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val-the-protoss-simp · 4 months ago
Part 1/3 the Tal'darim
Part 2/3 the Khalai <- you're here Part 3/3 the Nerazim
Part two of this ask, the Khalai
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Erzadar. Formerly Erzolun (Because I have another Khalai OC named Talizun and I thought the names were way too similar) First concept was from 2022 (can be seen on the far bottom right of the art compilation) She was originally a tiny researcher from the Shelak tribe (??? I think??) Erza and her team of Khalai protoss were essentially Auir’s equivalent to Shakuras’s delegate team of Nerazim/terran diplomats/researchers/whatever.
She (and all the OCs from this story) were in kind of a limbo as they laid forgotten high on a metaphorical shelf of my mind, collecting dust, while I played with other OCs and stories. Until I was *this* video like half a year ago (no, it is not a Rickroll) and was like oh my god. oh. not to be a lesbian but oh my god. oh my fucking god Jesus Christ- we all know the meme.
Anyway, since then she became a tall, beefy adept.
She’s still mostly in development and therefore there’s not much to say about her. She’s a former zealot (became an adept during the events of LotV) With a friendly personality in a way only people in their early 20s have. She was assigned as a bodyguard/guide to the Dominion delegates Auir hosts and quickly becomes friends with most of them, namely Victor. And yes, I absolutely do plan to drag these two through months and years of delicious angst and yearning and denial and more angst before I allow them to become a thing. Their fault they’re my OCs.
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Talizun is also a character who I’ve had for a looooooong time too (2018????? Before 2020) but I never really fleshed him out despite his key importance to the plot of Zhakul’s story. He didn’t even have a name until late 2021 ahaha oops. Most of his story was also conceived that year, meaning it’s pretty outdated and also prone to change in places, but I think it’s skeleton will remain.
Tali is a chill templar from a fringe Khalai colony so far away from the empire that it was entirely excluded from the great war that took place during the events of SC2. Him and many of his templar brethren were in stasis for centuries, only awakened AFTER the war was concluded, which is also the reason why he still bears his cords and is tethered to the Khala. (One of the big changes in this AU, aside from Shakuras not exploding and the Daelaam not being a thing anymore, is that the Khala prevails. This could be a separate yap session for later, I’m just making this clear now in case someone is confused over me mentioning it)
Anyway. He’s very chill and level-headed for a zealot, which actually came in handy because Zhakul needed to do some serious deconstructing of the bullshit Dal filled his head with and Tali was up for the job. The two end up bonding over a similar experience (being removed from protoss society for so long they feel like complete outsiders) become friends and eeeeeeeeeeventually form a Zhakul-centred polycule that also includes Jake and various other terrans and protoss.
Tali eventually gets himself killed in a border skirmish with the Tal’darim (originally it was Y’rash that yeeted him, now I’m not sure that’s canon anymore) he’s stuffed into the shell of a dragoon and does his best to continue with his life as well as he can, which is made much more complicated because he ends up having an oopsie baby (who we will also talk about later) and from then on struggles with the crushing feeling of knowing he can never be an adequate parent to them because his broken body must forever remain locked in a dragoon exoskeleton. 
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The Talendir Orchard Head FamilyTM
The main characters in Project Sammuro. There’s very little to say about them for now because the story they were created for is at its infancy and therefore their characters are also very underdeveloped. They’re a down-to-earth family of protoss living in rural parts of Auir, growing and harvesting sammuro fruit for it’s rich blue dye, then distributing it across the Khalai empire as needed.
The story focuses on this entire process and also works as a lightbulb moment for Victor, who realises that the strongly capitalistic society of the Dominion is very very  flawed in comparison to the more traditional, socialistic economy the protoss have where culture, tradition and the well-being of it’s people are far more important to them than profit and power.
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bricehammack · 1 year ago
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video-game-jams · 2 months ago
Dark Cloud - Norune Village
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otakween · 8 days ago
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Digimon Next (2005) - Volume 2
Another volume finished of this easy-breezy read. It's extremely unmemorable, but not as bad as the manga adapting anime series at least. You can really sense the audience whenever they make a poop joke (which is often). I wonder if there are any Digimon manga out there with a teen audience in mind? (Or adult, I guess, but that seems unlikely).
