#norune village
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video-game-jams · 2 months ago
Dark Cloud - Norune Village
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imtheenemy · 2 days ago
I miss this game sm 🥺 the soundtrack is insanely nostalgic 🥹💘
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es46 · 6 months ago
A coalition of reimaginations on major boss battles in Dark Cloud, based on ideal muses for a revamp.
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DIVINE BEAST KING, DRAN Guardian of Norune Village and overseer of the Divine Beast Cave. Once revered as a god, Dran has stepped down from his heavenly pedestal to lead a more humble life as an advisor to promising warriors.
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KILLER SNAKE An infamous monster lurking in the depths of the Wise Owl Forest, the Killer Snake was renowned both for its nigh impenetrable scales and its corrosive venom. They say a legendary blade may pierce its armour, but as of yet, no hunter has found it, and no hunter has returned when setting out to slay this serpent.
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FOREST OVERSEER, MASTER UTAN Guardian of Matatiki Village, Master Utan is the chronicler of the Wise Owl Forest, seeing time's passage through the very plants themselves. He watches over brave hunters striving to overcome their trials and earn his blessing, communing with the tree spirit Treant to ensure the forest's prosperity.
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QUEEN OF FRIGID SPIRITS, LA SAIA In life, La Saia was the beloved princess of Queens. Though her parents sought to cede the throne to her, La Saia had eyes on another destiny; marriage to a humble merchant. Though she knew Queens would never accept royalty accepting a peasant's hand, La Saia sought out the love of her life regardless. But one night, when they were be wed in secret, he never came. Drowning in despair, La Saia cast off into her parent's flagship vessel, soon lost to a cold fate below the waves...
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RESTLESS WRAITH, KING'S CURSE In the innermost tomb of the Sun-and-Moon Temple, the spirit of the old king of Muska Lacka, Bamilumba Hamolumba, rests in peace. But should terrible magic befall his resting place, the King's spirit will rise again, greater and more terrible than ever, and enact the King's Curse upon the unwitting.
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RAGING MOON WARRIOR, MINOTAUR JOE The most prestigous gladiator of the Colosseum in Yellow Drops, Minotaur Joe lives for the thrill of a good fight. Any challenger in welcome in the ring, any weapons and mechs they may have. All that matter is the glorious rush of combat, and Minotaur Joe will see his win streak go unbroken for years.
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DEMONIACAL KNIGHT, PENDRAGON Little is known of this myserious warrior who acts in service to General Flagg and the Dark Genie. Atop a vicious felid steed, this black knight hunts down those who would dare resist the new regime.
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DARK GENIE Embodiment of hatred. Incarnation of wrath. Architect of suffering. So long as cruelty dwells in the heart of mankind, then the Dark Genie is eternal.
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jalopyjude · 4 years ago
Hello dark cloud fans
For the past few weeks I’ve been attempting to color the Norune Village folk from the japanese dc guide book and they’re now all done to a degree that I think I can show off now, so heres 4 of em right now, and heres the rest of them if any of you are curious. Keep in mind I did this on the side so it’s nothin professional but I havent seen these colored anywhere else and I wanted to give it a try.
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fuckyeahdarkcloud · 8 years ago
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“You saw it… your own village being destroyed right before your eyes.”
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lowpolyfire · 3 years ago
Norune village from Dark Cloud for the ps2
Reblog and put the video game location that makes you feel an unparalleled, aching serenity, the video game location where you go there and just walk around without doing anything because just being there heals your heart a little bit For me it’s the orphanage beach in yakuza 3 
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characteroulette · 7 years ago
Hey I love Dark Cloud a lot
chatting with @baekpies​ made me want to sit and write out my thoughts on Dark Cloud, so HERE WE GO REVIEW TIME FOR THE UNDERRATED PS2 CLASSIC (also spoilers whoop)
Firstly, let’s look at what works / what I love about the first game:
The weapon building/evolving system is really involved! There are tons of weapons per character and quite a few branching pathways that result in pretty cool looking things! It’s a joy to explore as you build them up and see what they’ll become next!
