumblr, and where those folks who do post to tumblr can share their advent works if you like! You can find this collection here!
Want to Volunteer? We can always use people to help with the daily reblogs! If you can spare one or two days please signup here!! If you are not already a member of the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, just message them with your email and you’ll be added!
“But what if I don’t write or make art and don’t have time to volunteer?” You are the most important person in the Challenge!! Read the fics, look at the art, let the authors and artists know how much you appreciate their work by reblogging and commenting and liking and all those things creators like. Nothing helps a writer or artist losing steam get motivated more than a nice comment from someone.
I think that covers everything, so if you have any questions or there’s something that’s not clear, please ask!
Happy Writing!!
#december klaine fanworks challenge 2024#announcement post 2024#klaine advent adjacent#klaine#writing challenge
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This might be a longshot, but do you know of any fics that take place in S6 post getting back together but before any kind of wedding where Kurt and Blaine actively work on their issues and hurts (including Blaine's rebound relationship) in couples counseling or something, before getting married?
The best place to find fics that relate to them getting back together in Season 6 and dealing with their problems before and after ther wedding, are a variety of Season 6 reaction fics from numerous authors. Check out the library tag. This will have rection fics from episode 1 to 13, so you can pick out any you want to read. Here are some, I recommend. ~Jen
Glee Season Fix by various authors (Season 6)
Glee Season Fix is the result of the combined forces of fanfiction writers, artists and readers who passionately worked together to create their own alternative version of Glee’s season 6. Based on where we left off in 5x20 “The Untitled Rachel Berry Project,” we continue and end the show’s journey in our own way.
Season Six Reaction Fics by @flowerfan2
Worth the Price by @wowbright from Glee Season 6 episode reactions (read all these!)
Kurt and Blaine talk, which is what they should have been doing all along. Reaction fic to Glee 6.07 “Transitioning.”
Klaine Season 6 Reaction One Shots by MrsCriss2012
Every week I will add a new Klaine reaction fic/ one shot/ scene I wish we had been given in the episode. Short, sweet and with NO KAROFSKY in sight, just Klaine.
It Must Have Been Love (6x05 fix-it fic) by RedxRobin
Kurt and Blaine are stuck in a fake elevator by Sue and there only way out is to kiss each other. along the way they discuss each others relationship with Sebastian and Dave.
The Sky Above You by @wowbright
After getting out of the elevator, Kurt needs his friends more than he expects. A phone conversation with Elliott ensues, and Elliott learns that Lima really is one whacked-out place. Takes place after Invitationals in 6.05, “The Hurt Locker Part 2.”
Somebody Loves You by kookaburrito
Filler drabble to 6x07, the boys decide which song to sing for their duet.
Six People Who Push Blaine To Get Back Together With Kurt, Plus One Who Doesn’t by @flamingmuse
Blaine has a lot of people pushing him to reunite with Kurt. But not everyone doe
Reconciliation by KiannaKitter
Kurt is pushed by Walter to finally make a serious play to get Blaine back. But maybe that won’t be as easy as he hopes?
Note: Also posted on FF.net.
Also flaming_muse's various season 6 fics
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Chapter 15: Note
Figureskating!Blaine/designer!Kurt Olympics AU for december klaine fanworks challenge. Also on AO3.
Chapter Summary: Sue will not let anything distract Blaine from winning. Ever.
Sue Sylvester had only one Olympic medal to her name. It wasn't that she lacked talent. She'd been ranked among the world's top figure skaters for more than a dozen years running in her younger days. But back when she had entered the world of figure skating, the Olympics was for amateurs only. If you were really serious about figure skating, you did only one or at most two Olympics before the economics stopped making sense and you entered the professional realm (the Eastern Bloc excepted, because having the state pay for everything you could possibly want or need and then some did not count as being professional).
Sue’s years of dominance did not include 1976, when she had made it on to the Olympic team at the fresh young age of 16 and felt it was honor enough to be skating alongside the likes of Peggy Hamill and Dianne de Leuw. She wanted a medal, but she didn't commit herself to it. What a fool she had been. But when you’re young, time and glory both feel like they’re in unlimited supply.
