#Kids Party Ideas in Melbourne
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
The Aussie Snack Experience
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Pairing: Nico Hischier x Aussie!Reader
Summary: As a marketing idea, you get to feature in a video with Nico trying snacks from your home country.
Word Count: 1637
Warnings: Alcohol. A little bit of an AU as Devs and Rangers aren't apart of the global series.
A/N: Another to the Nico x Aussie!Reader series
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You had been missing home a little and asked your family to send a box of Australian snacks and drinks. Unsurprisingly, your parents sent you multiple huge boxes, much bigger than you had ever expected. Lollies, biscuits, chocolate. Soft drink, alcohol, milo. So many things from your childhood. Luckily you had a whole team of hockey players you could share with. 
When the news had gotten to Anna in the Media department about your delivery, she asked you if you were willing to do a video with Nico. Apparently the idea of Nico trying Australian snacks and drinks was a good marketing idea. Especially since New Jersey was one of the teams just announced as a part of the Global pre-season games in Melbourne.
For once, you accompanied Nico to the arena one this day with your boxes of Australian stuff in the back of the car. Jack had picked you both up. Meaning he got roped into help carrying the boxes into the room where Anna had set up the video production. You two were setting up while the boys had morning skate. 
“Did your parents actually send you all this?” Anna questioned as she unpacked the drinks box.
You hummed as you pulled out the little bags of different flavours of Shapes. So many things. “Yeah, I was feeling a little homesick. Missing some snacks.”
“And even alcohol?”
“Yep!” You respond as Anna holds up a four pack of cruisers. “Those are my favourite. They sent me a heap of them thankfully.”
As training neared the end, you prepared the fairy bread. The slices of white bread slathered with butter and the Hundreds & Thousands on top. The perfect kids party food. Anna had set up a table of food off camera. As you and Nico would sit in frame, Anna would bring one plate of food or a drink for us to try. Well Nico to try.
“Heya babe,” Nico hummed, coming to join you on the couch. His hair was wet from his shower. All shaggy just like you liked it. 
“Hey sexy.”
A flush coloured his cheeks at the comment. Nico pressed a kiss to your cheek as the media crew set up the equipment. Majority of it was done, just final touches before you all started the shoot. Nico was going to start off the video with a little welcome.
“Hi, my name Nico Hischier and I’m here with my Australian girlfriend (Y/N),” Nico starts off. “As preparation for the Global series in Melbourne, (Y/N) has brought in a heap of Australian snacks for me to try. Some I may have already had, some I haven’t.”
“I tried to make it so it’s mostly the ones you have,” You add.
Nico waved over to Anna, “Anna is going to bring in the snacks for us.”
“Snack one!”
Anna brought over a plate of Tim Tams, just the plain ones. You got excited at the sight. Since receiving the box, you haven’t actually eaten anything so you couldn’t wait.
“I’ve had these!” Nico exclaimed happily, immediately grabbing one and takinging a bite.
You follow his actions, taking a bite from the biscuit and savouring the taste. “Do you remember what they’re called?”
“Uhhh, Tim Tams yeah?” You clap happily, giving him a smooch on the cheek as a reward. He laughs, “Is that my reward, a kiss for every right guess on what they’re called?”
“That wasn’t a part of the plan but I guess we could fit that in.”
The next thing was a glass of milk which confused Nico. Anna put two glasses down before the pair of you. You knew exactly what it was for and it was something you haven’t done since you were a child.
You laughed, “Time of a Tim Tam Slam.”
“You’ve never told me about this,” Nico argues.
Without telling him anything, you grab another biscuit and bite the two opposite corners. You dunk it a little in the lactose-free milk and suck like it’s a straw. Nico just watched on, confused as hell. 
“It makes it taste like chocolate milk,” You reveal, nodding for Nico to try his own. 
You watched as the Swiss tentatively bit off the corners and sucked up the milk. His eyes widened when he tasted the milk. 
“That tastes really good,” He comments.
You nod in agreement, “Now bite the Tim Tam.”
To you, the best part of the Tim Tam Slam was eating the biscuit after. The mushy biscuit. Sounds gross but it was so good. Anna brings out the next snack which is fairy bread.
“Is this the fairy bread?” Nico asks, examining the plate.
“The best party food of all time.”
“Isn’t a children’s party food?” 
You scoff, “I had this at my 18th birthday party thank you very much.”
Nico was tentative when he picked up a slice of bread. Spilling the Hundreds & Thousands over his lap. You giggled, taking your own piece and taking a bite. It took you back to your birthday where you and your best friend just ate the whole plate while drinking cruisers and cob loaf.
“Can we have a drink to wash this down?” You ask, smirking at Anna.
That was the code word you had sorted out earlier for Anna to bring out two of the cruisers. Both of them are your favourite flavour, Zesty Lemon & Lime. Nico saw them before they made it into frame. He lit up, having had Cruisers before as you loved drinking them when you went home for the off season. 
Nico immediately grabbed one, as did you, and clinked glasses. He took a sip happily. “These are Vodka Cruisers.”
“Like White Claws but better,” You add, taking another swig. 
“Lemon and Lime is probably the best flavour,” Nico comments.
You grin, “You take after me.”
Nico grabbed your legs, lifting them to rest them over his lap. You two made yourselves comfy which Anna loved. The fans were going to eat this up. Nico liked to keep you hidden, to himself. But this was a gold mine of content. 
“Do you have any Shapes on that table?” Nico asks, peering over behind the camera. 
At the request, Anna brings over multiple little bags of all the flavours of Shapes. Nico immediately went for the Pizza flavour. It was your favourite too. Then the door opened revealing Jack Hughes and Dawson Mercer.
“Snacks?” The youngest asked, heading straight for the table.
Anna suspected this would happen at some point. The team couldn’t help themselves but annoy whoever was on media duty. “If you want snacks, go sit with (Y/N) and Nico in front of the camera and introduce yourselves.”
Both of the boys excitedly sat in front of the couch like little kids. Your hand came to pat Jack’s head while Nico flicked the back of Mercer’s head.
“Seriously you two?” Nico huffed. 
“Leave them,” You laugh, nodding to Anna to bring out more snacks.
“Hi! My name is Jack Hughes and this is Dawson Mercer. We’re joining our parents to try Australian snacks from Mum’s home country.”
Dawson nodded, “What he said.”
The next to be brought out to the table was a bowl of favourites. Jack grabbed the Crunchy, Dawson grabbed a Flake, Nico went for a Boost and you grabbed a Picnic. Jack opened his, making the flakes of chocolate land all over his lap. Dawson just pissed himself laughing at his friend.
“They’re your favourite, yeah?” Nico asked, nodding to the chocolate in your hand. Trying to ignore the children in front of you two.
You nod, taking a bite. “Behind Chomps.”
“Chomp?” Jack questions.