The STORY. This one is really personal, because it’s simplistic and dated, but man I was IN IT as a kid and I’ll still defend it to this day. The whole of the Dark Genie plot and how it related to Seda (Seeda? fuck) was intense for small me. Now I can look at it and it’s really obvious what it was building up to, but it did it pretty well considering it seems like it’s flying by the seat of its pants the whole time.
That being said, the bait and switch with the main villain was rad as heck. Talk about a twist that threw me off as a kid! It’s kinda dumb in retrospect, I’ll admit that, but man I still really love it.
(Also I like Toan because I like silent protags in general. Toan is a good boy ;w; )
The town building / Georama. Really, I feel like DC1 did it best and had a solid vision of what the Georama mechanics should look like. You’re rebuilding these towns with the promise of making them better (at least, if you want those sweet request bonuses), and I like how the system is basically fitting parts together again. Also, a cute detail I like, in Norune Toan knows more about what goes on the houses than any other village. It’s like, yeah, of course he’d know the basics of it, he grew up there! It works as a tutorial and as a little nod to Toan knowing a few things about his own village and I just think it’s really cute.
Because of the way the Georama is set up, each town looks cohesive. That and the weapon building are really the stand-out features of this game, in my opinion.
The Corridor of Time, as a final level, is AMAZING and I love it. Putting together cutscenes of the past instead of recreating another town is so fascinating and a great way to turn the Georama aspect on its head. Moondrops gets a shoutout, too, for building a giant robot. Even if it wasn’t used fully, giant robots are always an appreciated addition.
The Soundtrack. Is. Amazing. Holy shit, they really kicked it out of the ballpark with these soundtracks like I’m not kidding seriously go listen to it now it’s awesome.
The Bonus Dungeon is literally just that: a bonus 100 floors of dungeon for your grinding pleasure. I think it’s a worthy challenge / reward as long as you were in this game for the grinding (which, I very much was and am) and it’s a great post-game fuck you, really.
All right, gushing finished. Let’s talk about the bad and the wonky...
Building up the Ultimate Weapons without a chart/graph SUCKS. It’s a total crapshoot on which path leads where, if you’ll get stuck at a dead-end that’s less powerful than what you’re going for (ESPECIALLY for Toan’s sword), and you may get stuck with something that looks hella ugly.
Also, building up weapons involves TOO MANY STATS/THINGS to keep track of! There are 3 fuckin’ pages of things (and then like attributes? that can get added as well? and are never fuckin explained outside of the manual??) that is TOO MANY.
(because of this, it’s also SUPER SLOW and kinda really glitchy, so there’s that, too)
Also it sucks if you like a lower weapon’s design because stat caps are a thing, so it’s almost always in your best interest to just upgrade it. But stat caps are a personal pet peeve of mine. :T
There are 6 playable characters and that is too many. Each is unique and interesting in their own right (besides the fact that, y’know, the two female characters are a moe blob cat and a boobs mckenzie and ranged attackers; also Goro is a brat for nearly no reason??), but 6 is too many and the game feels bloated because of it. With how convoluted and tedious weapon grinding is (and how LIMITED inventory space is!), it’s hard to make sure all 6 characters are levelled properly.
On that note, the menus are super messy. Item/Inventory management is a nightmare and I don’t understand the decision behind not having items stack neatly. I like the separate pages for catergorising the items by their uses (consumables, weapons, then weapon attachments), but it makes everything feel more cramped than it all ready was.
(The designs are also real fucking ugly, but, y’know. That’s a personal opinion of mine and kinda unavoidable since this is an old, old game.)
The translation is so SLOPPY, they didn’t even fix it in the PS4 rerelease! There should not be this many errors in this goddamn game, especially when they’re all so concentrated in the first village! What the heck!
Maybe they could have done without making Ungaga and his town Like That. ;; (though, to be honest, as a kid I liked Ungaga a lot and was sad that he came so late into the party because fuuuuuuck I can’t level this guy up with anyone ;w; )
Also the fishing really sucks in this game and I hate it.
..aaand that’s about all I can think of!
