#Kimetsu No Yaiba Rui
anmiruzu · 1 year
Hello, could you write for Rui x big sis reader platonic? She genuinely loves him and tries to form a bond with him. I don't remember if I sent in a request or not before, but if I did, just delete this.
rui w/ an older sister! reader
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a/n dw you didn’t this is your first one, also uh- he may be ooc? i mean this is my first time writing for him (and i didn’t bother to rewatch season 1 to make sure he’s in character) so if he is i apologize.
-rui, at first, was overjoyed; however, he didn’t believe it. he was happy to have a family, someone who he could call his “big sister” but it didn’t feel right.
-you were different; different from his other “sisters,” your love is genuine. it’s not through fear, for once. you came into his life not by him forcing you to become his family. you came into his life out of your own free will, out of your love for him.
-however, despite always wanting a genuine family bond, he doesn’t believe in you, at first, at least. you actually care for him? he didn’t have to use fear? really?? is this genuine? he became so used to obtaining family members by forcing them, making them fear him. some just wanted to be a part of his family for their guaranteed survival, or, of course, for his power as one of the twelve kizuki.
-so to see you genuinely attempt to form a familial bond with him makes him extremely happy. seeing you make his favorite foods for him, giving small gifts to him, immediately obeying his orders, or simply trying to be with him more makes him love you more; he couldn’t have asked for a better older sister.
-he’s tempted to kill his other family members just because they’re so fake compared to you. compared to you, they’re fakes, nothing, not even close to the familial bond he’s always wanted.
-…and so he does exactly that, he murders his other “family” members for not being good enough compared to you. after that, he chose to live with you, just you, his perfect older sister.
{kimetsu no yaiba masterlist}
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HIHI! Im not really good at requesting things so I apologize in advance of this seems weird😭 odd request but!1!1 could you maybe do Rui with a s/o that’s a lunar moth demon? Like has the wings and antennas of said moth and stuff :)
Hiya Anon! (^○^) First off I want to thank you for requesting, especially something so fun!
Please don't apologize either, I'm more than happy to write your request ☆ If you have anymore please send them my way!
I just hope that i've done your request justice....
Also as I've written quite a bit I'm gonna stick these headcanons under a 'Keep Reading' line which I hope you don't mind.
Rui x Luna moth Demon S/O - Headcanons:
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To Rui, you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his long life - Your just absolutely stunning!
Even before you both started a relationship – back when you first met each other, where you were injured + caught in his web and he was going to eat you 😊 – you held a ethereal beauty that soothed him yet made him yearn
…….he did threaten to eat you a lot at the beginning of your friendship, although now he threatens to eat you in a joking manner
Big beautiful pearlescent green wings that shimmer when you move – covered in a soft fuzz and a gentle dust – the crescent moons on your wings winking each time you move.
Your bottom wings have these beautiful twisting tails too which happen to trail on the floor alot so you have a tendency to stay above ground so they don't get damaged
Rui does help you keep them intact and healthy
Your antennae sit comfortably on your forehead just above your brows, resting on your head when not in proper use - as if your letting them relax
They happen to be as equally as soft as your wings, and feathered out elegant – the colour a mellow yellow, slightly dull in comparison to your wings
Of course Rui doesn’t touch your wings or antennae too much, he knows both are delicate – that and your sense of smell is incredibly sensitive due to your antennae…
Your eyes are stunning too, a beautiful shade of (E/C) that have the amazing ability to see everything around you in hyper detail
It just also happens that due to your amazing eyesight you happen to be a bit light sensitive…..
Although funnily enough, light is something that grabs your attention quickly? You just have to investigate it at all costs
Does that mean Rui has to constantly be vigilant for unusual light sources? Yes
Also your eyes glow – like a cat’s – when light is shone at them
Has this accidently scared members of the spider family? Yes! Have any of them learnt not to shine lights around so you don’t accident scare them? No
Honestly each and everyone of your features are beautiful to Rui
You differ so much to him and his spider qualities - although his eyes do the glowy thing too (which is terrifying! Why did spiders have to have the glowy eye things too?!)
Your method of hunting is fascinating too.
Completely different to his hunting.
Soft clicks leaving your throat in odd patterns to confuse your prey (and predator) as you lead them off on a wild + intoxicating dance before devouring them swiftly
Hiding away above in the forests canopy, your eyes that see all analyzing everything about your prey from the way they stand to the sound of their blood + heart rate
You can go months between eating - Lunar moths lack mouths completely and survive of off their own body fat - although you eat ALOT when you finally do need to eat which Rui happily provides for you
Your blood is also moth-like! Instead of a deep crimson its a deep and haunting blue - Although if you were to ever get injured to the point of shedding blood, Rui is personally hunting & killing the thing that harmed you down
Rui does like to spoil you
He always manages to find - or maybe make? - the finest fabrics and furs for you, everything is suited to your tastes and wants
The fur is always soft and warming due to your obsession with warmth and keeping it locked in your body
The flesh you consume is only ever hunted by his or your hand - Rui only ever does this for you
Your bestowed his love and affection for all of time
His small smiles and feather soft kisses - Cold lips brushing along the apple of your cheek in a sign of affection as you walk together with hands holding
Soft and gentle hands upon your face, appendages and body
Your the only one who he whispers compliments and praise too
The only one he'll ever shed tears for - In sadness, anger, lust and happiness etc.
