#Klaine Roulette Challenge
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gleefuldarrencrissfan ¡ 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/8 Fandom: Glee Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Characters: Blaine Anderson, Blaine Anderson's Parents, Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez, Cooper Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: wedding planner kurt, Best Man Blaine, Small business owner Kurt, Feuding Families, Romance Summary:
Wedding Planner Kurt can't catch a break when it comes to his business (or in love either) until New York's premiere wedding planner has an unfortunate break of her own. He gets the chance of a lifetime to plan the wedding of a Broadway star and her unnamed husband-to-be! But, the night before the big meeting with his new bride-to-be, Kurt is swept off his feet by the man of his dreams, Blaine, who rocks his world. Things are looking up for Kurt Hummel...until he walks into his conference room and meets his client, Rachel Berry, two feuding families and by her side? Blaine. The next six weeks are going to be a whirlwind as he navigates the world of weddings and love.
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blurglesmurfklaine ¡ 1 year ago
20 Questions For Fic Writers
gonna unofficially thank @forabeatofadrum for this tag bc she said whoever wanted to do it and I wanted to so here it be!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
49??? What when how did that happen??
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
706,964 woah so not quite a million but uh I have shit to say apparently
3. What fandoms do you write for?
46 of the 49 fics are glee lmaooo, two are Newsies and one is Roswell, New Mexico! I anticipate more Newsies (Javid) fics to come because I’m obsessed
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
There From The Start
Cornelia Street
Here We Go Again
An Honest Man
If Music Be
All for Glee: Klaine!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to as many as I can, but I usually forget lol. If someone leaves an insightful comment though it will usually spur a long conversation in the comments and I LOVE IT
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If The World Was Ending bc they uh :) die, technically speaking
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh probably every other one??? I really don’t like sad endings so most have a happy ending, but i actually really like the ending to Stick Season because despite it being so terribly emotional and angsty, I feel like the ending is a turnaround and really hopeful!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? A few annoying comments telling me characters wouldn’t act this way, and one asking me “where my creativity was” which rubbed me the wrong way but I try to focus on the positive ones! Those definitely linger in my mind longer 💞
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Don’t look at me. Yes. Sometimes. Idk man sometimes those dudes just need to fuck it out???? But I usually only write it if the story feels like it’s naturally going there. It’s never really porn for porn’s sake (for clarification there’s nothing wrong with that we all love a little pwp), it’s usually the sappy emotional kind that’s mostly feelings and vague descriptions. it’s definitely not my forte and something I still get a little embarrassed and self conchas about lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not recently but I did have a Supernatural/Glee crossover a few years ago (shut up I was 16) and honestly it was loads of fun! Blaine was the child of that Gay Angel and Repressed Bisexual Man. Absolutely a slay
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? But a few old ones from my fanfiction dot net page ended up on one of those search engine thingies??? Idk how to explain it or how to take it down but honestly… I have bigger problems lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but if anyone ever wants to let me know!!! It would make me so happy!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! Quite a few actually. I usually do the franken-fic every year and I did the roulette challenge and that m aforementioned crossover was actually a collab! Some of my favorite memories was writing the final chapter of A Night At The Ryerson House with @esperantoauthor 💞
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
OOF. Okay so. With 46 fics on AO3 you could say Klaine has a special place in my heart, buuuuuuut…….. my best friend introduced me to newsies in April and I seriously think it did something to my brain chemistry because Jack and Davey own my entire ass
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh. I’m so fearful that I’ll never finish Amidst The Chaos, which I LOVE but takes so much out of me. There’s also one I’ve never posted called “Strangers Again” that involves like timeline jumping but in a romcom way that I’m not sure how to go about??? Also the community college one. I have so many.
For Javey I tried writing that Spider-Man AU but like. I need to re do the entire first chapter. I absolutely hate it actually and I think it’s because I don’t have a clear vision of what exactly I want, but I know what I DO NOT want????