I truly, really love this game, flaws and all. And, even past my own biased view, I hope that more people can find this game and play it, too. ;w;
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molebradry · 3 years ago
Playlist: https://bit.ly/2We7PJy This is why I wish I was faster. I knew this part wouldn't be that long. Notable Points - Alnet's House Complete (Fishing Rod) - Dran's WIndmill Complete (Boss Key) - Laura's House Complete - Hag's House Complete (Item Storage) - Boss Fight Dran - Norune Village Complete (Windmill Slash Learned) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support Me On Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/2s1w37u Subscribe to Me: https://goo.gl/Jb4xtm Most Recent Upload: https://goo.gl/CcnPeH Most Popular Upload: https://goo.gl/id51qE Twitter: http://goo.gl/GjHNP -------------------------------------------------------------------- #DarkCloud #GamingMole #Dran
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bluemoonmiqote · 4 years ago
~Questions 1:
{{{{ Brooke: Your from Norune Village right? I know who you are now, you're the legendary warrior, Aga's son.
Aga came here to Muska Lacka (or Racka) [I just shorten name wise, easier to understand lols] and left you a tip for beating the Dark Geine, when he returned he had the Golmon Gosuke with him, Toan, I think that was the whole point of his journey here.
then he said that he wanted to find the world's greatest treasure, I don't know if he ever found what he was looking for or not though.
*breathes, thinks*}}}}
The words are (definitely) out of order, but how did Aga know about what Toan would go through??
Is he actually from Norune Village??
How long has he been gone from home, if Norune is his true home, then, if at all??
He clearly made Gosuke, as (although broken up in speech) the golmon says so himself, but how did he, does he have magical abilities or something else like them or an item??
It seems he's been there a few times already (hell Chief Bonka has a crush on him) and everyone there has high respects towards him too, so why did he go there several times though, what reason??
In the end after the DG no longer exists, does Aga stay in Norune or does he still leave the village to travel, eh??
If yes then why, what treasure is worth more than family, unless it wasn't treasure in the sense of gold, silver or jewels and such stuff??
The Questions 2:
Wait his sword, Aga's sword, it decorated in a similar fashion to swords of a (I can't remember it, damn) [Arabic Scimitar] well it looks like it was made by hand, maybe he made it himself, maybe he's from a place where sword making is common place, especially using crystal like materials??
Maybe he's not from Toan's era???
Maybe he either isn't human, half human, or a human with great powers/abilities or something, huh??
That map from dran is magical, maybe Aga made it, or made two, he left one for Toan and the other he took himself, perhaps?
Maybe he knows Simba somehow??
(If so how do he and Seda know him, can he be summoned via ritual, possibly??)
Maybe he's a Fae type being??
Or the North Terra and South Terra (there's got to be those too right) possibly, right??
Did Aga leave before the game began or was he already gone, did he leave knowing Toan can handle himself as a teenager or, or....??
Or has he been away for many years than??
The Questions 3:
Does Toan know his father or not, is he actually shocked at learning of him, that others know him or of how famous he really is or something else entirely than these thoughts?
Is Aga traveling around, is that like his job, how he makes money or does he love being a wanderer type traveler or was he forced to leave his family behind for reasons they don't know of??
Is he a poor, rich (noble), or royal (as in born as) kind of man by birth??
Is Aga somehow Immortal or ageless or slow aging, maybe, or just a regular (gifted, powerful) Human being?
In DC 2 his sword is called Ruler's Sword (but why change the name, regardless he still used it, yet) right, so, was he a king???
He also may have owned the Sun Sword too as well, it was used to keep Gosuke moving (alive, functioning) so, I just realized the answer to one question, I think, but it also makes another one here too, possibly.
The Sun Sword (Sword of Zeus once fully built up) is the "tip" Aga left for Toan against the DG because it's likely a sword of (Light), and I think fire is its element too, but yet still....
How did he get it, did he make it as well, or is it something he's had all his life with him or found in his travels??
Questions 4:
Whoa, is Aga a fucking wizard?!?
An Immortal ageless Wizard or....!???
But still if Aga is (somehow) not human, then it would make sense right, no-yes???
What if Aga was cursed by something dark evil and thus not only is his blood black but later on he became the BKP, yet is still a good man, at least in heart and spirit, but one who has fallen, a disgracerd hero, right, heh???
Shit does that mean that Toan is partly "Tainted" or is he "Pure" because of Renee or actually Dran's power or both or something else??
Is Aga a Dark Lord who has great powers, a fallen Knight, a human cursed with an endless life or half Demon, possibly, maybe, wha, en, hmmms??
