#Kinktober Day 29
violet-1atte · 10 months
Kinktober Day Twenty-Nine: Feedism - Minho/Felix
Tags: Weight gain, accidental weight gain, stuffing, hand feeding, forgetting to eat
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When Minho had first met Felix, he was so tiny. Chan had introduced him to their friend group when they had met through the foreign exchange program and everyone was instantly drawn to him. His personality made him seem smaller than he was sometimes because he was just so sweet and gentle. His deep voice was the most shocking thing about him, but it somehow suited him despite his fair appearance. 
At some point along the way, Minho and Felix became roommates. They had gotten close over the last year of knowing each other and when their friend group was trying to decide who would room with who the next year, Minho called dibs on Felix. He refused to admit that maybe his desire to room with the younger was fueled by the fact that he was beginning to develop feelings for him. 
One of the first things Minho noticed was that Felix was not good at remembering to eat. He would get up late in the morning and scramble to get to his classes on time, forgoing breakfast. From that point he had back to back classes where he often was not able to grab lunch, and then when dinner came, there were days where he would get too lost in homework or playing video games to eat dinner. It made Minho’s protective instincts flare up. Felix was so kind and caring to everyone around him, but how many people actually knew that he didn’t know how to take care of himself. It made Minho sad to see someone he cared about so much not eating like Felix was.
From that point on, Minho decided to take it upon himself to make sure that Felix ate during the day. His course load was not as heavy as Felix’s so he had more time in the day to cook, and he was also a little more well off financially, so he could afford good food. So he started cooking for Felix. 
It started with breakfast. The first time he did it, Felix walked into the kitchen to say good morning, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Then, as the smell of the breakfast Minho had cooked surrounded him, he paused and his eyes widened. “Oh my goodness! You made breakfast?” he asked, the volume of his voice raising with his excitement. Minho’s cheeks warmed at the adorable expression on Felix’s face and he nodded. 
“I did. I noticed you hadn’t been feeding yourself like an adult so I decided to take it into my own hands,” he said, trying to keep his own excitement out of his voice. “Sit down. Eat. And you better like it.” 
Felix nodded obediently and sat down. “I’m sure I will! I’ve heard that your cooking is really good, hyung.” 
Minho was sure that his ears were red now. He cleared his throat. “Yeah, it's great.” He grabbed Felix a plate and gathered up a decent sized serving, one that was probably too big for someone with Felix’s appetite. Minho was bad at judging portion sizes, okay? 
Felix’s eyes immediately lit up as he sat the plate down. Minho imagined if he were a puppy he would be wagging his tail. “Thank you so much, hyung, this looks amazing,” he exclaimed. Minho couldn’t hold back his smile as he began to dig in. He hummed around the chopsticks as he took the first few bites and his eyes sparkled. He looked like this was his first time tasting food. The sight made something stir in Minho’s stomach and he found himself blushing even more. 
“This really is good, everyone was right,” Felix groaned. He shoved another bite into his mouth and his cheeks puffed out. Minho wanted to squish them. 
“I’m glad. Make sure nothing goes to waste,” he said, a bit teasingly. 
He hadn’t expected Felix to take him seriously. About ¾ of the way through, he started to struggle. He let out little huffs in between each bite and his small hand went to his stomach. Minho’s gaze followed the motion and his eyes widened when he saw a slight swell underneath Felix’s t-shirt. 
He wet his lips. Oh . Why did that make him feel lightheaded? He could probably tell Felix that he didn’t actually have to eat everything, but for some reason, he couldn’t. He wanted to see it. 
Felix finished his breakfast a few minutes before he had to leave. As he stood up from the table, Minho noticed how he was breathing more heavily and how his cheeks were a little red. “That was really good, hyung. Thank you so much.” He went over to Minho and pressed a kiss to his cheek and Minho’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest. He swallowed thickly and nodded. He hoped Felix couldn’t read him that well. 
“Good, I’ll start making you breakfast from now on,” Minho told him decidedly. 
Except, he couldn’t just leave it at breakfast. That night he made Felix dinner, and it ended the same way. He gave Felix a bit too much and Felix finished every last bite of it because he didn’t want to waste any of Minho’s food. Minho didn’t even tell him that he had to do that. He just watched helplessly, almost too distracted to eat his own food, as Felix devoured his meal like it would be his last. And that feeling in his stomach continued to grow and spread throughout his body. 
From there, he also began to make lunch for Felix on days when he wouldn’t have a chance to eat it. After a few weeks, Felix was already looking happier and healthier. He had more energy each day and his sunshiney glow had a new brightness to it. Minho felt increasingly proud as each day went on and Felix continued to enjoy the food he prepared for him. 
About a month later was when Minho started to notice a real change. 
His crush on Felix had only grown because how could it not? And Felix was becoming more physically affectionate with him. He kissed his cheek whenever he left the house, snuggled up against him whenever they watched a movie or studied together, and pulled him into hugs whenever he could. Minho was beyond happy and wouldn’t trade this for the world, even if his heart was on the verge of exploding. 
The extra physical affection was how he first noticed the changes Felix’s body was going through. When they had met initially, Felix was all lean muscle and sharp edges. He felt almost fragile when he wrapped his arms around Minho. But that was different now. When Minho wrapped his arms around him now, he feld solid. Instead of being met directly with sharp points and the outline of Felix’s ribs through his clothes, there was softness . His cheeks were softer too and now puffed out even when he wasn’t eating. It made his cherubic personality shine even brighter. 
Honestly, Minho’s mind was reeling. Felix was gaining weight. Off of his cooking. Sweet Felix was getting soft because he was taking care of him well and because he enjoyed the meals he cooked for him. Every time Minho’s hands landed on his softening sides or Felix’s chubby cheek came to rest on his shoulder, he burned with want. At first he felt bad about it because why was he enjoying watching his friend, the boy he was falling in love with, get chubby? 
But Felix had never looked happier. So what if the room felt hot whenever he raised his arms to grab something up high and his shirt lifted to reveal a sliver of his softening tummy? So what if whenever he was snacking on something and crumbs got on his lips Minho wanted to lick them off? That was also a newer development. Breakfast and dinner every day turned into three meals, and soon after snacking was added into the mix. Maybe Minho snuck a couple of snacks into his bag and started setting stuff onto his desk? So what?
So what if sometimes he caught himself daydreaming about feeding Felix from his own hand, having him lick his fingers clean, squeezing his tummy, cooing about how well he’d been filling out…
He’d tried to hold back his thoughts at first, he really had. But sometimes it felt like Felix was trying to make him lose it. Sometimes he would pout at Minho and shyly ask for more, or he would rub the slight roundness of his tummy and groan about how full he was. It was driving Minho mad. 
Especially now. They had just finished a nice big dinner and Felix made brownies for dessert afterwards. Minho had been increasing how much food he made because Felix had started to finish the portion sizes he gave him with ease. There was no actual need to make more food, but Minho couldn’t resist the idea of watching him fill out more and maybe even get a little chubby. 
They were on the couch getting ready to watch a movie. The unfinished tray of brownies sat on the table along with a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of soda. Minho was already full enough, but Felix had been snacking absentmindedly lately, and what was a movie without snacks? The problem was, Felix’s clothes were getting tighter and Minho could see the curve of his tummy through his t-shirt. It was obvious he was full but he still reached for another brownie as the opening credits played. 
“Sometimes I think about learning to bake other things, but then I bake brownies and remember why I always do,” Felix said with a light chuckle. Minho was only half listening, too focused on the way Felix licked the crumbs and chocolate off his fingers. 
“Mm, yeah,” he responded, clearing his throat. “You do make the best brownies.” 
Felix smiled brightly and curled into his side. “Thank you. By the way, are you alright, hyung? You just seem a little out of it.” 
Minho nodded quickly. “Yeah, I’m good. Just a little tired I think. But I want to keep watching this with you.” 
Felix hummed. “Okay. As long as everything’s alright.” He planted a kiss on Minho’s cheek and his body heated up from his head to his toes. 
He tried to focus on the movie from that point on, but it was difficult. Periodically, Felix reached for the popcorn, eating like he was still hungry even though there was no way . Minho had never seen him eat this much before.
By the middle of the movie, the curve of his tummy was even more prominent and he had made it through multiple brownies and over half the bowl of popcorn. He’d had at least one cup of soda, but Minho couldn’t focus enough to remember if he’d had more. Minho had barely touched anything. 
