#happy nikukyu
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month ago
Mon père en entendra parler !
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/OhjU8id by Nikukyu Voilà la phrase préférée de Drago Malfoy. Il l'a répète à tour de bras, inconscient peut-être, qu'il n'est pas le seul à avoir des parents aux bras longs. Très longs. Words: 1934, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Français Series: Part 5 of The Wayne Family Hogwart's AU nobody ask for Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Batman - All Media Types, Nightwing (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Robin (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Other Characters: Dick Grayson, Tim Drake (DCU), Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Bruce Wayne, Lucius Malfoy, Oliver Wood (mentionned), Cedric Diggory (mentionned), Roger Davis (mentionned), Severus Snape (mentionned) Relationships: Dick Grayson & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne and Lucius Malfoy Additional Tags: Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Rivalry, Quidditch, draco malfoy is up to something, Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, Draco Malfoy is a Brat, a spoiled brat, Kind of Draco Malfoy bashing? I guess... but it's kind of canon?, Dick Grayson swears and Alfred is NOT happy, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Alfred Pennyworth deserves a raise and the world, Lucius Malfoy is rich and arrogant, But Bruce Wayne have so much more money, Soft Bruce Wayne, Quidditch Player Dick Grayson, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne are Siblings, Tim and Damian hate each other, Except when Dick needs them, Slice of life at Hogwarts read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/OhjU8id
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whoa-its-dani · 3 years ago
Heads up: there’s a candy called Happy Nikukyu that comes in peach, cola, ramune soda, or grape flavor (among others) that look like animal toe beans:
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Peach is my favorite! I got them as a gift when I ordered something from Japan a few years ago. They’re gummy candy!
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There are a few other kinds of candies that are similar to this, but these are always what comes to mind when I see toe beans. Seeing the Japanese name reminded me of these!
Does Japanese have a phrase similar to "toe beans" for cat toes? J-san has some lovely toe beans :)
にほんの 毛のない大きいねこも にくきゅうすき!
It's niku-kyuu(肉球) and Japanese also love them!
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pet-diary · 6 years ago
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09.20.18. // Puppy paw gummies that weren’t all that tasty, but they were sure as heck cute!
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dogwithglasses · 8 years ago
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we went to the mitsuwa marketplace today and i maybe have a new favourite candy
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crnbry · 8 years ago
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leonafunlife · 9 years ago
【臉部 防曬】四款防曬噴霧的心得推薦。來大推一下來自泰國的~Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧
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有在認真挑選保養品的女孩兒應該會知道, 很多保養產品都會推出針對台灣女性的系列, 因為台灣的氣候和日本、韓國等地方都不太相同, 所以同樣的肌膚在不同氣候下適用的產品也不太一樣。 像我個人就覺得泰國某些保養品、用品拿到台灣來也很好用, 因為天熱悶熱的氣候相似, 像蛇牌的痱子粉、防汗抗暈染的眼線液、底妝等等, 這些都很好用的。 而且在售價上也大都很親切, 真的是不買可惜的感覺。
而泰國這麼熱的地方, 當然不能不提到防曬囉!
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先跟大家分享一下我用防曬噴霧的經驗好了, 目前我用過四款防曬噴霧:妮維雅輕感��形防曬噴露SPF30/PA++、SUNCUT 曬可皙高效防曬噴霧SPF50+/PA++++、廣源良沁涼防曬噴霧SPF50和Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧~ 讓我印象最深的是妮維雅輕感隱形防曬噴露SPF30/PA++, 雖然使用的時間已經久到不可考了, 但她真的讓我印象非常深刻, 因為噴在肌膚上有一層厚厚的感覺, 雖然沒有防曬乳那麼油, 但在出了汗、沾了沙的海邊使用感覺格外深刻(當時去墾丁玩水) 再來就是她瓶身中有跟短短的管子, 結果可能我每天帶著她在搖晃中, 管子鬆掉了在防曬液中載浮載沉的, 又很難裝回去, 最後把她用完前的日子都要倒著噴, 你說說印象能不深刻嗎?
