#Killer Kowalski
l00k4tm4m45c415 · 8 months
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Jayne Trcka w/Killer Kowalski
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jhsharman · 5 months
Man of Iron
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Actually they should have changed it to the gray sweatshirt for the rest of the scene.
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ringthedamnbell · 7 months
Spotlight on Killer Kowalski
Spotlight on Killer Kowalski
Robert Segedy I can clearly recall the time that I had met the legendary Killer Kowalski. My friend Bill and I had traveled to the town of Springfield to attend a meet and greet of various wrestlers. This was the first time that I had attended one of these events and I didn’t exactly know what was in store. We pulled up to the parking lot of a local motel where the greats and near greats had…
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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flownwrong · 3 months
something like this (due south fic)
F/K + F/K/V, rated T; ~1000 words
Summary: Ten ways Ray Kowalski's day can go.
A/N: For @thegoodthebadandtheart's birthday. Hap birth, friend! You're the real one <3
read on ao3
1. Back before The Great Frasering, my days went something like this: groan my way out of bed, try not to slip in the shower with my eyes not quite opening the whole way, inhale the coffee smell from the coffee mug, inhale the coffee from the coffee mug, Turtle feeding time, pants, shirt, holster, car, work—repeat in reverse, swapping coffee for beer and shower for a jerk-off-and-feel-sorry-for-myself session. Sprinkle in some evenings out with the guys—good collars, or someone's birthday, or impending fatherhood, or retirement—with bar games and shooting the shit, out of which I'm mostly good at that last one.
Work went something like this: come in, argue with anyone who's looking for an argument, try to make sure that doesn't include the witnesses or the Lieu, talk to people, shout at people, slap cuffs on people. On a good day, help people. Or at least try. Sprinkle in staying late in the attempts to keep all the papers in check, which wasn't as hard as you'd think considering back home it was mostly the TV and the Turtle waiting.
2. Then there was one day when work went something like this: Lieu calls me in, says, here's a doozy, wham, bam, I'm outta there, outta my own skin, outta my depth.
3. During The Great Frasering, my days went something like this: get to the station, hang out with Fraser, take a fat pill's worth of trippy shit, argue with Fraser, work with Fraser, hang out with Fraser, get slobbered on by wolf, go to bed, sleep the sleep of the dead—not necessarily in that order. Same on weekends, only without work. Well, not every time. Sprinkle in some letting Stella go, some letting Fraser in, some times my heart would feel so huge with needing him I was sure that was all she wrote.
4. Then there was one day that went something like this: Fraser catches a weirdass fish, gets on the trail of the killer of his mother, wham, bam, I'm outta Vecchio's skin, outta a plane, outta a partner. I'm lucky Fraser didn't get the memo.
5. The adventure went something like this: learn so much new stuff my brain felt three sizes too big for my skull, get why Fraser can't shut up about this place, spend so much time looking up at the sky one night I got a crick in my neck and felt dizzy, kiss Fraser, some more dizzy, try to figure out whether I said I loved him out loud only for him to say it first. Not find any hands, reaching out or otherwise, except for Fraser's hand down my pants, which, I'll be honest, I'll take over Franklin's any day of the week.
6. Then there was one day that went something like this: pack up my shit and go back to Chicago, listen to Fraser snuffle in his sleep on the plane, thank whoever's in charge about two hundred and eighteen times. Come home, curl up together in bed in the puzzle pieces way we worked out, only this time it's my bed, and technically it's the next day, but it's not like I stay up to check the clock.
7. After, it was The Great Frasering 2, bigger and better and like nothing I ever hoped for, until—
8. —the day that went something like this: Fraser sneaks off after lunch, which is nothing that pings my radar because he's his own guy, but then he comes home late and miserable and tells me Vecchio's back in town, which, yeah, maybe isn't something I was gonna do a victory lap about, but he looks way worse than I feel, which is ten different kinds of wrong, and then he says he owes me a bare minimum of honesty about his desires, with this face that gives me the idea he maybe isn't talking about me decked out in latex swinging a whip at him kind of desires, which scares the brains out of me because when it comes to the big feely things Fraser hardly ever talks, and I don't know if I will sock him one or curl up on the floor and sob until he tells me and it's so queer I end up laughing.