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhhhh I’m actually not sure entirely? I’m gonna go with dialogue bc that’s usually how scenes come to me first.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scenery/setting/sensory, world building, plot points, physical movement holy fuck do not get me started when That Guy has to move Across The Room AHHHHHH I wanna tear my face off
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! In my brain Jack Kelly is Mexican because I love to project, and I’ve got a wip where Blaine is involved in a Hispanic community (no he’s mot Hispanic he’s just got a Mexican friend who is an old lady and also Catholicism is involved it’s a lot to explain okay go with it) so I like to use it, but only in a way that feels natural to ME based on MY experiences. Different people have different approaches!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oof. This one is hard but I think it’s an even tie between Here We Go Again and If Music Be!
Tagging: @somefeministtheatrepls @somanywords @justgleekout @kurtsascot and anyone else who wants to try!
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The Roulette is back, Peeps!
Hey! I'm sorry for my hiatus. Life was keeping my head closing to the underwater level, but I think I'm finally getting back to the shallow end on life's ocean. LOL. I've decided that we will continue with the Roulette, but I'm going to try to pace myself this time. We will write two prompts this year We will try to keep both stories at ten chapters or less. Here are the prompts:
Story 1- written from March-May- Published in June
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I DO - prompted by @grlnxtdr30
story prompt -Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin.
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9. -Kurt is an employee at Hummel Tire and Lube, and they're short handed. Burt hires Blaine as an extra set of hands, but he and Kurt do not hit it off. Co workers Klaine. Enemies to Lovers. We will be writing this story from July through September. We will publish in October.
If you signed up back in June of last year, expect to hear from me soon. If you aren't able to participate, I get it. No worries. It's my bad because I let life get so crazy. Just let me know if you are still up for this or not.
If you missed the signups, you are in luck. I'm attaching a new form. If you signed up before, please fill it out again to make sure that I have up to date info. Please fill out the form BY FEBRUARY 4, 2023
@grlnxtdr30 @blurglesmurfklaine @justgleekout @klaineccfanficlibrary @calliopemelpomene @esperantoauthor @gleekto @hazelandglasz @jayhawk-writes @lady-divine-writes @redheadgleek @roxymusicandlayers @xbeautifulunseenx @notyourdayrdream @imthederpyfox @catcat-85 @andersonswalsh @little-escapist @lilyvandersteen @1908jmd @forabeatofadrum @jayne89 @datshitrandom @snarkyhag @nobodywhocancomfortme
Please reblog this. I can't wait to have you all onboard. Let's write the hell out of some Klaine fic.
Oh, for those who haven't read The Prom-US, I put the link here.
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forabeatofadrum ¡ 2 years ago
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Guys, it is El WooWoo Wednesday and all the others. We know the drill by now. But you know what is big news? It’s February, aka Figuary! Thank you @artsyunderstudy​ for the tag on this fine Figuary day.
(Gonna plug my figure drawing Snowbaz AU The Naked Truth real quick!)
Yesterday I didn’t write anything new to make a fire out of this flame, but instead I spent an hour formatting it. The good thing about textfics is that I do not care for typos etc., but the bad part is the formatting. I should’ve taken the Little Numbers approach, but I also love the occasionally silly usernames.
I am actually a bit stuck on the ending, though. Like... I am so close to finishing it, I can practically taste it, if it were able to taste fics (this would be a fun ask game, as in, what would your fic taste like?)
Have some pining Baz:
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I have some general writing thoughts under the tags and cut, so feel free to skip them, but first the weather, and by weather I mean the tags. I started Welcome to Night Vale yesterday after all the #cecilsweep hype, but I actually used this bad joke before.
ANYWAY. Tags! @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @cutestkilla ​ @nausikaaa​/@wellbelesbian​​ @facewithoutheart @boyinjeans​ @captain-aralias​ @martsonmars​
Basically I am thinking about how I want to approach writing this year. I like writing. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here yapping about writing, but I have talked plenty about what I have dubbed “my girlboss situation”, which is that I took on so many things last year that I was “girlbossing too close to the sun”, which I need to credit Christina’s fic Thirst Trapped for, which in turn has to credit TikTok. So I am already not doing potenial challenges like the Klaine CC Valentine’s challenge and the Carry On Big Bang, and I am very on the fence about the Klaine Roulette because I want to join but also... no... girlboss situation. But I do want to do something.
