#Kimberley Tell
docpiplup · 11 months
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Upcoming series: Ena
In September, the filming of Ena began, a biographical series that will focus on the life of Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, queen of Spain through her marriage to Alfonso XIII between May 31, 1906 and April 14, 1931, after being the monarchy deposed later by the proclamation of the Second Republic. Great-grandmother of the current king Philip VI of Spain, of whom she was godmother at his baptism. Throughout six chapters, the series will tell the life of Victoria Eugenie and at the same time offer a portrait of a time that changed the world, the first half of the 20th century, from 1905 to 1945. Born on October 24, 1887 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Ena was the daughter of Henry of Battenberg and Princess Beatrice, youngest daughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Her godmother was Eugenia de Montijo, empress consort of France as Napoleón III's wife. The name of the series comes from what her friends and family called her since she was little, Ena.
The fiction is based on the novel of the same name by Pilar Eyre. Javier Olivares, who was behind the acclaimed Isabel and El Ministerio del Tiempo, will be the showrunner and plot manager for Ena. In addition to Olivares, the script is written by Isa Sánchez, Daniel Corpas and Pablo Lara Toledo. The series will be directed entirely by women: Anaïs Pareto, director of the series as a whole, in addition to four episodes, and Estel Díaz, who will direct two episodes.
“Ena is the portrait of historical moments that seem distant but are not so far away, because without them we would not understand the times we live in now,” Olivares declares in the press release sent by TVE. The writer and screenwriter remembers that Victoria Eugenie “fought to be happy in a bitter time, in which she witnessed two world wars, a civil war and a great pandemic, the tortuously called Spanish flu.”
For Pilar Eyre, author of the novel, she was "an extraordinary woman: cultured, supportive, liberal-minded, modern and very loyal." And she is excited because "finally all Spaniards can know" the story of a "misunderstood" woman. in their time, which they will always consider foreign." It is a fiction co-produced by RTVE with Ena La Serie AIE, La Cometa TV and Zona App. José Pastor, director of Film and Fiction at RTVE, has pointed out that "it is a "RTVE is proud to be able to portray this interesting historical character, from the point of view of two women directors and with Javier Olivares as showrunner, in one of its best series."
The Spanish actress of Anglo-Danish descent Kimberly Tell will play Ena and Joan Amargós will play Alfonso XIII. For her part, Elvira Mínguez will play Maria Christina von Habsburg-Lothringen, mother of Alfonso XIII. The cast is completed by Lucía Guerrero (Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Raúl Mérida (Alfonso of Orleans and Bourbon), Juan Gea (Álvaro Figueroa y Torres, Count of Romanones), María Morales (María del Carmen Angoloti y Mesa, Duchess of Victoria), Pedro Mari Sánchez (Rodrigo de Saavedra y Vinent, Marquis of Villalobar), Luisa Gavasa (Eugenia de Montijo) and Joaquín Notario (José de Saavedra y Salamanca, Marquis of Viana)
Mariano Peña will play Miguel Primo de Rivera; Jaume Madaula will play the anarchist Mateo Morral, author of the attack committed at the royal wedding; Tomás del Estal will be Emilio María de Torres y González-Arnáu, and Ángel Ruiz will once again give life to Federico García Lorca, a character he already played in El Ministerio del Tiempo, among others.
The series will be filmed entirely in natural exteriors and interiors, like the Royal Palace of Madrid, the Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia), the Palace of Santoña (Madrid), the Palace of Fernán Núñez (Madrid), the Fort of San Francisco (Guadalajara) and the Magdalena Palace (Santander), built in 1911 by the City Council as a tribute to the monarchs and where Ena spent a good part of her summers in Spain, accompanied by the Royal Family. Filming for the series will continue until the end of December.
So, the Magdalena Palace is going to be an important location during the series as a summer palace, the main filming location in Gran Hotel, and in that series Ena appeared in the episode 3×13, played by Aída Filx.
Apart from that, are we getting an Olivaresverse (XD)? Most likely not, and it's just references about his previous works as a showrunner, but there are connections between Isabel, Emdt and Ena: Michelle Jenner starring Isabel as Isabella I of Castile, then appearing in a couple of scenes in Emdt episode 1×04 and being an important figure in the lore as the foundress of the ministry (& Eusebio Poncela playing as Cisneros in both series, and also he played Cisneros in the film La Corona Partida and the Carlos Rey Emperador series); Alfonso XIII is a descendant of Isabella I of Castile; Ángel Ruiz appeard as Lorca in Emdt in 4 episodes and now he is on Ena playing as Lorca again, we don't know yet how much screentime he will get or which will his role be (secondary character most likely), but it's great to see more about him!
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espeliculando · 2 months
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Operación Barrio Inglés
Operación: Tampoco es tan mala.
Por mgarsos
Mucho se ha hablado de Operación Barrio Inglés, casi nada bueno y es cierto que la serie tiene muchísimas carencias, pero he de decir, que en su conjunto y si lo que buscas es un simple pasatiempo, se deja ver. Pero tras ese maltrato en parrilla y ser denostada por la crítica desde sus inicios, ya presagiabamos un triste desenlace para esta ficción. Pese a ello logra concluir con cierto talante y dignidad.
Su historia es sencilla, genérica, quizás demasiado blanca y evidente, lo que le resta credibilidad. Debido a esto, el guión es demasiado plano y da lugar a situaciones absurdas.
Una maravillosa Aria Bedmar hace malabares con un texto que no da para más. Completan el triángulo Vives, con mejor acento pero menos creible y Cortada, más creible pero con peor acento. Desaprovecha grandes nombres como María Morales, Juan Gea, Paco Tous o Carlos Olalla, que podían haber marcado la diferencia. Destacamos especialmente entre el reparto a Sue Flack, Beatriz Arjona, Kimberley Tell y Marco Cáceres.
En el apartado visual cuenta con una fotografía en la que nada es excelente pero todo funciona medianamente bien. Su diseño de producción se percibe austero y muchas veces la utillería rezuma cartón piedra. Pero si realmente debemos destacar algo nefasto en este apartado, es sin duda el aspecto y la calidad de los efectos visuales, los cuales dejan mucho que desear.
La música por su parte no desentona, pero tampoco aporta demasiado.
Operación Barrio Inglés partía con demasiadas pretensiones que debido a su mala gestión de recursos, el maltrato en parrilla y sus múltiples errores, llegó simplemente a mero entretenimiento de fácil digestión. Si la ves teniendo esto en cuenta, incluso puede que llegues a disfrutar de ella.
Puedes verla gratis en Rtve Play.
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formerlylohan · 2 years
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"I love you, Egg and I would very much like to marry you. Just haven't found the courage to ask you"
"So you mean you've just been dithering?"
"Well, yes"
A little gif set to commemorate Jenksel's and my first anniversary of watching this episode. What a wild ride it has been since then!
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papirouge · 2 months
Are they gonna remake RE5 too?
I'm lowkey scared about what they gonna do with Sheva. Is she gonna look African or are they gonna keep making her look like an exotical/brown skin version on a White model because japanese charadesigners cannot design actual African characters??
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"Ah, Ronald. Remember when Shego and I tried to kill you and Kimberley-Ann? Again, sorry for that."
"All water under the bridge Dr. D."
Based on/requested by @bcbdrums' post
The worst thing about this, is that this literally happened to me two days ago while finishing up this drawing. Should I have known that my colleagues would give me 0% champagne at 10 in the morning? Maybe; did I think they are wild partyanimals and drink this early because it's an anniversary and I just join in with them despite having a very low alcohol tollerance and getting placebo'd into being tipsy because I can't tell the difference between 0% and actual champagne? Definetely.
I was embarassed and needless to say these two illustrations will be forever tied to this corememory.
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But here, have old Rufus enjoying a butter cookie.
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Kimberley Richards at HuffPost:
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) recently slammed Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, over his views on rural America. During an appearance on a Tuesday segment of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” the governor criticized Vance for the way he characterized “small-town America” in his 2016 bestselling memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis.”
“People like JD Vance know nothing about small-town America,” said Walz, who was raised in rural Nebraska. “My town had 400 people in it, 24 kids in my graduating class — 12 were cousins.” “And he gets it all wrong,” he continued. “It’s not about hate, it’s not about collapsing in. The golden rule there is mind your own damn business.” Walz then said that the Republican Party has “destroyed rural America” through their policies. “They’ve divided us. They’re in our exam rooms, they’re telling us what books to read,” he said. “And I think what Kamala Harris knows is, bringing people together around the shared values — strong public schools, strong labor unions that create the middle class, health care that’s affordable and accessible — those are the things.” The Minnesota governor later emphasized his point that Republicans have created division, saying, “We can’t even go to Thanksgiving dinner with our uncle, because you end up in some weird fight that is unnecessary.”
Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Tuesday, Minnesota Governor and potential Harris VP pick Tim Walz (D) scored Trump VP pick and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (R) good by saying that Vance “know[s] nothing about small-town America.
Walz deserves to be Harris’s VP choice.
From the 07.23.2024 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe:
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mybeingthere · 4 months
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Pippin Drysdale (born 1943) is an Australian ceramic artist and art teacher. Her works are known for their intensity of colour and linear markings that interpret the artist's relationship with the Australian landscape. She was recognized as one of Western Australia’s State Living Treasures.
She tells: ‘I am inspired by landscape and am driven to capture its essential beauty. My porcelain vessels record my journeys through Australia’s unique and varied environments. The various series trace my travels to the Pinnacles north of Perth, to the Eastern Goldfields and the salt lakes in the interior of Western Australia. A digression to Pakistan resulted in a series of vibrant works inspired by that impressive land and the largest single work I have ever made. Visits to the Tatami Desert saw a more delicately decorated collection and another to the north of the State – the Kimberley and interaction with Aboriginal people is resulting in another series of really strong collections.’ – Pippin Drysdale, 2022
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs - Top Rated Fics (by hits and kudos on Ao3)
Be sure to show the authors some love and appreciation with kudos and comments on the fics you enjoyed!
✨ Likes are lovely, but please reblog to share this content with your mutuals! 😁
🟪 sacred word, bind me by @brokendrums // brokendrums [E, 8K] Tim takes a vow of silence, Hawk vows to break it.
🟪 we are tragically meant to be by @fuddlewuddle // fuddlewuddle [E, 1.5K] He looks softer in his sleep, Hawk muses; fingertips lightly skimming over the ridge of Tim’s cheek bone, the curve of his ear feeling the small indent from where the frames of his spectacles rest whenever he’s awake. Part 1 of fellow travelers
🟪 feeding on chaos and living in sin by @fuddlewuddle // fuddlewuddle [E, 2K] Tim doesn't expect Hawk to call. And even when he does, the call doesn't go as Tim expects. But then he should probably stop trying to predict what Hawkins Fuller will do. Part 2 of fellow travelers
🟪 more. by @redmyeyes // redmyeyes [E, 1.8K] "You would drop to your knees and blow me right here if I told you to," Hawk said, marveling at the realization. Part 2 of Fellow Travelers * *Red has their own series, not to be confused with fuddlewuddle's series of the same name. Two different series'--same name!
🟪 I'd walk a thousand miles without my shoes to make it work by @fuddlewuddle // fuddlewuddle [E, 1.5K] The strip of milk on Tim’s top lip gives Hawk ideas. Part 3 of Fellow Travelers
🟪 all through the midnight. by southernkiss [E, 9K] Hawk's eyes burned with lust and something dark, something that both terrified and excited Tim.
🟪 teacher's pet by @ascandalinpink // ascandalinpink [E, 10K, WIP] Tim’s first class for today is his first class ever in this particular elective. It’s a foreign affairs course taught by professor Fuller, whom Tim has never met, but he’s heard about him. All high praise, which leaves this course highly sought after.
As the professor enters the classroom and the chatter around him dies down, Tim understands perhaps why this course is so popular. And it might have nothing to do with the curriculum itself.
Or, Tim starts sleeping with and develops feelings for his college professor.
🟪 have you ever? by Cozy_coffee [M, 1.4K] “Has anyone ever licked that cute little ass of yours?”
A fic in which a bold Hawk introduces a somewhat shy Tim to the pleasures of rimming.
🟪 a joy, hard learned by @partialresonance // partialresonance [E, 12K, WIP] Tim and Hawk get snowed in together.
Later, Tim comes back from the war a changed man.
🟪 perhaps, perhaps, perhaps it's real by drabbleswabbles [NR, 16K, WIP] And then it happened. The metallic screech of the gate, the shuffle of men stepping out beyond the prison walls. And suddenly there he was. His hair was shorter than he’d ever seen it. And his glasses were different. But it was him. Their eyes met. Tim stared at him in wide-eyed shock before recognition melted his features into a confused outrage.
Basically a fix-it in which Hawk finds himself back in the early 70s.
🟪 sweet by Kimora_V [M, 1.4K] Tim noticed how Hawk is being sweet lately.
Or, what happened before the cuddle scene in episode 5.
🟪 this spells love by Cozy_coffee [M, 540] When Hawk gently cups his cheek and calls him ‘my beautiful boy’ and looks at him with nothing but pure, everlasting love, that is all Tim’s heart needed in this tender moment.
🟪 flame trees by @waterlilyrose // WaterlilyRose [G, 1K] (“I received a package from Marcus a few days later. It had been sent by Tim. I thought that Tim’s last gift (and a gentle fuck you to me) was that paperweight. But no...”
“What did he send?” Kimberley asked gently. Her father had looked at her and almost seemed ready to tell her… but then he closed his mouth.
“More than I deserved” was all the answer he gave. Kimberley wondered if he would even be Hawkins Fuller anymore if he didn’t have some secrets.)
Or, Hawk keeps Tim's final parting gift close as he faces his mortality.
🟪 lost somewhere by @trainofcommand // anagrrl [E, 1K] Humming to himself a little, fingers digging into his palms briefly, Tim leans forward.
🟪 together, here and now by Kimora_V [NR, 1.8K] Hawk and Tim are happy, set in the modern day. Because I am just tired of sad stories all the time.
🟪 love by ikharys [E, 1.8K] "It's going to be okay," Hawk whispers.
Something in Tim's eyes makes it clear that he doesn't believe it, but he's not willing to argue.
Or, the cabin scene, but a little different.
🟪 mad about the boy by @redmyeyes redmyeyes [E, 2.8K] “Tell me,” Hawk said, tilting Tim’s head back to give his forehead a quick kiss, “what does my boy want for his birthday?”
“Am I still? Your boy?” Part 3 of Fellow Travelers
🟪 you're my religion by anonymous [E, 956] After Tim and Hawk’s conversation on the bench, Tim does go to Church, and eventually finds that Hawk has attended the same mass.
Things go awry in the chapel.
🟪 i want you to fuck me by @carnivalrow // nightfall_in_winter [E, 2K] THAT scene from Episode 8 but slightly different. :) Chapter 1 is Hawk's POV, Chapter 2 is Tim's POV.
🟪 who do you belong to? by mrschesapeakeripper [E, 2.5K] “That’s my good boy.” All those years later, and the praise still made him blush.
Or, the missing scene from the mutual masturbation episode. None of that "no touching" nonsense.
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
heyyyy! can i request a leighton murray x younger finkle sibling fic where they try to hide it from kimberley
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Leighton Murray x fem!Finkle!reader
Summary: You are Kimberly's younger sister, and when you and Leighton start dating, you sneak around behind your sister's back.
Warnings: fluff, slight smut
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: Hope you like it!
navigation  the sex lives of college girls masterlist
When Kimberly mentioned that she had a younger sister, the suitemates were expecting a younger, maybe even more annoying version of her. When she described you as a leather-jacket type with tattoos but with manners that rivaled her own, the girls obviously doubted her. Especially since Kimberly said that her ex-boyfriend looked like Shawn Mendes, and he ended up looking like… well, definitely not like Shawn Mendes. They thought that maybe you had gotten one tattoo, or worn a brown leather jacket once, and now that was how Kimberly described you. 
But you. Oh, you. She didn’t exaggerate at all. In fact, she probably underexaggerated. You went to a school near Essex, and when you finally found time to come and visit your sister, Kimberly’s roommates couldn’t hide their shock if they even tried. 
You rolled up in front of the dorms on your motorcycle, white t-shirt hugging your muscles and full-sleeve tattoos on display. The girls stood in shock as Kimberly ran towards you and jumped into your arms, you barely catching her before turning your bike off and walking forward with you still supporting her. 
“This is a prank, right? Like, she hired someone to act like her sister or something. There is no way they’re related,” Whitney states. When she gets no response, she looks at the other two girls for backup. She sees both Bela and Leighton staring at you with their jaws dropped, and just a little bit of drool escaping from Leighton’s mouth.