9. The days after that went something like—like something I don't even—but the important part is Fraser stays right where I want him, where I will always want him, and it turns out that's not the only thing I can want.
10. So, today went something like this: wake up late to an empty bed, inhale the coffee—the good stuff I never ask for but get nonetheless, have a bad hair day, go to work pissed off, piss Fraser off, piss the perp off, watch Fraser piss the perp off, take one in the jaw, give as good as I got, slap cuffs on the perp, sit through his song and dance, finally get rid of him. Endure the party, blow the party early, drive Fraser home. Open the door to Vecchio cooking, see him see me and swear, get the third bag of peas today slapped onto my face, get a beer and watch him chew Fraser out, better than TV. Eat half the whatever Vecchio's cooking right from the pan, listen to Fraser chew me out for bad behavior when all he really cares about is that there's less left for him. Make out with Fraser, pause for dinner, make out with Vecchio, try to stop the wolf from making out with me because I still smell like the good sauce, watch Vecchio make out with Fraser. Say wait, wait, what about the cake, hear Vecchio say what cake, say the one you made, hear the eyeroll as he says if you wanted one, should've made it yourself, say fuck you and get only today, Kowalski. Get herded off into the bedroom by Fraser, get horizontal, get—well, use your imagination.
So maybe this isn't exactly how I envisioned forty, but hey, my definition of a good day? Probably something like this.
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Wait... Killer really called Dust Kpwalski here?
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I bet you don't know that in Hungary (which Im from), here's a band called "Kowalski meg a Vega"
And I konw that the name is not from here, but it was funny to see this
For real?? (//∇//) Omg what a cool coincidence! ☆
I used it as a reference to the meme with penguins of Madagascar (since Skipper often asks Kowalski when needs an explanation), cause Killer turns to Murder in difficult situations as well xd
UPD: (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)♪
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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1999 The Year of Chyna
By Kevin Kelly
Chyna has achieved what no woman was ever expected to in the World Wrestling Federation and it’s not necessarily just because of her athletic skills. Not underestimating a physique reminiscent of a leather-clad sculpture–perhaps it is because the Ninth Wonder of the World refused to listen when others said, “No.”
Chyna knew she could compete against the men, but the purists needed to be enlightened. Beginning with the Royal Rumble, 1999 has been a series of ground-breaking triumphs countered only by miniscule setbacks.
While the role of women in society continues to evolve, albeit rather slowly, the former bodyguard has seized the means of production and created her own revolution. How did this once stoic, solitary revolutionary become the tombstone by which all women in the next century will be measured and compared? It all began with a painful childhood. 
In an interview in the October 1998 issue of the World Wrestling Federation Magazine Chyna described her early family life as “dysfunctional.” After leaving home at the age of 15 the future athlete excelled in high school, regularly making the Dean’s list, and later graduated from the University of Tampa (Florida) with a double major in Spanish and Literature in just two and a half years. Prospective employers like the United Nations and the U.S. Secret Service would have to wait, however.
During her college years, Chyna had discovered a talent for weight training. Combined with a lifelong desire to perform the groundwork was set, almost as though destiny had a hand in molding the sculpture that is the Ninth Wonder of the World. 
Questioned many times about the prospect of competing against other women in the ring, Chyna has consistently stated that it would not be challenging enough. Trained by Killer Kowalski in a class of all-male wrestlers, even the World Wrestling Federation Hall of Famer knew that the skills of his prized pupil were far from common. Even before entering the Federation in 1997, Chyna was aware that to make an impact she would have to compete against the men. 
