#Kimberley Ford
I know that at least two Jellylorums were also Christines in "Phantom" (Marni Raab and Sara Jean Ford)--would you happen to know who some of the others were?
Are you looking specifically for Jellylorums that were previously Christines, or more like the general Phantom - CATS or CATS - Phantom pipeline? I can give you a decent list of both, since we'd be atom smashing two hyperfixations together.
Format: NAME OF PERFORMER - Role in Phantom (Role in Cats)
Sorted by part played in PotO - I won't be naming all locations of productions these individuals were in for the sake of some kind of brevity. Since you asked mainly for Jellylorums who have been Christine, I have taken the liberty to BOLD them for easy reference.
(Note that this is not an extensive list - just a bulky one - I was already getting too long in the tooth haha)
Sarah Brightman - Christine Daaé (Jemima - OLC)
Nikki Ankara - Christine Daaé (UK 1st Tour) (Jellylorum - London)
Celia Graham - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - RCCL, Palladium, UK Tour 2016 etc)
Theresa Borg - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - Circus Tour 1999)
Maree Johnson - Christine Daaé (Guest Grizabella - Circus Tour 2000)
Myrra Malmberg - Christine Daaé (Young Grizabella - Gothenburg 1989 non-replica)
Katie Knight-Adams - Christine Daaé (Swing - UK Tour 1993, Jemima - London)
Mia van den Eykel - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - Aus/Asia Tour 1995)
Iren Bartok - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - London)
Zoe Curlett - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - UK Tour 2003 - 2009)
Debra Stables - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - London)
Josie Walker - Christine Daaé (Grizabella - London and UK Tour 1993)
Renée Knapp - Christine Daaé (Jennyanydots/Griddlebone - Amsterdam)
Lydia Gerrard - Cover Christine (Cover Jellylorum and Grizabella - Asia Tour 2022)
Marti Webb - Christine Daaé (Grizabella - London)
Colleen Besett - Christine Daaé (Jennyanydots - Berlin and Dusseldorf)
Els Bongers - Christine Daaé (Booth Singer - Amsterdam)
Teresa de Zarn - Christine Daaé (Sillabub - Broadway)
Diane Fratantoni - Christine Daaé (Swing - Broadway, cover Cassandra, Etcetera, Grizabella, Jellylorum / Griddlebone, Rumpleteazer, Sillabub)
Marina Prior - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - Sydney 1985)
Steve Barton - Raoul/The Phantom - (Munkustrap Original Vienna)
Richard Todd Adams - Raoul/The Phantom (Cats Chorus)
Jeremy Hays - Raoul (The Rum Tum Tugger)
Bronson Norris Murphy - Raoul/Others - (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Brad Little - The Phantom (Old Deuteronomy)
Mark McKerracher - The Phantom (Old Deuteronomy)
Pierre-Yves Duchesne - The Phantom (Old Deuteronomy)
Ian Jon Bourg - The Phantom (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Ethan Freeman - The Phantom (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Peter Polycarpou - The Phantom (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Scott Davies - The Phantom (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Phyllida Crowley Smith - Meg Giry (Victoria)
Emma Harris - Meg Giry (Victoria)
Emmanuelle Guélin - Meg Giry (Victoria)
 Karin Seyfried - Meg Giry (Jennyanydots)
Julie Carlton - Meg Giry (Electra)
Sharyn Winney - Meg Giry Understudy/Ballet Corps (Tantomile, Sillabub, Swing)
Kathleen Mullin - Meg Giry (Rumpleteazer, Swing)
Kimberley Partridge - Meg Giry (Jemima)
Jeehyun Noh - Meg Giry (Jemima)
Claire Lander - Meg Giry (Jemima)
Peter Kevoian - Monsieur Reyer (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Greg Castiglioni - Ubaldo Piangi (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Tony McGill - Assistant Conductor (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Andrew Keelan - Passarino (Walking Cover/Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Wim Van Den Driessche - Monsieur Firmin (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Gareth Snook - Monsieur Andre (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
John Dewar - Swing (Asparagus/Gus/Growltiger)
John Ellis - Ubaldo Piangi (Old Deuteronomy)
Nathan Patrick Morgan - Jeweler/Ubaldo Piangi Cover (Swing, Chorus, Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher, Old Deuteronomy, etc)
Saverio Pescucci - Dancer/Ensemble (Alonzo)
Sharon Wheatley - Replacement Page/Swing (Jennyanydots)
Katharine Heaton - Swing and Understudy (Swing/Jellylorum)
Karl Morgan - Dancer in the 2004 Film (Pouncival 1998)
Chrissy Brooke - Ballet Girl (Chorus Cat in 2019 Film)
Marisa Paull Gorst - Dancer/Ballet Girl (Swing)
Marise Dusheiko - Ballet Girl (Victoria)
Harriet Ho Yin Chung - Ballet Girl (Swing)
Myrthes Monteiro - Ensemble (Jemima)
Lucius Wolter - Ensemble (Walking Cover)
Matt McFarlane - Understudy Phantom/Raoul in Love Never Dies (Munkustrap)
Bradley Delarosbel - Unknown (Likely Ensemble) (Admetus/Macavity)
Stephen Morgante - Unknown - likely ensemble (Skimbleshanks/Swing)
Anton Luitingh - Resident Director/Possibly Played Raoul (Munkustrap)
And technically, Jack Rebaldi was supposed to play Monsieur André in the Theatre Mogador production of PotO, but that was tragically cut short and never came to fruition (justice for that cast).
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theculturedmarxist · 1 month
Immediately after Joe Biden announced that he would not seek re-election and instead endorsed Kamala Harris, she was anointed as the Democratic Party presidential nominee with little analysis of her record or her program. In fact, her website, KamalaHarris.com , makes no mention of a political program at all. While foolish debates about whether she should be considered Black garner media attention, questions about policy are largely ignored. Black Agenda Report has been writing about Harris for some time, and we share what we and others have noted about her record over the years.
Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, July 19, 2017 Kamala Harris and America’s Oligarchs Briahna Joy Gray, Current Affairs, September 3, 2017 How Identity Became a Weapon Against the Left Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, January 16, 2019 Kamala Harris Destroyed Black Lives Teodros Fikre, Ghion Journal, January 16, 2019 Evoking Muckrakers: Hannah Giorgis’s Devastating Critique of Senator Kamala Harris Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report, January 24, 2019 Bernie Sanders vs Kamala the Jailer and Her Corporate Backers Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report, January 30, 2019 The U.S. is a Political Prison, Kamala Harris is a Prison Guard Teodros Fikre, Black Agenda Report, January 30, 2019 When Politicians Use Marginalized People As Human Shields
Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, February 20, 2019 Kamala Harris: The Fix Is In Marjorie Cohn, Black Agenda Report, July 10, 2019 Kamala Harris Has a Distinguished Career of Serving Injustice Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report, July 24, 2019 Kamala Harris Embodies the Most Dangerous Myth of American Exceptionalism Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, August 14, 2019 No Racism, Just Russians
Erica Caines, Hood Communist, August 13, 2020 Political Copaganda and the November Elections
Ahjamu Umi, Black Agenda Report, August 19, 2020 Kamala Harris: Class Struggle and the Illusion of Identity in Capitalism Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, August 19, 2020 “Feet to the Fire” and Other Lies Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Black Agenda Report, August 26, 2020 Obama, Harris and the Ruse of Racial Representation
Julie Kuttapan, Black Agenda Report, August 26, 2020 "Kamala Auntie": On the Vulgarity of Bourgeois Identity Politics in 2020
Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report, October 15, 2020 The Useful Tool: Kamala “Heartbeat Away” Harris Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, November 11, 2020 The Real Resistance Begins Tye Salandy,Trinidad and Tobago News Blog, November 13, 2020 Biden-Harris and the Diverse Faces of U.S. Imperialism
Erica Caines, Hood Communist, February 21, 2021 The Caribbean Diaspora Has a SOUTHCOM Problem
Erica Caines, Hood Communist, June 10, 2021 Kamala Harris and the Americas Ready for Revolution, Hood Communist, January 27, 2022 Biden Harris and the Never Ending Commitment to War Gyasi Lake, Black Youth Project, August 8, 2022 There’s No Such Thing as a “Progressive Prosecutor” In a System Designed to Criminalize Blackness Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report, April 7, 2023 Ajamu Baraka Discusses the Zone of Peace and Kamala Harris’ Trip to Africa | Black Agenda Report Salifu Mack, Hood Communist, July 6, 2023 More Than Meets the Silk Press: Kamala Harris and U.S. Imperialism Peoples Dispatch, March 25, 2024 Puerto Ricans Take to the Streets Against Kamala Harris Visit
Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report, July 24, 2024 War, Genocides, and Coups: Biden/Harris and the Irreversible Crisis of Neo-Liberal Fake Democracy Jacqueline Luqman, Luqman Nation, The Coup for the Democratic Nomination, July 26, 2024 Darker Than Blue 7/26/24: The Coup For The Democratic Nomination
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iamapoopmuffin · 6 months
Hello and Welcome to 'I share the silly entrance animations for my silly wrestler characters and encourage you to make assumptions about them as people based purely on these videos' where exactly that and @randomfrog2 encouraged me to so here you all go. Links will be filled over time, I couldn't record or upload them all in one go.
Under the cut because between 2k22 and 2k23 there Will eventually be 200 of them total
Abatai 'Abby' Xiao
Ace Dominguez
Adalia Mitchell/Adalia Undead
Adam Cooke/Adam Frankenstein
Adelaide Anderson
Adriel Duffy
Aidan Seeds
Aiko Yamamoto
Aisling Miller
Alan Burgess/The Necromancer
Alexis Thurston
Alfie Winchester
Alfonse 'Avalanche' Boucher
Alfonso Price/Alpha Ali
Alicia Tigner
Alyssa Evans
Amos Wellworth/The Purple Pig
Andy Poux/Andy Scathe
Angelina Manhardt
Archie Robinson/Archie Eagle
Ash Daugherty/The Rubber Chicken Man
Aster Chadha/The Spider
Audriana Parrakkal/The Phantom
Augustus de Blaauw
Aura Hilton
Austin Kirwan/Austin England
Ayanna Mariani
Bartholomew Reeves
Beatrice Lipe
Bertie Bronner
Betsy-Ann Sol
Blaire Wilcox
Brea Orko
Brook Edghort/Captain Brook Edghort
Bruno 'The Felon' Fraser
Bryant 'The Harpy' Tremblay
Caius Pabon
Carlene Skrzypczynski
Cheryl Vogel
Clemence Maurer
Clifford Gilbert
Colin Almarez/Mint Man Almarez
Colt Smiley
Constance Cole
Cooper Carnocan/The Janitor
Damien Kudlinski
Darin Ahmed
Davina Finister
Demetrius Kappotis
Dempsey Blair
Deodatus Bisnett
Dewey Roll/Cottonmouth
Dick Dexter/Dickhead Dexter
Dmitri Pavlov/Glowmaster
Donald Ripa/Queen Ripa
Dympna Lammchen
Edd Woods
Elina Baene/Swamp Witch Elina
Elton Maldonado
Elvira Leithead/Elvira Flash
Elwood McLaren
Elysia Brunner
Emerald Ashley
Erica Shooter/Naughty Nurse Shooter
Ernesto Curry
Evan Stewart/Evan Galaxium
Everly Leigh
Ezio Fahim
Fae Nicholas
Fia Matthews/The Jester
Floyd Gossard/Heartstopper Gossard
Ford Gossard/Showstopper Gossard
Gayle Mokriy
Genevieve Lee/Snake Princess
Gerard Apple
Ginnie Davey
Greg McCarthy/Superstar Greg McCarthy
Guadalupe Batchelor
Harith Rammurthy/Talon Rammurthy
Harry Moore/Machine Gun Harold
Hettie McCormack/Pookie Bunny
Ianthe Jennings/Ianthe Plague
Ilene Fanshaw
Indiana Stone
Indigo Wilson
Indira Doxtator
Isabel Abbeglen
Ishaan Prabhu
Ivo Carrico/Portuguese Man O' War
Jacques Smith
Jak McNicholas