It was clear that Felix was feeling the effects of his gluttony. When he leaned over to grab another handful of popcorn, he winced slightly and sat back with an “oof.” He rested his hand on the crest of his tummy and as he popped another few pieces of the popcorn into his mouth, Minho noticed his shallow breathing. Oh fuck . He was full enough that he was having trouble breathing. His stomach stirred again, and by now Minho knew exactly what the feeling was. Arousal. And shit, he was so aroused, so fucking horny. He had been all night. His mind was clouded with want. 
“Yongbok-ah–I–” Minho gulped and his eyes went to Felix’s stuffed tummy. His hands, now both on his belly, looked softer too. “Are you–” 
“What is it, hyung?” Felix asked, tilting his head at him. Minho inhaled slowly. 
“I–fuck. I don’t know how to say this. It’s so fucking strange but I–I can’t hold back.” 
“Is this about me getting chubby, hyung?” 
It was like someone had dunked Minho in ice water. His breath caught in his throat and he stared at Felix with wide eyes. “Wh-what?” he choked out. 
Felix glanced down. “I–I’ve noticed. I mean…well first I noticed I was gaining a little weight. A–A little more than just like ‘normal’ weight,” he said, making air quotes around the word “normal.” “At first I was like ah shit, hyung’s been feeding me so good I didn’t even notice. I thought about trying to cut back but you just kept…feeding me. And you always looked so excited. And honestly I loved eating your food and I liked–I liked how it felt to be really full.” He had the audacity to blush while Minho was trying his best not to die on the spot. What? 
“But I–I didn’t know what you’d think so I was still worried. But I noticed how you looked at me whenever I ate so I started trying to eat more and…I just kinda let go tonight. I wanted to see your reaction,” he explained. “So I…I hope I read it right.” 
“Oh fuck,” Minho responded eloquently. “Fuck. You’re right, yeah. I–I’m sorry, I know I should’ve talked to you but I…I’ve liked you for a long time, and I…I don’t know, I just liked being able to take care of you. I liked seeing the evidence that I was taking care of you. And you were so…you look so good like this, Yongbok.” 
Felix was silent and for a moment Minho worried that this was it. He had officially fucked up and Felix would get up and leave and never come back. But instead of doing that, he wrapped his hand around the back of Minho’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. Minho’s eyes widened as Felix tilted his head and parted his lips so that he could lick against his mouth, requesting access. Minho gladly granted it and at the same time wrapped his arms around Felix. He tasted sweet and a little salty, a combination of the chocolate and salt from the popcorn. He couldn’t get enough of it. 
Felix moaned against his mouth and moved so that he could straddle his lap. Minho’s breath hitched when he felt the curve of Felix’s belly brush against his own stomach. He moved one of his hands to his side and squeezed the soft love handles that were beginning to develop there. Felix whimpered and Minho drank down his sounds. Fuck, his thighs felt so soft too. He was soft everywhere now and Minho needed to feel every inch of his skin. 
When Felix pulled away to breathe, he was smiling, and Minho couldn’t help but smile back. “So you like me too?” 
“Of course, dummy!” Felix exclaimed, swatting at his chest. “I’ve liked you this whole time! You’re just dense.” 
“I’ve liked you this whole time too,” Minho said with a playful grin. Felix rolled his eyes. 
“Whatever. But hey um…now that…all our secrets are out in the open. Do you uh…think you could feed me the rest of the brownies? I’m not sure I can actually finish them, but I could sure try…” All the blood in Minho’s body rushed to his cock and he inhaled sharply. Oh . 
“Yeah,” he breathed. He wet his lips. “I can do that.” He ran his hand over the swell of Felix’s belly. He felt him shudder under his touch. 
“Okay. L-let me grab them.” Felix scooted off his lap and grabbed the tray with the remainder of the brownies. Minho took it from him and set it on the arm of the couch so Felix could climb back into his lap. 
“Tell me if it's too much,” Minho said, already reaching for the first brownie.  
“I will,” Felix said with a gentle nod. 
Minho held the brownie to his mouth, but instead of taking a bite, Felix took the whole thing in his mouth. His lips wrapped around Minho’s fingertips and he shivered. His cock twitched beneath his ass and arousal pooled in the pit of his stomach as Felix swallowed the brownie, his throat bobbing with the action. His stomach gurgled and his cheeks turned red. 
Felix huffed and Minho felt dizzy. “Fuck,” he muttered as he picked up the second brownie. Felix ate this one in halves and his stomach seemed to rumble with each swallow. 
“Can–ah–can you maybe, rub my tummy? ‘S starting to hurt a bit,” Felix said, but he was immediately opening his mouth for the next brownie. Minho settled his free hand on the top of his little gut and began to rub circles over it. “ Hnng , yes, that’s good.” 
“Do you want me to stop?” 
Felix shook his head. “No, keep–hmph–keep going,” he said breathlessly. The fact that he was breathless and he hadn’t even done anything made Minho’s skin tingle. He licked his lips. 
He grabbed the next brownie and Felix shoved this one into his mouth whole too, but he took longer to finish it. Crumbs fell from his lips on his shirt but he didn’t seem to care. Minho didn’t either. He found it cute that he was starting to get a little messy. 
There were only a couple left, but Felix began to struggle more and more with each bite. Minho continued rubbing the swell of his tummy, sparks traveling up his arm every time he felt it gurgle. It was packed tight and warm against his palm. It was amazing that Felix had eaten this much. 
“Oh–shit, I’m so fucking full ,” Felix groaned before opening his mouth for the next brownie. His eyes had a light haze over them and there was a light sheen of sweat covering his skin. There was one more brownie left. 
“You’re doing so good,” Minho registered himself saying. “Just one more. Gonna be good for hyung and finish it all, Yongbok-ah?” 
Felix moaned and nodded eagerly. “I can,” he answered after he swallowed. His tummy felt heavy against Minho and it seemed to weigh even more as he picked up the last brownie. Felix whimpered softly as the rich chocolatey dessert filled his mouth once more and Minho soothed his hand over his stomach. 
“That’s it. Almost done. You can do it. You’re so good. Look so pretty, all stuffed up like this.” Felix whined but the sound was muffled by the remainder of the brownie in his mouth. Minho lifted the hand he had been using to feed him and grabbed his full cheeks, squeezing them slightly. “Come on, chew it up. There you go.” Felix gulped down the last bit and his chest heaved as he tried to take a deep breath. 
“Oh fuck, oh my gosh. Minho-hyung,” he panted. “Look at me, I look–fuck I look so big.” 
Minho cupped his tummy with both hands and took a deep breath. “You really do. Shit. That’s so fucking hot, Lix,” he breathed. 
“I still can’t believe you–mmm, right there—I still can’t believe you like me like this,” Felix muttered. He shifted his hips and bit and Minho groaned. 
“Yeah I–people do like to say I’m weird,” he said with a chuckle. “But you really just look so cute. And so sexy. Can’t believe you can eat that much. Barely two months ago you could eat hardly anything.” 
“I know,” Felix said, shaking his head in disbelief. “But you’ve taken care of me so well.” He grinned and rolled his hips down a bit. Minho gasped. “You gonna keep taking care of me, hyung? Make me all nice and big for you? I know you want that.” 
Minho shuddered and swallowed thickly. “Fuck, yeah. I want that.” Felix giggled again and leaned farther into Minho like the menace he was. 
“Good. I wanna see what you can do to me.”
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Take my breath away - Kinktober 29
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Written for @charmed-asylum​‘s “Promptthebreakschallenge“
𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡 𝟙: DEALER CHOOSE: A: 61. “There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person.” // 17. “| swear it was an accident. //”18. “YOU DID WHAT?!” // 24. you’re not as funny as you think you are // 35. stop laughing at me // 42. how have you survived this long by yourself? // 49. “At least I didn’t break any laws.”
Summary: Your boss acts differently today.
Summary: CEO!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Kink: daydreams
Warnings: angst, language, Bucky being an awful boss (mentioned), enemies to lovers (kinda), kissing
Words: 1,2 k
Kinktober 2022
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Why I kidnapped my boss? That’s a good question. Have a seat. Grab a snack. Get comfortable.
“Ms. Y/L/N, get over here,” right when you want to press enter to save the first lines of your story, your boss yells at you again. “Hurry up. I don’t have all day.”
“Yes, Sir,” you grit your teeth. If only you didn’t need the money. “Only a few more months. You can do this.” You’d like to tell yourself, one day you will leave this lousy job behind and start a new life.