At those words, Anna threw a couple bars of Chomp at you guys. You and Nico both caught yours but watching Jack and Dawson getting hit in the head cracked the you guys up. Jack looked like a deer in the headlights when he felt the bump before it landed in his lap. You didn’t waste any time though. Tearing into the bar and biting at the crunchy, caramel, wafer and chocolate treat. 
“Yo these are great,” Jack stated, chewing still.
You slap him up the back of his head, “Eat with your mouth closed Jackson!”
“My name isn’t Jackson,” he argued.
“Don’t argue with Mum.”
Nico rolled his eyes, “Love that we just suddenly have kids.”
You just picked up your cruiser again and skulled it. It’s better to deal with these two when drunk. Anna finally stopped laughing long enough to bring out lamingtons. Jack didn’t bother waiting, going immediately for the food. 
“What’s this?” Dawson asked you. 
You take one and offer it to Nico. He smiled, taking a bite of the dessert then pressing a little kiss to your lips. You hum at the taste coating your lips. 
“A chocolate lamington,” Nico answers for you.
In response to his words, you press a kiss to his cheek once more. “Neeks is right.”
“You guys want to wrap it up?” Anna suggests to you. 
Jack and Dawson weren’t even paying attention anymore, Just grabbing at the different snacks on the table. Luckily Jack was driving you and Nico as you both had drunk a couple cruisers through the duration of the filming. It wasn’t a game day which was why he was allowed to drink. 
You decided to do the outro as the two younger boys didn’t give a shit about the video. Nico was being clingy, holding you to him. “Thanks for watching me feed the boys Australian snacks. Make sure you guys come see the boys play against the Rangers in Melbourne on the 23rd and 24th of September. You may even catch a glimpse of me somewhere in the stadium. Peace out.”
“Bye!” The boys shout, waving at the camera. “See you in Australia!”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings @jayrami3
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all-pacas · 3 months
( @identiityfraaud )
First of all, House is wrong or doing his usual "my fellows are preteens" thing in S1. Chase is not 26 when the show starts, that's just silly. I know the actor is, but I don't care. Chase just has a baby face. He's 30. (But still absolutely the youngest of the group. Again, I know actors ages etc. But Cameron is at least a year older.)
Born in Melbourne around 1975/76. He absolutely has a very weird and specific Czech middle name.
From birth to around 25, Chase universally went by Robbie. Really only stopped when he came to America. (Probably about a week after he started working for House, because you know the first time House heard it was the last time Chase ever called himself by that name). The only person who ever called him Robert was his dad, and he does feel a way about it.
(When he and Cameron were together, he did try to resurrect the nickname, but she categorically refused to call her boyfriend/husband by "a name for a fifth grader." Calling him Robert was her idea. By then he was really more used to Chase anyway.)
His mother always had a Drinking Problem, but there were times she had a better handle on it. She was… not a great mother. Would lock him in the study for hours at a time, never had the time or patience for him. Every now and then would do some Performative Motherhood, the rest of the time wanted nothing to do with Chase. She never hit him or anything. She just wanted to be left alone.
His father really did love him. Rowan was very proud of his son. Would talk him up at dinner parties. Insisted Chase was brilliant, creative, intelligent; would fight with his wife over her neglect. But he was never at home, never had time to spare. Was always happy to see Chase, would never spend time with him.
His mother was quite athletic when she was younger and healthier. It's from her that he learned to surf, they'd go to the beach together a lot. He's completely divorced this association in his head. He likes the ocean because he grew up by it. Never mind that it was the main way he and his mother would spend time together.
Growing up, basically the only adults who would spare time for him were his teachers and one of his pastors. He had absolutely no troubles with any of them. No Catholic Church Scandals. It was always a place where he felt safe and happy. He'd talk to his pastor about school and girls and his parents. (He always had a reputation for being an asskisser. He has always been one.)
His sister was born when he was around 13. His parents had already separated. His mother got pregnant intentionally, to "save the marriage." Chase was horrified.
By the time his sister ("Danielle") was a year old, Chase was her primary caretaker. Dad simply stopped coming home, mother was drinking more. On the one hand, Chase loved her. Adored her. She was a cute kid, she loved him. On the other hand, he hated and resented her. He was 14. Losing friends because he was always at home. His father's solution was just to give Chase money, to let him handle the bills and groceries. Danielle loved him, but she needed everything, constantly. She was a toddler, it wasn't her fault, but he was 15.
The divorce itself was almost a non-event; it wasn't like Rowan was around much beforehand. The changes were slower. His mother drank more. Chase had to do more and more around the house: mother would lock Danielle in the nursery rather than feed or change her, father cut off her finances and left Chase in charge. There was a brief and bitter custody dispute. Mother refused to give Danielle up; Rowan was willing to take Chase; Chase refused to go with him, scapegoating him and unwilling to leave his mother and sister to rot. So he stayed, and hated his father all the more. Sort of a convenient outlet. He hated his mother just as much, his sister a little, but they were there and Rowan wasn't.
Mother died a little before Chase turned 18. Rowan took in Danielle. Chase lived with him for a week or two before basically running away from home. He went to England, fell into seminary. Wanted desperately for it to fix him, to give him peace and make him happy. Instead he was bored, restless. Drank and slept around. Went home after a year. Rowan pulled some strings and called in some favors, got him into university. Told him in no uncertain terms that he'd had his chance to make something of his life, failed, and now would go to med school as expected.
Chase really likes medicine. The physical side, surgery and intensive care and keeping people alive, not just diagnosing. Part of him wanted to self sabotage and spite his father, but it med school and his residencies kept him busy and kept his mind busy, and it was kind of what he needed. Action and forward movement, no time to dwell and sulk.
Danielle started getting into drinking and drugs by the time she was a teenager. Ironically, or at least, Chase resents her for it: she gets along fairly well with their father. But when she started following their mother's footsteps, Chase panicked a bit, thinking history was repeating, that he was going to have to drop everything and take care of his sister when their father walked out on her too.
So he moved to America :))))
It was also nice, because even though medicine is a small world, far fewer people in the States would ever associate the name Chase with his father than in the even smaller world of Australian medicine.
House actually might have been more interested in Chase than Chase was the fellowship. Don't get me wrong, it was super prestigious and interesting and Chase wanted it, but Chase was planning to be a surgeon, not go into the fake field of Diagnostics. House saw intensive care/surgeon and was like this kid is an idiot but can keep people alive while I diagnose? It's probably the main reason Chase lasted that extra year.
He and his sister had tense and sporadic contact for the first few years, but she never quite forgave him for his abandonment. She did not attended the Cameron-Chase wedding, although he did send her an invite and she did send a card; they more or less stopped talking after that until S8. It's still tense.
