#Khala oc
spuddragon · 2 months
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Woohoo, dragon oc
His name is Faeo (faye-oh), but he is also called Fynn sometimes. He is one of the sons of one of my first OC, Khala. He's kinda beaten to shit because he's prone to getting into fights. Khala is not particularly happy about this.
I'm not really much of a writer and may flesh out some of my characters later, someday.
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apmandarts · 2 years
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paint sketch - Khala in a pretty dress
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saccharineblush · 2 years
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never did share this, but I finally got around to finishing Khala's updated design ✨
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darkwingphoenix · 20 days
Buncha random @loominggaia OCs I have (Unnamed, mostly)
We all know Saraia (Female elf)
I also have:
Amber: Cyana and Angeline's sirene daughter they adopt in a future fic. She actually looks a lot like Cyana's daughter when Cyana is a sirene, so she's blue. Same deal as Azura's kids where she's named after something orange to spite Evangeline. When she gets older, she gets good with telekinesis, photomancy, and illusions.
Khajit: a faunae in Yerim-Mor who sells furs to people.
Justinia: female sirene. She's currently almost nonexistent rn, she may become Cobalt's big tiddy sirene GF.
Khala/Jer: Dorikori, like 20 when she shows up, and was freed from thralldom from an indie swamp undine in Evangeline when said undine got killed by hilichurls. She's pretty thicc honestly. Jer was her dorikori name, Khala's her real name. She never recovered her last name, so she uses Jer as her last name.
Maoral: Male minotaur who Khala breaks out of slavery in Evangeline, and they work together in Matuzu and later in Ascendance as mercenaries.
Eira: Female faun. She's a skilled archer and joined up with Khala and Maoral.
Kurg: Male Ogre divine. He mostly just exists in Evangeline territory.
R'aka: Medusa divine. Doesn't associate with Lamai and joined Maoral, Khala, and Mira in their mercenary group.
Gale: Aurae, living in Evangeline.
Yae Miko: Cherry limniad, knows Skylie and Cyangeline. She was born from a huge cherry tree in a grove just south of Evangeline Capital. Her tree basically dominates the grove and completely covers the grove's access to the sky with its branches.
Taro: Female Drau native to the Unseelie Court. She decided to move to Matuzu and hopped on the mercenary group with those mentioned above.
Dako: Male sirene. He's transgender, which isn't too hard for him as a sirene, just a boob nerfing. He's mostly brownish.
Hale: Faunae who joined the mercenary group to help attack slavers after her elf friend was enslaved.
Gold One/Aurum: Male cecaelia, although he was born yellow like a female. He can't lay eggs tho, so he just wound up heading out of his colony, which was a boon for him as a few years later Sovereign took over his town. He's in the mercenary group I've formed. He's like 150 years old.
So, it's clear I have a mercenary group, which I'll call KHMER, after the five founding members (Khala, Maoral, Hale, Eira, and R'aka). They focus heavily on water-based jobs as they have a mermaid, medusa, and cecaelia. They usually work in the full group in Matuzu.
Ramona: Female elf from the Unseelie Court. Became a skilled assassin. Highly skilled in illusions.
Ser Khan: Male shaghoof centaur. He's a knight for Folkvar and is heavily armored.
Kana: Female human from Matuzu. She's a writer.
Fira: Female spright. Managed to escape the Unseelie Court with Ramona. Now spends her life exploring the world, mostly invisible to avoid suspicion.
Korkrork: Male hogmen who saw Elska and Glenvar when he was a kiddo. He left his home to explore the world after that. Joined KHMER as a heavyweight as well.
Teeny: Female gnome. Born into slavery but was sold to someone against slavery and was taught animal control and then left on her own. She lives free now in Matuzu, riding a seagull she's befriended.
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guruiikeek · 2 years
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@saccharineblush ‘s oc! Khala! i drew them from memory and 4 the fun of it lmao
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furys-mercy · 2 years
After the initial fires of passion cool to some degree, what would keep your OC engaged in a relationship? Shared goals? Similar values? Or contented companionship?
