#Kinda cool kinda cute space stickers :D
stick-by-me · 26 days
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These guys are cute, I like these guys, that's all I have to say.
New follower sticker for: @thelunarsystemwrites!
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axoqiii · 11 months
ok i might go on a rant here, but i love love LOVE your art omg.
i absolutely adore the way you color and shade. your drawings honestly feel like a drawing in a sketchbook where ur like "hm maybe i should add markers/colored pencil to this" AND THEN THE DRAWING TURNS OUT LOOKING MAJESTIC. the way you draw is so round, which 1) makes your drawings look SO CUTE and 2) makes it feel like your drawings would squeak like those dog toys (which is good!! your art evokes positive emotions!!!!)
not to mention your amazing taste in fandoms??? prsk AND mcyt (specifically hermitcraft, life smp, and qsmp) AND ducktales???? AND AMPHIBIA????? ok i might have been stalking ur account but it's honestly hard not to WHEN YOUR ART IS SO COOL
both your doodles and your polished drawings look STUNNING and it's like woah how did you do that??? /pos your doodles give that cozy colored pencil vibe that i kinda mentioned earlier. and again, THE WAY THAT YOU COLOR AURAFEUKSHGJK. your art makes me want to violently explode (in a good way). your doodles are like if marshmallows were turned into drawings and then mixed with an awful amount of love and those round stars that u would doodle on the free space of homework
and then your polished drawings are also so amazing. they're so vibrant, and they're like when you go to daiso or some stationery store and you find this pen that you fall in love with and do all of your drawings with (i'm using a LOT of similes to describe your art but i promise it's in the best way possible). and i love love how you do backgrounds, whether they're simple or not. like this akito drawing was just so cute and it felt like a pack of stickers exploded onto your drawing (again, similes but they're meant in the best way possible). and can i just say that i LOVE the use of screentones in that drawing and also the way that you drew akito's name in the corner. it just scratches my brain in such a good way. also that grian dtiys oh my god???? the background. the shading. the coloring. the line art. THE SHADING. i love it so so so much
i only brought up two of your drawings specifically, but each of your drawings that i've seen have made me feel all warm inside until I MELT AND EXPLODE EVERYWHERE /pos i absolutely adore your art style and all of your art and i'm really sorry if this whole thing was overwhelming but i just have so many words for your art, and i mean each and every word wholeheartedly. keep up the great work because you're doing FABULOUS
btw your pinned post said that drawing requests are open, so if you can/want to, can you draw tsukasa from prsk? thank you :)
this is so???? sncbdjfhebfb????? /pos this is making me SO happy thank you so much!!! genuinely!!!!! dont even worry about going on a rant every single word of this made me tear up a bit because of how nice it is :((((
thank u for taking ur time to pick apart my art and for all ur kind words abt it! i say this so much but it means the world to me when someone tells me they appreciate what i create 🥹 esp noticing all the details makes me feel very happy that someone notices all the things i like to add to my art! it really inspires me to keep drawing more :D
sorry i migjt be repeating things pahah im overwhelmed in the best way possible!!!! thank u!!! sm!!! shakes u back and forth!!! im gonna be thinking abt this and smiling for the next month omgjfjg
in response to the tsukasa drawing request, ofc ill draw him for ya :D since this post is getting a little long ill post it right after this ask and link it here! once again, thank you so much for the kind message <3 :]
(here it is!!)
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foxydodo · 7 years
do you have any older Stan headcanons?
Hey! You and another anon asked the same so here you guys go :’D Gay or Bi-Probably in denial for a long time and very confused bc he is often so emotional, it’s hard to differentiate between romantic and platonic feelings.
-There’s the interview where Trey Parker says Stan is the most likely to be gay out of the main 4. (Tho personally idk if he was just kidding bc of the way it was worded? Don’t know and don’t care :p )
Angsty, seemingly aloof or even arrogant to strangers but is just a really tired sweetheart.-Will attempt to break free but eventually crumble in your arms if you hug him. This boy is starved of physical affection :c
-Probably falls asleep on bus/car rides with their music blasting and you wonder why they even put on earphones.
-Pretends to apologize if they fall asleep on their friend’s shoulder but secretly wishes they can just stay that way longer. *coughkylecough*
-Sleeps with many pillows or a weighted blanket. Sometimes brings an extra jacket to hug to sleep.-Spaces out pretty easily. Hands in pockets a lot. Looks down at his feet while walking.-Cries a lot be it happy or sad. -Appreciates scenery and can get overwhelmed with feelings over certain lighting or scents.