(Because of how hasty the wedding was, Cameron and Chase didn't have a proper honeymoon — they spent a weekend in NYC and planned on taking a real vacation when they had the time off work to have a long one. Cameron had been pushing for a trip to Melbourne, wanting to meet Danielle and see where Chase grew up and all that; Chase was wary but kind of into the idea. They had vague plans to go in January or thereabouts. It never happened.)
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alexjhs · 9 months
the last couple of days since troye had shown up in sweden had been pretty amazing -- like when he visited the younger male in melbourne, alex just really enjoyed being around him and spending time with him. he was fun to be around, he was always doing something that ended up making alex smile and he'd not been lying when he told troye that his crush kept getting bigger. though honestly it was safe to say that it was no longer a crush, it was something else entirely and alex was feeling pretty lucky that troye seemed to feel the same. that is exactly why alex is excited that troye is his date for new years tonight since whatever you're doing at the stroke of midnight to bring in the new year, you'll be meant to do the rest of the year and he liked the idea of kissing troye for the next whole year and honestly more if that's what troye wanted as well. plus he'd admit that he'd been pretty excited to bring the younger male to his brother's new years eve party -- wanting him to meet some of those that mattered most to him, and wanting his family to meet troye since he was important to alex already. he knew he was going to get some teasing by some of his family members when troye wasn't around, but he didn't care because he really liked the younger male and honestly felt pretty lucky that troye seemed to really like him in return. but thankfully his family behaved themselves when troye was around, and they seemed to like him which of course made alex happy, since he planned on bringing troye around them more often in the future. he planned on keeping troye around for as long as the younger male wanted to be around if he was honest, so much so that alex had even thought about when he'd introduce him to his kids -- even if that was a little ways away since alex was nervous about taking that step. but he knew that he wanted to down the line, if that's something troye would want as well, because he hadn't been lying when he told troye he was special to him and he didn't see that changing anytime soon. so far the night had been amazing, alex would admit that he couldn't keep his hands to himself when it came to troye, he constantly had his arm around him or a hand on his hip when they stood near each other, and knowingly trying to make troye blush. bill and lily also seemed to know how to throw a party together as the food was great, the drinks were endless and the view they had of the festivities was fantastic, and with each hour that midnight drew closer, alex couldn't help but feel a little more excited. when it was about twenty minutes until midnight, alex went and got his and troye's coats and started pulling the younger man outside to watch the fireworks with him once they put them on. by the time he'd found the perfect spot for them to see the fireworks, alex spotted the perfect seat and wasted no time in sitting down. before troye could move to sit next to him though, alex reached out and grabbed the younger males hand, pulled him toward him, and pulled him onto his lap. once troye was settled sideways onto his lap, alex wrapped his arms around the other's waist and shot a playful smile at the younger male. "figured if you were in my lap when the clock strikes midnight, it'll save my neck from being sore and you from being on your toes while we're trying to kiss each other," he teased. not to mention he just wanted troye in his lap, and wanted to keep the younger man close to him since the night air was very chilled, and well truthfully, he just wanted to keep the younger male close to him just because. the fireworks started, and for a moment alex looked to the sky to watch the gorgeous colors as each one exploded into the air, smiling at the song that was playing and just feeling happier than he'd been feeling in a long time and a part of why he was feeling so happy lately was because of the man that was currently in his lap. || @sivanhqs
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brandnulife · 1 year
RWRB Quotes Part 1: Alex & Henry
Alex: Who doesn't love a little Mozart? Henry: Actually, it's Schubert. Alex: Although you gotta wonder how many families you could feed with what this cake cost. Henry: Probably not as many as if we put your shoes on auction.
Alex: Did your parents send you to snobbery school or does looking down on people just come naturally to you? Henry: Well, in your case, I would say it's rather inevitable. Alex: We are the same height! Henry: If you say so, Alex. Great to see you. Alex: You, too, Your Majesty. Henry: Actually, it's "Your Royal Highness." "Your Majesty" is reserved for the king. Alex: Oh, thank you for the etiquette lesson. Henry: You are desperately in need of one.
Alex: You've gotta be joking. Henry: Alex. It's good to see you. Sober.
Shaan: You must stand to the right of His Royal Highness. Alex: Is that protocol or just his good side? Henry: Both.
Alex: My NDA is bigger than yours. I just want you to know that. Henry: You're wearing lifts. I know that, too, sweetheart.
Henry: Alex has very strong opinions, and-and he shares them loudly. Alex: What three words would I use to describe Henry? White, blond and British.
Henry: Santal 33. Alex: Yeah? Henry: Makes sense. Alex: What do you mean by that? Henry: It means you got good taste, Alex. Alex: Thanks. Henry: Why do you dislike me? Alex: Climate Conference in Melbourne. First night party. I went to introduce myself to you, and you looked at me like I had head lice. Then you turned to your equerry and said, "Get me out of here." Henry: I didn't realize you'd heard that. Alex: So you do admit that's a douchey thing to say. Henry: I could've been nicer. All right, what else? It couldn't have just been the conference. Oh, my God, it is. It is, isn't it? Alex: Don't minimize it. Henry: Uh, uh, how could I possibly? It's already as minimal as it gets.
Henry: I'm sorry I was a prick to you. I… It's no excuse, but I was a prick to everyone in those days. My father had died a few months before, and the palace insisted on parading me around. For the record… I-I didn't say, "Get me out of here." I said, "I need to get out of here," which is a different thing entirely. Alex: Oh. Well, now I feel like I need to apologize.
Alex: You're expected at my New Year's party. Henry: No, I hate New Year's. Alex: Wow. Most people would kill to get an invite to my party. Henry: That's perfect. Then kill me and I won't have to go.
Alex: What are you doing out here? Henry: Wanted to get some air. Alex: Did I do something wrong? Henry: Do you ever wonder who you'd be if you were… an anonymous person in the world? Alex: I was an anonymous, working-class kid for most of my life. And then my mom became president. Who would you be? Henry: I'd be a writer. Live in Paris. I'd certainly date more. Alex: Yeah, 'cause it's so hard for a prince to get a date. Henry: People I date don't interest me, and the people who interest me, I can't date. Alex: Oh, my God, Henry, I have no idea what you're talking about. Henry: Christ, you're as thick as it gets.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Hug an Australian Day
Spread a little love around the world by participating in Hug an  Australian Day. Show some appreciation to an Aussie in your life, or  plan a trip!
In hindsight, Men at Work’s Down Under was a pretty average song.  Thankfully, the country has provided so much more over the years. Hug an  Australian Day is a perfect time to show gratitude and appreciation  while simultaneously spreading a little love across the world. In a  world where people are often made to feel more divided than ever, the  simple gesture can make a huge impact.
Like throwing a boomerang, the good vibes will return very quickly.  Aside from participants living or vacationing in Perth, Melbourne et al.  Hug an Australian Day needn’t impact the entire day either. It’s fun,  simple, and an event that everyone can join regardless of where they  are.
It’s certain to be a g’day for everyone involved.