With hindsight she knows she should have had more discipline. She had always been excellent in compulsory figures—in Innsbruck, she outdid both Hamill and de Leuw in that portion of the scoring. But that could not make up for her lackluster performance in the short program and free skate. Her problem, as a young skater, was failing to understand that she had an audience. It was not enough to be perfect at everything you were asked to do. You had to wow your audience, shock them with something they had never seen before, make their minds boggle upon discovering that a human body could do that and survive.
Dorothy knew that. She invented the Hamill camel and went home with the gold. She reassured Sue she could do the same if she could connect with the judges and the spectators.
How was Sue supposed to do that? She hated people. They weren't worth connecting with—except for one. Since she was a little girl, she’d had exactly one hero. Her big sister. It was because of Jean that Sue had gotten into figure skating. She’d toddled along to her older sister’s physical therapy sessions on the ice rink and was amazed. Jean was so graceful on the ice. Her smile was like the sun. Sue wanted to be just like her.
But Sue noticed other people didn't feel the way she did. People were rude to Jean. They were cruel. They laughed at her. So what if Jean wasn’t speedy on the ice or a quick study? She wasn't like other people. It was harder for her to build up her muscles, she had loose joints and terrible vision, and some of her vertebrae were misshapen. They should try skating under those conditions. They wouldn't make it more than two feet out onto the ice before falling on their faces.
And she was beautiful to watch. She had more artistry in her little finger than Sue had anywhere. More, even, than Peggy Hamill.
Sue couldn't connect with her audience because she hated them. But she knew someone who didn't. So she asked Jean to be her artistic coach. People thought Sue was crazy. But when she got to the Olympics, she and Jean made them take note. She beat that insufferable Anett Pötzsch and won the gold.
She would have liked to win more Olympic golds. But she had a career to attend to. She focused on other kinds of golds, and when that time was up, she switched her attention to coaching—not so much because she wanted to nurture the next generation of figure skaters, but because it was a way to continue her winning streak. She took unfocused talent and molded it into champion material.
Blaine Anderson had been one of her most lucrative proteges. But he was getting old and talking of retiring. This might be her last chance to add to her Olympic medal count through him. She wasn't going to throw it away like she had the 1976 Olympics.
She’d thought he was in this with her. Over the past couple weeks, he’d stopped boring her. There was an energy to his practices that she hadn't seen in a long, long time, and an artistry that she didn't remember ever seeing with him.
But being a champion wasn't only about what you could do in practice. It was about having the right mind set, being laser focused, and showing up when you need to show up.
Blaine Anderson had failed to show up today, and for a meeting he really couldn't afford to miss. The teams event was new at the Olympics, and Blaine needed to understand it top to bottom. He needed to be prepared. His spot was not guaranteed. He could always be swapped out for one of the other male single skaters at the last minute.
“This is unacceptable,” Sue said as she marched Blaine away from Pillsbury Legolas in the costume room and down the long the corridor. “You can't just not show up. Is that what you're going to do in Sochi? Get distracted by that handsome Hummel figurine and—‘Oops! I forgot to show up for the competition!’?”
“Of course not, Sue.”
“And what about the doping screenings?”
“Doping?” Blaine looked at her with an expression of utter confusion. He could be so naive sometimes.
“If that sweet porcelain statue injects you with his potent seminal fluid, your doping results are going to come back marked for exogenous testosterone and you’re out of the games!”
“I—” Again, that confused look on Blaine’s face, as if she weren’t being absolutely plain. “That’s not how that works.”
“Oh, my naïve young Bambikins. Do you remember when I found you? You’d already silvered in the Grand Prix, but you were on the edge of giving up because your second-rate loser of a boyfriend couldn’t handle your success. You were a freakish depressed kid, and I showed you what winning's all about. Have you forgotten about winning?”
“No, Sue.”
“Then focus, Blaine. You have one chance at this, and then it’s gone. Put Tickle Me Doughface on the back burner.”