She taps her blonde friend’s chin, which makes Leighton snap out of her stupor and subtly wipe her mouth. When you finally get to your sister’s friends, you put her down and stick out your hand. “Hey, y’all! I’m Y/N Finkle, Kimberly’s younger sister. I’ve sure heard a lot about you.” Bela’s eyes seem to bug out of her head even further if possible as she exclaims, “Younger?!” 
You let out a laugh that makes Leighton’s heart eyes grow somehow bigger, and you reply, “Yes, ma’am. One year, to be exact. Most people can’t tell, given the height difference.” The girls nod, noting the foot difference. All of you stand there, looking at each other for a second longer before Whitney claps her hands and says, “Okay! How about we go to the room and get to know each other better?” All of you agree, and you follow behind the girls, not being able to help the way that your eyes keep drifting towards a certain blonde.
After that day, the girls took a strong liking to you, especially Leighton. You quickly noticed the attention she would give you when you hang out in a group, and soon you began inviting her to hang out with you one-on-one. 
You would never assume someone’s sexuality, so you never made a move on Leighton no matter how much you wanted to. On the other side of things, Leighton was becoming increasingly frustrated with you, and how you never could get the hint that she just wanted to make out with you already. 
One day, you took her to a movie theater. Every time you took a handful of popcorn, your hands seemed to brush together. Finally, Leighton couldn’t take anymore of your prolonged stares at the side of her head. She muttered, “Fuck it,” underneath her breath, and as you started to ask, “Wha-” She straddled your lap and smashed your lips together. 
Let’s just say that you have no clue what happened in the movie, nor did you really care all that much. 
Since then, all of your hang outs with Leighton had been classified as dates. It wasn’t long before you asked her to be your girlfriend, and she said yes. Your relationship was perfect. Except for one little thing. Leighton didn’t want to tell Kimberly about it, feeling like she would think that this was revenge for Kimberly sneaking around with her brother. 
The other girls knew, as they had walked in on the two of you making out more times than any of you could count, but Kimberly, being the clueless person she is, somehow kept missing the signs. You couldn’t help but want to tell her, as the two of you were close and usually told each other everything, but Leighton insisted, and you couldn’t deny her.
Sneaking around began to get more difficult, as Kimberly had a habit of not knocking and an impossible talent of barging in at the absolute worst time. Now, she definitely wasn’t stupid, but her denial ability was top-notch. It wasn’t until she caught you and Leighton with your pants down, literally, that she finally realized what was going on. 
Kimberly opened the door to Leighton’s room, asking, “Hey, Leighton, have you seen my- OH MY GOD!” She quickly covers her eyes, trying to erase the sight in front of her from her memory. There you are, her younger sister, knuckle deep in her roommate and friend. 
You scramble off of Leighton, quickly covering her up, as she was fully naked and you still had your boxers and sports bra on. Kimberly quickly walks out of the room as best she can with her eyes still closed, bumping into the doorframe on her way out. You let out a sigh before turning to your girlfriend and murmuring, “I’ll talk to her.” Leighton nods, and you pull on your shorts and go into the living room.
You sit down next to your sister, who quickly turns to you and accusingly exclaims, “You’re sleeping with Leighton? Why didn’t you tell me? I thought we told each other everything!” You put your hands on her shoulders, trying to get her to calm down. “Kimberly, breathe. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but Leighton didn’t want to just yet. Also, I’m not just sleeping with her, we’re dating.” 
Kimberly can’t think of anything to say as she stares at you. She finally points a finger in your face and as threateningly as she can says, “Don’t you dare hurt her. She’s already been through a lot.” You nod and laugh at Kimberly’s attempt to scare you, and you wrap your arms around her shoulders.
“Wouldn’t even dream of hurting her, sis. I’m glad that she has someone like you in her corner. You’re good for her.” Kimberly smiles at you. You both hear Leighton clear her throat from the door of her room before she mumbles, “Yeah, I don’t know about that. She keeps stopping me from getting some.” Kimberly’s face flushes red again as she remembers what she had interrupted, and she begins to profusely apologize. 
You laugh before calming your sister down, and she goes back into her room mumbling something about never being able to look at you the same. Leighton comes over to the couch and sits down on your lap. You look at her before asking, “Doesn’t that feel better? Like a weight has been lifted off of you?” She shrugs, but then nods. You smile at her before she mumbles, “Now, where were we?” Let’s just say that that was not the only time that Kimberly got traumatized by the two of you.  
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honkytonk-hangman · 8 months
Just Another Thing – [3]
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Summary: God help anyone who might’ve thought a nice, stable relationship might bring some kind of change to Walt Finnegan’s usual mischief and mild-hedonism. God especially help them if they also thought a girlfriend would provide any sort of calming influence over him.
She definitely influenced him, anyone could tell you that, unfortunately just never in any way that could even remotely be described as ‘calm’.
Warnings: cussing, flirting, illusions to sexxxxx. reader/OC is named Kimberly/Kimber, but it is still written in second person and her name shouldn’t come up very often.
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“You know, I’m pretty sure this counts as cheating at our little game,” Finn says in a sing-song voice when he jogs up to the fencing around the baseball pitch between innings. It was a balmy Saturday afternoon and at some point between this inning and the last, you’d shown up at the front of the stands beside Beverly. You stand to meet him, and he whistles slowly upon seeing the baseball jersey you have tied into a cropped top. He figures it must be one of Beverly’s.
“How do you know this isn’t serendipity at work?” you ask back, leaning right up against the fencing. Finn lifts an eyebrow but smiles. “Besides, I knew where you’d be today, I’m free tonight. I wanted to see you again,” you state matter of factly, yet still somehow very sexily. Finn pulls off his cap and holds it over his chest.
“You’re making me blush!” He teases back, before nodding in the direction of where Beverly is standing talking to Jake, feeding him little slices of oranges she has in a cup through the fencing. “I hope Bevie hasn’t told you anything bad about me,” he says.
You glance over and scrunch your nose adorably at the sickenly sweet affection between your friend and her boyfriend.
“Not anything I didn’t already know, besides, it’d only be hypocrisy,” you reply with a small shrug. Finn replaces his hat and takes up a lean against the otherside of the fence.
“How so?” he asks with a smirk. You cock your head and match his grin with your own.
“She’s friends with me, isn’t she?”
Finn stays beaming at you, leaning in even closer so your faces are barely separated by the wire between you.
“We’re all going to the Sound Machine tonight,” he tells you, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. Your face lights up, and he feels a sudden sense of pride that he’s caused it to do so.
“I’ll be there,” you say instantly, just as one of his teammates calls out to him, the next inning about to start. Finn glances back then turns to you once again as he pushes away from the fence.
“And one more thing honey,” he calls, walking backwards back to the dugout. “Let me know the next time you plan on coming and watching me, I’ll make sure you’ve got the right shirt on!” he grins widely, and points to the number on his back just as he turns.
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You walk arm and arm with Beverly through the club’s front doors, greeting Harry the doorman as he waves you both through. By now you were well known to the staff at Sound Machine, you and Harry had even had a short fling once, so your cover and drinks were always free of charge. You don’t expect that to be an issue tonight though, not when you had already planned on meeting Finn here.
Beverly quickly leads you around the dance floor and to a set of tall tables already crowded with rowdy baseball players, and the two of you are immediately welcomed as you siddle up. You barely get a chance to untuck yourself from your friend and make your way around to where Finn is sat oogling you before someone else leans over into your space.
“Well, well, well Beverly, who is your friend here?” a man you recognise as the one who threw the baseball that hit you, Roper, says. He doesnt even look at Beverly when he speaks though, his gaze trained solely on you.
“Kimberley,” you introduce yourself, holding out your hand, only a little skeezed out when instead of shaking it, he lifts it to his lips and kisses it.
“Charmed,” he says, looking you deep in the eye. You glance in Finn’s direction to find him glaring at Roper, but before you can tell him to buzz off, another hand is struck out towards you.
“I’m Dale,” the new man says, pushing in to bump Roper aside, and for politeness sake, these were Finn’s friends afterall, you take his hand, relieved when he only shakes it.
“It’s so nice to meet you both,” you tell them, rolling your eyes a little when they both immediately begin flirting heavy-handedly, complimenting your outfit and your hair, and asking about what you do at school. Eyeing Finn again, you see him throwing mental daggers at both men, though you catch his attention when he seems to worriedly look back at you.