Learn about Hug an Australian Day
The concept of Hug an Australian Day is truly as simple as it sounds.  Hugs are a friendly signal of affection that is scientifically shown to  have a positive psychological effect on both parties. Whether from a  loved one or a stranger, a quick and kind embrace can significantly  enhance a person’s day. Hug an Australian Day allows participants to  enjoy those rewards while also feeling that they are taking part of a  social event. And, let’s not ignore the fact that it’s great social  media content too.
Hug an Australian Day isn’t limited to Australians by birth and  current Australian citizens. Australians that have emigrated count.  Individuals with Australian heritage count. Even people that have  married into an Australian family tick the box. Ultimately, the annual  celebration is just a bit of fun that encourages people to connect with  each other while simultaneously promoting positive vibes and a little  gratitude towards the country that provided so many great pop culture  icons.
Every hug is a step towards repairing the damage that Bart Simpson  caused when dropping his pants to the Aussie government anyway…
Hugs are ultimately a physically symbolic gesture that represents  love for Australia’s culture and people. Those sentiments can quickly  grow by showing an interest. Talking about kangaroos and koala bears is  great. Meanwhile, it’s a great opportunity to enjoy a little banter by  explaining that Tim Tams will never reach the standards of Twinkies.
Hug an Australian Day could equally be known as “Show Some Love and  Appreciation to Australian Friends Day”. Wouldn’t like quite as good on a  t-shirt, though, would it? Likewise, very few people would be  interested in typing out that URL.
History of Hug an Australian Day
Despite being a fun and lighthearted celebration, Hug an Australian  Day is actually a copyrighted holiday. The annual event was launched by  Thomas and Ruth Roy, who are the co-founders of Wellcat.com too. The  couple are behind dozens of fun and crazy events and vacation ideas like  The Monitor Liberation Day, Answer Your Cat’s Question Day, Yell  ‘Fudge’ at the Cobras in North America Day, Take Your Houseplants for a  Walk Day, and more. So, the Australian-hugging day is actually a pretty  tame idea by their standards.
The day was launched by the pair simply with the humble goal “to show  our great appreciation for all the love and support the Aussies have  given us over the years” and has grown at a rapid rate in conjunction  with one of the most popular times in the year for visiting the land  Down Under. It started out relatively small scale but has gained major  press in recent years while the word has spread particularly fast on  social media and other online channels.
Participants of the annual event are advised to spoil Australian  friends with Koala bear or kangaroo toys and imported snacks. However,  it’s a great excuse for individuals to stock up on those items for  themselves. As well as a day of appreciation, it can be a day of  discovery. The day is also a family-friendly event that enables kids to  teach their kid about all things Australia too – thank the internet gods  for YouTube.
The day is now celebrated by millions of people across several  countries and continents while it additionally gains a fair level of  interest in Australia too. The history of the celebration is still in  its infancy, but there’s no doubt that people are increasingly aware of  everything the day stands for.
How to celebrate Hug an Australian Day
There’s no prizes for guessing the answer to this one. The clue is in  the title; hugging an Australian is the best way to celebrate by far.  Anyone thinking it’ll be Kylie should be so Lucky, Lucky, Lucky, but it  shouldn’t take long to find a friend, colleague, or distant relative  that fits the bill.
Anyone wanting to capture the magic of the Australian fixation of the  1980s can build their day’s activities around all things Australian.  Whack on the Kylie CD, watch Crocodile Dundee or Steve Irwin, open a tin  of Foster’s or Castlemaine XXXX, and go play with a boomerang in the  garden. Hug an Australian Day does require an Ozzie to complete the  obvious task. However, it is possible to celebrate the people and  culture of the land Down Under all alone if preferred – or with  non-Australian friends.
Others will create artistic homages to Australia or wear the flag,  potentially as a face paint design. Whichever way it is celebrated, the  #HuganAustralianDay hashtag will trend on social media throughout the  day.
Australia is a highly popular once-in-a-lifetime holiday destination  too. When combined with the pleasant climate and off-peak pricing, an  increasing number of people plan their visits to Australia around the  event. The atmosphere on the day itself is certain to be a winner, while  the memories created during that time exploring the Outback are  incredible.
There’s no one right or wrong way to celebrate the annual event.  However, it is important to take the feelings of the recipients into  account. The universally accepted protocol is to say “happy Hug an  Australian Day” before asking whether they’re happy to be hugged.  Simple.
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qnewsau · 2 months
Meet the man behind Sunshine Coast’s Rangebow Festival 
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/meet-the-man-behind-sunshine-coasts-rangebow-festival/
Meet the man behind Sunshine Coast’s Rangebow Festival 
The third annual Rangebow Festival takes place from 1 to 4 August in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. We chat with the man behind the event, Wayne Parcell PSM. 
The Sunshine Coast hinterland always had a pull on Wayne Parcell PSM.
When visiting the region during his university days something about it resonated.
“I used to think that this is the place I’d like to retire to,” Wayne tells me.
Before retirement, he had a long intelligence, security and law career in Canberra, Melbourne, Jakarta and Sydney.
It was a distinguished work life which saw him awarded the Public Service Medal.
However, in 2000 after selling his house in Sydney, the region was calling him.
“I decided you couldn’t just keep thinking about it and talking about it, so I bought a block of land and built a house a few years later,” he says.
He would call Montville home and became well known for his statement glasses, colourful jackets and floral shirts.
He was living as his authentic self and after settling into the region, began getting involved in the community.
After helping rejuvenate the local tennis club with a renovation that included pineapple-themed wallpaper, many locals began asking him to organise a local Mardi Gras parade on the main street.
His response wasn’t too enthusiastic to begin with.
“I said, ‘No, it’s a terrible idea,’” he says laughing.
“But they kept at it for a few years and I eventually said, in a moment of weakness and probably because I sort of retired from full-time work, ‘Yeah, okay, we could do something, maybe we do a little festival.’”
Rangebow Festival
In 2022 Wayne started the inaugural Rangebow Festival as its Director but it wasn’t so little.
“We were fairly ambitious and had more than 30 events in the first year, and people just thought we were crazy and I must say, afterwards, we thought we’d been crazy as well,” he says.
The festival’s scale came from a real desire to show the breadth and depth of the LGBTQIA+ community and how it can be embraced by local allies.
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“It’s got underlying themes of diversity, inclusion, sustainability, and reconciliation,” Wayne says passionately.
“And the objective is to say to people, you know what, it’s all woven into your life and it’s woven into all these events. What we’re bringing to you is the best of pride in a way and in a different way.
“We can reach many more people and create many more bridges and friendships with people by doing that.”
The diversity of events
The events this year across Maleny, Montville, Flaxton and Mapleton include an orchestral performance at dawn, a First Nations gourmet and culture experience, an 80s dance party, a Barbara Streisand show and so much more.
However, for Wayne, there’s one event that remains his stand out.