I know I have many WIPs and that I also want to finish them, but there is just so much to write and honestly, I don’t mind if it takes a while. That’s why I came up with the whole hospital thing.
So I guess I am doing smaller new things now? I knew I was fucked when I claimed not one, but two prompts at the AU Please! fest, but come on, one was “Dex has the superpower to turn into a lobster”. I might actually drop that one, because I have no idea what to write for it, so ideas are welcome. And the other is a prompt where Jack travels in time and meets his past/future self, and I picked that one in the hope to get me back into my own Zimbits time travel fic. Apart from AU Please! I will do some small things for that new Radio Silence challenge, because if there’s one thing that will break my restraint, it’s a small fandom. If someone takes the effort to make the possibly first challenge for a fandom, then I am 🥹. But I hope that all of these fics will be around 1k. There was, for example, another prompt in AU Please! that I absolutely love, but the story that I saw unraveling in my mind was a big one so *wink wink nudge nudge* if you are a Zimbits writer, please claim the role reversal one so that I can read it.
I don’t really have a point here. I said above the cut that it’s just some musings. It’s on my mind because my 3rd university semester happened and I had an existential crisis at 1:30AM, as you do, about my potential OFFLINE girlboss situation (2 commissions at my queer organisation, master thesis, Chinese classes, art organisation, sidejob, intensive university course... ya... I may have girlbossed too close to the sun here) and I had a moment of “what do I do with my limited free time I do not have time to write if I also want to read and paint and draw and game.”
Look, I know I just wrote a WIP for my SJAEU about how terrible it actually is for Luke to be awake 24/7, but also, he does have more time than I do!
But yeah. Just some musings from a 24 year old having a potential quarter to life crisis. Also, I only recently found out I’ve been misspelling potential for over a decade. I wrote potentional. No idea where the extra o and n came from.
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Hey. Did you love the Prom-Us? Want to prompt the next fic? This form will be available until Next Saturday, June 11, to submit the next story. You can provide up to three prompts. I'm going to let all of you vote. You can also let me know if you're interested in participating the next time around. The next event will start in July. I'm excited already.
The last chapter of the Prom-us will be posted tomorrow. Thanks to everyone that participated, beta'd, made art, wrote a chapter, or aided in any way.
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Klaine Writers Needed to write a kick ass story. It's the 2nd Klaine Roulette Challenge, everybody!
Deadline to Signup: February 4, 2024
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Story Name: I Do
Prompt:  Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin.
Who: KellyB321, JustGleekOut, GleefulDarrenCrissFan, GrInxtdr30, Hazelandglaz, and possibly you. We have slots open and writing won't start until March.
What is it? This is the 2nd annual roulette challenge. Basically, writers will read the previous chapter and write the next chapter. This will be a relatively short fic (8 chapters) and you get a week to create your chapter.
Why: This is a fun way to collaborate with other Klaine writers and create an amazing, unique story for our fandom.
When: March 2023-June 2023
How to sign up: Klaine Roulette Signup Form.
How you can help: Reblog the shit outta this
Help us get the word out!
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gleefuldarrencrissfan ¡ 3 years ago
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Coming May 1st- The Prom-us
A new fic written by 15 of your favorite Klaine authors. It’s fake dating, you guys!
It will be posted three times a week starting May 1st.
Chapters written by
-Starpunch Soup
-Fem Pem
-Honeysuckle Pink
We are so excited to share our work with you! We will post on AO3, Tumblr, and FanFiction.Net so mark your calendars. I hope you all jump on board. Thanks to all the incredible authors who helped me with my first event. You all are amazing!
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gleefuldarrencrissfan ¡ 3 years ago
Voting Is now open.