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 再來是廣源良沁涼防曬噴霧SPF50, 愛用他們家絲瓜水、絲瓜露的女孩們應該會想試試看, 清爽度不錯, 也不會厚重。 但不知道是我買的那瓶噴口大太還是如何, 噴在臉上就是一臉全濕的樣子, 看看...水量很豐沛吧! 但在臉上補防曬就顯得有點狼狽感。
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在我遇見Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧之前, 最喜歡用的是SUNCUT 曬可皙高效防曬噴霧SPF50+/PA++++, 曬可皙有三種味道, 其中柑橘味讓我覺得外出噴這一罐連小蚊蟲都不會靠近了說。 不過接觸到Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧後, 我才發現噴霧也可以這麼的『乾』?『不濕』? 很輕鬆的補防曬說。 Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧外觀看起來很簡單, 白白、素素的紙盒和瓶身。
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Keeleys圖騰的花紋讓人覺得有點別緻, 會想要更瞭解這品牌說~
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外包裝標示SPF50/PA+++, ��了防曬外, 也有定妝噴霧的功效喔~~~
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首先先噴在手背上試試, 左邊是沒有噴Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧的肌膚, 右邊是噴上的~ 噴上的瞬間肌膚一陣涼感, 但噴霧瞬間就服貼在肌膚上, 沒有水珠或濕答答的感覺~
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再來就是拿Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧和SUNCUT 曬可皙高效防曬噴霧比較看看了。 可以明顯看到SUNCUT 曬可皙噴在肌膚上還有點泡泡的感覺, 不過Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧就像一層薄薄的水霧, 但薄到沒什麼感覺。
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用手指輔助滑開, 指尖也可以感覺到兩者的質地。 Keeleys帶著點滋潤度, 但很服貼在肌膚上; SUNCUT則多了一絲絲比較油一點點的感覺, 相對的也厚重了一點點。
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 所以像Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧這樣一瓶就可以抵防曬噴霧、定妝噴霧跟外出用的保濕噴霧, 對於出門也不忘保養的女孩兒真的是很棒的選擇, 也不會很佔空間。
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像最近的天氣偏向乾冷, 但白天又會有大太陽露臉, 就更需要Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧的陪伴了。
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妝前妝後先用Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧輔助肌膚, 讓外頭的時候大約4小時幫肌膚補補水、補補防禦力, 也會讓整體妝容看起來更服貼自然喔! 對於Keeleys水凝緊緻美白噴霧有興趣的朋友,! 不妨到Keeleys的Facebook、Instagram、官網來瞧瞧吧
================================ 【手部 保養】把粉嫩貓肉球的香味隨身攜帶的~NIKUKYU NO KAORI ハンドクリーム 貓肉球香味護手霜(貓奴勸敗文) 【生活 抒壓】上班族必備放輕鬆小伙伴,讓薰衣草、甜橙以嗅覺舒緩你的心。SPA MADE 放輕鬆滾珠精油 【香氛 香水】沈醉法式幸福夢幻氛圍,幽長細膩的尾韻帶著綿密的溫馨與喜悅。ELLE SO CUTE 親親寶貝女性淡香水 X 試民大道 【保養 臉部】溫和質地的潤澤、絲滑柔順的肌膚觸感,手指試過就會愛上。skincode仕馨蔻德 ACR無痕凍齡霜& ACR活顏美肌精華膠囊 【臉部 面膜】價格親切平實、天天敷也不傷荷包的平價面膜。大創『研』保濕美白面膜-玫瑰系列(文末禮)  【身體 保養】三大熱門私密肌沐浴乳大PK&想知道如何隨手一噴~就輕鬆完成私密肌呵護嗎?。凱莉絲朵 Kalistor P113+ 私密親肌潤澤噴霧&私密親肌賦活露 【台中 美髮】 把一頭雜亂稻草改妝成今年流行的霧面漸層髮色,交給Baka就對了!。Happy Hair大里店 ================================
我們家的貓老大們有粉絲團啦~ 歡迎貓友們加入喔~~^^ 另外,小妹我也有粉絲團了,請各位有空讚一下吧!XD
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lookashiny · 3 years ago
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(via https://www.japancandystore.com/media/catalog/product/cache/11/image/800x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/2/0/20220307_099.jpg)
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japancandybox · 7 years ago
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These Happy Nikukyu Paw Gummies were in the November Japan Candy Box! 🐾😍 They look like adorable pet paws and taste like peach! 🍑💕✨
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kawaii-autumn-princess · 7 years ago
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Happy Nikukyu peachy candies
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kawaii-box-co · 7 years ago
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Purr purr! 🐱🐾 These soft and delicious Happy Nikukyu Paw Gummies were included in the September Kawaii Box! So pink and pawlicious! 💖 Subscribe today to receive the October box! 😍✨ ► http://www.kawaiibox.com/subscribe/
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month ago
Mon père en entendra parler !
