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mayolfederico · 7 months ago
Una strage ~ 4. I Tedeschi: Alarmkompanie o corpi speciali?
    Dobbiamo a Carlo Gentile la probabile individuazione delle truppe responsabili delle stragi di Civitella e di Cavriglia. Secondo lo storico, consulente prima della procura militare di Dortmund e poi di quella di La Spezia che istruì il processo per i fatti di Civitella della Chiana, nel periodo a cavallo di giugno e luglio, ci troviamo di fronte ad un ampio ed unico complesso di operazioni…
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animal-zoo · 2 months ago
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Adrian Rubinsky & Rupert Kesserling (Legend of the Galactic Heroes)
I think it would've been a little too on the nose if I made them both foxes, considering Rubinsky is already nicknamed the black fox of Phezzan. Plus, I always imagined them as tigers.
Bonus standalone designs:
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ruramis6830 · 1 year ago
Barbara Wussow hat grad bei Riverboat erzählt, dass die Osterfolge in Phuket/Thailand spielt und sie SCHON WIEDER NICHT (HALLO ?!?!?!) AN LAND IST. What is happening?! Die waren doch in Indien und Singapur unterwegs. Und klar war sie in Namibia krank. Aber sie durfte bis auf Bali (Nusantara) 4 Folgen lang nicht an Land? Ich mein, she is a main character. Und zur Hanna/Martin Situation wurde sie gar nicht befragt und hat nur gesagt, dass sie auf dem Traumschiff „männerlos“ sei und von der großen Liebe träume 🫠🫠. Bitte lass die neuen Drehbücher nicht schrott sein. Und warum fällt der Moderatorin die fucking tension zwischen Hanna und Martin nicht auf?!😭 gerade dazu kann man doch fragen stellen, damn it. Vor allem, wenn Barbara mit dem „männerlos“ schon so die Tür öffnet, das sich weitere Nachfragen für Hannas Zukunft auf dem Traumschiff anbieten, wo sich alle Liebespaare finden. #kimfisherdoyourfuckingjob #das traumschiff #traumschiff #hanna x martin #grimmhold #iamdying #easterbyebye #don‘tdomelikethat #wartenbisnächstesjahrnovember #hannaliebhold #martingrimm #barbarawussow #kimfisher watched like 15min traumschiff before the Show and calls herself a Traumschiff lover, but they only Show the f***ing Kesserle situation and she does not pick up on Hanna & Martin?! Hell no #youhadonejobkimfisher #helgeschneiderhatgarkeinbockaufgarnichts #riverboat @hexenhandy
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tumblblabber · 2 years ago
Sausage Party Helmer Taking ON "Winnie The Pooh" Inspired R-Rated Hybrid Comedy
  Boat Rocker Studios is developing an R-rated live-action/animated adult animated comedy called Christopher Robin featuring Conrad Vernon(Sausage Party) as the director and Bay Mills Studios producing. Charlie Kesserling is writing the series that follows Christopher Robin as a disillusioned New Yorker navigating his quarter-life crisis with the help of the weird talking animals who live beyond…
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trboyrants · 2 years ago
face claim
First Name: Grainger
Middle Name: Cade
Last Name: Kesserling
Nickname: G, Grange
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birthday: 10/27/1995
Birth Stone: Opal
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Ideal partner? Someone who can handle the shit that goes on in his job and family, but can also ground him and bring him back to the present
What was their first kiss like? Shitty, she tasted like stale beer
Life Story: He grew up in a family that has been involved in the mafia for generations. He is the eldest son, so he had more responsibility to learn how to take everything over from a young age. HIs younger siblings had a more traditional childhood than he did, and he holds a lot of resentment to them and his parents for it.