Javon George/The Pimp Javon
Jeana Quinn
Jebediah Oprea
Jeremy Cruz
Jimmie Hutton
Jock Kelly
Joey Duvall/Joey D
Jonas Gabriel/Fox Gabriel
Jordan Barr
Kaden Dunlap
Kailey Samuels
Kanon Ozawa
Kaori Flores
Karter John
Kasumi Wellard
Katrina Giraud
Kehlani Who
Kelby Kadeer/King Kelby
Kenneth Christmas/Fly Boy Kenny
Kimberley Wainwright
Kiyomi Roman
Kori Hernandez
Kyra Padhi
Langdon Mass
Lenore Dillard
Liang Tao
Lillia Robertson
Lilly Ansa/Lilith Ansa
Lincoln Swinton
Lionel Connor
Lisa Belrose
Liz Schlachter
Louis Bridget/Big Baby
Lukas Craveiro/Senator Lukas Craveiro
Maddison Toxtle/Toxic Maddi
Maia Smith
Marci Britt
Marcus Gardiner
Margarita Harrison
Mariella Gillet/Iron Kitten
Marina Gonzo
Mavis Payton/The Blushing Bride
Meena Gacitua
Meghan Schreck
Mim McHoney
Mitsuki Ootani/Bon Bon Bunny
Myles Neil/Steamboat Willie
Nancy Sharp
Nelly James
Netty Richardson
Norma 'The Doll' Laskey
Nyx Vanderhoff
Ollie Logan/Witch Doctor Logan
Pancake Spryert
Pam Eisen
Perry 'The Worm' Ticehurst
Princess Warren
Quiana Billings
Quincey Crabb
Reabetswe Okonjo
Reilly Jeppe
Ruby Ankney
Rufus Robby
Rupert English/Rupert Beauty
Sable Bow
Samantha Trapp
Samuel Perryman
Sasha Fedosov/Adorable Aleksander
Shayne Zaveri
Sheridan Lowe/Rosebud Lowe
Sloane Koskic
Sofie Tanner
Sommer Chauhan
Sparrow Martin
Stacey Jacobs/The Metal Mouth Maniac
Stephen Shabnur/Kitty Stephen
Sunny Cockerill
Sven Miller Garrett
Tabitha Valot/T Valentine
Teri Cullen
Ursula Benjamin
Verity Ahmed/Gremlin Ahmed
Victoria Wangdi/Princess Victoria Wang
Vivi Masters
Walter Cauley
Willis 'Turbo Fox' Judd
Xandria Cruz
Yaoting Duan
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alexlacquemanne · 1 year
Indiana Jones et le Cadran de la destinée (Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny) (2023) de James Mangold avec Harrison Ford, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Mads Mikkelsen, John Rhys-Davies, Thomas Kretschmann et Boyd Holbrook
Un mariage de rêve (Easy Virtue) (2008) de Stephan Elliott avec Jessica Biel, Ben Barnes, Kristin Scott Thomas, Colin Firth, Kimberley Nixon, Katherine Parkinson et Kris Marshall
Douze Heures d'horloge (1959) de Géza von Radványi avec Lino Ventura, Laurent Terzieff, Hannes Messemer, Eva Bartok, Lucien Raimbourg, Suzy Prim, Gert Fröbe et Guy Tréjan
Dies iræ (2003) d'Alexandre Astier avec Tony Saba, Thomas Cousseau, Lionnel Astier, Alexis Hénon, Nicolas Gabion, Franck Pitiot, Jean-Christophe Hembert, Alexandre Astier, Jean-Robert Lombard et Jacques Chambon
La Vérité sur Bébé Donge (1952) d'Henri Decoin avec Jean Gabin, Danielle Darrieux, Gabrielle Dorziat, Claude Génia, Marcel André, Jacques Castelot et Daniel Lecourtois
Sorcerer (1977) de William Friedkin avec Roy Scheider, Bruno Cremer, Francisco Rabal, Amidou, Ramon Bieri, Peter Capell, Karl John et Friedrich von Ledebur
La moutarde me monte au nez (1974) de Claude Zidi avec Pierre Richard, Jane Birkin, Claude Piéplu, Jean Martin, Danielle Minazzoli, Vittorio Caprioli, Julien Guiomar et Henri Guybet
Mission impossible : Dead Reckoning, partie 1 (Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One) (2023) de Christopher McQuarrie avec Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, Vanessa Kirby, Hayley Atwell et Pom Klementieff
Demain ne meurt jamais (Tomorrow Never Dies) (1997) de Roger Spottiswoode avec Pierce Brosnan, Jonathan Pryce, Michelle Yeoh, Teri Hatcher, Ricky Jay, Götz Otto et Joe Don Baker
Plus dure sera la chute (The Harder They Fall) (1956) de Mark Robson avec Humphrey Bogart, Rod Steiger, Nehemiah Persoff, Mike Lane, Jan Sterling et Max Baer
La Guerre des polices (1979) de Robin Davis avec Claude Brasseur, Claude Rich, Marlène Jobert, Georges Staquet, Jean-François Stévenin, Étienne Chicot, David Jalil, Gérard Desarthe, Jean Rougerie et Jean-Pierre Kalfon
Oppenheimer (2023) de Christopher Nolan avec Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett, Casey Affleck, Rami Malek et Kenneth Branagh
L'Odyssée de Pi (Life of Pi) (2012) d'Ang Lee avec Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Ayush Tandon, Tabu, Adil Hussain, Ayan Khan, Vibish Sivakumar et Rafe Spall
L'Histoire d'Adèle H. (1975) de François Truffaut avec Isabelle Adjani, Bruce Robinson, Sylvia Marriott, Joseph Blatchley, Ivry Gitlis et Ruben Dorey
Meurs un autre jour (Die Another Day) (2002) de Lee Tamahori avec Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Toby Stephens, Rosamund Pike et Rick Yune
La Tulipe noire (1964) de Christian-Jaque avec Alain Delon, Virna Lisi, Dawn Addams, Akim Tamiroff, Adolfo Marsillach, Robert Manuel et Francis Blanche
Friends Saison 10
Celui qui n'arrivait pas à se confier - Celui qui allait très bien - Celui qui avait décidé de bronzer - Celui qui transformait le gâteau d'anniversaire - Celui qui écrivait une lettre de recommandation - Celui qui a failli avoir la subvention - Celui qui bluffait l'assistante sociale - Celui qui ratait Thanksgiving - Ceux qui rencontraient la mère biologique - Celui qui se faisait coincer - Celui qui trahissait le pacte - Celui qui jouait le rôle du père - Celui qui baragouinait - Celui qui n'aimait pas la maison - Celui qui faisait tout pour retenir Rachel - Celui qui n'aimait pas les adieux - Ceux qui s'en allaient
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 10
Danse avec la mort - L'Oncle d'Amérique - La Chasse au trésor - Le Blues de l'assassin - Le Flash de la mort - Le Télescope de la mort
Coffre à Catch
#122 : Finlay prend la trique et Ichtou jette l'éponge ! - #123 : Finlay à domicile pour le titre ECW ! - #124 : Les Survivor Series : Des bangers en veux-tu en voilà! - #125 : Beliaroth INFILTRE l'Univers d'Agius! - #126 : MVP et Matt Hardy: de partenaires à adversaires !