by Nikukyu Voilà la phrase préférée de Drago Malfoy. Il l'a répète à tour de bras, inconscient peut-être, qu'il n'est pas le seul à avoir des parents aux bras longs. Très longs. Words: 1934, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Français Series: Part 5 of The Wayne Family Hogwart's AU nobody ask for Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Batman - All Media Types, Nightwing (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Robin (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Other Characters: Dick Grayson, Tim Drake (DCU), Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Bruce Wayne, Lucius Malfoy, Oliver Wood (mentionned), Cedric Diggory (mentionned), Roger Davis (mentionned), Severus Snape (mentionned) Relationships: Dick Grayson & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne and Lucius Malfoy Additional Tags: Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Rivalry, Quidditch, draco malfoy is up to something, Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, Draco Malfoy is a Brat, a spoiled brat, Kind of Draco Malfoy bashing? I guess... but it's kind of canon?, Dick Grayson swears and Alfred is NOT happy, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Alfred Pennyworth deserves a raise and the world, Lucius Malfoy is rich and arrogant, But Bruce Wayne have so much more money, Soft Bruce Wayne, Quidditch Player Dick Grayson, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne are Siblings, Tim and Damian hate each other, Except when Dick needs them, Slice of life at Hogwarts via https://ift.tt/OhjU8id
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porcelainpinkcupcake · 7 years ago
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Cute candy These Happy Nikukyu Paw Gummies were in the November Japan Candy Box! 🐾😍 They look like... http://ift.tt/2iodol0
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lyrhe · 8 years ago
Song : 終末の微笑 - Shuumatsu no Bishou - Doomsday’s Smile Singer : Hana Composer : szak Kanji: 黒い猫 廃ビルの頂上から 見つめているよ残響 錆色の玩具 瞬く間に落ちてゆく 女の子 加速する記憶がはぜる ざくろの果実 消える 罪悪感 黒い猫が 錆色の果実 笑いながら 噛む 刺す 大きな耳 少女の玩具を 猫は笑う 夕日で 「赤いなぁ 私の裏側は まるで    朱色のガラス玉が砕け散った……」 落ちてゆく 幸福だけ 包まれる私 絶望など 無縁な 赤い夕日 キラキラにして 硝子屑 黒い耳 黒き肉球 旋律と祈り 黒い猫に 抱かれ かみ砕かれ 廃墟の墓標で 骸が天使と変わる。 Romaji: Kuroi neko haibiru no chōjō kara Mitsumete iru yo zankyō sabiiro no omocha
Matataku ma ni ochiteyuku onna no ko Kasoku suru kioku ga hazeru zakuro no kajitsu Kieru zaiakukan Kuroi neko ga sabiiro no kajitsu wara inagara Kamu sasu ooki na mimi Shōjo no omocha wo neko wa warau hi de
「Akai naa watashi no uragawa wa maru de      Shuiro no garasutama ga kudake chitta...」
Ochite yuku  kōfuku dake tsutsumareru watashi Zetsubō nado muen'na Akai yūhi kirakira ni shite Garasukusu kuroi mimi Kuroki nikukyu senritsu to inori Kuroi neko ni dakare kami kudakare Haikyo no bohyō de mukuro ga tenshi to kawaru
Translation: At the top of a building, there's a black cat Staring at the echo of a rusted toy
In a blink of an eye, a girl falls down Accelerating memories are like burst open pomegranates My vanishing guilt The black cat laughs at the rusted fruit Chewing, stabbing, his big ears At the sunset, the black cat laughs at the girl's toy.
