#Klaine writing event
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The Klaine roulette is extending signups through tomorrow. We only have 2 slots left. Writing for “I Do” doesn’t start until March, and we have a three month window to compose this story. Two kickass chapters down, 6 more to go. Each author only writes one chapter. Please join us for a unique, supportive, writing experience.
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backslashdelta · 9 months
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And Blaine Brings Him Flowers Because It's A Date Even Though They Think It's Not
Or, 5 times Kurt didn’t realize the flowers meant Blaine was into him, and 1 time he did.
Surprise! A gift for @worththejourneying for the @klainesecretsanta2023
Read it on AO3 or FFN!
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Hi there! I know, I know, we're a bit behind, but @bitbybitwrites and I have vowed to finish this challenge no matter how long it takes us! And we thank you all for taking the time to read our stories.  We’ve been having a lot of fun writing for this challenge.
Shoutout to @klainetober on Tumblr for sharing this writing challenge. If you haven't already, check them out!
I wanted to try my hand at another spooky story. This one is inspired by true events, something spooky that happened to me at home. See the author's notes at the end for the backstory. Happy reading! Hope you all enjoy.
Cover Art - made my me
Disclaimer: I own nothing - except for what inspired the story ;)
Summary: After a night out with his work buddies, Blaine wakes up Halloween morning to some unexpected disturbances.
Written for the #31horrificdays October Writing Challenge
Day 10 - Growling
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mynonah · 4 days
Hi everyone! <3
It seems like the last few months of the year will be full of awesome events in fandom, so before I do anything I'd like to ask you all if you still have interest/capacity for Klaine Secret Santa this year? Unfortunately, @quizasvivamos doesn't have time for doing this lovely event this year due to her other commitments, but if you're interested, I'd be happy to organize it with @esilher's help.
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annepi-blog · 8 months
Love in Later Chapters (1/14) -
A Klaine Story
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Hello and welcome to this fun journey.
This is my first time participating in a Klaine event and I am very excited. It will be a challenge for me to write spontaneously to the daily song prompts, I usually write rather slowly and edit each chapter three times. I also hope there won't be too many mistakes as I'm not a native speaker, so I hope you can forgive me. I'll try to incorporate lyrics from the songs into the story, let's see if I succeed :)
A short note about the schedule: I will stick to the challenge until February 7th and try to post every day. After that I will be on vacation, and I will continue when I am back. But I will definitely finish this story!
And now to the first song prompt: Kylie Minogue - Padam Padam
Blaine, starting a new chapter after his divorce, decides to explore new territory by learning a new sport he's been curious about. His goal is to regain his confidence and find new joy. Little does he know that it will open the door to a remarkable new connection and bring someone new into his life. Part of the Klaine Valentine’s Challenge 2024
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klaineadvent · 10 months
Hello Everyone!
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This is a long one, so apologies in advance! 
You may notice the Klaine Advent looking a little different this year! As noted in an earlier post, we’re rebranding to the December Klaine Fanworks Challenge!
There are a handful of reasons we’re doing this, but hopefully this little refresh will get people excited about participating all the way to the end. For consistency this year this event will remain attached to the Klaine Advent blog, and we’ll determine after the event whether we need to change that in the future.
So, how are things changing? 
There will be still be a daily word (yay!), these are chosen via a random word generator, and are NOT themed in any way. These words will post on this blog every day around 6 am Eastern Standard TIme.
That said! Since it is December, and Glee comes with a Christmas episode every year, and Klaine do have a Christmas duet tradition (more years than not anyway…) we will also be posting a weekly theme! These will be holiday flavored, and we are kicking off this inaugural event with the theme of Christmas Songs. Each weekly themed post will highlight a different song and some selected lyrics.
On to the details!
The Dates. December 1 - December 21 
The Words. Every day around 6am, US Eastern Standard Time, a fresh new word will pop out of the queue. This year the words are not alphabetical, and were chosen by a random word generator. The wonderful @caramelcoffeeaddict did all of the artwork again this year!
How to participate. Anyone can contribute, no need to sign up! There will be a single word prompt post each day for 21 days (December 1-21), and a holiday themed post every Friday beginning December 1, with the final themed post dropping December 22. You can write a drabble (or a sentence or a novel, if you like), create an art piece, make fresh gifs based on the prompt - whatever inspires you! This year the tag will be: “december klaine challenge 2023” and please tag with the word of the day so volunteers can ID the posts they need to reblog (please please please make sure all of your contributions are tagged so we can find them!). 