Kaamelott Livre I
Le Duel - L'Invasion viking - La Bataille rangée - La Romance de Perceval - Les Funérailles d'Ulfin - Le Chevalier femme - La Carte - Le Repas de famille - Le Répurgateur - Le Labyrinthe - Heat - Les Tartes aux myrtilles - La Table de Breccan - Le Chevalier mystère - Le Fléau de Dieu - Le Garde du corps - Des nouvelles du monde - Codes et Stratégies - Le Maître d’armes - Le Négociateur - Dîner dansant - Le Sixième Sens - Arthur et la Question - Monogame - Les Défis de Merlin - Le Banquet des chefs - Le Signe - En forme de Graal - Le Repos du guerrier - La Dent de requin - La Taxe militaire - La Queue du scorpion - La Potion de fécondité - L’Interprète - Le Sacrifice - À la volette - De retour de Judée - La Botte secrète - L’Assassin de Kaamelott - Le Trois de cœur - Basidiomycètes - L’Imposteur - Compagnons de chambrée - La Grotte de Padraig - Ambidextrie - Raison d’argent - La Romance de Lancelot - Merlin et les Loups - Le Cas Yvain - L’Adoubement - Arthur et les Ténèbres - Le Zoomorphe - La Coccinelle de Madenn - Patience dans la plaine - Le Oud - Le Code de chevalerie - Létal - Azénor - Le Sort de rage - Les Nouveaux Frères - Enluminures - Haunted - Le Secret de Lancelot - Le Serpent géant - Guenièvre et les Oiseaux - Le Dernier Empereur - Perceval relance de quinze - Le Coup d’épée - La Jupe de Calogrenant - Le Prodige du fakir - Un bruit dans la nuit - Feu l’âne de Guethenoc - Goustan le Cruel - Le Chaudron rutilant - La Visite d’Ygerne - Les Clandestins - La Kleptomane - Le Pain - La Mort le Roy Artu - Le Problème du chou - Un roi à la taverne - Les Fesses de Guenièvre - Le Billet doux - Guenièvre et l’Orage - Eunuques et Chauds Lapins - Choc frontal - Le Forage - Le Discobole - L’Expurgation de Merlin - Les Volontaires - Polymorphie - Décibels nocturnes - La Fête de l’hiver - Gladiator - La Blessure mortelle - Le Dragon des tunnels - Retour de campagne - L’Escorte - Tel un chevalier - La Pâte d’amande - La Fureur du dragon - Vox populi - Unagi - L’Éclaireur - Lacrimosa - La Quête des deux renards - Agnus Dei - Le Tourment - La Retraite - La Vraie Nature du Graal
Affaires Sensibles
Le Tour de France fantôme - Tom Simpson : une funeste passion - Lance Armstrong, le héros déchu - 21 juillet 1969 : objectif Lune
Castle Saison 2
Une rose pour l’éternité - Le Contrat - Le Troisième Homme - Le Batteur battu - Journal d'une dominatrice - Messages par balles - La Mort de Nikki - La Malédiction de la momie
Orgueil et Préjugés
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
Raison et Sentiments
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
John Fogerty : Premonition (1997)
Eddy Mitchell au Casino de Paris (1990)
Pourquoi vous faisez ça ? de Pablo Mira
Gaston , Tome 2 de André Franquin et Jidékeur
Le péplum, un mauvais genre de Claude Aziza
Hero Corp, Tome 2 : Chroniques de Simon Astier, Louis et Stéphane Créty
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thebbfanaticsforum · 5 years
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Welcome Everyone to The Point! The Point is where I, the BB Fanatic, will get down to The Point with either your favorite former & current Big Brother houseguests or your favorite former & current Sequester players about many various topics including there own season(s), if they watched the most recent season(s) & their thoughts on it as well as & especially what they are doing now in their life. It is now time to get down to The Point with one of your soon to be favorite Sequester Players, and someone who I personally am not only rooting on like I said in my interview w/ Deana Bauer, but picking as the winner of Sequester season 3, the one and only Kimberley Ford!
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The BB Fanatic - First off Kimberley, Thank you for agreeing to do this interview with me. You honestly are my pick to win this upcoming season which starts November 3rd at 8 pm est. Now unlike other interviews you may do this one will focus on you as a person & player. First off, how did you hear about Sequester? What made you interested in Sequester itself & what was your strategy going in after you found in you were cast?
Kimberley Ford - Thank you so much for reaching out! I enjoy interacting with fans online! Thank you so much for choosing me as your pick to win and I hope I do you proud.
I began hearing about sequester a couple years ago during the online games. I applied to be on an online season and was selected but unfortunately timing didn’t work out with family obligations.  So I have been very interested in participating in one of the live seasons and applied for season 3! Audrey has been phenomenal as a producer and is nothing short of amazing!
What made me interested in sequester was the competitiveness, the fast pace and the sheer luck factor of some of the competitions! I thrive when I am challenged in situations which makes sense as I am an operating room nurse and love the adrenaline rush of not knowing what is coming at you during a trauma!
My strategy going into the house is to deflect the threat off of me. I am a very social and outgoing woman so I knew making connections wouldn’t be hard. I want to hide the fact that I am a former freestyle amateur wrestler and involved in pro wrestling currently because I don’t want people to assume I am a physical threat. I also am extremely good at puzzles and have a great intuition and ability to read people so I also want to deflect that skill from me. I also am a former Mrs Calgary and Mrs Alberta so I want to have someone attractive on my side as well. Therefore my plan is to get a big strong man, a nerd, and a beautiful person in an alliance with me so I can deflect the threat off of me and know that those people will also connect with different populations in the house so we can divide and conquer!