It’s red... My back is like A shattered red glass orb
I'm falling, wrapped in happiness Free from despair The red sun is sparkling Waste glass, black ears Black paws, melody and prayers Embraced by the black cat, then smashed Forsaken gravestones, corpses turning into angels
- The ED of the 3rd (I believe ?) route of Subarashiki Hibi, a great visual novel.  - Possibly one of my favorite song of all time. I really love szak’s guitar.  - I actually tried to “translate” it a couple years ago when I didn’t know jack about the game or japanese. Needless to say, it was a complete failure.  - There’s a fan translation of the game it’s from.  GUESS THE GAME IS ON STEAM I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE So, I’m currently reading Subahibi one more time, now that the game’s available on Steam, and I may have more insight. I’m going to spoil the game hard, so skip that part if need be. - The black cat may be a metaphor for Megu and Satoko, the two girl bullying Zakuro. The day after Zakuro’s drugged and forced to masturbate in front of camera (among other stuff), she goes back to school, and come across her bullies. Things happen, Zakuro snaps, and she starts picturing them as two black beasts, with “massive ears” and “blackened paws”, “tearing into the fruit”. - The part about memories and pomegranate is obviously referring to Zakuro’s suicide. “Zakuro” is japanese for “pomegranate”. Which makes even more sense, considering the cat is said to be “tearing into the fruit” - “Disappearing guilt” is also from the game, but it’s in the Kimika route of Looking-glass Insects (*). Kimika was a girl bullied by Megu and Satoko (and the rest of the class too) before Zakuro came. Zakuro, being naive and nice and stuff, tried to be friends with Kimika, and got ostracized too as a result. Kimika felt guilty about it (among other things), and tried her best to push Zakuro away, to stop her from being targeted by Megu and Satoko, which would make her “guilt disappear”. I don’t know how it works here since they never have that conversation in the route where Zakuro’s suicide happen, but eh.  - I have absolutely no idea what “toy” is referring to. Maybe it’s about the dolls Zakuro is dropping from the roof ? Maybe it’s about the little strap Kimika gave her ? Maybe it’s something else entirely.  - The part between 「 」 is probably about the state of Zakuro’s body after jumping ? I think Zakuro was referred as “Crimson Hyperspace” or something at some point, so the color matches.  - The last part is pretty straightforward. The “corpses turning into angels” is probably about how Zakuro and her friends are supposed to get their angel powers back through a near-death experience. Well, we know how it turned out. * "Looking-glass Insects" is the third part of Subahibi, where we see the events of the first weeks of July through Zakuro POV. At some point, you can choose to either help Kimika stand up against Megu and Satoko, or just leave her. The former choice brings you to Kimika route, where she’ll talk about her feelings of guilt, and where everything ends “well”. The bullies are gone, and Zakuro and Kimika get their happy ending. The latter brings you to the true end of the chapter. Zakuro commits suicide, just like in the previous chapters.
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cutiecrates · 5 years ago
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box July 19
Here we are guys, the Kawaii Box I’ll be reviewing tonight. I’ve had these pictures ready since Sunday but I blame my birthday and the delivery issues for the Lucky Treat as to why it took me almost a week...
Let’s hope the next one is quicker :D
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Word of the month: Ryokou - Trip
“Create the best summer vacation ever with this month’s selection of kawaii goodies!“
Happy Day Pill Organizer & Kawaii Candy Wrapper Hairclips
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For a summer holiday it can come in handy to have some little necessities with you, especially if they’re really cute ones. Both items are available in other designs/colors on Blippo.com.
First up is this little pill box, featuring a ball chain you can attach to a bag or purse, or even pants or belt loops for easy access to your vitamins or essential medication. I think you could even pack other tiny items, like a handy place to hold small jewelry, ear/nose plugs, contacts (maybe), little hair accessories, etc.
I’ve gotten a few other pill box containers, but they really do come in handy. Not only can I pack the above items, but I’ve also started taking vitamins these past two years, I also have an antibiotic I’m on right now, and I try to keep ibuprofen and stomach medicines on hand for me or others. Because I have a couple it also saves me room in my bed-side table.
So yeah, I’ve been making good use of them. 
Hair care and accessories can also be a necessity, clips provide an easy and quick method of getting hair out of the face. They also look adorable~
These clips are made to resemble wrapped candies or sweets, with a clear resin or plastic on front decorated with various items and a painted back, along with a vibrant semi-translucent clip. The clip quality is nice with little spiked pieces to weave through the hair and securely hold it, and the charm itself isn’t loose or flimsy.