Ch. 7
So far only Agumon has his adult/champion digivolution. Wonder how long it will take for Ami and Yuu's digimon to improve? (Not that it will be that exciting to see the Gaomon evolution line again lol)
I like the idea of collecting the digitama of your enemies and raising them to be good digimon. Have they done that concept in the games yet? You kinda can do that in Digimon Story but it's not digitama but scanned data, which is different.
Ch. 8
This manga is very "battle of the week" (but battle of the chapter I guess). I guess that's most of digimon, but I wish they'd play with the format more.
Sunflowmon was HUGE in this chapter! I'm not really sure if they drew them bigger than in the anime because they were kinda always flying around in the anime so it was hard to gauge.
Gaomon looked really cute all mummified, he also went full doggy-mode at one point (four legs on the ground looks really funny when the front paws are boxing gloves lol).
Ami was acting really patronizing to Yuu about his disability. I'm not sure if it was supposed to come off that way or not, but he seemed uncomfortable with being babied. It's interesting that he doesn't really want to be a big hero, he just wants to stay in the digital world because his condition doesn't exist there. (It would be interesting to see a human just settle down and live in the digital world. I guess that would be like Ikuto or Masaru but they seemed pretty nomadic).
Ch. 9
Wowwww, they literally just copied an episode from Digimon Adventure here with Meramon being controlled by a dark gear black digicore and burning everything up. Can we please get some originality in this manga? -_-
Yuu's digisoul activates so that Gaomon can digivolve, but it's unstable so the digivolution is incomplete. Not sure if that's been done yet. It didn't really affect the battle at all so 🤷‍♀️
You're telling me that Tsurugi was a pro digimon battler with his vpet yet he doesn't know that you don't fight a fire digimon with fire?? So dumb🤦‍♀️
"Eyebrow dog" was pretty funny, ngl
Ch. 10
Whoever did the scanlation of this manga romanized Norn as "Norun" which has me very confused because that's not a name lol. The digimon wikis made me realize it's "Norn" which makes a lot more sense (can't help but be reminded of Creatures)
I wanted to laugh when they revealed Norn's character design. The over the top gothic lolita look looks pretty tacky nowadays, but I ate that shit up in middle school. You know I'd be doodling her in my notebooks lol.
Is Norn supposed to be Shou's sister? I swear this is giving me MAJOR V-Tamer deja vu again
Apparently everyone has known each other for a long time? I feel like I did not get that impression for Yuu because Ami was like explaining his heart condition to Tsurugi. I guess she was just reminding him.
Shou's kinda reminding me of Ken in his Digimon Emperor era. At least he's nice to his digimon though. It's an interesting choice to give the rival/villain character a bird digimon. Those are usually given to side characters.
Ch. 11
A lot of stereotypical things happened this chapter that kinda made me roll my eyes. The kids getting lured into a seemingly nice inn that's obviously a trap is something we've seen many times in this franchise. Ami being jealous when Angewomon gets flirty with Tsurugi (and has a bigger chest than her) also felt like super generic anime writing. I guess Ami is going to be paired with Tsurugi then (because her only character trait is "girl.")
The way Ami's mother's death was abruptly mentioned via flashback was so clunky. They should have maybe given that plot point at least a whole fleshed out chapter or something cuz it felt super shoehorned in.
I feel like Yuu jumped super quickly from not wanting to fight to wanting to be a master tamer basically. His bond with Trailmon felt kind of forced as well. I feel like his role in the story is to make Tsurugi seem cooler (because he looks up to him).
Gaomon getting jealous of Trailmon was kinda cute. The digimon art continues to be really nice and expressive.
Omg the inn keeper Tailmon were so cute <3 (even though they were evil lol). I want to see more digimon in the service/hospitality industry just doing mundane stuff lol. Where's my slice-of-life series? (I've been watching Pokemon Concierge recently)
Ami being tricked into bathing in motor oil was kinda fucked up...
Ch. 12
A very Trailmon-centric chapter. Thomas the Tank Engine vibes lol. Fave panels were GeoGreymon sitting on top of Trailmon and Trailmon revealing his battle form (a little boy's dream haha)
The more futuristic Trailmon that the Commandments are using is interesting. Instead of its face being at the head/nose of the train it's kind of at the feet, with its mouth "eating" the tracks. That seems like an awkward existence...