Throwing him a wink, you flick your hair and focus back on the two men trying their damndest to be the one to take you home. You lean on the table beside you and pop your hip out, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by either of them.
“How about this;” you begin, speaking loud enough for the rest of the group to hear. Looking over at Beverly, you spot a maniacal grin on her lips as she leans up to whisper something in Jake’s ear. “If you can guess my major, I’ll let you buy me a drink,” you propose, putting on a show and laughing girlishly when both men begin to call out what they think your major might be.
“What? No, look at her, she’s clearly a drama student, with Beverly!”
“Astronautical Engineering,” Finn announces loudly, causing both Roper and Dale to turn and look at him like he’s insane. Clapping your hands together, you grin widely at him.
“Got it in one!” you tell him, laughing again when you see the appalled expressions on his friend’s faces. Finn smiles back, clearly having picked up on the fact you had no intention of letting any of his friends flirt with you, and pushes out of his seat, holding a hand out.
“Then I guess I get to buy you a drink, that’s my prize, right?”
You meet him on the otherside of the table, and take his hand eagerly, quickly throwing another wink back at the disappointed guys now hassling each other over apparently ruining the other’s chances.
“Right!” you say when you look back at Finn, his smile never waning as he leads you toward the bar.
When you arrive, he holds the little swivel seat steady for you as you hop up, before he takes up a lean next to you at the bar, standing close so you can hear one another above the music.
“Christ am I glad you remembered,” you huff with another roll of your eyes, jerking your head in the direction of his friends. Finn laughs.
“So am I. You nearly had me going there, giggling and all that!” He says with a small shake of his head. You cock your head at him and place a hand on the arm he has resting against the bartop.
“I’m sorry,” you begin to apologise, but he covers your hand with his own and shakes his head once more.
“No, no, that,” he gestures back to the tables. “Was extremely entertaining to watch. Not to mention satisfying.” he grins at you boyishly, but straightens briefly when the bartender approaches, placing both your drinks orders quickly before turning his ful attention back to you.
“Do you like watching, Finn?” you tease, leaning closer toward him. Finn smirks, but considers for a moment, flicking his eyes up then back to you.
“Depends on what I’m watching,” he tells you after a moment, before raking his eyes up and down your figure showily. “I would watch you do anything,” he flirts back, making you laugh.
You don’t go back to your group. You flirt shamelessly until you finish three more drinks each, at which point you slip off the stool and take his hands.
“Dance with me!” you call out over the music, already pulling him toward the dancefloor where Earth, Wind & Fire has started playing.
You can’t help but laugh in surprise, not only at how great of a dancer Finn really is, but at the way he spins and twirls you around the other dancers, singing along until your bodies crash togther once again. You reach up to wrap your arms loosely around his shoulders and neck as his own take a place at your hips, and you hold absolutely nothing back as you roll and grind them against his own.
You’re a little tipsy now, which is perhaps why you pull him closer toward you so you can speak.
“Have you ever looked at the stars?” you ask, still dancing.
“Think I’m looking at one right now,” he says matter-of-factly, making you throw your head back laughing, but you quickly shake your head.
“No, I'm serious!” you shout over the music, “We should go stargazing! I want to show you!” 
Which is exactly how you end up back at your team’s house, laying on the front lawn curled up in one another as you point out constellations to him. Just as you finish showing him the big and little dippers, you sit up partially, resting your head in your palm as you stare down at him.
“Next time I have a shift at the observatory, I’ll try and sneak you in, you can see them so much clearer there!” you gush. Finn grins up at you, and tucks an arm behidn his head.
“Already cheating and planning our next serendipitious meeting, huh?” he asks, making you slip down a little lower to hide your face partially behind his sleeve.
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay, I know that doesn’t sound very sexy,” you trail off, resting your chin on his arm.
Finn looks away from you and back to the stars, his face suddenly a mite more serious than it ever has been.
“I don’t usually do this sorta thing,” he starts, voice low. “You know, seeing girls again after the first time,” he looks back down at you then, where you nod in understanding.
“That’s okay, I don’t really either,” you admit.
“It’s different with you,” he quickly goes on, but stops himself. When he doesn’t continue after a moment's pause, you poke him.
Finn sucks in a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds as his eyes turn away from you once again, before he lets it out.
“I don’t know,” he says, sounding unsure, but he’s quickly rolling himself over and draping an arm around your middle, so you lay face to face, only a hair's breadth away. “Maybe because you saw through all my bullshit and wanted to sleep with me anyway?”
You can’t help but shrug, a small smile curling over your face.
“I’d already decided that when we first met, I wasn’t about to let those ruses get in the way,” you tell him.
Finn smiles back, in that way that you like, with his eyes crinkling in the corners as he softly pinches your side.
“Maybe it’s because of how assertive you are, you know exactly what you want,” he adds as you squeak and jerk a little closer at his teasing. Your faces are even closer now, your noses touching, and you can’t help but shrug again.
“A lot of guys don’t, but I don’t really see that as my problem.” you say confidently, speaking nothing but the truth. If a man didn’t want you, you didn’t want him, and that was that.
Finn groans and cuddles closer.
“See, even you saying that’s making me hard!” he faux complains. You can’t help but laugh, leaning even closer to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, moving back just as he tries to turn his head and capture your lips fully.
“Well, why don’t we go inside and take care of that?” you begin getting up, only stopped when Finn takes up your hand again and pulls you back. You let out a soft sound of surprise that is quickly muffled when he presses his lips to yours fully, hand moving to cup your cheek until you’re both giggling against each other. He finally pulls away and gazes at you cheekily.
“Only if you promise to sneak me into the observatory next time.”
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Finn hums to himself as he flips another piece of french toast onto a plate, not even stopping when he hears someone else enter the kitchen. He glances back briefly and nods at Beverly who eyes him sardonically as she pulls on her second shoe and opens the fridge in search of juice.
“French toast?” Finn asks, gesturing with his spatula to the ingredients he’s got laid out. Beverly eyes the two plates of breakfast he’s already made, and takes a seat on the opposite counter.
“Sure,” she says, watching as Finn goes about preparing her food. “Kimberley stayed the night again?” she asks, receiving a little hum in reply.
“She sure did,” he informs her happily. Beverly snorts into her hand and sips from her glass of orange juice.
“What do the guys think about that?” she asks, recalling the shit Jake had gotten from his teammates at first when she herself had started hanging out at the house more.
Finn places her toast on to cook then turns around to lean on the counter top as he looks at her.
“I don’t really care what the guys have to say about it,” he starts, motioning upstairs with his spatula again. “Fact is, they’re out every night complaining about getting laid, I’m actually getting laid. If they don’t see that as winning, they’re bigger idiots than we already thought,” he tells her. Beverly laughs again as Finn turns back to the hob and flips her toast.
“Well, I never!” she says dramatically, hopping off the counter and making her way to his side. “You’re finally growing up!” she gushes, pinching his cheek until he swats her away with his utensil.
“Yeah, yeah,” he shoos her back slightly, before grabbing a napkin and placing her breakfast inside it, holding it out. “S’probably about time, anyway,” he admits somewhat quietly. Beverly only smiles at him, and accepts the food, ducking closer before he can realise to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Good for you,” she says, stepping away before she can be swatted at with the spatula again. “Thanks for the french toast!” she calls back as she scrambles from the kitchen. Finn rolls his eyes, turning the stove off and taking up both plates just as the front door opens then closes again.
Upon entering his room upstairs, which he now had to himself since the Willoughby incident, Finn quietly kicks the door shut behind him, before hurrying over to his bed, which he climbs onto carefully. All the movement wakes you some and you groggily lift your head from his pillow, eyeing him sleepily.
“Breakfast is up pretty lady,” he tells you, hovering one plate under your nose until you start to rise.
“You made me breakfast?” you ask softly as you go about sitting up. Finn situates himself cross legged in front of you, handing you a plate once you’re ready.
“Course! Big game day!” he says.
“That is so sexy,” you tell him, placing the plate aside on the mismatched bedside table he’d dragged in for you a few weeks ago, and lean forward to press a kiss to his lips, which turns into two kisses, which turns into you shuffling closer, almost into his lap. Finn pulls back though, and tuts at you.
“Uh, uh, uh sweetheart! Breakfast while it’s hot, and then sex!” he insists, chortling internally at himself. If he’d have heard himself a year ago, he wouldn’t believe it either.
Groaning, you flop back against the headboard, and roll your eyes, but your smile gives you away as you take your plate again, and begin on the first slice of french toast he’d prepared for you.