I love their original hair clips (except for those neon nightmare ribbons from a few months ago), and these are very sweet and fun. The candy theme and colorful mix of vibrant and pastels makes them perfect not only for summer, but any occasion!
Aiko Headphone Case
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Next up is this adorable Aiko-chan case for... I assume earbuds? It says headphone but I don’t think they would fit in there. Anyway, it features a double-sided image and an attachable pink metal piece so that you can connect this to various items, or you could even loop something else through the strap if you wanted.
The inside is a basic black, with a half-mesh piece on one of the sides. It’s compact but you could definitely fit some decent things in here besides earbuds; like everything I listed above, a hand sanitizier, small makeup items, toothpicks or ear cleaners, mints, candy, a mini notepad or sticky note set, etc.
This is really cute, but I kinda wish the design was more... summery? Like using the one from the booklet cover, which is what they usually do.
Hello Kitty Mermaid Plushie
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Now this is what I’m talking about- although... this would have been a better match for the previous months box, with the mermaid items don’t you agree?
This is from a brand or company called Nakajima, and is part of a Sanrio Characters line. It’s officially worth or costs 20 Sanrio points, and I’m pretty sure its based on the much larger Hello Kitty mermaid plushies. I’ve seen a handful of them though so this could just be another catfish in the sea ;3 She has a light pink piece of tulle on her head adorned by a glittery felt star, with the same tulle around the top of the chest, and her tail is light purple with a shimmery, glittery hot pink semi-translucent fin. By the corner of her eye are two stitched stars in matching colors.
The plush is soft in the paws, but the head is more firm, with the tail just slightly softer. She’s well made and she even has a ball chain, so I could attach her to things as well if I wanted and bring her with me~
Icy Pastel Popsicle Pen
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As usual we got a fun pen, and these never fail to please when it comes to fun, cuteness, and theme matching. So this month we have a multicolored pastel popsicle-shaped piece attached to the nubbin’ of a pen lid. The pen itself is a plain, thin white tube and there is a fine tip; and as usual it’s available in a few other colors. I love popsicles too, so I made sure to add it to the other pens I enjoy using. 
There isn’t really much to say about the pen quality wise, other than the fact it needs a few minutes to dry. The pen can hold a line for a long time (as in, you don’t need to force flowage) and it can dot and write very easy and smooth.
Tiny Party Sparkly Stickers
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As usual we also get adorable stickers, and this month we have a set of adorable, glittery, pastel items perfect for not only a fun party during summer or a get-together with friends, but also add a sweet touch to various items- like letters, notes, photo albums, picture frames, etc.
The stickers are “barely puffy“ to give them a 3D look, and what I think is adorable is on the upper corner, where it lists this:
Calories: ???
Enjoyment: 110%
Happiness: 100%
I really like all of the stickers but I think my most favorite are the candy containers, the unicorn cupcake or ice cream, and the jelly desserts.
Happy Nikukyu Polar Bear Gummies
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We’ve gotten gummies like these before from Kawaii Box, and in a few other boxes, but usually they are cat or dog themed. To cool down from the warm summer weather, we’re invited to enjoy these chilling polar bear paw gummies, which as you can see are filled with a creamy gel. The bag is re-sealable and the entire bag is 102 calories- which I don’t really think is too bad. If you ate the whole bag it’d be a nice little snack.
I usually like these gummies, and they’ve never been filled before so this was a fun change. I also love soda flavors, and these are very yummy. The cooling effect lasts for a few minutes and is very soothing, it isn’t harsh or minty at all.
Korean DIY Kawaii Bracelet Set
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Fun for a rainy day or just a bout of boredom or some time to yourself, we have this cute and colorful jewelry set. It consists of several colorful charms in various shapes and sizes, and it has a long bundled up stretchy string.
I pulled out the more “random charms“ to show you guys, and there was several that I only had one of, like that heart, the flower, the big, that big rose. I had multiple of the heels, but I thought they were so random and cute I couldn’t help but include them. I also noticed a lot of spare little bits of plastic I can’t do anything with, and there was one or two pieces with extra plastic I’ll need to remove before use.
However... I actually kind of like how they look in the little jar, I’m a bit hesitant about using them. I might just leave them as is. But I’ll probably use a couple pieces.