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The BB Fanatic - We can't talk about what happened yet cause it won't premiere until November 3rd at 8 pm est but what we can do is ask more about you & you are many things. A Sequester player of course, as well as a Registered Nurse, an abstract painter, & my favorite thing on your resume, professional wrestler! You have watched wrestling since you were 7 or 8 years old. Was there anything or anyone from your childhood that made you in awe & want to be like that particular wrestler when you got into the business?
Kimberley Ford - Absolutely! I am EXTREMELY passionate about wrestling. It is in my blood. My parents always had wrestling on in our home and we watched stampede wrestling, WCW, and WWF almost every week. When a family friends son wanted to go watch my dad took us both. I remember a cage match between Bret and Owen hart and a ladder match between Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels. I fell. In. Love. With. Wrestling. I knew at that point I wanted to do that for the rest of my life. My parents didn’t want me to waste my life and knew I had potential to graduate university so I wanted to please them and completed my bachelor of nursing degree and started working in the field. But the passion for wrestling never stopped. I got married and had my son and life’s priorities changed. Now that my son is older I am able to pursue my wrestling career knowing that I have my education to fall back on. I know I may never make it to the WWE but at least I am following my childhood dreams and not many people have the drive to do that.  Long story short, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels were huge inspirations for me. Shawn’s charisma and Bret’s skill.
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The BB Fanatic - Reason I brought that up so soon is I wanted to tie your wrestling background into your Sequester game. Do you think your wrestling background is something going into Sequester that helped you. Sequester has battles, and lets face it, if its a physical battle they are in trouble, & as smart as you are, if its a mental battle, they are in trouble. So did your physical strength help your confidence in preparing for Sequester Season 3?
Kimberley Ford - My physical strength is obviously and attribute that will help me in physical competitions. I want to keep that a secret so if people challenge me to a battle match they will be shocked and devastated in my strength. Also it will be great to build my resume for jury with the physicality. I have always been a very confident woman and I think competing in wrestling teaches you to have faith in yourself. Competing in pageants definitely helped build more confidence and stage presence and being a pro wrestler you have to be extremely confident going out to that ring and performing as you have to trust your opponent and they have to trust you.
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The BB Fanatic - This question is always set aside for something special. Something fun. I want to head back to the topic of you being an abstract painter. I am a huge fan of art. I think the creativity it takes and just what a person can come up with due to their mind, their heart & their soul is beautiful! What started your love for painting. Did you always want to focus on abstract painting or was there another form of painting that you tried before hand?
Kimberley Ford - I have been drawing since I was very little. When I was 4 years old and in kindergarten my teachers just fostered that talent. I have a painting of a pumpkin from that year which my mother hung on the window as a Halloween decoration. My mom was offered money to put it in an art gallery. I’m self taught and it comes naturally to me. I am actually a very good portrait artist in pencil, I have only started abstract painting seriously since 2005. I love creating and the pride that comes from displaying what the mind can do. My son has inherited a lot of my artistic ability and I can’t wait to see what he accomplishes in life!
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The BB Fanatic - Now before we close out this interview I want to give you the floor to talk about anything you want in regards to Sequester or your job, your career in wrestling or anything you stand behind & are a advocate of? Whatever you would like to talk about you can say right here right now, the floor is yours & once again Thank you Kimberley!
Kimberley Ford - Thank you so much again for reaching out, what I would love to close with are the causes I am very passionate about: infertility awareness and special needs funding.
I was a part of a charitable foundation called Generations of Hope which provides funding for families that would otherwise be unable to afford treatment to have children. I believe that your socio-economic status should not determine if you are fit to parent. I unfortunately had medical issues that prevented me from conceiving naturally and I have no issues talking about it because I think awareness of pregnancy loss and infertility is the first step to realizing there is a problem and a need for funding. So if you would like to donate you can see what the foundation is about at www.gensofhope.com
In 2017 we raised $120,000 which means many families were able to have children and that means the world to me as my son is a miracle and going to do incredible things in this world.
My son has special needs and has faced many challenges in schooling in his young life. He was expelled for being different, bullied, and emotionally traumatized by his initial experiences. Having him assessed and diagnosed appropriately and advocating for him and his education has been a full time job for the last 3 years. Finally he has been integrated into a regular classroom this year and excelling but only due to teachers, educational aides, behavioural therapists, and a principal who has been down the same path as us to show us what is possible and where and how to advocate. Thank god for teachers and educators who truly love what they do and see the potential in children. Please support your local school system!!
We are all in for a crazy ride this season on sequester and the fans are going to LOVE THIS SEASON!!!
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azspot · 4 years
The election of Biden is also very bad news for journalists such as Matt Taibbi, Glen Ford, Margaret Kimberley, Glenn Greenwald, Jeffrey St. Clair or Robert Scheer who refuse to be courtiers to the ruling elites. Journalists that do not spew the approved narrative of the right-wing, or, alternatively, the approved narrative of the Democratic Party, have a credibility the ruling elite fears. The worse things get – and they will get worse as the pandemic leaves hundreds of thousands dead and thrusts millions of Americans into severe economic distress –the more those who seek to hold the ruling elites, and in particular the Democratic Party, accountable will be targeted and censored in ways familiar to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, now in a London prison and facing possible extradition to the United States and life imprisonment.
The Ruling Elite’s War on Truth
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ange-de-la-musique · 5 years
A complete list of actors who have performed in both Cats and Phantom.
I’ve done my best to research performers who have had roles in both but if you know I’m missing someone just let me know!