“I said, hurry up,” this time your boss barks in your direction. “I swear, you are the worst assistant I ever had.”
“And you are the worst boss I ever had.”
“What?” he furrows his brows.
“What?” biting your tongue you try to hide that you mean every word. “I said, what can I do for you, boss.”
“Hmm…,” your boss watches you get up from your desk to walk toward his office. “At least you get me the right coffee. That’s a pro.”
“Uh-you told me more than once how you like your coffee. It’s not rocket science to get the right coffee, Sir,” damn, sometimes you just can’t stop babbling. 
“Sit,” James Buchanan Barnes, the devil himself says. “I got a problem with my smartphone. I mean, it’s not really a problem. Rather a matter of relocation.”
“Relocation?” you cock your head. “I don’t think I understand what you want to tell me, Mr. Barnes.”
“I dropped my phone into the toilet bowl,” he huffs as you stare at him, mouth agape.
“YOU DID WHAT?!” you squeak. How can he drop his phone into a toilet bowl? “How? Why? What now?”
“Uh-I need you to get it out,” now you chuckle. “Stop laughing at me, Ms. Y/L/N! That’s inappropriate. It’s your job to assist me. So, go to the restrooms and get my phone.”
“I didn’t laugh, Sir,” a snort fights its way to the surface.
You struggle to keep a straight face while staring at your boss. He’s still an ass, but right at this moment, he looks like a little boy begging you to get his favorite toy back.
“I just asked myself how you manage to drop your phone into the toilet bowl. Did you want to stream something?”
You grin. 
He glares at you.
“Maybe you wanted to play a game and your phone just slipped out of your hands. Or you were busy with something more…” you snort. It’s hard to fight the smirk wanting to creep onto your face.
“You’re not as funny as you think you are,” he slams his fist onto his desk, making you flinch. “Go and get my phone.”
“Eek, no! Maybe you peed onto the phone,” pursing your lips you look at your boss. “I’m your assistant but I won’t put my hand into a toilet bowl for you, Sir. That’s a hard no.”
“A hard no?” now he smirks. “Interesting. Didn’t take you for that kind of girl.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
You size your boss up.
“You know, the kind of girl knowing about hard and soft limits. A naughty girl,” he grins. His blue eyes seem to be glued to your face as you shift in your seat.
“Maybe call a plumber or ask the janitor to help you.”
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Work dragged on for a few more hours before you were finally allowed to leave your workplace. Luckily, your boss didn’t bother you for the rest of the day.
“Ms. Y/L/N, can you come to my office,” right when you wanted to leave the office, your boss calls for you once again.
“Great. Just great,” you huff.
“Ms. Y/L/N!” he says a little louder. “NOW!”
“Coming, boss,” you put on a fake smile before following him toward the office. “What can I do for you?”
“I swear it was an accident,” he points at the papers you handed him a few hours ago, now soaked, with coffee. “Can you print the papers for me again before you go?”
“How have you survived this long by yourself?” you look at the ruined papers again. “I can print them again for you. Just give me a minute. It’s not a big deal.”
“You’re too kind,” there is something in his eyes before it’s gone. You shake your head, believing you imagined things. “Thank you, doll.”
“I-“ frowning you look at your boss. He never called you anything but Ms. Y/L/N. Now it’s doll? “I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be waiting for you then.”
You walk out of the room, wondering what happened to your grumpy and loud boss today. He seemed to be lost in thoughts.
“There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person. How can he mess so many things up in just one day?” you grumble as you make your way back toward your desk. “I should just leave him to his mess. He doesn’t even know that I have his back every day.”
“Doll, can you get me a coffee too? I need to work a little longer tonight,” Mr. Barnes calls from his office. “Please.”
“Please?” huffing you open the document you need to print again. “I didn’t think he knows the word please.” You press print and get up to get the printed pages.
“Come on, do your job,” you impatiently wait for the printer to do its job. “What’s wrong with you?” You kick the printer. “Fuck you! Do your job.”
“Something wrong? Y/N?”
Shaking your head, you check on the printer and ignore your boss. It won’t print the needed pages, so you kick it again, and again until it makes an odd noise.
“I think you broke the printer, Y/N,” he chuckles as you still fight with the printer. “Doll, leave the poor machine alone. We can print the pages tomorrow. It’s fine.”
“At least I didn’t break any laws,” laughing you slap the printer one last time. “That’s a pro, right?” You look at your boss, expecting him to throw insults at you or fire you.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
You blink a few times as your boss starts to run his fingers through his short strands. “What do you mean, Sir?”
“This,” he gestures between you and him. “I can’t ignore my feelings any longer,” you yelp as he almost pounces on you.
You stare at your boss as he cups your face. He bumps the tip of his nose against yours, smiling as you look at him like a deer in headlights.
“Bucky,” he whispers. “Call me Bucky.”
He leans in to press his lips to yours, moaning as you whimper against him.
“Open your mouth,” he purrs against your lips, tongue sliding over your lips, tongue, and the inside of your open mouth. 
You close your eyes, whining and moaning as you give in to the feeling of Bucky’s lips against yours. Your pulse quickens, and you feel warm. 
“Y/N,” breathing heavily you feel like you can cum only from the way Bucky kisses you. “Y/N!” your eyes flutter open, and you lift your head from your desk. “What are you doing here so late?”
Your boss stares at you with angry steel-blue eyes.
“I-I think…uh-I fell asleep…” you watch him storm off. “What did I just do? How can I dream of that bastard?”
“Miss Y/N to my office,” Bucky barks. “I think we should talk about a few things…”
Part 2
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Kinktober Day 29: Spanking(Heaven and Hell)
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warnings/kinks: brat taming, daddy kink, spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, rough smut pairings: Trunks x Fem!Reader word count: 1.1k tag list: @beneathstarryskies, @ricflairdrip20, @witchofcustom, @loki-love, @xailem, @the-eternal-sunflower
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It’s been all day that you’ve been such a brat. Despite the fact that he has taken you out shopping and to that cute little cafe you love so much, you’ve been misbehaving and giving him such a hard time. It irks him to no end that you’d be like this with him even when he’s been so kind to you. Trunks prides himself on being such a patient man, despite his parents often flying off the handle at the drop of a hat. He knows that he can control that anger that dwells deep inside of him. It’s not too hard, but you’re just pushing his buttons and he knows he might snap at some point.
At one point, you decide to make a little bit of a scene at the second coffee shop he has brought you to. You whine about him not buying you another sugary drink, and instead he’s trying to get you a healthy smoothie. This is all it takes to push him over the edge. Calmly, he takes your hand in his and he pulls you away from the queue. You stomp your feet as you get dragged out of the coffee shop.
Trunks brings you out into the alleyway, and he pushes you against the wall. You can see he is only a few seconds away from going Super Saiyan, and this both excites and frightens you. Instead, he picks you up and brings you to the car. The drive home is very silent and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll know to stay quiet. Trunks is pleased when you do, but he knows that you’re aware of the punishment that awaits you.
Back at home, he pushes you inside the apartment you share and he slams the door shut behind him. You shudder at the sudden display of power and anger. Trunks narrows his eyes at you, wondering if you’re going to grovel on your knees for forgiveness. When you don’t, this only fuels Trunks even more. He beckons you over, but you cross your arms over your chest.
“No way! You really ruined my day!” Once more, you stomp your foot and this angers Trunks.
He growls, “Oh yeah? I ruined your day?”
You nod eagerly, angry tears filling your eyes. You know you should stop being such a brat, but it’s just too much fun. You know Trunks won’t be too hard on you.
“Get in the bedroom,” Trunks commands. “NOW!”
You’re quick to scamper into the bedroom. You’re a little more afraid now. But your panties are just soaked at the way he’s being so bossy now. You might find yourself at the receiving end of a very good punishment. Trunks pushes you onto the bed, and as you scramble to get onto your back, Trunks won’t let you. He keeps you on your hands and knees, and your ass in the air. He soothes his hands on your cheeks, making you shudder. Suddenly, you realize what’s about to happen.
“Pull down your pants,” He barks.
You shake your head, “N-no! I won’t!”
His large hands grip onto the waistband of your pants. He pulls them down with such force, it causes you to lurch forward a bit. You’re trying to get out of his grasp, but he won’t let you. Trunks grabs you by the nape of your neck and makes you look at him. You whine at how much it hurts, but he knows you love this. Otherwise, you wouldn't behave this way for no reason other than to receive these punishments. Trunks isn’t dumb, he knows you love to be a brat just so he can punish you and keep you in line.
