#Kevin Ward
oldschoolfrp · 11 months
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Fire burn and cauldron bubble -- "An annis named Vexia, a greenhag named Thessinthorn, and a sea hag named Magglerak spent most of their time squabbling and bickering among themselves." (Kevin Ward for "Nymph's Reward" by Jeffery L Fairbourn, Dungeon 29, May/June 1991) This adventure begins with an interesting premise: What happens after two members of a coven conspire to kick out the third, replacing her with another, creating even more chaos between them all?
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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Dragon 174 (October, 1991). Cover by Kevin Ward. Halloween, obvs. I was going to say I like everything but the elves, but starking at it, nah, the elves are fine. Not a super exciting cover, but still a good one.
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thesilvervoice · 2 years
Great walks around Mevagh /Rosguill Parish, Co Donegal
Great walks around Mevagh /Rosguill Parish, Co Donegal
This walkers guide is the latest walking guide for our parish compiled by Caoimhín Mac a’ Bhaird. This handy booklet, Carrigart-Walks and Explorations has details of 11 walking routes with distances. It is a gem! The latest walks booklet from Kevin was published this year. – A labour of love, it is much more than a list of walking routes. It is a pocket guide to our local heritage and…
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in-love-with-movies · 7 months
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Tremors (1990)
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mistress-light · 5 months
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Cold, my ass! He's dead.
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pierppasolini · 3 months
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Hustler White (1996) // dir. Bruce LaBruce, Rick Castro
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geekynerfherder · 2 months
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'Tremors' by Drew Struzan.
Unpublished concept art from the movie 'Tremors'.
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silly-ehggy · 6 months
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My collection 🤑 (there are many more but I only have so many fingers, ya know?)
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(Reblog if you like) (oh n btw this was originally based on an image I saw but I changed the concept too much for it 2 relate anymr...)
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soupy-sez · 1 year
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TREMORS (1990) dir. Ron Underwood
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cultpastorkevin · 10 months
Dependent Personality Disorder, Kevin Day, & the Edgar Allan Ravens
brought to you by an ex cult pastor w/ crippling mental issues
well let’s just jump right into it ngl (also if I miss anything or forget something give me a pass I have amnesia and a one track mind so I definitely missed stuff)
Okay so the whole Ravens always have a partner, never go anywhere alone, if one fails you both pay, etc. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks and I don’t see it broken down and discussed at length enough, so imma try to do that from a mixed personal experience & psychology perspective
The fact Jean, Neil and Kevin have all stated in books and in the extra content that not having that presence next to them was devastating (much less so for Neil okay he didn’t spend fucking years there); Nora has also talked about how Ravens are basically unable to function if left alone; you can’t send them to the store alone or leave them places or expect them to be capable of completing tasks without their other half; TSC reeks of Jean having to learn how to function without a double and it’s gonna be a trainwreck for Jeremy bc how the fuck can Jean be this old and not feel able to have a room on his own anyways—
What is Dependent Personality Disorder?
The DSM-5 refers to DPD as a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, which leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation. It is characterized by excessive fear and anxiety. DPD begins by early adulthood, is present in a variety of contexts, and is associated with inadequate functioning. Symptoms can include anything from extreme passivity, devastation, or helplessness when relationships end; avoidance of responsibilities; and severe submission.
According to the DSM-5, the disorder is indicated by at least five of the following factors:
has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others.
needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of their life.
has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval.
has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on their own (because of a lack of self-confidence in judgment or abilities rather than a lack of motivation or energy).
goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others, to the point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant.
feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for themselves.
urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care and support when a close relationship ends.
is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of themselves.
Since I only need 5, and I don’t want to bore everyone to death, I’ll just do 5.
needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of their life
Kevin spent well, basically his entire life having everything picked out for him by others. Exy was chosen for him. Where he lived, when he slept, what he ate and when was chosen. Riko and Tetsuji dictated his every fucking step up until he left. Kevin didn’t learn anything he wasn’t supposed to learn and therefore automatically expected others to do it for him because that’s what he was taught to do. Kevin’s only skill in life is Exy, which means he doesn’t have any other skills (well he does, he just doesn’t think they’re useful or important). Ravens are taught to be dependent on each other because without each other, they’re not whole or a person; they’re dehumanized until they begin to assign responsibility to someone they think is more equipped for it, is better for it, which is usually an authority figure (in this case, those figures are Riko and Tetsuji). Tetsuji knew exactly what he was doing by creating the psychological mindfuck of an inter-dependent group that is the Ravens. He took a bunch of young adults, gave them a god, and then helped that god beat them into numb dissociation until they couldn’t think for themselves and were even afraid to.