First as bodyguard for Triple H and then the unifying glue of DX, Chyna preyed upon the weaknesses of men. Her notorious low blow proved that any man of any size could be felled like a tranquilized elephant with one upward thrust of her powerful arm. If retribution was due for the sins she had committed, Chyna knew that generally men would not want to strike out at her because of the childhood rule: Don’t hit girls. To this day, many of her victims blindly look at gender and wind up temporarily paralyzed because they are not “allowed” to hit a woman. 
At the 1999 Royal Rumble, Chyna made history as the first woman ever to compete for the privilege. Having thwarted the other D-Generates, Vince McMahon stood triumphantly while Chyna made her way to the ring as the final DX member in the Rumble qualifier. No one expected her and that element of surprise has been a persistent weapon against Chyna’s opponents. 
In time, however, that element of surprise began to dissipate. Chyna needed to show that she was more than just a Mexican uppercut. She did that in her attempt to win King of the Ring. With Triple H at ringside providing guidance, Chyna proved to the world–and more important, to herself–that she could do it. 
As the old saying goes, “Good talent can make anyone look good in the ring.” The Ninth Wonder was in there with the best of the best, and despite not coming away with the victory in the perennial June tournament, Chyna put herself on the roster as a competitor. She was credible, believable. It appeared to be more like rediscovering the talent she had been born with than something she had learned. Chyna had evolved once again and the sculpture was almost complete. 
“SummerSlam was supposed to be my time!” Triple H bellowed at Chyna after the Ninth Wonder of the World became the number one contender. Chyna would not wilt under the intense heat of the spotlight. No one doubled her spot now because she had earned all our respect. 
In that same ‘98 interview, the Ninth Wonder said, “There is a lot of mystery to Chyna and she hasn’t been unleashed yet. We can do so much with my character…”
The stories that can be told about the Ninth Wonder of the World are as limitless as the imagination. Her “character,�� as in integrity, is unparalleled. Chyna and Triple H are the quintessential professionals. That being said, will Chyna remain a part of Triple H’s career? There have been rumors that their partnership may be nearing an end. 
When Triple H became the Federation Champion the night following SummerSlam, it wasn’t without assistance. Chyna has been a steadfast, reliable accomplice for Triple H for nearly three years. Critics of Triple H argue that the network of assistants has hindered his credibility. Would Chyna remove herself from that role in Triple H’s life in response to the critics? 
Whatever future career decisions Chyna makes will not be in response to outside detractors. Throughout her life, Chyna has fought when most would have packed up and moved on. With minimal parental guidance as a young woman, Chyna completed high school and graduated from college with honors.
After stumbling onto weight training and a desire to compete in the fitness field, Chyna heard the naysayers and went on to make history on a televised event. Although the wrestling business wanted no part of her, the Ninth Wonder refused to be ignored and simply kicked the door in. Now, Chyna is approaching legendary status in the renaissance of sports-entertainment and the World Wrestling Federation–a history maker, a trendsetter, a one of a kind. 
This has been the year of Chyna. Her improvement and development will continue into the next century as well. One thing is certain–Chyna will constantly stay one step ahead and keep everybody guessing what is next for the Ninth Wonder of the World.
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lupines-slash-recs · 11 months
Rec: Death-Defying by keerawa
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Title: Death-Defying Author: keerawa Podficcer: Luzula_podfic Canon: Due South Pairing: Stanley ‘Ray’ Kowalski/Benton Fraser Rating: Mature [R] Word Count: 15,600 Summary: Fraser is a contract-killer, and Detective Ray Kowalski needs to stop
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I was right
Book 1 - Killer is Eleanor St-Claire and Tony Kowalski
Book 2 - Killer is Vasili Thorne and Colette Cadieux
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You did great, MY LOVE!
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Who and What I Write For!!!
If a Fandom/Character is Bolded, that means requests for them are Open. If it is not bolded, they are closed. Thank you!