Christine Daaé
Sarah Brightman (Jemima)
Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum)
Sara Sarres (Jellylorum)
Celia Graham (Jellylorum/Griddlebone)
Marni Raab (Jellylorum/Griddlebone)
Megan Ort (Jellylorum/Griddlebone, Grizabella)
Maree Johnson (Grizabella)
Soo Hyun Kim (Victoria)
Dodie Pettit (swing, Etcetera, Jellylorum, Jennyanydots, Sillabub, Victoria)
Joke de Kruijf (swing, Sillabub, Victoria, Cassandra, Tantomile, Jennyanydots, Jellylorum/Griddlebone)
LND Christine de Chagny
Louise Fribo (Jemima, Demeter, Rumpleteazer, swing)
Celia Graham (Jellylorum/Griddlebone)
Heidi Karlsson (Grizabella)
The Phantom
Brad Little (Old Deuteronomy)
Saulo Vasconcelos (Old Deuteronomy)
Pierre-Yves Duchesne (Old Deuteronomy)
Jonathan Roxmouth (Munkustrap)
Ivan Ozhogin (Munkustrap)
Steve Barton (Munkustrap)
Hartwig Rudolz (Munkustrap)
Scott Davies (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Josh Piterman (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Ian Jon Bourg (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Ethan Freeman (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Mark Wynter (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Bronson Noris Murphy (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Greg Castiglioni (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Richard Poole (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Richard Woodford (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger, Victor)
Richard Todd Adams (chorus)
The Phantom LND
Bronson Noris Murphy (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Matt Mcfarlane (Munkustrap)
Raoul de Chagny
Bronson Noris Murphy (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Richard Todd Adams (chorus)
Jeremy Hays (Rum Tum Tugger)
Steve Barton (Munkustrap)
Hartwig Rudolz (Munkustrap)
LND Raoul de Chagny
Matt Mcfarlane (Munkustrap)
Meg Giry
Phyllida Crowley Smith (Victoria)
Daisy Alice Hulbert (Victoria)
Emanuelle Guélin (Victoria)
Emma Harris (Victoria)
Ellie Young (Victoria)
Eleanor Waite (Rumpleteazer)
Lucy Middleton (Rumpleteazer, swing)
Jeehyun Noh (Jemima)
Kimberley Partridge (Jemima)
Sharyn Winney (Jemima/swing, Tantomile, Sillabub)
Sharon Millerchip (Demeter, swing)
Dodie Pettit (swing, Etcetera, Jellylorum, Jennyanydots, Sillabub, Victoria)
LND Meg Giry
Sharon Millerchip (Demeter, swing)
Ubaldo Piangi
Greg Castiglioni (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
John Ellis (Old Deuteronomy)
Richard Firmin
Wim Van Den Driessche (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Ian Jon Bourg (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Peter Kevoian (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Matt Harrop (Bustopher Jones/Asparagus/Rumpus Cat)
Gilles André
Curt Olds (Gus)
Richard Poole (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Gareth Snook (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Mark Wynter (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Richard Woodford (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger, Victor)
Madame Giry
Katharine Heaton (swing)
Maree Johnson (Grizabella)
Janet Saia (Grizabella)
Carlotta Giudicelli
Louise Fribo (Jemima, Demeter, Rumpleteazer, swing)
Janet Saia (Grizabella)
Nathan Patrick Morgan (Bustopher Jones/Growltiger/Gus, Old Deuteronomy, swing)
Andrew Keelan (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Rumpus Cat, swing)
Madame Firmin
Sharon Wheatley (Jellylorum, Jennyanydots)
Monsieur Reyer
Peter Kevoian (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Ian Jon Bourg (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Monsieur Lefevre
Richard Poole (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Stephen Morgante (Skimbleshanks, Coricopat, Bill Bailey/swing, Carbucketty/swing, Victor/swing)
Richard Poole (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Wild Woman
Lily de-la-Haye (Jennyanydots, Jellylorum/Griddlebone)
Dance Captain/Slavemaster
Jon Erik Goldberg (Pouncival)
Louis Van Leer (Carbucketty, Mr Mistoffelees)
Bradley Parsons (Alonzo/dance captain)
Ballet Chorus
Chrissy Brooke (2019 movie chorus)
Sharyn Winney (Jemima/swing, Sillabub, Tantomile)
Eilish Harmon-Beglan (Tantomile, Victoria, Jemima)
Marise Dusheiko (Victoria)
Myrthes Monterio (Sillabub)
Katharine Heaton (swing)
John Dewar (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger)
Tug Watson (Munkustrap, swing/Bustopher Jones, Asparagus, Old Deuteronomy, Victor, Peter)
Andrew Dunne (Admetus/swing)
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blackfreethinkers · 5 years
“The Democrats were the party of open and proud white supremacy, and Republicans were considered the only reasonable option in the face of lynch law terrorism. This pattern of promising support that never materialized would recur into the twenty-first century. The effort to pass an anti-lynching bill foundered and was equally unsuccessful for the next five decades. Presidents may have sought black votes, but the support of black voters never mattered very much when action was needed to protect their lives” [my emphasis].
If some progress can be said to have been made by the Civil Rights movement of the ’50s and ’60s, it must also be admitted that, starting no later than Reagan, a strong counter-offensive gained traction against it, imposed top-down from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Clinton’s contribution was “ending welfare as we know it” and his “crime bill,” which were both anti-black and brown, and which could only have been passed in a Democrat-controlled Congress by a Democrat president. He and his “two for the price of one” wife have never been properly condemned for these (and other) abhorrent policies. Both Bushes, before and after Bill, were racists, despite W’s “diverse” cabinet. For being the first black president, Obama had to put in special effort to prove he wasn’t going to rock the white boat; at his speech on the anniversary of the March on Washington, he “gave a very good standup impression of a racist white man,” to quote the Black Agenda Report’s Glen Ford. And not for nothing did the Black Lives Matter movement flare up under his watch.
On the subject of Obama, Kimberley explained:
“The rules for being a ‘serious’ candidate go something like this: Don’t make rich people angry. Don’t make white people angry. Don’t appear to help black people in any way, because that gets white people angrier than just about anything else. Obama knew this, but he was also instinctively a conservative man, which he said to anyone who was really paying attention. During his first campaign in 2008 he spoke lovingly of Ronald Reagan as a ‘transformative’ public figure.”
“Transformative” is one way to describe “the Gipper.” Another would be as an unrepentant bigot.
As Kimberley illustrates, the history of the US is very much the history of white supremacy, pivoting on slavery and its aftermath. Every president from the beginning has either been a southerner defending southern racism or a northerner afraid to challenge it for fear of losing southern votes (all the while denying northern racism). We have not escaped this yet. Thanks to gerrymandering and widespread voter suppression, this country is still being run by a minority made up of white racists from the South, along with their unholy allies in the West and Midwest. The gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013—under the watch of a president who was a lawyer of constitutional law—has not received the attention or remedy it deserves.