“I want you to count every single slap,” he instructs you. “Or else, I’ll make it so much worse for you.”
You nod your head eagerly, and he praises you for being a good listener. This makes you even more wet, and Trunks can just smell your arousal pooling in your panties. He rips them off your body, making you complain about losing another article of clothing. The look you get from Trunks makes you shudder and you stop immediately.
“What did I tell you about being mouthy?”
You cry out, “One! I’m so sorry, Trunks.”
Spank! “You know that’s not my name!”
You cry out for “daddy”, making his cock twitch in his pants. Another spank to your bare ass for not counting the last one. And then another, and another…until your ass is so red. He loves hearing you cry and plead for forgiveness. It makes him so hard. It’s something he’s always enjoyed, and he knew it would be happening today when you decided to start being a brat.
He lets his fingers dip into your slick, fingering you at a rough pace. Trunks pulls whines and curses from you, and he can feel you just dripping all over his hand. His cock throbs in his pants, and he reaches down to take it out of his pants. Without another word, he lets his hardened cock slam into you. You cry out his name, and you start bucking back against him like a bitch in heat.
“That’s my girl,” Trunks says as his hands settle on your ass. He slaps you once more, reminding you of who’s in charge.
Your eyes roll back in your head as Trunks begins to fuck you harder and harder, clearly more interested in his own pleasure than your own. He’ll reach his peak before you even do. And he’ll punish you some more before you even know what’s going to happen next. You know that you’re in trouble for the rest of the afternoon, but you had been hoping for a little less rough fucking than this.
“Are you going to be a good girl?” Trunks asks as he spanks your ass again. He can feel his balls tightening now.
“Yes! Yes I promise!”
He spanks you again, reminding you to use the title you have for him. Trunks won’t stand for such disobedience. He’s trained you much better than this, and he knows it. His orgasm builds more and more, rendering him speechless as the knot in his stomach threatens to snap.
“I’ll be good, daddy!”
And with one more thrust, the two of you are coming undone. Your orgasm is Earth shattering, making you feel so numb inside. Trunks rides you like his life depends on it, rutting into you like some sort of crazed animal with every shot of cum that spills deep inside of you. When you’re coming down from your high, Trunks spanks you again.
“Such a good little breeding whore.”
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Cuddling with a proposal (pick a Character I I couldn't maybe its an AU I dont know) I love how happy Chris looks below. It made me smile im such a fluffy one I honestly wish I'd fall asleep tonight and wake up to this loving scene (that’s in the story I wrote) in the morning.... a girl can dream anyway I digress To The Story!!!
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Comments and replies welcome Don't repost publish or translate anywhere 18+ just incase.
It's all sweet love cotton candy fluff. I wish I had this... a man like this... but a girl can dream of a perfect day time and man (to treat her) forever like this.
He placed kissed down my arm. I airily giggled a bit. I love that. Everything about that. Especially when he does that.
"Skin's so soft babe."
I ran my opposite hand through his hair.
"I could stay here for days. Can we?"
He nodded
"I miss days like this. Carefree and happy cuddling." I think I came of sounding more upset or depressed than I was
He sigh and looked me over he had a sad smile which he tried to hide. It was also a tired one. He's been tired, more then he'd ever care to admit-I know that.
"We can. What do you say I back out of my next movie contract isn't finalized anyway, well I haven't signed it, we don't have to worry about money or a roof over our heads. And we go somewhere just us we snuggle and cuddle and just recharge hm? I've missed you too."
"I'm right here."
"I know I just I feel like I've been ignoring you and I also wish I had you in my arms more I have everytime I have to step out of his bed I hate it." He was serious but I couldn't help my
giggling chuckle at his what ever that is. His sweetness. His kindness. His love. I always giggle and chuckle he knows that.
"I mean it I don't think I have ever told you how much I love you." His fingers came to my face and started to cup my cheek.
"I know"
"And you're always honest"
I let out a small laugh "No, I mean I know you love me."
He just looked at me lovingly, he looks at my face with this content look like he's trying to memorize every single freckle.
"You're more than just the world to me, your my entire world my galexy. You're everything."
He leans into kiss me and I kiss him." His hands are still on my face.
"It's not my choice its yours. It's your work. And I'd follow you to the ends of the earth you know that." I paused a moment "this is getting to be very circular you realize that?"
He chuckles silently. "Yea a bit but I love you. I do. So much. I want to spend more time with you. It's moving too fast. I want to relax. With you."
"Are you happy?"
"With you I am always happy. Are you?"
"How could I not be? I love you and you just told me yiu love me and you would give your world up for me.... and then said I was your world."
"Well I'm giving you up ever. You're stuck with me for ever and ever, for eternity."
He sounds like a love sick man and I love it.
"Guess were going on vacation."
"There is no one I'd rather spend eternity with than you."
After a minute or so I chuckle to myself as were cuddling.
"Nothing it just"
"It kinda sounded never mind."
"You mean like a proposal?" He raises his eyebrow.
I turn my head to the side. He's got something under his sleeve.
"Good thing I have this then" I dont know where it came from but he pulls out a black jewelry box, it looks like a ring box.
I can't help but gasp. Then he took put his phone which I didn't notice...not until I saw the video afterwards but he put the ring on my finger as he said to me.
"You just made me the happiest man on earth."
Should I tell him I never technically said yes? 🤔
P.s. I couldnt fit this in the story but I wanted to so here is It....:
"I love your smile. I can't help but smile when I see you smile."
"Well I smile when I see you smile."
"You know what that means don't you?"
"Were going to be spending the rest of our 90+ years together happily smiling. "
"Eternity smiling"
"Eternity smiling"
"Oh yeah"
He has a smile in his face as we kiss.
I just fell in love the photo below when I saw it on the gif choices
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@nana1000night @sparklybarbarianninja @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit
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otakusheep15 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 29: Marking feat. Leviathan
Possessive Leviathan my beloved, how I’ve missed thee. 
Content includes: gender neutral reader (no body mentioned), possessive Leviathan, various forms of marking (biting, scratching, etc.), no explicit sex
Leviathan is a possessive demon, mostly due to his envious nature
He wants everyone to know that you belong to him and he belongs to you
Marking is a very easy way for him to get his point across to others, and demons will usually respect said markings and won’t hit on you
His favorite form of marking you is biting
Demons have naturally sharp teeth, so the markings really stick when he bites you
And, please, feel free to bite and mark him up as well
Possession goes both ways with Levi, and being marked up by you would make him so happy
It also boosts his confidence a bit knowing you want claim over him
Whether it be sexual or non-sexual, Leviathan will find a way to mark you up, or get marked by you
Obviously biting or scratching is a good way to get the point across, but even more subtle ways can work as well
Sometimes Levi will buy you jewelry or clothes for you to wear
He might even make it himself if he has time
Naturally, he lends you all of his clothes, and he might steal some of yours as well if he can fit
Levi is also the type to mark you in his scent, meaning lots of cuddles to ensure his scent rubs off on you
During sex, he gets even more possessive, meaning many more markings
You’ll be covered in so many hickies, and you should do the same to Levi
Look, at the end of the day, Levi is really shy, so any form of intimacy, especially in public, is a big drain on his social battery
But being able to mark you up when y’all are alone, and see you proudly walking around covered in evidence of Levi’s possession makes him very happy
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 29- Body Worship
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Now you know, I had to go full Raelena on this one. Because the ongoing theme of Magic and Miracles is how Ravus practically worships the ground Selena walks on and is unshamedly and unabashidly completely and utterly devoted to her.
But in this one, I wanted it to be mostly from Selena's perspective about how she adores the man that Ravus has become. Especially since when she first met him, he was a dick, a fuck boy if you will. And then he realized that the boy he was- was not good enough for the woman that she was and so he grew up and grew out of his dickish ways and became the best version of himself which is all Selena wanted and had seen long before others ever could.
Just one more. Day 30 because I already did Day 31 and that one had been on time! The only one that I did on time too lol.
Countless thanks to @starsandskies for her kinktober prompts for 2022. You have no idea how this has saved my life. Literally.
Kinktober Day 29- Body Worship
Selena woke up and smiled happily when Ravus was still asleep. 
Ravus was a morning person. But last night he had outdone himself, so she simply laid there, admiring how handsome her husband was. 
Suddenly it hit her. 
Ravus was now officially her husband. 