Contribute however works best for you. You can do something every day, every 4th day, once a week, altogether at the end, whatever works for you and your schedule. Use all the prompts or pick and choose what speaks to you. Set your own challenges. The only requirements for the Challenge are that it be Klaine centered, and that it references or uses one the word (or theme) prompt in some way.
Volunteers will be reblogging fics to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, so you can always go scroll the blog to find the latest entries.  Of course everyone (especially the authors!) would be delighted if people reblogged to their own blog - the more people who reblog something the wider the potential viewing audience. We want to encourage everyone to reblog as many fics as they like all throughout the month!!
Partnership. This year again we’ll be partnering with @todaydreambelieversfic.  Authors and other creators for Klaine Advent who would like an additional place to promote their works are welcome to join as members. Just send a private message to @todaydreambelieversfic with your email address and they’ll add you to the blog membership.
Archive of Our Own. We have created a collection on AO3 for those people who don’t post to tumblr, and where those folks who do post to tumblr can share their advent works if you like! The collection will be up this weekend and I'll make another post when that's rolling.
Want to Volunteer? We can always use people to help with the daily reblogs!  If you can spare one or two days please signup here!! 
“But what if I don’t write or make art and don’t have time to volunteer?”  You are the most important person in the Advent!! Read the fics, look at the art, let the authors and artists know how much you appreciate their work by reblogging and commenting and liking and all those things creators like. Nothing helps a writer or artist losing steam get motivated more than a nice comment from someone. 
I think that covers everything, so if you have any questions or there’s something that’s not clear, please ask! 
Happy Writing!!
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wowbright · 9 months
Fic: Blessing (Spring/Summer 2012)
Fandom/pairing: Glee, pre-Kurt/Blaine
Event: December Klaine Fanworks Challenge 2023, day 19: assist
Words: ~ 1250 words                                
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: During his junior year of high school, Kurt receives a glimpse of his future through his patriarchal blessing.
Notes: This is part of my Mormon!Klaine universe and a new chapter in Small Things, which I thought I had completed in 2015. Back then, I wrote some notes around Kurt's patriarchal blessing, but it was too fragmented to include—I had a deadline for a fandom event, so I didn't have time to polish it up. On a chapter of Out of Eden I recently posted, @georgiegems asked about patriarchal blessings and why Blaine’s was so significant to him, so I figured now is the time to write that part of Kurt's story out. (This is NOT a spoiler for Out of Eden.)
You can read here or on AO3. The AO3 version includes what's here plus the complete text of Kurt’s patriarchal blessing.
“I’ve been praying about you,” Bishop Longquist says to Kurt one Sunday a few weeks after Kurt comes out. “I think it’s time you had your patriarchal blessing.”
A patriarchal blessing only comes once in a person’s lifetime. It’s a piece of personal scripture—a message from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to a faithful member of the church, delivered through an ordained member of the priesthood called a patriarch.
Kurt is caught off guard. He only came out to the bishop two months ago. The bishop was so loving and so understanding that Kurt felt prompted, a few weeks later, to confess what happened with Karofsky. That went well, too—maybe even better than Kurt wanted it to go. Kurt felt dirty and like he needed to repent, but Bishop Longquist said it wasn't Kurt’s fault, so he had nothing to repent of. Kurt knows what the bishop said made sense, but he still feels like there should be some kind of time requirement between getting kissed by a boy and receiving something so important as a patriarchal blessing. “Shouldn’t I wait a little longer?”
“The time to hear the Lord’s guidance for your life is now, don’t you think?”
“But I’m …” They’re in the hallway. A group of women stand outside the Relief Society room. Boys are filing past them in twos and threes to priesthood quorum. He lowers his voice. “My problem.”
Bishop Longquist smiles. It’s a sad, knowing smile, full of love and carrying the weight of the world with it because of that love. “You’re worthy, Kurt.”