Trump is the last president that Kimberley describes and she ends with this:
“Trump is no anomaly. He appears at the recent end of a continuum that began with a series of slaveholders… While Trump’s demeanor makes him seem like an outlier, history proves that he is not.”
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mateushonrado · 6 years
Status Post #6548: Actors who almost played Rangers in Power Rangers.
Before MMPR
Jason Lee Scott (Victor Lee): Mark Dacascos
Zack Taylor (Zach Taylor): Miguel A. Nunez, Jr.
Trini Kwan (Trini Crystal): Tricia Leigh Fisher (she's Carrie's half sister, in case you don't know)
Billy Cranston: Tom Silardi
Kimberly Hart (Kimberly Harte): Rebecca Staples
Zordon era
Jason Lee Scott: Jason David Frank and David Yost
Billy Cranston: Jason Narvy and Walter Jones
Trini Kwan: Audri DuBois (original pilot had her as Trini)
Adam Park: Daniel Southworth
In Space
Astronema: Chyler Leigh (she's Christopher Khayman Lee's sister who is currently playing Alex Danvers in Supergirl)
Post-Zordon era
Lost Galaxy
Leo Corbett: Jason Faunt and Rhett Fisher
Maya: Erin Simms (original version of Quasar Quest had her as Maya)
Lightspeed Rescue
Carter Grayson: Rhett Fisher
Chad Lee: Daniel Southworth
Time Force
Wesley Collins: Daniel Southworth
Lucas Kendall: Daniel Southworth
Eric Myers: Rick Medina
Wild Force
Alyssa Enrile: Summer Glau and Sandra McCoy
Disney era
Ninja Storm
Tori Hanson: Emma Lahana
Dino Thunder
Kira Ford: Anna Hutchison
Jack Landors: Cory Montieth
Mystic Force
Nick Russell: Richard Brancatisano
Xander Bly: Firass Dirani
Operation Overdrive
Ronny Robinson: Eliana Saenz
Tyzonn: David de Lautour
Jungle Fury
Casey Rhodes: Carlo Daquin
Lily Chilman: Teresa Ruiz
Theo Martin: Jay Bunyan
Robert James: Daniel Sing
Jarrod: Anthony Ray Parker
Camille: Adrienne Pickering and Ria Vandervis
Summer Landsdown: Heidi Bradburt and Kimberley Crossman
Neo-Saban era
Samurai/Super Samurai
Jayden Shiba, Kevin or Mike: Azim Risk
Mia Watanabe: Eliana Saenz
Emily: Ciara Hanna
Antonio Garcia: Hector David, Felix Ryan and Azim Risk
Troy Burrows: Cameron Jebo
Emma Goodall: Sundai Love
Super Megaforce
Orion: Peter Sudarso and Evan Crooks
Ninja Steel
Calvin Maxwell: Chantz Simpson
Power Rangers 2017
Jason Scott: K.J. Apa, Austin Butler and Mitchell Hope
Zack Taylor: Daniel Zovatto, Ross Butler and Brian "Sene" Marc
Trini Crystal: Naomi Scott
Kimberly Hart: Stefanie Scott
Rita Repulsa: Amy Jo Johnson
Vesper Vasquez: Ciara Hanna
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kaydub80 · 3 years
This is devastating. RIP Glen Ford
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iwelix005 · 3 years
Atif Aslam
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Atif Aslam is a very good person. he is very smart in his work. He has a superb personality. Atif Aslam Physical Stats, Career, Personal Life, Favourite Things, Money Factor & more info.
Contents of Atif Aslam
Physical Stats & More Personal Life Girls, Affairs and More Family Favourite Things Style Quotient Money Factor Quick Info Name:- Atif Aslam Date of Birth:- 12 March 1983 Nationality:- Pakistani Birthplace:- Wazirabad, Punjab, Pakistan Hometown:- Lahore, Pakistan Bio/Wiki Full Name Muhammad Atif Aslam Nickname Aadee Profession(s) Actor, Singer, Songwriter Physical Stats & More Height (approx.) in feet inches- 5’ 9” in centimeters- 175 cm in meters- 1.75 m Eye Colour Dark Brown Hair Colour Black Personal Life Date of Birth 12 Mar 1983 Age (as in 2020) 37 Years Birthplace Wazirabad, Punjab (Pakistan) Zodiac sign Pisces Nationality Pakistani Hometown Lahore, Pakistan School(s) Kimberley Hall School (Lahore) St. Paul’s Cambridge School (Rawalpindi) Divisional Public School (Lahore) College/University Punjab Institute of Computer Science (Lahore) Educational Qualification Bachelor in Computer Science (B.C.S.) Debut Album: Jal Pari (2006) Singing: "Wo Lamhe" (Zeher) (2005, Bollywood) Acting: Bol (2011) Religion Islam Hobbies Sketching, Playing Cricket, Travelling Awards, Honours, Achievements 2005: Indus Music Awards for Best Lyrics, Best Song, Best Composition (Aadat) 2008: Honoured with Tamgha-e-Imtiaz (Medal of Distinction) (the Government of Pakistan) 2010: Pakistan Media Awards (Best Singer)(Male) 2013: The BrandLaureate International Awards (Brand Personality) Girls, Affairs and More Marital Status Married Affairs/Girlfriends Sara Bharwana (Educationist) Marriage Date 28 March 2013 Family Wife/Spouse Sara Bharwana (Educationist) Children Daughter- None Son- Ahad (born in 2014) Parents Mother- Rehana Shaheen Father- Muhammad Aslam Siblings Sister- Romana Brothers- Shahzad (Photographer), Shahbaz (Designer), Sheraz Favourite Things Food(s) Aloo Palak, Biryani Actress Deepika Padukone Sport Cricket Film(s) Bollywood: Yugpurush, Parinda Hollywood: Legends of the Fall, Judgment Day, Terminator 2: Fight Club, Castaway Song(s) Tu Mera Dil Tu Meri Jaan (Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan), My Confession (Richard Marx), Zindagi Ka Safar (Kishore Kumar), Where Were You (Pink Floyd) TV Shows Voltron Series, Mr Bean and Friends Colour(s) White, Black Destination Europe Subject Mathematics Style Quotient Cars Collection Audi Sport Toyota Crown Classic Ford Comet Classic Lexus RX Money Factor Salary (approx.) Rs. 9-10 lakh (one song) Net Worth (approx.) Rs. 150 Crore ($22 Million)(PKR 268 Crore) This information provided by iwelix.com Read the full article
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jiokcareers · 3 years
Create Your Plan B Before the Layoff Axe Falls
Create Your Plan B Before the Layoff Axe Falls
In one short week, the axe fell at a number of companies and thousands of employees were without jobs. Hewlett Packard, Kodak, Ford Motor Company of Canada, PNC Financial and Kimberley Clark each had to make critical business decisions and lay off large numbers of employees. Reasons ranged from “maintaining a tighter rein on costs” to creating a “simpler nimbler” organization”. Although the news…
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newseveryhourly · 4 years
Trump and Biden gear up for presidential debate tomorrow
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Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal, Chris Stirewalt, Fox News politics editor, Harold Ford, former Tennessee representative, join panel on 'Special Report.'