Help us choose our next prompts for the Klaine Roulette Challenge. There are 20 prompts, and you may pick four. You can only vote once so make it count. It's a tight race, my friends. Will we write about Warbler shenanigans? How about a good enemies to lovers fic? Actors Klaine? Wedding planner Kurt? Bartender Kurt? It's all up to you but you have to [vote].
Also, signups for writers, artists, and betas are open until June 25. We currently have 13 writers signed up, but we could definitely use more. Writers may pick which prompt(s) they write.
Signup today!
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Klaine Roulette on Hiatus until Further Notice
Hey everyone. I regret to inform you that the Klaine Roulette Round 2 is on Hiatus at least until after the new year. I signed up to take college coursework before got hired for a brand new job. I've been wanting a job at this company for years, and I'm closer to my family, so I don't regret it, but I have a lot going on right now. I hope to start it back up in January. My classes end in November but then I have to take some exams for licensing (studying and all that jazz) plus December is pretty busy for most people.
I also want to restructure some things with the Roulette. I tried to run it similarly to the last one, but this one is proving to be much more complex. I still want it to happen. I just need some (free) time to pull it all together. I'll let you all know when things slow down, and I appreciate your understanding and patience. You all are amazing!
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Attention All Klaine Writers, Artists, and Betas! It's time for the second round of the Klaine Roulette Challenge.
If you loved "The Prom-us", and you want to be a part of the next event, fill out this form. There will 3-4 different prompts this time. After prompt voting closes (June 18), all writers and artists may sign up for the fic they are interested in writing. Each writer that signs up for a particular story will be responsible for writing one chapter.
Prompt submission ends June 11. You can submit a prompt on this form or fill out the prompt submission form on this page. Voting starts next week. The top 3-4 fics will be our next stories. Sign up now.
Reblog and share this with other Klaine writers and artists. There are eight of us involved so far. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
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Klaine Roulette Writer Open Call
[Sign up Here]
Writer & Form (Artists and Betas slots are filled) We have our stories. Now, we need a few more writers. Here are our Prompts.
First up:
Story 1- Wedding Planner Kurt and Best Man Blaine have to work together to keep a wedding between feuding families from turning into a brawl while fighting off the advances of the bridesmaids and the Groom's handsy gay cousin. THIS STORY IS FULL. Sorry, but there are no open slots. Posting will be October 8.
Story 2- Prompt- 11.-Character A is widowed, left to raise two young children on his own. When it’s least expected, someone from the past comes back into their life. But things aren’t all that they seem, and falling in love again is the last thing on his to-do list. This story has one open slot for Nov. 6- Nov. 12.
Story 3-  Ten years after graduation, the Warblers have a reunion at Dalton (There was no fire in this AU, Dalton still stands). Kurt never told Blaine he thought it was him that Blaine was going to serenade that Valentine's Day, and Blaine never figured out his feelings for Kurt. Now during the week-long reunion, the other Warblers decide it's time to get the two of them to rip off the blinders and finally admit their feelings for each other. This Story has the final slot open for the week of Feb 25- March 4.
Story 4- Kurt and Blaine are leaders of rival show choirs. Blaine is the leader of the Warblers and Kurt is the leader of the New Directions. They’ll be facing each other in the next regionals and the stakes are high. It’d help if their teams weren’t at each others’ throats at every turn. Unbeknownst to both of them,  they are both bloggers on a popular show choir blog, where they rant and pour out their hearts to each other. Enemy to Lovers Fic. There are two open slots for April 9- April 15, April 16- April 22. Let me know if you are interested.  
Story 5- Story Prompt:  Kurt is an employee at Hummel Tire and Lube, and they're short-handed. Burt hires Blaine as an extra set of hands, but he and Kurt do not hit it off. Co-workers Klaine. Enemies to Lovers. There's one open slot for June. 4- June 10
[Form Link]
Share this form with any other Klaine writers that might want to participate.
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Hey, all creators working on prompt 2- wedding planner Kurt, I sent out an email last week regarding the schedule and the document. Please make sure that you received these. Chapter one is written and the story is on full swing. We are trying to get a head start because once august hits, I’ll be in the land of crazy. Lol.