A few weeks later, Kurt and Burt and Carole drive up to Toledo to where the patriarch lives. Kurt’s never met him before. His house is large, practically a mansion, and overlooking Maumee Bay. The patriarch’s wife is in a pink rayon dress with box pleats in the skirt. She wears pearls around her neck. She guides them to the home office and sets glasses of ice water on coasters that line the edge of the patriarch’s desk.
The patriarch himself has white hair, white skin, and a dark suit with an understated gray silk tie. He’s exactly what Kurt expected.
They sit on opposite sides of the desk, talking for a few minutes about school and Kurt’s longing to go on a mission. He can’t bring himself to let go of Carole’s hand, even though his own is raining sweat. Kurt skirts over glee club and doesn't mention his interest in fashion or the fact that he finds so much beauty in other boys. He’s not ashamed of being gay, exactly, but he doesn't want to arouse this stranger’s suspicions. It's not like God is likely to mention it anywhere during the patriarchal blessing—his gayness might be part of who he is on earth, but it's probably not part of his eternal character—so there's no need to bring it up at all.
The patriarch explains that the blessing comes from Heavenly Father, not from him. He is merely the vessel. He listens for God’s voice, which he occasionally hears in the form of words, but more often in the form of spiritual impressions. When he receives the impressions, he translates them into his own words, much like Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon from Reformed Egyptian, a language he did not speak, through the power of God. His wife will record and transcribe the blessing, and copies will be sent both to Kurt and to church headquarters. The church will make three digital copies of the blessing and store them in three different places, and a microfilm copy will also be preserved in a secure vault. That means that if Kurt ever loses his personal copy, or if his progeny in the future should like a copy, they can always get one from the church. Kurt can also make as many copies as he wants of the blessing he receives, so that he always has it on hand to study and to bring comfort to him. “But keep it out of the way of wandering eyes,” the patriarch advises. “This is personal scripture, and you should not let others read it outside your family. You may sometimes be prompted to share a general message from your blessing with another person, but when you do this, do not repeat the exact words or go into specific details lest they take it on as the word of God for themselves. No one can assist in interpreting another person's patriarchal blessing for them. If you have questions about what anything in your blessing means, pray to Heavenly Father for guidance.”
The patriarch says a short prayer, inviting the Holy Ghost to be with them. He asks Kurt to pray, too. Kurt’s so nervous, he has no idea what he says.
Then it’s time. Burt and Carole scoot their chairs back a little to give the patriarch room. The patriarch’s wife sets a digital recorder on top of the desk and makes sure it’s on. Kurt takes deep breath after deep breath, preparing himself for the moment the patriarch is going to lay his hands on him. Even after all these years in the church, he’s not quite used to people touching him at these intimate, spiritual moments. His body wasn’t wired that way—not unless it’s someone who knows him inside and out, like his mom and Dad and Carole, and sometimes Mercedes.
Kurt closes his eyes and bows his head, feels the warmth of the patriarch’s hands radiating near him before they actually make contact. They’re so warm, Kurt thinks of fire, and then The Spirit of God like a fire is burning! It’s the first line of a hymn Kurt’s been singing before he even knew how to read, and when the next lines follow—The latter-day glory begins to come forth; The visions and blessings of old are returning—he knows the Holy Ghost is already there with them in the room, in Kurt’s heart, witnessing that this blessing is from God.
Kurt feels the words more than hears them. The blessing gives him flashes of his past and his future: the safety of the preexistence, living beside his Heavenly Parents without fear or desire; the wise face of Ephraim, from whom he and his parents and the greatest tribe of Israel are descended, preserved until the last days to gather all the tribes of Israel together; the comfort of sitting in his mother’s lap when she was still alive, him so small and her so large and all-encompassing; a solid hug from his father; the sound of his shoes hitting the pavement as he walks alongside his missionary companion, an indescribable warmth in his heart; pink sunlight bathing the interior walls of temple rooms he’s only imagined but never seen; the squirming solidity of children in his arms, his children, when they come home for the first time; an unfamiliar yet comforting hand holding his, firm and loving, its pads fitting perfectly into the grooves of his own palm; a man’s voice—not his father’s, not the patriarch’s—a voice Kurt can’t place and yet feels like home to him, saying, “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”
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Hi I actually have more of a general question for fanfiction writers and readers and I didn't know where else to reach many people?