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Draco Malfoy
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin (Marauders Era)
James Potter (Marauders Era)
Sirius Black (Marauders Era)
Regulus Black (Marauders Era)
Lily Evans (Marauders Era)
Marlene McKinnon (Marauders Era)
Mary MacDonald (Marauders Era)
Fear Street
Simon Kalivoda
Kate Schmidt
Tommy Slater
Nightwing Killer
Ziggy Berman
Nick Goode
Solomon Goode
Mad Thomas
Richie Tozier (young and old)
Bill Denbrough (young and old)
Stanley Uris (young and old)
Ben Hanscom (young and old)
Eddie Kaspbrak (young)
Beverly Marsh (young)
Mike Hanlon (young)
Peter Parker (MCU)
Peter Parker (TASM)
^ frat!peter… iykyk
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Bruce Banner
Tony Stark
Scott Lang
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Dewey Riley
Tatum Riley
Derek Feldman
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Kirby Reed
Charlie Walker
Tara Carpenter
Wes Hicks
Chad Martin-Meeks
Mindy Martin-Meeks
Richie Kirsch
Amber Freeman
Anika Kayoko
Ethan Landry
Back to the Future
Marty McFly
George Mcfly
The Breakfast Club
Andrew Clark
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John Bender
Claire Standish
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Stand By Me
Teddy Duchamp
Chris Chambers
Dead Poets Society
Neil Perry
Charlie Dalton
Todd Anderson
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Gerard Pitts
Richard Cameron
Chris Noel
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Bill Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Billy The Kid
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
TV Shows
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Carl Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Rosita Espinosa
Tara Chambler
Stranger Things
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Eddie Munson
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Ginny and Georgia
Marcus Baker
Abby Littman
Hunter Chen
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Video Games
Jimmy Hopkins
Gary Smith
Petey Kowalski
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Durch van der Linde (1899)
Jack Marston (1911 and 1914)
Sean Macguire
Karen Jones
Charles Smith
Javier Escuella
Detroit: Become Human
Life Is Strange
Chloe Price (specifically BTS)
Nathan Prescott
Warren Graham
Sean Diaz
Daniel Diaz (older obvi)
Steph Gingrich
Ryan Lucan
Hogwarts Legacy
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Gareth Weasley
Leander Prewett
TellTale’s The Walking Dead
Miscellaneous 80s Characters
Edgar Frog
Allen Frog
Sam Emerson
Johnny Cade
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Dally Winston
Ferris Bueller
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Alex P. Keaton
Miscellaneous Non-80s Characters
Harley Quinn
Peter Kavinsky
Donnie Darko
Detective David Loki
Homer Hickam
Beck Oliver
Jade West
Rodrick Heffley
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ringthedamnbell · 10 months
The Executioners: A Chronicle Of Kayfabe Killers In WWE 
Griffin Kaye Wrestling history is littered with recycled gimmicks, with everything from finishers to themes to looks being reinterpreted by different wrestlers, with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair walking (even if barely these days) examples of the success of pro wrestling knock-offs. One particular often-repeated gimmick is that of The Executioner, which has seen many wrestlers down the hood over the…
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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standardlovers · 9 months
top movies of the year !! tagged by @sommerregenjuniluft who asked specifically for 10 and i will take any opportunity to talk abt films i watched <3
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no pressure tagging: @sugarsnappeases @beaniebaby @casstration @bardofavon
Commentary on the films & honourable mentions below:
A Little Life (2023, dir. Ivo van Hove) this was a live show however i watched it as a movie and i hadnt even read the book bc everyone i saw who read the book was so deeply emotionally distraught that i avoided it BUT someone wanted to see it and i agreed to go with them bc it looked good and i like bonding activities. yeah its SAD AS FUCK. its complicated and devastating and very triggering at times and i recognised two of the cast and focused far too long on why do i know this guy but it definitely hit me hard as part of this years viewing experiences
The Book Thief (2013, dir. Brian Percival) this truly has been the year of sophie nélisse for me she has captivated me so ofc i revisited this and bought the book, both still as devastating as i remember
Talk To Me (2023, dir. Michael & Danny Philippou) HORROR OF THE YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! oh this did blow me away this was so fun to watch and while some of the symbolism was slightly on the nose it was never overbearing to draw away from the plot it really was engaging and had some amazing cast
The Sound Of Music (1965, dir. Robert Wise) i hadnt seen this despite being on my list for YEARS !!!! but when i did oh i was not ready its fun its sweet its whimsical its political its interesting its sad its a musical
Saw X (2023, dir. Kevin Greutert) HEHEHE SAW !!!!!!!!! MANDY CAME BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY !!!!!!