It had felt like a tiny eternity to get to this moment. 
First, he had been an acquaintance, then a friend. Then more than a friend. Then boyfriend, then fiance. And now, husband. He was her husband and would be till death did they part. 
Their wedding had been perfect. Planned to a T. Every little detail accounted for and it was her dream wedding and then so much more. Thanks to Chelsea, the most amazing wedding planner ever. No stress, no anxiety, no problems, no worries. Just ease, happiness and delight. 
Dany had been the perfect flower girl. The twins had been so good and tottled down that aisle and practically ran into Ravus’ arms before his mother and hers had gotten them from him so that she could come down the aisle herself. 
And even though Selena had every friend and cousin she knew of and beyond as a bridesmaid. Even Ravus’ own cousins from Sweden and France and her own cousins from Greece came to this wedding and were in this wedding. Hell Ravus didn’t even know the names of all of her other cousins that had to be his groomsman. Usually such a thing tended to spiral weddings out of control. But not hers. The more the merrier actually.
But despite their extraordinary large wedding party and thanks to Sylva getting extra dresses in every size possible just in case any of the girls didn’t fit into their dresses that they originally ordered, as well as suits. Which ended up being a lifesaver for Ada because her pregnant belly had seemed to be ready to pop and Selena worried London was going to be born during the wedding. 
But all was well. Her scars from her accident only 9 months before were barely noticeable and no longer hurt her as she had healed at an almost miraculous rate. Thankfully Selena’s cast came off just in time for her own wedding so she didn’t need to go down the aisle, still in an arm cast. 
She still danced the night away with Ravus, and she couldn’t think of a single thing she didn’t like or wished was different about it and was perfectly happy with all of it. But most of all, she was happiest, with Ravus. 
She glanced down at her wedding ring and smiled as a sense of deja-vu. The fact that Ravus’ father Victor had designed and commissioned this ring before he died of cancer, she felt proud yet humbled to wear such a precious thing. Not for what the ring was worth as far as rose gold and diamonds. But the sheer sentimental value of it. And the fact that Ravus still had the copyrighted designs meant that others could be commissioned so that it would be a Nox Fleuret family design that any and all children could choose to have if they so wished since Victor had designed three for Luna and three for Ravus. And Selena had picked one of Luna’s designs that she felt in her soul and in her bones was her destined ring. She had dreamed of it before she ever got to see it and putting it on felt like magic and destiny and it had filled her with excitement and happiness. 
Tomorrow though, she would be going on the honeymoon to end all honeymoons all across Europe, or at least, that's what Ravus kept on insisting it would be since he had everything already all planned out.
But that was tomorrow. 
Today, was her first morning as Mrs. Nox Fleuret and beside her was her favorite person in the world. Her very loving husband, Ravus Victor Nox Fleuret, who she loved with every fiber of her being and couldn’t imagine her life without him. 
She had been terrified when she was in her car accident that her life was about to end and all the dreams she had of a future with Ravus were going to end up being only dreams. 
But thankfully she survived and she was now more determined than ever to never have anything ever threaten her and Ravus’ lives and relationship. They were just too precious to her. And she knew Ravus felt the same way. And as much as she initially chafed at the way Ravus tried to baby her, she also knew that he was just as scared as she had been of losing her the way she was scared of losing him. 
But she understood why he was doing it. But they both overcame their fears and instead of letting that fear paralyze them. They confronted it and armed themselves with knowledge and prepared themselves just in case anything like it ever happened again. They both took defensive driving courses. Then stunt driver courses. Then first aid courses. Then helicopter lessons. And buying the safest cars with extra protective measures installed. Just in case.
All while she pursued her career that she never thought or imagined she would have. And that was as an interior designer for Fosters Interior Designs Incorporated while she earned her degree to design homes from the inside out. 
And while she had her own house fully designed and planned out and construction had already began, and all of her friend’s houses were also designed planned and now also beginning construction. And in those processes, seemed to have nailed down a system of figuring out people’s tastes. And while it wasn’t perfect. It was better than just blindly pulling stuff out of her ass, that she felt like she had done in the beginning. But the more clients she acquired, the better her skills at reading them and discerning what they really wanted became sharper and better honed. She had always loved combing through Better Homes and Gardens magazines. But now, she felt like she was living them. And thankfully word about her talent soon spread so that she had quite the waiting list of clients for when she would come back from her honeymoon too.
But all of that seemed a world away. Because right now, her world consisted of just herself and Ravus in this rediculously comfortable bed in their hotel suite. 
She cuddled into his side and hugged him tightly before she felt his hold instinctively tighten around her as his breath sucked in deeply as he seemed to wake up to the feel of her kissing his cheek then his mouth as he happily and instinctively turned his head to kiss her more. 
“Good morning Darling.” Ravus cooed dreamily as his eyes slowly opened as his smile bloomed on his face. 
“Good morning My Love.” Selena cooed back as he rolled onto his side so he could envelope her in his arms and hug her tightly before dipping his head down to kiss her some more before she hiked her leg up over his hip as his hand happily stroked up her thigh to grab her amazing ass.
Then she used her strength to get on top of him and began to worship his body with her own as she wanted to leave no inch of skin that her mouth could reach untouched and unloved as she grinded her center over his morning wood to keep it hard before he grabbed her by the hips and pushed her to be fully seated on him as they both sighed at being rejoined before she sat up to really gain more power and traction as he was happy to hold her up by her breasts that he continued to softly knead while she held his forearms and lulled her head back, happy to reveal every hickey and love bite on her neck and chest and beyond. 
The moment her face started to contort in concentration though, Ravus’ hand immediately went to hold her right side where she had broken her ribs. 
“Are you ok Darling?” Ravus asked as he pulled himself out of the lustful haze to search her face and body for any other signs of pain. 
“Yes, I told you, I healed. I’m ok. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” Selena insisted as she gently guided his hand from her side back to her breast. 
“I was just focusing on the pleasure and getting on the highway to orgasm. That’s all.” She insisted as she raked her nails up and down his arms to hold his arms there to support her upper body as she leaned into his hold as her hips were happy to instinctually follow the now, familiar path to ecstasy. 
“Ok, but if…” Ravus began to say before she leaned forward to put her finger over his lips to keep him from finishing that sentence. 
“I will stop if it hurts. But it hasn’t hurt in months. It never hurt last night. I doubt it’s going to hurt today or tomorrow or anytime soon.” She insisted. 
“But for now, let me enjoy my first ride on my husband as Mrs. Nox Fleuret.” She added with a meaningful smile. 
“Yes Ma’am.” He hummed a laugh and was happy to support her as she took the reins and set the pace and just stared up in awed wonder that such a magnificent woman was his wife as he eyed the wedding band that went with her wedding ring with pride.
The only thing that had been missing yesterday was his father’s physical presence. But mentally, emotionally and spiritually, he had felt him there and all throughout the wedding yesterday Ravus swore he saw flashes of his father there, sitting with his mother, dancing with her. And then to have Regis, his step dad, read out his own father’s wedding toast he had written out before he died, there wasn’t a dry eye in the reception hall before Sylva revealed a tape that Victor had previously recorded, both for Luna’s wedding and for his own to be played. 
Granted, it had been recorded when his dad was obviously sick and dying but to see and hear him on the screen was almost as good as if he had been there in person. And Victor’s predictions about what kind of woman he wanted his son to marry, almost eerily matched Selena to a T. In an almost uncanny way too.
But in a way that only made Ravus happy that his father had been right all along. Even eight years in the past at the time of the recording. It had been the only “surprise” in the wedding that he gave his mother credit for keeping under wraps until the big reveal.
Just like she had done for Luna’s wedding only six months prior. Even his father’s predictions about Nyx were eerily and uncanny in their accuracy. But it only helped both Luna and Nyx and himself and Selena feel that they were making the right decisions about their marriage mates, and that Victor had already given his stamp of approval in a way. 
And now that Ravus was staring up at his own Mrs. Nox Fleuret, he couldn’t be happier or prouder about his choice. Especially to see her find and enjoy her due pleasure from him. 
He moved his hands from her breasts to her hips to help her find her finish easier and faster and to see her and hear her gasp, keen and moan as she did so was still the most beautiful and amazing sight to his eyes as he soon followed behind her before she opened her eyes and smiled brightly as she basked in the afterglow as she lowed herself to lay over him and catch her breath and recover from her exertion. 