What if Aga is from a very far away past, farther than Seda's era [LiE] (heck even Acadia's, in the original timeline, too, story musings) was, a past in which a Kingdom full of Knights, perhaps elemental, High Wizards, Holy Men, and Witches existed then, ehn???
Maybe he was king or lord of this place huh??
Or was Prince of instead or even a top guard of in rank or something???
Questions 5:
What if Aga is from a long line of *gulp* half Geines (a Geine Demigod Fairy [Fae] sort of mix, maybe) of of spiritual type origins, hrmmm???
Or what if he was blessed by a good Geine but then was cursed by a bad dark witch or wizard or even the/a devil him(it)self???
Or even, maybe, he could be an alien, of sorts??
Or he's related to, no the child or grandchild of, of, of--- of Simba, well maybe his great grand kid or something like that???
Could be their both from the same place perhaps??
Questions 6:
Or even odder, he's a Demigod from a far far way future, where non humans are more common in comparison to humans, maybe??
Or even, well, what if he was the world's God, it's creator, ahhh, wait....??
Or what if Aga is an Oracle from the East of Terra itself??
Or even this here:
What if there was more then one Aga in the world's history and it's family line name???
Or Aga made clones of himself with magic or science or both or some other means, ehh???
Questions 7:
Are Aga and Renee really married or....???
He does he actually love her or Toan, miiw???
Does Renee think he's dead or is still waiting for him, hoping that he could be alive???
Is Aga a man of the West or East or else where in the world completely, ehh???
Or what if he's, just a normal man, from a place in the West Terra, that we never visit at all in game, not hear of, but exists??
But seriously in the events of DG being no more, could Aga being back home or is he still traveling around looking for that "treasure" even though he doesn't need it, but maybe he's a treasure hunter sort of adventurer, whoa, eah~???
Or even a Swordsmans for hire or something similar to that sort???
A mercenary, basically, more correct, erm????
An all trades job doing type life style, ah??
A wandering Swordsman/Blacksmith, warrior, no Knight, makes the most sense right, huh, mew???
Do you think he's had lots of kids or cares for his (possibly only) family that he has, meew??
Do you think he came from another world, perhaps or not or somethings???
What do you all here picture Aga to looking like????
And what do you, errr, all think of my version of him, ha ha ha ha ha, ehh?????~
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ryo-maybe · 6 years ago
I dreamt an additional Dark Cloud boss battle. In the Norune Village appears a giant Medusa/Lamia monster: blue skin, six arms that she uses to walk like a scolopendra, cobra-like head, long range pietrification gaze ability and incredibly swift. The only way to win was lose the first fight and then uses the Georama ability to your own vantage to create an intricate maze with the city to perform several hide-and-attack strategies.
It vexes me that 1) this sounds more interesting than any boss fight in the actual game 2) we’ll never get another Dark Cloud game.
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descendantof2eras · 6 years ago
“Norune used to be over by where Balance Valley is now, wasn’t it. Why not have it there?” Kyle asked.
“Simple. Balance Valley isn’t a farming village so they don’t harvest for the festival. It didn’t take much debate before even the Elder over there agreed. Events start at dusk.” Conda answer.
“We might just have to be there.” Kyle said turning to Clara.
Simple Beginnings
Clara woke up in her bed to the feeling of her bed adjusting as a man sat up, realized what time it was and hurried to the bathroom. The shower started.
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Game Review: Dark Cloud 1
A certain Colonel Flag Gilgister, from the Eastern Continent’s Lagoon Empire Army, wants to take over the world with the power of an ancient evil called the Dark Genie. He awakens the genie and starts attacking the Western Empire, including the hometown of your main hero. The good news is, Simba the Fairy King saves everyone and everything into magical spheres called Atla. Simba finds and gives you a special device called the Atlamillia that can detect, collect and open the Atla. 
In order to bring five allies to your side and gain enough strength to take on the Genie, you have to rebuild five towns and clear each town’s dungeon. (There’s also a sixth and final dungeon called the Gallery of Time.) The dungeons are where Simba had placed the Atla for safekeeping. Most levels have at least two Atla, but there are some levels that don’t have any and instead force you to use an ally of their choice. Even within some of the main-hero-levels there are certain gates or doors that pop up that can only be activated by one of the other allies. These design choices force you to train with all six characters, not just Toan (the pre-chosen name of the hero. You can technically change it or the name of the other five to whatever you’d like.)