"Ha! Ain't all 'bout tha heat'a tha moment, ya know? I mean, 'course I still think 'bout gettin' all'a m'partners outta their clothes, but... It's more'n tha', right? An' it's been more'n tha'... prolly since I met each'a 'em. Sure, there might be more'a tha' want on tha front end, but there's gotta be somethin' else fer me ta get there. I ain't someone who's jus' here for the physical shite. Hells..." A low chuckle rumbles in his chest. "Got a partner I can't even touch. But, tha's a long story tha's prolly best left fer another day. Thing is they all had somethin' tha' drew me in, right? Ain't tha sex tha' keeps me here it's tha'. An' who they are." "With Khala it was seein' m'self in 'im. Who I'd been when I was young. Who I might's been if tha world hadn't fucked me up. We ain't got tha exact same story, but we both clawed our way outta tha streets with our own two hands. There's parts'a me tha' I ain't gotta explain ta him. He jus'... knows. An' there ain't anythin' quite like findin' tha' in another person. Ain't like he can actually read m'mind, but might as well be able ta. If ya find someone yer tha' in step with, take my advice an' marry 'em. Best decision I ever made." The Machinist leans forward, placing his elbows on the desk. "Tai an' Khala couldn't be more different, really. I imagine people wonder how I ended up with both'a 'em, but tha reasons really ain't all tha' different. We didn't have tha same story growin' up, but where we ended up ain't all tha' different. That fire he's got inside him, tha one that drives him to protect everyone he cares 'bout. I can relate to tha'. Ta tha idea tha' m'hands're already fuckin' bloody. Ain't not reason fer the people I care 'bout te get dirty when a li'l more blood ain't gonna hurt me." He shrugs as if he's talking about something mundane like cooking, rather than killing. "guess m'fire was drawn ta his. Good thin' too, cause we make a helluva battle pair." "An then there's Stari... tha's still new, ya know? We ain't really figured it all out. We haven't slid inta tha' comfortable place yer talkin' 'bout, not really. But we will. One'a these days. Fer now it's new an' excitin' an'... I really don't know how ta put it ta words, exactly. There's somethin' 'bout 'im tha' challenges me, ya know? He seems ta always have the right questions. An' tha right thin's ta say. An' it don't hurt tha' he fusses over takin' care'a me. Might be difficult 'bout it, but... it does feel nice."
Mercer rests his chin on his hands. "Guess tha's a long way's sayin' tha' it's 'bout the friendship. It's 'bout the real connections I make with people. Tha' might come with sex, but... it ain't gotta. Jus' gotta be somethin'... special. An' tha' don't fade. Least not fer me."
((Thanks for the ask!!))
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kythecorg · 2 years
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Made @blossomsofopossums oc Saturday and @saccharineblush oc Khala!! They also asked me to draw my oc Vinnie so…;P
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joestvr · 1 year
“City never sleeps, so I guess I’m never slept on.” ✧༺♥༻✧ (MY OC - JOJO’S VERSION) (STARDUST CRUSADERS/BLANK PERIOD AFTER)
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𝐀𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚 “𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐞” 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐢
シェルカンザイ「茜」 アイシャ
Born: August 18, 1972 - Kandahar, Afghanistan
Height: 170cm (5’7)
Future occupation: Successful supermodel
Stand Name: West End Girl
Stand Abilities: Steal any stand and/or its ability with a single touch, as well as recalling any stand ability previously stolen in the past. After the battle with Dio, having a hand in killing him, she gained the ability to stop time for 5 minutes.
Stand type: Same as Star Platinum and The World, just with womanly features.
Sherkhanzai Aisha came to Japan when she was 5, where her mother became best friends with a sweet American woman, Kujo Holly. Aisha met her son, Kujo Jotaro, and the rest was history.
Jotaro and Aisha had been friends for as long as they could remember. Aisha loved Jotaro more than anything else, and he felt the same.
Aisha, being nicknamed Akane at school for her unconditional love for the color red, specifically deep red, or burgundy. How Afghan of her.
She and her two best friends were the most popular girls and school, all the boys were all over her. After their second year of high school, a jealousy like he had never known before was stricken within Jotaro, and he started getting into fights with all the guys that dared to flirt with her.
Aisha was completely fluent in 7 languages, which proved pretty useful during their travels abroad. Those 7 languages were: Pashto (her native language), Farsi, Hindi, Urdu, Italian, Japanese, and English.
Jotaro, though he didn’t like to tell anyone, actually spoke her native language, Pashto, pretty well after so many years of knowing her. They hung out 24/7, nearly everyday, no matter what. So naturally, he picked up a lot of things, and managed to start speaking it pretty well. The only people who actually knew that were his mother, Aisha’s older brother and little sister, the Jiji, and the rest of the crusaders (who survived).
Her father died soon after her 15th birthday, and Jotaro couldn’t explain how happy he was when he finally saw that abusive son-of-a-bitch finally get what he deserved and 6 feet under.
He remembered how he would hold her in his lap as she sobbed in his chest with bruises on her face and body, beaten and utterly heartbroken by her own father.
Anyway, Aisha’s mother, who Jotaro called “Khala Jaan” and always said “Assalamu alaikum” to her out of respect.
(ok i ran out of stuff to write but to sum it up aisha and jotaro have been best friends but also in love for a very long time and they have a mad affection for each other anddd there will probably be some fics coming out about them soon)
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
🐳 + Aminah Hasan!