Selena, was actually, quite proud of herself for that feat and even happier when she felt Ravus orgasm too. She was happy to lay her head on his chest, her ear over his heart that she knew beat only for her while she knew that hers beat only for him. For always and forever.
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miasmaghoul · 10 months
"I wish you would write a fic where Aether gets super possessive over - maybe Water- Dew and Dew totally enabling that behavior "
This ask was immediately followed by this one:
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And if they were not sent by the same anon then y'all need to find each other somehow.
The thoughts I had immediately were both Terrible and Numerous (as @st-danger and @iamthecomet can attest). This will be a fic, I swear it.
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showmey0urfangs · 11 months
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Rating: E | Words: 2.5k | Chapters: 1/1 | Pairing: Loustat | AO3 For @vampirefest | Day 29: Clothed sex + Alt Prompt C Summary: Louis is working very late at the office and Lestat comes in for a visit Excerpt:
“50 dollars a barrel, that’s as low as I will go,” Mr. Boudreaux concluded with an oily smile.
“It’s the same price I paid for the Fairplay Louis,” Tom chimed in unhelpfully. “I think it’s a very fair price. You’d be a fool not to take it.”
Louis was prevented from answering by a timid knock on the door. It was Doris and she looked somewhat agitated; her cheeks flushed in a deep red.
“What is it, Doris?” he asked when she hesitated to speak, hovering awkwardly in the doorway.
“I’m sorry to interrupt Mr. du Lac,” she said. “Mr. Lioncourt is here, and he’s asking for you. I told him you were not to be disturbed on account of your big meeting but he insisted.”
Louis sighed. It seemed this endless day was just getting longer and longer.
Read the rest of the fic AO3
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vampirefest · 11 months
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suzy-queued · 2 years
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Day 29: "Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me."
Prompt List | AO3 gallery | @gallavichthings
You can't tell me they never took a Mexican vacation.
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(smiling evilly) i have plans for october that you will all be pleased with
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makur0 · 2 years
Uhm.. if its not too much to ask.. may i get day 29 for kinktober where fem!tatsumi (x fem!reader) is really jealous of reader and mahoi because they seemingly hang out alot these days.. and she drags her to her room, then theres a wee bit of choking..?? I mean u dont have to, but if you do its much appreciated!
Femstars (Day 29)
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summary — tatsumi isn't happy that you and mayoi are getting increasingly close, so she'll take matters into her own hands. [fem! tatsumi kazehaya x fem! reader]
content warnings — nsfw, mdni. dom! femstars! tatsumi, oral (character receiving), face riding, suffocation if you squint, mentioned mommy kink, (mentioned characters also femstars), pretty much ooc tatsumi
author's note — GUYS I SWEAR IM WORKING ON MACABRE CHRONICLES I- (also i may may just post the prologue for that and post the extensions on the following days, i may not. what i know for sure is that i finished the prologue)
word count — 820
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All Tatsumi could do was smile, her grip tightening on her water bottle as she watched you coddle Mayoi, touching her a bit too freely. She couldn't do anything other than that because one, Hiiro and Aira were there and she was technically their role mode, and two, if she actually did something Mayoi would have a heart attack.
So all she could do was sit and watch the 'chemistry' between the two of you.
It really was irritating.
"Wah~ [name]-chan!" Mayoi wailed, hooking her arms around your waist and dramatically sobbing. "You're the best!"
"I- I didn't do anything though..."
Take a deep breath, Tatsumi. They’re just friends.
But that didn’t seem to calm down the ugly emotion rising in her chest, blinding her. But she wasn’t completely in the wrong... as your girlfriend, you should be the one giving her more attention, no? 
After two agonizing hours of Tatsumi watching you and Mayoi play around, Alkaloid’s practice was finally over and it was time for the two of you to head home. You were rather tired after practice so when you drove home you didn’t bother to notice nor speak up about the tense silence.
Tense silence that was put into use by Tatsumi, thinking of how to express her emotions to you. Should I just say ‘stop hanging out with Mayoi’? No... too harsh. What about-
A loud screech reverberated through her ears, and she jolted out of her headspace, turning to you with wide purple eyes. “[name]-?”
You turned the car off, tossed the key into the cup holder and turned to stare at her right in her eye.
“Why were you not talking to me this practice?”
You sighed at her lack of an answer. “You wouldn’t look at me in the eyes at all today, and when you did turn my way it looked like you were sneering at me. What’s wrong?”
Tatsumi opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again before you could say anything else.
“I- no, why were you not hanging out with me?”
Your gaze faltered, blinking as she gave you an expression closely resembling a pout. “For the entire practice you wouldn’t go up to me and at least say, ‘how are you doing’ or ‘you wanna go a one-on-one’ like you usually do? We’re you that busy with Mayoi that you couldn’t possibly focus on your girlfriend?”
Now you were the silent one. Did she really think that? Then again, I was kinda hanging out with Mayo more...
Tatsumi looked ready to burst, but closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her hands unconsciously blessing herself. “Lord almighty... help me.”
Her eyes then blinked open and stared at you, and you felt a chill on your spine at her unreadable look.
“Rather... may the Lord help you, my dear. Because He’s losing me tonight.”
God really did lose an angel to the mindset of lust and envy.
But did Tatsumi mind? Not one bit, as of now.
Small, huffy moans left her swollen lips, gripping onto the bed frame as she pressed her cunt further into your face. A faint whine left you, but your arms wrapped around her thighs even tighter as she rode your face.
She gave you no room to breathe, literally suffocating you with her pussy and ass. But thinking that Mayoi may have done this also...
She had to one-up her.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Tatsumi moaned out, a quaint satisfied smile adorning her flushed face. “You’re doing so, so well for me, aren’t you?” 
You nodded quickly, your pupils blown as your nose pressed against her pelvis. She really had you wrapped around her finger, turning you into a pussydrunk, begging whore. She just tasted amazing... if you were given this every day you wouldn’t complain. Just lapping at her cunt like the starved girl you are while she looks down at you from above.
You fell hard for her. And you were glad.
A melodic groan left Tatsumi, grinding against your face even more harshly as she came right into your mouth. You immediately drank it all up, not wanting to miss a single drop as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Enjoying this, are you?” She chuckled, leaning back as she still kept her sex close to you, not wanting to take such a precious thing away from you. “I’m glad, my dear~ I just hope that you know this is only for you, nobody else...”
Then leaning forward, she hissed in your ear, her tone sugar sweet.
“But that means that I can only have you; no one other. So I better not be seeing you acting all nice and cuddly to other girls, or you won’t get this again. 
Do you understand me.”
You swallowed, your doe eyes staring up at her with your mouth and chin covered in her slick.
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TAGLIST: @procrastination-is-my-profession @5ugarcan3 @ibaraluvr
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
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here, have this gallavich x romeo & juliet crossover event that no one was thinking about or asking for! but i promised experimental poetry for these drabbles & this is honestly just what came to me when i thought about punishment. what also comes to mind is brand spanking new by @jackieq , in which mickey gets sent to a disciplinary center to be whipped into behavioral shape by a well-dressed ian.
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day 29: punishment for kinktober 2022 by @gallavichthings
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“Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day,” Mickey asks sleepily, slipping down beneath the covers to take Ian in his mouth.
Ian hums, memorizing Mickey’s tongue trailing down the groove of his hips.
“I must be gone and live, or stay and die.”
Mickey looks up through fluttering lashes and Ian flips them, his hard length catching on Mickey’s rim, still loose from the night before. They groan, kissing sloppily, their steady breaths turning to pants.
“Let me be ta’en, let me be put to death,” Ian grits out. “Come, death, and welcome! Mickey wills it so.”
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schmem14 · 11 months
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Day 29: Knotting
Summary: Ron wakes to a comforting presence in bed. Pairing: Ron/Hermione, Minor Harry/Draco CW: Somnophilia, Dubious Consent, Werewolf *see additional spoiler tags in end notes
written for @hpkinktober
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nuagederose · 2 years
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kinktober 2022 // day twenty-nine: last day in paradise prompt: body worship (courtesy of @the-purity-pen) pairing: alex/jeff (like blood from a stone) also on ao3 💋
California was the kind of place where one needed a car to get anywhere, but the beauty in this was that only about a couple of hours stood in between us over in the Bay Area and a place like Lake Tahoe. Since Chuck and I had ascended to royalty, and Chuck himself had gone off to head a supergroup with Zetro as well as a couple of other royals, I was eager to leave the house for a couple of days and head on over to the mountains for a weekend alone. I had told him about what our part-time chef had done to me with that decadent food and he couldn’t help but laugh all the while: not at the little belly slightly hanging above the waistband of my pants, but rather at the fact that that would happen. Well, it did, and I had an extra thirty pounds on my body.