I'm new to the Klaine fandom and had an idea to write an AU story myself where a very specific event happened in Blaine's past. Looking through your block, however, I've now found two stories with that exact premise. Now I'm unsure if I should still write my idea or if everyone will think I stole my idea. It's really a specific event and not a general trope.
If the question absolutely does not fit your blog, just ignore it :)
I would say as a reader, absolutely go ahead and write your version of the event. It's always great to see different interpretations of their story. Plus it'll be in your style of writing, and you'll bring to it your own personal way of looking at it. Writing it is important for you as well, particularly if it's something you enjoy and want to develop. So do write it, no one will think you stole the idea.
Thanks for your ask! ~Jen
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aurumjank · 2 years
I need someone to write Glee AU where Pavarotti is alive. I mean, can you imagine the changes this little event could make? Like, Kurt wouldn't sing Blackbird dedicating it to Pav → Blaine wouldn't realise his feelings → Blaine wouldn't transfer to McKinley → Kurt would be more likely to get the role of Tony → Kurt would have more credits for his application and might get in NYADA for the fall semester etc. There's so many possibilities! Any ship could happen and all because little bird stayed alive 🤯
Klaine could still happen, but differently.
Kurt could move on from Blaine and become closer with other Warblers and/or Dalton students and maybe start dating someone else. This could also lead to Kurt staying at Dalton.
Kurt coming back to McKinley single, which opens a lot of opportunities for Hevans, Kurtofsky, Puckurt etc. (for each their own)
When in season 3, there's Kurtbastian and Chandler/Kurt - not necessary romantic relationships, but friendships as well. And Blaine might transfer to McKinley or stay at Dalton (there's also a possibility for Seblaine in the background - I'm not a fan, but for each their own). Kurt might be still in close contact with Warblers or they could go completely separate ways.
Blaine staying at Dalton makes it possible for Kurt to get the role of Tony and get more solos, which means he has bigger chances of being accepted in NYADA.
And then season 4, where if Kurt is single there's Kadam and it can start earlier. And Vogue could or could not happen in this timeline. As well as Kurt and Rachel living together and Santana joining them.
And then Kurt's band in season 5. Elliott and Dani could still be there, but their meetings might change. Kelliott is a possibility. Kurt might impress June this time or still not make her think he has a potential. He could meet Maggie and perform as Peter Pan or not.
And then the 6th season - it could become a completely different story!
I just had to share this thought because it was haunting me for months now 😅 I even made a list of some of the possible storylines up until the end of season 3. But I'm not a writer and so I'm sharing this so anyone could use the idea(s). Just, if someone gets inspired by this and writes something, please send me the link to the story! 💜
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kurtsascot · 9 months
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thank you @rockitmans for the tag <3
this year was kind of a rollercoaster. im definitely in a transitionary period of my life right now, and its simultaneously exciting and terrifying, but, more than anything else, im so grateful that this year i decided to get back into writing again, and, im very glad that, in the spur of the moment, i decided to make a tumblr over the summer and join this fandom more actively. i have loved participating in the events and talking to people all over the world. i never want to leave !!
klainepolls has also been a such fun project with @carsonphillips … shes so funny and makes me laugh so hard. we talk to each other nearly every day at this point and its been so lovely to have an internet friend !!!!!
but anywayyyy heres an excerpt from klaine!clueless au, klueless, ugh as if!, whatever we want to call this sucker…… and im not going to lie, ive been having fun googling 90s terms and trying to weave them into this guy. (its not six sentences but i seriously doubt you guys will be mad about that)
and, theres still news about something unrelated coming tuesday :^)
“Hey Dad?”
��Can we talk?”
Burt raises his head, his reading glasses hanging low on his nose. “Sure.” He sets his pile of envelopes to the side, on his mahogany end table and one of Elizabeth’s lace doilies. “What’s up, bud?”
Kurt worries his lip in between his teeth.
Burt’s eyes get a little wider. He takes off his glasses and sets them over top the pile of stationary. “What’s up?” He repeats as his eyes search Kurt’s face. “Is someone giving you trouble at school?”
“No.” Kurt turns to face him, shifts his one leg under himself, his other bent and hanging off the edge of the couch. “Did you ever have a problem that you couldn’t argue your way out of?”
Burt snakes his hand over the back of the couch. He looks down at his lap, and, calm yet firm, presses, “Tell me the problem, and we’ll figure out how to argue it.”