“Good girl,” Finn teases, earning another eyeroll.
You eat in comfortable quiet for a few minutes, and only when both plates are back on your bedside, and he’s finished having his second breakfast does Finn ask the question thats been bothering him for a while now.
“Why don’t you invite me to any of your games?” he asks quietly, playing with your hair as you cuddle up to his side. You’d need to get up and go soon to catch the bus that would take you and your team an hour and a half north to Baylor, who you were playing. He feels you pause and shift, looking down at you when you look up.
“Honestly, I didn’t think you’d be interested in coming…” you tell him guiltily. Finn scoffs.
“That’s ridiculous!”
You only shrug.
“None of the guys my teammates date ever want to come, and it's not like we’re used to having a huge audience anyway, being a women’s sport and all… most of the time the school doesn’t even take us seriously,” you admit. Finn shuffles to look at you properly.
“That’s stupid, I’d come to all your games, and not just to see you in your uniform!” he tells you assertively, before nestling his face closer to yours. “I’d even wear one of those tight little tops ya’ll wear.” he grins upon making you laugh, leaning down to kiss you.
After thoroughly making you late, you shower together and dress before he walks you to your car. Leaning in through the driver's side window, you kiss him again and ruffle his wet hair.
“The next time we play here, I’ll let you know,” you tell him as he pushes off and you begin backing out. Before you drive off, you lean out your window again and pull your sunglasses on. “And I expect to see you in one of those tight little volleyball shirts!”
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When your co-captain calls you over during the mid-game break, you aren’t sure what you’re expecting her to say, but it certainly isn’t what she does.
“Hey, isn’t that your boyfriend in the stands? Why didn’t ya’ll drive up together?”
Faster than lightening you whip your head around, scanning the minimal crowd of mostly parents and friends until right there in the front you spot the green-eyed, blonde. Blinking in surprise, you don’t even respond to your friend before you’re taking off in a jog toward the bleachers.
Finn stands as you approach, placing down a book he’d been holding as you get nearer.
“What are you doin’ here!?” you ask laughing as he greets you with a short kiss. You stare up at him in amazement, still blinking rapidly like he may poof out of existence any moment. Finn waves his arms wide and shrugs.
“I told you, I’d be at all your games!” he tells you, before gesturing down at the shirt he’d worn, only for you to realise it has your college’s volleyball logo emblazoned on it in burnt orange. “Had to make a few pit stops first though, so I only caught half of the first quarter.”
“Where did you get this?” you ask, pinching the hem of his shirt and waving it slightly.
“Snuck into the volleyball courts, asked one of the staff for it,” he waves off this fact breezily and instead bends down to grab his book again.
“Now, listen, I’ve been reading up on the rules, and you guys are doing great, but I reckon if you were more aggressive, you’d easily be able to exploit the gaps in Baylor’s strategy–” He doesn’t get to finish because you pull him in for a much more heated kiss.
“I’m going to blow you so good later,” you tell him upon pulling back. Finn grins wide, looking rather proud of himself, and you kiss him again until someone from your team whistles loudly at you.
You turn back to them, finding your gaggle of teammates crowded together and watching you in various states of giggles and hushed whispering. You look back at Finn and grin.
“Later. Did you drive?” you ask, to which he pulls his keys from his pocket and waves them for you. You begin making your way back to your team, but point at him.
“Later!” you say again.
Upon reaching your girls again, you call for a huddle and gather up.
“Alright, here’s how it is, we need to be aggressive for these last two quarters, Baylor has some gaps, I know we’ve all seen them, so now we take advantage,” you inform them quickly, earning nods and murmurs of approval from the team.
“Is he reading the rule book?” Nancy asks instead of replying to your new strategy, and you look up at her.
“And he’s got a team shirt on!” Barbra adds, causing the girls to giggle amongst themselves again. You grin.
“Yes, he does. And If i’m gonna get laid later, we gotta win this, alright? Ready? Go!”
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docpiplup · 1 year
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New upcoming period drama: Operación Barrio Inglés
Co-produced by RTVE with Onza (El Ministerio del Tiempo, Parot, Hernán) and the Andalusian production company Emociona Media, filming begins for Operación Barrio Inglés, a new intrigue drama for the TV channel La 1.
Spies, Nazis, British and a risky love story set in Huelva in 1940, a city where the conflicts of World War II are reproduced on a smaller scale.
World War II has just broken out.
Although Spain is "neutral" under Franco's dictatorship, Huelva is a strategic enclave to control the ships of both sides that cross the strait. In addition, it has an important British colony. For this reason, the Germans send members of the Secret Service to control what happens in the city, especially in the mines in the province of Huelva, owned by the English, and which provide Great Britain with ore for weapons and artillery.
In this way, Huelva becomes a veritable nest of spies from both sides, among whom the young Lucía is forced to move. She has just turned 25 and has been hired by an English mining company to work in their offices as a secretary.
There she meets the company's manager, Peter, an attractive Englishman with a dark past who drags Lucía into an adventure in which she will be forced to take sides. When you're in the middle of a war, being neutral is not an option.
Data Sheet
Executive Producer: Gonzalo Crespo Gil, José María Irisarri, Pilar Crespo, Gonzalo Sagardía, Clara Almagro, Santiago de la Rica
RTVE executive production: Borja Gálvez
Production Director: Onil Ganguly Directed by: Chiqui Carabante José Ramón Ayerra
Plot direction: Manuel Ríos San Martín Screenwriters: Manuel Ríos San Martín, Victoria Dal Vera, José Ortuño, Virginia Yagüe, Pablo Tobías and Tatiana Rodríguez
Photo Direction: Dani Salo (A.E.C.) and Alejandro Espadero (A.E.C.)
Art Direction: Hector Bertrand
Casting Direction: Juana Martínez
Music: Pablo Cervantes
Wardrobe: Matías Martini
Makeup and hairdressing: Anabel Beato
The series will star Aria Bedmar (Lucía), Peter Vives (Peter) and Rubén Cortada (Francisco).
The cast is completed by Paco Tous (José), Juan Gea (Enrique), Bea Arjona (Amparo), María Morales (Cinta), Chiqui Fernández (Rocío), Kimberley Tell (Agatha), Aida Ballmann (Miss Eva), Silvia Hanneman (Hanna), Yan Tual (Victor), Sue Flack (Miss Parker), Marco Cáceres (Juan), Almagro San Miguel (Toni), Carla Nieto (Sylvia), Ángela Chica (Belén), Clara Navarro (Rebeca), Fran Cantos (Oskar), Stefan Weinert (Schneider), Kevin Brand (Kurt), Frank Feys (Edward), Craig Stevenson (Goodwill), Edu Rejón (Gianni), Gregor Acuña (Dieter), José Luis Rasero (Civil Guard Captain), Gonzalo Trujillo (German Consul), Ken Appledorn (English ambassador) and Carlos Olalla (Father Damián), among others.
Operation Barrio Inglés will have as its settings the old dock of the English mining company and the area of ​​Tinto River and its open-pit mines, as well as the Bellavista neighborhood in the town of Minas de Riotinto, the port of Punta Umbría and the Mazagón beach in Huelva. In Sevilla, among other locations, it will be shot at the Monsalves Palace, and in other areas of the city and province, and also in different parts of Jerez de la Frontera.
About the mines and their location:
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This is the Tinto river, its waters are red due to the high concentration of sulfur and iron oxides in the land (it happens the same with the red lagoon of Mazarrón's mines, Murcia), although it's duscussed if the mining activity has been increasing this characteristic, its water are very acid and are poluted with heavy metals.
The Tinto river (ancient name: Luxia) starts its flow in the Aracena Mountain Range and after 100 km joins the Odiel river (ancient name: Urium) at the height of the city of Huelva.
The mines have been exploited since pre-roman era, by Iberians and Tartessians, to obtein iron, copper, magnesium, silver and gold, which improved trading with the Phoenician, Carthaginian, and Greek colonies that were near to this site (in fact, the city of Huelva was founded by Phoenicians, and it was called Onuba), and eventually the Carthaginians took control of the mines after their expansion throughthe Iberian peninsula. Later, it became one of the most important mining areas of the Roman Empire.