Did he have an imaginary friend growing up? No, he didn’t
Nurtured or neglected growing up? He was nurtured from his mother, but made to grow up too quickly from his father due to being involved in the mafia
Closest family member? HIs mother
Languages spoken at home growing up? english
Financial situation growing up? Very wealthy
Do they ramble or are they to the point? He’s very to the point, you have to be in his line of work
Does he have any addictions? He smokes and he drinks
What’s his biggest secret? He doesn’t want to take over for his father. He wants to run away, start over, and live as close to a normal life as he can
What is he obsessed with? Protecting his family and proving himself
Does he have any pet peeves? People who beat around the bush, when people try to talk down on him or treat him as lesser
Does he have any superstitions? No
What’s his favorite swear word? Fuck
One word they would use to describe themselves? Ambitious
Sense of humor? Dry and dirty
What’s his soft spot? His mother and his dog
Favorite person? His little sister
Do they rent or own? Owns
Do they live in an urban area or rural? Rural
What’s their dream home? A place where his family can be protected from the dangers that can come with his job, a nice big yard
How long can they hold a grudge? Forever
Eye Color(s): Brown
Hair Color: brown
Hair Style(s): long, slightly unkempt, occasionally in a low bun at the base of his neck
Height: 6’5
Personality traits: Determined, hard working, ambitious, trustworthy
Good Habit(s): Routinely makes sure that his office is clean, works out usually once or twice a day
Bad habit(s): Smoking, starting to drink too early in the day, can lose his temper quickly
Like(s): Going on long walks, traveling, reading
Dislike(s): When things go wrong with work, cold coffee, bad whiskey
Hobbies: He likes to work out, especially lifting
Allergies: None, unless stupid people count
Fear(s): Disappointing his family and not living up to their expectations
Fun Facts? He has so many tattoos that he’s lost count
Ambition/dream: To leave the family business and be a stay at home dad to give his kids the life he wishes he had
Occupation/Job: Working with his father for their family business in the mafia
Parent(s): Alek Kesserling (father)
Alessia Kesserling (mother)
Siblings: Isaiah Kesserling (brother
Gabriella Kesserling (sister)
Pet(s): Sydney (german shepherd)
Scent: smoke, whiskey, old books
Outfit(s): Typically some variation of slacks and a button up, occasionally a suit
Tattoos: He has a collection of tribal tattoos spanning from the left side of his chest and down his left arm in a sleeve
Jewelry: A silver chain with his family crest, a collection of silver rings
Favorite Song: Play with Fire - Sam Tiennsz, Yacht Money
Favorite Food(s): His mother’s steak, baked potatoes, and her special pasta salad
Favorite Drink(s): Whiskey on the rocks
Favorite Color(s): Black and red
Favorite Animal(s): A panther
Favorite Number: 82
Favorite Season(s): Fall
Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas
Favorite Time of Day: late at night
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heartgrooooove · 2 years ago
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kp003 · 2 years ago
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entre-image-blog · 3 years ago
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Portfolio CM, Corto Maltese, Hugo Pratt, éditions Kesserling, disponible sur entre-image.com
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locria-writes · 3 years ago
dnt goes so fucking hard for side characters lmao look at this --
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kesserling went from insufferable smug weasel who can’t scare anyone to a threatening cryptobro;
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ferner went from a grandpa to a cute insolent bishie;
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and schneider went from a normal cute nice guy to a downright adorable bishie lol
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lindleland · 4 years ago
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and then he did
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italianiinguerra · 4 years ago
6 maggio 1947, a Venezia si conclude il processo ad Albert Kesserling
6 maggio 1947, a Venezia si conclude il processo ad Albert Kesserling
Il 6 maggio 1947, si concludeva presso la Corte di Assise di Venezia il processo intentato dal Tribunale Militare Britannico, contro il feldmaresciallo Albert Kesserling, che durante gli anni dal 1943 alla fine della guerra, ebbe il Comando Supremo di tutte le forze tedesche, sia Wehrmacht che SS operanti in Italia. Questo è il racconto di come si svolse e come si concluse il processo ad uno dei…
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autumn-sacura · 5 years ago
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Rupert Kesserling. LoGH sketch
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doegred-main · 3 years ago
Lo avrai camerata Kesselring il monumento che pretendi da noi italiani ma con che pietra si costruirà a deciderlo tocca a noi.
Non coi sassi affumicati dei borghi inermi straziati dal tuo sterminio non colla terra dei cimiteri dove i nostri compagni giovinetti riposano in serenità non colla neve inviolata delle montagne che per due inverni ti sfidarono non colla primavera di queste valli che ti videro fuggire.