Wrong direction. That’s not- Kurt sighs. “No. It’s… It’s about a boy.”
tagging !!: @cryscendo @bitbybitwrites @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @fallevs @little-escapist @daisyishedwig (and….for a sketch maybe?? @esilher @warblercore )
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bitbybitwrites · 10 months
WIP Wednesday/ Six Sentence Sunday Dinner Combo meal
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Ok . . . Life is crazy here but I noticed a few lovely people have tagged me in past WIP Wednesdays and Six Sentence Sundays and I'm so flattered that you did. Never meant to ignore it - just always looked at it, said, oh I'll do that - and then life got away from me. and I, um forgot - so sorry!
So here's just a bit of a writing dump then as a belated thanks to :
@forabeatofadrum , @wordsofhoneydew , @thnxforknowingme ,@myheartalivewrites . . and crap if I've forgotten anyone, I'm sorry!
Oooh and @rockitmans and @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion , thank you for tagging me today!
I'll give you two bits of writing for the price of one ( for 2 different fandoms: Klaine and RWRB) because you all are so lovely . .
1.) From my current Klaine WIP (If I Can Make Your Heart My Home)
 Slowly Blaine wandered into the back of the room trying to track down his coat, cringing slightly that every person at the event seemed to have the same identical outerwear. “Leaving so soon?” Blaine whipped around, seeing Sebastian in the doorway staring at him. “Yes,” Blaine said tiredly, “I think it’s time for me to go.” Sebastian took a step into the room, his confidence oozing off of him. “Now we can’t have that.” he told Blaine with a grin. “And why not?” “Because it wouldn’t look good for you to leave without your date.” “This isn’t a date, Sebastian. “ Blaine sighed.  “I thought I made myself clear when this night started.  Not a date . . It’s just an. . .” “Arrangement, whatever, “ said Sebastian nonchalantly.  He waved his hands about dismissively.  “Call it what you want, I don’t care.”  Took another few steps closer to Blaine and causally leaned against one of the coat racks. “But I do have an image to uphold.”
2.) Here is the start of a spy fic that's rattling around in my head that would be a RWRB/firstprince fic .
Tentatively named, "Shaken, Not Stirred". This is inspired by a great piece of artwork by @noodles-and-tea
NOTE: In my research employees of the CIA are actually referred to as "officers" not "agents" like they do in the movies. So, right now I have the characters referred to as such - I'm debating to just chuck that aside and go the Hollywood route and call them all agents.
“What in the everloving fuck?!” “You heard me.” Officer Alexander Claremont-Diaz stopped in the middle of his rant, his mouth agape and seriously hoping his hearing had been effected by his recent stint at the shooting range. Yeah, he wore the appropriate ear protection. . .most of the time.   But what the hell? “You’re joking, right?  You must be joking, Zee.”  Opposite him, his direct superior, Senior Operations Officer Zahra Bankston sat, cool, calm, and eerily still: like a viper waiting to strike.  Her head slowly raised from the black leather portfolio she was reviewing.  Her eyes narrowed and her expression . . .well if Alex believed that looks really could kill . .  .then from that 3 second glance alone he would have been eviscerated, the minuscule pieces sealed in concrete and then dumped somewhere in the Potomac River.   Alex swallowed loudly at realizing his mistake ( REMINDER: never, ever try informal talk with the head of your division, especially this department head) and shrunk yet so slightly lower in his seat. “I do not joke.  Not about this.  Not about my job.”
Tagging ( only if you want to jump in and participate): @1908jmd , @14carrotghoul, @clottedcreamfudge , @kirakiwiwrites, @welcometololaland, @coffeegleek, @madas-ahatters-world, @gleefuldarrencrissfan, @annepi-blog , @gleefulpoppet
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grlnxtdr30 · 9 months
What Kind of Events would you like to see in the Glee/Klaine Fandom in the future?
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 9 months
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today, I was tagged by @cerriddwenluna. @forabeatofadrum will probably be tagging me later, so I'm preemptively tagging her.
I posted my Klaine Secret Santa fic yesterday! so here's the title, link, and summary for that fic.