Korean DIY Kawaii Cupcake Set
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I’ve done a couple of kits like this before, they’re a lot of fun and I love to see how different they are between each one. I do wish we could have a little more variety kit wise, but because they differ it’s not that bad. Plus there are color variations so you can have a lot of fun making these, then re-using them for re-ment or dolls, or just cutesy displays later.
So as you can see we have two frostings, along with 3 cupcake liners and 3 glasses, and four bottles of deco bits: Styrofoam balls, glittery green stars, fruits and random other canes, and various glittery bits.
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Here are 3 I did, including 1 cupcake and 2 drinks. I’ve gone ahead and did another cupcake sometime after this pic, but I still have 2 pieces left over and a little bit of the “frosting“, which is a lot like glue in terms of consistency and feel. When you finish, it has a smooth and puffy texture, but it hardens over time and loses the squishiness.
I believe there would be enough to finish the last 2 pieces, but I’m unsure. The cupcake isn’t entirely frosting, I used spare bits to fill the bottom, a squirt of blue frosting, then filled it in white.
It’s very fun, but I will warn you, from the experience I’ve had with these types of things you definitely want tweezers to use. It will make the job loads easier and less-messy.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5: The items are well-made and really sweet, I like them all.
Theme - 2.5 out of 5: I felt like this could have been a lot better, I want to say at least half of the box was summery vacation themed
Total Rank: 8 out of 10 Cuties. I liked the items a lot, but I didn’t feel excited or super-thrilled with the box either. It was just good, not great or fantastic though, but you can’t please everyone and I still really liked it. The items are cute and colorful, and fun and practical. I can’t help but wonder what Augusts’ box will be like though, since both this one and the June one are both falling short on summer expectations. We’ll just have to wait to find out!
♥Cutie Scale ♥
1. Polar Bear Paw Gummies - These were delicious, I’d recommend them if you ever see them
2. Kawaii Hairclips - As I said above, I love the unique hair accessories we get from Blippo/Kawaii Box, I especially love these ones inspired by food items :3 I’ve worn them a couple of times and I really, really like them.
3. Popsicle Pen - It’s so cute, I just wish the pens tube wasn’t so plain. It’s a little boring, but I can understand the design choice.
4. Sparkly Stickers - I probably won’t use these because of how much I like them. Unless I just find the perfect place for them that is~
5. Pill Organizer - It’s very fun and I love the use of black as a pop of color to the soft pastels. It’s been easy to use and it came in handy freeing up space.
6. Hello Kitty Mermaid - It’s very cute and I’m obsessed with Hello Kitty, I don’t have a mermaid hello kitty, unless you count the large dress-up hello kitty doll I have, who was mermaid themed when I bought her.
7. DIY Bracelet Kit - Same as below, but I’m less-likely to actually touch it right now. I love looking at all the pieces~
8. DIY Cupcake Set - It’s very cute and fun, and relaxing too. But I’ve been there done that. 
9. Aiko Case - It’s very cute and small, I won’t be using them for earbuds or headphones but I know I can find a use for it in my bed-side table or purse. I still wish they used the design from the front though...
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thatwritingthingdotcom · 7 years ago
Skoshbox Review: October 2017
Skoshbox Review: October 2017
Even though it arrived a bit later than usual, October’s Skoshbox was packed with full sized snacks! The info page was no longer the main one on the website, but luckily October’s was archived and still available to view. Honestly, I don’t really like how early Skoshbox posts the box’s contents — November’s hasn’t even shipped out yet and they’re already announcing what’s inside! Takes away from the surprise. Plus, some customers won’t receive their box in time for the page to still be on the current month. I’m on the east coast and packages from Japan like to take their time getting to me sometimes. 🙁
Anyway, that’s enough talk about delivery times and Skoshbox’s website. Let’s move on to the actual review for October 2017’s box!
Gogo no Koucha Lemon Tea Cookie
Skoshbox Review October 2017
These are sandwich cookies, kind of like Oreo’s but more refined. It’s hard to read on the box in the picture since I opened it, but there’s a cute little message:
“Afternoon tea has been drunk by the English ever since the custom was first started by the Duchess of Bedford in the mid 19th century.”