“The favourite for me remains the drag pageant,” he says.
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  A post shared by The Rangebow Festival (@the_rangebow_festival)
“It’s a combination of amateurs and professionals and you see these people who are quite withdrawn, shy and incredibly apprehensive and then they’re on stage and they have this incredible new persona, and performance after a couple of days in a workshop, and it just blows the whole room away.”
“Last year, we had a 65-year-old straight man, who came third, and his wife said that it actually helped him in his relationship with his kids because he sees a different perspective now.”
Community impact
Making this kind of impact is what drives Wayne and he’s seen that through the people who get involved in organising Rangebow.
He shares how a volunteer in his fifties joined to help in his own coming out journey; and there are other stories of those who look to find their tribe or connection in the community without judgement.
And it’s this change that keeps him coming back year after year to put the hard work in.
“You can’t change the whole world, and you can’t change how the whole world behaves, but you can change what’s around you, and you can try and influence that,” he says.
It hasn’t all been smooth sailing for the festival.
After a guerilla marketing campaign in its first year that involved drag artists on election-style placards that read ‘the party you really want to go to,’ there was a backlash from some parts of the community.
This continued into 2023 with a letter campaign from those who opposed Rangebow, however, it didn’t stop the momentum of the festival.
“If people are unhappy or they’re agitated, then we’ve reached every dark corner,” Wayne says with some delight.
“So it’s a good thing as last year, we had 5,000 attendances and 70 volunteers involved.”
Wayne is used to being visible and open in trying to do the right thing. He ran for Sunshine Coast Mayor in 2023 garnering over 13,000 votes.
When not running for Mayor or organising festivals, you can often find Wayne at home with his husband tending to his garden, cats and chickens.
After dreaming of retiring in the region, he’s built a full life for himself and for local LGBTQIA+ residents and allies
When I ask if he has any final message for those considering attending, he brings it back to the inclusive nature of Rangebow.
“Everybody’s welcome, it’s a safe place, there’s no exclusion and it’s about some joy at a time when there’s so little of it around,” he says passionately.
“And lots of it is free!”
Rangebow Festival runs from 1 to 4 August, find more information at therangebowfestival.org 
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For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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boxfuleventsau · 3 months
Diverse Activities for Dementia Patients in Australia
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Dementia patients need special attention and care to make day to day life easier. If they stay involved in diverse activities, it will be a helpful way to recover them or keep them busy. Varied activities for dementia patients are available. Getting certain products and supplies will keep them engaged. For such products and supplies, you need to reach the top and recognized supplier. They have varied items and ideas for a better engagement of dementia patients.
Boxful Events Offers Engaging Activities for Dementia Patients in Australia
Voted as the best Party Supplier in Australia, Boxful Events has become the trusted name to provide diverse activities for dementia patients. Being Australia’s premier online destination for wholesale craft supplies, pottery kits, art and craft gift boxes, classic board games, puzzles, and unique gift ideas, Boxful Events provides you a variety of items for parties. Whether you are looking for the diverse activities for dementia patients, seeking the right ways to hosting a murder mystery party game, or planning team building activities in Sydney, Brisbane, or Melbourne, they have got you covered.
They also offer engaging activities for dementia patients, date night ideas, adult colouring books, party favours for kid, and large print crossword books. You will get diverse options on party activities that will surely keep you engaged and enticed.
So, what are you looking for? Stay in touch with the experts and get precise solutions according to your specific needs from experts. They guide you at every step providing you with a seamless experience.
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reptileshows · 3 months
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Sun shining and it is another day with another hands on reptile show in Melbourne. Whether it is a kids reptile party, school incursion or reptile expo, nothing beats a hands on reptile display for educational value and fun. Get into reptile parties if you need some new idea for your next major event.
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a1poolremovals · 3 months
9 Brilliant Ideas for Repurposing Your Pool Space
When people are asked about what their dream home looks like, one of the common answers you will get is having a swimming pool in their backyard. Having it is fun, especially if you love to swim or host pool parties at home. However, there might come a time when you will get tired of it, making you get rid of it. With this, ask for the help of professionals and hire pool removal Melbourne services. Once the pool is gone, here are some repurposing ideas to help you find inspiration on what to do with the space:
Outdoor Lounge Area
If you want a space where you can place outdoor furniture, like comfortable sofas and cushions, then an outdoor lounge area is for you! In this place, you can also install a fire pit or an outdoor heater to make you feel warm if you want to stay there during the chilly night. Having the lounge area can be your safe space for thinking good things in life, just you and the skies looking and understanding each other.
Garden Oasis
For those who want to make their former pool area into something more environmentally friendly, you can turn it into a garden oasis. As the term ‘garden’ states, the space should have a variety of plants and flowers to complete the look. Some of what you will commonly see are shrubs, trees, hydrangeas, and azaleas.
Grassy Lawn
Keeping it simple and plain is also okay, and you can use a grassy lawn idea to make it happen. Even if it is simple and nothing is in there except the grass, there are things you can still do with it, like turning it into a picnic space. If you still want to host parties, it is the perfect place to do that. Parties with outdoor activities and games will be safer because no swimming pool can pose safety risks, especially to children.
Outdoor Kitchen and Dining Area
Like in the movies, families and friends go to the backyard to have some time together. Turning the former swimming pool into an outdoor kitchen and dining area is perfect for those who want to make use of their outdoor furniture and appliances. Complete the look of the outdoor kitchen with a grill, countertops, and dining area. Anything entertainment and cooking, you can host it here!
Sun Deck
Putting some touch of the beach area in your home is also possible with a sun deck! This space has lounge chairs and umbrellas, just like where you go to relax on the beach if you do not want to swim. Some people even have a hot tub to replace the water element from the swimming pool.
Sports Court
Do you have kids or loved ones who love to play sports? Then, they do not need to go elsewhere because your backyard has enough space to be turned into a sports court. Whether they play basketball or volleyball, they can move without restriction and hesitation. If no one is into sports, it is also okay because you can have a place for any outdoor fun and exercise.
Zen Garden
Another type of garden you can replace your pool area with is a Zen garden. If a garden oasis has flowers and plants, a Zen garden commonly consists of gravel paths and minimalist landscaping. Some people also put a hammock or a meditation area to make the place look complete. If you enter this place, you will feel relaxed and safe, mirroring how Japanese Zen gardens make people feel.
Outdoor Movie Theatre
People have different ways to have fun outdoors, and one is having an outdoor movie theatre. You can set up a movie screen and put some comfy seating to complete the look. For the experience, do not forget a bucket of popcorn and sodas. Watch movies under the stars and make it a safe and happy place for everyone.
Water Feature
Since swimming pools can be massive, removing them is the right choice. However, if you prefer water elements in your backyard, you can have it replaced with a waterfall, fountain, or pond.