“Tickle me… who?”
Seriously? Did Sue have to spell everything out for people? “Your porcelain savior. Your white knight in Alexander McQueen.”
“Is that what you call him? Then yes, ‘Kurt.’ He's not going anywhere. He’ll still be there after the games. You can go be the remora to his shark then. But not yet. After Sochi. I will not have you distracted.”
#december klaine fanworks challenge 2024#wowbright writes fic#day 11: note#my klaine advent#Figureskating!Blaine/designer!Kurt Olympics AU
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Welcome to To Daydream Believers : A Community Klaine FanWorks Blog
Hello Everyone!
Welcome and Re-Welcome to To Daydream Believers!!
I know the blog has been around forever, but with the influx of new people I thought I'd refresh the blog and welcome everyone again! I've been wanting to give the blog a facelift for a while, and it seems now is as good a time as any to reintroduce and reinvigorate the blog.
What is TDBFic?
I originally started the blog as the fanfiction reblogging sideblog to my original Glee/Klaine rewatch, fun&games, and podcasting blog - @todaydreambelievers. TDB isn't being run any more, but I've always maintained that as long as there is interest - I'd keep the blog going.
The intention of the blog was to be a safe space where fans of Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson could read works (about them individually or as a couple) without fear of running into bashing of either character. It was also meant to be a community blog where anyone could choose to participate on their own terms.
Becoming a Member -
Whether you're an author who would like a place to showcase their works or just a fan who'd like to recommend their favorite fics, anyone is allowed to be a member. All you need to do is shoot me -- @spaceorphan18 -- a message, and I'll make you a member. All I ask is that you follow (my relatively few) guidelines.
Also - even if you become a member, there's no obligation to reblog content, but the option is always open!
Guidelines -
So what are the guidelines?
All fanworks must be Kurt Hummel friendly and Blaine Anderson friendly. While that doesn't mean bad things can't happen to them - it does mean that a fan of either character can read a work and not feel like their favorite character is being intentionally bashed.
Be respectful of other users.
A couple of smaller items such as - please reblog, don't post and don't spam. Some basic common curtesy things.
That's really it. I'll have some more details on a main page when I get that up. But really, it boils down to play nice.
What about tagging?
You don't have to tag - but it is encouraged so people can find your works if they click on one of our links. I'm working on cleaning up the tagging page so that the tagging system is clear and easy to use.
What about all the old stuff?
It's not going anywhere - though please bear with me as I try to clean up the main page. You should be able to find all of the old content, as I don't plan on taking anything down.
Anything new to the blog?
Why yes! I have some ideas for ways to keep the activity up on the blog...
Author Spotlights -- Every week we would highlight a author or artist - featuring their works on the blog. I'd like to do this again! I'll get more details out soon - but anyone is welcome to participate, even if they've done it already!
Prompts & Tropes -- I'm not sure how I'd like to implement these, but I thought it'd be fun if we occasionally did prompts or trope weeks to inspire you to create new things.
Events -- We haven't been event heavy, but @snarkyhag and I are already thinking of something fun to do for this summer!
Polls -- Okay, so this isn't entirely creation focused, but back in the day, TDB did polls every Tuesday. Now that tumblr has a fun, new polling system, I thought I'd bring these back - because why not?
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
I'm really open to anything you guys might have to say! Please drop a line any time you like -- I'm always happy to hear from you!
I do encourage you to come join and be a member! The more the merrier!
Happy Creating!
Xoxo- Spaceorphan18 :)
#glee#glee fic#klaine#klaine fic#I'd really appreciate a reblog on this one so we can get the word out
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I can so see Brittana and Klaine, once both have kids, they compete on who’s the better ”gay parents”, and if a child is better having two moms or two dads. But they don’t even compete in traditional parenting stuff, but rather just random stuff like ”who is better at singing with their kid” and ”who can dress their kid in the most layers in the shortest amount of time”
And then it turns out it simply depends on how the kid is reacting, one of the kids decides they don’t wanna sing and stays quiet, so their parents loses, and in the dressing competition someone needs to go potty so they have to undress them again.