I know it's not the same, but the "Light City" reminds me of Sunshine City in the Digimon Story game I'm playing now. They called it the "City of Beginnings" though which I find weird. That's usually reserved for the place where digimon are born, but in this case it just seems like the place where humans are isekai'd lol.
There's an explanation of the Digimon alphabet at the end of this chapter which I cannot be bothered to learn. It would be cool to print out a cheat sheet though. I wonder how consistent it is across the different series? 🤔 I really appreciate that they committed to an actual language instead of gibberish (although it's kinda just fantasy Japanese I guess)
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redpandamerchdaily · 1 month ago
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Red panda merch of the day: Sanei Boeki Norun-zoku Lesser Panda
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griseldabanks · 4 months ago
Comfyvember 21
Story: The Four (original) Prompts: Enthusiastic greeting — Late night laughter — Waking up together
Timor couldn't suppress his grin as Norun banged his stick against the marble floor and announced loudly, “Lady Taria of the Tritons!”
Taria's expression was much more composed than his, but the ridges of translucent spikes on her head kept bristling up like a cat's fur and then smoothing down as she clearly tried to rein in her excitement. Her long tail also swished back and forth more vigorously than her stately gait down the plush blue carpet to the foot of the throne warranted. One of the castle guards escorting her stumbled slightly as her tail knocked into him.
At the halfway point, the guards flanking her came to a halt with a clank of armor, then they both saluted Timor and stood at attention. As Norun had no doubt instructed her, Taria took three more steps forward—though her strides were much longer than a human's, so she was much closer than most visitors and petitioners Timor saw in the throne room. She was close enough that he could see the flames from the candelabra flickering in her big black eyes and the red scales that covered her head to foot.
Taria bent in an elaborate bow, arms extended to either side, tail curled up behind her, and sank to one knee. Timor had to bite his lip momentarily to keep from bursting into laughter. Most onlookers probably thought this was a traditional Triton gesture or something, but Timor knew that even the Triton king only received a respectful nod of the head with a hand on the heart.
“You are most welcome, Lady Taria,” Timor said. Somehow, he managed to do it without laughing, even though she lifted her head and winked at him.
“Leave us, please,” he said, gesturing to the guards and meeting Norun's disapproving gaze. “I would speak with the Triton ambassador alone.”
Norun looked like he wanted to argue, but finally bowed deeply and backed out of the throne room, along with all the other attendants and hangers-on. When the door shut behind the last one, Timor finally did what he'd been wanting to do ever since she'd been announced. He hopped down from the throne and rushed forward, just as Taria got to her feet and caught him in a bear hug.
“Look at you, shooting up like a beansprout!” Taria laughed, swinging him around in a circle. “I leave you for a year, and you've gone and grown up without me!”
Now that he was on his feet right in front of her, Timor realized that his head actually came up to her shoulder now. Yet she looked the same as ever, except that instead of the black tunic he was used to seeing her in, she now wore a silky blue shirt and swishy pants of the same color that almost looked like a skirt when she stood still.
“And you're pretty good at ordering people around now,” Taria chuckled, ruffling his hair as if to make him look a bit more like the scrawny waif she'd first met. “Who'd have thought you'd make such a good king?”
“Not me,” Timor said earnestly. “It's mostly Norun's doing, anyway. He knows all the customs and regulations, so mostly I just do it like he says. I've still got a lot to learn.”
She cocked her head and looked at him with a smile that almost looked sad. “You really are growing up. You're not that scared little kid who used to huddle up next to me after a nightmare while I tried to make him laugh. Which was every night, I might add.”
Timor's cheeks felt hot as he crossed his arms, trying to frown. “Is that any way to speak to the High King?”
Taria snorted loudly, probably the most undignified sound that had ever echoed around these marble walls. “Oh, I've got a lot more blackmail where that came from, Your Majesty. You just better thank your lucky gemstones in that crown of yours that I'm here on a goodwill mission. On your request, I might add.”
“Oh, right.” Timor had almost forgotten why she was here, in the rush of excitement at seeing her again for the first time in a year. “So you accept, then? You'll be my advisor for Triton relations, and stick around for a while to teach me everything I need to know about your people?”
“Sure!” Taria said with a casual shrug, belied by all the ridges on her head standing straight up like an excited porcupine. “Just tell me one thing: Is Farawin doing this too?”
Timor blinked in surprise. “He got here yesterday. How did you guess?”