Here is the writing schedule.
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If you need me to resend the story document or the email, let me know.
@justgleekout @quizasvivamos @grlnxtdr30 @little-escapist @jayne89 @andersonswalsh @hkvoyage
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The Klaine roulette is extending signups through tomorrow. We only have 2 slots left. Writing for “I Do” doesn’t start until March, and we have a three month window to compose this story. Two kickass chapters down, 6 more to go. Each author only writes one chapter. Please join us for a unique, supportive, writing experience.
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Chapter 16: EpilogueBy GleefulPoppet
Prom Day Saturday, May 15th, 2038 (25 Years Later)
“Oh, babe, those were the days, were they not?” Blaine brushed his fingertips over the Prom photo from almost exactly 25 years ago. “Look how little we were.”
“We were so little. Can you believe how delusional all that was with Sebastian bursting into the Prom and thinking he could somehow reconcile with you? I haven’t thought about it for a long time.” Kurt laughed and kissed the top of Blaine’s head where he was snuggled between Kurt’s legs with his back to Kurt’s chest, holding up the scrapbook he had made so many years ago. 
“Delusional is the word! Sometimes, I wonder what his life turned out to be like.”
“I hope he got his act together. He was such a pompous ass,” Kurt said.
“He really was. It’s nice to think about Landon and Dave, though. We received that announcement in the mail a few weeks ago about the two foster kids they adopted; it was adorable. Who would have thought it? They ran off and got married before we did! And Dave’s the football coach for a community college in…”
“Nebraska. They’ve won a couple of state championships, and Landon is a teacher there. Astonishing when you think about it, how what happened to me with Dave drove me to Dalton, where I met you and Alex. Then, I returned to McKinley, and you transferred. Then Dave came back. Alex came to visit and told us about Landon, and then he fell in love with Dave and helped him find his potential. And Dave helped him in return. And somewhere in there, you and I finally said, ‘I love you,’ in the more-than-friends way.” Kurt chuckled. 
“We sure did. Best day of my life,” Blaine hummed as he turned to another random page. They were having fun looking at the book out of order. “Oh, my heavens! My 18th birthday!” He started laughing and shaking his head. “We were still in the thick of our fake-dating ruse.” 
“I was pining for you so hard I think I had drool stains on my shirt. Look at you, so hot in that gray-and-white-striped shirt, bow tie with yellow polka dots, and your mustard yellow pants.” This time, Kurt touches the photograph. “And I just wanted to turn off that damn karaoke machine and give you the world’s most passionate kiss.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, why didn’t you?”
“Because that was impossible. You’d already given me what I thought was the world’s most passionate kiss at Rachel’s party.”
“Little did we know…” 
“How amazing kissing can be? And how sex gets better the older you are?”
“Exactly. I think it’s hysterical we thought our sex life would be over after our 20s.” 
Kurt whispers in Blaine’s ear, “Mmm... It’s not, is it? How many times did I have you begging for more last night? How many times did I swallow your screams in my mouth to help keep you quiet? And we just turned 43 this year, so really, I think we should plan on enjoying ourselves into our 90s, don’t you?” Kurt said as he nipped behind his husband’s ear, causing him to shiver. 
“At least.” Blaine pushed back into Kurt; he could feel him getting interested. They went in waves, like this week, where they had the hottest sex ever for hours on end or even multiple times a day, which sometimes turned into maybe once a week and everywhere in between. “Don’t start, love. Please? Later. We’re going to get in trouble again.”
Kurt buried his head in Blaine’s shoulder to stifle his laughter. “We so would. I’ll be good. Next random page.” 
Blaine quickly closed the book and unfurled it again. “Our college acceptance letters! Remember? My parents came over, we had Carole’s three-layer chocolate cake, and we opened all our letters together.” 
“Yes! We nearly broke our parents’ eardrums when we got accepted to NYADA! We could have damaged our voices! After that, I don’t think we even cared about the other letters.” 