Repurposing your pool space will make the pool removal worth it. All it takes is a little creativity and effort, and you can give your backyard a new life. Whatever it is that you choose for your former pool area, ensure that you love it to avoid regret. Good luck turning your pool into paradise!
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rubyperic-09 · 6 months
In Love
a/n: I wrote a whole ass novel about a year ago and I thought I'd release the first chapter to see if anyone likes it! let me know if you want me to release any more of it or if you have any feedback xoxo summary: idk, this is a preview to the whole book I guess but idk how to sum it up, anyone got any ideas? w/c: 1114 TW: vomit, mentions of alcohol usage, mentions of being drunk, mentions of bullying, hospital, mentions of mental breakdowns. let me know if I've missed anything xx
chapter 1
I wake up lying on the floor of my bedroom. I have no idea why I am there. The last thing I remember is throwing up in a plant pot and being brought home by Henry’s boyfriend Michael. I got drunk at a party last night. So drunk that I passed out and had to be dragged home. I only got drunk because I had a crap week and I wanted to forget about it. But obviously that didn’t work. I get up off the floor and put on a jumper. I have a pounding headache, but that does not stop me from struggling up the stairs and into Henry’s room. Michael was still here. I did not expect him to drive all the way home in the dark, but I also didn’t expect him to be sleeping in my brother’s bed while my parents were under the impression he was on the spare mattress on the floor.
I am Ivy Green. I have a brother named Henry, who came out to my parents around three months ago, but still hadn’t come out to me until about a week ago. Henry was my best friend for about three years. We did everything together. If there was another one of Lilly Scott’s stupid Halloween parties, we went together with corresponding costumes. Henry and I went to the same school for the entire of primary school, and majority of high school. But then we moved. I stayed in Brisbane, Queensland, for the rest of my eleventh year and lived with my girlfriend Lilly. While Henry moved with my parents to Melbourne, Victoria, and was home-schooled for the rest of year nine. This was not something my brother enjoyed, but he didn’t have much choice. It was either be home-schooled or be half a semester behind in his schooling. So, he obviously chose to home-school.
I moved back in with my family about a month ago, so it hasn’t really been that long. It was nothing like I had expected. I don’t know what I had expected but it wasn’t this. The city was so “small” compared to Brisbane, and I didn’t know anyone. In fact, I still barely know anyone. I barely even know my brother at this point. I always got the sense that something was different about my brother; Ever since he was little, he didn’t “fit in” with the other kids at school. He was always spending time with me because no-one in his year liked him very much. This did not turn out very well for my brother. For majority of Henry’s first high school year, he was bullied for hanging out with me. He was always getting into fights and picked last in groups at school, but he knew how to defend himself. Or at least I thought he did.
Last year when we were in Brisbane my mum got a call from the school. She unsuspectingly answered the phone with a happy look on her face, but that changed very quickly. Her expression darkened and her voiced changed from, cheerful to serious and worried. In a matter of seconds, she had dragged me out to the car grabbed a whole lot of random things including, my brother’s favorite book, my laptop, her laptop, a bunch of important paperwork, her phone, and a group of other things you might need to keep yourself sane. She was on the phone to my father at the same time as driving. I had no idea what she was saying, but she sounded worried, which doesn’t happen very often, and that made me worried.
My brother had gotten into a fight with some of the year eleven boys in my class. They were teasing him for hanging out with my friend Lilly and saw the perfect opportunity to hurt someone and they took it. My brother fought back until he was hit in the head with a book and passed out. He would have been fine… If he hadn’t fallen directly into the garden fence. He still has the scars to prove it, but I can’t help thinking that it was all my fault. He is fine now, but he couldn’t breathe properly for months and that’s when my parents decided to move us across the country. We had spent over two hours in the waiting room of that hospital; My brother spent around three weeks in there though, and didn’t go back to school for another couple of months after that. He didn’t go back to school until he was in Melbourne. And even then, he still hadn’t gone back to school. He had just been schooling at home.
Getting back home after nine months was weird. I felt like I’d barely even met the kid I was best friends with. I had felt like a complete outsider in my own home. It didn’t feel like home for about two weeks. But something had changed about my brother’s relationship with my dad. They were always in arguments about stupid unimportant things. Such as whether or not Michael was allowed to sleepover, or if he was allowed to go over to Michael’s, or if he was allowed to go out with his “friend”, things that I had thought were silly because my dad had let me do all the same things with my friends at his age, but something had changed about the way they saw each other, like they didn’t see eye to eye anymore.
My brother had multiple mental breakdowns the week he came out to me. He was at Michael’s a lot and stopped asking my dad if he could go before leaving, he just said, I am going to Michael’s, and you’re not going to stop me, before walking out the door and slamming it shut behind him. I had no idea why my dad got so mad at him for wanting to hang out with a friend. I was completely clueless and had no idea why this was happening, but it all makes sense now. Michael wasn’t just my brother’s best friend; he was his boyfriend. And I had no idea he was gay.
For like 5 years I just thought he was a nerd, but he said he has always known and was simply confused, but that it all made sense to him now. He didn’t want to have to lie to people and pretend he was someone he wasn’t, just because he feared what people would say or do to him. It was only a matter of seconds before I hugged him and told him I will always love him, but he has still been avoiding me since.
a/n: this whole book is based in Australia and uses Australian spelling and grammar because that's where I grew up and currently live, so it's easier for me to base things on environment wise... also, tis was written in my heartstopper era and is probably got somewhat of a similar story line at the beginning of the book, the book does develop later though xoxo -💎
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thefunpadau · 1 year
Choose Best Theme for Kid’s Birthday Party
All children are valuable, and they need every bit of attention and affection you can give them. It is critical for children to engage with and spend time with other children their age in order to gain confidence, social awareness, and psychological well-being. Throwing a party with Birthday Party Hire Melbourne for your kid and their friends will help them feel unique, popular, and privileged, while also encouraging social connections amongst children.
Children all throughout the world, regardless of country or background, appear to appreciate one specific party theme: the fascinating realm of make-believe. Here, youngsters have unlimited freedom to think, make up, and act out their chosen roles & identities. This is a very pleasant experience for them since it allows the children to create a different world and grow their imaginations without boundaries. You can even choose Kids Party Bus to make your kids happy.
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The topic of make believe is an excellent way to encourage your children's creativity and imagination. You will be astounded to see how this practice will allow your children to maximize and utilize their capacities for foresight, discovery, and innovation. This could explain why birthdays as well as other children's events with this theme are extremely common.
There is a widespread belief that themes or Kids Party Venues Melbourne must be gender specific and restricted. There is no arguing that some themes are intended solely for guys or solely for girls. Princesses, fairies, and angels are undoubtedly meant for females. Sports, cars, aliens, pirates, and medieval knights, on the other hand, are typically aimed at boys. However, there are several themes that appeal to both genders, like under the sea, safari, and the wild west. Children are captivated and excited by Melbourne Kids Birthday Party Venues and themes, and they have a great time as a result.