They also decide to switch kids for a day to see ”which ones takes care of kids the best” and it turns out they can’t treat the other kid/s the same as they do with theirs because it’s totally other kids with completely other personalities that needs other kinds of adapting.
Then it ends in some absurd way, like Brittany just puts on the most random song and all kids start dancing and she’s like ”let’s settle it, we’re all awesome, and everything can be solved by putting on -random artist/band/song-”
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The Klaine Reverse Prompt Challenge 2023
Prompt 27:
AU Newspaper columnist Kurt Hummel has become a little jaded after being left at the altar by his fiance. His editor decides Kurt needs a break from covering New York city life, and sends him to the Northernmost town in America, Utqiagvik, Alaska, to cover their 4th of July celebration. Kurt isn't impressed with the small town, and the residents keep telling him to take his complaints to the Mayor. Blaine Anderson is the youngest Mayor ever elected in the town, and Kurt is vexed by his boyish good looks and overly enthusiastic demeanor. Of course, he is eventually worn down by Blaine’s debonair charm and infectious laugh. Slight age gap.
Prompt provided: @grlnxtdr30
Artist: @very-kurtious
Writer: @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion
Beta: @1908jmd
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
GleeKlaine-FandomGlee Klaine
Blaine Anderson/Kurt HummelPam Anderson/Blaine Anderson's FatherRachel Berry/Finn Hudson
Blaine AndersonBlaine Anderson's ParentsBlaine Anderson's FatherCooper AndersonPam AndersonBlaine Anderson's FamilyKurt HummelKurt Hummel's MotherBurt HummelFinn HudsonRachel BerryDavid KarofskySebastian SmytheOther Character Tags to Be AddedIsabelle WrightOriginal Characters
Chapters: 3/?
Genre: thriller, science fiction, romance
Kurt woke up gasping for air, drenched profusely in his sweat. In an unknown bed. In an unknown world. Where time froze.
He lost his clothes. He lost his money. He lost his fiance. He lost New York.
The only thing he owned: A countdown for his life.
His only mission: Not to die and save the world.
Written for @klaine reverse prompt bang 2023 by @the-lima-bean
Kuddos and comments are most welcomed😊
Stay tuned for subsequent chapters
#kurt hummel#blaine anderson#klaine#blaine and kurt#glee#klaine fanfiction#lgbtq#klaine ff#glee fanfiction#Klaine- reverse-prompt-bang-2023#Klaine reverse promot bang challenge#Anna writes#Writing#Challenge#In time
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Blaine on love on tour
Please klaine fan artists I need fan arts of Blaine at Harry Styles love on tour based in Darren puppies interview on Buzzfeed
thanks! love you all
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If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - Klaine Fan Fic (Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang 2023) - Chp 21
I feel like I need to hand out hugs and tissues to you readers after the last chapter. I love you for sticking through the angst!
To read Chapter 21, click here.
To read the story from the beginning, click here.
To subscribe to the fic’s YouTube playlist, click here.
To see the recipe/music posts for the fic, click below:
Chapters 1, 2 and 3, Chapters 4, 5 and 6, Chapters 7, 8 and 9 , Chapters 10, 11 and 12 , Chapters 13, 14 and 15 and Chapters 16, 17 and 18.
And to see all the basic info for the fic, check under the gorgeous cover art created by @datshitrandom .
Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang by @the-lima-bean
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home
Author: @bitbybitwrites
Artist: @datshitrandom
Prompt Provided by: @datshitrandom
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 81,963 words (and counting!)
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Elizabeth Hummel, Burt Hummel, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez, Blaine Anderson’s Grandmother (Original Character), Various other Glee Characters
Summary: Life in New York City and working in the restaurant industry wasn’t exactly what Kurt Hummel had expected it would be. He’s lonely, stressed out and miserable. He’s almost ready to throw in the towel and return home to Ohio when a chance meeting with a musician in Central Park changes everything.