Pescatarian or part-time vegetarian-He’ll still eat some meat on occasions or for half a week bc of dietary needs. Doesn’t go full on vegetarian bc he’s very conscious of what others might say.
Drinks black coffee-Simply bc he enjoys it and thinks it’s a cool thing to be seen doing. -Also lives on carbonated sports drinks and not water. Gross.
Kind of messy and still hoards things.-He has a lot of emotional attachments to inanimate objects bc of its sentimental value. He’ll refuse to throw out things like old clothing, receipts, broken items etc.
-Has a lot of things yet when it comes to essentials, he seems to lack in them. Such as a working pen for class. (One of my fav style hc: Kyle usually lends Stan his pens and they all end up in Stan’s bag or pockets. Stan has about 6 of his pens now and is still borrowing more. Kyle is obviously annoyed by this and starts clearing Stan’s bag lmao)
While we’re on belongings, his shirts mildly smell of alcohol (and maybe even puke).-This one breaks my heart whenever I think about it but I have yet another Style hc: Kyle gifts Stan t-shirts from his favourite bands. Stan appreciates them a lot and doesn’t drink as much whenever he wears those. They are fresher and clean, and are stored properly as compared to what he normally throws on the floor. They both don’t notice this but feel more positive which continues the happy cycle!
Exercises and trains excessively / Jock Stan-He’s a long distance jogger and he pushes himself to the point of asthmatic episodes sometimes. Ironically, that helps him feel alive and know that he does actually want to live despite his nihilistic views.
-He’s passionate about football like on the show so it’s something he strives to be the very best at. Gets a scholarship for it.
-Obviously popular bc of how good he plays and enjoys the attention but it actually makes him feel even more lonely. He can pretend to get along with people easily but not many gets to really know him. Also fearful of investing too much into relationships/friendships.  
Alternatively, musician Stan-I hardly see this but Stan might turn to playing music as an outlet for all his emotions. Also seeing how musically inclined Randy and Shelly are, I feel like there’s a possibility that Stan might be too. He’s also been shown to play various instruments or sing on the show.
-Kenny and him actually bonds over writing music together. Their songs ranges from melancholic lyrics that make you wanna listen to during rainy weather to singing about titties and getting drunk lol. They also write very pretty songs about death.-Loves music and appreciates a wide genre. Really likes rock music from 80s to early 2000 and alternative indie rock.-Pretty particular with the earphones and speakers he gets. Will tune stereo, bass and amplifier settings on his own. Speaking of which, I think he’s very into DIY and crafts bc it’s therapeutic to just sit down and create little trinkets from individual parts. This trait he follows his dad.
Still a huge animal lover.-Will probably make DIY pet shelters during winter to place around the neighborhood. Or all year since they live in Colorado.
-Wants to and attempts to adopt so many strays.
-BABY TALKS TO ALL ANIMALS AND HAS CUTE NICKNAMES FOR ALL OF THEM. “No Mrs.Poofytail, this medicine is good for you. You’re not getting the (homemade) salmon cookie unless you stay still and let me dress your wound.”
-Will punch you if you disrespect animals.
-Kinda cute if he starts his own store making animal treats/meals.
-Cries at baby animals. You’ll wonder what he’s browsing bc he is looking so intently at the screen and suddenly he bursts out “AWWWWHHH”. You also gotta imagine him being buff and in his letterman jacket while doing this.LOVES PUNS AND MEMES AND VINES-He’s such a dork! It’s one of the few things that makes him laugh easily. He especially loves puns. It’s kinda canon in TFBW where he tries to explain all his jokes to you in case you don’t get them.
-Is the kind of person that will jokingly ask you out at the supermarket while holding a broccoli that has a $0.99 sticker tag bc that’s his sense of humor.I think they’re all pretty established by the fandom tho! Anyway, thank you for your asks! :3
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tumblunni · 7 years
aaaa tfw u been without central heating for so long that you get all dizzy and cant sleep once the house is finally warm again its like brain explode cos of such a sudden change aaa or maybe just because i stayed up really late to reset my sleeping patterns in order to actually get to the shops, lol and i guess it kinda worked cos its am now which is almost a morning but also i still feel Tired Dead so i’ll probably go back to sleep and wake up after noon aaaa
anyway i also finally got a new phone after my old one broke ages ago and hopefully this one will work good?? i got a £100 one when my last one was the cheapest possible £35 one in a sale so thats probably why it was so shoddy. this one has 3 times the memory so it hopefully won’t get the same problem of not having enough space to hold its own updates til it dies a slow and ignoble death. Hell, maybe I could actually download Apps! I remember Apps! XD Srsly i had to keep my even older broken phone to use my basic tiny mobile banking app, it was annoying. Maybe I could even finally play the pokemons???
but also it as like Embarassment City cos like I hadnt had hot water for TWO MONTHS and i was in this eternal spiral of ‘cant go to the store and pay bills cos i am smely, can’t un-smely cos no water’. and then I finally resolved to by asking for my support worker’s help to like.. escort me there and shield me, i suppose?? I also really needed to get this new phone cos i had no way of contacting her.