If you want more theme alternatives about Party Ideas for 6 Year Olds for your child's party, the beneficial news is that there are lots. One universally popular subject is the ever-popular fancy dress competition. The children are supposed to be decked up in various costumes here. Fairies, machines, animals, animated characters, cartoon characters, aliens, underwater creatures, and many other characters are available. Fancy dress themes have a distinct attraction for both children's and adults' gatherings. Children are ecstatic about the concept because it provides them with a new identity and a shift in perception. They all have the freedom to respond and react to others in whatever way they wish. It is more enjoyable and fascinating to act as someone other than oneself.
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Aside from these, there are numerous additional interesting themes and Outdoor Birthday Party Venues for kids’ parties. If your kids are a little older, you can let them choose their favorite theme for themselves. These topics might be derived from your child's favorite show, film, or book. The internet is, of course, the ideal technique these days, with many sites presenting excellent advice.
When you have sufficient balloons and signs to make the theme sufficiently apparent, plain coloured dishes will suffice, and any leftovers can be repurposed in the future, as there will be a lot of party possibilities all through the year.
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scholarlyhub · 1 year
5 Different ways a Confidential English Tutoring
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Secondary school can be a difficult stretch for understudies, with a rising responsibility making a beeline for the HSC. Fortunately, you don't need to do everything all alone. A confidential English coach can be incredibly gainful for your schoolwork, tasks and HSC last tests of the year. Working one-on-one with an accomplished proficient can expand your true capacity and increment your capacity to accomplish a band 6.
How functioning with a confidential English guide can help you
Additional consideration - one-on-one
A tiny amount of additional consideration can make an enormous difference. One-on-one educating is custom-made to address an understudy's issues and capacities, so they can gain proficiency with their assets and shortcomings through directed meetings with inside and out and on the spot input. Correspondence can be more compelling as understudies feel more certain making some noise and posing inquiries to a confided in individual as opposed to a room brimming with peers. Most understudies need some additional assistance beyond class, even the top understudies. There is generally opportunity to get better and a confidential English Tutoring coach can help you en route to accomplish your scholastic objectives and get a band 6 in the HSC.
Fortify the establishments
Working with a confidential English mentor can assist you with reinforcing the significant establishments required for a fruitful paper and exploratory writing piece. Such countless things are packed into each class, so understudies can learn all that before the test opportunity arrives, that most of the time, the establishments are lost en route. Things like syntax, accentuation, sentence structure and scholarly strategies might not have areas of strength for an in class however are the zenith of progress for a band 6 commendable piece of composing.
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Certainty/excel with training
Working one-on-one with a confidential English Tutoring Melbourne can fundamentally build an understudy's certainty, as they are offered the chance to get up to speed with things they might have missed or didn't have any idea and permits them to excel with training. Accomplishing a band 6 isn't as far unattainable as it might appear. With a dependable and experienced mentor, you can better your outcomes and increment your capacity to compose top scoring papers, exact short response questions and unbelievably inventive brief tales.
Become accustomed to test style questions and formal test settings
Coaches give a checked report meeting, zeroing in on efficiency and using time effectively in each party, so understudies are offered the chance to become acclimated to test style questions and formal test settings. Concentrating all alone or with a companion can have its interruptions and it's not difficult to get derailed somebody isn't looking after - for example an educator or guide. Mentors can lead practice tests with understudies customized to their prospectus.
Further developed mentality toward learning
At the point when a kid is positive about their capacities, they can accomplish anything. Uncertainty can seriously affect an understudy's inspiration to learn. In any case, with a little assistance from a confidential English coach, the sky is the limit, not even that band 6 for even the most battling of understudies. Here and there it simply requires somewhat more investment and further top to bottom making sense of in a happy with setting and correspondence style to change an understudy's demeanor toward a subject.
Our certified English Tutoring Melbourne coaches give every understudy an independently fitted program intended to supplement the understudy's specific prospectus or educational plan, with scope for expansion or medicinal work as required. They will work with homeroom tasks and plan for impending tests, so understudies are good to go for English all through the school year. In the event that you are in of a confidential English guide to assist you with accomplishing a band 6 in tests and evaluations, contact Coaching for Greatness today.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Hug an Australian Day
Spread a little love around the world by participating in Hug an Australian Day. Show some appreciation to an Aussie in your life, or plan a trip!
In hindsight, Men at Work’s Down Under was a pretty average song. Thankfully, the country has provided so much more over the years. Hug an Australian Day is a perfect time to show gratitude and appreciation while simultaneously spreading a little love across the world. In a world where people are often made to feel more divided than ever, the simple gesture can make a huge impact.
Like throwing a boomerang, the good vibes will return very quickly. Aside from participants living or vacationing in Perth, Melbourne et al. Hug an Australian Day needn’t impact the entire day either. It’s fun, simple, and an event that everyone can join regardless of where they are.
It’s certain to be a g’day for everyone involved.
Learn about Hug an Australian Day
The concept of Hug an Australian Day is truly as simple as it sounds. Hugs are a friendly signal of affection that is scientifically shown to have a positive psychological effect on both parties. Whether from a loved one or a stranger, a quick and kind embrace can significantly enhance a person’s day. Hug an Australian Day allows participants to enjoy those rewards while also feeling that they are taking part of a social event. And, let’s not ignore the fact that it’s great social media content too.
Hug an Australian Day isn’t limited to Australians by birth and current Australian citizens. Australians that have emigrated count. Individuals with Australian heritage count. Even people that have married into an Australian family tick the box. Ultimately, the annual celebration is just a bit of fun that encourages people to connect with each other while simultaneously promoting positive vibes and a little gratitude towards the country that provided so many great pop culture icons.
Every hug is a step towards repairing the damage that Bart Simpson caused when dropping his pants to the Aussie government anyway…
Hugs are ultimately a physically symbolic gesture that represents love for Australia’s culture and people. Those sentiments can quickly grow by showing an interest. Talking about kangaroos and koala bears is great. Meanwhile, it’s a great opportunity to enjoy a little banter by explaining that Tim Tams will never reach the standards of Twinkies.
Hug an Australian Day could equally be known as “Show Some Love and Appreciation to Australian Friends Day”. Wouldn’t like quite as good on a t-shirt, though, would it? Likewise, very few people would be interested in typing out that URL.
History of Hug an Australian Day
Despite being a fun and lighthearted celebration, Hug an Australian Day is actually a copyrighted holiday. The annual event was launched by Thomas and Ruth Roy, who are the co-founders of Wellcat.com too. The couple are behind dozens of fun and crazy events and vacation ideas like The Monitor Liberation Day, Answer Your Cat’s Question Day, Yell ‘Fudge’ at the Cobras in North America Day, Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day, and more. So, the Australian-hugging day is actually a pretty tame idea by their standards.