Genre/Tropes:Musician!Blaine, Street Musician!Blaine, Baker!Kurt, Chef!Kurt
Warnings: Consensual sex; Mention of Character death (canon); Panic/Anxiety attack; Bullying/Intimidation
#klaine fanfiction#klaine fanfic#klaine fic#klaine#kurt hummel#blaine anderson#bitbybitwrites#fic: if i can make your heart my home#klaine fanart#datshitrandom#klaine prompt reverse bang 2023#klainepromptreversebang2023#kprb2023
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Fic writer 20 questions
I was tagged by the lovely @bitbybitwrites ♥
Not tagging anyone because I'm pretty sure she tagged everyone I follow lol. So if anyone sees this and feels like doing it, consider yourself tagged.
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
19 on AO3. Still need to move a couple from Fanfiction.net
2. whats your ao3 word count?
Right now, it's 1.756.021 (holy shit)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Only Glee.
4. top 5 fics by kudos
Solid Gold.
Clear Skies.
Flowers in the Window.
Underneath it All.
Sing to me Instead.
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I try to answer them every week. It's nice to interact with the readers and a really great way to show your appreciation that they take time to read and comment after every chapter.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Flowers in the Window, probably?
7. whats the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings, so this one is hard to answer... probably Syrup and Honey or Clear Skies?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not often, but it's happened.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes, I write smut. At least a few scenes in every fic. I try to give it a purpose in each story, because I'm not exactly a fan of PWP, though I've made an exception once or twice lol. I like loving sex scenes the most, ones where it's obvious the characters are making a real connection.
10. do you write crossovers? whats the craziest one youve ever written?
I don't write crossovers. Never liked them, of any sort. Not even on actual TV shows (when I used to watch the DC shows and they blended Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, it was actually one of the reasons I stopped watching).
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Too many times lol.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several times with my permission. It was really nice :)
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No. I only ever worked with fanart artists for collabs before, but never with other writers.
14. fave all time ship?
I think it's pretty clear that it's Klaine :)
(But god, I love Stede and Ed, Lucius and Black Pete, and Carlos and TK)
15. wip you want to finish but doubt you will?
I never start a story I don't intend to finish.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Probably angst, I guess. I just love writing it, because it's what elicits the most feelings while I'm working on it (and readers react most strongly to it, too!)
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
I still struggle with some grammar or spelling. Thank goodness I have @christinejaneanderson ♥
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I don't mind but it has to be perfectly written - I always cringe when I hear Spanish spoken in TV shows and it's completely inaccurate (Glee did that a few times, and a few others). How hard it is to check?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Maybe Lord of the Rings? But Glee is the only fandom I wrote seriously for.
20. fave fic youve written?
This changes all the time, honestly. My current favorite is Cause and Effect. But there are many I have a lot of love for.
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Hello Everyone!
This is a long one, so apologies in advance!
You may notice the Klaine Advent looking a little different this year! As noted in an earlier post, we’re rebranding to the December Klaine Fanworks Challenge!
There are a handful of reasons we’re doing this, but hopefully this little refresh will get people excited about participating all the way to the end. For consistency this year this event will remain attached to the Klaine Advent blog, and we’ll determine after the event whether we need to change that in the future.
So, how are things changing?
There will be still be a daily word (yay!), these are chosen via a random word generator, and are NOT themed in any way. These words will post on this blog every day around 6 am Eastern Standard TIme.
That said! Since it is December, and Glee comes with a Christmas episode every year, and Klaine do have a Christmas duet tradition (more years than not anyway…) we will also be posting a weekly theme! These will be holiday flavored, and we are kicking off this inaugural event with the theme of Christmas Songs. Each weekly themed post will highlight a different song and some selected lyrics.
On to the details!
The Dates. December 1 - December 21
The Words. Every day around 6am, US Eastern Standard Time, a fresh new word will pop out of the queue. This year the words are not alphabetical, and were chosen by a random word generator. The wonderful @caramelcoffeeaddict did all of the artwork again this year!