After I had been fattened up a bit by Chuck and all of his delicious food, I needed to lose it. Of course, it was easier said than done because it was so delicious and I couldn’t stop eating it, and moreover, I was headed up to Tahoe by myself. I figured that a bit of hiking around that vast lake would help out with the extra full curvature all around my waist.
When I took my seat behind the wheel and I put the belt around my waist, I glimpsed down at myself and let a frown cross over my face. An extra thirty pounds and it all weighed itself down on me. I set a hand upon there and I could feel that soft flesh under my shirt, a little bump on my waist that rode itself upon my hipbones. I had been slim and trim this whole entire time and yet I let myself be overcome by my own desires.
I sighed through my nose and I started up the car. Chuck had promised me a couple of cars with drivers somewhere down the line, perhaps when he and Zetro returned from the business at the helm: but for the time being, I drove myself out of our neighborhood and that little corner of California due south of the Bay Area. I kept my sunglasses on over my face and my hair down over my shoulders.
It was another warm day there in the northern part of the Central Valley, and one where I rolled down the window and I let my curls sprawl out over my shoulders and the upper part of my back. I kept my left arm rested upon the top part of the car door and my fingers curled around the rim of the steering wheel.
There was a point in which I drove through all of those interchanges on the outskirts of Sacramento where I had completely forgotten about my belly and my little weight problem. The late morning sun shone down over me and the car, the air smelled fresh despite it being the outskirts of the city, not a lot of traffic on the road before me given it was the middle of the week: and yet, it wasn’t until I meandered around a big curve when I could feel it weighing me down in the seat.
At that point, I realized that I could not get to Tahoe sooner. The road up to the southern edge of the lake was a long and lonely one, but one that I could take without a second though.
As I made my way up the hill, and the vegetation around me switched over from that scraggly brush to tall pine trees that towered over me, I could feel the chill of fall in the air. Though it was the middle of springtime, the winter and the autumn never really left this part of California. I made my way around a bend and a gust of wind from the mountain summits sent a shiver down my spine.
But I persisted through those alpine woods before I finally couldn’t take it anymore and I rolled up the window. It was right then I wished that I had brought at least a sweater with me.
All the while, a small part of me told me to forget it, to go to the nearest lodge and help myself to some clam chowder and a big fresh roll of bread straight out of the oven followed by some blueberry cobbler, but I came up to the lake for a reason.
At the same time, clam chowder sounded so delicious. Clam chowder with a couple of matzo balls, straight out of the oven. I figured that would be delicious rather than a roll of French bread.
The mere thought of it made me hungry. But I shook my head and fought back against it as I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. I hadn’t eaten since early that morning when I first woke up before the sunrise, but that was about it, however. I needed to lose that weight. I needed to lose that weight as I leaned over the steering wheel a bit.
The road before me made its way into a vast canyon and I could feel the springtime returning through the Plexiglas: when the pavement straightened out before me again, I rolled down the window again.
I was greeted by the fresh smell of the pine along the sides of the road: I peered up to the pure clear blue sky, and even with the lack of clouds, I expected some rain to fall at some point when I reached the lake’s southern shore.
The smell of the pine, though so wooden and all too natural for me, only made me hungrier. Hunger met with the desire to work out on the hills and shed that extra weight. Hunger met with that desire plus the fact that I was driving along a four-lane road on my way to the lake’s Nevada side.
The road wound its way around the bend and I beheld the initial view of the lake there before me at the left.
Those vast blue waters that stretched out before me. The rugged tops of the mountains that rose up above the whole entirety of the shoreline. Every so often throughout the trees, I spotted some of those high-dollar houses peppered along the hillsides. Though I had become royalty, the mere sight of them made me recoil back into the seat a bit.
I was hungry in every which possible and yet I needed to overcome it all. If I overcame it all, I could come out the other side with it all. I could reward myself after the fact.
But when I made my way around another bend to a small neighborhood, I almost couldn’t take it a second longer. I had to stop and catch a breath of fresh air and stretch my legs.
I reached the rim of the neighborhood and I noticed that I was about a mile away from the heart of South Lake Tahoe. A whole mile away, at least that was from my perspective. I could climb out and lock up the car and take that walk to the first restaurant near the closest side of town.
I passed a gigantic stone house with a black roof and a vast driveway lined with a wrought iron fence and I thought I was going to pass out right then and there in the seat. I pulled over and I killed the engine. I leaned over the rim of the steering wheel and closed my eyes for a few seconds.
Though I hadn’t moved around much in that seat, my heart hammered inside of my chest from the lack of food in my belly.
I opened my eyes and I leaned back in the seat with my hands down in my lap for a moment. I gazed up at the top of the windshield and I parted my lips all to better breathe.
I wondered if I walked around outside of the car there, I could feel a little better about myself and I could bring back my strength.
I rolled up the window and I climbed out of the driver’s seat. I locked up the car and I let out a low whistle and ran my fingers through my curls before I made my way up the road towards the center of town. I peered over my shoulder for one final look at my car.
My stomach ached and I brought my hands up to better comfort myself. But it wasn’t enough, though. When I walked along the side of the road, between the lane there and the low evergreen hedges, I could feel my knees quivering with each and every step.
I lifted my head and I looked right across the road to find Jeff, that boy about my age who sat next to me in most of my classes, perched upon a bright red bicycle and with a black helmet rested upon his head.
“Hey,” I called out to him and I grimaced at the sickly hungry feeling inside of me. I hoped that he wouldn’t see it on my face as he looked both ways and then rode on over to me.
“What’re you doing up here?” I asked him.
“I came up here to have some time alone,” he replied. He hopped off of his bicycle and unfastened the strap underneath his chin: he locked eyes with me for a short moment, albeit a moment long enough to see my face for himself.
“What’s the matter?” I asked him.
“You look pale,” he pointed out. “You look like you’re about to fall ass over teakettle down the rocks here. You feelin’ okay?”
“I feel pale,” I said, out of breath. “I feel pale and gross. I haven’t eaten since early this morning.”
He gaped at me.
“Why?” he demanded. “You’ve got to eat, Alex—you know that. I know that and I don’t even have to tell you.”
“I’m just—I'm too fat,” I told him.
“What?” Jeff was stunned. “You’re not fat, Alex.”
“Yes, I am! Look at this poochy gut on me.” My hands on my waist and I gave myself a little shake: I could feel it there, taunting me. Jeff nudged my hands out of the way and he looked on at me from the side: the fabric of my shirt pressed against my waist and he showed me a little smile.
“It’s a cute little tum, Alex. Really, I can’t even see it unless I really look at you like how I'm doing right here. Really, it’s nothing to worry about.”
“But I feel so round, though,” I confessed with my arms folded over my chest. I let out a low whistle and I thought about sitting down right there on the side of the road; Jeff stood before me and gave my belly a little pat.
“Come with me,” he beckoned me.
“Come with me,” he repeated. “Come with me—I'll take you to get something to eat and fill up your belly. You look like you’re about ready to faint.”
“I don’t like being told what to do,” I confessed to him.
“I don’t, either,” he said. “Although, there is a lot of comfort in having someone take care of me, though. Lar and I are best friends and I feel like when we get hitched, he’ll be the one in charge. He’s like you, a student of Satriani. He knows how to lead and shit.”
“Really?” I was stunned by that, especially when I felt the opposite about Larry. I had remembered seeing him in the guitar lessons with Joe Satriani and he had always lingered in the back of the room with his attention pointed to himself. Perhaps there was in fact more than met the eye with him, and he had grown away from his milquetoast ways from back then.
“Yeah, really. But I have the same feeling of wanting to lead, too. And I want you to come with me into town here and have some lunch with me. I was about to head on back, anyway.”
I let out a low whistle and ran my fingers through my hair once again.
He adjusted the strap on his helmet and closed it again; my legs shook as I climbed over the back of his bicycle seat. It felt so good to lean up against his back, even though I didn’t have my helmet on over my head. I leaned my head against his back and I kept my hands pressed onto his hips all to steady myself.
There was no denying it: I had to be fed. I was so hungry.
Jeff wheeled the bicycle around and he pedaled up the road. I thought of closing my eyes but I knew that if I did, I would not have that lovely view of the lake waters and the mountaintops which towered up to the blue sky. I also worried about falling off of the back of the bike seat.
