#Kjetil Manheim
bitchcake · 5 months
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empyreanaffliction · 2 months
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been sitting on this banger for a while
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mayhem + some others if they did martial arts headcannons i came up with instead of paying attention in class that also only make sense to me
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Euroman would be a fucking GOD at forms. LOOK at this guy's horse stance. I don't even be hitting it like that damn
would be super nit-picky about the smallest shit. he would be like "your form was perfect, but your hands are just a few inches below where they're supposed to be ://////"
probably gets his ass beat by Varg every time they spar
tries to teach forms but ends up showing off without actually explaining anything
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pelle would be one of those people that never wanted to take karate in the first place, hated going to class, and tried to quit but his parents wouldn't let him so now that he's in a high rank he'd feel bad quitting even though he still doesn't like doing it
gets mad at himself for not getting any better but never practices
probably cried or had a panic attack in the middle of class but the instructors kept yelling at him
im literally just projecting at this point
especially the last one
absolutely majestic cartwheels though
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Varg would be a fucking MENACE at sparing. control? never heard of her. you would tell him to go easy, like level 2, and he would fight like his life depended on it.
has severely injured at least 3 people
bro is NOT fighting "might for right"
would go leave a literal child in tears and then be like "he should've kept his hands up" as if he didn't just go ape shit on 4'11 green belt
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absolute menace but in an talkative way
instructors hate his ass because he won't shut up
only cares about class if it's a team game
grappling with him would be SO awkward. he's say some freaky ass shit about the forms he'd be like "rear naked choke? ayooooo 🤨😳"
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necrobutcher would probably act like he's an expert outside of class but then half ass everything (calling myself out 💀)
he'd be kind of a smart ass about sparring and give people tips that he doesn't follow himself
he would be super extra with forms- like the most dramatic stances ever and not even realize he's doing the wrong side
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Varg's sparring bestie (everyone else is scared of fighting both of them)
has also made people cry
he would fight like he's got fucking demons he needs to let out
total show off with kicks
insane at accuracy
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maniac would obv be one of those people that quit for a few years and then came back out of no where having completely forgotten everything
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quit but everyone remembers him as a legend
every now and then someone would be like "ya'll remember kjetil"
Edit: also varg is the only one that ties his hair up, everyone else just lets their hair get in the way 💀 he puts it in braids before class and pelle sometimes ties it up but most of the time he forgets
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lords-of-mayhem · 4 months
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Lords Of Chaos (2018)
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hollyony666 · 7 months
Euronymous- by me <333
(This poem is written from the point of view of Euronymous who is the lead guitarist of a Norwegian black metal band called Mayhem. A lot of people believed that the ideology of his band and who is qualified to even listen to their music was cult-like. So I give you a god, or in this case, satan complex that comes from the ego of Euronymous)
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Raging sounds of satanic worship fueled my existence.
A difference within a difference was my promo.
Everyone’s demonic desires squelch 
with plucks of my bloody fingers.
Six stringed instruments built my callus hands.
My birth name has no match 
For what Satan has presented for me.
 they will scream.
I will peer from the deepest depths of my pedestal
And see worshipers praising,
Praising my new hellish name.
Death will be my friend
And he will guide my music to the deserved.
Fire within my soul
Will be used for the destruction
Of the humans of which I despise. 
My rivals will fall.
Church bells will collapse upon them.
My true form will soar
All of the power from hell will be mine
Mayhem will be the word of the world
Euronymous will be the name of the new found god. 
My cultists.
We shall share the unholy evig ære!
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deathwhoregutfucker · 2 months
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credits - Kristian Bye
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human-antithesis · 1 year
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Hermit’s Lair https://t.me/Human_Antithesis
Mayhem - Deathcrush (EP) [August 16th, 1987] Country: Norway Genre: Black Metal
Sven-Erik Kristiansen A.K.A. Maniac - Vocals
Øystein Aarseth A.K.A. Euronymous (R.I.P. 1993) - Guitars
Jørn Stubberud A.K.A. Necrobutcher - Bass
Kjetil Manheim - Drums
Konrad Schnitzler (R.I.P. 2011) - Everything (Track 1)
Eirik Skyseth Norheim A.K.A. Messiah - Vocals (Tracks 4, 7, 8)
Silvester Anfang - 01:56
Deathcrush - 03:33
Chainsaw Gutsfuck - 03:32
Witching Hour (Venom Cover) - 01:49
Necrolust - 03:37
(Weird) Manheim - 00:48
Pure Fucking Armageddon - 02:07
Outro - 01:14
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the-old-mayhem · 10 months
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“Kjetil (Manheim) did well all the time. He is the kind of guy who could talk himself into a good job and good grades without actually doing that much work. And he quit Mayhem and married when he was finished with school. What Øystein told his parents I really don’t know. I guess he painted another picture for them than what actually happened. When his father became involved in the last year I know he really “rolled things back”. So what they said was probably really important to him. But at that point we were not on speaking terms anymore.” - Nils Svensson, childhood friend of Necro, Øystein and Manheim.