Taria tipped her head back and laughed. “I didn't guess, I knew! It's obvious you just want to get the four back together again.” She crushed him against her side in another hug, grinning down at him with a toothy smile.
“Yes,” Timor admitted, savoring the warm touch of her hand on his shoulder, a liberty no one ever took with him these days. “Of course I do. I can't be myself unless I've got you.”
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es46 · 6 months ago
A coalition of reimaginations on major boss battles in Dark Cloud, based on ideal muses for a revamp.
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DIVINE BEAST KING, DRAN Guardian of Norune Village and overseer of the Divine Beast Cave. Once revered as a god, Dran has stepped down from his heavenly pedestal to lead a more humble life as an advisor to promising warriors.
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KILLER SNAKE An infamous monster lurking in the depths of the Wise Owl Forest, the Killer Snake was renowned both for its nigh impenetrable scales and its corrosive venom. They say a legendary blade may pierce its armour, but as of yet, no hunter has found it, and no hunter has returned when setting out to slay this serpent.
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FOREST OVERSEER, MASTER UTAN Guardian of Matatiki Village, Master Utan is the chronicler of the Wise Owl Forest, seeing time's passage through the very plants themselves. He watches over brave hunters striving to overcome their trials and earn his blessing, communing with the tree spirit Treant to ensure the forest's prosperity.
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QUEEN OF FRIGID SPIRITS, LA SAIA In life, La Saia was the beloved princess of Queens. Though her parents sought to cede the throne to her, La Saia had eyes on another destiny; marriage to a humble merchant. Though she knew Queens would never accept royalty accepting a peasant's hand, La Saia sought out the love of her life regardless. But one night, when they were be wed in secret, he never came. Drowning in despair, La Saia cast off into her parent's flagship vessel, soon lost to a cold fate below the waves...
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RESTLESS WRAITH, KING'S CURSE In the innermost tomb of the Sun-and-Moon Temple, the spirit of the old king of Muska Lacka, Bamilumba Hamolumba, rests in peace. But should terrible magic befall his resting place, the King's spirit will rise again, greater and more terrible than ever, and enact the King's Curse upon the unwitting.
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RAGING MOON WARRIOR, MINOTAUR JOE The most prestigous gladiator of the Colosseum in Yellow Drops, Minotaur Joe lives for the thrill of a good fight. Any challenger in welcome in the ring, any weapons and mechs they may have. All that matter is the glorious rush of combat, and Minotaur Joe will see his win streak go unbroken for years.
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DEMONIACAL KNIGHT, PENDRAGON Little is known of this myserious warrior who acts in service to General Flagg and the Dark Genie. Atop a vicious felid steed, this black knight hunts down those who would dare resist the new regime.
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DARK GENIE Embodiment of hatred. Incarnation of wrath. Architect of suffering. So long as cruelty dwells in the heart of mankind, then the Dark Genie is eternal.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 10 months ago
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Fornasetti Style Guna Noruns Shallow Dish Wall Plaque Twin Sister Queens BW ‘67 ebay trunner1
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bricehammack · 1 year ago
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awaffledreamer · 4 years ago
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Got my Yamay watch so totally ready to get fit and healthy.
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vivitawin · 5 years ago
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#NoRun 😁 (at Rama Property) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-5xQZwH6dib05FH1SRigGy_WYrEG4x75QlO6c0/?igshid=et0kxmzcv15o
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nyo105105 · 5 years ago
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#norun #restaacasa #restoacasa #nike #nike2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-gj4dvKLWi/?igshid=sqd1ftfjyim
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jamesohalloran · 3 years ago
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I take pool time very seriously. #norunning 📸 @jameshoustonphoto 👊 . . . #summer is here #summertime #swimwear #sundayvibes (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CecihZvLaG8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jalopyjude · 4 years ago
Hello dark cloud fans
For the past few weeks I’ve been attempting to color the Norune Village folk from the japanese dc guide book and they’re now all done to a degree that I think I can show off now, so heres 4 of em right now, and heres the rest of them if any of you are curious. Keep in mind I did this on the side so it’s nothin professional but I havent seen these colored anywhere else and I wanted to give it a try.
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otomeray · 4 years ago
Drew bby Nanami from Norn9!
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It took three hours to finish, but she’s looking adorbs~ I love her so much!
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kaalavg · 8 years ago
Nemuri no Kuni by Aion (OST)
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