It was a whole mile before the center of town, too. It felt like a whole entire mile.
We passed by the welcome signs to the south shore followed by a few trees and that was when I lifted my head for a view of the town before us. Jeff brought us to the nearest café to that side of the town and I could already taste the cobbler and the clam chowder.
It felt like a hallucination as Jeff led me inside of there and we indulged, and out there on the porch in the sun no less.
I had very little memory of it as I devoured into my food. But then my memory returned to me once I had already eaten about half of my big piece of blueberry cobbler; it was then I realized that it was blueberry rather than gooseberry.
I didn’t care, however: all I cared about was that I was eating a big hearty slice of cobbler after a big sandwich and a cup of rich coffee with a little kiss of creamer.
“Man, you really were hungry,” Jeff told me.
“I was hungry and I was driving along a winding, mountain road, too,” I added as I leaned back in the chair. “Thank you for this—I needed this so much, to be perfectly frank with you.” He showed me that wide-lipped smile as he picked up a spoonful of clam chowder himself: he lowered his gaze to my chest and my stomach, followed by my hips and my thighs.
“You actually have a very nice body, Alex,” he told me, and my face grew warm at the sound of that. I brought my hands closer to my waist to hide myself from his wandering eyes, but he still looked on at me anyway.
“Thanks, man. You do, too. You’re like—soft.”
“Nah, you’re the soft one, Alex,” he pointed out. “I’m just the guy who happens to be here.”
I cracked him a smile and I reached for my cup of coffee once again for a big swig of it, and then I picked up my fork again for more of that scrumptious cobbler with that warm crispy crust and those fresh berries within. I ate up the rest of it in a few more bites, and then I washed it down with the coffee.
He finished the rest of his coffee and then he gave his mousy brown hair a little toss back with a flick of his fingers.
“Want to take a walk on the beach?” he offered me.
“Yeah. Might as well. I came up here to be in nature, anyway.”
“Me, too, man,” he told me, still with that little smile upon his face.
When I stood up, my knees remained steady and I felt so much better after eating all of that lush, fresh food. I ran my fingers through my hair again and I let the breeze from the lake wash over me. I felt so good, so nourished, that I nearly forgot the shape of my belly once again.
Jeff led me to his bicycle parked there in the bike rack and he climbed on first; I took to the back of the seat and I rested my hands on his shoulders. As we rolled away from the café, I bowed my head lest a cop see me without a helmet on.
We crossed the highway and we made our way down the closest street which I soon figured brought us down to the water’s edge. He barely pedaled as we followed the groove of the road, all the way to the very end. Though winter and autumn still remained in the mountains on the western side of the lake, springtime was very much in full swing over the vast, partially rocky shores of Lake Tahoe. I shivered from the feeling of the cool but sweet breeze over our heads and shoulders.
We reached a dead end in the pavement and he brought us to the pale stretch of sand beyond that, the sand down to the shore’s edge. We were met with a series of boulders and some bushes right by the lake’s edge before the ground dropped out to those gentle lapping waters down below. The path narrowed out to a row slender enough for just a couple of guys like us rather than a bicycle, and he skidded to a stop as a result.
“This path looks like it goes down to the water,” he told me.
“I want to walk, anyway,” I confessed to him and I climbed off of the back of the seat. I stretched my arms over the crown of my head so the hem of my shirt lifted off of my skin. Jeff climbed off of the seat and he brought the bike over to the nearest tree on the side of the sand, and he propped it up on the narrow little stand.
I closed my eyes and I let everything hang out for the southern side of the lake waters. Jeff cleared his throat as he came back up to me.
“You have a beautiful body, actually,” he corrected himself from earlier. I turned my head, still with my arms extended up over me. The hem of my shirt still remained over my waist and the belt of my jeans. He showed me a sweet little smile as his eyes swept over me.
“A very beautiful body,” he added, that time in a lower voice. I slipped my fingers into the roots of my hair, all to feel the softness at the back of my head. I could feel my face growing warm and soft at the sound of his voice. He inched closer to me and he put his arm around the small of my back; all the while, he set a hand on my right hip.
“Very soft... and very beautiful,” he continued.
“That’s just—way too kind of you, Jeff,” I sputtered.
He moved my body towards me and he brought his face close to me.
“I want to praise your body, Alex,” he said over the waves down below us. “I want to praise you so much. I want to praise and nourish and love your body—in a way that I could never do for Larry.”
I was shocked by that. He and Larry were best friends. I had become a crown prince with a personal chef. I had never heard a peep from him before everything else.
“What are you saying?” I demanded.
“I want to be yours for a day,” he said right into my ear. “I put food in your belly and I want to love your body. Every last inch. Every last part of you. I want to kiss every inch of your body.”
I relaxed at that; he put his other arm around my waist. He ran his hands down my hips and the seat of my pants.
“Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me—” He brought his lips close to mine and he treated me to a soft little kiss.
I pulled back and I stared into his face.
“Where’s all of this coming from?” I asked him, taken aback.
“I’ve always wanted to know what you’re like up close and personal,” he replied in the softest voice yet. “My classmate. My neighbor. The friend I've always known but never actually really known before. I want to know everything about this. I want to feel it and I want to treat you, not like a prince, but like a king. Be a king, baby boy.”
He gave me another kiss and I almost fell back onto the sands from the feeling.
“I have to sit down,” I begged him.
“Go ahead, baby,” he told me. I lunged onto my back and I spread my legs open for him. The bottom hem of my shirt stayed lifted up off of my skin all the while. He ran his fingers through that smooth hair and he ran his tongue along his lips at me.
“Holy fuck,” he whispered.
He lunged for me and he undid my jeans for me. I held still and I let my belly relax from all of the food that I had eaten as well as the fact that I had gone so long without eating anything. He tugged my jeans down my hips, followed by my underwear. He raised his eyebrows at the sight of me there before his face.
“Look at this beauty,” he told me. “I want to please this beauty forever. I want to make him so happy.” He held onto me and he brought his attention up to me. “I want to make you so happy for a day.”
I stayed still and I let him run his fingers over my skin.
I had never been worshipped before, let alone have my dick revered in this way before. I lay my head down on the sand’s surface and I reached my hands up above my head: I closed my eyes and parted my lips. Jeff’s tongue ran along the side of my shaft.
I gave myself to him and yet he was the one who gave himself up to me. I was in charge. I didn’t like to be bossed around; he didn’t, either. But he wanted to do it for me.
It was all about me right then, and it gave me such a powerful feeling, one that I had never felt before, not even once in my life.
It left me feeling naked, out in the open, completely exposed, and yet there was something about the thought of being in charge, added by the fact that we were right by the water’s edge. I had become the prince with his most luxurious crown, and Jeff had yet to hitch his wagon to Larry’s horse. And yet Jeff was giving himself to me, with his tongue and the loving caresses of his fingers. He moved his lips to my waist for a few little kisses there, which tickled like crazy.
I was in charge. I wanted to do something for myself, to please myself, and with him there at the helm before me.
I fought through it and I pushed myself up onto my elbows.
I lifted up and he fell onto the seat of his pants. I climbed up onto my knees.
“Take me under,” he beseeched.
“Oi, I’m the one in charge.” I pressed a finger upon his brow, right at that spot between his eyebrows and his nose. He crossed his eyes and showed me the tip of his tongue at his two front teeth.
“Look at me,” I commanded in a broken voice.
“I’m—” He dropped his gaze to my body for a moment.
“Look at me.”
“I—” He let out a gentle squeak that sounded like an oblong wheel.
“Look at me, Jeff!”
“Big Kahuna,” he blurted out.
“Suck my dick,” I commanded, and he buried his face right into my crotch. He sucked me so hard that I tilted my head back and opened my mouth. No sound came out; the waves down below made more noise but there was no way I wanted to make a lot of sound right then. Not out there out in the open. Not within a stone’s throw from the beaches and the harbor up the shoreline from there.
“I am completely yours,” he whimpered up to me.
“Completely mine for the day,” I cooed to him with a stroke of the back of his head, the back of that smooth brown hair; my heart pounded inside of my chest and I could feel myself rising while in his mouth. “Completely mine for the day in paradise.”
As the words left my lips, I could hear him swallowing over the sound of the waves down below. Completely mine for that day in paradise.
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diana-fortyseven · 2 years
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Diana Burnwood likes to call the shots, but she also needs Agent 47 to be in charge from time to time.
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