The day was launched by the pair simply with the humble goal “to show our great appreciation for all the love and support the Aussies have given us over the years” and has grown at a rapid rate in conjunction with one of the most popular times in the year for visiting the land Down Under. It started out relatively small scale but has gained major press in recent years while the word has spread particularly fast on social media and other online channels.
Participants of the annual event are advised to spoil Australian friends with Koala bear or kangaroo toys and imported snacks. However, it’s a great excuse for individuals to stock up on those items for themselves. As well as a day of appreciation, it can be a day of discovery. The day is also a family-friendly event that enables kids to teach their kid about all things Australia too – thank the internet gods for YouTube.
The day is now celebrated by millions of people across several countries and continents while it additionally gains a fair level of interest in Australia too. The history of the celebration is still in its infancy, but there’s no doubt that people are increasingly aware of everything the day stands for.
How to celebrate Hug an Australian Day
There’s no prizes for guessing the answer to this one. The clue is in the title; hugging an Australian is the best way to celebrate by far. Anyone thinking it’ll be Kylie should be so Lucky, Lucky, Lucky, but it shouldn’t take long to find a friend, colleague, or distant relative that fits the bill.
Anyone wanting to capture the magic of the Australian fixation of the 1980s can build their day’s activities around all things Australian. Whack on the Kylie CD, watch Crocodile Dundee or Steve Irwin, open a tin of Foster’s or Castlemaine XXXX, and go play with a boomerang in the garden. Hug an Australian Day does require an Ozzie to complete the obvious task. However, it is possible to celebrate the people and culture of the land Down Under all alone if preferred – or with non-Australian friends.
Others will create artistic homages to Australia or wear the flag, potentially as a face paint design. Whichever way it is celebrated, the #HuganAustralianDay hashtag will trend on social media throughout the day.
Australia is a highly popular once-in-a-lifetime holiday destination too. When combined with the pleasant climate and off-peak pricing, an increasing number of people plan their visits to Australia around the event. The atmosphere on the day itself is certain to be a winner, while the memories created during that time exploring the Outback are incredible.
There’s no one right or wrong way to celebrate the annual event. However, it is important to take the feelings of the recipients into account. The universally accepted protocol is to say “happy Hug an Australian Day” before asking whether they’re happy to be hugged. Simple.
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boxfuleventsau · 4 months
Discover the Best Party Games in Melbourne for Every Occasion
Melbourne, known for its vibrant culture and dynamic social scene, is a fantastic city for hosting parties and gatherings. To make any party unforgettable, engaging party games are essential. Here’s a guide to some of the best party games in Melbourne, ensuring your next event is a hit.
What Are Classic Party Games?
Classic party games never go out of style. Games like charades, musical chairs, and Pictionary have stood the test of time and remain favorites at gatherings. These games are easy to set up and can be enjoyed by guests of all ages. Charades involves acting out words or phrases without speaking, relying on body language to convey the message. Musical chairs, on the other hand, brings a lively atmosphere as participants scramble for a seat when the music stops. Pictionary, a drawing-based game, tests your artistic skills and imagination, making it a hilarious experience for all involved.
What Are Some Unique Melbourne-Themed Games?
To add a local flavor to your party, consider incorporating Melbourne-themed games. One idea is a Melbourne trivia quiz, which can include questions about the city’s history, landmarks, and famous personalities. This not only entertains but also educates your guests about the city's rich culture. Another fun game is "Aussie Slang Bingo," where participants have to match common Australian slang terms with their meanings. This can be a great icebreaker and spark interesting conversations among your guests.
What Are the Best Outdoor Party Games?
Melbourne’s pleasant weather makes it ideal for outdoor parties. Popular outdoor games include lawn bowls, giant Jenga, and bocce. Lawn bowls, a traditional Australian game, is perfect for a relaxed afternoon in the garden or at a local park. Giant Jenga adds a larger-than-life twist to the classic block-stacking game, providing both tension and excitement. Bocce, similar to lawn bowls, is a game of skill and precision, where players throw balls to get as close as possible to a smaller target ball.
What Are Some Fun Indoor Party Games?
Indoor parties offer a cozy and controlled environment, perfect for games that require less space. Board games like "Codenames," "Cards Against Humanity," and "Settlers of Catan" are great choices. "Codenames" is a word-association game that requires quick thinking and teamwork. "Cards Against Humanity" is known for its dark humor and is sure to get laughs, though it's best suited for an adult audience. "Settlers of Catan," a strategy game, involves building settlements and trading resources, making it both engaging and competitive.
What Are the Top Drinking Games?
For adult parties, drinking games can add a lively and spirited element. Classic drinking games such as "Beer Pong," "Kings Cup," and "Flip Cup" are popular choices. "Beer Pong" involves throwing ping pong balls into cups of beer, with each successful shot requiring the opposing team to drink. "Kings Cup" combines various mini-games with a standard deck of cards, each card dictating a specific action or rule. "Flip Cup," a team-based game, involves flipping plastic cups from the edge of a table, adding a competitive and fast-paced element to the party.
What Are Kid-Friendly Party Games?
For parties with younger guests, kid-friendly games ensure everyone has a good time. Games like "Duck Duck Goose," "Simon Says," and "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" are perennial favorites. "Duck Duck Goose" involves children sitting in a circle, with one child walking around tapping others and eventually choosing one to chase them. "Simon Says" is a simple yet entertaining game that tests children’s ability to follow instructions. "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" involves blindfolding children and having them try to place a tail on a picture of a donkey, often resulting in hilarious outcomes.
What Are Some Themed Party Games?
Themed parties are a great way to create a cohesive and immersive experience. For a movie-themed party, consider games like "Movie Charades" or a "Film Trivia Quiz." For a tropical or beach-themed party, games like "Limbo" or a "Hula Hoop Contest" can set the mood. "Movie Charades" involves acting out famous scenes or characters from popular films, while a "Film Trivia Quiz" can test guests’ knowledge of cinema history. "Limbo" challenges guests to dance under a progressively lower bar, and a "Hula Hoop Contest" brings out everyone’s playful side.
What Are the Best Icebreaker Games?
Icebreaker games are essential for getting guests acquainted and comfortable with each other. "Two Truths and a Lie," "Human Bingo," and "The Name Game" are excellent choices. In "Two Truths and a Lie," each person states three facts about themselves, one of which is false, and the group has to guess the lie. "Human Bingo" involves a bingo card with various characteristics or experiences, and guests must find others who match these descriptions. "The Name Game" involves writing the names of famous people on sticky notes and placing them on guests' foreheads, who then have to guess the name by asking yes or no questions.
By incorporating a mix of these games, you can ensure that your party in Melbourne is engaging, memorable, and fun for all attendees. Whether you’re hosting an outdoor bash, an intimate indoor gathering, or a themed extravaganza, there’s a game to suit every occasion.
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