And she actually took me to this really big and fancy Tesco super SUPER market!! It was like the size of my old high school!! There was a whole phone store inside it and it was super huge and crowded and scary and also exciting!! AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED I SUDDENLY GOT SICK FOR NO REASON wtf why my luck like this i just suddenly felt super woozy and stomach ache on the drive there and it wasnt even travel sickness cos it was a really quick and short drive. I still dunno what happened, maybe just the bread i ate that morning was slightly out of date cos thats all I even had?? Or I dunno maybe my travel sickness gets worse if i have a relatively empty stomach. So yeah we got to the store and I was like WAIT A SECOND and rushed to the bathroom and was in there for like half an hour throwing up and then i felt completely fine? So it was probably the bread, right? But even if it resolved itself quickly and was no big illness, I was still super panicked that entire time, getting all anxiety dizzy in a supermarket bathroom cos WHAT IF IT GETS WORSE AND WE HAVE TO CANCEL THE WHOLE DAY AND GO HOME and also WHAT IF PEOPLE CAN HEAR ME PUKING and also WHAT IF I SMELL LIKE PUKE ALL DAY and also AAAAA I’M KEEPING MY SUPPORT WORKER WAITING But it all turned out okay, lol
And then the cashier in the phone store was really nice and helped answer all my questions cos I know Nothing about phones. And we even had a bit of jokey banter over the weird names of all the phone models. (”Titan Grey”!) But then i also feel awful about embarassing myself with my Inability To Choose Between Things. I kept everyone standing there for like fifteen minutes but IT FELT LIKE AN HOUR and I was just like ‘pleas stop telling me the phones are equally good, please throw me the slightest bone’. So I just ended up going for the slightly more expensive one with a better camera cos the sticker was blue instead of pink and i wasn’t wearing any pink today. THIS IS THE KIND OF IMPULSE PURCHASE THAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET BUNNI DECIDE And then it was kinda hilarious how the guy was then like ‘okay so what colour do you want’ and i was like ‘AAAAAAA’ i just went with titan grey cos it sounded funny ALSO!! I got a little stylus thing for touch screen phones so it’ll be easier to use! And it came with a free speaker amp which I will probably not use but it looks cool at least! :D
And then I embarassed myself again by walking too fast in the shop and getting lost from my support worker and kinda freaking out a little, but she managed to find me and It Was A Dumb Thing To Worry About Ehhh... Oh but I did enjoy browsing all the cool stuff this store had that normal ones don’t! I have no idea what a Pomelo is but now I own one!! It looks like a giant orange but kinda lemon shaped?? I just keep looking at it instead of eating it, its so weird and cute! I also LE GOSH found the one brand of noodles I really loved as a kid: Other Flavour. Remember that post I made earlier this year about the prawn flavour nostalgias? Well those weren’ EXACTLY how I remembered them, they were a little more spicy and the noodles were stickier. But it was still awesome! I’ve changed a lot in a decade too, lol! So anyway I found the curry flavour version of those, which i also liked, and i cleared the whole damn shelf of them into my basket. Who knows when I’ll ever get to return to super tesco!!! ALso they had a way bigger world foods aisle and I decided to try some random asian sweets and snacks. Its a shame I don’t know exactly what they’re called cos the packages are all in japanese and korean. It says ‘Kusaga strawberry gummi’ but that might be the brand and not the name of the food itself? And then the other one is just ‘korean seaweed’ on the english label. Like yo, what one?? There’s loads of different seaweed snacks, like nori and konbe and dulse and probably even more!! And ive never tried any of them so how can i tell, lol? This one, whatever it was, came in small flat sheets and kinda tastes barbeque flavour. And when you hold em up to the light they look like cool glowy cathedral windows~! Also the gummi sweets get stuck in my throat so i probably won’t get those again, lol. Good tho! Despite the choking!