“I loved going to college with you and living in that tiny little apartment with avocado-colored appliances and that sunshine yellow tile, constantly trying to make ends meet. You worked at the diner all those years, and I taught piano lessons, doing all we could to make our dreams come true one day at a time. And now look at us. We did okay, didn’t we?”
“We did. Living in a brownstone and working on Broadway or off-Broadway productions for the last 20 years in one capacity or another. You, my exceptional husband, have two Tony awards, a slew of other awards, and a new show opening soon with your original music. It’s been extraordinary.”
“And how many do you have, Kurt?”
“Stop. I want to gush about you, not me.” 
“You have three, Kurt Hummel. Three Tony awards and you deserve every one of them. Not to mention, you were the first of the New Directions to get one.” 
Kurt chuckled. “Rachel has never forgiven me, not really. Hers wasn’t far behind, though.”
“Another page?” Blaine asked.
“Yeah. I think we have time for one more before we have to get ready.” Kurt glanced over at the clock. 
He flipped the pages again. “Oh, graduation day! That was marvelous.” 
“Yes, it was, Mr. Valedictorian! We thought that day would never come, and then it came and went in seconds, and now we’ve been together longer than we were alive in these pictures.”
“Wow. There’s some perspective for you.” 
“Do you remember what happened on graduation night? On our way to the final party at Rachel’s, you were so desperate for it, telling me all the fantasies you’d had, that we pulled over in a darkened parking lot and climbed into the back seat, and you—”
Blaine cut Kurt’s story off with his lips, tilting his head to get a more suitable angle with the way they were sitting, and opened his mouth to deepen it. He wanted to get lost in his husband’s arms for just a minute. It still made Blaine’s stomach flutter when he was fully present in the moment and felt so much gratitude that they’d made it this far, still so in love. 
They heard a loud thump upstairs and then a chorus of girls laughing. “Dads! We’re coming down. You’d better not be making out again!” A teen voice carried down the stairs.
“How do they know? How do they always know?” Blaine groaned as he reluctantly pulled away from Kurt’s decadent mouth. 
Kurt tipped his head back and laughed. “Would you like some more perspective? Our daughter is as old as we are in these photos, and we’ll be adding her Prom and graduation pictures to her scrapbook this month.”
“It’s gone so fast.”
When the four girls arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Blaine and Kurt gasped and jumped up from the couch. “You all look so beautiful!” they said in unison. 
“You did a spectacular job with hair and makeup on each other,” Kurt said, reaching out and twirling his daughter, Audrey, to inspect her. “So perfect. All of you,” he said as he looked over their hair.
“Thank you, Dad,” they chimed. Of course, only two of them were his. All their children’s friends called them ”Dad,” and they had an incredible relationship with them. Their home was a haven for all the kids. When things in the outside world were scary and school was hard, everyone knew they were welcome at the Hummel-Anderson’s for hugs, fun, advice when asked for, singing, a quiet zone study room, food from a kitchen that was never closed, and somewhere that was always safe. 
At that moment, the front door flew open. “I’m home!” Spencer yelled.
One of the girls, Sophia, squealed, “Hide me! He can’t see me yet!” 
“Spencer, don’t come in here unless you want the wrath of your girlfriend. Take your tux upstairs. I’ll call you when it’s safe,” Blaine half-shouted as he headed towards the foyer to greet him. 
“Thanks, Dad. That would’ve been scary.”
“I agree,” he said as he patted him on the shoulder and then headed back to Kurt. 
“Hi, Papa! You going to help me?” he shouted as he bounded up the stairs two at a time. 
“Yup! Tell me when you’re ready,” Kurt called back. 
Sophia said, “Oh, thank heavens. You’re going to do his hair?” which made their other friend, Lana, laugh because Spencer was notorious for laying down the hair gel despite everyone’s grumbling. 
“I am indeed,” Kurt replied and then chuckled. “Whatever you threatened him with convinced him.”
She nodded. “Thank you!” 
“Anything for you girls. Now, do you have everything you need? Your gowns are still intact? Shoes are still in pairs? Nothing is slipping off and needs altering?”