Ma soltanto col silenzio del torturati più duro d'ogni macigno soltanto con la roccia di questo patto giurato fra uomini liberi che volontari si adunarono per dignità e non per odio decisi a riscattare la vergogna e il terrore del mondo.
Su queste strade se vorrai tornare ai nostri posti ci ritroverai morti e vivi collo stesso impegno popolo serrato intorno al monumento che si chiama ora e sempre RESISTENZA
-- Pietro Calamandrei
Premise When Kesserling, the commander in chief of nazi troops in Italy and the man responsible for several massacres, was granted grace by virtue of his "serious health condition" and sent back to Bavaria (instead of being kept in a prison for life like his sentence, already commuted from death to life in prison, asked), he had the gall to say that not only he didn't regret anything, but that Italians should have been grateful to him to the point of building him a monument. Pietro Calamandrei answered with this poem. One dedicated to all people fighting for the freedom of their own country against an aggressive and oppressive dictatorship.
You shall have it kamerad Kesserling the monument you demand from us Italians, but the stone it will be built of we shall be the ones to choose.
It won't be made of the blackened bricks of defenceless villages mangled by your killings, not of the earth of graveyards where our young comrades peacefully rest, not of the inviolated snow of the mountains that for two winters challenged you, neither of the spring of these valleys that saw you flee.
But we shall only use the silence of those you tortured stronger than any boulder, only the rock of this pact sworn among free men that joined of their own will, in the name of dignity not of hate, determined to redeem the shame and terror of the world.
On these streets, if you'll want to come back, in our places you shall find us again the dead and the living together, with the same dedication a people holding tight to the monument that is called, now and forever, RESISTANCE
A huge thank you to @skyeventide for the translation suggestions
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susieporta · 3 years ago
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Ế l'ottobre del 1943. Roma. I tedeschi iniziano unprimo rastrellamento nel ghetto. Si portano via 1.024 ebrei, di cui 200 bambini. Destinazione Auschwitz. Alcuni però riescono a fuggire. E si rifugiano nel vicino Ospedale Fatebenefratelli. Un rifugio temporaneo e non sicuro, visto che a breve i tedeschi arriveranno pure li dentro, a controllare uno per uno i pazienti ricoverati.
Che fare? Il primario dell'ospedale, dottor Giovanni Borromeo, ha un'idea. Assieme a dei giovani studenti e a dei combattenti antifascisti, il gruppo si inventa una malattia. Di più, una malattia contagiosissima, che faccia spaventare i soldati tedeschi delle Ss e li faccia desistere dall'entrare nell'ala dell'ospedale dove si trovano gli ebrei.
E cosi, creano il «Morbo K>, una malattia inesistente, chiamata cosi per le iniziali di Kesserling, il generale nazista che comandava I'occupazione tedesca in Italia, e di Kappler, capo della Gestapo di Roma. Doppio sberleffo. Ma per i tedeschi, era la malattia di Koch, ovvero quella turbercolosi che tanto terrorizzava i soldati delle SS.
E cosi, il giorno in cui nell'ospedale arrivarono i tedeschi, i medici avevano già preparato tutte le false cartelle cliniche, con falsi nomi, cognomi e malattie. Avevano «chiuso» gli ebrei in un padiglione, «il padiglione del Morbo di K». E gli avevano detto di «tossire continuamente» per spaventarli.
«l nazisti pensarono che fosse tubercolosi, e scapparono come conigli», ha raccontato uno dei testimoni. Ancora ad oggi non si sa quanti furono gli ebrei salvati, secondo alcune testimonianze 45. Di sicuro, la voce si sparse e l'ospedale continuò a fare da rifugio per carabinieri disertori, ebrei e partigiani. Nel 2004, il primario Giovanni Borromeo venne riconosciuto come «Giusto tra le nazioni» dall'Ente nazionale per la Memoria della Shoah di lsraele.
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trboyrants · 2 years ago
grainger cade kesserling
character profile
kink list (coming soon)
outfits (coming soon)
moodboard (coming soon)
playlist (coming soon)
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heartgrooooove · 3 years ago
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this character design....
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