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
20 Years of Post-9/11 Amnesia
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Memories of the last 20 years are rarely focused on increased state violence and repression in the post-9/11 world. The damage has largely been forgotten.
The constant demand that we “Never forget!,” the events of September 11, 2001 is rather laughable. Forgetting is difficult after enduring 20 years of war propaganda. News stories about that day are plentiful albeit useless, that is to say they add nothing to our understanding of why the U.S. was attacked and depend upon sentiment, jingoism, and tried and true claims of exceptionalism to maintain fear, hatred, and support for war.
The aftermath of September 11 gets surprisingly short shrift but it is just as important as the who, what, when, where, why, and how of that date. It was just three days later that the Senate and House of Representatives voted to begin what are now called the forever wars. On September 14, 2001 California’s congresswoman Barbara Lee cast the lone vote against the Authorization for Use of Military Force. It gave George W. Bush broad authority to “use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001…”
The 9/11 event isn’t forgotten, but the near universal approval of the attack on Afghanistan is rarely mentioned now. The corrosive impact of that war on international and domestic law is also swept under the rug. In the past 20 years presidents have claimed the right to kill anyone they claim is a threat, deny the right to civilian trials, and gather and keep electronic information on everyone in the United States. These assaults on human rights have been largely forgotten, as the shock of the day turned otherwise intelligent people into supporters of aggression.
Thanks to the state’s collusion with corporate media, there was even an unwillingness to find out how the attacks were carried out and ascertain who in Bush’s administration should have known what was going to happen. During that summer of 2001, Attorney General John Ashcroft refused to fly on commercial airlines. He obviously knew there was a threat.
Black Agenda Report’s Glen Ford was one of many eyewitnesses to strange activity on the day in question. He recounted meeting two men in Jersey City, New Jersey watching the towers burn. They claimed to be Polish but spoke Hebrew, had fake press passes, brand new cameras, and a joyful attitude about the unfolding tragedy. There were other reports about Israelis ostensibly working for a moving company who also watched the towers fall and celebrated as they did. These documented incidents inconvenience the official narrative and were given insufficient attention by the government and their friends in media.
The shamefully inadequate 9/11 commission didn’t take place until months later. George W. Bush and his national security team garnered fawning media attention but hardly any scrutiny about what they knew and how the attacks were carried out. No one was fired, no one resigned, and hard questions were eschewed in favor of deference to the people who failed their country so badly.
Even when there was reporting on links between Osama bin Laden, the U.S. government, and the Saudi royal family, the stories cast suspicion everywhere except where it should have been directed. They rarely delved into bin Laden’s beginnings as an ally of the U.S. in the Afghanistan regime change effort, and his ties to the Saudi allies that would have embarrassed the Bush family and the entire foreign policy apparatus. It is true that bin Laden relatives and Saudi royals were whisked out of the country when airspace was shut down for everyone else. But tales of evil Arabs predominated instead of real reporting which would have asked hard questions about every president from Jimmy Carter onward who funded jihadists like bin Laden as proxies for U.S. foreign policy designs.
By all means let us remember. Remember the drone strikes, the kill lists, the Abu Ghraib torture, and the Guantanamo Bay prison where men still languish after 20 years. Remember that the rush to war in 2001 was followed by the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Remember that Secretary of State Colin Powell lied at the United Nations about non-existent weapons of mass destruction. Remember that even our popular culture has been impacted, and that film makers are given access to classified documents if they agree to produce pro-torture propaganda. The New York Times wouldn’t even print the word torture if the U.S. was the perpetrator. “Harsh interrogation techniques” and other such euphemisms were substitutes for the truth.
Twenty years later the U.S. is a changed country and not for the better. Congress still gives presidents broad authority to bomb, change foreign governments at will, and sanction any country that becomes a target. Regime change is acceptable as long as U.S. troops aren’t directly involved in the dirty work. The media follow suit and citizens who object to wars of terror and a growing surveillance state are marginalized. Even politicians who call themselves progressive go along to get along and eagerly vote to support a defense budget that is now more than $750 billion.
Memories are limited to September 11, 2001 and not to what happened afterward. The attacks were a pretext for doing what the imperialists always wanted. Glen Ford put his strange experience in perspective. “In effect, Washington was claiming revenge as the motive for crimes that it had long been planning to commit. Precise causality for the specific events of 9/11 becomes near-irrelevant, submerged in the much larger aggression that was conceived long before the towers fell.”
It is little wonder that there is so much confusion about the world we live in now. War, austerity, and inequality were just what the ruling class ordered. They needed a war against humanity and they have been waging it for the last 20 years. If there are going to be shared memories about post-9/11 life, that harsh truth must be among them.
Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She is the author of Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents . Her work can also be found at patreon.com/margaretkimberley   and on Twitter @freedomrideblog. Ms. Kimberley can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgendaReport.com.
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headlineusa · 4 years
https://ift.tt/2S4aa4h Trump and Biden gear up for presidential debate tomorrow
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Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal, Chris Stirewalt, Fox News politics editor, Harold Ford, former Tennessee representative, join panel on 'Special Report.'
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bookeverlasting · 4 years
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