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007, dir. John Erick Dowdle) this was so interesting !!! many people consider this a very intense horror and i was expecting the worst but i think primarily the fear factor of this is that it is formatted as a documentary discussing the events and tapes although they are real and some of the content is unnerving but ultimately as someone who deeply enjoys horror i did find the format and the approach to this new style of serial killer horror so engaging and creepy, however i wouldnt recommend it for people who arent already into horror
Beautiful Boy (2018, dir. Felix van Groeningen) i actually started this in 2022 but couldnt sit through timothee chalamet reciting poetry so i turned it off and tried again this year but it was very moving and i have like 100 beautiful boy edits in my tiktok folder
All Quiet On The Western Front (2022, dir. Edward Berger) if you are going to watch a war movie: WATCH ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT it is very engaging from the perspective of german soldiers during the end of world war i.
The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008, dir. Mark Waters) Bring Back Fun !!! Bring Back Whimsey !!!!
Take Care Of Maya (2023, dir. Henry Roosevelt) oh this was Intense, this is a documentary about a real life legal case following the Kowalski family who have recently finished their trial against the hospital that put their family and their chronically ill daughter through severe trauma and suffering, it was deeply interesting and very painful but also so necessary for the many people who experience similar cases and circumstances. (Post Film Update/Not shown in the documentary: The Kowalski family has since won their trial and been granted over $250million for their trauma and damages. Maya is now seeking further legal action for other circumstances she endured during this time.)
Honourable Mentions:
[REC] (2007, dir. Jaume Balagueró & Paco Plaza) this was just a GOOD horror it had a slower introduction but once it got into the plot it was so interesting and intense and just a Fun movie which is interesting because its the second to technically include found footage (i have seen people call the poughkeepsie tapes found footage in some ways also) and i dont particularly enjoy found footage but this year it seems to have appealed to me more than i realised!
Pamela, A Love Story (2023, dir. Ryan White) which is Pamela Anderson's documentary about her life so far and was very interesting even as someone who didn't know much of anything about her beforehand
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986, dir. John Hughes) which is, as always, a classic and lighthearted experience <3
Totally Killer (2023, dir. Nahnatchka Khan) because it is so good to see a cheesy modern slasher just be Fun again, it doesn't take itself too seriously and that's why it was so enjoyable to watch!
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garlic-sauc3 · 11 months
speak of the music for i am bored
Jenny From Thebes by The Mountain Goats is a killer album and I love it
like it sounds nice, and I've already listened to Clean Slate on repeat so many times since it came out, but the rest of the sings are also really good padding(? it feels a bit diminutive when the songs are good in their own right) to the rest of the album.
also I love the throwback to Jenny (obviously, since the name is a reference) especially in From The Nebraska Plant, where it brings back the chrome yellow and black kowalski from Jenny in All Hail West Texas
anyway it's just a good album I think
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fuckblast · 8 months
Killer Kowalski's Wikipedia page has me dying
In reality, Eric's ears were already badly cauliflowered due to years of abuse and the injury was an accident, but it fortified Kowalski as being a ruthless villain who gleefully maims his opponents.
Kowalski also gained some notoriety in Boston for an incident in late June 1958 when he was wrestling Pat O'Connor. The guest referee was former boxing great Jack Dempsey, who suffered a kick to the diaphragm and had to be hospitalized. Dempsey did not blame Kowalski, and both said it was an accident, but this further cemented the Killer's reputation as a villain.
I know I'm probably getting the lens of legend here but dudes an absolute natural heel huh
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