By end of the 19th century, due to económico crisis the Spanish government sold several mines to English Companies, and one of them was the Riotinto mines, who were bought by the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC) in 1873, as they were looking for metals that were very demanded in the country due to its high industrialization (in contrast, in Spain the industrialization was scarce and the two main regions in which it was developed were Catalonia and Basque Country)
The RTC was the builder and owner of the railway line that connected the mines with the port of Huelva, where it built a mineral dock to facilitate the unloading and transport of the extracted material by sea to England.
In Riotinto, the luxurious and exclusive neighborhood of Bellavista was built for English personnel, it was a Victorian-style neighborhood that was endowed with tennis courts, golf courses, its own cemetery, a Social Club or even a Presbyterian church.
Huelva capital will also develop under the English influence. The numerous workshops and facilities built by the RTC that gave work to more than seven hundred workers, such as the railway station, changed the appearance of the city and contrasted with the rise of a new bourgeoisie of both Spaniards and foreigners who found themselves linked to the company. The power of the company became such in the city that civil buildings depended on the interests of the company.
Proof of this are the Reina Victoria neighborhood, as a garden city that welcomed part of its employees; the construction of Casa Colón, which ended up becoming the headquarters for the company's offices; the disappeared English Hospital; or the gigantic mineral pier located on the Odiel River. The English population introduced football, being the Huelva Football Club the first football team in Spain, founded in 1889.
In Punta Umbría, the British managers of the Rio Tinto Company Limited (RTC) erected rest areas for their employees. Since 1883 some constructions were carried out in the area, in wood and of the bungalow type, but it would not be until 1896 when the RTC was granted the possibility of establishing houses in this area, to which many RTC employees and their families went in summer to the beach through the Riotinto railway.
In 1943, the corpse of Glyndwr Michael, a Welsh homeless, disguised as a British Marine oficer called William Martin with information about a fake plan of the Allies to attack Greece was found drowned near the coast of Huelva, in Punta Umbría. This was part of the Operation Mincemeat to distract the Nazis and attack Sicily instead. Operation Mincemeat was a important plot in episode 3×02, Tiempo de Espías, from El Ministerio del tiempo. Well, although in the episode the original Operation is cancelled and a character named William Martin later takes the place of the original "William Martin", so the Operation success.
Years later, in 1954 the Riotinto mines returned to national property, under the CEMRT (Compañía Española de Minas de Río Tinto)
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pumpumdemsugah · 8 months
The most offensive use of intersectionality I've seen is a straight white man bring it up to talk about men's mental health and how it's a feminist issue
I don't tell people to kill themselves but things like this really test me
Every time I've seen Kimberley crenshaw bring up intersectionality she literally only talks about Black women but of course the person that coined the word would use it correctly.
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toxinoire · 1 year
I thought why the heck not share some H³+V headcanons.
• Full names are: Heather Kimberley Chandler, Heather Elle McNamara, Heather Alice Duke and Veronica Winona Sawyer.
• All four can speak foreign languages. Heather Chandler, French. Heather Duke, Italian, Spanish, German and Irish. Heather McNamara, Japanese. Veronica, French, Spanish and Italian.
• Heather Duke is both an English nerd and a Math Nerd.
• Veronica is an English nerd, smart at Math but hates it with a burning passion.
•Heather McNamara has the SCARIEST resting bitch face that you rarely ever see but when you do, you're fucked.
• McNamara, Duke and Veronica are massive dorks. Heather Chandler wonders how the heck she fell for them.
• Among the Heathers, Heather Chandler was the first one to call Veronica "Ronnie".
• You would often hear Betty and Martha tell Heather McNamara and Veronica "Can you two just flirt like normal human beings instead of hoping to die for one another thinking that gets the point across."
• That being said, these two are pretty suicidal.
• Heather Chandler and Heather McNamara are shopaholics.
• Heather Chandler will usually just arrive home with the most expensive ass gifts for her three chosen disasters.
• Veronica is a hopeless romantic.
• Heather McNamara will use any excuse to cuddle with any of them or all of them.
• Heather Duke is good with words. I feel like that elaborates it enough.
• Heather Duke and Veronica are basically the "128√e980 (equation of love)", "C8h11no2 + C10h12n2o + C43h66n12o12s2 (chemical formula of love)" kind of lovers.
• If her three disasters look at it with interest and obviously want it, Heather Chandler is buying it.
• Veronica once accidentally left her "love life" diary open and Betty ended up showing it to the Heathers. Leading to Veronica being smothered with affection from three flustered/crying stop lights.
• Martha was the first person to witness Veronica's wordy ass gay panic over the Heathers.
• Since Heather Duke is the shortest, they like to affectionately call her pocket sized and just squish her in hugs.
• Veronica has the softest hair and I will stand by that statement.
• "Could you two stop being such worrywarts?" "Only if you two stop trying to fight anyone within a two mile radius."
• They were outed at one point but Heather Chandler managed to turn the crowd to their side after shitting on the football team and saying "I'm also pretty sure a nice amount of this school are closeted people. Why so quiet? I'm right aren't I?"
• Veronica's self care routine is basically just the words "keep going bitch" said to herself in different accents.
• "Winnie" "Kimmy" Chansaw: *having a panic attack and a gay panic at the same time*
That's all.
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Three Act Tragedy - Dress Rehearsal
Egg, Charles and the others attend what was supposed to be a dress rehearsal, but unfortunately it takes a dark turn....
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Good Guy, Bad Guy - Lloyd Hansen Series
Part 5
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Character: Lloyd Hansen x Rich!Female Reader
Summary: Y/N got what she wanted. The status of CEO is in her hand. But the sudden confession from Lloyd made her think twice about the divorce. Did she make the right decision?
Words Count: 4,050
A/N: This chapter timeline is set after Lloyd confessed to the reader. This chapter will be focused on Y/N learning her feelings. 
Hope you guys enjoyed it. Comment and Reblog from you meant so much to me. Thank you so much. 💓🥹
This chapter is from Lloyd Hansen's Series - 3 Billion Divorce.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Extra Story)
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
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A fool in love. 
If someone called him that last year, he would laugh because, to him, love is a joke. 
Lloyd Hansen a sociopath and the most dangerous man; he is the type of man who eliminates everyone in his way. He never let any task or mission affect his feelings. 
But now, he looks clueless, thinking about which plan to get you back. 
After everything both of you've been through.
You tossed him after the contract expired. No one ever plays with him like this. He waited three months, thinking you regretted it and will call him back. But no, nothing, Nada!
At first, Lloyd thinks you’re not his type, but he likes it each time you catch him off guard with your crazy ideas; he likes it when you become annoyed every time he provokes you. 
And your love for money is also up to his taste. 
Right now, he looks out of place at Carmichael offices. Carmichael knew his long-time friend was a chatterbox. But something felt wrong because this sociopath was silent the whole time. "What's wrong,Lloyd? Is this about your ex-wife?"
Lloyd clicked his tongue and then punched the table "Wife. I never signed the damn paper."
“Hahaha.” That laughing voice already made Lloyd's ears itchy. Her presence already makes his mood get worse. 
Susan's sudden appearance worsened Lloyd's mood because of what she would say. "Y/N already found your replacement."
'Ouch!’ her words just added more salt to his wound. 
"What do you mean b**ch?"
Susan gave him a middle finger. "Let me just say he's so much better than you. Wow, he still related to the royal family."
Lloyd snatched the phone from her hand. When he saw the photo of you hugging another man, his mind had already planned 100 ways to get rid of that person. He opened the photo comment and found the name of the person hugging you. 
"Where did you get these?!!"
Susan grabbed her phone because she knew he would have smashed her phone into the wall. "It's trending on social media. Your ex-wife became famous after the divorce."
The truth is, she followed your fans' account.
That's one of the biggest secrets she won't tell him.
Susan is one of your biggest fans. She applauds anyone who could tame Lloyd. And her favourite part is you made him in a dilemma. 
It's her turn to laugh at his misery. 
He gave her a side-eye. "She's still my wife." 
Lloyd grabs a keyboard and use CIA database. Carmichael doesn't even want to know how Lloyd knew his passwords. With facial recognition favourite, he could find out who it was. 
Earl Thomas Kimberley. Thomas is a top photographer, travelling worldwide, famous in design, and shooting in a country with a refugee crisis that can move everyone's heart. 
After his step-brother humiliated the family name, Thomas became the CEO of the family business in a shipping company. They owned 500 vessels, including travelling ships, car carriers, gas and oil tankers, submarines, and cruise ships. 
A successful man with a bright future. 
Compared to him, Thomas came from a prestigious family, just like you. 
A light hum resounded in the silent room. Lloyd looked at the computer with an expressionless face. 