has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval
Reminder that DPD is prevalent in people who have been excessively abused and it’s also characterized by extreme anxiety. For people like Kevin and the Ravens, expressing anything other than what Riko and Tetsuji wanted could get them killed; it wasn’t just about being terrified of disapproval or protection, it was because losing anything from the group meant you were gonna get hurt (usually badly). Jean was literally waterboarded for shits and giggles, you think Riko is gonna take someone saying no very well (Neil Josten drove him insane I can tell u that much)? Ravens have a hive mind mentality because a hive mind keeps them alive and safe. Kevin had a hive mind when he was with Riko, and I’d argue he still had the remnants of one when he was with the Foxes. Riko breaking his hand was the only thing that broke him out of it, and even then, it barely did. Kevin only started mouthing off to Riko when Neil (bless his scrungly ass) started shaking Riko’s brain like a maraca. He had someone he could depend on in those situations because, again, Ravens always do things together. Kevin wouldn’t fucking dream of shitting on Riko at Kathy’s show by himself. Kevin spent 10+ years at Evermore with his sanity hanging on the hook of a batshit adoptive brother whose approval or disapproval would dictate if he was allowed to sleep. So yeah, I’d say Kevin had a violent need to always express agreement and do everything Riko wanted whether he liked it or not because the anxiety and terror of not doing so outweighed any sense of self preservation he could have. That ties in w the next one.
goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others, to the point of volunteering to do things that are unpleasant
Riko utilized abuse in a lot of ways; Nora put in her extra content that he had other Ravens rape Jean; imo, those Ravens most likely didn’t fucking want to, but going to excessive lengths to stay within his approval and be safe? Yeah, they were gonna do it. Tetsuji and Riko also make the Ravens never miss practice or any other shit they want them to do, regardless of the state they’re in. Which means you’re going to practice when you’ve been raped the night before; it means you’re going to practice after getting butchered all night by your other half, etc. Anyways; when Kevin works with the Foxes, he repeatedly does the opposite and basically throws a fit if someone steps on court that isn’t in shape to. This begs the eye raiser that he didn’t want those things happening at Evermore, but he did them anyways because his need for approval and the anxiety of not doing so, outweighed the fact he hated doing it. He was so dependent on Riko and staying close that he was pretty willing to toss anyone and everyone under the bus to meet expectations even if they left a nauseating pit in his stomach. Doing unpleasant things for the person you’re attached to is hard, but their praise and approval after the actions erase all previous anxieties, which then fuels a broken cycle of seeking out that approval and continuing to engage in unpleasant actions out of fear of not recieving that pending approval afterwards. It’s hard to explain succinctly the mindfuck DPD causes your thoughts to be like when you have it.
urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care and support when a close relationship ends
Kevin lost Riko. You know what he gets next? Fucking Andrew. I don’t even know if I need to explain this one because Kevin’s dependency on Andrew is so prevalent and excruciatingly obvious throughout the whole series lmao. Kevin ain’t gonna admit it but he relies on Andrew like a starving man relies on garbage (no offense Andrew). Kevin’s duo dependency with Riko was shattered to its core and guess what idiot he latches onto to fill the void? Andrew ofc. I think out of everyone, Andrew is probably the healthiest until Neil comes along (still think it should’ve been a polycule but I digress).
Riko’s obsessiveness and possessiveness with Kevin was crippling to Kevin and left him without the ability to exist without a buffer. Andrew’s apathetic ass and explicit understanding of consent is needed to balance out Riko’s emotional instability and disregard for Kevin’s autonomy. I would go so far as to say it was dependency that forced Kevin to become more independent because Andrew wasn’t going to sit on his ass and wait for Kevin to figure it out or heal. Kevin only struggled into some form of functionality out of what I personally see as a crippling people pleasing need to be useful and that came from being dependent on those around him. He became semi functional (I use this so vaguely bc that man would not be functional in the real world) out of necessity and obligation to those around him, not because he actually healed or processed his shit.
Ignoring your own issues to meet expectations of the one(s) you’re dependent on is stereotypical avoidance and signs of people pleasing and also it’s a trauma response. Kevin quite literally just went “yeah well I have some problems but I’m going to push those aside bc nothing else matters besides Exy” and then proceeded for the entire series to use Exy, Neil, and Andrew as ways to try to avoid his trauma history. He’s kinda insane for that but also I get it, because placing your trauma lower than something else and then in turn obsessing over something or someone helps you compartmentalize and pseudo-function until you eventually snap and have a massive meltdown. Another thing is that when you’re living in an abusive environment you can’t afford those meltdowns. I like think that after all the shit happened in AFTG, Kevin just lost his shit for a period of time because it’s a very reasonable trauma response in victims for once you’re finally safe, you just shatter from all the pressure you’ve been avoiding in yourself. It’s only after you shatter that you can heal, and you can’t do that unless you’re in a space that you’re allowed to. And Tetsuji kept his Ravens in a headspace where they couldn’t.
feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for themselves
Ngl I’ve kinda already covered aspects of this but I just wanna reiterate what Nora said abt this specifically in her extra content that “Kevin is the one who warns Jeremy he (Jean) cannot go anywhere alone, “we Ravens don’t know how” and “Being able to go to class or the grocery store or the gym without any of his teammates in attendance is just—unfathomable” in regards to Jean Moreau’s transition into the Trojans. This is just kinda, explanatory. We’re talking about college age athletes who have been hazed and abused so much that the idea of going to a class alone isn’t even a concept to them; Kevin explicitly tells Jeremy that Ravens don’t know how to do things. They’re dependent on each other. Kevin is not only speaking to help Jean, but when he says “us Ravens” he’s including himself in that statement because he can’t either and he knows how hard it is to try to acclimate to suddenly being thrust into individuality when you haven’t had it in years. Unlike most of the Ravens, Kevin and Riko (and eventually Jean as well) grew up having that inter dependency made into a core personality trait. They hate each other and they love each other, their failures and wins depend on each other, one can’t breathe without the other suffering for it. At what point does trained and conditioned, and ultimately encouraged, dependent behavior turn into brainwashing and dehumanization until there’s nothing left of you but the one you’re dependent on?
I’m not saying Kevin Day or all of the Ravens have DPD; but what I am saying is that they have extreme traits at the least of it and it is entirely fucking reasonable to me that at least a few of them ended up with DPD or similar disorders because of the shit that happened to them in the Nest. People forget that trauma and adverse circumstances (especially from young ages like Kevin and Riko and Jean) can cause you to develop disorders or even mimic symptoms of disorders because those traumatic events caused reactions that are disordered behaviors. I feel if anything is to be nitpicked, it’s Kevin’s absolute bitchiness, because god he can be an asshole, and someone somewhere could argue because he has that antagonistic streak, DPD is entirely out of the question.
Unfortunately, the dichotomy exists of knowing when you can be bitchy and maintain submissiveness. Kevin probably learned where and when and to what extent he could tow that line when he lived in the Nest, whether it was taking out his anger and his anguish on other Ravens, on the court, or on the Foxes when he moved over. In my experience, my own explosive anger issues had to be portioned out, I had to know who I could do that to, be like that with. When and where was the correct time to lash out and when I was gonna get hit for it. Kevin isn’t stupid, he knew what Riko and Tetsuji were like. He also knew he had the upper hand in the power dynamic over the Raven’s on court. If he went for blood out of anger during practice, triggered by if Riko hurt him too much or took too much from him, other Ravens just had to take it, or worse, probably were encouraged to encourage the brutality.
All in all, I think Tetsuji created an absolute fucking labyrinth of a psychological warzone that both forced submission and rewarded dominance; it left lasting behavioral traits and triggered disorders that crippled Ravens, some for their entire lives. I wanna bet probably no former Raven went to therapy; the ones that got divvied up after the Nest closed probably were required to by their new teams, and they probably are the only generation that maybe were able to heal from it. In the extra content, Thea decided because Kevin could play again, “no harm no foul” on Riko’s end. If that’s not hivemind, culty, worshipper behavior, idk what is. That’s not a normal reaction, but it is a conditioned one.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 3 months
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Tremors (1990) dir. Ron Underwood
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simonsrosebud · 2 months
Wards?? Andreil magic au?!?!?
Nicky opened the windows when they pulled up to the new house. It had been a twenty-five hour drive to Colorado from South Carolina, and Andrew’s legs were begging to be stretched since their last stop. “I can just smell the mountains from here,” Nicky squealed. He stuck an arm out the window and wiggled his fingers.
“No, you can not.” Andrew lifted his forehead from the window.
“Shut up.” Aaron frowned and turned towards his window.
“Say it again?”
Nicky sighed and got out of the car. Aaron rolled his eyes.
The house was nothing grand, but it was a definite upgrade than the apartment in Columbia. The sheer abundance of trees kept the driveway shaded where they walked. Andrew couldn’t see their neighbors with the near forest between them. One could fit a football field between them and the next house down.
Andrew brought up all of his things to his bedroom and shut himself in. Unlike the others, his room was on the second floor and the only space up there. The rest were on a single level below him. Nicky had picked out everyone’s rooms to avoid arguments.
There was furniture left from the previous owners, and no trail of past wards. Andrew would have to make Nicky redo them. A bed, drawers, a lamp and nightstand, a red dream catcher hanging too high from the ceiling for him to reach-
The nightstand.
A key.
Andrew flicked his gaze to the door handle.
A lock.
Sometimes he didn't give his cousin enough credit.
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90smovies · 1 year
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mistress-light · 5 months
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Tremors (1990) • Dir. Ron Underwood
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lost-carcosa · 7 months
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