#King Grover
mydairpercabeth · 6 months
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they really nailed percy’s audacity
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grimeye-j · 6 months
All of those Soldier, Poet, King PJO edits on TikTok are really getting the order wrong. I mean did everyone collectively forget how when Percy & Jason fought over the chair (& by extention the leadership position) in HOO it was Annabeth who ended up taking it.
Percy is the soldier, Grover is the poet, & Annabeth is the king
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I like how positive Jason's opinion is towards Grover almost immediately. he saw Grover and Rachel in a dream, and said that Grover looked like a very brave satyr and that he's capable of many things that he doesn't let on. Like he read Grover perfectly?? This is a pretty big deal since for the Romans, satyrs (or fawns) aren't really considered powerful or useful.
I love that about Jason, he never NEVER assumes the worst of someone no matter what. He did the same with Nico, though he felt slightly uncomfortable around him, he still never avoided Nico.
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strawberri-draws · 6 months
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Guys I love them… middle school me is being FED
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werchezdeeno · 5 months
so excited to see grover pretend to be the wife of a deranged cyclops next season. like yes king, continue to be a gaslighting, gatekeeping, girlboss!
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The King
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liesmultixxx · 5 months
grover talking about humans be like: OH. THEM.😐
grover talking about animals be like: 🥰😍☺️💚
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remuslovebot · 1 year
I will not be arguing about this
solider - Annabeth
poet - Grover
king - Percy
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whosmarinette · 1 year
I’ve been silent long enough but y’all are so wrong when assigning Annabeth, Percy and Grover their Soldier Poet King.
Percy is the soldier, ok, on this one we agree. He’s a ruthless warrior, who DOES carry a mighty sword and WILL tear your city down.
But Annabeth is not king. She’s poet. Her weapon IS HER WORD. That was like her whole conflict in HOO. She has no power but her word, but her word is mighty enough she won’t need any power. She WILL slay you with her tongue.
AND GROVER IS KING. Idk if y’all forgot but he was CHOSEN BY PAN. He is LEADER OF THE COUNCIL OF CLOVEN ELDERS. At what would be SIXTEEN IN SATYR AGE. He’s not even really old enough to be an elder in his human age. But he is. He is THE RULER. He is SMEARED WITH OIL LIKE DAVID’S BOY bc he is THE MESSIAH for his people. He is JESUS CHRIST OF SATYRS. Grover is MORE THAN HIS ATTEMPTS AT PLAYING MUSIC ISTFG
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doctorslippery · 3 months
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clangrogu · 4 months
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truly no trio has fit the soldier poet king song like the percy jackson trio does
yes this is because i saw an edit on youtube
but like annabeth is such a soldier she’s been fighting for her life since she was like 7 (aka A BABY)
grover the poet? no shit he has empathy powers (i forget exactly how they work i’m working in the reread but my memory is jsut so bad)
and ofc our boy percy, the king (self explanatory really)
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"thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers."
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helpimqueer · 6 months
"I'm gonna pack the best snacks"
Yes you are Grover fuck yeah. Grover is the best friend ever and nobody can ever tell me otherwise.
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poppitron360 · 1 month
PJO/Heroes of Olympus hugging hcs:
Percy- Skinny af, long bony arms that wrap around you. Very strong, feel supported and safe. Smells like sea salt and cookies. Taller than u- much protec. Hard bones rough skin but soft fabrics. Always Asks first.
Annabeth- Strong arms, yet she’s very gently. Will hold you in a way that you feel supported. Perfect height for breathing warm smell of neck. Hair out of face- strong, reassuring words. Asks first most of the time, but if you’re actively crying or she’s really exited she’ll just do it.
Frank- BEST HUGGER EVER (pretty sure this is cannon). Squeeze but not too much squeeze, smells like clean sheets and soft bedding. Skin soft but big muscles so feel protected. Arms under yours so feel safe and supported. A little awkward but not too much. Doesn’t always ask first, though. Chest-height good for bury face in. Sweet words of comfort- good, calming voice. Short hair out of face- buzz cut nice to feel, good sensory.
Hazel- It’s like being wrapped in your favourite blanket. Hair in your face but in like a nice way- smells like home and moms and hot chocolate and cinnamon. Tight hug but not too tight, skin soft, soft fabric that smells like warmth. Shorter than u, though, so not correct height for face-burying unless you bend your knees a little. Will whisper kind words- warm voice, nice New Orleans accent. Much comfort. Asks first
Jason- Strong, much support. He protec. Not too muscly- shirt still loose and pillowy. Shoulder good height to put head on, smell clean and unperfumed. Hands on waist, very supportive. Will never initiate touch but comfortable when you give it. Asks first. Voice soft and gentle, will tell you “shh”.
Piper- Exited grillfriend hug. Hug you tightly and confidently. Little intimidating- Will Not Ask You First. Will initiate hugs very early into friendship, hugs you all the time with no reason. Good hugger, but a little scary.
Nico- AUTISTIC AF canonically hates hugging/being touched. High five is most you’re gonna get. Maybe an awkward pat on the shoulder. But it has just the same value because the sentiment is there, he just shows affection differently. A fist bump from Nico is just as meaningful, if not more so, than a bear hug from Frank.
Leo- Also autistic, I hc that he doesn’t like touch as much as he lets on. Will never initiate it, is uncomfortable when you do it but will never tell you and mask it because real humans do the touch thing all the time, he’s just being weird (he’s also kinda afraid of touching you and accidentally burning you- is paranoid and will overthink every piece of physical intimacy). He smells like motor oil and rust. His arms are bony and uncomfortable and his skin is rough and calloused. You Are Covered In Grease Now. He is also shorter that u- head is your headrest. His hair is in your face. Sometimes his skin is a little too hot- like a mug of boiling hot chocolate that you can’t hold too long. Awkward/Uncomfortable hugs make him heat up, nervous.
Grover- Leans forward to hug you so no goat fur on legs. Hard but good hugs. Goatee is uncomfortable. Cheek nuzzles. Very exited- jumps up and down hugs when happy. Smells like grass and moss- like walks in the woods where your clothes are soaked through and there’s mud stains on your trousers but you sit on the bolder and get your bum wet but you don’t care. Happy goat noises when hugging.
Reyna- Strong arms, awkward and uncomfortable hugs. It is difficult and unpleasant to hug someone in full roman armour- hard to wrap your arms around the chest-plate. Hair is always pulled back so never in your face unless it’s swishy, that’s good. She smells like roman baths. Skin is cold, not nice. No words of affection, will grumble a bit. Offers hugs only with reasons (you’re crying/it’s your birthday/making up after a fight) and never Just Because. Very particular and only hugs certain people.
Thalia- Will hug you very quickly and VERY hard. Bruised ribs now. But sometimes it feels good to be squeezed.
Sally Jackson- Smells like a mom. Soft clothes, good for burying face into. Will tell you “shh” and stroke your hair. Apron is plasticky, but she will hold your head like a baby and cradle you. Backwards and forwards rock. Asks first.
Is this a little bit weird? I’m a bit weird with hugs.
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