Thanks @nikkisicc for chatting with us 🕯️
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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from-the-dark-past · 3 years
Interview with Necrobutcher in The Black Metal Murders: English translation
Translator’s note: Black metal-morden (English: The Black Metal Murders) is a radio documentary from 2017 produced by Radio Sweden (download). It’s about Mayhem and the Norwegian black metal scene in the ‘90s and contains interviews with Jørn “Necrobutcher” Stubberud, Kjetil Manheim, Eirik “Messiah” Norheim and Anders Ohlin (Pelle Ohlin’s younger brother). 
Here, I’ve translated the parts where Jørn “Necrobutcher” Stubberud speaks into English (from Swedish/Norwegian). I’ve added time-stamps and short descriptions for the different sections of the interview. 
Apologies for any inaccuracies in transcription/translation. Swedish and Norwegian are technically-speaking mutually intelligible, but there were a few places where I struggled to pick out exactly what Necrobutcher was saying. 
I am working on translating the interviews with Manheim and Messiah and will be posting them soon. In the mean time, here’s my translation of the interview with Anders Ohlin. 
7:24 - 9:14 [Talking about Pelle’s letter to Mayhem and the band’s first rehearsal]
Necrobutcher: This was going to be so fucking black. 
Narrator: Jørn Stubberud is a founder of the black metal band Mayhem which was formed in 1984 in Norway. 
Necrobutcher: Then, in ‘87* we came into contact with a Swede who called himself Dead. Per Ohlin; Per Yngve Ohlin.
*Translator’s note: Really not sure if “87″ is correct. It was unintelligible to me, so I tried putting it through a speech-to-text program, and it gave me “87″. It makes sense in context, so I put it in. If anyone understands what’s actually being said, please let me know so I can update the post.  
Narrator: Pelle had heard of Mayhem in Norway. He constructs a small cross. He attaches a dead mouse to the cross, which he places together with a demo-tape and a handwritten letter in an envelope which he addresses to Mayhem. As a way of saying: ‘Hey, I want to be one of you.’ 
Necrobutcher: The letter was drenched in blood and liquid that had come out of the mouse. I drove a pick-up at the time and placed the letter with the mouse on the truck bed. 
Narrator: Jørn empties the band’s PO box and tosses the stinking letter onto the truck bed of the pick-up. 
Necrobutcher: And then the letter was blown off, together with the mouse, blew off onto the road, actually. 
Narrator: Despite the letter being blown off, [Pelle and Mayhem keep in contact]. 
Necrobutcher: We liked his voice. 
Narrator: To many, black metal is synonymous with the violent happenings in Norway in the early 1990s -- murder, grave desecrations and burning churches -- and this story will revolve around the band Mayhem. But before the violence, it was all about love of the music. Jørn  describes the first rehearsal with the band like others describe first falling in love. 
Necrobutcher: The ground was… It was like walking on air. A rehearsal… We were, like, happy. We, like, jumped around, couldn’t walk, it was like we were floating in the sky, high on adrenaline. 
9:31 - 10:27 [Talking about meeting Pelle in person for the first time]
Necrobutcher: It was very easy to see that it was him. I’d never seen a picture of him. Long hair…
Narrator: The band meets Pelle at the airport in Oslo. 
Necrobutcher: He thought, OK, I’ll move to Norway, then. 
Narrator: [At the airport] there’s a skinny guy with two plastic bags for luggage; one containing clothes, the other containing snus and comic books. 
Necrobutcher: Dracula and, like, horror comics. 
Narrator: Jørn thinks that Pelle’s Stockholm dialect is completely incomprehensible. 
Necrobutcher: Fucking speak Swedish -- what the fuck -- so we understand what you’re saying. Thought ‘OK, fuck it, we’ll have to speak English, then’. Now we’ve got this Swede who’s possibly becoming our vocalist, and we have to speak English with each other? [Incredulous] 
Narrator: It’s a little difficult to know where Pelle will live and eat. They’re all in their late teens and still live at home with their parents. 
Necrobutcher: Shit, he probably never thought of that. Like, what the fuck is he going to eat? 
11:23 - 11:52 [Talking about hair. Lol.] 
Narrator: [...] Before they’ve even rehearsed together for the first time, [Pelle] arranges a photoshoot. Pelle has smeared fake blood onto the faces of himself, guitarist Euronymous, and Jørn . In the image, Pelle is wearing corpse paint and has blood running down his face. His long blonde hair contrasts with Øystein and Jørn, who dye theirs black. 
Necrobutcher: Black hair [unintelligble]… none of us have that [naturally]. 
Narrator [to Necrobutcher]: Did you help each other out with dyeing -- 
Necrobutcher: No [laughs]. That was a bit intimate, so to speak. 
12:30 - 13:13 [Talking about Pelle preparing for gigs] 
Necrobutcher: He kept dead animals in the freezer -- like, roadkills that he’d picked up. A dead magpie, a dead mouse… 
Narrator: Pelle prepares thoroughly for the gigs. In the freezer in Kråkstad, where the band moves to live together, he collects animals he finds along the road and in the forest. He sniffs the dead animals before he walks onto stage. 