How to participate. Anyone can contribute, no need to sign up! There will be a single word prompt post each day for 21 days (December 1-21), and a holiday themed post every Friday beginning December 1, with the final themed post dropping December 22. You can write a drabble (or a sentence or a novel, if you like), create an art piece, make fresh gifs based on the prompt - whatever inspires you! This year the tag will be: “december klaine challenge 2023” and please tag with the word of the day so volunteers can ID the posts they need to reblog (please please please make sure all of your contributions are tagged so we can find them!).
Contribute however works best for you. You can do something every day, every 4th day, once a week, altogether at the end, whatever works for you and your schedule. Use all the prompts or pick and choose what speaks to you. Set your own challenges. The only requirements for the Challenge are that it be Klaine centered, and that it references or uses one the word (or theme) prompt in some way.
Volunteers will be reblogging fics to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, so you can always go scroll the blog to find the latest entries. Of course everyone (especially the authors!) would be delighted if people reblogged to their own blog - the more people who reblog something the wider the potential viewing audience. We want to encourage everyone to reblog as many fics as they like all throughout the month!!
Partnership. This year again we’ll be partnering with @todaydreambelieversfic. Authors and other creators for Klaine Advent who would like an additional place to promote their works are welcome to join as members. Just send a private message to @todaydreambelieversfic with your email address and they’ll add you to the blog membership.
Archive of Our Own. We have created a collection on AO3 for those people who don’t post to tumblr, and where those folks who do post to tumblr can share their advent works if you like! The collection will be up this weekend and I'll make another post when that's rolling.
Want to Volunteer? We can always use people to help with the daily reblogs! If you can spare one or two days please signup here!!
“But what if I don’t write or make art and don’t have time to volunteer?” You are the most important person in the Advent!! Read the fics, look at the art, let the authors and artists know how much you appreciate their work by reblogging and commenting and liking and all those things creators like. Nothing helps a writer or artist losing steam get motivated more than a nice comment from someone.
I think that covers everything, so if you have any questions or there’s something that’s not clear, please ask!
Happy Writing!!
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Hi! I’ve been looking for a klaine fic that I read years ago that randomly popped into my mind that I can’t shake. Blaine was rich, like a stockbroker in New York and he meets Kurt who is dying (I think) because he can’t afford healthcare. And I think Kurt was a painter/artist. I’ve been going insane trying to find it so thank you!!!
Hello, I believe this is the one you want. ~Jen
Going for Broke by orphan_account
Kurt Hummel finds and fixes the broken people, armed with a purple sharpie and his own secrets. He finds Blaine Anderson, who never expected that Kurt might need him just as badly.
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You have probably answered this somewhere before, but I was just wondering, what season of Glee do you think is overall the best season? I always love reading your Glee meta!
Oh, Nonny, you are a darling and I adore you <3
I have answered this question a million times and you know what? It's a great question, and I love answering it so I shall answer it a million and one times because lord knows I can't stay away from an opinion when asked to give it, even if half the people reading this will groan because they already know this discourse. Also, you have been so sweet coming into my in box and I appreciate your kindness.
Probably shouldn't be answering this while feeling a little loopy...
Here's the thing - which question are we asking? What is the objectively best season of Glee - the one where the artistic talent is perhaps the highest? Or which one do I prefer to watch?
If we're going for seasons that I think are well crafted, at the top of their artistic game, well structured, acted, etc, etc, etc, it would be Season 1. I think the writing was top notch comedy, the story holds together, the plot lines work, the music was cleverly integrated and everything just blended together in a magical way. There's a reason Season 1 had so many accolades, and it deserved it (mostly - there was still a fake pregnancy story line).
However... It's most definitely not my personal favorite. I do appreciate Season 1 and have a lot of respect for the cohesive story that it managed to tell (and for the comedy and for the Kurt). But I find the first half of Season 1 incredibly boring, and I don't ever feel a need to go back and watch it.
I think the part of Glee that is my absolute favorite is the Kurt/Klaine story arc of Season 2. It builds on Kurt's original story in Season 1 beautifully. The structure of it throughout the season is so, so good. Everything works just so superbly that it remains one of my favorite stories of all time. The tricky thing is that I really don't like most of everything else that is going on in Season 2.