“Yes. Thank you, Papa. You’ve checked a dozen times. We just have to put our dresses on when it gets closer. We thought we’d help with the food for Greer’s party tonight since she helped us get ready for Prom.” She poked her little sister, a freshman in high school. 
“Well, that is sweet of you ladies,” Blaine said. “Papa and I already finished it all, though, so why don’t you go relax before the chaos starts and you have to get dressed in an hour?”
“You’re sure?” Audrey and Greer asked simultaneously. 
Kurt smiled, a warmth spreading through his chest. It had been such a privilege to see these kids get older and how they lived—each in their own way—what he and Blaine had tried to teach them. Their family motto, which hung in several places in their home, was C.O.U.R.A.G.E. (Communication, Open-minded, Understanding, Respectful, Adventurous, Grateful, Educated). His kids were always willing to help, so he didn’t mind the insanity that was about to start. 
“We’re sure. Audrey, yours and Lana’s dates and their parents and Sophia’s parents should all be here in 90 minutes. We’ll do pictures and send you off to Senior Prom. Well, Junior Prom for Spencer and Sophia. In two hours, all of Greer’s friends should arrive, and once we make sure they are all here safely for their outdoor movie night—complete with a popcorn and candy bar, a cooler full of sodas, and six extra-large pizzas being delivered, including a gluten-free and vegan option—then we’ll head out with all the Prom date parents for dinner.”
“Oh, is that all?” Audrey teased. 
“Well, Dad and I can still add volunteering as chaperones at your Prom!” 
“Oh, Dads! No! We talked about this. You would sing every other song or dance in a dark corner. Ewww. Public displays of affection. I love you, Papa, but no. Thank you.”
All the girls laughed and dashed upstairs. 
Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms and kissed him playfully, parting with a mwwwah. 
“You ready to get all dressed up for our hot date?” Blaine asked.
“I am indeed! Shall we?” Kurt offered his elbow as they headed toward their room. 
Blaine beamed as he glanced at his husband. “What a wonderful, wonderful life.”
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Voting is now Open. It'll be open until June 18. Please pick up to four prompts you'd be interested in reading or writing. The top 3-4 prompts will become the stories we write for the next challenge.
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klaineccfanficlibrary ¡ 3 years ago
The "Prom-Us" Klaine Roulette Challenge
Hey, sorry for the radio silence. I've been on vacation. I brought my laptop but neglected to bring my charger. I was able to get the writing schedule ironed out. Most people said they needed a week, so I gave everyone up to a week. However, you can post your completed chapter before that deadline if you'd like to do so.
I'll be posting a new questionnaire soon. Please let me know then if your assigned week will work for your schedule. I plan to have the first chapter done soon, and I'll email it to you all so please stay tuned.
I want to thank you all. I know we'll have fun with this. Writing is scheduled to take place from January 2, 2022 to April 23, 2022. Posting will happen to start May 1st, with a chapter posted four times a week (On Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I will post a schedule when we get closer to the post date.
chapter # Date Author Name
1 TBA (hopefully soon) GleefulDarrenCrissFan
2 01/02-08/2022 Kellyb321
3 01/09-15/ 2022 Notyourdaydream
4 01/16-22/2022 Fempem
5 01/23-29/2022 GrInxtdr30
6 01/30- 2/05/2022 HKVoyage
7 02/06-12/2022 Hippohead
8 02/13-19/2022 Honeysucklepink
9 02/20-26/2022 Starpunchsoup
10 02/27- 03/5/2022 Esperanto
11 03/06-12/2022 CatCat85
12 03/13-19/2022 CoffeeOrder
13 03/20-26/2022 BluglesmurfKlaine
14 03/27- 04/2/2022 Just Gleek Out
15 04/03- 16/2022 Useless Fanfictions
16 04/17-23/2022 Gleeful Poppet
If you need to reschedule your week, please contact me immediately. Look at this incredible lineup of writers. There's no way this won't be amazing!
If you haven't followed the event page, please do that ASAP.
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