A Season of New Developments Shortly after Kurt moves into a new apartment building and meets his hot new neighbor, Blaine, he hires Blaine to photograph a huge fashion spread that he's organizing for the January issue of Vogue. In the meantime, the two men spend their free time getting to know one another better.
as for *new* projects... well, I thought I'd try to fill one or two of the prompts from the December Klaine event. I don't know what I'll do yet... I had an idea for something fluffy, but Gwen has been encouraging me to write something smutty. I still need to figure out which words to write for, and how I want to write them.
then again, maybe I'll just go back to working on Breaking Stereotypes instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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spaceorphan18 · 12 days
best klaine fic you’ve ever read?
Hmmm, this is a hard question because I hate to say one piece of fanfiction is the /best/. It's also kind of like asking which book is your favorite - idk. (I do have a favorite book, it's Lord of the Rings, but that's not something I reread for fun all the time, you know?)
I also haven't read much Klaine fanfic in the last five-ish? years so I'm sure I'm missing out on some wonderful stories.
Personally, though, the one that's resonated with me the most over the years (and this is completely a predictable answer as I give it a lot) is Misqueue's Scenes During the Break Up. I think she gets both characters incredibly well, and there's a beauty and maturity to her writing that I've always enjoyed. And this collection is just so gut wrenching in a lot of ways, but also still satisfying, and still acknowledging of the deep feelings bubbling underneath. Reading her fic felt like reading an art form over reading just fun fic.
I should also add - it helped me understand and kind of deal with the events of canon in a way that made me feel better about what happened. It was so gut wrenching going through that when it aired that to have fiction help you kind of work through it was so helpful.
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WIP Wednesday (or Thursday?)
I am taking advantage of @bitbybitwrites saying the water is fine,so here I am. (Also I love doing this. Please tag me too. Cause I need some motivation).
The month of December has been very lucky for me in a way because I actually wrote something with the reason of challenges. What am I working on ? I am going to debut into Red,White and Royal Blue fandom. I had signed up for 2 fanfic events and I am working on one. The other one is gonna be hard with the fact that I have to start from the scratch.
What's happening with Klaine? @ericdooley 's second part of the secret santa gift is on list as of now. If I complete the 2 rwrb fics,that's the thing I should work on.
What am I working on apart from gift exchanges? I should make a new year resolution (which is not gonna happen anyway) that I should write some multi chapter fics. I already have one,I should complete it 😭
So,I have a bunch of oneshots that I'm working on. Here is an excerpt from one of them:
“Hey,” Kurt greeted back in low tone,” Go, take a shower and come back. I've made dinner.”
What happened to him? Blaine would usually expect him to yell at him to shower first before touching him because hygiene was important. Also, the low tone was suspicious. Anyway, Blaine just nodded and left for a quick shower.
They sat down for dinner and started their dinner.
“ So how did your day go?” Blaine asked as he self-served some Mac and Cheese.
“Nothing. Just a normal day.”
It was still in low tone. And Kurt was visibly sniffing and clearing his throat. Something was wrong.
“How was your day?”
Change of topic before getting down with the thing that was troubling Kurt. Great. Blaine went through his day, recalling everything that happened including interesting cases he dealt with, the seminar, a little gossip and stuff.
Kurt didn't hear any of these. Don't get him wrong. He was usually a good listener but now the thing that was bothering him was blocking his ears and brain. He didn't know.how to ask him. He didn't know how to let him know that they were also connected in some other way , way before they met.
I love hurt/comfort and angst/comfort and I can't stop writing them someway. Do you think I should be posting soon? I don't know.
cc: @kurtsascot @rockitmans @cryscendo @forabeatofadrum
Tagging:@fallevs @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @kirakiwiwrites @cerriddwenluna @hkvoyage @little-escapist and anyone who wants to self invite just like myself!!
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annepi-blog · 7 months
Love in Later Chapters (14/14) -
A Klaine Story
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Hello everyone,
An exciting journey is coming to an end. My first participation in a Klaine event was very challenging and you all made it so much better with your support.
This is the last chapter to the song If I Should Fall Behind - Bruce Springsteen.
I love the new universe I've created here, maybe I'll come back to it later and write one shots about ideas that didn't make it into the main story.
Starting Monday I'm going on a big vacation for a week, I'm very excited and if everything works out, you might hear from me in between. And when I come back I might start writing again, I've got so many new ideas for new versions of Kurt and Blaine!
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