Oh, and @summon-daze your hat absolutely saved me!! Great shield against the sun and the social embarassment! Plus it made me feel confident cos of how damn cute at least 10% of my existance looks today. I am a beautiful head on a trash body! So they had No Man’s Sky on clearance sale for £10 and I got it cos I remembered you had it. I Dunno if I ever asked if you enjoyed it tho? XD But it was cheap so even if it ends up being bad I won’t be too sad. And honestly my standards are low so as long as it delivers on Randomly Generated Worlds Oo Look At That Weird Aminal i’ll probably be satisfied even if there’s not much gameplay.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box July 19
Here we are guys, the Kawaii Box I’ll be reviewing tonight. I’ve had these pictures ready since Sunday but I blame my birthday and the delivery issues for the Lucky Treat as to why it took me almost a week...
Let’s hope the next one is quicker :D
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Word of the month: Ryokou - Trip
“Create the best summer vacation ever with this month’s selection of kawaii goodies!“
Happy Day Pill Organizer & Kawaii Candy Wrapper Hairclips
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For a summer holiday it can come in handy to have some little necessities with you, especially if they’re really cute ones. Both items are available in other designs/colors on Blippo.com.
First up is this little pill box, featuring a ball chain you can attach to a bag or purse, or even pants or belt loops for easy access to your vitamins or essential medication. I think you could even pack other tiny items, like a handy place to hold small jewelry, ear/nose plugs, contacts (maybe), little hair accessories, etc.
I’ve gotten a few other pill box containers, but they really do come in handy. Not only can I pack the above items, but I’ve also started taking vitamins these past two years, I also have an antibiotic I’m on right now, and I try to keep ibuprofen and stomach medicines on hand for me or others. Because I have a couple it also saves me room in my bed-side table.
So yeah, I’ve been making good use of them. 
Hair care and accessories can also be a necessity, clips provide an easy and quick method of getting hair out of the face. They also look adorable~
These clips are made to resemble wrapped candies or sweets, with a clear resin or plastic on front decorated with various items and a painted back, along with a vibrant semi-translucent clip. The clip quality is nice with little spiked pieces to weave through the hair and securely hold it, and the charm itself isn’t loose or flimsy.
I love their original hair clips (except for those neon nightmare ribbons from a few months ago), and these are very sweet and fun. The candy theme and colorful mix of vibrant and pastels makes them perfect not only for summer, but any occasion!
Aiko Headphone Case
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Next up is this adorable Aiko-chan case for... I assume earbuds? It says headphone but I don’t think they would fit in there. Anyway, it features a double-sided image and an attachable pink metal piece so that you can connect this to various items, or you could even loop something else through the strap if you wanted.
The inside is a basic black, with a half-mesh piece on one of the sides. It’s compact but you could definitely fit some decent things in here besides earbuds; like everything I listed above, a hand sanitizier, small makeup items, toothpicks or ear cleaners, mints, candy, a mini notepad or sticky note set, etc.
This is really cute, but I kinda wish the design was more... summery? Like using the one from the booklet cover, which is what they usually do.
Hello Kitty Mermaid Plushie
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Now this is what I’m talking about- although... this would have been a better match for the previous months box, with the mermaid items don’t you agree?
This is from a brand or company called Nakajima, and is part of a Sanrio Characters line. It’s officially worth or costs 20 Sanrio points, and I’m pretty sure its based on the much larger Hello Kitty mermaid plushies. I’ve seen a handful of them though so this could just be another catfish in the sea ;3 She has a light pink piece of tulle on her head adorned by a glittery felt star, with the same tulle around the top of the chest, and her tail is light purple with a shimmery, glittery hot pink semi-translucent fin. By the corner of her eye are two stitched stars in matching colors.
The plush is soft in the paws, but the head is more firm, with the tail just slightly softer. She’s well made and she even has a ball chain, so I could attach her to things as well if I wanted and bring her with me~
Icy Pastel Popsicle Pen
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As usual we got a fun pen, and these never fail to please when it comes to fun, cuteness, and theme matching. So this month we have a multicolored pastel popsicle-shaped piece attached to the nubbin’ of a pen lid. The pen itself is a plain, thin white tube and there is a fine tip; and as usual it’s available in a few other colors. I love popsicles too, so I made sure to add it to the other pens I enjoy using. 
There isn’t really much to say about the pen quality wise, other than the fact it needs a few minutes to dry. The pen can hold a line for a long time (as in, you don’t need to force flowage) and it can dot and write very easy and smooth.
Tiny Party Sparkly Stickers
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As usual we also get adorable stickers, and this month we have a set of adorable, glittery, pastel items perfect for not only a fun party during summer or a get-together with friends, but also add a sweet touch to various items- like letters, notes, photo albums, picture frames, etc.
The stickers are “barely puffy“ to give them a 3D look, and what I think is adorable is on the upper corner, where it lists this:
Calories: ???