Season 5, while I know that it's a hot mess creatively, probably is the season that I (used to**) go back and watch because I enjoyed it the most. It has the most episodes that I can consecutively sit through and not feel the need to fast forward through things. I do think it's underrated, and the comedy is still really there.
**I say used to - because it's been a long, long time since I've gone back to watch Glee on a semi-regular basis.
I do think the shine of enjoyment of Season 5 has worn a little -- especially since I have seen it so many times, and do agree the little issues add up. But it's my happy place a lot of the time.
Seasons 4 and 6 I feel about the same. After writing fic about it -- I have a deep love for Season 6, even in its imperfectness. And Season 4 is underrated and has a lot of great things going for it, even if the introduction of the newbies is rough and the ending suffers from external factors.
And, as everyone infamously knows, Season 3 is last. The first third and the last third has some of the truly worst story lines of the entire show. And the way they treat Kurt as a Rachel story line prop and Blaine as a jukebox just frustrates me. There are still parts of Season 3 that I enjoy but as a whole, the ironically most structured season feels the predictable, boring, and just plain bad.
(apparently this is now an unpopular opinion - but it didn't used to be.)
It has been a long time since I've watched the show, and at some point, I would like to do so again. It'd be interesting to see if any opinions have actually changed. But for now... here's the short answer to the question -
Season 2 Klaine
Season 5
Season 6
Season 4
Season 1 back 9
Season 2 non-Klaine
Season 1 front 9
Season 3
(This is all very controversial, but it's how I feel)
Thanks for the question, Nonny! Don't be a stranger!! :)
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Calling all Klainers!
A few days ago we passed the one year anniversary of this blog. In this year we’ve reblogged around 1,500 pieces of Klaine fanart and the collection keeps growing. But what is a year in a timespan of 13 years? People have been making art of our boys ever since Never Been Kissed first aired in 2010 (yes, you can feel old now) and this abundance makes it easy to miss some fanart.
And that’s where you, our lovely followers, come in!
We’ve recently opened the submission page, so you would help us a lot if you submit posts that we have missed. Together we can make this archive thrive! Yeehaw!
A couple of things first, though:
Please check if we’ve already reblogged the post to this blog. A relatively easy way to do this is through the archive option on the desktop version of our blog. All the artists are also tagged as “artist: [name]”, but it is a possibility that we’ve tagged artists under different usernames. We try to stick with one username for each artist, but we make mistakes.
This blog runs on a queue. Posts that are “waiting in line” in the queue will obviously not show up on the blog and its archive, so if there is a post you do not see on the blog, it might already be in the queue. Please, still send in the post. We will check if it’s already in the queue or whether it should be added. As we say in the Netherlands, “beter te veel dan te weinig”, so it’s better to send doubles than to ignore posts.
Due to the queue, don’t be surprised that it might take some time for your submitted post to show up on the blog. We are not ignoring you, we just have a queue that posts a limited amount of fanart each day.
Please submit the post/a link to the post of the original artist. We try to link back to the original source, unless the artist has stated that it is fine to not do it. If the artist has deactivated, then a reblog is fine, but it needs to be traced back to the original artist.
This kind of goes without saying, but no reposts, even reposts of art of deactivated artists. We will not reblog reposted art that’s being posted by someone who isn’t the artist, except when it’s reposted with the artist’s permission.
As always, artists are encouraged to send in their own art.
Thank you all! If you have questions, let us know.
- @justasmallbloginabigklainefandom
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Artist ask game: 📚🐻🖍️
Thank you! 💕💕
📚 How many layers do you typically use?
Depends on the piece! Those pencil style portraits are only one or two layers, but my usual stuff can get quite a lot during the process, sketch, lineartin separate parts, multiple ones for flat colour, multiple for shading and highlights, colour pops, effects and colour grading and final touches. Usually different characters have their own sets of layers as well. Though at the end I do merge many layers together for organisation and clarity. So at most I can have up to 30 layers but I usually end up with 6 or 7.
🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort?
One 100% klaine fanart. There is nothing I like to draw than my two boys in love. Specifically fluff.
🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?
Ive been drawing for as long as I can remember. I always loved it. I drew my first portrait when I was 12 and it was of Kurt <33
Send me an art question!
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The Roulette is back, Peeps!
Hey! I'm sorry for my hiatus. Life was keeping my head closing to the underwater level, but I think I'm finally getting back to the shallow end on life's ocean. LOL. I've decided that we will continue with the Roulette, but I'm going to try to pace myself this time. We will write two prompts this year We will try to keep both stories at ten chapters or less. Here are the prompts:
Story 1- written from March-May- Published in June
I DO - prompted by @grlnxtdr30
story prompt -Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin.
9. -Kurt is an employee at Hummel Tire and Lube, and they're short handed. Burt hires Blaine as an extra set of hands, but he and Kurt do not hit it off. Co workers Klaine. Enemies to Lovers. We will be writing this story from July through September. We will publish in October.
If you signed up back in June of last year, expect to hear from me soon. If you aren't able to participate, I get it. No worries. It's my bad because I let life get so crazy. Just let me know if you are still up for this or not.
If you missed the signups, you are in luck. I'm attaching a new form. If you signed up before, please fill it out again to make sure that I have up to date info. Please fill out the form BY FEBRUARY 4, 2023
@grlnxtdr30 @blurglesmurfklaine @justgleekout @klaineccfanficlibrary @calliopemelpomene @esperantoauthor @gleekto @hazelandglasz @jayhawk-writes @lady-divine-writes @redheadgleek @roxymusicandlayers @xbeautifulunseenx @notyourdayrdream @imthederpyfox @catcat-85 @andersonswalsh @little-escapist @lilyvandersteen @1908jmd @forabeatofadrum @jayne89 @datshitrandom @snarkyhag @nobodywhocancomfortme
Please reblog this. I can't wait to have you all onboard. Let's write the hell out of some Klaine fic.
Oh, for those who haven't read The Prom-US, I put the link here.
#Klaine Roulette Challenge- round 2#Klaine Roulette is back baby#Signal boost please#Klaine Event#klaine fanfic#klaine roulette challenge#Klaine writers needed#Klaine artists needed
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Some Sentences Sunday
I was tagged by @rockitmans and @forabeatofadrum you so much for tagging me dear!!
I am just done with my new year eve gift exchange fic for the rwrb fandom. It's a oneshot and I am just fresh from typing and staring constantly into my tab screen.
So I think this is my cue to take a little break from rwrb(or maybe another fic? I don't know )
Next up is the second part of the secret santa fic for @ericdooley . Its just one chapter and I should complete soon. Since I've already gifted my giftee with a fic,I think it's safe to assume that I can post some lines from the fic
"This time it was worse. When he got a call that Kurt had been involved in a grave motor accident, he was not ready to live the past experience again. This time, as a newly wed husband, he really felt like he was going to die. But when the news of Kurt being stable and he just needed a hip and rib replacement surgery hit his ears, he cried in joy. Sure, getting a major surgery sucked but losing the love of his life was worse than a surgery. And he knew Kurt would fight back to his life."
So that's six lines to be exact. If you think this fic is about Kurt being in hospital and Blaine taking care of him,you are partially right. And I have a bunch of oneshots again(like Schuester saying "We have to sell...more toffees!!)
I am planning to watch a movie and base klaine on the movie. I think the premise is so settling for klaine. No,both of them are not into music or fashion industry in this. But let's see.
Again thank you for tagging.
Tagging : @fallevs (no rush honey. Do it when you can), @england-would-fall , @kurtsascot @daisyishedwig ,@backslashdelta ,@hkvoyage and also @esilher ,@mynonah and other artists for some stroke sunday !everybody who want to self invite themselves. You're very welcome!
#sully asks#some sentences sunday#kurt hummel#blaine anderson#klaine#glee#blaine and kurt#klaine fanfiction#answered#rwrb#firstprince#rwrb fanfic
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