You can find special defense-boosting items around each town as you put pieces back together--which, you realize after talking with the residents, have a certain order to them--that level you up. Toan, for example, increases his defense when eating a Fluffy Donut. *Be careful when using these items!!!!* The game will randomly generate either 5, 6 or 7 points per item, and these items are the only way to increase the character’s defense in the entire game. So I suggest saving before using each item and restarting the game over and over until you get 7/the max generated points (and then definitely save again!) 
Other than this, however, it’s not the characters that have levels but your weapons. Every time you attack and kill a monster the weapon you’re equipped with gets “Absorption Points.” When the weapon’s Absorption Meter is full you can upgrade it to the next level. The weapon will then get higher speed, magic and attack stats and the Absorption Meter resets. If you fill the bar but don’t upgrade the weapon, any Absorption Points you get after this won’t be banked/carried over. There are also gems like rubies and diamonds and attachments like Speed+2, Damage to X Monster Type, and Element +3 that you can also add to the weapons. (The gems are found in the bonus rooms on random dungeon levels and influence overall stats.) Some weapons have an element affinity like thunder or fire, but you can add element attachments to any weapon regardless of this. You can even change the weapon’s affinity to better fight against certain monsters.
You only have a certain number of weapons you can carry. The game encourages you to build a weapon up to Level 5 and “break it” to become a gem (with 60% of that weapon’s skills) to add onto another weapon, and so on and so forth. There’s different tiers/rarity of weapons as well, so that you can collect say multiple common/Tier One weapons and not feel bad breaking them to attach on a higher tier. 
Although the six characters have unique designs and personalities, I ended up using Toan--melee--and Ruby--ranged--the most, then Osmond (the other ranged) sometimes. I used the other three only when the game forced me to. Toan is good against pretty much every monster and is the only one who can collect the Atla. Ruby’s weapon can use every element and it was fun and useful to switch back and forth between them. (Especially in the first half of the final fight!!!!) Osmond was good for the second half of the final fight--hint, just keep flying in wide circles and shooting--and both he and Ruby were helpful in taking out certain enemies like gophers that would attack if you got too close. 
Xiao is helpful in the first dungeon to kill those stupid poisonous bats before they bite you (grr!), but is quickly replaceable. It feels like they just added her to the team to carry you over until you get the *actual* ranged allies, Ruby and Osmond. They should’ve given an incentive for using her in my regular rotation, like having an ability that none of the other five have, so that way it’s not so annoying to get stuck on a dungeon floor using only her. (I want the option to grind and get extra XP, not be forced to for some arbitrary notion on the developer’s part to get a balanced team.) Goro and Ungaga, the other two I don’t use, were just so inefficient with attacks and movement I felt severely hampered. It didn’t help that both of their weapons chewed through repair powder after just a single hit.
What is Repair Powder? Unlike any other game I’ve played so far, your weapon has a health bar that must be replenished or it will break and be permanently lost (except for your first/default weapon, which goes to zero). I highly suggest saving up to buy an Auto Repair Powder, which, when equipped, will fix just in the nick of time any weapon that’s about to break. Sometimes you get overzealous in your attack combos or otherwise don’t notice that the weapon’s HP is low, so it’s been literally a gamesaver on more than one occasion.
Speaking of health bars, Toan and his friends have both standard health bars and, also unlike any other game, a thirst meter. If the thirst meter gets too low it starts taking away health points :( You can stock up on water bottles or run into randomly-generated pools in the dungeons. You can collect these white apples called “Fruits of Eden” and gourds around the towns to build up the health and thirst limits respectively. Each person on the time has a max limit. **Don’t use the fruits or gourds until your bar is low!**, because the item will not only increase your limit but refill your entire health or water points. It’s extremely useful during boss fights, for example, so definitely hold onto those!
Some other points of note:
--In Norune, the first town, don’t put Old Gaffer and his buddy on the map until the very end! The mayor of Norune will give you items for free, but once you set up Gaffer the freebies stop and you have to buy from that point on. 