You are his love
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Rui Human & Lower Moon 5 Character Sheet
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h3yl4dies · 8 months
For kny, can you do Rui and a big sister reader? :) platonic ofc cuz we don't like that weird stuff
➤ sure! I find this req cute since rui didn't really knew the meaning of family and love but now he gets to experience it with a big sister!reader ❤
➤ type : headcannons
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✧ I feel like Rui is the type of person that would be insanely desperate to recreate a "perfect" family so sometimes he may lash out his anger due to stress and the trouble the spider family are causing
✧ but since your the elder one, he wouldn't disrespect you
✧ he actually feels protective of his sister, he already lost his parents and he CANNOT lose his sister, the last family member remaining in his side
✧ he would be insanely strict about your freedom actually
✧ he won't allow you to go out in the wild most of the time since he's actually scared of losing you or failing to protect you when he's not around
✧ he looks up to you a lot
✧ and also has a soft side too!
✧ his soft side can be combing your hair, taking care of you if your sick, makes a cure spider-themed kimono for you
✧ if your a demon too, he would give you more blood to make you stronger and better at defending yourself when he's not around to save you
✧ but sometimes Rui isn't always nice, he has a cold-hearted personality most of the time
✧ so don't expect him to sometimes be in a bad mood
✧ but.. Typically he would feel better if you talk about it with him or comfort him
✧ if you did or messed up with something wrong, he won't punish you like he did to the others, instead. He would give you a small lecture
✧ he doesn't feel like being too mad or rude to his actual Sibling, sometimes he would be worried if he upset you too much so he would just lecture a bit and give you some time alone
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I am so so sorry this was so short because it was a bit rushed but I tried my best to think some headcannons to entertain you guys 😭
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datlokibumtho · 10 months
I personally think the only reason Muzan rage quit the Lower Six was because his spider son died. Like,
Rui: gets Giyu'd
Muzan: "Well, there goes the last fuck I had to give about you lot."
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pikichavez2022 · 1 year
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Witchtober 2023 Día 9: Araña🕷
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aili-not-ally · 1 year
Enmu and Rui
Enmu and Rui are sitting in a tree on Mt. Natagumo
Enmu, swooning: Ohhhh, Rui~! You won't believe what happened to me today~!!
Rui, playing with a spiderweb in his fingers: That's nice, Enmu
Enmu: Lord Muzan complimented me~! He said I was the most competent of the Lower Moons~! No offense to you, though, dear friend~!
Rui: That's nice, Enmu
Enmu: I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't caught in one of my own dreams~!!!
Rui: That's nice, Enmu
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madzmationcreations · 2 years
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Inktober day 5 : Rui from Demon Slayer
2022 Inktober drawing Links:
<- Day 4
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The Struggle Of Simping Over A Small Time Demon Slayer Villain Character
So I’m making a fic where during the course of the Mt. Natagumo Arc, Rui basically gets adopted by an OC slayer. But, like, I don’t remember the whole Giyuu and Shinobu scene right after Giyuu yeets Rui’s head from the rest of his body, and I sorta need to know that, ya know, to make adjustments where necessary and whatnot. But, like, I really don’t want to see Rui die, because that whole scene just hits me in the soul. 
I am suffering.
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yoyidenko-chan · 2 years
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luxthestrange · 1 year
KNY Incorrect quotes#45 The Baby
Rui: Why does Y/n call you baby girl?*Looks at Kokushibo*
Kokushibo, blushing: We don't need to talk about this
Rui: And they call you their sugar baby?*Looks at Gyutaro*
Gyutaro, getting redder: K-kid please-
Rui*Looking at Muzan* And why do they call you puss-
Muzan, close to passing out: LET'S STOP TALKING PLEASE-
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Rui gonna be curious about these funny nicknames...
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a1t0aria · 1 year
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Kimetsu no Yaiba Virtual Hug Project: 4/? (Muzan + Upper Moons + Enmu + Rui)
Finally completed the main demons from the series! This one took a long while compared to the rest… _(:3 」∠)_
The next set(s) of Virtual Hugs will now be done at my own pace, and I won’t reveal the exact list of characters I plan to draw. Do look forward to it, along with other projects that I have in mind!
As usual, you may save, repost or use the gifs on your blogs as you wish, so long as you adhere to the permissions posted! ٩( ᐛ )و
Important links:
Master List
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carmenlim-rui · 3 months
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nikailustracion · 1 year
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Some of my fav eye shots from Kimetsu no Yaiba 
I’m bored and I can’t stop making gifs, help 
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datlokibumtho · 5 months
Muzan: "Why don't I just torture one of my minions?"
Rui: "Don't torture your minions!"
Muzan: ?
Rui: "What if it lowers workplace morale?"
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kiame-sama · 11 months
rui's death really be hitting differently (demon slayer), so can I request Rui finding a motherly demon? like she encounters him and treats him like he's her kid.
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- Rui has finally found one of those family members he has always wanted. Someone who cares about him and will fight to protect him however she can like a true mother would. His past has resulted in him being fixated on this concept of family, so finding a motherly demon that will be that ideal for him means quite a lot to Rui.
- Rui will be rather obvious in his favoritism towards his motherly companion. Because she acts the way he desperately wants her to, he will favor his motherly compatriot far more than the other members of his makeshift family. He won't tolerate the others trying to hurt his adored 'mother' and will become violent towards them if they try to harm her or push her away.
- Rui makes it clear his 'father' must protect her no matter what and he is thrilled when the two get along as if they were married. He is less pleased with his 'siblings' as he wants all of his family members to love him and treat him the way his 'mother' does. Due to already having his 'mother' he is more lenient with his 'father' and doesn't hold his 'father' to the same standard seeing as he believes a father would be loving but distant.
- Rui will ask if he can sleep next to his mother during the day and will latch on to her side as he sleeps. That comfort of being held and cared for does wonders to make Rui feel loved and protected. He will be sorrowful and despondent should anything happen to his beloved 'mother'.
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