Enjoyment: 110%
Happiness: 100%
I really like all of the stickers but I think my most favorite are the candy containers, the unicorn cupcake or ice cream, and the jelly desserts.
Happy Nikukyu Polar Bear Gummies
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We’ve gotten gummies like these before from Kawaii Box, and in a few other boxes, but usually they are cat or dog themed. To cool down from the warm summer weather, we’re invited to enjoy these chilling polar bear paw gummies, which as you can see are filled with a creamy gel. The bag is re-sealable and the entire bag is 102 calories- which I don’t really think is too bad. If you ate the whole bag it’d be a nice little snack.
I usually like these gummies, and they’ve never been filled before so this was a fun change. I also love soda flavors, and these are very yummy. The cooling effect lasts for a few minutes and is very soothing, it isn’t harsh or minty at all.
Korean DIY Kawaii Bracelet Set
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Fun for a rainy day or just a bout of boredom or some time to yourself, we have this cute and colorful jewelry set. It consists of several colorful charms in various shapes and sizes, and it has a long bundled up stretchy string.
I pulled out the more “random charms“ to show you guys, and there was several that I only had one of, like that heart, the flower, the big, that big rose. I had multiple of the heels, but I thought they were so random and cute I couldn’t help but include them. I also noticed a lot of spare little bits of plastic I can’t do anything with, and there was one or two pieces with extra plastic I’ll need to remove before use.
However... I actually kind of like how they look in the little jar, I’m a bit hesitant about using them. I might just leave them as is. But I’ll probably use a couple pieces.
Korean DIY Kawaii Cupcake Set
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I’ve done a couple of kits like this before, they’re a lot of fun and I love to see how different they are between each one. I do wish we could have a little more variety kit wise, but because they differ it’s not that bad. Plus there are color variations so you can have a lot of fun making these, then re-using them for re-ment or dolls, or just cutesy displays later.
So as you can see we have two frostings, along with 3 cupcake liners and 3 glasses, and four bottles of deco bits: Styrofoam balls, glittery green stars, fruits and random other canes, and various glittery bits.
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Here are 3 I did, including 1 cupcake and 2 drinks. I’ve gone ahead and did another cupcake sometime after this pic, but I still have 2 pieces left over and a little bit of the “frosting“, which is a lot like glue in terms of consistency and feel. When you finish, it has a smooth and puffy texture, but it hardens over time and loses the squishiness.
I believe there would be enough to finish the last 2 pieces, but I’m unsure. The cupcake isn’t entirely frosting, I used spare bits to fill the bottom, a squirt of blue frosting, then filled it in white.
It’s very fun, but I will warn you, from the experience I’ve had with these types of things you definitely want tweezers to use. It will make the job loads easier and less-messy.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5: The items are well-made and really sweet, I like them all.
Theme - 2.5 out of 5: I felt like this could have been a lot better, I want to say at least half of the box was summery vacation themed
Total Rank: 8 out of 10 Cuties. I liked the items a lot, but I didn’t feel excited or super-thrilled with the box either. It was just good, not great or fantastic though, but you can’t please everyone and I still really liked it. The items are cute and colorful, and fun and practical. I can’t help but wonder what Augusts’ box will be like though, since both this one and the June one are both falling short on summer expectations. We’ll just have to wait to find out!
♥Cutie Scale ♥
1. Polar Bear Paw Gummies - These were delicious, I’d recommend them if you ever see them
2. Kawaii Hairclips - As I said above, I love the unique hair accessories we get from Blippo/Kawaii Box, I especially love these ones inspired by food items :3 I’ve worn them a couple of times and I really, really like them.
3. Popsicle Pen - It’s so cute, I just wish the pens tube wasn’t so plain. It’s a little boring, but I can understand the design choice.
4. Sparkly Stickers - I probably won’t use these because of how much I like them. Unless I just find the perfect place for them that is~
5. Pill Organizer - It’s very fun and I love the use of black as a pop of color to the soft pastels. It’s been easy to use and it came in handy freeing up space.
6. Hello Kitty Mermaid - It’s very cute and I’m obsessed with Hello Kitty, I don’t have a mermaid hello kitty, unless you count the large dress-up hello kitty doll I have, who was mermaid themed when I bought her.
7. DIY Bracelet Kit - Same as below, but I’m less-likely to actually touch it right now. I love looking at all the pieces~
8. DIY Cupcake Set - It’s very cute and fun, and relaxing too. But I’ve been there done that. 
9. Aiko Case - It’s very cute and small, I won’t be using them for earbuds or headphones but I know I can find a use for it in my bed-side table or purse. I still wish they used the design from the front though...
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