--Every time you die in a dungeon, you can either pay half of your gold (which they *do not* warn you of) or can use a Substitution Powder to bring out one of your allies. From there, you can either play as the ally or, if you want to bring back that dead character, you can then use a Revival Powder. (You don’t need the Substitution Powder to change between allies mid-fight, though.)
--You have a map in the corner of your screen that reveals itself as you make your way around the dungeon floor (which resets and randomizes every time you leave and come back.) One of the items you can get is a map that will reveal an outline of the entire floor ahead of time, except, sometimes you don’t find it until the last chest. Kindof useless but whatever.
--Stock up on Dran’s Feather if you can. When equipped it lets you run faster than normal, which is useful for zipping around any dungeon and, especially when you’re low on health and trying to get to the water pool, avoid enemies.
--Goro’s attack is hard to practice. You hold down X to build up his stamina until he flashes green; keep him just away enough from the enemy while building or he’ll lose it. Once he flashes let go, and he gives several spinning swings that do some pretty good damage while also being protected/unable to take damage in return. He moves slow though so he often gets attacked mid-build-up. 
--You can press R2 to switch to a close-up view. You’ll need this for aiming some of Ruby’s attacks to open her specific doors.
--Aiming/switching between enemies and some of the camera angles themselves were sometimes wonky. I don’t know how many attack opps I missed because the camera changed on me, the aiming button didn’t respond, it was too slow to switch between enemies (or involuntarily changed on me which one was being aimed at), etc.
--The game ended up having a happy ending 😊 But also, partly because of some time-traveling elements, left a lot of questions unanswered. Are the East and West now friends? What happened to Toen's dad? (a couple people mention him like there’s a big secret or like you might meet him and then....nothing) Are Toen (or the other companions) going to remember the adventures/now previous timeline? Did *a certain companion*'s dad still die? Did a certain queen still get trapped in the shipwreck? Will Toen go out to the other villages and remeet the friends he made, solve the disappearances, etc.?
Overall, I thought this was a pretty interesting game. There were some elements that I had never seen before, some elements that positively reminded me of other games, and enough mix of both melee and magic fighting to keep things from getting boring. If you’re looking for a lesser-known-but-good title, this would definitely be a good option!
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
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Dark Cloud cheats & more for PlayStation 4 (PS4)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Dark Cloud cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 4 (PS4). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 4 cheats we have available for Dark Cloud.
Check PlayStation 2 cheats for this game
Genre: Role-Playing, First-Person RPG
Developer: Level 5
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: May 29, 2001
How To Beat The Ice Queen
First, buy 15-35 fire gems from Joker, then lock on to her and throw them one by one. After you’ve used about 25 of them you will have defeated her. Sometimes it takes more, sometimes it will take less. Either way, it is really easy.
Back Floor Keys
Divine Beast Cave: Tram Oil (lubricates the tram)Wise Owl Forest: Sun Dew (speeds up plant growth) Shipwreck: Flapping Fish (lures the "master") Sun and Moon Temple: Secret Path Key (opens secret door)Moon Sea: Bravery Launch (gives courage to jump)Gallery of Time: Flapping Duster (raises magic carpet)Demon Shaft: Crystal Eyeball (completes the eyes)
Gems For Duels
If you hit everything in the small white bar in the duel, (each time it will say “cool”) the at the end you will get a gem.
The Fastet Way To Get A Chronicle Sword
Buy a Wise Owl Sword from Mr.Moustache and then build it up to the really good Lamb Sword. After that turn it into the Atlamilllia sword. Then Chronicle sword. Its easy because there is only one build-up option.
Sword Of Zeus
You get this sword with the Sun Sword, which you get in Maska Lacka at Toto’s house after you complete his home. Build it up into the Big Bang. After that it builds up into the Sword Of Zeus.
How To Beat Boss 5: Kings Curse.
You need: ungunga. When I did this toan was nearly dead and I didnt have anymore revival powders you could probably substitute toan with ungunga for attacking. First switch to ungunga and run towards the boss. Make it swing at you so it turns into a cloud. Then use ungungas charge attack to turn it into a sarcophagas. Then attack and repeat.