“Something is off.”
“Nobody has a perfect life. He must have a deep secret.” He grabbed his phone to give an order to his team.
Carmichael patted his shoulder. “Good luck with that.”
Lloyd told his IT team to dig deeper into Thomas. His habit of buying stuff online, his friends, his female friends, and even his porn history. 
But after a few hours, they found nothing terrible about Thomas.
It made Lloyd anxious.
Looking out the window, where the sky is blue, Lloyd wishes it could calm his insecurity.
What if you like him? A good guy like Thomas. 
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Eight hours ago before the photo.
The sky is grey, and the strong wind gives the plane turbulence. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're experiencing some turbulence. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts."
You were in the private jet on the way to England. Your former professor invited you to give a speech. Of course, you agree. 
Even if you must defeat your fears, plane travel still brings goosebumps.
Your hands gripped the armrest tightly when the plane got turbulence. 
“You should listen to music for distraction.” Jimmy was sitting in front of you, worried, looking pale, and he could see the sweat on your forehead even though the inside temperature was cold. 
Jimmy sighed heavily; there's nothing he can do with your stubbornness. He knew you needed Lloyd but didn't know why you let him go. 
It was Lloyd's job to make you at ease every time you travel by plane. 
Before Jimmy, one of the people who disagree with your choice of a husband even though it's a contract, of all the men in the world, you choose Lloyd. 
But now, he became the parent who was sad because his favourite son-in-law had left the house. 
Even though Lloyd could be selfish and childish most of the time, at least when you were in trouble, he knew exactly what to do. 
“If I listen to music, I will forget my speech.”
“Were you able to sleep last night?”
“Only for a few hours." You try to find a comfortable position to close your eyes, not looking at the window. 
You usually get at least 6 hours of sleep when Lloyd is beside you. Since you moved back to your childhood home, the bed feels strange. And nobody helps to calm down your nightmares. 
When you moved out from the house shared with Lloyd, you said this would be a new start.
You finally became the official CEO and could live alone without any worries. 
But something unexpected happened. 
‘My dear wife, I love you more.’
Lloyd's confession caught you off guard, and his words echoed in your mind, making you unable to sleep. 
You’ve been pushing the divorce and moving out, mainly because you started to feel comfortable with him. It was supposed to be fake marriage, but you made a mistake with a sexual relationship with Lloyd. 
‘Kill your emotion. You need to be a ruthless f*ck to rebuild L/N & Co.’
That’s your grandfather's last word to you before he died. You promised not to get f**ked by feelings and to prioritise the company. 
You know your weaknesses. Good at business but stupid in romance. 
But since you spend time with Lloyd.  You kept thinking about him. And it's suffocating because of your ego; you held back from calling him.
That's why you said yes when your professor invited you to be the speaker. Remembering the youthful memories you had back in college was nice. If you go back, you could put behind all your trauma and ex-husband.
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At the Debating Chamber.
In front of hundreds of people, you were relaxed while giving a speech and answering all the questions because your former professors and classmates were present to help you. 
It felt like you went back to being a teenager again. There's no family drama because of your grandfather's will. You just focus on your study—simple time. 
After the speech was done, you immediately rained with questions. Even with Jimmy beside you, he can't just push them away. 
Until a blinded camera flash made anyone close to you feel uncomfortable. Somehow it worked to make people move away from you. 
But the photographer keeps taking pictures of you. "Excuse me,sir, could you turn off the flash?"
The person behind the camera laughed. "I'll stop if you give me 100 dollars." 
His voice sounded familiar. When the camera is put down, you finally get a closer look. You knew who it was. 
Thomas Kimberley, your former classmate. It's been years since the last time you met. From everyone in your class, you are much closer to Thomas. 
Probably because he also has the same family drama. He's the second son of Kimberley's family, but his mother is a mistress. He doesn't get along with his stepmother and step-sibling. 
How did you know his drama? His stepbrother announced it inside the class to humiliate Thomas since he failed to become an Oxford student. 
But you didn't graduate together. Last semester Thomas suddenly left and followed his dream to be a photographer. You heard this is his way to rebel against his father. 
It turned out fine; he got what he wanted, travelled worldwide, and became a famous photographer. His appearance also changed. 
Back then, he only wore a cardigan with a dull colour and jeans. But now his appearance has turned him into a good-looking man, especially when he wears black suits and thin gold frame glasses.
"Thomas. You jerk." You gave him a playful punch to his shoulder before you gave him a side hug. 
You didn’t know some students took a shot the moment you gave a friendly hug to Thomas and sent it to social media. 
Thomas laughed, “When they told me, you were coming, I thought you would buy this place.” 
He linked his arm with you. “Ah, that’s our friend, let's meet them.” His act caught you off guard because Lloyd was the only man who could be this close to you.
And there it is; you thought you could forget him, but everything reminded you of Lloyd. You let this slide for once because you don’t want to ruin the reunion. 
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It was supposed to be a quick hangout at the pub. But one of your friends got this idea to visit another pub then another pub. You've never been this carefree and hungover. Looking at your friends singing at the karaoke and being happy. You suddenly have a thought. 
After graduating, you couldn't hang out with them since your grandfather dragged you back to the States. 
You were having a second thought. If you stay back then, do you still have a chance to have a normal life?
You stop daydreaming when someone hands you a glass of water. 
"Thank you."
"When was the last time you drank after you became the CEO?"
You sip the water while thinking about the moment you get the position; you become more ambitious and almost sleep daily in your office. "Hmm, never."
You put down the glass and rested your head on your palm while looking at him "Thomas, are you happy after you achieved your dream?"
"Wow, wisdom time because of the alcohol." He chuckled and then was silent for a while. "To be honest, I'm not 100% happy. Because it ruined my marriage."
Your eyes widened when you heard his confession. You didn't know he got married. "You? Married? Divorce?"
Thomas nodded; he stared at the wall of liquors. "She doesn’t like my job."
"Because you always travelled around?" You put your hand in front of your lips. That was a slip of the tongue. You were too honest because of the alcohol. "I'm sorry."
Thomas doesn't feel offended. "That's right." He put down his drinking glass and turned towards you. "It's my turn to ask a question. I want to know how the famous ice queen finally fell in love."
You gulped. You will not tell Thomas how you met Lloyd when he was supposed to kill you. You waved your hand and acted shy. "He helped me deal with my family. That's why I…" 
You were silent when you wanted to say the following words. Your mind suddenly recalled everything that happened between you and Lloyd. Both of you have been through heaven and hell together. 
"...love him." Your voice became softer; maybe only you could hear it. Is it because of the alcohol that made you say those words or because of something else?
You suddenly stand up from your seat, making people beside you almost jump. "I… I think I should go."
Thomas looks at his wristwatch. "You're right. It's already late." He stood up to grab his coat and yours. "My driver will drive us both."
"Thank you."
"It's nothing ,Y/N compare how often you drag me every time I get hungover." 
You hummed, remembering he always got drunk whenever he fought with his step-brother. 
While in the car on the way to your hotel, Thomas saw you looking at your phone screen, not doing anything; he asked, "Is your husband still awake waiting for you?"
You shook your head. "No. He didn't come with me."
"What a pity. I want to meet him."
You wonder if you heard it wrong. He sounded sulking. Did your friend want to meet Lloyd?
You waved goodbye to Thomas when the car arrived at the hotel. 
When you enter the building, Thomas' smile disappears from his face. He took out his phone to make a call. "Cancel it. We chose plan B."
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The next day you woke up; you weren’t that drunk. You picked up your phone to check on your schedule. There’s nothing. You remembered last night you told your secretary you want a day off.  
It was a sunny day. 
You decided to take a walk from your hotel to clear your head. 
You don’t have any plans. When you saw the nearest coffee shop, that became your first destination. 
The coffee shop has a lovely aesthetic and is not too crowded. After you order a coffee, pick a seat at the corner near the window that faces the street. 
While you enjoy your drinks and cakes, other customers keep coming; you notice the queue line getting longer. 
When you look up, a man has his hands full. One hand holding a laptop bag and one hand holding a baby. His kid was uncomfortable with his arms, making him unable to make an order. 
“Kendal, please hold on a second.” He tried to calm his baby.
“Professor Watson.” You greet him. He's one of the professors you adore because of his intelligence and wisdom. 
He turned his head and saw you. Both of you met yesterday but didn’t have the chance to talk.