Necrobutcher: To smell of death. He wants an authentic smell of death before he walks on stage, and sniffs a plastic bag. It was supposed to, like, be taken completely to the max. 
Narrators: Jørn remembers how [Pelle] buries his stage clothes to make them rot a bit. 
Necrobutcher: You’re supposed to feel rotten on the outside. 
17:17 - 17:49  [Talking about Pelle’s depression]
Narrator: The guitarist, Øystein ‘Euronymous’ Aarseth, has big plans for the band but not enough [resources]. 
Necrobutcher: Like, Øystein had a lot of fucking big plans. And he’d tell Pelle about the plans and, then, maybe it didn’t happen very quickly, or fell through. 
Narrator: The second Mayhem record is in the works, but it’s taking its time, as the band is financing and doing everything themselves. 
Necrobutcher: So when there were little setbacks, it was really fucking difficult for him, because he was too restless. 
18:34 - 21:50 [Talking about Pelle’s suicide and the aftermath]
Necrobutcher: I always thought… It hit me that I had a kind of spring feeling. This was the beginning of April. The winter had been long. The sun had come back and the spring feeling had arrived. 
Narrator [to Necrobutcher]: Did you have a feeling that everything could go to hell now? 
Necrobutcher: No. No, No. Absolutely not. It was looking pretty good, actually. It was like… Of course, it’s never clear, trying to make any sense of it… 
[It is explained that Pelle committed suicide on April 8, 1991. Euronymous found and photographed his corpse, then called Jørn excitedly about it, which led to Jørn leaving the Mayhem]. 
Necrobutcher: No, I was completely shocked. I was simply in shock, devastated by grief. 
Narrator: [Jørn] also gets something else to think about. 
Necrobutcher: Pelle took his own life in April and I became a father in June. 
Narrator: Jørn goes to Sweden to attend Pelle’s funeral. 
Necrobutcher: So, I’m walking around the coffin, it’s my turn, and I’m about to… Well, it’s difficult to keep from crying. And I see this small brass plaque which says ‘Fonus Begravningsbyrå’ [Fonus Funeral Services]. 
Narrator: The small Fonus plaque makes him remember something: Pelle made up the name ‘Radio Fonus’ for when they were going to play in a Norwegian radio program. It was a typical ‘Pelle-name’. 
Necrobutcher: That was it. Suddenly, I got something to think about which saved me a little bit from a really fucking bad day. 
1:05:05 - 1:06:12 [Talking about reforming Mayhem and his life today] 
Necrobutcher: It was completely… it was completely destroyed for many years. I struggle with this thing today still. When Pelle passed I became fucking miserable and it… yes, depressed and… The most difficult thing that has happened to me. 
Narrator: Jørn Stubberud, the bassist of Mayhem who quit after Pelle killed himself, finds it tiring that so much of the attention surrounding black metal still revolves around the murders and church arsons. 
Necrobutcher: I was paralyzed, but when Øystein was murdered, it kicked me out of grief and I became angry. 
Narrator: Three years after Pelle’s death, Jørn attends the funeral of Øystein . Him and Jan Axel Blomberg, the drummer, meet up and decide to reform Mayhem. 
Necrobutcher: I thought… I got a… It kick-started me again and the only way was forward. 
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cccowboys · 4 years
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some quite rare/less talked about mayhem pictures
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sc3n3-b4t · 3 years
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euronymous-files · 3 years
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“There was cynicism in it, how he handled the death of Pelle, that was really shocking, ’cos up to that point things were just image and philosophical discussions. That was probably the breaking point, where we understood that he wasn’t handling this very well. Øystein never changed to me, but the image took more and more space, how far he was willing to take the image was expanding. We had an intellectual discussion once about how far you could take something, and how fun it was to take it far and he found joy in exploiting that. How far can you push people? How far can you push yourself? So in that context that was a part of him. But I’m convinced that the image Euronymous was building up was not Øystein. I don’t think it was real, but I think he might have thought he would go into that level of cynicism. But he was a kind person, he did care about people around him. [But he also believed] that to really explore the extreme, you had to live the extreme and that’s where he departed from other people. Artists will say, ‘We must go into the extreme to see how people will react to it,’ but to live the extreme, that’s something different and he wanted to do that.”
------------------------------ Excerpt from the book “Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult”, by Dayal Patterson, published in 2013 by Feral House.
This part of the book is available as a preview on the FH website here
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Humans 6 Million years ago looking at the thing that had just come out of a chicken's ass
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lords-of-mayhem · 6 months
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bardfaust · 4 years
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Some more gifs no one asked for
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"It doesn't have to hurt anymore."
pairing: varg/euro, euro/manheim (mentioned) warnings: rape/non-con
summ: “This is what you wanted, Øystein? Right?” Varg asked as his hands met the boy’s dark hair. “You wanted to suck me off. I finally let you. I’m sure you’ve been wanting to for a while. I see the way you look at me. I feel the way you touch me.” “You know that’s what Kjetil would do to me,” he told him. He was right too. Only Varg knew that’s how He’d do it. It wasn’t by chance that he just jumped on top of him and started fucking his face.
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