Educational! I don’t know if this is accurate or not, as I didn’t research it but it sounds right? Either way, it’s funny to see on the front of the box.
The cookies themselves are as you’d expect, but that’s not a problem. The cookie part (I should be saying biscuit, actually) is a shortbread type, not too crunchy nor too soft. They have a lemon flavor, as does the cream in between. The lemon flavor isn’t too strong, despite the two sources. I enjoyed these a lot.
Rating: 5/5
Scone Sour Cream Onion Flavor
Skoshbox Review October 2017
I didn’t know what to expect from these before I tried them, but when I opened the pack I noticed that they look just like crunchy Cheetos.
Sure enough, they taste like them too! I don’t even know if Japan imports Cheetos from the United States at all (they probably do, a little bit) but these taste just like Cheetos without the cheese powder. The flavor on them is much like a standard Sour Cream and Onion chip, which surprisingly goes well with the Cheeto puff.
These are very nice, and they kind of make me wish Cheetos had a Sour Cream and Onion variety.
Rating: 5/5
Hi-Chew Seasonal Okayama White Peach
Skoshbox Review October 2017
Hi-chew. We all know what they are by now, since they’re really popular in Japan. I’ve received them quite a few times in Skoshboxes, too, and I’m always pretty happy to see them.
These are white peach flavored, and even though I’ve never had a white peach I can imagine they’re quite similar to regular peaches. (Google tells me they’re sweeter. This candy is sweet, so I suppose that makes sense.)
These chews are sweet peach flavored. I can’t really verify if they’re white peach flavored due to my lack of experience with them, but they’re good. I like them; they have the standard chewy texture Hi-chew is known for, so there’s not much else to say.
Rating: 5/5
Mochitto Purin
Skoshbox Review October 2017
This is a flan flavored mochi gummy. The texture is really soft and kind of unpleasant, honestly.
It’s a shame because sometimes I love mochi inspired treats, but other times they’re just too mushy for me. This was, unfortunately one of those times.
The taste is fine, it is reminiscent of flan and vanilla, but the texture is so soft! I could have popped them in the refrigerator but I wanted to try them as intended.
Rating: 1/5
Chisana Bakauke Nori Flavor
Skoshbox Review October 2017
This is a simple rice cracker flavored with Nori (seaweed). They have a strong soy sauce taste to them as well, but it works with the seaweed.
The texture is crispy, but not too heavy. I liked these, but there isn’t a whole lot to say about them.
Rating: 5/5
Happy Nikukyu Gummies Grape Flavor
Skoshbox Review October 2017
These are adorable little gummies shaped like cat’s paws. I love how they look; I love the bag, I love the fat kitty on the bag, I love how each paw is well formed, but….
The taste is really strong. Like, I’ve received quite a few grape flavored candies through the years via Skoshbox but none were quite as strong as these, and they also didn’t seem to have as much of a medicinal note to them as these do.
I’m not going to lie, I was disappointed in these little gummies due to how cute they were! Though, I do wonder if they came in other flavors, if they’d be nicer.
Rating: 2.5/5
Verdict for October 2017: EXCELLENT! I didn’t particularly love the Happy Nikukyu gummies or the Mochitto Purin, but everything else was amazing so the box still gets an excellent rating from me. 🙂 I really appreciated the large portion sizes!
Check out Skoshbox’s page if you’re interested in trying out a subscription for yourself. It’s $12 a month for the basic box, which I receive, if you pay monthly.
Do you run a subscription box service? Would you like me to review one of them? I am always very glad to try out new boxes and tell the world about them! Please don’t hesitate to check out my About Me page and send me a message!
Skoshbox Review: October 2017 was originally published on That Writing Thing!
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theinnerriot · 6 years ago
Video: Instagram Jubiläum & Test Unboxing: KawaiiBox September 18
Video: Instagram Jubiläum & Test Unboxing: KawaiiBox September 18
(Dieser Beitrag enthält Werbung in Form einer Kooperation mit der KawaiiBox.)
Mein Video zum Gewinnspiel für’s erreichen der 2000 Follower auf Instagram ist da :3 Teilnehmen könnt ihr HIER! Und vergesst nicht, mir bescheid zu geben, ob Unboxings für euch noch auf YouTube gehören und ob Chris zurück vor die Kamera soll!
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