How To Beat Boss 2: (The Baboon Guy)
You need: tasero (forest dude I named him tasero) toan. Run up to the monkey and hit him a couple times with the sword while side stepping his moves. It wont do any damage I think. When he sits down exhausted switch to tasero and whack him once or twice and repeat.
How To Beat Boss 4: Ice Witch Something.
You need: ruby and selphie (look back to first how to beat to see who selphie is). First make sure ruby has her first ring on or a ring with fire. Second be sure to run behind a pillar as soon as you start the battle. Warning: the anti-freeze amulets don’t do crap against her so don’t try. First have selphie hit the witch 10-15 times with the sling shot in between the witches freeze blasts. The witch will lose her ice sheild and then the serious damage comes. Switch to ruby and wait for the witches shot to connect with the pillar. As soon as that happens move out and fire one full charged shot and one quick shot. Then move behind the pillar as fast as you can. If you do it right you can barely dodge the ice blast and do about 80 damage. Repeat till dead.
How To Beat Boss 1: Dran
You need: Toan, Selphie (Cat girl. I named her selphie), dran’s feather in active item slot. If you do this right you wont need recovery items. First switch to selphie and go to the outside edge. Aim at dran and fire one shot. After it connects switch to toan and use drans feather to run up to him as soon as hes landing. Give him a good whaking with your chosen weapon. Then run to the outside edge and switch to selphie again. Repeat till victory.
Sun Gem
Bring the ‘foundation’ (I forgot where to find it) to Jibudu in Muska Rakka. Then he will give you an ‘ancient dolly’. Take the dolly to Marnia in Yellow Drops and then you will receive the sun gem! It has special powers: +3 all creatures, +10 attack power and +10 all elements. This is very usefull if you are planning to build-up very quickly.
Play As Your Father
First beat the whole game. After you have beaten the whole game, start a new file and you will see that you are your father and not Toan.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Dark Cloud yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Dark Cloud yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Dark Cloud yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Dark Cloud yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Trophy List
A New Champion – Defeat Minotaur Joe. – Silver
A Rare Catch – Catch a Baron Garayan fish. – Gold
Break the Curse – Defeat the King’s Curse. – Silver
Calculating Kindness – View a town’s Georama Analysis after completing one of its residents’ requests. – Bronze
Call for Backup – Use Stand-in Powder to change to an ally when current character is exhausted. – Bronze
Call it a hunch – Successfully force open a treasure chest by guessing its trap. – Bronze
Comfort Food – Boost a character’s defense by eating their favorite food. – Silver
Dungeon Master – Collect all of the other trophies. – Platinum
Even Stronger – Build up a weapon into a new weapon. – Silver
For the birds – Arrange 10 trees in Norune Village. – Bronze
Forest Keeper – Defeat Master Utan. – Silver
Heads up – Kill an enemy with a thrown item. – Bronze
Hoarder – Check an item in at a Check-in Counter. – Bronze
Home Sweet Home – Completely assemble Renee & Toan’s house. – Silver
Hometown Hero – Learn Windmill Slash from Dran. – Silver
Ice Queen – Defeat La Saia. – Silver
Let’s go home – Defeat the Dark Genie. – Gold
Solar Power – Attach the Sun to a weapon. – Silver
Specialized Weapon – Max any attribute for a weapon without an attachment. – Gold
Status Breaker – Status Break a weapon to create a SynthSphere. – Bronze
Sticky Fingers – Steal an enemy’s item using a weapon equipped with the Steal ability. – Silver
Strength in Numbers – Acquire all six allies. – Gold
Teach a man to fish. – Acquire a Fishing Rod. – Bronze
The Big One – Catch a fish that’s over 100 cm in length. – Silver
The God of Beasts – Defeat Dran. – Silver
Tycoon – Accumulate 65,535G. – Gold
Weapon Collector – Upgrade a weapon 10 times. – Silver
What’s this?! – Use the Changing Potion to turn the stray cat into Xiao. – Silver
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thismousedraws · 4 years ago
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Some Norune folk doodles! Claude, Carl, Alnet and Paige! The wings on Claude were an addition by @dellimise and they were cute so I left them. I love Dark Cloud so much all I wanna do is go home and play more. 🥺
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nerdtracks · 9 years ago
Dark Cloud 
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hsvancleef · 10 years ago
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