Ended up fleshing her out quite a bit too 😂 enjoy!
Favorite TV show:
She loves Jane the Virgin! And Star Wars Rebels
Favorite fruit:
Grapes, then apples
Short story of her birth day:
For context, Aminah is the oldest of three, with two little brothers (Sadiq and Adeel). Her dad (Asim) has no siblings, while her mom (Maryam) has a little brother (Zayn) and a little sister (Nadia)*
At the time, Aminah's grandmother (her mom's mom, Aisha) was visiting with Nadia. They got to the hospital on time...except it was the wrong hospital 😂 Nadia drove like a madwoman to get them both to the right hospital on time, and they barely made it, just after Aminah's birth.
*a couple years later, Adeel has a daughter, Afreen...and a few years after that, Nadia has a daughter, Fatima
Favorite flavor of ice cream:
Mango! Also vanilla, and she doesn’t care if that’s “basic” of her
Most embarrassing moment:
When she was first learning Spanish, she made the classic "embarazada" mistake 😅 she was able to laugh it off, even while the class all giggled about it, and...on the bright side, she's never made that mistake again
Her most unexpected quality:
She has a fierce temper (long fuse though—she doesn't get pissed off easily)
Her most destructive habit:
She used to pick at her skin, but she grew out of that.
What makes her cry the most:
The Bing-Bong goodbye scene in Inside Out 😭
Her Chinese zodiac:
So Aminah's birthday is December 19th, 1998, making her two months younger than Jesse (and Morgan ofc). Her Chinese zodiac is thus a tiger (tho ofc she doesn't put much stock in all that)
Her favorite (honorary) family member:
Jesse's basically her sister 💞 she also adores her mom's sister (her "khala")
And as an aside, she’s a Pakistani-American Muslim, just like Iman (her faceclaim)! And like me 😅
oc ask game!
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sillykittyco · 2 years
Blorbos from my brain:
Kalli (It/its) 1 2
Durano (He/They) 1
Kri (She/It/Divine/Wing)
Nela (She/Hymn/Fae)
Lillian (She/Her)
Abyss (He/Ender)
Zeroris (She/Her)
Nalia (She/Her)
Wings of Fire:
Snakeroot (She/Her) 1
Queen Hickory (She/Moss)
Peanut (Ze/Zer) 1
Rainfall (He/Zem) 1
Flight Rising:
Gladen (They/Them)
Cupid (She/Love)
Acidiske (He/Him)
Khala (She/Her)
Riot (He/Anger/Blood)
Greed (He/It/Splatter)
Featherfern (She/Fern/Leaf)
Conisee (Potion/Potions)
Waveblast (Night/Nights)
Alende (Magick/Magicks)
Candycorn (She/It)
Xielli (She/Him)
Whiteout (It/Greyscale)
Minecraft Blorbos:
EDIT 1/28/23 11:04 AM MST:
Added Whiteout, Xielli, Candycorn, Alende, Waveblast, Conisee, Featherfern, and Rainfall to existing categories.
Added new category, Minecraft Blorbos. Added Lily and Arachne to those.
Changed Snakeroot's pronouns.
Added 'Queen' title to Queen Hickory.
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gryphsdeadbones · 3 years
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doodles n muses
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spuddragon · 24 days
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Two more of Khala's children (I know, Khala has quite a few kids so far. Khala is just really damn old)
These twins had been tasked to upkeep the artificial day/night cycle in khala's realm. Laro (the starry one) possesses a silvery blue flame that he uses to signify night. Sola has a bright orangey yellow flame that signifies day.
During the "day," Sola is tasked with the physical upkeep of the realm. At night, Laro patrols the skies as a sort of guard. This has led to him and Malearmis becoming quite close.
Laro and Sola are very protective over each other despite their bickering.
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apmandarts · 2 years
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saccharineblush · 2 years
remade this Khala art with siveonstrix's oc Vex cuz i liked it too much to abandon 🙃
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cinnamonzor · 3 years
Khala: We’re more than willing to resort to torture methods to get answers out of you nasty abominations!
Fennorian, tied back-to-back with Cassian: When you say “torture,” do you mean physical or psychological? Physical seems counter-productive. We would likely tell you anything if it meant an end to the pain, and you’d have no way of telling what was true.
Cassian: Or we might like it too much. And then you’ve got a whole new thing to deal with.
Rohlbert: What do you mean by that...?
Cassian, giving him a once-over and waggling his eyebrows: Oh, you’re stupid, huh? I can work with stupid. Daddy likey dummy~
Rohlbert: [leaps back in disgust]
Fennorian: [trying not to snicker]
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