"Y/N. Haii…" He struggled to hold his daughter. You can't bear looking at your favourite professor looking like a mess.
"Let me hold her."
"Thank you, but I don't think,-" His daughter already stretched her short arms towards you. That was unexpected. 
"Both of us will be sitting there."
After a few minutes, Professor Watson joins your table with his coffee and cake. 
"Thank you for your help."
"No problem. What happened? You look… lost?" Every time you see him, he always looks like a perfect scholar. It's pretty difficult to approach him. Even though he seems scary, he will help his students. 
After ten years, his style has become easygoing, and he is more welcome. He never smiled at his students. It's been ten years, and now you see the smile stay on his face.
"Haha, today is my day off. But my wife suddenly got called to the hospital. I thought it would be a good idea to bring my daughter to the coffee shop while I make new material for my book." 
Wow, his personality completely changed. Before, he never shared his personal life. But now he still tells you about his wife working as a doctor and his son joining the football team even though you didn’t ask. 
He seemed happy after he got married. If you get married, will your personality change too?
“You’ve changed, Professor. Back then, if we asked about your day, you would say ‘Nothing besides crying myself to sleep.”
“That’s true.” He laughed. “I used to be pessimistic about life, especially marriage.”
Kendall, the cute baby, is still sitting on your lap. She is fascinated with shiny things on your head, which as your hairclip. 
"Wa, is?" Her chubby finger pointed to your hair. 
"Ooh, this is a hairclip."
"Hai,- cip,-" Kendall keep mumbling, ‘Hai,- cip,’ for a long time. You are weak to her cuteness. You take off your hairclip and let her play with it. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, she’s on the stage where she likes to play with sparkly things.”
“It’s okay.” You don’t mind if she breaks it. Anything to make her comfortable on your lap. The scent of a baby tickled your nose when you put her into your arms. Your maternal instinct suddenly kicked in. 
“You’ve changed too Y/N.”
“Back then, we only talked about your assignment, but I could see that you carry an enormous burden. Right now, I can see that you have become more confident and brave.”
He pointed to your finger that was wrapped with a diamond ring. “Was it because of your partner who is the biggest support?”
After you heard his question, you remembered everything Lloyd had done to help you, guard you, and get your position right now. He didn’t ask questions when you asked him to do complex tasks. He just says yes and provides a great result.
Like today, you can enjoy your walk without worrying anyone could hurt you. 
Even though you have to pay billions, with his help, you gain your freedom. 
If that means excellent support, the answer is “Yes, yes, he is.”
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You forgot about the time until Kendall made a fuss since it was her time to nap.
That means it's time to go back. You still carry Kendal in your arms until both of you arrive at Professor Watson's car. 
On her baby seat, Kendal is still holding your hairpin, her father tries to open her palm, but she's persistent. 
"It's alright Professor she can have it." You brushed her fluffy cheeks. 
"Haha, you'll be a great mother, Y/N. Say, thank you to Aunty Y/N, sunshine."
Your body cringes when you hear the nickname. Damn Lloyd, for keep calling you that name.
He said while tightening his seat belt. "Let's meet again on your next visit."
After the car left, you went back to the hotel through the park. While walking, you sighed heavily. Your plan to travel so you could forget Lloyd failed. Because it seems like life doesn’t want you to move on from him. 
“Did you enjoy your coffee sunshine?”
Your footsteps halted when you heard his voice. 
He is sitting on the bench wearing a polo shirt, beige pants, brown loafers, and his favourite aviators. 
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Lloyd followed you back to the hotel. When he entered your room, he jumped to the couch and rested his feet on the table. 
He didn't talk on the way here; it's out of his character. If you look closely, he seemed to be sulking. After staying together for a year, you knew he would act like a child. 
"Lloyd, are you alright?"
He scoffed and shook his head. "How can I be alright when I found my wife is getting close to her best friend?"
You were taken aback; did he just accuse you of Thomas? 
"There's nothing between me and Thomas." You don't have romantic feelings towards Thomas even though he's a good guy. 
There's a memory about Thomas that you buried. 
Lloyd clicked his tongue. You are still clueless and dense with the opposite gender. From the photo, he could read Thomas' expressions towards you. 
Lloyd took away his aviator and threw them on the table. He smiled softly, strode forward and stood in front of you. 
You remained frozen, wondering what he was going to do. The next moment Lloyd stroked your cheek with his index finger and pulled you into his arms. 
"Let's go to bed." He rested his head on your shoulder.
Lloyd pats your back gently. "I'm tired. I haven't slept for 7 hours because I'm worried about you."
Without breaking the silence, you agreed with his request. 
Inside the bedroom, you were nervous when you lay beside him. While you are anxious, the man beside you has closed his eyes.
You tried to twist out of his arms, but it was no use. 
Lloyd brought your head to his chest. He held you tight as if to keep you from escaping. 
"I missed my wife so much I thought I would die.”
You gently patted his back as if you knew what he was thinking. He buried his nose into your hair and took a deep breath. 
"While I'm gone can you sleep?"
You sighed heavily. "No. Living alone made me more depressed."
He chuckled, "Stop pushing me away then."
You pinched his arms even though you knew it didn't affect him. Instead, he giggled more. But he was right; the answer for your insomnia is him.
But something has been bugging you for these couple of months. You break the silence by asking the big question. 
“Do you think there’s something else after this?”
There was silence, but you felt Lloyd loosen his grip. "Like what?"
You gulped. "You know, like building a family?"
"Forgot what I said." You pulled your blanket and turned your body to the other side. But Lloyd's strong arm turns your position back to face him. 
Lloyd didn't expect that question out of your mouth. 
'Family.' Of course, that idea had crossed his mind. But the desire is getting stronger because of what he saw today. 
He had arrived when you went to the coffee shop. From the car, he saw you talking with an older man; he didn't open the car door when he saw you holding a baby in your arms.
The image of you inside the house holding the baby. Their tiny hands touch your cheeks. And then you greet him with 'Good morning.'
He decided not to join your conversation and stay in the car. Looking at you holding the baby gave him a feeling of joy. 
"Do you remember my confession?"
You met his scorching gaze, and he smiled.
"The confession means I want to spend the rest of my life with you, sleep with you, have sex with you."
You remained frozen but still looking at Lloyd's gleamed eyes.
"It also means I want to get you pregnant, build a family with you."
Your heart began to race wildly inside your chest. Hearing his confession once again sounds completely different now. 
Because you want to have the same goal as him. 
It was dark inside the room, but Lloyd could feel your heartbeat.
"Tell me what I want to hear Y/N."
"I love you too Lloyd. I'll give you my everything."
Lloyd pulled you into his arms again, almost squeezing you. He finally found the answer. 
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The next morning. 
The sounds of the alarm make both of you wake up together. 
You grab your phone and see the notification that tells you the schedule for today. When you wanted to leave the bed, your waist suddenly got held. 
"Don't go." Lloyd grumbled on your back while his eyes were still closed. 
"I'm meeting the PM today. I can't miss it." Your finger tickled behind his ears. That's the sensitive part of his body. The technique makes you free from his hold. You immediately ran to the bathroom. 
Lloyd growled while his hand ran through his face. He hates it when the quality time with you gets disrupted. 
'RING.' He silently cursed; another interruption kept coming. He picked up his phone, turned out it was from Carmichael.
"I know you have plans to get rid of Thomas. But I suggest you don't."
"Give me one reason."
Lloyd's breath hitched when he heard that name. Before he met you, he'd been searching for this weapon dealer called Hermes. 
"The agency has been looking for this person for a long time. When you were looking for Thomas' flight schedule it's the same with Hermes everytime he made a deal and the description also matched."
So the agency finally got the answer. Thomas Kimberley is Hermes. He is hiding in plain sight using his famous status. No one would think a charities photographer was also a dangerous weapon dealer.
"You were right. He's not a good guy. But,-"
"He seems pretty close with your wife."
Lloyd clenched his fist. “Don’t say anything that makes me want to kill you.”
Carmichael was silent for a while until he said “Be friends with him and make Hermes the agency's asset.”
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A/N: Wow, Carmichael is heartless towards his friend, does he? What will Lloyd go to do? Is he going to help his friend or not?
Wait for the next chapter. 
If you want to be tagged in the series, you can tell me from the comment. 💓💓💓
And if you have any questions or want to send any prompts and drabble, you could send them to my inbox. I'll be happy to answer.
This chapter is from Lloyd Hansen's Series - 3 Billion Divorce.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,-
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
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